Geomorphologic Effects of Human Impact Across the Svydovets Massif in the Eastern Carpathians in Ukraine
PL ISSN 0081-6434 studia geomorphologica carpatho-balcanica vol. liii – liV, 2019 – 2020 : 85 – 111 1 1 1 3 PIOTR KŁapYTA , KaZimier2 Z KrZemieŃ , elŻBIETA GORCZYca , PAWeŁ KrĄŻ , lidia dubis (KraKÓW, lViV) GEOMORPHOLOGIC EFFECTS OF HUMAN IMPACT ACROSS THE SVYDOVETS MASSIF IN THE EASTERN CARPATHIANS IN UKRAINE Abstract - : contemporary changes in the natural environment in many mountain areas, espe cially those occurring above the upper tree line, are related to tourism. the svydovets massif,- located in the eastern carpathians in ukraine, is a good example of an area that is currently experiencing intense degradation. the highest, ne part of this area is crisscrossed with nu merous paths, tourist routes, and ski trails. the strong human impact the area experiences is occurring simultaneously with the activity of natural geomorphologic processes. the processes occur with the greatest intensity above the upper tree the development of the discussed- area has been occurring gradually since the early 20 century. it started when the region belonged to austria-hungary, then czechoslovakia, and subsequently the ussr. now that it be longs to independent ukraine the level of tourism-related development has sharply increased. comparing it to other mountain areas, such as the tatras, the alps, or the monts dore massif in France, the svydovets massif is being reshaped much more rapidly due to the damage caused byKeywords human impact. : human impact, tourism-related deterioration of mountains, high mountains, svydovets, eastern carpathians, ukraine INTRODUCTION - man plays a huge role in the reshaping of the geographic environment and hu man activity is especially noticeable in the mountains.
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