UAE As a Model Al Seer Marine Aims to Modernise the Maritime Industry

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UAE As a Model Al Seer Marine Aims to Modernise the Maritime Industry A Specialised Journal on Military & Strategic Affairs - 48 th Year - Issue No. 580 MAY 2020 The Role of Leaders in Crisis Management: UAE as a Model GA-ASI Flies Leonardo and UAE’s First Production Strong Partnership Representative Bolsters Cooperation SkyGuardian 2020 MAY The COVID-19 Pandemic... Al Seer Marine Aims to 580 How Will it Reformulate Modernise the Maritime Defence Policies and the Industry in the Region Issue No. Power of States? Lockheed Martin Elects New President and CEO IDEX 2021 Nation Shield 19 5x26cm indd 1 12/31/19 11:14 AM 3 These states have failed to manage the Coronavirus pandemic crisis that revealed the supremacy of the values of utilitarianism, and opportunism, and the absence of human conscience in those countries. Those who deny the right to life, which is the most sacred and precious human right, lack the minimum level of ethics and morality. On close scrutiny of the statistics contained in the last Military Balance Report issued last February by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), a researcher will be surprised when he The Mask and discovers that the world’s defence spending increased by 4 per cent in 2019 compared to 2018. This is the highest annual increase in a decade, in a clear indication of the return of the arms race and the the Missile decline in interest in human and social security on part of these states. When the mask became more In light of the enormity of the human and material losses caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, especially in the U.S. and many European important than the missile countries, slogans such as: military supremacy, deterrent power, hegemony, and boasting of the production of the latest weapons, will not meet with any acceptance among the people of these countries By: as they have realised that they were victims of continuous deception. Staff Colonel / Yousef Juma Al Haddad They have been deluded into believing that they are the top as per Editor in Chief all indicators of development, welfare, health and social care, but still [email protected] had to face the killer Coronavirus nightmare. I think that the Coronavirus pandemic is now reformulating many theories of development, security and defence in the world. With the increasing number of deaths and casualties of the pandemic around Many developed countries that seemed the world, especially in Western countries, it is no more acceptable unable to face the Novel Coronavirus pandemic to claim that military power is the basis of the overall strength of the may have realised that the billions of dollars state. they spent on the arms race during the past few Commenting on the virus’ impact on world politics and economics, years were a catastrophic mistake. The exposure Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime of their health system, their failure to provide Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai, highlighted the importance of the required care to their citizens, and the fact healthcare by saying, “The world has long been questioning where that some of them, unfortunately, were forced the true power lies. Does economy drive politics or the other way to choose between who will survive and who around? The Coronavirus spread has shown that healthcare is the should be left to die, have constituted a true test main power that shapes the economy and politics at a time when a of their allegation of respect for human rights. disease brought nations to a standstill.” If the arms race, the militarisation of space, the superiority of artificial intelligence technology, and commercial and economic wars had represented the most important terminology of the global scene before the emergence of the Novel Coronavirus, the future heralds’ tremendous transformations. Priorities of major countries will change as they now have to rebuild their health system and pay more attention to the human and social security of their population. That is because they have now realised that the masks are more important than missiles, and the role of respirators is more beneficial to humanity than the arsenals of weapons that are stored and accumulated in order to spread death in the world. Issued By UAE Armed Forces. Established In August 1971. A Specialised Journal on Military & Strategic Affairs - 48 th Year - Issue No. 580 MAY 2020 The Role of Leaders in Crisis Management: UAE as a Model GA-ASI Flies Leonardo and UAE’s First Production Strong Partnership Representative Bolsters Cooperation SkyGuardian The COVID-19 Pandemic... Al Seer Marine Aims to How Will it Reformulate Modernise the Maritime Defence Policies and the Industry in the Region Power of States? Lockheed Martin Elects New President and CEO The Years 580 Preceding a Total Human-Tech General Supervisor Chairman of the Administrative Council 06 Integration are Staff Major General\ Salem Saeed Ghafan Al Jaberi Pivotal for Military Vice Chairman of the Administrative Council RR&D: Here’s Why. Staff Brigadier General\ Ghanem Ali Al Ali Editor in Chief Staff Colonel \ Yousef Juma AL Haddad Editorial Manger 28 Lieutenant-Colonel \ Jamil Khamis Al Saadi Editorial Secretary Saab Prepares Husain Al Mannaee Layout & Design Warfighters for Moza Al Ali Ahmed Mahmmoud the Unpredictable Advertisement Ismael Mohammed Alblooshi Battlefield Nada Al Shateri Sakha Pramod ADVERTISEMENT The views expressed in Nation IFC IDEX 2021 Shield Journal are not necessar- EDEX 2020 ily shared by, nor should they 17 be taken as the views of Nation Shield Journal. The publication of advertise- ments does not in any way im- ply endorsement by the Nation Shield Journal. All rights reserved. 