Christ Is Risen!

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Christ Is Risen! snsr" Khrystos Yoskreslf Christ is Risen! "EASTER 1S THE HOPE OF ALL," WASHINGTON, D.C. - cates of an enhanced U– The U.S. State Department кгалііап national identity. SAYS JulNT PASTORAL MESSAGE said it was "aware" of the in– We have been aware of the ROME, italy. 'Easter is our people not counting careeration of valentyn Mo– tragic situations of such the Feast of Hojie, the foast Siberia - are scattered across roz, Leonid Pliushch and well-known Ukrainians aa of hopes fulfilled and those all continents cf th.– earth, it other Ukrainian political pri– valentyn Moroz, Leonid attained by hard work and st-епш as though hope is no– soners and has raised Pliushch and others for effort. Despite all failures, ob– where in sight." the question in discussions some time and have con– stacles. frustrations and suf– The hierarehs, however, re^ with the Soviet officials, ac– demned their arrests as feringa, Easter shines with mind that 'the last word in cording to an official com– violations of the principles І heavenly gleam of ultim;U. Christ's teachings is not the munique by the State Depart– j outlined in the Universal j victory and God blessed suc– grave but life, r.ot death but ment'e Bureau of Public Af– Declaration of Human '' cess," proclaims the joint eternal t'f– no' Friday but falra. Rights. Outer pastoral message of the ;ster Sunday. AJtbCugh the Soviet Go– і Ukrainian Catholic hierarchy, Тле pasioi.j goes on to Apparently in response to j vernment doc's not recogni– j headed by Archbishop-Major -i-ge !Tcraintnn faithful living numerous querries by U.S. le– j ze a foreign government's j Josyf Cardinal Slipyj. ІП the countries of the free gialators and American citi– j right to intercede officially Hope, as the prime sustain– world "to take advantage of zens, the State Department! On behalf of Soviet citi– j ing force for humanity, espe– the blessings of freedom and published its official stand on j zens accused of violating j ialiy fur the l'krainian people ! develop our Church and com^ the repressions of Ukrainian j Soviet lawB, we havee dis– і ind the Ukrainian Church, is; munity life, in Ukraine there dissidents and its efforts on і cussed the question of hu– І the recurring theme of thej is no such opportunity... Let their behalf in the Depart–! man freedoms with Soviet t pastoral message which ex-j us celebrate Raster in the ep(- ment'e letter-headed Public і authorities on numerous j horts the faithful to abide by rit cf Christian Ukraine," ex– information Series newsletter. occasions. Public concern І the Christian precepts, to re– j hor,s the pastoral. Tht– full text of the state–, lawfully mainifewted by or– tain the beauty of the Ukrain–! The message goea on to ment is as follows: ganizations and prominent ian rite, to live in communion J cite the vmic:ui Onmcil Ц The US Government has personalities in the United A-ith God and fellow-men, toi Десгее on Oriental Churches, traditionally condemned States can importantly І lve in devotion to the Ukra– 1 ЛііеЬ stresses the preserva– the persecution of minori– complement these govern– nian Church and people. І tlon of liturgical rites and tra– ties and the suppression of mental efforts. "Easter brings hope'for the' ditions. fundamental human free– For the future, we are Jkrainiiin people as well," j "1^-t us work so that, doms. We strongly disap– convinced that an expan– uud the message citing the J among other 'pomlsnl' orove of pressures exerted ding and improving rela– 'act that they and the Church lmrches, the TTcrainian by the Soviet Government tionship between the Uni– і Ukraine are now esperien– Ch. rch is an equal among aimed at restricting the na– ted States and the Soviet ing the suffering of the coUaUi within the Holy Uni– tional, religious and cul– Union will provide the Good Friday." versal Church." , tural 'freedom of indivi– most reliable framework . The Church, said the mes– Kt'A'ier, says the pastoral, duals and groups in the within which traditional j -.age, is "buried in the grave is the aasurance of religious Soviet Union. American views on human j f modern catacombs," while and national revival in U– "P The arrests of dissident rights can be most effecti-^– WL thousands of tht– he-st eons ). :;ur.L–. figures in the Ukraine ap– ve!y communicated to So– nd daughters of our people "History hes not known a pear directed against advo– viet authorities. j '.re languishing in prisons and greater tragedy than Good hi exile." Friday, but neither has it Prominent Americans "More than three mPUon of ff 'ПІІІШ^ЧІ on p. Z) lTrgp Senators Speak Out For Могож, Bnkovsky ^Easter - Start of New lAfaP NEW YORK. N.Y. will of the American people.' JERSEY ClTY,, NJ. - Communist despots," wtpte Eleven prominent