2020 Secondary School Posting Booklet
Choosing your Secondary Schools for admission to Secondary to admission 1 in 2021 Secondary for Schools your Choosing www.moe.gov.sg/s1-‐pos.ng Customer Service Centre Tel No. : 6872 2220 CHOOSING YOUR SECONDARY SCHOOLS FOR ADMISSION TO SECONDARY 1 IN 2021 This booklet provides information to help parents and students make more informed secondary school choices in the annual Secondary 1 (S1) Posting. Parents and students can refer to the “Secondary School Education” booklet for more information on secondary education. The information published in this booklet is correct as at time of preparation. This booklet contains proprietary intellectual property of the Government of Singapore (represented by the Ministry of Education) and the Singapore Land Authority. You may not, in whole or in part, in any media or medium (including all digital formats), copy, communicate, broadcast, transmit, photocopy, reproduce, translate, modify, create any derivative work from, or publish over the Internet, the contents of this Booklet without the prior written consent of the Ministry of Education or the Singapore Land Authority, as the case may be. The contents of this booklet is also available at www.moe.gov.sg/s1-posting. Produced by: Ministry of Education Singapore Published September 2020 HOW DOES SECONDARY 1 POSTING WORK? Students are posted to secondary schools based on merit. This means that students with a higher PSLE score will be posted to their school of choice before another Amanda’s School Choices student with a lower score. Vacancies are filled up by students with higher scores first. 1 : School A 4 : School D 2 : School B 5 : School E 3 : School C 6 : School F Let’s look at the posting process by following Amanda, who hadhas submittedsubmitted herher schoolschool choices.choices.
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