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All the News of All the Pointes • Every Thursday Morning • * • Call TUxedo 2.6900 rosse e

Complete News Coverage of AU I the Pointes'

VOLUME 19-NO. 18 Entered as Second CIao ~tter Jc Per Copy at the Post Ofiice at , Mich. 13.50 Per Yeac 24 PAGES Fully Paid Circulation "


I'::, HEADLINES I Census Takers Set Comparisons of the I WEEK . L ' hA l Compiled by As Compiled by the T.. 0 aunc. nnua Local Board News '" Operational C 0 s t s Per Canvass onMay 12 Pupil are Lower; Student Thursday, April 24 Achievemenh Higher VIOLENT GUSTS of wind Much Valuable Information Obtained and All Residents dragged five paratt:oopers to death Wednesday :md injured Are Urged to Give Full Cooperation It costs substantiallv less ------per pupil educate stu- 137 others. The troopers were to Expecting an increase of nearly 1,500 persons this dents in The Grosse Pointe members of the famed 101st year-to a total of more 63,000-census takers of the Public School Syg,tem than Airborne Division taking part than in a mass jump as part of Op- Grosse Pointe school district will begin their annual job in most other compara.ble eration Eagle Wing - war May 12 according to Paul E. Mawhinney, Dir€'Ctor of s y s t ems, Bert Wicking, games being conduct~d at Fort Pupil Personnel. ~ .1 President of the Board of Campbell, Ky. . Mr. Mawhinney, in charge Blood Dfl-V. e Education announced to- '" • * of the project, said the census day. Friday, April 25 must be taken eaoh year dur- "In response to recent in- A 10 PERCENT pay cut for ing the last 20 days of May Be;ng He ld quiries," Mr. Wicking stated, 25 top officers of the UAW and asked all residents to give.., "we have made a new study and layoffs for 100 staff em- their fullest co-operation in Th - F id to see how the costs of educat~ ployes has been approved by order that accurate informa- 18 r ay fig pupilg in Grosse Pointe the union's international exec- tion is obtained, compared with those in other utive board. .. ,,/ . ,.'....' ~ Every home in the school areas similar to ours." Both plans were among :'+~~' :' ':: . ;~~ '>.' '... ".,:: 11"1''''1.." " . t'I' ' distrct will be visited by a Red Cross Mobile Unit "We have made such com- economies agreed to by board ::,~~::. . "~>.' .:~ / ..:~:::,;< • tr:,,\, , ,,/ , ',.:,"" ' :. >~ • census enumerator, said school At Woods Presbyterian parisons from time to time '::.,:'::, , ' ";,, .... ' " .,:' ,',< ,<,~~' officials and all information over the years and have found members at a meeting this ' •. ..,' if( " 1'1'.,~:,~, Ch h 2 45 t 8 45 week at Solidarity House. Sal. '.:'.:'::,.., '. " r~~:: ,M" ~, '!~I?I.'/J' (. will naturally be kept in urc: 0: repeatedly that our costs were ary cuts will go to the six top \::}:\ ,,;"" "j>.;.: " :,~,,; ,:'.P":;1~.~::I<4~::;~r.":'::~~:::\':::::,:"i,~:'j~.i,.i.~"',',,;: I~.tfi ~~!~.':'".,,' strictest confidence. ~~~~~~tiallY lower than many officers ~f the union and the .' .~:'.. :.. .!:.:*" " • "i1:\~i:;;\~{~,<:..:;:"'\"S' :,'.(:, .,:;\:\::,: '~i~}~~~~{~~)~:'.':(f:'~.'. .... :.~:.:~.:l,';l~~'::\l. ':¥::::;~:i~:>.':' Each census enumerat~r is issued this week for Grosse "I believe this is a high

board. . }'~~: ..:~';;'>~::~,',:«~~.r":::::'kw:~7,:~:,,:'. ':lli:;:~1~¥.1t!W'" ,,,:ttL,,"".' N :~;:;.,: ",Il' ..... ",' . ,.::'" :::".'l:"<''': ,... carefully selected. All WIll be Pointe area residents to tribute to the efficiency of our •W'. ..;iltJ:flFfAIj ....,....;:"~~'; '.- "ok, '~' x ,'!<'( ',!mff~~'" -;";;", , ", , .: ,,' ,.. , v, , ' ',.} ,;. " , , , f' . school system but I do not ~ 04< * .. '~~"" ,'~~;,,:i:~'::~,'.~.,':',;..•. x.~ :.:'.0;:,";'~Wi;.l:<: ; , :' ., ,;,.••. , ,~1, .•.~',..,. ,':" ":..,'/~'~~'.,:;..! ..':. '< .' .. :,' '.'. provided WIth Ident lcatlon blood in h h 't k Saturday, April 26 ;l;~t~~.;~i_(~~~:~i<:;;;:\;~L~~:+.. ,..~~:,i~"'~:;.~~!dJh~ri:',~~,':..;:'./'::,;.'~/..::~:,.~,:~i.:<':~;,:~,..~:,:';".:'.~/,::.::.,~..::;," . .:'._,:lw.'ll<.".,,~:<... ,,'..•:._;:,-~ .. '" '::~""":.,:,,«~ " ... ,~ ""'~;:;:«.~">...... :',.~" ~':.'''':':.t<:;; .• ";;;;;",.':S:.'",,,W', ..... , ..»'....,'1, "': ',. <, h. , .... , ,.... • ...... one requesting it. Donativns may be made at widely promised fight for -Picture by Fred Runnells "The census serves many Keep Constant Vigil President Eisenhower's Penta- Grosse Pointe's F 0 u n d at ion for Exceptional Hut on the High School campus with some of the useful purposes," said Mr. the Grosse Pointe Woods Pres- "Costs of operating public gon reorganization bill turned Children has gained an enviable reputation for the volunteers who help out; left to right: MRS, MEAD Mawhinney. "Pa,rt of the byterian Church between 2:45 school systems such as ours into a quiet, well-ordered re- work it is doing to help these youngsters who need BAKER, MRS. BRUCE CAREY and MRS. JOHN money which the looal schools and 8:45 p.m. An American can generally go only one way treat Friday at the Capitol. special attention. The story below tells about it. Here RENCHARD. receive from state fund is ap- Red Cross blood unit will 001- and that is UP, but our' Board Secretary of Defense Neil H. some of the kiddies are seen at play at the Quonset 'portioned on the basis of the lect the blood 'with a doetor of Education' is dedicated to McElroy congenially offered -----.------<:~ ----____ (~' . number of children residing in and nurses in attendance. doing everything possible to up major !><)rtionsof the legis- . 0 • h' h ' . b th Ch IF Pl d the district. Information re- Th G P 't C mmu keeping our effiCIenCIes Ig lation for rewrItmg yet S d t- t G-' H I aygroun ceived from the annual s~hOOll . e r()f;Se 0U: e 0, . - and our costs low." hostile House Armed Services orus e . OUD a Ion 0 lye ...e p. " census is also essential for the mty Blood CouncIl, at. which In a spot .check made last Co~i~~~ the President and For Concert To'"Exceptl- onal. ,Chl-Idren p' roy"ram to enfor~ment of the compulsory IHugh BurnE i~ chairman, is week, oPGeratingcpos.tsperp.pubPI.il educatIon laws. 'cooperating. Chairman of the in The rosse omte U le McElroy said the wording School System were compared might be chapged, but the By receiving confidential in- spring drive i& Mrs, Carl As- with public schools in the fol- aims would be the !;ame and 0n M ay 11 T0 L h DfIVe- Ffl-day Cost $15,000 formation from parents re- mus. T . there would be no compromise' ' aunc ' .. . garding handicapped ohildre~ ' . lowing. plac~: tkaNewm'rl.e: . -_.....:....;.....--- --_. the sch"""ls a,re also in a po- Twelve churches, too Amen- Township, 'Ymne , mOIS, on their intentions. -- M" P of C ""s t Acqua" t R "dents PI' f d .t' ' .vtv if' f' 1 Le' T bosn' Farms Shaker HeIghts, Cleveland, * * • M the ' Day P 0 to am urpose ampalgn lOin eSI anhng 0 18 trees an Sl Ion 0 0 er pro eSSlona can glOP..,.,aco 8~ Obi . G t N 1.- N Y k" S nd A'l "7 0 rs r gram W'th F 'IOt. A "I bl t H d' d ; hI!.. • h d I council relative to special edu- Police, the War Memorlal, ,Ma- ' 0, r~ ec...., ew or ~ THE ~A ~Y'S~~D notice Be Given in Parcell; I aCI lies val a e 0 an Icappe ~ rues In the, RIC ar p ay- cational' services which may tine League and the Grosse NewtonVIlle, Mas sac husettst Saturday that it will lift th,e Juriior High School Youngsters in Pointe Area ;ground starts off pro.ect be 'needed. Pointe Branch Post Office are S~arsdale, New York; Bro,:x- l news blackout on negotiations . at 3:30 A campaign to 'ac-q-u-a-i-n-t-G-r-o-s-s-e-Pointearea-residents The ini~'al work in the "Must Check Records supporting the drive. ~~~ ~~;';Y~~~:~e~~l:~~ Monday by making public con- -- with the servic~s offered by the Foundation .for Excep- One of the chief difficulties The Jun~or Re~ Cross of chusetts; Ardmore, Pennsyl- tract proposals at the Big Music lovers will hav~ an tional Children, Inc., will be launched this Friday.' . beautification and improve- met by'census takers is obtain- G:-DSSe Pomte Hl.g~ School vania, and Walnut Hills, C.in- Three automobile companies. opportunity to hear one of Every home will receive a~--~------ment of the Gabriel Richard ing the corred birthdates for will supply baby slttmg serv- cinnati, Ohio. The operatmg The ann~uncement complied the finest programs of chor- pamphlet explain~g the work I aI, state or local government. Playground, was s tar t e d each child in the family. ice at the church. Transporta- costs per pupil were for the with an agreement between 1 '... th h' t f of the FoundatIon, a non- yesterq.ay, April 30, with. tion may be arranged by call- year 1956-57. the companl'es and the union a mUSIC In e IS ory 0 E "led (Contmued on Page Z) h TV 1 7194 th.at 24 hours- notice would be the Grosse P ointe Cornmun,. -prl)fi~ organization devoted to 15 Now nr(). the planting of 18 trees and ing dthe churcf th d' at - , The average operating cost . Ch th ' the social, .recreational and About 15 children are now bushes. The entire ect the 'ay 0_ e nve. per pupil in all of the 'schools gl'ven by either party wishing Ity orus, on M0 er s '. proJ' $579 I G P . t th to make pubJ,ic statements on Day, May 11 at Parce IIs emotionalh ...needs of th'childTen enrolled inthth~t Foundationt f 1 will cost an est i mat e d $26,402 Don~ted "Persons. who are between wast f .thnt ros.seod Oln e$409e w 0 are lmllted m elr ca- class, but e rus ees ee $15,000 and. will take about 18 and 59 and wno weight at coo or. a peri was negotiations. Junior High School at 3:30 pabilities. there are many exceptional three years be£.o r e all To ,Center Drl-ve least 110 pounds are eligible per pupIL The top three most ... .. * p.m, The popular 100-voice The Foundation was begun cili.ildren who they have not h f h . b to donate blood," said Mrs. expensl:re of. the group we~e Monday, April 28choru~ will present its sixth in 1954 and the present pro- reached .in the local area. p ases 0 t e]o are com- _-_ Asmus. "We urge all who are Bronxvl1~ewlth. $883per pupIl, UAW PRESI.DENT Walter P. annual ~pn'ng Concert'un-' pleteti L t k d fIll'< 1 t . New Trier WIth $798 and ld - gDam is c~~ on In the One of ,these exceptional - as wee en 0 vw-up e - eligible to help make the drIve .'

