PAGE FORTY WEDNESDAY, MARCff 29, 1972 Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Clock Boy Scout Troop lao wUl meet An Easter Bake Sale will be Broad Brook; Mrs. Ruth Sim- About ToMnn tonight at 7 at Uie St. Jam es conducted by the Manchester M a n c h ^ te r Russians Jail cauirch baaement. ard, 00 Essex St.; Rert Vlo- Jaycee Wives tomorrow from 5 lette, 428 Lake St., Bolt Senior and Cadette airl Scout ade. Any Jaycee wife wishing EVERY FRIDAY 7:30 PM. BHITHS YESTERDAY; A The Weather iw at 7 p.m. at the Foot Home leaders wishing to help rid baked goods picked up may v is r n N a h o u r s MOSCOW (AP) — A Moscow and proceed to the Holmes Fu­ Camp Merrte . Wood cf the Intermediate Cake Semi- son to Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas I 769SS Cloudy and cool through Fri­ contact Mrs. Richard Boldrock City Court has sentenced three [ neral Home, 400 Mlain S t, to gypsy moth wUl meet toidght at of 6B Finlay St. or Mrs. Donald private, noon - 8 p .m ., and 4 Constatine, Glastonbury; a day; tonight’s low near 36. To­ pay reepect* to the late JuUue p.m. - 8 p.m.; private rooms, daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Doug­ scientists to 13-year terms~in morrow’s hlg^ in mid to upper 7:80 at the home of Mrs. Her­ Malmey of 38 Autumn St., co- story Page 10 IBodean, a memher of the poet. bert TVler, U Ooodwln St chairman of the project. . 19 a.m. . 8 p.m., and 4 p.m. • 8 las Higgins, East Hartford; a labor camps for running an iHmurljpatpr lEtipnttm llpraUi 49s. Saturday's outlook . . . p,m . son to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Jor­ education racket. Manehester-^A City o f VUlage Charm party cloudy, seasonable. Pediatrics; Parents allowed dan, 426 Center St.; a son to BINGO The labor newspaper Trud re­ AT any tim e excep t noon—8 p .m .; Mr. and M^s. Nathanael Mathieson, Meadow Lark Rd., ported today that the three took KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LODGE (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) others, 8 p.m. • 8 p.m. bribes and used their influence! MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1972 (ClaMilled Advertisbig on Pace 89) Vernon; a a the tax-reform qu estion , a Tax reform is the No. 1 issue But he said that the decline g row in g issue in the \^8Conaln of them in the Milwaukee area. presidential primary campaign. with Gov. George C. Wallace of Shurfine COUPON in food prices can be expected Muskle defended the labor peotod the commlttee-propoeed SUGAR because carcass beef prices are “I’m pleased to see that now, walkout from the Pay Board in budget wtxild yield a surplua of dropping and not because Oon- at last, Hubert Humj^rey is go­ a talk to a labor raUy Wednes­ $16 million or more largely be­ 5lb s.6 9 e nally caUed the chains 4n for ing to have some help fighting day night at Sheboygan. cause of the money-producing S a R 4R« private talks. In the ne^ few against the Mg boys for a folr He said the Pay Board "is power of the new lottery. V. With This Ckiupon When weeks, Mitchell said, meat tax system," the Minnesota living up to its name—^it is pay­ The committee accepted Mes- Shurfliie Cream Style You Buy a 6 Oz. Jar of prices should go down to the senator told about 150 union ing off corporations with wages kill’s projection of $14 millicm _ _ INSTANT level that prevailed during die leaders in Racine Wednesday of Americans.” from the lottery during the next CORN price freeze last year. night. fiscal year. Alfano said he ex­ McGovern bought a pair of pected $26 million at the rate axwell housecoffee He said that "meat prices "F o r 20 years it’s been a boots for two plan^gate appear­ 3 303-caiis 69e M ’ are going down no matter what lonely battle in the Senate, the lottery Is catching on in ances, then swapped snowballs CcnnecUcut. AT PINEHURST ______is said because of competitlMi." standing up for fair taxes. I with his Secret Service guards. Oonnally said he foresees didn’t just pick it up in Wiscon­ Alfano said he hoped MeskUl ae Pierre Salinger, caunpaJgnlng CLAMATO JUICE - . . WITH "quite a satisfactory decline"' sin because property taxes are could give quick approval to for McGovern, said the South Carton ef 6 6-oz. cans ^ D OZi JRr ORIv 81 * cbimN in meat prices, but he added a hot issue," he said. Alabama and Sens. George the measure and the General Dakotan has a chance to win ______—/ that "I don’t think you can at­ Humjdirey used the theme re­ McGovern of South Dakota and Assemby could approve it in the Wisconsin primary but 6 9 c ._ ^OUyOUPpHPEJIFmY.OFFMEtPIHK____ ^ tribute’ this to the fact that we peatedly Wednesday as he and Edmund S. Muskle of Maine less than two weeks. would be hurt badly if he sinks called them in." other Democratic presidential hammering at it the hardest. In other major leglslaUve ac- 3 WHISK The secretary said he emiriia- contenders slogged through an The snowstorm snarled cam­ (See Page Ten) (See Page Ten) (Ded Pack} Va-foL $1J9 Downeast Syrup Frozen in Forest rog, 22,9S LAVORIS Va Freel 26.6-ot. for the price with this coupon of 20-ok. (Limit one coupon per family) Silence Rules the Sugar Bush R eyamable piygH U R S T $1.25 Expire. A P R tt, g, 19W ATHENS, Maine (AP) — another bad year for syrup pro- sap will run, and we’ve still got a little money can be made No. 269 Moat years you’d be hearing ducera^ 4-5 feet of snow on the ground." from It." MEAT the sound of sap dripping out of “When the first sap run is de­ Harding and his '93-year-oId The first year he sold maple the maples and into buckets layed, we never make It up at wife, Becky, have been in the syrup, he got $8 a gallon. Now THERMOMETERS around Ted Harding’s woods the other end of the season," he maple products business nine it’s $10 a, gallon, which is m ore AVAILABLE IN: RED and BONE CRINKLE PATENT . . . GOLDEN SUEDE . . . CHOCOLATE SUEDE 72 about this time. said. "I’ve never gotten more years. than enough to cover a produc­ 98c than a drop pajrt April 29." VALUAIfLE COUPON "You ought to be hearing a er’s investment and labor costs, It takes 49 gtdlons o f sap, In 1863, they turned oVer BLUE DENIM SUEDE . . . 3-TONE, NAVY-BLUE DENIM-RED SUEDE , . . MOST SIZES! ping, ping, ping, pliV7 in those according to Harding. which looks Ukf clear spring their wholesale carnation busl- LYSOL SPRAY THIS COUPON WORTH buckets," Harding said as he water, to make one gallon of ’'We can’t even begin to meet stood in the center of hla' 36- syrop. And Harding, Maine’s the increasing demand. Last 14-01. $1.29 - — TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF acre sugar bush. laisest maple products produc­ Ted Harding’s year everyone was out of syrup 6 CANS CALO COMPLETE 151/20Z, 006 OR CAT FOOD But there was only sUence. er, Is geared to selling 1,000-1,- by October, and it looks like it WOOLITE Normally the woods would be 500 gallons of syrup a year. might be that way this fail," he Buckets Quiet said. AT PINEHURST singing with sap trickling into The severe winter of 1071 REGAL MEN’S SHOP 1 0 -o i.$1J9 buckets and gurgling through caused a shoit season and Hard­ The Hardings sell strictly to THE CO H PLere MEN’S STORE" miles of plastic pipeline into ing’s "first bad year." His In-state stores and gift sh

h MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1972 PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING GERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 80, 1972 PAGE THREE Lucet, oTras ttv» some gown. more mod Image- and sent his nedy’s nurse through eight his­ They both hung the dress away wife out to Saks Fifth Avenue to toric years, has signed to do a Fernofi Pantaluk Featured Soloist Sheinwold on Bridge in their clezets after turning up buy him a more “with it” din­ book for OPTitnam’s, with a ghost I Police Report | Washington Whirl twins at a dinner dance. ner Jacket. Alongside Treasury NORTH writer from Indlanapous. A six-year-old Manchester 8AVE THE TRUMPS Secretary John Conna^, who 4 1 7 6 boy, Ryan Albei;s of 21 Oval Se^rvice G>imsel Sets At 10th Grand Knight Show ABID YOU SAVE ALL By MAXINE CHESHIRE wore a black velvet Ji^et and By AUTBED SHEINWOLO C? K 4 3 President Nixon won’t be red­ In between zinging “ hatq>y Lane, was struck by a car yes­ Featurad aololat on tbe tenth The WasktegSia Past faced if the Russians don’t roll black velvet bow tie to Perie One of the reasons for teach­ O A 6 3 birthday" and “for he’s a Jolly terday afternoon as hp was Grand inglit o f Ifuaic eponaored WAlOlINOTON — Oolumniit Edward Bamwtt WlUlaina, who Mesta's party, Peterson com­ Budget of $35,000 ing a beginner to draw trumps 4 A J72 out the red carpet for him whan good fellow” at Assistant Secre­ crossing Waddell Rd. near Pio­ hy the KnlfliU o t Columbiu to Rbwland Evana can attezt to ITT haz had hiz zhare of Ooza N oz^ he vislta Mozcow In May. Air plained that he still felt staid as quickly as he can is that this W ESt EAST tary of State William MaCom- neer Circle. Driver of the car, be held April and 8 at Eaat lobbylzt DIU Beard’z health cUentz. Force I now reportedly carries a and stuffy. The first annual budget of the The multi-services center, gives him something definite to B 9852 ber’s birthday party here this Robeirt S. Hewitt of 106 Seaman Cathcdlc B0«fa School «U1 be ♦ 4 lUxMzniz. Bhuoute to a gover- ” ... long length of plush scarlet pile Hockanum Valley Community which is expected to open in do. This is on a par with teach­ C? Q J lOA At the Mesta party, the most week, Jordan’s King Hussein tjircle, told police he was travel­ Peter Pantaluk, aon o( llr. and O A9752 by Edward Fields, bought for Services Council, specifically for June, Is the second major un­ ing the opening lead by advising O 10 7 non’ conference in Sun Valley, Michael Vlner, dinctor of zpe- understated Jewelry was worn promised his hostess and some ing south on Waddell Rd. when kCra. Peter Pantaluk, 40 Footer 0 QI954 the trip to Peking because some­ a multi-services center, has dertaking of the Council. The beginners to lead the card near­ Idaho, two yeara ago, Mn. cia! projeetz for M-0-M-, amuzed by Mn. Perry Bass of Forth of her female guests that he the child darted ^ t in fnxit of S t 4> 643 ♦ KJ one suspected cornotly that the been set at $85,000. est the thumb. It's better than Beard zuftered >a zZiiure in the gueztz at a Sunday brunch by Wprth, whose oU-rich husband will bring, his British-bom wife. his vehicle.. first Is a Day Care Center A 1988 graduate o f Manchea- SOUTH Red caUnese might not make the The proposed center will be no rule at all and haa the virtue zmall eight zzzx plane In ndUch playing hiz company*z newezt was once Connally’s law part­ Princess Muna, on his next which is expected to open ter Kgh School, he atudied 4 AKQ 10 3^ coloAuI welcoming gesture As Hewitt was stopping at the mostly funded by contributions of getting the play started. For zhe and Bvznz found themzelvez recording of political zatlre: ner. With a high-necked, long- visit. soon. ^ 8 themselves. scene, his brakes failed and his trumpet at the New England experienced players a better fellow pazzengen. After Evanz “Tbo Prazidentz,” which fea- rieeved black dress, M n. Bass from money donated by contri­ Another portion of the budg­ Oonaervatory of Xualc and the K 8 : car struck a car operated by' rule is; Don’t draw trumps im­ revived her wHh hqurbon anOan turez Lzuigh-in'z Gary Owznz w ore a length (rf Inch-wide “ rib­ butions from other organizations et money, $6,500 w ill be fo r the Berklee School of Mualc in Boa- 0 9 8 J<^ B. Meloy of Cervans Rd., and individuals. The council is mediately If you foresee compli­ emergency oxygen tank, zhe qteaking agalnzt “The Battle With everything Chinese now bon” looped casually around her CarelesA Boatmen salary of an office manager ton. He haa played extenalvely West N oitk Eaat confided that her doctor had Hymn of tl^ ^public.” The Rockville, who also stopped also aiqdylng for some state cations. the vogue, Turkish Ambassador neck and hanginq loose like a who will also act as bookkeev with banda playing Jan and Pass 2 NT Pass forbidden hzr to fly in imprez- zpoof comparez zuppozed zlml- AUSTEN, Tex. (A P ) — Texas when he saw the accident, police grants. South dealer. Melih Esettbel’s wife sUcks an­ scarf. Instead of being made said. er, secretary and receptioniriv^ contemporary muaic. He haa Pass 3 4 Pass zurized aircraft becauze of her laritlez between the Uvez of Ab- Parks and Wildlife' Department O f the total budget, $12,000 East-West vulnerable. tique chopsticks through her of grosgraln, the tailored adorn­ Other expenses will include toured wldt the Jimmy Doney All Pass heart ccndlttcn. raham Lincoln and Richard M. Executive Director James U. The Albers boy was treated would be for the salary of a co­ Opening lead — Queen of/^ hlgh-pUed coiffure as orna­ ment was fashioned of large orcheatra and the' Glenn Miller Cross says 1971 statisUcs show at Manchester Memorial Hospi­ ordinator. One-half the amount rent, Janitorial services, tele­ Hearts. At a VIP zhowing of “The Nixon. Examplez: “Prezldent ments. diam onds. tal and released. phone, travel, office equipment, band, and more recently haa Godfather." MoUen Picture Az- haa a dog named Check- that in most cases, carelessness of the salary will be paid by the West leads the queen of hearts trumps. And you can then get One observant JacMe-wStch- Rita Tasl, wUe of the World supplies and insurance. A defi­ toured Canada and Japan with npdafion Director Jack Valeqfi ***> Pnzldent Linoedn liked to caused more boating accidents Child and Family Services of and continues the suit, forcing back to your band with ttie U ig er at the trial of her litigation Bank official, was wearing Nine high school age youths nite location for the center has an eleven-piece Canadian rock tcid the audience there were checkerz, Mn. Nixon likes than any other factor. Manchester. This organization you to ruff the second round. of diamonds to draw the' reat of with photographer Ren Galella enough gold the other night to were apprehended on Lakswood not been chosen yet. Plans are band called ‘'Lighthouse.” only four persona present who ^ bananas, Mn. Lincoln The average boating accident has also offered to siq>ply the You draw two rounds of West’s tnimiM and take the rest asserts that M n. -Aristotle Onas- solve eome of the worid’s Circle yesterday morning with tO' have the center be en five Although Pantaluk has lived would ree^ uiuiaratan.! the '*^**^^ bananas.’’ ironically involved an operator center with a social woricer one trumps with the ace and king, of the tricks with tiie acb of dia­ sls is 1^ smoking strong Turic- m onetary {Mroblems. H er wahrt- several bottles of liquor. Police days a week with the help of in Toronto for the past two Mafia oharacten in the movie. ------between the ages of 26 to 50 day a week. but you stop short when East monds and good chiba, Ih cigarettes. But she u trying length 24-karat bib with match­ released them to parents, and volunteer professional services yeara, he intends to move to Valenti identified three of the When the French ambozzadw who had more than 600 hours of 'The ChUd Guidance Clinic discards a diamond on the sec­ DaUy QueatteM to cut down and deliberately ing four Inch cuffs for her no further action was taken. which have already been prom­ New York City in the near fu­ ond trump. As dealer, yon boldt ^ndes, four ^aa himself and two othen and Mme. Charles Luoet leave keeps only a few in her purse experience. of Manchester has also offered wrists, was made by a Jeweler In addition to 66 fatalities, 128 ised. ture. whier Apples,” "MacArthur Paik,” This is a complication. and his Young Thimdering Herd with small groups for informal, its music is principally Jazz, For Parents and SCHEDULE Leave Trump In Dummy IM M IlD ra R will conduct an afternoon semi­ mini-seminars, covering sub­ and "I Say a Little Prayer.” reminiscent of the original You must leave a trump in nar on the Manchester Commu­ jects from reeds and mouth­ The band has a 13-minute, hip Thundering Herd of the late Their Children Burnside— "G odfather” , 2 :00, dummy to help'In the defense of nity College campus for instruc­ pieces through tone projection version of "Blues In the N i^t,” 1930s. But Weody has managed 6:90, 9:30 your trumps. After drawing two tors and students. At 8 p.m., to the finer points of sectian worked out for stdos and count­ to bridge the “generation gap” Manchester Drive-In — Re­ rounds of trumps, you lead the there will be a public ccmcert playing. At the same time, Her­ er'rhythms, changes of tempo and survive changes in musical opens Friday queen of clubs for a finesse. in Bailey Auditorium of Man­ man will meet with music and Juxtapositions of sdos that styles by combining the Ug East Hartfcntl DriVe-In — Re­ East takes the king of clubs TiddleiL change the feeling and form of band Jazz sound with the "now” chester High School. band leaders to discuss prob­ opens Friday and leads a heart. o n t h e O O O t Student and general admis­ lems in rehearsing, maintain­ the original piece. For nostal­ sound of rock. Eisest Windsor Drive-In — Re- You cannot afford to ruff sion tickets for the evening per­ ing, and stfenulating a big band. gia, his favorites are “Wood- “There's no doubt,” Hermsin i U F ! opena Friday again. Instead, you discard a on itu.' --creen formance may be obtained at Seminar partidpSMs, Woody, chopper’s Ball” and “Cal- said, "I would have folded long Meadows Drive-In — “Light low diamond. This gives up* the MOC student activities di­ and the Herdsmen w^ have a donia.” ago if the band hadn't progress­ at Edge of the World”, 7:30; nothing, since you are bound to The Woody Herman band is a ed to popular material.” MMdey Itev Theesday H 7 M--- - tM» rector’s office or the following buffet supper at 5 in the Stu­ “ P ocket Money” , 9:47 lose that low diamond no mat­ rn. to* ead HeMeys 4 • M - ftJB area locations: Beller’s Music dent Center, prepared and serv­ ter how the hand is played. foaday -a MO ...... nm tunmn Sh<9 , 1013 Main S t; Lane’s Mu­ ed by the MOC Music Club. After this trick, however, Saadays aad Malidayt # I Ot * 4Ai ^ tMt I Concert Pianist Plays at MHS lalwday earance in Bailey Au­ PBfnble in Advance ditorium at 9:45 a.m. is one One Year ...... tSSiOO in one ton of water. from the state. It will begin at Only Just Begun” and ’’Lode Stac 3...... lags 1 p.m. with a half-hour concert O ut." stop on a tour of 60 cities being internaUmial tour for the U. S. fluree Months ...... 9.79 made by the 38-year-

en the con­ dation grant, Blumfield estab­ heist IheHotnock ^Love Story’ Author Plays cert with three sonatas by lished the nation’s fin^ artist- Scarlatti. These will be follow­ in-residence program in Flint, ...... almost Mich., and served there for Robert Redford, M ed by two of Schumann’s AT: 7:30-9:20 Astrologer in New Film Works, "Arabesque Op. 18” two years. In 186S, he became, and “Toccata in C Major, Op. affiliated with tbe Office of George Segal By LYNN 8HEBB CO LO R by D E LU X E* “I Just think America has 7 .” Eccxiomic Opportunity, first as; Associated Press Writer more energy and vigor' and The first half of the concert a volunteer artist and later a &Co. NEW YORK (AP) — Hiil^qra Imagination and life than any will conclude with the 14 selec­ full-time community relations Labro is the man who ordered country I've traveled in." said tions making up Mouasotgaky’s specialist, presenting nearly Erlc^ Segal sfiot. the man who has covered the piano suite, "Pictures at an composers. The first will be 200 concerts in Job Corps Cen­ The Hot Rock ^]Vow very opecuMy But unlike the cynics who Algerian war. President John Exhibition.” These are titled "Andante spianato and ters and neigjiborihg communi­ We^re in the grip of Grande” and "Polonaise, Op. sniped at Segal’s book, "Love F. Kennedy’s assassination and ‘‘Promenade,” "The Gnome,” ties. CO LO R by D E L U X E » |— i I'' ■ Story,” Labro saw his orders the Tokyo 01ym|dcs. 22” by Chopin. Concluding the A “Premenade.” “The Old Cas­ He interrupted his career as carried out—in the- m ovie he di­ "Maybe I'm a pace addict. tle,” “Promenade,” "TuUeries concert will be Liszt’s "Sonetto Del Petrarca in E Major, No. a concert artist in 1069 to work ,2 cl. CHILDREN'S MATINEE priced in rected, "Without Apparent Mo­ Maybe I like tension. I Just —Children Quarreling at Play,” full-time for the Ford Ftmd. FRIDAY — SATURDAY — SUNDAY a great tive.” It's a thriller based on think New York is alive and "^dlo,” ‘‘Promenade,” “B i- 104” and “ Hungarian Rhapsody AT: 7:89 ft 9£M in D Flat, No. 6.” In thill capacity, he has pre­ an Ed McBain story in which Paris is dead.” let of Unhatched Chicks,” sented more than 500 high CHILD UNDER 14 TO BE Segal plays bis first movie Labro proudly wears a blue- "Samuel Gtddenberg and A native of Chicago, Blum­ ACCOMPANIED BY ADULT school concerts over the last FOR EVE. PBOORAMS our shoe role—a Swiss astrologer who stone ring . frmn Washington Schmuyle,” "The Market Place field is a graduate of the Oir- three years. gets wiped out with a single and Lee Urdversity, which be at Limoges,” “CstaccMnbs — tis Institute of Music in Phila­ bu llet attended for two years. His Con Mbrtuis in lingua Mor- delphia. He has performed as HANDBAG "I knew Segal from way love of things American even tua,” "Hut of the Baba-Yoga,” a soloist with leading symphony FRI. — SAT. — SUN. department bock ,” said Labro, 35, a hand­ carried over to the nmvie set at and “The Great Gate of IQev.” orchestras throughout the na­ some French newspaper colum­ Nice, last year, where he or­ After intermission, Blumfield tion, at the White House for l^iANCHESTi TO F H IT S » nist, on a recent visit to New dered the rolling of the cam­ will play-four works by two President Eisenhower, and on York. "He loved the idea. He eras with an Engilsh "Action!” Just Jumped at the chance. My rather than the French “Par- THREE SALE proUem was to {day him down. te z !” It takes two to make sack a special one! He kept trying to upstage the Shooting the film meant giv­ star.” ing up more than seven of his Top Hat Restaurant Lee NEW WITH REGULAR The star is Jean-Louis Trin- weekly columns. But it was a 257 MOAD STREEY^ANCHESTER tignant, whom director Labro sacrifice he gladly made, and OWNED AND CR>ERATED BY Paul Marvin sees as the new American would be glad to make in the TIOK AND LAURA CX3LLA Humphrey Bogart. Labro also future—permanently. Newman SPRING 10.00 to 15.00 {days a role in his own film— ,i>i Cartoon v n n u a "Directing is not as lonely a ■REAKFAST COLOR Feature about 30 seconds’ worth, as a trade as Journalism,” he said. Journalist taking dictation. “A Journalist goes alone on an 2 EGGS WITH TOAST M ^ r “Pocket Money’ PIMPS Shades of Alfred Hitchcock? event, by himself covering tbe 3 PANCAKES ACi ^ HANDBAGS Not really. Labro, kho calls story, writing it, dictating it. 3 SUCES OF FRENCH TOAST nofKOCi* * Ai himself "the only'^'^Tench He never sees bis readers. REG. 16.00-18.00 Ameticanophile living in "But when you do a film, you SANDWICHES JAZZES STEWART Paris,” claims the decidedly work with writers, with a crew. HENRY PONDA NOW JUST mcae Yankee influences of Or- It’s still an Individual ^oct, HAMMIRG WEEKLY SPECULS sen Welles', John Ford, Howard but there’s a team with you. H O T D O G ' AT Hawkis. He also prefers the And it’s better than any psy­ GRILLED CHEESE American style of reviewing- chiatrist’s couch,” be added mm no perscmal contact with the with a laugh. “You discover BOABT Biag ' ...... 79c BIO BEEF BURGER ...... Stc artist imtU after the review— things in yourself that you HAM, HOT OK C O LD ...... 89c ■ TH E C H E Y E N N E and the American way of life. didn’t know you had.” SOOALCUJB IIOUIARDjOuhfOlt^ SEAFOOD YULI COafBINATION gBAFOOD DINNER ...... $LM SHRIMP DINNER ...... $l-88 Every Monday P U n >N CBilPS ...... 8SC CLAM IMNNER ...... $1.78 Barbecued chicken, mashed 3 4MAMM ...... basket gLU FISH SANDWICH ...... 69o potatoes, coleslaw, bread ^ NOIC: TUs Is OMy A Partial Uatlag!! and butter (served ail day all you can eat) Every W.ednesday Smart spring bags in B u r n s id e EASTER DINING Fried filet of flounder, ^ Topi navy omooth double handle and french fried potatoes and 0 coleslaw (served ail day heatherf btaek or tehite shoulder strap styles .. AT all you can eat) 1 k Every Friday patent. Middiet WhUe all with inside zipper o r hlaek p a ten t^ navy compartments. FREE PEE WEE PLATE Fried tendersweet clams, ^ french fried potatoes and omooth leather. Beknvt Choose from white, RESTAURANT coleslaw (served 5:00-9:00 Y Mr. Staak isn’t the Easter p.m^ only - Seconds if you ROUTE 88 ELLINGTON Bunny but ha doaa like kids. To Black, uhtte or navy fawn or beige Veneto prove it he’s offering his famous We invite you and your family ’^child's chJckdn PEE WEE CHICKEN PtATE* PREE patent leather. calf dike vinyl. portion, whipped to any child under 10 fo enjoy Edsfer dinner wifh us. potatoes with gravy, accompanied by an adult who' piece of trait. makes a $2.50 purchase SPECIAL HOLIDAY MENU (one Pee Wee per $2.50 purchase, SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MENU please). Offer Is good all Easter Male* Your Reservafions Now . . . UP . week, April 2-8. WOUJARD C A a ’ 872-0269 V Opda daily 11 AM to 9 PM Jonmon'S RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF THE FABULOUS T O . »U CENTER ST. DICK RICHARD TRIO 394 TOLLAND TURNNKI • MR. STEAK • J j Op en Till 9 - Tues. & Sat. Till 6 EVEBY THDBSDAY, FRIDAY AND BATDBDAY MANCHESTER BUTTERFIELD’S MANCHESTER PARKADEI^ IN THE ODE BVBETDAY LOW I WILL nSYAILt BU Sne OOlXMNXAL CARRIAGE LOUNGE AT EXIT M — WILBUR CROBSPARKWAlf ' MAN'CffeESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHE-STER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 80, 1972 PAGE FIVE PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 80, 1972 Pocket-Size Protection DR. LAWRENCE E. LAMB CoMcge Note* I Friday Easter Fashions Prints Make Navy Wins for Spring Robert M. Hodgson of 85 For Little Girls From Your Trebbe Dr. and Paul D. Ro- Churches Announce Instant Mix Have Your Snow manowlcx of 28 \miags St. have Spring dresses take their achieved high honors for the ! Pll to all Comes in Aerosol Can coloring from Easter bas­ spring fashfons.ilo r l^owers, spray in anti-personal aerosols first term at Worcester Poly­ B> MARTIN ZliC K E R ket pastels. geometries, stripes, dots Neighbor’s Kitchen spreads widely and is easily technic Institute; and Richard and Victorian prints fresh- And Eat It, Too! S. Podolny o f 16 Ctoburn R d „ Services Tomorrow T E L AVIV (API - scattoed by tbe wind. Eggshell squares and li­ en-up day and evening Timothy F. Murray of 88 Porter His canned foam. Jacobson Manchester observing Good Fri­ lac stripes alternate on a wear. A sharp-sbooting squirter ple even use it to make snow St., Jack D. Nash of 31 Saul- Good Friday, or God’s Fri­ added, is designed for use by By Lawrence Lamb, M.D. day include St. James Cliurch, Oversized floral dealsIgas BY VniAN F. FEBGCSON and in what style it should be he should Instruct the nouveau whi(± (Urects a jet of dis­ ice cream. I have never ten Rd., and Alan C. Aho of day, sacred as commemorating little girl dress with an on soft chiffons drift « e - police agencies and airlines as 3 p.m., Solemn Liturgical Action aenred. Luculhis spent a great riche. Dear Dr. Lamb — How known of anyone gettUg ill South St., Coventry, have been the Crucifixion of the Lord, and elastic bodice. gantly into evening hours This week many family gath­ abling foam into a would-be well as private persons. germ-laden is new fallen kept as a day of mourning, rigid of Good Friday, and 7:30 p.m., deal c t time stocking his fatiu- prom my research, I think mngger's face is being heralded from this practice. named to the honors list, Po­ on long gowns. erings will take place around It can be t i ^ in the most snow? My mother told me fast, and special prayer through Stations of the Cross. St. John’s The three-tiered baby lous villa with delicacies which be was a bit of a kook (not by an Israeli research company Dear Dr. Lamb — Four dolny is a senior; Oho is a jun­ Putting it all together for the dining table. The Je'wish crowded situations, such as that a doctor told her and the centuries, 'wUl be observed Polish National Catholic (Church tent of iced pink and lime colorful combinations are came frm gre^ di^ances. _ be wasn't that as the latest thing in cheap years ago I had a prostate ior; Hodgson, Murray, and holiday of Passover brings street riots, passenger planes, other mothers that new snow tomorrow in Manchester area will observe Good Friday at rosettes is attracting much dots, checks, stripes and . G re^ and Romans pocket-sized protection, gland operation. Everything Nash are sophomores; and with it traditional feasting as without contaminating other that lies overnight is full of churches. 8:30 a.m., Mass of the Pre- plaids. Seen In dresses, m ul­ div,^ ft^al into ^ ^ IS okay, but when I have Romanowlcz Is a freshman. attention. ti-layer looks and prlnt-on- does the Christian festival ^ The product, called "pro- persons. germs. Arc children who eat Manchester Protestant Sanctilled, and 7 p.m.. Bitter Eastier. sections I>irmg the first ^ in the form of an obit- sexual relations, I do not Churches 'wlU observe (3ood Fri­ Lamentations, A blue velvet Easter bas­ rlnt sportswear, prints tecto-jet,” comes in a plastic Jacobson said tbe compound this stuff apt to become ill? Miss Marsha A. Vennart of 37 ?ake instant mix out of the The discovery of fire fostered ^ notice which read: have an emission. The doctor Area Protestant churches ob­ ket bow ties up the smock was oevotea to conversation ^ ^ ^ container with a pistol-like will cause temporary blindness, For the sake of the kids anc Cornell St. has been named to day 'With special services at kitchen and into fashion. the habit of gathering around tells me that everything goes Calvary CSturoh, 7:30 p.m ., serving Good Friday Include and drinking. "* retpiested to attend shape. and shortness of breath but has their health, tell us the truth. the fall semester dean’s llsr In of pale yellow, white and Nautical prints, such as a central place to eat. Prom back into the bloods&eam Service; (Concordia Lutheran, Messiah Evangelical Lutheran At Greek dinners a svmposi- ^ fu n eral^ obsequies of a llie foam "neutralizes any no after effects. I have several grandchildren the Department of Professional blue polyester and cotton anchor and boat patterns, earliest times, man has used and that it is not harmful. 7:30 p.m., Tenebrae; Oiurch of of South Windsor, 7:30 p.m., get the royal salute In beach aieh (lord of the feast- might ^ ^ person for IS minutes, yet with- The Israeli said he took tbe who are snow eaters. How come? Something must Nursing of the Dlrislon of Health voile checks. food and. feasting as a spe­ be chosen to lead a conveisa- ^ Balthazar Grlmod de la tbe Nazarene, 7:30, Service with Service; St. Peter’s Eplsqopal and playwear. Pastor Emeritus Dear R ea d er—Thgre is have gone wrong with tbe Sciences at the University of Communion; Emanuel Luth­ A Victorian dress of ap- Victorian prints add pure cial way of celebration. Uon on a particular subject. He Reynlere, Esquire. Advocate to Verm ont. of South Windsor, 7 p.m., Can­ The Rev. Oifford O. Simpson, probably not a single answer operation. Is there any medi­ eran, 7:30 p.m., Tenebrae; tata; St. Oeorge’s Episcopal of dynamite to demure flttle The early Egyptians held could ni«' oversee the drinking Pariiment, drama correspon- pliqued voile flowers is em ­ dresses that captivate^len- who retired last October after to your question. There are cation I could take so I coidd North United Methodist, 8 p.m.. Bolton, 2 p.m., Devotions; 8t. lengthy and elabmute feasts. eontests. The modem dictian- dent' of the Journal de Neuf- Jeanette C. Fairbanks of 67 bellished with buttons, a ty of admiring glances. serving for 27 years as senior a lot of variables. If it is a get back to normal? Worship Service; St. Mary's Peter’s Episcopal of Hebron, There was an abundance of food aries* first meaning of the word chatel. at his home in Champs- Oak St. received a BS, with dis­ pinafore front arid ruffled Geometries show up ev­ with course after course. Danc­ sympoeium. which we common- Elysees on the first day of Peb- minister of Center Omigrega- nice, good, deep snow you Dear Reader — I think you Episcopal, 10 a.m., Children's noon to 3 p.m., "Seven Last erywhere for new boldness could brush the top back tinction, In law enforcem ent hem. ing giris, singers and other en­ ly use to denote a meeting with ruary, 1783. The arrival is fix- Uonal Church, will be officially probably misunderstood Service, 1:80 p.m., Liturgy, and Words From the Cross” ; Trini­ In day and nfght looks. safely and eat the snow that and corrections; and John R. tertainers were present even at speakers. is still "a drinking ed for 9 o'clock and supper recognized as pastor emeritus your doctor. What he mieant 7:30 p.m., Stations of the Criiss; ty Lutheran of Rockville, 7:30 is immediately underneath Tinker of 16 Bliss St. received South United Methodist, noon to dinners honoring the dead. party—one following a banquet wili take place at 10 o'clock, of CJenter Church on Easter was that the secretions p.m.. Service; Prince of Peace EARLY BIRD LOVELY VIRGINIA the crust. The closer the an MA in journalism Saturday 3. p.m., "The Seven Last Words’ and providing music, singing You are requested not to bring Sunday at the 9:15 a.m. wor­ flowed backward into the Lutheran of (Joventry, 8 p.m.. RICHMOND. Va. (AP>-The Throughout history, food has snow gets to the surface of from Pennsylvania State Uni­ On The Cross;” Salvation MULLIKEN. Mich. (AP)-Ken- and conversation." any lackeys as there will be ship service in the church sanc­ bladder. This entire area of Service; and Our Savior Lu­ State Division of Parks recently re­ played its role. Witness the the ground the more likely versity, University Park, Pa. Army, 7 p.m., 'Medltatlwi on neth Spilzley, 21, got up when his The Romans held ceremonial enough servants. Neither pig tuary. your body is a very complex theran Oiurch of South Wind­ alarm clock went off, fixed his ceived the following letter from Lin­ diimers recently served to it is going to be contami­ “The Ooes, The Ofallenge, President Nhton in Peking. In drinking matches called "com- nor oil will be missing from the This special recognition was engineering job. The UtUe David C. Moyer, son of Dr. sor, 7:16 p.m., Tenebrae and ' breakfast and left for his job, which da Hassel o f Oshkosh, Wis. 3 nated with all the different The Triumph and Beyond;” mlsatio." The master of cere- supper. You are requested to voted unanimously at the an­ valve or sphmeter just out­ Holy Communion. starts at 6 a.m. “ Dear Virginia: Please send me 1939. the then President of germs that cover the earth. and Mrs. Winfield T. Moyer of Trinity Covenant, 7:30 p.m.. monies would teU each guest this inviUtion, vrithout nual congregaUonal meeting in side the bladder usually After driving some 12 miles, he some information about your lovely Prance and his •wife paid a Germs do not propagate in 98 Princeton St. and a senior Service; and Zlaigregational Church of New ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert parts wine. The wine of early was a catafalque. There was a a good deep, rapid snow fall afterward. The fact that the statesman, conqueror of the SQUIRT GUN — An Israeli firm says this squirter is tbe latest Britain. Schettler of 31 Flower St. and days was heavy and extremely coffin standing behind the {riace that is fresh. If you have had semen flows backward into a senior biology major at Gene­ Persians, who spent his days thing in cheap pocket-sized protection. It directs a jet of sweet. rach guest He even had a several snow falls at dif­ the bladder does not cause va College, Beaver Falls, Pa., in high living upon his return disabling foam into a would-be mugger’s face. A Frenchman named Grlmod gallery for 300 people who ferent intervals there will be any harm. There is no way has been named to the first to Rome. Ho gave some of the de la Reynlere, born In 1758, could view the dining below, Calvary Church different layers of crusts and that it can flow backward semester dean’s list. greatest banquets of ail time wras the son of a pork butcher. 111086 also vrere on invitation out causing ill effects," the pro- principle of high-expansion this snow could be contami­ into the bloodstream. and his name is connected with He became an attorney but did only. Some 22 individuals at- docerssay. foam used in fire-fighting, min­ Slates Service nated. great feasting. not spend much Ume at hla pro- tended his dinner. All were men ’The lack of em ission Tbe derice, based on a prin- iaturized it to tbe personal lev­ Emil Olsen, cfirector of If one is careful and uses should in no way detract Plutarch says: 'Lucullus' fession. He wrote the “Manuel except taro aromen who dla- d|rie of fire-fighting, was devel­ el. and intnxhKed an eye irri­ church relations for the Amer­ School Menus des Amphitryons" pubUahed In guised themselves as men. I do fresh fallen snow and scoops from most of your usual daily entertainments were os­ oped by Israel Product Re­ tant into it. ican Board of Missicnis to the away the top, the underlying sensations, however. tentatiously extravagant, not 1808, and a series enUUed "Al- not know what aras on the search Co. of Tel Aviv. The idea of the foam squirter Jews, Inc., of New York Oty. The cafeteria menu for Man­ manacs des Gourmands." menu. snow can be used. Many peo­ (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISI ASSM.) only with purple coverlets, and Dr. Amnon Jacobson, the began as an anti-hijack concept will speak at a special Good chester public schools April S-7: stones, and dancings.^ and in­ An amphltryon is "one who The arord banquet Is beUeved Qrm’s president, claims it is but soon proved usable for other Friday service tomorrow at 7:30 Mwiday: Orange juice, pea­ In other com e from beme, a Middle over” to show how Christ ful­ pre-dates the birth of CSulst by terludes. but with the greatest entertains at dinner." — ------„ , superior to existing aerosol situations. Jacobson said. p.m . at Calvary O iurch, 647 E. nut butter and Jelly sandwich, - In the author's fr«ich word meaning bench. filled the typology Inherent in 1,500 years. Special emphasia diversity of dishes and the words, - a------host.— — ------it U used tn mtk »l'*«yq>ray »*r»icesderi(^es occauscbecause u it ac- He has been developing the Middle Tpke. The service is cheese wedges, carrot sticks, the ancient feast. will be given to the redemptive most elaborate cookery, for the time, the term gourmand meam rather than curately shoots the disabling product in (^operation with the open to the public. The traditional Items ■will be slgnlficEUice of each Item, and milk, vanilla pudding with vulgar to admire and envy.' one who is appreciative of ^ gather than famUy feast- ^ concentrated jrt Israeli police. Olsen, who attended the He­ set cm a table, and Olsen will the meaning of the geaturas of peaches. Tbe jet foam is said to have brew University in Jerusalem, LucuUus had more than one ^ ^ •To our readera of all faiths without affecUng will present a sermradc demon­ explain the items and proce­ Christ at the Last Supper wUl Tuesday: Hamburg patty on room for dining. All he had to N cjw . it is stricUy a an effective distance of about as you celebrate the upcoming Others. stration on “ CIhrist in the Pass- dures of the Sedar Feast, which be told. OSCAR de la RENTA picks navy for his spring Something! collection. At left, a white a roil, French fried potatoes, do was teU his servanU in term synonymous with glut- holidays, we wish you much joy. f® comparison, he said, the one yard. which roexn a dinner was to be teny. De la Reyniere wrote ^ sharkskin jacket with a navy blue silk collar, and a heavy white industrial zipper and black buttered peas, milk, apple-spice served. They would then know manual after the hcHTors of the silk tie, goes over matching cuffed pants. At right, for the Boutique collection, red and bars. how much to spend on the meal French Revolution. He thought white stars go on a cotton sailor dress. Wednesday: Meat balls, gravy, mashed potato, buttered carrots, bread, butter, milk, ice BINGO AN CIENT GIFT AT Breast Cancer May Run in Families cream . South Church Schedules PORTLAND, Ore. (AP)—Rabbi Thursday: Macaroni shells, By ALOrON BLAKESLEE Joshua Stampfer received an ancient EAST CATHOUC HIGH SCHOOL breast cancer during their life­ meat sauce, tossed salad, Good Friday Observance AP Science Editor time, he said. gift from his wife on his birthday— a M bread, butter, milk, Jello with WILL K POSTPONED UNTIL APRIL 8Hi But, for some women, he 368-year-old Hebrew scroll o f the CLEARW ATER BEIACH, Fla. topping. South United Methodist Church Ruth Veal will sing a duet WB Wi l l r e s u m e w i t h l o w e r p r i c e s said, the chances could reach a Book o f Esther. (AP) — rite danger that breast will have its annual three-hour "My Faith Looks Up To Thee” AND GREATER CASH PRIZES. 46 per cent chance if they are The scroll, inscribed on deerskin, ■Friday: Tuna salad on a roll, can cer m ay run in fam ilies Is Good Friday Service tomorrow by Banford. COME ONE — COME AU . related to women developing bears the date I6S3, and had been potato chips, buttered grreen greater—In som e cases by nine from noon untU 3 p.m . Medita­ At 1 :40, French Hey, chairman 115 NEW STATE R D „ MANCHESTER cancer in both breasts before found in a Portland attic. beans, milk, pineapple upside times—than has been generally tions will be given by the cler­ Ox tbe com m issian on miSsicxis, THE BINGO IS HELD IN THE CAFETERIA menopause. down cake. will speak on tbe Fifth Word AT THE REAR OF THE SCHOOL — 7:30 P.M. supposed, a slcentist said to­ gy and lay members of the D on ation ...... $1-00 day. church on the "Seven Last of Jesus “I Thirst.” It has been postulated that fe­ Words of Christ.” Organists At 2:06, the Rev. Dr. Sbaw male relatives of mothers, sis­ will be James W. McKay and will meditate on the Sixth Wmd A ters or aunts who had breast Jack B. Grove. of Jesus, "It Is FlnlAed.” Mrs. Edith Burton will sing “Were cancer face a two to threefold At no clues as why different ' Milk Chocolate and White sing ‘H ie <3ross” by W are. types of breast cancers develop At 1 :15. The Fourth 'Word of and how to prevent them, he Jesus, “My God, My God. Why said. EASTER BASKETS Hast Itiou F\>rsaken M e?” will The revision in estimating the filled with our own quality candy be meditated on by the Rev. risk for relatives is based part­ Mr. Rali^ W. Spencer. Miss ly upon e'vidence about differ­ Mary Ellen Hewey and Miss ences 'between breast cancers that occur before or after a FOIL WRAPPED woman's menopause, said An­ CHOCOLATE derson, a geneticist and profes­ BUNNIES in all sizes and colei's sor Ol biology at the University Don'f Forgef The Men for o f Texas. rile risk for relatives Is about EACTED t h e y LIKE TO See’Our 75 Lb. Solid Chocolate Bunny E>M D I E K DRESS UP TOO! . three times higher than aver­ age if a woman had a breast cancer before menopause, An­ C AC TC P m UYBC miniature and black pectin Jelly 3 • fclw beans, also coconut eggs, butter cream egs. derson said. duck eggs, butter eggs. Spring Neckwear The risk for relatives is less than two times higher than av­ FOIL EG G S our own quality milk chocolate or white. by Bert Pulitwr erage if a woman developed breast cancer after menopause. If a woman's cancer develops Chocolate Baskets — Hollow Chocolate Eggs In both breasts after men­ An Easter Tradition At Munson's opause, the risk to relatives is Dress Shirts 5.4 times higher. If this hap­ pens before menopause, then Poached Eggs-Boconut Nosts—Papler Macho Eggs 0 the risk is nine times higher. Long and Short Sleeve FOR FEET THAT NEED The genetic or hereditary fac­ tors seem to play a much more EASTER ERGS ■ FLOWER POTS by Manhattan and Gant important role If women rela­ TENDER LOVING CARE! tives had breast cancers in Maple Walnut, Coconut, EASTER OENEVAS plus Colorful both broasts before menopause Marshmallow, Chocolate We pride ourselves on our ability to fill rather than In only one breast, Butter Cream MUk Oiociftate and White doctor’s prescriptions for special shoes and he said. NOW?:'. Id '* Overall, women are general­ you don’t have to be a rich girl to look great rain or shine Sport Coats shoe adjustments to the letter. Edwards' ly considered to have a 5 to 7 Choose from a large selection of per cent chance of developing Our Freshly Made Chocolates. for those leisure hours — our Pedic shoes are designed to meet every in one of our machine wash and dry all-weather pant coats ------Each Piece A Delicious Taste Treat! selection is most appealing... prescription need . . . and still retain the Englidimen Puzzled Priced for savings now . . . so you can be prepared for spring UNIQUE EASTER CANDIES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY style and smart good looks of all Edwards’ By ^om e Pumpkins* showers or breezy, sunny days! A big hanolsome collection shoes. Important, too, NBJW YORK — The expres­ of rain or shine coats to top dresses or pants. Take your pick i l o r p n ’B U til. is proper fit . . . and sion "some pumpkins’' — some­ from belted, single or double-breasted styles! Machine wash times "some punklns” — for and dry permanent press polyester/cotton oxford. Soft th a t’s where we’re a person or thing of consider­ able consequence was apparent­ neutrals and pastels . . . dusty pink, ice blue, navy, oyster, specialists. ly coined by New Yorkers In orange, taupe. 5-15 young circle shop, downtown and the 1850a when their fancy was anil JffumtBlyingH taken by monster pumpkins dis­ Parkade. played at the Ocystal Palace. Henry Ward Beecher, the BURTON STORE HOURS (formerty CUfford'a) THE BOOTERY BOB BANTLT, Proprietor famed lecturing preacher, Intro­ DOWNTOWN — Mon. - Sat. 9:30 - 5:30— Thurs. till 9 p.m. ROU TE 83 TALC50TTVILLE Paul Buettner J h ju tt duced ^ phrase to startled 90S MAIN 8T. 64MSM PARKADE — Mon., Tues., Sat. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. > C an. OsM Uwd) mOORPOSlATED Engilriimen when he declared Munson^s Candy Kitchen O nEN MOW., TEMB.. WED.. flAT. t ’M — 8 t» Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. OPEN • DAYS — THDRB. NIGHTS THA. 9KW Liondan was "same pumpkins, ROUTE 6, BOLTON OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY TILL 9 P.M. "Member of The Main Street Guild” TEDSS. ft FBL — » PJf. 1122 BURNSIDE A V L “EAST HARTFORD 528-9586 — 528-5009 X tsU syou." MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 80, PAGE SEVEN PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHfiStER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 80, 1972 paper cups or a wineskin over votes against the amendment, the amendment, In addition to Glass, Metal Cut th6 shoulder. The maximum being able to answer hardly any of the Women’s Rights including one from Rep. John Cassldento, were Democrats punishment will be 90 days In IHanrljwttr Worhinfr on the Railroad V. Cassldento, D-N«w Haven, Dominic Badolato of New Brit- queatians on the test to being able to an­ In the ‘Quarter’ Jail and a $100 fine. State Changes who pleaded guilty to being a aln, Addo Bonetti of ’Torrington Owners of bars must post at lEtt^nfng If swer all of the questions correctly. Backed hy House ’male ciiauvlnlst.” , and Frank Clampl of Water- NEW ORLEANS, La. (AP) — least two signs notifying pa- But when, as a further checkup on Rep. Robert King, R-’Tolland, bury, and Republicans Robert Clty Council Wednesday made trons they are not allowed to HARTFORD (AR) — With voted for the amendment, but Bruno, Leonard Pacletta and p u b l is h e d b y t h e such sensational progress, the same stu­ it Illegal for drinkers to use take out unpackaged glasses or MANCHESTER POBUBHING CO. ‘king’ a Woman only a smattering of "no” not before warning the women David Sullivan, all of Bridge- glass'or metal containers in the cans. 13 Blaaell Street dents were given suj^em enta^ reading votes, the House gave over- that they might lose more than port; Phillip Costello of Madi' Manchester, Conn. streets of the French Quarter. The ban also applies to any BURL LYONS whelming approval Wednesday they gained from abe when the State “ It’s too early yet to de­ So Senator-Mayor Pac’s retort “ But ladies,” said Holm­ ’The rule Is this: If, by any chance, Report quist, “ your chances are im­ 'There are harbingers and harbingers, Senate was playing the game of was the obvious one—that "the termine whether we’ll need anybody feels there is anything good or redwings and robins end , peepers emd ’’Waiting for Buckley” that the whole deficit the state bonded Holmquist’s railroad em­ to fill vacancies for key proving each year if you as­ was once current expenditures.” punch operators, program­ pire to wear the railroader’s reasonable in King Hussein’s proposal, crocuses, and all of them worthy of By Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak New Britain deficit-bonding bill ploys 3,400 women, includ­ ‘thousand miler’ (blue shirt) The Pac retort raises the tan­ mers, personnel assistants, this favorable opinion must, at all costs, first won Its way to this col­ ing one “ king.” Mrs. Muriei and move up the promotion notice. talizing question: If it is a sin nurses, social counselors or after the P*resldent’s trip to ing for the year starting July Salgn, 28, serves as relief ladder until you can ‘blow be hidden and disguised. But, for all the poetry these classic WASKtNGTON — Despite umn’s attention. some of the positions in 1 must be examined. VTth their to bond for current e^qienses yardmaster at the BN’s smoke’ (brag) to the chil­ President Nixon’s total support China. As for the events of the day which women are numeri­ What U the reason for such unnatural signals of the arrival of spring may in­ financing now on a routine while they are being made, isn’t classification yard at Fargo, dren about your days as a for continuing Radio FTee Ehi- Since Mr. Nixon’s return, re­ in question, Senator Joseph cally and traditionally domi­ behavlOT? cycle of annual authorisation it even more of a crime afolnst N.D. ‘Master Mind’ (official) spire, there Is nothing, for a sure and rope (R;F1E) and Radio Liberty peated efforts to get "White Buckley arrived in time out of nant,” he said. “ Of course, and aiT>ropriaUon in Congress, sound management to bond for when you rode the ‘chariot’ ’The reason leaders must pret«id to convincing sign, like that of stepping In­ (RL) broadcasts to Communist House clearance to send the his bandbox, and pt;ovided the them after they have already Some of the most promis­ we continually are screen­ film abroad have met a stone F’ulbrigfat as chairman of the ing employment opportuni­ ing applicants for jobs as (caboose) or ‘drone cage’ GRANTS MOTHPROOF dislike and reject a proposal they may to an automobile and finding that the up­ Eastern Blurope and the Soviet vote which had been thought been m ade? Qr, is it "wimse -to COnON SHIFT BUNKET lAiion, hard-Une skeptics are v/all. The reason privately g;iv- Senate Foreign Relations Com­ ties for rail women appear secretaries and clerks.” (business office on wheels) mittee has enormous Influence necessary for passage of the bill borrow and pay interest on iSlAt behind transcontinental ‘hot actually consider sound and valuable is holstery la wairm to the seat end the fearful his policy of detente en: to air the film now, on the to-be as programmers, sys­ KNiniNG WORSTiD over authorizing the broadcasts by which Senator Stsinley Pac you are going to spend for latob PRICE CUT NOW! their fear, their perhaps quite justifiable steering ‘wheel hot to'The flngom. with the Conununlst world is eve of the President’s Moscow tems analysts and other shots’ (fast freights).” for another year. Fulbright, of New Britain was seeking au­ chops tomorrow than it is to is­ Mrs. Saign started with subtly undermining freedom of visit, could embarrass Peking. data-processing-related posi­ fear, sad to say, that their approval 'Ihat first notification that the sun has overriding a strong majority thority to permit Mayor Stanley sue bonds to pay for the Iamb the railroad as a clerk. “ To­ Some folks might be in­ the two radios to keep operat­ ’That same problem of poten­ tions, according t o , Holm­ terested in knowing that A on his committee, insists with Pac of New Britain to issue 10- chops you broiled and consum­ would be equal to a kiss Of death. begun to have enough strength left over tial conflict between Mr. Nlx- quist. day’s woman is seeking the ing. the passion of the ideologue that year bonds In order to pay off ed a year ago? railroaders observe ‘Rule G’ ’Thus, no matter how Israel’s Prime from its journey here to donate surplus on’s foreign policy and RFE-RL jobs that require a higher Subterranean signals that the broadcasts so eagerly await­ the city’s existing deficit. Underneath all this fascln^- “ We operate about 1,000 (Thou Shalt Not Drink) and Is now arising in West Ger­ degree of skill, judgment and * 1 . 7 7 Minister Golda Meir felt about King warmth to the things it touches sets off some Nixon advisers may be ed by the clth»ns of Eastern Later came the sad news. The ing exchange there is some sug­ trains each day, some of training and that offer ad­ that to them a “ highball” is 88< many, where left-wing mem­ having second thoughts about Ehirope are anachronistic relics bill the new Democratic mayor gestion that maybe Mayor-Sena­ them comprising 100 freight a signal to go ahead at -high Hussein’s proposal, she had to make her a new and ivonderful chain of ex­ bers o>f Chancellor Willy vancement into management • Eosy to us* pull>sk*ins the two radios beamed to the of the cold 'war. of New Britain claimed he need­ tor Pac started out with some cars or more,” he said. “ In- posts,” said Holmquist. speed. For all year 'round use first reaction, if she wanted to keep the periences. Things are on the plus side Brandt’s Social Democratic par­ Communist heartland were evi­ President Nixon flatly dis­ ed in order to meet the deficit idea of using the deficit he had (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN .) • Fabulous colors proposal alive, one in which she publicly ty are pressing him not to re­ • 70“ X 84“ size; colorful again; the winddiield frost in the morn­ dent In the toned-down state­ agrees with Fulbrigfat’s dogma, left him by tiie previous Repub­ irherited from Republicans in • 4>ply pur* virgin wool ment the President belatedly new the license for the Munich- lican administration In New rejected It. ing may be nothing more than dew; based radios. publicly and privately. But New Britain to much the same • Machine washable put out M arch 11. IlMit state­ Britain was goli^ to be vetoed Again, no matter how much hope hard-liners insist that the heady kind of political advantage Gov­ there Is the luxury of wandering if cloth­ ment, asking Congress to break Partly as a result of that and dominant fragrance of de­ by one ’Ihomas J. Meskill, him­ ernor Meskill has enjoyed in President Nixon and Secretary of State ing is too heavy, rather than too light; its long deadlock on financing domestic political pressure, tente Is subtly undercutting his self once a Republican mayor pointing to the deficit the Demo­ Hull, Smith in Skirmish Rogers may have in King Hussein’s pro­ the two radios, was Issued only Brandt’s government has quiet­ position. of New Britain, but now Gover­ crats bequeathed to him. Hie one doesn’t need to work quite so hard or ly informed the Nixon adminis- after the deadlock had In ef­ nor of the state. last time we looked, however, 20-GAL PIASTIC posal, as something which may unlock move quite so fast in order to stay out­ tiatlon that there will be no li­ fect already been broken. Governor Meskill announced the M ayor weus accusing the the gates o f peace In the N ear Blast, they doors; eventually there comes that most Thus, there must be a slight cense renewal unless the U.S. that he -would veto' the New agrees not to follow a line on Open Forum Governor of having “gone po­ Britain bill because, aside from litica l.” During Youth Bill Dehate must refrain, even while King Hussein dellriious moment of all for the senses, amendment In the overall pic­ RFE-RL that might "under­ ture of Sen. J. W. Ftilbright of meeting a deficit, it also con­ In visiting them end obviously talking when some broad seat-Uke stone, or mine" Brandt’s ostpoUtlk, epit­ “What Kind Of Person?” That Is New Britainese fw do­ Lt. Gov. T. Clark Hull for nil- “The chair (jWn) TWlll do noth­ TRASH Arkansas singlehandedly defy­ tained language which might al­ ing unto others what they are HARTFORD (AP) — A bill omized by his new treaties with To the EkUtor, ing him out of order and then Ing to Interrflp the even work- about nothing else, from giving any some fallen log too broad for immediate ing Ccngressiontal and public low that sinful thing known as trying to do to you. that would permit Connecticut's Warsaw and Moscow. We used to have many nice refused to sit down when Hull ings of this Senate.” He made public indication of just how enthusiastic cutting, invites the casual passer-by to opinion In his fanatical cam­ “ bonding for current expenses.” new young voters to hold mu- ordered him to do so. no attempt to have Smith re- paign to silence REE and RL,, The first sign of West German and concerned people in the This, said Governor Meskill, his nlciptU ottlce 'won initial legisla­ CAN and hopeful they may be. sit down^ and feel the first toudi of hesitation over the Impact of “You will be seated or you moved from the Senate and the bv far the most honest sources town of Manchester. What hap­ administration had halted on the tive approval Wednesday dur­ radios on Brandt’s ostpolitik will be removed!” snapped session continued without fur- If everybody acorns the Hussein spring fever seeping gently through the of news available in Eastern pened to them^ a ll? state scene, smd therefore he ing a Senate session that was came almost two years ago. At A Thought for Today Hull, who was presiding over ther interruption. What kind of'*.a person would was not about to authorize it cm Interrupted by an argument be- plan, that will help keep it alive and fram e. Ekirooe and Russia. that time, Mr. Nixon assured The argument between the hit a dog with tiielr car and the municipal level. Sponsored by the Maadiester tween the Senate president and LINERS available, and permit leaders to keep on Anyone who, offered such facility, While his lobbyists battle Pul- BVank Shakespeare, director of ‘I will humbly submit that 1 two was the latest In a series of then leave him to die, Wednes­ Council of Churches a M notor. brlght to keep the radios alive, the United States Information Senator-Mayor Pac, in his refuse to sit down.” replied dlssagreements between them GRANTS talking and negotiating about it until, doesn’t just sit down and explore, at day nlg^t on Green Road? hard-liners believe Mr. Nixon Agency (USIA), which includes turn, was quick to notice the The otflce-holding bill in­ during the session. some day, all those who have been for Irisurely length, just how beneficial and — so deeply involved In detente The dog got loose while my direction from which this criti­ “Cheerful people remain long­ volving IS-to 21-yeaiM)ids la re­ WINTUK * YARN 39-DRAWER the Voice of America, and Wil­ er in our memory. -We sdways HuU hesitated, then called a The »>U1 to extend offlce4iold- it but who have pretended to be against friendly an end of March sun can be — shows signs of ambivalence. mother was in the Hospital, a cal stone had been thrown, and stricted to munlclpfd ottices be­ liam F. Buckley, Jr., then a look back with tenderness oh flve-mlnute rec^s and left the rights to 18-year-oIds For example, his March ii membejr of the USIA ad'vlsory beautiful Ehiglish setter. Now his retort alnqost formulated it­ cause a constitutional mnend- All Uie PARTS CABINn it feel strong enough to jump out from hasn’t discovered, obviously, one of the she’s lying severiy hurt at the the brave and the cheerful. The ment is needed to extend it to‘-stunned chamber and a grow- passed on a 31-4, vote. statement was not Issued until commission, that he would not self, it being" evident that his opponents argued that the Issue behind their pretense and present to the man who sings at hla work wlH greet purpoaes and rewards of being the nationalities division of the permit RFSl-RL to die. vet’s office. idea of bonding a city deficit state otflces. *"6 onlookers wonder- should go to a referendum be­ PKG. OF world, as a fait accompli, their joint Republican National Committee Tell the Germans, Mr. Nixon Thank God a police officer had been borrowed from the do more in the same time, will Senate activity came to a Ing what would hair>en next, 45 bom on thl^jiard of the sun. do it better, and will persevere cause the voters of Connecticut * 1 . 7 6 reported to the l\Tiite House the said, our troops in Europe and found her and brought her to state’s own solution of Its own sudden halt when Sen. Wilber Minutes later Itoll rejected a constitutional adoption of It. longer. One Is scarcely con­ 9 9 * outrage among Eastern Euro­ our radios in Munich go togeth­ the vet’s. U seems the person much ' more gigantic deficit Q. Smith, D-Harttord, criticized reopened the session and eald: amendment in 1970 that would *8.88 ’The difficulty In trying to run the pean ethnic groups over Presi­ er. Two years later, with his that hit her couldn’t be bother­ problem. In the first year after scious of fatigue when there is Wintuk * Orion’' acrylic m usic.” have given the young voters a world this way is, we think, that we so A Japery Of Jays dential silence. own ostpolitik in full bloom, ed to see if she could be helped.' it found itself with this $244,000,- chance to hold state office. Handy way to carry out trash, 12"W,53/4"d,213/4"h. that mood of the President ap­ Many thanks to our fine Po­ 000 deficit, adiich compares with —Author Unioiown ■ Machino washable, dcyable ends mess— tool very seldom manage to find our way out One early plan for the Presi­ 462 CENTER STREET Sen. Thomas B. DuPont, a Organizer with steel One of our airocations of late has been dential statement was to in­ pears slightly abated. lice Dei>artment and the offi­ something like $1,600,000 In New Contributed by; Franklin Democrat who heads • 4-ply pull skeins of the charade into the course of action MANCHESTER With twister ties jay watching, keeping an eye on the clude strong language on the It Is against that background cer that found our dog. Britain, the state paid off noth­ Howard L. Holmes, the Senate Elections Com­ *DuPont Cortiflcwllon Mwrk frame; see-thru draw­ we were hoping to protect by the flocks of bluejays which frequent the vital Importance of people-to- that opposition to RBTj-RLi fund­ Marthan L. LaurtniUs ing at all, and the current pro­ Holmes Funeral Home OPEN T DAYS from mittee, supported the bill and ers; index cards. 10:00 A.M .' to 1 :00 AJH. 3 charade. neighborhood. people contacts, using quota­ C D s c ijL “ Eat Here—or Put Up To Go” noted the action also was sup­ Yesterday there were six jays in the tions from Mr. Nixon during ported by the special commis­ It could conceivably go Into the record bare branches of the big bronze maple. his visit to the Great Wall of sion on the age of majority. that King Hussein’s proposal died an They appeared to be courting pairs, bob­ China Feb. 24. None of that sur- 26 YEARS AT THE SAME LOCATION! Voting against the blU were GRANTS CAULKING ignoble deedh because nobody came to bing up and down

