Implications for Communication
Integration of the Electrosense with Other Senses: Implications for Communication Stefan Schuster Illstitut fiit Z..l.:tie U, Ll !1td.sität E rr.üt Niihl struLttrtL c..-i e,,,,ii;',,,ä,,,i,Äi;,:i:;l;;,ii,;:l:i::;:,"i',:;:b''3' s' D elt)s' L r'!dt ABSTRACT The outstnndinA ctecbonoro. and elc.trosetrsoN,biliries ,seücdt, oI.lecbi. tish enablc thcn to exchanSe nNüges n,". u.t.n,n"t rt,.,ti, r,_ ..., ,,,.r inn.."ss,Lrr€ r. most oth., animals. llut ",.]j ' 1 .,1 rr.a:.ö\.1..,\ .rd..F.r,.m olerr., ""'': r,h p",r , rr!r LF\.u'1,.".,.,'. ..,,: ..,f,b",,;". ,:'1":.:- \rstrinI,: s rurcri.nrtän!l ., i,,i''' Dr.b.rtrh."','., rr ""ll"iii"i i1,..' " 1",i _i-, 1","f ä, J. l. ,.,, i,il;l i": t-, inrr.(.ur,Jr., I .Lt, i..,*.h.o.rI L,t,; p,*F'., ,.r,.,n" ,n,-.,1.. i,1. ,,"r ,,8,," . ._ a-.i.,-,;",; el€.tric tsn conl.l r",: ,.";; ..;g*Lren.tit fron uritizins morc dran.n o-,.. ,ig,'r.. -po.r.,;;; ä",fi11: prnicrl..llcnd ;,: ä;:*ä ;lj.",:l;l'::':l::J:: ;:,: orsisn.ts s€nr snnuttan.ous\, icrcss se,crar a..*r.. rÄ" rdnrblr nt p.+ *-,rJ U...iir." ble hb,ia!!. rr"o,. r,"l *nna ,n, Pr . "o de r' ll i'l\P'rf i' hc'e r Jr'..',\ ToJ,t ro,.r.t.n,h. J"r..r b or mu,.*n. "'-"""""v'ommrnicarion svst'ms ivitrin a *"rr a+i,,., "*.*,r,i,;;:;k.
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