R e u the r WIll .make a bo 4 der the direction of conduc. Quonset BUlldmg, 43,A Grosse children could be yr "Mayor's Exchange l'age President Philip L. Reno nearer home, we find again ing notice it intends to termI- It an has to do with a minor the statiO'Il and'suggested that people. Among 1lhemare Ethel flames which had set the base4 Day" on Monday, May 5. of Wayland, Michigan, who that our costs are fortunately nate its present agreement complaint from the sisters at the greedy guy and he "talk Drake, George Rieveschl, John ment rafters on fire and had The luncheon is being ar- will be the guest of Grosse lower. Dearborn spends $525 with the un ion effective Bon Seoours Hospital who things over" ~t headquarters. K. Worley, William Meier, Dr. spread to two of the walls. ranged by. representatives of Pointe Farms. per pupil and Highland Park ~ay 29. . casually mentioned to the Enroute back to the police J'oseph A. Johnston, Robert F. The men: were forced to d'On the Grosse Pointe-Harper From Harper Woods"Mayor $598. Grosse Pointe is 10th in In a letter handed to uruon Chief a week or so ago that station the, chief was per- Weber, Doris Forsythe, Owen masks, Wi,th oxygen tanks Woods area as part of the 5th and Mrs. Joseph P. Grossel terms of average cost per pupil bargainers shortly aftqr ne- they had someone whose habit plexed: Where had he seen Jaglois, Thomas W. Coleman, strapped to their backs, in annual observance of "It's will travel as guests of Hud- in the De1roit metropoli..tan gotiations got under way, it had become to stop by the tha,t face before? ... Jr., Dr. Mary Dykema Dick- order to cpnlbat the" smoke. Great \ to' Live in Michigan sonville; Mayor Pro.tem and area." Louis G. Seaton, GM vice- hospital for wha,t was an oc- He began with the obvious: son, Judge Joseph Murphy and Their biggest' problem, was' Week." Mrs. Kenrleth MI2Leod will "It is somewhat more diffi- president in charge of person- casional, but more recently a WilHam J. Scott. clem-ing the. building of the ,Locai city officials are plan- represent Grosse Pointe Woods cult to compare academic "What'g your name?" Replied Dr. nel, said the contract would steady handout. Although- the' Foundation excessive; -sz:noke, which w~ ning a full day of actiVities to in Elk Rapids; and Grosse achievements of hi,gh school expire "insofar as GM is con- The nuns, d~cated to their the vagrant, "Jack Ryan." seeks the financial support 'Of causi~g considerable -damage. 'acqu~int the guest mayors pointe Farms wiil be repre- g r a d u ate s," Mr. Wicking cernl.~, as of this daie." fello:W' man, had given gen- "You don't expect me to buy the Pointe community,to coo- . No :estimate has yet been 'with the. facilities and points sented in Wayland by Mayor stated. "Acceptaible criteria are; The letter from Seaton left erously of their food portions that, I trust?" snapped back tinue its work, this campaign made as to how much. damage 'of iriterest in their individual and Mrs. William F. Connolly, difficult to be found. Many the door open to the possibility and pennies-anticipating the Tireless Tom.--with which his is designed primarily to focus was done, and an investigation communities. Jr. systems attempt to establish of an extension beyond May Social Security check, which companion appeared offended. attention 'On the problem, to is currently underway td de- The mu'nicipalities are hosts Included in the guest list thei~ relative quality by trying 29, if an agreement is not was' "due momentarily." But "Gee, Mr. Trombly, don't Y'lOU acquaint residents with it, to termine the exact cause of:.the 'this year t9 the following out with the local city officials to measure the success of reached. their beneficiary overdid a (Continued on Page I) win undeTstandini and help. blazlt. ,of town guests: Mayor Schreur (Continued on Pal:e 2) (Continued on Page Z)

) I 1 J ).. " •

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Page Two 'G R 0 SSE POI N T E, NEW $ Thursday, May 1, '1958 Thursday, e • To Develop Playground Schools Census Chief'Tom To Hono'r Mayors l[lt Luncheon, (Continued from Page 1) munity. , , (Continued from Page 1) (C"ntinued ~rom :rage 1) '(Continued fro .. Page 1), (Continued from Pl:J.ge1) City of Grosse Pointe; Robert Grosse Pointe Shores; Robert 'DR Richard School and the com- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eng- Slone, Grosse Pointe Park; McNutt, Harper Woods; and strom, chairmen of the com~ graduates after they reach Therefore" parents are asked remember me?- I'm John will be: representatives of .the college." ~ to check over their children's Campbell." , School S y s t ems of Grosse Sidney DeBoer, Grosse Pointe Forrest G ear y, Director of mittee, ~aid. that the $15,000 Farms; William Lange, Grosse Comimity S..e r v ice s, Grosse ,Ci "Grosse Pointe constantly records before the annual calls The light switch was on! The Pointe and Harper Woods; the is only part of the cost of the Pointe Woods; T. K. .Jefferis, PoL.1te PubJ.ic Schpol System. measures, the success itsO'ra.:l- and be ready with correct in- CI1..1'e~' too'k l..;_~..tI41 back to program, and that there will l::o \f ~ • U.l ,lLUU~.ll. Grosse Pointe Branch of the uates enjoy. in their :freshman ..I,Vrmatlon, M .. still be room for other im- , .ay, O.l 19'35 when he was a Wayne Cour..ty Depar~men+ of Ab~ provements and equipment at year in college. We carry ona Another important use of detective with the C~ty police ¥ some future date. follow~up,stud;yasa . part of the. .census, d~ta i~ to provide ,force and nad tracked down Health; Grosse' Pointe. Public : A.J Recently, 'the 'Farms council our progr~m of aidin,g and 'as-' 'facts Telative to the growth 'on~ J. Campbell on a charge of School Lib r a r i e s; Grosse ' approved an appropl'iation of sistin;ggtaduatesas well as of population arid the number forging checks. Subsequent Pointe Office of Civilian De- up to $4,000 to cover the cost lJrovidirig a basis for strength- of child Ten in the district, re- questions revealed that 18 of fense; Grosse Pointe Wax of necessary drainage and the ening and improving our pro- ported Mr. Mawhinney. The Ca~npbell'sintervening years , PICK- gram. It is, very difficult data are summarized. in had been spent in state ,prison Me m 0 rIa 1; Grosse Pointe installation of a drinking to ,such Trade get sim;ilar data from other a way that the total popuLation' at MaTquette, :flor a series of NewsJ Grosse Pointe Press;' AN Mark fountain, 'as its share in the SiNCE 1938 program. systems." as well as the nUJIllberof chil- similar. Offenses. But what Harper Woods Herald; Harper DELIV Ahead of Great Neck dTen Olf, eaoh age.from birth realily toucheclChief Trombly Woods Commwiity News; the SERVI School Board to Help , . to 20 years of age IS tabulated waS his old, (67), friend's ag_ We want you to be I The Board of Education will , ."G:reat Neck, ~ever, ~Jldfor each municipality and eac~ suring: "Gee, you haven't Detroit News, Free Press and publIsh some statIstics Wh,ICh;elementary. school district in changed a bit!" In exchange Times. ~~ Happy. I expend about $5,310 over a Also Exc three-year period for leveling showed that 87.2% of .the, the area:. . for the Jci'.ndlyco:m~lrm'.....,.t th.e grades received by its last The tSlbulation also shows ~.,..;:;.u, Among the various activities of the ground, landscaping, year's class a~ freshmen in thenumber.'Olf ,children for Chief booked him ona charge planned for MichigaJ}.Week is ~ maintenanCe and so on, Rrticular gollege were C or better~ ,The each age. attending no school, of vagrimcy-thiJs insuring his "Spiritual' Foundations Day" ~ Also contriJbuting funds and PARI record of th.e 1957 graduat.'es of :publl'C.sch,A,..lsa.nd non-pu::t-ll' ward of a couple more free Birthday free labor' are the fol1orwing vu ,/J' C Is on Sunday, May' 4, and llEdu-' 4884 Grc Grosse Pomte showed that schools. . mea ..•. whether you spend groups: the Boy Scouts and cation Day" on ThUTsday, May ~ to these Girl Scouts of the Pointe, the 9~o/~ of their g~ades were of aE~ct Growth Shown Thus -endeth the ''Oase of the 8. It is hoped by the local a lot ... or a little SImIlar. natu"re, , A ft a result of such ta,1.. - Familiar 'Face." Gabriel Richard PfA, the .,CUi '/J'u areac 0 m m i.t tee that all Pointe Junior Chamber of "Last faU. a national periodi- 1

, .' \ \,

e _ tr __ ...-...... ~ . R • _. _...- 2 ram= em os 'R • a • - - --~ Thursday, May ; t 1958 G ROSSE POI NT ENE W S Page Three

WSU, GETS $61,770 Dr. John S. Meyer, of the Col- Shores Traffic St.Paul's Science Fa!irAttracts Throngs Gifts and grants totaling lege CY! Medicine. Violators Pay $61,770 were' accepted by the obert DRAP'ERIE5 '.VaY'neState University Board laFEMME and of Governors at their Wednes- or of David H. Helfman of 18034 BEAUTY SHOP Indiana, Detroit, was found day, April 23 meeting. The rosse 'Cleaned Beautifully largest grant, $12,500, came Permanent Wove $6.95 :em. guilty of speeding on Lake With Hair Cut .'" from the U.S. Public Health Shore road and driving with" Shampoo & Finger Wave $1.50 out a car registration on his Service National Institutes of Absolutely' Guaranteed. Health to continue neurology 18020 MACK TU 5-3545 person and paid" a fine and Bet. Lincoln & Washingtt'n Rdll. court posts of $22.50 and had training under the direction of Against ShJ.inkage his driver's license suspended for 30 days. His case was heard by '.,~. : ~" .; , PICK-UP I Take-Down and Hang-Up '...... Shores Judge John Gillis on I'".~...• ...... /.••.•..., AND Service Monday, April 2L . George R. Wichman of 29843 DELIVERY Taylor. St. Clair' Shores, paid enioy tropical" ",t ~--r' Blankets Beautifully -:::. •.::a'- e:.. " SERVICE a fine and costs of $19.50,after Cleaned being found guilty of speeding comfort in :::~'ci)l..~~4--,:::.~'" on Lake Shore. , Also Excellent Work on All Your Dry Cleaning Ray W. Skaggs, Jr., of 260,53 thIs dacron & :,~r'i~"'~:\ Clancy, Roseville, was fou~d guilty of speedin~ on LaKe' wool suit f'l~\~i.' • •. eo •• PARIS CLEANER & DYERS Shore and paid $24.50. . .. :. ,... 4884 Grand River TY 6-5000 It cost Jack Toceo of 560 Middlesex, $10 for speeding on It's so I'19ht and" airy th.at you'll • 1\ Vernier road, after his guilt was estabiished. hardly know you have it on • • • '~ Richard R. Zimmerman of yet it sheds wrinklea o\Termght, 2614 St. Jean, Detroit, failed to give you summertime elegant;e. to come to court on a Lake Shore speeding charge and a We have it in charcoal gray, steel warrant was issued for his ar- gray, brown and navy. rest. A warrnnt was also signed 69.50 for the arrest of Stephen Jam- . eson of 1262 Pennsylvania" -Plcture by Fred RunneIa Detroit, who is accused of Hundreds of St. Paul's congrega- was taken Tom found the trouble and • speeding on Lake 'Shore, for tion curiously inspected the many nearly smoked the spectators out of his failu17eto appear in court. displays exhibited by grade and high the display area. JOHN HUEBNER, Edward J. Juszczyk of 32406 school students at the first Science WHALING'S Vandover, St. C1


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Page Four G RO SSE PO IN T E N'E W $ Thursday. May r. 1958 . Thursday. Reorganized Lutheran Churclt Group Holds General Meeting . 9 Cases Heard b' .' . The Women of Calvary ing as a society of the wO-ldescriPtivereviewofthebOOk B J d' . u'r · k eglnnlng' tomorrow Lutheran Church, Gateshead men's Missionary' It'ederation entitled "Papa's 'Wife," by Y u ge vIe ' ' ··· at Mack. h£>ldtheir first gen- OIl April 29. I Thy:-a Bjorn, followed by a . I'. _' , . -. era] meeting since reorganiz- Mr~. Nora Wieduttes gave a social hour and refreshrn;ents. Grosse PlAn.te: City Judge Joseph P. Uvick's (iocket was eH a full one, last Tuesday eve- ning, April, 22, when he heard wonderful savings during Jacobson's r'Jacobsons a total of :'line cases. . First on the agenda was that " SPF. of Burns Henry, Jr., 'of 965' Lake Shore road, charged with not having his car' ,under con- t~ol. 'Mr. Henry was present, and his case ~:as dismissed' MAY WHITE SALE! when the eomplainant failea '. to appear.' ", ' , <,' , In respons<' j ;fi~~r~~~r~~~a~~di:~Iloti, Pepperell white, postet ....stripetl or in the Wesl JULY 26 I identical it a b I ~~~t~~~~dW$~O.deemed gUllty, color-scalloped PERCALE $.HEETS

