Phase-Based Planning for Railway Infrastructure Projects
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Downloaded from on: Apr 10, 2018 Phase-based Planning for Railway Infrastructure Projects Li, Rui; Larsen, Allan; Salling, Kim Bang; Landex, Alex; Madsen, Steen Nørbæk Publication date: 2017 Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link back to DTU Orbit Citation (APA): Li, R., Larsen, A., Salling, K. B., Landex, A., & Madsen, S. N. (2017). Phase-based Planning for Railway Infrastructure Projects. 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Phase-based Planning for Railway Infrastructure Projects Rui Li April 20, 2017 Doctoral Committee Primary Supervisor: Professor Allan Larsen Co-supervisors: Associate Professor Kim Bang Salling Associate Professor Alex Landex Railway Section Head Steen Nørbæk Madsen (Rambøll Denmark) Technical University of Denmark Department of Management Engineering Management Science Produktionstorvet, Building 424 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark Phone +45 4525 4800 iv | Ph.D. Thesis Rui Li | ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The path going to a PhD thesis is not easy. I have obtained great supports from many people through the challenging journey. I would like to express my deep thanks to my current and previous advisors Prof. Allan Larsen, Prof. Otto Anker Nielsen, Associate Prof. Kim Bang Salling, Associate Prof. Alex Landed, Associate Prof. Min Wen, Assistant Prof. Roberto Roberti and Railway Section leader Steen Nørbæk Madsen (Rambøll Denmark), for their warm encouragement, thoughtful guidance, and insightful criticism. Without their continuous supports and valuable suggestions, this dissertation would never have been accomplished. I would thank Programme Director Jan Schneider-Tilli from Banedanmark for reviewing the thesis. I also want to express my gratitude to the Danish Railway Sector Association (Bane- Branchen) for funding this research project. As the visiting research fellow at Delft University of Technology, I strongly appreciated the supervision of Prof. Rogier Wolfert and the fruitful research collaboration with Dr. Arjen Zoeteman. I want to thank the current members of the Department of Management Engineering and the past members of the previous Department of Transportation, for creating a pleasant environment to work in. Finally, I would like to thank my friends for being around during this whole endeavor. Most of all, thanks to my wife and my two lovely daughters for their unselfish love and support. vi | Ph.D. Thesis Rui Li | PREFACE This thesis was carried out at Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and submitted to the Management Science division, DTU Management Engineering. Prof. Allan Larsen was the principle supervisor of the Ph.D. student, while Associate Prof. (previous) Kim Bang Salling and Associate Prof. (previous) Alex Landex and Railway Section Leader Steen Nørbæk Madsen from Rambøll Denmark acted as co-supervisors. The title of the thesis is \Phase-based Planning for Railway Infrastructure Projects". The thesis is based on three academic papers and two conference papers. Two aca- demic papers have been published in international peer-reviewed journals which are ISI- indexed. The third academic paper is under review. The two conference papers are published/presented in a national peer-reviewed conference (Trafikdage 2013). All papers are co-authored. The thesis consists of seven chapters. The first six chapters (1-6) are the introduction to the included papers which are attached after chapter (6). In the introduction chapters, the first two chapters (1, 2) introduce railway infrastructure, present railway planning problems and the current planning challenges in real practices in Denmark. Following chapter (3) explains the concept of phase-based decision support system and illustrates the application of proposed Operations Research (O.R.) optimization models to solve the current planning challenges. Finally, the next three chapters (4-6) discuss the pros and cons for different railway maintenance planning strategies, highlight the contributions of the thesis, and conclude the main findings. The project was funded by the Danish Railway Sector Association (BaneBranchen). The Ph.D. studies were conducted between January 15th, 2013 and April 20th, 2017. viii | Ph.D. Thesis Rui Li | SUMMARY Maintenance for railway infrastructure is expensive and it often connects to a large cost investment. The maintenance