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УДК549:069 NEW ACQUISITIONS OF THE FERSMAN MINERALOGICAL MUSEUM RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (1997–2001) Dmitriy I. Belakovskiy Fersman Mineralogical Museum Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. [email protected]; http://www.fmm.ru Between 1997 and 2001, 3414 new specimens were introduced into the inventories of the five major col- lections of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS. These specimens represent 980 different mineral species from 73 countries. Among these, 372 are new species for the Museum, including 83 that were discovered dur- ing this period. Museum staff members discovered sixteen of these. Three of the new species were discovered in previously cataloged museum pieces that were acquired as other minerals. Of the minerals obtained, 93 are either type specimens or fragments of type specimens. By the end of 2001 the number of valid mineral species in the Museum fund reach 2700. Of the newly acquired items, 1197 were donated by 230 persons and by 12 organizations; 610 specimens were collected by the Museum staff, 600 were exchanged, 334 bought, 521 reg- istered from previously collected materials, and 152 were obtained in other ways. A review of the new acquisi- tions is presented by mineral species, geography, acquisition type and source. The review is accompanied by a list of new species for the Museum along with a want list. 27 color photos.

There is a common misconception on the part frame.htm). The site also pictures the specimens of many people that major mineralogical muse- indicated below by the www symbol. ums have already collected everything valuable In expanding the Museum’s collections, we and imaginable. People very often wonder why have been guided by the traditional structure of museums are interested in items that seem, in the collection that was introduced in the early their eyes, quite ordinary. The notion that muse- 20th century by Acad. V. Vernadskiy. This struc- um collections are complete is, in a way, similar ture is comprised of five major collections: sys- to the broadly held idea, in the late 19th and early tematic, deposits, , formation and trans- 20th centuries, that physics was a science nearly formations of minerals, gems and stone art. complete, lacking just a few finishing touches. The largest is the systematic collection, which The fact that our old, authoritative Museum currently holds more then 90,000 items. Mineral possesses only about 2800 of approximately species that are new for the Museum will be the 4000 mineral known species should be added to this collection, as will those speci- enough to enlighten most people. This propor- mens that are aesthetically appealing or that tion is typical for many of the world’s large expand our knowledge of the variety of assem- mineralogical museums. Interestingly, more blages found for a given mineral species or of than ten private systematic mineral collections its chemical, morphological and other features. have more than 3000 mineral species; more- The deposits collection (currently more then over, museum collections are expected to char- 30,000 items) is comprised of series of samples acterize numerous types and varieties of miner- that illustrate the character and/or the originali- als, their morphological variations, assem- ty of the mineral composition that is found inher- blages and everything that illustrates the ently in a given mineral deposit (occurrence). processes of mineral formation. It does not mat- The collection contains nearly 5000 ter how rich, therefore, a museum collection is items representing simple crystal forms as well a work in progress. At the outset, I would like to as form combinations, habits, twinning and thank all those who understand a museum’s other crystallographic features. needs and responsibilities and who are com- The collection of formation and transforma- mitted to building our Museum collections; it tion of minerals holds more than 2000 samples, is those people who have given meaning to a each of which portray some phenomenon related review such as this. to the growth and dissolution or the destruction Reports on new acquisitions to the Museum and transformation of minerals. The majority of have traditionally been published in the NEW this collection is made up of pseudomorphs. DATA ON MINERALS issues. Due to a lapse in The gem and lapidary arts collection is com- publication, however, the paper outlining the prised of some 8000 gemstone minerals and new acquisitions made between 1984 and 1996 items that have been crafted from these. was published in AMONG THE MINERALS In general, new acquisitions are introduced almanac (2001). This paper can also be found on into the collection in steps. They are first regis- our web site (http://www.fmm.ru/novpost tered in the preliminary acquisitions book. They #13_belakovskii_en_0802:#13_belakovskii_en_0802.qxd 21.05.2009 20:33 Page 102

102 New data on minerals. M.: 2003. Volume 38

are then cleaned, identified (if necessary), Of the 980 recently acquired mineral speci - labeled and recorded in the database. Finally, es, the majority (620) are represented by a sin- the Museum Commission on Funding and gle specimen. One hundred sixty species are Purchase decides into which of the major collec- re presented by 2 specimens; 3 to 5 specimens tions that the article should be distributed; the represent each of 130 species; 40 species are re - Commission can also opt to place the article into presented by 6 to 10 specimens; 20 speci es by the exchange fund or into another of the 11 to 20 specimens; 11 species by 21 to 100 items Museum’s collections with less important status. and just 3 species are represented by more than This review only includes data on those spe - 100 specimens. ci mens that were logged into the inventory of and are almost always the the Museum’s major collections between 1997 best represented in museums and in private and 2001. Specimens that had not, at that time, collections as a result of their endless diversity been fully processed and assigned as well as and prolific. This period was no exception: specimens assigned to the exchange or re se - there were 190 newly acquired quartz speci- arch collections are not included in this review. mens and 165 samples of calcite. A total of 3414 specimens (3041 inventory In addition to previously collected Russian numbers) were introduced into the Museum’s quartz specimens, new rock crystal druzes inventory between 1997 and 2001. Of these, were collected from Alpine klefts of SubPolar 2075 specimens (1964 inventory numbers) were and South Urals. The obeliskshaped crystals, assigned to the systematic collection, 334 (305) to up to 38 cm long are especially striking, along the deposits collection, 300 (184) to the crystal with groups of variously shaped crystals which collection, 501 (448) to the mineral formati on and Dmitriy Abramov collected at Astaf’yevskoe transformation collection and 204 (140) speci- deposit. Yu. Pustov donated pseudodipyrami- mens were catalogued into the gem collection. dal quartz crystals of about 1 cm long on Relative to the previous years’ acquisitions, hedenbergite and a bunch of cleaved green the lot of specimens acquired during this peri- (due to hedenbergite inclusions) quartz crys- od shows a significant decrease in the percent- tals on an crust from Dal’negorsk, age acquired by Museum staff through expedi- Russian Far East (photo 8). P. Bantsekov donat- tions. This decrease reflects a lack of funding ed another representative of this area: a small that hindered the staff’s ability to pursue its tra- druze of fine crystals pigmented orangered by ditional fieldwork in the Former Soviet inclusions. Many quartz samples col- Republics. At the same time, however, the per- lected at the deposits in Kamchatka and centage of specimens acquired by personal Russian Far East received from Central donation increased relative to the previous Scientific Geologyprospectical Institute. The - fiveyear period. se samples are not aesthetic, but informative in term of ore deposition processes at these deposits. Quartzcalcite simplectites from tor- New Acquisitions as Classified golites of the Murun massif donated by V.Le- by Mineral Species vitskiy are also genetically interesting. New quartz acquisitions from FSU coun- Specimens catalogued between 1997 and tries were supplied from a newly developed 2001 represent 980 mineral species, 372 of occurrence near Oni, Republic of Georgia. which are new species for the Museum. These These are druzes of flattened rock crystal, specimens include 83 of the approximately among which Japanese twins occur, as well as 250 new mineral species approved by the zonal (due to decoration by green clinochlore) Commission on New Minerals and Mineral crystals with phantoms. Presence of and names of the International Mineralogical in some crystals emphasizes the Association since 1997. Of these 83 species, 16 Alpine vein type of mineralization (donations were discovered and described by Museum from A.Agafonov and purchases). The same staff or in collaboration with museum staff. sources supplied the Museum with recently Three of the new mineral species were identi- collected quartz druzes and a bunch of splitted fied among the previously catalogued Muse - quartz with calcite crystals on from um specimens. Ninetyseven of the mineral Dashkesan skarns, Azerbaijan. A.Kovalev species that are new to the Museum are type donated beautiful strawberry quartz from specimens (or fragments of type specimens), Chimkent area of Kaza k hstan. Red color of holotypes or cotypes. By the end of 2001, the quartz and aventurescence are controlled by Museum listed some 2700 valid mineral spe - minute inclusions of hema tite, and, cies among its collections. possibly, lepidocrocite (photo 9). #13_belakovskii_en_0802:#13_belakovskii_en_0802.qxd 21.05.2009 20:33 Page 103

