ISSN: 2147-8775 2014 Volume2 Issue2 ABOUT THIS JOURNAL Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies is an academic, refereed and online journal publishing research, review, and theoretical articles in the field of tourism and gastronomy. The journal is published four times a year. The articles to be submitted should be in English or Turkish. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies welcomes articles from different institutions and countries. All manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies is sent to the referees after the initial review of the editorial board with respect to formatting and content. Manuscripts must be submitted in accordance with the style of writing specified in the book of “The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition). Web Adress Chaırman of The Editorial Board The Members of The Editorial Board Kurban ÜNLÜÖNEN (Ph.D.) R. Pars ŞAHBAZ (Ph.D.) Fügen DURLU ÖZKAYA (Ph.D.) Editor in Chief Menekşe CÖMERT (Ph.D.) İrfan YAZICIOĞLU (Ph.D.)
[email protected] Hakan KOÇ (Ph.D.) Alper IŞIN Burcu KOÇ Abstracting&Indexing Index Copernicus International Asos Index Global Impact Factor (GIF) International Scientific Indexing Universal Impact Factor Scholarsteer (Scholarly Information) Address Gazi University Faculty of Tourism, Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts 06830 Gölbaşı / Ankara, TURKEY Journal of Tourism&Gastronomy Studies BOARD OF REFEREES Ahmet TAYFUN, Gazi Üniversitesi, Turizm Fakültesi, Turizm İşletmeciliği Anabilim Dalı, Türkiye,
[email protected]