Twenty-Eighth Session. December 1, 1922. 1 p. ^

Chairman: Comrade Kolaroff. Contents:

Report of the French Commission-Comrade Trotzfty.

Chairman Kolaroff. I declare the apathetic. These are the most striking Lgion open. Comrade Trotzky has the and most evident and indisputablp S vmD° report tor the French Commission. floor to toms of this crisis. 1 z k y. We have before us the most There are Tr others. Factional strife rules and important question, that of the difficult Party. These factonal conflicts, French Party. our sharp and often personal polemics is passing The further exceptional symptoms however. a very severe crisis. And stran- Wnongh have not all the same value for the enough this rrisis of the gely Party development of our French Party. coincides with the crisis of the French The decline in our membership is not bourgeoisie and its government. I a say great danger if it is only temporary because as a strangely, general rule it and represents nothing more that cisely the crisis in the bourgeois Party gathered into its rank in the first creates ism which a favourable period, certain elements which do not situation for the development of the re- belong to us by their mentality and volutionary party. The revolutionary their point of view, and that they are s usually thrive upon disruption of being eliminated to stabilise the unity ourgeois society. and the determination of the. Party. Even

1 conclude from the coincidence of the diminished circulation of our press Bese two crises that the French Party is not a great danger. It may be only a t yet achieved this autonomy of temporary feature caused by" the change anisation and action, this absolute in the political situation. pendence from capitalist society ne- It as a well recognised fact in the r.V to profit freely and largely by history of our parties that their line c\ crisis in tli is society. I will come develoment is not direct, that there is jackf» to this later in more detailed an inevitable ebb and flow, that during sshion. the flourishing period the Party must What is the cause of this crisis, the develop greater action among the ma pence of which no one denies? Some while during the slump, it may be< J Pl'j mention the stagnation and even self-centered and exclusive in order to linp of its , ,.., ,T our membership. The develop organisation, to define " of our newspapers and publi- ideas and prepare for the future con 1 eatimi »* especially most significant of the H Humanite" The tact is th finished. Our organisations arc of factions and the factional strife. What V


:i Who i meet oi power i, mi '1 ,[ Itself. < v i ion 11 to omplain then we V("' were « ronn i" / cln isiflcation in f t.lio Into

; ""''at- w.. may a he dl isidenta "" ti, l rC who jmpl.N bsurd - l||; feet ., You I (\ press tins split Lctated by an " oul i,i" thai during the. la t year there n.ii the ' v,li Unto, , ol the situation, I will and by internal needs "i "'„ out, Hi, i |, ( '" BflWj standing tvveen the well, $i whom wo all know Party. tin al and l-Ymch Party, i. ,-. life p Jf: t[on '" ;. who in mi ai But the whole of the i» ,. a t ,! v '•' jn l ' 1 '' i^iorih chain 1 by on il never end." In the be a connected of actions iV"!- KHi'oull gro one, W fje actioi final the 1 , wrote "What to the Jnh conquest t Sj 11 j',',1 ti "',, make our . to French Party the proletariat. Ul ? not acci Bi we are. What hair power by \\> necessity Vv*tand the of the United polemists! Vnd We agree that the present e What miserable ( - grounii omj-ade . M ai _£uuovnyZinovie\ ' f. but,lull, [$ who are not final; we do not ol \ pity those real heroes believe "', !'" wo must tb\i f!' the nch Come '' lV [n : to discuss '<) , i _ ±u_ ., us' is necessary the correctne? fefcei the ! Proposed by argument that' the I believe Si? - view. this affirmation. that ' is taking rather a gloomy there wS andor the lorn, H>P l "° H Mioial, of the the Tefi *<* fall exter- always be a classification by iw % 9se phrases present only an tend! was compelling the «* but French : the and. that when the finallmal fcTont, , p( [on of tho situation in revolutionaryrevolutk "re no comes, the to \\ \ Byzantians, hair action great majority party are we of tl is a members of every faction will iters, miserable polemists? This find them to selves united. But it is - which demands an answer. unjust to to the ieu. responsible French Party which is made stion furthermore we ask who is up of var-

personal? ious tendencies and does not - internal for the polemics, general and exist out' «r +m« „ mM1 t. h ic i Lakftn use ol this argument,aw it is our side of these tendencies to jnaking the initiative j„ the The comrades who belong to the same declare that polem Lishment lor our sms. We are punished In studying Hip , as Frossard, point to the Left this grouping is artificial. There must 5 r, n mp be our enemy take over our false for importaut reason for the Shaving following mfri as responsible for these polemics, and an existence of g Lalas make them more definite and towards the • factious. But this factional these conflicting factions. French Partt I i regime of their looked ^ to own political : T ' tliem ad van- a speech ; by comrades The final grouping, some people mm I delivered in June :;r.i is often denounced say following 1921, Ho& The appeared in the meeting ot the who themselves belong to the factions can take place only in action. But it was Enlarged Executive on that "femps". the French question; a year and consider this regime as a purely through action the International has an i a half not yet certain that this "It is nu- ago. I must acknowledge artifical manifestation, in no way based attempted for a year and a half to that I was tating docility will suffice to appease struck by the upon ideas and which does not serve to produce the regrouping in the French; fact that we were still % anger of Moscow; not every one can marking time. our political purposes. Allow- me to read Party, and the International propose two practice in letter and spirit the policy I will recall only the this passage from an article by Daniel ways to achieve this. It was the action essential p tssages of the International which always varies oi this speech: Renoult, whin appeared in the "Huma- in and through the Trade Unions and according to the interests of the Soviet „We do not see in our nite" of September: "As my friend Duret the United Front. press, in our tjovemment and the circumstances which speeches any signs of the severance has said, it is only in and through action To conduct an action, one must have the leaders of this government must face between the Communist Party and that a serious and just classification may a clear idea of it. and be supported by in order to conceal as far as possible whole bourgeois society. It may happen be made; no one "ever answered these the majority of the Party. Every time the failure of pure Communism". that the workers will tell us: "What words"'. we proposed the regrouping of the Party The bourgeoisie has not invented this you doing there? Why do you not speak On the one hand we see the bitter in some action, then? always arose immed- formula. They have borrowed it from the Communist language? Yon are only struggle of the factions, and on. the other iate obstacles to this action. Some people and some member of a faction in our Party vague shadows, hardlv clearer than the that the representatives of the two facti- would not agree to the methodical the f have condemned and used it against Longuet shadows, and fundament illy the that these groupings are purely organised action of the Party in ons affirm e organisations whole Party. same". I added: ..We must recognise and artificial ane that is only in some future most important and largest & few appreciate this further fact that the nor the United Front. days' ago, Frossard, who also action th«.t we may establish the just of , - that one opposed the United Front, came to the attitude of the Party towards the It has become a platitude - classification ol the tendencies within the twormists except througn to propose an action in accord- calists is altogether false' . Party. I do not think that this analysis cannot develop any action action. J^e with theiiC J111 I said further: common L iprinciples of the United is correct. the United Front, by some Pfft "°nt. tell the Freneh Com- one does not pos- in the answer " of the dissidents, tically we must First of all one should ask how it is in any country where you majonq tlle term inology know munist Party: "We do not ask deny the ideo- sess the confidence of the great which we Thai those comrades who »Trii revolutionary a ;tion the proletar id- Jell, which we have read so many to undertake any logical and political form of these factions of the working class, where ln knowing whether the sitaatioa political th- e Party and without still divided into various m ?£ Press of our belong themselves to one of the three is , what we do mem oei llas is favourable or not. But Union factions, where the Kg become the instrument of our more important factions of the Party. Trade you break away, n >t only the n* demand is that of these factions organised in Secondly, we should ask ourselves if the ut in your ideas, in your only a ve| what is waited formally, but are , worse is that we argument that we should wait for some Unions and in the Party policy from u ear sentiments, in your whole of the working class, and left the idea of the action to make a just classification of the small part Wri attitude and your old relati * nt to ^' your old r of action, which &> t3 dissidents themselves. tendencies has any w orth. If they mean rejects this form pP , society and its insti- necessity, en cil with the capitalist fiction, but a jf\ «,A . Party is not the promoter revolutionary action, that is the struggle a piece of lis f,°nnul a "among the proletariat; tutions". I* / BULLETIN OF THE IV CONGRESS

workers permeated OF_THE COMMUmsr it those words had with . Does it not seem as in ((j vi INTENTION Al. bom spoken only recently, during the which prevents the organisation h\ volutionary Party. But il) how he defines the was rrhis is role -i «. discussion on Freemasonry? this - 'e- M^™,. any 0*' in the working BlQ n& not compromise some more: „What we mdividualism obstacle to nc pity class mo- nTin\l ? & ^ 1 will quote th hl lary ! m th ""' the ' eyes! the [ ^ Well, in that ease we revolutionary will talists during war? Did ! demand is that your it I)V 'm. will retire, obstacle to the Social nt ieot:eDt: Party must not impede but We warn on tbat you expression in your Press, in Patriots? an fem «The the h- vVtr, ' -£\. V Should find T f wlth b it the power of the police of ^e trade unions, and !>Fgeois politician: parliament, in the Trade Unions, and and "the % activity SI &tLbetray U you. There is onlv expression ulti- and more especially, by the '%, paragraphs of the Managing one Party find its supreme p J \ kin wmch should C i h opinion, they resolution cannot Sf Tw . you at the time of ". public exercised ill -omttiittees' help mately upon the barricades of great Coram the ereat *i™ Jii and . that with the sure upon the pretended is the Com- P is the way we dealt indfv rty. This was voicing of the French worker and Lepe have said that the Com question in the Executive. I forced ^ 5$ n the trenches where has not done its ihm m th* of the Executive which into he remains Saist^Party duty n rl th?°H W onlv the viewpoint ©""'. l^uay ^of the Havre J™ ,+hVa Wft Rav hnw^^r. + £ strike orr four and a half years." he strike. We say however thatuA ° duringdurin on this question. This was fn its develop en t was unanimous nothing ££%* have fought The bourgeoisie has been able f^Party had to do with a year and a half ago. We to anclte^crefli come this individualism for ^sf^"S the conservative spirit which its own s!?' authority would have against 116 been enhanced, as " dangerous the revolutionary rests. Does this individualism "il!! ^Tis a very state of mind. yon'Tadnaa represents the past, for beet w£