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One of the most interesting specimens lected (and donated) by D. Sulerzhitskiy in the obtained abroad is a cluster of nested isometric Bol’shaya Balakhnya river valley, Taimyr quartz crystals, 3 to 4 cm long (the socalled Peninsula, Russia. The Museum set of is a Herkimer diamond, NY, USA). Among the pur- detailed illustration of the glendonite ontogen- chased specimens from China are druzes of esis. It comprises individual crystals, twins, and clear, strongly elongated quartz crystals with intergrowths either grown separately or over- hematite inclusions and flattened hematite growing pebbles of metamorphic or other clusters between quartz crystals (Liu Zhon rocks, petrified trees, shells, etc., The crystals Guang Dag area). A 6cm scepterlike amethyst or intergrowths are freestanding or covered crystal resting on quartz was obtained by with claycarbonate concretions. Glendonite exchange from Mangatobangy, Amba tofi na - from Taimyr differs from that found in Kola ndrahana, Madagascar (photo 7). Clear flat- Peninsula by shape of intergrowths; frequently, tened quartz crystals were obtained from it is white. At the same time, some samples Pakistan; a skeleton quartz crystal from Nuevo from these two localities are indistinguishable. Leon, Mexico, was purchased in 1999 at the The photographs of glendonite are located in Rocks and Minerals auction. A 15 cm radial the Web site of the Museum (http://www. cluster of pale lilac zoned quartz crystals look- fmm.ru /gallery.htm). ing like a flat blossom from the Rio Grande do Among others calcite that encrusts the cha- Sul state, Brazil was obtained via trade. R.Cur - mbers cavity in the Ammonitoceras shell 36 cm rier donated quartz crystal with picturesque in diameter. is worth mentioning. The piece inclusions of carbonates and chlorite originat- was collected in the Belaya river basin, Cau ca - ing from the same country. sus. Russia, (photo 4). Among calcites ac qu ired Synthetic quartz crystals of various shape from Dal’negorsk the most attractive is a spher- and color were donated by the AllRussian ical crystal of Mncalcite 12 cm in diameter Institute for Synthetic Minerals, Aleksandrov. (donated by V.Breckler). An unusual calcite Chalcedony pseudomorphs after wood (Ge- piece that formed by sectorial pina- rmany, Hungary, and the USA), after dinosaur coidalscalenohedral crystals of several gener- bones (Colorado. USA, donated by T.Nipp), ations was collected at Kukisvumchorr, Khi- after (Zimbabwe), and after biny, Russia, by M. Dorfman. This mineral is a (Vodino, the Volga basin, Russia) enlarged the rarity in this locality. Interesting specimens collection of chalcedony varieties. A series of were obtained from SubPolar Urals, Lower chalcedony and agate specimens represents a Tun guska basin, and Savvinskoe deposit in collection of pseudostalactites, membrane tu - Transbaikal. Kar stic forms of calcite collected bes, and other morphological types, which rep - from limestone at the village of Kol’tsovo, Ka - lenished a vast agate collection of the Museum luga oblast’, are noteworthy. A fine cluster of 5 and illustrates genetic concepts considered in cm Icel and spar twined crystals from So ko - Agates monograph (A.Godovikov et al, 1987). lovskoe deposit, North Kazakhstan was donat- The se are the specimens from Kazakhstan, ed by L.Bul gak. Mongolia, Georgia, Bra zil, and other countries, (112 specimens) and (98) mainly from perso nal collection of A.Godo - are on the 3rd and 4th places by the number of vikov. Amateur mineralogist A.Katz, one of items acquired. This is mainly due to invento- donators, gifted the Muse um with a fine pol- rying of proper sections of collections of V.Ste- ished agate plate; the sou rce occurrence was panov and A.Godovikov. These collections de - Mustakh, SakhaYa ku tia. The plate was named serve individual consideration and descrip- «Godovikov» www to memorize our late director, tion. Still, it should be noted that these sets who contributed greatly to and ori- present a very complete scope of sphalerite gin of this minerals. and galena varieties over the territories of FSU Calcite goodies were obtained and regis- and some East European countries. Am ong tered from 37 deposits and occurrences. About those species acquisitions unrelated to the one half of acquired calcite specimens repre- mentioned collections we should note a rema - sented by a splendid collection of glendonite rkable piece from Illinois, USA. It consists of (calcite pseudomorphs after ikaite) (photo two radial intergrowths of darkcolored spha- 10–14). A.Nikiforov, A.Zakharov, M.Anosov leritewww crystals, about 12 cm each, overgrow- and V.Levitskiy collected a larger part of this ing a flattened qua rtzite fragment. Note worthy collection near Olenitsa village, Kola Pe ni - also are small skeleton crystals of galena on nsula, during several field trips organized by argillite originated from hot sublimations fed by the Museum in 1997–1999. Another part natural subterranean coal fire in Kukhi Malik, (more than 20 pieces) of glendonite was col- Central Tajikis tan. #13_belakovskii_en_0802:#13_belakovskii_en_0802.qxd 21.05.2009 20:33 Page 104

104 New data on minerals. M.: 2003. Volume 38

Pyrite takes the fifth place by the number of The following table lists other mineral spe - new acquisitions (82 samples). A good part of cies acquired in quantity more than 7 speci- new samples originate from the Volga banks mens. near Ul’yanovsk. In part these are small crystals crusts with very bright iridescence, Mineral Number Mineral Number encrusting fissures in spherical or elliptic sep- name of specimens name of specimens tarian concretions (donations from A.Aga- Crossular 41 13 fonov and A.Natarius). Another part consists of Isoferroplatinum 30 Rutile 13 massive pyrite concretions, max. 20 cm in Sperrylite 27 Fluorite 12 diameter, which form is so naturalistically Barite 23 11 phallic that even some experienced people 23 11 believe them to be crafted by a man (donators Muscovite 23 Orthoclase 11 L.Bulgak and A.Natarius) (photo 5). A pyrite 21 ErioniteK 11 pseudomorph after a jurassic stigmaria root 20 Graphite 10 collected in a coal pit near Borovichi, Nov go - Berthrandite 19 Jadeite 10 rod oblast’, Russia. Among other specimens of Hematite 19 10 Russian origin a perfect cubic shape looking 18 Phlogopite 10 pentagonal dodecahedron of pyrite, about 11 Fluorapophyllite 17 Sheelite 10 cm in diameter, from Berezovsk, Middle Urals, Charoite 15 Schorl 10 along with deformed cubic crystals in chlorite 15 Agrellite 9 schist from Dodo. SubPolar Urals, are note- Colemanite 14 9 worthy. A welldeveloped cubic pyrite crystal, Magnetite 14 9 33 x 20 x 20 cm, with black fluorite aggregate Opal 14 9 adjoining one of its faces was obtained from Stilbite 14 Miserite 9 Akchatau, Central Kazakhstan. This is the 14 Danburite 8 weightiest (about 80 pounds) specimen origi- Andradite 13 8 nating from the FSU countries for period Vesuvianite 13 Clinochlore 8 described. Druzes of bright sparkling octahe- Bismuth 13 Murmanite 8 dral pyrite crystals www from Peru and as named Wollastonite 13 Chrysotile 8 «pyrite dollars»– discoid concretions from 13 8 Sparta, Illinois, USA, are noteworthy among the foreign acquisitions. Isoimetrical and distorted green crystals up Topaz (71 sample) and celestite (47) share to 5 cm make a greater part of new grossular the sixth and seventh positions. A part topaz specimens collected at the Vilyui River, was collected by the author of this paper in SakhaYakutia, Russia. Zoned rhombododeca- 1998 at Thomas Range, Utah. USA, due to a hedrons up to 5 cm are from Xalostok, Mexico, kind permission of J.Holfert who showed sever- represent grossular of foreign localities, as well al good places at his claims. These are individ- as faceted grossular from Sri Lanka included to ual crystals up to 5 cm long, pinkishbrown, gem collection. and intergrowths with bixbyite and pseudo- Russian Government institutions sup- brookite. Cut stones variously colored by treat- plied all «» samples. All of them are ing in and salt melts represent from Konder massif and represented by other part of new topaz specimens. These were more or less rounded nuggets from 20 to 350 included to the gem collection. grams. They mostly contain isoferroplat- Among the new celestite specimens should inum with some chromium spinelides and be mentioned a splitted blue semitransparent Crdiopside. crystals associated with sulfur from Vodino, All sperrylite specimens were collected by Samara oblast’, Russia, collected by B.Shku- A.Ponomarenko during 19851988 at Okty- rskiy. Celestite crystals, up to 5 cm of clear abrskiy mine, Talnakh deposit, Norilsk area. skyblue color, were found at the Pinega River, They represented by crystals up to 12 mm and Arkhangelsk oblast’, within the voids in lime- intergrowths – freestanding or in mooikho - stone. An interesting genesis small crystals of ekite matrix. These were catalogued after pale blue celestite on calcite helictites were de termination of associated phases, which collected in Promezhutochnaya cave, Kugi- sometimes were more interesting, then sper- tang Range, East Turkmenistan. Radial aggre- rylite itself. Interesting specimens of other gate of gray celestite crystals hosted in dark species will be characterized along with argillite (so called stone chrysanthemum) was description of other categories of new ac - obtained from China. quisitions. #13_belakovskii_en_0802:#13_belakovskii_en_0802.qxd 21.05.2009 20:33 Page 105

