vimmmmm ^.trnKmnnm gujsincssJ tfauli. ^gnculturat. 6REAT IV. II., FALLS, Farm Management. Mutual lire Insurance 4oinpanv. Fuims too i.aiioe.—A very common er- Uox. ICIIAROD O. JORDAN, President. ror with Amerienn formers, i> not proper- II. Y. IIAY KS, gec’jr and Treasurer. the anti in eonse- JAS. R. OSGOOD, \gent, KUswnrth, Me. 43 ly “counting cost,” Am m ran. ipienoc, laboring nil the time of disadvun- GKO. A. WHEELER, cUsluortl) t.ige. In the first place, they buy too a nil their Physician and large iarm, exhausting means, Surgeon, ami often running largely in debt the first, St212a start. Then (her cultivate too acres T':" f0 00 Olreonp, WI1.S1I l>v* HTISIS1. nr many U*Office formerly occupied by Dr. Nathan Emerson. 4 _ ( TmiM-. .K'A —On<-«.|n»ro !<■«.<, of land, rloing the whole of it imperfectly, Desiring to retire front the practice of medicine 1 hereby “lUc £iuc in not in not and receiving in return scant crops, that. and Dcciis, ^ 7 recommend Dr. 'Vheeler as a skillful ex|M*rienrcd will be 7 V/ strictly Adht'areU to. \Jcaxs; Cijonqijto, Bvcntljs.” A i, 1(1 lines a of their | J Nni,r»rh-I. 111) net the reward practitioner and deserving the confidence of the public [ afford profit All person# indebted to me are re |uested to call and labors. Thus they become discouraged, ettlc. N. EMERSON, M. D. I I i and lose that energy and enterprise so es- VI. NO. 17. ELLSWORTH, ME., FRIDAY. MAY IS 1SG0. $1,50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. sential to success m any undertaking. |VOL. A smai.i. rvir.i Avici.i, iiu.Kn.— Farmers should remember that a small Iarm well tilled nitty he a source of income, while tt • a darned site!’ with that lie mg it was taken out Inn- ’Steer small, juartcr-lllaster ! Ivise her Scones in tlio Life of a Show- by 0 C t V again, the gale [impunity large farm poorly tilled, rarely recompens- i1 it into it man—ease her into it !” kawd in *1 il lltssi le d. freshened, and the so far | my man. es the husbandman for his labors. And it ing -hip passed the to And so earnest was hi' desire that the The young man to 1 (I we-tward that we were encountering r.Y A 1ST KM AS W\I11>. belonged is e. to demonstrate that, the manure, Work.’ order should he that he hounded 1 fust families in I I sood him, an 1 Daily the to the of obeyed 1 A site*. *tiky. and twen- heavy j*vell# preuliar Hay -howam nieates with strange »> labor, expense usually put upon to as rose on ■ brawt in a verdict of A r in Who lug* for dn ail of " oik ,• tlu* wheel she the next sea. the Joory daily Hiseay. II -eas human natur as shear, unma.-ked ty acres, if expended upon half that And Ins 1 ^ nj>j><.i tod task would shrink, the afternoon the wind hauled lint his aid was unnecessary, three of the ! he ■> 1 degree. Muring A without no close on, A lm must he stu- amount, will afford a handsome net profit, Commits a and a crime; % lolly so far to the south ard that Klimt -mart* -t top-men and best helmsmen in — nor a while over the whole, the A sonlle-s slave f'apt. pider dead kag if In* du/.zent stock A ii Imiiunt.— A short time proud products the were then*. Uk since, A knave — deemed it nnneeeessarv to tack, believing ship already hi* hardly cover the The man who paltry Unities with ‘\vral kinds of no!lege. a fellow went to see a minister’s expense. The luffs were soon on, and set taut, young A Hog upon the wheels of Time ; I that we would weather all land, and at take- tons of from ten acres Tin1 undersigned won’t Ihiste. Ime was near a twenty hay not a daughter, \vhos<‘ father's house With wink to do, and store of health, bells eame and held a but until second bolt gave ; eight up eonsulta- way a American sitter/un. I in for tin of land, certainly does better than he who '1 he man’s unworthy to he lire while her had strained go niilldam. j I ion with the master about the rigging already last A s over or for the same W ho w ill not give bearings sailiti. snug huilt full mand skeu- It tie* of tin* the wa- go twenty thirty of when he derided to and stretched to >urh an extent that the being spring year, That lie live. Sirilv, etc., stand ner I iiitv.d States, which runs herself, she amount. may 1 ter' made considerable of a roar as the\ on. 'ticks threatened to out of her at Ills toil for fee. ; jump on man is daily daily duz. A whose dick* 1 good’.- tumbled over the dam. The modot i Mini hi: I’i.kx rm t.t.v.—Hut, says the I was master on surg \ In fact, site had the fjuarter duty at the every spars anuther man. A more -o if he but loads of a No us frequently young at the farmer. I manure work ! We only ask intended for a mi- gentleman tapped lightly get filly i eonii,” at the time, when he !>r- originally larger ship, eou Keward rti to nur ta-k ; paused lin-L- lisself strate. To use a Shake— no year ami I can't manure I must prop* ucd to door at lirst, and received answer.— highly. -ide and at ae- lled which she had been fitted out in W.- h.i\ e in* w me, glam mg the i-s, fra.-e, Ime native t the man- so ipiarrrl uh the great ; eomp j.rian A lie again—still no answer.— I make it go over just much ground.— < cold weather, to which fact wa- tapped N lend with rank — eosted the tir-t lieutenant : xtreemiy ner horn, A don’t wau’t to j.ut on are \ and h<* his knock, No Hiii’li There is no must about extreme of h r gain again ropoutel thing. With milt or I atik h *|- full and Mr.-. N on attrifuited this distention “Keep bye. eimply hee aw* I’ve m i with grate suek- but ,'tilf iinli'Mi 1. M it. J’ut \,mr manure on to just so much II .N o| a lord’s estate. ron-ei of ustering up courage, JOSKPil | |KM) & («., envy make tin* on the |e.» beam; but shrouds, and failure her j light pent "■e-s in the -how -!ir!11 I'\« as manure n may (whifeli to some -evere ground it will and If we an earn snlli< ut store out of perfe he inflict sufficiently, it more wiil chain-bolt', which had been pro.I thumps MERC HAST I think than you surged been into on \ M\ in and at- TAILORS, To satisfy our daily need, probable goin twenty -ars.) on the »!oar, which brought the said old: let llmrest go. Then hoeing it her. an without seeing it. If raise 1 ■ AND A ml retain, pa» you pi oj.'iiii 'to: wa* una'de to give to tli till harvest time, be- We were now wurtliy gentleman out. crops l’or age and liovvever, let me know running nearly parallel Dealers in jam j lie a edl\ e-hun, A ill I nose | *• I .••*’ the who stow nil your labors the smaller Cloth*, w close to ias-ye;11 suppo said youngster, upon piece ('Inthinq, $<’■, A fraction, we ate n u indeed. \ the ; and ith and in tic hr ik- \, av, sir,” lull proximity ol* it over so Next I*-- r bt l .w \\ responded picket up had this time become savage, of instead S'-attering ii11i- g's Store, Main >lrc*t, ers. l*.*|t | )>;. slightly ground, ! t<> me as the and master Another lirew. Another on is puli .\- I -.ilc'l as I *• Ellsworth. 1 No dread oj toil have wt ,-r ; turning eaptain ltd.” from b' to wail so I much sttrliu e. and in the fall your was had on the luff'. another j iiig compelled long. receipts W know our worth, mid weigh our went below* added : Presently power*; to >ui ( m.r II. K ! Id. the 1- j could not bear me knocking' will lie belter than lieincrly from the 4 bolt \\ e could sc*- the lu-ak- Apt '■appose you "Y The more we work tin* more we win : ]jet her go the water, Me.ieh-, gave way. O STER through erhrat. 1 rut. I> i; thank II vn for the dam whole. Slieees* To '|l ade e within short hi^euit-throw, the h gh, pi. my roaring.'’ A V |» ! am, do not h her.” pim sire and ,-;r -iv-s ive me a kk >llf e -S to g name, Tin* dam roaring! Wh it do I>11 Vot it b\*i)t:K at Tin: IltouT Time.— sparh* I out that the old boat jagg'-l rock—the we-tern extremit. ot good j you w Ai *1 to the 1 t ii that’s inii g in ! obeyed looking A I .it oh !’■ a- d' A mean, II »w dare in tlii of vital kati \ (; 11<>i si;; tie — ue-au da li- je prid pleasure sir? you Another consideration had of and a elianee to ea-e h*dgi against whi*h old speak importance % to him. w In* r lu- way ■ J And j task, plenty to tie- fae to if nun four fhmilv wa wav?” said the soim-wliat ;i n g r to 1 inie is to make Ids calculations \\. t«N»MI»S, I’lf-llf IKTOH, ed in \ a in \uotlcr bolt w r. ; ev-j divine, the r, is own her. The eontiimrd to and gave Ketm iuIkr* tod Cod’- gale freshen, fury, ( 11 plan er in _r i; or on the \ s York at the man swear in his -o a.- to able to on Ills Work at the one ; and at taut a p-er-j hearing young lie \\ In*, working thinks at one hell the lieutenant eame to look at but remained the in Osgood'u Uloclt, fee. or A rm* !e u-" < i i\ nr. a of m vi -inks presence. right time. As, for instance, field STATE And tin* when I another: towering wave hove us toward' tie 'THKEr, EI.I.'WOll Til, Mu. eompa^s, requested bodily eii- -•'•!(- 1 •• ndom e a* a man. file in m eh 1-kered I mean to that I •orn or if hoed at the Mis in j a Imaiitiue wall. f htr on the wheel t.dug say, sir, suppose y.ui potatoes, right time, ; man to the vvl.I. She was beginning t<> grasp kerreer is suhiiiitted : could not h *ar on account of and the weeds attain much stiffened. I closed esc*., re-peetaldy my knocking before growth, Who asks for 1.undd* *t wt alth, gripe hard, and take her helm in -pite of my expe-ting I „. It. I'LM . \v mia* i;t I KS. the d am roaring.” is done with much less labor than if ne- Knoitgh for t* u.j" ami health ; the wheelman. the era'll, but. finding it deferred, opened M Millie, tur ■! *b il'-r n k- rear n sc w hen his work i.* M. in ; again ! Vo u’ldrel ! glected till tile weeds get well rooted, and Ami leisure done, •• Ibdd I'llea-e li r,” hiv r\cs to take a on l glance at our I ]•’■ ht mv tent in a .-inaH town in! Tn read Ills !„.oh. on,'piarter-ma-ter, Have you lie to insult me With the cron will he much better. Always re- -aid lie; and forward he ordered I .iany "lie d.iy !:ir-r >• m, A while 1 ujnideliee }t\ eh" m no* k, g-dng a of th" e words ? H member tlmt in as in We had fallen into tic ol tic wa standm at lh" d .or t ;A 11 a r-'p-'titiiei ‘gone. fanning everything t )i -toil at srttmg oj f;. -nn. the main-ail to be taken in. when she trough muniiey. IRON AND WOODEN HOOPED BUCKETS | else, n stitrh in fiiiti sures irate." sea. a moment later eur de.-k were of ladies cum -e \\ I. t* as iV.II 11 IU shouhl toll like a til! two bell-, the and deppytashuu and l tha !-leered j •• oiuva. ate. pilot-boat Mv d kirsir,” the now 1 ’,,r fair rew aid. erei t and tree : and drcti led with the loam of the h:\ik••!>. j wa- ui 'nih i-s of th Buukumville i’emah-j towards the Morral II form A \\ im \--o- advantage promptness a 2 ’I he hi — t points mu 1 I e uild not he heard on ae omit ELLSWORTH- Maine. | not eh- till' tine.’ and me if pr hiing farm work at tin time. Two thr< e bells. wh' :i the lookout eried, —but I did my eyes ein.-hun, they n\i-l eood right These ur the men we mean to he foretop they j of the d im r siring.” , in *• \' tic felt the full for* of tie in without in. laying particular 'aimers, A and 15. III.MM ICOl.I.INs. l.i.’lit 1.0 !" frigate go pa\ planted potatoes •• on the last two words, one of tic luff' and destruct- Not >es I. hut eaili emphasis iel ls ad’.oining. Hub fields are * 't ’i r'■ ■ f \\ !i re aw.iv deni.mde l the hea- gale, exaekly,’’ Weedy, Mantif parted. y.HI •• Ins dt n iii u't!” shouted the inf’ll- to ion nc 1 inevitahl- I f uric 1 mv •/ /. without iiii in.*' is old lie! Is are he. A, who Treat thy Brother Kindly. ter. Hit. pay g apt always 1/AR\KSS/:S and* d man, and lie ru-he 1 at tie* at TRl'SKS, to tic ; his le w I > v \ u ms \\ !i we -• i "V poor’, Manages to do the time, “Three >11 the lee-bow. -ir. gallant Klimt attitu j things right o v nm / n s /:/; in «. k vii.: r mi. v k-M: ni. point- will t !|C e\ ideut iriteof ion of t- sT< iR/.' 77\ /’, H\ a extreme, and hi' ii\ 1 eje | J io I Id- lie! 1 while the were | Ii' <1- if a 'low II \ .an: i: detiaiit in the gaze potatoes (the Kll-w rt!» amp in/ him, but was r '’ ain I the voice i ten* oil til * Oil! I li t a im! oritl !', with a h!t• '.v holt mi mi-. by sin.ill, and the weeds young and e i. nflv il h.:t-lll.»r t.ill kill!? an l all < kI ng imihrolh-r piite Keeps (»li, tr it thy Tot her kindly t!' Ilian, tin* iptain.” help i a:- r, Tiniim.; l r— ii I it v hli Hi lie labor, and hi* I '.n N W h Lt ,to ■ ■ •• at an ! r inn if n » vv Tr*iiik«, i»rj*( „*«. *!.'•«, ho’ h* h t! m '■» a man hi- on| courage tli moment, vmu \va ah pota- l i -y «y 1 in here,” -aid tin* old him-elf, •• JUrnM«« « le I aii'l i'1-i -rt ii-.ti I’ I th man inteii- ■ tin-Ii, he hoed a sce- S .mi ; ft on virtm heauteoU* ii! n ! at him until another > .j.n* yo«in;_r throve Again path, I m >u nd i ii j IVoin the and gazing Kll«worth. June I v JO companion way: mv I*** on :e*- 10, ’* us w ; ■ •• h i to !i c-nl'l not heap! ,11 the weeds had time to t In r* <1* ay 1 ,i ■ l U' wirai lie start; I in 1... !» ! I i "1 I i‘. a 1 time lie.dre gi -nati 'ainj th h shouted : oil its crest, .My .-.dgf n* : C an-t t trumpet. •< u-t of th" ;• *nrii»vr ofthe ‘lain.*’ * — km- v veil started. AMOS 1\ TAPLEY, V a\ ell, M r. with vow, that air km.ilo.'’ I .• ('.i!i .ill hand- 1> It yon ’• •• •*<>’:- I j' \ »ur sir—I l"-/1 •• rt* Haul the W ■ air.-r .1 i tlf f■ ■.• • *'!i• um-' j«ar«l"U, II, one of th farmers, who, 'll"!.- \M» 111 !i! ': it am? I ’lull*, it k. w in a ti\ ! I la w !r h t\ helm. (|’i working PKALKK IN |f»ors. KKS, <>; I'jt m •* vmir I : walk in, walk in, ii, than ran at- * 1 .- i!i I. to :» *■.*\» par really;! more land r. :/* f-' ur. ■ 1 nr Mi. I’ll h ! •'•»11_r wli*«*h l*i• t!e-y properly II. ... t» \ •m tix 11 in that ma in- »d. -ir A :. uj* >o.-ioty Nc. Cl Milk < s Street, ah, wPl ! I 11• •! r«* ! 'riie v ! ai is opposite i t r■ it t'' y r1'*'. C in. That | iehl hut ouee, and that alnmt 0 n al- j k .i 1 «ii-l >i». lint no ro* k' h i111• i 1 /All h V to Iff T-wit oil 1 •! ‘OVo' tMjfitil! really days ** •• -A She w a under, and pl’OjMT i 1 ti. k- jrip- ♦ March In, piteluni'how ri« h !" j ar the other's first and after the nr. v -1• hi- t-» tie* i• w!»..e M. Ag- -ho is in low i with a- mu Ii iittolh-.-k a>1 hoeing, I 1,.- (!l .\ ,1.1 ; a: _s that l* :.d him with inj ,-o hard that tin* in a eould not handle ! It i a I,-- to ail 1 that the innir-tor .roods had a and the l mU- ue' hop- broi l off the ami a in to i-whi o hhovo- sho i- t a I y got good start, jinta- HATHAWAY A LANGDON, 11-it:• In ->• I t *.»k it in. under :• u- light ijuarter, np:!o helm, your wi• ut in. iii th -o ot ! mt's! -il. Inrrn 1, i*\f*Ih-iit iety j oes stiff’ ring Lit i he labor i». *kew n 1!. j p* the outward nr. n-iiew-* 1 it- on an l ahoo/. I ami wliit- h \\ I roh-t ennsei|Uenee. eral order.” .-aid the ollner. pulse throbbing'. ! »\ 1.,' tli -non f‘<*r_r t th «lain , as as his ( M U’.h,:; < yuUJii holy, va- nmv nearly nuieli neighbor’s j *■ lo tislta toio.or 'nave 1 the in a IJ rail the up ! Haul tie* jib ami tS»«* im roooliinouts th ip Vi and Ir.jate spanker a k-i"A *: : w hi* inmost kjuI. plae. ”’ wa- 111 ■ t w ■ wire hoeing. Hut the \ •• t l«e.\ \Vt the II vt e! !■•;•- t* *11 1 b. l an l ilouiim^riiiLT mail.” roaring.** | crop suffering 1. v ith it.. II i. ♦ uni. M i-ter mate. In h jirou I j">-:T 1 stjilr strn ** 1 iud e t and the of An. |*t» t, ( 1 e I’ll. N ! lo r ili-o air-tho o\ out rio fo- .ntirmeij suffer, yield IV till eg. Mr. 1 loj. we dare not taek. even if we eould. j baring T •: \ \ Win >uif•• an i r.nerlv U- I. W i*u : lotatoes was about one half the t i; ) •• inarm.” l star*inj ha-k, A m To isr.—Tiie 15 v t el the roar of tin* lu> a her* amid the roar iiiinuit t-i.iji'fil j -■•IV rail 1*1 fnf 111 11 t'i ttlf »!l V, l»Ut following wasgiv- It. F< (S A •’ CO., A ■■ '• ; .11 -i of the l t the welcome ! ••tint \a;ir inton*Iiun i- h *:i .eietv : ••The farmers of the Pi 1 ... n au l o!i !’’ ion t:i. hoar in -t : IJ. n \g. a.- well then as now, though less grog, pin til I-?-: ;iii ate, 1 »e i 11 1 r m r> i: i; I As no. !i liic s line a- iie. h••*.*> ire stieh, that Oh tre .t I'-tii* ku.dA a -o I v. a* aim. 1 tli** frigate ai r>: stlkht, thy \inj ehart of.^i iU that day, t on A tier P-lay the .."ary J \ !.• i. «!.lid it 1 a -hi\ I n v or ! mi 1 ea rlidheA. ill trea/s." I i! 1 treiieh t rail : but 1 t.»uM not hath sin* ot‘fro JU f.s TV * -V. iwan four I r ed repp*" line ::! wa lr■•■ I from the tow.I elerk, 1*1? m t position. | [•. A u; thy ns, lilV at — loth -lo* n vor think of t irowin off tho. mi when penitent a- i if'iune 1 station til ■ (’ this, and wa- ilou for tlio.-e breakers ,-ii t- 'a 1 >!iu Tin 1 the l»an. v. ■!'—' I. T e im; 1..I.S.—Sow I>o not hr .flier ; j" thy -purn •• *• A e iiu" an 1 g arn i at tile luffs” on n \ k A tltnkin ,v A 1 im tut > Weil AKUOM *%lf«iKVr, aw.iv our the w -tern « \- tyranny. -poakin le in wreath an l Ulu.-he-. ai-'- ugh. prepar- \| ike .t W ith w. I* •! harsh dsl uti, alouj lee-bow. liappv hr: orange transplant be- t:u for h if ! both -h ov v think of * > • rieh soil. II r p. *; ti N K ta i' 1 : tli ir'a t mliu-t her hnlinet, 1 llv t k. t i■■ »m, a., neath the we>terii horiz >u, ami the !a-t va- tit h-to thin.: '! Tobacco to a fine d”st, is said Wholesale 4*rocei*s, y lie- lijht, whh !i here \ \\ by W ti tie O' .v m !■• h-1-h .il l 11r■ \v forth j powdered ■ Jp > J a A 1 I id hi in -in \ of w.e t.i-t •!:-. not h. in a nattoral 1* ; u ih**l. 1 1. 1 an the « To » •*tig tin* gale p- ;f late fe *. 0 be effectual against and 8 F.aneml Hall ii- b\ oinpa-- at tin* moment. porv if vva’h-t to jit:, the e’erL'Vl!l;ilih safe-guard 6 Square- a in northwest, in th v hi of a h\ thi- t i in !* rilol, I kin satolv 1 1 and in the about Would ha\e been e -rtain d-ath to jn aring the What*- to ?' *ta the hri«le/room. legos of the fly bug. Apply Jtk •; Fill* ml IUII ) pay «pi I i’ll 11. \, V 1 it)e Ip II ur | ayet hr 1-ut those luffs i- aiie-l aiI •a\ that sho «lnth not a fine sieve. i' 1 Mali’s B .niing W.* !ea\ those in alter- to the 11 i uvt ion Horning with r. Ainv.rT, ) :..itn A- (.