Reckless driving c h a r g e s I • FOR YOUR werehrougpt against Paul C. Beautiful fine~cou'nt percale Sh~tSI dur,nhleand soft-,. at low, low prices! Kra~se,' of 808 8t. Clair avenue: r FOAM RUBBER MATTRESS A "fine of $15'\V'as- imposed White, pink, green, blu~ or yellow; or white scalloped in the same choice AND PH.LOWS upon him b~: Judge Uvick. df colors; or muticolor stripes. ' ' Nicholas' P et e r son, '3479 White bottom fitted percal~ JUN:: Courville, in Detroit, :was ex- WHITE PASTEL, SCALLOPED STRIPED sheets. JULY ,~~:~:~~~ of reckles~ driving 72x108" ,twin size, I ". I' • I .: •.• ,.2.39 - 2.79 . '2,79 2.79 ' SPECIAL SAV~NGS ON FAMOUS, BIG BO~ GRILLS twin size 2.39 full size 2.69 , A $35 fine was given Wil .. 1t This tour liam H. Drager, of 21610 Fran- 81xl08 full size. '" I ,., •• II •• 2.69 '3,09 .3,79 3.79 1J 36x38 pillow case 64c Yosemite, 9.98; ,and 6.98 cis, in 81. Clair Shores. Drager 11 42x38'/2 :75c' 99c 99c Canyon, M , pillow case ... , '" " ... 64c . was fOml.d guilty of leaving , Parks; HOJ a n ex c it in ~ val u e perf e ct Iy t im d i W h ~ n coo k- ou t" w eat h. the scene :>f an accident. \ SHEETS FOR THAT e Bottom fitted twin size sheet, I', •• 2.39 2.79 2.79 Robert 'H" Usher, of 1206 Lake, Las " er's just begun! 18" diameter, 25~ high brazie'rs with Balfour road, paid. $20 when KING.SIZED BED more, Badb Bottom fitted full ;;ize sheet . I • I , .2.69 3,09 3.79 judged guilty of speeding at Lady Pepperell white percale Beach, Cok era n k s for a diu s ti n 9 9 r j" he j 9 ht. a. del ux e 'm0del 35 miles an hour in a res- Top fitted twin size sheet . I •••• , .2.69 3.19 App/i wit h w h eel s 9.9 f& b. s fan d a rd t rip 0 d ~ 0 d 81 6.9 a tricted area. sheets. 'I Because they ,were found Top fitted full size sheet . I I ••••• 2.99 3.79 guilty of not having their cars Ioax 1221/2 5.99 Chet 84 - I under ~ontrol Salvatore ~ipri- ana, 1445 Grayton, and H.lllIard 100 Kerch / J

'.1 Zippered our Monogrammed cotton bedspread Sanforized White will give your home a we!come-to-summer lift! Percale, 21 x28" practical, washable crinkle crepe, with sateen HEAVY VELON PLASTIC PILLOW COVERS, - _3-, e-tt e r m 0 n 0 g ram and t rim. t h row sty lei For ollergic sleepers-zippered plastic covers to. ., for . I ruff led f' 0 u n c e .. pin k, b Iu'e, a qua, 9 r e en, 2' $1 provide dust-free pillow pl'~teetion. )/ e i low 0 r whit e; w hit e t rim. t win size 1,2.9 8 full size 13.98 king size 17.98 we also have monogram med bedspreads in corduroy"antique satin, and linen weaves. please allo~ four weeks for delivery. lin/tless, '. t~rry..dishtoViels 69' 6 for 3.99 ' Soft, thirstyfring~d'terrY' j'n your choice of three patterns, Matching APRON, 1.29

Martex-, maharanli towels save .YO.II .3 kinlg'sransom! Solid color terry with gold, silver or copper milar woven borders. White, mint. blue m'ist, lemon or pink.' 26x48" bath towel 1.98 . .I6x30" hand towel 1.00 fa ..'13x 13" wash cloth 39c' iet .we ••• 1' t ri ..

Kup ou,. GrOSI~ Po;,," I"' Home Decorative Shop lHMUifull . Home Decorative Shop

" ,

_ •• em Cbs .. "ft:nn ... \Ao" _ 'b - ~- ~ - ~- ~------~---~ ...... _... -- ....- - • . T ....,~- ~. ~-~~"1II'a:""''''','!II''S .::""."IIII..-._.?_'_._+ ~,"":,,,!,,",--+---. ....,.+ --~-?!I"'_"'4iIJ

Thursday, May I. 1958 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E'W S .I Page Five The luxury of a clear con- The chronic knocker soon B(: satisfied to take thinp Megate Agaih Helps Orthopaedic ,Clinic science is something every- finds tha.t the field is badly as they come or you won't get one can afford. overcrowded. much. CHET SAMPSON \;~~.;. <,::':':filtii;: Presents A S'PECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT bambino-e~fant- kinder- ba!by' FOR today beings Internatio'nal Baby Week at "Jacobson's BOYS Each d~y from 2 until ~ o'clock, one of the Grosse Pointe ~n response to conside~able interest on the part of boys I~ the Western Tours, 1t has been decided to operate the ~rea's outstanding international citizen$ will be on hand to }UL~ 26. ~our as a combined boy~girl tour, with an welcome you •.. to show you the beautiful crafts of her IdentIcal ItInerary to that of the June 14 tour. country . . . and to visit with you over light refreshments. Western Tours Won't you join us! TOTAL PRICE: $410.00 JUN_E 14 - JULY 18 For Girls Only JULY 26 - AUG. 29 In two sections: Mrs. Jean Paul Desparmet and her One For Girls - O-t'!etor Bo.')Js husband, the French consul, came to Detroit a year and a half ago This t~>ur covers 14 states and eight national parks: YosemIte, Yellowstone, Tetons, Bryce, Zion, Grand from North Africa, where M. Canyon, Mesa Verde, and Rocky Mountain National Desparmet was consul qeneral. Parks; Hollywood, San Francisco, Salt Lake City and Today and tomorrow, Mrs. Des- Lake, Las Vegas, Hoover Darn, Black Hills, Mt, Rush~ parmet will di!;play her collection more, Badlands, Petrified Forest, Pa;nted Desert, Laguna , . -Picture by Fred Runnells of Il!vishly costumed dolls repre- Beach, Colorado Springs, and many more. lVlembers'of Omega Tau fraternity MRS. ,GORDON F. KNIGHT of the at Grosse Pointe University School senting all the French provinces, Applications and Information A~'ailable at: clinic. Standing, left to right:-BRUCE have again made a contribution. to BIRGBAUER, top salesman in the .nd items depicting life in France. the Detroit Orthopaedic Clinic. Seated, campaign which raised the funds; and Ohet Sampson's Travel Service, Inc. left to right:-BILL GARRETT, secre- COACH FR.(\.NCIS McCANN. tary; MIKE KRIEG, president; and 100 Kercheval Ave. Phone: TU 5-7510 ------Members of Omega Eta Tau '. ------..------__ .J I fraternity, all students at Grosse Pointe University gifts of Megate to the Clinic in ------_._ .. _. ~______School, earn funds each year the past four y~ars. to more to danate to some organization than $2,300. specializing in aid to handicap- Mike Krieg, president, and ped or needy children. The Bill Garratt, 'who has served Mrs. Peter Ott of Baser, Switz~r- funds are raised by selling lDEAL~ two years as recordihg secre- land, is an ~ctive rr.~mber of the Christmas wreaths and roping, tary and two years as wreath a project that is undertaken Swiss Social Club of Detroit, She sales chairman, will retire early each fall by soliciting or- will be here on Saturday and Mon- from their duties after the ders, and culmInates in the de~ forthcoming election of offi- day with a colorful collection of livery of the greens to the cus- children's apparel from her native GIFT tomers ten daY'Sbefore Chris-t- cers' to join the ranks of c.:lum~ ni, since they will be graduat~ mas. Some thirty boys partici- land. pate in the project, and all pro- ed in June. ceeds of these annual sales are Bruce Birg'bauer, who led in contributed to an organization sales in 1957, will be among selected by the voting member~ those Megates who will carry .. ship of the fraternity" on the principles, traditions, Mrs. H. A. Van ,Lunenburg is from and projects of OET. The gift The guiding spirit of this presented to Mrs. Knight will Amsterdam, Holland. She and her group of 14-to~18-year-old sec- husband ,have lived in maJny lands, ondary school boys is Francis be added to last year's gift of $700, and these funds will be 5.00 J. "Coach" McCann, who re- including J.!pan and Indonesia. earmarked for the furnishing cently celebrated his 25th an- They're now residing in Grosse niversary as friend, mentor, of designated services in the Research Unit of Detroit Or- Pointe, and Mr. Van Lunenburg and brother of Megate boys. for The check presented to Mrs. thopaedic Clinic's new build- is district s~l~s manager KLM ing. Gordon F" Knight, who repre- Royal Dutch Airlines. Next Tues- sents the Detroit Orthopaedic day and Wednesday, Mrs. Van Clinic for Crippled Children, is Bad driving conditions pre- Lunenburg will display her own for $800, proceeds of the fra- vailed in less than 15, percent collection of Dutch artifacts, i'n- ternity's 1957 Christmas greens of the fatal highway accidents sale, and it brings the total in the U.S. in 1957. eluding an 6piique, hand-carved 'pinning wheel.

" n.

nd I imported straws, all a-bloom in an uninhibited riot of color that

adds a gay note to your .iummer cottons ... giant totes, pretty pouches,

boxy baskets, roomy satchels in white or natural straws, woven in an or- there's extra imaginative variety of textures and shapes. 5.00 and 7.98 plus tax and excit()ment .. I I in the gift that I. comes from Jacobson's TOYLAND

IDEAL , PAF?\S. . ... time to b .. y pr~tties foi' baby's first Keep Our GrOUIl Po;,," s."u,ifull summer.' ovr se"t of Kozee Komforf matching sleepwear in airy, breezy~cQre wbite cotton pti sse • mo_gic ere pe,. a l1"over p rinte d with pink' or bl". flowers and eyelet-edged. a. 9r 0 -bo 9 slee per 3. 00 b. 30. r e ce iving 5qWO". 3.00 c.. sacqlf8 and waterproof RANC(. pantie set 2.5'0' d. kimono 3.00 rtO t show Jl: ct ib siz e qui It 3. 9 8 SECOND FLOO~ Jacobsons , .


.. . fashionable trav.l.r. take YRI-TAPER •• ~ the streamlined jet-age l\«gg0ge by American To~i$ter .... the aristocratic luggage that. - wea rs al most forever, because .of its 0 ne- piece fibreg Iass construct ion .....that we i9 hs pounds Jess than conventional cases, but ho) d s 25% more!

t r i-tap e r for men ins iJ v e r d u sk 0 r ton i W 0 m'en's ;n A mer ican b I tJ e, 6uver dU5k or golden white. fro ... 18.95 to 49.95 pl"s'f.ederal tax. I MAIN FLOOR-ST. CLAIR SIDE

\~ " . . Z«'~ rt ______~ ...... ~"'f _ __ ~ eft • crt • Ed" 'C r- rt"",;" ...... CO rtrt dt ...... ;.",,;M. ---..... ri. ;;4 .;;..~~- _'~"~~.:...:.....ilk~..-~~'~ .. $=i."\=+~-~ '7i4";;S,'-~~ ~ _~ ~~ ~ _ ...:....l.:. --.!...... ---.:.. - .....--r- __ - - ~- .... ~_~_....-- ... _ ..__ .__._ , ...... __ .- .. ~. _...., .. =w' =w + _4 JUl_ *:'" az::c:s • a __ au c _ tV • ... -uu .. _ ...... -...... sq ccem ... ;;wzww '..... ""'8i' .. _ ... cq V' ... '4 - ..~ ,.---,..r~ ... -..'",...;.,...,f~. """'"T. .,.-- - - - .... - -.;;+ .... --- ~ -- ~ ...... =w ~ • - - ~ ...... ~ --- ~~ ----- ~ ~ e. 4_._ .. Il-- -,._'" » - i