OB Mil. cojM

i 1 w. , ;]dci hal the 1 ttde exi it, and certainly not | 1(lt

v, I. ill Ml(< fe- li be brought '/ ill pl;i the into | th : | must )( %\ ,j 11() ' t hi /" : mu ^iven contii ll t hi' emancipation means? B) collaboration bei\ V e iW; be verified hy experience, it..* rades who do nol belong „iisi ana"

oriiici i d, and llii IW. \ wo\ i , oi igin, and and those who art- of itfand N| nt hy within the Party. : elite Iff' I of . ' , n the the the i is 'o Ising ftei the Pal workin , edited by Comrade 9^»JL>™^Z&V*irtf^&XJ:s the subordination of the it permeating i ith an editorial comment through ail t , | 1( I'e-rty. such statements on class organisations with these KSS'to tlie inderstand i(i( .}%% dD u'<' (l ° want '" 3U,)0r«inate the inatte who is not in the \ on allow non-party workers J? Y>s •vino" ("lass conscience to the revolu- not revolutionary and afe part) but 1 fail to understand Louzon, who are'tup * D id«'as. Wc aspire to that. It ?hich prejudices e ls I fin Clavel, \ vonne or Orlian- most backward t < S2ry Chambellan or ( n t!!. stupid to say that we can act by and are at trade unions, such 'as, for inet-«J?J rtillv si I a io belong to the Party instance, m outside, Assure from pressure which .- time me mix rs of the Executive Catholic workers. You are obliged 1 ti [ based not be on the free will of ". *' trade (>[] }d Of thJ'w aittee oi the C. G. T. U. it because the unions wouUi the work in, . h ] Um' L workers themselves, or that the value aud would only ' is the meaning of this: "we no be a renli ( Whai >li< bring pressure to in foi , C an bear on the essential role to the trade Party if it had in its midst ty InVlt.8 ribute an only. Jy unions which are, or at least " "' ' ^J must • M be , struggle for elements as communists and Man v 7v unions in the revolutionary trade ,,,,mittee ' m pUrically much stronger than the "' ists who are kept out of ^ecWft£ emancipation"? Which trade union? We the Party T 5aUS know various trade unions in France. Is some minor prejudices. ' $ However, this would not it question of theJcuhaux trade union? be worse a I of the trade cause the Party is, or at least Evidently not. Then perhaps should he homogeneous than union of our Comrade Monmousseau? more the trade unions Let us take the most reactionary and stated not aiming at the which contain communists who in the orgaHf onfParti by a Perhaps. But are you do net press in France perfidious m Germany, member of the these two submit to the discipline of their Managing < unification at the fusion of Party America, in fact everywhere, and i we denounced the left for is at present and trade unionists who have no ha trade unions. Monmousseau party find in it always the 3 same will state- the crime of assuming that oar general secretary of the C. G. T. U. and are afraid of the Party, although Party Bents. It is the working class organisa- can look of after the interest- of the work- However, we had yesterday an administ- they stand in need analysing .their tions which, against the desire ing class * better than any other Party ideas and their methods and do nothaye, rative committee oi this C. G. T. U. the working class get hold fbl of This is beyond any understanding. How entirely in the hands of the a political party to do it. which was its actions, impose on it their will and can we expect to gain the confidence of If the trade unions were nothing else, authors of the Besnard, Verdier, etc. pact. which end, by their manoeuvres, in the working class, if we allow onrselvd one of the worst editions Are, we to believe that under their they would be the' subjecting working class to the trade to be denounced in tins fashion in our leadership the proletariat can move of a political party. "lions. own organ and bv~ members f our Ma- revolution? Do you seriously The importance oi the trade unions towards And what is your answer to this? You naging Committee? Can such a state of the unions are des- consists in its majority, comprising fit- believe that trade say: No, we offer our services to the affairs be tolerated for weeks? A live the which are not yet under the in- tined to be the leaders of working- ments working class and we gain the confidence party which wants to gain the confidence is self-evident of the Party, but it of class? Do you believe that the trade fluence the trade unions. The more advanced of the working class, ought to immedia- various strata in the trade i union under the leadership of reformist, that there sectiria of the working class joins the tely teach the A.B.C. of Communism to thoroughly class conscious confusionists and communists who do not unions: the trade unions and the wide supports the author of this acticle. wncj mass conscious strata toe want to submit to the discipline and the strata and the trade unions in the struggle, and This is not the only article, but one prejudices ana doctiiues of their party, is the foremost are still afflicted with subsequently enters the trade unions. of a long series of articles which we to form the r™ Working class organisations in the world, which are endeavouring Ns it not the same with the Party? We denounced in letters, pourparlers and in

, "wit or is it" a trade union inspired by the volutionarv conscienc. J to gain the confidence of the telegrams. h to be the loaa communist ideas which we represent? This being so, who is porkers organised in the trade unions. Is And the consequences were- the Havre of ui the rob not Yon are making use of a trade union We must not forget * our right, nay our duty to come strike and the general pro . warning" for . wrwarcl formula after you have stripped it of its Pact. It must be a in every action, and especially towards the end of the Havre strike, most revolutionary and ideological meaning, French worker, even the WJ difficult actions courageous after the massacres of August 2* » J as the most Pact can only Want acquainted with al It: afid you say: the trade union is the and simple. This lany elements, in order to encourage You are the failure of the ^rkers events. The Havre strike lasted 110 days foremost and most important thing in plained by wg Z. and to occupyP the most where some *lf They killed ' field, finished with a massacre. r world! the trade union « p 0s ts which entai i the greatest and elements n working men: and a number were would be so, if it were a ques- chist elements and order to show that the commu- four iu">^g Ife ! Anarchism a e wounded. Now I am going to show you i! best coquetting with alwa the I a trade union led by the | ys and everywhere to a^ toost / which will be preserved a secret 'pact' in order lul ele the revolu- some documents elements of the working class, well xn ^j fonan ments of movement, ,^ the history of the French working organised, class conscious and getting leadership of the stru£gle? Is not this our duty in nd I are clippings from be ' '" brought into ."^ lu right? class movement. They inspiration from the doctrine which unions have uudireCti| p i • o-i\eA _„(.<, appeal of i j„ „,.™^ one«no into giv n "l'Humamte". It is the Sfnts the interests of the revolut- which needs some -° t]lis subject, Comrade Soutif are no^ mf and the Federation oi I. ideas. These ideas ln the last last but one C G.T.U. y struggle. But such a union does to its number, or '


