West Bengal Housing Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (A Govt. of West Bengal Undertaking) „HIDCO BHABAN‟, Premises No. 35-1111, Major Arterial Road, 3rd Rotary, New Town, Kolkata-700156. Telephone No. (033) 2324-6037/38, Fax (033) 2324-3016/6009 e-mail:
[email protected] /
[email protected] website : www.wbhidcoltd.com No. 344/HIDCO/Plng/152(Z)/2020Date :07.08.2020 Notice inviting Expressions of Interest for conducting a detailed land survey for preparation of a Base Map for demarcation of the boundaries of New Town Police Station, New Town Eco-Park Police Station and Techno City Police Station Expressions of Interest (EOI) are hereby invited from reputed & experienced Firms / Companies / Organizations for conducting a detailed land surveycovering an area of 3000 Acres (approximately) in the following Mouzas for preparation of a Base Map for demarcation of the boundaries of New Town Police Station, New Town Eco-Park Police Station and Techno City Police Station. The areas to be surveyed are outside the New Town Project Area, but within the New Town Planning Area. NAME OF NAME OF J.L. SHEET PORTION PORTION POLICE MOUZA NO. NO. INSIDE NEW OUTSIDE NEW STATION TOWN TOWN PROJECT PROJECT BOUNDARY BOUNDARY CHANDIBERIA 15 - YES YES TARULIA 21 - YES YES MAHISHGOT 20 - YES YES MAHISHBATHAN 18 1 YES - THAKDARI 19 1 YES YES NEW TOWN POLICE THAKDARI 19 2 YES YES STATION SULANGGARI 22 - - YES GHUNI 23 1 - YES GHUNI 23 3 YES YES JATRAGACHHI 24 2 YES YES JATRAGACHHI 24 3 YES YES SULANGGARI 22 - YES YES NEW TOWN GHUNI 23 1 YES YES ECO PARK GHUNI 23 2 YES - POLICE STATION GHUNI 23 3 - YES JATRAGACHHI 24 1 YES YES Page 1 of 6 West Bengal Housing Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (A Govt.