-. low lev t Ihy rywh'Te; the horrors «»f "iir a il. h W \ I” alio* 1 t a foniahn are m, 1 i: * s I n \ r« adv to k u- on the other !u» k. j* o|* the tie* (1 AiuiKNivi.—Three i«iu mr'.i <> 1!: ! o | I. I ! V' i I up jiartie-,’ -pio-l clergyman.— things rejuir* I h y k } ph < ■ suH l Ml re* t m s h r uVuilor in tin* K 1- : was thrown, when tin- master 1 htivi \ vcral .-win^'in air, what 'lo a :r t ?’ was tie*, ■d to ensure m- ••in 1. u th. a* 1 i'en, .11 Instill The l"j pw !>at usually raising garden • — i- tlf \\o:n.:a lor h ; « O • ? we mav live ; a half u* e. iii'l g.N- -rn ii 'l -vera! narrow wltot tint * e lltl ll> III *.1111 A thss day id that mate report*- I her -pm l a-five and |-r; pa\ n.*\t' ail "■ That Pep m l- upon the eil*- get able a I', pile it s:p •»> "V *• k'.'O; but th in 't hour of :- free from weeds, kn-'t-. ip.'. trying my oxporriun-o eumstan of tie* parties man If le* re- , 1st. K*• p tlm garden STATION IKS. u- It. ! « s-l* tun.I j •* « B04KSFLLKRS H was I ttn tie* art '*r- h k ‘•«loti*t know inarm.’* I ; th »i to B >aid tin- main ta k. M r. IMnlbn* k’ lit* that pa-' pi ,• ‘\\ f. th -ref -ai itlie hrhh- •g |. Thin out the plants sufficiently Ki m v .1 ..1 u- v I hand pli<*l. happy hy ,.t (ill it' I '” wh- u St. \ g- to in', Show 1 * o, nt- m li\ hi >i'.' • lv r. INK K lt S , k- out of sir!" said skirting jair •rrooin. in a t n of.-a! ;on, ; iHun for those that remain. 'Weeds Jtoo \ .\u i t. It V •_ r Tlee. ••Take the -ti- her. *1.‘posit iuy spa-o < » ni ti A o.oi't o,r > in ti'o ! a>k- < n« L'-tlg with h«*r l lull -a-ty a on-- ■ ’! : r o: mi t ah 11 »w ir a sii ot not ati w ha• mi it the and the \ UII! V.. TilO'K |IIU>%:>W VV !»KI I S. i ■ i'i< flu* t.e k w a- hoarded I) ■:! ft' :!. if I 1 til .Pit ;j,l. .. ground mellow, k, Ilf. piaitei-hi » S-i- wa> th■* oi l m :t.i 1 h har-t int t r-. t — tine h J- v..-11't w i.'tii in re tlian a 'lollar to if -lirfaee Well eri/.eil. VII iliJ« rs at!- ii !.-i in !•■ than two minute- tr*‘in the pull |ir..mptl> \ —7 s-'** I.i nmg 11* It*. •• jy ■ \\ on't \ oil 1 iii x •!. r‘ -r !" I '«• i for ii* a thrilling inter- -t : in in o «*onc* re, K » C 1.1 I HI. II AM men into the m l. I w nhln’t lias li farmer en- f». IU (2IIK«£. 3 1**7 ! tin* lower \ard leaped rijjinj; I|*'.imiini;.—A good -4 w hi H.. I’.: ! >.». he •*.’ I.* l’t d a li.*, t » 'air** U auothor of tlf x- ntri-.* wim *n. t.ikm in*- y which Kill’ i*ea lei’s cannot !a;l t v \ w out Tie when aft w ilt the -he. t with it ran. and i i me ur ell"!.' -In* iiiucl. •irlic.s his iarm, and at the same tiling he II u »a ef Vi! I:.. :i. tv t •• I ike our- -*! \ --thev ll"!*l a 1 C.I Ii at ■ tlf haml. O. 1. II. THOMAS. rarer m-d to. al- k-unitoly hy ploa-o new hu-han ! \ oh 1 his lie takes 4> I j the nld frijatv junwah- ry *ntly pas .giriehi's himself. especial pains < < :.m ? with or re- lot m\ .Iart r in ,-!f a -woot an 1 \ erv in-•••lent i ^u-ltiii tP* 1-lire «.\ei* t '111- h M1 t half, when -le* -tes and makes S 11 K 11 IFF. \Vhen t- .i.l Wei.- in their prime. most, beneath the p:v--ure of the liuju ,i ith his nianur,—n none, ■ -■»' of our navv'- ah' oliilii of n itur.” Hut th I; have | 1 a« iv, lating to the pi tpieeeilr-l to draw a hill of a lle- ,s not allow v «» l N K -ail. history larger ,|| I, aii. II" d that drop- HANCOCK T V MAIN •• \i d w men tuov are nu»'t huti.i | our seamen’s i-1-1—th-* oM Ingite L t If -j t-ii !" roar. I I. a- ina l a- ! au t .. uoiuiiKitiou, an 1 la’*! it with the other.— III 111" > .1 1 1 Main «Nt hll.-worlh. a ma-ter mat. Utter in (irauin e!», now -t< mu* 111 a \. the |.*j j tin. •• I'.aeh bonnet pr j* li*. < It'll. ooo*l -ti k at th a tarn il n mi it : lot 20. ** ollslitllt Ta ref -!i oiitimi I. if it i-n’t worth in ill sun, but takes 1 | ie there ami And hide* tl e Hr In IxlUsi, -aid the old mall, addilij. ea-e lu r w ith dry up pretty ay hor mi-h !” W Ii 1!».• x all nniro: ipon to h in :?■ 1. it i-ii't w n th thimrf j lis dun 1 c\'T\ morning ami throws it oil the leehellll wliell she Joe- into It. 'pial-, any CALY IN 1*. JOY. wth tie- -himlt mioii-- tihv.-x a-h ii. to a t h.i k th wallet an l , 0 ami tin’ll throws ter-ina-tei pa--- proeeeile.l [its roinpn.-t heap, 1 ) .S' // /' /* IFF. Love At!air. that 1 \va- a 15 — J> /. r 7 Irving’s tin’*-!i Iit toilet. I»ut .John wa* not iii full of loam or murk on to it. \l that in-taut a tl.;W h'T I ■ k Jmvel 1 •}»*■ I v mi KLLsU lijtl IHiocfUa fri.-ml-.* I. I r.. -.Ill ! o|| 11' h e\t !‘;i'. .1 _fall "Oil t !l an 1 he it- ii I * ..«iii. in 'f» 1.0-0 j ah-or'i the volatile W hell he -h uited : Mi. ('a h y ii, portions, ; h a\ 1V a h \\ r* :nai k to n in irk w ■ ; •. I-f I 11 II V III 11, 1 III 'IIIIII.'llM'i a fertilizer. •• lit-' follow eg If ennverteil into rich v ■ H w In el ! Full an 1 h\ W.i'h egtoii living, tin I III jht th ‘in w* 11. I ii f mil w mi an i- I of tii -!i turn I t<» tin* « than In* K. P. LUNT, on a Leo •• w l are the ALBION “Old Ironsides’’ Full and t i is, sir!’’ in ii|,*ut in his lit'-*, ami hu*h ha hastily Tuans is (ivimiAs.—Toads gar- bye •jrrato-T in-t itui loo-liun-of whi It th>- hin t >1 it his II FIT II *11 Fit IFF, e ter : -ii »t.-li l tin- hill ami in are a Shore. lie ! t the of a f. arful m u kt -1 an influence his char p!a \val-j( loner's hand man. much I knew Weijht Upon an t » m right They — I*o-t*•. It'- al*»;i_ — * »'o to onpo.—ihlo !■-: .»_r.»i*i. I n .* .Idr- rf r. ■ this interval n/n nt in-cot- than hens 1 « \ .11 in* It was'luring (ls',,l> men Hieient 1*Y VIT. JOIKs K. U.ColtS. -| without Iff i la>l tii-;. hin no h-nial, enemy of lh' i’-uo oo! Quorum s JnUu* "I lii> tone. 1 1'.*) that an event took wh if h h el .r chickens, ami tin mi ivhat- 111 iin 1 tin- place w tlf I >ho<* l ho they injury ti S A N 1* M K I sharpm ini in in worhl, ii--lv .1 a Inn 1 at l.o X I I, on future lit**. it i-. irivaf (III t\\* lit \ ears I 111 a -1 e r III.tie a I influent*-* appears, .Vt.j", Thev fe, ’I insects, •*J|i-t V -five ago to-night. Well, Irving’s i,u ;.i, „,v j,..,* ‘11. altogether >ea : on • in- ..n .. .t .a,....., ..»• ui;i, ** i i-li»i••■king p into 11» and exe, of the ih-- nam-.v.-i > < l think that \ ill*- a halt. 'ir. -.»p'- 111 ! we believe with the ptaai hud ape and \ (TV 1- n i« •• I h"i-< j*i-h .l-llinii. Sin -:ou. while ul in mm h\ w .tli N •• allows 'ailing pa devour ISKAl.L 11.4*1 1‘. ever • ien« « l tin* « iitir* there !” ■ i.i\v that the death id' With | il.M’k in* every I 'luring pe- parties "-1 'll all pumpkin bug, they \|m Kiuvtnjs ill s;hoe--—U1 V\e!!iie--_*..od : 1 a »»t li le ! **•• a i> i l),i!l\ ln‘r>. i-niirlu er nt.l .. til he of without reserve, worm, or that infests the held ot Ilf I'mre Quorum. of in Y nauth al said an elder- it gives 1 tug, Juitiri riod career,’* spoken ; a t iin (>. u. u »in a !' 1 i'i tly. to — Hi Tain 1* \ ba' this 'NO MK. mu-ter we were .XV h Ml* that I i uliaf interest hi- history rn-deii. Ami advantage |.i I-l.ANH, ly with wliein 11 jilt p personal in\ I', o!ins worked to a they -In|• spend- up hij'li ivliu i»:i< \ i;i mu :t with tin* k ', atta to a vv Inan poetiek x their must active P. mm. -i-ucr n .Wreck* an the of a tin h. am. sir. M b mi lied lady pi.i n i-ilmls,— make NuUrr Public. cyctiing during A p int !'*r'ar*l young air an \n in n he ha\ •• they ing prevalence pit* Ii. you au/el you Tin* were »ii i: ran_r-* 1. an* 1, 1»\ ami it. •• si- insects anil l/uaiilytug -tin h«T hall a he vv I hav married. She died miw traps r iging ’ditioti- at times when recent heavy gale. Keep iw.i) point. •|iiart«,r* mir.-t-lf: Imt wlnu \-m tak*- oil’ \*•.11 c\p w.i-a y l»\ o\.• r w ni Mr. \ anki- into th ** w< re. ho In u ded, in the flower of her age: th're damp. m m ist abroail, but when and lier All," -aid. "llgL'< -lively noi aliurm you r n ial A biddy Jina-tci app (in foi about t’or same and at between her and pmp. tty aly spe.tkiii) II 1 time, r 1 piling are at ,nst. 11 t\« ln-ver incut i'Uied to •• -..lawful leave-taking iirood BlaANIiS- Vi- l \ \ sir : half a ." into a Ii point _'it loom «l«*^»*rt w as !•!<»\ off ay. w.i- about to pauty myou your la-t hauled up, ing any ijuan- l:Uukalarui»hed in the bc*» volt IllV erui.-e III tile «»l« 1 ( 'olistitutioil 7” Inver, us the grave separate Sen rriii’s o-. | r<.i:-1 differei * K**ry description iil i** t li and M r. I Miillu n k tire-id end with h -*U full of w ini-' ** \\ -.—Many u n -I the Tw jo. your tit \ .!; ilinui' hrine. ell, old lel- ■ nth-- -!. H »t ■ eve should have In ,n M vie and Yes hut ii"t inv thin.' to tin them on the of what -iipi'i are used for this trouble. The it j roun 1 •* remedii A M 1.1:It* \.N oJKIPh. relating i hut we must jo throujh the water ; and in- no.hum like r*»arin Id in. h »w did relish an ever aft. r. to th" ly- i,»u,” i-'i.i-kl you her br i la I; 1 Irving wo o ’,r known, i• bathe said We. o*i '/. l,o-i ba> simply e-cape, Kiliot took ’u whom devour -utuh"d- ■ inti' .-iletne, r you may old N 111ji Well, I ain't got •• Captain omitted that, lap'inj close of hi- life, eh-fished h 'Up.'” half a dozen times a Strange l -li.-uhl have an tenderly in -liort a!i :i un hvtake to the affected day HA*LE, his stand hc-ide the “emm" tixinj you mu li :: t!l hilt w!l uMU* til parts EUGENE I n on the -a! . dy- play _fiII soup, put vvln n tin erui.-e ol whi' h i- ni 'inorff of biogr ip’d 1 lid W 'ter. We have n ver known it ml III' It'll: I .K /.All, mentioning • It \\.»' a tin- man. th-* devil and air an COfXSFI.I.flt earne-t rejard on tin* ■ y*» play in it wasn’t a hit »mpas-. -alt ■ no oh- lie, 1 mat" alt-.' I rv,n: stingy.” i’i 1 in for a few tlie ili'-idcut. If have Lately ii* in fad wlnne KLU'WollTII, MH leading you moment — to me I ex- publish iiilattpk M •. leiual friends’ per-e’ trviuj e-peeially. vv of I! s. ■ ■ I. N !»*• h* I ,oi old, d-.veru the e Wn: -t we ever tion w.'ll an l drown the -hrill ath, enpy .1,’ A- \\ li I the Orro Mu* jet try nothinj hut 'hath, and I think ! '•outani i. a- th y wa- I. U tkc llaucuaa was on !tiditrmiut!y de-j a *|,,re, m ruuiu* ",TUj by pected ble, i- of whieh I’vMii.tvu Qiorunv.— great ll-m w. W re formerly whistle of thi- with the -poki'ii kept lying a a By traveling, gale yarn.” ot the men -hared in a II what A ward has -el !’ knew,by k. major my up- partiu, j an W- air Pan to “Some part the table in his eiiatub 't\ Within rca-h ol e littlie ol’ tilli l trouble, a into the I" iua» I—bum>n re- tie old g lit lemali he vpeti an 1 nfspmig’ The buvinewiif the l.,n- Knowing In u>n>n, tor the nio-t 'ilener \ tn- ii»r\T in t putting piece pr< profound In r iron on the its riKv. to the familiar r-i 1- “K- will attend to it? we our assent h:s bedside, bearing enahb 1 following j be -ides attending to it main* a ii I, llu- uii-l jli on a twi.-ter,’ signalized I 1 wa- pre-amt Iniggv. nights, reijued ainonj them. ortunntely > i.atm I in a deli -ate female hand—a red. [u the I il ot* 1 i'> I sli .\ | mv 'h »\v \n ith authors : oeea-’ •ettlemcnt at the ab\e We had heeu entertained hy page .jitotafions, m nuig-, and minus, used to stop or*. gladly. so that I wasre- 1.1 l.N 1* 11 at tin* wheel, *• re.jnired InaV -lime to have been In- in a trrnte in the State (' nd -Ti n tlmu art a of them- mused often lroin tin* vvhielt We pr I’tiky trooly -itty y. jewel.". ma!!’, at watering and streams, t 1" many \.* if* a of that awful pin KlUtvortb, Sci 1 i« | suspeii-* an ot .\ e\\ \ sto- portion constant Those vvb loud k. Janus Jhu'hrt/utn. an i amde a bath- train enj'-ndered hy one «d his old tlu»-c win* comp.linen. all | gi\ tli fe good must have l •• whieli oppre— ol l he me a of IVnnmr. the at the close ot of searching in the emi- peple *fave eordval Bre 'lies trust.”—Mrs. M A I) <> X ries, hy hell’s warning aware of our biographies recepshtiti. ing Cl W were and »* '"- fully a i- me at employed nent men for the cireouistaue. wh h de- Tii loud in her 1> tli v mi.-- home John ■ is eleanli- a to wonder how the time had pres pra-es. 'I’ll of eiu piVfeet amt ( ’«iun*i!!or ni l*Qic% dog-watch, The raimlrove over us in 'h *et-. the theory Attorney peril. the Wat of their niu-. liud in 1 a- 1 a as •riviii a de-n of lircsfi/t. our must lorm their termined g day ip-!mu (i. m-ss Ilf the and re hieing the heat tied. Hut re.-ul'Ts till it no r whi'th 1 parts, KI*l*SWoUTlI. MK jale iin reasinj lonj« over l» -t> •• this sad event, and the cloud it threw and Snake- in mini flow-, 1 'till live!” li/oft'liti. — own of his merit-. my my .y an l dnn of il»o -kill by fiaspient ab- •-’ hut rmiie in tremen- Will e liis attentf n ami |>r-mj-tlj opinion throujh our eordajf, n !.il'> •• ol what was -horn an l t.> Am m. the land of jt't\ We had been at Havre, to land the the hopeful and cheerful panel early stile, my di.-^u-t ri liberty.”—La- lutions. to tbe collection Pu»in«M*. down the old trijate dous hreakinj a » t • O. piitl-, an of the transition 1»!Ir 1 feller walk t til e:e_ ri (> Ton. Office « n Mam street, m xt U r new minister and manhood, explanation i'i^ y up idf plenipotentiary having until 1 e \ * t * l tin hevoiul her *• a clean hearinj', j. ol tin ontainiii wax ti tin- »r 1 h blow 1."- Stn.f A (’ll! \ I- 15 ill.#11 mat.—Take Peek's. a tew front the unbounded my of I. 1- Llf'lf crossed the channel, anchored to pluyfidu 1 lay jnns to tie ir and jo an in it a small part hreeehinjs, History of N -v t ork to th et La-t and eea/.*- J u la I -irr *t !. of gold in tures ; p’n lee'ard, if not dismount the lee-juns, I v eriz I alum. Then till the Charlt‘S 1 Famlm, dor, and meditative vein of tin ."ketch the feet it ii* l him out on tin- j/roun I silver.”— Pi/ns Pi/ Pur. line puli s from London for home.” out. j-ateln knock the e. I, did- of wine. The alum m tounki at law, ports book.” II*' then mineliee 1 fill* tl) lUlU .0- II arts i> ttle with CU'lNSKI.LOK a They eaiin and We anchor pound trumps.”—John (Hohrr) weighed on di--n!vcd the Hut we cii)'*. 1 advantaje—our liard as In- eoo*l. ll an. will be by alcohol, with the wind at W’.-t-.-nu-we-t, Mowing perfect'll ORLAND Maine- *’ as *• the will be wa- inere.i'fd. and h'-'ened ‘\\hat under tIi*• -on air vou k v to the wlmle and in clear weather ■ entrmted Tliat leeway al»owt Tin- l’npiid attenti n given t all buviu-w tre-h. and weather thr* atoning. —peed mistery.”— Prompt and l wa- he- as the water. On the tv him ** in the hv it' tremendous power I.i vios I’ll. Make a nice nnl eri.le |. Mrs. Sir Mrs. transparent purest we were oblig'd t take past", evening •• or weather, the jininj to it would insure our : then S : lie, *w!iat did m thi- S t im *s. /)/*/ of rain cloudy -ail, and take two re*‘f- hope safety lay into two medium-sized plate.- y hriutr pii-s\'- pial!\ }ham \nuny. approach maintop-valiant came aft and w ill be visibl, in a cloud liEXJ, 1>. POSTER, the when the carpenter reported the following mixture : To the huicituts cuss here ihr ?* an 1 he hit tin- Ball on > 1 \ r m in.” Hoin/I ( ohh. alum (laky spiral in the and toward- morning prepare — from topsail- forward witter ehaindmlt of the wax in tire centre of the fluid, reaching that tin* an I rind of one lemon, mad tiercel- another blow on the a'/>/r* ss in j the C. S. Treasury. AT main-ail wa- furh d, and an additional, juice grated tmtnaijis COUNSELLOR LAW, main ri h id or drawn. the bottom to til#’ surface. 1 his is a in «, ,?h‘T jjinj parted very sweet with white add three hed. lie s a hriek.— Pm. ( WINK M-. or, I should .-ay, the olusc-ivel taken sugar, Funny *■ *• and beautiful barometer, (* 11 i: ,t Irawn! Will a hall Se/. I. : a--, that air’- a wax "* 1 youhax' Weil-beaten egg-and of butter -yon olieiip, simple Hancock County. 0. tie- mi/-, piece reach of all who a-top.-.iil. "ft he., Kiliot T* •• s and is the main-'. (‘apt sUJ- the size of ait gg, melted. Stir these titrtrer—a nuna -ait!..; *u of tin faul.- Pos- Oh, diieob,” dd a master to Ids ap- placed withinjjm I ll'lei t ;1 e.tlj V a WC stagg'l*'*d ill'MlV ot tin* lieutenant. see wish to one. I'or S. WAT. l.HCUSI ** then add a of t Ii*. “it U wonderful to posse-a simplicity w •• the Liz- j.-t«*d ingredients together, pint t.-r tin.« wh'ii raised prentice hoy. this is to ATTOk> A * Of %>/././*Ok U t.ik i-t all ! w ih Sez he. ‘that*- all well to a can eat.” A es, const ruction, altogether superior •" that \ Ill rich milk, or thin cream, very very fur yam what you ard," an l the w eat her moderated, I’p stirring tpiiintity use in Ger- tin -. the barometer in IhuH.rtn M ihe ’u|f- ah w 'ltin r shrouds, fore an fast. Kill the and bake immedi- ny hut I tell \ »ti old man, that .Judi master,” the hoy. l have been frog general we oiiM -et th mainsail and shakeout plates replied ** 1 it ',*.!* Office f«rC. ti I’« Ih* Mr. Chil'ui k ! //," i> s' ■! ! J-eanot -ain’t show himself in I with since L was a child.” many. uooti of the follow- aft, .-ir 1 lively, ately. ’tiky practicing nuU aUr Mjcvls. 0 iguv ieel, Hal at day hm~*< xi * rx»> Av ifiK ?' SB’S ^ »• SEWS ITEMS. V' y T'Hl+i 1 v I*■ -«• -3. < •?*xtv*-~jr fen CHI IA GO COX T JL'sZZ C X '* t.t it. £-"«e«K SHNmI #wtM— ff » »im< 71 •** i. £-:*•* J* *» m€ r -y prfn-m*'*- %4*7fe Aarntm. 7 ^ i- at.: .—. ~-— -' •-! T Tl £I«rr «.. Uii;- II VZ.I I.. p •**-»» •'”» '■** ttrS n n f : i»Vi* ‘-B{" IV «■ .i — ^**“SKvartt £.xn»ub.. !••>**.• ;-nu s»£ *7a-:n,mr *Erm«*T. Y i-._ -r r. t. ,. «•.? n. ir ara » %•••• ^mssa^rnmm. *t ;jj m* mb* tiJT ci. ■-•- * _ / 3 3B 3l~T ~ Instf is «w» rn. Trnrar-ri-imr "• res-x TO-: _V- : :*S }.- •■<-! !» a- '2* '3U.S33B. r s m*« .Tr ft lm*9* rmsrrn \* €-:■»&** If ass. * ; : *> ... n -JI* ■«** C" *.-»«. t%_: ^ *5 fc ,m£ ▼ a. v nr„ :isn‘. u ■* >;«- at*- .ts: TtxflSfc rr-.g-i---> *»— ; I— * ±1 1. Jf -- ■ S.V v’nsria xr> » *• rvyenapzi4*u 5a- ium >.-?-* xurtmmZi v ••- ", *- ■ «. i»' pWR. 'U fa r- —:. ti..-, -'“VaO ; y, V f '.•>« ** .a SSSBCax* .,- -l-4 .. : rwn t. i* > .'i! ts* I i-t ■:* .* zrw n st » r*#s taj-w-rrs"* irrur^r aitas.* l*. ,T*r I- 5 *»*- r- m; •. n r ■' *- ft- :. 7- •. !’j *T ’’T t*tt i’l'G". _ f— •■> « et«B£ &ii. a* *. m*c-_ rfttia t •, ■ mm tw * u~ r 1.^. u— ••*- n T •,«m t i;-. tiT'. v.,-* .ic tir *-•>• va*&z*A

