•i }'■

fucri) SatnrkD JHoraino, bi) C.

NUMBER XXXIII. V O L r M K I V . FAI.LS VILLAGE, C’ONiV., SATUUDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1860. Brspfpsia, Debility of tbe System, Dyspfjjsla, called woman because she was taken The New York Leader gives a!office— who are, indeed, th* checks, ATKR’S Lir SFKIXn SlILLEXllY Byspcpsia, Debility of Jhe System, Dyspepsia, (DrigiiKil |lortrn. out of man. Therefore shall a man long and interesting account of the ; stops and obstacles of the great cir' Liver Complaint, Acidity, leave his father and his and life of A. T. Stewart, the great dry j cuiidocution system which has be- •ECTORAL^ I CATHARTIC STRA^^^GOOI)'^. Liver Complaint, Acidity, The Distant Shore. cleave unto his wife, and they shall goods dealer in New York city, who | come a Tast evil har;e—^toniio^t||,eir I > I L L S . Biliuus Cumplainis, Sick Ileadarhe, be one fle.sli.’ He closed the book has made himself immensely wealthy. | tremijling steps to the homes they Our barlcs are driftiiijj euwar4 : lie was barn in Ireland, in 1TU5, and h-arely .^lee, and to tho av9cations Are Ton sick, feeble, and 'I'lie uiidci'signfil, li:ivin rcfcDtlv rriiinv- Bilious Complaints, Sick Jlcaduche, All uoi.selessly tliev glide oflarsd a most touching prayer, not comiiUiiiiii^? Art* von out dl ■ to * came to this country in IS 19. Hftjthey have so long abandoned. Wo Older. »itli y»ur (ijstem Uo- FLATUI.ENe-Y-, LOSS OF APPETITE, Ujioii Tim e’s restle.ss ocean— a heart but seemed to feel that earn riiii^d . and .vour fevlinga UD- ;0 « or ( r «r r.y, V., Out on the rushing^ tide. commenced his career as a school | shall a.scertnin theirwhe^^r €edqtain oouilortHldef Tlieso symp- FLArUL>:.\’CY, LOSS OF APPETITE, est appeal to the throne of grac«.-.— turns urc oftfn tb» pieludp to IS ronih- to oll'cr a and the numlKrUfs other dUtnscs arising from In- Tilt; blno wiire.s dash Hroiiiid ns, Tlien asking the usual questions; he teacher, but subsequently opened a i men are indispensable in the msin* Kpriouit illHt-RS. t^^me tit ol And lond the billows roar, di^tsli-m tnul fniiilioiiid disurdrrt o f the xioinach, retail dry goods store, and soon agenient of public ufTair.s—whother I sK-kiii-sK iscix-cpiiig upon you, X !•: w ' S ']' 0 C K ]}iit rainbows wreath with beauty pronounced them husband and wife. , r- • Miiil n'wuld bf nverii-d by ■ find, when difc ise is not Ijeyimd tht jiowerof vied- The bride slowly sinking on her showed his shrewdness in the pur- t.ie Lniion will collapse like a great I tiim-lv ii«‘ of the rijilit rpin- nl CVCI-V v;iii<-ty of 'I’hc far-olf distaut shoiv. ■ pdy. ■ T;il.c Ay.-r s I'ilis. nud kine, mcidy rd icf in that tiilablidicd and sterling knees raised her beautiful face, all ^ chases he made at auction, e.specially balloon w’hen the gas of the official ' cliMiiw out Ibi- dj»<« KDLilNG. j he was able to undersell all^he retail particular imlividual, and that a 4iMMe. A cold ih'ttiH* sotm-wlierc iu the bwly, xiid ob- Not lost, but ^oiie before— Father, grant that our two lives thus AFTinV Holiable Testimony. MTMta lie imnitKl f«notioin. These, if not relieTed, And now they wait to j^reet u». united, may peacefully flow even as I dealers, and the ladies sool^’ouncf it change.no matter how' drastic and wpoi: theiniieKe* and the surrouiiding oi-gaiui. pro- >I.\KT (' \n; Ni;T, T>« cull the nttadion oj the render to the folhm nf j out, and bccame his patroirs, because ! purging it may sometimes be, mar dueiiiK peueral Hufleriu)^. huJ diwas*. ItflNSr.T SII.K.S Upon the Jistaut shore. the rivulet, until we reach the rirer W hiU in thi« cm .Iition, oppresKP i by the dcranjfem.mt., urcHKs, itUcr from Prtssident Smidi,of Wtsliyan (ftiivt-rsitg • M c« Ayer'* I’ilis. aud see how directly 'hey r.-«Iore tb* MAnCKI.I.AIiSK ‘‘ •WASH ItI.ONI) LACF., of death, and undivided in faith and : he sold the best goods, at a cheap not save a biliuus system. • The Ven- M i d d l e t o w n , Cimn., Feb. 28, 1859. W e’ve watched their peaceful life-barks uaiuritl nctiou of tiie nvsl-ni aud with it Uie buoyaut I (11 :lM IT T conduct, be permitted to enjoy Thine jrate. His business rapidly iucreas- erable.s who carry gold canes along' fenliutc ..f heiiltli ap iin . ' W hat i« true ami »■> apimreul in F e t i i W . F o w l e (k C o . — G entleuicn: — I firit (jlide from oiir si^^ht away. • I.ACK CKArKfi, ‘ ilKAI) KI'.KSSKS, ttiif trivial and roiuiiion • jnitiluiut. is aUo true in many mads Hse of tlio Oxyeciiated Riiters some Bovsn or And disrk iliO shadows lengthened eleriial smiles in the land of the pure iuir, he was obliged to move several the avenue every day at 1 o^cfoclc P- •of tb« deep-seated aud da«fCeroii» di«.-iii|ier». Tli« ««!«« Oi.OlM'.i) •• I.ADII'.S’ M'.TH, pnrjcative elT^ct expels them . Ciiusey sinnhir obstriio- cijlit ypari since, il.ivliij; siilTcrcd for twenty yean and blest. Every pulse .“seemed still times. When his store became the j M ., at !?1,800 a year apiece, and who> CINNKT III.OCK.S, ( nii.i>Ki:x's •• Around our lu'arts to play. «iuiM and der.-.iisem-nts of the natural luiiciioni of tho tioiu a lurni of dyspcpsi.n, w hich was attended witii a A gentle sister’s hd't iis. ed, hoping. wi.shing for more of this fashionable one, he matle it a point i have grown gouty before dusky desk* fctfdy, they Wo rapidly, nod many of Ih-m «urely, cured \xr. i{i:i;i>s, liANI) I'.oxrs, ucrvuus he.'ula'lie, i>ii an avcraze kiom' the virtues *il these A mother smile.s iio luoie ; •ovKitr.n \vn Ai.F.noNi;. cavKKr.D r.Kr.n®, day in a week, I was induced, by the uiipTetcnding ret- beautiful dreum. Not a word Bor to employ as clerks the liandsomest ; and cozy snuggeries realize the poa- r'ills. will iie^'le-rt to employ them wheu auCferiug from Jiiit oh I we hope to meet them the disorders they cure. t i:a\v i!On m :t s . riii.Ncii a m > a .mkuk .ax i>m«iend.ition of Ur. Green, “ to try one botile, and it inovemenit from all the throng ; all, young men. siliility of a new regime. Their dis> Slatem.-ntri from leadliii phvsi-iMns in soma of the I.owr.liS. IN OliKAT VAUII'.TY. no benefit was received t« iliscontintic the use ” l.'pfiii the distant ^hoI•o. >rinriiMa dries, and frou: other well kuuwu pubUc prr- all WHS happiness. 0, lovely panor­ The same authority states that in solution is their removal from ofBea; aons. innvii. l)nil) iiini Straw oolcrctl liloomors. The u=e of one hotllo warranted a fiirtlicr trial, t» tho ama, how thou art graven on this 1837 Stewdrt was the father of th« their idea of the death of the Demo­ e«teiit of some ihrco or four, wiili a carnfiil olMcrvanco Life has its days of sadness. /'m m n ^im arilwg Uti chntil if S. touit, Frh. 4. I'JC. iiiid .lo(rkif.<. in fvcrv .stylf. of the .ncconipanyiii" directions. Tho result was, au Its bri;;lit hopes tiiid its fears; heart. The happy man was in the idea of the “ Seiliug off at Cost,” and cratic party is the receipt of a yellow I)it. .\tkh; Y.iur I'ilis are the pnrn^: m of ali th at is hi iiix" slock (••insist.': of evi-vv articlc *reat ih uiedieiiie. They hiiv.- ru;wl my little dauirhter almost entire rtlief from the usual dyspeplic Kviiiptomi Life ha.s its smile.s aud sunshine, act of imprinting a kiss upon the ! that he made great sums out of it.— j envelope enclosing a polite reqtfeet ■of ttlcierous eoi-es uim»ii her haiitls an J feet that had proved sfd liy M lLLIN K li^. and Iheir depressiii!;, painfol ci nscquciiecs. I belitvn Its care.s. and griefs, and tears. inruralile for yeai-s. fl«r m other has Imea Ion;; S'"''-"''' smiling lips of his magniiicent bride, I He moved into liis present laarble to leave ; and their only idea of a oiwlv afflicted with blotches and pinipltei on her akin and 'I'liopo wliosf trailc is not siiflit-itMit to pay these Biller' pr.idiiced an entlro change in iho liabila o( Hut in tiiat better country when the clear tones of a manly voice palace in 184S, which is now worth violation of the Constitution is the 4n Jim- hair. Afier ..nr child ,, i ,.x;miine niv stock. *• 'I here’s rest for thei^ in heaven.” 3Ie*d*clfce,Sicl6.HeBd*elfceiPoiil Sionutch* Fn.\!CKMV .ron\«<»v, TISE 0.\V«E!VATED BITTERR Look up ! the sun is shining. ‘ I can’t stand this any longer.’ I I at auction $800,000. He own.? uear- New York State Brackenridg^a Com­ J'Vnni Vr. JjUto n-d Boi/d, CO W n l U c r S t r e e t , Though fast the rain-drons jiour ; can't. Pardon,ladies, pardon; 1 have jly all of Bleecker street, between mittee has positively repudiated aiir PTODUAnn, N. H., E»pl. 30, 16i». DkMiBiio. Avkc: Ic an n o t jin^wwr yon what Coi'ivr iireatlwar. Aud list ! there’s music floating u propo.sition to make on the man j Broadway and his present residence, alliance with the Douglas meu. T l i I Imr^ €mt.l with V'^ur Itfttor than Ut say a// «*< Meurr*. .^ETH V,\ I'owuv. & C o., ewtf' tr^M wiVt it jtHig'ittrr. mr.JiWiw!. 1 |i!fice jcroat depou- ginlfi Out from the distant shore. Geuis : — 1 w as, fi-r m any years, a groat sufferer from who never lies or trifles. I must do and in fact owns more rea'. estate Committee resolved to abide by u iiiui ^flVrtuNl tafhartic in mj* ^Iwlr cont^nit with diewkti. Nii«l believin}; :\9 I do tbitt Vi*ur I*iM« tUr«»rd us th« Dy'prpsia .r Walerhrash, and tried almost evBryihing it or die- so here goes. Now I’ll mar than any other man in New York, their dotermination to make no of­ h ttl «'« hav«, 1 ofcsfUt'Kc valno tliuni bi{:hly. wiihin my reach, but tj no liciicfil, until i was induced And rc. wliose hearts are thrilling. ry on this spot any lady who has the except it may bo Wm. B. Astor.— fers of coalition, and ihus throw tha rrTTe«i-M. Tk.. M»t 1. lRr>6. by ih r rccum m cndaiion cif iiiy physici.in, Dr. Har.ollon, With ln)i>e, and joy, aud love, D t. J . C* AT*m. S ir: T have b»H*u repK«tttllr <»f nerve to face .such mn»iic: look at me Mr. Stewart’s property is now e.sti- onus of dof'jat on those who neglect Seroftila, or King’s Evil, t-' make Use of Ihe 0\y"enalcd liilters. Tile lirst bollle AVlio sail on life’s iiroail ocraii. the w<*T!ft uny Ixidy «iu linv* by *. do»»* or two and if you can lo\'« me as she loves.’ mated at $14,000,000. He ia said to •f >our R M^m« to ari»e frota a f«>ul •toniacb, is a couBiitutional disoRse, a coiTuption' of t h e in-.idjccd blit a slijiht alieralion in tho disease, and had With clear, hrigiit skies ab«vc, Breckeuridge men and their influ­ tUoy clRfltiM at onf'c. blood, by v^iich this liuul liccome.s vitiated, it KJt Seen for the urgent request of uiy physician, i 0 turn to chi'er the weary. (pointing to the bridej ‘I’ll promise be a man who never gives his em­ Y'^urd Mitb gr«al i*^e|»ect, KT>. W. VRKBLR, ence. A number of southern g#nftl^ Hrrl of !Steania' CUtvttu wo«k, aud poor. lJuiiig in the cireulation, it »lio;i!.-l then havo diiconliniied Iheir use, ihiiikiiiB thea Swift play the silver o:;r. to be a iiu.sband to you, and such a ployes a word of thanks, or, no mat­ men, including representatires frdrh to li« i f no avail ; b it his confiileiico inspired me to per- Billons Disorders — T^lvcr ComplKlnta* porvaJ.'s tlie wliole body, and may burst out And point life's weary voyager hu>»band as she de.^erves, and a hus­ ter kow faithful or valuable a clerk’s Louisiana, Florida, Kentucky, Worth ill di-exse < any part of it. No organ is free sev.rc, and afti r issinR lo the i.Ttentol h alf a d o re a bot- F.rtm Di\ Jiio^ihrr liflKofX^ir Vurk Cty. To the bridit di.'-taut shore. band as a true heartwd man will services may have been, lie will nev­ Nnt oiilv are vour I'ill-ndniir.iblv adapt-d to thetr nnr- i from its attif k s nor is there one ' ‘‘r which " — it V may “ "r-' ilcs, 1 h*J entirely rcpnined inv hvalih. I hope all Carolina and Tennessee, present P"*- as «eri'ent. hut t fiud their benoHcii.l . ffectsuwa ! jiol destroy. 1 lie scroiuious taint is vunouMy ]Msprptic persons will ke induced to j;ivo them a fair make to the woman that comes trem er give a re<3oinmen.l. To show the the meetisg of the Committee, en­ tbe Ui»vr mry niarketl indeed. They have iu my prao- : catlSC'd IjV IT. =scariitl disc.isc, low livini;. dis- trial, brill" c.ii.S ii iit lhat the rem edy is the most (Kiteut, ttce proved Iii.ce ^ro.;tuiii f.rt- U.e cure of *./..«« cm- | ^ „,.>,oalthv food, iniimre air, filth bling uiuler his wing. I further say disposition of the man, we give one dorse the action of the Breckenfi^e Woni/.i than anv one r-uiedv 1 i.