Page Six GR.OS,SE ,POINTE--,NEWS Thursday, May I, 1958 Thorsday

Mr. and Mrs. Donald r. Bliss,. Brady, W. R. Cavanau~h, Mr. Charles R. Murphy, Mrs. Grant Alger, Auxiliary - Veterans Clof Giles, Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Fred M. Kopp, tley, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred 1. Center Donors Dr. and Mrs. John L. Boc- and Mrs. Gerald W. Chamber- H. Nablo, Mrs. Reece B. Ob- Foreign Wars of the United Hartwick, W., F. Holcomb, Mr. Mrs. James T. Keena" Mrs. Mayer, Jr., D. L. McConachie U of. (Continued from Page 1) coccio, Mrs. Clarenc~ W. Boy~ lin. erteu:ifer, Ju~ge an~ Mrs. C. P. States, :Mr. and Mrs. Lorn.e and Mrs. Walter O. Joachim, Annie G. LundeJl. R. F. Lit- and Family. _The Univel J h B dell, Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. 'Robert C. Chope, Louis E. O'Hara, Mrs. Arthur M. farker. H. Ayling, Mrs. John Bayless, osep eIfore, J. O. Blair, Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. E. (}. Clarke and Family, Mr. and Ml'. and Mrs. Robert H. Pat~ Paul J. Blackburn, James E. ------~------Mrs. MerlIn A. Cudlip, Mr. and erson" Dr. and Mrs J.ohn R. Brophy, Mr. and Mrs. Fred- Mrs. Sidney De Boer, Dr. and Pear, Mr. and Mrs.Vi~cent L, erick G. 'Brownell~ W., R. MICHIGAN'S LARGEST FORD DEALER Mrs. Laurie C. Dickson, Jr., Peterson, W. A. Post, Mr. and Bryant,. Horace CM'penter, Mrs. M. J. Doeren, N.L1'. and ~rs. Frank 'W.,Presley, Dr. and Jr., Janet B. Cooper Mr8. Neal Mrs. Raymond J. Duffy, Jr., Mrs, .William'C, Quinlan, Mrs, ,E. Fitzgerald, Mr.' md Mrs. Miss Alden G. Edgar, Dr. and Earl Ratzer, Ralph Raymond,\ Burdette E. FOrd, Mr. and Mrs~ F. Gaynor Evans, Mrs. J. Robert Reas, John W. Reuter, Mrs. Nathan B. Goodnow. . W. Finkenstaedt, Alice and Mr. and Mrs. Baird F. Roberts, 'M . W'l . . Howard Gandelot,' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roettinger, Missl'S. ,11lam H.. Herbert, Mrs, William Y. Gard, Mr. and Esther T. Roettinger, Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. John S. Hillock, Mrs. Stewart Gillespie, Mr. Edna L. Root,oA. H. Rzeppa, Mr. and Mrs .. George O. John-., , and Mrs. Alfred R. Glancy, Jr., Mr, and Mrs. Paul R. Schoen- stem, Mr. and Mrs. Leo G. . C C G b g ha.l.... Kearns, WiHiam A. Krieger, _.. and 'Mr. an d M1'5... reen ur , .. are NOW OPEN Grosse Pointe Woman's Club, 'Richard It, Shugg, J~., John Jr., E. F. Lang, Mr. and Mrs. 2~ Ac,.. Dr. Edward J. Guenther, Mr. 4. Slattery, Mr.' and Mrs.J. And'l"ew L. Malott, Mr. and M¥e ...... '0", and Mrs. George A. Hagan, Dr, Henry Smith, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. M7s. John Maze::, Mrs. M. M. 'in our NEW GROSSE POINTE store I •• Ivor D. Harris, Jack B. Harri- R. C. SomerVille, D. Dwight MIller" R. K.Mlller, Mr. and Sel.. .. Service L. L. I 24600 son, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Struthers, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mrs. Frank L. Noake~, Dr. a~d .. Hawkins. Charles Helin. Styerwalt,' W. fT. Touscany, Mrs. Frank. S. Perkm,G. A. Electroni, Gratiot Ave.~ belweHl, 9 lr 10 mil, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Mrs. Harry V. Wade,. Floyd W, Ronn, Mr. Ross Roy, Dr. Ralph Yes, we've moved to our bra,nd new home where you'll 20313 Mad Henke, Mr. and Mrs. William Walker, Mr. and Mrs. David C. Rueger, Mrs. Henry. G. Rei C. Hester, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- A. Wallace, Mr. and. Mrs. Schlorft, Truman H. SchneIder, find sparkling custom kitchen displays and the complete AL1 neth Hollidge, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warmbold. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Elmer F. CUll Get Our Prices Walter W. Horn, Robert B. • • • Schoenith, Mr. and Mrs. Karl line of GE color choice appliances. We cordially invite I Hunter, Iadom Club, Mr. and April %2 V. Schwarz, Mr. and Mrs .. Hal you to inspect our new quarters .. ,'where nothing has before you buy • Mrs. Joseph Israel,_ Mr. and Arthur O. Baker,. Mr. and H. Smit!t, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. 11,'" 0 b~rnspared to improve our services. ,LV,Lrs.Geor ge J . . J h n s ton , Mrs. Frank Banach, Mrs. R. F. Otis Wardwell, Harold J. Wl'l- Use Robert E, Jones, Mrs. John Barnum, Mrs. Waldo L, Behr ber. NEW FORD Keir, Mr. and Mrs. Jam~s B. Mr. and Mrs .. Bruce K. Bock~ • • • Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. John L. April 24: f,.ull Kenower, Mr. and Mrs. Harry stanz, George J.::&rown, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Bahr, -Watch for Our Grand Opening! W, Kerr, Mr. an.rt Mrs. L. Jand Mrs.B CPhilip K." Coe, Dr. Special Pick-up and D.liv~ry Klosterman, Ralph Lagerfeldt, ames . ooper, Mr. and Mrs, Mr. ,and Mrs. Philip C. Baker Frank C. BarrowlS:. Jr., Mr: Mr. an Mrs. .. . ang auer. J. H Cooper, Dr. and Mrs. Har- Service for our GrolH Pointe d E N L b and Mrs. Ernest S. Barton, Mr. Dr. and Mrs. David Leach, old E. Cross, Mr. Victor H. De- and Mrs. C. R. Bock,' Mrs. H. Customers Mrs. M. Butsch Lewis, Mrs~ Baeke, Esther ,B. DeBolt, L. F. H, Borgman, Mr. Frank P .. Leonard Link, Mr. and Mrs. Desmond, Mr. and Mrs. George Book, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Phone PI 1-3400 John N. Lord, Mrs. George V. A. Detwiler, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Camp.bell, Mrs. Tully Car~ ear/is lfIlower N. Lothrop, Donna Jean Mar- A. DuRocher,. Mr. and Mrs. otta, A. W. Crabb, Mrs. Horace shall, Dr. James R. Marshall, Robert B. Evans, Mr. 'and Mrs. Elgin Dodge, Henry Earle, Dr. GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matte, III, Earl J. Failor, Mr. Louis A. and Mrs. Harold B. Edsall. Our 38th Vear D~vid R. McDonald, Mr. and 'Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. Theodore A McGraw, Le- Gillett.. Mr. and Mr$;. Stephen F. 18538 Mack Ave.~ G:t Touraine Road of Ford Sal .. & Service Follin, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roy B. Mclnally, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Got- GROSSE POINTE TU 5-3206 in the Detroit Area! Hugh McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. fredson, Jr., 'Grosse Pointe F. Gehrig, Lester L. Gctsch- Joseph Muer, Harvey 1. Munk, Brokers Ass'n., Grosse Pointe man, Mi:'. and "Mrs. John E. . Thomas L. M u n son, Mrs. Lions Club, Mr. and Mrs. J. , . A. Gutowski, H. J. Hagen, Mr. Established in business situs 1910. and Mrs. R. L. Harkonen, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P Hart, Mrs. Leslie C. Hatcher, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Heiden, Miss Margaret Hendrie, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hickey, Mr. and MTS. Harley G. Higbie, E. A COLORFUL, MODERN C. Hodges, Mr. and Mns. Fred- We, too, are Ready to KITCHEN erick C. Holder, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Holton, Mr. and, Mrs. Ralph Huizinga, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph J. Jan'Sen, Mrs. Frank Make Conces~ions A. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Hal A. Klie- mann, Mr. and MTS. E. L. Korb, Eldon. P. Kraft, Hannah L. Krumpel, Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Langston, Mr. and Mrs. James W.. Lee, II, W. R. Lenz, Mr. and Mrs. W. Harold Light- To Fight the body, Mr. and Mrs. A-1i:hur C. Limbrock, Frank P. Lister, .Paul Maxon, Dr. and Mrs. F. D. McIntyre,' Mr. and Mrs. John F. McNamara, Andrew S. Mihal~ and Family, Mr. and Recession Mrs. F. A. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Paul 1. Moreland, Mrs. Reginald T. Murphy. Mr. and !\.frs. M. Robert Olp, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Pea.rce, We're gOillg as far as we can to put lJ~ALUES- THAT. Here is ~n interesting ex~mple of how cMeful pl~nning can trMsform an out-dated Mr. and ~s Kenneth Porter, Recovery, Mrs. John V Red- kitchen into the very model of ~ttraetiveness ~nd efficiency ••• designed with you field, Mrs. J. Deane Rucker, CAN'T -BE OVERLOOKED, to work to lick this business in mind ••• and furnished with GE color choice appliMces. Your dream kitchen N. W. st. Amour, Dr. James J. can be installed with surprisingly little disruption to your usual household routine. Shea, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. rece~sion! These concessions are 011 the fin,est, largest and If your kitch.1I irA',t ..~co"'inl .. you, you thould It. "ndn, to u•• Smart, MTs. E. D. Spalding, Mrs. C. D. Sterling, Mr. and smallest Oriental Rugs as well as 011 all domestic carpet- Mrs. R. M. Surdam, Mr. and Mrs. LecSnard H. Thomson, Mr. ing in our large, long established rug and carpet business. A. H. Touscany, Jr., Joseph B. The C;~fO;_~;~:.earlis 'IIlower Vogt, Mr, Woodward H. War- rick, Mrs. Clara H. White, CoJ;l- for. rad S. P, Williams, Werner Detroit Edison Service Agency ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Sele: Zeising, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S'OME OF THE SALE PRICES' 18538 MA~K AVE., at TOllra;ne Itoad C. Zube. trim • • • Wliat yo~'ve always wanted-a 5 ALE like this! STORE HOURS: Tu •• efay, WM" .. dey end Saturday till 6:00 April 23 . of ~ i " Moneloy, Thundey _nd friday till ':00 Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Aagesen, New rugs-large and 5catt~r sizes Fine used rugs in good condition muc I, Gen. R. A. and CoL F. M. I-Kirman, pastel color, 9xl2, N '$7.0000 I-Sarouk, red, 9x 12, regular Now S245QQ regular price $1,000 ow - price $395.00 2-Hariz, 9x 12, red, regular NS.23500 2-Fine 'Sitfouks, beautiful red all price $395.00 ow- over or medallion field, form-.Now 5595.Q.Q. 3-Fine Chinese rugs, 9x 12, red, . • rly sold for $895.00 . beige, blue, rose, green, reg- Now549591 ular prices $850 and $750 3-Durable Hariz rugs, 9x 12, N 5375°0 regular price $495.00 ow - 4-Sarouks, lOxI3 and lOx14, red and blue, regular. prices Now5495f!Q • 4--Kirmans, 4x7, pastel colors, N 5250°0 $900.00 SIC regular price $350.00 ow - 5-Beautiful Chinese, II x 15, green and L. blue, Now 5-Sarouks,4x7, red field, reg- N. 527500 51,095!!!! ular price $400.00 ow,- one inch tuft, regular price $1,800~OO 6-Sarouks, 2x4, red, regular N 55200 6-Kirman turquoise blue, 4x7, N 524000 emedy .. 0 A MICHIGAN BANK price $75.00 ow - regular price $350.00 ow - Established in 1970, S. J. Skaff is today one of America's hozne iznpro-vezneDt lOaD , hest known names in Oriental Rugs. Buy with confidence

- Tli 0' paint . o "landsc.,p. a W now • 2481•GRAND RIVER - is the o .make roof rep.lrs TH at JUNCTION OF THIRD, FOURTH best time' add a bathroom AND HEt\lRY STREETS :ri o ,/

c •• build a nevv room . Telephone WO 2-7128 to .. o 5/1

o glamorize youp b••• ~.nt / INOTE: .5(. 'We render a most helpful collateral 36 decorating service to our No required. ; ; months to pay! customers and furnish an up- '~o-date brochure on the Use. Value and Care of Oriental '. rugs .. We think you'll agree THE MJ:CHXGANBANK ,that an Oriental rug is the hallmark of distinction in at! 1I£M8U F£O£RAl ltfS£ltYE SYSTBI We expertly clean and repair Orient~ls--also , ' -fine homes! 1 5 0 1 0 EA S T J EF FER SON, " EAR A LT ERR. A D" I N GR0 SSE P1 E. PARK w. dean carpets on premise!t. . ' ....------..._------Daily' A.M. to 5:30 P.M.-:'Mon. , A.M. to , P.M• , / i

/ ""--- • e • _ • = ,& • *' ...... _ ..-z » __-...... == ... -. _-...... ~ ~ ~ ~ _.. ~~..._. "- .....-...... -_ a 7 C7 a • an.M • - - ~--'--,. -...... 1,;:;.-. -.-.. ..

8 Thursday. May I, 1958 . • --, •.- r Page :- Seven ------_-::....--:..-_---"'------.;,',-' . .. .. ~.. ~d 1. r achie U of M Club 'To Give Dance Practice, Oriental'FI:ower Junior Chi, Om.gas Plan Spri~9 Da'nee at Golf' Club Mrs, Rut h Dalrymple i. , for .' Show,I, chairman a S 5 i s t e d by Mrs. The University of Michigan The Junior Chi 0 m e g a spring dance May!) at the Alumni Club, st. Clair Shores, Blair Moody, Jr., and Mrs. will sponoor a square dance I Alumni group of Detroit, and Western Go If" and COl.\l1try this Saturday evening the Gr~sse '.,Pointe w~ll sponsor a Olub. James Angelos. Call at . Docken! Eastland Auditorium. Al Scheer will be the caller Now in Our and there will be instruction for beginners. 39th YetW TV and Radio SALES & Our MaT" PI,n+ SERVICE Quick and Harper. At Grayton Reliable L. L. DACKEN Electronic Laboratory 20313 Mack TU 1-2791

RCA VICTOR - 17600 LiVERNOIS nr. McNichol~ • UN 3.7100 AL TEC LANSING 15304 KERCHEVAL nr, B,oconsfi.ld • VA 2,9070 Custom High Fidelity _ I SHEPLER'S!