•* \ v ,??* : 2 n 1i:. Ikii*. kan -t- V ■-• .-'.i 'T <.n ? r rrai.u..^ » * rtv^i*"' t ‘.iilfXI •"r’l * sir*:- vr-ifc r tfcWi.IC *■ r~ »•• ;1 •.„, e t 'r * s; -- "4 T. VIvSl ui dt.--- V * -it* k *C 1' ~ ... V Aiui iaaii i.- i.,.- r 1:2 2rru j-:w n ^«Rk * ^tut a r ?■ > '• r J .* *',.r iS e war ft- -:v J'ti-i'T**\ Vi_ ■• «- r. r*. r-- ;.t «.. > 2u».. r* —-: 2i*»=a«KB£. V i..*i *ZT,- ;r^i. I*- ,. «ac o,*«. ^ «ir*m :S>, «: Ei- T -riiT tlf c.U~%_- W 14*. .N -.n< A«**~ — .t,. r..-. ▼ Kkt*: 7**» h. !>«*'. 3 » :• ;. •• sis- ;• tv" mtSZi^i ‘~a- ...■ cr-'^-rv.. L, v> &.»■* **• r r ~ ts>‘ V •• •» > / **X '-AT 4t- • ." 4 _ -i r, I ■ T -■ T ▼ -L t v a*- 'A u: ri-.U* « t;'.- 1 1, ***** <' ; ■ i-rw-jfi 1 i-:.r x--

