Doctoral Seminar “Qualitative Research Methods” A 7 days intensive Ph.D. seminar to be held at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense Main Campus From Monday November 19, to Sunday November 25, 2001 Department of Marketing Southern Denmark University, Odense Main Campus Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark Program Chair: Dominique Bouchet (
[email protected]) Program Secretary: Christina Langkilde (
[email protected]) Phone: [45] 65 50 3264 or: [45] 6550 1000 ask for 3264 Fax: [45] 66 15 51 29) Objective of the seminar: The course aims to provide researchers with a thorough knowledge of qualitative methods as they are developed and used in social research today. The main purpose of this course is to enable the researchers to generate helpful methodological insights into their own research, resulting in a methodologically well grounded, up-to-date, interdisciplinary, reflexive research. Emphasis is placed on methodologies encountered in anthropology, consumer research, cultural analysis, ethnomethodology, ethnology, epistemology, grounded theory, hermeneutics, history of ideas, literary criticism, marketing, phenomenology, psychology, semiotics, social psychology, sociology, system theory, and visual anthropology. Keywords are: adaptive methodology, analogy, autodriving, completion, complexity, consistency, content analysis, creativity, discourse analysis, empathic understanding, ethics, epitomizing, focus group, hierarchy of ideas, information, interpretation, interviewing techniques, introspection, involvement, naturalistic inquiry, observation, participant observation, picturing, projective techniques, reflexivity, significations, symbols, theoretical grounding, triangulation, validity, Weltanschauung. There will be an emphasis on the ethical problems connected with information gathering, writing, and utilization of the research. Central theoretical and practical contributions from the classical as well as the most recent literature on qualitative methods will be discussed.