Use the new City ..owned I f.ully paved, attendan't ..operated FUR STORAGE PAR-KING LOT tlnd Storage 01 All Ol1lt-o'.Season -Picture by Fred Runnells at rear of 'Jacobson's off The Women's Association of ilie are, left to, right: MRS. IVAN B. Garments and Blankets Grosse Poi n t e Woods Presbyterian , TAYLOR, flower chairman; MRS. D. St. Clair Avenue. Lock your Church will be staging an oriental tea DWIGHT STRUTHERS, president of and flower show in the church on the association; and MRS. ROBERT car ond shop in leisure! Th. houris nigh, when furs and other out-of-season I May 27, Getting ready for the event .W. ,BETZING, tea chairman. garments ta~e-the Summer Ma9i~ route Jacobson's Philanthropy is loving, ame- Maire P.T.A . Meets 'Monday' to safe; convenient storage-vault care ~t . -in the Village liorative," revolutionary; it wakens ,lofty desires, new pos- The: last meeting of the "Spring Ro'undwUp" for moth-' Shep.lerd Our vatilt building (below) ereded - sibilities, achievements, and, Maire School PTA will be on ers or fathers of aU children , 0 I energies.-Mary Baker Eddy, Monday evening, May 5 at who are to be enrolled in the exdusively'for storage is situated apart from 7:30 o'clock. Maire School kindergarten in our main plant (above), and is the Ic!st word The program will be opened September will be held on by 1he Maire School Chorus Thursday, May 8 at 3 p.m. in In protection for your finest garments. which will sin,g a number of the downstairs gym. selections under the direction Parents who wish to E'nroll of Mrs. Anifbel Lucatsky. their children at the time of 1~1900 our exciting semi-annual sale of liervey Parke, program the "Round-Up"should please For All Departments-TUxedo chairman, has stated that the bring their children's birth speaker for the evening will certifica t.es. be Bengt Swense~, interior The kindergarten program SAMPLE HATS decora1:or. ' . is the topic for discussion. At Mr. Swensen's topic will be this time new parents will also Our "Decora,ting For Your Chil- have a chance to meet our dren." His presentation will school nurse, visiting teacher, emphasize practical, long- principal and k:indergarten wearing, and easy-to-care-for teachers. ' materials to be used in chil- dren's bedrooms and the fam- ily recreation room. He will BUY YOUR make suggestions for planning these rooms'to change with the S'C,OTTS ages and interests of children, LAWN PRODUCTS This will also include sugges- tions for furniture arrange- FROM ment and choice of colors. The annual kindergarten ALLARD Hardwood & Plywood Co 18626 MACK AVE. Give Oratorio Next to Post Office Grosse Point. farm. Complete Pick.Up At St. James TU 2-7740 and Delivery • Friends and members of St . ,Tames Lutheran Church, Mc- Millan road near Kercheval, Reg. 10.98 to 22.98 were given a real musical treat on Sunday, April 27. at 4 p.m. Showroom Samples when the Ohancel Chair pre- sented "The Holy City." This beautiful oratorio by A. R. Gaul carries the believer, through medium of song, from The once-a-season Jacobson miltinery event you've been waiting the longing for his heavenly home-through the promises for. Wonde~ful savings on top-designer showroom sample hats! of God-to a final glorious Select from new ,season styles that include picture brims. flower glimpse of the Eternal Jeru- salem itself. trims _ .. chemise styles ... c1d:hes and .bretons! All fashioned Berwyn Lemke, choral dkec- of finest luxury straws and fabrics - and meant to sell for so tOr for Lutheran High East, was the guest organist. SOloists , much more! included Mrs. William Helle

- BREAKS ARM IN FALL ,Shores pol ice took Mrs. Myra Burnett of 2701 Blaine, De~roit, 1.0 St. John Hospital ,on Monday, April 21. for 'treat------,------ment of a broken. arm suifer- ili , ed when she fell down the l I stairs of the G. M. Frischkorn h,orne, 677 Lake Shore \ road, where she is employed. , ~:U ' U~.1 I Did you know • • • II ney, nlliS. I, See me in person at CHESTER'S WE ARE OPEN EVERY DAY Saturday, May lO MON. '1 :30 to 3:30 MONDAY through SATURDAY' TUE5 for LUNCH and DINNER W-EO I , OPEN SUNDAYS AND HO'LIDAYS THU~S. for DINNER from NOON until 8 P.M. ~RI. AT ' .... SAT•


I Mile ~ncf Beaconsfield Raecf. Telephone: DR 1-8410

Tip to the Men!

Enjoy your own exclusive room for lunch ~ery dCJY ..It the "CHESTER'S,: MEN'S GRILL. Lunch served from 11:00 •. m. Mondoy through ", 'BOOT SHOP" Friday. Chlld,en'. ,Shoe Specialim , , TUxedo 5.0"-'3 "'11 'E. WARRIN at BuekinghClm -- . _. ..~,-.

( .. < "

••-". __z...~_""'._=__""---.... - il: ...... - ~- .. - ~.------. ------...,...... - -- - .._- --- .------.,.- ...... -~ ---...... - ...... ~ ~ ...- ...... --....--- ...... - ...... ---.-- ...... - -...... ~ -- ~ - -

Page Eight GROSSE POINTE' NEWS Thursday, May I, 1955. .Thursd Mike Marston Wins Honors in AFROTC i:onclave . road, has' been senior lendin. Pointers Get Promotions In Natiollal'Bank Electiion officer in. the City Division Youth SAN FRANCISCO - Cadet Third Annual Conclave of the road, Grosse Pointe, Mich., he and becomes head of that di. Lt. Col. Michael V, Marston, Sabre Air Command, recently is the Executive Officer' of the Pointers figured prominent- Credit Corporation :"'1 Detroit and former general vice-I vice ,president sincll 1942. He vision which is responsble a student at the University at the Sheraton-Palaee Hotel. University of Detroit Squad- ly in the elections ,held Mon- (then the financing subsidiary president in charge of the heads. the General Motors for th~ bankts loan and deposit AtBu~ of Detroit. was among 100 Son of Mr. and Mrs. Max day at th~ National Bimk of of Ford Motor Company) as. Bank's Out-of-Town Division, Building Office, and bas par- business in the Greater De-. ron. delegates who attended the 'M. Martson of 1901 Severn Detroit. Of the nine effe(;ted 'its chief' financial officer. In joined the bank in 1945 fol- iicipated actively in (;oordin- troit Area. He joined 'the bank, Exam' by the voti~ of the "board of ~ay 1931 he resigned to be- lowing 14 years. of service ating the Bank's business de- in 1944, having previou~ljr. directors, ,six are residents of come vice-president of Guar- with the Commerce Trust velopment. ' been engaged in the practice the Pointe': Two others live dian Detroit Bank,. and in Jan'- Company of, Kansas, CitYt Ellis B. Merry, of Lothrop of law since 1931. Park Police YOUNGER SET DAYS on the neighboring East Side. uary 1932 b,ecame sernor vice- ,Missouri. He will continue to ------MONDAYS ~nd TUESDAYS D.onald F.' Valley. of East president and director of the direct the activities of the Out- With Ro Jefferson avenue, one of the Guardian National Bank of of Town Division, induding Demands first vice-presidents named Commerce. the International Department. hen ~f. Robert Bav .A "St';fleJ" -flaircuf :v the bank was org~nized He is a director ,of the Na- EqwardAda~! .Jr., the 0/ In 1933, was elected chaIrman tional Industrial Conference Out-of-Town DIVISIon, JOIned E. Warren" 'of the board and chief execu- Board, a former director of the bank in 1946 after 14 years Park police v GIRLS UNDER 14 . , . . . . . , . $1.00 'live officer. the Association of Reserve service with The Grace Na- invites you +0 view on Wednesa Henry T.Bodman of Ven- City Bankers and served 'on tional Bank of New York. He when he wa~ GIRLS 14 THRU 17 $1.50 our NEW dome road, who joined the the Advisory Credit Commit- is in charg.e oft~e Baz:k's l.oan the Detroit BY bank as an assistant cashier in tee of the Office of Procure- and depOSIt bUSIness 10 MICh- rection, after. 1933, was named presid'eIlit and ment and Material, Navy De~ igan 0.utside of the.Detr~it area day sentenc<: chief. administrative officer. partment. and 10 northern OhIO and "The" Bern,ard Hair Styl.ists , His directorships include' S. Indiana. He., also supervises of probation, Chairman Valley and Presi- th I t t 0 I D artment Park authc. 2 Locations to Serve You dent Bodman have taken very S. Kresge Company. Motor e. n erna 1 na. ~p. . Wheel Corporation, . Mueller . MIlton S. Bosley IS,d.Irectly Bayes with ta lIt 19784 Thorn Tree Road 20845 MACK AVE. 20307 WEST 7 MILE active parts in Detroit, Mich- Brass Company, and National 10 cha~ge of ~he bank s 1ov~- breaking and 2 BLKS. N. OF 8 MILE ACROSS FROM CITY BANK igan and National banking, Casualty Company. He is a men~ portfolIo and s.UJPervises tn beautifu.! Deeplands Subdivision Rustic Cabin, civic and charitable Commissioner of the Detroit speCIal .researc.h proJects and , val, on F~bru;l GROSSE POINTE WOODS DETROIT, MICHIGAN ~~~~~f!~. (off Lake ShOre Road) in Grosse Pointe TUXEDO 1-0953 KENWOOD 4-7630 Streets and Traffic Commis- ~C?nOmlCstudIes .. Mr. ~osley Bayes 'vVClS ; Mr. Valley'was born in West- sion, a former president of De- ~,omed the Bank In 1933. He Park Judge C Branch, Mi.chigan .and brought troit Water Board, a direc'tor IS a member. of the ~overn: Open 2 to 5-Week da.ys and Sundays ger on Wedm up in. Onaway. He became a and member of the Executive ment Borrowmg CommIttee 01- mute to the certified public accountant in. Committee of the United t~e .Investment !3ankers Asso-' If you like the many trim features of this model hOr)'le, glary, and de, 1925. In 1926 he became comp~ Foundation, a director of the elatIon of Amerlc~. remember they con be hod in your present home. We amination. troller of Dodge Bros. where Economic Club of Detroifa Arnold D. (MIke) F.r~ydl, Under $. maintain 0 .complete deportment for such remodeling MOTHER'S DAY SPECIALS he supervised and controlled member of the Advisory Cbm- of Hai'var~ road, who Jomed Judge Belan Hew Merchandise Has 'Just Arrived for accounting' for the parent. mittee' of Metropolitan De- the bank 10 1933, has been a .• , a new family room, built-in closets, bookshelves, day, April 30, company and subsidiaries. In tro'it Building Fund and a di- u'!'ility room, 0 modern kitchet:'! . the examinat. Spring and We Are Offering it 'atLow Prices April 1928 he joined Universal rector of the Greater Detroit BAG THEFT REPORTED Bayes under c --,------BOMd .of Commetce. He is a Kingsley Roney of 414 Ker- ASK US ABOUT IT! The accusec, Vestryman. of 0 I d Christ cheval complained to Farms said, was pal GPHS Seniors Church. police on Tuesday, April 22, gang that ha OTtOr Mr. Bodman is a' native of that someone had stolen a red Walter H. Mast Co. on gas statio: LAMP SHADE SALE Get High H Detroit who joined the Guar- alligator overnight bag from the Woods, F diem Detroit Bank in 1928, a!- his car in tl;1e'Grosse Pointe 20039 MACK AVENUE Clair Shores, 'Fifty-seven seniors at Grosse ter graduating with honors in These are all new . They are wrinkle proof High School parking ,lot. He and Detroit. beautiful hand.made Pointe High School, constitut~ mathematics from Princeton. said the bag contained his wal- Tf:J 2.1400 Another In 5 with rust resistant frame ing the permissible 15 percent He joined National Bank of gang, James let, with personal papers and shades in all of the class. have been elected Detroit in 1933, and in 1941 In egg shell and white driver license, and several 1044 Concord, popular sizes to membership in the coveted was loaned to the Office of item..; of clothing. He did not raigned befor 3.49 National Henor Society. Production Management in ger on March say how much money, if any, Special, Group of Lamps Special Group of Pictures Hurricane Lamps keguarly Candidates were required to Washington. He received his was in the wallet. in burglarizir.. Were 525 to $30 $1995 Greatly reduced for 50% Sold fur $2.95 $189 m a in t a i n an overall honor U. S. Army comrr.issio~, in Bar, 15007 Cha Modernt Traditional This Sale - Save and More point average of B or better. 1942, was awarded the Legion ruary iz. 'rhere were 85 seniors who of Merit, was promoted to the STYLE TIP Repled gui: quallfied grade-wise but as rank of Colonel and returned Short gloves are taboo-at in the Park only 15 percent of the class to the bank in 1945. IIi 1946' least for a while. The eight and bound over are permitted membei'ship, the he was recalled to, Washing- ten-button lengths are most Coun ty Circlli in demand. If you want a faculty had to vote on citizen- ton as a member of, the, board awaiting senU ship and other merits. . of directors of the Reconstruc:- shorter glove buy a six-button court, after a '\J\Jrtl}ht'~ and crush it down suggests . Honored me m be r 8 are:- tion Finance Corporat~on, and was entered 0 Mary Ann Adler, Karen Bau- returned to the bank in 1949 Margaret Werner, retailing in- Arrested mann, Ja'l1es Bayne, Janis as vice-president and assistant structor at Michigan State University. The initial GIFT. and LAMP Bushong, Gay Broad, Thomas to the president, was elected a to the breakin SHOP Carnes, Judy Coffin, Janet general vice.president in 1950 was made by Collinson, Sue Cumberworth,' and a director in I 1953. police on Marc 18650 MACK AVE. Next to Post Office TU 5...8839 Sue Dhooge, Diane Dickey, He is a past president of the spotted four Jim Dodge, Pat Field, Ken Greater Detroit Board of Com- CARPETS a'nd scene of a bu: Store Hours Daily 9 to 6 ••• Fridays 9 to 9 I German. Scott Gerstenberger, merce and of the Michigan ~onand Thir I Dick Granse, Chester Greiling, Post, American" Ordnance As~ Three .of th I Carol H,.•.:bert, Karen Han- sociation; trustee of the Ci~- RUGS BOUND rested, with t cock, Keit1" Hellems,. Judy izens Research Council of ing his escapE Henry. Michigan - and of the Henry c per later by Detr Also:-Robert Herrick, Judy Ford Hospital, a director of yard he returned , Himmelsba,ugh, Verne Istock, the' United Foundation .of De- 45 Detroit. You'll want Built-ins Peggy Johnson, Patty Johns- troit and of the Economic FAST SERVICE When que~ ton, Jim Kelly, Jan Knost, Club, a trustee and treasurer Clair Shores r for Greater Jane Kohring, Mary Kohring, of the Foundation for Econom- blurt€d 'out ' Mike Kroyr, Althea Langston, ic Education, vice chairman McCOY & SONS resu:lted in t; Janet McDonald, Dave Maw- and treasurer of the American of the other Convenience' hinney, Mike May, Sandy Mc- Enterprise Associationt a mem- CARPET COMPANY the ,gang, aI:l' Adam Martha Miller Nancy bel' of the Economic Policy OPEN THURS. AND FRI. least.22blirgl- Hagelkirk, Margot N~s, Caro- Committee of the United UNTIL 8:30 P,M, By ,their ' lyn Nill Gretchen Nyboer, States Chamber of Commercet 14301 E. WARREN gang cleared You'l/ cook better I laster Mary P;tterson, Bob Peterson, a me~ber of the Exec~tive Corner Lakew.ood burglaries, or Margie Reins, David Roll, Lois CommIttee of the CommIttee and one in th with modern built-ins ••• Rupp, Judy Scherz, Gladys ~n Federal Legislat~on! Amer- VA 2..4100 Detroit, foUr in a modern kitchen . Steil Barb Stone. Gary Theu- lean Bankers AsSOCIatIon, and Shores and. erko~, Penny. Thewalt, Steve a me1?ber of ~he. Executive Woods. let us design a new kitchen for you ••. with VanderVoort Audrey Volis, CommIttee of MIchIgan Bank- Paul Whitm~re. Mary Young, ~rs ~sociation. Mr. Bodman beoutiful, efficient built.in oven, cook top • Cynthia Zdrodowski and Mar- I~ a dIrector of Standard Ac- and refrigerator • ; • surrounded with tha Zimmerman. cldent Insurance CompanYt Schools attroc+ive cupboords Md work tops Planet Insurance CompanYt Tornad(~ speci~lIy designed to your needs. Visit and Fenestra, Inc., and is im- BUY YOUR mediate past president of the our new disploy room Md loorn of Association of Reserve City MA YTIME is Jllicture time School Sup our focilities, 5COTT5 Bankers. James W. Bush I all building pt LAWN PRODUCTS Lawrence P. Fisher, of Len- • FORMICA TOPS ADDITIONS ox, one of the original Fisher ~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. fy the parents FROM brothers, a director of Fisher childTen that, & Co., of General Motors Cor- • Lake Shore Road ablaze with spring blossoms. event of a to;- poration and of Continental changed. QUEEN CUSTOM KITCHENS ALLARD • Mother's Day coming up. Acting on t. Illinois National Bank and Hardwood & Plywood Co United States Trust Company, Chicago, was • Little League Baseball beginning. 16117 Mack, btw. aedford andDeyonsh~re 18626 MACK AVE. elected to succeed his nephew t Commerce an and Grosse P TUxedo 5.6328 Next to Post Office the late Charles T. Fisher, Jr., Grosse Pointe Farms on the board. Civil Defense TU 2,.7740 George E. Parker, Jr., of be kept with: Lothrop road, vice-presiden~ buildings hen and trust officer, whose ser- your nadoes occur vice with the bank 'dates from start family hours. 1933, was elected a director to In the past fill the vacancy created by that children . the death of John S. Coleman, movie record. now! that safety thJ former president of BUfiroughs would be pos, MEDALLION SAVINGS Corporation. He was also recognized th elected chairman of the Bank's of uncertaint) Trust Committee. tion of the sch SAFETY Five division or department suIts from a} heads were elevated to the tornadoes whi newly-established position. of rialize. Furthe PLUS Senior Vice President. the school bui Book Accounts Paq John N. McLucas, of Ven- strongly reini tion, offer bett dome road" a bank director A GOOD Medallion Savings Book Accounts are opened upon an initial deposit of protection. Fir. $500 or more. Further deposits may be added at any time in even mul- ledge by par INCOME CHE-STER'S I children are tiples of $100. Ask for folder describing Medallion Savings Book Accounts. Special Spring Offer tinuous contre ARE PROUD TO sion of comp Bell & Howell deemed to be PARTiCIPATE IN portance. 34'. ANNUAL Model 290 I Parents who children. not b FOOl HIALI" WEEK during periods I Electric Eye are a possibili EALTH May9~16 Choo". A and claim the: 195. Family However, unl Foot iv\ovie Camera ~~SClEN(1 rangements ha Doctor' the families co ~ ~ \~OUCA nON • ~_. :-t!ES!ARCIl " formerlv 169.95 ent should rel Serving' the GROSSE POINT.EArea: ..~~~-_.- their ?wn chil(~ premIses dur11 American Foot lie ellth Now Foundation gencies. As iT I cumstance s c ~ Harper-Grayton' Office Mack-Newporl Off.ice Only must, have am the parent or '; I I 16850 Harler at Grayton 14143Mack at Newport - fore they can. M ••• tliebridge between the during the SCr.l be8t.intMtio1t8 of the shoe Jefferson-Lakewood Office manufacturer in'design and 1430~E. Jefferson at Lakewood comtructicm-and the desire 17114 of the consumer. for com- Kercheval. foruwle, healthful 8ho~8- rests in the hands of the ex- pert shoe fitt~r •~." Phone• DAILY-MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY CHESTER'S TU. 1-4096 Farmer St. Office, 1415 Farrner, is open until 8 P. M. on Monday evenings; BOOT SHOP Children's Shoe Spticialistl Open gnd on Saturdays, lOA. M. to 5 P. M. TUxedo. 5.0863 Friday Evenings' Member F.dera' ReStlfVe System and Fedoral Deposit Insurance Corporation till 9:00 15911. I. WARREN. .at Buckingham