'» C -■ dome&tu roar* *• .4; ; 1 — —. r lx...: r- .. — u «* H* T * At •*. T»rf J'Wf< ln*»a** J I !■• » h n■ T 4i, 4.' -1 A A' * V -1 .1 Pit f V — ,, A- T. _ Vl- ‘-A. fa* 1 > * —- ; j. -i 1. 5!.l — At *«r £ 7 — ?-*TX n ~~ •* .* -- •, T’.i z -. *r *■’- A A A .*U IX I * tt .; :r- ; 2 ireasv ..-* 1* .■-*•■. * .C- «fc .. 2*. —■ -r’* xt». -• « •*!“-•* !«-•

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T‘ ?.* * »- t T i4Mf> * '4 * * ^ *. «. ••••-«►. u-m* .** £»- -*** ’-.r- :ra:.: : *- _r. _■ *. :> / ■. •- *■ -.cA- *-? e t-^rj*"***, *f * * fa.?« •■•* .. -- r >: _ ■* -a _r- T i— ‘.Z 1_ rZ- > ufc«t j* f ^a. T". -• - 0**ta- 4-«. t.L- M* :*T 4 bi — » .»** *r« *, *1 ^ .£ I rr > Nati Li. itf. * ail. as i i&~ ttrt;«at! i-t^, a ,;. e. J A' b £ rlt iLLEJt. J» .v, Jj*. J*tf 4 .. WORCESTER’S T" !l"" *l>« Court of County Cnti,ml..i,.iu-. f„r ti,, < f1'" "f -unty llam-cck, next tn be holder in said County ftoyiU Quarto 1 k’ ttl K,,8Won** on ,,K‘ ft'U'th Tuesday of IMEW STORE Dictionary, is* o April BLACKSMITH NOTICE! U. C- R. $C T. A. Illustrated. .Mllf.V AJfD th.t n i„ftn tv-tv Cntrnnwnoln. at stoves. ron.l it, nr t,»,- stoves; HI C"tll,ty (.mine a,„ a, ""r,l| I-IUISriSrE'WEXJ3L,’S IN PAR ALL i:li;i ) SUCCESS. '!"■ *"■< C. or! J.nno Ready'. yrt l,a, nor., ,i.|, r. fiiy.l nml ken the store formerly I Cm,;'! nuts, from Common Aim | tn »I|"W an,I ap|,rov.- a.,, | ,, |a„| „ul nrlay'.it ,,, occupied by S. I’ndclford ( 'to t> tn il C'Oi' Men who have examined ll.r M.fini.ii an,] t., njttnn. Literary copies, concur aforoani.l, put ih- aninr on rrcoiil , £ on MAIN *■' rrfirr, ST., In declaring it »•> be tb« your |v| coi,.|,|,.r|n- iliriu« |v » ay. K»-. |%,,| "uch and has an en- in wi;w i:ij:,s d.-U,y and refusal, pray that your honors purchased lire BEST ENGLISH EXTANT .»»•!> law .uch <\v.*e made and prm nl d, accept new trmcK m season- FURNISHING GOODS. DICTIONARY and said .1 r S T I, V (' K I. K li It A T K V approve town way. and direct the same to be r< able goods, which art- corJul in th- bunks < f said town. NO M DR ARY COMPLETE WITlIQl T V COPY. well adapted to this mar- «.f New Patterns and fine J> »SKT*I1 It TI KNF.K. and ‘JO rOLU ANODYNE quality. others. ket. Six years' ex peri*! Dedham, \ ilnriil on I Sort on or We « !l manuficturo at aluut noti'e, March, cnee in 77:. li> 'Iy f o/l garments If w.mld Si'll,\K the cor- the business with ; yon English > f the best and and ut Language S quality material, Cheap ei.u.«uli ST AT K t»K MAIM I’at 11* I ford A Co ena- rectly, Worcester's Quarto dictionary. R ,t<*. We have a assortment of s A K II Ml I S < u II I* 1, V I \ T ,s hugu It would W IU n; ll.tvi i" s«. bit him t«» understand you the English Language cor- k, Court ef t,‘..'i'i;> Cemmixsi itters, April | j It is iiw gone ally iiudcr.-t.I by ,7 that, the Term. A l» |v» From in ii ihr >u Mi nil >mm- rectly, consult Worcester's Quarto di hi'St ati'l eln a -t to :i where Opium in-nary. I |»I plaei- get |!|,nK-mitti work P«'!I th< f .re?i.iii)r p-Liti tn,it is c r* ,1 the C..m ever used to that nf I'ehrmtu Tc mens, and tie Common GmG.'UiPtrs Goods, Pronouncing WcabullTj of Names ol Eminent by mty; and thankful for past favors, and the n- done, and where ii will ho a safe investment h>r Furaisiiin^ missi uiers, tint the petfli ii'.’rx are and that chiel e nue of 1 * 1st’ Men. resjmnsibic tmueil confidence of the In- trusts that the the is at | th y -ught l<> be heard touching th- matter set fourth I public, money, which will he sold LOW. I.s »i j„ will be LOSS OK SI.RKP. Koyal Quarto Pages. th-ir |h and therefor or! that th- patronage of old customers extended t<> | titi.m, r, C..nnt\ Com- of New Words and definit missioners meet at «i"f Every desirable style 70,non ions. the t.f Parker Ai P-arl in f>ed- him. Among this stock may be found (. l m ttrsrs shop, on The fit rut < Mi r.i! A el in Pi m >>f the Tolu A I .WOO Superb Wood-Cut Illustrations. ham, Tin sday the ItJih day of .Inly next. at I I u-k V pie nndyne "» Dm Obi .’’Inin i- a true >h I s i>e i, t m| (le (>. -red Natural In I. IPO Excellent Articles on 1 forerimui.* and th. ime pr. -ee ."'yiionymes. " i.Uon-d in x d i-es 1\ Ii.m ln-eii used and its luineful petiti"n, in,in, dintely nfb » h u w. the Fils worth Opium a h ■>( th- s (Opposite llmi.-e.) e(T, ct.s u ii m -i I, ie> i'i irk of our- rail emu- can be found at nur Store*, and wo will make iriiig |> *rt»• and .—vv II be had at s-.fne adequately up litre ill ’ti' -ne tit ice in v Hie -wh-crib, vvmM take this I did' re a- and n d-ci-i >n is t>> a trial.— suits in the Spill.\«i STVLES at PRICE.$7,50- pi the ..'inis \. ti.t| riiicliother measures JOHN \V. HILL opp-.rl nniry to equal astonishing lak Tie A >1 !>■ Iil li-I- net H H ill n in the | remises a* th- i>imm.*siuiu-rx ahull thunk hi* customers lor tin ir va liberal share of patle-i oftq>IU>ll, the low We have nls » a assortment of judg't l.l'; -1 inform of of all color- ami ami of the latest ry price.*. llirge ’IL" r. \nd t'o’rJuens Ellsworth and qualities, im- most «*••' it e -:>-ti;u' ion ran use ,i with sal' Tie- r- f.Mowing brief Extracts will show In what pr* it Is further \VO\ t v ■ ly. p % i• ■«• iit U ma\ -• ;ll f patronage tin- p ar. and jj, strict at- 'ind at tie- lam stand of Also au extensive assortment of hop« by petit nat'u al state is a m1 ns estimation tin* IN rk is held M“pn.ii that tie !•••: if portations. tl pS I-a t he Patient should by Some of the most the time, place and pur- Hill Ac wlwre bo found hv t< nti< n to his lm in*-', to retain them. IIu would Die Voting, may largest assortment c >iiitn> ml it l-> Physicians who have long smie lit tie’true eminent Scholars I""*' ouimissioii iV meeting jforex ml, be v iven to n > a o it to others that hi- is now > c c •ill sons and say shop fur all sl.-v.-l | t. .n.d t Patients tvli want natural results. U a>• iH b € l i p Corporations into est«Hl by serving an at VESTINGS, ready 11) tj, It is tin* m«*t and the t-s »'*I e kinds of w inure Thel' i-i- “f tie- I'nivt-rsulCouirh Item is that free- Complete practical, very 'pies as afop-said in three public j., « ,j | k, dpi eially >ly places .-I u>-iita l>y great manufacture, s Alai sell les >f all and colors. — in*t> ad of know. do w d 1> ud via. .ml publishing the and order Styles Together pounding, produce e.aiq*l t>’iie-ris. real cures. rth, IVd.r of by petition COOKING •• [Joseph STOVES > w We !•■> uaint >.,i it- n .> in l1' '• n. th w **ks -n in the ith a assortment of Horse Ox pine” ry hour tie-day. J33EPH FRIEND & Co. I -ively KlUw.*rth Aimrl- ever complete iS* Anglo-Saxon, of Oxford. <'tTer»M| f.r * mils" it th natural to ail -p i|,.-r put Ii-h* d in in tlo-r. enemy MAIN ELLSWORTH. HlswojUi, unty f uti'l the tie* a' 11.. 15av >! i' -. Farmer, and A hu Hav the host of nu n f I >>r I- a et The standard dietj. of our f Han...... ||. fV st t*- sat |e ing that /.-iness, he feels Coughs. Tl.;'oat Lung ('>>mp!ai l>y perf freedom nary language. [C. publication Unity day *st f'-.k Tin *>■ Si, hate n■ t »*■ 0••i'll i-.juaH'd in this mar- of n I % ,re d f**re tie- time f su'd v tb »t al | ts -is ss»:’f in that it hr thus nt d„// (I.,- up; Iicati ml! iininat s T' it is a per- Kelton, EL. d I’lo-ilcnt of Harvard ( i-.v, jh and .rp.-ra- ket for and Pantaloon laying ,rk Ellsworth, April 10, 18G'. 13 olhge ti-ns economy durability. (»oods, faet IP ai.d I'.-r U clucks all tie inter sted in v ati- I u ! be !.* aid if th* v hon.silt he will i. mte.- t" those in riirily, hooping IMugli t think tit Al*", tlii t i'lii'H'''' \ ill \\ Oratilfe State gtia want of the Much other di to ■ ■•Hand, of and allows ti c t»» its run superior any general nary, A: UK F It \V 1 All which will b< made to or sold bv rpasms Cough have in a -t, PA PI Kill I, rk N'tr \ up order, same, to.havo it h lie n* well and as as quiet ■' World,(l Boston Victor ami ] any .rge p. Marsh. I.E. Autlu r of lectures on A tr. f t' *■ and rd*r t hr the cheap way. i)., pv eon St"\ with and piece. other Concern t Conking "s. without elevates! Ovens. in this avn. With that \v airt all and i;\(ontAGi: none immstrv! the l*T*gIish Language. l" Ac st, PaKKKII M PI !Ut\ C|* rk. tie'spirit investigation, Having had a gI < I experience in Iron- readim-'s to nn.swer ui! ii.qiii; e may we in return ask ibc noblest monument reared to our all to he e yet CLOTHING. ing Large l'"iiMc I un Wagons and Forging luteais to pm chase only of those they cuu re- Wia. of To tl, II i. Olnrt **f C m ,*v t -um:l'. have eft th- 'll u tin- most fashionable stiles. any m th. y- 'I thttl ti town v a I’ailor. 0;!.e Fi .Ivlin, <’t iu.d- r, E x and Air General Agents. more to a * I. d » 1 Also on hand a on hau or will at short desire, m regard dictionary of I ; 1, ,| I --'.' all f w| h I «h il: d f-r handsome assortment of HOYS’ Keeps constantly l, get fMig i|M.r J. W. KW he I r.'inm-i -mg .r n- »r a m -v h-mse new lil'NN HI,I, A Ci>. Kugh-h Laugung. [Judge .\!cL*an. of Mho*. th I> ng ,f'v- "i.-t mi ii h it I a lar/. assortment of Km CLOTHI.\<«, ami a larg--stock of -notice, -• e poiidr.-ii th t-.wn ■( |t,„ •* .v s ui'ir Ilh*d.;i.i ksp t.ui.Jbelow “•* *1. I’uita.. eii.. d a Im war. ,/unr, ."sheet ld thcnc in a «rrst< I 'ad SINGLE TEAM WAGONS, lg> r!> lircctkm I'M"1, I*i|■ !. ". fast Ir u and foji|»er o:;o. lit fit 1— V. '■ -si" FIKMSIIIXJ GOODS. NM.WKI.L, pali"i t. Wl here s i, th it hav ing a ;.I loca- the ineth -b-t n»-.*t. h use, thitce ,.n said > tli I bshinoul. > d III” il su;. TVi-ioli of I < n*i l« y< ur di to in ahn* *t re- latest style, warranting tits, or \ .•!., and the best spe.-i nary, every tn- ii- is* th* m-m a ••;'!.-C. dnv, n m ,if|.«s lan.l good — n a tt John 1 intend to deal "ii the ( i.-h cm se- I all, an extra .-hare eu-t .m, he feels encour- specc in orthography, pronui. 'to ol d,fint- f a Kn inn utvb im|*r *\ m*--.: to the N >rth line w. mu.. principle, .1021 % s,. m >M:n i:Un a as jo.f | v — •f I ind ow .e-d t-v II It a r• Kllsworth, June ;i:h. Js68. afford to-ell t" ill return to all tioiif -up. ..fits pr( ttl '. ii. tt rlv quentlyean goods cheap. pay this.—Oo.dW'ork, Chemist A Pharmaceutist, Mass.. dir< ti .ii »ti I Im*. or ■■th-r r.turs.- v mav '• > i• iil"M hi, mi I 111• •:«* t!ia11 Briton, K. «io..*lw hi, d d.. I’r lent of 1'rsnitv any think Let this he understood / n any rea.-ouahle [daniel *.* il Sill I; '- "• * ot-f ft tl-,- lin e ,1. \\ hose signature i-. vers tie* e >rks of the nuim; ealietl lead.,,- to (' man »i-uM i.-k f*.r his only, / / /•.’ .1 l* fill fit in if hn ,n- rrn in ?"»