American The letter was signed by The wnquering of death and Pastor Bahrij. He concluded evil by the resurrection of the pastoral letter by sending authors, literary critics, pub– writers Norman Mailer, Cliw Christ and the start of a new Easter greetings to l'krain– lishers and artists issued a Barnes, Patricia Barnes, Ed- ^^5^^5^^2^й^Ж^^e^^^г^^^Z^Ч^S^їC^г^'в^Ж^^ life are the principal themes ians of all faiths and in por– joint appeal to 13 U.S. Sena- ward Albee and Robert Mas– of the Eaater pastoral letters ticular to those who work tors, urging them to inter- sie: actors Geraldine Fitzge– Writers Elect O. Tarnawsky Senator Case Responds issued by the All-Ukrainian for the benefit of our nation cede before Soviet officials on rald and Joel Grey; theater To Head Association To Constituents' Requests Evangelical Baptist Fellow- and are suffering for their behalf of valentyn Moroz and director Harold Prince: Cle– WASHINGTON, D.C. - and some even ' from New ship and the Ukrainian Evan– religious and national beliefs rence Brown of Princeton NEW YORK, N.Y. - Ostap diiok, Ulas Samchuk, Ulana viadimir Bukovsky, according On March 19th, representa– York and Philadelphia, made in the Soviet Union." University; Robert Bernstein, Starosolsky, John Fizer, mem– gelical Alliance of North to a news release by the Com– Tarnawsky, Ukrainian poet tives of the Committee for the it clear that the Senator's re– "There is not, nor can there president of Random House hers: ivan Smoliy heads the America. mittee for the Defenee (of and essayist of Philadelphia, Defense of valentyn Moroz fusal to meet with the Com– ever be, a greater, more mak Publishers; and Richard Got–" auditing board, with ivan The Fellowship's letter was Soviet Political Prisoners was elected president of the met with Mr. Bryen, Admini– mittee was interpreted as a jestic or glorious event in the tleib, president of Knopf Pub- Bodnarchuk and Maria Stru– signed by Pastor Oleksa Har– here. Ukrainian Writers Associa– strative Assistant to Senator refusal to meet with hie con– world than the one heralded Ushers. tynska chosen as members. buziuk, president, and Pastor tion "Slovo" at the organiza– Clifford Case, Republican of stituents. by the angePs statement to The 13 American legisla– They apprised the Senators Also serving on the commit– Nicholas Brych, general se– tion's fifth conference held New Jersey. On March 16th, Senator Case's office then the women — "He has tors were scheduled to leave that Soviet intellectuals are tee as vice-presidents are cretary, while the Alliance's here Saturday and Sunday, the Committee was informed contacted the Moroz Com letter was signed by Pastor risen," wrote Pastor Harbu. for a trip to the Soviet Union. being incarcerated in prison heads of the Association's by its New Jersey branches mittee in Washington and Wolodymyr Bahпу, president, ziuk. "May we take this oppor– camps and psychiatric asy– March 22-23. in the past branches in Europe, Canada term, Mr. Tarnawsky served that Senator Case was to asked that representatives and Pastor Wolodymyr Bo– "Despite the enemy's de– tunity of urging you to stress lums for speaking out in de– and Australia.; they are Yurij leave on March 21st for a trip So– 1 as the secretary of the Asso– meet with the Senator's Ad' rowsky, secretary. struction of our Church, dear to the Soviet authorities the fense of basic rights of Bojko, Yuriy Stefanyk and to the Soviet Union. The trip, ministrative Assistant, Mr A land without spring is ( pite the suffering of our bro– continuing interest of thej viet citizens. ' 1 ciation, while its president Dmytro Nytchenko, respecti– however, was temporarily "Please respond by expres– і was Hryhoriy Kostiuk. vely. Bryen, that afternoon. Mr. similar to a land where the, tberhood for its faith, despite American people in the hu– postponed. For two days, at– Bryen. voiced a protest con– people cannot celebrate East–' repressions against the faith– sing to thr– Soviet leaders the і Other members of the exe– Mr. Kostiuk was named man rights movement in their tempts were made to secure cerning the number of tele- er. We are not referring to' ful servants of our Church, concern of the people of this cutive committee are: Svyato– honorary president of the As– country," said the letter, "it an appointment to meet with phone calls received at the of- the non-Christian nations, but 1 with hope we go forward to country for the issue of hu– j slav Hordynsky, vice-presi– sociation, while Mr. Sam– should not be thought by Mr. either the Senator or his fice stating that he "spent Easter does not exist for a the victory of justice, the vic– Brezhnev and his colleagues man rights in general and the І dent, George Grabowicz, Do- chuk was elevated to honor– aides.
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