Doctoral Seminar “Qualitative Research Methods” A 7 days intensive Ph.D. seminar to be held at the University of Southern , Main Campus From Monday November 19, to Sunday November 25, 2001

Department of Marketing Southern Denmark University, Odense Main Campus Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark

Program Chair: Dominique Bouchet ([email protected]) Program Secretary: Christina Langkilde ([email protected]) Phone: [45] 65 50 3264 or: [45] 6550 1000 ask for 3264 Fax: [45] 66 15 51 29)

Objective of the seminar: The course aims to provide researchers with a thorough knowledge of qualitative methods as they are developed and used in social research today. The main purpose of this course is to enable the researchers to generate helpful methodological insights into their own research, resulting in a methodologically well grounded, up-to-date, interdisciplinary, reflexive research. Emphasis is placed on methodologies encountered in anthropology, consumer research, cultural analysis, ethnomethodology, ethnology, epistemology, grounded theory, hermeneutics, history of ideas, literary criticism, marketing, phenomenology, psychology, semiotics, social psychology, sociology, system theory, and visual anthropology. Keywords are: adaptive methodology, analogy, autodriving, completion, complexity, consistency, content analysis, creativity, discourse analysis, empathic understanding, ethics, epitomizing, focus group, hierarchy of ideas, information, interpretation, interviewing techniques, introspection, involvement, naturalistic inquiry, observation, participant observation, picturing, projective techniques, reflexivity, significations, symbols, theoretical grounding, triangulation, validity, Weltanschauung. There will be an emphasis on the ethical problems connected with information gathering, writing, and utilization of the research. Central theoretical and practical contributions from the classical as well as the most recent literature on qualitative methods will be discussed. That is, contributions from applied semiotics (as developed by the late lamented Jean-Marie Floch), projective techniques, participant observations, focus group, interviewing techniques and the like will be evaluated.

Teachers: The lecturers this time will include Professor Dominique Bouchet, Associate Professor Søren Askegaard and Associate Professor Per Østergaard, all from the Department of Marketing and Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Odense Main Campus, assisted by Professor A. Fuat Firat from Arizona State University, and Christian Alsted from Alsted Marketing Research in .

Dominique Bouchet, University of Southern Denmark, Qualitative Methods Seminar 1 Location: This course will take place at The University of Southern Denmark Room U 95 on Main Campus, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M. (to the left near the main entrance placed at the Northern part)

Language: The course is taught in English.

Number of course credits: 5 ECTS Credits

Number of participants: A limited number of 25 students will be enrolled in the course.

Prerequisites: No particular prerequisites required for Ph.D. students.

Literature: Classical as well as the most recent literature on qualitative methods and internationalization will be utilized. This will cover contributions from different areas including applied semiotics, projective techniques, participant observation, focus groups, and interviewing techniques. The reading list will be sent to the participants after registration. Participants who already read some of the proposed literature will be provided with more advanced references. A bibliography is available.

Time of evaluation: After the course has been completed.

Examination requirements: The participants are evaluated against a background of active participation as well as a brief report exposing the results of a given exercise to be carried out after the course. The report must be submitted no more than three months after the course has been held. The report will be evaluated by at least two of the faculty members. Assessment is made using the criterion passed/not passed.

Program fee: There is no course fee for participants in this course. However, all meals, lodging, and transportation costs are at the expense of the participants. In order to get discounts, all meal and lodging arrangements – as well as bus transportation in Odense – will be made by the program secretary. The participants will be billed these expenses which are not expected to exceed 4000 Danish Crowns.

Registration: Please inform as soon as possible if you wish to attend. A single page application including a recommendation from your adviser should be sent as soon as possible to our program secretary (Christina Langkilde, [email protected], Fax: 00 45 66 15 51 29).

Do not make your own hotel reservations. Special rates are available through our program secretary for the first nights in Odense and all lodging and meal expenses will be charged to you as a seminar fee which is not a program fee as it only includes lodging and meal expenses as well as local city bus tickets.

Dominique Bouchet, University of Southern Denmark, Qualitative Methods Seminar 2 PROGRAM

The program consists of one intensive week of lectures and exercises. Before, during and after this seminar week, the students will be required to collect data either for their own research project or just for this course in order to learn the data collecting and data interpreting techniques. They will be also encouraged to interact with other seminar participants. Readings for each session presented by the faculty will be provided for those who register for the seminar, and a bibliography will be recommended for the students to select readings from during their research efforts after the seminar. Theoretical presentations by senior faculty members will alternate with reports, field research and experiments by the participants.