Unions oJ tlio Seine. This appeal was Prance between Monday and t,, the C.G.T.U.—and Bend them i with ishod in "niumnnito" on Monday. a StrT w > ol the Dictator general itmI country; not just in every Kip of the t()|1 ' roietanat. [laviv murders are announced to the in a country We ar< to Even ' all where '!lll ° pin-is, but over the country, \V [ you now, < t "' 1' although, of workiti tint! the general 2 hours of the 3 control i' and the agricultural towns, dist- faithful partisans, But \ died >r m day, t ho next day. radio system, here In an intensive propaganda could on to do f RussX^S 5 Thus against the bourgeoisie which : to Ujis is the that the Party is strong, , time statement "the it* , sam* whe n , \t the there the n K should Killed four ini working men? Wha1 workers have decided to strike work in full \ tgreement with published an edition of three du you tin. iN I i,ee'n propose to 1 do against ' a the Governiw to-day while waiting for the general and where there are neither million pamphlets, appeals which pai-Hp, Wi Kr"n? against Pomear< ? opposed to strike". This means Monday already! unions ours, such 01 of ^} inform the working class of what an. This is a question which should tlie be impossible. iron calling on have The Party had nothing to do with would For instance Lino- on. and them to been repeal.-, Sty I every to day and n tavre strike, as our comrade Jacob has we wanted organise a 1 demons" the agitators . '^ showed lack oi" neral strike will take pla.ee What did the C.G.T.U. So we had Bys. on Tuesda of to Because to explain to them what the the typical lack confidence of as naturaly the Dissidents and the Building workers. Why? Fourthl World faith, Reformist bureaucracy oi our revolutionary would it did not want to give up its place to Congress was. And what were we asking the find a pretext for evading the issue of our communists in their and saying: "We not participate in the anarchists who claimed to be more them to do after all? Just to pass before unious and shall towards the working class, such revolutionary than the others, and who the foreign delegates and extend them attitude a risky enterprise." would say "we called the general strike their fraternal salute. (Applause). And, as the general strike was compro- the story had to he told to mised decided to give and the syndicalists and semi-communists But you, who demanded that the French As I said, in advance, they i class; the facts should have day's the relief of the of the C. G. T. U. have sabotaged our great working class proceed to the General tho working one wage for mm to them. The miners of the dered man's dependents. And even this' movement" — which was not really a Strike/ it was your business to explain been given Calais had already started work, they hardly did. But every one seems to movement but just a slogan for the mo- to the working class what was going on Pas de the pits and only learned forgotten the crime of their passi- vement. at Havre, and not just to use the simple had descended have forwards that a strike was declared, vity because the attention of ths workers They helped to commit this error; and formula, "a government of murderers,,. af Naturally the movement was completely was concentrated on the general strike what did the Party do? The Party gave In France' they manufacture such for- compromised beforehand, which was so dangerously compromised better than in any other country. paralysed and way to the C. G. T. U. It was a perfect mulas wrote: "The And T doubt whether there could have And then, the "Temps" chain of errors. Who commenced the But this was not enough; it was neces- any other result. checking of the general strike constitutes to explain to every working man Been whole affair. It was some young anar- sary for the futures workers And then we had to save —naturally, and encouraging sign chists not so and women, to the agricultural B — who were perhaps much the l'emps; was quite right. And been going on not for always—the dissidents, the re- And to blame!—who went to the headquarters and peasants, what had will is ^l'Humanite" said' -The bourgeoisie had killed four wor- fasts, the Jotihauxists. Why? It of their organisation and said: "We have at Havre: That they of passivity of the quite simple, the bourgeoisie profit by this unheard after having killed } comrades: got to do something". They found a com- king men now, class." tte in killing four put its friends, working of them during workmen rade who answered: "Yes, of course we million and a half indeed a formidable check; but shown piw; the dissidents and reformists, in an ex- It was have been it a must do something; let's call a general war. They should on the morrow they stated that was possible; tremely difficult situation. With reforms, tographs of the dead, if m of this. And this strike". » with with great success in spite the portrait conceptions of a national bloc, And the C. G. T, U. obeyed; and the should have been shown was indefensible they went on. wo« the participation of Jouhaux in bourgeois position of these, murdered usie wi Up ofi bj Party obeyed. The Party -which had little the children the lot to say: -The bourgeo ^ sent gatherings which sought to better working to do with the Havre strike, which You should have immediately 1 unheard of passivity ot tne quebtw °f the workers—you" can still dupe the this these " the respousi- remained like a superfluous organism comrades who understand class They always throw class, workers. That is why the Havre mas- of the working shoulders of the working outside of this conflict between the Havre and the life sacre was blow for our bilitv on the families of w almost a mortal U. or the party have met the class. When the C. G. T. workers and capitalist society. And when who so m ^emies. their gnet defeat they always impute workers and shared t0 meet with a the Partv did intervene it humbled itself uu What should have been clone? In every recount this the working class. 1 his is the they might later tuition fortnight the blame to tore C.G.T.U! of "1'Humanite" for a class should class. custom which the working And the result was a debacle—a com- the working ^me- [ possible' agitationagtt a mob use e Ppropagandaro P a Sanda and workers should invite necessary to on fi not"t ™«aifctolerate Thei plete fiasco. Why? Because it was prede- lt was Would have been demanding oi the all ovei tne used, mistakes, articles giately, in Paris and al]d the , termined, predestined, and communis^ something from their thousand of your best _ fi "r^n about to read to you claimed a fe^^lltno^fSdo you propose to do now revolutionary trade unionists Kamtise the whole working class of . :