/•/*. nmimy. ■< College. tt have |-!f nny and to w li n.i ad Ire all <• •rnmii'iie iti ei-. Ellsworth llueksport. petui Se| rtm- „f Bucks. Tlii- i- all ami I -t n, l t<> Carriages be A NEW I.oT OK ready prnve the Sdd It will my glii-d- i ort’o graphy and |i I- "'in th* yi nr I i-t p. I ».iimn s ml r*-ute. ami Cl ITiNC done at short notice and in the latest hy all respivtalile dealers everywhere. -am ■. .it all tim* -, at ti.• ohl C. <1 P \ I I rtlilM; THE nunciation, and will be often ,• u.-ud.-i hv me for I- ,,*.. ..t,| ro ,d. a ud 11 y hnv- u:,r*a«..i,ii' Iv i.fus-dto -Imp. nt -:li, '! I li. Pai k< r. EEAD! styles. 'e •" l! said »• U r. re t I.. DKLAITE. nt N Walker A: S. A Its nr.7 and a-emato definitions. I o route, p *j -nr Honorable [I in-on, land .1 il< 1 My to » mil -til .i:t a:. I : ite s Wmili’t! to work in \ ?-. i! iM'tO. ;t;n 11 -1 i. a Ca-tim J ilin Stevens, d. d d • ml m whop. Kllswuth, 5tli, LL. President of the >i*t N o m I .r Pd 1,-liil.. Wesleyan duty bound w arid ever pray. WATCHES vlf, I C. diversity. II » M l*l t W. 1.\ I I*.i r, tJeir ral Wholesale 1! AUU, and nib is A T. JELLISON. Agents. CLARK alENISTON M i: Kv* ry -l..-*i! I h ive ar. 1 Buck*; *r*. 1- G library it, every enlight- AM) Kll.wnttll, May IS, OKI. l i M A S N W Q R S<. Are constantly inanul.u turiiig from the best of ened t* i. w t nr pi ir<* it. II n. Stock ami in th Latest [ st\ti: ok maim:. !11* i1 her. hi- .-'t t nil it, want atylcs, II II;-. Penn. ■| Supt. •' as if* v '* 'u m.: v t "inn DISPATCH "f ii-e n* rs, \ r.l LINE FOR ’60 N>» scholar can afford to bo without I tom inl Slvlc your dic- rni, lsi'si. s. t. w imtmi:k. rL.\STKK!N«;. the Wagons, ti >nary -[ N. i. i. I» L>., Pi Dart- I P -I the f lit-g petition il is ent -id- r* d by the Com .1 E W E b li mi.-loners that th :in m a > s r CLIPPER SLOOP HERO. < n^s aaid side IU' Utti Coll, ge. p*! *rsar- r*xp--n-iMe r,„| tti t V, i ic i: i: t IIIMC'K an l i;!*'** S|»iI»ks. h o > 1‘ Ii aid to -ft f Ttl, Hi He Just received at the re .V *1 Sta of (•tore form, K- hinson A M"\K all kinds of 1" '<•■' 1 th : id i* the Co dy .. rly occupied by Harden.) MASONRY.&c. UKlliKN Also, -r* in- t at tt m F trimhu.'- \Vr-|-.e*,| KK.WICK, Master, S it ii ii. Brewer \ I i lot o it, H>jek*j-.ft will Sati-fa- ti the Islands in Frenchmens EXPRESS ANDSTRUCK WAGONS 131 n 1 fi on a l: I' > TEAM, Washing? Street, Boat• n. I I view t route rn. mm ,.d p tl hand, large assortment of 11A HI KENT. GEO, F. Huv, "ii tie: >th iu.-t an«l will continue tu make t older v Vi r«' ‘iti x built and warranted. y r sale I V 1- k*■ i :.. »1.v a T y :ih*ariiig *>f the par* DUNN, E!!-« ith, 2. 1- 0. i;,tf o M IS.' I is AND CHI Id > Hi; May her (.nee in two the -.'.til n LADIIIS,’ NS, legulai tiips weeks, during j * ■ v summer .-eason. of all done at our '-n i*.v and ‘U* 1. in- a-ur* s !.ik* n in the pr. m- present She i> I'd ted in the best A*i'.IW//»7-Y rciit kinds viz cei on W an heels, ii 1 sale In.aid, at tli lowest cash I'aint where all kinds id and Belting, ••f th- "in mss,,. I' •. atidies 1 as prices Sln.p, Carriage, Sign ..-•m* t.- a for all. b dl Jewelry repaired usual Ki l. '-".it, and i n !i t-all Hoot* and v ,■ t- -• *■ and Wool, will be d ine in the best Steam Packing a.ui Hose- I-T- :• .t, t n, >». fc- i-,| warranted. 3‘itf Pelts, Fanny Painting manner, »>l.oes, i ami sew I. with kid and .-f II i* 1 ju'oire Hides. I'M li ii. and Woolen and at short -t notice Old re- Manufacv.r- I »->• V w \ i.H :- ■: .» iv» k f unto* j« -J !t«. ! th 'reon, u|w*ii tie c*l*i k, Paper Hags, the Carriages of •. n't |\»nnt. 1 tlu 'll *.— ncr^c slipper* various colors. Fish .1, P g v "il, r any other market aide com- painted. Jjj- tit. the pltrr. :•••>' ... * in •ai town thirt y .m i hurt lumber 'll All of w lii.-li w ill be Warranted to be as ^ood modity. !•’eight traiuported on CLACK A KKNr-TO.V. it m i- :• r- t. a|.j. ? If*-., 1 x | 1 I- •! reasonable t> mis. All oider> i■ 11 with W »•> inn -‘ii th- j- ti; i. ■ii.'l I- t' thi .* .K4 as tli «*st,aiid be b at low r 10 ater Street, Ellsworth. •.• J It English. American, may m^lit pri- »i •' '-•.i n "i tie- ni..» nh tin-re ta Jl. A S. K. « n.n*| i-ii’i ces |.»r cash than can be re WJIlTLMi, j*ri«* 111 N K I. V \ 1’ii.Kk, bought elsewln rtli, 1 ! i•• ► I.i tl.- unit li .. k ill.. .N >1 hv v M* will be attended to ati'.ii i- Ik- thirty- ! i. ,v. I Al- be found a o,.,„l pp mptly •» |>i|l'i'i r- tme- may a-.*>>rtineat of Hanger. \ JO. 1*»». 4 ..i-1 K 1 11 n et. V .\ X .rk. l or on 1 oitrl. •r I .!! , r. -i t -, 1 :■ I \.kNLw\ S.VsA'w freight passage, apply ». I 'I'h’it tmnh/i in rm *'/ <•/.'. 'or irtm •'/ tin / ■■ hi <* m »> ait I ii. I t- .hi h-v th i- It' ( srn.M MADK Hid lib.N HE.MI< K. ^3‘ent. Slush. ", ■ "»• "t > -i nn ri a rrr v ■: r \uki i; \\ ri.iita « rw. tun -;i« >r, /ini"1! hi*fn Ellsworth, Jt. lst.t). i.-tt 11 A N tl N I' Willis. April V I f i-it■ and are at it ri tn Hi; Throngs purchasers calling •• U fl Un \ • : rk. M mtitt-irif ,•! inns.” THICK «ur .V w the i. >!♦ 1'. rt. I ».*? ln;i HOOTS, ll .•!. M rri arn. Hlii.i. Store, 1 r—k i' .if. Tin- owner ••in have the -Hue lli nr/iei i/ ithru //# a In inthrnu/ In in I\ IV-m on- *-f the b*>-t m.inu! I' t .ri in th'* >tAt-’ enm/n .*/>rok. LORD'S >el I » H y i-- u ■ a I’m !■ *;• v > l> Aiiih r-t.ii. m I mis. BUILDING, 1>V iii i e.,a; g* a in l ci»! * s g it the *i|1 ibej-, l th § tig •* fe* S1 < ■ •♦'iifs line ('.ill Hunts nude to urd"r, and in n t»m H irsrm *« mvt Irritation of J"U \ M. \U\ 1>. • Hft'rrtn'i/ the L!. -n- uth to examine »• in foppo-;te House.) ou* 1 b\ a i. >t tfl I ”nt imm iK i:- not M ,-.i ii.s. \ i! !-• J-»l * '■ 11 •■'-.ill i 1 r* w.irrented. workman t > Ml. 1‘e-M rt. | surpass- 'I H \' X .1* Mi N* »N. I. .i Mi. AND Miu Stock of ■ t t ed in M line. t" I .v’ian£t i ! -r by any T i. ‘e-r r Ma,. »u(ln-iKwu al- Ml.-.-.- I." -tin': I- ; !■ -- t,? it ...i the lir-t la-. : |t. tin nt hr in 'it nin •• /■'. n ,tn,/ Mr. \\ lntrier f. !* -,, r- ! t' at hi* *ev.-r il year- oftirprinrn- 1" *. -• nir ‘I!. r- it i" a M i. T ni hi;/ »•///■ in in m IV "/ thi ir /• of IMalc. e m/, /•.•#» pint sail* Kra! J. |.-I ill tm- ho-l ,i! i i' Hark, Sleepers, nu.” H I i; vi \ xi.. it I I. -1 I M a t i- "ijc ROOM | i ill,, a t lie WK are ing of the |»U 4 » •- > •-liable* him t III' et the V. i: nf etlstoiuer. Hr Mil ■ >il. Temi. day largest PARERS, I every t- ruii.i ;• f wi :tl it t ,• : t'luth.v :• eks oj id,'.' K >ll.h' ever cast ot *• 1 .'•Ml .ill 27, s brought <>r to i .1 j. r ii. the 5tih| by !>• Sf.lth, the tee s >1 //. I / > '/««. !"i f Jii •/''/*'•* /' /mill. in" "if! mo fhnl. bought in New \ "fk at t!ie auction sale, Piostoii tiuiuufaetoi ii.-. ]le:neiiiber that you can •: -* KII-» rili. I, Ihii. I.MI •icfl 'i < A .111..'* ■ 1 f II II .. i ml h w « M.y Ill/lnint I ft'n and ! : t k bra:. I- ti,-* by il i- n. an I n !• wa n 4 it n'u 1 by \ *; an ! I! win Water St Ellsworth. tations. in our a-sortuicnt. ;«• * ■»( v w .' t, .rr*»»r| I’.er- i. It mg th- I; •*»»-- large I, t.. •• I I 4:i r. | .■ a iv it I 1, a I v !■- i* !-1 rit,. r;i: i I»on't t that we are j*' .v » -I |tub1.i \/# nrrnr Ili-Miliiiion of ■ loig' Constantly receiving ,f •- I ! n- n : td t .wii at ir ii- ,\t T' » * ty tli (opart mr-liiji. for the t Wo. i. l ark. A i-e 1 In.- i»»irelid'<- f II K -u *«-• m .• hare nily tit!. up t!i»* MKl; k III 1 INN' 1 t .wit ml K I Mp -t v'ii.ibly lay pun- G GRIFFIN. I, S, we •* -! Sty will.-it -hull I! oil low. II ■» » ui -' i. .<•* that them, under the v e o| S T. Whittier A Co., !-. J j.ray ur Kll-« tt!*. N tl W ti.1- dav d is- -1! e l i>v mutual Consent. 11 -ri W .ni l 1 | ■.11 a' a »« □ 0 0 R S WATCH SPRING SKIRTS, % i* i:. I it 1 W || ITT! Hit. sn yi or in be e^nveni-’it. .it. ty mi able wav. e ay j We can -b lie Watch -pi in -kiit than every w J. 11. JUKI* \N — •' «■ l we in -iut\ 1 1;1 el v tv. II IV' N. \ t it unty An | S.XSII, stop- ill t.W, t .g. :l,er. W Jl this from II >toil tories. HIl-w rth 1 Ith, l-' J. ;;w 1 •*» i.ja-n day Ma^ufu. 1.1.’ 'll V !. s V .. ri. ■ iih-m r« mi l h i i at KlNw- rth. »it:mi 1»K \piil d all -,n and .• t b from '» I rents to begin Ellsworth Iron ip- I'-j"1 7 nli n ne our Sr >■ tc. Pn ex Iy>i/>. M :. -b,. .t. Mar. 17. i>* Foundry -o, \\ -I r -knrt. fn.m tiie manufacturer AN.’ ■ V -V.V .11. to Tue**Uy ! v II A a Ij u. -lit if. >i w i; ui maim;. win' b « :. !• u- : U lower than can be bought 15. '(tiri'i do cabinet work in vro\i:s .nosi m:\rs all >>f *■ !•■ l***'*0. at other t- re. it.-"i oA' ., iit the Old right -Jay M*> jts. t •' Mnoliino Sliop. any Hiop.— II aakh k burl <-i Ct u ,.i doQt '■ I' the* i n 1 » uuty V iinluH l'ranirs Rcdinson & Harden. llai mg L m f a i*. 111 an 1 the best < 4 work T» nil \. 1» I'* A',' \ 1.1. ■ KIM'- y A|iril ii. a e b .-I Oltienet).N alii I' u» the County of' (i. W, ( i O 1) I ) I \ < i .V CO., Kii-' it*., \j1111i'j pe pei: -ati-ta<• 11on to alt 1 t ?.*- t -r. 4-WU4 J- tit -ii if i- c*. -el. r* I .r the r-a I therein h a ling by Ac. who entiu.-t their work with us. IUn (l 1 Ac., r-parin > .. .. V v J t!» f •! Ilf t he U N the t11 j. ill, i. a r- I T-. -t 1 > A ! i V. 1 N. fr-.tit th- h I‘t Ii *■ l K.lNw rth through «ai I Marble and Stone Work N Monll A CO. l.-lt- a.el that tie V U*{ht t b«- It a I t-W;. h n\ rri! •lei t I i. h I. Iniigo. are ||..» Soap ■M". m e n i: \ < ii h, t the Jt.u hit- ..f "ah' ill!.) e-tuil it- l t -liiiicrjr f.r, April oth. 12 the matter «e? I- rth in »h* ir t.tiiwi. an 1 tli.-ie- prepared In answer r.i«*r*« I all kind* and dc- th-uvm l mil'- hun Ire-1 ar. I ntv in* ]•* pi.nnii 1.1 m it r. contain eight 1 II.I' BV it t re 1. r. taat the • ’..unty 1•'•*nim -1 -tier- inert at i|-i .* t i-t ii /• and Machine \\ »rk f->r Mills •ereA v lu ■ t w r. an 1 an Ii i f- •Citronelle Lustral. I’-rkie- in H.n t .wi \ ■ •*• !*, A A hail -■ !t, I’! m:.i; .m l Fitting t’l an-1 w-e.t the *u*n -.f 1 !!a an-l Hynthia lu.-.lty ipl-nur-l- eighty-nine • »■ :• ■ 'I’llls ly used f..r a umber public the 1th lay .-t S-j»f. ne\t, at '• i.Vbn-k in thr »i-i I ml j«r -**i j»t attenfi n gi\en !-■ •JOHiisr preparing t ill I--- *i n-. Wo also MJ4U OliTli HOISB v t pci c±JEij±Tsrrr:> I I I 11• ill uit- I n ■ i. in 1 tin I t vi» w the r’.iite w.-rk n11u■ 11>1 t tic in. k‘ .1 Jill \W on-i-t lilt lv ill loll. op e f. iirnnt of d s’ 11 A •!,:!, Il .1 or III.:- II almg ami Cl. an- ni. t: t I.I -ai l iuittir ttft-r «; u t.<»i>i>in«; a iii. III onuiioot i II tt-t ill t1 .1 If ■ O >• III- no -t ill FOR SALE, j.ti'i n, liately III a K-I'i>r.T, Mo. mg 'jiial.ti' lor th" -e ji that sluml'l warrant all in luak w ae!, v; w. a lu »rin>{ t t.,.- j.i'ti anl wilne.-*tt- Kll-w r:. \ii^' it», ;*• *. o-intinu-- t*> tnanuf turn in- c- I. -, at. I i-i 111 i: V 11 V I II I'll hv* I N'i it h a ip ,-tpial & :i The subscriber otters for sale one-ha!f I,there » »*•• I I •«* N u’h •- will be hail at ■' ntenunt ill thr of the Ellsworth ILutso and lot, also • v : M us k r. Wi: intend n-t u on hand a lar/> I»tvi*n ti in the -ut.; (f parti.g keep t!y I .1, 1. 