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New acquisition geography Russia and Karelia The following table lists new acquisitions As usually, new acquisitions from this region by their source countries. are most abundant: a total of 348 samples. of which 83 are from Khibiny massif, 95 – from Country Number of Country Number of Lovozero massif, and 22 – from Kovdor. These specimens specimens three massifs gave 67 mineral species new for Russia 1386 Peru 7 the Museum, including 43 type specimens. United States 368 Slovakia 7 Major contributors of rare minerals of that area Kazakhstan 148 Myanmar (Burma) 6 are I.Pekov (54), A.Khomyakov (36), and Tajikistan 135 Hungary 6 M.Dorfman (7). In addition, rare minerals were Australia 80 Chili 6 donated by Z.Shlyukova, V.Levitskiy, M.Ano - Canada 72 Argentina 5 sov, S.Britvin, A.Zadov, R.Liferovich, N.Mana - Brazil 61 5 ev, V.Yakovenchuk, N.Chukanov, A.Parash - Turkmenistan 60 South Africa 5 chenko, M.Moiseev, and others. The Museum Ukraine 54 Austria 4 staff collected twenty seven specimens, 25 we- Italy 51 Afghanistan 4 re either purchased or exchanged. Besides new Azerbaijan 50 Serbia 4 minerals, the Khibinymassif presented us with Czech Republic 48 Tanzania 4 an interesting item, a large cleaved blocks of Georgia 46 Spain 3 red transparent villiaumite found at Koashva Kyrgyzia 45 Portugal 3 mine, Khibiny (photo 2). The mineral is clear Bulgaria 40 France 3 enough to be cut. As far as we know, this was India 35 Algeria 2 the only finding during the whole mining his- China 35 Belarus 2 tory in Khibiny. Unfortunately, most of this Germany 34 PR Congo 2 material was discarded to the dumps and Uzbekistan 33 Oman 2 destroyed. Mexico 30 South Korea 2 Unexpectedly large shomiokite(Y) pieces Poland 24 Vietnam 1 and its dichroic crystals were donated by Sri Lanka 21 Egypt 1 I.Pekov and A.Parashchenko. Fine lamprophyl- Denmark 20 Zimbabwe 1 lite specimens from Khibiny, from Rumania 18 Cuba 1 Lovozero massif and diopside from Kovdor Morocco 17 Malawi 1 were donated by amateurs V.Silitskiy and Armenia 16 Malaysia 1 L.Chikilyova. M. Moiseev collected at Kovdor Great Britain 13 Mali 1 quite remarkable specimens of new rare miner- Mozambique 13 New Zealand 1 al, lemmleiniteBa. These are bright red crys- Zaire 12 Senegal 1 tals up to 1 mm in cavities of calcite - Sweden 12 Slovenia 1 atite. Among the stuff collected during Mu - 12 Sierra Leone 1 seum expeditions are large plates of purple Madagascar 11 Turkey 1 murmanite in ussingite (Karnasurt Bolivia 8 Uruguay 1 Mt., Lovozero). Very nice piece of elpidite from Mongolia 8 Finland 1 Alluaiv Mt., Lovozero massif was exchanged. Namibia 8 Chad 1 (photo 19). Switzerland 8 Antarctica 2 Other new acquisitions from Kola Peninsula Greece 7 Oceans Bottom 5 were collected in the Keivy Heights (23 speci- Pakistan 7 Unspecified 53 mens). N.Pekova, I.Pekov, A.Voloshin, P.Kar - ta shov, and V.Levitskiy donated rare minerals New materials originate from 73 countries. collected at Ploskaya Mt and massif Sakhariok. Plus; some were collected from the bottom of In addition V.Levitskiy donated a fine 8cm the Atlantic and Indian oceans and some from staurolite twin («straight cross») hosted by mu- Antarctica. Fifteen countries supplied us with scovite schist (photo 24). More than 60 spe- one specimen each; 2 to 5 specimens came cimens were collected near Olenitsa village – from each of 14 countries; 6 to 10 from 13 coun- mainly glendonite (see above). tries; 11 to 20 from 9 countries; 21 to 40 from 8 An interesting new item from Karelia is a countries. Ten countries gave 41 to 100 sam- sphere cut from an almandine monocrystal ples each, whereas 4 countries represented by found near Shueretskaya station (a donation more than 100 samples each. From 11 former from A.Scrafimovich). It exhibits an amazing Soviet Union Republics we obtained 1975 sam- type of asterism: fine light rings are distinguish- ples, of which 1386 were collected in Russia. able in several centimeters above the sphere. A #13_belakovskii_en_0802:#13_belakovskii_en_0802.qxd 21.05.2009 20:33 Page 106

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large prismatic crystal of red corundum hosted Russian Far East and Kamchatka Peninsula by gneiss was collected at Khitostrov. Of 125 specimens obtained from this region, Ura1s more than 100 represented Dal’negorsk area. This region gave us 211 new specimens. Along with previously mentioned quartz and Fortytwo of them came from SubPolar Ural. calcite, a large landscape piece of wollastonite These are quartz, calcite, , ferroaxinite, skarn www is quite noteworthy. S. van Scriver and hematite from Dodo, Puiva, and other depo - donated original intergrowths of siderite sphe- sits and occurrences along the east slope of the rocrystals (photo 23). Quite interesting hollow Urals. Among new things collected at the op- bertrandite pseudomorph after posite slope (Yaruta Mt., ManKhambo Ran ge) helvite up to 5cm originated from Zabytoe very interesting an 8mm crystal of recently dis- deposit, Khabarovskiy kray. Platinum nuggets covered species tsaregorodtsevite sitting on from Konder massif already mentioned above. quartz crystal face. A.Agafonov donated ma - Among 42 specimens from Kamchatka Peni- gnificent bright red corundum found at RaiIz nsula are the sublimates of Tolbachik volcano massif. fumaroles (donated by S.Filatov, S.Krivovi - Middle Urals supplied more then 70 new chev, V.Popova, and N.Rudashevskiy), along specimens. A.Zadov and A.Loskutov presented with rare microminerals related to ultra- a series of samples, which characterize rodin- mafitehosted PGM mineralisation. These min- gite veins mineralisation at Bazhenovskoe erals represent 2 species new for the Museum, asbestos deposit. These are idocrase crystals including 7 recently discovered ones and 5 with reddish and pink zones, along with multi- type specimens. colored and colorless grossular, stilbite, xo - notlite, and clinotobermorite (the first finding Krasnoyarskiy kray of the latter mineral in the region). Several A total of 128 new samples were obtained vases made of serpentine from this deposit from here. These are related mainly to PGM replenished the stone art collection. minera1s, which occur in sulfide CuNi of M.Anosov donated interesting samples of Noril’sk area. Beside previously mentioned green titanite twins up to 3.5 cm (photo 15) spe r rylite a collection contributed by A.Pono - along with crusts of purple columnar crystals of marenko comprised rare minerals, including Cramesite with alexandrite effect. Zoned 7 species new for the Museum. masutomilite plates from Mokrusha pit donat- ed by I.Pekov and elongated thin foitite crys- SakhaYakutia tals from Kazennitsa pit a gift from J.Patterson, Of 110 specimens, which included the abo- represent MurzinkaAdui area. Rare minerals vementioned grossular from Vilyuy, we obta - from the oxidation zone, phoenicochroite and ined a series of polished charoite slabs from the embreyite were obtained from Berezovskiy Murun massif. The series illustrates textural mine along with previously mentioned pyrite. and structural features of the mineral. Impo- South Urals gave more than 70 specimens. rtant specimens of rare minerals frankamenite, Among the most interesting objects we‘d men- dalyite and others are also originate from tion a rose shaped cluster of split blue corun- Murun massif. dum crystals, about 10 cm, from Ilmenskie Mts. (photo 3). S.Nikandrov who collected the min- The Baikal area and Transbaikal eral in the same area donated en cabochoncut More than 100 specimens were obtained corundum that exhibits asterism. Other inter- from those regions. A crystal of blue esting findings comprise druzes with pse - (40 x 14 cm) hosted by yellow calciphyre from udocubooctahedral crystals of up Slyudyanka, Baikal area, is one of more attrac- to 3 cm (photo 26) and magnetite from Zlatoust tive. From of Malkhan vicinity. Amazingly large (about 3cm) hoeg- Ridge, Chita oblast’ a 3.5 cm danburite crystal on bomite crystal on clinochlore be longs to the and pink on quartz (donat- same assemblage (photo 27). Unusual anortho- ed by D.Abramov) are noteworthy. Buryatia, as clase from Potaninskie Mts. that exhi bits both well as northern and southern parts of the Baikal sunstone and moonstone effects was pur- area supplied us with 12 species new for the chased. Museum, including 10 type specimens. A total of 13 mineral species new for the Museum were obtained from South Urals, in - Northern Caucasus cluding 3 type specimens. In addition, B.Che - A total of 34 specimens were obtained from snokov donated a series of mineral phases he this region, including a 35 cm one represented described from burning coal shafts dumps. by crust of bright orangered orpiment on do lo - #13_belakovskii_en_0802:#13_belakovskii_en_0802.qxd 21.05.2009 20:33 Page 107

