Effective and Integrated Public Transport CITY of MELBOURNE - 2012 - TRANSPORT STRATEGY
Effective and integrated public transport CITY OF MELBOURNE - 2012 - TRANSPORT STRATEGY 60 CITY OF MELBOURNE, - 2012 TRANSPORT STRATEGY 61 CITY OF MELBOURNE > TRANSPORT STRATEGY Effective and integrated public transport Overview need to enable better east west Goal travel through the sub-region. Public transport includes rail, Public transport will be tram, bus, taxi, car share and bike Priorities the most attractive way share and, for regional trips, air travel – all cases of the use of a Planning public transport for to travel around the shared vehicle. Government plays growth municipality and the a major role through ownership, Over the next 20 years the inner metropolitan operation, regulation and municipality and the inner region Melbourne region. An coordination of these services. will see continued significant State Government is largely growth in population and integrated system of responsible for running much of employment. The main growth rail, tram, bus, taxi, car the public transport system, but sector will be knowledge/services. local government, as the land use Constraints on public transport and bike share will regulator, and the manager of the availability may significantly impede meet customer’s needs pedestrian network, has a key role labour productivity. Melbourne’s and be fully integrating the system with land productivity growth has been use and the walking component falling in recent years, in part due coordinated with the of each public transport trip. to these constraints on its transport municipality’s The City of Melbourne has an system. This sector thrives on the pedestrian network. It additional role, as it is at the hub agglomeration effects of high of the public transport system.
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