, v, , nl lite - is v.ill\ Alter the fst of May 1920 -they belong to the In- | lfi this it is etter and t< ides Mian two months, and xl Wli years now, U ; am m< time i for two and then fional 'utioml '.I !.,; NY iuul in a groat thei class struggle. iat the cutive. Unlucki) have Franco very The Bourl?^ I|f,rili rose.^solution of tin' International iirit a were not uca which the proposed protest strike not lose any time. But ^ the Party. Well then ful. We woi vei i'n^h*^ I why S » B»T, Tstroy happj lest ea imitation. This was the havd two years at se vil the le as/ w ^ to International? We 1 belong nd v attitude wind, ..,.,. the i si of .May 1920. that time are comrades who v U actually J° + why. We cannot understand 'under- : ciai» M tent, lf,L nor have gained time ' very cl< \ was not yet a Gommunist Party. Mi rlo V 1 w'llV- To give you !'i'« During an idea however bri< splii had not yet taken place in the the Paris Congress received the number of "1'liu onr ^Shen I 1,1 relations unions. But the forces were the same on Prossard characterised " of the International to the the ,• P. ^t ,;•• containing this article and 1 r ' H '. ri,:h Party (and icon t to n8 especially 11 the political as well as ho industrial our Party the International the first time, I said to h l r 5 it for my- executive 1 v Committee and its Tht following - re did not prepare the formula: . Left elements "Wo %> "This is a preparation for the rup- ?i Secretariat) to show far this movement. And those of theKight time," you how the Exe- with the International." cutive nearly destroyed the French all they could to compromise and The General Secretary ( comrade Frossard Pa f th . know sufficiently allow "w ( me to enumerate to (.rush it by their treachery. They succee- who was already secretary an the sort of you- il at th«T + J l] is n°t man to allow He be of little interest and very dry -—the ded. You know how much importance the the Congress of Tours-anil """"i carried away by contr, Sjigelf to be his tem- letters, the -luentlvUenti telegrams, and' resolutions 1st May 1920 has in the history of post the most quaiihVdqualified t n „ >' personoerson toTe'irjrp He is a man of coolness and Snent: which we have sent, it 1 is a catalogue war France. party-expressed if he says himself thus !^ Calculation, and — not merely in L?accoi itself. lam not .speaking of privafc At one stroke the revolutionary spirit to a report appearing even in the 1 but in m % passing, Congress of letters; in Humanity in full agreement and with thi «•! the working class was lowered and entitled "The Crisis": speaking as t party, and the General consent What arp tl is of the Executive, stability of I have distri- the bourgeois regime was causes oi this crisis? For • that during two years he has two vP Secretary— buted among the members of the large augmented. A great change was produ- have been divided between nothing 'but "gain time" because mv Eu! done commission copies of the letter, which ced as a result of the loss of this gene- to the International and the International has passed resolutions inwA 1 the I have sent in own name ral my to the strike. my Party. There is in to his Party, I ask me a peXj I damaging whether French comrades. Now two years and three months have conflict a crisis of duty. If can understand this in any other 1 assun, 5 one I will only enumerate the official do- passed since this very obvious lesson, and ferent attitudes, it he is is because 1 than that preparing for a . am 't fray cuments. In dune 1921, the Enlarged they seek to repeat this error in the form sure- of myself." (Loud with the International? (Applause). and rupture Executive met at which I delivered the of a great protest continued against the Havre mas- Applause) case becomes more serious yet, if The speech from which I have already quoted saere. Naturally, only the disillusionment This is just the way that one considers the fact which preceded you they appl au some passages. and the lethargy of the working class could ded when the comrade most k his address. In the motion known as the In qualified to July 1921, after the Third World result from this; and it has inevitably helped represent the Party said: "I am torn prossard-Souverine motion, signed by Congress, the Executive passed three to conserve reformism and Jouhaux' brand bi- tweeu my loyalty to the Internationa! Frossard and presented to the Party Con- resolutions on the control of the press, of syndicalism. and gress, we read my loyalty to the Party. These are the work in the Trade Unions, and the Why? Because the party did not know two loyalties which do not coincide, "We must recognise in the light of dissolution of the Third International what advice to give; because it did not experience, that tin; which are contradictory. And if yon survivals of the so- Committee. Let us take up these reso- intervene by analysing the situation, as maintain that I am cial democratic spirit of the old party, lutions. it resolution on the vacillating, that I Was the it should have done, and inviting and failure to our assume two different attitudes, it is be- recognise the value of the control of the press which menaced the comrade Monmousseau — who does resolutions of not cause 1 am torn between these two per- the Communist Internation- Party because Fabre and Brison were belong to the Party and who does al, have stood not manent antagonisms." And after he said in the way of the growth using their authority as members of the wish for an organic relationship and between that there was prolonged applause, accord- perfection of the Young Communist Party for their personal ends and were the two forces— to decide what we should ingi to Party." compromising the Party? Was it not do the report in "FHumanite." together. They should It have told him- And then this comrade said: was not until the eve of the Con- time to put a stop to this policy of cer- l-ou propoise a general strike fess that for tomor- "I say that, in the face of certain in- they declared that what had tain members holding important positions row, but this is quite most impossible, You applicable decisions of the International damaged the French Party was the collaborating with the bourgeois press will only compromise it and create pro- pure to of the people? an I have wished to gain time. I have appreciate the value of the which poisons the mind unfavourable situation resolutions in the class f'ered to do break up my of the International. Here are two resolutions which did not struggle.' this rather than Party." "Was a question of the value of the menace the French Party, but only a I am quite sure that our jgQmtions in the French friend Mon- was a cert of a United Front and the few, a rrivi s t e, journalists mousseau Therefore, of course, there would ter ' applied. have replied: "1 In " 0n work Party. These resolution were not am tain the - Prossai d signed them, incompatibility between - quite f anda fi willing to consult 1 he ink something already with you, but national and the French Communis of the signature was not I have told you my organisation is autonomous « 1 tlr on the questions of and will Party. The General Secretary of y when he declared that the reso- about our debate take juons those decisions which appeal- a - «iof theUK- in the Trade Unions. to it Party, found himself, in a condition juuu-naInternational might break work advisable." j of three resolutions, only one w as permenant conflict he concenW the Part Of the Ihij and ir - y it is not really necessary Won'e carried out; that on the dissolution of to sit on gaining time in order to savej understands this attitude, together round that *.th International. table and exchange is B#m m ex ]aiu jt awaited the Committee of the Third party from This -P - We have destruction. fes(is p i advice and 1 X1 we analyse the situation. tins w| nation lips If we have made mistakes, and enough. Each time that I read of Pn!' ) from the eloquent lh c J Coi lu our ." - 1 believe that pri- - T- raclp G £7. also simply bowed to becw prossard. invited him to have made many, ping I have the same shock, K?loscow We decision of the Builiding mary error was our too great eulidence Workers. is so unexpected. We repeated our invitation by « "" T " K COMMUNIST mTERNAnoNAL BULLETIN OF THE IV CONGRESS same, period, we had •no- the the The )l11 Radek and Seine J - between Cachin federation: w in Ahe [i i lie good faitJi of the comrades who shown towards the ter him to come to trade. Union "Journal jfl . induce Moscow question: du P to A »e ted the French Party during (hat period. For the third time the lin 1922: ™ eetin o1' he Umted Front: decisions 3^' -uary g i Enlarged On duly 26th Si 921, we sent a confi- Executive were not 7 Resolution on "the French The Left Bloc; carried out- ^ J crisis" u P^-ve*eCll" The dential letter of the Executive to the continued to be tolerated, is °0 5x opportunismoppt 'of the Left Party Pross; the rP i , ofnf Bloc.Bloc, m Afte factions Centra] Committee containing friendly of the' Party with the Internation bourgeoisouuig— pacifism of apathy in the Party; i > «tv priticism and suggestions on the parlia- and the " Unions, of The guilt of Presidium Political Bm*R e of Cis the Trade the defects Daniel Renoult; 11 r mentary activity of the Party, the rela- the Party were not changed. °1 leadership and of federalism. aiiair (for If y^ WEI party ° the s<*< nth S timeV tions of the International, the parliamen- me why I do not mention °f Delegation agrees to the ans l X Centrist expel The tary reports in the "Humanite" (Comrade it is because none were sent. rs Congress of the Party- Hie necessity Man he Bigot's declarations to the Com- January 9th. 1922, —resolution the fourth time that the for a stronger on n. llhfs is que- . Central mission confirmed the correctnes of our resignations ; re-admission of those Committee. telegram • lne call n of who 19 22: criticism); on the relations to the syndi- the representatives of ^ st Marseilles, and of Three telegrams the in the appli- , demanding Partl v Sned \hl 1 to P S1 ° n calists the work in the Trade Unions, Moscow. r Trade Union theses of erfeui1 Ma otl of the Mar- +1 ' * * ^ ion LafontL.aiopt h ft Jti'i.m the°VParty and the reorganisation of the Central This commences a new series brought up. ffl£ is July 1922: Committee. January 13th. 1922: seill National Letter to the Seine Fode- Telegram l 1922; Council of 'repeat™ 3ri the latum on: This was the first time we proposed in the invitation to the French delegates - jLnch Party- ' ln Federalism and written form, the creation of this terrible connection the ' Centralism; with crisis. 9 1922: Expulsion 0± Fabre by May » Article 9 of the oligarchy known as the Political Bureau January 23, 1922: Telegram (the question had International Sta- calling Executive come up tutes; of the Central Committee. letter Frossard the Our and Cachin to Moscow times; the Executive finally applied and Lr The Pabra Affair furthermore contained criticism on the announcing the inclusion of the Statutes). (for the eighth the Frenel Articles 9 of time); structure of the of Party, the failings question in the Agenda of the " 1822: Confidential letter to Enlarged May l2 ' the Discipline. the "Humanite" and the control of the Executive of February. tt with Central Committee criticism and September press. 1922: Message to the Second , January 24, 1922: Telegram demanding on the following questions: anffsestionSb Congress of the French On the 1st of October 1921, we sent a the presence of Frossard Communist Party and Cachin, and Lack of Party Policy; dealing with the questions enumerated in telegram to the Party inviting Frossard emphasising the unfavourable influence of the impression Growing Right the preceding letters. and Cachin to come to Moscow. created by their absence. Wing Passivity in the Fabre affair October 1922 On the 15th of (6th): Supplementary mes- December 1921; Open January 27, 1922: Telegram again '"the sixth time); de- (for sage to the Congress of Paris Letter of the Executive to the concerning: Marseilles manding the presence of Frossard "whose The silence of the "Humanite" on The new vote on the 21 conditions; Congress containing criticism of and absence would create a very bad impres- burning questions; The suggestions expulsion of Verfeuil. on the weakness of the sion upon the Executive", and announcing Passivity towards the Anarchists November 1922: Several telegrams in- leadership of the Party, its discipline; its that the meeting of the Enlarged Executive and the .Syndicalists; viting Frossard and Cachin to attend the Trade Union policy, the control of the would be postponed for a few days to Hostility to the United Front, Fourth press, Congress. the ' Right Wing, and the "Journal enable Frossard to be present at the campaign of the "Humanite" and All thesse letters, telegrams, proposl- du Peuple". opening. the "International" sabotaging the tions and suggestions sent by us during This was not the beginning: the begin- During those few days, when we were action of the Comintern; ning a year and a half, as a rule were not had been made in the conversations preparing to bring the French question Undisciplined action of the Party replied to. This is the time comrade with the delegates on the Third Congress. before the International and the affiliated with respect to the decisions of the Frossard claims to have gained. We claim Then followed the resolution on the con- parties, other daily we questioned each Comintern; that this time will be inscribed in the trol of the press in July 1921, when the by telephone: Unwillingness to apply resolutions history of the French Party as a total Fabre question came up for the first time. "Well Zinoviev, do you believe lie is adopted by the various French de- loss, on account of the passivity and the We tackled this question a third time coming?" legations in Moskow; political inertia of the responsible leaders on December 15th. 1921. Of course, we "How do .1 know?" Recalling during that period. "exaggerated" the various previous of the Party the importance of Fabre, "Well, Trotefey, do you believe he is attempts at concilation o1 the Inter- Let anyone tell me which among these but ail those we expelled are now com i jig?" detrimental or dan- grouping national; suggestions could be themselves around the "Journal "I do not know anything about it." Invitation to clarify the relations gerous to the Party. Why was it necessary du Peuble"; the abcess is forming, but H W) We wait, we send telegrams. "'tween so much time in the expulsion this the French" Party and the to gain time outside of the Party with the could have at once to con- gone to Paris International. of Fabre which was such a simple and help of ot the now famous race for suburban sult there, each one ot with our friends At the to indispensible act, and in its solution mayors. to same time, telegram us would have desired to be the first the management of the ''ossard demanding his presence at the problems of Suggestions on the penetrations of the take espe- the train (Applause). We meeting press, of the political bureau and Party in the factories solve of the Enlarged Exe- the introduction We had to discuss, analyse, and activity in the Trade Unions cutive >. of the in j Ll n ( cially of workingmen in the leading bodies Preii<| of the difficult problems of the Juno and the United Front? the roosj 1 922, Meeting of the Enlarged Party, the indifference of the Party its th< Party. We sought to invite executive No one claims that the members ot towards the international. discuss « Resolutions on: representative leaders to Ane International are infallable; but let anyma December 19th. 1921, telegram* structure of the Party; —confidential letter problems with us. We sent five Us show that the International has nuuh to the International discipline; Central Committee containing to the leaders of the French Party "ieism and suggestions on the tolerance induce them to come to Moscow- — OF LETIN OF THE IV CONGRESS THE COMMUNIS! ^m [NTERNATIONAL on a most painful iggestions, pro. of Second General Secretary, deCide questistion whicl 10 workers' 1 ' L the opposition formed. 3 and resohil ions. lu ty, Toward. And lei anyone that this comrade is highly' r V I thouei,?^ r0l)al and several £fy [o 'myselfmyself ot] ['Tench I 'arty has profiled the French Party. We in ade Dt idev. r u'v other his « H n censured - Z' were by the Commis- , eel of the suggesl ions of i he ance in Moscow and we share Ts bhj ty* 1 ' (!' r 1 " advice. ' s ', our We felt . oo t"' o-ave enco' • w " me \n-ow in us opinion of him. K ( never a< jjion- the fact that an International t. despite this m won by (.his In "l'Humariite" of August ^ or tl tlm • Left, „ a supreme power existed, it ,-.,< the act on the motions of the 1922, under the title, " Let ''^f. tion, and Left which rep- us \ \» -M !" felt humiliated by the international. Absurd P gends," ,f us autho- movement Certain he wrote e ™rtyfo 1 $® Party. On the contrary, opposition to Wh ' h nei ei retary oi the Party -There are certain the one conservatism and g comrades anion., f passivity. - happy to be able to' Kit ho has gained time against who are certainly very clever. Ldeed solve Thev wl important question with the aid of nd We Qever the International which menaced .to gin by affirming, with their the°G^de2t ^'^ hand 1111 V internati01iaI - p tt ,r jrrf,rs '- 11 Cohin-unist destroy the French Party, it is evident their heart, that they were Create Vhich and rP„ of V ; very;: rv , r ; intervention this Commission fouQ^ation3 of a! the permanent propagandists must comletely devoted to the Russian IJhe Partv Thi. T J . the rS * „ /excellent„.u-f.ollnn(. resultresult, fori'nr ourmif Party,P Q ..f TT • tion. But.. an as the same thing- in oven simpler /'and now begins a had series i Workers' Opposition ceased as For instance, comrade Auclair menacing, solemn and absurd 1 the "buts" \% tit' ro «ifs"... "But if declared the Youth that the decisions Moscow desires to tJM what is the dignity of a Party. of the International were based upon a the Party to the condition of "fell, a small interest of the Party is the supreme — this is his own expression. mercenary and servile sect, if it The -wi^ which all of us the Leffc ln before must bow ' When we ask Frossard whether he had to rob the Party of the Lv ^ditateaciUta? , i smallest l^fthe task traces the dignity of the Party and of the Paris Congi legated Auclair as propagandist he of independence, if Moscow wishes lis is of to of the Party. i member (Applause). thai establish a permanent eacn oi the answered this was only a temporary guillotine within Party and to create have insisted on this point because Central organs measure, -which is true. the Party..." lie says further; I r direct Paris Congress this bogey ^ it. The factional slug- But after the Congress of Paris "We would fail in our elementary Lthe of the l f we duty the Part to im rdignity of the Party was brought forward y ™ p^^- sec the same comrade in the same if we did not shout to our comrades th™liiey r^had to propose of know the situation a combination which office, and when to the majority, of the Centre that You all created by could by we object our French they are no means be perfect, but which the Paris' Congress. Some months before comrades of the Centre they reply that being led >astray by all those assinine provided a more had or less convenient the Congress we proposed the for- solution we are exaggerating. We exaggerated in statements about Moscow some of the for the coming year. mation of a bloc of the two strongest This the case of Fabre, we exaggerated with most insidious of which we have reprinted bloc was to proceed against the fractions. The Centre and the Left, against Right, Auclair, we exaggerated with our propo- above. Moscow does not want the Third on the grounds of certain resolut- ip). Right; and with a certain attitude— ions sitions for the United Front and the International to fail as the Second inspired by the communist spirit and shall I say a waiting attitude— activity in the trade unions, we exagger- failed". towards drawn up by the Left. The negotiations the Renault-Donical group. ated in the matter of the management of It is Louis Sellier who wrote this. "We with regard to this bloc began in Moscow, What was the idea of this plan? the Press—we always exaggerate. must shout to the comrades of the Centre It was with Comrade Louis Sellier, Comrade quite