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mite mined at the El’brusskiy mine, Kara cha - Other countries evoCherkessia (photo 6). United States. Maximum number of new foreign acquisitions originated from this coun- FSU countries try Donations (131 sample) is one of the so - The most significant acquisitions from FSU urces. A 67specimens collection donated by countries came from Azerbaijan. These are A.Kidwell was finally catalogued. It comprises wellformed rutile crystals up to 3.5 cm with magnificent kidwellite specimens and a series shiny faces on quartz recently mined at Ka- of as well as a selection of minerals pydzhik (Kapudzhuk) Mt. near Nakhi che van’ from Magnet Cove, Arkansas. P.Radomsky (photo 18). They are much higher by quality con tributed a bunch of rare fluorescent minerals compare to previously obtained pieces from from Franklin, New Jersey. J.Patterson do nated this occurrence. New stuff was obtained from helvite, danburite, and other minerals from gran- Dashkesan deposit. Among them druzes ite pegmatites of South California. Interesting of pseudomorphs after he - examples of sogdianite and zektserite from denbergite are notable, along with gray- Golden Horn batolith, Washington, were donat- ishgreen apatite crystals on magnetite matrix ed by R.Becker. and R.Boggs. Trona druzes and with quartz, and calcite. Nearly all pieces a series of borates from , California were from Azerbaijan were purchase from Stone donated by J.Watson. The list of donators, Flower Co. for a special museum (actually maybe an incomplete one, includes G.Robinson, symbolic) price. L.Ream, W.Simmons, P.Haynes, T.Brent, C.Ko - The most notable pieces from Kazakhstan r pi, W.Heller, T.Nipp, B.Cannon, A.Lelkes, and are several druzes of large goergeyite crystals N. Medvedev. Other source of acquisitions was from Inder Lake as well as inderborite and cole- an intermuseum exchange, mainly with Smi- manite from the same deposit. Welldeveloped thsonian National Museum of Natural History, trillings of davidite(La) up to 5 cm were obta- Washington, D.C., and exchange with private ined from BektauAta massif, Balkhash area. collectors. Fortythree species new for the Mu- We already mentioned above pyrite from seum were obta ined this way along with exqui- KaraOba, and among specimens from Akcha- site moganite secretions from New Mexico (pho- tau a bunch of bertrandite crystals about 4 cm to 22). Field collecting carried out abroad by the frozen into a face of dark violet fluorite octahe- Museum staff members makes the third source. dron is quiet remarkable. Along with topaz from Thomas Range men - Most valuable materials from Tajikistan are tioned above, bixbyite crystals (pho to 17) (max. series of specimens from DaraiPioz alkaline 1.5 cm long), flattened crystals of red beryl. cas- massif, collected by the Museum stuff mem- siterite and durangite, were collected in this bers (D.Belakovskiy and B.Shkurskiy), purcha - area. Blue bertranditefluoritehyalite nodules sed, exchanged, donated to the Museum, or (photo 25) were found at Brush Wellman Be acquired as type specimens of new species deposit, now totally recultivated. Recently dis- (L.Pautov and A.Agakhanov). In some of these covered mineral formi kaite was established in specimens new mineral species were discov- samples collected by A.Godovikov in 1965 in ered after they were cataloged to Museum Cresmore, Califonia. inventory e.g., dusmatovite, shibkovite, and telyushenkoite (a new Cs mineral). Many of Canada. Most of the canadian new acquisi- DaraiPioz species have bright luminescence tions originate from Mont SaintHilaire and De and it was a good addition for Museum fluores- MixVarennes Quarry, Quebec (33 speci- cent display case. mens). Private collectors donated a good part The unique thing among acquisition from of these. L.&E. Horvath donated among other Uzbekistan is a native crystal 8cm species, horvathite(Y) named after them, and size (donated by P.Goloshchukov) from manganokhomyakovite – a Mn analogue of KochBu lak deposit south of Tashkent named after Dr. A.Khomyakov, (photo 1). Noteworthy is the crusts of dark a Russian mineralogist. The list of Canadian green crystals of volbortite up to 1cm from contributors includes also R.Rottenberg and UtchKuduk (do nation from L.Pautov and P.Tarasoff, F.Spertini (spertiniite from Jeffrey A.Minko). Mine, Asbestos was obtained from him). A The brightest materials from Kyrgyzia are remarkable intergrowth of orange serandite blue aggregates and radial intergrowths of 4cm in size with a white spherolite of leifite khaidarkanite a new mineral discovered rece - was exchanged. Large hand specimens with ntly by museum stuff members in Khaidarkan agrellite, eudialite and vlasovite from Kipawa mercury deposit. alkaline complex and large fluorapatite crys- #13_belakovskii_en_0802:#13_belakovskii_en_0802.qxd 21.05.2009 20:33 Page 108

108 New data on minerals. M.: 2003. Volume 38

tals from Yates mine, Quebec. also came that so many other noteworthy specimens remained way. The Museum staff member in Cra - unmentioned. ter, Ontario, collected nice but hot betafite crystals up to 3 cm. Types of new acquisitions and personalia Mexico. Iridescent obsidian, transparent yellowish Labrador crystals from Labrador mi- During 1997–2001, a total of 3414 speci- ne, Chihuahua, and spherical intergrowth of mens were cataloged to the main Museum fund creedite from Navidad mine are the most collections. Of these 2180 came to the Museum notable specimens from that country. during this period. Others were obtained earli- er, but examined and cataloged during the Brazil. Among the acquisitions from this period mentioned. country there are large flattened crystals of 334 specimens were purchased, and 600 eosphorite up to 10 cm long partially replaced were obtained through exchange. Seventeen by ernstite (photo 16), large crystal of hydrox- Museum staff members collected 610 speci- ylherderite from Linopolis, Minas Ge rais, and mens during field trips financed either by stannomicrolite resting on surface of spherical Museum or from other sources: D.Belakovskiy stokesite intergrowth from Urucum mine, (140). A.Ponomarenko (92). A.Nikiforov (78), Minas Gerais. D.Abramov (63), A.Zakharov (46), B.Shkurskiy (41), D.Romanov (30) O.Sveshnikova (24), L.Pa - Australia. A total of 80 samples were obta - utov (20), A.Agakhanov (19), A.Evsecv (17), ined from this country, including 11 species N.Pekova (13), M.Dorfman (11) and others. new for the Museum, a selection of specimens A total of 521 specimens were cataloged as from Broken Hill (large bustamite crystals and acquisitions from V.l.Stepanov’s and A.A.Go - acicular varieties of this mineral, spessartite dovikov’s collections. and apatite in galena, an unusual brightgreen Twelve organizations and 230 individuals orthoc1ase and other minerals. M.&L.Phelan donated 1197 samples (onethird of the total donated a large sample of brightcolored sti- donation number). I.Pekov donated a maxi- chtite from type locality in Tasmania. mum of 135 specimens. V.Levitskiy donated 101 specimen, A.Kidwell – 79. A significant India. Of 35 indian specimens the majority number of specimens were donated by M.Ano - represented by diverse . An expressive sov(58). D.Belakovskiy (42), A.Khomyakov brightblue 2cm cavansite spherolite and a (41), L.Bulgak (37), A.Zadov (29), D.Suler - 9 cm barrelshaped red corundum from Mysore zhitskiy (22), W.Heller (18), A.Nikiforov (18), are of interest. L.Pautov (14), J.Patterson (13), E.Spiridonov (13), V.Karpenko (12), O.Sveshnikova (12), China. A large (12cm long) welldeveloped D.Abramov (11), D.Edwards (10), A.Agakhanov yellow partially transparent scheelite dipyra- (10), E.Semenov (10), V.Silitskiy and L.Chik- midal crystal is the most impressive sample ileva (10), A.Brusnitsyn (10). Other persons among those 35 obtained from China (photo who donated specimens to the Museum at this 20). A brightgreen from Gu- period (directly or indirectly) are: A.Agafonov, angxi is highly attractive. Druzes of large barite A.Akimov, S.Aleksandrov, S.Anan’ev, V.Apol - and fluorite crystals from several de posits in lonov, V.Averin, E.Babkin, A.Badalov, R.Baga - Hunan province are quite notable. Fine exam- taev, A. Bakhchisaraitsev, P.Bantsekov, S.Bas - ples of fluorite and agalmatolite curving kakov, S.Baturov, A.Bazhenov, S.Belostotskiy, replenished the gem collection. O.Belyaev, M.Bezsmertnaya, G.Bocharova, Of other foreign samples I would mention Yu.Bogdanov, P.Borisov, I.Bryzgalov, V.Buka - kidneyshaped crusts and pseudostalaktite of nov, A.Bul’yenkov, A.Butler, V.Chalisov, malachite from Zaire, a red corundum from V.Chernavtsev, B.Chesnokov, Yu.Chul’zha- SierraLeone (donated by A.Belyakov), a trans- nov, I.Davidenko, M.Dobrovol’skaya, N.Erilo- parent yellow meionite 8cm crystal from va, V.Cekimyants, M.Generalov, I.Ginzburg, Tanzania, a spherocrystal (the A.Godovikov, R.Gogoleva, P.Goloshehukov, socalled Barbot eye) from Mozambique, and P.Gorchakov, K.Cribakh, A.Gribanov, S.Gusev, curving on red corundum hosted by green I.Ilupin, M.Ismailov, A.Izergin, V.Kalachev, zoisite (Tanzania) and chalcedony. B.Kantor, G.Kapustkin, P.Kartashov, A.Katz, W.Pinch, an American collector, donated a R.Khazov, K.Klopotov, Yu.Kobyashev, A.Ko - fragment of the type specimen of andyrobert- nev, A.Koneva V.Kongarov, O.Kononov, A.Ko- site. Unfortunately, this publication is limited, noval, S.Konovalenko, V.Korolev, A.Ko va lev, #13_belakovskii_en_0802:#13_belakovskii_en_0802.qxd 21.05.2009 20:33 Page 109

