PAGE FORTY WEDNESDAY, MARCff 29, 1972 Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Clock Boy Scout Troop lao wUl meet An Easter Bake Sale will be Broad Brook; Mrs. Ruth Sim- About ToMnn tonight at 7 at Uie St. Jam es conducted by the Manchester M a n c h ^ te r Russians Jail cauirch baaement. ard, 00 Essex St.; R<S>ert Vlo- Jaycee Wives tomorrow from 5 lette, 428 Lake St., Bolt<m; Mrs. 0 Itanten of the VFIW Poet to 9 p.m. at Sears at the Park- Hospital Notes Jeanlne W elch, 39 Fulton St. Three Scientists Lottery Winner and AuxlHary wlU m eet tomioi> Senior and Cadette airl Scout ade. Any Jaycee wife wishing EVERY FRIDAY 7:30 PM. BHITHS YESTERDAY; A The Weather iw at 7 p.m. at the Foot Home leaders wishing to help rid baked goods picked up may v is r n N a h o u r s MOSCOW (AP) — A Moscow and proceed to the Holmes Fu­ Camp Merrte . Wood cf the Intermediate Cake Semi- son to Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas I 769SS Cloudy and cool through Fri­ contact Mrs. Richard Boldrock City Court has sentenced three [ neral Home, 400 Mlain S t, to gypsy moth wUl meet toidght at of 6B Finlay St. or Mrs. Donald private, noon - 8 p .m ., and 4 Constatine, Glastonbury; a day; tonight’s low near 36. To­ pay reepect* to the late JuUue p.m. - 8 p.m.; private rooms, daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Doug­ scientists to 13-year terms~in morrow’s hlg^ in mid to upper 7:80 at the home of Mrs. Her­ Malmey of 38 Autumn St., co- story Page 10 IBodean, a memher of the poet. bert TVler, U Ooodwln St chairman of the project. 19 a.m. 8 p.m., and 4 p.m. • 8 las Higgins, East Hartford; a labor camps for running an iHmurljpatpr lEtipnttm llpraUi 49s. Saturday's outlook . son to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Jor­ party cloudy, seasonable. p,m . education racket. Manehester-^A City o f VUlage Charm Pediatrics; Parents allowed dan, 426 Center St.; a son to BINGO The labor newspaper Trud re­ AT any tim e excep t noon—8 p .m .; Mr. and M^s. Nathanael Mathieson, Meadow Lark Rd., ported today that the three took KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LODGE (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) others, 8 p.m. • 8 p.m. bribes and used their influence! MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1972 (ClaMilled Advertisbig on Pace 89) Vernon; a a<m to Mr. and Mrs. 188 MAIN ST. MANCHBISTBR PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Self S erv ice: 10 a.n i. ■ 8 p .m .; to help unqualified students en­ 5o y 4 p.m . - 8 p.m . Ralph ZegarelU, 147 South St., Apt. 9, R ockville. roll in higher education in­ Intensive Care and Coronary stitutes. The paper also said at ^ DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Care: Immediate famUy only, least three students were sen­ Allan Spak, RFD 4, Bolton; any time, limited ito five min tenced but did not give their trtes. Janet Engbert, 77 Doane St., terms. Read Herald Advertisements Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m. • Donald Longueull, Somers; Wil­ Bulletin bur Bruce, West Rutland, Vt.; 18:48 p .m ., and O;.^ p.m . - 8 llte new re^qimrttaiunent HerVe Desruisseaux, Blast Hart' p.m.; others, S p.m. 4 p.m., plan for liie Oonneottcut Gen­ Fiery Explosion £ a & j t £ h , and 0:80 p.m. - 8 p.m. ford; Ronald Gravell, 10 Ash eral Aesembiy today wem de­ worth St.; James Hartnett, Wil Age Limits: 16 in maternit}’. clared nnooneUtotloiial by a llmantlc; Mrs. Rose Reale, 72 Depend on the MEAT PEOPLE at 18 in other areas, no limit In Federel DMrict Court in Hort- self-service. Oak St.; Adrian St. Pierre, 199 f<»d. W. Center St.; Mrs. Farrell Ail emergency patients and PINEHURST The Democratic Party Webb, 64 Bigelow St.; Elizabeth outpatients are requested to use brought the eult, charging that Frost, Glastonbury; John Vince, the new emergency room to bring: you the finest in EASTER HAMS and remember that you cannot redletrlcting favored Bepubii- Kills 6 Workers 232 New State Rd., Apt. C; Mrs. g:et fresher better EGGS fo r Iarg:e Grade A A Strickkmd oons by geirymonderlng. The FLOWERS entrance off Armory St. Access o m Clara Varaell, New Britain. court agreed, eaying ilie phui BRnxiEWATER, M . Three were taken to Cardinal fire engines and police cruis­ to the entraiKe is via existing Farms white eg:g:s sold at Pinehurst. ('AP) — Six perscms were re­ FROM driveways. Also, Mrs. ReJane Larson, denied the plaintiff, equality Qishlng Hospital In Brockton. ers.” North Windham; Mrs. Ann Kri- under the law. ported killed and 11 persons One was admitted and his con­ He said windows were Uown were injured early today when dition was reported as good. Patients Today: 808 eski, 43 M arble S t.; Jeffrey all about MORRELL HAMS The Judges’ panel eold it out in buildings in the area. Broad, Enfield; Shannon Eddy, would oiqraint a epeclol mas­ a chain-reaction series of ex­ The other two were treated for George Easter, 23, who lives 3 plosions followed by fire ripped m inor burns aiKl cuts. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: 442 W. Middle Tpke.; Leslie H ere's a A better buy because they are hockless, shankleas;. ter to nu^^a new phui of re- a half-mile from the site, said, fismJtLanxL Mrs. Doreen Baab, 8 Hillsdale Drost, 138 Oak ^t.. South Wind­ opportionment. through the scattered wooden A massive traffic jam was "I heard the first explosion go waste free . round end almost boneless. v buildings of a manufacturer of Dr., Rockville; Mrs. Gloria sor; Sandro Squatrito, 37 Jordt created by the e^losion at the off. I didn't know what the hell surprise... fire works equipment. Berghuis, leo Benedict Dr., St.; Paul Mills, RRl, Coventry; site, on Route is about three it was. Then I figured it was They are sure fo pleasei South Windsor; Mrs. Bertha Mrs. Mary Dunlop, 101 Hamlin ABBRLE FARMS FULLY COOKED . eat as is . or enhance Bridgewater Deputy Fire miles outside Bridgewater, and the fireworks plant.” Binkerd, 46 B ruce R d .; WiUiam St.; Mrs. Agnes Reardon, 36 GOLDEN HARVEST the flavor by gently heating in the home oven. Chief Arthur Joyce said six on Route 26, a m ajor toad lead­ "They usually test about this Bcgner Sr., 'Brandy Rd., Bol­ frozen oven ready young bodies were found in the rubble ing to Cape Ood. Come See our wide and choice Ansaldi Rd.; Mrs. Mary Ogden, HEN TURKEYS . the W eigh 121/2 to 15 lbs. — buy whole or butt tim e of d a y ," Easter sedd. ton; Wendy-Anne Bonney, East 137 Branford St.; Mrs. Joan at 1.39 lb. Meskill of the blasted buildings. He Tom Roulstone, a newsman "They test the rockets and that Hartford; Frederick Brandt, 68 brand we feature for the said the bodies were blown for WOKW in Brockton, said, selection of Easter Plants, Corsages Send Hie F.T.D. Wood, 81 Bretton Rd.; Mrs holidays . at a lower price sort of thing. But then more ex- Spruce St.; Mrs. Theresa Char- Marion Shemanski, 701 Main A mighty fine HAM fully cooked . about apart. "For about three miles you can ette, Enfield; Victor Cuebas Other fire outhoritiee said see nothing but ambulances. (See Page Ten) and Fresh Flower Arrangements . St., Apt. 2; Donald Bruce, 10 lb. weight.... Short Shanked Happy Nest Jr., Willlmaintic; Mrs. Mary Pearl St.; Mrs. Lois Plourd, 606 IOV2 to 14 lbs. Budget m ore bodies m ight be found In Dowd, Warehouse Point; Mrs. Wetherell St.; Mrs. Nancy Pen' the wreckage. They said Jn on Babelle Edgett,. 30 Crosby Rd.; ton, 5 S. Farm s Dr. some cases the Umbs of the Mrs. Helen Fazzina, 169 Birch 55* lb. DUBUQUE dead had been blown off the St. Also, Mrs. Erwin McNally and bodies. Easter Basket and for the small family P ared Also, Mrs. Geraldine Fergu- daughter, East Hartford; Mrs. HAM PoUce said they believed 16- 8<»i, 40 Brent D r., Vernon; Mrs. Thomas Janiak and son, Staf­ 7Y2 to 9 lb. sizes HARTFORD (AP) — The leg- 29 persons were at work In tAe Obscenity Bill fo r ford; Mrs. Richard Darby and Charlotte Gilbert, 176 E. Mid­ only 59c lb. (these are too smaU to Isloture’s Appropriations Oom- factory, Interstate Pyrotechnics Big G irls! dle Tpke.; Mrs. Pauline Legas- s'-n. «'nBt»mhHry; Mrs. Lecmard sell other than whole) mlttee has come up with a Inc., but reports from employes sle. Broad Brook; Mrs. Mlldrer' Szozesny and son, 21 Berkley budget Democratic - leaders soy of too number at work ranged THE FLORIST Disk, 3 Falrvlew Ave., Rock- Rd., Vernon; Mrs. John Maige- would give state empk^es a from 19 to 60. lony and son, 40 Orchard St., raise and aUU trim some $1 Passed by House “Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere” vUle; Heidi Martin, Rt. 66, Co­ More About HAMS The injured were taken to lum bia; Sean Nace, 1206A W. Rockville; Mrs. Ste”**” r^^e^ev million tram the budget of Re­ Ample Parking: All Around Us! hospitals in the area. The hos­ By SOL R. COHEN SAVE! Cash and Middle Tpke.; Lyle Neddow, 18 and daughter, 118 McHae St, If a 6 lb. cut, round, aemi- publican Gov. Thomas J. Mes- pitals said most were not se­ Apt. D; Mrs. James Phelps and boneless is. your size . we kin. (Herald Reporter) 24 BIRCH ST., MANCHESTER Bank St.; Darlene Petersen, riously hurt.
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