J ; 'Or <, L

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Thursday, May I, 1958 G R-0 SSE: POI N TEN E W' S Page Nine din' sion :. di. Youth lJlute sble )()sit A~Burglary GRAND.OPENINGi De- ,ank 'usly Examination ctice Park Police Charge Youth Q~ With Rob bin 9 Bar; Demands Examination Robert Bayes, 19, of 12617 E. Warren,. Detroit, found Park police waiting for him on vVednesday, April 23, when he was released from the Detroit House vf Cor- , COnv . rection, after serving a 60- en/ent 0 day sentence for violation - • • Dears ~ . of probation. rree Park.. erv1ces 600 '"g 'It Park authorit~s c h a r g e • IIh -car lot 'Nell-lighted Bayes with taking part in the lhaClilatel breaking and entering of the &Ie rest Y dean Rustic Cabin, 15209 Kerche- .' Speedy lIehroolhs' COlhfol'f a.. yal, on February 24. ShOPPing arge-Plate" Bayes was arraigned before. Park Judge C. Joseph Belan- • Vari~fy of credo You,. lie ..I ,t plan ger on Wednesday, and stood • r." e'll s to _ mute to the charge of bur- .)nack & "'eet glary and demanded an ex- • ''''l"e se,.,,'a,." ler vIce. stat. amination. 'Ce what 'on. Under $5,000 Bond of ~_ We sell Judge Belanger set yester- • day, April 30, as the date for the examination, cmd placed Bayes under a bond of $5,000. The accused youth, it was ~aid, was part of a 24-man gang that had been preying on gas stations and bars in the Woods, Farlns, Park, St. Big-Store Selec- OFFICIAL OPENING: THURSDA y~ MAY Clair Shores, Harper Woods 1, 9:30 A. M. Ycu Just Can't and Detroit. tion at Thrifty Come, see our beautifui new store at think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the make "Shop at Sears and Savell more thar. Beat Sears fo"r Another member of the its official opening, Thursday, May 1f gang, James Elredge, 17, of way we've arranged merchandise for real just a slogan. Your new Sears store carrieu 1044 Concord, Detroit, was ar- Savings Prices! Discover for"yourself the fascinating, big- ease in shopping, And .,f coun., you'll complete selections of merchandise, Honest Values raigned before Judge Belan- store selection in every department. We find the kind of outstanding values that from air conditioners to window .hadel. ger on March 31, for his part in burglarizing the Champ's Bar, 15007 Charlevoix, on Feb- ruary 12. I I He pled gUIlty to the charge I I in the Park court and was bound ov~r to the Wayne I I County Circuit Court, and is I ,~ awaiting sentence frOM that I .~ court, after a plea of guilty I I was entered on April 14. I Arrested in Shores'. I The initial arrests theft led I I I~ to the breaking up of the gang I was made by St. Clair Shores I ~.~ police on March 27, when they Sale! 20" Homart Fan I I Calvani%ed 20-Cal. spotted four men leaving the Fits in Window ~cene of a burglary at Jeffer- I I Carbage Can son and Thirteen Mile road. Reg. I I Three of the four were ar- 59.95 $44 22.2. rested, with the fourth rnak~ I I $5 Down -.:: ...... ~". ing his escape, to be captured I I Charge It! later by Detroit police when 2-speed electrically rever- I ,<> I Big 20-gallon can is gal- he returned to his home in sible motor. Fits windows ~;i::'~:.;';~.~" I vanized to resist rust. Detroit. up to 371/2" wide. Save I I Durable; has tight, pro. When questioned by st. [.:.". Clair Shores police, the fourth $15.95 now at Sears! I tective cover. Meets City I of Detroit Code. blurted out confessions that I resulted in the rounding up 1958 Automatic Washer I of the other 20 members of I Kenmore Has Built-in Lint Filter"" I the gang, and cleared up at I least 22 burglaries in the area. Regular 79.50 Cleans and re-cleans wash and Reg. 229.25 . I By thE:ir confessions, the I rinse water. Traps Iint, ,scum $ I gang cleared the two Park On~ - knob control for 3 positions: and fuzz. Has 2 water temper- burglaries, one in" the Farms I choke, run and stop! 2-HPI 2-cycle, atures ..• you just dial the 18 8 I and one in the Woods, 13 in I lightweight aluminum engine. Auto- temperature to suit the fabric. I Detroit, lour in St. Clair matic rewind starter. Height of cut ad- Porcela in - enameled tub and $5 Down Shores and one in Harper I justable from Y2'I to 3". Save 29.50! bask~t. $5 Dewn I Woods. I No Trode In Necessary I I I Schools Shift Sale! Coldspct I I Sale! Motori%~d Dehumid'fier I Tornado Defense I 24-inch Bra%ier Reg. 88 I 69.95 59 I School Superintendent Dr. I Reg. 2488 James W. Bushong has directed $5 Down I 19.95 all building principals to noti- I I Charge It! fy the pare:hts of public school Dries up damp locations children that procedures in the in a jiffy. Protects wood-. I I Wonderful for tasty out- event of a tornado have been work, furnishings, cloth- I door meals! Complete changed. ing. Just plug in ... no I with hoqd.. motor and Acting on the advice of the installation. Save $10. I I spits. Legs detach for United States Department of I easy carrying, storage. Commerce and the Mi-::higan I and Grosse Pointe Offices of I I Civil Defense the children will I be kept within the s c h 0 a 1 I buildings henceforth if tor- I I nadoes occur dUring school hours. I I In the past it was advised I that children be sent home so I that safety through dispersion I I would be possible. Now it is I recognized that a great deal I of uncertainty and interrup~ I I tion of the school program re- I Refrigerator • Freezer I sults from alerts concerning Cros:s Reg. 319.95 Coldspot Quality tornadoes which do not mate- I I Sale! Coldspot rialize. Further, it is felt that Your Choice 12 cu. ft. . .. gives you a Air Conditioner the school buildings, being of I Reg. 2.19 to 3.95 each place for everything. No-rust I strongly reinforced construC4 88 I Choose from 19 different quality tools aluminum .shelves ... 17.2-sq. I Reg. 179 tion, offer better than average 11 50-lbs. ... save from 25c to 2.01 ! Includes: ft. of storage spa~e, 2 big 249.95 protection. Finally, the know- ~.~~2 I 279~8 I wrench set, pruning shears't Dunlap crispers, bottle shelf, dairy $5 Down ledge by parents that their Promote lawn growth and I hammer, hand saw, hack sa-.$J, chisel chest, 3 egg shelves. Save Only 19 ~/2" thin, yet children are under the con- $10 Down I strengthen roo t 5 with set, gluing clamp, and others. tinuous control and supervi- I Charge It! 40.07 today. at Sears! I mounts flush inside. 1.. Slon of competent persons is these fine Cross Country HP motor. Cools, filters, deemed to be of primary im- pr,oducts! Stock up now at I I dehumidifies, circulates portance. Sears special savings! and exhausts. Save! Parents who desire that their children not be kept in school 1------.1 during periods when tornadoes are a possibility may call for and claim their own children. However, unless specific ar- rangements have been made by the families concerned, no par- ent should remove other than their own child from the school premises during such emer- gencies. As in any other Cir- cumstcmce s c h a 0 1 personnel must have authorization from the parent or the guardian be- Terry Seat Covers fore they can release a child 21" Console TV Kenmore Hand Mixer during the school day. Reg. 381 88 Reg. SHI'I 4.98 Sale! 129 209.95 17988 Low Price Charge It! $5 Down $10 Down $5 Down Cf1arg. It! Protect your car's uphols- City approved! Kenmore's 10 cu.~~ft. size, with a 261-sq. in. pk:ture, smart tery this easy way! Grand 2 powerful burners safely 350-lb., capacity. Sep hardboard cabinet, living Lightweight, yet this port- for trips to the beach! and quickly devour trash, arate 87-lb. :.1 qui c k hi-fi sound. Dual 5" able has real power! Ex- Washable, highly absorb. odor and smoke. Safety freeze" section. Vacuum- speakers. S w i vel base, tra-large beaters. 3-speed, ent. For coach or sedan. pilot and timer . sealed, leak-proof. ... Save 30.07 now! Pink, aqua, yellow, white. 7 ·Mile (Moross Rd..) and ~Mack A've. 'PHONE - TU 4-6000 GROSSEPOINTE FJ'RMS, MICHIGAN p,oo LIVERNOIS IIf. AAcNichols • Ullt3-7800, - U3e4 XElCHEUL 1If. 8tocolIsfi,ld • fA 2.'070 j O~en 9:30 till 9 p.m. Th,ursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday; 9:30 till 5 Tu~sday and Wednesday

