198 P. MARTINS-LOPES et al.: Markers for Food Traceability, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 51 (2) 198–207 (2013)

ISSN 1330-9862 review (FTB-3172)

Molecular Markers for Food Traceability

Paula Martins-Lopes*, Sónia Gomes, Leonor Pereira and Henrique Guedes-Pinto Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Centre of Genomics and Biotechnology, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (IBB/CGB-UTAD), P.O. Box 1013, PT-5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal Received: August 16, 2012 Accepted: January 17, 2013

Summary DNA analysis with molecular markers has opened a way to understand complex or- ganism's genome. It is presently being widely applied across different fields, where food takes a preeminent position. Constant outbreaks of foodborne illnesses are increasing con- sumer's attention towards more detailed information related to what they are consuming. This overview reports on the areas where food traceability has been considered, and the problems that still remain to be bypassed in order to be widely applied. An outline of the most broadly used PCR-based methods for food traceability is described. Applications in the area of detection of genetically modified organisms, protected denomination of origin, allergenic and intolerance reactions are detailed in order to understand the dimension of the performed studies.

Key words: food traceability, DNA extraction, PCR-based methods, molecular markers, GMO

Introduction values, (ii) presence of genetically modified organisms (GMO), (iii) allergens (e.g. peanuts, milk, mustard or Traceability/product tracing is defined by the Codex fish), and (iv) food additives. Alimentarius Commission as the ability to follow the movement of a food through specified stage(s) of its pro- GMO legislation varies among countries; according duction, processing, and distribution (1). The same defi- to some, any food containing material which consists of nition has been adopted by the European Union (EU) or is produced from GMO in a proportion higher than Regulation No 178/2002 including, besides food, 'feed, 0.9 % is obliged to be labelled (5), while other countries food-producing animals or substance intended to be, or do not impose any labelling. Based on these consider- expected to be, incorporated into a food or feed' (2,3). ations, it is important to have an efficient food control system capable of detecting GMO presence in countries The development of food traceability systems is be- where it is required. coming more demanding since consumers and produc- ers are seeking more notable foods with high quality Consumers have also increased their interest in food guarantee. As a consequence, food traceability is re- allergies and intolerances. Food allergies affect around quired by consumers and government organizations be- 5–8 % of children and 1–2 % of adults, although self-re- cause it is a significant component of food safety. Con- ported food allergy is higher and runs at approx. 25 % sumers are interested in choosing what they are eating of the population (6). The most effective way of prevent- based on nutritional value and product origin, where la- ing allergy episodes is through the avoidance of any aller- belling information has an important role (4). There is gen-containing food, which can only be achieved through restricted legislation concerning food labelling, which has a full information about the presence of any potential al- to be pursued, and according to each country's norms, it lergens in a given food product. Nevertheless, some food concerns several parameters, among them: (i) nutritional products are still not correctly labelled.

