Tilting trains Description and analysis of the present situation by Rickard Persson Literature study ISBN 978-91-7178-608-1 Postal Address Visiting address Telephone: +46 8 790 8476 Royal Institute of Technology Teknikringen 8 Fax: +46 8 790 7629 Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering Stockholm E-mail:
[email protected] Rail vehicles www.kth.se/fakulteter/centra/jarnvag SE-100 44 Stockholm Preface This study has been carried out at the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), Linköping in cooperation with the Royal Institute of Technology, department of Railway Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. This study is part of “Gröna tåget” (the Green Train). The financial support from VINNOVA and the Swedish National Rail Administration, Banverket (BV) is acknowledged. This report covers tilting trains and known tilting technology as well as an analysis of the present situation. Abstract This report is divided in two main parts, the first, chapters 2 to 7, covers knowledge found in the literature study. The two first chapters in the literature study give a description of concept of, and a state of the art report on, tilting trains. Development trends are identified and reported. The next two chapters report on track and the interaction between track and vehicle. Cross-wind stability is identified as critical for high-speed tilting trains and limitation of allowed cant deficiency may be needed, reducing the benefit of tilting trains at very high speed. The second last chapter in the literature study deals with motion sickness, which may be important for the competitiveness of tilting trains. However, reduced risk of motion sickness may be contradictory to comfort, one can not be considered without also considering the other.