TOWN OF MANCHESTER, OONNECTICUT UVINint SlMiAtTnCnOIAl, IDMD tOWI OF MAKCBMTIR, COWntmCDI 0FBRATUI6 BODOR 1972-73 BiFimtTOBi BOMAiT-annAL n m - March 27, 1972 TOi BOARD OF DIRECTORS 6 7 8 # 1 ^ 2 3 4 5 1 ______J ______3 4 5 6 7 .8 • T O m OF MANCHESTER FROMi R. B. WEISS, GENERAL MANAGER MANAGER'S RIVnOBS AID nPnDITDRRS o f i r a i u k ; b d d c e t OOLLBCUD OOLLBCTBD APPROVBD OOLLSCTBD ESTIMATE ■AFFROVED EXPENDED EXPENDED APPBOVED B8X1MATBD ' DEFT. MANAGER'S AFIROVBD FIRE DISTRICT SPECIAL 700) SUBJECTi Tentative Budget and Budget Message lEVRMUR SOURCE BUDGET AS OF BSTIMATB BODGXT DEPt. m i R E n o i r r BUDGET BXPIMDIIDIX8 REQUEST niOOMM. BUDGET Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1972 12-31-71 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73 NO. • 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73 1972-73 COLLECTED c o l l £ t e d APPBOVED COLLECTED ESTIMATED MANAGER'S APPIOVID 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 BBVnUE SOURCn FRiRECnON OF PERB0R8 & BUDGET AS OF FULL YEAR Ricom. BUDGET Despite every effort to develop a budget for your consideration that would provide for no n«-lDIIOATIOIIAL R E U T I D 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 , 12-31-71 1971-72 increass in tho tax rat«, too many items of fixed costs preclude thiSs In addition• in recent FIOtBEXT 1972-73 1972- 73 [ riOFim TAXIS yaars we have been holding such a tight line on expenditures that further reductions could 301 Follce OapertMnt 829,225 914,732 1,063,813 1,074,387 1,194,888 1,127,707 Tax Lsvy-Ourrsnt Tssr 8.116,684 11,940,000 13,143,68( seriously affect our ability to maintain services of an adequate level. I recognise, of course, 10,099,738 11,131,499 11,944,701 305 Civil Defenea 7.122 49,255 80,000 65 gOOC ' 7.020 8.753 8.753 14.589 9.381 BEVaRTE AMD USE OF SURPLUS 797,225 862,044 1,067,340 674,889 1,071,321 1,161,977 that there is no such thing as a budget that cannot be cut. The budget document is presented in Tsx Lsyy-Frlor Tsar> 118,001 133,236 80,000 TOTAL FROTBCTIOM OF considerable detail to afford you sufficient information to evaluate spending programs. The Intsrest & Lisa Fsas 26.373 30.892 20.000 14.599 26.000 13,228,68^ PERSONS & n O P H X T 836,347 921,752 1,072,386 1,083,160 1,209,477 1,137,09< green sheet with each agency budget summarises changes in costs from the current year and should Total lO.2U . i 32 T i M H l S r 12,0U.701 8,160,538 12,046,000 prove helpful in your deliberation and analysis. The written document however, can never be sufficiently complete to eliminate the need for work sessions between the Manager and Board of HBOTB 4'NBIFAU e x p e n d e d E X P B f ^ APPROVED B8TIMAXED DEPT'S MANAGXR'S Directors. [I FINIS. LlCnSIS, FEEMIT8 & Fill APPROVED 64.00C 401 Child Ouidenee Center SEE SUPPOl ravX 00T81DI SOCIAL AND H A L T H 8BEV1 138 ■ r a D i r u R B s BUDGET EXPENSES Fess,ate.-Town Clark 52,643 61,097 64,000 29,357 64,000 REQUEST RICOMl. BUDGET 402 pub. Health Hurting Assn. II II II II II N n 1969-70 1 9 ^ 7 1 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 TAX RATE Building Insp. 32,334 72,470 70,000 16,033 47.000 60,00( 1972-73 1972-73 411 Health 3 0 , 4 ^ 46,736 56,449 60,809 73,387 73,587 ■ Health 632 263 310 174 310 31( A tax rate of 52 ullls, representing an increase of 3.34 mills is recommended to support 421 Welfare 4 Soelol Servlcae 97,770 136,993 140,109 161,109 173,720 173,721 ALL AeiXVXtUB 785,058 834,302 1,067,340 1,032,797 1,197,064 Follce 12,829 6,990 10.000 3,328 8.000 9,OCX 1,161,977 General Fund services. An increase of .19 to 5.25 mills is required for sui^rting the Fire 412 M. R. Workshop SEE StoPPOl n V B (XRBIDI SOCIAL AMD VA L T R 8BRV1 3 S Plaantng Ai Zoning 2,222 1,874 2,340 1,114 2,188 2,2(X District. No increase is projected for the Special Taxing District and water rates can remain TOTAL BBALIR & WILFAII 128,1^ 183,729 m , 5 S 8 221,918 W7,3X)7 247,307 at the present level. Sewer rates should probably be reviewed after the first quarter to Csmatary 44.686 43,866 60,700 21,811 43,000 30,(KX determine their adequacy. Library 4,997 11,500 11,30( 12,197 11,302 11,455 n a u U T I O R lacraatlon 11,960 10,829 9,000 4,984 9,200 9,20( REVIEW OF CURRENT FISCAL YEAR ACTIVITIES sol Roeroetlon Dopartmsnt 103,318 130,731 140,397 140,397 156,87: Camp Kanaedy 23 - 136,872 503 Sonlor CltlBons' Contsr 26.174 30.380 32.449 32.695 34.163 > . 1 6 ! Finsa - Bon-aoving Tiolations 7,238 13,453 8,000 6,476 10,000 12,00( SPECIAL TAXING DISTRia Projections made after the first six months of the present fiscal year seem to be holding 4.50( TOTAL lECIIATIOH 131,692 161,131 172,646 173,092 191,037 REVnUIS ARD EEPRRDiTURZS up. You may recall at that time we projected this need to find approximately $235,POO. This Slisrad Fortlan N7 VioL 9.690 4.340 4.000 2.333 AUIBORITT PARKING FUND will be accomplished through a combination of utilizing state aid for .education in excess of Total 202,412 228,682 240,205 92,827 201,698 222.71( original estimates, under expending appropriations in several accounts' and use of surplus LlBIAXr COLLECTED COLLECTED APPROVED COLLECTED ESTIMATED MAMACIR'S APPIOVED 601 Library lEVHDB 80UI0B8 generated from last year's operations. III FROM CDIRIMT SRBFICIS _ 266.448 276.675 295.000 299.560 353 .M 3 34l.00( ■ BUDGET AS OF FULL TEAR RECOtM. BUDGET TOTAL LUIART 1969-70 1970-71 Foltca Spaclal Ssrvlcas 27,244 48,000 10,00( 266,448 276,675 295,000 299,560 333,683 341,001 1971-72 12-31-71 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73, In conjunction with this year's operations, the Board of Directors will be requested to 97,006 47,364 29,000 Halfara Cllants & Stats 2,113 4,081 3.000 6,383 10,000 3,00( appropriate the $798,000 for surplus reported in the audit of the last fiscal year. $fi00,000 115 NON-IUMCnOMAL - RXVIEUB AND USE Ot SURPLUS 2C.184 32,823 19,604 38,575 36^280 of this reflects the repayment of the tax anticipation rate borrowed to meet the cash flow Islmb.-Othar Towns-Halfara 19,991 14,380 100 301 Social Security 90,323 100,240 110,000 118,300 140,000 Walks & Curbs 1.720 3,257 3,500 1,471 2,500 8,0(X 140,001 302 InaurencasFlre.Llab..etc. 96,778 130,000 184,00 . requirements of the sewer project. With the completion of the sewer oroiect we can restore Civil Dafeasa-lscurrlag C^gs. 1,733 1,189 4.000 3,550 3,78( 130,589 137,200 184,000 B X P n D E D EXPBIDBD APPROVED BSTIMAXBD DIFT'S MANAGER'S APPROVED 503 Inaurance tinployeea'Group ttPBIDIZUBIS ^^dit“"‘^ o' $276,000 advanced but ^orrS^JJd f” Ralmb.-Stats-Straat Lighting 1,403 647 1,400 1,394 . 1,394 1,39< BUDGET EXPENSES REQUEST RBCOtMi BUDGET Life, Accident & Health 36,205 39,890 50,000 50,000 35,000 5S,00( Ralocstion-Bouts 6,1-64 640 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73 1972-73 503 Panalon Fund Contribution 200,242 250,000 300,000 300,000 341,027 430,0(M .__ ourrent budget, $1,1TO,000 shows as estimated revenue from state and federal sources Sals of Plastic Bags 7.000 8.166 11.000 15.OCX 506 Connualty Servlcoa-Bd. Id. 26,000 13,(XX ALL Acnvniis 30,355 38,373 38,575 38,573 36,280 towaxd th* s«wer projects Anticipated at this time la A313 lai ___ j. ^ ^ Tot«l 84,610 73,118 48,000 44.658 76.444 43,17/ ^ . 3 9 9 23,000 26,000 13,000 in the last fiscal year that had been estimated for 1971/72! Thie is reflected In the $798 000 * 540 Coonunity Sorvlcee-lec. 17,000 17,00( jurplus indicated in the auditor's report and a request U l i hTmldi to^H^Ite to the current year's operation in order to provide for our book balance. ****” s ■ \ FISCAL PROJECTIONS 1972/73 TOWN }F MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT OPERATING BUDGET 1972-73 BXPENDITUXE SUMMRXr-GBNXEAL FOND Fortunately s ^ revmue factors have a favorable impact on the tax rate. Our grand list TOHM o f MANCHISTKK, COHNBCnCUT OEmTIHG BDIXn - FISCAL TEAR 1972-73 RBVENDS SUMMAKT-OBIOnAL FtRO) increase of 3.1* will produce approximately $385,000 in additional funds at the currmt tax rate- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TOWN OF MAKCHISSTER Mso, using the Governor's recommendation for school aid of $215 per pupil and other increases 6 7 8 RETENDES AMD EXFEMDITDItES xor special programs we project school siid revenue‘to increase by approxiaetely $238g000« 1 2 3 4 5 EXPENDED EXFBNDBD APPROVED ESTIMATED DEFT. MANAGER'S APPIOVED i DEFT. DEPARTMENT E8TIMATR MANAGER'S APPROVED BUDGET IXPENDITURB SBQDE8T UOOMl. BUDGET COLLECTED COLIE CIED APPROVED COUXCIED NOe CdLLBCIZD < COLLECTED APPROVED COLLECTED ESTIMATED MANAGER'S APPROVED other rwenue projections are based on current experience. Fees charged for funeral services BSTIMATB BODOBT 1969-70 1970-7X 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73 1972-73 should be adjusted upward to reflect our actual costs - particularly on weekends snd holidays. REVENUE SOURCE BODCtr AS OF REVENUE SOURCES BUDGET AS OF FULL YEAR RECOMM. BUDGET 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73. 507 Trans, to Cap. Imp.Ras.Fd. Fees for private use of the sanitary disposal area should be considered. Several area towns now • 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 12-31-71 4,351.800 450,783 61>,200 817,200 ---- 3 3 S . s u --- 33B;S8S 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 12-31-71 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73 lsqx>se such fees. Receipts from this source could serve two purposesi discourage non-resident use IV FBOM OTHER AGBHCIB8 508 Refund of Taxes 12,228 2,726 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 of our facility and provide funds for the recomsended transfer station. Rataburssmants-Hatar lUad 14.000 16,250 18,000 9,000 18,000 18,000 509 Rsfunds-Othsr 36 278 100 520 Pension-Special ' EXPENDITURE C O W E N T S Sawar Ibnd 14,000 15,000 17,000 8.000 17,000 17,000 600 600 600 600 600 600 REVENUXS 326,364 225,632 116,465 225,632 Flra Fund 3,300 6.000 6,000 3,000 6,000 6,600 521 Rslocatlon-louts 6-1-84 544 231 The overall recommended budget ($17,194,838) Increase is approximately 5.5* coiqparsd with the Dog Fuad 9,978 8,719 14,170 14,000 14,000 523 Insursnca-Blua Cross 58,195 82,571 . 92,000 92,000 92,000 92,000 budget as originally approved by the Board of Directors ($16,340,761) last year. Reductions of Parking Auth.R 867 1,300 1,500 750 1,500 1,300 324 Insuranca-C.M.S. 16.558 17,498 17,500 26,000 30,000 30,000 over $1,158,000 or the equivalent of 4% mills on tho tax rate m r e made by me in reviewing depart­ 525 Insurance-Major Medical Data Frocasa Ed 67,366 9,752 10,481 15,000 15,000 16,300 16,500 EXPENDED EXPENDED APPROVED ESTIMATED DEPT'S MANAGER'S APPROVED mental requests. 328 Health & Helfara-PA-481 " " 01 6.286 - SEE 8U 7F0RTIVE OUT SIDE SOCIAL 6 HEALTH 8BI VICI8 EXPENDITURES BUDGET EXPENSES REQUEST RECOMM. BUDGET 529 UneiBploynant COmpenaatlon Major budget increases are briefly noted belowi Total — 121,121 56,670 20,750 36,500 57,100 268 3,574 7,500 10.000 10.000 10,000 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73 1972-73 533 Special Grant Fund 50,000 25,000 25,000 Education $496,000 534 Contingency V RENTS 6 LIASES 23,300 23,300 185,000 185,000 ALL ACTIVITIKS 310,766 < 225.632 225,632 Town Ownad Proparty 34.620 33.130 32.000 17.442 34.000 34.000 DEBT SBRVtCE-BONDBD This con^ares with approximately $1,200,000 increased budget request by the Board of INDEBTEDNESS Education s Total 34,620 33,530 32,000 17,442 34,000 34,000 891 Principal 733.000 663,000 620,000 620,000 623,000 623,000 Pensions $150,000 ^ VI STATE & FBDBEAL AID 892 Interest 146,524 127,289 123,428 123,428 147,700 147,700 Valfara-Stata 38,252 43,837 77,346 21,709 108,000 119,100 The recommended figure is approximately $100,000 less than the request of the Pension Board. library Support 15,232 9,839 12.000 4,559 3,000 TEMPORARY NOTES • Capital. Improvements $121,680 -la Llau of lavantory Tax 128,563 6,057 183,863 91,766 177,474 192,000 ■ 893 Principal 2,385,000 630,000 630,000 Bldarly Tax Examption 27,364 46,700 62,555 61,805 61,804 81,042 894 Interest 33.723 50.081 43.031 43.031 33.000 33.000 COLLECTED COLLECTED APPROVED COLLECTED ESTIMATED The Capital Inprovefnent Program was drastically cut back in the current year* The proposed CDAP 53,073 54,363 TOTAL NON-FUNCTIONAL 5.807.175 4.387.831 3.033.659 3.080.259 2.431.707 2.3m ! ^ MANAGER'S APPROVED REVENUE SOURCES BDDGST AS OF FULL YEAR figure is still below the 1970/71 level of e)q>enditures We should be spending at least the Polioa Aec.Bacerd Systam 7.000 8,499 RECOim. BUDGET equivalent of 2 mills on capital improvement ($514,000) compared with the request of $338,880. 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 12-31-71 1971-72 Foliea Span.Training Equip. 13,000 4,500 1972-73 1972-73 Insurance A Social Security Tax Follda Comm. Systam 3,000 $103,000 RBVBHUBS 152,485 78,600 184,505 200,286 Block Grant-Stata 44,185 46,463 50,000 46,500 46,500 $54,O W of the Increase is in the fire and liability Insurance area which was under­ Rafuaa Diapoaal 10.000 13,819 EXPENDED estimated in this year's budget, $30,000 is in socled. security taxes based on Increase in the Priv.School RaAlth & Halfara 34,162 46,036 23,105 24,151 EXPENDED APPROVED ESTIMATED DEPT'S MANAGER'S APPROVED deduction schedule and the balance is for Employee group life and health programs. EXPENDITURES Sacondary Sawar Frojact 2,100.000 1.100.000 285,641 313,141 BUDOET EXPENSES REQUEST RECOMM. /•BUDGET ■ 1969-79 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 Rubbish Disposal $ 65,821 Polioa In-Satvlea Training 9,700 1972-73 1972-73 .J 1972-73 Unli^rovad Roadway Account 7,600 7,600 7,600 We are entering the second of a three year contract for refuse disposal. This provides a l l ACTIVITIES See F m d 1 184,505 184,505 200,286 200,286 for an escalation of approximately $20,000 for the present collection system of twice per week mt mn with one collection rear yard. The proposed budoet eliminates the rear yard collection, except Drug Adviaory (kninoll 5,460 8,814 10,000 / 1 for senior citizens and invalids, and results in an increase of S9.0S0 instead of 520.000. Bigbway Pavamaat biprovamaat 58.385 58.385 Total l.$^1.912l 527,6$5 467.801 ■ The State is exercising much stricter control over the ■quality* of our operation and we t .007 .^65 are under orders to relocate a brook at the disppsal area at an estimated cost of $16,500 for TOWN OF HASCHHSTER, CONNECTICUT OPEEATING nUDCXT 1972-73 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY-QENSSAL FUND TOWN OF MANCHESTER rental of equipment. Replacement of a bulldozer and the acquisition of a brush chipper sd.ll REVENUES AMD EXPENDITURES OPERATING BUDGET POLICE (SANTS FUND 61 cost $27,500. TOUR 07 MANCSISTBR, COlOaCTICUT ••1 - OFEBATING BDDGST - FISCAL YEAR 1972-73 REVBNUB SDWIARY-GBNBRAL FOND 5 6 " ' 7 ‘ • 8' " Sidewalk Repairs $ 55,500 EXFBNDBD EXPENDED REVENUE SOURCES BUDGET AS OF FULL TEAR .RECOMM. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 APPROVED ESTIMATED DEPT. MANAGER'S APPROVED BUDGET Last year's "bare bones* budget reduced this account to $9,500 coepared with $65,000 to DEPT. DBPABTMENT BUDGET expenditure : REQUEST RECOMM. BDDGBX 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 12-31-71 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73 COLLECTED COLUCTBD APPROVED COLLECTED ESTIMATE MANAGER'S $70,000 in prior years. The neglect of our sidewalks is one of the most frequent causes of APPROVED NO. 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73 1972-73 citizen complaints and can cause expensive law suits against the Town, BEVBMOB SOURCE BUDGET AS OF BSTIMATB BUDGET - US $DPP5iT5rirU¥SI5B 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 12-31-71 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73 SOCIAL 6 HEALTH SERVICES 66,600 Police $ 53,894 VII OTHER RRVRMUE REVENUES 130,195 130,195 510 Child Guidance Clinic 14,500 17,000 20,000 20,000 24,000 22,000 Intarast on Invastmenti 135,672 93,031 120.000 69,855 100,000 90.000 Complunts handled by the police have Increased 20* in 1971 over 1970. Hesrever, the motor 511 Public Raalth Nursing 29,916 36,40c 45,000 45,000 Intersst on Otbsr Funds 45,412 14,596 16,870 2,098 . 58,305 52,000 vehicle accident and breaking and entering rates have decreased eleven- and seventeen percent 16,870 17,500 512 Bast Catholic Nurse Cars INCLUI ED IN HBALT1 respectively. We feel that a combination of selective enforcement, conspicuously marked Miscallsnsous 167.284 109,624 115,000 1 DEPARTMENT 1.000 1.000 7,970' 20,000 20.000 528 Hsslth & Welfare Services cruisers, and increased patrol capability have contributed to these improvements. Sals of Town .Ownad Land 136.500 1.350 EXPEiniED EXPENDED APPROVED ESTIMATED DEPT'S MANAGER'S APPROyED Private Schools PA-481 33,151 30,768 46,036 46,036 24,159 Total 504.868 218.601 251.870 79.923 24,159 EXPENDITURES BUDGET EXPENSES REQUEST RECOMM. BUDGET 136.870 127.500 532 Drug Advisory Council-Town INCLUU ED IN HEALTI TOTAL MOH-ROOCAIIONAL RELATED SOURCES 11,428,676 14,376.621 : DEPARTICNT 15,000 ll.QOO 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73 1972-73 14,355,258 8,963,233 13.558.977 14.180.971 533 Drug Adviaory Councll-Giann The recommended budget provides for three preextions to the rank of sergeant in the patrol EDDCATIOEAL b e l a t e d SOURCES 536 Hsntslly Retarded Horkehop division in order to provide needed stpervision at-all times) four now civilian dispatchers would 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 ALL ACTIVITIES 130,195 130,195 III CDIIEET SEBVICBS 537 Homemaker Service be recruited to replace uniformed officers capable "Of field assignment) (civilians perform this Board of Education 2,500 2,500 53.749 29,178' 37,500 8,763 26,500 33,500 541 SAKY Program INCLUDE work at approximately one-third less thaii uniformed personnel) and the creation' of an eighth D IN BOARD (P DIRECTORS 13,500 10,500 patrol district as projected in the 'three year plan initiated in 1970. . Project Concam 34,178 39,376 40,000 28,440 33,000 C o m n i t y Collsgs 33.653 23.200 400 .TOTAL SDPP(«TIVB OUTSIDE Since 1970 nearly $164,000 in Federal and State grants have been used to provide many Total 121,580 91,754 77,500 9,183 54,940 68,300 SOCIAL 6 HEALTH SERVICES 77,567 84,168 116,036 116,036 loprovements in police operations particularly in Training, Record keeping. Communications snd IV STATE & FEDERAL GIANTS 143,464 128,159 Youth Services. ^ Stats Ald-Oppratlon 2,181,643 2,266,290 2.339,200 712,314 2,431,000 2,577,100 m > r a r v $46,000 REVENUE AMD EXPENDITURES HHITON LIBRARY TRUST FUND 10 \ Construction 353,923 635,080 332,015 85,652 352,413 360,749 Most of the library increase reflects an attempt by the Library Board to \ Bond Interest Rslmb. sat newly 7.318 Board of Education 8,149,000 9,005,207 9,605,000 9,605,000 10.794.011 10,101;000 COLLECTED COLLECTED APPROVED COLLECTED ESTIMATED MANAGER'S APPROVED established State standards on book collections over a period of three years. \ Total 2,537,566 2,901,370 2,671,215 >^7,966 i,783,415 Board of Education Grants 293.132 REVENUE SOURCES BUDGET AS OF FULL YEAR RECOtM. BUDGET \ DOR PROM SFBCIAL PROJECT FUND #41 50,000 23,000 PERSONNEL 23,000 8,442,132 9,005,207 9,605,000 9,605,000 10.794.011 10,101,000 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 12-31-71 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73 \ SPECIAL STATE & FEDERAL GRANTS ___g94,207 No additional personnel is requested except in the police department where four civilian TOTAL EOUCATIOMAL BELATED SOURCES 2,953,353 3,043,124 2,773,715 dispatchers would replace uniformed personnel for patrol duty. 807,149 2,863.355 3,013.867 1971-72 Budget as origi­ nally adopted 16,340,761 REVENUES 5,000 5,000 5,000 In the cdteetery department, with the projected retireawnt of the Srq>erintendent, it is proposed TOTAL lEVIMOB 14,382,029 17,419,743 17,139,073 9,770,382 16,422,332 to eliminate one position by combining the Sexton and Superintendent responsibilities. One full-time 17,194,838 EXPENDED EXPENDED APPROVED . ESTIMATED DEPT'S MA.*(AGER'S APPROVED Iddltlonal appropriations and one part-time clerk will be eliminated in the tax office. Under a new State lair we must appoint USB OP SURPLUS E X P ^ I T U R E S BUDGET EXPENSES REQUEST RECOm. BUDGET a full-time health director. Funds are in this budget for this position, and various alternatives 63,350 798.000 . luring 1971-72 Fiscal Year TAX ANTICIPATION NOUS 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73 1972-73 for filling the position are being explored. 730.000 798,312