-an meutiou. I sincerely o->‘cn.u j v, j for Ihe vario-s f.irnjj a( Dysiiepsia, lhat lias Iweu pro. I.hat no »pot nor «hame attaches! my instance of his character. A clerk rejoic« Hint b n w at a jjtirz.Tiive which u; i a ild ll*thy. tllC ric p T ^ H Ilg VlCCB, a i:a , duced. Vo;ir», men, inasmuch as they regard it M Ui> iJtc CKHiCiUiimv vt tile uii.l Uie j ii')ove a il, b v ih;? v ciK T cal ir.fe c tio n . " W h a t- PTKAK.VS FOSTER. name nor never shall; and this arm .sold, en a certain occasion, an uncom­ a movement to defeat the free soil ItiPARTJiiiNT OF Tiir Iktevidr, ) cvcT 1)C its orlgiii, it is lioriditary in the con- will always support and protect the monly large bill of gloves to one cu.v combinatioa whieh the Breekeuric^^ \Vashnmi..u. It. 7th Feb.. iso«. / ititmioii, d f s f c ii d m •• iiii’.ii imiviits to cliildrcu O'VTrVATEn P”fT'i:ns. — To such of enr reade» Tili’; DUL’OLE DiilDAI, Sia; t >> KVe uec.i >.rtir rills in my general and hospital ■" - . . as «rr IroiihU d w i:h the di hilily incident to the apiTuacJ one who can trust it. Who’ll take ! tomer—the ameunt w-as some ten men allege to exist between Doa^- |pnact«cv4*\«^r ?it the iiuquitios of tLc lathers u]Kni the 0 \y;eii:iled liiili ri as au invijiorntinf! iimic, — co» Kiitv-iiine yiiispciieers on boiird tht crowd of handsome women around please his employer, he told Stewart I Soule, Richardson of Illinois, ami ^«vat4«' aie an udiiitrublv j'ciucI in iis coniis»siiion, and )iossessi*^ 0 (' CiiAt itid«vd. 1 liave f«’Und u c«tHf of 4e:i,nier Emily Bnrton, bounfl «)} tln» him. I what he had done, and the only re-j other promiuent politiciana, todef«§t tUMi it di^ ikH i vH iiJy yield to IL-' efil'cts coir.mmipo by ;nZ*..» BALU M. D.. jlo.iil of c-irrujit cr ulcur ms matter, which, in have i:ver known. — O 'Jrnshur^ licimbhcaH. reiint*s!»se. A pleasniil go-aln?:td cii]) ! IIis earnest manner and novel spe I ply he received was, “ Don’t you Breckeuridge in the.Southern States,. VV/yy.r.t;#; fi/ :hf lu'.iijs, llviT, and i’.itcTnal organs is t’jnii'.d nin. a priod stpu-.inl. ;iik1 a t^ociiil, ro ech hnd aroused an intense feeling, think, if you had tried, you could give the votes of these States to X>j^«cnt&*r5 > DSnrrl»«-», R**lnx, W o rm * . :nbc'.v!cs; iu the g'.a uh, swelHns^; and on T nr. o-XY«i::^ ATi'.c* K8Tr--?rF:?s, ii;(u{ rtiirqiiii'.y mii’J.!' Ilm trip one ol .'ill was surprise and deep sympathy liave sold him a little larger bill’/” Bell, tlirow the election into the ih". J. if. Oi^cu, */'Cuica{j»K ihe s ;rfa''t'. cnip;io;iS or sores. Tliis foul cor- T23'« tt\Y BSTTEKl, Tonr I'ilU lmv«* hmd a iriaJ iu n»y ju-uctin*. and I :;'.i»!ion. w’nt.-h ;;c!id rs in the hlood, dL'prcs.ses ^leaf-iire: iiideed. loiio,’ slvtil I rc-meiu with tho fearless, excited orator, House, and by a fusion, then over* M d ilM-m IK f¥U-riu the a}>« ii» iile I Imr* the i-!tfr.rii.‘> o! liie, so ilial scrofuloii.s con.stitu- ry .>^. vr. fo\vi.k i ( o., when atawn like-blue-eyed girl, from coiae the true national sentiment of «Ter fvmud. TUrir KlU;ralivr ffU*ot uj on tii»* li\*?r uiHkf« 'ler llift sancT Eniiiy IJhi Ioii and her A WcBTERN A rt CRmcis.M.— A tiiOu all «*xrcl!«iiC in nedy. whvu fcirj'n iu dt'Sf*^ fr»r not only KuiFcr from SL-rofulous com- 1=5 Tiiinu'Tit Firret, linstnn. .'Uj)erb living iVcijihl. Onn lorelv the flowery banks of Alabama, step­ it the South and the country at IMtHiJi vtttf nTh(Wfi, 'Jli.ir fcKj:Hr-r«iafiinf ylai'.its. but ilioy liavc far It'ss pov.-or to with- Dr-iir;',’,<‘e, D cahra. and ifi-rchnntt ts efe/') correspondent of the Buffalo Courier Uxi'Ux viuy uud cvuv«:ucul 5wr tit* um Kumnifr aftonioon, it wliifipercd ped to his side, and Itjoking confident large. iUiiid the atta.-ks of other ui.seascs; cojiyc- ivi;n an-:! < ily in .\i in J-^^Und, tind narrates the following shrewd criti- « woiuon auU cliildivu, <'!f:itlr, vast numbers j)_Tish by disordd-* iuit WL're to li;vV« a wedding be- ly up in his ’eyes with her hands_on IWilBrJtf ttf tho nio«4. tiseirhtre. piissfcC’. by a rough Western whieh.'aUhon-ii not sctofalous iu tiieir nature, orc the boat rcf chcd Lcr (lc.»>tinatiou firm. Sf.lC*, ‘ l’*u tl'.’ne.' i?; TW m J.rv. J . t l i m e r , PasOir « f M tm U C'hurC’i, Are, still rondjrcd fatul by this taint in tha man on the “ Prairie Picture.” by tSST -Vn old darkie endeaToring to Da. Atol: I Ii»Te us<*il yoiir ri!l9 m i ejtra-'rdiimry t «onsumutio:i wliieh da- ;'fil- s-l;. ’ r - a n a lOW, tins time his arm was around her explain his unfortunate condition, tmi Cjuuilj und luii'iii;; tliob‘ 1 uui cullcil itf vjsi( Beard, the well-known artist of that < ' . . . F .'i;,. I waint; and parting her curls (black rave a tolerable succinct historj' of •.il ' Tu rtfcvla^ the Iiivaiw of di^estlun and jiui:dC3 ttie ia'...., «as directly '.ear tlie Ftern eomev.lit-re in the vi- city; oS;« iAa«d. »li<-y ai*- tb e vcTj- li»*t rem edy 1 bar# iu thi.s st-.rofulous eoiiiauiiii;itinn ; and ma;iT (J. Hur.iphrty, No. Caui’.};- . as a raven’s wing at midnight,) look­ the Democratic party since it began . • r o r ka*«mc,jU4d i Gw coii£d*-iitly rvainiuieud tb*‘iu tu .•inity of the ladies cabin, und speed “ A few months ago, as I was stand­ a u j trinuiit. Yuuin, J. V. UlMKS. de«truftire dis-'.tises of tho liver, kidaey*, brain, 1 liiii rosur, \N , si { i n iW c li. ed steadfastly in her face for a mo­ to agitate the slavery question. The- and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or ily makin;j: its way to the hall, the ing admiring—as I confe.ss. my.seli V ic 5 »'W. W r.aniing Co., N. V.. Oct. 'H. ISS.*!. K. 11. J'.iill. . lurkino in- iiounced the genuine sort; perfectly >r out of the Territories; the Kansas JO U .\ G. .MEA(.II.l.H, M. I). "Aiul by d;;:ilir.s eveiTwLiri. ;ain. gathering sixe. form, and ruo- western man came up behind me, fcrtiou, ti'jd their heaitli i.s undermined l y it. .saticfftctory. Raising his flashing Nebraska Bill declared that the Ter­ C*m «tIpnlion.Cost!v«nr«a, Supprrsslou, To eleanse it from thet,y^t^‘m wc inustr«a:ova'« inentUDi, as it rolled forward, until and looked over my shoulder. I no­ RhaiuuBtisin, Cnut, N euralgia, Urop- the blood by uh al'.t'rativ.- nu-dieine, and in- eyes with a triumphant expression, ritories were open to Slavery; the IW al) Kiti, F ita, ctc. 7 J[ G REA T HE A L Ell OF ;he principals in the interested scene ticed at once the quick stoppage of Fm m J>r. J. J‘. il^nilrri.l. C.mnda. i-i^orate it’ by healihy food and e.'vcrcise. from the pleasant job just mentioned popular Sovereignity doctrine declar M A .\ K f M ) . were not only pointed out, but the breathing which always follows ad- Too much cannot Im tuiil of yoiir Tills for tli<> ctjr* of Suth a luedicint v.e bupply in he said, ‘ Where is the Par-son ?-- ad that the people might accept or ^MCivieitfWc. If othorii of our fraternity have liiiind thrm Take thrm and Livc—J\’egltct them and Die. jmrKon—some scraps of the history of ; miration, but, to my surprise, the « a rfficacintis as 1 bave, th^y should jwiit me in priu'laini- Send him right hero, on this spot reject Slavery, ahe the Dred Scott lu jrit for the b-iiHil uf the nniltitudrs who fuO't-r from A Y E R ’S iltlM.-rs liiat are woiw. I liclifre m t. : C^iapaufld Extract of Sarsaparilla, such as this pas.s me by waiting a form said they should not. You s«« tirtMttt tn uri|;iii:>t<- in th<- livvr, but y >1U' I'iUi aOucl th at This n'iii:iik!!ljl«> the naif pleasant, half painful sus­ ' up I saw a yellow face overspreiitl- mrf/tn so d cure thu ilisi-aiie. i the m n.'t eiTe-.'tual rcm ed v w h ieh th e m edical minute; so go ahead,’ and on that AniLTiciui rfiiiftly pense and doubt that opens the eyes ing with a smile, and there was a de­ remarked Sambo. ‘ it was iu this way f n m Mrt. K. !9cXual to d*-uti*e the M.imiidi mid cxjui They diiif)rdx3r from the l>i*jod, «i»if the rescue of the ! tur, after all. That aint no fair rap- a n a u m uch th« tuist physic wv have that 1 rasum ucod of bo.M'si are sold niag:nificent beech bottom, the tall, gether let no man put a-Hgimder,’ died lOw I doesn’t seem to hab no parents iH>4ite:ii fioKi it* deaUu i.r' conscquonocs. iiiiniially. (’oui- i resentation.’ . ca Keuec it should I* employed for the cure of away, a shout went up that awoke I I > ■ 1 T i i-i I. i. 1 lor uo noma, nor nutnn. fn m the Itrr. Vr. <>//;«■ Jfc.'>i«/,V Ki>iir. Church. jiG.-Jcd ciit^rcly of heavy-leavttd tree!>< with their silver 1 YV by, said I. that struck m» as ’ ' I }iot only 'Vofula, but ulbo tliose other alfec.. the echoes for a mile: every hand l*ri.»sKi IIofsK. Sarannab.G a.. .Ian. fi. 1S56. fidwcrs. roots, lial- ^ray trunks making a deep cool tions widen arise from it, such as Euu-i-rivii I being a pretty good painting.’ IIo«d lJon,a, Ti'm oiis, T u n tu the gla.«.sy river, so clear, so true, that don’t say anything agin that, bu .•stablish a uniform time for holdinj^ 4i«wui« piMT worse and worw. until by the advice of your and Sai-t lliiKi M, Si:alu IIhad, Kixgworm, lit. s;ltisf^,(■tln•v and Hiu'cessriil. Acting: intervition only painted the false voung and beautiful wife, (for a mo­ M 'v lleo t aa iiit In lltdtiiuore. Ur M:ickvnai«. I K'iud your RuErMATisM, Sii'iiii.iTicand M lucvuial Dw- there -never wa.s uo scenu enacted ilections for the electors of the ua- f*ilh>. '1 liair eBV..'t* were slow, but «nr>-. By iwi m re tin a irt'ctly on tlu* lilooil, solids ai d fluids of ment I wished I were her, but I in­ l a tke use of tln-m, I luu now entirely well." . KA*B.s, Du«ip.sv, Dygi'iiMiA, DiiuiLiTV, aiid, ’i(> li.’xly. tlifir use is attciu’ei’ with tlie from the real. Cutting this charm­ hike it. Just look at that tall rice This act fixes the election on ] iadeeil, ai.l C'oMfi.As.vTS akkixg fuom V i t u - ing spot in twain came a murmuring stantly recovered my self possession KznkTT. CiiKVBCIt. Baton Houee, Iji.. 6 Roc, 1S5S. '•ta])])i«‘st ert'i'ct. In siidilcii attaitks of dis- j grass up there, and the fern weeds Tuesday next after the first B«. Atkb : I hnvo b*s>n entirely eur«l. by yuur I’ills. of I TEU OK lii.ooi>. The pojnihir belief •ase OIK'or two doses al\v;iys crnr.'<. In crystal aprinj; brook, scarce four and the weakness passed from me. -Monday in the month of NoTember,’ 9%e^-miitic Ouut'~iL paiuful diawiKc th at had afflicted tuo ; iji “ i vhiefa. althoui^h a valuablr remedy ia skilful hands. i> I rilla i* to purify «ud rejjencrate this vital fluid, triii, tlbit effect an election on the dUy deaijj Ayer's Catliartic Pills, isfaction, or till* price will bo rcfinnled. dressed in fauliles.^ taste, intellect :.ificateai; they w’ere signed by the I’licy are considered clieii]!er. safer, jiretti- the gait they're going at, they’d be 'i-ited. ______f c a li\x THE rUflPGSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, beaming in every feature,while over parson and leventy-fbur witnesses, SfK iya A.WD er, and in all respects siijierior to any inir- spotted witii mud all over. I tell I Union »re so ccniposcd tliat tUseaic within tlie range of his face j erfect luqipiness shone like (five more made nine, you know men tiioij- action can rarely wiUiKtuiiJ or evade them frative pill in the worlil. 'J'lie di>cov(*ry of iiid women all told;) everybody sign ye, w'hen I went to that country first, i F.lsn.Nj.\.\liLE i’AilR \G v-oatinj'a ])ill with siijrav eiiiaiiatcd with phosphorus on the sea. L.-»aning on Thc^r pcnetraunp prtiptriics search, and cleanse, ed. the men skeered me soinetime-s dri- The epiisns year will nhow tli^ the aud iijvifjoraU? (very poilioji of the human or|;iin- Dr. Hi rrick. All others counterfeits, and his arm T-'as tho most lovable woman ving on to a w et prairie, but th e v ’d ,'reat West iuuumerically stronger than j 'KKi, coiTcctiiio its ci^caiii il action, and re.^tori^lg if used will do Iiarin, and di.sajipoiut the TJjen we danced, we laughed, we I itf i.;y.lihy vitjiilifs. ,^s a consequence of these it hiis ever been our lot to bwhold, I tell me it wa.s all rig h t ; and siire :md that it will soon if it does not now ESlAIi'-ISHMhNr I i>fO|t('rtieK, tl>e iriv.’.h'il who is bowed dowii with sick. IlerriekV I’ills are elejiaiitly jint up. iier tine hazel eyes (tell-tales that made children of ourselves; yes, wo jenougl, I wouKl lh.,1 a g.od botU... ti. “ n’u,: Wk irn m'ly he ’ound the variou- A'in./jt j (.ain or pliysi jil dcl.iliiy is astoiiiilied to find his .■{() in a box, with a larjjo Klicct of direc they were) speaking deep (Muotion, made fools of ourselves. Be that as heal;h or ti'»Tc:y rcfclortd by a leiiiciiy ct oncij kq tioiis, and sell for X!5 cents? pcrbc.'c—.j box­ and her e.Kpressive lip, quivaring it may, when the watch changeil at ja foot down. And taeii the next i Mii»si.->! ' Ij natics (it the south nave figured np w do»' buret iroin many a lip as we instinct iiiiies, for we slept, and our dreams ■with »tiy<5ann<>nts troyer. I If any o ye know that piiiliter j j,y ire with the north- Tbefcejp of tTie great west are eijiially gnod at fi|i- T h a n e in w a n t < ill the world. 'I’heso renowned I’lastorf' altar, and where that we had about ality of the evening. •re iuvitcd to critic, as he prepared to move of)'. ! iires, und are finJing out tb« vaFue oftha- i.M.--ii;ii fruni ajow slate of llic Ludy or olstruction tjiirr pains, weakness and disfrt'ss iu the as clear an idea as a traiuscendental- M-i i>fitb fuuctioiis. back, bides and breasts, in five noiirs. In- J6©* The Washington correspond •just tell him, but it’s no uac.’ he | resaU of italll ist generally has of what he i» talk­ I .said, lowering his voice, ‘ that’s will be that. VHncey Kei« 4: Co.. wiMfdis-- •ndexam ine myStcck. eed fo ecrtaiiiare they to do this, tliiif the ant of the ilournal of Coinmerc*, cover that the gainu is not in their tnadk— Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, proprietor warrants them. .-Spread froni ing about. But one thing wo all ood enough city prairie.’ ” Interests whieh are far more powcsfui thaai CUTTISia IM)\e TO ORDKR. roR TUB IIAPID Cl’llE OF resins, balsams and g-iinis, on beautiful kid seemed to know, that there was fun writes as follows ; such as they claim to represent Tteep the on­ The buaineiiFar the K-talilifchmeiit v 'll bP eaa Conrks, Colds, Influenza, Iloarspncsa, biather. renderiiiff tlieiii iiei-ntiarly adapted ahead, and to follow in their wake ‘ It is New York alone that can de ion against the ntiuost effBrts et M utters 4 ucte«i in an honorable milliner und with ^ desire Crouti, Rronchitis, lucipient Consump^ to the wants of females and others. Their was the way to see it. As tlie ladies feat Lincoln. Pennsylvania connot T he following paragraphs aro from tliserganizers. Ca aatisfTlhusewho may favor nif with iheiicus tion, And for the relief of CousunipUr« ap]ilieiitioH in universal—.‘qiuilly to the passed an arm was oll'ered to each, “ Occasionara” letters to lornet/'s teia W. U.Q.iimXKlt. strontr man. the delicate woman aud the be relied upon. The leading Doug­ ralleVillaKe.Jiili’S.lRSn. £Ttf Patients iu adraaced stages of ttM we marched out of the cabin, down Pre.is: disease* feelile infant. To each and all tli'y will las nicn in that State have already Doiroi.AS will sweep the whole N orth' the stairs, across the staging, and up formed the ojiinion that Lincoln will Should Lincoln be chosen Presi­ We.ot.— PUiindcater.- '•.vnot.n ■ fi"no!ne Pr»mvik»io p nt«'i i .•»■ d« use. When oncc tried, its sui)eriority ovur eveiy sprains aud liriifses, fre(|iiently effect cures clear water heiween Hiom—bridged as ments. jProtectatl, as Mr. IJacolii cover iMie ek'ctoral vote ia the Noitk-W est, other mediiiiie of its kind is too apparent to esc»n« when all other reiuediri* fail. Full direc the Breckonridge men than iu Penn- it was b‘y the winding fingers and would be, free from tl^e avalarx he C reor^ c \W P e e t . I obser\ation, and where its virtues are kno^v. m« tious will In* found on the back of each. sylvania. A vei’y large portion of public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ I Public speakers, vocalists, uiinisters of tb« crossed hy a Rt¥«;im, of love as pure ol- Soalhe’rn application*, wlucl. Iu.., i for the di.slrei»iiiB niid dangerous affections of the tht in would pref61' the election of ATWRNEY ANDCOUNSELLOftAT LAW piihoon TV or({MiK that are incident to our climate. frosjicl and others, will strensrtheu and im­ as itself. All was sil.ent-still-until Mr. Lincoln to, that of either of the rolled in so terribly upon eyeiy new election of a RepoWican PrwHaent- ^A N D— While many inferior remedies thnist upon the prove their voicefi by weariii};: them on broken by the minister l'c^adi^lg in nominees of the Seceders CoBYen- communitr hai'e failed and been discarded, tliis their breast. Price—18 3 4 ernts. au impressive rnannorv ‘And oi the NOTA«Y PVRTjr, has pained friends by every trial, conferred benefits 'I'he above artitdes are sold by all Drng^ tion,’ on tbe afilictcd they can never forgot, and pro­ rib which the Lord God had taken Faix* Vnix.\r.E. Canann ft duced cures too nvnnerous and too remarkable lo frists thioiifrhout the I'uited j^tatcn. f ’ann- “ Mr. Ihicliauan hates Jlr. Breck«iriilge ncxtdo0T t» the Iron Bank., frora man made he a wom.an and ipart Jf- those who'deciare'that his will be forROtten. das and .‘south America, and at wholesale cordially and hates Mr. Douglas bitterly. I'- ...... — • • h n d ‘-OrdAbe^ as ex]Mt»TnlAistwitAi the irwot**ancor#ae PREr.\BED BY by all large Drnffpists in the ])riiicipal cities. brought her to tln.^ man.. And- A(i- election will dissolve the Union, it On the first Monday in November he will lie used to be with the Wsetlf. e lf . Xor weard it i BR. J. €. AYER & C O . m:i{RI('K .Sc UUOTIIER, am said tliis is now bone of my bowe have a cordial bate and a bitt<‘r hate grati­ will be a mo.'it signific-ant spectacle be any hanler work to Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, iOWELL. MASS. 1‘ractx'. 1 AiFtChein';. b ap}’, X. Y. arid f5eo]i of 111'’ sbo shall be fied timultaiicouE'r.-^f Beamon who have grown ^ray in it was to t raik THE HOUSATOXIG REPUBLICAJJ, SATURDAY. SEPTExMBER 1,1860,

toinnc is criniHoued in iiiiniHii gore, and MASS IHEETIXG. before the world, thousands of medical bub­ Pi'Okate Noficc. District of l nnaa», 6-«. bles have expanded and exploded. Hie District (if < unaan Jus;. 18, ISGO, PuOBATE COUKT, Julv 2Sth, ISfiO. PennHvlvania avenue iii paved ten fathoms It has been snjjgpstcd tliat a Mass meet- Estsite of Russell -1/orris, late of Canaan C|t Vtpiiiilirait m depth with hnntan hodies, or whether the Estate of Russell Morris, late of Canaan , - f , .1 f 1 ing l“-*ld at this phice after tlie Cattle Pills and ointment on the other hand, have in said district deceased. The Administra­ last vestice of lib«-rtv w HWept from the face! . , , a- i »v 1 , V.. 3 1 1 • in said district, deeeiised, tetUKtay, ScptemlMr I, i860. of the American |iear, if they see cause, and be det?ce ki tlifir Ketunneut^J^, puriiv. si».! eirir:i«*y, and from what we have seen nhould judge simple in its meuns. or more powerful in its hearil thereon. fecotnmuinl them to »I1 wuu w wli have •.tlV, r*?-' The subscribers give notice that they shall fl:thle, atitl eiUi'actiiiu reiiier prrratc or Uo>' the attendance to be very good. Thursday The Pittsfield (Mat's ) Ea^^'e pays the po­ operation than Hollowav’s. Armed with meet at the late res.dence ol the deceased in 2w.‘il Mili s T. Okancek, Judge. mwUc tiJHT. ^ tato di^ea.'se has n;-appeared in that town. remedies, the traveller maj' make the tour ^ (janaaii. on the fourttli day of December Till? Hut. \ym» HoflintT, eiUtor of “TIii* ?(orthern the aMembly niu*t have been at least 3 ,0 0 0 Tht? potjito disease, we arc also inforuied. Presidential Caiupaigii Paper pcritlenl/* N. Y.; the Rrv. K. II. Crtf*4*‘>*, of the world, with less peril to life than if: 18(50, and t-igiith day of February, 1S6I, at Rector of rft. Peter** Churchy Au.v.jti, N. V.; the R»*v. B. U and perhaps more. Tl>« rowdy class have „m,ie it« appearance in some parts f o r 1 8 6 0 . C!i:ipl:iin of tJie Aiih-.irn Kry. he dwelt at homo without them There ore I \ >■' afternoon, on each of said S;>enc«r M. Itvtor, Ne v^Bo«»fonl, M Rrv. not been as numerouH ou the ground as is of Northern New Jersey. rhi> HARTFORD WEEKLY P O 'T (sup- Allen Slef*ie. Xew'-Y’orR i iCfV. Sntttii«e»ice« N. V. ; l?ie Kev. P. Registrars of Klectit*n. would deem it unsafe to nse any other rem­ Pratt» D.iriHJt, Vt.; the Bev. John K. R •)»!»•, U:ut:i]o; a. C. ABRAHAJI LIIVCOLIV. they have bedtn there they for some reason H. E. AYETflERELL, ) .Nominees, Douglas and Johnson) will be Hart. Rsi|., Utiea, S. Y.; the Etm. Dww, P»»rtlan-I, The Registrars of voters for t!ie Presiden­ edies, and who keep a supply both of the E. S. IIASklX , 5 furnished to clubs, from the 4th of August Me.; the Hon. ftchu.vler Colfax. South-lti^n.l, Iml.; H**u. OF UXIWOII. preferred to show civil faces. That tial Election should bear in mind that bv the, 1 1 1 „ „ •II I I- X- 1 ... I 1 M ^ WeorK«()eorK« ttJiniMhrey.% Hamphrey.% N.X V.;1. ; licnrrlU'Tirr 0.W. Coiik, k^|., of requirements of the new Registry Law, tbeyj«^>ll-'««‘l^ ^ ...... remedies,...... and wiio...... keep a;_ All persons in ebted to said estate, are till the JUol >uYClubt*r. at thu lollowillg The Ohio state Journal, C.Uiinlnw, OIim; the ri .n. it if. there have beef\ some spirts and fancy ra»n ‘ ncAV Registiy l^aw, ti'e_\ j ‘ ' ‘"V *1, * p;ii onn i requested to make immediate pavmeut to nitcH: ^ (Irnliiim, M iline, III.; tliv lli>». Tliniu:i< J. Cliiw, M .nti- For Fice-PrmdetiL must have their liststs niiiaJc ' out " uih....‘I (.lisiribu- " j supply i»oth of the I ill «ind Oiiitindit con- * ^ IO \F Y W M()RR1S V pell->, Khi.; Uic ll.m. Jiuie).!! Il«i».lict, N. Y.; Wm. with attendante »ut«ide of the camp ground 4(K> copies to one a.^dresu, $100 00 Ilpwtiil, E<.i„ L'lica, N. V.; A. S. K*!., Utica. X. Y.; ■AM XIBJIX HAHLT.ir. l8 alt4)cether nrobable, as the facilities for ted leu f/methree weeksweeKs before oelore the election. To ac-1 ^.aiitly on hand. Such undoubting and uni- llA lU iiET MORRIS, ’ J ;>00 •• “ “ 75 (M) J»iue:t Plunkett, Ksq., SiwlivHIe, TeuH. , . 1 V r K<.ttpr I I Vt rr<:il confidence must have a practicjil and 200 “ “ “ 50 00 I.IST OK 3PKC1F1C RBHEDIKS. O F M A IN E. doing businese on the sir was ne\er twitter— ; m- bul'ore tht: Jirst day oj SejXem - j sure foundation.—St. Louis Republican. 100 “ “ “ 25 00 So. 1.—P.ir Ki-ver, C>n?«ti.>-i, anil but that good order has been maintain«d in | her. WANTED. No. -i.—Kor W.irm Kever, W inn C.>tic, W-tiri; the B»«l. 5 0 ...... 12 .:o N ». S.—For Colic, Crying, Ti-etliiag, itn>t WitUufuliiiM* of C O R S W A L L the camp is verily true. } H o M .OWAY’S P i Li X ” W i IAT IS L i FE I n - j \ ^ Y QUANHTY OF 25 “ “ “ fi 25 Iiarant'a. » OJ n siruANi'K o;>/f.rw. &c.— Many persons Pa.yinent in all cases to accom])any the X >. -t.—Kor Diarrlien, Clkolent Inrnnlain, muI Summer' Aug. 28.—Gen. Houston ...... „ i.,- C'nm;ilninM. The ckizena of Cornwall and the region DAGt'FRRKOTrPKS.—Prof. Mvers, who i New Orleans, orders. For any less nouiiu r than 25 copies No. —K >r Colic, Orti.IniM, I>v».-i'l«>rv, Kf B!oo.ly nux. No. 6.—K.ir Cholera, (llio'.rra .llorhit*, Voinirhr.r.' •round, withoat dif^tinction of sex or politi­ has had his car :he regular rates. $1 25 per annum, will be N'.. T.—K .r Coii:;liii, Colln:liirn7.a, amf Sore TKroat.- the past week, proposes i-harged. Club bundles must all be sent to X.>. 3.—Kiir Toutii-acln“, Kaoc-ache, .Miil Ne«ml--ia. cal preference, are invited to attend a poli­ pay three c nts a lb. at my one addsass. Adilres.< >■' ‘ Kur llea.I:tclie, Verti;(o, Heat an^l Pitlluen Ht »■<' lage next week, and tical meeting at the Town Hail iu South preparing and fitting up J. M. SCOFIF.LD, m —Dr.-iPKraiA P11.U+—Piir Weak Beran;;nl l\w) w e e ^ or through Hartfoid. Conn St >;ii:icli, C.iiiitiiia:''' . anil Uver C i:ii|il.al:it. Cornwall, on Wednesday evening, Sept. 5th, best assortment of Cook and No. 11.—For Fmalk Seamy, Pninnjl; ..r I860, for the purpose of organizing a Fair weiW, Those i SupprM;*?;^ ! Perio.lii. exhibited in this section, yO J'IC E . N >. 12.— P'lr I..-ucorrhea, ProfiLie Mc-uiHn, ami lS<-irinc^ do well to call n« Dotk'n of Kcmalw. and certain antidote; for this disease, thej* ^\l. »>ention. All of winch will lie made with the tocoiuinon saving they will never ness in the Chest, Buck, Lo?.;», or Ijinih:^. The American i?tate Council met at Sche-1 sand people w«re present. is thee true secret of health. Holloway’s from the best stock, and warranted to give A.—For Fever ami A.^ue, Cliill Fever, Dnnib .^siie, M.l' latcrcatins Speakera do anything with it.—Now this prophi'sy Misniana^eil .\raes. TamUr. but ,,ro,.«l to b. a divU | ^ ^v este,„.v li;.v.-Ab'o.tt cisl.te™ Pills will do this most ettectually and thou- ' satisfaction, or 1 will make all satisfactory. has provi-d untrue, for your servant has P.—For Piles, Blind or B!ee:llnir, Intern.il nr K'ctemnl. Cron konie and abroad are expected to ad- | sands owe their actual existence to them at O.—For Sore, W.ril;, or Inilaiiiea ?yea aud EyeB {and Johnson. ( on8e(|iienlh after day, he found a situation in the iii ^li, and tlie pyramid excels the moniimen'’, • ^ \ X'v has no superior as to worknianship in this West Cornwall, Aug. 30, IdGO. more in bulk than in height, lint the pyr- j V_y VJ v J J V tlve diseftDeii iis Scarlet Fever, Mea.'j:y*iiiei.i». a.s choic«‘ c-ontroversy the Council followed in i Screw ('ompuiiy’s Works, 'I'aiui- s ro v E . vicinity. Terms cash. E. F. Nott. artvantape of giving the ijroper rrnietlie* pn:«iiitly i» nb- amid does not excel the monument more! i i , Tious, and in all such csaes the spncilic* act fike a cliarm.. the footsteps «f the l)etn«H-racy and made a ti>n, Mass. There he soon rose by his tal- Falls Village, Aiig. IStli, IStiO. 2ni. The entire disea.'W 'w ollen arr»!>tni at once, and in all ciwr» Ladirs* AOBtCL'LTCRXI. U.Niox.—La«t than Page’s Railroad Pills excel all otliers ^1“’ twerty- full sp it of the Coui cil-appainting two ; ent and industry to an oflice or situation, iu their iisefiilm'ss and adaption to tlie hu two years has proved it to lie the only real the violence t>f Uie attack is uuHleratetl, the dineaiM; «li..rt- jcar Uie tadieo of thie agricultural district enetion, may all be at once cured l«i4 < of creation iu their display of articles = = = = , Sa»rorar« Oiae Thoii<«8nd CEL EBRA TEU COMPOi’y v the Fever anil Cousjn Pills. cherrj*. So it goes. facture of screws, and received a yearly pricc In all chronic diseats, .lucli a.i Dv.«pep»ia, Weak Stomach,. at the Fair, especially so when it was con- $ 1 2 0 0 a year made by any cife with .$10 ^ Dollar Challenge IJeattr, OF Cun»Upaiiou, Livt-r Complaints Piles, Female Debiliti, an* ------7 tor its use. This year all tlie New England Irregularities, ohl UeK.laclie?, S<'re or Weak F.yes, Catarrh,. aidered that of the articles presented by the Snakes.—Mr, Frederick Collins of Lime companies have become consolidated Patent Stencil I'otds: stock enougii incliid ., , . ^ . r i tt ^ Sli(ii)igta and WM Chern:. Sitit Uheuut, and other okl eruptions, the rase lia* S|.*cilic» cd to retail for $150. With aeMvitv thij powerful Heater in the »rlio« projwr ai>pIicatioH will aSl'r.l a cure in almost every « « a cone, as butter and cheese, were pre­ Rock killed on Sucday the 26th inst, a Kat­ into one, lie has sold his riglit in one ma­ It always cur. s Asthma. It purifies the Instance. OMen the cnri- of a single chronic dllErnlly, siw-lii amount may be realized in two weeks’ time, world. It will heat your whole house with vented b j the ladies. We have not heard ie snake 42 inch** in length, in which was chine for one hundred thousand dollars. He liiooil, and make.