L \

.7 7 t • t ...... SIll m SI!l crals.e S.Flllo a a 1'tIlS C!!IC III1i _._."Iiii4til' __ WIilIIC ii'iii&t1iI' _ilill.i..rl '"iiIil' iiIi.liieliiliJ'iiIili'.. ' ilII?tliilfriilli'l:iiiffliliili~.iiII.?flilirllil~rIli5iiTiii5tilliiiuiili.. Iril.i'.iiiiIi.~:iIL' _ .. zrl:ritLo_.ii;; _.... _~_.-..,;,;._ ...;;_;".;;.,.,;*#...... ,;,irr _ ;.,.-....;;.".. __ _.;....._.:...... ;,_.L...; -:-.....: - .... - -- -~ --~---...... Wi "W -..- -- - ...... ~ -- , - - ...... !T-...._; ...... ~--- ..--..'---"l -..,.- ...... ,------,., _T - - - - .. ---"'r'~ "# .. - __ .- ...... - ... - . .. *49,...... -w ...... m .. •• ... ,'" • • ...... -----~---- - ......

Page Ten G R 0 SSE POI NT E N~EWS Thursday, M,ay 1.1958 Thursday.

E. J. Combs of 10488 Bal-] taken the spare tire and Sh I G d D".:"nBlalock of 14548 Man- on Friday, April 25. They said four, Detroit, complained to wheel from the trunk of his ores ar en Garden Club Open" for Business! ning; and George Garasia of the jackets were stolen from FACTO Woods police on Monday, car while it was parked in, Club to Mee't To Meet 13895 Fordham, both of De- the cloak room of the Ice April 28, that someone had the Woods Theater lot. troit, reported the tileft of Flair, Charlevoix and Way. HABI The Grosse Pointe Shores The Garden Club of Michi- ,,r their jacke'ts to Park police burn. Garden Club will hold its an- gan will me~t Monday, MEiY12 for lastin Shipn.@nt Just Arrived at the Country Club lane home nual meeting at the Lochmoor • Shasta D.3isy • Daphne of Mrs. Herbert L Lord at 3 "Best-looking boulevard home of Mrs. C. E. o'clock. Maguire on Friday. when th~ se.-~ • Delphinium • Phlox Name Varieties Co-hostesses will be Mrs. See the amazing house and gro • Scotch Heather • Platycodori Mrs. Kenneth R. Strang, of Edwqrd Burns 'Caulkins, Jr., from dogs, ttJ Hidden lane, wiU be assi,gtant • Poteni"iIIa .....--- .... and Mrs. Benjamin S. Warren, children and J h 0 s t e s s. Luncheon will be Trees Fertilizers Jr. screen fences ! Shrubs JOHN C. LaBELLE Insecticides served at noon followed by a picket design~ Hedge Plant business meeting. LeWis F. Lipp, horticulturist . Come in and Material~ Nursery Sales Foods from Mentor, O.~ will be the living area ar- On the agenda is the election speaker of the afternoon. TORO 18110 Mack Ave. TUxedo 4-6670 of officers for the 1958-59'sea- son and annual reports from Members are asked to bring City of Grosse Pointe 30, Mich. all officers ,and committee all seedlings made from cut- Power.Handle heads. tings with card stating name, method, time and methods used. Mr. Lipp will discuss at- tempts and give suggestions. Goodwill Needs " I Terms '1 Your DiScard,s Center Offers Available rfhe theme of G90drwill In- dustries Week, May 4-10, is WILLIAM A. WILSON, local hardware man who Show for Kids is known to countless Grosse Pointers, is shown above "Buy now and contribute to / Goodwill. Industries the ar- as he opened his new store in the' old landmark build- A . free program for the The key to year 'round yard care is the Toro POWER ticles you replace." ing at 16915 East Jefferson avenue, near Cadieux, younger grammar school chil- HANDLE •.• Drives all 11 of the work savers shown where he had worked eight years as a clerk. Wilson dren will be presented at the in folder .•.• switches in seconds from one unit to LAWN WEED KILLER Depicting this idea is Mrs. Grosse Pointe War Memorial, Dwight W. Edlwards, Jr., of and his brother Avery V. own the :pew store to which ar'tother without special ,tools. Conioins 2,4-0 (Amine). Kills weeds, yet they have given the name of Grosse Pointe Supply. Wednesday, May 14, at 7 p.m. the Junior Goodwill Group, Wa 1t Disney's full 'length Comple1'e Authorized Service Is easy on the grass. Simply mix with women's auxilial-y, who has They deal in hardware, garden tools, fertilizer~, paint, water and spray to rid lawns of dande- technicolor. feature "Dumbo" purchased a new dress and dis- glass, home'ware and electrical supplies. ELECTRIC TOOLS AND MOTORS lions, wild onic~, plantain and many Will be presented. carded, the old. other weeds. Eight ounce can treats In addition to "Dumbo" the average home grounds. Large 32-ounce Goodwill points out that it younger group of the Chil- Can is really a bargain-treats up tp co~ts nothing in money to help Outstanding Safety Patrol dren's Theatre is presenting .D'HAEM TOOL SALES FOUt 21,000 square feet. handicapped workers earn a "Sir Tommy's Pilgrimage," the SALES AND RENTALS living. They do not want original story of a very young 27950 HARPER. Between 11 Mile & Martin . Complete line of fertilizers, charity, but instead, an op- Boys Goingto Washington knight who cannot go out to portunity to work. The jobs 'ST. CL.AIR SHORES, MICH. David Bullard, 12, of Barnes luncheon arranged by Auto do brave :icts because he must Insecticides and Tools they have depend on repair- baby sit with his little brothers able discards which they com- school, and Gregory S. Moser, Club in one of Washington's I'R 5-5722 MERION BLUE SOD 11, of Mason school, haye been leading hotels. a the r high- and sisters- while his mother pletely renovate and sell at works. moderate cost in seven retail named to represent Grosse lights of the trip include meet- Pointe safety patrollers at the ing en t e r t a in men t world stores. . RAPID FREE DELIVERY 22nd Nat~onal AAA Safety Pa- notables and visiting historic . The lack of discards during tr01 Rally in Washington, D. C., landmarks and imporiant gov~ -No Order T"o Small or Too Large-- the firm quarter of 1958 has May 8~11. ernment b~iIdings. <51'- enforced curtp.ilmeni of both David, who lives at 1330 S. The youngsters will ass~m- HARPER GARDEN MART jobs and rehabilitation train- Oxford, and Gregory, of 2041 ble on Thursday, Maya, for Swimm Wm. J. AlLEMON ing at Goodwill Industries. Van Antwerp. will make the registration and a ph y sic a 1 four-day all-expense trip along check-up before boarding their Pool (! GARDEN SUPPLY During this time of general, 0 WIth 10 other safety patrol- private rai.lroad cars. 17727 MACK (at University) TU 2..9085 unemployment in Michigan, it lers from the state as guests is difficult for some regular of Automobile Club of Michi- The Michigan patrollers will contributors to donate ma- gan. The youngsters were se- I e a v e Washington Saturday Spring Specials! teriaLs. It is urged that those lected as the most outstanding evening and ,arrive in Detroit, .It who are em:ployed buy and f th 50 00 bo Sunday, May 11. Youngsters .. remember that Goodwill needs °d' e ,0. patro~ . ys who from outside the Detroit area ally saf.eguard tnelr class- '11 b ted t d f the discarded item, whether it t . WI e escor 0 an rom • Pyramids • Globes 3 A REAL' WORKHORSE I ma es at crossmgs at 2,200 th' h . b b' f be clothing, a gard~n tool, M' h' , t h I elr omes y mem ers 0 IC Igan e~emen ary sc 00 s. A t Cl b' f t d t ff' household furnishings or any, .' u 0 u s sa e y an ra IC other repairable item. D~mg the h 0 n ~ r .t:lP to department. Two registered • Spreaders • Uprights Washmgton, they WIll JOin 30,- n u r s e s will accompany the 2 H.P. CLINTON 000 0 t h .er patrollers from group on the trip. Board Meeting Planned across Umted states and Cana- " 19" ROTARY da for the traditional march Thomas Alberty of 25666 Gas Engine By Methodist Society down Constitution avenue. The Hoffmeyer, Roseville, report- five-mile long parade is the ed the theft of four spinner- The officers of the 'Woman's l~rgest held annually in the type hubcaps from his car on Society of the Grosse Pointe Capital. Sunday, April 27, while the Methodist CJ:turch will gather The Michigan delegation will vehicle wC'.s parked in the for their last board meeting of meet congressmen from their Woods Theater parking lot. the year on Thursday, May 1, horn e districts at a special Value of the loss is set at $20. at the home of their president, Mrs. Walter Griffith, 1398 Hollywood, at 7 p.m. OUR 21ST YEAR OF GROWING!