1- ti..| ->a I..r If. The ..f »»,. %..(» mil •uoli t-har ir. t.i'-..ii in thr y p.oof J*' lAiL tw..-tl inis of tin Stable and two t inii.ty, * variety Monmio-i.lal ■ k "ur l.o a : itie- f,.r thirds the r-'A l then lea ii-.g fr -m NI; <. l*rinthnn »*lotmh. I• » |.tn,h* i- m tri m_' it. mi.• t« t .e • a. -u. i■* *11 •- I* A I 1:11 11A IN S. • ot th" rtable lot. \ well kn n.i Public 1 W » |w•• j.r j M"ek, and e 11 on the ?• r* a:. ? -I-h *.» I N ■- t -t It I ju-i obtaining iri^ bii-im- I ! 'I Ini; t. "f |*.u is, F:\men, 1 House, £rankl in, Wo if -in r-i tl n ^ A.. I it i- lai: ■ wi-\ 1 l .it ill rk o!,tru*to«| in the eenter ot Ell.-worth and lias a N I A I1 Kit II WilNi.S. sue 11 to enable u- t -el] lae- |'M.-. iln 1 -1 the < n 'ti .«•!•• fi« lie e 4 a t re I- \ 11KIt II \ Ni i INi iS. w 11.m.mlik.• in u and more b\ .Mr. Thomas Foster. •• i-> we t-> ruvnily w It .*:» I lai: l< \«-I f »r |‘ll 11 pi and ill ritv do so, with all who acre*, «\:lu«i*e J • .. l’ait.oular attoi 1 t r-krii Jr-m 1ST E ‘W •* •• •am be 4i v til u -r -rut I in- nee pa. nut t y, *• j {• --v have an ision f., in our 1.lo- u*c.-. * urn f * ut s •! 1 l.a\. j.j -t 11 -in N V. k the lar.'i *t putini*•• anything •• ri an ? t-'W II. '• ml •/ -/ pub!i ti rt-*t« .1 in* a?t y the titi.m -• w v if.if, llie same will If sold e I nt by J• j». In *? *- I iic ever hr ot busim d t will honor us ith u .ill. in rt 1, ? a ?. I ■; rf I. |-- ltd i’cj II l’a|M-r< ought y g an 1 t .• r 1* t .* ii ! !rrk .»f thr t wn \‘i •/' c at -ai I in thi- ■- hi.-. in -ai t'-wn thir- Tlioma> I at sai l ln-use, * r on the subscriber | j mv l; I 1 11* »M \",V Co. -ter, That, there b* ..I ’» th- " e-t. rn pirt f it t-- their :i l»ai ta*»* t examine .*toek behre i.v ty l»',-at It*? ." !',<• tim. tji i.iicl hr -ti. I at I rankl >it. X » hew ..c; «*, and l think inn t tail Fll.-w- rth, Nov. J. !**- '. 4 Itf T the Hlfl iiltlrr |*ure!ia*iii^ AMOS SPROfL. 1 view,,tnl i.y I»u*.! 1-lun* I>etltl.»li saj.swoimr. I ! to h- *uit- I. II I. rif.-MV! J. II- \1.\-. ..II ISAUT there- n. tMiv w e- inti.e KH-w. itt, KbO.Mbtll! [ 1'rauki'ort, Match 31. lMil). 3uill N 1' --ivrly M'lSlv’S II UK, frum the Ent f Tow 1 ing a im i»he*l in KH-w *f ti an 1 l lo Amrt. an, s|aa: >r j-ubl »rth, 11. 1- 1.1• of thir town ALSO, I»m-i n, thr *at i " c-ti r rt- fai El!*u ith, \pril -ig!i <* m n t«. a ui tli- li the tifrt I\V< that I have < « n : J-hn " ft ur.ty |nhie-ati NOTICE TO icinity Tin- 1 ill' ! tli*’ aboveinentinned Elks- to the 1».W‘I n line b* t*- lai l he .1 leive to reiiiaioin^ be v > at i• » -1 H 1 r• tin- tine- t T uml the ri-ht ti.irt .la worth II an I one third oi tin- Mablu i?i aifl •ilher.t. an I late I f ■** *ui n I I *utt- it an-l 'h- Lot, vi. w, mat a,I i.i a ill .ate>n- intere.ttr-1 ■ ttfan l -i\ j.-r- nllicdl-i il in the manm r with the in- err.) ••fii.ate-l t •nt-i-a nine t: hun* Vessel Ware Room mav at ten i it ui be hear-1 it th* v think fit. MRS. MAkK AM) SKI.I, Owners, Furniture ter--r ot Mr. l -r the ben* tit **t whom it ■ it. a rt s f water a I lands re*cmsi WINSLOW, Sj• Ar t. l'AKKKK W HKKUV. lerk. t *- nta to riio -ijl ih-'i inf.-ru th that ho ha* n in tiii- t"W nt tin-tVeln.r* and, three .| ah »ve cone-1 n. ui, < the ru-.u ■!' ’> I a;»l f rty An \t- r. need Nur*>- and Female 1*1,\* an, |-r- puhiio may f an -n public \ true e : m- n l r-ler there at I »• constant i..i a •• ■ jM-titi* tie *:U nti-»n f moth-i *, te an-1 i,i 1 P»r *.i'o, the Kil-uv- h linn*, whore l shall I .-nation call on the .-uhsenher nt Ells- .four h« g c f aid halt ko.-p- y far, I'lteh, keep tloliiiro, 17 \tt. I’.AKK KM w I'KHin « Urk. MITC1IKI/S * !*• I* nt.ell ! hraiik- M, l'ATKNTMKTAL >u k urn. I ml.. all t r.o in a to nil.* f.. ropar1 n; !y on hand all kinds nt Fiu nituro, such as w* tth. El GEN E HALE. cent per acre an-l iintcl vi'v. iv N it i.. af -. -n 11■ 111-i t *r aalo. .\ ! ., 1«I itile I ! c nat i a ...t i.t *.. ( r S* Hurt tins, 1 nidi s. /in/- Jiu if ap|- agent \pi-vl r th- ii n the •'•-urtol 1 lutv <'•■mtui--i«>nrt? SOOTHING SYRUP S.’/tis, Its, mi. r* pnir.- i at -it li. tifo. A>h Oun<. Yurd to law. 1C TTI'l'KD SlloKs. ■ < < 1 s according 1 .r the 4 ,u•,i v t ilanco. k.h' l ien ut KINw S -. •, 4 ., 4 Cram .rth, near 1i- la!»\- n !,.u I'. • For Children la » i Mil the 4th 1 U' ut A — /< n >nnr> nnnt nr hr It unty otiay .Aj.rii Teething. I i(’ M. till \ NT. (fit r, Is (> <) K » ■* i * 1» !"♦.* win gr- illy f e 'n tie* if. |*r *•••*« -f’-n* /<- in ami for the towns of I>oc. 1 -*.. ». *t / w n nls. /non d'». tn 7th•/*., t JillMvurth, HU i s ». u ti,- statin In- nun/ntr s/itnl fn.iiv tr.,- line bt-tw > n I m I f John " I#t an I I* AIN and spasm .1. .1;. % >• V BEFORE YOU I) Jl”ir m inn. LEAP* n a.. ! others t a:* l land d Sunn- I 1 »utr I K ELLSWORTH, other-, w:i .- a i .• ill 4 Ir n 1 t-t N 1. t-- lM-ttft SUCK 1«» KK» I.AIK 11 i ICoWKLv -•• I 131.1, \N I» K\ *t » ! I.) -»■ »*»' 1 * mMiu R<»TT«»M U still ! \MINL lit ''l.errjto w Ua ini > KI.UOIT sPKINti RED the \ ,. 1 .* in -I.I t ., (kuWIJ the Iw 'k l) I'<1“ ii «t * ir*. !\* *, and «• New •• Ir an l t rtV Nrn More, ell th U« Hi 1 tl !iu d Hiimih-xs, hi «• ufui-*u: >i F\ *ii• and he w•• u 1 d eull thirt* i« *»1 Mubin- utility tuwn t' Tren- Kl.I.Ili \M» I!: \ I.TII 1 » YUl U i^YANTa* EASTIIKOOK, JnIiseriher, w an 1 I I* r- « < <1 I » MONAGHAN & GAYS « la- .f *!• | b- an .•‘till e ntinue t-. be -ub- thi utti tton ol te s this new inventiuu ii, ha« *>11, i will \\ l.l f |, » ,« puhli '• ; ;t l|p hu Ii- S ir* an I a ,u t nver other the -urn of t» u Ui a* of -ail < u« it Ini iii lv use-, .'t t her UI* ta la ti ««tint r*>t*l. ■til.I ■ -NH|.» » K AMI TIM TIt f It. »« AMI toy any spring <' a 11 i-s. nrmu! i> tmv I 111* in- !v s made of the l**nt ■ ■ J *N -AV, IN liy »li f on*- *'•'*»t FllANKLIN, inure «>nc wut an i O'- h p« ale tiv -aiere-e -1 le t it. u- vi »"•• !! ahk «<• bed, it he:.-itsicr, do-1| er and durable. • Siii- 11.«I .«11■ lit l.n -1 -i I'lr will t- sold at lho toeing when the | retjuirr |,av « y butt n ••! Ellsworth is ap|» mted «’ •1 IS *• low—? i• ic « so .ii to throw Tition •■rbourd. cud .^ttiuuel Wo t'li i' !n t ray y ur II n irt t*• r*ler a tilLT l‘D l’l UK Fit \.M i:> made to order. ry nip ■ t i-■. -i .ii a- -‘incut ding t law \M IV I > s |, o tl s k II if ir HANCOCK, «»*»i- sorts ot'work in our line ftgvr t xsaid ■in* ..ntinuanee „i mad, an 1 a? in duty b und I slid manufacture " N ..nil' is • v .'. S3 to '.ill' V lillilM-, t. it th V ».■ *•' I niMliiii;: s \ I ii}*. '-i'/1' ■ o in-ms t in mu r \1 licrN o’' us i- «- s itislacH m, and ill th" » of Han •- »». unty an I *0 oth»-r,. ■ ■ Mid-II** I.KW l' Mnidi, I* I UK. * I. U .1 S 1 l.l «• k""» ..( 1.11 EDEN, -uj-l'ly i\ art !-■ e, ir !i• i- q-r ami better than therein, leading I. in ti.*■ I** mid > id ono at -hurt notice. re pa ring the Tr» oU»u, May 1st, ImiU. »l. V II' ••»»• *fl" II** «f It *11 repair oi if p* -cured iseali re lur the same juice. We-t*m t t -■ "i Maria* ille through thw pa, th itr tt Hi. •: 1- lw.lh It- ration#, HlHi 'Iin*- STATU of M uni:. MT. DESERT. t in* lions it ■ ^ 11 1 j \ I, » N itii line then --al-lth- «p- ik i.i n v ini -iii.i.umI COFFINS PAINTING & REFAIRING CARRIAGES It is N 4 ... ■< >s—' art i.f C u* r», !| ... till -l-.ik lit hi lu.aier I l-v M. I. \\ ■. I It ION I,* •Vbsvws Illll f-ad.) estimated tuw.u'aiu twenty, II xn. k. County Mnnufncturid 1 Fin>- Rlaek Walnut and White! *w V ..I « Jon -t it ni M Ire a!-a e* ->o leind hui'SC WHAT IV It k .' tl \|h I* l.l *-. AM* 1REMON r. If, Vi in I"'". r, anl 1. wt-ro me < I’errr., tli*-rniiirhl> ppiu-i .., e. flioy a k. n hand and triimne ox w.i: ek tu VI H> 1 I. X i; 4 •» WHAT |'i:m pt n-tantly ad -ii-.Tr anl leind' ii.qniak, «• ;.m i, » .•- th- u ••"•• I th* t d -titi ii. it i« hied anti u a-* rtment < 1 re n- d t -r lie u*e«, t*^ : by > > » w pt-i-i, ; aruii,i!,: dd lit .v 11 -. i,.; i,i it,- tins i' * t"i!-l- and laud pu p..u 4 IDI,, |.)I Al I s'.-tlifi ll* T*' til" inpletc at .-lout n*.lie-, and price. iq-|I,>rte «i rinp hla 1 < u* t.ti n.» r- are r« >n*i- of n a i. I <■: -r fi tin-' •tmuii-i s.tbattne -p 1 .1 thanks t" |i i' f -r tli tf-tm.-d ou him turn k ! a t ii > p. f Hit .|jtt » UiT fl "II* i! llnl» \lllU'tl'*lt, Will I*** CRANREIlllY ISLES, \l-n, a tew D > 'll* and S \ 11. the remains of patrol- v ! be n >u the -• -J ! '• *•.t 1 Eli-w ; r; ,{ t i• u.- jt In liliid in,|* u ..r iw- nl* n.iiUlti kfl.r llir mail >1-111 t-. buaiuciM mills p*r acre, and aepti syrup j t'hamhei lain A Rurton »t"ek. tin .r till n.and tin. ret r*- r- *1 to m- rit a eouiimmiioii their fa* ••* «*. agent, t ’-* 1 --aid --••■-•merit a matt I rt in p* inmi't f \,| tlu ahn\n arti' ies will he s.dd .is exp* *' >1 cheap M"\ \ .V api"‘int**l m-* t at 1 *r 1'' one AltlAMEI.E, \*.II N GAY. i.-r t Ini t t.r .until n n,— i->n*-i Keubeu I• r'T see Gording l*» la w I ra.di it v nu d n t hidi-vn it c ill and I-m t!, ni—t tAl'MillN Ui *kll.l.M l.M H>f> in H t-r Si ■< I. II. .1 Mi I- .'S 'll Tr-n*. ;i, <*>» th- elev* utb Him Ktnuth xhop+ b- d *-n T- N 21. K*uii' I'uf'lay s v DEO CL'NM.Ntill VM. That,there wnd-ip V w K is.-1 v i- I h*ik MhiVi tli nui'i-lf. an I -■ tarn .lav .>1 x n* 1 •» ••'•lock m the l* .til. 11 Ellsworth M*. die UiviM-iti, in said C unty estimated t f pt AMHERST, IRON Ml) Elisa Dec. 8, 1nV» 4till' I -ail ith, u r*ex- u-u- no. t v n a the mute melt .in ill *i .»\ n :** i' w>. STEEL, weutv-two thoii-and ami eighty tin" pr.eeed Til nf « hi"li x i*-iv a h- *r- e u- *. f the till t*; .i:m 0 a ter * -t t and Ian 1- r. 1 !--r pu»- p. itely It •!..» l.l fr „| (. AI ROR \, mxitt --r mi I witne,-- will be bud at ■ ,'li-- m;, M ill an-1 Flat k • .*• fr--in i„o f th*- -i •!.. '■ It. I * •*. »*» t‘ *t- *»h! lone f’ariii;*-, jgiMieral • of that I•• rli-in ! the ad. ( iding partif th. k*v« II i; ONLY r O S r 1 \ K L \ rejmir v a n- a o-" -i rt--ck ft veil i'lit to* 'v. mil in I ...I ••!)■. a h <1* «y *t> in Ii will <»liii* «l instantly .-*1111111 ik, with 1 Health and Aurora t* Ilc-Mingt«*u) whi-h lie* m -aid N -I. pi Happiness > »* t n oin- AND an«l m a• iir• taken III the OTIS, HI.1C. the sum of one hundred and ten -hilar- forty other premis. it i- luith* s \ n | * u l» t'i n ini--i .ii* :, mil And huh is | rill. H.*111:1..', IN 'Ll*’, Trader, in nf the abie named ans nan MIC. cants, being fiv.mill- per o re. and Hw.rge N. jud.'e proper, any Secured. i". ► ,.v — 1 it the t tn- time, be wtlli a u artiete id' t* of Elba 'Ha. u int. d agent, to ex- «lit police pi .upplud .iij.en La ss, Jtlaeli app riti: TnM’i \ti; m:n » kk -■ .•*>' m afore- l to l»w a:: l t th- mim—lot etnid For -UK VTlIIN'i !’ \ I'KF. amI ,md-I sai as-em*meat according purjH "r u COl’l’Olt 1 IITED SHOES I IIE COM I vi It Cl’hli I UK v M .1 l cor rations in- i Iii1111*«*ii be a»rested oil tin* \t **»t«-rn | »rt ** I. be ii tn |H I FI ILFINfi M A 1'KFI A FS, Tli't. there fix 1 '' \ row I KM I. •!• V ! the AM* HA VK 1 UK ». REM KPT in t'••■Hit * l. r* -t* d V aft* •! ! i i i i him;. ul.n l* u *• u I 11 n I;,*' i*ii -t U\ wraid.i h in* lor N Middle I'i v i-o-n »i*l .Ud peli* *V I, T' wn-hip by l-f H KUll IN 111* Ii \ ;■ »M ti, M I. 11 KM EHY u the t b ik id the *■ .-.tain eleven u a;.-I and I- mid lia* or -r thereon, up> i»\-1 n\ \ni* i• \uiiii. \ in mi I' 1 .n.'l \.t*u in.- .*'-l t tty FOR M i; \ I.SS "tin at l"*ted .' ik an<11 n. I- re»**ru I t ,n t Jr, I >n a.. I hi I* Up 'pie, wh-th** .1 --lr* in tiM-thli >*rtr. in any other IlKIII I HR ANTED THEM aer-s. exclusive «*f watt. IMU.N No. 1 Main Street, Ellsworth, KOI. Ml \KK s in ,*u 1 t n n ■ w t** v n- wl ha < hnd --t rti n -d th* i- al r*-aid in three plan* \\ .In I" >'1 at ur in ll.dme* u-e*. 1- r th- repair p.b.i*- by ...tiling Mui.ulaetnry .\ .1 MoKiUSuN A <’«>. I V \ V i.\ INl'ISt'UKTION public time 1 .it ft in ■.! the f n* y onipUmts— f*.» Not ft l" 1 at least b. : the upp Ulhii any .-r ..ii i- .Met*mild at tin Mutual i: I, \ LY I \ l*l-i 1UTI‘»N in vii I \ -. lea tiiirfy -lays, Ell- u a ■ 1 I i. the an l v II » Si'll llli iH-nim IS "I "IHi IU, pt between t West line of .-ail ,.ii view, an I by j■ >t*• I petition :i. At t.. I .tv 11 t- K: I,a .rlh It. u..- TRY IT TRY IT which li-- stAllll iHtWrl. V ;*l -M*. Mi„ » *t Hi 'I !»•• T* lie (i-tl dingt-.n. — in w> k- -U ivelv the Kll- ■ IUV 11 IUV IT • I i in I ol ler ther. -n. till m ia:-t.. f..ii..w N li \ I tun eit, l. ml. 1 V and f Hit bio line etwee® a ni n*- m it .. .. ai vi|.i n.u n.g pi guar -•j*-l lit i. ,w ii Am ii p ... it .n — direction# at I a!., l.. tiewrge N. ilia k, and III: I I "il.;uu Fr-nni. r in,.i iitiv'j.ipr lh>-Us- >( this in* ly u*vl. Full tu j.ui. li tl,e i1'1’KK I IITKI. Tiie concentrated euro! *1 *ek. the first worth, a..rde, (‘ ! x I d* for o time l.. < 1 KTI' \ I'l UKIN.' V a \ A ho Ri-nn weakness of the bo ‘lavs at least neb-re tl -sth' i- V J keiit-, seven nulls p a-re, and b- call*.u t thiity with 11(■ aarraiited tu wear ad ITKII THH Hl.ooD. eighl being in- -.11 the outsid. IV r. > rations is rappt i\ all us 1*1 Of I <*;cf V lis. «v ol I- I •-* l' f mid rien that pen tan withuut. 01*1:11 \~|!la. Ell-w -rth. top t-i s s thru i.Hi ut the world. lung pairs t auk fit i*iUyi. 1 i' l mav attend an l be h*-nrd it tb"j I 1- 1- >r- ! an m > v I < t.\N this and -aid a *-ni nt » **i ling t !.*«. reste | ->f City, ihI • »:!n i- N*». ].* t‘ *dar New Y*ik MOFFAT’S jh I'AUKUll W. !* 1 ii*»It\ 1 Itrk. I'rinci) al I*?., !,i-l t In- Os IV IllMIliV, that t‘-ir be a .-a* -»«d »u the E.«.t.-rn part <-f Attest. That, | C.U’TK >X. >v -a 1 -!• i" 'is i--t i< 1 a Natural State 1 c* »-l the I'etitmn und Ojder thereon. I 25 cents Bottle id s* in i; \ true pv Price per ■ N-*. M bin*i n. unty only II > 1 -t •-* or Township \\. Clerk. ! All *•- r -fi* :ire fi> e I. y >n« •! .1 ca -i mak i •. I \o-na, by u id t 1, Alt. -t. I'AbKPH PliUUV, .1 i:n- «"tth. i- ivj.i | lire Proof* Safe in in* World. estimat' d ( i.taiii • l« v« th- u a and rty <\ peck, V;>i*11 1:1 * > > '• *15* Mill' II. Ii not manv <>r sy lli rig the ill- v, ri I shoe a an v •.} I f -r ing«* »: if u I 'r th- v rir- im a- li I '!•■'*•** 0- 1 r-:t acres, ex In-- e ol water and Hii. sre-er.- \\ I.. li :h*',1- >v-l, tin-vli* ally iiitr-xluc- :i LIFE me*nt ..ur will be ut* with the ut- PILLS »i 11" ••• the tit -I that <-| th- ■ light pr i,. e.-.t .. |.i | t »h- in .mil 1 1 > r. 1 ■•••_’, n ts n >w curing a us-'f, J*>r rep p*-rti->n been and h-*« public I c.-rie-'l, in •! 'On* duly apt-nt.-l «*i n vim:. most sv h..I .• t,ir* u.h Hi >t -r in,.I I ,r-w i.v »-j vast 1 umber of No. 1- ad. .1: Ir in Aur iat He m in: rigor. r- x-l in said »' 1, ■ I m th* 11 >•:i I. ■ ts nil |V i' 1 i,n ./ a .1 f .M mi.: Hi which l*«-tw eti th- line which *li- || ,-k ss V v .l.v. « .’lit. ii 'M.-n fire J \ J. S. ODER A Co. Tin- 1 iil.irluiiaO' ! Ijca I. X to tin- i! 1 I- ir 'll ,I .or .mil imo.. .1 r. ft- | dingt'-n, slut*, "if .... PluiMii.v plat.ill- r* at Ki * within anil f-r said c *nn- I- )* an*-, K-|'i h, 1 s.r»'». 11 Hitters, •' 1 »I tt.e land tie- T'r \. i- k. -u» the Ian \m .-r vpu •. i.' ■< i "»"'.*. ElUworth, >t,h, tf. Is .... n,-. 1 s »1 .* tint- f-ritim-' •••'iitinu W■ !n. 11, *" Tdial--J It* * are les Jiitii s,-i April tl,. i-I.o», irfues. I ..V u-ivin IV. f.-hru u * ..1 of William Kr-cm an lr,a: 1 the * a-t lino of -I tl.. ...I .•> 11. .. ->v.l. a* e .i. I 11 11 ht-.ti lu*at«*oiiilini nig to a rial fmtn the rapid.,* f- *v..i a. <1 aid SraaKUTU- all .1 — | h VN ..I, i'll! v II*nr> 1* Stover, writ ilatcil FREE FROM ALL MINERAL POISONS. -« a- law t I- lh--r"f*n- r*-«|ue*t, i.H s hi tu-i 1-woo l i-i an routrnlf I'ni' is not a l*ut sun. I t huudr. d uu l t-.n t* tn- a i.ulMd*- up the f„, pr- paraiion stimulant, N-- 11, the\- ight ■ to » l'1'. \ ininuin $JU At Court >»f Probate h-hi at K'.l*wor»h, withm an.I for to e-i 1- a- -l’» * -l 't» hruury In cases S>m I' .V. irn ns .:*, who *•- .i.-l- ’>• d tie- of ula, rr*. yur u- « nt und one t -"t p-r- ■ a*- I ami.-ttd. the Counts o| ">u tin- V\ edit* of F.m-i.t. ■ .1 o.. s 1 IT * This action wa* A. *n I « l*‘‘Wis is nt. in.’ .1 £|s April l> 1 1 acre, and -eph appointed J I**.. I;I -T-.I a: * il It Will ibir* ly cur#. per !*:„ MCE Ku>TKIt caui-d KvcMtrix ii i. are t :• UI 11 u !'• "■n ii", ill a lew a-- -•m- :.t * t law. lb l». >1 Vl’l.K.'. s a- to en- S^-iid i-»r >U >• r- it and then t sai-1 ling rt't ■ Tii' »l i'll imi I’ ,'*i is >!isrru«*t-«l cir-i, ad you expend t I1* Ii H«l ml U v nor* aid* net; -triii.- it th- ! k w .1 * v < rv 1 in- 1 at carefully • ;.*• .i ,,i.' to this .am that |>nr^.r' days, disease*, there bo a l oi» b-wnihip N -. -■*, I'- nobscot, A I »•• tir- !y <*u IT ill nun tai *«11 an or li it ir. this part In wii! aend tor the medicine. That, in this Slat*-, hi <1 that th,n» h-s*n nu personal acrvic* went of John K-.sD-r, l it of Ittj i-, ..,id d« til ■■ i |IIII in_- < :: «-r- < u the blood. /h/e-a* -ti uat ! ! con- l.y il'y <• th d -.a d tie* do *r-'VH,? of ot iu*aid«V-unty. writ him ! r- erased, bavin- th same. for u-Mueting soap-stone, I' « n Vi 11 Out PUlnr. Middle LJivi-i-.n, u' I 'il upon He pies.utrd t /. I> I Fevrrx, Fivrr >, .! r, >p y, Pu>xt n hi i.dat !; „■ ii.nt-rtals. ns to have no exclu- .• th* ;. Ii in Orji ri -ti l-< r- Dyjwp «»j>i*illy tain thomau l and eighty acres, O- I -Th y l) 4—That the *.ii I Ewutrix gi\ e n til |>‘ >• twenty-two '• •' A 4 > :•< or .. Can be nt mail. On- 1 ial will last a ■ It !i* *1' and in short in- >-t ah di. •. fmi to their ir. li ,u- riiMM 'g ihr i. th d >or. around by month, use-, 1 V f tie- ni Mil* action »*y a *«>nw int-resl. ij <• ui.-iin- a of this >.i to he yield p'utc, j sive t«f water au l lamb reserved for ■ X lunaniwr, -f the M"..-r jN-ndaticy puhti-hinp i.y |.y pub- publ talon* a-- t!i"ii*fi>. Uf n-nl f i• ■<. N tiii* or .* > ia-* > as from the out* to the ; !• u k' m the KIIn- lished Mir’ week* mu-.-- m Kltsw- rth curative jtr should be without ilfsif-ivay. any It.' i'“d h copy ..f Ihl' Uir-’s- *uc«n-S-«iV*dy ly the Americau >j•«-rf lauiily 1 for the of that portion uf ading of in ->t tli -*!••. tii -hy th-* iiin-ri and II repair estate at Klls.v in said th* at K! -c v in at a Pr ate tin a* their tine use much and part keeping K.< GDR, Agent, »i«l of *sti ", w..rih Am re in, print*-*! .rth, coutity, prtnwd ty app-or in, hy Jy suffering Ann ra to which ii-‘» in XVI 1.1.1 \M %V IT!I ::u I.K, bite c intent s of th*— if i- -fT from nil heat from Haddington, m to I*.- at Ik*tore the Court to h h-ld at oil <.u tir*-u tally pritic.el j -No. T4” N. Y. '•••“d a* the last thirty days Ilia-hill, .unty. the be fiave*I. Broadway, and t- n dollars III the Co ot II s.trader .t- tfivmd expense may tl at an he to the door, us m any other portion the -urn of one hundred ii f m that lie may ihen and there of at ten ..'chick in tu furen.Nm. and upplrd No.'iS, » tlay July vt, ap- Tuesday July next, riiErxttr.n by Ol .i -jW t -I. -f'*r.- u *t all peiaoUS of the A PI.KA&ANT I.ANT, fivt in lb a an I 1,-cV,i > said In 'aid at ten shew rau-i if th- h nd should .safe. ami f rty tit*, iug p**r t" imi.e-du.U- pear at the otfj.. Ju»t.* *, Kllswuith, any v m-, why Instrument 1 ».t. .1 to th*- aacd I is-tl’s *lar- l«ak«' I ,r H <; O * It 1 Oiirii:* can !*»• obtained t Ellsw d o'. !•'. k A 'I., and take hiuis1 l! the defence of s.n uot In- d and allowed a» the last will and H. M. M It. 11 I H l >) Vi k s 0 N II A K l) V. by Bending $5 Edward S. i i* iah- app-unl- agent ive th- r- on t>- ex* upJU proved, approv' WILLI \M MOFFAT, D. #N in- iit, u 1 th* S* Wh h any demand* th** m ;»!»••» .- Ifrue Mail. ^1) if he shall *ec cause Ustuiuent of »a;d deceased. a ad Agent by to -ai l a-se.--uieut a -idiug t law *uit, NEW M ni'tf usurers Pr* .prelum, expend ^ 1 YuKK, Circular* 01 uwdkiu** can be procured of DrurgUU XX I'H Attest—J. A. I*KANK, Justice P#acc. PAUKEK TI CK, Jud... School sir—t. II I, Muss | 1*. W. i-KKKY, Merk. XX 11,1.1 AM Ii KKlfK. j .And 1 < .ilviii <«. i’eek, of E1Uworth ; aud 3.’ oppositt ity Iloston, Calvin ii. Peck Ell»»'*Hr*h Me. Attest, I A true cony—Attest A true copy Alter l. by Everywhere. Agcul, i.bOUUfc II, H'iriltKLb. lstK). A true copy. 1 ywi*J ,U.DK A .N K, J ustice l\ acc. K A A lUKTLbTT, K-t *:• r. L. K.lliliol \\ inter llurbor, Mo. lytl lyl! N. K. SAW'/Eli Agent. Jfeb. l»iy« J7 Attest, 1*, W. EEliUY, l>rk. Ciilme, April County ; v Hsneock. V b. tw*;*.-* fc T*- i- .s-vn- nr 1 ~-t- i0m*,zg'.e£ so.. tu.‘ NP"I rii T i,-.- 4 Is*.- tfc4 *.?-•«*. ”*• Id. LfX» Dr.i*f ^-^sius* :■ 4, -354* » !-• « »*• ''•• X T 1 A i 1 i IT •mrr-t:, r*- .* ; r "■. !-- Nis- a* :.•>• .** .•i-n-.fe >••?• ^ * V TT*- «:< *■ •- *.« -- •'*“«' l- nr- tif •*--ifc. te T:-TSJ‘ .*; :* a ciSTAii ini:: •' .Ei'rv -i. HS.-T?- VuV. :—: ... L. *1 * .. *«S ?• **- >. ..i!.T «: :: 5 X A SLAS XABLE HOLI I. "■ ^ L V *.*•« IrK; v : -r ; lu •t;.n !• s; T'tr .2>r f* .. \ REMOVAL W- Til : i i h t ;i .-t—.» 7- v-~r * -- r. '*■ I -ooo i > si v .i .. 51. fcfc* ?>•**: ^ i-.i-. -*ui .*!•.- 1 W« 1*re r«»' t«*J c-ar l .z.\ H '• 1 .... V SST- ? £ 4 * : 1 of New >. -roo-. t-d'V'JU- Arrangement: Col II -. fonyb -» *->. a— -i- £ i*t v* --■■'-*• tm** n»i? ... .. *. f * <.•»!«. C wtt£i)«. Cftld*. II.«ai* ^ -s,5 boo^ht &-‘i 3; .SR .h. ri.. .. v. iSaCTVH W r"- Mr FURNITURE Coa.'b>. Coftl*. *->. I \ > a z I /’• <» « ... •.- W |>,’T »*Y F^UUi^hBhiit x r : _ S S w _ I » : N -» \ rk •'•-rx tr.rd w^k