*Corresponding author; Phone: ++351 259 350 936; Fax: ++351 259 350 480; E-mail: [email protected] P. MARTINS-LOPES et al.: Markers for Food Traceability, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 51 (2) 198–207 (2013) 199

There is great interest in gluten content in food, be- Labelling control will increase in the near future, cause many coeliac, an immune-mediated illness, patients imposing the development of more accurate, cheaper and do not tolerate cereals in their diet. Strict avoidance of expedite systems for this purpose. In this way, new de- gluten at levels that will elicit an adverse effect is the vices, as microchips, will have to be developed in order only means to prevent potentially serious reactions. Thus, to control, in the same chip, several factors simultane- consumers susceptible to coeliac disease need accurate, ously (e.g. presence of GMO, allergens, and gluten). With complete, and informative labels on food. Therefore, the the large genome sequencing programs and the develop- Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act ment of chips with more information, it is expected that (FALCPA) requires also that the Food and Drug Admin- a system with multi-gene trace will exist, which will be istration (FDA) promulgate a regulation to define and able to trace all these occurrences in one single reaction. permit the use of the term 'gluten-free' on the food la- bels (7,8). Food-producing companies consider traceability leg- DNA Extraction Protocols islation as an additional production cost, but it could play an interesting commercial role in order to attract Molecular marker technology can be applied for food consumers' attention if it is directed to specific market traceability, although its wide application is limited main- niches linked to food safety and to high quality products ly because DNA samples, suitable for PCR amplification with certified origin. Along with consumers' growing at- procedures, are difficult to obtain. Some processed foods tention to these issues, each country is also interested in contain highly degraded DNA, which results from high protecting its own quality products, increasing world- temperature treatments and manipulation methods, and/ wide the regulation on certified products. The legisla- or from the presence of PCR inhibitors. The DNA status tion, although tight, is still easy to circumvent, since may affect extensively the subsequent PCR amplifica- most of the control measures used are ambiguous and tion. A way to avoid these problems may be by improv- lack the correct determination of the controlled parame- ing DNA extraction protocols or PCR assay design and ters. As a result, the EU has recognized and supported conditions (14–16). the potential of differentiating quality products on a re- DNA degradation is primarily linked to processes gional basis. In 1992, the EU Council Regulations No carriedoutatlowpHanditincreasessignificantlywhen 2081/92 (9) and No 2082/92 (10) introduced an integrat- performed in combination with thermal stress (17–22). ed framework for the protection of geographical indica- Even more, DNA can be more fragmented when it is ex- tions and designations of origin for agricultural prod- posed to enzymatic hydrolysis (23,24) as in fermentation ucts and foodstuffs. Recently, both documents have been processes (25,26), or when it is subjected to grinding and replaced by EU Regulations No 510/2006 (11)andNo milling processes (mechanical stress) (27), as it happens 509/2006 (12), respectively, and the EU Regulation No in oil extraction procedures (28–30). 1898/2006 (13) was added. The EU regulation allows the application of the following geographical indications to Depending on the food matrices, the DNA extrac- a food product: protected designation of origin (PDO), tion method needs to be optimized and scaled down un- protected geographical indication (PGI) and traditional til a suitable protocol is obtained. Several papers have specialty guaranteed (TSG). The use of geographical in- been reported considering this issue, i.e. adapting DNA dications allows producers to obtain market recognition extraction protocols to food matrices (Table 1; 14,16,26, and often a premium price. The false use of geograph- 28,29,31–37). ical indications by unauthorized parties is detrimental to The extraction buffer most widely used in food prod- consumers and legitimate producers. In order to fulfill ucts is based on hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide all the requirements of the regulations mentioned above, (CTAB). However, every protocol has to be adapted ac- the development of new and increasingly sensitive and cording to each matrix. Nowadays, there are several DNA accurate techniques for determining/detecting the pres- extracting commercial kits available on the market that ence of a particular component in food is highly desir- have demonstrated to be