-* the Liver active. as Uy.'ipepsia, Piles or Catarrh, lleailarlie or Female Weak­ now resides in Taunton, in as line a resi­ The only reliable source for these Tools is the fm l that an ordinary .•=tove consumes to ness,' has mure Uian paid I»r Uie c.tse leu times over. The 15LOOD being the .iok, plain...... 4 their cfforti* to again eicol in the extent and inst, which was 44 inches ui length, in which Wetkhi. rv in the World, located at Springfield, \ t. warranted t.. prove C.i.'ie of I.S numl>ere.l boxes, an.l Book...... ^ .s^ilesrooms, 212 Broadway. New York, 13 satisfactory—the only style tiiat consumes through tlie bloo.l. No medicine can go i>i- Case xf 6 l>-iNea, nnmhereil, and Book...... 1 Tariet}- of their productions present<*d at the wiw fouud a Rabbit. :o the lungs except that wtiicli is earn- d in Single nuHjoereii b.'.'ies, witii directiinia.---- - .* 2ft ceisf^ , . . . . . „ I, 1 Senator Dousrlas delivered an address at Mfichant's Exchange, Boston, and Siniiig- all the gas and retains all the heat in the Sin.ule Icttfi rl l».>.\cs>, with directions.---- Fair. That the Union can do even Initter The above pair of charming snakes had I ^ last evening which was i iield, Vt. A beautiful pliotograph of the ‘o llicni l,;i the t>l.-od. iunl t\ healthy blood .t.j»r;;e case of 'i ui. vials, for planters awl physicians. thaa they did last year there can be no 12 rattles each, and no doubt caught their to hV a large and enthusiastic crowd j American Stencil ToKArsK-«s.—Disch.iri:e» from tll* Mr. Wm, Snydam sends us» a sample of | Popular Sovereignty to be tiieoiily true one 'I River, at all seasons, amiand the inacliiiuTVinacliiiurv for „,,vi.r before heard of—prices that distan;-e For sail-by ( \ 1>. M.\i.TiiiE, Falls Vill.ige, Kur, tiie result of Scarlet Fever, Measiles, or MerctxrUta. did not g«t jost dues, proper attentions, or • __ „ „f f„r tlif Deinnevatic nartv. Breckenrid'-’e’s ; inaiiufiicturing Stencil 1 ools is driven hv a „ . . . . Gcnend Ajrint. ll.’il. For So-iies in the Head, Hanliiesa of llearin?, ami RIn. “'o'-i,,.,. .f all comiielition-prices that are fi)r vour iii- in the Kars, an.l fcir-ache. Price, 50 i-eiits i>er bo*. adniMiona as membent of the Union, we -;„han es in \ ir;;iiiia are »en?i;)lv lessening , watci whei.1 oi ftL\iiit_\-hM lioK-r po\M i, .it-; i _i • Fim SicmorcLA.—li>darj:e.l (Hands, Ki>1ar;:e,l and Imlors*- the world down, (hills and rocks)■ocks)—but o t. sled--e-haiumer blows of the Liitl'e fording immense and iinliiiiited advantages. , ter-. st. and ym r ir ti-rest is my niti rest, but o i e.1 TonsHk., S»elUn!.-s and Old fleers, 3croiuU)U» Cachexy a t tkej wilt be uh^tritable enough to make A r e Y 3 C iraisi^ Cliililrim. Price, M cents jier box. the fact as statetl, we h.avc no reason to which no other concern can pretend to claim. ' pr oes ruinous to all coaip.-titcr^. KrtB (iKKSKAL DKniLrfY.—Plivsical or Xer»r>cs Weakiiu^ • n da* ^lowance for anavoidable errors— i;o build or repair, and do you want xernre., Cflher the result of Sicksess, IC.'Sce«>-« ate.Iicati»u, or Es- doubt The wheat was s<*wn upon corn stnb ------riie SIO outfit is for cutting small name q BROWNiiLL, • n ors tiiat will be eorrectei this year iu so lurahii- ami cheap Roofing? If so, buy hn.isting l>i.-er b**. _ hie, two acres at the rate of two bushels to The ball gi\cn to the I’rince of Wales in plates and business cards. Tools tor cut- , ,. , " Fo* Uaopsv.—Fluid .Vccnniulntions, Tinuid 5Ke11u>E«.'«na fw aa powible. To tho ladies of the 17th ting large workcd’all sizes furnished^ for •^'25. i fealisburv, I onn., Aug. 2o. 1j?()0. Scanty Secretion.-*. Price, 50 rent' fer box. , 1 C 1 1 I I la u„ 1-0 Montreal on Monday night was a niagniti' R015Fa.\CJ SI^ATE , For' SEA-SirK.Nir.ss.—L’cathhr !Sckue»», Vertiiro, >!an»e», the acre, and from It he harvested 48 shocks j,, „ No experience is ne«‘ss:irv in using any o f diatriet we woold say this one word—Ladies, .ViSm the Vermont Quarries, the Voo:iting. Sickness from riding or motion. IMce, 50 cenv of 15 buudles «*ach, aud upon tbroshing it j npeciallv erectcd tor tlu* purposo by jirivatc these Tools. Do nor, fail to send tor sam­ N ew iJetf. the Fw r apprmchas and it rests with you ** Fo» I'rixirt PtsEASKi.—For (fravel. Renal Calcnii, Dtffl- got one and a half bushels per shock or a t ; enterpri-ie, and which was arrangeil in a ples and circular. Awd if yon buy .Stencil The iiiii:ibitants of Falls Village and vi n E S T I -V T .i . < ■ t. U /- /. ! #iilt, Paiiiftil L'rinatiou, Diseases of Ore Kidneys. Price, 6# «l«ae to t»r whether the reputation }'ou I'eols, be sure to get Fiillani’s, as they ar; ;cinity \>iil talc.- notice tii.it a new hrot ha» ceiit.^ per box. the rate of of 72 bushels fer the two acres— { very Uistcful manner. The Pr.iice danced They can be put on new or o'd roofs as Fiw SniiSAU Kkissiox.s.—IiiVoIimtnrr Dwbarpe* anif •rfiiered last rear shall be susUined or list* • II r I 1 i i twentv-oiie times, and did not leave the uni ersallv known to be the only perfee'. ; buca loriiied untier tin- inuise of •heap as shingle.*. Send orders or letters of ronspiiueiit Pro.'rtralion and U-Wlily, Bad Bc.mlts -f Kvtt a yield of J 6 bushels .o the acre. The : ^ | 6 Tools made. Addressor apph- to| ai>ARK:> .y P R B S lIE R , Habits. The m< .«t successful and elli ieiit remetly tm-.wrn, Would Toa retain it, take hold f the Uuion nqiiirv to H. E. WIN(J. an>' mar be relied up.>n ;>J a cure. Price, »i«h ft»B direo- aad devote th* coming week to preparing wheat had no extra cultivation, nor liad the , Yesterdav he visited Dic diK-on's Lan iiiig. i A- J. FI Li.A.M. for the puri>o>e of cont.nuing the Biitcher- West Oo.shen, Conn. ly. oO S..ns, #1 prr box. ground been feed previouslv to auv extra ex : C.- \V., and ■ • attended ’ ’ a musical • . iestival. - . in [ I Sprii5;priiig!icKI, Vt.. 13 Merchants E.cchange, Pers>iis «lio wish to place tlim>!»Iv<^ nn.«er the profe»- for the Fair. iii"'liii'iiii-fis at the old siana of s. 2^oCC in iiion:,I care, nr t-? seelt ai!vi<-e of Pr-f. llmniKKT*, ran il* . or 212 Brtfadwav, New \'.rkins:.bcpro-mv..indJ«,.j.,tl. O rn KKMrDTKS BV MAtl.. A P r o p h e t i c ...... ' -. >! '' iiiir.iajivs and .'iatunlavs. JAS.IL CHASE l..ok ovtr ti.e- Iii*t; make up a r.ase of itb.tt 5:li:d yi»» AcfM ltaral Society ha> iuvitod Mr. Samue] ailo \ ill.ige, Aug. JiGO. Huntsville. April 5. rh'Nistt. an.l in'.l 'Hf the am.mnt ir. ii rarrer.t note or stamp* Hen belonging bv mail to onr a.Mp .»<, at No. .VH Jlroailw.-iT, .tew-Virtii, fkWTilte deliver tha address at our Fair, Postmaster in this village, saw fit to drop a : _____.___ _ j 1 ills are on(‘ (it the gieate.'t anniliilatms of | »ii:l the imilicine nill Iw duly retiirneil by waS rxpre«^ free Ilf char'.e. _ who we understand has aect^pted tlie iuvita- remarkable egg a few d.iys since, whichichwe A vessel wa« brought into the p o r t ot | ‘I**-'vanonsuiseases incident to ti= h^m^a^^ ? MANHOOD, .41,ENTS WAXTKD.—^Wstlc»>rf an active,efficnot AfCCCl c u r i - Norfolk vestnrdav which was caplurod raw, is denied by none th^^^^ I t l d i C ^ | | § W J for the nalc of our Rcii.ev'ie* in every ti'wn or r.'.mmunity timi. have seen, and cai bo seen by all tho <’a i r . H0V7 LOST, HOW RE:STOREj'. In the I'.iiteil Stati-s Address Pr. P. Hl'.HPllRCTS A CW T i i t h e coast of Africa bv the L'. s t e a m e r Uliieacy ol that truly valuable remedy. , So. 562 Smr-Tim* Mr. Scoril is a native of Cornwall, Conn., ous at the residence of Mr. M.irsh any time j .uspi.ion of being a s!av< r. SI e Jusz Fuuliflted, in a Sealed Etu'cU'ie. a. The BiiUAliWAY tALuU. Wiatar’a Balsam of Wild Cherry. a fraduate of Yale, and for the last year and l»efore election. The egg is about 2 inches j jj, believed to be the brig Triioii, though iier Lectnre " , • half has been traveling in Europe. Some A N ew Rr:Mr;i)Y.—There wi'.l be fimiid ' "Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. lousr and______less than 3-4_ of an inch in diameter i name is not definitelv _ kii(.». iiown. .She.;nv i.-( saiii i . , . . , . . and its BlAiCithe A ill RK.TnEATMrNT • f his oarrcspondence has been publiMied in Upon the sholl are curious Hieroglvphics i t« l‘:i'e cleared from'New Orleans in March ! a‘l'‘^'>tising columns a notice ot a _ rpQ ) £ ._ ii u - , ♦ 1 *011 ' 1 a III IJii i ’al Cure of.SiunimiiM-fliofa tponTpon the sH«H.ire curious | j,, changed her captain an d i iiew medicine which is highly recoMiinen-> A V .llij 03 Wp,.i ILOUjJ Coiigln, Colds, Conghs, Colds, Ccashs, Colds, the U oincst^, and is well spoken of. That ,.!• .SiMiii H '.Vo.i k.ies>, .'n ximl Wt bil'i- which those in Ilenoiogy interj^iret as ” i crew in Cuba, Her crew will be detained j ded for several of the ills that flesh is h i ?V. Ki'i’Vi>iisii<'ss iiml hiviiliiMljirx Kni!.>i.-u>i’t..iniliic- Cougiu, Colds, Cousbs, CoId.s Congbt, Colds, fce irill fire us an interesting address upon i'lg tmii'*tfiu'y aiiil M-kIm'.hihI I’Iiv' ich! I)tb;lii) ,by l®ws : I jiis witnesses. I to if not more. Of the medicine we can 4he occaaion is assured t« us b j those who THE Bv ROB. J.CUI.VERWEU,,M. ^ PliibiNur, I lay this egg fi*r L*ncle Abe. I only speak from the recommends, but the ; fcaow U « end his talents best. To warn him of dange*. Plilliisif, WHAT DO THE PHYSICIANS S.\Y OF projirietor has so much faith in tht^ medicine ! l ’att.'e J^Iioiv and TllC ••Tl'>artvil-.t fact tlint tire awfcl M-'-.f Airaofoaients have been made to have For splitting Rails w 11 surely fail M’LANE’S VERMIFLGE if si-Ii'tih'.i.-e iii.1 .'’ i « - n-ii!i'Veil v iilii ut j BroncIut», l!oarscc(ss, Eroceliit^ that he is wili ng persons should trj- it at iiit* r.i:tl III (Viniicsnr lh<- d ime->ti.iis :ij)|i!ior.tiiirii’Kl n-w and Iiijr'ilv sn<-C!‘s>fuI j tt win be the CmU ef the farmers and predu- For the accoui.nodation of the Public, and tri'iitmciit, IS lid .Tit.'d '>y th.' n ti «1 aiuJior fii! be called trt take diarge of the nation on I which is now universally acknowledged to it to sell again can be supplied on the same OTTs, not of the ofGoers and committees har­ benefit of thu Proprietor. n.‘U ly (“vn'u'iied.hy 'iif'.iii.s ot wiiii-h i-V'-ry ni:eU ei-.;i. that day, and to Jeav® the rail splitting to ; . pypH members of the terms bv us as bv the manufacturer. bind t'> cure hini-i-If p irf rt-y. i»'d at tue Ir«»t tnidopfRg C0dgh« Cta^f ing tiie arrangements in chaise. The first those who are now sp^ t^ti ''K themselves. I medical faculty (who an; so often ojiposed to |(cs-ili!r ro^t. tlit^rdiy avidini.'ail the iidvi r’ii id Hbooping CoDgli, Cronp, Wboo^os day this j’ear shoald be as attraedre as any ------— ijlieuseof patent medicines.) cannot with- niis rnnix i t thi* dav. This I.eenirw will |»n'Vf a A n c ie n t SUl'KKSTlTION v s. ODERN bo'iQ^ to >hiv.'Un ls a> d 'h' M-at (is. | tlufwr, • r them. We believe that the arrange­ .Douglass,—T he hip skip delegates to t approval of this invaluable remedy: ”lxnVN DOWN. S«-iit iindi'f sc il f»> il y :iddi'Oss.;;f>.t vflw -’ i> If*'!'!! ^trtiiip-i. *>y a.iilrisMiu' D r.! ments for trotting on that day gives general n'I.,I. n. 'v'.'V';. -I. 1)., 4 U Firs! Avi'iiiip. \<'W answer from the state as to the pro;>riefy of j I have «sed Dr. M’Lane’s Worm Spedfic, Kaep it bafore the People* Consnmption, Cunsiimplion, Consnmptfodt satisfMtioa, although a few are disposed to Six hundred years ago it was believed V'irl.-. I’oxt r.nx t:,46 lj51. , that scrofula could be cured by the touch of Tlie cheapest place to buy Whe.it de»m as to the propriety ot letting in a thei, eou™ iu con,c„tio„ l - W | ConsQinpllo:], Consiunption, a king, and that the fever of a wound was Flour is i'.t tlie XX. > loosumptioii, latfe class of horses from a distance to com­ I gav .‘hat the unparaHwled success with which abated by salving the weapon that caused PiiOTtATE Cotinx, July JiOtii. \ anr/ lUl lihe Jlienits, ^ad aa m/iiiliay imiUatt, a pete with ours. The object is to make tbo it! These, and fifty other similar absurdi­ LAKEVILLE STEAM MILL.<. Estate of Je.^so M^si-s, late of North Ca­ rtaifif rtUrf, nmt a sure muI tptttfg eurt, im Ant Fair as attractive ai possible and to draw ties, of which wc read in tracing the pro­ naan in said District deceased. The ad great awl uaistrstiUif oppvortd JitMtdg, gress of the healing art, now only excite a We arc now sollinu- tlie very be.si ar­ ministrator represents the estate insolvent. together as many first claw animals as pos-! Wistar’s Balsari of Wild Cherry. contemptuous smile ; but, even in this en­ ticle of WHEAT FLOUR, tliat euii .Tiid pniys the appointment of Commission­ nble, Mid to do so it is necessary to give at ^ , administration, the .''uallnc.s.< ot thiido.se, lightened era, pn-jiidice ainl egotism some­ ers thereon. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cby^xry. laast an tnritation to them to come which is Post and News are now taking the wiud out tiic certainty or its efficacious effects, times struggle to perpetuate error, and ven- be iiiatle at ?8.U0 per ]] in t-L Ordered— That rommissitiners to receive • « riy all that has been by the new arrangc- of their sales very unpleasantly. It i« a , give<- it, in my opinion, » ih-c'ded^ advantage , ture to (juestion the mostlost palpable and self- E x tra Genesee - - - -i> To ni‘r bl claims of the creditors of FRESH ANP RELIABLE TESTI3IOKT. over any other medicine oi the kind before j evidt'Ht truths, anent. and w« have no fears but that it will present or future loss to them and hard to I ' . \ said Estnte be appointed at the Probate t)f- “ tHatar’s Balsam of HTitd Chrrrg. — Vfe call |b* at. decide. Let tlu'in biok o it for the Old lJuck tlie public. ! Thus, » hen Hollowr.aj’, after long years (joou ru m ilj' 1*lour, - - O.i.) “ j,, x.orth Canaan, on the Irf h day of lention i>f on r re.-ulers ti> tlio advertiiieim nl of Wutttr^* pay the Society well for all the outlay made, Purchasers will be careful to ask for j of study and lexperiment, ushured liis all- August, 18(>t>, at 9 o’clock, forenoon; of Balaam o f fVUii Oierrg in BHUtiirr Colniiin, Mi4 MI>Mr> All of the above are from New Uieiii they can liinl no beller remedy fur coiigba, coMs. as it is from funds independently of any State Sa.u s i«:rv.—T his town is now some­ DR. M’LANE\S CELKBRATED IjIV i 'U powerful remodifcif before the world in their which all persons in interest will take no­ asilinia, bronchial affecliuns, or any discaa* «C tlut Wanties. The sab-committee have this what alive witb citv visitors, some «»f whom PILLS, manufactured bv FLEMliS'O j ;*resent perfected state, their efficacy w.ns \\ heat, i resh g-roiinu, tice. and appear, if they see cause to be , . • I, • MROS., of Pittsburgh, Pa. 'l here are other i dei?ied by many Je.'ibin* practitioners.— heard thereon. thni.ll or liings. ^ jear arranged to have all rbe Fair bnildings “ In Aiisnsi, 1858, an estimable iiriend of ania (•- reside in town and main in neighboring p||,^ purported to be Liver Pills, now before 1 i;(‘se men were the slaves «if formula ; jier- Lakeville Aug, 27, 18G0. x;54, tt ;n i 2w J I 11.E.S T. G raxcuk. J u d tre . •ear togther uid within the track. This we tnrnetl fruin a visit in Ilia rounlr)' ninch rniacialH, *n| the.• public. ..Dr. ..M’Uine’s . . genuine . . Liver sons iviio < beliexed...... i that truth_.<.1. _ nioved___ .1 1 in.. hope will please the ladies who last year Som ething ]\ew. laboring undor a severe rraigh, nhieh bad Biad4 surli. Dr. Knight’s schocl. commcnces its third , Pills, also his celebrated A'erinifiigi*,lifiigi" can | circle lik" a blind Iiorse in a milt track.— rapid inroads upon her cunstitnii»n, tbat we felt sowe- were placed outside and so as to take the j-p^r Sept. 4 th. I now be had at all respectable drug stores. They regard>.d Jlolloway as an inniivator. Mi rCHEL’S SILVER OIL FOR SEW­ Ihing uiusi be done at once, or sbe would becoute «. dost of tho track, al.'e their building is made None genuine without the signature of aiursohewas. li'.'s innovations have as- ING MACHINES. victim of consnmption. Havinf kiHiwn the beneficiat FLEMING BROS. tonished—nav, nio:e, they have convinced rosults wbicti liave wcciirrcd from the um b( ffwturV bifhi*r and longer with rooms for the Secre­ COKSWAU..—It will be seen by the call • and delighted' the woiiJ. Tiie most foriiii- 'I'hi* Oil is put up e.vpressly tor Sewing Ma­ BaUam, we made piirrliase of siuue for her, and we ar» tary and ollioers uf the Union. that there is to be a Republican meeting at ilable ulc'rous and eruptive maladies, with j eliiiies. It is prepared with great care, and happy to say, that before slie bad taken the rontenis rt _ »■ 11 . o ^1 .r-. : Have yau the. D-ispepsin ? the^Vsthma? the Town Hall in > onth Cornwall for the Liver Complaint, or Oenuial Debility/ which science has heretofore wait'd an u n -: can lie relied/>n as being the verv best arti- one buttle, her cough had entirely left her. and she ;> T he RKPfBLic.—If we can judge from purpose, ------of organizing------^ ------a Lincoln —and...... Hani- .does..... vour...... food.. distress voii ? do you sutler equal combat, are now’ subdued J.'V the pen-1 fie that can be made. Price 'Zb cts per bot- now in the enjoynient of encellent heallii.” — Oi/i» Dr. Bronson, Ii.tvirp been so far redneed by con Branchy Jane 35, Id09. what we read, we must believe that the Be- lin club. Sept, 5th.—Let all who can, attend from nervous irritation or ennui ? 'i'ake etrating Ointment for the cure of cx^*;rnal tie. Manufactured by snni)itioii, Hslu be coiisidcrrd lif^oisil all ii> i r o diseases and injuries, and his famous I :Us R.B. MITCHELL, recovery by the most einin<.‘nt ol the mi-dieul pro poblic that bai so often gona to pot, is now I the Oxijffcnatcd Bitters which cures .all Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry.. The Hartford Tim*«s bos in its wrath hoi these. are administered with marvelous success fo»' Lav tiiiii.sclt—a rei;nlur pny.'iciiin •non to aee the kettle dance—that the coun- many dangerous internal disorders. Carle cV Strong, Agents, IM Water St. of twenty years jiractin— a.' a last resort cu.iceiv-. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry.. sted the Breckenridge flag and called anoth­ e I the i l.-a ofANAl.VZiX'. THK »i.0 0 l).aiiUu|;-' trj, cspcciallj the Sooth, it soon to be del- Wc have not arrived at this conclusion New York. There i.i a tendencj- in hu’nan nature to plyiiifitlie s'liijeotof i)iiV!(itdotico. IK-rfect hea:th> Within si.v months after its intro- Messrs. S. Vi. P o w le & C o.: — claverj excepted, are bound to expire with cern the health and life of man. it cannot be linrtioii, oyer two hiindr d tlioii*?; i f c »i'lun^ilive ofcjirs, or the 'right ot ill tcnip-iv.l horses Cento, — I hereby certify tkat 1 have been tvmibM tb* fraod luQiiuarv now tihcdding raje of other at H.irtford wcdne.«d.iy, was inharmo- tti>>n; cou^iis, cold Healied to several (tliysiriane for belf^ *nit pditioal light from the White House. But nobody hurt. But, after all. isn't it best to EstaW‘ of Miipo?, of North 'ache. l*^lj>ita:ioii ortfK! Ji«-urt,Ioss of ajipetite, or —electors at large — Ex. Gov. Cleavland, widest notoriety to important facts, and to I pain in siue.to.-ie 120 timt. iu prociiriiif; a hottle of have tried ahiiost every remedy of tba niiaianxis one* iMTinf read Soathem threats for the past look well to the Harbingers of danger ? - Canaan, in said di.strict deceased...... which have been rectunniended, wilhout receiviag any and Ex. Gov. Baldwin. 1st Dist. S amuel render justice to great public benefactors. the BI.OOD KOOl). It yr,u are sntterinu from twoD^-five years we cannot now accept all Take a dose of precaution—and in disease The testinioiiv iu favor of Professor Hollo- TllC* ('o'tu’t o f IVuIkUc* to r th e D ie tric t o f \ x,.rvons Delntity, *»r yt*ur broken and dis- assistance, bnt had been growing weaker and weaker^ Austin, of Suffield. 2d Dist. Hon. Benj’n | better can be taken, than Page’s Rail- way’s remedies, ..manates from all classes ! Canaan, hath nntil, hearing of Wiatar's Balaam uf Wild Chtrrf akont that may be said by the few fire-eaters as road Pills. Douglas, of Middletown. 3d Dist. Agus and from every quarter of the globe. It is i | r-medv. iiy omn-iien^ dr<.|.,-. If yom ■ year since, I commenced using it with inmediale re­ n o n trathfnl than previous prognostica­ lief. It has not only restored my lung* lo a aoMnd sut*.. tns Brandyear, of New Lendon. 4th Dist. entiiiisia. hotel of Ichamid 1 . »te- bottles. The BLOOD FOOD, is* alTectual in • 11 : Ati tdio suffer mik any diuc,^* of lie JJireat^ — ♦ WiHiam 1. Johnson, of Afontville, 4th Dist. , .■ i.*,i M ii-ii.- I ill of Strength, the recoverv of health and veils in said North Canaan, on the 11th da^* casesof Rpuptiwn. Sa.t Uhenm Sc-rofiil Hand other Lvngs, or Chest, can obtain like r t l i t f by unny “ W hat w ill thk .Soirrn do i t A b r a - points to what he bas done, and bids his | , a,„i when tens of thousands ofOctolur. 18U0. aud the Ilth day of Feb-■ 'ikecomplaiutB. Pale and Kmaciated child ten and Wiffiam P Rarrall, of Salisbury'. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry^ VAM Lincols 18 Ei.ecTEo Pkesioent?— deeds speak for him. Tiiishas always been j of indivi.liialsi, sponr.aneouslv and without rnary, 1861, at 10 o-clock in the forenoon;, jtiVto ti^eVidyanVoolorand bcaiity to | We answer this intcrrogatoiy. by . Hiuiplj , . sta- We hare before us the Connecticut wide the courise «f Profewor Ilnl'owiiv : he has prc-coucert, unite in pro.scriliiii" the .same <>» I'^ivh of said days, for the pun ose ot at- j the skin. - Physicians oi all schools are using it j Wistax’s Balsam of Wild C h e ^ ,, •inj that the South will never iMjmit Ahra- awake songster, edited by John W. Hutch- beiielicent ix-sults to tiie saniex^iuses, their tending on the■ busine.ss ' of said appointment, ‘ with riih wonderfulwonderfnl .sncce.sR..sncce.s«. | PREPARED BY left his reputation in the hands of the com­ PorfulI,lirectiou?seei:irciilar8.Pricetl per b'tle I a n U aeola to be iaaurarated f ^ d e n t of insnn of the Hutchinson family of singers, combined declarations as imperatively de- I E. S. DKM’MG. ) ,„ers P-n.n,ll..ctiou.seecirc munity, and they have lirowned the gotto S. W. FOWLE A CO ^ tha Uvited States. This is and anil published bv O. Hutchiueon 272 Green mand credence as a niath^'V'.?“ w i\v.^x ; _ 'a»«1 .^'Aevc^"? , V NSill _.U'C


tile buh^ect. ]t will he supplied n-ratis sviiAi r.si; 1 iiiS’i pi;e ai .u “ Not li.i. niii.i io ,u. ii.ii,,,... ittoik tljcsc i'fiClS I. Ai. SLNGl;.]: cV Vu., Of the Condition (if I'he Iron iJiiiik, on f]ie OHIO 3iOWI::U a a d m e a p d k , “ Kats come out of their hides to die.” li?t. of Julv, lc>(j(). 2S)tf 458 IJroadwav. (i:. Hai.i/s I’at3 iu ) he Tesliniiiny Of III* For Sale by C. B.Malthio, Falls Vilh ge For sale in Xew York, oniv, by L iaijilities. VEEMIX. JOIiX McXALLY, ‘ WORLD. Anioinittii if. t u n “CostarV’ ElccJiic Potvder, for .serious il.n. Surplus Funds rr ■ .IT J- ■ I , ! ^ I would respectfnilv call the nftenfion o iu setts, itf. sicl;iii?'s isn-f., 2().0LU) J .ns^Mcdicine has hern used by /he public Fanners to H.\iJ/s Improved Ohio Mower llllil nll'Kllil Iji- 11. Earnings sinee last Dividend. 12,770 81 tors,.,- years, w,th inrreasiu^facor. ft is | and Heajxieapi r.r 'i’o this Machine. •asa Mou-er. i DK.STUOVS IX.STANTI.Y tiliiuly li'iC' 111' the i-i_ TcrtfiiDHcndca to Lure l^psiitpsm* ecly. Ta'.f Ayci s I’ii;,. was awarded the hi"h t iMimheror credii , Rats— TJoaches— :Mice— .Mnh-.s___fJonnid ^J^•:lIlse <'ii: the il-iiiiiimeil h. $114,2Ii),G3 luiisiiexs, llearl-B urn. (.'-dir J'aius. marks ((il) at the “ Great National Trial — pnnly iJie I.Uiud, anti \\ iuil in the !- ASSDTS* of Keapers and .Mowers, held S\ raeiise. oes-— Flea.s----In.sects on Plants. Fowls. sfiu.tiil in lii-.iltli aKain. Ileal Est^ite, ^ 4,3HO the Bowels. Ileiidae.hr, Drmvsi- N. Y., in 1857.—'I'his fact l)eeoi!.:inj>'kimw i; They .-ilimrij iti! tin; fuiiL-Iii.ii.i oi'xh- vess, Aiclneif Complaints, .\nimal.'-, tVrc., aii!v. 12.250,52 I to certain mem!:irs of the linn of’ ISall. iid sj ccics of tivity. iMii ily t[’^ system fn.in H O LLO W A Y ’S O [ X T .\11: N T . K-ifi-nc):;s .. Hills of solvent Haiiii^, 1.(574 Lou- Spirits, Delirium Ai’i/i ji.ax A: ('.I.” who were mo tiie olistructloiis wj'icli iiial^e Tremens. Int. mperunce. int<*re.(>. i'y the City Fost-O,'lice—the Citv PVis- '^^■|liIe 111 this ronditiim, oppivs.sed hy the deiaiiceineaH, • >'u..i!v uu Tie I)o; i,ot;ui. S0EE3 and ULCERS Stoek ot the Hank owned iiv the same .525 necessary. knowledfrc or consent ot .Mr Hall, thoui^ii ' 'wis and Station House.-— the (’itv Steamers take Ayer'.s I'ills. and see hi>w directly they restore the >. ".‘<1^ AN':> lN'i)i(;i:srrjx, ‘JO shares I3'k Mutual liedeiuptioii lloston, One dose will remove aH Had Spirits, aineiuberof the Firm at the time, to th- / ' Drii-g-ists and Ketailer.-'everywhre iMitural action of the .sy.slem. .ind with it the bu.iyanc of lienlth is trim an I sy appjin*ut ia (ji; .V.\r:i j.\Y’s iuul iiiu. ll <}?scrint.ion

