Marlboro Township Tax $18.83 Per $100 Grand Union Plans Three
c o * a i *7 ®aiML a s s : , '. , Fa^viiOLH,_ u ■ This Week COVERING TOWNSHIPS o r 2500 COPIES HOLMOGl,, MADISON TWO SECTIONS MABLBQRO, MATAWAN AND 22 PAGES MATAWAN BOROUGH Utmbcr Nitlnni] Editorial Association Member 88th YEAR — 34th WEEK New Jtrscy Freu Association MATAWAN, N. J ., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21,19S7 Uonmoulh County P n u AuooUtloa Single Copy Ten Cents Defeated Again MAYOR CUTS RIBBON AT REMODELED BELL BEEF SUPERMARKET Marlboro Township Freehold Regional High Holmdel Tax Rate Matawan Township Board Of Education School Board of Education's Tax $18.83 Per $100 1957-5S budget, resubmitted Up To $14 Per $100 Chooses McGraw As 1957-58 President Tuesday, was' defeated - a . Local Purpose Rate second time. There- was a $3.26 Increase In Johnson Resigns Due To “Objectives," total of 1559 votes cast In Shows 59 Cent Rise the seven districts this time* Year ; Hearing Feb. 28 “Methods,” Of Majority On School Body - There w ere 2605 fa s t w hen It ‘ . .Marlboro Township’s, budget Holmdel Township will have William J. Mcarmv, a r o h . lor 1957 shows a tax rate ol was defeated originally* a tax rate ot $14 per $100 this Tbe vote In Marlboro Town* foo of Edward W. Currie in $18.83 per (100. L a st y ear the year. A budget Introduced Cheesequake School conducting tho affairs of tho ra te w as $12.62. The cost ol ship was: Current expenses, Jan. 31 provides for a publlo $563,263.18, re s, 73, no, 160; Malawnn Township Board of local governm ent Is $3.78 per hearin g F eb .
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