President Julio Roca and the Welsh Communities of Patagonia Anne Fountain, Peace College

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President Julio Roca and the Welsh Communities of Patagonia Anne Fountain, Peace College San Jose State University From the SelectedWorks of Anne Fountain 1999 President Julio Roca and the Welsh Communities of Patagonia Anne Fountain, Peace College Available at: SfIA . E itor Humncn,, 1J,re1 Cru� � 111.II l·londa Univc"ity ,,I (c1 . 1.�u1l!lli.Jl.!C� and Lrteralures f)t.� ;1(111k.:OI O f l:of"\.'JCt1.. · - • lu. FloroJa 32708-1348 � l)ox 161:1��- Orlam "inta. and spring by SECOI.AS and lhc in. 11 ·unirncr. fall. Unive0<ity of SELA is puhhs. hc,d " ..:p1.' 1n J i:.,, ,.... • ·,,,,"fodi n-e mJnuscrip1s. should be scnl l<J !he Edi1or al ral Flo n' J \II (nrri: lhe Ctnr a.: _ . lal nnnu,LripL..:. plu, 1inc topy. Uoublc spa,cd. The manu�cri t mu · ;i h< i\ 'C a• dJrc:"I�. S..,,nc1 �in�H' , . • .1· . · . p ' t . 1, ,·cl u,l·t..l in 1h..: !.'HJllnlrnH•r s ui��•P 1me, sue h ru; U rnversity of Chic SOUTH EASTERN " ,nfon,1 tn rh,•. sty 1,., . ago . th,· ,1//.4 511,/,• Slw,•t. ,\Jsu include a sc If-a resscJJ d envelope wiih ,1 M11111wl 11f.\t)_ 1 r. an. J · . 1110,.- ·11pl LATIN AME o turnof the m.u,u,\. �u1mps ( r the re . � $15.00 rncludc ,uhscnplton lo SELA and � Annual SECO/..,\S due, of _ 1hc Annals. nal and l,hr.1ry suhscnpltnns are S20.00. � Student<' dues ,re sx.00. J11,t11Utio v,,,� XLIII, N,,o. ,, 2 '99' FJJl'IDRJAL BOARD ,:id'"' Humberto Lopez Cruz, Editor • L l<ilihlcen Manfn t;� f.,,� (.dwarJ Dc,nl.'.nt.:ho11uk t�· F�n Valk,y Slate l/ni1er,ity Florida ln1ema1ional Univcrsi1y ARTICLES f-d"', .;J , Jarfk:, Hcnck:n.on Elaine Mc Allister p,cs,denl Juho Rocaan d the Welsh Commun�{-<1orl'�,.!n_:'!, . .. ... .. J ·· 1,., . ,i�·i, � Cua.,1,al (a,ulina University Kt:nnc:saw State Univcrsi1y Anne Fountain , I\(' S ... ...- . L a rosa modem1sta de Fah,o Fiallo �':.-,;,/' Rafael E. Jlcrn{md�, Wallraud Queiscr Morales L p ................... .. ....................................................... 12 An.lavin Co11\..'Cr!<L'.C11lli;ge University of Florida Carlos X. Quotas R' Us: The Role of Sugar in US Rcla1iuns 1lum1a.'i Le,mar<l Michele Zehich-Km1s wi1h 1he Trujillo Regime, 1947- 1957 ........ .......................................... 23 Uniwr,ity of North Florida Kennesaw State Univcrsily Michael R. Hall T Manlio Argue!: A "Commiued" Third World Aulhor ........................................................ 38 S0lJl1I EAS ERN CUUNCJLON LATIN AMERICAN SnJDIES Roben K. Anderson President ol SF.COLAS. 19'/'J-2000... ............................... .............................. Kenneth J. Mijc,ki The SlalUs ofWomen in Revolulionary Cuha: East Tc.!nncs!<el.! S1a1t· Uni'rt:�ity An Examinaliun of Education and Employment ................................................................ 50 Charlotte A. Cosner f>n:,.1di:111-Ekc..:t.......•.... ............................. .................. , ......... , .............. Pan1d:1 S. Murray University or Alnbama �11 Birmingham From Peddlers lo Empresarios: The Lebanese in Lalin America .................................... .. ...........................................65 fal11ur uf SF.I.A ......................................... .......... Humhertn l (1pc1 Cm,. Eric N. Baklanoff Univer�ity of C..:1111:d Flt11ida American Opposi1ion to Pueno Rican S1a1ehood: A,.,,!olant 111 ttic Editor .............................................................. ....................... Ar,·Ji.., I. 1:i:rru The Politics of Culture ............................................. ............................... ..................... 77 Diana Velez S.·,rc1 ..ry·Treasurer of SECOI.AS ................................. ................................. .. University of Cc1111al l·loriJa "II Man,.oni" en Cecilia Valdes .............................. ...................................... .................. 102 Crislina Guzzo f;..!11111 ul Annal ...... ....................... .................... Nancy W. Shu,n:tkcr G�orgi:l s..,u1l11.:111 Uni\lt:f:-lly NEWS AND NOTICES ........ ................................ .. ........................................... 119 .. ........................................ 120 "JJ!J'-J-> South Eu.,ti.:m Council on Latin Amerit·an Sludics AWARDS ................ .................... ........................... ISSN 0049-1527 BOOK REVIEWS .. ..................... ......................... ............................................... ......... 