appropriate for processed food able for consumers, producers, retailers and administra- (14,21,38–42). Nevertheless, these methods are still not al- tive authorities. ways suitable for all food matrices that need to be adapt- DNA has characteristics which make it an ideal bio- ed to each one in particular. logical tool: (i) it is present in most biological tissues, Apart from the DNA degradation, DNA extraction whereas proteins and other components may be tissue- protocols have to account for the presence of PCR inhib- -specific, (ii) it can be amplified starting from very low itors (15). Several organic compounds found in food ma- quantities, and (iii) it is more stable than other molecules trices, such as polysaccharides, fatty acids, polyphenols, (e.g. proteins) towards physical and chemical procedures oils and tannins (43–46) may inhibit/interfere with the in processed food. Therefore, DNA is an interesting tar- PCR reaction. Standard protocols have been modified in get for food control regarding traceability purposes. The order to avoid DNA contamination with these particular DNA-based tests that have been more widely used in substances, combining specific extraction buffer with en- the authentication of species used in foodstuff produc- zymatic treatments, isopropyl alcohol precipitations and tion are real-time (RTi) and other polymerase chain reac- several wash steps. During DNA extraction optimiza- tion (PCR)-based methods, essentially due to the fact tion, the purification steps seem to have an important that they require a very small amount of sample, which role. In some cases, a simple step to avoid PCR inhibi- can sometimes be a problem when using other detection tion can be achieved through a sample dilution, which is methods. actually the most effective (14). 200 P. MARTINS-LOPES et al.: Markers for Food Traceability, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 51 (2) 198–207 (2013)

Table 1. DNA extraction protocols for different food matrices fied that short fragments (less than 200 bp) amplified in all samples, while longer amplicons were dependent on Sample type Extraction method Ref. the product and extraction methods. biscuits CTAB buffer (31) CTAB buffer (28) Single nucleotide polymorphisms hexane (29) Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the honey CTAB buffer (32) smallest unit of genetic variation and represent the most common type of sequence polymorphism in plant and must and wine CTAB buffer (16,26, ® animal genomes. SNP markers are biallelic (in diploids) and DNAzol 33) providing an exact allele information. SNPs have been flour-based products CTAB buffer (34) used to construct high-resolution genetic maps or to trace (biscuits, breakfast cereals, evolution, particularly in the human genome. SNP iden- bread) tification methods are based on expressed sequence tag beer CTAB buffer (34) (EST) data, on array analyses, amplicon resequencing, rice-based drink CTAB buffer (34) genome sequencing, and the use of next-generation se- quencing technologies (71). When compared with other rice-based products SDS-based (35) types of markers, such as restriction fragment length (boiled rice, crackers and cakes) polymorphism (RFLPs), random amplified polymorphic refined vegetable oil CTAB buffer (34) DNA (RAPDs), amplified fragment length polymorphism (sunflower, soya, maize) NIAB and GENECLEAN® (14) (AFLPs) and SSRs, SNPs offer higher levels of genotyp- chocolate CTAB buffer (31) ing throughput (72). SNP application for food traceabi- lity may offer several advantages, the most attractive one Nucleon® phytopure kit being the fact that they can be detected on a very small soya milk official Swiss method (36) portion of DNA, which in the case of fragmented DNA potato and potato-derived CTAB buffer (37) may constitute an advantage. SNPs have been applied in products KingFisher® method food for traceability of olive oil (29,53)andmeat(73). In Wizard® method the near future, microarrays based on SNP sequences may be widely applied for food traceability purposes.

Real-time PCR PCR-Based Methods Real-time PCR (RTi-PCR) is a powerful, specific, ac- curate, and sensitive technique for the quantification of Microsatellites or single sequence repeats nucleic acids by monitoring the increase of product through Microsatellites are tandem repeated motifs of 1–6 bp, the fluorescence detection throughout the complete pro- in tracts up to 102 bp, which have a frequent occurrence cess (34). RTi-PCR allows the quantification of each par- in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes. Single sequence ticular constituent using extrapolation to a regression repeats (SSRs) are distributed through the whole genome curve constructed with calibrators at known concentra- (although their distribution depends on the species and tions. The advantages of RTi-PCR include the reduction chromosome) and are flanked by highly conserved se- of