President Julio Roca and the Welsh Communities of Patagonia Anne Fountain, Peace College
San Jose State University From the SelectedWorks of Anne Fountain 1999 President Julio Roca and the Welsh Communities of Patagonia Anne Fountain, Peace College Available at: SfIA . E itor Humncn,, 1J,re1 Cru� � 111.II l·londa Univc"ity ,,I (c1 . 1.�u1l!lli.Jl.!C� and Lrteralures f)t.� ;1(111k.:OI O f l:of"\.'JCt1.. · - • lu. FloroJa 32708-1348 � l)ox 161:1��- Orlam "inta. and spring by SECOI.AS and lhc in. 11 ·unirncr. fall. Unive0<ity of SELA is puhhs. hc,d " ..:p1.' 1n J i:.,, ,.... • ·,,,,"fodi n-e mJnuscrip1s. should be scnl l<J !he Edi1or al ral Flo n' J \II (nrri: lhe Ctnr a.: _ . lal nnnu,LripL..:. plu, 1inc topy. Uoublc spa,cd. The manu�cri t mu · ;i h< i\ 'C a• dJrc:"I�. S..,,nc1 �in�H' , . • .1· . · . p ' t . 1, ,·cl u,l·t..l in 1h..: !.'HJllnlrnH•r s ui��•P 1me, sue h ru; U rnversity of Chic SOUTH EASTERN " ,nfon,1 tn rh,•. sty 1,., . ago . th,· ,1//.4 511,/,• Slw,•t. ,\Jsu include a sc If-a resscJJ d envelope wiih ,1 M11111wl 11f.\t)_ 1 r. an. J · . 1110,.- ·11pl LATIN AME o turnof the m.u,u,\. �u1mps ( r the re . � $15.00 rncludc ,uhscnplton lo SELA and � Annual SECO/..,\S due, of _ 1hc Annals. nal and l,hr.1ry suhscnpltnns are S20.00. � Student<' dues ,re sx.00. J11,t11Utio v,,,� XLIII, N,,o. ,, 2 '99' FJJl'IDRJAL BOARD ,:id'"' Humberto Lopez Cruz, Editor • L l<ilihlcen Manfn t;� f.,,� (.dwarJ Dc,nl.'.nt.:ho11uk t�· F�n Valk,y Slate l/ni1er,ity Florida ln1ema1ional Univcrsi1y ARTICLES f-d"', .;J , Jarfk:, Hcnck:n.on Elaine Mc Allister p,cs,denl Juho Rocaan d the Welsh Commun�{-<1orl'�,.!n_:'!, .
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