Monday, November 19, 2001:

13.00 – 15.30: “Semiotics. Creating Enlightening Differences Part I” by Dominique Bouchet

16.00 – 18.00: “Semiotics. Creating Enlightening Differences Part II” by Dominique Bouchet

18.00 – 19.00: Dinner on Campus at University of Southern Denmark

19.00 – 22.00: Student-presentations of their research project and discussion of the methodologies used. Each student is required to question another participant on his or her research perspective.

Tuesday, November 20, 2001:

9.30 – 10.15: “Principles of Observation Techniques” by Dominique Bouchet

10.30 – 11.30: “Principles of Participant Observation Techniques” by Dominique Bouchet

11.30 – 12.30: Lunch on Campus

13.00 – 18.00: Exercises: Observations on the Market Place (Retail Stores, Shopping Malls, Department Stores, and the like.).

19.00 – 20.00: Dinner at Froggy’s Café, Vestergade 68

Dominique Bouchet, University of Southern Denmark, Qualitative Methods Seminar 3 Wednesday, November 21, 2001:

9.30 – 12.00: Making Sense of the Observations Made on the Market Place. Part I: Organizing the Observations and Discussions. The students discuss their observations in groups.

12.00 – 13.00: Lunch on Campus

13.00 – 14.30: “Visual Data Collection” by A. Fuat Firat

15.00 – 16.30: “Writing Field Notes” by A. Fuat Firat

17.00 – 18.30: Making Sense of the Observations Made on the Market Place Part II: Preparing Presentations The students discuss further in groups their observations and prepare their presentations.

19.00 – 20.00: Dinner at Froggy’s Café, Vestergade 68

Thursday, November 22, 2001:

9.30 - 12.00: Making Sense of the Observations Made on the Market Place Part III: Presentation and Discussion The students present their observations in groups. Some faculty members are present.

12.00 – 13.00: Lunch on Campus

13.00 – 15.00: “Projective and Enabling Techniques” by Søren Askegaard

15.30 – 18.30: “Group Exercises in Projective and Enabling Techniques Part I” lead by Per Østergaard.

19.00 – 20.00: Dinner on Campus

20.00 – 21.30: “Group Exercises in Projective and Enabling Techniques Part II” lead by Per Østergaard.

Friday, November 23:

Dominique Bouchet, University of Southern Denmark, Qualitative Methods Seminar 4

9.30 – 12.00: “How to look at bank notes. Observing the evolution of an object” by Romain Laufer

12.00 – 13.00: Lunch on Campus

13.00 – 16.00: “Open guest lecture” by A. Fuat Firat This means that colleagues will join us to listen to this lecture which is also offered as part of our Research Seminar at the department.

16.30 – 18.30: " Differences and Relationship between Qualitative and Quantitative Methods" by Kazuhiko Okuda

19.00 – 20.00: Dinner on Campus

20.00 – 22.00: The students discuss in groups and prepare a presentation for Sunday morning.

Saturday, November 24:

9.30 – 10.30: “Qualitative Data Coding Procedures” by A. Fuat Firat.

11.00 – 12.00: “Data Analysis in Qualitative Research” by A. Fuat Firat

12.00 – 13.00: Lunch on Campus

13.00 – 16.00: Demonstration of a qualitative research software program by Søren Askegaard

16.30 – 18.30: The students discuss in groups and prepare a presentation for Sunday morning

19.00 – 20.00: Dinner at Froggy’s Café, Vestergade 68

Sunday, November 25:

9.30 - 12.00: Individual Presentations of Student Reflections.

Dominique Bouchet, University of Southern Denmark, Qualitative Methods Seminar 5 Each student presents the results of her/his qualitative reflections and investigations related to his or her research project. Discussion and critique of each presentation by students and Seminar Faculty.

12.00 – 13.00: Lunch on Campus

13.00 – 14.00: “Epistemological Perspectives on Qualitative Research” by A. Fuat Firat & Dominique Bouchet

14.30 – 15.30: Plenary discussion on interpretation, reliability and validity - lead by A. Fuat Firat and Dominique Bouchet. The participants will be asked to prepare this session by reading articles such as: • Kirk, J., & Miller, M. L. (1986). Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research. Newbury Park- London-New Delhi: Sage. • Manning, P. K., & Cullum-Swan, B. (1994). Narrative, Content, and Semiotic Analysis. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research (pp. 463-477). Thousand Oaks- London-New Delhi: Sage. • Kvale, S. (1994). Validation as Communication and Action. On the Social Construction of Validity. In Postmodernist Approaches to Validity in Qualitative Research. American Educational Research Association Conference. New Orleans, April 4-8, 1994:

15.30 – 16.30: Evaluation of the Seminar.