time and artifacts, which is achieved by the elimina- quences (47). The high level of polymorphism is due to tion of gel electrophoresis, and the increase of specificity different number of repeats in the microsatellite region, that is obtained by using probes. therefore they can be easily and reproducibly detected Target sequences for plant RTi-PCR assays should by PCR. These markers are amenable to high throughput be species-specific, conserved in different , pres- genotyping and have proven to be an extremely valuable ent in low copy number, and should not be subjected to tool for paternity analysis, construction of high density genetic manipulation (34). In the case of GMO detection, genome maps, mapping of useful genes, marker-assisted known genetically manipulated genes are targeted to de- selection, and establishing genetic and evolutionary rela- tect and quantify the amount of contamination found. tionships (48). The detection of several alleles at a high There are several methods available for the development frequency makes SSR markers an ideal tool for identify- of RTi-PCR: (i) SYBR green (74,75), (ii) TaqMan (74–76), ing specific species and in some cases one particular speci- (iii) Amplifluor (75), (iv) molecular beacons (74), (v) men in food. SSRs have been used to trace animal meat minor groove binding (MGB) (74), (vi) Scorpion primers (49–51), olive oil (30,52–57), must and wines (16,33,58– (76), and (vii) fluorescence (or Förster) resonance energy 62), blueberries (63), rice (64), cherry (65), tomato (66) transfer (FRET) (77). Although several methods have and wheat (67,68), among others. been developed, the most commonly used is TaqMan When dealing with food matrices, some constraints (78). Doveri and Lee (14) developed crop-specific assays may appear concerning the application of molecular mark- from primers designed using the 5S DNA spacers and ers, mainly considering the reproducibility linked to the amplified corresponding DNA samples using both con- highly degraded DNA samples (53,60). Therefore, the use ventional end-point and real-time PCRs. Furthermore, of SSR sequences that present lower allele size is recom- these assays enable the identification of maize, sunflower mended in order to achieve a more reliable result in food and soya in highly processed food matrices, mainly due samples that present highly degraded DNA (68–70). Do- to the high copy number of this specific region present. veri and Lee (14) in their work with processed food veri- Pasqualone et al. (79) designed a RTi-PCR assay capable P. MARTINS-LOPES et al.: Markers for Food Traceability, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 51 (2) 198–207 (2013) 201 of quantifying common wheat adulteration in semolina, Table 2. Genes used as reference for a particular species in GMO allowing the detection of bread wheat in food products determination that should only have durum wheat like pasta and Alta- mura bread (PDO designation). Recently, a real-time PCR Gene Target species Ref. method has been developed for seafood products in order g-hordein barley (84) to authenticate European sole (Solea solea). The method ACC1 (84) was applied to 40 commercial samples to verify correct PKABA1 (85) labelling, proving to be a useful tool for food label mon- itoring and regulation verification (80). gos9 rice (84) oryzain b Other PCR-based methods lectin (86) Several other PCR-based methods have been devel- SPS oped in order to have more discriminative markers for helianthinin sunflower (84) food control purposes. Ohtsubo and Nakamura (35)de- acetyl-CoA carboxylase wheat (84) veloped a set of 14 sequence-tagged sites (STS) that could discriminate among 60 dominant Japanese rice PKABA1 (85) cultivars. They developed a primer set that was applica- lectin soya bean (87) ble for traceability purposes in several rice-based food le 1 (88) products (boiled rice, crackers and cakes). b-actin (89) Sad1 cotton (90,91) Application of PCR in the Food Sector Adh1 maize (92) Genetically modified organisms invertase1 The EU legislation dictates the labelling of geneti- zein cally modified food and feed products (5,81). According Hmga to the current directives, labelling is required for food acetyl-CoA carboxylase rapeseed (82) products containing more than 0.9 % of authorized GMO. Hmg I/Y (93) Quantification of transgenic DNA requires the analysis of species-specific reference genes that provide an esti- BnACCg8 mation of the total amount of the DNA from that plant papain papaya (94) species; hence quantification can be calculated as GMO CHY (95) proportion. It is also important that these reference genes LAT52 tomato (96) do not exhibit allelic variation, and ideally have a con- stant number of copies per haploid genome across dif- ferent cultivars of the target species (82). Several species- -specific reference genes have been obtained for the most paya, pepper, potato, rapeseed (canola), rice, soya bean, relevant plant crops that have been submitted to genetic squash, sugar beet, tomato and watermelon (99). How- transformation. Usually, plant storage proteins are known ever, improved methods have been developed for previ- to be highly species-specific and they are the target of ously mentioned and/or not mentioned species regard- various endogenous reference RTi-PCR assays (e.g. zein ing a consistent quantification assay such as: cotton (90), for maize, lectin for soybean, g-hordein for barley) (83, maize (22), soya bean (22,100), and wheat (101). 