

South Sudanese Refugees in DRC Partners and Sectors of Intervention (As of 31 May 2018) UNHCR, CNR, COOPI, ADES ADES & DRC TSF & COOPI & ADES & ADESSE AIRD & ADSSE FAO 92,700 DRC & INTERSOS CARITAS Mahagi-Nioka AIRD UNICEF WFP AJEDEC

Protection Health WASH CCMP Shelter Education Nutrition Livelihood Logistic Comunity Services Self Reliance 53% 47% 62.8% 34.6% 2.6% Women Men Children Adults Elderly Mvolo CENTRAL AFRICAN Tambura SOUTH SUDAN Terekeka REPUBLIC Mundri Mundri WESTERN East West Bangalu EQUATORIA Legend 3,617 71% 29% sugba Ezo new arrivals Gangala Yambio Maridi UNHCR Sub Office Doruma Ibba (Since Jan. 2018) Nzara UNHCR Field Office Nambili CENTRAL EQUATORIA UNHCR Field Unit In Camp Out of Camp Mogoroko 1 Ango Mogoroko Lainya 1,305 Bitima Yei Refugee Location new arrivals Duru (In May 2018) Ngilima Refugee Camp 32,265 Kajo-keji Mboti Dungu Meri Refugee Planned Site Kaka Morobo Bambesa Niangara Rudu 1&2 Aba Refugee Settlement 597 Kendriyo Uele Niangara Dungu Faradje Aga Heads of provinces Bas-Uele Haut-Uele BAS-UELE a Tsinzi Ingbokolo National Aeroports 49 amb Poko W Ariwara International Airport Ituri 47,827 Aru International Boundary Rungu 4,466 Aru HAUT-UELE Provincial border Nord Kivu Isiro Matari Watsa Biringi 24 Sub Prefecture Limits

Buta Nava Prefecture Limits Mahagi Territory boundaries Kinshasa Wamba 50 Djugu Navigable watercourse Banalia National road

Aruwimi epoko Ngayu Mambasa Regional main road N Ituri Regional secondary road 44,750 Bunia TSHOPO Duye ITURI Old Movement of Refugees Lenda Irumu Lindi Current Movement of Refugees Ibina Bafwasende Tshopo Oicha Ubundu Lubero Beni NORD-KIVU

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. 100km Printing date: 25 June 2018 Sources: UNHCR, UNHCS Author: UNHCR - Kinshasa Feedback: [email protected]