16.30: END OF SEMINAR (trains leave from Odense Station westward towards at 17.04, 17.14, 17.31, 18.04, 18.14 and so on and eastward towards Copenhagen at 16.47, 17.06, 17.47, 18.06, 18.15 and so on… (those leaving at ’.06 and westward at ’14 are more expensive and a little faster).


The literature will be chosen depending of the field of research of the participants and will be communicated upon registration. Participants will be asked to read a few hundred pages of informative and inspiring literature before they come to the seminar. But you can already start reading the books by Jean-Marie Floch, Grant McCracken and Shay Sayre mentioned below.

Consulting some of the following books can give an idea of the subjects approached in this doctoral seminar: • Briggs, C. L. (1986). Learning how to Ask: A Sociolinguistic Appraisal of the Role of the Interview in Social Science Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. • Collier Jr, J., & Collier, M. (1986). Visual Anthropology. Photography as a Research Method. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. • Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (Eds.). (1994). Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks-London-New Delhi: Sage. • Floch, J-M (2000). Visual Identities. London & New York: Continuum.

Dominique Bouchet, University of Southern Denmark, Qualitative Methods Seminar 6 • Gordon, W., & Langmaid, R. (1988). Qualitative Market Research. A practicioner’s and Buyer’s Guide. Brookfield USA: Gower. • McCracken, G. (1988b). The long Interview. Newbury Park, Ca.: Sage. • Mucchielli, A. (1991). Les méthodes qualitatives. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Sayre, S. (2001). Qualitative Methods for Marketplace Research. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi : Sage. • Silverman, D. (1993). Interpreting Qualitative Data. London-Thousand Oak-New Delhi: Sage. • Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of Qualitative Research. Newbury Park, Ca.: Sage. • Van Maanen, J. (1988). Tales of the Field: On Writing Ethnography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


Søren Askegaard is Associate Professor at the Department of Marketing at University of Southern Denmark, Odense Main Campus. He is also Professor at Lund University, Sweden. He has a M.A. in Social Sciences from , a post-graduate Diploma in Political and Social Communication from the Sorbonne University and a Ph.D. in Business Economics from Odense University. His research interests generally lie in the fields of consumer behaviour analysis from a cultural perspective and qualitative research methods. He has published in various journals and anthologies and co-authored a book on life style analysis as well as an international textbook in consumer behaviour. He has been invited to teach and lecture at other graduate business schools in Denmark, USA, Sweden, Poland, UK, Turkey, Belgium and France, and he has spent longer terms as visiting professor at the University of California, Irvine and Bilkent University, Ankara.

Dominique Bouchet has lived in Denmark for 25 years. He was born in Paris in 1949 where he was educated in business economics (ESSEC), international economics (Sorbonne), sociology (Paris 7), town planning (ENPC) and Latin American Studies (IHEAL). He has been an associate professor in international economics and an associate professor in sociology and social psychology and is now Professor of International Marketing at the Department of Marketing at University of Southern Denmark, Odense Main Campus. He is also Professor II at BI in Oslo. His main research interest is in social change and cultural differences. He studies the importance of the cultural dimension in international marketing and management. He teaches courses in cross-cultural marketing, cross- cultural communication, socialpsychology and cultural analysis in relation to marketing and management, marketing and social change, advertising, semiotics. He has given Ph.D. lectures and courses at The Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, at Arizona State University, at the University of California at Irvine, at Stockholm University, Paris Dauphine, Paris Sorbonne, Universidad de Valladolid, Universidad de Valencia, ESADE in Barcelona and for EAISM and for EDAMBA (Two European Business Research Associations organizing international doctoral courses). He has organized several doctoral courses in Business Research, Qualitative Methods, and Semiotics. He has also taught in Belgium, Norway, China, Japan. Dominique Bouchet is the author or co-author of more than 20 books and 80 articles in ten languages. He is on the editorial board of several European and American journals. Frequently used in the media (more than fifty columns, hundreds of interviews), he is also a consultant to many European firms for top level management/marketing decisions, and an invited speaker by many companies.