32 Super Tucano Flies High 50 54 The COVID-19 The Role of Leaders in Pandemic Crisis Management: UAE as a Model Middle East Gathers Momentum for a Clean Energy Future 60 66 Glimpse at Missile Systems of the Future 6 ISSUE 580 May 2020 Nation The Years Preceding a Total Human-Tech Integration are Pivotal for Military R&D: Here’s Why. EARTH, EDGE’s R&D specialist entity, is developing a holistic value chain to deliver a raft of 4.0 solutions to ensure an optimum balance of human- tech military capabilities By: Dr. JaTsem Al Zaabi, cated or under-developed, multiple in- Chief Operating Officer, expensive drones can now pose a real EARTH risk to established military systems. And we cannot expect the costliest de- terrents and missile systems to nullify If we have learned anything from re- these small-scale threats every time. cent events, it’s that the world as we It’s a costly, unsustainable and ineffec- know it is balanced on a tightrope. In tive use of vital resources. the blink of an eye, it can transition Defence systems, and the value chains from calm to chaos, from peacetime to supplying them, need to respond in wartime, in a matter of minutes. Main- kind. We must develop cost-effective taining that delicate balance is crucial, solutions to combat cheap offensive yet ever more complex, as threats only swarms, just as we do large scale laser become more diverse and varied. defence systems to deal with major In the military and defence space, the workforce that understands the local threats from air, land and sea. sudden dominance of digital technol- and regional defence landscape and As an emerging economy with high- ogies across multiple sectors is propel- customer requirements – will play an potential to become a major contribu- ling us towards a total and irreversible indispensable role in safeguarding the tor and hub for new defensive systems human-tech integration that will have UAE and its allies from threats foreign founded and designed on the latest far-reaching consequences. and domestic with reliable high-per- 4.0 innovations, the UAE urgently Before we reach an era dominated by formance turnkey and mission-ready needs to build a comprehensive value a race of bionic or semi-computerised solutions. chain that can offer viable solutions to superhumans, we need to leverage Currently, threats are coming in all the threats the country and its allies the tools of the Fourth Industrial Rev- shapes and sizes, making the land- face in the geopolitically volatile re- olution (4IR) we are currently living scape even more uncertain, given their gion around us. through to gather the required intelli- sheer unpredictable variety. Nations, From state-of-the-art autonomous gence and strike an unshakeable bal- states and organisations across the ground vehicles and laser defence sys- ance between human and robot for world today have been able to devel- tems, to nano and composite materials militaries across the world. op small-scale and lethal weapons sys- for soldier armour and 3D printing of In preparing ourselves for encounters tems on shoestring budgets through vital aerospace parts, EARTH is work- in the combat zones of the future, leveraging widely available commer- ing with leading international de- the advanced research and develop- cial technologies. fence systems providers and original ment we are undertaking at EARTH But far from being able to dismiss such equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to – powered by our significant Emirati low-budget systems as unsophisti- establish vital operating systems that 7 sonnel, as well as improve the perfor- mance of military vehicles and aircraft – to both protect against laser attacks and maximise the amount of informa- tion that can be taken in and consumed by foot soldiers, pilots or unmanned vehicles without obstructing their van- tage points over the battlefield. Enhanced imaging and optics are vi- tal today, as more and more data is required to plan and execute increas- ingly sophisticated and innovative military strategies and tactics. The sys- tems that allow military personnel to gather the data, need to be compact and lightweight – demands that are EARTH’s JetSki USV seen at the recently concluded UMEX 2020 driving and informing our R&D in the field, especially in the areas of heads- can transform military readiness and The logic for this expenditure is clear.
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