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PAGE FORTY WEDNESDAY, MARCff 29, 1972 Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Clock Boy Scout Troop lao wUl meet An Easter Bake Sale will be Broad Brook; Mrs. Ruth Sim- About ToMnn tonight at 7 at Uie St. Jam es conducted by the Manchester M a n c h ^ te r Russians Jail cauirch baaement. ard, 00 Essex St.; R<S>ert Vlo- Jaycee Wives tomorrow from 5 lette, 428 Lake St., Bolt<m; Mrs. 0 Itanten of the VFIW Poet to 9 p.m. at Sears at the Park- Hospital Notes Jeanlne W elch, 39 Fulton St. Three Scientists Lottery Winner and AuxlHary wlU m eet tomioi> Senior and Cadette airl Scout ade. Any Jaycee wife wishing EVERY FRIDAY 7:30 PM. BHITHS YESTERDAY; A The Weather iw at 7 p.m. at the Foot Home leaders wishing to help rid baked goods picked up may v is r n N a h o u r s MOSCOW (AP) — A Moscow and proceed to the Holmes Fu Camp Merrte . Wood cf the Intermediate Cake Semi- son to Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas I 769SS Cloudy and cool through Fri contact Mrs. Richard Boldrock City Court has sentenced three [ neral Home, 400 Mlain S t, to gypsy moth wUl meet toidght at of 6B Finlay St. or Mrs. Donald private, noon - 8 p .m ., and 4 Constatine, Glastonbury; a day; tonight’s low near 36. To pay reepect* to the late JuUue p.m. - 8 p.m.; private rooms, daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Doug scientists to 13-year terms~in morrow’s hlg^ in mid to upper 7:80 at the home of Mrs. Her Malmey of 38 Autumn St., co- story Page 10 IBodean, a memher of the poet. bert TVler, U Ooodwln St chairman of the project. 19 a.m. 8 p.m., and 4 p.m. • 8 las Higgins, East Hartford; a labor camps for running an iHmurljpatpr lEtipnttm llpraUi 49s. Saturday's outlook . son to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Jor party cloudy, seasonable. p,m . education racket. Manehester-^A City o f VUlage Charm Pediatrics; Parents allowed dan, 426 Center St.; a son to BINGO The labor newspaper Trud re AT any tim e excep t noon—8 p .m .; Mr. and M^s. Nathanael Mathieson, Meadow Lark Rd., ported today that the three took KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LODGE (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) others, 8 p.m. • 8 p.m. bribes and used their influence! MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1972 (ClaMilled Advertisbig on Pace 89) Vernon; a a<m to Mr. and Mrs. 188 MAIN ST. MANCHBISTBR PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Self S erv ice: 10 a.n i. ■ 8 p .m .; to help unqualified students en 5o y 4 p.m . - 8 p.m . Ralph ZegarelU, 147 South St., Apt. 9, R ockville. roll in higher education in Intensive Care and Coronary stitutes. The paper also said at ^ DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Care: Immediate famUy only, least three students were sen Allan Spak, RFD 4, Bolton; any time, limited ito five min tenced but did not give their trtes. Janet Engbert, 77 Doane St., terms. Read Herald Advertisements Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m. • Donald Longueull, Somers; Wil Bulletin bur Bruce, West Rutland, Vt.; 18:48 p .m ., and O;.^ p.m . - 8 llte new re^qimrttaiunent HerVe Desruisseaux, Blast Hart' p.m.; others, S p.m. 4 p.m., plan for liie Oonneottcut Gen Fiery Explosion £ a & j t £ h , and 0:80 p.m. - 8 p.m. ford; Ronald Gravell, 10 Ash eral Aesembiy today wem de worth St.; James Hartnett, Wil Age Limits: 16 in maternit}’. clared nnooneUtotloiial by a llmantlc; Mrs. Rose Reale, 72 Depend on the MEAT PEOPLE at 18 in other areas, no limit In Federel DMrict Court in Hort- self-service. Oak St.; Adrian St. Pierre, 199 f<»d. W. Center St.; Mrs. Farrell Ail emergency patients and PINEHURST The Democratic Party Webb, 64 Bigelow St.; Elizabeth outpatients are requested to use brought the eult, charging that Frost, Glastonbury; John Vince, the new emergency room to bring: you the finest in EASTER HAMS and remember that you cannot redletrlcting favored Bepubii- Kills 6 Workers 232 New State Rd., Apt. C; Mrs. g:et fresher better EGGS fo r Iarg:e Grade A A Strickkmd oons by geirymonderlng. The FLOWERS entrance off Armory St. Access o m Clara Varaell, New Britain. court agreed, eaying ilie phui BRnxiEWATER, M . Three were taken to Cardinal fire engines and police cruis to the entraiKe is via existing Farms white eg:g:s sold at Pinehurst. ('AP) — Six perscms were re FROM driveways. Also, Mrs. ReJane Larson, denied the plaintiff, equality Qishlng Hospital In Brockton. ers.” North Windham; Mrs. Ann Kri- under the law. ported killed and 11 persons One was admitted and his con He said windows were Uown were injured early today when dition was reported as good. Patients Today: 808 eski, 43 M arble S t.; Jeffrey all about MORRELL HAMS The Judges’ panel eold it out in buildings in the area. Broad, Enfield; Shannon Eddy, would oiqraint a epeclol mas a chain-reaction series of ex The other two were treated for George Easter, 23, who lives 3 plosions followed by fire ripped m inor burns aiKl cuts. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: 442 W. Middle Tpke.; Leslie H ere's a A better buy because they are hockless, shankleas;. ter to nu^^a new phui of re- a half-mile from the site, said, fismJtLanxL Mrs. Doreen Baab, 8 Hillsdale Drost, 138 Oak ^t.. South Wind opportionment. through the scattered wooden A massive traffic jam was "I heard the first explosion go waste free . round end almost boneless. v buildings of a manufacturer of Dr., Rockville; Mrs. Gloria sor; Sandro Squatrito, 37 Jordt created by the e^losion at the off. I didn't know what the hell surprise... fire works equipment. Berghuis, leo Benedict Dr., St.; Paul Mills, RRl, Coventry; site, on Route is about three it was. Then I figured it was They are sure fo pleasei South Windsor; Mrs. Bertha Mrs. Mary Dunlop, 101 Hamlin ABBRLE FARMS FULLY COOKED . eat as is . or enhance Bridgewater Deputy Fire miles outside Bridgewater, and the fireworks plant.” Binkerd, 46 B ruce R d .; WiUiam St.; Mrs. Agnes Reardon, 36 GOLDEN HARVEST the flavor by gently heating in the home oven. Chief Arthur Joyce said six on Route 26, a m ajor toad lead "They usually test about this Bcgner Sr., 'Brandy Rd., Bol frozen oven ready young bodies were found in the rubble ing to Cape Ood. Come See our wide and choice Ansaldi Rd.; Mrs. Mary Ogden, HEN TURKEYS . the W eigh 121/2 to 15 lbs. — buy whole or butt tim e of d a y ," Easter sedd. ton; Wendy-Anne Bonney, East 137 Branford St.; Mrs. Joan at 1.39 lb. Meskill of the blasted buildings. He Tom Roulstone, a newsman "They test the rockets and that Hartford; Frederick Brandt, 68 brand we feature for the said the bodies were blown for WOKW in Brockton, said, selection of Easter Plants, Corsages Send Hie F.T.D. Wood, 81 Bretton Rd.; Mrs holidays . at a lower price sort of thing. But then more ex- Spruce St.; Mrs. Theresa Char- Marion Shemanski, 701 Main A mighty fine HAM fully cooked . about apart. "For about three miles you can ette, Enfield; Victor Cuebas Other fire outhoritiee said see nothing but ambulances. (See Page Ten) and Fresh Flower Arrangements . St., Apt. 2; Donald Bruce, 10 lb. weight.... Short Shanked Happy Nest Jr., Willlmaintic; Mrs. Mary Pearl St.; Mrs. Lois Plourd, 606 IOV2 to 14 lbs. Budget m ore bodies m ight be found In Dowd, Warehouse Point; Mrs. Wetherell St.; Mrs. Nancy Pen' the wreckage. They said Jn on Babelle Edgett,. 30 Crosby Rd.; ton, 5 S. Farm s Dr. some cases the Umbs of the Mrs. Helen Fazzina, 169 Birch 55* lb. DUBUQUE dead had been blown off the St. Also, Mrs. Erwin McNally and bodies. Easter Basket and for the small family P ared Also, Mrs. Geraldine Fergu- daughter, East Hartford; Mrs. HAM PoUce said they believed 16- 8<»i, 40 Brent D r., Vernon; Mrs. Thomas Janiak and son, Staf 7Y2 to 9 lb. sizes HARTFORD (AP) — The leg- 29 persons were at work In tAe Obscenity Bill fo r ford; Mrs. Richard Darby and Charlotte Gilbert, 176 E. Mid only 59c lb. (these are too smaU to Isloture’s Appropriations Oom- factory, Interstate Pyrotechnics Big G irls! dle Tpke.; Mrs. Pauline Legas- s'-n. «'nBt»mhHry; Mrs. Lecmard sell other than whole) mlttee has come up with a Inc., but reports from employes sle. Broad Brook; Mrs. Mlldrer' Szozesny and son, 21 Berkley budget Democratic - leaders soy of too number at work ranged THE FLORIST Disk, 3 Falrvlew Ave., Rock- Rd., Vernon; Mrs. John Maige- would give state empk^es a from 19 to 60. lony and son, 40 Orchard St., raise and aUU trim some $1 Passed by House “Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere” vUle; Heidi Martin, Rt. 66, Co More About HAMS The injured were taken to lum bia; Sean Nace, 1206A W. Rockville; Mrs. Ste”**” r^^e^ev million tram the budget of Re Ample Parking: All Around Us! hospitals in the area. The hos By SOL R. COHEN SAVE! Cash and Middle Tpke.; Lyle Neddow, 18 and daughter, 118 McHae St, If a 6 lb. cut, round, aemi- publican Gov. Thomas J. Mes- pitals said most were not se Apt. D; Mrs. James Phelps and boneless is. your size . we kin. (Herald Reporter) 24 BIRCH ST., MANCHESTER Bank St.; Darlene Petersen, riously hurt.