work, which is implemented in track possessions, can also cause inconvenience to train operators and passengers. Therefore, Planning for mainte- nance and track possession is important in terms of economy and rail operations. This study presents two types of Phase-based Decision Support System (PDSS), i.e. Func- tional Phase-Based Planning Approach (F-PBPA) and Process-Oriented Phase-Based Planning Approach (PO-PBPA). They are used for decision support for the planning of the railway infrastructure maintenance activities at the strategic planning level. The objective is to achieve better economy, as well as improve cost efficiency. F-PBPA consists of five main phases: Data Collection, Technical Optimization (TeO), Economic Optimization (EcO), Constrained Optimization (CoO), and Evaluation. In this thesis, two railway planning problems are formulated in Mixed Integer Linear Program- ming: Railway Preventive Condition-Based Tamping Scheduling Problem (RPCBTSP), which is presented in Papers 1-2, and Railway Track Possession Scheduling Problem (RTPSP), which is presented in Paper 3. The proposed models are tested based on the real data collected from two Danish railway corridors. A comparison of the results obtained by using the proposed PDSS with the result obtained from the literature (RPCBTSP) and the current practice (RTPSP), shows a cost reduction for both scheduling problems. The proposed PDSS (F-PBPA) represents a step forward in solving railway scheduling problems. It can help Infrastructure Managers (IMs) gain a better understanding of the application of optimization in railway planning tasks. There are three optimization phases, TeO, EcO and CoO, that can be performed in sequence. First carries out a technical optimization (EcO), in which the minimal maintenance work can be identified by pure technical conditions. This is followed by an economic optimization (EcO), which results in an economic plan covering the same technically defined maintenance needs x while minimizing the costs. Finally, constrained optimization (CoO) includes additional constraints and it allows the railway expert to adjust input parameters, thereby to obtain alternative maintenance plans. PO-PBPA contains another systematic phase based process. With a focus on Life Cycle Cost (LCC), PO-PBPA can guide IMs, step by step, to estimate the total project cost for railway projects and to identify the solutions that are economically advantageous. Paper 4 suggests a new LCC framework for IMs to consider costs at the strategic planning level, and Paper 5 considers costs at the project planning level. The case studies show that LCC has influence on the decisions regarding the choice of the track possessions. Similarly, it appears that decisions may change compared to today's practice if other LCC elements are included into the cost estimation, e.g., passenger loss due to delay. A phase-based process such as the proposed PDSS, has great potential to support railway IMs to improve maintenance planning in practice, and reduce the overall costs without affecting railway infrastructure quality. | Ph.D. Thesis Rui Li | RESUME´ (DANSK) Vedligeholdelse af jernbanen er forbundet med store omkostninger for infrastrukturforval- teren, og udførelsen af vedligeholdelsesarbejder kan betyde sporspærringer der kan være til gene for togoperatører og passagerer. Planlægning af vedligeholdelse er s˚aledesvigtig b˚adeaf hensyn til økonomi og drift. Denne afhandling præsenterer to typer fasebaserede beslutningsstøttesystemer, hhv. funk- tions fasebaseret planlægning (F-PBPA) og procesorienteret fasebaseret planlægning PO- PBPA. Disse anvendes til beslutningsstøtte p˚astrategisk niveau til planlægning af pro- jektbaserede vedligeholdelsesaktiviteter, til at opn˚abedre økonomi for vedligeholdelsespro- jekter samt en forbedret omkostningseffektivitet. F-PBPA best˚araf fem hovedfaser: Dataindsamling, teknisk optimering (TeO), økonomisk optimering (EcO), (tilføjelse af) optimeringsbetingelser (CoO) og evaluering. I denne afhandling er to planlægningsproblemer inden for jernbanen formuleret og modelleret i lineære blandede heltalsprogrammer: Planlægning af forebyggende ballaststopning som er præsenteret i artiklerne 1-2, og planlægning af sporspærringer som er præsenteret i artikel 3. Data er indsamlet fra to jernbanekorridorer i Danmark. Modellerne er testet i to cases- tudier, der er baseret p˚ade indsamlede data. En sammenligning af resultaterne som opn˚as ved anvendelse af de foresl˚aedePDSS