simple. The struggle of these But it is natural that we should oppose that Moscow does not desire to create a vari- Louis Leiciague, and Frossard, represen- ous groups had been predicted by tative such anti-communist manifestations as the small mercenary and servile sect. It is the of the Centre. Executive. Comrade Louis Sellier actions of Fabre and Auclair, or the col- a member of the Centre who says this. told us We always insisted that this bloc should over and over again that if the laboration with the bourgeois Press. Bach Louis Sellier reports this declaration: Conser- be founded on a revolutionary basis. It vatism of the Centre persisted, of these facts has its roots in the tradi- "If Moscow wishes to rob the Party of the for- should be energetically directed against We Pod of factions was inevitable, as the Right in tions of the Party. It is false to represent all traces of independence .. etc.," a order to solve this problem necessary and healthy them as unimportant: they are symptoms have heard similar words in the large reaction within finally and definitely. Thus we had the «ie Party the to prevent it possibility the Party which show clearly the 'character of a French Commission; the dignity of sinking in a of vigorous action and dough of apathy. comrade. What more certain be menaced dy cer- would have been able to present itself symptom French Partv would At the same time that this before the Fourth Congress as a Party do you want that a man is not a com- tain interventions of the Internationa. inevitable wmcu mm was going on, capable of munist? When Frossard declares are sentiments, a mentality we had to render much more disciplined and that These [Possible which ffj for the Party to participate leading to action. the resolution of the International threat- is wholly foreign to us and i outside work,. a thousand ened to destroy The Renoukl Buret This was said and repeated the French Party, and do not understand. , l(, '• u at met aera that time was putting up a times: if the Centre opposes us, if it lets when Auclair adds to this that those Last February a Commission ps Commis" i energetic itself be led by reactionalist elements, by resolutions are based on trickery, what on the Russian question. This opposition against the Front. it by ffied There was then no possi- lethargy and "gaining time" we think can be the opinion of the loss enlightened on was presided over I believe, ^" 0I its decay will provoke ' queswj collaborating with this faction, will decay, and members of the Party ? rade . It was a LJL 1 ( ke for the whole within our m L^ Executive was aware that in the most serious crisis We have precise . testimonials brought of some minor disorder oommugj 1 so ™e excellent working class Party. to us by our Comrade Louis Sellier sian Party. Unhappily, this >CP 'fl « who I not wish to speak here oi we |, . were firmly opposed to Now do who must not confound with Henri Sellier did not meet in Paris because ^' d T ^itarianism negotiations which took place in Paris one ; and collaboration the who was expelled from the Party.' Louis hold our Congress in Paris, l1lh ^ u constitution of central organs fo? bu- , dissidents for tha tc do lft and reformists -that Sillier was for a time representative of perhaps we shall be able » Mo dashe§ Comnu^ tlley Were animated the Party. The various factions French This a workers Party in Moscow, When he was held in Moscow. I Sdl against obstacles without being revolutionary spirit but were themselves returned to France he was offered the post was composed of foreing comrade BULLETIN OF THE IV CONGRESS 16 OF THE COMMUNIST ^^ 17 them. When there after the Paris fco surmount an day Congress n, elect an Executive „c< s to Com- Fourth World y Ijut J !jni ,. . disputes among' two factions, questions -The Congress -willi *Aa s pl fJ ' 0oD the e otl a certato ( in - tliat lef* aa situation of the Parly. x fe f?ter 5 ™T l g uganisation are always very rainful. the % ^ j t nil turn to the International inQ a eertaincertain councountrv.try, in See- A^Jto 51^*-' - in engaged in a ™ aceuaiuaVrH ,, f . Both^sides made excessive demands. This itself struggle exceptep party,m\'min a cercert whi^Hl Indo fler tQ regtore the fabric tainain tendency of occurs. res around the point as to c ij 3£ ! } inevitable and always But the wh V ^t •es» "j of the y hlS to Ul " lijjress e errors Centre ' other as ect 1 P °* ' Jaur about through some propo- Congress be deprived of its Wii.T-nllU' _ i J— 4- .-.1,1 j-i e? rupture came right tn 'I ,hro told you % KVy f Already that I The were quite plain, not through those men in whom it has history of his sals which conbden H :lira< into the history of the political activity his are charged with the V ,t iro exaggerated demands of the Left, as who duty v< the f T^M [ Nevertheless there was ^ei enting it in the directing WrCx&a. ^acJun and to has been said but on the proposal for organs LmCo' I consider rayself oiT^- p % which necessary re l ] parity presented by the representatives Party". %. ' cld;i de \™vttMH were i» your knowlede. It was the two tenden- it L ci^1n H of Executive. Comrades, if were necessary ^French Socialist the +n &rM tjych brought before the Large ?iS^ader Party The every national section Tl of the other Centre preferred to break off ne- ide with di tendency The e i-° our comrade Clara Zetkm. wat dale for such inc> .ionby the question of instructions action, to l alB a reat gotiations and postponed advi' painful incident because it ° & und «wbto of P^tnost Sure \ t°6 T*\ 'the . organisation a Party, h sfcor of parity until the National Congress. And to ^ s a the the French and sun - with name of Jean r? V \ y It npcted W that com- the tendencies of a Party, each conn nternatlonal working class it was there on 17th October rjinV^ it neCessary to say a few Tif„i movement, is d here was a on this be able to ask if it were S great fight between rade Ker made his great speech free to aur this, not because I wish to Jaures m^ J / 'qbout and G-uesde; case in the follo- after itself, or if it were not and in this fight, it subject, He stated his menace lk the scene that took place in was of I HuVe way: "We want to know if the the deprivation its rights. ty to rlgM as osed to wing repr but in order introduce a ™ ' °PP pAiU'ess, Jaures" not free to choose the "In what does the right of a French Party is Partv theoretical question. This itself consist In we can never forget "to direct it", This is taken govern the leriou man who is present I cr to the report made to [if] me When it consisted in that the we are told that we from the report in "L'Humanite" of the two'factir^ Ace presented by the Internal separate Hnn /as ourselves from the Jaures then reunited, and which nmotion tradition, this 18th October. formed If * Party Congress, ^dnn of the whose noes not mean that negotiations had overwhelming majority of we confide the perso- At the time when the the par a young Comrade of the l RE was nality of Jaures and his off on the initiative of should have got together to memory to the just been broken draw m motion proposed the exclusion soiled candidates, 'This hands of the Dissidents and Refor- the Centre, they said to the provincial joint list of agree upon W who, in truth, deserved the Henri Sellier— mists. It only means that there not yet acquainted composition of the Central organs if have been delegates, who were of the grounds that Sellier founded f the great changes in our policies. International: Party, and present this list m with" the proposals of the to that a democratic conception ii'ldeas on We shall fight the survivals of those "We want to know whether the French Party Congress telling them: "This if was of the Jaures tradition. prejudices which are now what we propose to you; Sch called the Party is not free to choose the man who this is what will agree that it Now everyone was Jaures traditions in the French working shall direct it". we advise you to accept; because in the necessary no speak of Jaures in a class movement. present period of the threatened jt What does this mean. It was the Centre decay this kind, even in an indi- solution of It was a great disservice to the working which carried on negotiations with the of our Party, this is the best way out"! |t manner. They made a big political class of Prance to have made a theo- Left for the purpose of deciding the But they did not present the question clumsiness, not incident of this only in retical battle out of this incident, as composition of the central organs; it In this manner. Alter having carried on in to Party Congress, but the Party though communists really could blame was the Centre which stated tnat these negotiations with the Left and with the Press after the Congress. the democratic and socialist traditions of negotiations could not succeed; it was the international as if these bodies were A resolution was hastily drawn up. Jaures. Centre which found that the intervention institutions threatening the dignity and |6ey transformed it into a factional Let us peruse once more the books of of the International Executive was needless sovereignty of the French Party; and |aestion. and asked: "Are you lor or Jaures: his "Socialist History of the and dangerous; instead of saying: after the nerve-racking tumult of thj and "We sainst the Jaures tradition"? That is Great Revolution", his book the "New are not in agreement with the other faction Congress, in an appeal signed hy the jle way in which the question was put. Army", his speeches, and one always on the personnel of the central organs", they Executive Committee, they said: "The ! do not believe that this was to the feels refreshed by his fine spirit, his started all World Congress which must deal with the kinds of rumours about the Vantage, either of the memory of Jau- great faith; but, at the same time, one negotiations, to the effect question as to whether the national Party that "We want Bor of the Party. sees also the great weaknesses which have to Congress has the right to choose its owj know whether the French Party is not We have all per- characterised the 2nd International. And : known Jaures, if not or not." free to choose the man who shall direct Executive Committee at least promi- we are not the defenders of the weaknesses And *% by his political it". Now this was debouncing the Left But nobody questioned the right. International, jp. We all know him as a monumen- and prejudices of the 2nd realised. Wfl on the one hand and the representatives we see that this right is * historical in of this 2nd International which was re- noj figure, who will remain of the International other, see comrades did genial form, by on the on the that these same as one. beautiful of presented, in its most Congress py of the most the Party the of grounds that they wanted to deprive the dare to propose to Jan characters. now, jaures. We are not defenders had leg And we can say French Party of its right to enjoy autonomy in the situation into which they ideas; but, on the contrary; we shall be able to say tomorrow, these false fully rearc as a Party. This most unjust accusation it, that it should affirm and every fight against this tradition; we us Jt oppresed class, and above all we shall a regular it com- is very dangerous from the point of view its solidarity by electing franco guard peoples must fight it and substitute for themselves 1 of oppressed of the prevalence of nationalist and anti- cutive Committee. They m «c asses,— munist "ideology. ^xecu. the Communist International, provisional > Large Commission which internationalist aspirations. posed that only a | a y' churn perso- Comrades, the tm ,;j to the memory and Why? Because appointed to study the French This idea is repeated in the appeal Committee be elected. to us you have sover^Bjj .!!., « Jaures. Jaures belongs signed by the New Executive Committee themselves had impaired the question, after a long and sometimes IP. belongs to revolutionary parties, not dan ^ created a sub- composed of members of the Centre. The of the Party; and they did ,u 'He passionate discussion, has j oppressed peoples and classes. — 18 BULLETIN OF THE IV CONGRESS OF THE COMMUNIS oommittee charged with the question of T INTERNATIONAL Pre0mason ry> organisation, and with the elaboration of During the discussion a proposed resolution. You have received in tli* t on the necessity of time ---, articles confronted with a question which mission a new question rite society by means our proposal in writing. We were inspired ari« *%>o corrupt can becornp a lever for bringing about of 1 h question» Proem asonrvasonry Xf^tXS"]Zv U led by the pro- by two ideas in drawing it up. w VtaS^* " hiflg f i! struggle, an efficacious and immediate change in present has been itselflwseii beuc lediku tryny Wed iT^Pt^^u'" sliau a this party. We had to condemn the political errors f Thich the Party. We at independent of hour committted by the faction in power in havrr^anever Slutely There are other important questions: arguments on this f> aal subject, a the question of the French Communist Party, the Centre. I ( J*l ft y trade unions and the the Jt ciety- ver been mentioned m the f i so revomtionary to the bitter pS Hu .rtOlS question of the united front. It is on this must point out the mistakes made al We the Communist Party ' tl go into the Masonic and akn Wl Tbey, they basis that the working class faction. 1 then movement by the Daniel-Ren oult-Dondical volutionary of tllp and reformist" < those elder brothers is "tnV tt embrace developing, but the parliamentary tra- ever there are a + And we must recognise that, wha number of the masterclass,. dition of comraff , ades ^l s ent the French Party was crystalised the secondary mistakes made by the Left long to the Freemasons. rep understand such men- WJ Jho j?fficult to in the class of deputies, journalists, law- Left which lias properly is faction, it is the When this fact became It a enrh actions. Some comrades yers and known u U intellectuals, and this crystal- represented the International, its ideas, Commission, we „!,„ .-i !h<- <>pmiun that isation were stupifQj talW ^ are has constitu:ed, to a certain extent in the most important n put himself entire- its suggestions, eign comrade could possibly ° *aid: nmmunist must a State within the Sl] ;^ k State. the life and * wm of the Party questions concerned with two years after Tours, the disposal and It is especially the spirit of opportunism pitT^t ' the class. at for other struggle of the French working munist Party could CotB at all institut- which is strongly contain in 1? t work developed among these it " ,,qt D and other' organisat- It is this which we have recognised comrades belonging to ventures intellectual elements, whose brains are organ 0l;fher feat?** m. •„ ic nAt the. nnlv rftasnn T character of which it is not the only reason. If sometimes in our political resolution. would be snS ^ This clouded by recollections of to define in a m * is musical, if he goes to various situations With regard to our proposal for orga- World CommuK * fmunist through which they l Com g' ess. l a theatres, we cannot expect have passed, and which are at present nisation and the make up of the Central N ,fs and «oo ce I have tried first of ifice these pleasures if the unintelligible. all ' s acr organs of the Party, we have endeavoured to make n, J biffl such a sacrifice. things public in an article does not require A vigorous shaking up is required. It to ascertain the relative strength of the in the tion p of a family and wishes the gress organ, the "Bolshevik". \a the father will be particularly salutary in this section different tendencies and to adopt i n J R to write this article, of the Party, and not only for the Party, composition of the central organs to the I had to search for long - ask much of him, we (which is of course the first consideration) present situation of the Party. Naturally, memory forgotten argum™- against Freemasonry, demand that he should neglect his but for the useful elements which are we do not usually proceed in this manner. which I had ti°of 5 it is not a question of naturally to be found in this leading of pletely forgotten as an existing But We absolutely reject the principle f0rc! shall not bore that. It is a question of divi- section, elements which are certainly too proportional representation, because such I you with a repetition 1*3 like o! his attention and his these arguments. It is 1 his work, much influenced by tradition, too con- a principle always threatens the trans- true however t that in France the liberal between two institutions or two servative and which are thinking of yes- formation of a Party into a federation of bourgeois' life terday or instead which has very mediocre leaders occupations. the day before yesterday factions. It is an encouragement for every and a very poor press, uses the you represent this question in this of concerning themselves with the future. group which wants to create a faction. secret institu- If to the working class it will never Then will come the great shock, for it It is a very bad institution for a Party tions of Freemasonry, above all to disguis* manner International takes is case of the leading section of its reactionary character, its perfidy, understand why the not a and its activity. Id it. must prove the the working class. It is a question of ideas, spirit, and politics. Freemason! an interest in We But we are in a situation which has absolute and implacable incom- relations, habits, aptitudes and of the therefore, is one of its institutions and complete, been past of created by a historical which i individual comrades belonging instruments. patibility between he revolutionary spirit morals of I have said little sufficiently I trust a — the' spirit of the Masonic petty bour- to this leading section. About a year and a half ago we said and for you to understand our policy. bour- Many officials of the Party frequent to the French Party: "One does not.n geoisie—the instrument of the big do in this geoisie. (Applause). the Masonic lodges. Naturally, they Now situation we have asked that chasm which should be created bj for proportional representation, for Unfortunately, this question was not not conceal their communism as they hide the our Press and our speeches between 1 | are with raised after Con- their Free Masonry when they Executive Committee and other central Communist Party and the whole of bour- immediately the Tours ' gross. They however present their communism bodies of the Party. The sub-committee geois society." It only came before our commision us. J had a garb agreeable to the bourgeois hich drew up this proposal was compo We now see that not only does taken cognisance of these facts; it in adapted to the delicate and of comrades Zetkin, Bordiga, Kolaroff, there are bridges mediately included them im the agenda brothers and chasm not exist, but Maeter- its 1 senses of this society. rt-Droz, Katayama, Manouilsky and in the event work as facts of tin greatest impor- refined ready built to be used c 'J J lance. poet, said once that by hiding " constrti linck the its creation — Du.varidges.-» well- & astral bodies, one are w jVe are told exaggerating. one's soul among the The Large Commission, to which we somewhat camouflaged, these that we arc by losing oneself. Well, in a mil'Ueu of the mm Pds still the same thing. It is still ends re presented the proposal which we bridges of Freemasonry, modified one'" mu I Pabre case re- such as this and having drew up after deep discussion, has una- for the Rights of Man. In this way which is continually exquisite taste i hearing, Fabre after opinions to suit the nimously adopted all proposals, whether is a connection between Freemasonry' is immortal. Even wing been these brothers who are experts in radical of a political or organisational nature; the editorsmu killed once by the Com- the Party institutions, J to lose forever 1 Jjuist again politics, one is likely and we ask this Congress to do the same the paper, the Executive Commit^ International, he comes up a r s character of a revolutionaryy J under another one's true and unanimously conform to the resol- the Federal Committee. another name, in spe#I a ndeven communist utions. Apparently our friends make '#f ,7 in the guise of Freemason. are This is why this question is so impor told t]lat we exaggerate, We ISUK as the leading sections of thehe °n tho contrary that we are this tant as far 2' — —

