M U It I Resou Rce Forest Statistics for Molokai, Hawaii
United States Department of Agriculture Mu It iresou rce Forest Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station Statistics for Resource Bulletin PNW-136 June 1986 Molokai, Hawaii Michael G. Buck, Patrick G. Costales, and Katharine McDuffie This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Text errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Authors MICHAEL G. BUCK and PATRICK G. COSIALLS are resource evaluation foresters with the Hawaii Division of Forestry and Wild- life in Honolulu, Hawaii. KATHARINE MCDUFFlt is a computer programmer/analyst at the Pacific Northwest Research Sta- tion, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, P.O. Box 3890, Portland, Oregon 97208. Abstract Summary Buck, Michael G.; Costales, Patrick G.; lhe island of Molokai, Hawaii, totals McDuf f ie, Katharine. Mu1 t i resource 163,211 acres, of which an estimated forest statistics for Molokai, Hawaii. 57,598 acres are forested --23,494 acres Resour. Bull. PNW-136. Portland, OR: classified as timberland and 34,104 acres U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest as other forest land. Previous inven- Service, Pacific Northwest Research tories show an additional estimated Station; 1986. 18 p. growing-stock volume of 4.2 million cubic feet on forest plantations, and an esti- This report summarizes a 1983 multire- mated total volume of 5.5 million cubic source forest inventory of the island of feet of a fuel-producing species growing Molokai, Hawaii. lables of forest area, on other forest land. Erosion occurs on timber volume, vegetation type, owner- only 7 percent of the island, the major- ship, land class, and wildlife are ity (85 percent) outside the forest re- presented.
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