MONDAY,5JULY2021 10 NEWDELHI LONG STORY LIVEMINT.COM THEREPORTAGFRENCHMANE|TALKINGPOINTS |IDEAS |INSIGHT |THE BOTTOMLINE STEADYING WIPRO’S SHIP Leading from Paris, the new Wipro CEOThierryDelaporte is bringing fresh energy to the IT company. Wipro’snew chief executiveofficer,ThierryDelaporte, clearly has his task cut out forhim. Wipro’sITservices revenuesare still in the $8 billion rangewhile its closest competitor HCL TechnologiesLtd crossed the $10billion mark in calendar year 2020. HT Ayushman Baruah visit the Bengaluru headquarters of the role in ensuringthat the deal is asuccess. mint SECOND WIND consultingfirmEY-India.“Theyrequirea
[email protected] companythathewasleading.Tomorrow, “Theteamunderherissettlingdownwell,” SHORT differentriskappetite,investmentability, BENGALURU itwouldhavebeenayearsincehetookthe he said. STORY Chart1:Afterlagging behind itspeers commercialconstruct,andtheneedtolev- job, and he is yet to set foot in Bengaluru. Delaporte aims to take a“flexible and foryears, Wipro'sm-cap hassurged past erage an ecosystemofpartnerstocreate henFrenchmanThierry open approach” to Capco’s integration, HCLTechinrecentmonths. long-term value for customers,” he said. Delaporte took the LEADING FROM AFAR giventhescaleandnatureofthebusiness. WHO Marketcapitalization (intrillion) Whenaskedaboutwhatwasworkingfor CEO’s job at IndianIT oday, Delaporte has anascent yet Capcowilloperateasaseparateglobalunit, him,Delaporte highlighted afew factors Paris-based Thierry Delaporte, WiproIHCLTechnologies nfosys Tcredibleturnaroundstorytotell.Part