Party are concerned. Of course, the Ma- in which it appears naging Committee to-dav k , on this field, and therefore will immediately rouse World Congress. ^ befor t or an impersaual e f a into one of the mentallity, of nine-tenths of official ^ e introduce parliament its public opinion in Probably, an lv c#' ff out-cry , # nl the fight of France wi1 i #e most capable representations ^ the working against it, as i l soon as it will against "the orders" be H 1( class accomplish the from m!!' i'ai, being the mouth-piece of its task which we expected will be great S b^ £ of talk aiiin Jh ^°M a aspirations, supplementing Our to accomlish. We can already ? caP and Work among the Peasants. foresee ofthought,-butoflC lieS some m^C5 tfis course by faithful and with a certain lu f amount of revolutionary T.hfi aanifl nnrnrnrlon ,..:n - tfln,, :'1 USt the same comrades will with a certain P^icularly mention these two joy that these cff'^iS tb^ip comrades amount questions.niL? reactionary, Catholic for freedom of Ur First of all, thought and 11 training. However, the question of Freemason S° 4 ft cation and the oui circles of the Leon Daudet However, do the a work among the peasants. %om?ade !jrfj o j majority of our parliamen- type, or of f helming c the type of the friends of indulging lU(-'.stlon w "s treated m polemics for ° ah oV and cantonal factions at the Paris tienut, ft* i municipal Pr,™8r backed by their entire press, will thought and of opinion, S n more dis usti m « lary> of the workers themselves, g *g manner throw conteilmi ? oDSist manth.n all?fi the^ V themselves against the Internatio- inevitable divergencies 6 uS other questions of principle within i? % ni ^mr in France in view of its cust- that nal and the Communist Party. And, com- eC were discussed at that munist rank? Certainly not c and habits. Congress, rades tV % $eL; ls USsion of the Managing Committee, if you like to include the oms ? of this question was pacifists tS^ f + ^ will come with excuses, and explanations, y comrade Joules sons, the propagandists of T h e Press. -a ! Blanc, who saying that Ae«! 'H said that it would Freemasonry in itself is not of Catholicism, la he possible to prove the reformistsreformists" law^ an end to a bad thing, tlth must put the regime trom the letters received but that one must not divide chists and the syndicalists.syndicalists. We from peasants This I ^ J considers the press as a happy tnat they were v one's heart between the Party and Free- I call freedom of thought. £jj rh imbued with a revolut- ' for talanted journalists, ionary ground spirit, making it masonry because the Party needs the These f . tin improper to men, who are for a mostlv i very well journalist to be call them "petite fourquarters of your heart, you will create lectuals, spend l lis afl bourgeoiie,-' and that nine-tenths of the press is to for thei ?-l but nothing but write pamphlets describing yourself an intolerable situation. On m bourgeois circles. They % Merited, the are L instrument of our struggle, an instru- peasant class as petty the contrary, the Party have n bourgeoisie would must the in pursuits which sever them as enn? which must be autonomous as be doing bad service to the courage to acknowledge that it has com- from the working icnt propaganda class. Their representing the collective of mitted a men 3 Lsible, will the Party. mistake by tolerating a situa- is affected by the six r days which ? workers and reflecting the ideo- The same objection tion in which very valuable comrades, pass Jf'the was raised by in these surroundings. working class, ot the and not the Comrade Ilenaud Jean and I consider it owing to a painful inertia, have belonged They return to their Party logy on Sundaw ideas of individuals. necessary to say a to Freemason lodges. particular few words anent our Having once recog- having forgotten its principles, t$S this viewpoint, Me Populaire" work among the peasants. nised its mistake, the Party must proclaim endeavour to prom pick them up again The term an bv ^presents very adequately the traditions 'petty bourgeoisie' is not an implacable struggle against this criticising and especialy by doubtiiJ h parliamentary party. insult. It is a scientific term which has machine which threatens to envelop the ih^y say that they demand the for them's.' its meaning in the revolutionary here bri'ore me a leading fact that the producer movement. The League of elves freedom of thought. I have article Then a reso- is the possessor the "Populaire" with of his means of produc- Rights of Man and Freemasonry are lution is passed $ the an editorial which is imposed upon tion. He is not altogether The chief editor says: divorced from bourgeois institutions which lull the class them. Thereupon, they return comment. M must to tba his means of production, and he is there- consciousness of the representatives remind the readers of the "Populaire" of own milieu and the whole story begil fore not a wage labourer. responsibility i'^v the French proletariat. We declare an again. These people are that the the opinions amateurs m This is what" the term ' petty bourgeoi- implacable war against them Expressed in lending articles appearing because dilettanti and among them there sie' means. they constitute a secret and in the paper rests entirely with the auth- perfidious are many place hunters. If in the course of a propagandist's part of the bourgeois machinery. ors of these articles. These must be eliminated. The Party speech—not a scientific lecture—a peasant If the Managing Such are their habits; Committee' will act is nothing but a means of obtaining it the responsibility should ask me : 'Am a petty bourgeois?' with such implacable for the articles rests energy in this post or a mandate. only with their I would tell him— and I believe it would matter, it will Writers. rouse against itself the It is for this reason that we have laid The workers are asked to cont- not be a shock for him to be told so dissidents, the Leon Blums and the down that nine-tenths of the public elec- ibtite their pennies to a newspaper which that one often meets with peasants who Catholics advertises who will defend the Freemasons. tive, posts, which the Party may secure, its and which makes cannot be distinguished from the prole- Freemasonry a generat will have some catholic must be held by working men, and M | rule that no one is respon- tariat except by their possessing tlu