* ■ ^ (’ ^ } Z T * V #. -SKT 4 I1' I rffcVa ; ; : i r'v at BROS' HIT!'. " *• .v J *f \Y A R E ■ >•- HOUSE N ...-, a vi ; j-i-f

• ^ v V J- _ iS V 1; p If :n_ ir: n Plaid#, Zf’no- / *nr —.T-\ .* " fe TTTz::?irra ccszz R , SaJ os, A~ :X. U, Agapaatbes t j To Lora's IL zl .OrAZicx c.uccl r ge, Rich Pop- Building, h:c?ixg c:t:-z 7 ftt If ■. L *. r S An ri tfcr Ei!r*'rth !I .. J1 {Offwwii* a*».) ] X 7' Mr:. rjf < Lustres, Lamer- l'i. : >. Ah H In 1 ('asb- MAIN ] > : I Delaines, S1EEET.

n(lan*x( tl. ! Hr*.:.l. kii.iminalMtn < > — t : r r_• l*r ~. 1" nfiasaiatieu ef il.- t r:-rz kis::t tr r rf E R 5 si-c.;.... a i ci 1 | * .:: i-: uv I f ^ r-fji'sr 4. J>. c &V. H3 S-. 5 A.,./ »-0 *.

1. '., .V ■»•- K — * »

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* •• ‘ : *•■ J- •- :•!•. ■**


a j— ■ •• : r u ?: ... as- •• ->• * i,. -- "• A _ A M 7 i r £, li--' up* * i{» rin^r

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V -■■ -T — T. — '■ f. — *'*1 >'T^- fc- v LiJa, v 5J-i- '*■ -• * .. e.„* « -r .. * I—2w cOi-xr x 7 Carpets, “» •* S.

V ... w ft ■ ’c =. __I &.

« V —

su o .. » ... *.v Situs’ 1- aw ------*" -S' :* i- •• *

a ij?t »

1 PAPER HANGINGS * • &C. *» •. -5... » • *- *- •• '■ v T **~- -• t, -t .. .. s If* »•.«■» i V !f- .7 Watch Skirts ;. Spring

* W -V Skirt fact -* ,.^4 -.

'f • T'm ~ »ai -• k*.-* ^ g

31 ■" v ... I# .*. i. < r a*a

~ •: •*. '* S' 1 ( } A ■ ■—1 s v T * < > t- w i > \ I I ] : ( ) -• =*- I A ..... •» T/A T i I § « '•> •1 i.'. ?

-• u A * -s:#- k«j rt4irs; >..f ;#r- .1 J*

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^T’. k P Oil Cloth Car pets.

A>u : -. I ( and ( 11ina »Vare ot’ ail » rocker) kinds. A .iw- » L» t^t f ”7 : .... * J EXTRA BRANDS OF FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. S’.. : : : \

J,= i_T u. •« : L"\ <: : A' '-'5?; ■- -- *, iv- '*a»* it i. h vjf tTi. —. 1 -A II: I* E rk. _ A .\ L *- Uu* i»• v Piisa :: -'~e rk, Vinegar, rn *» '• <_>. ... «\ a ^ i* a T-cn:TT j.-.

~i T n » * *'• ■* : **t rf*. *f >2 i, ^ V.-1 m. ( At” _ H —‘ *- v CARPETINGS On^rir^' » I * a D »

; ': ii. vi?

• i* ♦ I X J. «N»» t

■»- > — i. .. a iss r-_ «r; fir. I* t«»u.s hslcrrt, «v Robinson k Harden. ii* r 'r- a. ■ I'iaj-k : r xtut- L* «&£**. l a „. v '-•>* *. U- > v. ... Vi*'*- i\ .» « W Ells7 A::.1 -V ]- ». 11 »-« A Ith, U--U4 r. M:*Ak i* «-■:•* *. » »• l»si i~:» lA..*, i •, % •: ■. 4'. •' u f., 1 1c. :r l-.. •* .<*-• •_ v * -v •— A*---r»r«.T

*<>.. itAi* ■ .i U*4 V i. * fc- **v t--c -t Vt J; — * *- T A- v > i:LU>THAl>S. ----- ;' ~-rt V J. 1 t KNt i.

NKWfcl. |*o> I > *r,J

• •— : M A.i: Ua.VM.-TKKS k 1 — -i 6^.-' fc '= > ■" •***- v 1 y > ■* -* —■- ir* fc :. •<- -»• M hvi II tlic < ,, ~ •• •* -* I L. :y ^ ’’*■■- ; * ±r\. * -tr ;«

-- *• * ••-• »*r *1 Tr UM * u ‘-j *c. , MU «fcr»» » i ^ # » •; k ,Uii* 1 " J.- '-*•-■• *. a .,4 I • Ji Urn 4-t.* i -TK —- ■ > Ur ■». u. vracf A * ’j -rt. •atM I*" » -1. ;♦ _ir- * t3i*rt *. IT <%a»* v lai*. u*t ««ftMcri -. VI »*r d .-. —^ ** .'• "ft- :. -> 1 • "* 1 } -* READY MADE COFFINS I'm 111 i_ E ti. ; 1 manhood. ** •rffci. 3 *r HOW LOST i, 14 * \ HOW EIsTOEID "» r •{. ALL S1/.K- i-N'T AN TLA ON HAND. '• k LA2&. s5-c:ii iiricz 70 bzilbz&s •— v i Vci v 4, Tl! t \ iTf'k? T:-» \T\FNJ fe ea-tlkx T r*r z, ?. : ; C*_ Maine. r a:; «. ,.n. 4x. ■ » > L&J* Darwin >. M©»r k f*. fc* L J Cl U LL^ iLL. X : C. G, T A -r: f- -* ru A*. Js‘ PECK, Li j Bands and Sashes T*< ij'fm i,» * 7-* 71 a- *■ vi.rt '» i-TU, «1;M Efctw.nb Jn_ ii. Isfca bl * •> -_*» hr I t _ -J‘ •• •' DO ***-• H »-i .; .»ij -* * J r: *-*■ •’ • .• ; r.m J **,: *»-, ..jij t» ♦*■*4*^ ». & U Is t Ja:.-. — ■•I •-«!«» iit«-o. A- ->T- a «. : •— r.-r rmi** -i »*-..—. lUk ? r: .1 .n v i *h A _ -•i— „• -J^T. .- Jb-.-TLrt* IVlIllllU-ry, I a -M. « *• *> A..-i A a fi*sr^K7, J5^!> v' ae?- ... rt -1 £ 1/* 1 ■: r t hi LG* A 1 * J an. =■ I >Mlo. TTY 4. *• •• lUllo. BAIT JZ::KIS -**• f r: a: « ;•, B A LIa A, X i a 'Ml 1. * -i'.r 1U&: < 2 ii€ T '• i spri:;g or^ ibgo **■'-- -- •*. ,*Cf. BLACKSMITH'S NOTICE. *m- r : A A .if ..if if if, *■'■* \ *I * ** \\ \ ~ ■ .* hi ... if| „pr '*** * 4t Aw A 1 AV If >i;s Total am »cr,*. *—,oe : v 1« I* L.*tf A.. -art. *«*-.- f itrnt \ I —I. -iM .Via: x -t*-_ ■} _• humji»(»aian Mrilirinrv 4 •' S. " A F. FIFILLD & CO. A-..!' AM. i;! Humhi-xn 1! K <*: r RMX«, |LtU>. D.arL'iH.iliinL' <* v f.-: A «ct* l> « ;7 t ;.:■••* 8vt*. frr-’^ip c.u vtf _ •• r : • *. ** * *n»***. ; I — -• : W. c. aijf'itt b i*. b» g L:Uw •. .- ■ *"* ■' walf>, *-'• t iLT'«fc„ I. * *'* MlQlUl 2 r- f- -* a- i. aitr*t * ; rtr. : i--r *. .* v *: --*? 4* 4 }'r :• <-a*w*a.i ,e al; r. i* ■ v.s. fttoi rt««iT« price* :i* ,r. *t a, 4t. T*n1h»a ^erfti Ru -r jr* •• vi l ’. 1. 7 _ it- L n pa. 2 {'ft*iAc&ft^e •»k "*-« \ « Ls-i' *G Their :o Sh:>p W_*er Street * 5* H Ah a j v J urt »k» few j. COLE A Co. ( \*rirUi » •;.. •* 4 Tiix-fc 7! Ps. •- -rk r. tit- J r..»r, *.rf » ftn \R .• ..a t b< *• » Ell*, a -c *->- I». 1 f D r.x-v rth, y. lvW PAKkSKTLCK »*. April lie J-.j- '• -■ An, »ifc .la. -r -a. : *u: ii- A •■-. r— •• triYE /> t ILL. L*W J'fe. i* iN;: .i-j Ts *. r £. *'’“**' e •' •*• ; •-• ELnr.rifi .• ''»} * fVr4«f » * L i> -ta! a'i. a\t. Hi* < * Notice. ]•■ ^ * **r •' ■ ** * ***** !■» i _Et» W;rb lit A. * •* ... .- tv-r: * *' UN**; •* iljtav< lt» S 4 .-r r». It» c, ; &• E *• rt- * u " *•» ; 1 ., % hfoud*’ » jar-!- »;,4 »i: ,aiBt cf * t iU&- fc u,r P. r M ♦ 4'*> AMOS TAPLEY VA <-• *r \ -: *. 1, ... ttr ?u.t- ai't J 11 r Id^*. •? .it i4. ;c, tk \1 3 ... J*au:. bcrrvf fc US H. .ALLEN. catmg ! •* ‘'I *i I I. K STRUT. t^k nb. Apr.! *J ]•«. 1Jtf i :f. U-*^ 4* 7 5 A*:. ? I*. »•'• .. » fi'- ’*’■ K — r1 a.: v.;. t r* ... h ikum fcS c^rtT — «.■■ OrA .' -■ * *• ••% i;-‘ EOOTS SHOES *' V M» < a ha. A3D EU3BEES ^ ••- •' i M i! — ■;< —i* si * P’- ft* pr.-jtt~3 At lac l SJu\iA£V.'u\^ f ;i;t 4 *i -•- 1; i0*1*4.-!n. -,i> ? r fclwV M&K i* Sir- 4ir E , 7-V i. in- ■'*>* K-'tl •■ m’/At! da J. Court. SiAT a if * ... frtaca •*a» a.- -.. 4U*i -• ; -: A 4 "* e*'H I. A ta»* iJ. •- * iw «• * ’»m:« hKtt .**-»> -J % *.? *~T. .. A x i—Mtt.x *.» a E • 5^;^ la FrraeiA. ...ras* F.^. k.l«T}A bwl • —hh r.. •- .’4. » »-»«» Ki*if « :i l-A;Ja£ET K. .. * * '■ .* c<- U- [• \. con Cathartic Pills. Atrit c Hli.txi •it;. ;t ;.•— -* ■-*■ 'f K dyer's * ui ■> 1* X. K. ;i., « ., v'.C». Tsiu*. I. U: :. L. ;. -A su* J s.< ...rrt B< V.. ■-'* a- ttJiiif.-S. * ... Jj u ».*r. «... c o. PECK Euawcrth.