The Federally funded EZiergency Employment Act has had a considerable impact on our activities TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS 15,195,379 17,419.745 17,139,073 9,770,382 E X F E H D m m S S 5,000 5,000 with over 10* of our personnel now under this program. A long list of accomplishments testify to the 17,220,332 17,194,838 value of this program to the Town - sxich at major painting and maintenance of public buildings, im­ CKAND TOTAL lA.niA Q1Q 1*7 AA9 'l7 110 071 17 11^ A4A lA.IS^.AIA 17 144 AIR ------^---- 1 proved capability in the park department, updating of engineer's and assessor's maps, programs for wosten and girls in the recreation department and improved zoning enforcesMnt. We havw b e m informed ______by the State that this program is expected to be funded for another year. Funds are not indicated in the budget for next year, bu,t will be covered by special Board action ht the appropriate time. \------1 - ---- 1------b------^— .1 Departmental budgets do not show any salary increases except those covered by existing contracts since negotiations with our enployee groups were not completed at budget time. Once agreements havw been reached transfers can be made from the contingency account to cover coat items, TOWN OF MANCHESTER REVENUE AMD EXPENDITURES OFBkATING BUDGET 1972-73 HATER PIBR) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS T O m OF NAMCRB8TBR, OOmOKTICDT OPIRATIMG BUEGRT 1972-73 IZPIIIDIIDRB 8(DMART-(SXBRAL f o n COLLECTED COLLECTED APPROVED COLLECTED ESTIMATE MANAGER'S APFIOVZD leeda Our capital needs would justify a substantially expanded committment. To meet th< REVENUE SOURCE limited bonding may be the best solution. Designation of approved capital projects at time of 1 2 - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BUDGET AS OF FULL YEAR RSTIMAp budget adoption would make possible better planning of work schedules for ths year and that 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 12-31-71 19711-72 1 9 7 2 ^ reason is recommended for your consideration. ERPERDID EXPENDED APPROVED ESTIMATED DEPT. MAMAGBB'S APPEOVBD 584,630 584,653 502,799 401,966 607,254 DEFT. DIBAR3MEHE BUDOET BXPENDIIUREi REQUEST BEOOIM. BUDGET REVENUE AMD USB OF SURPLUS 606,022 NO. 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73 1972-73 EXPENDED EXPENDED APPROVED BSTIMATBO OBPT'S MAtlAGBR'S APPIOVID HON-EDOCATIOHAL RELATED EXPENDITURES BUDGET EXPENSES IBQUBST RECOMM. BUDGET jram CEEERAl OOVEIKIBRT required under the Charter is contained in a separate docuisent. 1969 t 70 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73 1972-73 101 Board of Directors 40,342 34,890 68,350 68,812 63,863 63,865 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS - CURRENT YEAR 102 Gernsral Msnsgsr 67.003 57.011 71,844 71,844 76,193 76'.193 OPIRATINO EXPENSES 318,212 359,777 405,786 398,686 469,733 469,753' PRDJ. PROJ. 103 Controllor 33,436 39,197 62,033 63,057 64,977 DEBT CER9ICB 63,283 61,993 60,713 60,713 39,428 39,428 NO. 64,977 NO. 104 Electlens 42,340 48,649 40,891 39,343 47,332 47|332 T R A M O m TO RESERVE FUND 106,775 391,000 105 Asssssmant 37,340 62,691 68,005 70,174 CAPITAL IMPROVEtaOiTS 28,429 31,268 36,300 43,400 76,841 76,841 1. Laurel Lake area for fill and solid $65,000 76,607 76,607 155. Install fencing at Globe Hollow $ 3,400 106 Collector of Revenue 46,323 49.449 49,413 wrsts disposal. Pool. 50,083 32,609 ' S2I609 107 Town Clerk 68,346 57,460 58.032 38,227 60,278 60j278 TOTAL 516.699 844.043 302.799 302,799 606,022 606,022 3. Trotter Block payment on Bond for 10,080 68. TOPICS Program. 108 Treasurer 31,193 30,313 38,985 33,983 44,038 deed. 25,000 4o !S22 109 PloBnlng & Zoning 37,274 40,237 42,083 41,980 45,167 43,167 77. Provide signal at Canter Steet 5,0 0 0 110 Toon Couneel 69,706 48.923 63,433 62,464 63,427 12. CBD Developzient (downtown) 10,000 and McKee Street. 63|427 111 Generel Serrlcee 38,692 41,033 44.666 46,001 30,506 48|286 13. Prepare preliminary plans for 112 Probate Court 1,789 1,674 2.000 5,000 76. Provide signal at Charter Oak XO |000 1,673 2,270 2 ! 270 REVENUE AMD BXFIMDXtURES piHIR FUND Municipal Building.' and Spruce Streets. 113 Data Processing 97,109 112.944 60.573 60,373 63.000 63i000 l U CDAP 32,818 59,681 COLLECTED COLLECTED APPROVED C O U E C n O I8XIMAXB MANAGER'S AFFROVED 18. Refurbish YNCA building exterior 20,000 86. Urban Systems Program. REVENUE SOURCE BUDGET AS OF FULL YEAR BSTIMATI BUDGET and grounds. 25,000 116 Ibd.EMr.Bsp.Fro.-Sec. V '46,409 125,690 Fed.ter.Bip.Fro.-8ec. VI 37.388 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 12-31.-71 1971-72 1972-73 1972-73 22. 87. Paysient to Green Manor for 33,000 704,194 Prepare plans for modernization of ' 400 Progress Drive. TOTAL OEEIUL OOVBBMIENT 706,037 739,299 833,300 710,369 705735ST REVtaUB AMD USB OF SURPLUS 304,534 389,661 609,034 269,089 653,027 598,918 call blocks at police station. PUBUC WORKS — - Industrial Guidelines. Dept, of Public Horka 26. 50,000 EXPENDED ' EXPENDED APPROVED B8TIMAXI0 KPT'S MAWUBR'S APPROVED Install anti-pollution devices for 20,000 201 Adnlnlatretlon 31,993 35,510 50.335 30,310 school incinerators. 51,562 31,362 BUDGET EXPENSES RIQUIST RBCOMl. lODQIT 114. Hilliard and Broad Streets 25,000 202 Building Inspection Dlv. 112,996 119,666 133,663 BXPINDITUBBS 134,738 133,213 13s !213 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1971-72 1972-73 drainage (to Hockanum). 203 1972-73 1972-73 31. Develop Manchester Recreation Center 4,500 / Engineering Dlv. 33,723 63,872 66.793 68,795 87,703 79!s 33 ♦ 204 in acpordance with Development Plan. -- Sidewalks and curbs. 25,000 Hlgbney Dlv. 331,910 607,570 696,772 700,886 694,214 633,719 OPIRATINO EXPENSES 174,630 . 229,669 417,026 3 N , 7 9 3 422,334 422,334 208 Sanltatloa Dlv. 363,224 355,347 381,431 380,984 302,703 4461803 DEBT 8IRVICB 150,440 163,396 187,438 168,301 139,660 159,660 3S. Refurbish and develop Center Springs 4,500 TOTAL $353,880 209 Cemetery Dlv. 88,063 102,993 108,381 108,144 113,360 109j460 TBAN8FBR TO RESERVE FUND 2 ,0 0 0 676 38,880 38,880 Park - plan to be finalized. 210 Park Dlv. 203.443 222,363 236.032 236,032 287,804 27s !734 CAPITAL DiPBOVEMBNTS 6,379 8,093 11,683 11,013 16,904 16,904 Less Projects 77 and 78 - t o 220 Sldewnlka 4 Curba 67,303 70,993 9,500 48. Microfilm deteriorating maps and 2,000 be financed by Town Road Aid 9,300 163,000 6 s !o o o 230 Street Lifting , l? 233.000 institute topographic nap programs. Funds ss—s4*«5Hfc15.000 • ___»»!ooo isslooo TOTAL 333,449 401,834 633,027 398,987 398,918 598,918 TOTAL l U B U C HDRKI 1,223,323 1,737,520 1,908,109 1,883,589 - 2.272,S6i 2 , 0 0 4 , ^ S8. Surface tennis courts at West Side 11,000 Recreation Canter. TOTAL



* « •. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN..' THURSDAY, MARCH SO, 1972 PAGE. ELEVEN PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCflf^TER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 80,^9TO Tolland VTal|^rTiim Set Trip Canceled Tolland Hartford Man Wins Super 75 On Baha’i Faith Obituary Obscenity Bill HARTFORD (AP) — Gov. MERIDEN, Ooon. (AP) — Anthony ert S. Cahill of Ansonla, Lucia B. DeM^o HiomM J. Mesidll Wednes­ The Manchester Baha’i com­ of Stamford and Mr. and Mrs. A lfi^ School Board Reaffirms day canceled plans to visit School To Give Assist munity will sponsor a public Pecilun, a 67-year-oId machinist from Schober Dies, Pardee Jr. of Southbury. Japan wim a group of gov­ talk and film presentation on Hartford, Ivon $75;00p in the Super 76 The commission said 2,088,000 lottery ernors. Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the HCTS Teacher Passed by House Connecticut lottery drawing. ' tickets were sold in the last week. MeaklU said the ‘'huge vol­ Unitarian building, 466 Main St. The state Gaming Commission also This week’s winning number was High School Si loking Ban ume of unfinished legislative To Underground Paper Robert Pmco, chairman of Walter E. Schober. 82, a for­ (Continued from Page One) toward censorship and concerns annotuiced that Henry F. Novak of Trum­ 76963. buataess. Including me adop­ the community and author of mer drafting: instructor at every librarian In the state. I • bull won $20,000. Holders of tickets which match all five tion of a budget for the com­ HoweU Cheney Technical |^„them pomogmaphlc mater- ^ ^ moderate digits win $6,000. I J” *® Student council conduct- alx kids from becoming addlct- ing year" w m me reason for Tolland High School’s under- at iMt night’s school board die Schcol, noted his school Is -Tv„pivp qtatlonn nf the «oiil ’ ’ There were thre^ $10,000 winners: Rob­ conflm ed Ito b m on studmt ed a detailed i>oU In which 341 ed to smoking we have accom- School, died this morning at a *aJ. conservative, but this bill In- the cancellation. greund paper “ Tlie Village meeting revolved around me presently operating at 100 to " B l i ’rFaTSi L Boggini, who said he has re- amoklng a t ^ e achool, fol- nmm to i m grade students pUahed someming worthwhile,” p-r,e.“ will be allowed to use Manchester convalescent home. censes me.” The governors’ idslt Is Mr. Schober, formerly of 52 celved more letters and phone loiring conriderable dlacuMltm favored permitting smoking Cornish added, nx-onrHn. ni T*>e Family of Man” PMca hM Warning of the possible spread scheduled for April 4-16. It la the high school printing facili­ OProblems are occurring re- will have to even If mree por recenOv s^ken at Manchester Deimont St., was bom March calls concerning the obscenity , ui CCLU Seeks Humphrey and ^ m l t t ^ y inlxed feelings compared t6 130 who didn't. Taking me opposite posltlcn, part of a 19-year-old ex­ ties, witiiout fear cf any censor­ garding student parking; mere table classrooms are purchM- ^ 26. 1890 in Sag Harbor, N.Y., bill "than f funds to pay tw paving scheduling proposal with little universal is at stake From ^Hole’ Budget feated. Board member lUmert p^u Dean noted It is a personal de- one time served as Its acting dl- cheater must be defeated,” he ~ _ ... (Continued from Page One) me student council reo- Kissinger balling out the financially "'®';® parking area, the present vetoed cpposltlon, but several ® ™ ;, “ ®®P‘®‘® ^ . f ^ I i m rector. He also coached the said. "It has nothing to do with to judge. I dOTt NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) •— oirion. parking requirements will be members, notably Mrs. Carol ^ troubled student paper. and Its impact on me young school's basketball team until censorship. We need law en- anyone telling me what The Connecticut Civil Liberties as low as fourth In the ballot­ Board member Carol Duncan, an-eed however mev aimough me beard Duncan, objected to me conipu Union said today It has filed a They agreea, nowever, mev informally agreed me terized grading as” lmpersonal, people cf America- 1942. forcement against the smut ped- ^ read. I can ing. W..1 b. “ felt perhaps It would be better Ordered To suit seeking the immediate re­ P ared to suspension after me first ^ age who have .... discussion • period will fol- He was a member of North dlers.” stand I can walk away. “ Time is on our side .,. If a permission note. to have me smoking done in ^th'*ti^a1^tatereri*1^°m P*’®“ ®«* wlU iMreMe m more sterile and antiseptic.” lease ot two prisoners from warning, and m e board mem- we stay alive in Wisconsin," wanuiia, -XX, uuaxxi luem- - ______v.. „i me oP®h,open, but Dut vciceavoiced several Yrim*1. greater » It was s com * and------more------students enter------me " " .Olsen niscn was enthualMtienthuslMtically **"®® refreriiments United Methodist Church, the Qenovesl, speaking briefly, “ the hole” at the Federal Cor­ Visit Japan Manchester Philatelic Society gald "I want to add my voice s°>^’dp. ’ (Oonttnned from Page One) said Salinger, who was press bers. noted mey. must stand be- reservations regarding me slt- the ^ s t ^J*®® ® ®®7' high school and obtain melr ,t and received support from ®®'^®‘^‘ ^he public U Invited. rectional Institute at Danbury. hlnrt hlo-h Bchool nrincinal Rloh. .*®^®® ““T ®ChOOl S^nds ^ and the Order of Hermann Sons support of this bUl. The law „ Censor ^ Boards hind high school principal Rich.: ..c , ------U c e ila ^ o r . MacKenzle. regalin g the ------“ Both rmnaln In ’the hole’ be- Uon Wednesday, the House ^®;~^ta^ ard Olson, m he ei^orces me Mhool hours or In me Tony TantUlo, a high school WASHINGTON (AP) — Prea The “ VUlage______Pace” wUl have The board dlsb agreed------^ to let efficiencies of computerized ® of Waterbury. as written Is now unenforceable. cause of their participation In passed a primary reform bill Netmedy, policy. exception sfa'd^t wholttends'm w t l^ n t Nbton'e dectelon to send to pay for "the materials and deseAdng students go home toanscriWng of'grades" parttou" He la survived by a son, Le- The change would permit us to we’re dead,” Pamting8 Lost Roy Schober of Thompsonvllle, j-ig ourselves of this filth.” appointed boards — for cen- the week-long work stoppage at and a measure that would ex- The board however, does not lounge. meetings, described me smok- Henry Kissinger to Japan me use of the equipment at the early If mey have a reason to jariv for college transcripts, smd four grandchildren. Rep. sUvlo Mastrianni D of soring books and movies.” the prison In eaifly March,” the else the words “ utterly without feel me ban should extend to a T f” ? ®^°uld not be per- (jjg, problem at me schools. f®*" three days In mid-April is school. do so, and a scheduled study Book Exhibit In Paris Theft Funeral services will be Sat- Derby charged, “The ^ t e ' la Democrats Irving Stolberg of OGLU said in a statement. redeeming social vahie” from student’s car as he Is entering J”ltted between classes aimough Smoking Is really bad In mo part of a new U.S. effort to bol- Richard Olson, principal of i,aii in me final period cf me A public exhibit of new li­ Urday at the Holmes Funeral drowning In moral poUutien. New Haven, Joseph Coatsworth Prison officials said they had the state’s pornography law. or leaving school grounds, since ® Pi'^posed mey be per- bamroems. TanUllo explained, «latlona with its econom- me high achort w m quick to day. brary and professional books PARIS (AP) — Five paintings Home, 400 Main St., at a time to xhls bill would stem It.” of Cromwell and David Neldltc not received official notification Both blUs were sent to the Sen- J ***” r f * misj is to be considered private ...... *”**j®d r™. to o smoke X,when I, eched- to-- me — extent------that------some teach------Ically XI 1, potent, X A -f politically r,A A sensi- point*•---- out " the permission- , , , w m Data Processing for secondary level students and by French mMters were stolen of the OCLU action and would ate for action. P®^®^’ Humptoey saU at uled for - be announced. will be in xhe bill was backed also by of West Hartford echoed Sara- property. «*‘® creating a smoking Uve ally to ^Asla, State Depart- “ in no way an attempt to Un- The board agreed to autaor- teachers will be displayed at Wednesday from a gallery just have no comment. The primary reform bUl re- The board’s actions ui*ol®«t 10 day. earUer. And It uterary magazine format wim gram wUl be under $3,000 and of me gallery. men have been “ continuously the office being sought. Henry M. Jackson of took one of their own. w smoKuig, Clung e x ^ p ie s ne „moVo cnmnlfiin may cause repercussions in considerable stress placed on will have several advantages, ter Memorial Hospital. opinion, the bill meets U.S. Su- for people—^whe^ther ‘they want confined in six-by-nine-foot Contenders who won 20 per Washington called for estaB- Mr. Fournier was bom June preme Court requirements, to drown in the moral pollution (H e ^ d photo by Oflara) The adult community poll Wtaltakm* 1 vdien me student Is si'spended Natl6na)U8t mo artwork and unique layout according to Olson, m d u d tag------cells, have had no exercise out- cent of a conventiem’s votes on Hshment of an environmental 19, 1882 In Calumet, Mich., eon Stevens said, “ Dealing with Rep. Mastrianni mistakenly in- side their cells, have been any ballot would continue to be conservation corps to provide of Joseph and Marie Cudleux pornography is of an emergency giats exists In the state." Another $5,000 Winner! allowed to rfiower only Mice or eligible lor primary challenges Job®, mainly for young adults. sponses were received result- ard where teachers are ner- Aimoueh he leaned toward “ sieg er visits. The board members. In grant- curacy. Fournier, and lived for many nature.” Mrs. Martin agreed. Prize F l^ t Bill years In New Bedford, Mass., “The pomograjrfiy prdblem Is A ...iA A . Ai. A AU ^^® *** '“ ® ^ derstandaWs answer, "I’m re- ^ week, have not been to the winner of the v,,.-- where he owned and operated an emergency that should be General Assembly is about to tir^ M d I certainly have many venUon’s endors^ent Public Records the Fournier Window Cleaning gealt with Immediately.” she te- ^ ^ ,Hng L id ^ m T o r b ^ ^ l L of T o r ^ now Is eUglble for the r e S n a T ^ ^ e L t a t c T l e '^ Warranty Deeds o, aaa- to ^ ^ J^'"toS^to sS SSToS^tolcS^ Frederick C. and Dorothy A. smokers. If we can save one. five or school boards to take a second sUgbtod. Grata Receipts, Annum to R a y m o n d O. F-SIRVICI DIRT ST O M S » look at granting smoking areM contrary, they say t o The board had previously Sides Tax Rise __ WASHINGTON — General prize fighting megal. r x “x.^ r.o." - x x - . n r u i r and me example mey TCt. ^ Kissinger a taken a hands-off policy regard- Ronald Sarasln of Seymour, a ..witvS,,.# ’iit+AArlv ‘®*^‘ $76,000, one M.OTO, and mree contends he was put In morbid Interest In nudity, sex. Property at 416-428 Main St., Tolland _ ___ of me sales and $nmss receipts tax col- drews. He was a m e m ^ of the Ronald Stsarasm a ra ^ ot oi Seymour^oeymour, a ..vyjthout Without the phrase, utterlyuaa.. a, p„^bes,porbes, a retired salesman lorfor $10,000$10,000 prizes,prizes. Win,wm. lose or draw ..t^e hole” two days alter the excretion •' ------He t o n recom m e^ed t o ^ j^ c e to learn more about me Ing the sale of Issues BROAD STREET sadism or masoch- conveyance tax $71.60. board adhere to its prebent poli­ member the s t ^ w l t ^ t redeeming value,’ “ he . HarUord -h e gets to keep the $6,000. gSke dieted becausT he raised full range of poUtical and eco- “ Pace” cn achool property. In J5®. Dean Machine Products Inc. cy against student smoking. MANCHESTER New Bedford. slon on 0 *»®f^ty, l^ t h e fl^ t said, “ the present law’s d ^ l - ^^rp of Windsor, learned he Forbes Is chairman of the ^ clenched fist and sheuted ji -X. M -n nomlc problems confronting me effect pennitUng the sale. ^ ahratt *sh' nar rent nt nil ______to Marks Realty of 47 Mellen Following his dissertation, Dr. jana-a-to leaderahlD The penhlssloii w m given 1971, about 80 per cent of all He Is also survived by anoth- against the bill, labeling U the tlon of sado-masochistic abuse had the 76963 winning number at Town I>e®rt U. and Annamaria Mon. Moot, of t o items coming up attorney. “ This Is the first step cial value.” week and doesn’t know for sure on the Republican Town Com- “ other Inmates who were South luyme were killed this oa aa . Prime Minister Elsaku Sato Graveside services will be Will Help Schools Manchester Evening Herald .. where the winning one came mlttee. He Is a former drufn ^ th Banks and Bach In ‘the wA.n w as. not consulted in advance Saturday at 11 a.m. at Sacred Interstate 96 and plummeted from. He bought three tickets at major of the Manchester Pipe hole’ have been released by William R. and Eleanor -M. Tolland school children will in exchange for free use of me 'PcUand correspondent Bette on Nixon’s plan to visit Peking. Heart Cemetery, New Bedford. down an embankment. Quatiale, tol. 876-2846. Diana’s Barber Shop on Center Band and Sphinx Temple Shrine prigon affldals on the ccmUUon Crawford to Lawrence J. New- be collecting outdated telephone auditorium facilities. Quatrali Kissinger Is going to Japan at Friends may call at the John Sugarin^ Going Slowly The victims were Identified .. St. and three at Supreme Foods Band. In 1968, he was Uie unsuc- that they not give the clenched books to be returiied for a two- Enumerator Appointed me tavitaUen of Yoshizane Iw- F. Tlemey Funeral Home, 219 as Barbara Duncan, 39, and ^ sloping, rocky land about three- “ » Hartford Rd. cessful GOP candidate for state flgt salute or rfiout slogans or asa, chairman of t o Sliji Bank W. Center St., Manchester, to­ (Contlnued from Page One) Dun- 3t., conveyance tax $31.90. cent-aplece refund In an effort '‘H ie school board approved 'T ’r t l l c m . l Deaima Duncan, 13. Mrs. and {Mvaident cf the U.S.-Japan night from 7 to 9 and tomorrow quarters a mile away from As for. what he’ll do with the representative from the 20th AS' talk about the strike or the William Irwin and Lucille J. to raise money for supplies hiring long time school enumer- $5,000, he had a simple and un- sembly District. can was driving. « . . . from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. year-dd Cape brought In about hilltop house. grievances that led to it, or State police said the van for ?^®“y *® LudUe M. and equipment for thrir schools, ator Mrs. Leonard Bach m wall Economic Council, a {urlvate _____ ® third more. ij^e clear pipe, about the size gather in groups of more than an unknown reason left the N®k^hlan, property at 399 Par- Under the terms of an agree- m an assistant enumerator who advisory grovp. ‘7still can’< John DILuclano . '^® “ *® P*^®® of a man’s little finger, weaves three,” the OCLU said westbound lane about 6 a.m., “ ®*' St., convey^ce tax $29.70. ment worked out with Richaid will be selected and trained by Plea Out The Japanese began pressing John DILuclano. 77. of Rocky among the maples like gar- went down an embankment and Rose, manager of the Rockville Mrs. Bach.. for a KiBBinger visit last fall HllI, father of Mrs. Carmela aL lands. It eventually connects to traveled about 200 feet before Frederick C. and Dorothy A. office of me Sournem New The state has changed me after t o China 'visit announce­ find it? M Bombs Rattling Rockville For Eggs Benson of Vernon and Mrs. Jo­ said. ’’The key Is upping the one-tach tubing on the hitting a large rock and coming Annum to Raymond Q. Lev- England TelejdUMie Oo. me date of me required child ment and after the poUclea stir­ sephine DUficola of South \lTnd- production.” ground that’s presently buried to rest. Both occupants were esQue and Roland Bishop, leaS' schools will receive me Income enumeration, census from Oc­ red up an anti-Bato atom . Harding has a potential 100- Hospital Notes sor, died this morning at Hart­ deep under the snow. es on property at 416-428 Main tober to April effective mis To Hunt acre sugar bush but taps just a thrown from the vehicle. from all me books coUected by fairway h « your ford Hospital. St. year. The enutneration must be third of It because of problems Once at the top of the hill, Visiting hours ore 12:30 to 8 The accident occurred me students. He is also survived by his the sap will go Into another Ulster Streets p.m. In all areas except ma­ Notice of Lease High school' students, will be completed by May 16. Parents will have to donate a getting labor. BELFAST (AP) — A giant No casualties were reported. MANGHESTEB every easier need! wife, a son, 2 other daughters, tank that feeds it to two 800. ternity where tiiey are 2 to 4 Marks Realty of Framingham, collecting money for the scho­ ' Name CSuuige large number of hard-boiled PET OKNTEB a sister, 17 grandchildren, and About 95 per cent of hU sap receptacles at the house, explosion wrecked a n ^ The army was i^ p a rh ^ for and 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mass, to Madewell of Connecti­ larship fund, but tile other The Board of Selectmen au- colored Easter eggs If Satur- is now at . is g;athered by 25 miles of plas- street in Belfast, killing a Brit- the Easter weekend, tradlticn- a great-grandchild. today s FUNNY cut, Inc., property on Adams mree schools will use______me_____ mon- morized a change of name for day’s annual ESaster egg hunt Is 9 MAPlJB STBEBT • candies # grass • cards The ftmeral will be Saturday tic tubing connected to the Ish army oOlcer, and bombers ally a tense time for CathoUc- Admitted Wednesday: AUcla St., 16-year-lease beginning Tv to r e ^ e dwleted wimUes the local development commls- to be successful, according to Open Daily 9 to 6; • baskeh • toys • napkins at 8:30 a.m. from the Rose Hill trees by bright blue nylon tried to assassinate a l^ t e s - Protestant relaltons in North- jojmson West Main St. Rock- April 1 , 1972. and o u i^ e n t which hM been slon from me Industrial Devel- Recreation Director John Camp- Thursday 9 to 9! A Meat Prices tant leader In the Roman Cath- em Ireland. The Catholic are Aima charter MMMS Funeral Home, 560 Elm St., spiles, or spouts. The rest Is Federal Tax liens requested^ but for which - - - mere---- opment ClommlsslMi to me Eco- bell. WB SELL 50c CONN. LOTTERY TICKETS! Rocky Hill, with a blessing at collected the old-fashioned way ollc civil, rights movement to- said to be planning several R y.,’ Tdland; Ariel' Gordon, U.S. Government against nomlc Development Commls- Issuing an emergency ajpoal St. James Church, Rocky Hill, l>y several hundred metal buck- Headed Down day as London formalized ■ Its demonstrations, some to cbm- R^j^er Rd., Rockville; Charles is no money. Henry and Connie Steulet of Originally me agreement cov­ Sion, (EDC) during melr meet- t o t o Easter eggs, CampbeU at 9. Burial will be In Rose Hill ets. takeover of Northern Ireland. memorate IRA dead. Barri- wheeler Moser Dr., 'Rockville; 173 Eldridge St., $1,809.89. ing Tuesday pight. explained he has received dona^ (Continued from Page One) The British House of Com- cades were going up around Donna ' Klzls, Ptaney Brook A J ^ O F ered only telephone books from Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. "I started out with mostly U.S. Government against me Manchester-RockvUle ex­ The selectmen also agreed to tlons of hundred of eggs from Friends may call at the fu- pipe because I didn’t want to piy of meat without a subetan- mons voted 191 to 13 to endorse some CathoUc areas where Apts., Ellington; Angela Arm- Leonard D. Plersr., Strict Foreclosnie M secretary of me commission, this year. out me state. $ buckets, you’re not sure when a week in February. “W;e ex- complete control over the have been flrtagVrandom shote, Vemon; Betty Aceto, Sunny Columbia Associates Ihc. Land Sale Proposed 'Hie fire which completely The books wUl be recycled Duncan D. Kennedy mouse or squirrel will drop In. pected this decline In pork embattled province was passed apparently as warnings. View Dr., Vemon; Linda Sass, against Suburban -Development According to First Selectman destroyed, me Robert Farms LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Duncan D. Kermedy, 68, of Harding’s sugar bush Is on prices to continue.’’ ^® House of Lords an hour i^juam Craig, leader of the North Weymouth, Mass.. Corp. et. al., foreclosure on by me telephone company. Erwin Stoetzner, a town meet- operation hM eUmlnated this In omer actions last night. 256 E. Middle Tpke. died l a s t ------* t .i ***®" right-wing Protea$ant Ulster Births Wednesday; A son to property on Oakland St. and on tag will bo called shortly to ap- source night at Manchester Memorial and played with several bands. .^kea aooui Elizabeth H to be- vanguard, which drew 100,000 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ferreri, road named Tudor Lane. the H o ^ free ^® ®®^® two prucela “ We just don’t have any E aster B ask ets Hospital. He was the husband He was a graduate of Trinity on s Tuesday to a demonstration Stafford Springs; A son to Mr. Satisfaction of Jndgment 1®"<* hi me town-owned In- money to be able to g o out and of Mrs. PhylUs Henry Kennedy. CoUege, Hartford, and a mem- tee middleman w m res^nsta violence flared In against direct British rule, an- and Mrs. Roy Levesque, Staf- Columbia Associates Inc. and ®n® P®7 parrto ti^T^^repe^ for “to hl,^” Mr. Kennedy was bom May her of Alpha Chi Rho fraternity, fw tee rlro in Northern Ireland, tee British pounced that Protestant dls- ford Springs. Thanx to and l^ovelties Doris Oymo against Suburban Develq;>ment ances by t o AmerlcM tadustrlea. The two busl- Campbell explained last night. 29, 1903 In Warren, Pa., son of He also belonged to Tuscan prices. Cfonnally ^ a , l oon ugfense Ministry announced It content will be displayed In the Discharged Wednesday: Wal- Grants, N. Mex. /-6 & Corp et. Al. Cm 6, Inc. Ten per cent of the ^ interested In break- ^ „ ‘ Davld and Ada Dav Kennedy. Lodge of Masons In Hartford. know where that miomeman would send 000 more troops to future by wildcat strikes and lace Newton, Stafford Springs; Judgment Lien profits from the evening paid ^ mmnd shortly % 7?^ and had lived In Hartford be- Survivors, besides his wife, expression c M e from. T ^ m- y^g province to help restore or- refut^ to pay rent, local taxes Dorothy Daigle, Lynn Dr., Ver- Today's FUNNY will pay $1.00 for May Department Stores Oo. performance will be dmated to stortzner Is win-king wim to*****lGre^ from to fore coming to Manchester 36 are a son, David D. Kennedy tall men d en l^ that tney m uie ygr, bringing tee number of sol- and utility bUla. These have non; Angela Santacroce, Kelly 3.99 each original "tunny” used. Send gogs doing business as O. Fox and the high school scholarship mayor cf yore A S U stra tio.; years ago. He was employed of Vemon; a daugliter, Mrs. middlemen. They say, ‘We re - - — • • ------' dlers In Ulster to 15,100. been the weapons of the Catho- Rd., Vemon; Mrs. Dorothea 10. Todoy's FUNNY, 1200 West Third Co. against Jessica Buriy, $68,- Gaily decorated, chock full of delectable candy treats. as a claim auditor at the Tra- Louis L. Pilver of Manchester; the end-men.’ The blasts In Belfast were tee ug giyii rights morvement. Talcott and daug;hter, Somers. h.. Clevelond. Ohio 44113. 83, property at 62 Durant St. Free performances of me mu- BulW to anytime before tomo.^ velers Insurance Co., Hartford, a sister, Mrs. Dorothy K. Strong third and fourth to s h a k e ------sic, humor and “ good message” obtaining of a grant to night. r**-'-"' ' - ..... for 41 years before he retired of Macon, Ga.; and seven Northern Ireland within hours. show, will be given at me mid- g, “ youm co-ordliiator” for So far, very few eggs have In 1966. grandchildren. Fiery Blast Ihe explosion on Wellington die school and me high school tjjg tri-town Mayor's Commit- been donated. Last year over HOLLOW CHOCOLATE He was a well-known mu- Funeral services will be Sat- Street, 100 yards from City tee on Drug Abuse. 700 children discovered more slclan In tee Hartford area. He urday at 10 a.m. at Holmes Fu- Fatal for 6 Hall, went off in car and tore a than 2,000 Easter eggs during teAight saxaphone and clarinet nerai Home, 400 Medn St. The huge section of tee thorough­ Bunny Battle ' Manchester Evening Herald the search, and Campbell has ^ l e Bunnies ' Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, min­ (Continued from Page One) fare. It sent parts of the car Bette predicted an even larger turn­ ister emeritus of Center Cto- Tolland correspondent , , . J , _____soaring over four-story build- out mia year. Personal Notices gregational church, will offi­ p oslons started c o m ^ . ^ m e ^ Waits for Sun Qiiatralde, tel. 876-2846. bHerx streets and ciate, Burial will be in East of mem came together. Some ^ ^ OHIiCAGO (AP) — A 6-foot In Memoriam Cemetery. of mem were spaced ^ snow bunny fought City Hall 2 ., 4 9 * In loving memory ot Raymond J. Hughes, who passed away March Friends may call at tee fu­ hey seemed to get louder and ^ Calladene, Ji9, and w77ia ’ ’ hin5“ “ “ '“‘ of Greater HarUord, 310 CoUlns a crater and looked like It In front of me Picasso sculp­ St., HarUord, or to me diabetes j,ggjj struck by a bomb. Police said me ottr-wfiF stolen Jelly Eggs 111 me Lower -Falls area of Bel­ ture In me Civic Center Plaza HI, NEiGHBOR! 3 Sftdly Missed, Rpflp.n.t'f'li UHiiwi with your Ford Team. Itatherine Hughes and Son“ ®®®®*^®“ runu. ______fast, a stronghold of me Irish after six inches of snow fell on Well, I have good Republican Army, and blamed me city. news and bad news. me IRA for me blast. “ It started out M a snow­ 2 9 * man,” Downs said, “ biit, wim The bad news is In Londonderry, guerrilla See their new Pinto Squire. that we haven’t fig­ Reds Launch Major Assaults bombers tried to assassinate me EMter spirit around . . When two city workers ar­ u re out a cure for did not materialize earlier this several weeks despite heavy Ivan Cooper, a (Protestant SAIGON (AP) — Norm Viet­ rived wim orders to tear down the common cold. year. bombing by U.S. B62s. member of Normem I)«land’s 76953 namese forces launched a melr creation,. Downs and Ru­ The good news is series of coordinated assaults In tee northern sector, - five A search-and-rescue mission now-defunct parliament and a fire support bases guarding tee leading figure in the Roman bin resisted. that a lost shipment today on eight Soum Vietnam­ for me downed gunshlp in Laos Rubin guarded me sculpture 50® A TICKEr -THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS DMZ were hit with rockets and Catholic civil rights movement. of electronics has ese bases in me noiteem quar­ proved unsuccessful. Fighter and Downs 'went to Civic Cen­ Potted mortar rounds shortly after 2 Police said a bomb blew up been found and ter of me country, and one escort pilots said mey saw no' ter manager Elmer Hidlberg. p.m. today. Cooper’s cor outside his home should be out on display this weekend. CJome help FALL FROM THE MONEY TREE WEEKLY. the camps was evacuated by parachutes after me AC180 gun- “ Your bunny doesn't have a government troops. Simultaneously, ground as­ ship was hit by one of three minutes after he received a me find out what’s in it, ’cause at this moment I saults were made against three phone call telling him- he was permit,” Hallbeig snapped. Imow only that there are 88 cartons in the ship- E aster In the air war, an enemy sur­ surface-to-air missiles fired at Downs moved on to Hall- other fire support bases guard­ urgently needed at a hospital. face-to-air missile shot down me flight during a predawn berg’s. boss, Robert Christen­ ing tee western approaches to Cooper told police me caller one of me United States’ big­ mlssl

J , PAGE TWELVE MANCHEStER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 80, 1972 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 80, 1972 PAGE THIRTEEN Business Mirror Inflation Really Matters, ^spite Some Old Ideas reaction to and poraUeling KNIGIITS of COLUMBUS NBTW YORK (AP) — Not th* rise In prices. SA/INGS FOR ^ celvaWy could fill any physical . a ,.y « mumH. I . to. ™ Ko It u» to... ,»toto’, « S r . S S ’ u S tb . K bt.™

llriiter ■««nia therefore to be worthless NOW ^ t ^low It does matter. With ^ an inflation crisis brewing, ev-

merchandising^ and >*■« manufac- r ry ^ s jwo- s turing Is uptight. Hiey search L for the elusive wqplanatlon, production, can’t find It and hope they “ «rlbuting and retaUing sys- CAMPBELL COUNCIL NO. 573 won’t be Mamed. ^ operators com- Does the fault lie with the farmer, worker, transporter, ** r n m 9 M I piccessor, wholesaler, retailer. ^ Takes Pride and Pleasure in buyer? Each denies Marne, but ‘^ '**‘* ®“ ‘*: ^ as In any weU developed mys- ^ material tory s S you may b e ^ r e X ^ i f t p