1 excommunications, in order to pronounce even by working men who have becol se i"! the leading articles but the means of production, which causes them its liters malediction against the communists. party officials, but by those who are of these articles. to be more individualistic than the The Party the will have against itself quite still either in the workshop or at Now, witli us the party takes the workers. a mixture of the bourgeoisie of all shades. plough. ponsibility for the articles. The journa- I take this experience to be proper and But, the Communist Party will remain The working class must, be shewn \m should be necessary in order that we should not ls anonymous and at the staunchly opposed thatjtffl ls )(, oj to all and l ^t ,v as to the-"- character this • "i ourselves political hitherto it was deceived, " of theiiu, party.patty. And..'vnu ifli theuic gentle-genw.c- uwuvudeceive uu" '"." ~~ — — trickery, this deceit of it asaspriD| ," of order that we should bourgeois society, various parties which used " the journalistic caste-- I partly the peasant class, in like a revolutionary must a® workers- But, n.xwuh- bloc which defends board for making a career, We Png to them myself—will tell us that not deceive the the supreme that o| life and men- interests of the proletariat. explain to the working class P Phonal dignity would be offended standing the difference of 1 am convinced parliamentary such these two classes, this that if you administer Party look upon the m a procedure, we will tell them tality between this salutary revolution') I by no, means hamper shock, you will find that as part and parcel of lbs jr." 18 the highest possible dignity expression should after two or " among the peasants. three . action months your Party ficlcl'Id. . 0mmuilist journalist to be the most our is tin* ILtM will be in a dil which 1111111 other question is the colonial que* Cerent position from that It is the working class instrument, and as far as possible The OF THE CQMM UNKTJNTK.RNATI0MAL 23 23 BULLETIN OF THE IV CONGRESS natl°"; there elJ should be only on« bloc <]iat g elements which hamper re- tion. I e t , T oi the do not know whether the resolu- working class. If you break dence, of autonomy, of vin action. Let it not be said, tion on the section of freedoms Sm° frv away completely Sidi-bel-Abbes, in There is always ot tioD from the bourgeo- a . . nrotc^t I &cH* that these immediate demands sie Algeria, was quoted here. vol» il but still believe in This resolution by ventton by the 8 e of a parliamentary InteCaUonaf ^^ \o? t''the cause new reformist methods, a group which pretends to be evSft we tell you that we have no communist is the French Party itself. tat French movement. At - this we <*k aiig the iaith this a great scandal, even if it S m method, but we will support was adopted the dissidents rejoicing & „ decomposition of over th? *}**%& Jave the bourgeois your action only by a small group. It says: oi if you will separate your- "On the of the party in an article, ati period diate demands become for ^ jmme selves from the question of the colonies, it wh?J? ' bourgeoisie. If were (the section) the writers are DQ society' the really revolutionary we responsible- lv of asked is in "Th whether it were complete disagreement with the position of the ecoi possible to form communist i>- movement should have r,anJ tlie k^nt This a coalition government theses of Moscow... The native 11 • made up entirely communist the writer, "renders 8 jiiove' ; t in factory the time ^ poin committees ot workers oprL ^ representatives, I would reply: .federations alone are qualified to deter- It is no longer a question Une si& the obligatory formula of . its under deW Z\\s Ut course it is, but not mine the local tactics of communist ac- of passing to a coU in order on the basis of vigorous ' h ^ or united Front, to furnish a arlia offensivp , mentary , P combination, tion. The Algerian communist federations The dissidents etc; of successful but only on predict a great of possibilities action, me basis would not under "f of a great movement embracing any circumstances per- for their party. Here is 8 11 8 shgan of the workers' a ' go- prophe j vitli the trie entire class mit publication in v 2? struggle of the proletariat, Algeria of manifestoes will never come true. al1 is particularly necessary On tK?^ ™ent which as well as the parliament. whose spirit and letter, while involving one may safely predict, without ' The essential their S^' thing is that this move- responsibility, were not framed by the stenographer's art, in quit wrangling about these that if th* timeim e toW H«» . 6—8 —U.-.UJBB ment should themselves*. I?,^ T+'SJ?? imbue the working class with should remain as they are now, because these squables can only a simple with t? questidons, idea that it can create a wor- This means to say that the Interna- two tendencies before the h the workers' who are alreadyady working- m 1H ZL the kers' government, a government by the tional S should not intervene too closely in with their respective ' adherents lik7? 1 workers and for the workers. the internal sU " questions of the party. Here established churches with their fe ? 'ST,of a Blum Frossard govern- i dea If you would we resrX?' ?he ask us-. "Have you any have a colonial section that is rebel- hierarchal bureaucracy, it only a symbolical term, used for may indeed nt is guarantee that the dissidents will not ious against its party and against its on for a great brevity,uruviuj, butuuu ivit is r many years. But J? purposeirp ose ofoi really a betray us?" the JJe — I would answer: You can International. It declares that in matters ment there is a radical combination between change in pstioD of a -parli- never be sure of that. affecting (i question It is for this very the natives it would recognise communist party, and it takes for the purpose of constitu- a different Imentarians reason that in creating a revolutionary only its own rule. trend, when the workers possible government. In order totc can see in ;LLy afl workers government £ t jointly with them, The resolution goes on to say: party the preparation in parliament of the proletarian Sin a majority for the we must watch them with the victorious same at- "A upheaval of the Moslem revolution, one may predict the and dissidents, it is, neces- inevitable Communists tention and distrust as if they were our masses in Algeria, unpreceded by a si- death of the dissidents in the working class shall vote company with sary that worst enemies, and the moment that we milar victorious uprising of the proleta- the reformists of the C. G. T. Communists and dissidents: or the see their disloyalty and treason, we must rian masses in the mother country, f would And I tell you with perfect certainty achieve this, the dissidents should have - alt d to done with the left wing social-rev. lead in A'geria to the fatal return of a that the reformist C. with the left block, G. T. will not be part company with the lutionaries who represented regime the peasantry that would be akin to feudalism, killed by the forces of the First of all, C. G. T, U. bourgeois society. it must be in the workers' government created by which can never be the goal of commu- Oh, no, there is only one grand mighty Shown to the French working class that us, and whom we had to throw overboard nist activity". and really revolutionary party, which il-should sevev all connections with the in order to maintain the government in Now we come to the bottom of it. A embraces the best elements of the wor- bourgeoisie, and oppose any bourgeois bloc the hands of the working class. revolution should not be permitted among king class and which will bring about under whatever form. In face of it should The slogan tof the workers' government the natives in the colonies, even a vic- the undoing of the political and syndi- sever all connections with the strike at signifies in the first place the absolute torious one, because by committing the calist reformism. You will soon see it. Harve and the massacre of workers, we independence of our party. This indepen- folly of. overthrowing the rule of the During the first weeks of the fight id I the workers that under a workers' dence must be acheived as quickly as French bourgeoisie, one would get back against freemasonry, or against the League government there would not have been possible. feudalism, and the French Communists in of Rights of Man, there will be backsli- such a massacre, and our representation In France, the centre will be respon- Algeria cannot tolerate the idea of a ders and deserters who will go oyer to in parliament must tell the working class, sible during the next few weeks for this revolutionary upheaval among be the poor the dissidents. The latter are sure to that it ought not to tolerate a government energetic action in the ranks of our natives who would free themselves blii : from well received by their new friends, Poincare or of the left bloc, but only French communist party. I am sure that the French bourgeoisie to fall back into they will get nothing but condemnation goverment which represents the wor- the painful explanations which we had J feudalism. (Cheers.) king from the communist party. class and is made up of workers.il with our French comrades in the com- One could not tolerate for two and energy hours, it is a question of vigorously As Communists, we strive with all our mission, and which 1 submit to you in nor for two minutes, operation, such comrades that tically carrying out the painful jNgni for a workers government created the shape of a report cannot be repeated have the mentality of slave drivers, process and to and in order to accelerate the 'evolutionary if the again. The danger was clearly indicated J } movement but who wish that Poincare might a revo- retain for inaugurate a great campaign for rotors think that such a government in the speech of comrade Frossard, which them the benefits of capitalist civilisation. lutionary party. JJW be created by parliamentary methods, I have already quoted and interpreted. It For Poincare is prtj the actual spokesman of commission, we 11 On behalf of our Uiem: "do ahead ».nd try it, but in is the business of the centre to definit- ".V, ' such a group, which , and his action i ' by oppression, of '| to 1 pose to you a program :" do it, you must first of all ely obviate and remove this danger. sayes ] the poor natives from feudalism left and unaniffi| was submitted by the away completely from the left see no reason for a break. On the c< ind only barbarism. with 1 usly adopted by the commission, a«o from the bourgeois combi- rary, I believe the situation is extremelj Every act of treason tries always to seaondary corrections. lask itself im- under the plea of indepen- It furnished the, basis for starting » V "' ' " «« UK liir iv CONGKES