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Yu.Kozlov, S .Krivovichhev, E.Kutukov, E.Ku - J.Sharp, W.Simmons, P.Tarasoff, T.Brent, J.Va - varzina, V.Kuvshinov, V.Ladygin, A.Lapidus, i dak, S.van Scriver, D.Varhegyi, J.Watson, A.Lapin, L.Lebedev, R.Liferovich, M.Litsarev, C.Duszan, S.Petrussenko and others. A.Loskutov, B.Magadeev, Kh.Magni shchan, The following organizations donated speci- V.Makarochkin, A.Makeev, M.Malev, S.Mali- mens to the Museum: Central Scientific Geo - nko, N.Manaev, B.Manucharyants, V.Markov, logyprospectical Institute (TSNIGRI), AllRus- N.Medvedev, O.Mel’nikov, Yu.Men’shikov, sian Institute for Synthetic Minerals (VNI- A.Mineeva, A.Min’ko, A.Mo chalov, P.Mo cha - ISIMS), Institute of Geology and Geophysics lov, M.Moiseev, N.Mozgova, Yu.Nadzhip, Siberian brunch of RAS, a school geological A.Natarius, B.Nenashev, S.Nikandrov, S.Niki - club «Geokompania», Ankersmith Holding, , T.Nipp, T.Nishanbayev, E.Novgorodova, Waikato Mineralogical Museum, a School fac- M.Novgorodova, M.Novikova, D.Novitskiy, ulty of the Moscow GeologyProspectical Aca - N.Organova, Ya.Pakhomovskiy, E.Pankratova, demy (MGGA/MGRI), RAS Committee on A.Parashchenko, L.Pavlova, I.Peretyazhko, N.Per - Meteorites, Pyatigorsk Regional Studies Muse- tsev, N.Petrovskaya, V.Pokusayev, Yu.Pole kho - um, Obninsk mineralogical association, Seventh vsky, V.Politov, O.Polyakov, A.Ponoma re nko, Day Adventist group and others. Another V.Popov, M. Popov, V.Popova, L.Reznits kiy, sources, including unspecified, brought 152 sa- O.Rip pinen, D.Romanov, V.Rudnev, Yu.Sa mo - mples. durov, M.Samoylovich, S.Sando mir skaya, V.Sa - On behalf of the Fersman Mineralogical pegin, V.Savel’yeva, S.Savkevich, A.Serafimovich, Mu seum I would like to thank all donators and M.Seredkin, L.Shabynin, A.Shevnin, B.Shkurskiy, everybody who participate in replenishing of Z.Shlyukova, E. Skly arov, N.Skorobogatova our Museum collections. M.Smirnova, N.Sobolev, A.Sokolov, V.Subbotin, As for the nearest future, we are planning to O.Tananaeva, G.Ta r novskiy, I.Tkachenko, E.Tsu - expand the list of mineral species represented kanov, S.Tsu rin, V.Usha ko vskiy, B.Vaintrub, in the Museum. To do so we publish here our L.Vergasova, A.Vol chkov, A.Vo loshin, V.Yako - want list (Appendix 2). Along with species venchuk, F.Ya nshina, E.Zav’y alov, Yu.Zhdanov, which are absent in Museum collection it O.Zhilina, B.Zlenko, I.Zotov and others. includes the species needed for some particu- Foreign donators were: A.Arnold, Arnot, lar scientific studies carried out in the C.Barbosa, R.Becker, I.Bernard, R.Boggs, V.Bre - Museum. ckler, M.Bunno, G.Dowton, C.Garret, E.Grew, The author thanks L.Bulgak, M.Dorfman, C.Hedergaard, L.&F. Horwath, J.Holfert, C.Ko- A.Evseev, N.Mokhova, A.Nikiforov, M.Novgo- r pi, R.Lavinsky, L.Gilberto, R.Kristi ansen, rodova, L.Pautov, I.Pekov, N.Pekova, G.Sta eb - F.Lewis, L.Menezes, E.Nickel, P.Haynes, J.Pat- ler and A.Cherkassov for discussions, valuable te rson, H.Penndorf, F.Pezzota, M.&E.Phe lan, notes and assistance in preparation of this W.Pinch, L.Ream, G.Robinson, R.Currier, paper.

Appendix 1 A list of mineral species new for the Museum contributed during 19972001. Mineral species approved by CNMMN IMA and published during 1997–2001 are set in bold. * – mineral species represented in Museum by type specimens or fragments of type specimens ** – mineral species discovered by Museum staff or in collaboration with Museum staff. *** – mineral species discovered in previously cataloged specimens that acquired as other minerals. Abernathyite Bazhenovite Camerolaite Dashkovaite*** Abhurite Behierite Cannonite Defernite Fluormagnesioarfvedsonite* Aeschynite(Nd) Belkovite* Caysichite(Y) Dellaite Fluornatromicrolite Agardite(Y) Belloite Cebollite Deloneite(Ce)* Formicaite* Aheylite Belovite(La) ChabaziteSr* Dorrite Frankamenite Alacranite Benyacarite Charlesite Dusmatovite** Froodite Altisite* Berezanskite** Chayesite Edgarbaileyite Gamagarite Alumoklyuchevskite Bergslagite Chengdeite Edgarite Ganophyllite Alumopharmacosiderite Bicchulite Cheralite Edoylerite Gartrellite Ammonioalunite Biehlite Cherepanovite Embreyite Gasparite(Ce) Andyrobertsite* Bismuthopyrochlore* Chernikovite* Englishite Geminite Antimonpearceite Bismutocolumbite* Chiavennite Eriochalcite Georgiadesite Archerite Bismutomicrolite* Chlorartinite Erlichmanite Germanocolusite* Arhbarite Blatonite Chloromenite Ershovite* Geversite Arsenocrandallite Bowieite Chromceladonite* Esperite Gladiusite* Arsenuranospathite Bradachekite* Chromphyllite* Eugenite Gordaite Ashburtonite Braggite Clinotobermorite Feroxyhyte Grischunite Atlasovite* Brezinaite Cobaltlotharmeyerite Ferronordite(Ce)** Gupeiite Auricupride Brizziite Coquandite Ferronordite(La)* Hammarite Avicennite Burpalite* Crawfordite* Ferrorhodsite Haradaite Babkinite* Buryatite* Cronusite Ferrotapiolite Haynesite Baksanite* Buttgenbachite Cryptohalite Feruvite Henrymeyerite Bariumpharmacosiderite Bystrite* Cumengite Fervanite Heulandite(Sr) Barrerite Calcioancylite(Ce) Cuproiridsite Filipstadite Hexaferrum Barroisite Calciohilairite Cuprorhodsite Finnemanite Heyrovskiite #13_belakovskii_en_0802:#13_belakovskii_en_0802.qxd 21.05.2009 20:33 Page 110

110 New data on minerals. M.: 2003. Volume 38

Hibbingite Krutaite Mineevite(Y)* Ramsbeckite Switzerite Hochelagaite KuzmenkoiteMn* Molybdophyllite Reinhardbraunsite Takanelite Hoernesite Kyzylkumite Monazite(Nd) Remondite(La)* Taneyamalite Hollingworthite LabuntsoviteFe* Moolooite Rhodarsenide Tantalcarbide Hongshiite LabuntsoviteMg* Nafertisite* Rimkorolgite Tellurobismuthite Horvathite(Y) Laffittite Natroxalate* Robinsonite Telluropalladinite Hsianghualite Lanthanite(La) Neltnerite Roggianite Telyushenkoite*** Hunchunite LemmleiniteBa* Nepskoeite* Rorisite* Ternovite* Hutchinsonite LemmleiniteK* Nickelhexahydrite Roscherite Tetraauricupride Hydrohonessite Lenaite Nickellotharmeyerite Roshchinite* Thalfenisite Hydroxycancrinite* Lermontovite* Nickelschneebergite Rosiaite Tiettaite* Hydroxylclinohumite* Lesukite Niobocarbide** Roweite Tinsleyite Hydroxylellestadite Letovicite Nitrammite Tiragalloite Ilinskite* Likasite Novgorodovaite*** Saddlebackite Tocornalite Inaglyite Lindackerite Nuffieldite Sanjuanite Tolovkite Indium* Lintisite* Olangaite* Sarcopside Triangulite Insizwaite Lisitsinite* Olekminskite* Sazykinaite(Y)* Tschernichite Intersilite* Lithiowodginite* Olkhonskite* Schlossmacherite Tsnigriite* Iquiqueite Litvinskite* Orcelite Tsumebite Iraqite(La) Loudounite OrganovaiteMn* Schneebergite Tuliokite* Irhtemite Luanheite OrganovaiteZn* Schuetteite Turkestanite** Isomertieite Luddenite Orlandite Schumacherite Ulrichite Isovite** Lulzacite Orthominasragrite Scrutinyite Urusovite Iwakiite Magnesiofoitite Orthoserpierite Segnitite Urvantsevite Jaffeite Magnesiohastingsite Padmaite* Seidite(Ce)* Vajdakite Jahnsite(CaMnFe) Magnesiokataphorite Palenzonaite Shcherbinaite* Varennesite Jedwabite** Majakite Paracelsian Shibkovite** Vasilite Jennite Makarochkinite* Paranatisite* Shkatulkalite Vergasovaite* Jinshajiangite Malanite Parapierrotite Shomiokite(Y)* Vicanite(Ce) Juanitaite Malinkoite* Paraschachnerite Siderazot Vihorlatite Juonniite Manaksite Parasibirskite Sigloite Villyaellenite Kalifersite* Manandonite Paulkerrite Silvialite Vistepite** Kamiokite Manganokhomyakovite Peisleyite Sincosite Wallisite Kanemite Manganonauyakasite* Pekoite Skinnerite Weilite Kapitsaite(Y)** Manganonordite(Ce)** Penfieldite Smithite Weinebeneite Karlite Manganosegelerite* Peprossiite(Ce) zippeite Weissbergite Kashinite Manganotychite* Petersenite(Ce) Sofiite Widgiemoolthalite Keithconnite Maricopaite Phoenicochroite Sopcheite Wilhelmvierlingite Khaidarkanite** Marrite Phuralumite Sorosite Wiluite Khmaralite Masutomilite Piypite Spertiniite Yanomamite Khristovite(Ce)** Mawbyite Platarsite Squawcreekite Zalesiite Kipushite Mazzite Polyphite* Stannomicrolite Kochkarite Megacyclite* Potasicferrisadanagaite* Stetefeldtite Zhemchuzhnikovite Komkovite Meixnerite Povondraite Stibiocolusite* Zincocopiapite Koragoite Merenskyite Preisingerite Stistaite Zincowoodwardite Korobitsynite* MertieiteI Prismatine Strakhovite* Znucalite Kosmochlor Metamunirite Pseudoboleite Stringhamite Zvyagintsevite Kozoite(Nd) Metarossite Pyatenkoite(Y)* Strontiowhitlockite* Kremersite Michenerite Quadruphite* Studenitsite* Krupkaite Minasragrite Quintinite Sudburyite