tlon are rising, thus forcing wtuiA fa rm 'nrti^ businessmen at each stage to it^ i, ..kototob kiirk.- .k- surprise some to learn i i . iv .' - • .1 that official govemmen tflgures — ' ^ + .s'v V 'V/ move food and merchandise to — /t I'/fv ^ . cc^mer markets? aumers spent on food in Febni- Or are consumers ^im m dlng ary only 39.7 cento went to the so many goods a i^ services farmer, down from 404 cento In that, relatively, supidles are in- January sufficient to satisfy the mar- a yeai-’s supply of giocerteB I o a ' m i i r m for a family of four was esU- . Some analysts stiU cling to mated in February to cost |1,- ■wnSfiHiaMp the notion that consumer de- 297. or $24 more than in mand Is forcing up prices, at January. Of this market boa- least In some Items that are ket, $sie went to the farmer, temporarily In short supply. gTo. to middlemen. But this hardly can be the total m food prlcea at least, the answer because of a number of finger seems to point at the reasons. middleman. But who is he, and Most obvious of these la that why have his coots risen so (1 ) the consumer Isn't staivUng much? The Mgh wages he must in line for a chance to buy any pay? Or are his higher prices product these days. R e has the based on greed rather than money to buy what he wants costs? but he Is grimly suppressing At each stage of moving food his desire. from farm to mouth there are In fact, inflation would be middlemen; cooperatives, truck- conalderaMy worse today than era, processors, packagers, dis- It is but for the native wisdom tributora, wholesalers, retailers, of buyers who study their caMi Are little increases through- “THE TENTH register tapes and their check- out the system adding up to the books and receipts so closely big bills you must pay, or is that pennies kxA like doUars. one of them adding inordinately The savings rates has been to his prices? In other words, conslstenQy high this year, and riiould we add to cost-push and GRAND NIGHT of MUSIC” unpuMlahed polls suggest that demand-pull the theory of profit All work on arms is done by hand at the Funsmith Shop in Williamsburg, Va. (Times/Post News Service) the rate may even be climbing haul? * . ■ Benefit of The 'Manchester Scholarship Foundation ... W i i i g g His 18th Century Rifles A Regular Savings Account is for tucking a few bucks away right now. This Fri­ EAST CATHOLIC day. And every Friday thereafter. It’s also for feeling good. Knowing you’ve got ready HIGH SCHOOL cash the minute you need it. You can make a deposit in the morning and withdraw it Made with Tools of Era later that day, if need be. If carrying around a passbook is not your thing, you can ar­ By C. BOYD PFEIFFER smith. Ousler has made all the largre worker’s knowledge of casting FRIDAY, APRIL 7th and SATURDAY, APRIL RHi range for Statement Savings. And receive a complete record of your account every (c) 1972, The WaahiiiKfton Foot Today he has two apprentices manufacturing tools himself, to make the brass parts. QtJTXTr<'rr»vr <‘T U*® craft. All work in and the boring and rifling ma- Even Gusler’s spare time in- three months. WASHINGTON — I the small three-room shop, com- chines stand in a small side volves 18th-century rifles, since CURTAIN TIME 8:00 P.M.— DONATION «1.00 never in my life saw better plete with backyard forge for room off the main shop alcsig j,g jg working on a book rifles than those made in construction of the gtm barrels, with wood blanks that will be- about Virginia long rifles and America,” wrote a British Wearing 18th-century style come rifle stocks. their makers, Campbell Council Knights of Columbus Council No, S73 of general during Revolution- dotHes, working,l^t^c^dles and After completing the barrel, t^ere were 000 arv War unnleasantries be- t**® kunsjnlths Ousler starts on the delicate makers before 1880,” he Manchester extends its sincerest thanks to our Grand Knights tw^n Gre^ Britain and visitors appreciate the Im- lock (firing) mechanism, work- ..^nd that there were 13 th^fledffW U n iS s t S t^ the Ind^trlal revolu- mg seven weeks with files, 18- djgtrict schools of rifle mak- of Music Sponsors without whose generosity o success could oxates uon later was to have on Amer- century hand drUl and engrav- .. of America. big tools. Gusler exi>ects the book to not have been achieved. If time-machine transport No P w er forgers, driU press- .ji^en the stock is carved from another two to three years were possible, that general es, machines, power „gtlve woods, and the final en- complete. In the meanUme, would feel right €it home in Acadia Restaurant Krause Florist AND THEN. Addressotrraph-Multigraph __ Ladies of Columbus A&H Automatic Transmission Service, Inc. Lew’s Sunoco Service made. Gusler not only recre­ which 400 add to his already side and butt plates, is com- encyclopedic knowledge of the A&S Paper Co. ates the rifle of 200 years ago, quired to complete one exact- Liegeot Insurance Inc. early craft. Blue Moon Restaurant but does it with the tools and repUca rifle which later will P>®t®d- qm,,. B antly Oil Co. Lenox Pharmacy techniques of that time. He is sell lor $3,000. Requires 8^ Bar of SoUd Steel Work as an 18th-century ^ n - Barrett Plumbing & Supply Co. Lift The Latch Gift Shop the only man in the country Broad Brook Insurance Agency whono does soso. Gusler “ id his apprenUces, smith requires as m « V skllta. NEW! — EXOniNO L^ch Motor Inc. As part oi CJolonlal WUllams- J«> Laubach of Allentown, Pa., Bess Eaton Donuts McCann’s Texaco Service Station and Gerald Abbott of Middle- ®ty of arts as any other «sralt. burg, Inc., Gusler fits into the NATURAL HEALTH Bob’s Mobil E. J. Mojrnihan, Plumbing style of the restored town in sex, Va., start a rifle from a Gusler needs the forging tech- Better Cleaners Manchester Carpet Center 2S-p6und bar of solid steel. They nique of a blacksmith, to form which work coc»pers, bootmak­ FOOD SHOPPE Boiler’s Music Co. Manchester Wallpaper & Paint Co. Inc. flatten and forge it into a rough the barrel; the wood carver’s ers, silversmith, printers and Blish Hardware Co. Moriarty Brothers Fuel Oil tubular barrel. Welding the bar- delicate touch to cut out and AT XHE cabinet makers. rel together is the most difficult fmish the stock; thb machinist’s Burnside Auto Body Moriarty Brothers Automotive Difficult Apprenttceship step, Gusler said. If the metal skill to form the lock; the en- PARKADE Brunswick Parkade Lanes Munson’s Candy Kitchen Not yet 30, Gusler has work­ is not hot enough, an Improper graver’s art to finish and em- Druce Terminix & Terminte Co. Manchester State Bank ed at WHUamsburg for nine weld occurs and, if not forged hellish the lock, and a foundry Blau Furniture Store Manchester Auto Parts Inc. rustafson years and before that devoted rapidly enough, a scale forms ------Paul Buettner, Florist Manchester Honda Center has a shoe to get you off to a seven years to a dlfflcnilt ap­ on the surface and prevents a Clip’s Barber Shop Meek Express prenticeship. At age 12, he carefree, free-spirited Spring. good weld. Colony Rooms Marinelli’s Getty Service started g;unsmithing as a hobby, Welding is followed by forging COMING SAT.. APRIL 1 Come in now and see our fixing an 1810 muzzle-loading Crispino’s Supreme Foods M anchester Me&t Center the traditional octogon-shaped Carpenter’s Mobil Service Inc. collection of New Air-Step Shoe^ rifle found In the family at­ barrel, boring, straightening, Modem TV Service ' tic. ESntranced by the art, GuS' rifling, (forming lands and Carriage House Beauty Salon Tim Moriarty’s Citgo Service for Spring, from 19.95 ler a year later was repairing grooves for accuracy of the Carter Chevrolet Co. Inc. M&R Packa^ Store old guns for others, in his na- finished gun), filing and check- DeBella & Reale Opticians Manchester Public Market tlve Salem, Va. By 11, he had ing for wall thickness, Daniels Travel Agency Manchester-Stenogrwhic-Calculating Service built from scratch his own That process takes Gusler Deci’s Drive-In Nichols-Manchester 'nre Inc. 1828-style percussion pistol. and an apprentice 10 days, dur- Dairy Queen Brazier Northway Pharmacy Qradually, thrcxigh avid read- ing which the 25-pound bar is DeGemmis, House of Clothing North End Package Store ing, research and the help o< reduced to a fcxir-pound barrel, Dick’s Esso Station several Older gunsmiths, Gusler "nie barrel then is test-fired Tom O’Connell Bingo Supplies learned the time-consuming with a prtxjf charge of powder, Da-’r Carpet Covering Inc. Oxford Jjiquor Shoppe craft (rf the 18th-century gun- four times that regularly used. Dunkin Donuts Optical Style Bar DeCormier Motor Sales Inc. One Hour Martinizing Norman Dion, Saw Sharpening Service ..._J Papa Joe’s Pizzas & Grinders Dillon Sales and Service P otterton ’s Inc. Easter Flowers Ed’s Sign Pidnting Ra}rmond Pellerin General Contractor Economy Electric Supply W. P. Quish, Funeral Home There are three savings programs for the someday things you have in mind. 7-Eleven Convenience Store South Windsor Bank CINDY Like a house, a college education, retirement. With our Preferred Passbook Account MUMS ...... $4.49 Frechette & Martin, Realtors Sullivan & Company Filloramo Construction Co. Inc. South Windsor Garage ' you can earn higher interest by leaving your money on deposit for at least 9 0 days. Our TULIPS...... $2.99 Fogarty Bros. Inc. Saporiti Memorial Co. Piano’s Restaurant S ir. Steak Choice P asiook Account earns up to,5-3/4% on a minimum of $500 left on deposit DAFFODILS ...$3.89 Gus’s Raymond Savoie, Painting Contractor for two years. And our new Growth Bonds, available in multiples of $25, feature a guar­ Garden Grove Caterers Inc. Tacorrftl Restaurant Marc Gagnon Ueneral Contractor The Browse-Arouhd Shoppe anteed interest rate of 5% for 7-1/2 years. All in all, fi^ great ways to save. Stop in any LILIES...... a 9 9 W. G. Glenney Co. John F. Tierney Funmd Home HNB office and find out which plan is best for you. Richard Hagearty Real Estate Appndsals Vasques Molded Shoes & AZALEAS ...... $4.99 C l /\ D C V OUR OWN SPECIAL House Hide Dept. Store Village Barber Shop r k W r D I EASTER BUNNY Hartford Rd.-Enterprises Inc. Watkins Furniture HYACINTHS ..^ 6 9 FREE JELLY BEANS Hour Glass Cleaner Willie’s Steak House Dr. Jean-Louis Hebert White Cedar Caterers WeVe with you all the way Highland Park Market The Whitin^r Corporation (c/idAi/tg. (s)sJLCa/uLbuiuuL'Siftbu Holmes Funeral Home Wyman Oil Co. ■ - H&E Dry Cleaners Woodland Gardens STORE HARTFORD NATIONAL Caldor Shopping Plaza Mr. Ernest Harriman Wishing Well C i^ & Gifts 305 GREEN ROAD H arrison’s Stationem Wholesale Tire Co. of Manchester BANK>t to make aure you have mentary School to learn how Ualng colorful altdes,. he de- riiould be determined by teach- with water fall effect could be He listed many useful Items St. George’s Church will have subscribers. opinion that such a ptjacUce Cross take such steps ... to a tboraughly jdeaaaiit day, it’s the s(dK>o)grounds (»n be • suggested a slow evolu- Students had a perfect study off the ground. group dispersed, several per­ School Menu that his department has l(»ig 10 at 67 mlila and 9 at 68 mills. Admlttbig his conservation- ting school property will be at improving and expanding in bird life for several menths, Maintenance sons could be heard eagerly Monday, Juice, hot dog on been concerned^ with the "reim­ The amount to be collected 1st bias. Vogt said, "Outdoors a pramlum. sucessful ------—projects ' “ ** and ellmbiat- watching the robins build the Maintenance, including care planning and suggesting where roll,_ tossed salad, chilled apri­ bursement contract existing be­ Is $764,640.77. Is where it’s luqipeningr What Nextr ^ ^®a® which have not "gone neat, hatch and feed their of the center when school is various projects would be plac­ cots; ’Tuesday, soup, assorted tween Connecticut Blue Cross, Mrs. Lowman said that m The Minnesota Environmental In answer to the question over" we(U. young and finally leave the nest not in session, should be shared ed in Bolton’s school nature cen­ sandwiches, potato chips, choc­ the (Connecticut Hospital Asso­ 1M6 about $861,000 was to he S(tiences Fbuhdation of which “Where Do We StartT’ ’ Vogt A good first step might be for a warmer climate. by students, parents, and com­ ter. olate cake; Wednesday, shells ciation and member hospitals, collected. The figure has more Vogt is fleld services director, suggested that a committee be “ »e bistaUation of a “poly“ Cost' Esttmatoe munity groups such aa Boy and Holy Week Schedule and meat sauce, green beans, “ 1710 contract is a ‘cost-plus’ than doubled In six yean. has prepared more than 8,000 formed to prepare slto maps. Pond containing flah and cat- The cost for the creatiim of Girt Scouts, Vogt said. St. Maurice Church will ob- fruit cup; 'Thursday, hot turkey type of agreement and provides Taxes are due and payable teachera throughout the nation Theee might be prepared by tuUs in marsh water, Vogt sug- the proposed nature and science He also counseled that school serve Holy Thursday at an 8 sandwich, cranberry sauce, tos- little financial incentive for hos­ on April 1. They become de- ^ Introduce environmental ed- toaohers, community members, gested. He estimated that this center will be minimal, Vogt maintonance people should be p.m. service tonight. Good Fri- sed salad, fruited jello; Friday, pitals to operate in the most r Y A L E "' Unquent May 1 and are subject ucation into the school eurric- or a local architect. Hiey should could be done for Just a few said. ’The project will depend consulted during the planning of day services will be at 3 p.m. fish in roll, potato chips, cole to a penalty of of one per ulum. He advised that oui> Indude aa overall picture of doUan. almost totally on the resource- the area. and at 7:30 p.m. A Holy Satur- slaw, ai^lesauce. 3 ■ OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF President John F. Kennedy; cent Intomt per month. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D- Oanoe Club Awards Mass.; and Rep. Paul G. Ro­ Warren Jurova^, fanner gers, D-Fla., who heads Capitol Oolumbla (Janoe C2ub com­ Where Easter Hill’s public health subcom­ I CANDLES modore and n junior at Dart­ Shopping EASTER mittees. ■ MADE BY THE RESIDENTS mouth now, was master of cere­ ■ OF ’THE MANSFIELD TRAINING SCHOOL These Are Signs of Understanding Rogers said the adminis­ monies at the sixth annual OOC is a Pleasure! VALLES tration is pressuring Republi­ tamiquet recently. Visiting women of the Mutual Improvement Society of the Jack­ senhower at the White House today. Mrs. Eisenhower toured can congressmen, urging them sonville, 111., School for the Deaf have little trouble understanding the school during a trip to Illinois last November and the students not to go along with the Demo­ The eaundera family won and responding to the wave they received from Julie Nixon Ei- returned the call today. (AP Wirephoto) cratic idea. moot of the awards. Ribicoff, Kennedy and Rogers OFF! A new- trophy award was rldership of 7.B per cent, meas­ maintain that, despite HEW’s initiated this year, sponsored by Bus Firm Attacks DOT ure over a two-year period. 108,0(K> workers and $8(I-billion tile Wlltimantic Camera Center ConnCo says a more accurate Ribicoff Proposing budget, which is about a third for Canadian racing craft New! SALE STARTS MARCH 29th, ENDS APRIL 9th rate Is 10 per cent,' based on of total federal spending, it the recipient receives a Skirt On Estimate of Losses the last year’s operation. gives health a low priority ih 8” , 6", 6" Columns 3 to 6" in Diameter ■nail trophy to keep and a / government attention. 3"—Plain WERE .96 NOW 62c laige trophy to be kept for a ■ & HARTFORD (AP) — ”1716 from assumptions "dictated” A Health Department Ribicoff said health will be a 3” —Cut WERE 1.26 NOW 80c year and rehnquiiriied to the ConnecUcut Co. Wednesday by the state, adding the ground WASHINGTON (AP) — While ever, would break up HEW by major domestic issue facing the MANSFIELD TRAINING SCHOOL next winner, this year’s winner Body took Issue with a State Deport­ rules "distort known facts” and Guns Silenced President Nixon pushes for a creating a separate Cabinet-lev­ legislators next year, and pre­ was Soott Beundem ment of TransportaUon report ignore valid accounting con­ broader-based health-care sys­ el department dedicated to dicted approval of a general the Landmark Awards in the Suit as '‘grossly inaccurate” and cepts. In Coot Shoot tem, some Democrats are pull­ health alone. It would control health insurance program. Juventie division went to Sets said Its annual losses were The state-financed audit was ing for a separate health agen­ air HEW health programs In­ In his message, Nixon in­ Patricia Sandhom and Soot more than $1 million, not the prex>ared by Seward and Monde SAN FRANCISOO (AP) — cy. cluding Me^care and Medi­ dicated willingness to settle this GIFT SHOP Saundera. year for one ot the new depart­ $741,000 set by the DOT. of North Haven on orders from ’The flock cf coots accused of But, although Nixon’s propos­ caid. Open Seven Days 12:30 to 6:00 P M . the Rob Roy hitermedlate (3ov. Thomas J. Meskill. fouling H a r d ^ Park Golf ments he has sought, a commu­ n ie company said the state al to redesign his Cabinet now ’The new plan was disclosed ROUTE 44A, MANSFIELD DEPOT, CX>NN. K hi’s Award want to Wayne Course will be out from imder Is being studied by Congress nity development agency out­ report was “ Incomplete and The analysis came after a at a news conference by Sen. lined in a bill under review by (Watch for Gift C Shop Signs) Saunders, the Peabody Per­ misleading" and assailed an In­ near bus strike last November the gun while the city ex­ and the. Democrat-sponsored Abraham Ribicoff, D-Conn., petual Award, a hand-carved periments with more humane bill for a new health depart­ the House Government Oper­ dependent analysis paid for by when ConnCo President E. who was HEW secretary Under ations Committee. plaque made by VfilburFlet- the state as “ a prelection and Clayton Gengras said he could ways oi driving them away. ment. Is due for study this sum­ idier, was presented to Jeon Parks Supt. M. Emmette not an audit.” not, without the promise of pub­ mer, spokesmen say it appears Ckuniden. ^ O’Donnell said Wednesday that neither project will move be­ It said the analysis resulted lic subsidy, agree to new, high­ ’Ihe Harvey Odllns Awards er labor costs. a coot shoot Monday killed yond the hearing room this “ less than 76 birds.” iriilch are for oversdl top com­ (HonnOo said although Seward year. Board of Supervisors Presi­ petition, went to Tom Hyer and and Mjonde forecast a $741,000 Four hours after Democrats dent Ronald Pelosl asked for a introduced a new health bill ■ ■ ■ ■ Soott Saunders who tied with 75 annual loss, the state did not LAST BIG WEEK OF U AC, K am an two-week moratorium on the Wednesday, Nixon sent Cem- IMinta each and to Patricia San- make this information public. shooting, after environmental­ g(ress a special qiessage saying bom who had 69 points. Hie company says its losses ists and the city Animal Control “ the sand Is running In the Alt’s Jewelry Store Award Deny Charges are actually ccnservably M Commission complained. glass and the hour is growing (or senior men was presented $360,000 a year higher. late” for action on the com­ to Stan Dngan of Rhode Island Hie company says the state O’Donnell said his men would Misses’ Velour or InU.S. Suit prehensive executive-branch who has been a member for Arnel used a depreciation rate (de­ try to scare off the coots with reorganization plan he offered three yeprs. Wet-Look Coats cline In value) of the Compa­ shotgun shells without pellets, Polyester Men’s HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — which have driven off seagulls, early last year. A speotoi award — honorary Pants! Plain Save Up To 25% Two Connecticut aircraft com­ ny’s buses as 14 years. The Among four new departments Sports Coats company says the depreciation possibly with falcons. membenriitp —was given to Dresses, Dresses! and Fancy Misses’ Blouses Reg- 19.99 to 24.99 panies have denied charges In sought by Nixon is one on hu­ . Miss Jean Natoch who has long a Justice Department antitrust rate should be nine years, that man resources that would in­ which is used by the company bb^n active in youth activities Entire 88 suit that they and other major Add a teaspoon ot powdered corporate most of the present in the town. airplane manufacturers have and approved by the state Pub­ borax to estch quart of rinse wa­ Health, Education and Welfare Colder Stock 14««.ol9 A lic Utilities Commission. Rabognltion was given to Lil­ &88 at 5.99 acted to eliminate comp(etltion ter when laundering flannel gar­ Department plus programs Priced S. 11.88 ^ 6.66 4.49 ConnCo also says the state lian anSi Boss Hbchheig who in research and development. ments. This keeps them from from several other agencies. Group includes 1 and 2 piece fash­ Slinky Amel J” triacetate, ma­ Popular jean styles in knits and Choice of many styles - dressy, Plus rayon velours and lucious used a rate of decline in bus contribute each year to tiie an­ ions, as well as long, glamorous chine washable. Long sleeve body wet look toppers, pant coats and The charges were brought In matting or becoming harsh. ’Ihe Democratic plan, how­ i l ^ Benjamin Hochbeig Re- Fabulous forever-shaped jackets denims. Flare legs, boy cuts, reg­ casual, long or short sleeves. an anti-trust suit filed Wednes­ that, combine lightweight com ­ dresses. Petites, juniors, misses suit, matching print flip skirt. ular styles, too. Crepe, polyester, cotton 32 to 38. long styles . . . the season's most gatta- 'and half sizes. Sizes 6 to 16. wanted styles! Sizes 8 to 18. day by the Justice Department Juravaty acknosdedged a con­ fort, expert tailoring- New stripes against the Manufacturers Ari- tribution Mra. Ann Ihmt and geometries. Sizes 37 to 46. craft Association and 20 of its ' which will h ^ purchase a O l present and former stock- craft. Girls’ Girls’ holders-members. Including ^tociai guests Include thorn- United Aircraft and the Kaman as Qulah, coiordlnatar of Man­ ^ r i n g Spring Corp. chester Community College The suit alleges that the com­ Canoe Club; and Robert Dlok- C goats Dresses panies, through the association, insoo and family from Amston have been engaged in a “ con­ Keychain/Tool Trio lAke (^"«« Chib. tract and combination” to eliminate competitiem in re­ e o C r More than a keychain-the handle Recently baptised at SL Co- search and development of air­ R®g- includes 3 interchangeable tools lumba’s A u n ^ were Dominick plane patents In violation of the for on-the-go repairs. #68-1014 Burba, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Anti-trust Act. ril (1 per customer. Additional pur- Slottad Cross Point Dominick Burka; Stacy Lynn UAC issued a statement say­ q x M chases at 69$ each) Awl/Puiich Scrowdrlwor Screwdriver OoUlns, daughter of Mr. and ing, “ We do not feel the suit Mrs. thomas ColUns; Kimber­ filed today has any merit.” Hie ly Ann DeStato, daughter of statement noted that the gov­ Mr. and Mrs. Philip DeSlato; ernment had urged the forma­ and Chad Christian Dunnack, tion of the association 60 years Cuddly Easter YOU Are There! son of Mr. and M n. Driton ago. Dunnack Jr. A Kaman statement said, Animal Radio with The AM/FM Portable Bseksy “ We believe the charges made That Tunes High & Low Police Bands Tbomas H yn , son ot !Mr. and Incredible by the Department of Justice Huggable animals with transis­ Mrs. Walter Hyer, won the Value! are completely unfounded In tor AM radios hidden inside. Dortmoui& AhunM Award for fact and law.” Just right for Easter, birthdays, ISO the most vshiabte pisysr at tto The suit alleges that as a re­ 9 9 5 year-'round gifts. #12-9678, annual Hookay AssocMlon l^h- sult of a patent-pooling and 12-1142/3/6 quet recently. Martin Seymour, Crocheted Tops cross-licensing agreement en­ Tunes both high (147-174 son of Mr. end Mrs. Martin Ssy- 97 tered into by the association in MHz) and low (30-50 MHz) mour, rsocivsd the Olastonbury 1928, the group has eliminated police, fire, weather, civil HOoksy Association Award tor 33 competition in research and de­ Compact 4-Speed defense, VHF bands plus the most improved playsr. Delicious Spring solid colors and So many new styles to select velopment of airplane patents. AM and FM. Telescopic CMUag Drive from! Pretty pastels, lace and The "layered look” for Spring I Stereo Phono Esys Lyon end Joanne perky checks! Good choice of FM/VHF antenna. ' Auto­ Junior Bqys’ styles to please little ladies from 4 other exciting trims. 4 to 6x, 7 to Long and short styles, sleeveless; matically switches to bat­ Ptegiw are oiHdisIrmen of a to 14. 14. vest or button front. teries when AC tails. clotfabE: drive this week at Por- 69®® #12-753 ter.Bchooi. the drive is sponsor­ Double Knit Rugby Suits ed by the student council tor Fantastic 3 BSR "mini-changer“ 4-pc. AM Radio “Deskset** the Save tiie OhUdren Federa­ Flared Pants Savings! with walnut full-range tion. speakers. Diamond the dotUng will be packed 6*88 The Lord’s wanted stereo needle, head­ - and sent to bhlidren and aduMs Prayer To live in . BicrcilsLARGEST SELECTION OF : Fantastic phone jack, automa­ In the lAiitod States and avar- Engraved NEW BICYCLES IN THE at Sports jackets with slacks or a The Body Shirt tic shut-off. Great tor study or office. AM On VERNON AREA I DUST ” piece matching suits. Woven pat­ Reverse #13-1187 radio, butane lighter and pen/ (Jloihes may be brought to the 14 P COVER terns or solid colors, sizes 4 to 7. Side Professionally Assembled pencil holder In matched 3“ main sntrsnes of the school this in c l u d e d I cubes with fitted desk tray. Double knits for fit, shape reten­ OLD PHONE BOOKS week between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. tion, and the well-dressed look! #12-176 Boys’ 199 Hmmst Sssgda Banrol waist, every wanted color. 14K Gold 0 T h e Demooratio Women’s 30 to 42, ready to wear. Pre Season C3ub paid Mbuto to former Dress Shirts Easter Charm Savings! The wear-with-anything nylon CHARGE IT! First Selsetmaa Joseph Ssogda stretch topi Short sleeves, scoop, To be exact, 60,818 old Manchester-Rockville phone books. And at the annual dinner masting New Dress Shirts All no-iron fab- O / j . / j . turtle or collared neck. Solids, rics, sizes 8 to 18. m i n M .' J U $1 Crocheted we’ll pay 2c for each of them. They’re now being: replaced by new Saturday night. Rag. Spring prints, white and colors. S. M. L. Sssgda was a aelsotman for Domestic, made; New Only 12.49 1972 books. Space-Saving Cube-Type four years and drat sdsetman Flare Dress Slacks 8.88 Handbags Bags Dacron® cotton 6.99 No-iron fabrics, Oriental imports! Swaggers, Discarding: these old direiitories can be a problem for the environ­ AM Clock Radio AM/FM Clock Radio for sbK years until his Republi- blendsv never Heavy 14K gold disc to wear as High fashion and classic shapes, POST ROAD PLAZA esa opponent won the lest dec- iron! Stripes, jac­ wide waistband. O O C J charm or pendant. Thoughtful many with extra zippers, inside totes, pouches and novelty 3.99 Slims, huskies, 8- # e * E l H R Ladies’ Easter m JvIN STREET, ROUTE 30 ment. We want to recycle this 80 tons of paper — use it to make Battery/AC Portable tioa tar 1ft volftft. quards, solidsf. 18. v w w w - Easter gift! pockets. shapes, many with inside pockets. VERNON, CONN. 872-3159 other usable products such as cardboard or roofing: paper. i 9 5 i95 William fPNoUl, state rspre- Pumps . Cbasetta-Recorder asntattve from tbs Ond dla- EXPERT REPAIRS We need your help. Please keep using the old directory until the trlet, presented Ssegda with a Antron III •Black ON BICYCLES new one becomes effective on April 11. Then turn in the old one at framed resolution, rsoognlsing Bikini and Misses’ Stretch Imported. Spring • Nude Only S'AxSxSVa to fit any- Side-mounted AM and FM 39®® his servlos to the town. & Crepe Set •Navy MON. thru SAT. one bf the collection centers we’ll list later in this newspaper. wherel Buzzer alarm with tuning. Same sizd as a- A latter was presented to Brief Panties Strap Bras Scarves •Tan 9:30 AM. to 6:30 P.M. s a v e , o n bove. Built-in antennas, Compact.lightweight.Sin- OPEN THORS. 0 FRI. EVENING 'til 9 lighted clock. 60-mlnute Ssegda from U.8. Senator H alf Slips • White g o o EITHEH gle knob function con­ CLOSED THORS. A M. Til 1:30 We’ll pay 2c for every book brought in. We’ll pay cash or contrib­ sleep switch, top-mounted AFC, earphone Jack. At­ From Italy and the trol, automatic level con­ AbnAam RtUoott. Ssegda. vis­ ute your payment to either the Manchester Scholarship Foundation snooze button. #12-5011 tractive moulded case. UL ibly moved, said, "thank you Fiberfill or soft Orient: Light and listed. #12-5010 trol. Includes mike with dark accent prints: ••• SHARPENING ••• or the Rockville Memorial Tree Planting Program. stand. #14-858 I don’t know what to say except ^ S h p ’I cups, firm support. Sizes 32 to 40, A, B, C 1.57 oblongs, squares. tOTARV LAWN MOWER BLADES thank you.’’ a GRASS SHEARS, A lA .'.D l CUUMQHAIIU:. i.liM H U-Bal Nylon, eiderlon, cotton, acetate. cups. Won't cling or ride up. Tailored or Paisleys,, geomet­ g Burning PermHa ries. ALSO KNIVES, SCISSORS, ETC. those who wish to Obtain We honor Chirge Cirds burning psnnlto are aakod to Oxfords CONNICTICUT NIW YORK MASSACHUSETTS ALL BICYCLES & REPAIRS Southern New England Telephone oaU Rlobaid K. Saris, Brdonl • Badford Hills MANCHESTER PARKADE Our Rag. HAI.IS GUARANTEED Road, firs warden, or Are chief rnSmnfaHl •Mandititer •Stamford • Kingiton •Framingham TRADE-INS ACCEPTED MON., TU B . 10 - 4 — WID.. THURS., FRI. 10-9 ‘ thomae cauweneo. 12.99 tHVR. tiiiu SAT. 9.88 •Norwalk oTorrinRton • Paakskill •Northampton Open Late _____ KEYS MADE 1 ______SATURDAY 10 - 5:30 aa

PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.: THURSDAY, MARCH 80, 1972 Section Two THURSDAY, MARCH 80, 1972 of maga' magazine-style reports on alco- 25-30 per cent of the magazine's than 25,000 pounds of tomatoes Net Grand list. At the cur­ zines whose titles sound like holism, psychodrama and nude revenue last year, their first com- rent tax rate 48^6 mills, the Air Crash Kills college sociology courses: Psy­ theater, to name a few. a narrower focus is taken by m e r c i a 1 crop, and ex­ GOOD FRIDAY increase would produce about chology Today, Society, Human “ People are becoming inter- Sexual Behavior, a year-old perimented with strawberries, $374,000 in addiUonal income Son of Corrigan Behavior and Sexual Behavior. ested in themselves, how they New York publication which sugar peas, cauliflower and let­ for the town. Hiere’s even a new book club tick,” explained Marshall Lums- LOS ANGELE5S (AP) — Tha tackles everything from dating tuce. Town Manager Robert Weiss’ called Insights with such offer- editor of the Los Angeles- OPEN bodies of Roy W. Corrlgian, son habits and family quarrels to In their greenhouse known as OPEN proposed budget is $17,194,838, Ings as 'Rollo May’s “ Man’s based Human Behavior. “ It’s of famed transatlantic pilot taxi drivers and sex. Right Lambert’s Hydroculture Farm, TOMORROW [Search for Himself’’ and Theo­ partly a search for problem sol­ TOMORROW up $864,077 from last year’s ap­ Douglas “ Witwig Way’’ Oonrl- new, Sexual Behavior, which Inc., tomato vines are planted dor Relk’s '"Hje Need to be ving. Also it's kind of a comfort proved budget. He is recom­ gan, and Roger Powell, a peui- claims 100,000 subscribers, has in inert gravel in concrete Loved.” to know that other people have mending a 62-mUl tax rate for senger, have been recovered financial and advertising woes troughs. Electronic sensprs sig­ ’The new magazines with the problems, too.” that budget. from the wreckage of a light far more severe than most of nal when the moisture of the At the proposed 3.34-mUl tax academic names are slick, col- The people approach Is also Its readers’ sexual problems. gravel goes below a certain lev­ FRIDAY plane on Catalina Island, au- orful and full of enough spicy used by Psychology Today, the 5 FRIDAY increase, about $856,000 in addl- “It came out because there is el. They activate valves on thoriUes say. Uonal income would be realized material to sell right off the chief product of the giant and so much scientific material In tanks at the head of each Corrigan, 22, and Powell, 26, from the Net Grand list. stands. successful CRM Corp. in South- the sex field, and it's not known trough, releasing liquid nutrient 9 to 9 both of Santa Ana, had been 9 to 9 The breakdown of the Board Some recent samplings: “ Is em California, which is cele- to the public,” explained arti­ into the gravel. missing since March 21 when It True What They Say About brating lU fifth anniversary GOING OUT OF of ’Tax Review adjustpients in they feilled to return to Grange cles editor Len Gross. “ No one After the gravel is moistened, the Grand lis t is as follows: Harvard Boys?’’ ; “The Inner thriving circulation of the su i^ y is cut off and the County Airport after a flight to had been able to provide this 1. Real Bstata: Hie revised History of Richard Milhous 050,000 and its largest ad reve- material commercially. They water drawn into the gravel San Diego. Nlxon"; "Are Homosexuals „uc ever. total.' Valuatlmi is $212,060,829 were probably right!” seeps back into the tank to be Sheriff’s deputies said two More Creative?’’ ; “ The Age of ■■we’ve finally gotten around with $0,783,618 in exempUons for The magazine, which claims used again. hikers found the wrecked Cess­ Encounter” : “ Sex at Harvard.” the richest subject there is— an editorial board of 27 prestig­ Lcunbert purchased his pat­ a net total of $206,277,181. Hiis na 160 Wednesday. ' Besides an in-group repetl- jhe person, said editor T. ious'’ experts. also exists. ented operation from a Glen­ is $108,970 less than BellevlUe’s The elder Corrigan flew ttie Uveness of subjecte ranging Qeorge Harris, formerly erf total in ihe Gross Grand list. Atlantic in 1638 without per­ Gross said, “ because every dale, Ariz., firm. The g^en- from the Harvard story to Look.” This is what news is all 2. Personal Property: $28,- mission and told authorlUes he man can’t afford his own psy- house cost $13,000, he said, plus group sex and children's draw- about. Very few porpoises read 805,035 With $0A«3 in exemp­ must have flown the wrong chonalyst. I think people are about $500 freight. Taxes were a-car teats, the magazines magazines: People do.’’ tions for a net total of $28,796,- way. He took part in the aerial' looking to the social sciences $650, and cost of erecting the share certain common identi­ Very few people read CRM’s 742. Hits Is up $69,800 from search for the youngest of his for some kind of answers to building about $6,000. BUSINESS FOREVER! fying characteristics. All are earlier magazine, Careers To­ Lambert says the hydroponic Belleville’s figure. three sons. relatively expenaive—$1.00 or their major problems and to day, method allows vegetables to $1.60 per issue, tend toward a major fli^ c ia l flop In boring lives they lead. The grow faster than field crops, 1669 because, 1. is , 'was concern Is not making a ?iew Sato Speeds academic authors ‘ who simply not test-marketed and protects them from dis­ frequently write in tandem, living but getting more out of enough. ease, insects, frost and hail. He — V ^ n on Marble Cutting have small staffs and few ads— life.” Our Warehouse Is Now Empty Here’s What We Have Left! Since then, however, CRM says the hydroponic crops also CARRARA, Italy — A redent- except for Psychology Today. That concept is also the con- has not been idle. Its founders have better texture and flavor ly developed diamond belt saw And all claim readers who are cem of Insights, the new book Saturday Review than regular crops, and better r z r - Party Group has speeded work in ItBi3r*s basically healthy, well edu- club at Doubleday. It was then resigned from CRM. keeidng qualities. marble quarries. Cutting opeT' cated, academically oriented launched with a series of ads Meanwhile, CRM, which had Interspersed with Lambert’s ations that used to take six or thildren’s Work To Be Used in Service and concerned. ^ - w that Included a handy “ Hang­ tomatoes Iasi year was gour­ Lauds Houley seven days have. been reduced I think there is a sudden been picked up by the mam- Works of art, created by the children of Bolton’s four churches will be used in con- ups vs. Potentials” quiz and a met leaf lettuce, set into the to six or seven hours. awakening to the behavioral Boise ^ c a d e reassuring note that “ Every­ A resoiutioii lauding retiring An automatic pohsher, an- tomorrow’s ecumenical Good Friday service to be held at St. Maurice Roman continued to gravel still in the fiber blocks sciences to get us out of the g'ornera.e In 197^ body has them!” Democratio State Senator Rob- other innovation, can polish tele- in which the seeds are planted. Catholic Church, Hebron Rd. at 7:30 p.m. The church school students have trouble we’re in. Physical tech- Produce many offshoots: Insights is out to improve the ert D. Houley of Vernon, upon boUi sides of marUe at once, textbocks, “ When we picked the lettuce studied the background of each Statioi of the Cross and have been working nology won’t do It," explained 'vision species, text reader who an-swers “ no” to his “ lUustrloua record as a pub- And a recently developed board games—Including one the blocks came up with the on the art projects in cKurch school classes for the past six weeks. ’Hie work Harvard behavioral-psy- board games—including questions like these: Do you Uc servant,’’ was unanimously switch panel-controlled ma- roots,’ ’ he said. ‘”nie lettuce will be shown tomorrow in a slide pres3ntation and the originals will be on chologlst B. F. Skinner. His called Blacks & Whites and one find It easy to make and keep stayed alive and cixitinued to adopted by the Windham County chine extracts directly from display in the parish center after the se vice. The other churches taking part in book, “Beyond BVeedom and called Body Talk, a book club Democratic Association, Mon- large blocks such finished prod- friends? Are there many things g^row until the housewife got it Dignity,” was excerpted first in foreign-language allies in you value more than money? day. uots as steps, molding and the program are St. George Episcopal, Bolton Congregational and United home.’ ’ (Herald photo by Pinto) Psychology Today and he was France and Japan, Are you generally pleased with Senetor Houley aiuiounced a thresholds. Methodist. later profiled by his daughter, movement, not an in- your life? few weeks ago that be will not —------JuUe Vargas,- in Human Behav- stitutlon.” said Harris, Fabulous Living Room Bargains run for re-election when his jjjj. “We’re changing every day. According to James Fabulous BEUROOM BARGAINS Fabulous DINETTE BARGAINS Fabulous BEDDING BARGAINS McLaughlin, vice president and Scientists Find tenn.,J8 up next fall. South Windsor “ It’s reassuring to me that used to do the Freud-to- South Windsor general manager of Doubleday’s Tlu> resolutlcn commending . people are looking to human Fromm ariicles you know, re- book club division. Insights is Ancient Culture HoulV was Introduced by Vin­ behavior to help us,” Skinner ports and discoveries. But now M Lot No. 1 Lot No. 2 Lot No. cent Sullivan, Democratic state Second Impasse Met ’ we tend to report the research based on the new mainstream SEATTLE, Wash. (AP) — A MATTRESS A BOX SPRINGS ‘Fiddler’ Gets Spot that central committeeman. Dr. Zigmund Labensohn, a that people are doing cn con- tn psychological thought Canadian s^entlst says arch­ Commenting on the resolution, o r a r y problems.” He people are essentially healthy aeological finds at Ozette, (4) 2 Pc. ColMlal LlV im ROOM (4) 4 Fe. Spanish BEGROOMS (4) 5 Po. DINETTE SETS in Wsfhingtcn, t e nt Mr^. Gloria Morris, Jn School Coittracts D.C., prW sil’ the i^agazineS for pointed to a recent article can find toemselves. Wash., and Prince Rupert, Triple Dresser & Mirror, Chest & Bed. Chrome or Bronze. ODDS A ENDS Sets Wingr Back, Choice of coaxhitteewoman expP6 W#l‘’'the‘'- their efforts in creating “ an in analyzing the people who vote Esalen and the sensitivity B.C., indicate Indian culture on Prints or Tweeds. Foam Cushions. Beautiful carved constniction. optblon thi(t: “Sem^tor. Houley Last night the Board of Edu- anil working agreenwnto, On Channel 3 Sunday formed- public,’ ’ but warned for Alabama Gov. George c . ’ Movements were for normal the North Pacific cocuit is thou­ caUon and tlie South W indsor WlUlaA Pdrry, assistant s^^r^ wai 6. vletim o^llatAbiQ^ant ger­ South Windsor High School’s a graduate of Dr. Martin Luther against p i^ lb i; dangers. Wallace. PeoP'® ^ sands of years old. Values rym ander!^.’’ She alluded to Education Association (SWEA) intendent of schools said today. “ The trouble is that many au- In the eyes of Irving Louis awareness. The club Is Indlvld- Dr. Georgre lUacDonald, chief Values This week, the South Windsor cast and crew of the musical coUege in New Ulm, Minn., and the new realignment of towns the town’s bargaining agency of production “ Fiddler on the has a MB degree in music from thors .— find ------that— the —., only — things Horowitz, editor of Society—for- - ual-centered;j , j it’s a way .. to un-.. A of the archaeology division of to $69 making up the S5th Senatorial for teachers, reached an im­ Administratlon, comprised Michigan State University. that really sell have a certain meriy transaction, which, ap- motives. the National Museums of Cana­ ^ *45 principals and a special service Roof” will be leatured on to $309 DUiiict. which Houley has rep- passe and will be going to medi­ da, says the finds are dis­ w n C -T V Channel 3 “ Your The choir makes a concert element of sensationalism in proachlng age 10, is the oldest Mc^ughlln said, *175 reaented tor two terms. ation over salaries, fringe bene- director, asked .the State Board tour annually in areas of the them,’’ he said. of the sociology magazines, He warned, however, that In- proving theories that Indian (6) 7 Pc. DINETTE SETS Community” program Sunday 125 of Education to appoint a medi­ mlddle west and this year have “ When you write about things “ Psycholojy Today is selling sights was not offering a pan- culture flourished only after the Chrome or Bronze Tone. at 1 p.m. ator to solve their differencies. Mrs. Peter extatded their tour to Include like the primal scream, people therapy. We’re selling social acea for all Ills. “ We have to arrival of white men. (3) 4 Pa. Rock Maple or Pine Choice of designs. Board Chairman James Arnold According to chairman for the east coast. read it and apply it to them- science.” be careful not to do the snake- "We know now that the cul­ (3) 2 Pc. Modem SOFA-BED QUILTED MAnHESSES fits nad working agreements. Grossi, publicity- BEBROOM SETS neirotlatlona he was unable to the show, the WTIC filming It will present musical treas-* selves. The weU-balanced piece Referring to his magazine oil thing Here. ” he advised, tures almig the coast have been Sets — choice of Vinyls or Fabrics. Values ‘After all, we’re just market- extremely stable over the past by Bassett.' 10 -15 Year Guarantees. comment on the matter any crew spent aK>roxima,tely three urea of the Lutheran Church, in- that gives information won’t and Psychology Today as "sib- Choice of colors. Twin or Full Size. But I worry about the ling rivals,” Horowitz insisted ers.” 5,000 years,’’ MacDonald says. Opens to sleep 2. Dresser, Mirror, Chest & Bed. to $119 further and SWEA’s president hours Tuesday taping segments eluding sMOcUons from all sea- hurt It generally had been agreed JOSEPH P. NAYLOR Laurence Brown, a physics oof t methe snowshow aunngduring a renearaairehearsal sons----- — of '* the ” — "Chureh “ Year, ----- previously that the culture flour­ Values ) taacher at South Windsor High including stage hands and con- The puWic U invited to at- ished, only after the fur trade Values School was not available for struction crews in action. They tend, pumped money Into the tribal (3) 5 Pe. Maple OHIETTE SETS to $89 Formerly of Bacbrach comment. However, one particu- ei"® presently in the process of School Lzmehee economies and European-type to $269 Table & 4 Mates. Chairs. lar area recently aired by ®ditlng the film for Sundays’ Monday, hamburger on a tools were Imported, he says. Extra Chairs Available. is now taking appoin^tments for SWEA, which might be consid- show. bun, potato riilps, carrot sticks, But he says digs at Prince 100 ^ *250 ered, was a grievance over stu- The play takes place in Ana- buttered broccoli, milk and Rupert have revealed a “ whole Reg. Veriues dent class size where ovprcrowd- tevka, a village in Russia. It is pineapple upside down cake range of carving tools’’ made (9) 4 Po. Modom or Maple Family Portraits in Your Own Home ing of more than the “ ideal max- hoth fuiAy and touching — to topping. V A N H E from stone, mussel shells and (5) TradHionai $179 QUEEN SIZE SETS Imum of 26 students per class- the point of sadness. The show Tuesday, orange or tomato the incisor teeth of rodents, BEDROOMS room exists in 24 per cent of features the bottle dance, me baked macaroni and while carved wooden objects LIVING ROM SETS Beautiful Custom Coverings. the high school classrooms and wedding dance and many other cheese, buttered green beans, Dresser, Mirror, Chest & Bed. 18 Yr. Guarantee. CALL 649-5593 Vbnknir predating th e' arrival of ihe Choice of Prints or Solids. Plastic tops. Open stock pieces. 28 per cent at Timothy Edwards numbers. . . » cranberry nut bread, milk, and white man have been found at Available Sofa Chairs or Love Seats. (9) Beautiful Custom Built Middle School,” Brown has said. “ “ Fiddler” will be presented at brownie. the Ozette Village archaeological for Appointments ------the high school on April 7 Md Wednesday/ meatball grinder site. Pedestal DINETTES Values New York O ty demolishes 8 at 8 p.m. and on April 9 at 3 sauce, rice, but- Values about 12 piers a year with each p.m. t^red peas', milk and apple 14 Day Trial Spanish or Modem. Choice of Colors. to $219 job costing upwards of $260,000. Richard AlpersA lp ^ has thethe^ star­s w - Norway Sliips Lead to $389 r. *122 ring role of "Teyve,” a father Thursday, oven baked chick­ blessed with five daughters. en, gra-vy, cranberry sauce, HOUSTON (AP) — Norway 175 (6) Beautiful Custom Built Large "Tzletei,“Tzletei,” ” playedpiayea byoy Ann Stel- cashed potato or broiled rice, VAanknil ag^ain led all foreign nations in Spanish Twin Mirror mat, "Hodel” playeda by NsNancy ^ the number of vessels entering KING SIZE SETS Dawson, “ Chava,” played the Port of Houston in 1971 with .(5) 4 Pc. Sauich SECTIONALS ^125 Sharon Luftglas, “ Shrpintze” and bread and butter. Friday, tomato rice soup, 14 days to love it or leave it a total of 460 ships, followed by BEDROOM SETS (3) 8 Pc. Spanish, Italian or French 20 Year Guarantee. played by Debra Krepclo and Choice of Fabrics. tuna salad boat, French fried Liberia with 401, West German All Famous Name. Foam or Innerspring. "Bielke” plyaed by Kathy Tev- ny with 253, the United King­ Beautiful carved wood construction. potatoes, butter^ wax beans, Large Triple Dresser, Large Chest. GININB ROOM SETS lin. dom with 217 and Greece with Queen Size Bed. Nite Tables Available. Table, 6 Chairs and Large China. k th leen MarshaU is the wife " '‘ Ik chocolate cake with icing, 213. Values and rnomer “ Golde,” and Bren­ Other foreign flag lecuiers da Bachman is “ Yente, tiie Manchester Evening Herald Ro9. $395 South Windsor correspondent were Netherlands with 155 to $550 ¥ • * “ V"|"“ Matchmaker.” ■hips, Japan 153, Panama 144, to $1,200 to $895 The older daughters’ suitors, Barbara 'Varrlck, tel. 644-8274. Sweden 96 and Denmark 74. 350______193 on melr own, are Richard West­ 3 In all, 4,035 vessels entered brook as “ Perchlk,” Dennis 13 Bank Holdups the port last year, 1,176 of them Martin as “ Motel,” and Dave flying the United States flag Slccardl aS “ Fyedka.” The Linked to 1 Man and the remainder foreign. MISCELLANEOUS AND BLOCK BUSTERS matchmaker’s choice for "Tzle- tel‘” is Kevin Waterhouse who HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — WE MUST DISPOSE OF THESE ITEMS IMMEDIATELY ~ MANY PRICED BELOW COST portrays “ Lazar Wolf, the A federal prosecutor said butcher.” Wednesday that a man charged Selected students_ from _ the with three Hartford area bank LAMP SHADES 4-Drawer QUEEN SITE END TABLES & Fully Upholstered Mr. * M n. Velvet South Windsor High School band robberies may have been In- SET OF BEDDING COCKTAIL TABLES END TABt|S accompany the production. In- voived ta 10 others, n CHAIRS OHAHtS 399. eluded in the orchestra are D

- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANGlftlSTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 80. 1972 PAGE TWENTY-ONE PAGE TWENTY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1972 F ~ cn M m Hebron Seeks More Froali, Girl of yl5 Upsets URBANA, m. (AP) — The Rules Drawn Up University of niinols wlH in­ Lockheed Nearing Recovery crease its quota for freshmen For SnoTvmiobil^ McDonald Representative to INFO Line students in September 1973 and Atistraliaii Schools lower its admiaaian requira- approved at a district meeting, WhUe lt’8 a UtUe Mt Ute for Richard T. McDonald has McDonald, on the other hand, Also, the Rev. Hetibert O. ments for some curricula. WE m AMABlf three proposed classrooms were After Near-Knockout Blow ^ feMBii. the Recnotion been named by the' selectmen felt tfuit many moue people in Keiaey« Jr. , Mtaister of the Charles E. Warwick, director town might sedc out faaip if they First end GUead CongregaUon- cut out to eliminate some of the Canmiaaton has drakm up rules as Hebron’s rm r^ntoUve' to of admissions and records, said coiild deal with outsloe sendees, al Churches; M ra Rachael expense. LOS ANOELBS (AP) — off our debts. But we are gohig son why we srill not get it certi­ foR yovlt HOUMV and regulatlona oonpernlng the the Greater . Hartford Com­ the new admissions require­ WB t i aoowmobUeii at the Y et none of these is her na­ i PnbUoatlon Ranker, member cf the RHAM Loddwed Aircraft Oocp., the to do all these things.'* fied by the Federal Aviation 1 By MAX CLEMENTS munity CCun^ to wmrk with Serving on the committee will ments vary from college to col­ lAglon Flfld. tive language — the Japanese It was decided by thoee at- Drug Education Program; Mra. naUon's higgtat defenae oon- Lockheed earned S15.4 mS- Administration sad on schedule Associated Press Writer the INIFQ Line which involves be regional board members Mrs. lege and are based on projec- trvctor, has KoOen off the floor The fleM is leased by the of her mother. Itself ,'^th community re- tending that there la a great Barbara Hartshbrn, member of lion, or $1.36 a share, on sales by the middle of next month. NffPsfMWCiformt ADELAIDE, Australia Slbun, Frank Shannon from uons of how weU the appUcant after takiiig a near-knockoot fi­ of *2 .85 billion in 1971. This "Pilots are entimsiastic about town for recreational use and Rose Marie, whose Japanese sources for health, welfare, rec- need for " pubUolxlng ’ and the Rham’s Special Bklucation De­ Marlborough and Charlea Phelps ^ ay do as a U. of I. student, (A P) — A 15-year-old girl nancial blow early laat year. com pared wMh losaea o f *88.38 the airplane—it fUea beau- the snowmoWIe regulatlona ap- name is Shigeko, meaning Sun­ rea l^ and social services in beet way to aocompBrii this was partment; PuUlc Health Nurse of Andover os well as three the new standard ap- pljr to that area only. Hie company teetered on the million on aalesi of I2.M bOiian tifuBy. People srho live near w e t u ntmt-ff-itif h a m s who has had only two-and- beam — she’s nicknamed Sun­ the ci^tol region. by direct man to the residents; Mrs. Jean Xoebier ;McDonaid; members of each of the district pUcants wUl be admitted if Only restdenta of Vernon or tarink of bankrufitcy after the in 1970 and of *32.84 mllHon on aiiporU are going to like the a-half years of formal schooling., ny — appUied for a place at McDonald’s appointment re­ McDonald volunteered to solicit and MTs. Maerll Bennington, towns, making a twelve-man r^nk and test scores pre- members of the American funds locally to cover this ex- treasurer of Frlenda In Service ooUapse of HoOs-Royce Undt- sales o f ttJXT b ilio n In 1* 88. THStar. It is the qui^est big is turning South Australia’s ed­ Bedford Park Teachers' Col­ sulted from a meeting hMd committee. ^ grade average. Legion are eligible to use the pence if the Community Council Helping (BTBH). ed, the BritUh maker of m- The financial crisis ihsi Jet traaqiort yet." WE A lto HAWr ucation system upside-down be­ lege at the Town Of­ area, which la off West Rd. and 'would provide the material to Information Warwick said the quota tor (Ines to power Lockheed's new threatened Lockheed was trig­ First iMlveiles of Tristan cause she is so brilliant. Faced with Rose Marie’s fice i ftiiiding with representa- Manchester Evening Herald incoming freshmen 'was in­ TMStar jetUzKr. 'Win be m ade aoon to Eastern before doing ao they must reg­ be mailed. Until such time as the booc- gered on Feb. 4. UTl, when In universltynenrollment ex­ amazing examination results. ttves INFO Une. Hebron oorreHHXidciit, Anne creased from 6,200 to 5,800 be­ Even before the Rolls-Royce and Trans World AiiUnes. A M IIA B IE ister with the reoreaUon deport­ It was also--suggested that an holder mailing has been clrcu- Rolls-Royce went into receiv­ aminations, Rose Marie Aldin State Education Minister H u^ Mrs. W en Fisher, Director Emt, telephone 8S8-S811 cause the number cf under­ collapse, Lockheed had been Twenty-two of the planes are ment. Operator's ^ nowmo- assembly be held at Rham High laied, Hebron residents requlr- ership because it didn't have topped the state in Spanish and Hudson agreed to waive the 17 of INFO mne, gave some back­ graduate students who returned staggered by a $484-mlBion toes sdiednled to be deUrered be­ bUea must be at least M yean Sohool to alert the students of ing the sendees of the INFO the money to continue pndnc- tA S T E K German, was second in French, years minimum age clause. ground ofiN FO Line, vdiich Is Make sure to remove all to U. of I. In Septemiber 1971 on military contracts. fore the end of this year. of age or otherwise must ha ac­ the services ottered by INFO Line may call Enterprise 1600 leaves from stems below the Uon of the 543 engines ordered gained an A in Italian and a B in Having been awarded teach­ funded by the Community Coun­ was consldOraiHy below the an­ "We think Lockheed turned A company spokesman said companied by a parent or Une and in this way the towns toU free. water Une in toe vase. Other­ b y Lockheed in a $435-miHion er training, she will be allowed cil and the Ctommunity' Chest. ticipated total compared with the comer in 19T1 after two very the *250 mtlliofi in government- guardian. They need not have a English. of Andover and Mariborough Committee Members wise, they wlU foul toe water. contract. Rolls-Royce bail been emjsh sme atafe drtvafc'a license. to study at Adelaide’s Flinders She explalnad that it Is the previous enrollment trends. Meak yeara," the board chair­ overwhelmed by skyrocketing guaranteed losns could be re­ also would be Invidved. Mra. Resldente in Hebron who The field may be used from University without attending aim o f the Council to m ake ]>eo- Fisher offered to speak at might wish to serve on an Edu­ man. Demiel J. Haugbtcn said develcpment costs. paid 'With revenues from TH- 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. only and only lectures at the college. ple in the capital area aware of Rham . cational Needs Committee re­ in an interview. “We made a With two of the most prestig­ star orders on hand. iOElBASA it there is at least six inches Rose Marie has been trav­ INFO Line which functions os M eetin g profit after two yeara of heavy ious manufacturing companies But be said Lockheed needs cently formed by the»ReglonaI of snow on the ground. eling for much of her life witii a broker by sorting out help losats, and we expect 19T2 of Britain and the United States to s d l 255 to 385 T r is ta n to There wUl be a ' foUow-up District 8 Board of Education The commission has "also set her father, high school teacher needed and agencies available esuningB slightly higher than break even on its investment In meeting to this one which wlU are urged to contact their board foundering, a mammoth eacue forth sothe rules concerning the to offer the aervlce needed. laat year's and that subsequent the project. He said he foresees SFFff/ks i Dr. E. R. Aldin. be held April 13 at 10 a.m. at members, Mra. Katoarine Slbun, operation was mounted by the use of the Lottie Flak BuUdlng She mentioned some of the yeara wUl show an upward a total market of 600 to TOO They left Japan in 1960 and the Town Office BuUdlng. Harry Megson or Everett Jew­ governments of the two coun­ at Henry Park. WhUe the huUd- services available by calling trend. planes of this type, including went to Morocco before spend­ The purpose of this meeting ett. trie s : tng Is maintained with taxpay- which Included aendeea for ag­ “Hiis Is not to say that we the DCIO being manufactured OOWMBIA GBH SEMi SoN B £ »^ ing two years each in Italy, wiU be to Implement plans sug­ The purpose of this committee —Britain took over the air­ er’a money, the commlasiQn ing, alcoholism, baby care, con- 3 gested. It is also tentatively are now in the dear. We have craft divisioo of Rolls-Royce by McDonnell Douglas Oorp. F m c e , Spain and Germany. Is to find toe need for physical T V M y CaotOlD said it does not wltii to encou­ _ Burner protection, drop - in planned to include representa­ faculties in terms of potential lo get many more orders for Limited. renamed it Rols- Lockheed's other major proj­ ‘ ‘ Dkd helped me to remem- rage its use for private parties. tive of Andover and (Marlbor­ growth in toe schotS district, our Lion TrlStar transport, Royce 1971 and provided fi­ ects Include the controversial bertoe~l^i^g^lyluir[ngm e Any non-profit organliatiai ough at this meeting. - deliver them to the airtinee on nancing for ccntlmied produc­ C&A G a la x y, the 'w orld's largest children’ s bdoks in the language Qradee 7 through 12. may use the buUding and in speech and healing. Attendance ■rhediile continue to perform tion of TrlStar engines. It de­ aiipUne; the Hercules military HAM » I had'just leartoed” said Rose Although toe addition to Rham such casea the commisslQn usu­ Mrs. Fisher' reported that AttauUng the meeting trom High School la fairly new, toe on our other programs, and pay manded that the U.S. govern­ and civilian troop and cargo Marieu ally votes to waive the fees for calls were received from all 28 INFO line, besides Mra. Fisher, school anticipates there wlU be ment come to the aid cf Lock­ transport; the Pooeidon, an un­ CCCOHRIA Even whfen they came to Aus­ the custodian and use of the of the towne in toe region laat were Mr. and Mrs. WiUord Grif­ overcrowding next year. This heed. derwater-launched ballistic tralia two years agoj the trav­ P o e r io M building. Groups other than year, but that Hetoon had only fin, volunteers for toe INFO can be attributed mainly to the —President Ntzon in May missile; and the Cheyenne com­ Manchester civic ones must have a custodian eling did not stop — Dr. Aldin made eight calls. Une. fact that when the addition was 1972 asked Congress to pass bat helicopter which is beaded present at a minimum charge joined a touring circus as a Second Selectman Robert Those in attoidance repre­ leglslaUan guaranteeing *250 for Army evaluation trials after 0 Hospital Notes HAM '• of *10 and must also pay a *20 tutor. Dixon brought out that in He­ two yeara of developmenL senting the town were First Advertisement— million In bank loans to Lock­ fee for use of the building. "I joined a correspondence VISmJiG HOCKS Lockheed accepted a *300- bron many of toe townspeoide Selectman Aaron Reid, Dixon, heed. No alcoholic beverages are al­ intermediate Care Semi- mUHnw loss OH the C8A pipject C D U /M «iA school halfway through ^ 1 in need of help' contact local Resident State Trooper John FOR SALE — Raised ranch —The loan-guarantee propos­ m lowed on the premises except for in February 1971 on demand by year,’’ said Rose Marie, “ I’d town representatives and many Sodertierg, principol Paul A. with two acres on Chestnut Hill private, noon ■ : p.iqc, and 4 al squeaked through Congress New Teitf’s Eve vdien the com- the Defense Departmmt. The "Urn ROSE M A R IE ALD IN is turn­ been to other schools, but Dad problems are handled locally. White. Road. Cross Realty pjn. ■ 8 p.m.; private rooms. by votes of 192 to 189 in the missicn sponsors a party for the company said it had delivered HAMSUCES^tB ing South Australia’s education thought it would be better for 18 a.TO. • 2 p.m ., and 4 p.m . • 8 House and 49 to 48 in the Sen­ senior cHliena. m e to work at my own pace. p.m. ate. 56 of the CSAs to the Air Force system upside-down. ITie 15-. COLVMBIA CBH ^ ^ “ I had to catch up on some PedfaUries: Parents allowed The congressional action en­ by the end of last February and year-old gjrl, whose native lan­ any time except noon—t p.m .; abled government officials, that it expected to dell'ver the School Benefit guage is Japanese, topped work but it wasn’t really hard.” others, t p.m. - 8 p.m. bankers and nlHlnea to nail to­ balance of the 81 planes on or­ South Australian state universi­ Rose Marie is the youngest Self Service: If a.m. - 2 p.m.; gether final arrangements for a der by the spring of 1972. m im m n m Loses $15,000 ty oirollment examinations in member of the South Australian W. G. Hanghton said be was opti­ Spanish and German, was sec^ - branch of Mensa,* the clnb of 4 p.m . - 8 p.m . *750-m illion flrom elng program KANSAfl om r (APjl — A down to our yard for mistic abont the outlook not people with high JiQs (in- Intensive Care and Coronary for LocUieed. It coniiated of COLOMBIA OBK lA benefit to raise money tor the ond in French and gsiined an M Care: Immediate family oiriy. *400 m illion in bank cred it pre­ only for his company but for in Italian and B in English. telUgencf quotient). the aenapace Industry as a Universtty of Kttnsas X're- any time, limited to flve min viously arranged by Lockheed, Hmit la for Rolls-Royce and Tockhesd ness. There are more com­ and the Odddlggers. Joint Meeting Set self-service. to pick iq> the pieces and go petitions opening up for new de­ He said Wednesday the mon­ CO. An emergency patients and ahead with the Tri-Star project fense »nd space hardware than ey is owed to the entertainers, sntpntleBts are requested to nse Detailing its retremdnnent I have seen in ae-veral yeara." and he has no idea who will the new emergency room moves, Lockheed said in its p ay i t On Cluster Zoning recently issued annual report to Tlie presdiool Is financed al- entrance off Armory St. Aeeeas w ill be discussed a t a Jidnt stockholders: What Ratings Meam moet entirely by donations and Ouster developments and S u n Am rt* tmUnguorry— so bmuWul, tool to the entrance is via extsting meeting ot toe two boards Tues­ "By controlling costs, con­ NEW TC »X (AP) — 'Hte Mo­ tuition paid by toe parents of other matters which concern d rivew ays. day at 7:30 p.m. at the Ad­ G IA N ? ••AtlWmamP* LAWN EtflLDING serving cash and liquidating tion Plotnre AasodaUon of toe SO deaf children who attend toe Vernon Zoning Commission ORNAMENTAL M ministration BuUdlng. TrlStar inventcales on schedule, America rates films as G, PO. olaaees, Heins said. and the Plaimlhg Commission PaUents Today: 288 A move to repeal duster de- Blgmoughto9tof9Mthmd IRON RAILING ADHTITEaD . TESTESIDAY: we can continue to meet com­ R and X . mitments that will enable us to G films are for general au­ 'velopment provisions which Kevin S. Andrews, East Hart­ were included In the recently ford; David J. Bombeto, 18 Bol­ gradually reduce our govem- diences with all ages admitted. M backyard dutter and give e Handsonwot way to safe- revised zoning laws, prompted ton St.; Mrs. lilhan Clavet. 7D m e n t-guaranteed bank in­ PG films suggest parental a v s T i M Standard Symbols Sought the garage bade to' the carl guanJ atairwayo toe Planning Oommlsslon to re­ Diane Dr., Vernon; ICrs. Ida debtedness. guidance since some material Aaaemble this big walk-in e Eaay 1-2-3 Inalallation, M. Copping, 285 Oakland S t; "In the past two yean we may not be suitable for |me- quest toe Joint meeting. The stonige building yourself — rw drilling have reduced our work force, teenagers. iiomgor For Oothes Care Guide move to repeal waa being con­ all you need Is a screwdriveri Mrs. Irene M. Cowles, 19 Char­ nfsrsjis oHo/ce > ing Rd.; South ^^ndaor; George cut overhead, sold pieces of R fitmc are restricted and sidered by toe Zoning Oonunls- lt*8 all steel, double-ribbed to 4 F t SeetkB ■ T. Davis, 23 BonnervUle Rd. property, and held new build­ those under 17 are required to OTTAWA (AP) - The system is based on five slon and toe matter was listed withstand high winds and A Also. ICrs. Jan A. Dixon, 37 ings and facilities expansion to be accompanied by an adult. ik iM r w ^ 99^ Ever bem puzzled over the basic symbols, each figure in­ for discussion at a recent meet­ snow loads; Hm roUerTOCtloh almost zero." X films mean that no person dicating one method of textile ing of toot board. However, it REG. Packard St; Mrs. Amanda J. rwojco jk juk best way to care for a new doors. No hiriges to mat or iloney. It Arch St; Frances Lockheed now has firm or­ under 17 w ill be adm itted. care. A stylized tub means was announced toe night of toe snap off. *5.25 $5.95 I dress? Or tried to find the tag Dziama, 8 Locust St, South ders for 102 of the *16-million washing; a triangle, bleaching; meeting that toe matter was Windsor; Mrs. Lillian M. Gal­ TriStais and options for an ad­ m u m i carefully tucked away some­ a square, drying; an iron, being withdrawn from the agen­ vin, Elart Hartford; Arthur J. ditional 45. The i^ane has a CONN. COIN where because it gave instruc­ pressing; and a circle, dry da. SMBBT oF€ eoctmm a vat A fk , tions for cleaning ' that new When the new set ot zoning Jarvis, 689 Main St; Bruce J. pcmsenger capacity of 350, a m i STAMP cleaning. Bni§h on ounohlno. Joalin, 127 Green Manor Rd.; cruising speed o f 600 m iles an biouse or sweater? They are printed in traffic- laws, toe first set of combined ..r o ll away gloom hour and a range o f 2,500 m iles. Most consumers probably laws since the town govern­ wHh Mrs. Rosalie M. Lawrence, 9 fu A S s n a t signal colors. A green circle, Dom ing S t Discussing the current status have, especially since synthetic for instance, shows an article ments were consoUdated about seven years ago, the provision Also, Eric Luck, R t 85, Bol­ of the TrlStar project, Hsugh- fibers have added a vdiole new may be dry cleaned. In antoe)', . VINYL LATEX for clustei' developments was ton; Mrs. June O. McOoy, 7 ton said: range of products to the mar­ it means dry cleaning is per­ "The first order of business added. Such develi^ments al­ Juniper Lane. Vernon; Lauren ket. missible but tumble dr^ng PAINT Macintosh, East Hartford; is to certificate the LlO ll, but it low construction of homes on The consumer affairs depart- should be ata low temperature. and make every room George M. Risley, 14 Knighton is performing well in its test lots ' smaller than regulation ment is trying to end such con­ A red circle, scored by red criss Sprlngtimo'liright the St; Robert B. 'Saunders, 17 IHtgram and I know of no rea­ Ptse&inooD verr^ tresh PRopoee. size. They require, however, fusion by promoting the volun­ crossed lines, of course means year around Kenwood Dr., Vernon; William tary use by clothing manu­ that toe developer Include <^n R. Tofeldt, 70 Mather S t; An­ "do not dry clean.” space land within toe develop­ • All the colors you need CEisp sewp/sr m u B i facturers of a system of care except striped. drew E. Urda, Staffordville. f k symbols printed or woven on a The box symbol for drying ment, for recreational purposes. Also, John P. Vincent 74 • Q u Ickhk-drying, ‘ odorless. label securely fastened to the may include a circle to ^ o w Permissian to buOd a cluster Woodland St; Ifichael L. Voi- development was granted de­ Paint: with winwindows closed. article. But it wants the con­ the article may be tumbled dry, land, 81 Ha'Wthorae St.; Mrs. (mm a curved line for clothesline veloper George Risley on hU Fast soap'n’water clean-up. sumer’s support. CUT 25% OFF LAST YEART MODELS SMla A. Zedorooiy, 3 Fairview third aiqUlcatlon. Residents of Englond's Hordwore "Garment makers don’t have drying, three vertical lines for Ave., Rockville. drip drying or a horizontal line toe area, off Tunnel Rd.,' where No. 7977 KIMBERLY REG. $89.00 SPEC. $ ML7S BIRTBB YESTEatDAY: A son to use this system,” says a the development wlU go, strong­ ROUTE 44A ■OLTON NOTCH booklet, "Care Labeling for for drying on a flat surface. N a 7979 HILTON REG. $188.00 SPEC. B109JS% Reg. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Addab- The iron and tub symbols ap­ ly objected to its construction. bo, IM W. Center St, a son to Textiles,” produced ^ the de­ In approving toe ai^catlon, No. 7801 DUO TRAX REG. $225.00 SPEC. S16S.7S ply to the complete article, in­ Mr. and Mrs. Gary Boland, 65 partment. the Planning Ctommlsaion at­ «6A0 cluding trimming, buttons, zip­ ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. GAL. Bigelow St; a daughter to Mr. itiiosa.■mm. ^ffnuomiKo Afi COUPON "Bnt more and more w ill do tached a number of atlpulatlona. W ill BE OPEN ON OOOD FRIDAY pers, belts and lining. But they and Mrs. John Hahn, 72 Linden so if consumers demand it. If Another matter of concern to l A 4MlH I h i^ C A IP oM relate only to color fastness and S t; a son to Mr. and M is. Mau­ (NOTE: LUMBER YARD WILL BE CLOSED) you like the system, ask for it both commissions, and shrinkage or stretch when tex­ rice Lemieux, Enfield. UPTOM when you shop.” scheduled for dlscusalan Tues­ [k Add iMw baautf, now value to your horn* N tha rain un>n*i drain... DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: WvFtB C£iSP AiL mac The symbols, worked out tile articles are cleaned as rec­ day, is changes in toe zoning mUianmrootl Ariene A. Boskoski, 447 Nevers with the co-operation of indus­ ommended, not to other aspects regidations which would re­ STOP MUTTERING, Rd., South Windsor; Mrs. Doris of wear. BIRD «*Wlnd JETS $M Eer(/iPE. try and consumer organiza­ quire more open apace in sub­ Baai" C. Blair, Stafford Springs; Carl Appm ? »3 9 tions, tell toe buyer the dos and A complete label might in­ divisions or traditional devOk^ — tha hurrlcan«-testMl START GUTTERING! G. Swanson, 65 Westminster don’ts o f washing, bleaching, clude an amber tub containing a ments and apartment complex­ es. shlnilds Rd.; Charles Volkert, 333 Bid- d^ng, ironing'and dry clean­ hand, a red criss-crossed well St.; Mrs. Helen Z. Mokulis, Km. triangle with CL inside it, a Town Planner Joseph Paatic WHITE PAINTED ^ BITUMINOUS ing. ALUMINUM 82 W. Center St.; Mrs. Bertha ‘*’‘*89- U preparing a report which wUI CREAH 3UE CBOPOilPE^AMlLy "European housewives green square with three verti­ E. Caiman, 58 Baldwin Rd. Include information on open 12%* *DMR.V WRpr* yAUDAWfE-AMC/ swear by a system like this,” cal lines, a red criss crossed space as toe result of questions Also. Mrs. MUdred K. HUt- iE O E E M A T tUMtAMO iron and a red criss-crossed Double coated wNh two layers of aepholt, 3 the department says. gen, Babcock Hill, Coventry; H itos SS%wrmeEi. J f / J circle. asked by members of both embedded wWi two loyere of mbierd graiuilee. DRIVEWAYS a m i C U M T p a h c But it offers a word of cau­ Powerful thermopioetlo dote weld seen shinqie Mrs. Donna B. Kingsbury, Hen- Parking Areas • Oaa Stailoiia a Waalriilhal Coorts This means the article is commissions. *2.95 Now Booking ftqr WwiaMial Work tion: “ These symbols won’t ap­ to root In iHirrIeanw-proor grip. Sbinglee are dee Rd., Andover; Mrs. Blanche band washable using lukewarm random-embossedn-emboeeed lor lon^lne beiiuty. PER 10 FT. SECTION M. Crough, 16 Eldridge St.; IP EMW MOK ply to every single textile ar­ water. It should be hung soak­ Need rooting holg? At* im. We’// rooommond e okWod apec/a/(i(. S a v e 10% On Fittings Roger C. Legako, Birch Dr., An­ Early Bird Special ticle. And the system won’t ftZozBH I N work unless consumers try to ing wet to drip dry. Do not use L W O f f e r s dover; Mrs. Vera A. Kenneally, K llH I h i^OJIOPOM' BvmjL SAoaa understand it and m ake it chlorine bleach or iron or dry 21 Willard Ifd .; Lee A. Shucke- 10% DISCOUNT UNTIL APRIL 15th blean the article. Criticism work." row. East Hartford. All Work Personally Supervised. We are 188% liiaiiriiil SSteem se t^: 69^^ Oooo L(/CJ^ Also, Mrs. Twyler muiams, Of Pu b H c humanly buuuty a t a down-fo-aartft 79 Summer St.; Robert W. Hein, K B m ‘ SPfT IB. ^ O iE O HARTFORD (AP) — The prieui 49 Cedar St.; Terrance O. Don­ DeMAK) BROTHERS ^ C AU L 888-1881 . League of Women Voters, a TOTE AND SAVE nelly, 60 Jarvis Rd.; Matylyim (M frequent critic of the way toe MASONITE F. Greene, 366 HiUiard St.; Mrs. WPISM MM m w m S^jM* A T B S ^ GRAND OPENING General Assembly does things, ROYALCOTE Bertha Johnson, 333 J^dwell roH has a barb ii, its latest news­ WEEKEND SPECIALS St; Robert A. Lanzano, 154 ► letter concerning puUic Interest Lyness S t; Eileen Lopez, 20 t > E U ' O E A T * OWE C00P«||PER.FA^LV SPECIAL 9HE8TWM1 MEAf PtfS >/AU0X«ef9.4/« / in government. Thompson Rd. ► D uring to e current ahewt ses­ PJMEI.IMI 2x3-8 SPR. STUDS S5* EA. Also, Mrs. Isabelle M. Mako- eE P E S tA A T A M S U m O sion “toe galleries are open to wicz, 16 Farmstead Lane, Rock­ « • 4x8 - V4 ■d6um KtvsCai^ U d GARMENTS the public—-yet we see very few ville; Mrs. Anna P. Muiuoe, pei^le there,’’ writes Eklitor TOTE and SAVE 2x4-8 SPR. STUDS 93i» EA. Coventry; Janice L^ Rocker, 29 CLEANED - PRESSED Beverly Walton in the Legisla­ EUsle D r.; M rs. Arlean M . Teb- sitop tive Newsletter. 12x12 WHITE CEIL TILE EA. bets. Brown Dr., Andover; Star During recent debate 11 I ( V'-ll \M> l Miin



was also a night stick In the .filled Jerusalem for Easter and frem Jordan in the 1987. Middle border in central and northern wounded; South Vietnamese Manchester Area car. Apostolu was to be pra- Many Celebrate Passover holidays. Two Rec Staff era South Vietnam. casualties were 754 Wiled and East war. sented In Circuit Court Man­ American combat deaths re- 1,726 wounded, and the alUes Vested In. pur^e and gold-em­ By official count, more than chester, today. War ToU Holy Thursday broidered robes. Bishop John Police Blotter Fairley Speakers ported by the U.S. Command claimed killing 3,682 of the ene- Merchants Support Francis DeTToUa m , 19^ of have averaged 3.3 a week this my. The allied commands 30,000 visitors came to Israel Market Kildnay of Nasareth stooped at A MassachusetU youth, Pe­ Two Btott members of tiie In Jerusalem a sliver bowl in the gloom of for Easter services and the Skinner Rd., Vernon, was or. year. have reported these total caou- Manchester Recreation Depart­ the Crusader church for the Passover feast marking the ex- ter J . Apostolu, 22, was arrest­ rested this morning by Vernon At 4 For Elghteen Americans died from altles for the war: JERUSALEac (AP) — The ment will be participants In a fcot-washing ritual. cdus of the Jews from bondage ed on the WUbur Cross High­ Police and charged with loiter­ nonhostile causes last week. American—45,669 killed in ac- bishop of Nasareth, Christ’s In Egypt. ® ^ ing on or about school grounds. one-day “swap-shop” (or park About 200 worahliqiers chant­ way in Vernon early this morn­ The Saigon command report- tion, 203,787 wounded, 10,119 ‘Model Block’ Plan childhood home, washed and He was at the police station and rqcreaUon professioneds, ed 1,020 (rf its men wounded dead from nonhostile causes, ed a Latin litany on the Last Jostling through Jerusalem ’s By BILL. COE port for the idea were Oemge Harrison said he believes the kissed the feet: of 12 student ing and charged with carrying awaiting pocking of a $28 bond Booms in Paris Aprif^b in Meriden. The pro­ Supper as the 12 young semi­ narrow alleyways, Jews and U.S. Force and eight missing. South Vietnamese — 134,347 (Herald Reporter) Marlow of Marlow’s, Inc. and concept to be a practical first monks in Jerusalem’s most hal­ for appearance 'In Circuit gram la cosponsored by the narians, dressed in robes, sat OulsUans alike were greeted a dingerous weapon In a motor By way of contrast, during killed In action, 346,634 Lee Watkins of Watkins Bros., step toward unifying the down­ lowed church today, recalling Court, Rockville, April 18. “Just watching a candi­ University irf CXmneotlcut Insti­ SAIGON (AP) — South Viet- A beginning effort pro­ fer the ceremony before the red with cries of ’’Welcome! Wel­ vehicle and carrying a pistol although Marlow said he would town area and ^ving it a new the humility of Jesus to his ng—803.256 Wiled. solution. He estimated the cost of the The incense-shrouded Roman Park Association. highest levels in nine months, ed trict took a step closer to Outside, Christian pilgrims, souvenirs, trinkets and candies. stt^iped the car because It was charged with failure to drive enough to sum up his or her Harrison first proposed t h e project at approximately $75 (JathoUc ceremony in the Bea Sheftel, program direc­ the South Vietnamese, command ___ Jewish visitors and holidaying Jerusalem hotels reportetd speeding and the officer noticed right. In connection with a com­ character,” says one em­ reality yesterday. Model Block idea at a Cham­ per lineal foot of (nmtage, or Church of the Holy Sepulchre tor, wUl speak during the reported today. Four Americahs A nucleus erf about 20 con­ I srae 11 s swarmed through full bookings for the eight-day a holster in the rear seat. It plaint concerning a trash pack­ ploye.^ , ber of Commerce • sponsored under $40,(XX) for the entire was the climax of Maundy morning session on the topic, were Wiled In combat and IS cerned business leaflers met at spring sunshine In the old wall­ Jewish feast and for Easter contained a 38 caliber revolver, er. King is scheduled to i^pear meeting of severai groups last block. Thursday, as thousands of Of course some clients in­ "Develtqrfng Programs for Girls were wounded. a luncheon at the Manchester ed city, which Israel captured Week. pcrfice said. They said there In Circuit Court, Ajudl 18. December, and had received Christian hnd Jewish visitors sist on the bureau finding ’The South Vietnamese death Country Club for a first look at While there may be some and Women.” the blue-eyed brunette, or toll, which had fluctuated SPRING TREE CARE sketches of the “Model Block’’ some backing for it then. problems in fitting the canopy T- Harry F. Smith, director of the tall slender reed, or the around 300 per week since July Place your order now (or a dormant spray on your concept proposed by Phillip Harrison has since carried the to varying storefront heights. It' Manchester’s Camp Kennedy, ball himself on his proposal. He Cuddly type. Often Madame and risen last week to S57, shot evergreen shrubs and trees. ’This is one sure way to Harrison of Harrison’s Station­ can be made to woric, Mankey y will speak during the afternoon first had photo enlargements Desaeby says, they will hit session. His topic wiU be, "Pro­ up to 445. protect them against overwintering insect eggs and scale ers, and several key persons and Harrison maintained. it off with a person quite Insects. involred indicated they will made of the entire 500-foot-long The problem will be the Sav­ grams for the Mentally Retard­ Reported North Vietnamese block proposed for refurbishing different from those specifi­ ed.” and Viet Cong losses for the For complete tree care call back the plan. ings Bank of Manchester, vdiere cations. d urison proposes to con­ —the east side of Main St. from the facade Is considerably high­ The day-long program wUl week were nearly twice as struct a canopy the length of a Burton’s on the north to Wat­ er. The bsink, however, has an­ “Once in awhile there are cover such other areas as neigh-' This test pattern is part of tKe heavy as the 1972 average, with CARTER TREE EXPERTS kins on the south. Fantastic Savings in our the old grouchers who won­ borhood and treatment centers, Herald’s quaUty printing control claimed Wiled. central Mock of stores, as pro­ nounced it is planning to re­ LICENSED AND INSURED — ’TEL. 648-7696 tection for dwppers and to From the photos architect model the building, sind bank of­ Villdol der why the bureau cannot ’The increased casualty fig­ “unify’’ the many different Richard Mankey drew sketches ficials have asked to show Man- a p"*™ » «» ures appeared to reflect find the 20-year-old charm­ and physical development, and Unest newspaper, stepped-up fighting in eastern buUdhigs, to paint up the store erf the pngKtsal. Along with key’s sketches to the SBM di­ ers they dream about. Even photos of one sectimi, Mankey’s Cambodia and near the Laotian fronts, and make other modest rectors. some of the older women games and hobbies. drawings showing how the pro­ By ROSETTE HARGROVE s5^clstf!d c?r7^r"Vom en improvements aimed at stem­ (Connecticut Bonk and Trust Toy, Bike & Outdoor Depts. complain when they are pre­ posed refurbishing might look ming downtown blight. is also plannli^ to remodel its PARIS-(NEA)-The mar- i?„hand“ sented to men of their own 3 were unveiled yesterday. Peter ’Trier of Waterbary, front in white brick with a riage market is flourishing acceptable husband. age.” ’The Model Block concept calls owner of the block’s northern beam effect, Harrison said, and in Paris and the score or so Regarding age groups, her for constructing a canopy the Names are never revealed “anchor” building that includes is considering the Model Ifflock of marriage bureaus — all records show that 30 per length of the block, painting the until both parties have made his own store (Burton's), Har­ concept in its planning. perfectly legal and orthodox cent of her clients are wom- storefronts in coordinated colors Cuddly Easter up. their minds. The first rison’s Stationers, and a ’Ihom Several of the peqple present, —are hot a bit worried by en younger than 30. Thirty meeting takes place in a con­ and building planters, tree wells McAn Shoe Store, voiced what including Trier, Apter and Har­ the competition of “love per cent are middle aged and benches at various perfnts. V ventional French salon seemed to be a consensus of rison. emphasised that painting computers.” men and women and 40 M r where candidates are Intro- Mankey, in showing his those present: of the building fronts in coordi­ Madame Desachy, a viva- cent are older toan 60. Ma- ‘duced to each other and left sketches, said he had platmed Plush Animals “This plan will amount to a nated colors woidd go a long clous SO-plus, is the owner dame Desachy has mareied ^s(;uss their .situations, Manchester Public Market holding action but it won’t cure the arcade to be constructed of way toward sprucing them up of an establishment listed off a bachelor of 71 to a hopes and dreams. 0 dari(,-stalned wood with a built- the illness afflicting the area. It and giving the block a unified first in the Paris telephone grandmother of 70, as weU Now Madame Desachy is 80S • M7 MAIN STREET IN THE VERY HEART OF DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER is a last ditch effort, and there up fabric cover. Vertical mem­ locrfc. book. She started her firm as five members of the same bers are shown every 20 feet,- interested in an exclusive is no time to waste. It’s up to us O u r Reg. 15 years ago when her own family. are reMrted liv- club which will be sort of in order to lower the canopy to Discussion also touched on to do it. You can count on us, whether there hsis be«i any 99c to marriage went on the rocks, kig happily ever after. an extension of her marripge , This Week Only - OPEN THURS. AND FRI. NITES TILL 9:00! Phil,” he told Harris& Reg. 24.99 19.88 Reg. 37.99 ^ ^ • O O economic problems of Main St. tion, an interim Eirrangement Makes Excellent Eating! R^q). Nicholas Lenge, R-West I think what we’re here (or is until our ’big sky’ plans oc­ Gabriel Heatter Dies; Hartford, who once served as to come up with a concrete cur.” He added, “I ’m sure this 20” Deluxe House minority leader, said 16” Huffy 8 to 14 LBS.— ''WAYBEST" plan for the refurbishment of conunittee is going to give se­ LAND O' LAKES— QUARTERS that while the bill vras “a step Main St.” rious consideration to Joining Reg. 33.99 Huffy in the right direction,” it was F on ley told the merchants hands with you in terms of the 25.88 not a big enough step. Lenge Reg. 41.99 32.88 Famed Radio Newsman present, “I commend your ef­ parking problem while you voted against it. forts,” but be added, “all that work on your store fronts.” MIAMI BSIACH (AP) - Oa- the age of 14, “\taen I aimed at Finally, when a signal man The measure had beta back­ putting the' railroads out of at the New York prison (lashed brtel IlMtter, who kept ed by Itouse ^leaker William . business.” a light that the convicted Und- lb lb Ratebford, who saw Jiis pri­ tMne aiuMennea turned to tnetr gtill in high school, he berg^ baby Wdnaper had died, BUTTER 79 mary reform bill of last year nuSoa wMh “tfatae’s good news became known as “that pint- Heatter said simply: die on the Senate faiatiitpf in tonight,” died today at the age sized junior orator” vdu> “Bruno Hauptmann is deaxl- the last day of the regular 1971 Men’s & Ladies’ sessiati. (4 a a t the Miami Heart In- accompanied WlHlam Randolph Good night.” CoUaiwina a five-year Ul- Hearst In his campaign tor the IDs simple statement and Im- Basicially, the new leglalailaa ^ governorship of New York. promptu coverage won . him FRESH, LEAN wet would allow hopefuls to into »hn« deen baritone Heatter started his career wide acclaim, but he said later a primary without tUWliig to Lightweight Bikes nmutit ^ London bUtz and radio station WMCA in he closed his broadcast, that take thrir chancep.'ba .winning S r S i r f f l ? j S Into^Amerl- New York after a detete way “not (or effect, but slmi^ 20 per cent of conventien’s RIB ROAST OF riL m L died of nneu against presidential candidate because I was tired and wanted votes. If th ey '' had declared Our Reg. 46.99 r - ◄ cta living KTan TOomas fizzled and to go to sleep.” n g for easter! ^ their candidacy three days be­ moata, ^ d Heatter went on the air alone. ’Two years ago Heatter was Tasty Served Hot or Cold fore the ctavtaUon, the hope­ DonlBlB. " He soon went to WOR, a Mu- asked If ther^ was good news ”H was an old, tired man and fuls seeking to bypass the con­ tuEd ErffiUate, and nlg^Uy left in the ever-changing worid ^oardt ^papargoodt j version and go directly to the all I, can aay about his death is pledged to his far-flung au- of the '60s. LARGE. FRESH rank and file members of their Men’s KOSHER DILL that 'H is gota news for him—he diences, "the sky over England "If I could say there was ^•baskals ^yrass ^agydya ^ party would be nb(e to get on has Buttered so much tor so tylll never fall into Hitler's good news during the darkest FLORIDA CELERY bunch the primary ballot t^'peUtian. kKig,'’^’ Daniels said. OXFORD PICKLES lar 49° 36.77 3 Speed Bicycles ' hands.” days of Worid War n , I CEUt The petition signature re­ The ptoneer newscaster re- sure find good news In the ex­ quirements would vary depends, Over 450 stations carried his FRESH WESTERN Savoy model # 1341 with to ast­ ^ ^ U m broadcasU, and his yolce be­ citing evbnts of the ‘60s—EUid I SMALL I 3 ing on the office being sought. broodbasts on the Mutiud net am convinced that the world For instance, a contender for er brake, whitewall tires. came EUR fEunlUar to radio au­ CARROTS 2pi,. 3r work in 1961. IDs lEMt broad­ wUl find good smd cheering I the nomination for governor or Single speed bicycle. diences as'the number of ration YELLOW ONIONS 3ib. 2T s:. 41.88 cast, over a Miami radio'sta­ coupons left In the kitchen cup- news In the ’70s,” he said, U.8. senator would have to tion, 'was May 28, 1965. board. Besides his dsiughter, Heatter STRICTLY FRESH GRADE A gather 10,000 signatures—in­ Three speed twist grip, front and rear “ Now be sits on the dock In His ad-Ub broadcast of the Is survived by one son, Basil EXTRA S c x ) t ^ cluding a t least 500 from each the sun and WEtiohes the por- of the state’s six congressional handbraKes. Hurry, these will go fast! Bruno HauptmEum execution in Heatter, and several grand- WE’LL CARRY ALL paiseii go by,” sEdd bis diuigh- 1986 kept the largest radio au- children, all of Miami Beach, districts. ter, IftRlda, on his sot bUrth- /Thus there would be an addi­ dlence in history glued to the DEUilels said private funeral PEPSI THE POPULAR BRANDS OF day. ______tional route to the primary bal­ wireless tor 53 straight min- services Eire scheduled tor Sun­ Pre-Spring Sale Heatter suttered a stroke that according to tater polls. day at MlEunl Beach. KGS 2 i 99 (No Depoeit) lot—the petition route. How­ partially paralysed bis rlg^t ------— Big savings on most popular lawn fexxi ever, centtaders who won 20 (White or Brown) side live yesun ag a His pronun- ~ per cent of ^'a convention’s votes elation was handicapped, Ms EASTER On any ballot would continue to SEdd in 1970, but "his STRICTLY FRESH GRADE A You can save up to $2 a bag be riiglUe for primary chal­ C O U P o mind i$ rasor sluup and his In- on Scotts TURF BUILDER, lengers., to the winner of the 16 OZ. tereris have kept up over the SMAa E<^S America’s favorite lawn fer­ convention’s endorsement. btls. Rep. John Maiocco, D-Brldge- yeaiiii” KIELBASA tilizer. How? By buying now, The broEulcaster caUed Win­ Ml port, who Is co-taairman of the 3 d o z.9 9 ^ before April 11. So this Elections Conunittee, described Play Gym ston /ChurohUl Etnd President OFF the MU as “landmarit” leglsU- Franklin D. Rooeevelt his year, enjoy a better lawn . . . friends, and aken birthdays For Easter Desert Serve tion which "encourages the Modern Craft Our Reg. 39.99 With This Coupon on I and generous savings. Get pctftlcipatiao of the electorate rolled around during ids later S e e Us For your Turf Btiilder today. in the nominating proceas.”, yeant,

