Comité International des Critiques d' International Committee of Architectural Critics Comité Internacional de Críticos de Arquitectura

PRESS Release

8 September 2011


The International Committee of Architectural Critics (CICA) presents its shortlist of titles for the 2011 Book, Exhibition Catalogue and Journalism Awards.

The winners will be announced within the UIA World Congress Tokyo 2011 at the CICA Symposium held on September 28th from 12:00 to 15:30 hours, in the Tokyo International Forum, Hall D-1.

The awards fall into the following three categories:

CICA Book Award 2011

Damus, Martin: Architekturform und Gesellschaftsform. Architektur und Städtebau unter dem Einfluss von Industrialisierung, Großvergesellschaftung und Globalisierung 1890-1945, Gebrüder Mann Verlag, Berlin 2010.

President Durán Núñez, Victor Manuel; Brea García, Emilio José: Arquitectura Joseph Rykwert Popular Dominicana, Banco Popular Dominicano, Santo Domingo 2009.

Chair Louise Noelle Gras Lampugnani, Vittorio Magnago: Die Stadt im 20. Jahrhundert. Visionen,

Secretary General Entwürfe, Gebautes, Wagenbach, Berlin 2010. Manuel Cuadra

Directors Lejeune, Jean-François; Sabatino, Michelangelo (eds.): Modern François Chaslin architecture and the Mediterranean. Vernacular dialogues and Manuel Cuadra contested identities, Routledge, Abingdon 2010. Louise Noelle Gras Süha Özkan Sabatino, Michelangelo: Pride in Modesty. Modernist architecture and Jennifer Taylor the vernacular tradition in Italy, University of Toronto Press, Toronto Secretariat 2010. CICA c/o Universität Kassel Fachbereich 6: ASL Lehrstuhl Prof. Cuadra Schrijver, Lara: Radical Games. Popping the Bubble of 1960’s

Henschelstrasse 2 Architecture, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam 2009. D-34109 Kassel Germany Standertskjöld, Elina: The Dream of the New World. American Influence [email protected] on Finnish Architecture from the turn of the 20th Century to the Second World War, Museum of Finnish Architecture, Helsinki 2010. CICA Julius Posener Exhibition Catalogue Award 2011

Balamir, Aydan (ed.): Clemens Holzmeister. Çağın Dönümünde Bir Mimar. Architect at the Turn of an Era, exhib. cat. Ankara (Hall of Honour of the Turkish Parliament), Ankara (Çankaya Contemporary Arts Gallery), Istanbul (Dolmabahçe Cultural Centre), Istanbul (ITU Faculty of Architecture), Vienna (Technical University Vienna), São Paulo (6th International Biennial of Architecture and Design), Boyut Yayınevi, Istanbul 2010.

Dettingmeijer, Rob; van Thoor, Marie-Thérèse; van Zijl, Ida (ed.): Rietveld's Universe, exhib. cat. Utrecht (Centraal Museum Utrecht), NAi Publishers, Rotterdam 2010.

Gambin, Timmy; Thake, Conrad; England, Richad; Serracino-Inglott, Peter: Between shadow & stone. A visual exploration of Richard England's architecture, Midsea books, Malta 2010.

Guerra, Abílio: Arquitetura brasileira. Viver na floresta, exhib. cat. São Paulo (Instituto Tomie Ohtake), São Paulo 2010.

Larmour, Paul; O’Toole, Shane: North by Northwest. The life and work of Liam McDormick, exhib. cat. Dublin (Irish Architectural Archive), Gandon Editions, Kinsale 2008.

Snyderman, Evan; Åberg Wærn, Karin (eds.) : Greta Magnusson Grossman - A Car and Some Shorts. One Architect's Journey from Sweden to Southern California, exhib. cat. Stockhom (Arkitekturmuseet), Stockholm 2010.

CICA Pierre Vago Journalism Award 2011

Avermaete, Tom; de Bruijn, David; Declerck, Joachim; Floris, Job; Grafe, Christoph; Havik, Klaske; Holtrop, Anne; Lagae, Johan; Molendijk, Ruben; Patteeuw, Véronique; Teerds, Hans; Tielens, Gus; Vandeputte, Tom;(eds.): Oase # 81, Constructing Criticism, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam 2010.

Boddy, Trevor: Mega and Micro. Canada, Invention at the Extremes, in: Fernández-Galiano, Luis (ed.): Atlas. of the 21st Century America, Fundación BBVA, Bilbao 2010.

Hjemdal, Tor Inge; da Rocha Sá Lima, Joana; Melsom, Anders (eds.): Conditions. Independent Scandinavian Magazine for Architecture and Urbanism # 5/6, The Politics of Quality Management, Oslo 2010.

Lederer, Arno (ed.), Zöller, Patrick: ach. Ansichten zur Architektur # 40, Berlin 2010.

Segre, Roberto: Brasil, las ideas en el laberinto, in: AV Monografías # 138, , Madrid 2010.

Zareh, Vesta Nele: A City under the Influence, in: monu - magazine of urbanism # 9, Exotic Urbanism, Rotterdam 2008.

The International Jury: Joseph Rykwert (USA/UK) Manuel Cuadra (Germany) Sengül Gür (Turkey) Louise Noelle (Mexico) Jennifer Taylor (Australia)


The International Committee of Architectural Critics CICA has, since it was established in Mexico City in 1978, been closely associated with the World Congresses of the International Union of Architects.

The inaugural meeting of CICA was held in the Joan Miró Foundation in July 1979 when Prof. Bruno Zevi (Rome) was elected the first CICA President with Jorge Glusberg (), Julius Posener (Germany), (UK) and Pierre Vago (France) as Directors.

The current President is Prof. Joseph Rykwert and CICA Board Members are François Chaslin (F), Prof. Manuel Cuadra (Germany), Jorge Glusberg (Argentina), Louise Noelle Gras (Mexico), Süha Özkan (Turkey) and Jennifer Taylor (Australia).

CICA has held critical sessions since, in Warsaw, Cairo, Brighton, Rome, Vienna, Sydney, Barcelona, Istanbul, Paris, New York, London, Gelsen- kirchen, Beijing, Berlin, Rio de Janeiro, , Kuwait, Vancouver and Torino.