84). However, several other unique genes have been A real-time PCR method was developed for the dif- used as reference; a brief summary is presented in Table ferential detection and quantification of four Solanaceae 2(82,84–96). species in GMO analysis: potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), A classic GMO gene construct has at least three ele- tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), eggplant (Solanum melon- ments: (i) promoter element – start signal, (ii)geneofin- gena L.), and pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) using an en- terest, and (iii) terminator element – stop signal. How- dogenous reference gene, b-fructosidase, for the detec- ever, other elements can be present in the gene construct. tion (102). Quantification of GMO content in food can be obtained Querci et al. (100) developed a unique screening tool by using promoter or terminator sequences, meaning that for the unequivocal identification of all currently EU-ap- the target is not the event per se, which may generate proved and unapproved GMOs known, which were estab- false positives (96). However, this may give indication of lished according to the Regulation (EC) No 2829/2003 the GMO presence mainly when the modification (gene (5). The 'real-time PCR-based ready-to-use multi-target ana- of interest) is not known. lytical system for GMO detection' was applied to maize, The first attempt of GMO food quantification was cotton, rice, oilseed rape, soya bean, sugar beet and po- based on quantitative competitive PCR (QC-PCR). Nev- tato. The limit of detection (LOD) was determined to be ertheless, with the development of RTi-PCR platforms, at least 0.045 % expressed in haploid genome copies (100). this method was replaced (78). In relation to the GMO Furthermore, this GMO detection system was success- analysis, both matrix-based and pure analytical reference fully applied in 64 commercial maize chips (103). material (RM) have been used (24,97,98). Several GMO modifications have been targeted in PDO traceability – olive oil case study most transformed crops. A list of major GMOs and PCR- -based methods for their detection can be found in a re- PDO olive oil regions have been established by leg- cently published review concerning cotton, maize, pa- islation to enhance the quality of this product, to ensure 202 P. MARTINS-LOPES et al.: Markers for Food Traceability, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 51 (2) 198–207 (2013) both consumers' expectations and producers' profits. Vir- label the presence of potential contaminants along the gin olive oil commands a premium segment of the mar- food production chain of these specific products (123). ket that attracts adulteration attempts with vegetable seed In principle, any molecule that is allergen-specific oil inclusion in their matrices (104). Several techniques may serve as a marker of its presence in food. However, based on olive oil composition (e.g. gas chromatography, DNA and specific proteins are targeted for this purpose and silica gel column chromatography) have been applied (124). DNA-based methods have provided reliable tools to detect these adulteration events (105–108). However, for detecting hidden allergens in a wide range of foods using the same type of methodology, some difficulties (78,125). Thus, several DNA-based methodologies have have been encountered in distinguishing olive cultivars been developed for the detection of nut allergens in pro- in both drupe and olive oil samples, mainly because their cessed food such as: almond using RTi-PCR with SYBR® characteristics are strongly influenced by environmental GreenER™ (124,126,127), hazelnut using TaqMan RTi-PCR conditions (109). (128); peanut using TaqMan RTi-PCR (45), macadamia DNA-based markers, which are independent from nut using TaqMan RTi-PCR (40), and pecan nut using environmental conditions, have been widely applied to PCR with pecan-specific primers and TaqMan fluorescent olive research (110). Nevertheless, several problems with probe (129). Most of these detection methods are based homonymous and synonymous denominations have been on the design of primers linked to allergenic genes, so pointed out in the literature in terms of olive germplasm, they are directly targeting the origin of the problem. which may compromise a correct identification