PAGE TWENTY-POUR MANCHESTER EVENING HfiftALD, M^CHESTfeR, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1972 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTfeft, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1972 PAGE TWENTY-FIVE — ■ ■ ■ ------» . . • ,* • • • C o ven try use of temporary employes, State Police W (EU) ALMANAC Post Service outside contractors and expert mcTs consultants to augment day-to- Stock Market Weiss Cuts Over $1,158,000 s**pilzA dept. STORE Patrolman Drew day work forces. STAR GAXEK*^V NEW YORK (AP) — Stock T o Beef Up -Bjr CLAY R. POIXAN- Job Freeze During the 90-day freeze, ASIU URRA To Leave Force y W UAK.21 Your Daily ActMly Gutda (We Have A Notion Tb PI««M) Klassen said, clerical vacancies market prices strengthened to­ Aceordfrfg to tho Start. E- MODDLE TPKE. (Next to Popolar Mkt.) Psttrolmaa John Drew has are to be filled by promotion, day but trading was slow as Bradley Crew T o develop message for Friday, From Department Requests? Is Ordered Ov20-21-29-41 5-33-39- OPEN WED., THUB8., PEL till 9 submitted bis realgyiatiim from transfer or reassignment of ca­ many investors moved to the HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — :£/47-72-73 read words corresponding to numbers 61-64A7 reer poetal employes. By OUBNM OAMBBR of which would have been u sed $62,033. the Coventry Police Depart­ * WASHINOTON (AP) — Post­ sidelines before the long week­ The State Police Department ^ T A U R U S o f your Zodiac birth sign. The Poetal Service’s $11.7-bll- 1 Stort 31 Love-making 61 And SCORRIO (Herald Reporter) to set up a weighing statlcm at E lections; $47,382, up from ment, according to an an­ master General E.T. Klassen will take charge ot security at llon budget for fiscal 1973 had end. 4 - \ M 2 Accent 32 Ar>d 62 Long-term OCY. JX( the SEUiltEiry landfill. Last year’s $40,891. nouncement from Caiief ot P o­ has ordered a 90-day freeze on BraxUey International Airport I ^ MAY 10 3 You 33 Conditions In preparinsr his recom­ . The noon Dow Jones average 63 To N or. It Assessm ent: $76,007, up ffom lice Robert KjeUqulst. hiring in the U.S. Postal Serv­ anticipated an $818-mUllon in­ in Windsor Locks May i, Com­ 1-56.«0h53 4Let 34 Origirxiltty 64 Couse approved sanitation budget was EASTER CANDIES crease in revenue including the o f 30 industrials was up 8.77 at 5 Unexpected 35 Portner 65 Instollments mended $17,194,836 budfiret The resignation becomes ef­ missioner Cleveland B. Fues- 1-77-79-80 2- 9-28JI,'0 $381,431. $68,006. ice os part of a cutback aimed 936.79. Advances on the New 6 Coin 36 Off 66 Goins 132-4^53 C ollector: $62,609, up from fective April 7. Drew will be $450-milllon rate hike. senich said Wednesday. GIMINI 7 Mote 37 Express 67 Differer>ces for 1972-78, Town Mana­ Cemetery Department: A re­ JELLY BEANS Vt Pfi«® at balancing the service’s books York Stock Exchange led de­ SAGITTAIIIUS going into private business. Hie current force of five > MAY It 6 Through 38 Copitolixe 68 If ger Robert Weiss says he quest of $113,360 was cut to $49,418. without another rate hike. clines by nearly 3 to 2. 9 0 n 39 Moy 69 Out NOK. Town C le ric $60,278, up from BOXED CHOCOLATE BUNNIES A full-time patrolman since "We must learn to Uve within trocars and of security offi­ JjUNE K lO O f 40 With 70 Persistent cut over $1,158,000 from $109,460. One o f the cuts made Modest as today’s advance DEC. $68,032. I960, Drew served as a super­ our Income.” Klassen told ey 43 On 73 Allies 70-76-85-86^ cles cmd equipm ent from $3,060 CANCIR many departments did not up from $43,086. KjeUqulst said he wiU soon corporate an adequate safe­ day. the airport will be increased U Y o u r 44 You 74 Whims CAPRICORN to $1,860. Lsuit year’s approved K P O F F ‘W stocks including drugs, airlines, 15No suffer any cuts from their release a statement on proce­ ty device automatically "The public is not ready to For Rec Classes and come under state police su­ JUNE It 45 Special 75 Doring DEC. 11 cem etery budget was $108,381. Tovm Counsel: $63,427, down oils, rails, electronics, air­ 16The 46 Be 76 Postporte OUR BEAUTIFULLY FILLED dures for replacement ot per­ pervision. S ^ J U L Y 11 requests. Park Department; Weiss’ pro­ from 63,463. preventing the car from absorb another pcstal-rate In­ crafts, rubber issues, motors 17 Time 47 Will 77 Mointoin JAli. IP sonnel In the department. Tliere The Town RecreaUen Depart­ 18 Affairs 48 Fresh 78 New The laigest ci|t, as usual, was Data P rocessin g; $68,000, up falling was invented by crease in the immediate future and steels. "The increase in skyjackings, TN22-25-27-52 1-16-19-36/0 posed budget is $275,734, down are five fuU-time men on the ment is looking for more dona- V5AA2-55 19Doy 49 Pettiness 79 Steody 40-48-81-82^ in the education budget, largest from $60,876. Elisha OUs in 1^2, The unless we can clearly demon­ Glamour stocks also im­ bomb and extortion plots, and 20 Those 50 Your 80 Course from the $287,804 request. The force. , World Almanac recalls. LEO 21 Who 51 Leave 61 New single <)epartment budget in the Public Works Adminlstra- EASTER BASKETS strate that we hav^e Improved tlozis of reusable scrap material proved. Phlces of glamour is­ damage to aircraft throughout AQUARIUS major cuts in requested equip­ School Board Meeting The building of skyscrap­ the country "requires that se­ ' 22 Don't 52 Into 82 lr>centives JAN. 10 (Jeneral Fund budget. Weiss ment including a snow plow Uon: $61,662, up from $60,585. our service in a significant and for the arts and crafts classes it sues included Xerox, up at ; 23 To 53 Portr>erships 83 Finonciol ~ Hie Board of Education meets ers was promoted by eleva­ ^ 5 - , . AUG. 21 FEI. tl chopped 1693,011 fnrni the consistent manner and that our 142%; Polaroid, up 2% at 128; curity be beefed up, he said. ! 24 Doy 54 Assumir>g 84 Ar>gles ($800); a lawn sweeper $(2,400); Building Inspection: $136,213, 1 0 % O F F ' W tonight at 7:80 at the high tors, and the Equitable Life is conducting at the West Side - A'll-14-18-i38 : 25 Be 55 Contocts 85 Needless Board o f Education’s $10,794,011 up from $188,663. costs have been dramatically and Control Data up 1 at 60%. “We want to cut down the 12-13-24-_ Euid a brush chipper ($2,600). scbtxd. R ec. ^42.50-55 L 26 Dwell 56 Wild 86 Jourr>eys W-788884Sa request. Weiss' recommenda- BRING THIS AD AND SAVE! Assurance Society built in reduced," Klassen said. Analysts said the market was flow of illegal drug traffic and I 27 Influenced 57 You 87 Think Another major cut was made in Health Departm ent; $73,687, Two executive sessions have VIRCO PISCES Uon o f $10,101,000 is sUlI $496,000 New York City the first "All of us,” he added, "must Mel Siebold, rec director, says be alert to the threat of organ­ f 26 Morrioge 58 Arise 68 Big money allowed for msdntenance up from $66,449. Set aside in been scheduled for the end of office building with an ele­ buoyed by selective buying. ised criminal elements moving , 29 Oppose 59 Make 69 In FEI. IP higher than the $9,606,000 educa­ the health department budget is understand that the survival of these items are desirable: Trim, They noted that trading is gen­ ‘ 30 Try 60 Notions 90 Purchoses o f grounds, from $6,680 to $870. the meeting, one concerning a vator in 1868. the U.S. Postal Service depends to the areas as they have at 3/3) MAR. 20 tion budget approved last year. $30,000 fo r the appointment of erally slow in the session be­ 15-17-23-261 LsuBt year’s approved park personnel matter, the second a I'o p y rltfh l © 1972, upon everyone giving service. lace, square tomato cartons, other major airports," Fuessen- l^(^)Good (^Advene ^^Neutnl 3- 6- 834^ . The $2,272,661 request o f the budget was $256,032. a full-time health director. NewRpftppr KntorpriRe A r b ii. fore a long weekend. The mar­ '43-49- 46-75-89-W^ discussion of the status of the "Service is the only thing we plastic spangles, empty card­ tch said. £ public works department was Sldewsdks and curbs; Weiss Welfare smd Social Services; current school board—Coventry ket will be closed (3ood Friday. slashed by $268,538 to $2,004,026. have to sell.’’ board juice containers, broken Noon prices on the Big Board has recom m ended $66,000, a cut $178,720, up from $140,109. Some Federation of Teachers contract K lassen-said the $460 million The public worics budget is the o f $100,000 from the request of $31,000 o f the increase is desig­ jewelry, old {riastlc tablecloths, also included W estern Unitm, Overaeaa Capital bench. Hie way for MacDo­ talks fo r the 1972-78 school year. A dds New Choppers rate Increase budgeted for next single largest budget in the the public works department. nated for increases in the plastic shower curtains, sea up 1 % at 51; Alaska Interstate, Meskill Names 2 nald's and Bogdanski’s appoint­ Note ol Thanks January hopefully can be elimi­ 3 Sets Australia Mark town administration. It includes LEuit year this area was also amount of aid administered by DALXiAS (AP) — Dallas po- shells, stones, pine cones, but- up 1% at 31; Phillips Petro­ ments WEUP cleared wdien the Mrs. Hansine Andersen, a for­ nated. CANBldRRA — A record numerous depsirtments. LeuA substsmtlally cut to $9,600 from Uce are doubling the sise of Um i s , greeting cards, empty cof­ leum, oft % at 26%; General To High Court the department. mer Coventry resident who is But in order to eliminate the amount of overseas capital was senior Superior Court judge, year’s approved public works the $70,995 expended in 1970-71. their helicopter force by order­ fee cans, stryofoam meat trays, Electric, up %. at 64%; smd Recreation Department; now living at the Crestfield Con- Increase without Im^i^ng invested in Australia in fiscal John C. FiUQerEdd of Wood- budget was $1,908,109. Street lighting; The $186,000 ing three new choppers. shirt cardboard, baby food jars. Standard Press, up % at 9%. HARTFORD, COnn. (A P ) — $166,872, up from $140,397. valesoent Home m Manchester, service, Klassen dlrectedt-that 1971. Government figures show bridge, told the governor he did The p«sBilSS hat been serving the Heme Owner In tires, it^ not the Hebrides, tusker pigs buy im­ $296,000. to push nicotine clgarets. for big girls. Available only al prEictice o i picking senior engineering dei»eutment budget for each directory. for 90 YEARS. For a complete FREE INSPECTION of \ • A n' • I portant things tn Ufe—a wife, a T reasurer: Prom $44,058 to BmlrnofTs will ouggest: "Drink­ Superior Court judges to fill va­ w a s '•$68,796. Mrs. Leonard Parla, chalr- from your FTD Florist. higher grade to society or in* $40,622. Last year’ s treasurer’ s your home by a Tarmite Control Expert, aupervited ing is Everybody’s Bustoess" cancies on the Supreme Court struction at rituals. Highway. Department: The man at the drive, is reminding The perfect Easter budget WEIS $38,086. by the fineit technical itaff, phene eur neereel and "Every Body Needs priceyoup^ Ifshow $694,214 request was shaved to people to tie newspai>ers in gift . . . colorful, fresh General Services: From $60,- local office: $686,719. The largest cut was bundles, to separate the glass, Boose." The frosen snack as­ 586 to $48,286. LEist yesu^’s gen­ sortment for before-dinner It^ - spring flowers profes­ In requested equljtment. Weiss Euid to remove elI I w ire from eral service budget was $46,- Ing-up will be sold as a "signifi­ sionally arranged in a cut one of two requested heavy 001. glEuss bottles. often youp^it. trucks, VEdued at $11,000, and cant aid to the accumulation of re-usable wicker basket. Not Cot Paper EUid glass can be de­ one four-wheel street sweepqr 649-9240 stored-calorie deposits, proven For fun we added Budget requests which Weiss posited in receptacles at the Prices Start at #GA *4$ valued at $12,500. Lsist yesir’s ' to be effective b y 10 lead­ did not cut include: lEUidfiU area o r Euiy M onday (176-lSx) plus $1.M BW i OO happy, blue-eyed W e m a k e su re ing pfajrslcians.’’ highway budget was $696,772. Board o f D lretcora: $68,866, through Saturday, from 9 a.m. BLISS TERMITE CONTROL CORP. F.E.T. bunny and three Sanitation Department; The down from lEut yea r's $68,360 to 6 p.m . Then, around the Ume the Qf*4l*_Tenns A'vaUqble bright Easter eggs, -qis your furnace is fed on schedule. ro q u e t fo r $602,703 was cut to approved budget. R eceipts from resale of the DIV. OF BLISS EXTERMINATOR CO., INC. • EST. 1882 new orgy is in fiiU fluoresence —say, around 1976—a research W e can send the $446,806. One o f the largest (Jeneral MEtnager: $76,193, up paper and glEuss goes into the The Oldest & Largest in Conn. They Like to Clown Around center in St. Louis or Atlanta FTD "Happy Nest” almost cuts was a totEd of $62,400 from $71,844. com m ission’s ' Case Mt. FUnd, With our Heating Oil Service Contract, your wlU report that the real key to worth of new equipment, most C ontroller: $64,877, up from which now totals $6,606.99. Why would two pretty girls put in an hour’s work twice a day to look like this? anywhere in the country. For a furnace is programmed to degree days so Sandra Hayes, Ifdt in top photo, and Maudie Flippen like their traveling life as health, happiness, fortune, and really special treat, why not send it early? fulfillment is Controlled Breath­ that it’s always well fed, automatically. tl(e only girl clowns with Ringling Bros, and Bamum & Bailey Circus. Bottom ’FOR SAFETY'S SAKE' Just stop in or give us a call and we'll Your whole heating system will be kept ing. Odd America will go, Uue- phdtos show Maudie, left, and Sandra ready for work. They agree on one thing— faced, gasping, hyperventilated, do the rest. 12.50 clean and tuned-up to function at peak ef­ after work, no makeup. Who would recognize them? (AP photo) gulping, dead set once more on ficiency, and that means you save money. finding the SduUon. isioo That’s not all. With a Free MobH Fuel And controlled breathing 'will 18.00 Saver Analysis we can check your furnace " work unUl the nqxt thing comes out in just 20 minutes. We'll tell you if any­ AGWAY along, vdilch will probably be Paul Buettner Florist, Inc. Giving Up. Let's say in 1961. ROWN’S thing is wrong, and if your furnace is wasting fuel. _ _ 11® The new/(dd movement’s stand­ 1122 BURNSIDE AYE., EAST HARTF(»tD We can also help you balance your heating oil budget le ‘G iv in g U p i’ Habit ard bearerii from the past » TIRE SHOP TEL. 528-9586 by spreading your payments evenly over the months. 4 ' from 1972 that Is—wlU smlHt. 333 MAIM SntiST i4^281V A f] h a l l , T. SPRAGUE Ufe la short. Today la the first There is also, of course, self- OPEN TILL 9 THURSDAYS All it takes is one phone call. 4^ “America,’’ they*!! say, "if we heoflngdl SpeotaitotfaeLas Angeles Times, day. . . . ’ ’ Yet here aiys all improvement by way of better had to,do it.alt ovtr agdin, we'd Open Mwu i. Eri. $ A.M.-ie PjM .; Sat. 7 AJM.-6 P J«.; OPEN SUNDAY HORNINGS m Lm m ^wirdm HUtm! these people doing without. Simdsy • A.M. . ■ P jif . (Hall T. Sprague, a sociolo- health. This noble aim has do it all over you.” gi^ was formerly associated Very likely, the key to this quickly gotten mixed in with We Give with the Western Behavioral rampant self-abuse is boredom. M-HOUR SERVICE • PHONE MS-5135 Boredom is the key to practi­ the ecology movement (which Valuable EASTER Selene^ Institute in La Jolla, CaUf.)\ cally every American problem has to be the success story nowadays. There is so much PeopVs are giving up things all time as far as movements M ariarty Brothers in America — smoking, drink­ free time — via unemployment Green Stamps! 1GREENLAWN or affluence — and so much are concerned.) Not only, the 31S CENTER STREET MANCHKTER m l Right n o w ... because now is the time to put some GREEN- GREE ing, overeating. It is as if a mas­ Planning A New Kitchen ? G R E n i f i sive -LCnten spirit (operating packaged diversion of stunning argument goes, must we clean LAWN fertilizer on your lawn. GREENLAWN builds your much the way socialism was proportions — via TV, radio, up the air and the water and lawn up now and helps it bounce bock this spring. once' thought to work) were si- movies, records — that it be- the noise lei^el; we should also lently', relentlessly creeping comes Just a Moody bore living fix “ourselves” at the same How con one application of-GREENLAWN do so much ? LIES throughout the land, infiltrating h* the United States. It’s too time, make ourselyes healthy With 75% nitrogen from ureoform, GREENLAWN provides the moral fiber of our hardy easy, too unchallenglng, too animals, creatures deserving of 3 or 4 that clean air and pure water Carriage House Boutique slow,steody feeding that lasts through spring.GREENLAWN breed. soft. Ennui takes over, the eyes You go to a party and most of glaze, the body moves sluggish­ and solitude. 10-5-5 FERTILIZER. Available only at AGWAY. t ■ BUDS the ' people aren’t canning ly. I foresee about a three-year around packs of cigarettes, Then along comes the noUon orgy of all this giving up. That’s REG. $4.29 50 lb. BAG matcheq, lighters, ash trays. of giving up. It comes from how America seems to work — krishnamurtl, or a neighbor, or in orgies. And then some 1976 .THIS ITEM ONLY ON SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY TTvB driiiks they hold contain Quinine with a twist, or Fresca Alan Watts, or Adele Davis, or medical statistics will indicate and Ume. No booze. The hors Jack LaLanne, or Sammy Dav- that ingestion of wheat germ is ______CRABQRASS TURFOOD WITH d’ouevre tray is ignored, or is, or Muhammad All. Hie pow- really worse than smoking; that KILLER ^CRABQRASS miTCMmiMMS pecket| at sparingly. er of the idea derives from its alcohol actuadly aids the gall A COMPLETE NEW KITCHEN - - - ALSO - - promise to grant each of us the bladder in performing -its diffi­ TUBEROUS BEGONIAS Denial strengthens the soul. W/DACTHAL KILLER We ICariied that from church, opportunity once again to seize cult, mysterious tasks; that fat FOR ONLY a Available In four AZALEA didn’t we? But whatever hap­ control over himself. surrounding the body is not only vivid colorsi • * 59 ♦95 pened'to Freud’s influence? You I am no longer Just drifting beautiful but functional (for SALE through life, targeted by some screaming through space in the *3 2 for 98« V w TULIPS know,, ''’denial and inhibition '• ei*' cause, acne, migraines and hys­ old- inertial guidance system or one-man autogyro). The ■ orgy l U F o r T H U N . Today, Friday and Saturday ForSOLbe. HYACINTH teria. The ID must have its out." the mores of the crowd. I am 'W ill end. 7 1 5 " MIXED GLADIOLI my own man, or woman. So, Another orgy will foUow. \ Special formula contains dac- Provides full sasson control And where is the elan of the INCLUDES Ihal to wipa out crabgraat ba- of crabgrass while it leads Emphasize a border or walkway HYDRANGEA now generation? "Live it up. there’s control. Overindulgence. The old max­ fora you sae It I Full aaason your lawni Qantls enough for or grow them for cut llowersi control: covara 2000 sq. ft. new lawns, tool 10-8-4. 12 FEET OF CABINETS 10 for 591 IN FLOWER (880138) (88-4082) ip FORMICA COUNTER TOP I DAHLIAS i i 4 HP HAHN Choose from 5 great colorsi M m ¥ i >nH- 12cu.ft. REFRIGERATOR TILLER Each clump produces many blooms { t i n S i B f t t ! 3 E! AGWAY 30 inch RANGE 69f PER CLUMP 95 STANDARD ROSES ■ DUCTLESS RANGE HOOD 20 ?1 9 9 Choose,from hybrid tsai or hardy climb-., in ' K w r rs E L era to enhance your gardsnl (88-2800) STAINLESS STEEL SINK OFF RETAIL PRICE STORAGE BUILDING 00 AGWAY SINGLE LEVER FAUCET ♦175 ROYAL LEGACY k S of Qlva tha oaraga back to your INSTALLATION EXTRA carl Oalvanizad ataal; raln- Forty popular varlstias of hybrid teas, ellmbeisi^ foreod eliding doors; gablad Fsaturse 4 h.p. Briggs A Strat­ I and florlbundasi Because lha palanto have ex­ design lor extra haadroom. ton sngtoa. 24- width; 13- pired they're available at this low price. (864000) EVERY ITEM (74-1108)- dlamatsr tinea. (88-1001) DESIGN • FREE ESTIMATES - FINANCING ■QFNSniH WEAR SUBURBAN MIRACLE GRO IN OUR STORE!! WELDED WIRE 00 FOrRoeoe ROYAL FENCING M89 ■ Lba!^14** 8 02. $1.00 CIRCLE VISIT OUR SHOWROOM WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES Ideal lor high tralflo lawns, ath- rx4-x3r.60tt.raH SPRIN G 1972 SP EC IA LS!! 3 HP latlo llalds, etc. Covers 1J80 sq. m Lbs. $2.49 ROSES Compoet ft. (t4-1307) IQM ^ 5 l*i.$5.49 BUILT-IN O H G auge OVER 30 STYLES 60 Wash *n Wear VBLVET GREEN Ute Mlrsoto Qro and go( up AH Weather Reg. $45-$70 QRASB SEED rx4-x4r.soaraH to 3 times inora rotaal ON DISPLAY Be ecology oonsoloui end (86-4810.11.12) make compeat of leavst, llghi 11*. $ i r ? 9 H ’ tiea primings, com alalks, *11 14 Gauge GROUNDt I I I Includes 36 patanlad varteUMlI Easter is a joyful ealebration of a promise ... and mors. BAS angina. A oombtnallon ot me iinest sseds Helps keep your kids In the yard and pau, tool Chooaa from Hybrid teas. Ilorl-I COATS Sizes 8-16 (•a-1488) lor axsslIsM results with mini- (Qahnuilzsd to pravant mating and waldad tor long UM E"^ I ■ ■ bundas or ollmbara. Plantabiol a promise fulfilleci wlien Jesus rose from the nHMn osral Covara 7 » aq. ft par Ills. Easy to Install. (60-8210,11) Larger H.P. Sizes Available. lb. 184-110148) 80 lbs. oarton. (66-2080) dead, just as He said He would . . . and a promise of life everlasting for those who USTOM ITCHEN 16 PANT Reg. $60-$85 Pricut good through this wookond only Dalieve in His Name. M ay tha blessings of this Easter Season abide with You and Tofo u rs. ENTER 649-7544 SUITS S tie s 6-18 AGWAY INC.BUCKLAND STORE The Bogner Family New Slate Road BUCKUND, CONN. OPEN DAILY 9:30 to 6:00 "Purveyors of Bogner'a Quality Frankfurten"' 385 CENTER ST.,MANCHESTER 18 Oak Street in Expanded Hours: bm, leo, ais, t w tw-t isuisuii).t s«ti-s THURSDAY & FRIDAY till 9:00 Carriage House Boutique Downtown Manchester 643-5123 Wo Take This (Opportunity To Thank You For Your Valuably Patronage. . . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 80, 1972 PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN PACE T^N TY-SK MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 80, IJ lliiiililii RSox Send Louisville, Celts Win in Traditional Fashion The DRY Side BOSTON (AP) — “ It’s the Celtics performance in the ov e r t a k e the faat-startlng against the Bullets. With Lou utes. Havlicek, who had a Hudson ramming home 17 gam e high 32 points and 10 as­ been a long -time coming/’ opener of the NBA first round Hawks and then clinch the 1-0 best-of-seven Eastern Confer­ playoff advantage. points, the Hawks led 80-28 at sists, contributed 10 points In Coach Tommy Heinsohn ,the end of the first quarter. that stretch. ence playoffs. . In Western Conference play­ o f Sports said after the Boston p i­ And If the game needed off acUon, the Los Angeles La- Then the Celtics came out Moret Sticks Parent Club ties returned to the Na- To be sure, it was only an clinching, another Celtics spurt, kera seek to extend their 1-0 running, with John Havlicek, Jo tional Basketba'll Associa­ opener and only one victory, which widened the gap from 12 lead at home tonight against Jo White, Dave Cowens and re­ but it was a first stop and it to 23 points early In the fourth By DEAN R. YOST WINTER HAVEN, Fla. There was only one minor Krausse, and three southpaws, make the cuts Wednesday so he posted a 8-8 exhibitioa vlcfory tion’s playofffor the first the Chicago Bulls, while the serve Steve Kuberski leading was taken in the fashion so quarter, did the trick. surprise as Kasko got the team including Rogelio Moret, a could address the fuU team at a over the Houston Astros at time in three years Milwaukee Bucks, down 0-1 to the pack, and within two min­ (AP) — The numbers are common here only a few years White backed up Havlicek dowm to the limit one week spring disappointment with a closed meeting today. Tlie gen- Cocoa. Wednesday night. Tiiey did the Golden State Warriors fol­ utes it was 40-32 Boston. Ku­ the same but new faces ago when players Heinsohn, with 25 points, while Cowens, Bryan Osgood, winner of the Pocono ahead of schedule. Veteran big buildup who is going to eral manager was ext>ected to veteran right-hander Ray it in tiETie Celtics'fashion, lowing an upset Tuesday, toy to berski had eight points and as Spring Sizzler will be the theme when the BUI RusseU and B ob Cousy di­ who paced Boston’s 62-46 edge 200; and Geoff Bodlne, the TYenton 200 Mike Nagy, udio had a 12-2 haye to prove in a hurry he can talk to the players about the (^ p seven innings for the calling on a teiun effort in Ue up their best-of-seven series many rebounds In that period. Bver since man conceived the idea of Boston Red Sox fly home rected the OelUcs to 11 tiUes in on the backboards with 16 winner, have expressed their inten­ record as a rookie three years do the Job. dispute over a new healUi in- ti^e, allowing five hits, in- at Milwaukee. an automobile, there has been the com­ for their 1972 American racehorse style to stampede 18 year*. After the Hawks closed to 62- rebounds, added 23 points. Hud­ tions of showing for the Sunday event. ago but supped badly the past surance program. eluding a two-run homer by petitive instinct to race. Man ag-ainst the Atlanta Hawks, 126- In the other Eastern Confer­ 57 early in the third, Havlicek son led the Hawks, who have Others joining the elite group include Lcaffuc opener ag^ainst De- two seasons, vras optioned de- The Red Sox voted 19-4 ear- Doug Rader. Culp figures to be They 'accompUahed the victo­ 108. ry mostly with their patented ence semifinals the New York and White cranked up the Celt­ yet to defeat Boston this yeair, machine is the familiar title used in the Ed Flemke; former national champ, troit n ext Thursday at spite a fine spring. this month to authorlw a ready for the start of the regu­ will oe joined hy rookie C?arltop ha foot break, spurting in each of Knicks travel to Baltimore Fri­ ics again and Boston raced to with 29, and Walt Bellamy had world of racing. Ernie Gahan; Don Dltfendorf; Lakeville Fenway Park. lar season. “That’s what we’ve been At the request of General Also sent out on c^Uon were Fisk, ^^o needs only to hit to .^ re^ d navments looking for," Heinsohn said of the last three quarters to first day night to open their series tm 87-67 advantage lit five min­ 20. In recent years, auto racing has mov­ Speedway’s t<^ gun, John Kershaw; Lion pitchers Mike German and win the starting Job. 1110 infield Culp drove in a run with a kfanager Dick O’Connell, BCan- . . uiv n. program , ed up to challenge baseball, football, and laJole, making the switch from the ______hv the health program. The ground single in the Seventh In- ager Eddie Kasko trimmed the John^rtis, fl«t baseman Ce- Inclfl^s .wwcomers B ^ Bun expires Friday, basketball as the major spectator qx>rt. Danbury oval; Ken Shoemaker; Rene - • -- - - cll Cooper, shortstop Juan Ben- da, who also can play the out- ^ ” Huta breaking a 3-3 tie. Cater The interest in racing has grown by Charland; Gene Bergin, in the Hop Har­ squad to the 25-player limit m ost other Jahhar Not Feeling Up to Par ahead of his schedule Wednes­ Ique* and outfielder Bob Galla- field, and first baseman Danny ” ' „Mnlmous strike anorov- had his best day with the““ *"~ Red Rupp Drops Politics leaps and bounds as the result of the ex­ rington prepared machine; Southern gher, all rookies. Cooper and Cater, acquired in a deal udilch -f ,* Sox with three consecutlva sln- pert coverage of championship auto rac­ ace. Max Berrier; Merv ’Treichler; and day, shipping six to Louisville of the International League. Benlque* are outstanding pros- sent Sparky Lyle to the Nbw giesgles after being robbed of a hit LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) ing Sunday’s on television. Leo Cleary. pects who need Just a little York Yankees last week. ’The cuts left the Red Sox Ogllvle, who was sent to Bos- ***• ****• Bill Slater will be the Grand Marshal more experience playing regu­ Run-Runt Warriors — The CJoach won’t make This past Sunday there was a, live tele­ with 10 pitchers, three catch­ Carl Yastrsemski and Reggie ton because o f fears he had a ’The Red Sox, who stand at of the event. larly. the race. cast of the Atlanta COO from Ilampton, ers, seven infielders and five Smith are the only returnees in possible heart ailment less than 12-13 in Grapefruit League oom- Grid Team Ga. There was more importance behind outfielders, the same com­ Adolph Rupp is destined Race Dates ’Ihe Red Sox will go north the outfield. Joining them are two weeks ago, proved he was petition, met the St, Louis Car- the scene than Bobby Allison’s winning plement, as far as figures go. wlth a pitching staff of seven Tommy Harper and rookies healthy as he drove in two runs dlnals today in Winter .Haven. to be remembered as one Know Secret Formula NBA PLAYOFFS Under Attack in a Chevy, something that hasn’t hap­ With the month of April rapidly ap­ as at the start of the 1971 sea- rlgbt-handers. Including new- of the most successful bas­ Ben Ogllvle and Rick Miller. with a homer and a triple (Moret was named to start on AH, COME ON BOYS—Atlanta Hawks’ coach, Richie Guerin, shouts encourage­ MILWAUKEE (AP) — 'The Golden State Warriors Conference Semifinals pen since his car owner. Junior John­ proaching, area tracks have released the son. comers Marty Pattln and Lew O’Connell asked Kasko to Wednesday as the Red Sox the mound. ketball coaches in history son, won back in 1963. The first four cars dates for their season-openers. The New own no patent on how to beat the Milwaukee Bucks, but tyedneoday’s Results 3 ment to his club, as Pete Maravich, right, watches intently. Action came during — not as a U.S. Congress­ From Indians across the finish line were products of London-Waterford Speed Bowl opens the NBA playoffs with the Boston (^Itiics last night in Boston. (AP photo) think they know a workable formula. ______Eastern Conference man. different manufacturers, Chevy, Mer­ Sunday, at 2 p.m. A 50-lap feature is slat­ Boston 126, Atlanta 106, Bos­ WASHINGTON (AP) — The Lonhorg Makes Comeback with Brewers LOS ANGELES It cMisists of equal parts of down before they ‘‘After'meeUng ■with my fam­ ed, with $600 going to the winner. ton leads best-of-7 series, 1-0. Washington Redskins came un­ cury, Dodge, and a Ford. In sixth place run, run, run. yp Kareem." ily . . .they all hoped I would was Richard Petty’s Plymouth. ’THOMPSON SPEEDWAY, home of DODGERS Only game scheduled der attack from a group of In­ National League West The Warriofs outhusUed and Thurmond held 7-foot-2 Ka- Thursday’s Games not run for Congress, and urged dians Wednesday. Since the leading manufacturers pull­ the super-modlfieds, will also kick off outran the defending NaUcnal reem Abdul-Jabbar to 28 points, me not to," the 70-year-old ed out of racing last season, it has be­ the season with a 75-lap feature Easter Western Conference The delegation, Milch met Sudden Sam Feeling PROSPICTUS: T h e Dodgers Rangers^ Hadfield BsisketbaU Association cham- nearly seven below his league- Golden State at Milwaukee Rupp said. "I will abide by come really competitive. Sunday, with $1,000.00 going to the first- Fine, 'With Redskins president Ed­ spent a long winter wondering pioiU fo r a 117-106 victory Tues- leading average, and 16 Ooldeu State leads best-of-7 their wishes." ’The backbone of the Grand National place machine. Action gets under way ward (Bennett Williams, includ­ whot they had done to deserve day night and plan to try more rebounds In Tuesday’s game, series, 1-0. at 2 p.m., with qtialifying races over the On Sunday Rupp said if he ed LaDonna Harris, wife of racing is modified racing, the birthplace finishing just one agonizing of the same in the second game However, both Thurmond and Chicago at Los Angeles, Los couldn’t continue as UK basket­ Sen. Fred Harris, D-Okla., and of the super speedway stars. high-banked, %-mile oval. gome behind San Francisco in of their best-of-seven Western Bucks’ ccach Larry Costello Angeles leads best-of-7 series, ball coach, a position he has president of the Americans for Approaching ' quickly is the ^rlng PLAIim iXE STADIUM has changed Rangers Ink Frank Howard 1971. They also did some other Conference playoffs here thought Abdid-Jabbar wasn’t 1-b. held for the last 42 years, he Indian Opportunity, and Leon things, trading the human hot Honored hy Team tonight. feeling up to par. Only games scheduled would run for Congress. Cook, president of the National potato, Richie/Dick Allen, to "We know we’ve got to win "Kareem’a got to Jump for Friday’s Games NEW YORK (AP) — Commlssltmer Bowie Kuhn two-run ninth Inning homer to While Sox and acquiring Frank The university’s Athletic As­ Congress of American Indians. Sudden Sam McDowell expressed optimism that a give the New York Yankees a ... . J three more, but winning the us," CoeteUo said. “He Just Eastern Conference sociation Board announced its Robinson from Baltimore. The NEW Y O R K (AP)— ^VlC vantage In their opening playoff acUy what I was able to do g^g niggnt a lot to our con- didn’t get off his feet.” “ I listened, and that’s all,” says he is in his best shape strike would be avoided. 6-4 squeaker over the world Boston at Atlanta final decision Monday cm Dodgers hope that Robinson Hadfield w a s presented agalnat tl»e canadlens. twice tonight." fldence," Warrior forward Lee said Uie Warrior runnlr.i New York at Baltimore, 1st said Williams after the group in four years. That means "One thing I’m happy about Baltimore Orioles, will lead the league in intangi­ Rupp’s retirement. Following left his law offices. with the Players’ Player But it ■win be important to Asked what he would tove Lgg ggjj Wednesday, game was intended to wear game of best-of-7 series. an eight-year-old university the San Francisco Giants in the midst of this difficulty is Hoyt WUhelm, the 48-year-old bles and provide a spiritual Frank Robinson Award for the 1971-72 sea- ***® Ked wings, who are strug- thought If somebo^ told him think we can beat them, down the Bucks at guard, Only games scheduled Harold Gross, an attorney for may win the National that the clube and the players slnkerball reliever, retired the lift. On the practical side Los regulation which makes retire­ s o n , as voted by his New to ove^e Toronto for toe s ^ « th^e wo^ ^ ^ to nm as much as where Oscar Robertson and ment mandatory at age 70, the an Indian organization, said the League pennant for the have been meeting regularly to ®hc men he faced as Lob Angeles is still unspectacular but balanced all around and II Robin­ V nJlr M anm xr -FaammaFoa toe fourth and final M^yoff spot scora 48 goals, Hadfield re pgggijjjg.o Wally Jones are coming off in- ABA group restated its objections to son and rookies Ron Cey and Tom Paciorek con light some fires thef York Ranger teammates, board announced Rupp’s coach­ first time in a decade ^ they can find a solutimi,’’ Angeles tripped Minnesota 6-2 1^*“’ ^ .. . Nate Thurmond, Lee’s ac- Juries and Jon McGlocklin is Final Standings ing career would end June 30. the term “ Redskin" while Wil­ The 29-yew-oVd sbalr south- Kuhn said. and solidified his spot on the could win it. There are serious questions, however, about pitching. before .Wednesday night’s "I would have thought he was gg^jpugg gn boards, agreed, out with a back ailment. East Dlvlston liams said he took no official Rupp was asked Mcmday if PITCHING— The key it Bill Singer (10-17), who hai struggled lost National Hockey League „ “ crarazy-’’ zy .” . “R’s to our advantage to try After tonight, the series W, L. Pet. G.1B, position. The group recom­ paw, traded to the Giants by i„ another off-field develop- (ram e airainst Detroit “ ® "^Kht, it’s all over he still planned to run for a BUGS STEVENS LEO CLEARY JE R R Y COOK EDIHE FLEMKE the Cleveland Indians, yielded ment big Frank Howard report- Schaal led Kansas City two seasons. He must recover in the likely event that Al Downing gan re againsi; Detroii. ^g ., johnny Wilson, In other NHL games Wednes- to get the ball ^ downcourt moves to Oakland ^ for gam es Kentucky 88 16 .810 mended that a new name for day night. New York and De- Virginia 46 39 .536 23 seat in Congress. He replied: the team be found as soon as only five hits in the eight In- «dly signed with the TW ® (20-9) lets down after great comeback season. Don Sutton (17-12, H© then went out and showed Detroit's disappointed coach, quick," be aald. “We want to Saturday and Tuesday. "You bet your life I’m going to. Slssler on April 16 at the Stafford its opener from April 8 to April 9. The 2.55 ERA) is o good prospect for 20-win year and Cloude Osteen trMt tied 2-2, Montreal and Chi­ New York 44 40 .624 24 possible. nlngs he pitched Wednesday Rangers for the same salary he homer and two doubles, but why he deserved It. *'it's as simple as that." “ I’ve won 83 per cent of ev­ Springs Motor Speedway. This isn’t a program will open with a 100-lap feature (14-11) and Tom John (13-16 with White Sox) should win os often The veteran left winger be- _ i- at. t a i o a. cago also tied 6-6, Pittsburgh Floridians 36 48 .429 32 “ Using racial groups as sym­ against the CSUcago Cubs In ex- reertved last year" an esti~ Royals suffered a blow In erything I’ve gotten Into. I’m NASCAR sanctioned event but an <^n attraction, with the green flag being os they lose. Bullpen is good. No cliche has been left unturned in came the aU-tlme Ran^r goal ®'’®“ “ overcame California 6-4, and Carolina 35 49 .417 33 bols instead of people is wrong hlblUon baseball. ^ g te d $120,000. ’The slugging ^ shortstop F red Pa- w...... night they can clinch the , ” the only one In this race (for competition show, with gates open to all. dropped promptly at 2:30 p.m. talking about Hoyt Wilhelm (0-1), so suffice it to say he is 47 scorer Angeles defeated Van- Pittsburgh 25 69 .298 43 no matter how favorable you "Really, I’m In good shape, first-baseman, outfielder said *?*'' Haiek, who Iman’t played In a single season, con- ^ * wlnnlmr or ty- ^ Bulls' Bigman Out, Kentucky’s 6th District seat) Organisers of the Slssler, Lew Boyd, RIVERSIDE PARK unveiled its new years old, has pitched in 1,054 major league games (a record). nectlng twice in the final 8:06, P'ayra D«nn oy winning or ly gouver 4-2. West Division make Aunt Jemima look," the best in three or four begin workouts today ^® “ heca^ of a that knows anything about agri­ Dr. Dick Beiggren, and Bruce Cohen, quarter-mile oval to a capacity crowd glvhig hlB team a 2-2 Ue wiUi ^ ^ k '” *® w toi-scorlng CSUcago- Utah 60 24 .714 — Gross said. years,’’ McDowell said after he groin Injury, was placed on the INFIELD— Parker slipped to .274, 62 RBIs but is still exceptional at culture, and we’ve got an agri­ offer a purse in excess of $13,000, mak­ last Saturday night. Another 50-lap event had received credit for an 8-6 Lonborg, another pitcher disabled list, the Red Wings and clinching Montreal game ended with Indiana 47 37 .660 13 He also termed the Redskins’ first. At 39, Maury Wills (.281) hosn’t lost his batting eye. He bos Dallas 42 42 .600 18 cultural district.” ing this the richest modified race in New is scheduled for the newly surfaced victory. "I could have pitched ^ comeback trail, helped jerry Reuss pitched 6 1-3 lo­ second place In the East DM- , . , RimHav BUly Reay of the Black team song "Tontolam." lost enough speed to be a linbility at short, though, ond mny set Denver 34 50 .406 26 There were reports from Lex­ England history. track this Saturday evening. an extra two or three innings.’’ Milwaukee Brewers win nings in leading St. Louts to a slon for New York. ^ Sunday gnd Scotty Bowman of Lakers Hold Edge The song, "Hail to the' Red­ more oction at third. Cey (.328, 32 homers, 123 RBIs ot Spokane) Memphis 26 68 .310 34 ington Wednesday morning that STAFFORD SPEEDWAY officially be­ Ken Henderson, who has tak- seventh In eight starts. 3^ shutout over the New York The two goals lifted Had- “ Chl®a«o- t h e Canadlens exchanging skins," says in part, "Hall to is also 0 third baseman, however, so conflicts are likely. Waiting Wednesday’s Results Rupp had his filing papers in Impressive Lineup gins its 13th season im der the NASCAR en over the No. 3 batting slot Hie former Red Sox ace was Mets. Pete Broberg Jim Pan- field’s season total to 48, two Th® Bed Wings took a 2-0 heated words at center Ice. the Redskins, Hail victory. . . banner April 23, if the rain date isn’t for leftover playing time will be Bill Groborkewitz (.225), sidelined LOS ANGELES (A P)— Chicago’s Bulls start trving Kentucky 117, Floridians 109 hand. Candidates were required The entry list, w ell ov er the 130 m ark, from WllUe Mays, had four touched for only four hits In the ther and I^ul Llndblad com- more *h<»n his injured Hniwinte l®ad against the (Rangers «i Reay shoved Bowman before Braves on. the warpath. . . Fight needed for the Spring Sizzle the preced­ with shoulder injury lust year, veteran Jim Ltfebvrt (.245), Bill for an uphill pull tonight against the Los Angeles Lak­ Virginia 123, Memphis 99 to file In the secretary of the looks like a who’s who in the world of RBIs on a home nm and a seven innings he worked pined for a three-hitter as Russell (.227), Bob Valentine (.249) and Steve Garvey (.227). Jean Ratelle. But Hadfield said first-period goals by Nick Li- officials brMce up the scuffle, for old D.C. . . . Scalp ’em, ing weekend. ’The half-mile, banked oval ers and the Midwesterners must do it without their big Indiana 128, Pittsburgh 113 state’s office at Frankfort. But, racing. The events will begin at 2 p.m., three-run double. against Cleveland In a 8-1 Texas blanked Atlanta 6-0. he was no that interested in *>®B. Ms 31st, and Mickey Red- Defenseman Serge Savard’s when a reporter contacted the sweep ’em . . . touchdown we will agraln feattire the modlfleds, with OUTFIELD— ^Willie Dovis (.309, 74 RBIs) in center has finally found trying to become Uie first mond, his 42nd, They held it be- first goal of the season, wlUi 39 nian.lan. ------Utah 112, Denver 109 with the 80-lap feature starting right af­ With the. enlng of the sea- triumph. ^ Kusnyer’s two-run double Only games scheduled coach, Rupp would not say want heap more. . M tile All-American Six-Cylinders and the secret of consistency. Robinson (28 homers, 99 RBIs with Orioles) is Tom Boerwinkle relnjured his V*®k^ o “ ® ter qualifications. son only six days away on April Catcher Johnny Bench drove In the fifth and Clyde Wright’s ranger In history to score 80 *toid the brilliant goaltending of seconds remaining, gave Mon play without both Boerwinkle whether or not he planned to “ I don’t know any Indians mini-midgets on the same card. 36 but should be good for 130 games in right. And Manny Mofa KOfOs in a season rookie Andy Brown unUl late In treal the deadlock. RocMe Guy left knee in the opener of the Today’s Games Heading the list of noteables is Carl 5, there were reports that the in five RBIs on two homers In Impressive pitching gave Call- (.312) and Willie Crawford (.281) will fill in capably if Pociortk and Walker. No g^ames scheduled file. who talk that way," Gross said. NEW ENGLAND DRAGWAY, in Ep- players had modified their pen- leading Cincinnati over Phila- fomla a 2-1 triumi^ over San "I would prefer to take it toe UUrd period, when Hadfield Lafluer tallied twice fwr Mon- NafiMtal Basketball AssoclaUoo 'Bugs’ Stevens, three-time natlmial ping, N. H., begins its second season (105 RBIs of Spokane) can't cut it. easy and be ready for the play- behind the Detroit defense, treal. Western semifinal playoffs at modified rtiamplcn and wiimer of the slon demands and eased the delphia 12-6 and Rusty Torres, Diego. Elsewhere Boston beat with NHRA with a wheel-burning show CATCHING— Duke Sims (.274) hud only o disappointing 25 RBIs so offs ’’ said the IRangers’ captain took a pass from Pete Stem- Pittsburgh kept aUve Its jUay* toe Forum oa Tuesday night 1972 modified lid lifter at Martinsville, threat of a strike. a rookie outfielder, blasted a Houston 8-3. Sunday, April 9. Dodgers ore looking for help. Chris Cannizzaro (.213 with Cubs) In ahead to New York’s kowskl and slammed in his hopes In Uie West and eUnU- and Uie 6-foot-ll lUvot man wiU Va. March 19. Stevens will drive the CONNECTICUT DRAGWAY, in Col­ isn't it but Joe Ferguson (.216) may be. final two games of Uie regular ^^st goal at Uie 1«:84 mark. nated California from con- miss the rest of the aeries, Sonny Koszela coupe. No. 18. chester, experienced muddy conditions Predicted Finish: Second in WesL season, HaUnriay at Toronto Forty-nine secimds later, tenUon, rallying for three goals Lns Angeles to<* a 1-0 1 ^ in ’The 1971 modified champ, Jerry Cook this past weekend and according to Skinny, 135-Pounder and Sunday at home against Hadfield Ued the score, UUs in Uie final period and over- the bert-M-seven seriM ^ to a from Rome, N. Y., and Fred DeSarro, Frank Maratta, will begin its season at ifiM PEFRIlT Montreal Ume converting a perfect pass taking the Golden Seals. Jean 96-80 ■victory even though the A the 1970 tltleholder, have both filed the quarter-mil estrip this Sunday after­ The Toronto ganie might not from 88-year-old PhU Goyette, Pronovost got the winner.with ^ e marked only ^ w ^ d entries. noon. Veteran Micki King mean much to the Rangers In subbing for Ratelle at center, less than five minutes left. Ume this - season the Lakers ^ Maimard ’Troyer, who drove Grand Bruce Larson, in the ‘USA 1’ Camaro, Choice at Greensboro U f l d t o the standings, since they are “I always try to sneak in be- Ralph BOckstrom cMleoted have •cored less than 1(X) Nationals during the 1971 season and -is matched with Lou. Arrington in the five ahei“< of M ontreal Wnd the defense and not let the his 260Ui NHL goal and assisted polnta. was involved in a spectacular flip at ’Brutus Mustang’ in the battle of ‘funny’ GREENSBORO, N. C. (A P)—He’s freckled and looks and> assured of second place, other team see me,” said a on two others, helping Los An- “We have to take the p er­ Daytona, will again be on the modified cars. ElxploBive action is slated for 3 frail. He’s got a shy, boyish smile and a mop of auburn By EARL YOST givhig them the home Ice ad- smiling Hadfield. “THat’s ex- geles beat Vancouver^______centage shot more,” com­ scene. p.m . Captures AAU Diving mented Laker Coach BUI Sbar- hair and, while perhaps a face in the crowd to the rest Boston pitchers hit 10 home man who was happy with win of the country, he’s an authentic hero in Greensboro. runs last season, six hy Sonny DALLAS (A P )— Air Force Capt. Micki King, the 27- ning but displeased with the Advice Paid Dividends for Cardinal Infielder Bud AlUn, who could play the Siebert, three by Gary Peters, year-old veteran America’s younger diving darlings call Bruins Take Beating, performance of his club Milch part of the drugstore deUvery galleries when he rallied from and one by Ken Tatum. Wash- “ Mamma Max’’ because__ of_ her _age, served notice won a record 69 games in the ™ ’“Hers came up with Wednesday night at the i972 NationarXAU Indoor regular season. The former artillery officer rolled In a 30-foot birdie putt Just one homer, '— . "“ f?**.® — —Diving - - Championship — - that she is rounding into Olympic who won. four decorations In for a playoff victory last sea- Peter Broberg out Hockey urop oecona iii ivow Torre Brother Act Paying Off, Vietnam Is a serious, sober- gon. ’ ®* form. ------Drop Second in Row mouth. Boston pitchers led the Miss King, who suffered the NHL J. ^ com ing W est fbom (hOnneaipoUs minded 27-year-old who takes a He’s one of the most popular '"nie Europeans do not do It majors In collecting four-base heartbreak of a fourth place no-nonsense approach to his players In he field. He’s (the one-meter dive) and I OP GA TORONTO (AP)— The Boston Bruins, their second *>*• i96(^i s e « ^ , tM ^ blows. finish in the 1968 Olympics at buslnes—^pro golf. pressed for autographs cuid think it gives our ettvera an c-Boeton Z u u m m ?9 4 straight East Division title safely locked up since Sun- J j^ ‘‘g^’;®„‘X e lr THE Joe Swings, Frank Sells Bats Mexico City when she broke “ReallsUcaUy, I don’t expect greeted with calU of ‘"Iliere’s edge,’’ said Miss King. 48 16 IS 109 8U 184 day, are taking a beatiilg— ^physically and on the score- ogggh ujek of Chicago Deron Johnson, of the Phil- her arm in the three-meter div­ New York and they can bend. ’Iliey can’t Jor leaguer and ctmtactfid again,’’ AUln said today Bud AlUn,’’ when he appears on '“It Is a great warmup event Mcntreal 44 16 16 IIH 296 198 board—^from teams they defeated all season long on rgaduy the Io m o f Boer- By EARL YOST before setting out In defense of the course, Ues, who may wind up as Bos­ ing, overcame two of her be used for regular play yet. Torre. younger rivals Wednesday and helps us get ready for the Toronto 82 30 14 78 208 201 their way to the championship. winkle ■win hurt the Bulls’ at- his title In the first round of the "it’s nice, of course, and I ton’s first baseman, has aver­ 88 84 10 76 280 266 ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. “We do manufacture Little “I’ve been with Adirondack aged 29 hom ers and 90 RBI’s night to capture the one-meter t h r e e-meter and i^tfonn Detroit ” " ,'^® scribed the Injury aa painful ^iise and he must also vrarjy $200,000 Greater Greonkboro enjoy it,’ ’ he said, but won- 16 42 19 49 199 244 Former major league first bats and softball bats made of five years now and I enjoy It the last three years. tlUe—her first since 1967. dives.” Buffalo nine times as at Sunday, MieUier Chet Walker vriU be DODGE Open Golf Tournament. dered eiloud if his victory last 19 60 7 46 196 292 baseman Frank Torre is in aluminum which have been ap- more every year,” Torre said. Vanevr dropped their second con- , nrobablv be able to ®'>*® to play. The usuaUy high "First of all, I’m not really year might not have hurt him. AU told, Miss King, who Lt. PhU Boggs of Odorado Weal DlvUlon “ For our basebaU bats we use budgets non-appropriated funds Springs, Colo., made it a sweep secuUve game, 4-1, in a match- . “*** , o®*.”scoring forward, hampered by the bat business today as PT^®^L^® ” ?®h s imye all well rig^t now. "in my case, pe<^le are Names on the Jerseys of base­ c-Chicago 44 17 15 108 248 166 up Mth- • the - ’ Toronto- MSple------take a couple of shifts in Satur- been good on these style bats. only ash wood from either for the Air Force In Los Ange- for the Air Force Wednesday day’s game in Montreal," said a thigh injury, scored only five the Adirondack Bat Com­ ball teams are a big help es­ Minn. ov86 28 12 —84 ------209 186Leafs Wednesday night as su- We figure the majority of soft- Northern Pennsylvania or Up- c*ten Is It thlnkh^ mine was a kind of a les when ahe is not diving, has night with a victoiy In tte Jtfinaon. in the opening playoff game pany's representative on boU teams now use them be­ per New York State," he said. * player successfully de- fluke, i don’t Teel Iknow every- pecially during the mrlng when St. Louis 28 87 11 69 206 239 p^rgtars (Phil ^Ssposlto and Bob- and may not play tonlj^t. the major league baseball now won^nine AAU UUes in her men’s three-meter diving. R There was no Immediate BOVS SAY many extras are In comp. PhUa. 26 87 18 68 191 228 jjy O ff were both sidelined Mth cause the balls travel farther Now all Joe Torre has to have Not often." thing there Is to know, but I do 17-year career. was Ids firat AAU tiUe. word on the extent —he’s missed the cut In seys during the regular aeaaon “The girls are doing dives at L. Angeles 19 49 8 46 198 297 knee Injury in a scrimmage be- record 81-game uniwaton commented Mbtta who could bo was second and veteran Jimmy League’s 1971 batting cham­ ductlcn field in this country, the selling Job that much easier. Including Lee Trevino, Arnold three of four toumamenta— for all clubs. "That will never 16 that I did not try until I was c^CUnched division tlUe hind the tioafs’ net In the first of (Boston goaUe Gerry CHARGER TOPPER Palmer, Billy Casper and Gary since finishing Henry of (Dallas was third. Wodnesdsgr’s Besnlts pion who also won the senior fourth In the happen as long as Tom Tawkey 20 ." period, came out long enough Qjggygrs, who was peppered Player—arrayed for this 72 hole rich Jackie Gleason earUer this Nqw Y ork 2, Detroit 2, Ue -w vjneeverB, wno loop’s Most Valuable Player owm the Red Sox," PnbUdst Miss King came from behind The top 12 flnlahers in the In1m the secondaanrdnA nArlodperiod tOto BCCVescore _laa. ^ ..a gj,^ j^y Maple Horse Racmg Award. Joe Torre swings an Bowling chase that ends Sunday on the year. He has about $17,(K» In BUI Crowley reports. to unseat defending champion men’s three-meter diving quali­ Pittsburg 6, C ailfom la 4 Boaton’s wily goal, then sat out j^^^g ^ gj,gg^ g, fi,g „„„„„„ w oatvr Adirondack model, that bears 7,034 yard, par 71 Sedgefield winnings. 21-year-old Cynthia Potter of fy for the Olympics trial this Toronto 4, Boston 1 the rest of the game. Detroit Red Wlnga In their SAliBM, N H. (AP) — Master his signature. RESTAURANT — Ed Dou- Club course. “I’m not playing that well Houston, udio was first after August In Chicago, Montreal 6, Chicago 6, tie Super defeniwman Orr took battle for the fourth and final ($17.20), driven by Medm cette Sr. 138<384, Ed Doucette AlUn, then a rookie, won the right now, but my attitude Is BosUm’s shortstop of the fu­ Los Angeles 4, Vancouver 2 ISYOUR KIND OF DEAL Frank Torre played seven the preliminary round. In events today, the women only one turn, on a power i ^ , piayofbspot. The Wings Ued the Beauchesne Jr., won the $2,m ture, Juan Beniquez, wlU have Ot^ games s^eduled years in the National League, Jr. 262, CharUe GardeUa 142- hearts of the huge Greensboro good. It’ll come," he said. The one-meter event is not on take over the three-haeter during the firat period as ho New York Rangers 2-2 and IPlalatow mile pace ^ RoeWng- 880, Jack Vittner 144-378, A lex ------— ------to improve defensively If he is the first five with the Milwau­ to be a major leaguer. In three the schedule for the summer board ^ ere kOaa King is de- nursed a left knee that waa In- dropped to two points behind ham Wotoesday hl^t, ®^>V Come down to your local young families want. At a price kee Braves, after prepping with UrbonetU 188-140-899, E arl Cox Olympics this August in Mun- fending chan^don, and the men C a s e y New PR Man Jurod by a shot the night before -poronto. Hard Cash by & nock in 2:07.4. 3 minor league campaigns, Bene- Hartford in the' Eastern League 139-387, Tony M ayer 182-378, Ich, Germany, but Miss King go to the one-meter board' NEW YORK (AiP) — Robert m the (Bruins 6-3 loss to the De- qbe Leafs Jumped on the Mike Baiesono 154-896, Russ Boston Marathon Officially qulz has been charged with 174 Dodge Boy today. Ask about that young families can afford. at Bulkeley Stadium. errors, 49 In 1969, 70 in 1970 said it is an advantage for where Craig Lincoln of the Uni- E COssv 88, of Newtown, trrtt Red Wings. Bruins right off with aU four “I got Frank to change bats DeVeou 144-888, Al Bujaudua Americans to compete in the versity of Minnesota la the de­ fW la the nbw public rela^ After the first period Orr goals in the first period. Brad 181-181-388, Gene GrlUo 354, and 71 last year. our special Charger Topper Charger Topper. It’s your two years ago,” Joe Torre said Opens Door to Girl Runners event. fending titllat. Uons 'director of Vbe- NaUonaJ dressed and left the eUdlum, selwood beat Cheevera seven as we watched the Cardinals D ave Krinjak 877, Glen G ris­ TMsue but Ooach Tom Johnson de- minutes into the game, Garry during a mid-moming practice w old 149-887, A l C yr 189-882, BOSTON (A P ) —The Boston m iles, 386 yards. T o cover It in Three recipients of coveted ^ o m 'a nucaay SM g . Wiwahan taUled On a 2-on-l deal. And find out about the kind o f deal and your kind of session at Al Lang Field. D ave V lara 141-141-884, Jim Mkrathon, 'which has had 'worn- 3% hours, a person would have break and finaUy Ron Bllla and wheels. Only at your Dodge "He was using a 33 ounce Breen 142-888, Ed Bujaudua en running In It unofficially to run at a steady ppce of 7.6 Green Mountain Race Track Jim McKepny each scored wi OPEN teirific savings you can get. model. I told him that a big guy I 138-866, Keith McNamara 188- since 1966, will open to women miles per hour, ■ which means within wllhin easyeaay driving distance of ^ 1 g\l T\ I* Th » power playa to bury Boston. TAUWOOD like him should try a heavier Lang an Shifts Past Allied, Then take a good look at Boys. Come in and see it today. 870. B ob Bym ea 142-186-896, officlaU y this year fo r the first running each mUe in eight min- «•"> onoUier this spring. Moe • zan C elS V I U a V S O l H U fin in fiT Esposito took a pass from COUNTRY CLUR 0 bat. He went to a 37-ounce bat Frank MONomara 142-866, Lor- fim e. the Boston AthleUc Asso- utes. ^ Drahowaky of tfael^dlnals J ® Wayne Caahman Just 18 sec­ and then used .a 38-ounce mod­ ry Bates 88L Cheeter 186- elation announced Wednesday. The top runners usually com- gained a key in 1871 and two of And remember. At the Dodge MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — mittee in the Vermont Hbuae of Moriartys Defeats Groman’s onds into the second period and Public Golf the Charcer itseli. A sporty el. Both were 35 inches long 871, I)lck Krln^ Ml, »U The glrla wlU run the full plete the course from Hopkln- year’* wtnnen* Worid Se- rammed home his 66th score of Green Mountain Race Track In Representatives. I itonto 86, H ebn n , Coon. with no knob, but with a Ug key 875, Vic Abraltte TO, FruM marathon distance but In a spe- ton to the Prudential Plaxa In pitching hero Steve Blase of An 88-Drtnt ramp and a five- Morlarty’e utUlaed a weU-bal- the season before reUrlngi Itoo car with m nily size room Boys it’s Pownal announced late Wednes­ 6 4 6 -1 1 6 1 barrel. Sf"®e ^ rather Boston in under 2% hours. Plttrtmrgh and Sumner Dole, day it was canceling 91 days of “We were never extended the . lout anoed scoring attack to erect a Walton flUed in at center on the "You know the result, Joe led Frank Wachter 878, lU d i^ than with the men. Will Cloney, Mrs. Sara Berman of COm- ex-UOonn coach, are in Braden- courtesy to be heard by that polnt.tiirlUer were the atory last bauUme advantage after Une with Caahman and Ken for six people. A not the deal P eck 888, Don M archi 186-187- president o f " " ' thoroughbred and harness rac- the league and the most amaz­ 86, a mother of three »«" and Clearwater. Draboweky jng this fall and next winter be- night'in fienlor League action at the end of Hodge, ing part of last season was the w’ Who has nm unofficial- le a spring resident of St. Pe cause of action taken by a com' shall Witten of Bennington. We at the Tiling gym. AlUed BuUd- the opening 10 minutes. Gro- really big that makes fa ct he batted .363 against loy Gilbert 18S*369, Jim C3ilap* ence. ly in three o f ♦h* urt%*ee, read about it In the news­ tereburgfa while training with m ittee o f the Verm ont legh^lS' ing toe embarraartng m m ’u ^ papers," said Bartlmo. rlghthanded pitching and .362 ponl TO-874, 31m Cloney said admittance to the thons, attended the news con- the National Leogoere. ture. at the hands of lengan points after IntormlralM to toad trunk. And the car great against southpaws," he p<^ted JOE TORRE ^•toa , ,^en. picketed------ference~ M-Ms and OMM said MAv she w vuwould iu W3 be ------I He said the gentlemen’s VW 18848 The second gam e 60-49 with one iperlod left. B ien out. niat’a what one would call Adirondack people still turn out ’ 55"™’ C2aughaey A conference committee of cLt*"vTa« y®' I**® woman to officially en- Chain O’lAkes Park In Wih- agreement “declares that os Jw ite’s netted 10 Potot. rtfelE-W THE OtO ADDRESS It’s the car that consistency. four m illions bats annually, 100’896. * the Vermont House and Senate; r a great look-' long aa the present financial ar­ Popular Size Torre said. ^ ®'^®*“’ '*^*‘“* t®' home of the Red Sox. working late Wednesday to bal­ a Uto Groman’s Sport Shop ral- to “ J"® CHURCH - Phil Johnson 201, ^ »® April 17. Her has better playing field dlmen- ance the state’s general fund rangement between the track ing shape that makes the deal great! What’s the most popular bat “We are strl'vlng to get only Bud Bogt 200. Bob Poet 240-668, wom en Just like It is tor the best Ume was In 1970 when she slons than Fenway Park It’s ly to win 7848. fought i®"",^®K back to M thin one, ^ 69-68, aiHfiropriatlonB Mil, elim inated and the state remained aa ia slse? the top players to use our J. Kytellson 211, Cy Perkins covered Ups distance in 8.05:09 840 ^ to left Winleas AUIed waa never in jq aggmiga remaining, IPPiMlm this association. would race as models. You can’t make any “Ninety per cent of the ma­ close to 200 days as pceslMe." the game as Langan raced to on ,j^g Goahouae Gong’s oftsnse jo r leaguers use 38-34s (36 In­ money by supplying 500 play­ Kr"i..uS, isr .s; ■ " r early 10-0 toad and increased ^ g jjy pYank Butkaa and ches and 84 ou n ces),” he said. ers will free bats all seasm. W olcott 202, Tom Schwartz 281- both races is to ‘ |Umit the “ The Boston MOrathon is a Bartlmo said the track also If to 29-7 at the beginning of the ^^.g^ ,j^pg,j 22 and 21 "Richie Allen of the White Six If 'we con get the top names. track. told the Senate committee that second quarter. At halftime, the pgj„tg respectively. Bob Baca- Beautify Your Home .This Spring with Aliuui’s 568, Pete Urlano 204-678, Peter ™®e to serious athletes w ho ara fine tradlU on," she said “ and "R ick Fueari does thlngfe The total coat for the (If he reports) has the heaviest we feel that we will be better F oster 666, B ob Burt 200, Steve i"' Proper condition." if you wUl pardon the pirn, we if It concurred the two meets Bcore w as 69-19. vitoh toased in 12 while Jim Mitade Vinyl Uninum.' Guaranteed to last long­ off. A boy would want a Joe right," Manager Frank Luo- month fiscal year beginning would be cnaceled. The Senate bat, 40 ounces," the bat reprc' carlino 202, BUy Newcomb‘660, Ke said he expected about a intend to broaden the tradi- Rich Raimondo and Rich Mai> Morlarty added 10 taUlea. er than your mortgage. Take advantage of our sentative said. Torre bat quicker than an un­ chesl of Philadelphia eaye of the July 1 was $206,418. itself did not concur. DEPEND ON TH E DODGE B O YS B lll Grant 214-206-666.