121 Summer• Fall 1999 / 1 ARTICLES Plan to attend SECOLAS 2000 47th Annual Conf ere nee PRESIDENT JULIO ROCA AND hosted by the Coastal Carolina University THE WELSH COMMUNITIES OF PATAGO�IA Anne Fountain to be held in Myrtle Beach, South Carol ina Peace College March 9- l l, 2000 A1 the southwestern corner of the Rccolela cemeteryin Buenos THE SOUTHEASTERN COUNCIL Aires-on a quiet and shaded street-is a small museum/library ON LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES dedicated 10 the memory of Julio A. Roca, President of Argentina from 1880-1886 and again in 1898-1904.' For many, Roca is best Invites members* known for .. La Campana del Dcsierto," a quasi extem1ina1ion to submit papers and complete panel proposals campaign. concluded in 1879, against dispersed Indian groups for the conference. remaining in Argentina. Al the same time, he, like other presidenLs of the Republic in the second half of the 1800s, showed a clear inter­ est in encouraging European immigration as a way of populating lands in places like Patagonia and "civilizing" the nation as a whole. *You need not be a member at the time you submit your Just a block away from the Roca museum, facing a busy avenue proposal, but all conference participants stands a modest bul handsome monument dedicated to Guillermo (presenters, chairs, and discussants) Rawson, the illustrious statesman who did much 10 promote Welsh colonization in Argentine Patagonia and the man for whom the must be SECOLAS members. capital of Chubu! province is named.' The Rawson monument, in addition to featuring a laudatory quote by Bartolome Mitre, bears a plaque-given in 1965- to note the centenary of the foundation of the capital city of Chubut. This plaque, with a dedication by the Theme: province 10 ··Guillermo Colcsbery Rawson" shows the arrival of the Latin America Encounters Welsh pioneers to Patagonia and has the heading "Desembarco de los galeses/28 - julio - 1865." The 21st Century Seen simply as reflections of Argentine history which share the relative tranquility of an attractive neighborhood in Buenos Aires, Keynote Speaker: Elena Poniatowska lhe Roca library and the Rawson statue seem unlikely links for a litlle-known chapter in the immigration annals of Argentina. Bui, in fact, both Rawson and Roca gave specialconside ration to the Welsh; Sessions on all topics are welcome. both arere membered with appreciation; and Rocais something of a her he perso ally Deadli ober 31, 1999 o to the Welsh community because a century ago n ne for Proposal: Oct intervened in an important dispute involving their religious beliefs. The significance of R oca's visits to the Welsh communities in Patagonia in 1899 is the focuso f this article. a sl Sumnwr • Fall l \199 1 rn Latin Americ ni 3 2 1 South Easte ies in Patagonia had their origin 0- rma ne n t s e ttleme t th e n am Raws on, in ho no: of the o ffic i al who The We_lsh comm unit in a col � � P pe ad romo ed he e t d d effort danng from 1865 and confomung to a c lassic .. t t s t lement an create spe c1ticallyfo r them the nizing ·1........... h p immigration to the New World. The p h Ush first rg n n e agncu hu ra l an d cattl e-ra isin g colony.' T h e sen lers and pull'' paHern of . us was A e ti fostered by Welsh yearnings to preserve language and heri O e n e nest to adJUSt to the new soil and climale and conditions . t a"" in the be!!a in ar . E ng 1 1· s h encroach ment m the artificial irrigation was inst gate the face of mcreasmg _ nineteenth 1 • of�farming improved after i d.• In centu·n. ,· the pu 1 was prov1 de dy tb e h desire of the Aro"'entin e govern first years the We lsh learned to trade with the Indians and 1 e m ent decisive under President Bartolome Mitre ( 1862-1868) t 0 e to ame t initially in hospitable terrain, making peace with · \ "' . 0 · nc ourao t he E uropean sett ement. nclsh a ents mterest· ed in ·1 n 1m 1g· . ,, natives and its nature. ."" . ra11on sent. Patagonia-both its two men to mves11gate the opuons m Pataoonia and . "" t h es. e. two men the We lsh had to rely a great deal on a spirit of self d an interview with Guillem10 Although secure . Rawson · th e Ar gen11ne m· ·. decade they did receive some provisions . inis. fficiency, in the first ter of the lntenor. The delegates paid a visit to the lands of su . the lower e Argentine government in the form of grains, livestock, cash valley of the River Chubut and returned to W a1 e from th s with h opefu I weapons fordefense against the Indians.'" The reports., In 1865. the first colonizer · subsidies. and even s from Wal es amved-a bo t b rather than enemies: they aided . · a 1 oad dians. however. proved to e allies of one hundred and fifty-three men ' wornen, an d childr In garand M1111o. sa, en · Th e1r· by giving meat and hides in exchange forbread, su vesseI , the anchored at Golfo Nu e o, the Welsh v a a.roe"" bay at I he further helped the newcomers by serving as northernmostpart of the Chubut re 1 conon cloth, and they gion on July 28_, o fauna. Thanks to the Indians, teachers in regard to the local fl ra and Th_e arrival was inauspicious. The GolfoNuevo "boleadoras"and to make bav was· . so deep the Welsh learnedhow to use lariats and that 11 was difficultto finda place to drop anch Th: et fo r the vicissitudes of ,; d ay was cold use of a sturdy ··quillango•· or fur blank s and rainy. The land which awaited the se;t�- two group co-existed . ers was desolate, inclement weather. By all indications the wind-whipped,and punished by sea salt · A singI y Indian attacks were rare.
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