HEALTH OR '/CA'A’A’.VS ? -1 N Vi ION \L | WOKKS. | A Ic tI licyolMtioii ! M ’L a x e ’s TIIK WOKI.i) rXANIMOL’S ! ! l^iicr’s B:u‘5;ij);u-illaJ Ayer’s Sarsaparilla D r. •’■tULISHKU EV D. AKri-ETO.V & CO ^ J | ^'4 Chcos8 Between Them, FOR PUSITYmG THE BLOOD. A compound remedy, in -wliich we h are la­ CELEBRATED 34G *nd ;M8 liru’.isi'fib<‘rs i« I Disease: that call be made. It is a coneeatrated extract |)iiri ol i!iv 11'ltry. (Li-.imi •ccii t *1 le m U i LET TIi.^ AEFLIOTED READ! S crofula anil Srrofitlotis .AfTtM-tlons.smcli of l*ara SarsHparilla, so combined with other as TamDr.^, I'U-i-i-s, N om , Ki-upti»ns, v e r m i f u g e :..??;,,, ■*; t)V ni" i! »r s-;, iiv(“n:i!-' : VjhI le:.rr. tlii.t ii r.. rr.-et mhiI Kii.II.-mI <-ii7k is v-:,rr-iiit,..! » •iubstancc.s of stiil greater alterative power a* Pimples, Pustules. lloUity {Iiar«nti-e.l tii Hll » Ik ar.-slilli t. li w) !i \\ t.:iki'i-'-. Iiei.r T iii'N '" ' A \!i:«iCAV CvL'i,.-*!’ xi-'l!! \ : A inp-il ir B luius, auU ull .*.>Kiit lii«ea«e8. to a't'ord an ell'cctivc antidote for the diM.*Bsea ■>lrt! }ii-r»i.\i.- ('riliiplainl-'. “t- f-iih-.i'.-. ami S.-.-ri-l i.j I ijar.-iaparilla is rcimted to cure. I t is believed B<)TAXll.' rilVS/CLV S. lU Ills |.r,.-ni.. l:.-.-iilen.-c. 0\Ki.i.\n. Indi, 8tb .IiinSj 1S60. U-olcf’ iii'fl ('iiarl'-s Pni'i. :ii |i-J by* J. r. Ateh & Co. '.Jeiits 1 I feel it tny duty to tliat such R ri'uiKdy is wanted by thoM who LIVERPILL5. -oils . ••loc-t I'-'i'ii' o( wrU r-: i'l i'' 'ir.i'ir!ict o< No. 57 WEST 27th STREET. NEW YOKK knowleilge «hat your Miisaparilla h.ls don« fur niei stiller iToni Strum ous complaints, and that onff t M't j ’liJ '.’l.T Ttr< is lu inr hetwi-en riie i^iMb aiiil S,■>(.;,in .\vi.t,iii- TIi.- Si.xib .' Ha^in^ iiilieiiteii a Scrufiil'.iu.s iiitectii.n, I lia'c ffiiftered I I ', 'nr;!'- vjI "ii ‘S Pac!. -me Oiiiiiibii'.-^ ran ui. I Jr. .ad way. Met tlie SiMh A'. from it in variona ways ti.r years. S>tiietinie9 It burst which will accomplish their ciure must prar« |-ai-» Uvive lln.a.hviiy ami i iiiiul. i.m! ny - n.l \. out in t'b-er.i ou iiiy Iiamtd an'I arms: g.aiietline..; it of iinint-.isu service to thix large class oif o a i beg leave to call t!:e -ttcn- i *in-et, a»fl pas-^ tiie Iii.i-i.-r's b..!!-.- .-\.-rv l.v.-an mu- turned iinvard and distresseil me at Ilie stonmi-h. Two afllictcd fellow-citizens. How completely thi* WE -•r.ri- only tive r.-iiis; wiii-r,-I.ri^a-.- in-;, .-onri.l.. Ik-.! i yeai-9 agjo it liioke lail en niy lieail ami i'ovir.-tl my scalp coinjxmad will do it has Been proven by cxper< t;on of the Tratie, and more ,.vi-irpj a- .niu-.nMi Dinme will b HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT. • irws and f/iav Srt* ll.td l;*i >’♦ ^Ui-djlv anil ears with . ne sme. «iiich was ]>aiiifnl ami Iimthsumo •il. IV.>m Ki'.-til h>’l-e'i i.'"l..i-k A ,M . ai..: fri.in l-..ii' ■ beyond ilescripti.jn. I tried many medicines ami several im'^iit on m a n y of the worst cases to be fouo4 HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. «„1 in.in Seven tn .‘-•i--'l>i. I‘ .M b'.t..ii bay >i- • pUysifian.s. but « ith.nit miicli rclk-f fri.m any thiiijj. ]n of the following compl.iiiits i — THE CHEAT CDl’NTER lERlTAST. ,11.1 L-..; 'io r.-Mi-f--if ,V..II wl-.h I., .-nii.v !i. aSti- fact, the ili.'i.ider ;;iev,- wor»e. At leiigih 1 was reji.ireij SCiiDl-'UL.V AND Scltlian.oHS CoMPI.AIMS, i^,,_^nll «1!1 -rad live i.-i-iui/e rth.iiij to read In the (tnsiiei .^I•^s.‘^en^^.r tliat v.*ii had prei.arej ,, y.. ... >F!r hlood furnishes the material of every bom .-i.iTiMC I'llVSI. I.^.X. an alterative (.Siti-s.iparillai. f. r 1 knew from your i-eimta- I i.Ul'l’TtoS.^ .V.'JD JiUUPriVE iJlSE.VSES, L'LCBKS^ The vini« o f ’it>= ''ay lo th li.iimde, gland and tibri: in the human Iranie- No 57 V.'F.ST STtVi STRFET. NEV-' vf. tion that any tliiii.' yon madii ir.list he giiml. 1 sent to i*lMI‘tI-N, Bli)TC:1F..S, TUMOn.**, SaLX KheUM, 1 rintiinmiiandK'.l it. and Ua*-d it tiM t*un*d me. I took nt.vr.in1 o-.r«"« tl.r .usrh th e p -.f-s -.f th e ^ k u i.- -> lien pi.te.it .secures hi-nl I to ver.i or.iian ; wi e .fid lie will si-N.l ynu either hl-i Lb.* .> : ' .Su.iL;> II eati, S ypiui.is asd SvpniUTie W e refer to t ''iqnF it, a* yuu jitivistf. in .'ay’.< I’iUs operate diriH’tly u)ii>n the element^ (n l.<5^;an to to; niuinh‘r th»? ucab. which after a u.vi.dlA OR Tic Dori.oL'.irus. D bbilitt, Dt»* l'n!):'r+;nit (ir- -■ime chariTi-'s fl-i'i i-enrlnntr 'h e «r.st . f iiiH-iirnif !i* stream of life, neutr:iiizin>r the jirinciples ef di VII siioiilfl ’iKA!) tli.-.-s- Aliii.--';t.-> ;.n.l .ie-iL- ' urn t i '■. <.< inter- Hliil .'i.mifoli-Kitii’.-i^ ;.r.--'■ r X while fell ort' .Mr f*kln is now do:r, and I know by niy •iiiMiA A?:i) I:ci)roi'..‘»TTO>c, Eiiysipbi.ah, lioM Vermiluge ^nd Liver Pills. V,..f>.i sp . -l-i’U- r.r !.»?<■• • ion p r n m r th aiid inv;irial !v subdues it. whethe> •ase. and thiisradicall.' ciirin.;' the malady.wl etlie freling.“ lh:lt the lia« pm e from niy sy.steui. You -i.llrt.lolM.il!. All wli.i.se'm>iil‘ I.n- slltT.-rii.-,- m :i •■■■. Sr. Asriiosr'.s I’ihk, and indeed the wholtf f'•»' tiiiiii-ji of -lenied in th . U-.):>eys. th - 'iv - r , th e Utiitr.-. o r an- '■cated in tVe nerre<, the .st.ngai-h, the liver, th Tip'..taft or'--an. ft p e n e tra te . tW Kttrfsir. .ow^kls.tlie mn,«^le^ .the sk in , the krain, or any ®tl- iicilienl iiniiiii.n nf rtir nin».- oi iheir satr rii.i. you. lliat I hoiil you t«> bi? one vt' the ap*>stl*;3 of iLo l.-L-:.-? of cirtilplaints ari.siiig from Im puiuty Qt f 'm . .if t?e iw.*t *»f>vr •othr iMtciinr thvnrch ti e ronntlrsn tnhps that r jtHit of the sj-.stem, Milter nielii-iieh.ilv th-)HL'iii-- nml ileiir.-.si... i>l . a^id rt;muin ever jjruU-iully. Y<)ur.’<, 13 Uloou. universal Cure-alls, but si/r-.ply for | • ALKHKI) R TA LtFT. ’sif T'Tiation ip o>p'»'i ii.-at(.‘ w5>h t'lP -V in .a c ^ ’in in 'p rra ii. pas8P> re.ss ami aiiiriiish’ .'f nniiit. r.niii -.viiniever --aii--; 'I’hit coTJipotnid will be fonnd a great pp»* , ir'-onnt- Int.- tlu. f.-v^vP.’ - i r l h , dilfiisiiip it.-( cool an d reg cn I'scd Throvghoul 'Hie W orld! ! 11^ iiiiiii-r l».-iil anil del. -«ie i;c-.-.j.li: t.. t-.im !..i . S t. A n t l i o i l y 's F ir#*. T?o^ or Erysinelaa, what their name purports, v iz .: Vom til!' 1 at hU»nrir-ni -.HMl'.iri. AH Lwtiei» itii.. Lave .snll'.-ieii .,i-t.-r il'- T c t t t - r a s u l .Salt - KUeum. - - - .Scald Uead, auter of hciilth, when taken in the spring, ta I kp. p nni-^ ■•.'■''i ' I-.-; fliii Iiio^T-n- fnitinjr intluence. HOIJ OW ATS PIM>S are Cfiually efficacionsin .•laiiit.s an.l dis. .'i-"es in. i.ie.'t. ti> teina!.~. ei.M'ini ii.y Hiii|(\vori2k, Sore Kycw, D ropsy. i -.t^el the foul humors Svhich fester in tbtf THE VERMiFUGE, , Pr.ido writes from Sideni. N*. Y.. 12th n disordtr- peculiar to certain ciimrite.s and loca! Sept.. that he ha.s rnreJ an invpfprate cuso of i ,y expulsion of them niauy r.-mkliiig disorder^ Far expelling Worms from the ! c'f t v liv!ny larjre doses of the ,,r!it')!i .frotn the r’ocl, Crn> l w<= fn rT fi- h') V o., di" o ..t to rp'iir II.J he:ir wliai oihtrj liave suiit ..f liini. hi.- i--;.e^. v i:ni' H. firmity and .sutfi ring, and the cansi of 119 va.Huble Hllie uiirkfl. ilie ViAi:iti.i.ivK Al.'Unao ifantly. ' v":c~, through which the gVstera will strive to n o mnro.a factory results to various Animals ^ecord5 ofConcresF. ■nnnmerahle I.MUis. yield i.. tiie.se cnratives in a "T lii.s eniieent U.ilanip I’by.-ieiaii lm.» renlK p."' B ronclioccle, O oltre or Swelle-d iVeck* \n rnv:ll N.n<-e in all nnrt>= worM nmv-=-ts .nfan,h,1^ . rid it.iielf of corruption-:, if not a-«isted to do I’tav. ..me of ihe in.isi iijiimiisliiiii: rur*-' i.ti re.-unt. in Zebnlon Sloan of Prospert. Texa.-*, writt*:<: “ Three h«t* r.ii- «• I ' - orr . '^f h e ^k’n , th e m n s c h -s , tlie j o i n ' f . -ases, Mowever ajr^ra fated. actinp as a mild )iiir-. i this through the nutnral t-hanncli» of the body subject to Worm*s. ^•e. !(!tern*’vi. nd tonic : tlwy re.Mi vi- 'hi i-< v ■ ny other eenntry. i.y lii> simple, iuii.ieent !.ii; e.-; tieii of yonr 5arsaprinlla enred nje from a - a hid- •;il be pill)!: ; hy an alteiativu mL-dit-'* e. Cicanw out th<# ‘ THE LIVER PILLS, ;I;rno wlil b»- p!|i>!:stie nHd th e "IftndK. • n.rr,.fy"> rinrifythe fluids, and'Mvi£r''‘=- T'f CF. /■’> A ^ D 7 L MORS. <>ou.stitutiuii atti.e same tJUe. lietJjiir 1-jiilii.r. lla-i.nii.i. nr >on : « he n»r M.un.-r over two yeais/’ j vitiated blood whenever yon find its impuriti*# thecure of L iver C om plaints, T'ln . fr-i-t-: oft' i'- n x ’-v .i'led e x t r r n a 'r e m e d y rt r Daiirliier! wbi-ilirr .Marrli'il »r .Sncle; al: -li..ti!.l ■ Iiewrorrhflpn or W h Ovnrlan Tnmor, I :>ur.sting thro-agh the skin in pimpli’s!. ernptioitf, For ,nS-r.f.ila. n n t .=.,l.n-*;t vplon« It «r^t di-'char(te-> the poi-ot Invu.^d.s M'hosi* ul?ln*ti«»n^ b.nT* pronourirt • Dr. J. Jl. S. riiannin;;. of .Now York City, writes ; ** I triicted and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it r» »!..■ ririi-p n ' •Thirl. T>rod-ee-Stipn iTi'ticr nnd pr. nd fl- > n ovatina; and urtr'/f hy l)ir <>ld ?*nh4»(>l pr.H»-li»M*. h:i\»* !»»•«*» |.»>rr; •vh';;icvor it Ls foul, and yonr feelinppt will toll Head-A che, &lc. In c.ipc3 o f olfx w ill ’•p-si'iit a t t h p r c - ti.o r r ’o«r w’ ir^* afto hracinp properties of these I»il!s e-' firmnes.s ti­ stored Ut \*y lierK>. ini t*r p an»*larv intliu wivin;^ I have fojind yonr Sar-aparilfa a mi^st rxcellant iiiv b«iik« mil Tor (P I “ 'h-'cribpr*' altiT.'ilivH in the mnuen uf^ complaints f<)r whirh we -.-o-a when. Even where no particular disnrder litter"' cvi'i’isi' '"'ir m rd- cornpletp are «,ife a-: well permanrrt the shakiiiL'. ’• - ' ■ r-ebled muscles ef tht t>«* .‘irt i>* m*.tr;v Imt its rr*?t«ir.ntjot» r**r'a;n. ; ut our I'xpcnsc forrarri- t*tnpl»»y snch a r**ni»*dy. but e.'»p«cially in Disfuses F e v e r a n d A g u f", ■IfvPii copio«w i!l li>- victim of goner .1 debility. :dm olh»T unnaiur:ii ...... I *».s iuivt- rli»» >:i s folt, people enjoy better health, and lire • uniln.** V srra <*S whir-h a w:us Ir. of the ScrofnliMis dia!]» ‘sis. T }iave cnred many inveter­ Ho!n?r/x, Bnuses, Burnf and Scroful ate ra.^es i»f I^f'Ui.'nnhrt'a by it. and .''t»mo where the coiiv •)'igor, for deansing the blood. K eep the preparatory to or after taking Oui- | orv^ «t'1i =o lihorniiv DELICA 7 E FEMA LE^. wiUi h ii;d. h-a* tM.-dofvni;: pr* 'pni,rr^ mihv t.-. III e-.-e^ o' t'ie 'Vnc'-nre of tlie bones, ii.jni'lc. can Pl:.n.-Iary ilinu. lu r ov, r taiion li.is i5i^» e plaint was c.iused by nfrfr iti^n of th»* «/#'>•//.■». The ulcer­ ili'od healthy, and all is w ell; bu t w ith this .,lh'v^toani ex .'..n cured. Norhiiiir wifliin my knowl- >:i'mlum of life ai.iri:u.iiw« cmI'tp ef|ujds 14 for thrsr f.*nijd»* dtTanj^menf.i.*’ ‘tbriimntisTn. St t’TU'SR of t’u- J »ints :mk1 nnil cm .«!• ki)fvv. >oint' Plfly'tfia.j^ n-qtiirtf to he io)*l . at ite and sensitive organs of the ^ex nrp ienio\ F«!ward S. >!.irnw. <»f .N#wl«nry, Ala., writ»'«, “ A dan- ■i-liug heallli. Sooner or later something ft speedy and permanent cure. r. *'.p n.jhliu’irr?. .-artion <.f the -inew^.it I- enii.hy. n ard waiu- pi-evnlei! by a few doses of the mild, but f yimr — hf Iii»isu‘c riiy^uiHti ‘H)c- not ,\ •>i«s»amv intnr ded l.T th e fa e n lfv . T h e in :iivel.m > r. ii.il.le aiti nitivi's. No mother who ri-rards 1 which lijul tiefiwd ail the remedies we could employ, has ' As specifics for the a hove men­ d v h a - been ;..ti<.dn<-c d 1 v it i:A -et,torin |;rr- vscTibv vourdij** jukI Ui« p:i: ts Mlforti'fl: h»- w-ill i ■.fe is dbiorderud or overt brown. I. or her childrei.’s health .should fail to h^ i«* lnu•*^an^♦• of itil \o»ir rutr.Tlnir> aa*) iMlir»iitU*.'4 at Innirth been compl. tfly runn\ by your Kxtr«ut of Sar­ .Sarsajiarilla has, and deservos mnch, the i‘.. all'he h-adii!i' Po>p;t:iI- "f Knr-i.e, and m within her reach. il! u-ll all il»e .^ynv/*oiM‘ yo-j hnv<* t*n saparilla. Onr idiy-^ician th-uuht noibinjr but extirpa­ tioned diseases, thev sre Unrivaled, 3°A l’i Y-!('l \'^’S r//<‘A C Y ^ ,-ivatr hoiiseh ld sliold be without it. tion could afford r»dief. bnf he advised the trial rif your [iiitation. of aoeomplisliing these end*. B ut .u* :*vtnplorM< ytm wili r.xpiTicin-f. an*: ht* rf.'iil' «•»' Sariiaparil!a jw th#* la.'-t re?*ort bi*fore cnttiii'r. and it and never known to fail when ad­ U.VDEM lii E Ti;STIMOXY. ■ aynjjMom.H wn:r lierolh and «o:i.*itilnl ari. Il»- v ? W(>rld ha-J been t'^re^iou-cly deceived by •• i vt»u lunv .oniT y«»u havi» btu-i' a(iVct«*f4: h*- wil! a •• • proved effp?rrnnl. After Takin'ry«uir remedy eight weeka '•••parations of it, paitly lieeawe the drug To YOUI^G T h " Mi'dV.al -^taff'-C 'h e l-'rei;c'i an d ’^n-’Ii-h uo Rymptom of ihe di:»ea.'4e r«*n>ains.** ministered in accordance with the \ jVn -ntir, ■ The T.oiidon I.ancit, The I.ord.oi Medical >u Ijow an>l \vhc»i y«n e.i'i l*»* cnr.Ml, No riwuliy puw. one has not all the virtue that Ls claiiucd n^e- in the I'rii'iea ■ lll.-ially siyn. d Uieir iinpi- ' • >i»:.\-\oinica, Opiiirn. o! any o»h«T iMii-oh': Syphilis and M ercurial Dl.«iea8«. w, and (he most e.niinent o| the faculty in f; directions. *1 i-ir] <1; .! nollew:'vV Ointments, as tee most r liable • !.-r.*nry. nor any «ir.Hd*y iniii* ra!—tioiinnc l»»l [»nrrl\ .. Nrw Okt.Ran.s. *2fith Ancn«t, 1P59. r it. but more because many preparatimis, ted roraiirks.. i tain, Prai ee ann (ieimany, have eulogized i..! i ...... al»*f app;irHl:f»u> areju♦ MTilnMl bv tint* w.m»:frrhi Mv.1.* T>n. J. r . .Atf.i: : ?lr, 1 cheorfuHy comply with the re­ '•^tendin'' to be concetitratcd extract* nf it, Their unprccrcentcd popularity p:\nipliIot forXi Ms and their ii.vcntor. tfntirutiL quest of your airetit, and report to yon some of the eflbcta (iitain but little of the virtue cf Susaparilla, ' r is also used by the .sur,:'epns ! t he alii, d *‘\Vr advi>o every ont» To n'ad the Doct<»rV Matrinjr^ A of:!2 p;i?eM.<»' I han* realized with your Sar.^aparilla. i- any thing else. has induced the proprjctor-s R.‘Tiir:il 'Ve -lc vies. •anaoF. aiul ft>r thrni-^eJvcrt: aft«*r tber hare ri: I liave cnri'd with if. In n>j* pnirtice, most of tho cora- ii'?‘»>=.Vof'tiirna-l Ilullnictry's Pil's arf iJir hrst rrmed]/ vi-rr word of th< in, if they are wide, thoy will plaintH for which i! is roconimentled. and have R»und iM Tlurir.p: late years the public htjre been mU- Kmissioiis. I^"‘' ,in ”— Medlrti! Jourual. efffCtrt truly wumkrful in the cure of Vrntrfttl and J/«r- -;1 by large bottles, prcteiKlin" to give a qun.rt F l e m in g B?.o t iii:r s, lyot/i H e O iiifnim - a n d P i l h .s/iotihJ knoiot ill the world, fo r the Jollmcinn 9 curinl D sntfe, Oni* of my patientrj bad Syphilitic ulown of Memory. In- Tht* Aluian::<*> are ohl at thf- T)'»ct*-rV Kfsldt-ii : Extract ol Sai-;aparil]a li.r ene dollar Mcit vurd i» the foUoirinrj cases^. ritv only tw* K c an*! a h;.if ci*nls unrh : or »i*nd fn> po-; in his throat, which were con.