ll:,v :I lru '; ! announcemeni

o'clock, meal Pho 111 sidiuni; BULLETIN Ai seven o cloak meeting ,.. H i!i\ holds in its tahan Commission with the m. i means action. »i'*in IV CONGRESSOF THE iv at large. THE COMMUNIST Wo feci A.11 the Commissions j INTEFtNATIGNAL which i rand yei terminated their work *Z '"' Mos 'litre will do to inert, tonight

-"" , ""' i ,.".:;;.•';;.. ,,s "* ii y- »«n Adoption of r i heS i: Adonton n .' °" Resolutione on vftong . ^ , £ sympathySvmDathvw?th«L ] with the Impnsoued Comrades

dachin, Kenoult, Sotivarine, Jean Speak ers: Cabelian, Trotsky, Himbert-Droz, Kmrfn*,,

Kolaroff Chairman: I declare the a phrase of Frossard's at tin- Paris Con- open. The French Delegation session has gress as forced and abusive. The truth floor to state its position on the the Re- is that, like all of us he has met with Comrade Trotsky and the port of propo- many difficulties in carrying cut the de- the commission. sitions of cision of the International, which diffi- Marcel ('a chin; I only wish to read culty we have been able to overcome. tlw declaration of our faction on the re- With the best will in the world, we and port and the ensuintr comments: Frossard have nevertheless had to take To make an end of tin' crisis which ru- these difficulties into account. led within it the witole French Party Today the problems placed before us by appealed to the Fourth Congress and has the Comintern are being solved as is left the decision in its hands. It has expected of us. The organisation of the agreed to suhmit to its decisions. sub- We Party is being centralised, we have split mit ourselves to the dicipline of the with the Right, we will carry out the Congress. United Front. We wish to renew before you the dec- Tomorrow the problems of the relations grations which we have made in the Party and Trade Unions will also trench Commission. between The be solved in accordance with the terms , report excessively criticises a ma- formulated at this Fourth Congress and gty of the Party. They are too one si- the Profintern. Frossard's role in St. P because they "do not affect the Left, very important to bring wtere Etienne has been j s u0 statement on the resignations push about this very happy result. followed the Congress at Paris oi- shall carry out strictly and in the ls attack against the members of the We of the International the resolutions gajority: on the contrary, the represent spirit nves on Free Masonry and the other institu- of the Centre are accused of being gn tions mentioned 'in the report. y»ain authors of the crisis. »t (!:inn,.j , ,1 • -the directives of the Co- cannot accept this accusation. In this way, Published by the Press Bureau of the Fourth' Congress of the Comintern, Moscow. Moi ' and will be observed more |over, the speakers interpretation of mintern are 750. 8 copies pnnted: i 20th GoTornment Printery „The Red Proletarian . Number of