Allergies to tomato, carrot and celery constitute a and influence the development of a reliable traceability growing concern for food producers since their use has system in olive. Apart from this, intra-varietal genetic been increasing in various products. Recently, a DNA variation has also been detected (111,112), which can com- extraction method, a duplex PCR assay and RTi-PCR plicate this DNA approach even more. Thus, it is urgent procedure have been developed to detect these particu- that a dependable olive database be generated, contain- lar allergens in commercial food products (130). ing all available data, in order to have a better overview Cereals can trigger coeliac disease (gluten entero- of the work that is needed in terms of germplasm evalu- pathy). The proteins gliadin (wheat), secalin (rye) and ation. This database may define a set of markers that are hordein (barley) are described as causes of this disease discriminatory for traceability purposes. (131). These proteins cause a characteristic damage of Methods of DNA recovery from olive oil have been the small bowel mucosa. This adverse reaction is a life- developed (29,53,54), and several molecular markers have long illness, so persons with gluten enteropathy have to been successfully applied for olive oil traceability. The be on a gluten-free diet to avoid the use of cereals con- techniques that have been applied in this context are: taining gluten (132). In order to be able to detect its pre- AFLP (28,113–115), RAPD (28,30), inter-simple sequence sence in several food products, a PCR-based assay was repeat (ISSR) (30,116), sequence characterized amplified developed targeting high molecular mass (HMM) glute- region (SCAR) (28,53,109,117), SSR (30,52,53,55,57,79,118), nininwheat,kamut,speltandrye;geneHor3 in barley SNP (46), and more recently, chloroplast DNA direct se- and gene encoding the 12S seed storage protein in oat quencing (70,119). (132). In association with these studies, RTi-PCR meth- Recently, Giménez et al. (70) have used real-time SYBR ods have been established for the specific discrimination Green-based PCR to detect amplification of DNA olive of wheat, rye, barley, maize, almond and oats in several oil samples. The authors suggest that this method can be food samples, using melting curve analysis (133–135). considered a useful tool in the development of molecu- lar markers (primer combination selection) for olive oil Meat sector authentication since it allows the inspection of PCR effi- The meat market is often exposed to fraudulent prac- ciency (70). tices concerning deviations from declared ingredients, mostly with the inclusion of cheaper meat. In order to Food allergy and intolerance control efficiently this market, accurate and robust meth- Food allergies might be defined as adverse, immu- ods are required regarding both fresh and processed meat. nomediated (IgE-mediated) reactions to food that can The use of PCR-based methods has demonstrated to be occur in intolerant individuals. The reaction may vary suitable for both types of meat samples (136–138). Ac- considerably from a mild urticaria to potentially lethal cording to Dalvit et al. (139), traceability in the meat sec- anaphylactic shock. The most common allergic reactions tor is divided into three major categories: (i) individual to food include cow's milk, crustaceans, hen's egg, fish, animal identification, (ii) genetic traceability of , tree nuts (such as walnuts, pecans and almonds), pea- and (iii) genetic traceability of species. nuts, soya beans and wheat allergy (120). To safeguard The importance of individual animal identification the sensitized individuals, the legislation on food label- was raised when several animal disease outbreaks (i.e. ling has established clear guidelines in the EU, defined foot and mouth and BSE diseases) appeared in the EU in the Directive 2007/68/EC (121), which requires man- countries. Several security and quality issues were raised datory labelling of 14 groups of allergenic food ingredi- by consumers and importers, obliging the EU to regulate ents: cereals containing gluten, crustaceans, eggs, fish, pea- the labelling system (EU Regulation No 1825/2000, 140). nuts, soya beans, milk, nuts, celery, mustard, sesame, However, this system is based on paper document con- sulphur dioxide and, more recently, lupine and molluscs. trol and tags, which can be easily adulterated. In order For allergic and intolerant persons, full information re- to overcome this concern, animal DNA typing has been lated to the potential presence of non-desired food com- proposed as an alternative methodology. SSRs (50,141, ponents may be a key point of survival value (122). In 142) and SNPs (73,143–145) have been amongst the most many countries, food products must discriminate on their widely applied molecular markers for this purpose. P. MARTINS-LOPES et al.: Markers for Food Traceability, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 51 (2) 198–207 (2013) 203