«umins hiu palate and tb« a d seases : r' these hiive Iwen fratids upon the .sick, PiTTSBVRGH, P . p:l’)!icit}' for ,nipNient to y«»- r add> t^»p of his mouth. Your J*ai-saparilliu steadily takeSy ter Rtiirly.iir fSosi •.tv-'iiis. Merraniile r riqilion.s. Swelled niiv 1 m a D ia n h te 1 ndicrr .stior. “ I.el 1II1 thji-■r ^^h^II ari- atllicle*^ re;«d liie Itolnriic I‘h cured him in tive weeks. Another was attacked bjr sco- i-.ry not only contain httle, if any, S8 ^:^ar»- to dispose of their Drug business, I.eirs. ondary syinploim* in iiis no.'«e. and the ulceration had ■ M X n<^iss. Tin!n-il= inr. s. '*i *’ •vel ' ornplaiiit P ro p s y T:;llnei;za u.'s M.«rriay‘‘ AlnjMJtacs: ih r v a n r- work.-* o f -t.-.rtin ilii, but often no curative iiropertii-s AvbattT- nv". .« to .1^11 R..1-V lireas Ihi'v ar•e de.j-r.Mtl to >r.. • w eati*H away a considerable part «»f il, s- tiiut I beliwe the in which they have been success­ l,ap,,wt Hands, J;h iii;h.-< Di liiliTy !■ tl.iilimatioi' -.•rv in^trn^'tivi• inte r. Hence, bitter and paiv.tul dif^appdintment n n , S'lr - //ead. ..rf.d r. >n>enw«•n**es .d •rtMVi* •xnal irotnitTfnet^ hd disordf-r would soon reach his brain ana kili him. Imt IC i-ilblajlis ids Kevi-i iV Airne Inw ard W e.l,! iias followed the use of tin- various extracts e i P;ilf Whetini, Thr' !.’ itural soliiarv haiMt>. Th.•V are \’iritifh in a en::-l, yieUb'ti to my a({miniNtratiou of your .^ar-».*j •njl.a • the fully engaged for the last Twenty '’ i'tn la , ;‘-t r»iscascs I-Vm-.ile com- l/'ver i-o.nolai ulcers healed, and he h well H^^ain n >r ••• « -.i s •Airh'^nt 8ore.» o ' all «l rnav bi- re;v w ith o n i detriniiM*’: I.. :h - ir.ora-^ oir iti 'Sarsaparilla which fli od the mdrktt, until the fJont. F eald f, s(ivene.-s plaii ts _ Lowiiess of Npi some dish^nralion to his taco. A Wi..u.r, • ..{ I t-en Years, and they will now give dieir sk i- iM-icases, kind, lire anid y ou. J. T')iey nnf th e vt-rv I...... k> so lone i.Ct . i:.anie itself is ju.stly dt.'.pL«-cd, and has be»om« 1.11 mil.'So, -pepsia Hi-adai-hes Tiles . a w a n idi-i: ro Uiof*e u'liilly of all jnanner of ^e^ r»*; a treated fur the >-anie di.^t-rder t>y i.. ^uireriiij; ,r.. nihiiy Syiiiptom.s •nal »ni.biivvi.t'e r‘he OM.' rrniL' la w> nature at*.- I'h from thi.-« poison in her bonus. Thw •. i.* *• me so sen- tmdivided time and attention to '■fl- I. 1,1 a C'ip> fhe xulfciefl ex- n ' e r i v,.„^1 Sors. Wonds of all kinds- Veueral .Vllections Uoimso.’ail kind- ;eab-0. a^xl I•le r. •ail p n rity a n d p ra c r p**ii*,it-! 's e call this i-( nipnind .‘'ars.-parilla, and intcr.d <•1 no j'tiHni; person fnUT trjf '•a*-nMl eruciatin>f j>ain in her joints an«l boi.rs. the. tni< .is re a n ahlP as a -r m ark ,n every .-af o il^’/.'o?' -'.V jVar J'l.’A- e * great 'pon it. And we think we have frrourd for V 1 cl. vii I ' wn tl'ii'c cent postii ..,„k of iiirpetiop? a. di i.f (brei-tioiis ar.'iii-d eiu-li pot or b. \ ai.H.-s T U ct di.CH;>e .‘e.Cet^.:h:i I .-- ei \ rem***ly: con-iequentJy, th»sc truly remarkablu rttsulM flicYing it l a-s virtwes which .ire irrcsirtible brated Vermifuge a;id Liver Pills 'iinin« will ree.”'v.-n fopy lij iiiai!, umlcr 'i ■ aiiie m av iie p lain ly s ■‘' I'.' nj.li-.t ^ •• < willi it ha\e not .'•tn prised me. me nil y be plainly seei li_\ /i.'W/i.c ihe l" ‘J > «}..aint#'d wi h J’iu y cor-a::' t.r■.ipt.e: . .\ I:.. '.'IdreKf nil le ttr i: t» th e lisrh t K handsonn ' it" liaternully \t>urs, G. V. LARIMER, M. D. , v the oidinary run of the di>cai'es it is inK rd- shall continue to occupy tlie high ht. A lia'id-om c ruM,Mli w.ll bi L-ivei.' . res and tl e »n a*tneui wl Sr.ivj nn .1.- i..a .• .nv one rcn'^.iin'-' s'^< I' ’nnatioi ly n^.' li-w l|::ii e.c r.-* vi,(-‘. ;..ri •d to cure. In order t«i secuie their c( rcplcfe • rawer 113, OlTici’, \ll>any, N.^ -? lei-.de ii.u siii-h i.ii" iiia'io,. a - n ay 1 ; i-abns*-. »te.: af-.d >1 I RlicumatiHRi, Gout, I*ivcr Complaint* position they now h.old ;imong the to the dcteclion of aiiypj^"'' t p. "'or vear>ii-':fit'i' tl:i-fenitih ^l:lve^ ai tliesouc. *»*Sold at-the m a'iii''m-tory o l " i^ f - !]OI.I.OW '»e l»..ri-^T' M.«nri* pkill of ph\-l» ian.«. find stnrk to me ir» spite of all the pnEPAKrn nv i^will continue to spare neither time He ld at the marnfactiuy of professor lloi •rrnt-.on> on ?hf rr>i (if 1 ' •» . iinw fill tlie lirst time -.' ■ ' remedie:< 1 co»:l«l ftud until I tried your Sar.-^nparilla. One > . ''II .'.iai.a-i. I.ii (-. .Si w \ < i k . and by al: tv. !ter\*»R- <‘o!>•p ■. fif- * -. bottle cured me in t .ro weeks, and n'f^tored my general D R . J . C . AYC« & C O . nor expense in procuring the Best '.tTn! 'n t -d Sjatos and oi-ilized wo^ld. m 'Ots ut .■ ..nghont till.' I'liili-i! -li.lisa id the civil ', hil!i» > o! \ ou:h attacked. I think it a wonderful mediJne. J. FKKA3J. and Purtfl material, and com­ ‘.htnj. V : i ■ i'" V. ^ri»e, $1 per liottlc ; Six liottlcs for $ 9 . 1 2 c?nts. and 1# eaoli- . . r'd , iu ni Xe.s Kt 'l.'j criit.-t, C'.; 1 '2 cents, arm .Tules Y. Getcbelf. of Sf. Ij*-iuis. writes: I have l>een Till re if ooi'Siderable saving by tiU " rUhu n/ the /wcrr. which a rheri' ii. a coiisidi-rab'e s^v.ng t.-y t.-. destroyed my ht'allh. I tried every tlrinjr. flnd every thinpj Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, m an n er. Address all orders to :\ ^ y R __T iireet-prs f'-r tl e cr’- dance iome v*«rs Hfm no ftber cause tbaJi drruhticmfut •>/ FlEm’G BHOS., Pittsbnrgh, Pa. -.•il ..l.’!£r.iii..ns 1.1' .M.-iin .i l. r.-, « oi • Vtr' I.ivi.r' My be|o\r. the Rev. .Mr. Kspy, advi^etl -1 cry vnrict.T of '1 hro.-it and I.im" (.'oinplaint, tfcat • ii.'.i.rdi r. a if L-ni.\- ^ !'• . .!■ I b .v T • I'm!*™ w d I’hVf'.c-sns »rj»rine fr- m othrri rv paL'.- ^.1' rl.ese .VlniMii.^.-- ,\i ii - - mo to try yonr Sarsaparilla. berau.*!e be >*;ud he kirew vow, is’ entirrlv nriiers.-isrr^' for «s to rccotnit rh« ■thsD riHBinK Bros.. -wUr d-. wh'iI tci w rue iLeir orUrrj Hl-e -,iir-r:.iL- rr.'ni W.,-,-kp.—-. - and any tliinir you rtfade ««.>< tvor tb tryinir. Ry the bless- - clrncc of ' - rirtnr.s. w'hcrrvrr it has t.prn etn- »nd take vnntt but I>r. H'Linr»r!c its qi.r.lity is kcjit np to *hB heat .any pmrt of the noii.Ml fitairK. od*^ W x or for twttiv* Scliirrus,<*ance.r TniHor.**, Eulnrsreinont* tkrao-OPDt fcunip'., or ou«' v=a! of Vprmifnce for . i\\ A.I who.H' In--I n • r»* :r-• ivir has I ren, and that it niav be relied oii f» fc a r tn a ihrx-crntstsm pii. AH .irde.-a IroD C*a»a»niu»t • h.L'. .-h-nul r.-ad ti-m Aii who-r i.o 1 u oh . V lccratiou, Cnricji aiiM K xfoliatiou of ) lor li;tir u-Uef .ill it ha» ever tcea 'otmU to do. the lioufti. ^ seeeepaiiied.by t«eut7 eeul3 exirA. IvU'fiS 1 . [VEIliEOOV'S LAWIES arid (Viriri" li-il fi-ir v :-3r l-Ml-.- If, -l.-.lO its m ;|.( riori'% -nTai ftiiil phys’r.nl .■'iilTiT.nir.' r ad 'h.'S;. s-. • A «roat variety of have benn reportKd to wsw]jcr« ; ...... 'iKi tfiai i.ui si- ol i( la .. tins li, ivt"i< cures of these forniidabU? c-njphnnt?* have ref*nlt* d frtjm Ayer’s Catiiartic Pills^ SOLD in Falls Vtllajc by ( . H. Ma'- Restored to Fcrfect Ee: ’ the n.se of this remedy, but ocii .»«p.nce here will not admit oTered you. c O L* XjS F. i. L o K IN U ? I N t i> i them. Some of ilafo njay be found in onr American Foil rt-X cxr.3 OT luie, also hr Dru^jrific, aral coiuitrj Me; Kirsi-lt ;s the rin 'ienilion‘-f n .-pirnlar p lysie - th.>ils:.nils l..i-n who wc-e c:'i-n ..I. :i- .. .il WM.. are any »-:iy ain.rl. il .-nii::l<'. ra rra .lr j. Almanac, whi-li the aRrnts below nr.mcd arc tO ■ .. L,v.», Jtu.i:iliir, Dijfji psia, Jn6 igniiei ieiufein byi'nlNK flliiNHK furnish giaiis to ;dl who CJdl f”T lliClJl. lUy 1-ea.i every iM.ni .if nii-ni [a 'an tile coHiiilaiir.s to p reserihe for thei:i. Sci- OI-THK rn !I1.\ UAK. ' .i n t.y , iil-lti« P iitv r h fill- 1V‘III I ' n ' I - I ’I- r r ( (:ifit( r. mA23wB.ZliI) SiADIIiiO Dy»pc«-s-. lirrvt r ltsi, Ei>ilcp- ilri, HAriimntiiin, Ju-uyrttotuinni a i O U S A T O .% ! C 11 Al M IO A ! —t— s ; , , I.iriancholy, .^’curulcjla uny k i n ', and cons'f|-iPiitly re.iic%-s by ren in v in t h>»>r ilc’.ioati' hi-illh \t,!1 itol pm nit ihciu iu iuvi-r (' tHiiliiiiii, Tetii-r, TnuiOti a » * the isiiflerinuof von i-rh ih l in^t ail of t'h.-adpiiin^ it.' } ^^anv remarkabie : i.-( „»v. , i„ei«*.' Ii.e 1- -,t:.sips. nd-'.nsfe.: overcomes disorders whirlt w«iubl be snpp**se«l iH^yond its fantile comi'laintM will how; the very roots in'n j TUcv are tiu;..ar-i-i>.'.ti d. s« tU t ibo li.oit scrjt- faUo.w8; (led oli (^-«(\-'.eu a n d ( a rb o n by eo:u> .js tn i. • ' Salt. I.CHiCs and I’ctitjons, ,olA.^.c r .^..tiAV. reach. Such a remedy has lon^ been retinir.-d hy tlie v h ich t is distilled Ik int' dii.c f' m th e furests nn- j tive Clin t~ke thorn ploasautly. skiI ihcf are Iro ^ e n . i-'anetiiM r d 1-) li e i.ii.h ,st incd'ca* Se. 57 WEST 2Vth STKEEI. KEW YOBK. cessitieii of the pet ple. anti we are conlidout that this Will F r o m URj'^c.r.roiiT. ler the direetion of Mr. Katoi.. m.iiy of them b> '• U 'V t '.ll«"’'.l|l 1-...- -'s ;iIS(J best nperieiit iu tke wotld for all ‘.Ue purpois«« o. c ihi-rities. bolh in Knrope and Vhe liliitcd bt. ^ iUier I.f t:-.e Alniana«s wlii be sent r„ii. if y..n ine do for them all that medicine can do. :ii» own hand». I-'onrt;:!y-lt i-^ rierf-etly hnrmless go" - ts,)’ower<-ol \i. family physic. 5t35p...ii. 3>ei^';Jittri I certain relief in all the (i!l ivvi'>r e ises, which i^^ Rccuij^ts and'lieh-a>(-s. p j y A Kberal al!«'vanee jriven K> aM Travellinc Ko.. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, idxys tor ('an;i;ui, )iassinj Fall its chief merit ovi.-r every of er prepa: ation. viz ; lo pieparalioii of lion ci» oec. mi'Siud will Great numbers of Clcrs'vnicn. Physioi.-iM. State 'nlp.:ritl^^ of the tik.oi^ ^ dipn.-iMt n < f vit: 1 •- " “*Tlie i.aws for the Collection eller.-i. Hue!; Aeeal.s. IVilitTs S-.nre and Shi.p-keepers « roR Tin; n.\i'ti> cruE o f Vu'cij^o ut :}.5r), arriving at C’an- F<)U ALIi (■<»'.I I 1. \ IXTS A r ri-'.N'l)l.\(- Debts, Witl the .statnti ,s ot I. r: vill s>-l! llie .^bmoiaos. men. and emiiu-ut j.ersujia^, have le«» «*« rKKTIllNi'. ; siH-h as ^'V-^KN'!'A "Y ( OLir , ,Vt., ry, pale and othei w ‘nickiy Ci mi'ieX^oi s i C aazlis. <'o!«l«. Infliien'/.n, IIonr.'«no«»> names to certify the uiiparaU.-letl usefulness <>f «!>*« »;>n r £ 4.31). p. ni. ate Its iieeessity .n almnst ever\ coi (-eivahh-. tat’on . and union! t ai d kiml c Cruiiji, IJi-OMtl5ttU. Incipient C'on- Iso f.ir softeuMi;: the cim^. tid relievin.c piin. iiro-ieil> Kxenipt from Executioi remedies, hut our space here will not peraut «»♦ PiU» rujrer train on arrival of thf -’.ir'reu'ulatiiii th«- bow.-ls it is niK(|^iallcd. Kci Ini'.xioiis in i*’.i mrirtdiesin wh ch it has bi A FORTUNE CAN BE JIABE. suniittiun, ainl for tli« Kellef iiisertiou of them. The Agents below na«r«l fcis ripd, It has -..nivi ^ ahsolutely cinalive iu each iu every State. of CoMsnniptive Pntlents J A. M. Kxjircss train from .N ^lld in the Hea l i' a snr- relief. For ('ronp. the '.nd a pftiu.nn«nt iii.-oiiie fr*r <»UI .'‘C** *oi‘ ?‘»*<'nr»d ’ > in ndv«n<-«-tl stajc** i.ish ^'ratis onr Amkkic.a n Ai.Man AC 'Y .V l ■lost fatal and trvinsr «f diseases, ii ea'i be relird ’he follow.,g e^niplaints, viz : * “ How to make an Assignment pv(.i i!i4n^iriou> in.*n and nvI»‘» of tUe Ulscuse. are eivou ; vith also full descnptions of ‘he V orkk for I^ittsiield. pausing Fall erly, w.tli foi-ins f .r < ompi sitio) ^«ntmM-lltt Medical Kook. No .-ap.lfl; .«r M-mnt \ m with perfeul eonfi ei ee; and beii-p a power I’’ 1^'' ^nnli. Nervous .-llfrtli'nix. F.munatii •rhi.s )s .T retnedv so univrr.-ully known to .«nrpasi an? complmnts. r-H the treatment tliot shonld he fol- 'tillage at 1.:U p . m. arriving a for I'l-e.lit vs. I ’ d the lii.sohei N'o allt r.tU»n paid to r»»rr**.spondL*n*«‘: if *« u 'vs.^ih ‘ ; {•|il..-iti-si asmo.lio in all ea-es of eonvnlsions or ^ ^-pip^iin, C(in^ti)>iiliiM. Diurrhah, D^.r- nfonMati and full p:irttctdar.>. you mum »a oflior fUr the cure of tliri>ut and limp comtlaiata. th«t It hined for their cure. . • , . , ____s.v ;t.«, weear-iestly rei-onimcnd yon to lose no tiim, Liws of every State. 18 nse’fW heie to publish the eviilein.-e of its virluM. J ta Do not be u\K off hy unprincipled dealer w»« I’ittslicld at r. u. tiirv, hu:jj>ir)it Sni)ii No. b l WEST 27th STREET. tOi-K n proein-inir ii. l.isilv--it 'cost so much iri.r' 7 W«rntV..v..«, .sVi.V Hhnim. .1/i«mci>.'/n/i/ “ “ The legal i- -i.iti.iiise.x:-tinghetwi 1 unri™!lei1 estellBHCe for fongh.is and roldn. and it* truly other -preparations they make niore proit rartBt‘n;^itx. Chf:-u (Jiiardian ai d Ward, Master ai u«urt of ai»d m A. .\I. Had from 4 to P M known tbrousrhont the civilizi-d natioua of tha eaiin. Demand Av*n’^ and taka ^ cars at \'an»lu<‘.t of itfcvictory over the M OUT Kemedie* « e ftwr sale .-liable to ail'Tiihovs. In the dir. otions ,l ,i c i i e . di. ill t ’ jii. ^ lUuiP (S fi subtle and dantrerous dlsoid.