I WANT N fi MONEY BACK! I'M SURE YER HE WOULPN'T EXASSERATIN', ^ HURT A ,.. WHATiS VOUR HOW ABOUT NAMIN THIS MONSTER CHBWBP YOUR FUCK UP ALL MV FURNITURE' FUPPSVi osaoops U K K f SCENARIO ABOUT, MAJOR? I'M THE LATE SHOW"- A WELL-TRAINEP r a ] POOCH PREDICTIN'HEAVY AND fiETTIN'FREE. C3RAMA IN AN PUBLICITY EVERY Aatwir f» fritloMt Fiifil* OLD CASTLE PAY? „ V/ITH LOTS OF a d m ir a b l e Luxembourg Look get the job done 5W0RPPLAY.' SUSSESTI^S, CS l boys, BUT r/E DtCIDED TO ACB0 6 S dog FILM MY UFE LSlAucam- 3 Lawyer (ab.) 'STORV/WHAT bourgia 4 O irfi nune FICTION SSlaeping COULD . vision EOUAL UCUck-beetle laCatchea 6 Foreordained Buslneu ServleM 13 Help Wonted-Female 35 IT? sight of T&nploys CLAS^OFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS MOVINa — light trucking SALESWOMAN, Pilgrim MlUs c - 14 Annad 8 Certified 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 PJW. Order Your conflict public cleaning attics, cellars, and fabric department store is HAPPY ADS 15 Ptrlod of year accountant yards. Call 648-9878, after 6 BERRY’S looking for a mature woman, BY HANK LEONARD SSiagalplaa MICKEY FINN 16 Table aerap 25 Unadorned COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. p.m. part-time evenings. Apply Pil­ 27 Kite part 39 Young hen “ Happy ITEndurea ' 40 Tibetan monk grim Mills, 434 Oakland St., IT'S A FEW MINUTES AFTER UUttIa (Scot) lo r instance 28 Feminine 4:80 PJM. DAY BEFORE PDBUOATION UNUSED or unwanted cars re­ ELEVEN, FRED/ DO VOU THINK 42 Faria of Manchester. aOBom lOFradtblder suffix moved, $10. removal charge. , HE'LL SHOW UP? SOYieldsd • windows . DeadUne lor Saturday and Monday ia 4:30 p.m. Friday 3 U ' ( 21 French month 11 Dark WANTED —Live-in companion Thought” 22 A uricle IS Growl, as an 34 Grand Duke 44 Flower part Ask for Dave, 870-6369. Jean Uvea in 46Fim for elderly lady. Own room, 23DuHand ai^ydog . N jEASE READ YOUR AD CARPENTER available eve- monotonous (pbe.) the ducal----- 47 For fear that close to bus. Salary to be 35 Zoroastiian 50 Poetic nlngs and weekends. No Job Today! 2 z g 26 SMregate 18 Capuchin Olaaalflod m "W ant Ada" are taken over the phOU *70 M 3-2711 priced. CaU 648-0851. 45 Halt brew ■ / i 7 Herald OUT THIS MORNING.' WHEN’LL TELL HER I WASdUTT-SyTHE S" 28 SHE BE 8ACKT UH-W ELL, I TIME HXJ FINISH TH ATSTO RVI 46 Asian PURITY Cleaning Company — RN or LPN, 11-7, full or part- BY AL VERMEER kingdom PRISCILLA’S POP DON’T K N O W --S H E H U R T H ER WON'T DARE SHOW MV FACE FT rug, floor and window clean­ time, 649-4619. AN KLE OR SOMETHIN’, AN' OUT OF THE HOUSE FOR. A 48 Altitude extra money?' We" have - x w o ws>oLC? vipu a e H eAi? r n e 'c^ciARAxiiPt^ companies you do NOT SAAB, 1963 — New engine, 2 Main St., Manchester. Hours Special ServiCRS 15 Painring - Papering 21 a challenging position avail­ LINDA ROBERTS 0O\U£CP WlTM o p INJ(7gP|g/sJC7EN^E' want to see your letter. • Wh / '{OO new Ures, new generator, run­ dally 7:30-5, Thursday, 7:30-9 _ L ______able with flexible hours. Call ^ WITM Your letter will be de­ TVte <&errrS0up<& ning condlUon. $150. 646-5666. Saturday, 7:30-4. 643-7968. PROFESSIONAL, landscape de- INSIDEl—outside painting. Spe- f AOQfZ^Sg,'? stroyed If the .advertiser —------— sign and maintenance by i>eo- clal rates for people over 66. ———— ------Much Love, S H O R T R IB S BY FRANK O’NEAL is one you’ve mentioned. 1969 OUJSMOBILE Delta 88, TWO Handymen want a van- pj^ who care. Sign up now, Call my competitors, then call BABYSnmB/R —Tuesday and If not it will be handled ety of Jobs, by day or hour, jj^ye your lawn, trees and me. Estimates given. 649-7883. 'Ihursday, 12-2 p.m., Friday In the usual manner. power, air-conditioning, low Kelpie, Peri, Scooter, Jackie mileage. Call after 6 p.m., 648- Yards, atUcs, ceUars cleaned, shrubbery expertly maintained. 11:30-2:80 p.m. Call 649-0743. 6640. “ Free , estimates. East Hartford and Dad Call 648-6300.______Landscaping Oorp., 869-0302. Floor Finishing 24 HAmDRESSER, Saturday's only. Experienced preferred. Lost and Found 1 'TWO YOUNG married men will FLOOR SANDING, and refin- call 647-9980 9 to 6 p.m. Welcome to ------small repair Jobs and paint------Ishlng (specializing in older ■S-3G POUND - Young bhmk and vertible. $2Q0 . Phone 646-3686. ^ cleaning and Roofing - Siding 16 floors). Inside painting, paper PERMANENT part-time recep- Happy 81st Birthday JUDY and FRANK’S white cat at Crisplno’B. Call CHEVY Impola S8 with- Uglit truckli^. Call 646-2692, hanging. No Job too small. tionlst-clerk-typlst, needed for NO. I SON ■i 1.11 647-9307 after 6. out engine, bucket seats, 4- 646-8726. BIDWELL Home Improvement John Verfallle, 646-6780. 872- doctor’s office. Must have Co. Expert installaticn of alu­ pleasant personality, good with Love, LOST — P ^book No. 108769 **P*®<1 transmission, good con- 2222. minum siding, gutters and Denise and Ann Savinas Bank of session. The Savings Bank of shades made to measure, ------— — mortgages — interim flnanc- —— ------—— ------——— r Love, Love, S-?o stags, ail social functions. Ca- Manchester, 646-1700. all size Venetian blinds. Keys Roofing Oncl tag - expedient and con- WIO ^ mlUtaeiy dep^ent, Steph and Carol ^ l-»7* fl^ntial wrvlce. J. D. Real e’JP^rtenc^d pre- Jeff, John and Cheryl 1968 PONTIAC Firebird, needs whUe you w^t. Tape ^ Chimneys 16-A ...itratr, W. Estate Assoc. 648-6129 part-Ume eve- Room (formerly Ye Olde Repossession. The ^ ------______ntags. Salary and commission. Meeting HaU), Colony Shops, Main St., 649-8221. ROOFING —Specializing re BERT and BETH Happy Birthday South Windsor, Conn. 288-8861, Savings Bank of Manchester. ------Apply Butterfield’s Depturt- MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and PRANK RIDGEWAY (Great on Thursdays SUSAN PAHEN 621-0041. “ 8-»00.______WASHING machine repairs, ^roofs, T v l gutter i ^ r wort.ment work, chimneys, Store, Manchester, "SX (13) 1088 VOLKSWAGEN converU- ViWrtpool, Kenm^, and Sundays) you ^ / RIGHT SOME CROOK TOUCHED WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLI cleaned and repaired. 30 years SOUTH WINDSOR area — on “AT LAST I’ve found a way to Love, aaeaKi B u r r M l i ^ /MEFORM/WATCH, Me, automaUc, tan, $700. experience. Free estimates. Route 8. Busy drive-ta restau- earn extra money, and care I Gotcha Owner at Pike Orin Wash and WHERE eolNJGTD MY w al l e t ; a n d Penonob Phone 228-3604 or 246-0269. CaU Howley, 643-6361. rant. Grossing approximately for my family too.” As an Cindy Mom, Dad, Rick FDU-V WANTS Dry Cleaning, 276 West Middle PEOPLE HAVETO #18B IN CASH* CH.WELL... $100,000. yearly. Ample park- Avon Sales Representative you ______(Morris)______A R 2 2 A / W A S WANTED REDE from Vicinity - Tumidke. n ^ to Stop and TOUCH QUITl tag. Modem buildings and can choose your own hours to PDLLV'WANTB MORfTHATRV- Woodbridge and East Middle 'rM]|«M _ Shop, 648-4913, 643-9739. Have a Happy 17th EACH SHRIAAR Tpke. to Pratt A Whitney first ______Hearing and Plumbing 17 equipment. ExceUent flnanc- "“ ‘'® Happy Anniversary OTHER? FRIED RICE.' shift. 643-6286, after 4. m O D IK n o m e s 6-A CELLARS, attics and garages ______- ______tag. $96,000. Pasek Realtore, want. Get the facts by calling, MOM and DAD hsnstnn Cleaned, very reasonable rates PLUMBING AND Heating, new m LB, 289-7476, Barbcua Ruth- 289-4922. JENNIFER CONNECTICUT and Federal TENT trailertiwier AAj^ne p ^ h e hardtop,narai^, ^ antiquesanUnnoii ornr constracUon,construction, remodetag and erford, 868-7339. Love, 3-30 (-jgjj - -- - ■ ------IF you need an RN, LPN, or Income tax returns prepared ®,’“ ®*'®"* ^ ’ merchandise in trade. CaU 644- repairs. Free estimates, Love, Marie, Frances o o n e s * by BlU Sheridan. 742-9287 af- smk. carpeting cMopy, spare Al’s Plumbing Oorp. 876-0830. RESTAURANT, busy, neat, trained aide, call Medical The Seven at Home RinseiMT ter 8 p.m. for appointment. tire, propane tank and many ______1------clean. miand ' veils,uoiid d allII ma.cus' 3116. B U L L D O Z E R holidays, vacations, medical condition. $100. Phone 646-8268. remodeUng, additions, rec tom made. Some alterations, insurance, profit sharing, Help Wonted-Mole 36 Help Wanted - rooms, garages, kitchens re- Reasonable prices. 649-1133. O P E R A T O R S salary open. Call Mrs. Ritchie IMMEDIATE openings— Days; Moke or Female 37 AiitMHMtMUc Ear CaU 4 C O M P E T m O N Cycle Acces- modeled, hath tile, cement NEEDED OH. AUTOmOOIIW ror auiw and motocroes ,n,ort. Steps, dormere. Real- ______289-9689. Bridgeport, turret lathe and HEAVEN#.' NEED CAR ? Credit very bad? riders. Tires studded. IM. Pine ^entiai or commerclaL OaU BIG MONEY CAREER engine lathe. Nights; engine LOOKING FOR CAN’T ANY­ lathe, turret lathe and OPPORTUNITY? A L L E Y O O P BY V. T. HAMLIN ONE hear Bankrupt, repossesslott? Hon- Street, rear, Manchester. 649-4291. « ® " * BE READY FOR SPRING Help Wonted-Mole 36 /KB? est Douglas accepts lowest Hours dally 6-9 p.m., Saturday ------,— Tmcklng — StOrOgO 20 molders. ITT Morland Prod­ Why not cmutider this vital Hnur*< * askinlliiMf nawnAflt MIV* lO-fi 1> 111 AXdtd TYPBIS P6pftinf CATpCll* m, .i...... WXJ AND THE YOUNGSTER. _ ...before his old C'MON, ucts, 1414 Tolland Tpke., Man­ and exciting business. PRO­ AUNT BELLA STARTS. TOICO, IT'S. ,, . . . ------S . N ^^X l^ finance _ 1.— ______try, tile, kitchens, baths, addi- MANCHESTER - DeUvery REALLY HITITOFF, / YEAH, BUT I'D ■■“ “"’““ Z cE FRANKLIN COMPANIES chester. GRESSIVE - EXPANDING DIDN'T VOU?* H be tter GET HIM WORRYIN'ABOUT 1M! T IM E r a O i 7 WAS OLD, where. N^ e m ^ ^ f ln ^ FOR YOUR motorcycle tasur- ui;u.r^ar^B, ^ U ^ , ma- light trucking and package de- HOME NOW... STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF company plan. Douglas Motors ance call the Crockett Agen- sonry. ‘^ 6 ^ ^ “S’ter 6 livery. ReS^erato^ washers ^ u l“U “s Al^ ANNOUNCE EVERYBODY’S SUPER- 345 Main. cy. Ask for Betty Turner, 643- p m. and stove moving specialty. Part-time or full-time ca­ JANITORIAL work mornings. MARKET offers opportuni­ ties for; FULL-TIME OR .. FOR COL. CANYON TO^ surprising; in view GENERAL PHILERIE ..AND THAT 1969 DODGE DART GT, 888 1677. ______zii nt reer opportiuilUes in life ca ll 640-6334. REPRESENT THE U.S. OP OUR STRAINED THINKS NOT A LL THE SOMEONE aiiWIm $MAt« * _— with fiX* — I ' ' ' . . BCASONRY All typ6B Oi 0752. sales' and sales management. PART-TIME. Starting sal­ necUcut number 1-443-6686 any­ AT THE DEDICATION RELATIONS WITH THE INDIAN A .F. PEOPLE IS..TRVING S 51196' or O ’often 646- 1970 BESNNELU 50 cc mini- ^t^ne, brick fireplaces, walls, Substantially above average DISHWASHER wanted, nights. ary depending upon bcu;k- 'IAN eOVERNMENTi ARE ALL THAT HAPPY TO T E L L US time. OF A MEMORIAL TO iStor 9*pm 647^9 motor ">'V«r evcie.cycle. Blue, great gasgM concrete steps, sidewalks. No — -— ;— -----—------—------income potential. Complete Must be over 46. Apply ground. We plan to triple ta WITH THE B6VPT- A FEW mUefQ^e. Good condlUon. Ask- email. Free estimates. Polpring “■ PopM ing 21 mZUZZZIIII^ZIIIIZZZ^^^ Cavey's, 648-1418. size within te next five TY P E RED MOVE-IN THINGS / training In life and health 1967 CHEVROLET years. This expansion wlU cheveue, mg $226. 649-2146. over cpiuNG specialist - 'e^rt Help Wonted-Femole 35 Insurance. For Interview ap­ b u l l d o z e r operators need­ Super Sport, 896 euWe Inch, 4- create many new manage­ “T 5% H. P. m u g -m o t o r cycle. workmanship. One celling or pointment call Mrs. Bous- ed. See School and Classes No. Llg^t steno, field at 646-4696 between ment positions. These posi­ h*iv itxiollAnf oMuUtion. Call 4-speeo4^speed iraiioniio«uu.transmission. Excel CARPENTRY and building— all jruu*your ceilings repaired »•—and telenhone nersonaUtv Fulfill 33. tions wlU provide annual in­ h.p., expoUent condition. condition, 8 months old. repairs, remodeling, masonry, painted. Also interior painting ; *®^ d" . ‘ 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. after. 6:80, 875-1923. your desire to do a good day's com es of $10,000 or m ore. ^ «o’...4. -,..11 oioK A4A.ft9As concrete,______. , ______cabinets, formica,a___ t__ and__j wallpapering. Call'" 289- Y®” " a©8ire lo ao a gc Equal opportunity employer TRUCK DRIVER — payloader -r*. work, by doing It! Hours Apply to Store manager, Mr. y operator, temporary work, for 1986 C»HrVY IMPALA, 4-dW ^^NTED - Two hlcyOles for No Job too small, OoU 649^)778 0778 .______8:80-6 p.m. East of river, tee spring and summer. Class 2 NeweU. power steering, power brakM, 6 and 7. Call 872- «venlngs. w a t j .p a p ir r hsnBtae-. done oa'ld ^Mltlon. Contact Alice CORBIN - GENTRY manufac- license required. 649-8668. LANCELOT BY COKER and PENN a u ^ a t l c 4 1 0 J. NEWTON H. SMITH ft SONS - professionally. Neat. clean PouUot. It won;^ last! East tors need steady relteble i^ EVERYBODY’S 1138 ToUand 'Tpke. Burr Comers 00,026 miles, *® °^**^,**® —_ ------;------Remodeling repairing, addl- Job. No painting. Call 648-2063 Hartford Employment Agency, semblers, welders, and experi- MECHANICS wsinted, some ' HEy W000Y...WANNA ^ "/ WHAT WAS Y I'M NOT SURE, tlon. - a e first $876. CaU 647- h o NDA 80. mini traU blhe. m - and after 6 p ^ 96 ConnectKiut Blvd. en®®d plp® bender. Good pay. mechanical experience needed. Manchester TAKE A BREAK ,^ P ■C T H f i i T r /j BUT rr SOUNDED 9679 anytime. cellent condlUon, 8 months ° P ______c a ll 872-0673, 9-3. Tools required. Top pay. Many JOINAAEf=DRACbLD S W r - — v i - f ( LIKE THE VOiCS ------= ------~ new. $280. Call 742-8060. ^ ” * T. J. FLANAGAN ft Sons — CLEAIGNG woman, apply 91 ------benefits. Come ta to see us. PUNCH press operator, no ex­ U BPCES* I- R c f O O O M DODOS, 1971 C&ftTgWi ------949-8144. Painting and papering. Fully Chestnut Street, Manchester, PHARMACIST, tulMlme, all Truck Trailers, Inc., 861 SuUl- perience necessary, 40 hour tomaU^btek, 1970 TMUMPH N.J. LAFLAMME~:r"carpenter t a s u p ^ w orkm en's compensa- Thursday and M day, 1 to i compi^y benefits. Top i ^ e s . van Avenue. South Windsor. week. Apply ta person, Gayle H Q f LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON cc. g ^ condlUon. 648-7686 af- Additions, remod- Uon, UablUty, property dam- p.m. Mfg. Co., 1068C Tolland St., tires. 648-0064. ___ ter 4:80 p.m. cling and repairs. 876-1642. 6ge.age. CaU 648-1940. 648-1949. ______------r r - Contact J. Mastrlanl. mom- East Hartford. BEELINE FASHIONS — Plan ings only 627-1164. Salesmen Wonted 36>A 1967 Ch e v y Im p^ 1969 BONNEVILLB, excellent pnpwTWfl carpentry re* J. P. LEWIS ft SON; custom now ter summer fun and vaca- AOEJNT— Full time. Prudential u i t e o ^ c , modeling opoctolW. AddlttoiM, decontlng, interior and ex- Ucn. E n g v your work, get *90. tfglEKLY salary plus SOUNDS.. Insurance Co. Debit operation. SSfi ^ rrieJ iS , SS roe iSS... dormer., pe^aa. frier, paperiirngd,,. teuy In- Ire. elet^ «tm JW ^ mu.toe_ of Fuller Brush customers. Starting annual salary up to ' ------— cabinets, forrtiloa, buUt-lns, sured. For free estimates, call commissions. For Interview $10,000 plus commissions. Ex­ INCOME TAX ■ f 2672. Guaranteed raise ta 60 days. Prepwred In 'Your Home Buslneu Services 13 bathrooms, kitchens. 649-8446. 649-9668. If no answer 648-6362. call, 646-0480 or 876-2718. ceUent training and benefits. P, 648-0472. Acourary Guaranteed Potential management oppor­ CWBVIW^ Impola 1»^ l iq h T tmcklng. odd Jobs, atei CAOTBNTRY - Repairs, re- RICHARD E. MARTIN. Full Full EXPERIENCED Harmbarmaid aid - In Writing % tunities. For confidential Inter­ Bil moving large appUances. modeUng, additions, roofingt professional painting sendee, wanted, must be dependable. M ^ local dairy store, 3 eve­ HENRY CASELLA _ . « _ _ Cep*. '71 ■ Na*i»e* Ce«e. nings plus Sunday. CaU 649- view, call 649-6226, 9 a.m.- 4 90 gerUtStOO. cation . Burta^ barrels delivered. $4. CaU David Patrla. South Wind- Interior-exterior. Free estl- Call 872-3381 ask tor Skip or ^ g Reasonable — 668-9466 tomatlc, excellent ' condition. 8017 before 6 p.m. p.m. sor, 644-1796. mates, fuUy insured. 649-4411. Ray. $985. 649-6437. 644-1775.