IntheEU,severalanimalPDOandPGIproductsare ences the potential for adequate implementation and prepared using exclusively one animal breed. The detec- fulfillment of legislation and labelling requirements. tion of the presence of a specific breed in the products requires a previous knowledge of specific molecular Acknowledgements markers capable of identifying the breed, and in the case This research was supported by the Portuguese Found- of processed food, the application of these markers to ation for Science and Technology, Portugal (FCT) through different matrices. The ability to use SSR markers has the projects PTDC/AGR-ALI/69516/2006, PTDC/AGR- allowed the identification of several animal (142). -ALI/117341/2010, strategic project PEst-OE/EQB/LA- Thesemarkersareavailabletobeusedincontrolof 0023/2011, postdoctoral grant to S.G. (SFRH/BPD/70378/ PDO and PGI certification. When dealing with highly 2010) and PhD grant to L.P. (SFRH/BD/44781/2008). processed food products, the molecular markers used need to target small fragments in order to overcome the high rate of DNA degradation present in those samples References (136). The application of SNP markers can be a solution. Some work has been done in the authentication of Par- 1. Principles for Traceability/Product Tracing as a Tool with- migiano Reggiano cheese, produced only with milk of in a Food Inspection and Certification System, Codex Ali- Reggiana dairy cattle breed, using a coat-specific marker mentarius, CAC/GL 60 (2006) (http://www.codexalimentarius. net/web/standard_list.do?lang=en). MC1R gene (145). 2. Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament Regarding genetic traceability of species, the major and of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down the concern is based on the use of cheaper meet in processed general principles and requirements of food law, establish- food. Some molecular markers have been developed to ing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down identify clearly different species of wild boars and Ibe- procedures in matters of food safety, Off. J. Eur. Union, L31 rian and Duroc pigs (146), fish and seafood (reviewed (2002) 1–23. by Rasmussen and Morrissey, 147), chicken (137), Mus- 3. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 931/2011 covy duck (148)andgamebirds(149). Most of the mo- of 19 September 2011 on the traceability requirements set lecular markers developed for this purpose are based on by Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parlia- mitochondrial sequences. ment and of the Council for food of animal origin, Off. J. Eur. Union, L242 (2002) 2–3. Recent research has been focusing on quick and reli- able methods that will allow the analysis of multiple 4. K.G. Gruner, J.M. Wills, A review of European research on consumer response to nutrition information on food labels, samples simultaneously. Recently, a commercial micro- J. Public Health, 15 (2007) 385–399. array-based tool has been developed (150). This system 5. Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament permits to screen 33 species (fish, birds, and mammals) and of the Council of 22 September 2003 on genetically in one test, using a reverse dot hybridisation technique modified food and feed, Off. J. Eur. Union, L268 (2003) 1–23. on a DNA microarray that analyses the vertebrate mito- 6. J.R.Cornelisse-Vermaat,J.Voordouw,V.Yiakoumaki,G. chondrial cytochrome b gene. Fajardo et al. (151), using Theodoridis, L.J. Frewer, Food-allergic consumers' label- DNA1000 LabChip (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, ling preferences: A cross-cultural comparison, Eur. J. Public CA, USA), were able to identify ten game and domestic Health, 18 (2007) 115–120. meat samples in a single run, taking only 1–2 h to ana- 7. C. Diaz-Amigo, B. Popping, Gluten and gluten-free: Issues lyze the samples. and considerations of labelling regulations, detection meth- ods, and assay validation, J. AOAC Int. 95 (2012) 337–348. 8. Approaches to Establish Thresholds for Major Food Aller- Conclusions gensandforGluteninFood,FoodandDrugAdministra- tion (FDA), US Department of Health and Human Services, Food security and traceability are closely related. In The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (2006). the last decade, traceability initiatives have been in prog- 9. Council Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92 of 14 July 1992 on ress for products that have become of utmost importance the protection of geographical indications and designations in the agri-food export markets of numerous developing of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs, Off. J. countries. New DNA-based diagnostic methodologies are Eur. Union, L208 (1992) 1–8. being developed in order to increase consumer's confi- 10. 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