Fuat Firat is Professor of Marketing at Arizona State University West. He received his degree in HFRQRPLFV /LFHQFLqHQ(FRQRPLH IURPWKH)DFXOW\RI(FRQRPLFVøVWDQEXO8QLYHUVLW\LQ

Dominique Bouchet, University of Southern Denmark, Qualitative Methods Seminar 7 and his doctorate in marketing from Northwestern University in 1978. He has held academic positions at Istanbul University, University of Texas at Dallas, Appalachian State University, and visiting positions at University of Maryland, McGill University, and Odense University. His research interests cover areas such as macro consumer behavior and macromarketing; postmodern culture, the consumer, and marketing; transmodern marketing strategies; gender and consumer research; marketing and development; and interorganizational relations. His work has been published in a number of journals, including International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Journal of International Marketing, and Journal of Economic Psychology, as well as in several edited books. His article "Consumption Choices at the Macro Level," with co-author Nikhilesh Dholakia won the Journal of Macromarketing Charles Slater Award, and his article "Liberatory Postmodernism and the Reenchantment of Consumption," with co-author Alladi Venkatesh won the Journal of Consumer Research best article award for 1995. He won the Arizona State University West Award of Achievement in Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity in the 1998-99 academic year. He has co-edited two books, Philosophical and Radical Thought in Marketing, and Marketing and Development: Toward Broader Dimensions. He is also the coeditor of two special issues of the International Journal of Research in Marketing on postmodernism, marketing, and the consumer. He is Co-Editor in Chief of the journal Consumption, Markets & Culture (CMC), and served as the President of the International Society for Marketing and Development (1995-1997). His latest book, Consuming People: From Political Economy to Theaters of Consumption, co-authored by Nikhilesh Dholakia, was published by Routledge, March 1998.

Romain Laufer is Professor at the department of Marketing at the HEC School of Management - Jouy en Josas France. (HEC: École des Hautes Études Commerciales). He obtained a PhD at Cornell University. His main teaching interests concern the management of public oraganizations, the marketing and management of services , the management of institiutional communication, social science and management, epistemology of management. His research centers on the notion of social legitimacy as a way of analysing the institutional foundations of management. Among his publications are the following books: - L'entreprise face aux risques majeures. A propos de l'incertitude des normes sociales. Paris: L'Harmattan, Paris 1993. - Management public. Gestion et légitimité. Paris: Dalloz. 1980 (With Alain Burlaud). - Le prince bureaucrate.Machiavel au pays du marketing. Paris: Flammarion. Paris 1982 (with Catherine Paradeise). English translation: Marketing democracy. Public opinion & media formation in democratic. New Brunswick: Transaction. 1990. Co-editor ( with Jacques Berleur and Collin Beardon ) of Facing the Risk and Vulnerability in an Information Society, North Holland (1993).

Kazuhiko Okuda is Chief Director of the Consumer Behaviour Research Co., Japan and Emeritus Professor of the Senshu University, Japan. He is Doctor of Management from the Toyo University, Japan 1981. He has been a member of numerous committees in the field of marketing and consumer studies in Japan and abroad with an important number of international, professional affiliations. His research fields of specialization are consumer behaviour (micro and macro), research methodology (quantitative and qualitative), international marketing, and service marketing which are reflected in an impressive list of publications.

Per Østergaard is Associate Professor of Marketing in the School of Business and Economics at University of Southern Denmark, Odense Main Campus. He has taught there since 1988. He holds degrees in social science and philosophy from Odense University. He is a member of the Editorial

Dominique Bouchet, University of Southern Denmark, Qualitative Methods Seminar 8 Board at Journal of Economic Psychology and serve as occasional reviewer at several journals. His publications include contributions to anthologies, journal articles, and conference papers. He has conducted qualitative research projects in Denmark in the area of AIDS/HIV and prostitution, and children's safety. He has participated in a field research project in Thailand using qualitative methods in the study of the knowledge of AIDS. He participated in the "Odyssey Downunder" where a research group travelled through Western Australia doing qualitative research according to aboriginal consumer culture. Currently he does cross-cultural research regarding consumption patterns among young Turks in Denmark and Turkey. Besides interests in qualitative research in cross-cultural settings, he does research in the area of epistemology and the history of marketing theory.

Dominique Bouchet, University of Southern Denmark, Qualitative Methods Seminar 9