Appendix 2 The Museum want list as for April 30 2003. The most wanted mineral species are set in bold. Some mineral species listed are represented in Museum but needs better quality or for research programs.

Abelsonite Arsenbrackebuschite Bartelkeite Brandholzite Caresite Abenakiite(Ce) Arsenobismite Bassetite Brendelite Carlhintzeite Abswurmbachite Arsenoflorencite(Ce) Bastnaesite(La) BrewsteriteBa Carlinite Achavalite Arsenoflorencite(La) Bastnaesite(Y) Brianite Carlosruizite Acuminite Arsenoflorencite(Nd) Baumstarkite Brianroulstonite Carlsbergite Admontite Arsenogorceixite Baylissite Brindleyite Carmichaelite Aerugite Arsenogoyazite Bearthite Brinrobertsite Carobbiite Akimotoite Arsenohauchecornite Bechererite Brizziite Carraraite Alarsite Arsenuranospathite Bederite Brodtkorbite Cascandite Albrechtschraufite Artroeite Belendorffite Brokenhillite Cassedanneite Alforsite Arzakite Bellbergite Bruggenite Cassidyite Allanite(La) Arzrunite Bellidoite Brunogeierite Caswellsilverite Althupite Aschamalmite Bellite Buchwaldite Cavoite Aluminobarroisite Ashoverite Benauite Buckhornite Cebaite(Ce) Aluminocopiapite Asisite Berdesinskiite Bulachite Ceriopyrochlore(Ce) Amminite Aspidolite Bernalite Bunsenite Cervelleite Ammonioborite Asselbornite Bernardite Burnsite Cesanite Ammonioleucite Astrocyanite(Ce) Berndtite Bursaite Chadwickite Amstallite Bideauxite Burtite Chaidamuite Anandite2O Atheneite Bigcreekite Butschliite Chameanite Andremeyerite Aubertite Bijvoetite(Y) Cabalzarite Changbaiite Androsite(La) Auroantimonate Billingsleyite Cadwaladerite Changchengite Anduoite Averievite Bismutostibiconite Calcioaravaiapaite Angelellite Baghdadite Blakeite Calciobetafite Chantalite Anhydrokainite Baileychlore Bleasdaleite Calcioburbankite Chaoite Antarcticite Baiyuneboite(Ce) Blossite Calciocopiapite Charmarite Anthonyite Balipholite Bobkingite Calcjarlite Chelkarite Antimonselite Bamfordite Bogvadite Calclacite Chenite Aplowite Banalsite Bonaccordite Calderonite Cheremnykhite Arakiite Bararite Boralsilite Calkinsite(Ce) Chernovite(Y) Aravaipaite Barberiite Borishanskiite Cameronite Chessexite Arcubisite Bariomicrolite Bornhardtite Camgasite Chesterite Ardaite Barioorthojoaquinite Bostwickite Canaphite Chestermanite Ardealite Bariosincosite Bottinoite Canfieldite Chillagite Argutite Barquillite Brabantite Caoxite Chiluite Aristarainite Barringerite Bracewellite Capgaronnite Chladniite Barringtonite Bradleyite Carboborite Chloraluminite Armangite Barstowite Braggite Carboirite Chlorbartonite #13_belakovskii_en_0802:#13_belakovskii_en_0802.qxd 21.05.2009 20:33 Page 111

