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Index Page numbers in italic refer to Figures. Page numbers in bold refer to Tables. active movement 99, 102, 104, 109 Cevedale Massif 236 faulting 187, 196, 197 Champorcher Valley 116, 117 landslide 218, 219 climate 109, 127 rockslide 74, 147, 188 cohesion values 28, 73, 74 A˚ knes rockslide, structural control 74, 147–160 Colle Longue, slope deformation 14 geology and morphology 148–151 columnar failure 62, 104 potential movement 91–93 convex slope break and instability 107, 109 structures 37, 151–154 CROP II seismic profile 204 A˚ knes–Tafjord project 147 Curon Venosta, slope deformation 217, 218, 219 allometric fan 256, 258 alluvial fan 253, 264 dam, risk to 4, 102 alluvium, buried 4 data acquisition 114 anhydrite 121, 122, 125, 128 debris flow deposits 253, 275, 276 Aosta Valley, slope deformation case study 113–129 deep-seated gravitational slope deformation 4, 97 Apennines, geology and geomorphology 201–206 controlling factors classification 125–129 Arbino landslide 217, 218–219 historical data 113–114 Ayasse Torrent 116, 117, 118 landforms 12–14, 206–208 Tine´e Valley 11–22 back-crack structure 62, 65, 68–71 see for example Aosta, Celentino, Cervinia, Romsdalen 45, 46, 50,58 Hoˆne, Livigno, Motto d’Arbino, Quart, Sogn, Storfjord 44, 48, 49, 59 Villeneuve basal sliding plane 81–83, 99, 107, 109 deglaciation simulation 249 A˚ knes rockslide 151, 153 dip-slip sliding 229 Gamanjunni slide 191, 193 dissolution and slope deformation 119–122, 124, 125, Biasca fan 254 126, 127, 128 block size 177, 178 dissolution, limestone 166, 173, 177
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