THERE 0U6HTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Busineu Locottons Houses For Sate 72 Houfes For Sole . n 7 2 72 Hol es For Sale 72 Out of Town Out of Town For Rent M MANCHESTER MANCRD8T S R Vernon ______OARICAN Road, 8,200 square MINI ESTATE — For Solo 7S For Solo 78 PRIM E location, 326 or 650 t«et o f Mvlng space, 8% baths, Big: Beautiful Ranch Ridling Park Cape '' l l 7 Here is a Ranch of Ranches. TOLLAND — 9-room Colonial,, ®A8T HARTFORD — $21,900, CLASSIFIED square feet. Small store or ot~ brick and aluminum, loaded For the family aeietag a con- 'With m acres of hillside 7 huge rooms, central alr- 8-bedroom Cape, aluminum flee. Business soned n. First with extras. You have to see It voiient home. Cloiw to slugipliig, land. A quaUty buUt Ranch circa 1820, 9.1 acres with barns condltionlng. BiillUns, 2-oar and cjilcken coops,'10x24 above sltUng, full cellar, garage, city floor. Ample parking. WiU re- to believe k. Call T.J. Crock- bus and schools. ’Three-bedroom with 0 bedroom s, huge Uv- MacDonald Young GOP Board garage and a beautiful fUvt' ground pool, centraUy located water and sewer, deep lot, m odel to suit. Base 36 square ett. R ealtor, 648-1677. Cape wHh 14 shed dormer on ing room with fireplace, for­ floor family room. 348|B0O. form , 868,000. T. J. Crockett, M eyer, R ealtors, 648-0609. ADVERTISING lovely lot. Fireplaced living mal dtaing room, mainifi- Richard MacDonald of 9 Vol- died and placed where they can planning committee are. First Dancing wiU be from 8 to 11. toot- Inquire 643-1442. SPRINO ST. area — Superb An- Call Tony Wasll at 64W1806 R ealtor, 876-0279. room, self-clean oven and range, cent kitchen with breakfast ______^------erie Dr., Vernon, prho le serv- readily be seen. Ihey wUl be Congregational Church of Ver- RefreshmenU wUl be served. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS for more Information. BEAUnFUL, remodeled oCHce saldl built 7-room Raised garage. 127.900. 049-6600. room, homemakers laundry OOIAIMIBIA —Convenient to W o n t e c l o Red E tia ta 77 tag his first term on the Ver- picked up on the second Sunday non, Ellington Congregational, ’Those attending are reminded 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. and store building, storage Ranch, many, many extras, room, fireplaced family Manchester or Hartford. Pres------n®" Town CouncU, has been of each month in the RockvlUe Union Congregational, Rockville, to wear soft-soled shoes. buildings. Suitable any retail quaUty plus Hutchins Agency, • • 6 & W • • . . B & ' W . i room with bar, 2U baths, ent taxes $496. Must be sold, NCANY CAiSH cUents for imme- elected to the executive' board section of town, and the third TalcottviUe Congregational and Fund Chairman o r wholesale bukiness, profes- Hiealtors, 640-8824. COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. BARROWS and WALLACE OO. BARROWS and W/LX.ACB OO. and unique master bedroom owner leaving state. Young action. Single-multiple of the Connecticut Federation Sunday of each month ta the Trinity Lutheran of RockvlUe. Mrs. Jane P. McCarthy has 4:30 P.M. DAT BEFORE PUBUCATION slonal J4ANCHESTBR —East Center Realtors — MtB Realton-MLS suite, ^ua much more. spacloua five-room Ranch, 1% listings heeded, also buy for of Young Republicans. rural areas. ’Hie American Le- been appointed area chairman Deadline for Satarday and Monday la 4 ;30 p.m. FHday Bolton Notch, 1-223-4460. Colonial, with 27’ fire- Manchester Parkade, Manch. Priced below replacement baths, basement firej^ee, cash. Meyer, Realtors, 648- ’The election of MacDonald glen wlU pickup In RockvlUe and xhe Easter Bunny will arrive ®^ house-to-house fund drive Manchester Parkade, Manch. cost. THREE-ROOM comer of- Piaceuplaced livmgliving room, lormaiformal am-din- 649-6806 ) ' 0494(800 treed lo t $28,900. Reasonable 0009. and otiier officers took place at the Vernon firemen ta the other at- the Tri-Clty Hhnpping piaza t**® American Cancer So- •offers considered. Robert BELUNQ Vftiir nr "’moroi “*® ” *** conventlMi held area. today and remain through Satur- ®‘ety. General chairman is Atty. TOUR COOPERATION WUX. fle e suite. House A Hale B ldg., ^ ^ e MANCHESTTBR - Vem on Line y®***^ recently In Norwich. He wlU be Glass, for recycling, may .-be jav to talk with the rhiidren Martin Burke. 968 Main St. Phone 648-4846. bath o ff kitchen, n ir e e Oonreoua R aised ICANCHBISTBR — HERITAGE HOUSE A gency, Bob Ooncl, 228-0274. BE APPRECIATED DIAL 643-2711 «®rvtog as vice chairman. In brought to the town’s property h / will be making hte appear! Th® major fund raistag effort ______huge bedrooms and two full — 7-room 0-raom Ranch, 8 bedrooms, ga. Realtors-M LS 040-2482 vice, caU Louis Dlmock Real­ OOVEN1RY—Four rooms, en­ that capacity he aald he Intendso . —on wf—.West nRoad — .• (across/ ------t ------fromTN, Dl- ance cn the.. newly constructed ^ ITVemon------w- wUl conducted be condu COMMERCIAL place for lease baths on second floor. Homo Ranch i^th a f rage, sunpocch, High 20a. Own­ For the Finer Homes. ty, 040-9828. or sale, 461 Main St., next to and office potential. 3«.B00. r«>m and d li^ r ^ . Gei»ri er, 647-1719. ------closed porch, large treed to aid In the coordination of the CTarU’s), AprU 8 from .10 a.m. to gtage ta the mall area of the through 0. SoUcltors WUl Continued From Preceding Page post office. Excellent business Wolverton Agency, Realtors, cablneted kiUAenwlth ...... — ...... -SEVEN - room Ranch, main «!tt! UKE A good reason to Ust your “Re-election------of the------President’’ -2 -p.m. ------It should be sorted ac- *»«..piaza. ’The *..c stage will w.u beoe avail------those who------are not aavaU- A lltw e location with buUdlng. CaU 649-2818. oven range, dlslwwu^- MANCHESTER — Spacious 7- °®®*' f ^ t y room , 1% baths, hom® with us? CaU and we committee and also on the com- cording to color and aU metal able for use by non-profit com- ®“ ® t**"®- NETWORR6 er and disposal. 'Ihree bed- lett.IAlE. RKGflJlOrS. ealtors, OOMTSe.509-1744, d 648-SS* Wa •■asmmwasI . ^ 4a OA AIM Help Wanted ~ Articles For Sale 45 646-2426, 9-5. room home, aluminum siding. ™odem kitchen, aluminum wUl give you 8 good reasons, mlttee to re-elect Congressman should be removed. munity groups by making reser- non’s quota Is 30,000. SCHEDULE UNIQUE and rare 2-famlly rooms (one king size), two new roof, firat-floor family high 20’s, owner 048- 7887, 048-2008, 742-6780. Char-Bon Agency, 848-0688. Robert Steele. AutomobUe tires m ay be left vatiens two weeks ta advance, ’The men j o. f .. RockvlUe .. ^ F t... ire Male or Female 37 SKIROULE snowmobile, 35 h.p. •WEIR BEST MAIN S’lREET office, street with smaller single on same full baths. Lower level has room, .donUo garage. Only ------,—^------MacDonald said he also at the PubUc Works headquar- ^jh WiUiam Moouta nromo- Department wUl deUver the kite floor, near Manchester Hospl- lot. Close to Main St. (3ood In- beautiful famUy room with BY PRIVATE party — wanted hopes to play an importiant role ten on Rt. 80, any day from 8 tional director for toe pte^a »o the volunteer soUcltors ta the MATURE desk clerk needed for 2 cylinder, wide track, low PROGRAMS VERNON hours, excellent condition. T O SHOW tal, iq>proxlmately 800 square vestment With even better fu- fireplace, half-bath and laun- Sf*- isis^^iriitoisrs; ^lartment house, good loco- ^ the extension of Young Re- a.m. to 6 p.m. The Easter Bunny wiU be RockvUIe area and the Vemon motel, Saturday and Sundays. 4-room Duplexes, one 8-room NEW LISTING Asking 3600. O riginal price A T TH E feet, all conveniences. 649-9258. ' ture potential. Mr. Spileckl, dry room, two-car garage. tion, Immernj^ caalta pubUcan Club# throughout the Sunriee Service there from 6 to 9 p.m. tonight. firemen will deUver them in the Must be neat appearing. Ex­ ------— ------B elflore A gency, 647-1418. iDgh 80a. Wtdverton A gency, MANCHESflER — Sevnn-room large lot, excellent k>ca- Lovely 7-raom Cboe with fuU over 31,100. Call after 6 p .m ., SAME TIME ' ‘ m " ” ’ **®rthem oectlon of the Second The young people of the area tomorrow from i to 6 and 6 to 9 rtiral area, perience preferred, but not OMCEB.tlAMPRM MANCHESTER — Professional------R ealtors, 649-2813. Colonial. New' kitchen, two **®“- Very clean, R, Harmon dormer, 8 bedrooms, 1% ______necessary. Conn. Motor Lodge 876-IU68. office speme, all electric, new ASHLAND St. — In a most de- ______^ ------Maitohester Herald. District. At present there are proteatant churches wlU lead the p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m e u i i 6ANH,C»UF. 400 Tolland Tpke., Manchester, building, convenient, Vemon- sirable neighborhood, Inunac- MANCHESTEHl, 3-bedroom Co- baths, rooms. Enclosed -Agency, 616-7900. family room with fireplace, car- am:r .tian « ... on. *uch clubs in Vemon, Wood- sendee to be held on Fox to noon and 1 to 6 D!m! — peted living room, formal din- NOTICE (rear of Howard Johnson’s.) South Windsor, Route 86. 646- ulate 6-room Cape, fireplace In lonlal, wall-to-wall carpeting, porch. Ahm ^ riding. Dou- , P®ted Uvlng room, formal din- ®S^?SSnjnalfXa ll? •‘®®“’ »“• «®»*y ICarier mom- p-rfday adg. KEEP CARPETS beauUful ble garagm H ayes Agency, 040- L o jit T P o ^ ^ tag room, garage, wooded lot. ’Ihe Conn. Dept, cf TnnqpMr- Mr. Lawrence. despite footsteps of a busy 7320. paneled living room, dining IH baths, fireplace, Intema- 0181. ______pen In c., Roaltora, 0494(961. ** ®’*®' AU town Offices and schools . , ------room , 3 bedroom s, vinyl sld- tional A ssociates, 647-1800. ______!______:______There wiU be an organization- -The service wUl Include sev- will be closed tomorrow ta ob- Bureau of Admlnistre- REAL ESTATE sales assocl- fa*nUy. Buy Blue Uistre. Rent HoMSChold GoOdS ______51 ______Rooms Wlfliout Beard 59 AportmeiHs - Rats - ______Five acres, MERRITT AGENCY WHAT IS your house worthT al meeting of the “Little Miss g,hl appropriate Ektster readings servance of Good Friday and accept bids on April 6, T i ins. partial rec room. A steal ------„ . , ’------ACREAGE — 11-nom Colonial **^CHBgTER R ealtors 040-1180 3 -----ates,, ------must ------have ------license. —Ex- Tj 4 , Or. 709 Tjr f ’ CLEAN, used refrigerators. "--crs. LIGHT housekeeping room, fur- Tenemenfs Tenemeill* 63 Houses For Rent 65 at 326,900. Arruda Recilty, R A N C H E R large bam, Hutchins Agency ^ppradmately 8 acres bual- We wlU imqwct your property-SoftbaU ’’ group, Monday at 8 titled, “In The Name of the wlU remain closed for the en- *•"*' ®®''®'" ness n sons. 280’ feontoge. Wol- perlenced preferred but will ijo., 7^ Mam ranges, automatic washers nlshed, stove, refrigerator, Itn- niTT ttv e nn» nnnrt — ------644-1539, Lou Arruda. ReaMocs. 64»S834. and ouggnst an askihg j^ce. p.m. at the Lottie Fisk BuUd- Father,” "Easter,” and “Re- tire weekend. The Rockyille *"* ‘**® I“rtallation of Luggage train, flexible hours. Call Mr. St., Manchester, 649-4601. guarantees. See them at ens provided. 801 Main Street. . „ ^ ------ANDOVER 6-room house, no ______Seven big rooms with 2 fire­ verton Agency, Realtors, 649- SOUIH WINDSOR, 4-bedroom (No obligation). Ask us about tag, Henry Parii. nswal.” ’Trumpets and guitars PubUc Libraiy wUl close tomor- Conveyor System, at the Inter- Starkweather. 646-5353. ' a i R - OONDITIONEiD.------»-D- Pearl’s Apidlances, 649 649-8302 after 12 noon. carnetme ------places, 2 boths and double MANCHHltiTHR 7-room older 2818. Ranch, Uv)ng room with fire- our guaranteed soles plan.. Girls aged _ 9 to 16 ^ eUgtUe wiU take the .place of the tradi- ___ row but______wUl be______open______Saturday notion®! BuUdtag, Bradley In- rugbout, ■ "crplete'^^pU ^ S T ^ garage. Custom built by home, excellent condition, 4 Hmwqnw - „ ----- ;■ 1" ■■ ■ — place, attached garage, lot to Pasek R ea ltors-M L S , 280-7476, to play. Any a d u lts' Interested tional organ m usic. M usical se- from 9 a.m . to 6 p.m . temational Airport, VHndsor AMBITIOUS couple who need M3-2171.______COMFORTABLE room In pri- “ >oes, vanity bath. Centrally ------L_------^^rst-floor U&R only six years ago. A bedrooms, convenient location, » m o ■BuUdlng lots from ------(^je sujre-- plus,i-— OaU PhU, Inter- 742-8248. In coaching or hriptag to organ- lections wUl include, “Christ April Fool Dance Locks, Conn. more income. Unusual op- Jwtable ^ k base Id^ for jou j, ^uyg ^ vate home, gentleman, refer- monthly. R. D. NEW BXECUTIVB home with great buy at 389,900. H urry! newer Mtchen, city utiUties. national Aasociates, 647-1800. —n — " ' . ------'------toe the teams are asked to at- the Lord to Risen Today,” The Vemon Souare Dahce Proposals are available cd the architectural serrices avoU- portunity for good earning for nlture, appliances, 479 Middle ences. Please call, 849-0719. Murdock, 643-2692. large family room and patio, Mr.’Zinsser, Belflore Only 828,000. H ayes Agency, 1*®** ***® meeting. “Were You ’There,” “Lord of the Club wUl hold an “AprU Fool” Bureau Admtaistraticn, Pur- both. Work together part-time. si)eed portable window fan. ’Tpke., east. Open afternoon. overlooking Coventry Lake. able. Cross R ealty. 2284)006. HEBRON — 5H-room Cape, R easonable. 644-8406. LARGE 8 - room apartm ent walk to private beach! «*T-1418. HERITAGE HOUSE 6464)181. vdthta 2l hours. AVOW red g p ^ ^sss Dance.” “Love One Another dance, Saturday at the Vemon chases Section, 17 Van Dyke 643-0664 fo r appointment. Wednesday, ’Ihursday, Friday, fireiUaced-Uylng zoom, 8 bed­ * The Knights of Columbus wlU Right Now,” and “Jesus Christ Elementary School, Rt. 30. Avenue, Hartford, Cknm. Atten- Apartments - Flats - Realtors-M LS 646-2482 rooms, 2 fuU baths, IH acres. AUTOMOTIVE bookkeeper — RESTORE valuable old paint until 9 p.m ., 646-5823, 646-7679. ^ T ’p ^ S " '^ c m d i f 127,900 - O O ZY-7-room home MANCHESTER — 7-room older Egitnrt ru iiisilii Agenoy, 640-0181. attend a special Maas at 8:80 u Risen.’ Frannle Hetatz wUl do the caU- tion: Mr. ^lUam J. Harvey, Tenements 63 For the Finer Homes., home in quiet araa, formal Needs redecorating. ’Theresa full charge through trial bal- brushes! Even the hardest MOVING —Must sell, 9x12 car- able "^^iJ^ately Jl60 . . , a.m„ AprU lO at St. Bernard’s ChurclVMi represented on the tag for the square dances. Purchases Coordinator. AKAA ® P*"** dining room, half bath ott gen- ■®*’ SOI# 74 Henderson, 649-2002, E xclu- ance, accounts payable and easily cl^ed with green and MANCHE3STER —Newer 2-bed- ‘l^hh^^A wnwr ^iS’ family brick. 2- bedroom Hutchins Agency, apartments , 4 basement ga­ r e s o r t property for sale to Read Hefold Ads ^ receivable, payroll and bank Dlpplt by Staple^ E. A. pattern. Must be seen to room apartment, half of 2-fam- MANCHESTER Rovnl A r m s room s, sin- M9-5324 A.IIAiU bath .mup, garage, tr.<»itreed 1MV180' ... 647-1464. Home, PiWH>ect Street a t 9:80 accounts. SUble long term Jppreclated. Excellent lly, incWs appUances, »170 gle l^se^3180 a mon^ Realtors. 649-5324. rages, excellent ctmdltion. As­ setUe estate. . Ai^roxlmately lot. Only 88Bi00O. Wolverton I a.m. Congressman Robert Steele position. Good sailary, free Wallpaper, Hebron . Original price 3216, per month. Paul W. Dougran, mmtr**^llv^M ul^^ kit^^ seciulty. Call Alfred Heckler g26,900 — LARGE 3 - bedroom sumable mortgage. Call Earle, half acre /d HAystack Mt., A gency, R ealtors, 649-8818. wUl be the speaker at Uie group Insurance, vacations Ri’oducts, Hebron. asking 360.SO. Can«.an be o« seensee., atst 8s Realtor,Kernior, o«-«>ao.643-4636. ii/ baths,baths carpeting,ca^Une privatenrivate **®‘^®®** and 8 a.m., 742- Ranch, fireplace, aluminum International A ssociates, 647- Verm ont. CaU 040-8407 fo r fui> siding, garage, large wooded 1300. ther Informktion. breakfast SORRY SAL is now a merry ^*i®L sUB-LET Mav lat through Oct I»«o with barbecue, ______, . „ „ ______IMM EDIATE^ Mini Pop’ On Becy cling Boles PRE-SEASON ^ t working conmtlom. WU- ^al. She used Blue Lustre rug tween 6-8 p.m. 30,* 6 rooms^ completefy fur! vonlent Ircation,^ SIX-room home, 1V4 Agency Realtors, street — Custom OCCUPANCY S le e k L o o k A pickup and deposit schedule limanUc area. Write Box G, ^nd upholstery cleaner. Rent WHOLESALERS to you. where ^uhed api.i^tmenT.'weo'moiui! ®®*"®’ »216. 644-1619. D. J. baths, on bus line. 3276 monUi- Mianchester Herald. bullt 6-room Colonial with at- AvaUable on this large four- Out of Town and guldrilnes ocncemliig the electric eh^powr 31. Pine- jbe carpets to suit your ly. Adults only. 21 Huntington Henry Co. ly. Leue requirod. R._D. Mur- poRHSlT m t t j a area — central tached garage. Finished rec bedroom Colonial. Flreiriaoe, For ScEt 75 recycling of a^ass, old tires and wood Furniture Shop. needs. visitVisit our warehouse.warehouse, st. 643-6243. ------. . ----- dock, U & R Realty Oo., Inc., air-conditioning, custom built room, 1% baths,. quality first-floor laundry, andlano- newspapers have been set iqi POUR room s, stove, refn gera- 843.2992 SOUTH WINDSOR PART-TIME cook wanted. 6-9 b ^B Y has two. never used high OP®" Wednesday through Sat- tor and heat, llilrd floor. 3180 10-room Cdionlal, aluminum throughout. Beautiful lot. CaU es, eaxpsting, dnqjwries, dou­ be Andrew Tricorico, director of SPECIAL SALE p.m. Call 646-1996. chairs. Infant’s seat, baby tub, urday, 10 to 6 p.m., Sundays «6 MAD7 STREET F irst siding, fireplace, paneled fam- T. J. Crockett, Reattor, 648- ble garage and huge treed SPLIT LEVEL public works. 1 to 5 om Car^t Merchants, floor. 3-room apartment. Heat, Call 649-2286 after BOL’TON NOTCH - Three- lot, warrant your Inspection. 4-bedroom heme. FamUy Papers must be securely bun- car seat. Also black human z im m tamMv ^it 6:30 p.m. room year ’round cottage. lly room plus finished rec 1677. HAIRDRESSERS — ”^eiet with case worn ’ToUand tpke., Manches 3123.20 fam ily unit. Security. room with built-in bar, wall-to- Priced for Immediate sale. room with fireplaee, 1% experienced preferred. Good wigiei wiin case, worn phnnA m a Amr Call 646-2426, 9 to 6 p.m . LARGE four-room apartm ent. Phone 1-228-4460. vmoTca^^ti;*. siu-clean- MANCHMTER-Englirit ^ p e , baths, country size kitchen, USED POWER MOWERS 1.99 & up w ortln g con ation s. Apply °"®®- reasonable. 644-8406. ‘ ®r- Phone 646 8568. 6 downstairs rooms, include 2- HERITAGE HOUSE THREE - room heated apart- ®®®°"? appliances and FOUR-ROOM Ranch, pleasant tag oven. Many ^ e r extras, large dtaing sipa, lots of LEGAL Magic Mirror, 767 Main Street, jjOVIE outfit, tape recorder, .. . , . , Realtora-M LS 048-2482 storage space. 1-cor garage 53 ment. Ideal for couple. Ph^e •*®'“ **>*^®*'®'*’ *far“«® ®®>- convenient suburban location. Owner, 643-7694 after 6. den and 0 a fireplaced living For the Finer Homes. Manchester. slide projector, table umbrella, WUSICal HISiTUIItollFS lar. Middle - age couple, no garage, fireplace, basement. with encloeed patio araa. NOTICE 649 6766. room, 2H-bedroomB upstairs, PART-TIME„ help wanted,______days clothes line, books, girl’s cloth- ______l UDWIG 4 piece down-beat _ pets, no chUdren. Security and April 1st. Woridng adults. 648- *^*^*^*^?^*»J~, * ' bcMACUlATE Colonial — m Large private yard. A huge ^ *' 4a 4a-«8.41am aIaa a _- _ - _ full walk-out basement', ga- ADMISSION NEW MOWERS 69.95 & up and evenings. Apply ta person, ^Udjlan c^ ^ b a ls. L A ^ E 8:';oom apartm eta, re- references required. 649-2203. 2880. “ ^ ^ m m l a t e ^ c ^ S v ^ rage. 100x200’ treed lot. Only rooms in one of Manchester’s hom e fo r a UtUe pHoe, 649-0620. OF ELECTORS Burger King, 191 Park Rd., ______^______Excellent condition, 3376 or cently remodeled. carpeted. t^x i k i NG for anvthtag In real .— ------line, city utiUtiea Only 322,- 327,900. Wolverton Agency, Re- finer araas, baths, formal 887,000. heat, hot water, ’central loca! ’-^K IN G for anything In r ^ ■ ■ ------Notice to hereby given tiiat West Hartford, (3onn. best offer. 649-2146. dtaing room, den, 8 bedroom s, the Board of Admission of Elec­ HOT W ATER furnace, 77,000 tion. Ideal for older couple no f^*® ~ O u * o f TOWII 900. Hayes A gency 646-0131. alters, 649-3818. large lot, 8-ca r garage. 846,000. . . B &L W . . tors, of the Town of Manches­ OVER 16? Want to earn mon- C»NSOLE piano, one year old, chltoen or peU. 3136 monthly. 1?®"*®®’ ™“*“***® For Relit 66 VERNON ST. — Lovely 8-room MANCHESTER 326,900 8- ey? No exi>erlence necessary, f®” - Eidlt-ta teth tubs, tava- excellent condition, 3700. Carfi oAo.oana fees. OaU J. D. Real Eriate R. Zlnmer, J. D. BARROWS and WALLACE CO. ter, WlU be in sesricn ta the Security deposit. 643-8609. rooms, 6 bedrooms, 2 baths. tories, cabinet sinks, aluml- certified check. 646-0786. A ssociates, Inc. 643-6129. ROCKVILLE — 6 room s, appU- oversized . Cape, - ____ 3-4_ bedrooms. Botate AsOoctotes, m e., 040- Realtors'— MLB M unicipal Building, Town POST SEASON SPECIAL Phone 643-0472. num combination doors, 648- ______HteWER 4-room Duplex, VA ______^ «/* « •10K Mil *0 \jfm room 9 fireplace, panel- aluminum siding, new fur 1999. Manchester Parkade, Manch. Clerk’s Office, on Wednesday, 2466 evenings, 643-1442. HAMMOND concert m odel or- WE HAVE customers waiting ^ ^ ‘ ed famUy room, Imu*, breexe- nace, trees. Hutchins Agency April 5, 1979 from TKK) p.m. to ------baths, full basement with , , . M AN CH ESrim 6404(800 gan with fiiU complement and hook-ups, carpet ta kitchen *®’^ "® ... ------apart-- ties- B72-O06O. garage, 16x82’ ta-ground Realtors, 64WJ824. ' 9:00 p.m., for the purpose of Situations Wanted - =------.------___ r ' F -...... — . am 1*a«ma T aaI ™ ------..... M 3 0 k i t c h e n cabtaeU, birch ex- ^aae pedals, like new, one and living room, good area. '"®"* H««l Es- ROCKVILI.E —Near Center of swimming pooi. AU this fo r on- UNUSUAL MUST SELL ^HmttMng’ aU persons who are USED SNOW THROW ERS 9.99 & up ______terlor, good condition. Com- g^id with HR40 speak- J200 monthly. — —^ offer.^ ^ OAO 646- hose, «arI«*Aawires. Good conditiem, 4lrv«i FF * • AVAILABLE Immediately - M^ANCHEJSTBR ---Si^lw s one- BOL’TON — South Ridge Park refrigerator, exceUent condl- waU carpeting, 2 baths, large MANCHESTER — WowBiUl CAPITOL Ellington. CaU owner. Irene R. Ptoch, 2406. 3260. 1970 M astercraft 800 l b . ______new 3 - bedroom______duplex, 1% bedroom apartment. Includes apartments. Deluxe one-bed- 388,900. Hutchins Agency, eaWn kitchen with bullt-tas, Hel|d>ts, 6H -room Ranch, 8 8184 5545 Selectman 12' - 14’ trailer, like new 310O, LARGE, fancy antique, chunk baths, separate basements, appliances, carpets and heat, room. Carpeting, alr-condltion- Realtiws 649-6824. formal dining room, fireplace, bedroom s, finished re c room , 628-4078 Mildred M. SchaUer, ENGLISH Springer Spaniel 7-15 646-1688. wood bunUirg stove, 336. 644- driveways, 3236 monthly, secu- 3176. per month. Paul W. ing, dishwasher, private base- ' ______;______huge basement, garage. Very carport, wooded lot Oah 90e. OPEN HOUSE GOOD FRIDAY Add this Mini Pop-on in Selecmtan puppies, AKC registered. Ex­ The V-shape of the drop­ EQUIPMENT ^ 0209. rity, lease. Frechette & Mar- Dougan, Realtor, 643-4636. ment. Available Immediately IMMACULATE spacious 6-room ,^ce. R. Harmon Agency, 646- Princlpalr only, ow ner 688------quick crochet to your out­ Ekiward TomUel, cellent hunters and pets. 633------— 3160. J.D . R eal Estate, 646- Colonial Cape, 2-car garage, 7900.' 0682. ■ EUUNGTON — RockvlUe Una ped waistline of this fit for today’s popular AO A m ------tbi. Realtors, 647-9993. dress gives it that sleek Town Clerk 4189. Fuel and Feed *It -A BASKETSHOP Antiques — ’______;______• 1. j 7681, 649-6871. walk-out basem ent, living — , ------1 ■ — Six-room Cape. • Three bed­ layered-look! No. 5545 38 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER Primitive, glassware, china, THREE rooms, tile bath, heat, FunilSlied MANCHESTSat look! No. 8184 with has crochet directions for FREE KITTEN, very affec- SEASONED firewood, cut and room with fireplace, wall-to- rooms, rec room, garage, flre- PHOT0i4UiOE is in Sizes furniture, bric-a-brac. Open hot water included. Middle- ApO rtllldltS 63>A KOCKVILLB — RocUand ’Ter­ wall carpeting, dishwasher, Sizes SmaU, Medium and TEL. 643-7958 race Apartmente — Large and NEW LISTING plaoe. Only $85,900. LaPenta 7 to 15 (bust 31-87). Size Large (6-16) inclusive. NOTICE load, 325, half a load, 316. Call dUqposal, new alumtaim siding. A gency, R ealtor, 040-2440. 9, 32 bust . . . 2% yards en. 643-9362 after 6 p.m . shop Rd., Hebron, from Route references. No pete. Parking. CLEAN attractive 3-room fur- beautiful 3 and 4-room apart- porches and many WOODUND Lovely 6 -room, one-year-oW U M M l la eatat f t r ssefe p a ^ TOWN OF MANCHESTER after 6, 643-9604. 46-inch. -■aclaSat paitaca m l kaaPUat. MINIATURE Schnauzer pup­ 6 on Route 316, four mUes. 16',4 School St., second floor, nlshed apartment, now avail- mepte. Includes heat, hot wa- extras. .Low ----- 80s’ Owner,------646- Ranch, 8 bedrooms, Mte^nwith SOUTH WINDSOR Owner . Patterns available only Aaae Cabot, Maaoheater JOB OPENING ter, all appliances, with dish­ pies, AKC registered one SEASONED fireplace wood for across from East Side rec, able. Phone 649-7743. 1564. MANOR buUt-ina, form al dtalnig room , transferred. Immaculate in sizes ihovm . Bvealag_Hera8L_U» AVE. The ’Town of Manchester to washer, disposal, carpeting, OF AJOniOA^MEW, YOKE. male and one female. Call 649- sale, 3I8 a pick-up load. De- near M ain St. Uvlng room with fireplace, IH three - bedroom Ranch, IH UMi m Is ssist fw task f s j ^ M.Y. lin e . recruiting for the below listed Wanted - To Buy 5 8 ______, « pool and your own private ter- -IselsSw psttstt ■sS kssSllst. 0338 after 6. livered. Phone 228-0685. APARTMENTS bathe, full ahnnlnum sWtag and baths, buUt-tas, family room Priat HaaM, ASWaat an a ZIP position on a temporary basis, — n ------m a n i^h e s t e r a r e a —4-room Business t.ocatlons r&cc ta a country setting. garage. with sUdtag doors to 20x20’ See Baieett. Masohester eopi aaS Stria Naa*tr. in accordance with- the Emer­ WANTOD -Regulator or man- ^ ^weh. Includes For Rent From 3I 8O. Sorry, no pete. 872- WANTED! Evealwr HeieW. 115# AVB. The Spring Sc Summer IRISH setter puppy, AKC, 12 tie clock ta running condition. carpeting, aj^ ______^______64 HOMESTEAD ST. patio, garage. One-half acre o r AMRUCAS. MEW YOBK. gency Employment Act weeks, excellent pedigree. Garden - Farm - 4046, 629-6686. 0 1 ^ W. MHHNLE TPK E. MERRITT AGENCY treed lo t ta P in e Knob HiU M.y. IMW. *72 is 65f. SENIOR CrnZBNS’ Write or caU, 1-696-6741. M rs. pliances,___ _ laundry,____ ^ _ storage,______MANCHESfTER______— Fully^ equip- ^ ^ REAL ESTATE Pilst Hgw. MOsm eWi llF Must sells 872-3727. R ealtors 646-1180 1Z tpaclal aallt Mata-Wt aath. Dally Products /so Lillian Platt Brown, Old Boom parking, for 3180 monthly. 649- ped modem restaurant, cen- ■ « . MANCHESTER area. Low SOs. Principals CMI, iibrti finsSsr ssf Sbs. eiei naaar-am BnaSamfear't PROGRAM DIRBCTOR SALESMAN only. CaU 044-1^ after 8 p.m. The '72 Spring-Summer a m Ml Tair-aiM CUh Cavan Position may be flUed only by ADORABLE shepherd cross b UY your potatoes, direct from Bridge R d., No. 83, Route 3, jg ? !, 646-0882. tral kx»ition, am ple parking, HOUSUS F o f S id e 72 MANCHESTER — Raised Experience is essential. Top 1, 2 and 8-bedroom luxury mr anytime wericends for ap­ Basic FASHION contains am CavaraS W ww-am iitla current Manchester resident. puppies, evenings after 6. 649- potato warehouse, corner W esterly, Rhode Island, 02891. ------3100,000 gross, 1,600 square apartmente. Features waU-to. Ranch, 1 rooms, 2H baUis, two am------zae aaHtH ta rA lM tlem taaalal MANCHESTER — Beautiful commissions. Must be person­ pointment. many sewing hints and a aiM^Iarti M atrle«-t1ia Star AppUcation forms and fuf‘ther 3988. ------IMMEDIATF occupancy new 3- feet, 3476. lease and seourlty. waU carpeting, vanity i tile fir^taess, beautiful reoreation ______ofui x^uvniiuiu Buckland Rd.xvu. andtutu Tollandxuutuiu i. „ nii ^ Forest Hills, large 7-room exe­ able. Must be a lister AU re- . coupon good for a FREE 0111 iM aaSlliaW trW -ailZ 1-Pliet information may be obtained ta ’Tpke., Buckland. As low as 31 WANTED Girl’s used .3-speed hHHHah^ ^ hnanmei^ Meyer, Realtors, 643-0609. baths, built-in oven, range, room, two-car garage,' patio, ANDOVER —Singles pod, elec' pattern of yotu: choice, AU0-ai14 Favirita Alfkaai-SSt. rate utilities, basements, cutive, brick Ranch, 2^ pUes confidential. Contact SIFTS TO MAM-44 pa|aa-$1JM. the office of the General Man­ fo r 60 pounds. 646-8248. dishwasher, refrigerator and trees. Hutchins Agency, trio faSat, fireplace, carpeting, r t ic e ...... 81-00 a copy. EASTEIR Bunnies for sale, 262 26” bike. Call 643-8863. driveways, 1% baths, 3225 MANCHESTER Warehouse baths, dream kitchen with Mr. Frechette. cUsposal, electric heat, 2 air- ager, 41 Center Street, Man­ 5824. tiled bath, free boat. Central Wetherell St., Manchester. WANTED — antique furniture, monthly, security and lease, and Industrial space. 16^000 - bullt-tas, large' maintenance conditioners, glass mlldlng chester, Connecticut 06040. Listing, 749-8690, early. glass, pewter, oil paintings or Frechette & Martin, 647-9993. 100,000 square foot unite, free family room, loads of Frechette & Martin doors, aU large rooms. Full MANCHESTER AKC registered Poodle pups, Household Goods 51 basement storage area, .am­ SMILE! other Eintlque items. Any'quan' available Immediately. Heat- plurii carpeting throughout. B eeltor 647-9993 FAMILY GROWN UP? COVENTRY — 'New . nearly toys and small miniature, 6 k ELVENA’TOR refrigerator, titv The Harrisons 643%700 CENTER — 4%-room du- gd gnd air-condltlcmed. Freight CaU farktag. On bus line, PROFESSIONAL office, four- Cape, waU-to-waU carpet, 2 inspection 12-6 Saturday and siding and awnings plus new sociates, 647-1800. Sunday, other' tim es 1^ iq;i- roof snd twocar garage. Mail In Your vice. 872-8247. and mattresses, one single bed glassware. ’ We buy estates! convenient to shopping. Eight- rooms, excellent locafion, ex- beautifuUy paneled rooms, PRESIDENTIAL pdntment. r Happy Thoughts ------^ frame. Call 644-9004. Village Peddler, Auctioneer! apartment unit. 649-9644, 646- cellent decor all faculties, 3176 drapes, curtains, shade trees. ’Treed Mt and quiet nrighbor- COLUMBIA 0600. monthly. 649-1980, 648-8549. Hutchins A gen cy, e49-6824. VILLAGE APTS. B o u t by hood. Ideal for retired cou­ Articles For Sale 45 r b f r i g e r a ’t o r , frost-free, ^ ^ ® st., Boiton, 649-3247. BU Y r r ple. P rice 898.900. J . M c- YOU’LL LIKE IT to someone you love. Ice maker, exceUent condition, ANTIQUES dolls, furniture, STTLL time to be considered NEWINGTON— ExceUent loco- HENRY 8T. —ExceUent 6 room MANCHESTER LaugfaUn, 6494006. 3 SCREENED loam, gravel, U & R Housing C ^ p . 3200. ’Three-piece dining room antique ’clothing Jewelry! 1®*' 7-room, 1% bath duplex, tlon, store approximately 1,000 home, Uvlng room with flre- A lovable 2-bedro«n house Classified Ads! processed gravel and fill. One and two bedrooms. set, exceUent. ccmditlon, 3176. dogjtg glassware’ household 1st. 3186. 649-4679. sq. ft. neit to corner of BerUn place, formal dining room Rentals by ..B&W.. with diritwariier, range, Happy Birthday George H. Griff tag, Inc. 742- Other household items. (Jail nnv ariiount An------:------r Tpke. and E. Robbins Rd.. modern kitchen, 1% baths, 2- Near schools, ohurohes R obert b . combination storms, drilled 7886. 643-9739. y ^ TWngs, 643-2604, 467 8-rw n i apartment. A cross street from M cDon- ca r garage. M arlon E . R obert- and shopping center, on M urdock BARROWS and .WAULACB OO. weU, patio, new 3-oar gar­ Fill in the Ad Form and Mail with only $1.89, cash or cheek, to: convenient suburban location, ______bus line. CaU anytime. R ea ltorf — MLS • EACrrORY building ______rnnvAnipnt uihiirhfln incAtinn Bgataunuit. New buUdtag. son. Realtor, 648-6668. age with screened ride com ing b e d r o o m SET, best offer Mata St., Manchester. R ealtor 648-2692 Maaoheater Parkade, Manch. Happy Anniversary _ appUances, basement, like pri- Owners — Stoddard Investment 648-9661 porch, exceUent location, 6 down, 100 used fluorescent over W w!'Varies (Hh'er Items', ate home. Working adults. 643- MANCMES’TER - 6-room home, 646-2623 6494806 light fixtures, 4’, two bulte 35 complete hi-fi equipment. 742- In c., 232-4867. 646-6926 minutes to lake. Priced at MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD Rooms Without Board 59 2880. Bowers School, fireplace, new 819,800. each seU any amount. Ideal ^ g ^ OFFK3E Space. . CaU T. J. furnace, rec room, dty utill- m WARANOKB Road — A lovely 13 Bissoll St., Manchastar, Conn. 06040 Congratulations for garages, workshops, ware- ______1______LARGE carpeted, ______furnished___ FOUR-ROOM apartment ta Crockett, R ealtor, at 643-1677. ties, garage. Must sell, $28,- customised Cape that defies STARKEY REAL-TY houses, factories, recessed OOSOO swivel chair, 316. Leath- private home, working quiet nelghborii^. Rent ta- Numerous one-room plus unite 600. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. desortyUon. Four bedrooms, 648-8784 ceUhjga and offices. Extra erette arm chair, 310. Five-leg gentleman or retiree, kitchen eludes heat, hot water, ap- available. ’Two suites of 800 reo room, tovri Mt, mtyertor Get W ell Vlflshes, etc. bulbs, 8 for 31. Also factory conversation bench, 318. TUt- privileges large yard park- pUances, laundry faculties, and 1,000 feet ta the Manches- MANOHES’TBR ’Tw^famUy, neighboriiood, etc. MUri be and shop fixtures. CaU us, we top card table, 34. Bedside ta- ^ shopping. 320. parking an d storage bln. haidtor. ^VER - RanA Type or print Ad on following lines------— . _ _ ter State Bank building. Un- ^upl®*- Two We Are Looking for People (1,700 square fe e t), on 8Vi may have what you need, ble, 38. 643-2210. weekly, references. Call 643- Adults preferred. |1TO. per limited space in new Standard ®®pwme ”**®^®** ' 648-1677. Happy Easter Grem m o & Sons Sales, 819 ------:-- n«An tao aaoa month 649-1021 after 3 aorae, plus a usaUe shsd. East M iddle Tpke., Manches- IW l NEOCHI-Alco sewing ma- 0609, or 742-9898.______montn. 649-1021 after ______- Educators building, and we ^®"®“ To Work In Our MANCHESTER This home sits up off Route 0. have a super corner location Hayes A gency, 646-0181.______cloee to Bolton line. Present ter, 649-6963. ®^"®- Unclaim ed lay-away, MANOHBM’TER — New 8-bed- SNUGGLE UP never used, originally 3149.60 b o q j ^ ^th kitchen privileges, room duplex, half 2-famUy. up on East Center Street, MANCHESTER — Hartford owners have no furtl^er need FREE - <11199} BirUnlay U ” ALUMINUM sheets used as now $69.80. Buttonholes, mono- centraUy located, 14 Arch St. Includes caipete, all modern where we a^l sell or build for m four-famUy, three rooms COMPOSITION lu this ooty 7-toom, S-badioom for this large a home, their "printing plates. .009 thick, 23x grams, hems, sews on buttons, ,______appUances, 1% baths, fuU pri- yw. . Md, let us tell y<« about fair condition Lot ap- Oqw. Formal dining room, loes wlU be your gain. Sensibly to Mr SMior OHizMt km 88. the unlimited potential in the proxlmately 124x160’. Located Mtchen Witt batlMna, lovely priced to seU In mld-twentlea. 36”, 25 cents each or 5 for $1. etc. Guaranteed. 622-0476 deal- THE TI.IOMPSON House— Cot- vate basement. $260 per DEPARTMENT Limit one per birthday. 643-2711. tage St., centraUy located, month. Paul W. Dougan, Real- former Manchester CommvinI- business z


J , / ■■ Gardening PAGE THIBTY.TWO THURSDAY, MARCH 80, 1972 The Weather With Frank Aheood Rain periods, heavy at times and windy tonight ending late Saturday a.m .; low near 40. To­ Young Marines of tile Marine A bingo will not be conducted Pago 7 morrow’s high . In low 40s. Sun­ About Town Corps League will meet tomor­ tomorrow night at the KcfC Manehe$ter—-A City of Village Charm day — partly cloudy and corf. row at 7 p.m. at the Marine Home on Main St. because of The Baha’i Faith will have Home on Parker St. Member­ the religious holiday. VOL. XCL NO. 154 informal fireside meeting* to­ ship in the group is open to (TWENTY-TWO PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 81, 1972 (CtaasUM Advertlaliig m i Page 19) all boys between the ages of 8 PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS morrow and April 7 at 8 p.m. and 17. Those wishing more Members of the BrltMi- Those wishing more Informa­ information may contact Elver- American Club will meet to­ tion may contact Mrs. Robert ett Bennett, Troy Rd., South P asca, 18 Lawton Rd. Windsor. night at 7 at the clubhouse and proceed to the Rose Hill Fu­ Full Gospel Christian Fellow­ Mountain Laurel Chapter of neral Home, 080 E lm St., ship, Interdenominational will Sweet Adelines will rehearse Markets have a Bible study and open Rooky MU, to pay respects tp tonight at 8 at the Franklin the late Richard BickfO^ a Town Chiefs Hail discussion tonight at 7:80 at Recreation Center, 880 Franklin m em ber. Orange Hall. Ave., Hartford. Freeze

CARPET AND Prices Revamp Decision FLOOR COVERINO WASHINOTDN (AP) — A TEMPLES By SOL B . OOHEN Odegard said his only concern day after Treasury Secretary one that doesn’t destroy the in­ . SAIGCiN fAP) — Hie John B. Oonnally talked with (Herald Reporter) is. that "a new plan rf reappor- tegrity of the town, then I’ll be heaviest iiRhting ak>qg the leading rfialn-stcre executives All of Manchester's legisla­ tionment riiould be developed tor it," he said. "However, I’m demilitarised zone in more ' about the high cost of toed, tors and prfltlcal leaders —re­ in time so that we can have an a little disappointed by the de­ gardless of party — today ex- election this fall.’’ cision — primarily because I’m than four years raged to­ three supermarket chaiiu I»eased some degree of ap­ day and North Vietnamese moved to stc^ the spiral. State Rep.' Donald Oenovesi, a not sure how It will affect the proval for yesterday's court Republican, adiose 18to Assem­ election process In the fa ll.” fortes: sharply increased Grand Union and 'Wlim-OIxle overthrow of the state's reap- bly District would have lost Speculating about any new thsir attscks on govern-- put freezes on current prices portlonment plan. Their reac­ some voters to South Windsor’s plan that may be proposed, ment bases in the central Ihursifaqr. Safeway Stmes, ihc., tions ranged from elation to re- Assembly District, had mixed Genovesi said, "If it is no bet­ Jughlands. cut beef prices In its 248 stores Uef. reactions. 3 ter than the one declared un- in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsyl­ The one who might easily "If a better plan is proposed The olr war also heated up aa vania, Delaware and the Dis­ North Vletaaowse la o s i was have been excused for being for toe Town of Manchester, (See Page Bight) trict of Orfumbta. elated. Democratic Town Chair­ sImA down and the united Grand Union frose fresh meat man Ted Cummings, was sub­ States Jest' its second comput­ and poultry prices for 80 days erised touTMaglne gunshtp in dued in Ms {ualse- for the de­ in its SOO-plus stares in the cision. two days and one of the Air Zlaat, and Winn-Dixie, with 871 Force’s iMggaet rescue helio^ Chmmlngs was one of the Lrtr* stores in the Southeast, froze plaintiffs in toe case heard by all food prices through April. the three-judge federal District Bomber Crashes I'Nebr _ U.S. air raids .were The Agriculture Department, Court panel, hi fact, toe case laiinohed inside Vietnam meanwhUe, announced that the was titled, "Theodore R. Cum­ ROOMS alter a nearly twoweek hill mings et al versus Thomas H. and American jets attacked MesIdU, governor of toe State In Florida, Seven 8»emy gun pastikms In the of Oonnecticut, et al.” ijoutiiem half cf the DMZ. Stopping “We are very jdaosed with rHlmdrads cC 6outh Vietnam­ toe decision,” sold Cummings, ese titoepa and som e American Spired "because the court ruled In Killed, Homes Hit ton es, at the cptUm of local favor of all the people. The Rul­ » field comnumdera, ww« or- ing reassures us that there etUl ORLANDO, Fla. (AP)—A giant B52 bomber crash­ datod on heightened alert after prices paid to farmers for beef Is political justice poeslMe.” ed and exploded in a residential area today, and Mayor on the b o o t dropped 28 cents Cummings said that "toe Carl Lan^ord said seven crewmen aboard were killed. ONIY per hundredweight in the whole town, regard! eas of par­ . month ending March . IB. A ty, benrtlts. We can now fight He also said there were numerous civilian casualties. BatOes record high of $82.60 per hun­ to rogatai our political Identity Pe<9 le who saw the eigbt-en------dred pounds of beef was set and recover our strength as a gined jet crash said at least was returning to the base from Raging liwt month. It feU to $88^ in voluahle conununlty in toe eight homes were damaged a routine training flight, toe latest piice period. state.” when It slammed into the gjg Is the mainstay of The derfipe, though alight, Cummings praised Atty. Rob­ the Air Force’s heavy bomber tntelUgr^.^, reports that ths was the first since last sum­ ert Satter, counsel tor toe ntree of the ^m es were gutted ,<,rce and has been used exten- Bunny To Join in South Windsor Egg Hunt Oonumpijlst command waa'pisin- mer. plaintiffs, tor "an extraor- by flames, witnesses said, and ^i^ely in the war in Southeast 224 nlng tb. broadsn its attaeka dlnary Jc^’’ He said Satter took the r o d was rii>ped off a Safeway said It lowered Its fourth. South Windsor’s first Easter Egg Hunt, to be held Saturday, dlers through children in Grade 5. They will be divided into age FOR 30 so. YDS. country^irlds. , ■ meat prices as a result cf tim toe ease without promise of a .. Lt. Charles Goulder of the will be complete with live Easter Bunny. Her name is Daisy Fay groups for the hunt. Other groups sponsoring the hunt include U-fl- land South Vletnamess drop in prices paid for cattle. fee and that be even sp en t some It was 1^ loiOTwn if there orlando Fire Department said CHOICE OF fistd ednunandera la the M 'Basil Winstead, office president of Us own funds tor retaining a were any clvlUan deaths. casualUes were taken to the and she is shown, right, held by Janet Fitts of Girl Scout Troop the Recreation Department, Jaycee Wives, Brownies and Junior research assistant. 94, The Scouts have colored 250 dozen eggs for. the hunt which and Senior Cadette Scouts. Mrs.' Lynn Annis and Mrs. Suzanne unitary \Ilsgloo that tncludee of Safeway, said the reduotlons Bart Forster, a spokesman McCoy AFB hospital and other Saigon.^ and u surrounding ____ •____ f • . had been plaaned for some GOB Town Chairman M.'Ad­ for McCoy Air Force Base hospitals in the area. will be held at 1 p.m. on the Town Hall properts^ It is for tod­ Fitts are leaders of Troop 94. (Herald photo by Buceivicius) PTURED< ler DOMdh said he Is "not too provlno^ tnoraaaed the state of time to take effert during the where toe plane was based, “Pieces were falling off the rsadlneiH tor all of their troope. Prayer on Good Friday Baster weekend, but “ Safeway dtsappointed that the plan, as It said it carried a crew of seven ooncetned Manchester, isn’t go­ plane before it crashed,” said • VaVETS sr SUMS The U.S- headquarters tor decided to make these reduc­ when it exploded and burned an employe of a car rental Nun at the. Church of the Assumiltion kneels in prayer before an unadorned tions rtfeetlve two days earllsr ing into eftoct It would have about a quarter-mile northwest South Windsor Saigon ^hsdered. all Amarleans altar in Good Friday 'meditation today. (Herald photo by Buceivicius) agency at McCoy, which edso eft thelldmets o f. ths capital. than Manned as pm of Its been a dUfioutt plea to w ork of toe base. wlto.’ ’ serves as a commercial air­ .But an JBw latqr'ihe hsadqiiar- pledge to toe admtnlstraticn to The base is just south of Or­ port. “ It banked and angled to­ M DobUn said he has no doubt Happy BiHhday tmis '' Orelglitan W. do everything In its posrair to lando. 100% CONTINUOUS FILAMENT NYLON that toe existing districts "faTUot of pftonM;*|». Gaffney) said be will take to toe Improvements Committee, no employes, representatives of COMMERCIAL CARPET SALE! Warm tqirfng breezes swept the oity as Cars carrying West Berliners into the Both said it would be a result An Air Force spokesman said that ship saw what was happen- person or agency is primarily the Chamber of Commerce and , ” lhia: la’''toe beglhnhig oil a the pilgrims, some of them carrying of declining wboiesale prices of U.S. Supreme Court will be suc­ the plane was attached to the ing, he pulled it to the right Best German countiyside for the first cessful.’ ’ involved in designing the "road service clubs, political and re­ IdghpoAi df mlUta^ activity in 2-foot wooden oroseea on their books, time in 20 years were lined as much beef, not because of govern­ 300th Bomb Wing at McOc^ and and dumped it in a fleid. map to take South Windsor ligious leaders and any other NAME BRAND 100% CONTINUOUS this ydrttoular area,” said the began tiie mile-long prooeseloii through as two miles at the three main .access ment pressure. from today to 1977 or 1962.” citizen who wishes to partici­ Chlhf gphkesman, Lt. CM. Le Jerusalem’s hasaars. prfnto. Interviewed Thursday by toe pate. He noted that the town man­ •XYUBg H lini NationiU PuMlc Affairs Osntor ager, tile Planning and Zoning Upon conclusiini of the sym­ ' in the .i^itral highlands, six for, ’Teievtsion, Buts said the posium, Fitts said he would ex­ FlUM ENT CUMULOFT® NYLON l i L - U Commission, the school super­ gotrernjlMttt bases , were shelled drop could be expeotod In the intendent and the Board of pect the elected officials to tram datim to dusk BMday, add coming month as declines in spend some further time sifting Education, etc. are giving some Your Choice of hvicts Finislied Ends klUlan reiterated he would assist the administration,” ends around the first part of and objectives Is documented, , The tsnks, firing 86mm guns, Mesklll said. ”We have a law spill at next week’s hearings. Farmer or October, to review the avail­ “ They must be constantly used were.stqipoitinKa North Vlet- await the findings a t haarlngs On anotoer front, Bnviron­ ' For Halls and Stairs to be hrfd next iveek by the De­ on the books that we want to Mines Union able data, namely the Compre­ and adjusted to reflect commu­ injunsse groundyFSMult against enforce. mental Protection Oonunlssion- hensive Plan of Developmwit, nity changes” he said. |the westernmost hrfiooptor pad partment of. Bnvironmental er Dan W. Lufkin Thursday Russell Stover on Skyline Hidge, stlU In gov- Protection before taking action “I don’t think we should soil asked the state Health Dei>art- President TUB AREA jemment hands, the sources against the persona re^onslble our case short right at the be­ ment to conduct tests to dqter- Candy After the Shelling ■said. The attack coUapsed whm for the March 21 oU spill oft ginning,” MosklU said. mlne If any fish, lobster or WASHINGTON (AP) — W. A. 3 tiia tanks ivere. disabled, the New London. IQlUan repeated his concern shellfish taken .from Long “Tony” Boyle, prestdent of the iROUTORR RddRde ”I caution those rightfully about the constitutional ques­ Island Sound were affected by united Mine Woiken, was con- CERAMIC TILE AnalyatSNwld the presence of ..concerned about the recent oU tion In a letter to UB. Sen. the 'spill. vlctod today by a federal dls- Solid Ghocolab Luckier Than Others tanks Indicated Thursday’s at- spUl not to consider Muster and Abraham RlMcoff, DOonn. “We have been notified that triet Jury on charges of tSegal- Filled Easier Bosheis ^taok was a m ajor North Viet- table-pounding an effective sub­ "It is clear that the only ef­ toe seafood Industry may be ly spending unhm funds on po­ CUSTOM MADE $ 0 4 9 f CfN I BUNNY PHNOM PENH, Cambodia is very go<^.’’ / ^nameoe sftort to oapturs lang stitute for real aoUon to protect fective protection of the Inter­ continuing to take various sea­ litical contributions. FOR US A to 9 (AP) — Eng Hung sits in the He figures the house and pos­ ,Chong, thq headquutsrs base our environment,” sald-KUllan. ests of the state of Oonnecticut food products la the water of He was found guilty on all U shell at his rocket-shattered sessions he had accumulated In for on ariitay of Meb tribesmen “ What our oltisens are en­ and all other coastal states I counts in an Indictment One Pound house and vows the North Viet-* 15 years of selling fruit at a JTB miles northeast of Vlontlsne. titled to expect — and what I from such hasards is aotlon at (See Page Seven) Two other union offlolals naniiese will never scare him neighborhood market were were acquitted of slmUar, but ixed'Decoroled away. worth 600,000 riels. The govern­ fewer, oounte. ment has promised to build him COMMERCIAL HLL "I will rebuild,” he says, "If Boyle made no comment aa they want to shdot more rock­ a new home within (hree he left toe courtroom for an YOUR O W N ets I will die here, but at least weeksT “ but I will have to.'work CARPET elevator. When asked for his I will-be in my own home.” long and hard to get back vdiat reaction to the verdict he oom- I had.” KUBBBB BACK Nixon Action Blocks Rail Strike lASKETS His family of eight is desti­ It ft. and IS ft. Widths presNd his Upe Into a thin line tute. Last week’s rocket attack lost two Sheet Metal negotia­ unions and was OKwoved by emergency board In toe Perm and shook his head. Fill pear halves either fresh iWAffiBatOTCei (AP) — pra»- You’ll enjoy Just on Phnom Penh left them only tdsnt ifotM t^Uty Mocked, for tions. the Federal Pay Board. The Central dispute are Frank J. Cbaries Butt, head of the or canned with a mixture cf Dugan, Georgetown University browaliig, and we their lives and a few charred ,80 days, the threat of strthes In 'Hie other emergency board Union also seeks to eliminate a government's proseouting team, timbers of what was mice a finely cut celery, walnuts, and woric rule Impoeed by Congress law professor; and Jamas J. told reporters: "I think Jqstics mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce |two rallraad labor disputes. action by Nixon Involves toe Invite you to do so. three-room wooden shack. S t M y d . Mg Penn Central Railroad sys­ two years ago that permits Sherman, professor of econom­ was done.” leaf. I “We were luckier than oth­ Nticoa's aotioiv-itypolnting workers In wurioua shop craft ics at the University o f South Boyle’s bond was oonUnued Here you'll find tem sifim cy boards under the tem and toe AFlrCID United ers,” Hung recalled, cradling a TEBBIFIO 0(NU>B SKUiOnON Transportation Union. The un- tinionS to perform a limited Florida at Tampa. until sentencing for which no an exciting GIFT W im 2 PIBCB F1XTDRBS Naltlooid Railw ay, la b o r A o b - crying baby in his lap. lBS '2VTO g.lfMOHOOSB FlUns tion. hut tt was bsMsved pre­ Tbs Sheet Metal Workers O'NelU Is ratirsd from toe Pittsburgh attorney. and arM- dent of toe union since 1968, re­ sation fund in their residential CEMETERY trator. district has already raised STS,- pared to stage walkouts on at hays beon demanding a wage federal Mediation Board, which ceived the verdict without any Plash Aafnals W EtilFIELD SQUARE—Mall entrance Open 10 to 9 :80 LETTERING 'least fevoral m ajor rail Unss. hike of about It per hour more has Jurisdiction over railroad Members of the emergency 440 riels—11,822—in private d o­ !onvehient Evening & Home Appointments apparent show of emotion. He Easter Finery A MERIDEN SQUARE—Next to Q Fox upper level 10 to 9:80 nations. Even the poor answitf ARRANGED e DISPLAY AT CARFBT A N D , Oonirsss has IntorvoniKl wlto than toe 43 per cent pattern and airline labor disputes, and boards receive $130 per day stood facing tbe Jury along with Btslams Jm lry settiement over 42 months that is now a private arMtmtor. plus expenses xriille on board toe other defendants with his i t TORRINGTON PARKADE—Open DaUy 10 t o 9 the call of a raucous loudspea­ 1076 Burnside Ave., E. Hartford speolid leglalatlon to prevent or Sporting, its Easter dress, this tree appeared this week at a Center St. home ker with cnun]ried 10-riel notes. Okw Mucliesttr Cll» Lint) avert m ajor rtrUus over the was accepted by all other rati The other members of the bustnsBs. hands cloi^sd before him where it had been decorated by Mrs. Richard Webb. Parly Sapplias if GAliLERY WEST—Torrington Parkade UME TEMPITS FLOOR COVKiNO' “There is much solidarity,” TEL. 528-2680 says Hung. "Everyone helps. R S i m WDi nU n, ituiaim ea-ie w I