-rs ot the thro..it and ln»pa. 2 f*. rAfssKNfirn tra ix . Tralined aroiind encU *" I he Wile’s L’iglit in property, 1 As all know the dreailfiil fatality of thwe difKirdem, and .c. mast be /trictly foU n < 1VO's ai d ii:ii--ciil.i 1 m i; \ in ' t h r “ ni'; c ' orce and Alimony. owed. Pricp.2-5 as thev know, too. the effet-ts of thi.s remedy, we need not .5.30 p. M. l.iPavoH liriJgoport at 5.30. ;.«-r i'o t t 'c . phi'iit'. fl > t!- al -1 tins rest'- tive has p; v ND. 2:G MAIN STREET, do more than to ;w nre tlu-ni that it baa n"W all ..ui r . M.. on the arrival ol sii'.-e.pssiiil to an I e-I w i.i h !■ desc.iirtio- i -1 I-JUIDCKI'UUT. COXN tue« that il did have when niakioK the cnres which b»T. “ “ T IP T-aw for Mechanics'liens in e von so strongly up»>n tlic confidence of uiaukiHd* . p'.xprcss train from N. Y . “D oa'/n to all V e r m in ’ rv-r tte i nt'est t ^ li svsji.ld ren N '■ creditable I 8ta'e. niid the yatur.ili/.ati-1 -.^aldsso i.”f l..'l-'il ■ sst Invebeciii < Vnifig'’!>l and Apothecaries, prspaared by Dr. J. C. AYEK &- CO., LowiU, M ufc pusiiiig Falls* Village at 8.39 jott.n in their own iiei'.rhhnrh.iods, li.ive sinUie' Laws of this country, and how ti }5 "pnsioiit d Kits IX 'r il i-; Fai V r-' signal iutanixs of this kin ' are attested of f w ' n one. a id the ' u- n o r s A T O ! C K V, P I BT^T C A > . F kom C.-vna.xk. ^ male Sliders, emaciated victims of apparent in; pction Laws to I’nblic Ijiinds. Foreign in d Dontcstic S.rjO A- M- Fn-ight train on Mond'iys, fueK- j rasmns.sangenious exliaustio’is critical chan!.', <• •* The Laws for Patents, with modi '# piiblislu'tl every ^'a’urday JMurnhig 1. iiujjle KeiueUies, Easily Ohtaiued, F « iiid that complication of neivons and dyspept DRUGS, MEUl 1NE'J,CHE.V11CAL.' day^ and Fridays ^or i’itt«iit!ld, i ofrroceediire iu obtaining one '7. B. Maltbie, at the Prin/ing ClJice ii The Cure of Disease lu All i'oruis. ‘003T.^I=L'3 ”■ u-i i-sion to air and e.xercisc fur which the physii with Interferanccs, Assisiinieiit arriving at U-.'-i;, m. WHli'ELEAD, Falls rn icg e. Cl uj'on ll.efullcu-atg terv..: Rat, Roach,&c. ExtGrminator. ian has no name. and Table ol Fees. BY FROM U > '.lUiSCTOX. Tn Nervous Affectiopxor all kinds, and for reai- PAINTS, VAKNISIIK.^:, DY PaOF. *. X-VLyU. M. D. For th.- P'.if «p in o. R.\TS, G.V., Mh'K,n nl SI KiKf.l) MICK, .msfamilliarto medical m-n, in the opperatiou ol “ “ How to make your Will, and hov If paid strictly in .nilv^iiicc. $ l.i5 peraii'ii 7.n^cr train for Pittsfield, ar MOLES, i:R0 U )S iiUGS. this preparation of Iron m ist iieces.s-arily he sah. to Administer on an Kstate. wit' S T U F F S, if not p.iid in u lv.-iiH-e, .SI.;')!* per aiiiiuin. AMS, Ar. the law and the requirement; letls i aa how to attend upon the »lck. a.ii riving atS.1.1. tari.for. o.\nu-s.it t -..ic, .v.tiio. hi Any person forwnnhiijr a i-IhIi ol ten -sni n.).» t.> COOK f.»r l-ielB : bow lojtre- 53T* En^fo’Krtf ht/i'n u ii '■oir f>r' tJi*- avd ’ x-t.ii.; ! d'iverlieatin:. ; and ireiitly, r< n thereof in every State, SPER.M, WHALK AND LINSEEI F i?om V.\xmT.SNviM,r.. | ftV •• Ni'i u« ih** iniman fannlv ciilK-rs. will t)*i cntitli'il ti) a free copy. p.ii-e l>iiiiKs, l^uiillicce, Jic., n a i •• k;*'* df» noi die in h<-i h'»!4*s. l>iit ont niul L'astric pni' 4 Ciergyiueii of the various licinniiinatioi tl>on»Hnds. tn Vovk. nod general nf-e, i.rd ex|ihiiiis to y< ii the [.esislat'.ve fruiii I .iit.i,ii.u> L)isea>e» aft< r tlie 10.:}U a. m. tram fqnn f h;p‘. I’tmrdjng iIuu^es, i'lK/ltclu&utailouft, ve i.rin'iic*in-,'.t d-siL'r-ealde sensation. K>:ecut've and.lud einl powers of b.*tli the Gener- JP.RITS OF TURPENTINE, n this" Comity, nil! iipnn upplicatiou n Ac., caiiDoi do kxuiKnu it.” It'is thishiMer .ruier'v amo £r ot ers «•' Ci Idl.i I'jit Of t.ie v.in.>ii.s Jiseasts (it i'hildrva, IJridgcport, connecting at State .,.,l;esitso rein ir abiy-mset-ial and perma- n ilaiid State(Jover iments. CA.MPrlE.NE, A IDS. GLA^^S -oive a copy of the F{t‘iinMic:ui fivt-, in cni: aiiU i'lve.s the best ai.d l.iiie with Wi'strrn train to .\1- ' ,-,.n-.Mlv f-r /->il"s, upon which it al o appeal t. Tt Te3J« Y'oii How to keep ontof Law. by show PU 1 lY, i deration of tho Local lie mu they laoiieof livaiiueiit diir.ux Itilli- >;<)iiV..l>ioi>s, Vucciuatl«n, hanv and Jiiidson .ind IJcrkKhire i x -rt a d’s ti'iet an.’ sneeWic a.'ti'«'i. by .tispersii ; in r bow to do yonr bnsiness legally, thn.s saving : SPERM, WMX ANDSTEARINE or piililicatioii. train to Hudson. Bed Bug iiterminator. , , ..,.1 .i.-b o-M.- ^h -n _ /ast am- nut of property, and v -x.itious littigation A d v e s fist KIT. Wuoopi i;ea.-"ii»,4\c . Put ijf in 16r., *() •.. 7^c.. and l.ojilcs, 111 n y s ’ie p s ia .in iu im e ra b le a r e iti- c ire s, a sin irb «v its timely consultation. (’A.- DLES. Pells y.ju The synn>ionis«f t ri.np.ChuUia, In* F ri'M PlTTtil lELII. j An InfHllible d»*stiMVi.*r of ml'l-tught aiisn«Ftnf.— ,.IX o f these rh-ilvho te IMls h a s o f e:i .siiKced fo- To the Advertiser, this piiper present, t.iuiiiiii. v olic. Piari1ia-a, W.rius. known m tuU.’’—“ No tottirkor;-*T «houUi be Ri.igle copies wiil be sent by mail. postacre pai- w.” — ‘Is in-T o uo:»iou> to the huinua—bQl-rf«i^A 'he ino - luViitual cases, including the atteiidan CONGRESS WATER, LONDON Sculltd ilcad, Itin.'wonn. Ch ck*u- 9.15 A. M. Passenger train for Hridgeport. b'rv«'iyt > every ruiiiiri*Farmer, every Mechanic •»./ every Man...... ' ■'.he best nteiliuiii fur reatduiijr tho p» Ojde el k) lue bu^—.si»ccic.*K’' PORIEU, pox. Ac., and gives yi.u tb« b«»t this train coniu'Cts at Vandeusen- | -’ostivness. ‘iTsiticfcS. «*v<*fyiMuly in e'erv Siate, on rece'pt o .\ortli W estern part of L oniu-ctieiit anr remedies I'l.I then twit. In nncheckei’ Diarrpp ih, even when advanced t- hnv htyle of liiudii.K the a-^in'ninjj parts of .Massachusetts ant rille with train from State Line j CHOICE AND PURE BRANDIES tl PtHs inil Tile syniptoiMs o) ,liiliueijza, r*n» passing Falls Village at 11.19 am j Dv-eiitarv conriniied. em icistiiKr, and apparent! Sew York. .lalignaiit, tbe effects have been eqnatij deeisiv _ hyi-’ter Kiiiii|>li.>ii, I'y-i-i.M!*, .\»tho'a, •nrriving at Uridgeport 2..‘i0 p. m. : Electiic Pewder. $ 1 )0 0 A YE'T? WiNE FOR .MEDICAL USE, Iiroii'V. I.out. l;hei.niati>r-, 1-i.in- Pl.t lip tn 25<-., -rd 5Hr. Ili.x.-s •a astonishing. „ „ , , , .u j king^ ||‘-I:...... everywln< r -ell ,i I g -ell i g tl.i above wo baiio.'K'-y-^il.ela-i. Ai ., ai d connecting with Kxpress train | T« PeffroT ;-;011I.s, HKD liCUS. Ju;.^QfITnT.>L Tn 1-ho nain>5 of -'''1 GUI ii.ducf n I I'ts ill :chiiii: ch ill! v<->' lil.eial. One sqnare one nunith .$1.00, two nionth- AVTf!: KlVfUP, I’bANT I.NSKCTS. VKK.MIN H-f* biliating contli, and remittient hectic, which gen P i HFUMEliY, vou the i.o't rt-lnedle^ tol iheit i-uie- New York ari\ingat 4.40 r. M. j roWI.S and \MMAI.S, .Vr.—-An in-.-llii:tble pwpuni- or s ingle CO ■ « of ! i 1 ok or ■ i i r i Le §2 UO, thi ee months si.\ months rinii U) r«riii.-i-s."--r!isiii !-.T‘St'il bv Miv oibcr.’ —"E*- .ira l V indicate Ircipi-V i;i. otli. 1 iuforni.itio. , i.pplj- -» or ddr on' year $/.00. Two siinans one luontl t Te'ls You The syiii|>tonis i>t i holiru ilorbua.. S.4o r. M. 2d. Passenger train leave? i jojiug .vu iniini nsi- iiejiuUir j every ulirrt. ’ dv his alia VPd tliP ahii ni <>' i n'n ls and ph sn ns TOILET BOTTLES, . ' ■M.iliVi.ai.t t.jiovlerd, . D X.. Pittslicld for Hridgejmrt, at i iti several very gratilying iiid ii tere.stii.g nisi n- $..00; two ino.jiths $,j.i)l). three months $7. tiy'ent. ry Craiiii*. l)iseuKe» oi th>'- • aOHX E. POTj^KK, Publlvhcr, Ji.4.') P. M.. passing F alls; ces. F^NCY ARTlCLt.S, GLUE INDlGl' s.-tiirDuthtf .910,00, one \ ear S I'.2.0!). ( mx l{iailiit-r.’Ki!li I-} . ai.d the l.ivef.- fourth column one nonth .S.j OO. thn e ni’ths and the Oest uui<.diis lor iLiil.' \ illage. at .5.52 P. .M., ar- | l o '^ e-ofiilo.ia Tiibeicnb’sis (bis rrcdicated iror 617 Smr-rsom St., Philadelphia >’i. Sm, 11 THE BEST KIM) OF TOHACLa,-' cure. riTi-s at liridgeport at 9.0ft has 'i-i'l f i>- more than the o-.m ? •,'ec-. of the mo«' SNUFF AND SEGARS, 57,QO. si.\- months 810.00, one y<-:ir e in i.'iilv liil ineed ore lar^t! -i s . f im ine withon' It Te/h Vo-u The syinptMnw of Plnrii-y. Mnirp*; P. M. j One half co’ Tin, one month S7.()(', tiire* Xeuriilff.a. Aju-plcxy, l“avaIjM».| .inv oftl'.‘-r well known liabil.ties. T * Subscriber! •nontlis,$iO. six nnniths .•? l.j.OO, b ver J2.09 A. M. F'reiglit train on Mondays Tues- j ri.f attentior o' f."ia’e^ .-a i-'.t be loo ■•onfident BRUS I S OF EVERY bESCKlP'J tho t aiioi.i I>i!-cn>e'- ol tl I Thr«>st.| S:^r),00. * One olninn, one mouth tflO.Ot' 1-y t . and the best days, 'rimrs.'iays and Fridays, for , ly-.iviteil t-i t'.-s !? -.r '!.;sti. itive, in the To onr Subscribers who wish to subscribe for an^ ION. '•eeth. Kar and three uionths 'o.OO, six months remedies fur their rnre. Canaan arriving at 5..')<) i*. .\i. : X. ca«e oee.iHai-'v e.'i--toiir them •:>lthe following Maanzines and Perif dicals, we of- Th^ aMr^ »re row apknrtwleiiffM th* j „ - -1 • 1-- •- ■' ’ n fla m a to rj-— r t'le following liberal irducin-cntg ; TOOTH NAIL AND CLOTH. one year 10.00. i>ii-ine.ss Canl.'*. -*1, pei It Tells You The syiuptoir.s of Kjiilepsy Jannil- 5.00 p. M. Pasenger train for IJarrington, ar ; in thelatter. however 'moredeeididlv— it has been line, per annnin. Sjiecial notice.s 5*3 per ice Piles, b’lipti.re l>i.“easesoi tb« Only Infallible Remedies! inv-iriiibly well reportefl, )i. th as alleviating pain Atlantic Monthly $3 .5* H>‘art, Hinorrhajre. Veneral I>«' riving at G.15 r, m. POTASH. lent advance fron> re”:ular advertisin:; rates. T^rm«. —jinr fiiTid** In Kf-w York. -indand n dncintr the swelling and .stiB'ness of the Harper’s Maj'azine 2 5* SHAKER HERBS ROOTS. MED I eases, and Hydru;>liibiM. and give* F ro m Statk L inf.. ¥ yn s.iM nn romn;ifi‘lni>. joints i> fur tbt ir cure. In Ti'teriiiit.Meot Pevei-s. it must nee'tsarially be t'odey’s Lady'sRo«K S .'-n. exercises imm' din'elv foilow its nse. SP0 NGES.,CHA.\]0 1 ^ Child-birth and of Menstruation .4a. m. Freight train on Tuesdays, W ed­ J—(;n nil orders fni SIO nt»r:h und ov«r, a cJweo^ V ' Put np in neat l a t metal boxes containiniz “ Tribune 3 .'it 1 FALLS VILLAG Whites, Barrenness, ft/-., and givei Up P* i'’**. ;S KIN S nesdays Fridays and .Saturdays, fur *Co«curV’ Private Oireulw. ".S fills nric cents per box : for sale by dnig- Weekly Times 2 .S9 I Adn vicinity, that he is now i)i*rin-inentlv located the best and simplest rtmediea •- . for Bridgeport, jiassing F . Villag* ' 4. ^ g ‘« and dealers. Will be sent free to any ad-^ re.ss " Tribine 2 7.S PAFER TWINE j in HERMAX'S B G thciroure. III. on the re ei"f of the price. AH letters, orders, N.Y. I^edcer 2 .=)• The work ia written in plain langnape, at 6.40 a.m. aixiving at Bridge-1 should be addi-Bsed to a n d EVERY ARTITLE USUALLY Where he has » fine lot of from raedical term-s, so as to be easily anderstj-ciij m To the People. Harper’s Weekly 3 .St port, at 3.40 i*. . | n. B. LO'^KK, & r:o , O e n rra l \ c e n ts , FOUND IN A WELL-FILLED JE W ELR V , &U. &C-, while its simple rei pey may .ooon save jon n»*"r If BP T>nriri irnll. rri--li«H. p.ir '^ale C.n.Af\LTBlK Falls Village- Per sale »t extremely fow prices.and where hewill j andi.p- n type ; is illn-i'r.ited with appropriate A dedtiction of ten centj^ will lit made on : mi r.-W |il 111 J l. nr a Siiinple Bi.x of the EVrtrtn I'mrd^r be happy to see his'old patrons or any who may ■ emvinps. and...... will Iw forwarded to yonr add-.u fr.r ."idc 7 h‘ Kf! ISV'l Fl rrviinnlnr briiip n liqiliil r»nnnt TAKEN UP. TMO'^E IN WANT OF ANYTHING yasHMigers who procure tickets at the Sta-; !ic- BPI.I iliroi;c'< tlif fiiPil: Imt ill fn!i i w'-i-r.- |i is ri-niiirod, wish for good '•eatly hoii id and (»o^f'Sf i>;»id. on receipt o f$ l/ 1,6 i.hct,ic rairdir will bff li.nnd a u tOv-clasl iubilliniU. USUM.I-Y KEPTiN A WHOLESALE ti«*n Offiues. ! T im e w hen TraniB pass Falls Village. Taken up in Falls Village. Jnly 4th. b j JEWELRY GOODS can be CHARLE!> IirX T . Pn.vJent. | i x r . the subscriber, ft sow, supposed to weigh a- DRUG ESTARLIS'I MENT $ 1 0 0 0 A YEAR ToT'-n‘<*rt rnhlir neninst Fpifri&ii* und ! r J* ______I...-. ... __«K.. n WAVV 1 W, H M atson, Agt. Falls.Village, Ct i N'l t.APri. bun ‘ prepared, Going Xortli. ^1-3-4 P. M. I bout 1.50 lbs. Tli.3 owner is requested to ARE Or have | in»: men fy-TV'vhe;e, in seliii l' the above work.) ' \ •• 8.30 P. M. (B L O C K S , w a t c h e s & JE W E L R Y | o«rindiicemr'ntsto all »rch are very I.t eral. earii.c a /•iCfimiir rf the IVopri^tor’e nignnurei ! prove property, pay charges and take gaip invited ’^aU.x Ullage, April, 13. 1800. ro f'\LL JO H \ F. POTTFR. Fnbllsli«r, Goins South. ^ -A. 11.10 A. M‘ jow away. ’ ' .Jon\ MrGRAlT. AS OUI’ S'lO' K IS FRKSH AND repuir:d. PERSONS WISHIXG TO CHANGE; ^ “ 5 o2 P. M. I Fall* V illag e. .Tnlv 7th 18G0, OUU P''’< E'? DEFY beii businehHf- a rapidly increasinp co iitry. a ; Fare to New York I.y Kailroad, 6 0 ewSetilemeiit, whereliiin.liadsare piniijr. « here j ' € COMPETITl'iN eclim ateism il.l and dPlijiVtfnl. Be advertise i “ by Steamer, $ 4 2 5 Ayer’s i5u’s»| aiiita. Ayer’s Cathartic Fills. entoftli*' lUuiHjontwn Setilemeut in another j f-'old ^jole-als nnd JliJnil n' “ COST.*K’S’’ Wn. TI. Agt. Dr. Ham’s Spirit. J. .. WARD J. F R N E C H . (iniiV 'rin v lr-o l r»«l>o« No- 3SS B r u n c M u y , «-w Y o rk , nn-riiy re^pusuble/>. -^ '£ .1 5 -r„.o-n.i,il >)ie L'nitr.l SlaM»