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Chlorellestadite Fahleite Geerite Itoite Liebenbergite Chlormanganokalite Fairbankite Jahnsite(CaMnMn) Lindqvistite Chlorocalcite Fairchildite Georgeericksenite Jahnsite(MnMnMn) Lindsleyite Chlorozincite Falcondoite Gerdtremmelite Jaipurite Lisetite Choloalite Fangite Gerenite(Y) Jamesite Lishizhenite Farringtonite Gerstmannite Janggunite Lonecreekite Christite Feinglosite Gianellaite Jankovicite Loranskite(Y) Chromatite Feitknechtite Giannetite Jarosewichite Loseyite Chrombismite Felbertalite Giessenite Jeanbandyite Lourenswalsite Chursinite Fencooperite Gilmarite Jeffreyite Loveringite Chvaleticeite Ferdisilicite Giniite Jensenite Luberoite Cianciulliite Fermorite Giorgiosite Jentschite Lucasite(Ce) Ciprianite Ferrarisite Giraudite Jerrygibbsite Lukenchangite(Ce) Clairite Ferrikatophorite Girdite Jervisite Lunijianlaite Claringbullite Ferrilotharmeyerite Gittinsite Jianshuiite Lyonsite Clearcreekite Ferrinatrite Giuseppettite Jimthompsonite Macaulayite Clerite Ferripedrizite Glushinskite Jixianite Macedonite Clinocervantite Ferristrunzite Gortdrumite Johachidolite Machatschkiite Clinoferrosilite Ferrisurite Gottardiite Johninnesite Clinojimthompsonite Ferritschermakite Graemite Johnsomervilleite Macquartite Clinomimetite Ferriwinchite Graeserite Johntomoite Madocite Clinoungemachite Ferroakermanite Grandreefite Johnwalkite Maghagendorfite Cobaltpentlandite Ferroalluaudite Grantsite Joliotite Magnesioaluminotaramite Cobaltzippeite Ferroaluminobarroisite Grattarolaite Jolliffeite Magnesiochloritoid Cochromite Ferroaluminoceladonite Gravegliaite Jonesite Magnesioclinoholmquistite Comancheite Ferroaluminotschermakite Grayite Jorgensenite Magnesiocopiapite Combeite Ferroaluminowinchite Gregoryite Juabite Magnesiocummingtonite Comblainite Ferrobarroisite Griceite Julienite Magnesiodumortierite Compreignacite Ferrobustamite Grimaldiite Jungite Magnesioferrikatophorite Congolite Ferroclinoholmquistite Grimselite Junoite Magnesioferritaramite Coparsite Ferroeckermannite Grossite Kahlerite Magnesioholmquistite Coskrenite(Ce) Ferroedenite Grumiplucite Kalicinite Magnesiohulsite Costibite Ferroferribarroisite Guanine Kamaishilite Magnesiosadanagaite Coyoteite Ferroferritschermakite Guettardite Kambaldaite Magnesiotaramite Crerarite Ferroferriwinchite Guildite Kamchatkite Magnesiumchlorophoenicite Criddleite Ferroglaucophane Gupeiite Kamitugaite Magnesiumzippeite Cualstibite Ferrohexahydrite Guyanaite Kanemite Magnolite Cuboargyrite Ferroholmquistite Gwihabaite Kanonaite Majorite Ferrohornblende Gysinite(Nd) Kastningite Makinenite Cupropavonite Ferrokaersutite Haapalaite Katoite Makovickyite Cuprorivaite Ferrokesterite Hafnon Keckite Mallardite Cyanochroite Ferrokinoshitalite Kelyanite Mallestigite Damaraite Ferropargasite Haigerachite Kempite Mammothite Damiaoite Ferropyrosmalite Haineaultite Kenhsuite Manganarsite Danbaite Ferrorichterite Hallimondite Keyite Manganeseshadlunite Danielsite Ferrotitanowodginite Hanawaltite Keystoneite Mangangordonite D’Ansite Ferrowinchite Hannayite Khademite Manganochromite Daomanite Ferrowodginite Harrisonite Khatyrkite Manganolangbeinite Davidite(Ce) Ferruccite Hastite Khomyakovite Manganostibite Davidite(Y) Fetiasite Hatrurite Kiddcreekite Manganotapiolite Deanesmithite Fianellite Hawthorneite Kieftite Mantienneite Deliensite Fiedlerite1A Haxonite Killalaite Mapimite Deloryite Fingerite Haycockite Kinichilite Marshite Derbylite Fischesserite Hectorfloresite Kintoreite Marumoite Flagstaffite Heideite Kirkiite Mathewrogersite Dervillite Fletcherite Heidornite Kitaibelite Mathiasite Despujolsite Flinkite Hellandite(Ce) Kitkaite Matsubaraite Dessauite Florencite(La) Helmutwinklerite Kittatinnyite Mattagamite Diaoyudaoite Florencite(Nd) Hemloite Kleemanite Matteuccite Dienerite Florenskyite Hendersonite Kolicite Mattheddleite Dietzeite Florensovite Heneuite Konderite Matveevite Dimorphite Fluocerite(La) Hennomartinite Konyaite Mauhertite Dinite Fluorannite Henryite Koritnigite Mayingite Diomignite Fluorbritholite(Ce) Hentschelite Kornite Mbobomkulite Dissakisite(Ce) Fluorcannilloite Hexatestibiopanickelite Koutekite Mcalpineite Dittmarite Fluorferroleakeite Hiarneite Kribergite Mcauslanite Dixenite Flurite Hibbingite Krinovite Mcbirneyite Donharrisite Fontanite Hieratite Kulkeite Mcconnellite Dorallcharite Franciscanite Hoganite Kullerudite Mccrillisite Douglasite Francoanellite Holdawayite Kusachiite Medenbachite Downeyite Francoisite(Nd) Honessite Kutinaite Melanostibite Doyleite Frankhawthorneite Hongquiite Kuzelite Mendozite Dozyite Franklinfurnaceite Horsfordite Kuzminite Mengxianminite Dreyerite Franklinphillite Howardevansite Kyzylkumite Mereheadite Drugmanite Fransoletite Huangite Laflammeite Mereiterite Drysdallite Freboldite Hugelite Laforetite Metaalunogen Dukeite Freedite Hungchaoite Langisite Metaankoleite Duttonite Fritzcheite Hydrobasaluminite Lansfordite Metadelrioite Earlandite Fuenzalidaite Hydrochlorborite Lanthanite(Nd) Metakahlerite Eastonite Fukalite Hydrodresserite Laphamite Metakirchheimerite Ecandrewsite Fukuchilite Hydrombobomkulite Lapieite Metakoettigite Eckermannite Furongite Hydroniumjarosite Larosite Metalodevite Effenbergerite Furutobeite Hydroromarchite Larsenite Metasaleeite Ehrleite Gabrielsonite Hydroscarbroite Launayite Metaschoepite Eifelite Gainesite Hydrowoodwardite Laurelite Metastudtite Ekatite Gaitite Hydroxylbastnaesite(Ce) Lausenite Metauranopilite Ellisite Galeite Hydroxylbastnaesite(La) Lautenthalite Metauranospinite Emilite Galgenbergite Hydroxylbastnaesite(Nd) Lawrencite Metavandendriesscheite Ercitite Galileiite Hydroxylellestadite Lawsonbauerite Metavanmeersscheite Erlianite Gallobeudantite Hydroxyuvite Leakeite Metazellerite Ernienickelite Gananite Hyttsjoite Lecontite Miassite Erniggliite Ganterite Idaite Lehnerite Mikasaite Ertixiite Gaotaiite Imgreite Leisingite Minehillite Eskimoite Garavellite Imhofite Lepersonnite(Gd) Minguzzite Esperanzaite Garrelsite Incaite Levinsonite(Y) Misenite Eugsterite Garyansellite Ingersonite Levyclaudite Mitscherlichite Eveite Iridarsenite Lewisite Modderite Fabianite Gaultite Isolueshite Liandratite Moeloite Faheyite Gebhardite Itoigawaite Liebauite Mohrite #13_belakovskii_en_0802:#13_belakovskii_en_0802.qxd 21.05.2009 20:33 Page 112

112 New data on minerals. M.: 2003. Volume 38

Moluranite Palladseite Reidite Stetefeldtite Utahite Molysite Palmierite Reinerite Stibiobetafite Vanadomalayaite Monazite(Nd) Panasqueiraite Remondite(Ce) Stilleite Vanmeersscheite Monazite(Sm) Panethite Rengeite Stillwaterite Vanoxite Monetite Panunzite Reppiaite Vanuranylite Monimolite Parabariomicrolite Retzian(Ce) Stoiberite Varulite Montdorite Parabrandtite Retzian(La) Stronalsite Vaterite Montroyalite Paracoquimbite Retzian(Nd) Strontiochevkinite Vaughanite Moreauite Paracostibite Rhabdophane(Nd) Strontiodresserite Veenite Morelandite Paradocrasite Rhodarsenide Strontioginorite Viaeneite Morimotoite Parafransoleite Rhodplumsite Strontiojoaquinite Viitaniemiite Morozeviczite Parajamesonite Richetite Strontiomelane Vikingite Moschelite Parakhinite Rilandite Stumpflite Villamaninite Mottanaite(Ce) Paralstonite Ringwoodite Stutzite Vincentite Mountkeithite Paramendozavilite Rinmanite Sudovikovite Vinciennite Moydite(Y) Paramontroseite Roaldite Suessite Virgilite Mozartite Paraotwayite Rodolicoite Sundiusite Vochtenite Mozgovaite Pararobertsite Rohaite Suolunite Voggite Mroseite Paraschachnerite Rokuhnite Surite Vonbezingite Muchuanite Paraschoepite Rollandite Vozhminite Muckeite Parascorodite Rondorfite Suzukiite Vulcanite Mummeite Parisite(Nd) Rooseveltite Sveite Vuorelainenite Mundrabillaite Parkinsonite Rossmanite Svenekite Wadalite Munirite Parwelite Roubaultite Sverigeite Wadsleyite Muskoxite PaulingiteK Rouseite Swaknoite Wakefieldite(Y) Muthmannite Paulkellerite Routhierite Swamboite Walfordite Mutinaite Paulmooreite Ruarsite Swartzite Wallkilldellite(Mn) Nabiasite Paxite Rubicline Sweetite Walthierite Nagashimalite Pehrmanite9R Ruitenbergite Symesite Wardsmithite Nagelschmidtite Peisleyite Ruthenarsenite Synchysite(Nd) Warikahnite Nahpoite Penobsquisite Sabelliite Szmikite Watanabeite Nanlingite Perryite Sabieite Szymanskiite Watkinsonite Nasinite Petedunnite Sacrofanite Tainiolite1M Wattevillite Nasledovite Peterbaylissite Sadanagaite Takedaite Wawayandaite Natrodufrenite Petrovskaite Saliotite Takeuchiite Weishanite Natrofairchildite Petrukite Salzburgite Tamaite Weissite Natrolemoynite Petscheckite Samfowlerite Tantalaeschynite(Y) Welinite Natronambulite Philipsbornite Sanderite Taramite Werdingite Natroniobite Philolithite Santanaite Tarkianite Wernerkrauseite Natrotantite Phosphammite Santite Tatyanaite Wesselsite Nchwaningite Phosphoellenbergerite Sarmientite Tedhadleyite Wheatleyite Niahite Phosphofibrite Saryarkite(Y) Whiteite(CaMnMg) Nichromite Phosphorroesslerite Sasaite Tellurohauchecornite Widenmannite Nickelaustinite Phosphovanadylite Sayrite Telluronevskite Wilcoxite Nickelbischofite Phyllotungstite Scacchite Temagamite Wilhelmkleinite Nickelbloedite Pillaite Scainite Tengchongite Wilhelmvierlingite Nickelhexahydrite Pinalite Schafarzikite Terranovaite Wilkmanite Nickelphosphide Pinchite Schaferite Teschemacherite Willyamite Nickenichite Pingguite Schertelite Testibiopalladite Wiserite Niedermayerite Pintadoite Scheteligite Tetraferriannite Woodallite Nierite Piretite Schiavinatoite Thadeuite Wooldridgeite Nimite Pirquitasite Schieffelinite Theresemagnanite Wulfingite Niningerite Pitiglianoite Schoellhornite Thomasclarkite(Y) Wupatkiite Nioboaeschynite(Nd) Platarsite Schreyerite Thorikosite Wyartite Niobokupletskite Playfairite Sclarite Thornasite Wycheproofite Nisbite Plumbobetafite Scotlandite Tiragalloite Xanthiosite Noelbensonite Plumbotsumite Titanowodginite Xenotime(Yb) Nowackiite Polhemusite Sederholmite Tivanite Xiangjiangite Nukundamite Polkanovite Seelite Xifengite Nullaginite Polkovicite Selwynite Tobelite Xilingolite Nyboeite Potassiumfluorrichterite Sewardite Tomichite Ximengite Obertiite Potosiite Shabaite(Nd) Tongbaite Xingzhongite Oboyerite Poubaite Shakhovite Tongxinite Xitieshanite Obradovicite Poudretteite Shandite Tooeleite Yagiite O’Danielite Poyarkovite Sharpite Torreyite Yaroslavite Odinite Pringleite Sheldrickite Toyohaite Yedlinite Oenite Prosperite Sherwoodite Trabzonite Yimengite Ojuelaite Protasite Shigaite Yingjiangite Okayamalite Proudite Shuangfengite Treasurite Yixunite Oldhamite Przhevalskite Sicherite Trembathite Yoshiokaite Omeiite Pseudocotunnite Sidpietersite Trigonite Yttroceberysite(Y) Pseudograndreefite Sidwillite Trikalsilite Yttrocolumbite(Y) Pseudorutile Sieleckiite Trimounsite(Y) Yuanjiangite Orcelite Pseudosinhalite Sigismundite Trippkeite Yvonite Orebroite Pushcharovskite Silhydrite Tristramite Zabuyelite Orickite Zaccagnaite Orlymanite Qandilite Silinaite Truscottite Zaherite Orpheite Qilianshanite Simmonsite Trustedtite Zairite Orschallite Qingheiite Simonellite Tschermakite Zellerite Orthobrannerite Qitianlingite Simonite Tschortnerite Zenzenite Orthojoaquinite(Ce) Quadratite Simplotite Tsugaruite Zhanghengite Orthowalpurgite Queitite Sinjarite Tucekite Ziesite Osarsite Quenstedtite Sinnerite Tundrite(Nd) Zincalstibite Osbornite Raadeite Sinoite Zincgartrellite Otjisumeite Rabbittite Skippenite Tungstibite Zincobotryogen Ottemannite Rabejacite Slawsonite Turtmannite Zincochromite Oursinite Radovanite Sodium pharmacosiderite Tvedalite Zincohoegbomite Overite Radtkeite Sopcheite Tweddieite Zincovoltaite Owensite Spadaite Twinnite Zincrosasite Oxammite Rameauite Sphaerobismoite Uchucchacuaite Zincroselite Oyelite Ramsbeckite Spodiosite Uhligite Zinczippeite Paarite Rankachite Springcreekite Ungarettiite Paceite Ransomite Srilankite Ungemachite Zirklerite Paderaite Ranunculite Stalderite Upalite Zodacite Paganoite Rayite Stanekite Uramphite Zoubekite Pahasapaite Redingtonite Stanfieldite Urancalcarite Zugshunstite(Ce) Painite Redledgeite Stanleyite Uranosilite Palladoarsenide Reederite(Y) Stenhuggarite Uranotungstite Palladobismutharsenide Refikite Stercorite Uricite Palladodymite Reichenbachite Sterlinghillite Ursilite x NEW ACQUISITIONS OF THE FERSMAN MINERALOGICAL MUSEUM RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (1997–2001)

