UNION NEWS FOR E TŪ MEMBERS MAY 2017 Kristine Bartlett Equal Pay hero www.etu.nz E tū Member Union Advantage Support E tū’s Member Advantage programme is changing To speak to a union all the time. It has recently been upgraded again to organiser about include great deals for E tū members from Vodafone. membership issues at work or any other E tū members have already enjoyed exclusive savings concerns, get in touch on accommodation, airline lounge memberships, with us at: package tours, insurance services and more. These services are available to members and their families to use all year round, and can be accessed via the 0800 1 UNION Member Advantage website: (0800 186 466) www.memberadvantage.co.nz/etu
[email protected] E tū kahikatea Home Wireless Hei whakapae ururoa Broadband Awhi mai awhi atu 120GB Broadband Plan Tātou tātou e Vodafone Power to you Stand like the kahikatea tree To brave the storms Embrace and receive one another We are one together Superfast Super broadband simple speed set up Home Wireless Broadband is only available in selected areas (rural areas specifi cally excluded). Suffi cient 4G coverage and capacity is also required. Ask us to check your address. Modem costs $199 on a one month open term contract. $14.95 postage and handling fee applies if not purchased instore. The modem must only be used at the location nominated by the customer. Get your money back for up to 30 days after you join Vodafone as a Home Wireless Broadband customer. See vodafone.co.nz/guarantee for terms.