1. Native tellurium. crystal fragment 8 x 2.5cm with inter- growings of joseite, tennan- tite, empressite, . Kochbulak gold deposit, near town of Angren, Kuraminskiy Range of Tien’Shan’ Mts., Uzbekistan. FMM #89884, donation of P.M. Goloshchukov. 2. Viliaumite, transparent fragment of crystal. Size of specimen 4.5 cm. Koashva mine, Khibiny, Kola Peninsula, Russia. FMM #902l7, 2000. 3. Corundum (sapphire), A roseshaped splitted blue corundum crystals. 10 cm high. llmenskie Mts., Ural, Russia. FMM # OP2076, 1999.


4. Calcite, Calcite encrusting cameras inside the Ammonitoeeras shell. 36 cm in diameter. Belaya river basin, Caucasus, Russia FMM #OP2081, 1999.

5. Pyrite, concretion. Size 10 cm. Volga River basin, near city of Ul’yanovsk, Russia. FMM #OP2033, donation of L.V. Bulgak, 1999. 6. Orpiment. Crust of small bright orangered crystals on . Size of specimen 3 cm. El’brusskiy mine, Northern Caucasus, Russia. FMM #90000, 2001.


7. Amethyst, scepter on rock crystal. Size 11cm. Mangatobangy, Ambatofinandrahana, Madagaskar. FMM OP1825, exchange, 1997. 8. Quartz, druze of splitted green (because of thin hedenbergite inclusions) quartz crystals on an andradite. Size 10 cm. Sinerechenskoye occur- rence, near Kavalerovo, Primorskiy kray, Russia. FMM #90264. donaton of Yu. Pustov, 2001. 9. Strawberry quartz, druze, size 11 cm, Chimkent area, Tyan’Shan’ Mts., South Kazakhstan, FMM #88615, donation of A.V. Kovalev, 1997.


10. Glendonite (calcite pseudomorph after ikaite). Size 15 cm. Olenitsa river, near Olenitsa village, Terskiy shore of White See, Russia. FMM OP1951, Museum expedition, 1998 11. Glendonite (calcite pseudomorph after ikaite). Radial crystal cluster 3.5 cm. Size of specimen 9 cm. Bol’shaya Balakhnya river, Khatanga, Taimyr Peninsula, Russia. FMM #OP2124, donation of D.L.Sulerzhitsky, 2000. 12. Glendonite (calcite pseudomorph after ikaite). Crystal clusters in the centers of intergrown claycarbonate concretions. Size 9 cm. Olenitsa river, near Olenitsa village, Terskiy shore of White See, Kola, Russia. FMM OP1953, Museum expedition, 1998. 13. Glendonite (calcite pseudomorph after ikaite). Twin intergrowth in claycarbonate concretion. Size 9 cm. Olenitsa river, near Olenitsa village, Terskiy shore of White See, Kola, Russia. FMM K4727, Museum expedition, 1998. 14. Glendonite (calcite pseudomorph after ikaite). Cut of the crystal cluster in claycarbonate concretion. Size 6 cm. Olenitsa river, near Olenitsa village, Terskiy shore of White See, Kola, Russia. FMM OP1900, donation of D.I. Belakovskiy, 1998. xiv NEW ACQUISITIONS OF THE FERSMAN MINERALOGICAL MUSEUM RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (1997–2001) NEW ACQUISITIONS OF THE FERSMAN MINERALOGICAL xv MUSEUM RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (1997–2001)

15. Titanite, Twin intergrowth 3.5 cm in size with kaemmererite on massive . Size of specimen 10cm. Saranovskoe deposit, Ural, Russia. FMM #90045, donation of M.Yu. Anosov. 2000. 16. Eosphorite, Slightly splitted crystal 9.5cm partly replaced by ernstite. Linopolis, Divino das Laranjeiras, Minas Gerais, FMM # 90319. Exchange, 2001. 17. Bixbyite, Cubic crystal 1.2 cm on topaz from the rhyolite cavity. Bixbyite site, Thomas Range, Juab Co., Utah, USA. FMM #89227. 1998. 18. Rutile . Twin crystal (4 cm long) on quartz. Kapydzhik Mt., Nakhichevan’ near, Zanzezur Range, Azerbaijan. FMM#89806, 1999. 19. Elpidite, Intergrowth of columnar crystals bunches on . Size 15cm. Alluaiv Mt., Lovozero massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia. FMM # 90236, Exchange, 2000. 20. Scheelite, Blocky dipyrami- dal crystal, 12 cm. Xuebaoding Pingwu, Sichuan, China. FMM # 89909, exchange, 2000. xvi NEW ACQUISITIONS OF THE FERSMAN MINERALOGICAL MUSEUM RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (1997–2001)

21. Corundum (ruby), Corundum crystals in biotite rock. Size of specimen 13 cm. RaiIz massif, Polar Ural, Russia FMM #89011, Exchange. 1997. 22. Moganite. Chalcedony containing moganite in rhyolite lithophyse. Geronimo Area, 100 miles NE of Lordsburg, New Mexico, USA. FMM #OP1914, 1998. 23. Siderite, intergrowths of spherocrystals. Size of specimen – 3.5 cm. Dal’negorsk, Primorskiy Kray, Russia. FMM #OP2108, donation of Star Van Scriver, 2000. 24. Staurolite, right cross shaped twin in mica schist, size 11cm, Keivy, Kola Peninsula, Russia. FMM # 88824, donation of V.Levitskiy, 1997. 25. Bertrandite, opalbertranditefluorite nodule. BrushWellman berylium mine, Spor Mt., Juab Co., Utah, USA. 1998. 26. Perovskite, pseudocubic crystal 3 cm in size. Medvedevka, near Ziatoust city, South Ural. FMM #89480. 27. Hoegbomite, intergrowth of hoegbomite crystals up to 3 cm on clinochiore. Size of specimen 6 cm. Medvedevka, near Zlatoust city, South Ural, Russia. FMM #89863, 1999. NEW ACQUISITIONS OF THE FERSMAN MINERALOGICAL xvii MUSEUM RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (1997–2001)