.., The officers remaining on THOUSANDS Of . the board next year are honor- ing the retiring officers with a pot-luck dinner before the Potted Roses , business of the evening. Mrs. i Thomas Estes will assist the varle. t.les ,.. 19S up I hostess in servng. Twenty- , seven guests are ex,pected. , FREE! Turf Builder Ferlilife ~2.50Rose with the Regina Parents Club purchase of 10,. And All MORRIS Sponsors Card Party through August 1st. Popular Fertilizers, FLOWERS Regina High Sohobl's Moms OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAYS HARDWARE STORES and Dads Club is planning a card party for May 23 at the sohool at 8 o'clock. Hall's Nursery mother's (j)ay 7-Mack Shopping Center Evergreens • Landscaping • Personal Service lor SQUI The Pffi'ty will be a benefit 24300 HARPER, btw. 9 and .10 Mile Rds. CHOICEST! FRESHEST! Open Evenings ••• Sundays 10 (I,m. to 3 p.m. to 1'Iaisem-oney to equip a new PRescott 5~3455 . o ETRe,. . home economics room, which ' PLANTS is operated by the Sisters of ------St. Josep!1 of the Third Order That Will Bloom of St. Francis. This will be j the final clUlbactivity for the tor your qatden Potted Plants .' ~II 69 year. Summer $1 . ' up Empire Daughters Plan VAUGHAN Luncheon for May 5 The Princess Beatrice Chap- JAPANESE ter, Daughters of the British FERTILllER Empire, will meet for luncheon Monday, May 5 at 12:30 o'clock YEWS C in the 11 Mile road home of 100% .80 Mrs. E, Eberly . ORGANIC Pounds 3.95 Plans for a party to be held, at the Grosse Pointe Memorial Ever blooming Good for Lawns, 50 Center on May 23 will be com- He Trees and Shrubs Pounds pleted. The program of the day TEA and CLIMBING 1.75 will be in charge of Mrs. Ver- -A •. GRASS SEEDS non Johnson. • GARDEN SEEDS ROSES FRUIT TREE SPRAY BUY YOUR • BULBS - PLANTS ROSE DUST and SPRAY • GARDEN TOOLS 3onlyfor $197 SCOIIS , . We Have What • NURSERY' STOCK We Advertise Etlery 1< LAWN PRODUCTS • of Gardet; FROM We Guarantee What W. Sell tOf' Sharp Meldrum & Smith Nursery Salles Gree1 ALLAR,D Thuml VAUGHAN'S Hardwood & Plywood Co ,Ga,rden Sp1ecialists 18626 MACK AVE. Taxus liON E SHOT" (20-5-5) Merion Next to Post Office 17150 MACK AVE. near Rivard TUxedo 5.5433 * 95 and Up Grosse Pointe Farms Taxus Cuspidata Intermedia '. GROSSE P01 ....TE 24, MICH, * fertilizei' ... APPLY ONCE ... TU 2.7740 Nana ------..-- * Taxus Capitata lasts All Season. Covers 2500 Sq. Ft. ~------_. Taxus Cuspitat,a * * Taxus Browni Contains NEW UREA COMPOUND Northern' Grown EVERGREEN'S * Taxus. Hicksi * Hatfield Full AU 4 year Received Just * COMPLETE LINE MERION or older ,5000-- for this Sal. OF SEED&SOD GARDEN TOOLS • UPRIGHT HICKS YEW • GLOBE ARBORVITAE ,HARPER Ki • PYRAMIDAL ARBORVITAE, • SPREADING PFITZER • IRISH JUNIPERS • BLACK HILL SPRUCE • SPRE.-6,DING CUSPIDATA YEW GARDEN MART Grl MELDRUM 23711 HARPER AVE. F'R 9-0453 AMPLE at Little Mack FREE TRUCKING & GARDEN SUPP! Y 21321 HARPER 1'6501 HARPER PARKING at Bryl Driv. Cor.Whitti.r. c)'pen Daily and Sunday 9 a.m. to ~)p.m. AT OUR Next to National Food • DOOR 17921 MACKAVE. TU. 4.2184 . ... '. . . I at 8~ Mi. and Harper ,W. Deliver Betwe~ O.VER20 YEARS ON HARPER AVE. OPEN 9..9 EVERY DAY INCL. SUNDAY - . I "t (

__ .. Or~t' ____..~-..~ _ *en. __ - * _ •• _.9 t s. _* ••• _.-,~._....~.... _. __~..ne M' .« _ ....._ bet _ en...... __ .....-._...... --....,...... --...... """------_~ - --~-"""":"'"----_.~~""--'------~---""."'------;"~P_-''''''''--;:O''''-- '''_--Taqp_ '7'''"', _- _~.J~-""""""'-..,---....,~. - s~, """-.-:-ws~._-...."".""'!""'P_dO_' _0"""'--- ..,'_ 41!!1! 0 _23 '- ..' -- .. . .

Thursdai, May 1', 1958 / G R 0 sse PO I N TEN, EW S Page !raven said ' @l...... Friday, May 2:-9:15, Bowl- Mother and Son Banquet. rom ,: . ling. FACTORY FABRICATED t?f""' :' Ice Saturday, May, ,3:-9:30, POINTE METHODIST ,",'{o;l'.: ·Ch . h N · 211 Moross Road ~;~"~~ HABITANT CEDAR FENCE I urc , ews I: ~~t~~~~~ Classes; 10:1~,.Jun- Now Grass Cullin' • Sunday, May 4:-8:3Q, Wor- H:::~~T=:~'::=or for lasting beauty, pt'otection and privacy ...... _ _.~." I . of Christian Ed. ~:.}~II ship; 9:45, Sunday SchOOl (aE. ages); 11, Worship; 11, Sunday Sunday May 4' 9'30 a m ~:~:i=r..~~ is FUN wiUrlheNew CALVARY LUTHERAN Thursday: 8 p. m. Senior School (1-8), : ... .,?* :..:I.~. "Best-looking home in th~ neighborhood"' - that's what they'll say ~l':,...... - Worship and, sermon; Churoh .::U., when th~y see beautiful Habitant natural wood fence around your Gatesh"ad Avenue at Mack

- A Brand New Store in an.O/d Familiar . Location!.. ~1I1l1ll1l1ll1l1l1l1l1ll1l;;III1I1I11I1I1I11I1I1I1I1I1I11I1I11Il1I11I11I11I1I1I1I1I1HlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"'11Il"11111111""I11"'"Il~ Newcomer? I Points. Fertilizers i at PEOPLES FEDERAL SAVINGS ~ Full Line of i Have You, or -Has Every Kind Someone You Know, .. of Garden Tool Scott's Seeds ; tot' Sharpening = Just Moved Green and I To"'a New Hom.~? Thumbs! Turf Builder ! New, Fresh, Rich Products! I Your Welcome ~1II"'11II1II1II1I11I1!I1II1l1II"lIl1l11lll1lll1l1ll1ll1lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlJl1I1l111l1l11ll11iii Wagon hostess' ALL ACCOUNTS wip call with gifts. Full Line of Garden Tools an~ .friendly ARE INSURED New, Modern greetin,gs from. the UP TO $JO,Ooo ' Electrical Supplies , . community. ' Kitchen\vare and Glass ,SAVE CONVENIENTLY WHERE HARPER AND OUTER DRIVE MEET PLEASE PHONE folks lOve at Peoples f'ederal Savings to educate children, purchase a home, many worthwhile purposes. Have a !Ovings plan too. Start your account now. Grosse Pointe Supply WELCOME, . Funds.r.ceiye~ on or before the 10th of the' month eelrnfrom the first of the month. 16915 East Jefferson Ave. WAGON. PEOPLES FEDERAL, SAVINGS Deliveries TU 5-4212 .:,.'CIUSWOD.AT "AU 14729 BARPER ANDOUTER DRIVE TU 5-4817 Between Cadieux and Notre Dame TU;- 2-4260 PHONES:' Main OIfice Wo J-0 J 72 Branch LA 7-7210

, '.

, \

14 { • .oc.e en riC= • rte ri trcnte p? .....- ."...... ~t~'-_.~- . ....--.~~. --:"'"',. .,.~...... --""":"""'...... --..-- .....--~....-"~.,...... f¥'....-..,--.,,..m_'--, ..4-y_...... 4.."....-C,..._•.----...... ----~---. _, _.__....,._+_.__ ._. ~_IP--_- .._.-.-~ ..~.-"'f-...~--.-..~_~----...-- , j to ~ ( ,.' .. "")

Page Twelve POINTE NE'WS Thursday, May 1. '1951 Grasse Pointe News Pet t i...Poi D t@rs Memorial. Center .Schedule B~,Mary Jane P,a1mer PUBUSHED EVERY THURSDAY BY ANTEEBO Gro.s_e'~;,:',: PUBLISHERS, INC. ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE Say A-ah! . DETROIT WESTWARD. MAL i ..MAY 8 - OPENSUNDAY 12 - 5 ' . Wish I were weasels who never catch measels, OFFlt:ES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL, Ez.ggetatlo •• GROSSE POIN~E FARMS 36, MICHIGAN .~ All Center Sponsored:Activities Open to the Public. Or a fox who can dodge chicken pox, A.~PR'YOR:.,;, . . NOTICE: Please call.~for lost articles at the office. ,Thank goodness, I laugh, that I'm, not a giraffe- Phone TU 2-6900 . .. .. ,- .. ~ . ;,' " They' win be ,h~14 for 30 days. I:' -. His so(e throat I'd feel down to my sox! Three Trunk Lines : Grosse POInte Garden Center Room and Library open ~------. ,for . consultation .'and' service. Mrs. Leland Gilmour ttKnow 'lOll :1Phy .th'e ,1{obi1~'~s:breast 'I be:oJi Gleameth o/'II'tlu.sky red" , will dpty iri~he Garden Center Room every Member Michigan Press Ass'n and National Editorial Ass'n Like the: l1/.Strj ,'niid'thesia.rs' week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10 Whlllt Goes On a,m. to ~p.m ...f'\. ~onsultan.t wiJl be on duty on Friday ~ATlO!'ooIAL ADVERTlSl!'ooIG REPRJ!:SEl-iTATIVE: . Of'.the'pote~tp'lan.et ,Mars? . \' e Weekly N~wspaperRepresentatives.Inc. from 2 to ~ p.lll~(Call TU 1-4594.). 404 Flfth Avenue. New York 19. New York, BRyant ~~7300 .'T~s .:-. (a~motJkish myth !Jas said) ••• at CHICAGO OFFICE ,: Qw.ing to h,is cordial 'h~art,' " Hosp'ital ,equipment available for free loan -' , crutches, 333 North Michigan Avenue. Phone Flnanc:aI6-2214 , wheelchairs~, heat 18nip and hospital beds .• 'Blood For, lotl-g;since, ,he took 'tkep",.t.' , Entered as second-class matter at the post office, Detroit. ava~lable, to' G,rosse Po~nte residents, in case of acci- Your Lihrary Michigan, under the Act of March 3, 1897. ;Of Ihos.ehaplt;~s child.ren., ,sent . , dent or emergency ,:.:-free of charge," FULLY PAID CIRCULATION Heavenward, .for,' punishment; By Jea1l Taylor And .to quench. th~ fierce des;'~e . "'.. * '" • Bt'stl; in them by:ruthl~k fire, . , . .Thur:sday, May 1 J Brought on :tiny bill and' 'wing . , *Ptiblic SChool Art Exnibi,t featuring the work of stu-. "Where are you going, my IPrimer of American Antiques ROBERT B, EDGAR... EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER dents {n tpe'"Grammar Schools, 'Junior High Schools pretty maid?U is concerned chiefly with furn- MATTHEW M. GOEBEL ",.,ADVERTISI.NG MANAGER lVater, from' so,me .earthly ,sprinj," PATRICIA TALBOT , FEATURE PAGE, SOCIETY and Senior. High. School - EXHIBIT ON THRU "To the Antique Show Sir," iture, but has chapters on such FRED RUNNELLS ."., ,.sPORTS EDITOR '" * *' .... M?-y' 12.- W~E:KD1\.YS 9 a.m. t~ 9 p.~. - SUNDAYS she' said. ' miscellany as silver, pewter, JAMSS J. NJ AIM ,NEWS We haste~ to acknowl~dge, a .card -received from 12 noon to 5 p.m.:....;:;; ,Please c'an before coming to ex-It is not only the pretty mirrors, potte~y, circus post- ALD El'~ G. EDG AR ." , NEWS Korea, from our old. '~pen, pal" E. B. ,RaIl. He, sends a . hibits to make sure rooms are free of meetings.. maids whO have succumbed to ers, bu~tons, fIrearms, et7. ~ ARTHUR R BLYLER , ADVERTISING p"icture ?f,a: magn.ifiC,~:t:ltsh.r,i:qe ' "a~.d.the c,ar.d reads.. :, :*Am. erican R,ed' C.I"oSS,Bfa,ill.e Transcription _ class _ this fascinating pursuit of an- compalllon V()lume t? thIS 13 PA TRICIA BLYLER' ADVERTISING I h d d 'f d h tiques, but matrons and many First Read~rs.for AntIq,ue C~I- MARY LORIMER ADVERTISING , , a . ~ . won ermglJ. you recerye . t e stamps. TliIS ~. . 10 a.m., ' . ' masculine enthusiasts too, have l~tors. ThIS IS for the t:>egm- JOHN MacKENZIE "., BUSINESS pagoda was er.ected about.500 years agQand Js still in a. ';'

length away, And we use ordinary rubbing alcoboland { , Grosse Pointe Woman's Club - Bridge Group - eards Office Building, Washington, 'I. This is'the 699thof a series 01' ~it,?rial !idvertisementsappear- Salem Mer pipe cleClners to make our holders pristine and antiseptic The r e qui rem en t s seem to be (among other,s); - 1. p.m.D.C., ,for sample question Ing 1n thiS paper each week. Church will each day. 'Ne may only imagine it, but we think we "NICE" people who do Civic works, are on ,Boards of Rotary Antique Show -. All exhibits for sale - 1 p.m. sheets," Daughter BaJ have noticed a perceptible drop in the popularity of, this or.that, and are always smiling,~affable and courte- to. 10 ,p.m. . . ' .. May 16, at 7 these holders since they were first introduced, and ous. Sounds boring as all getouttous.A sOCial leader *Bal1et Classes - M?ry Ellen Cooper - Insu:uctor - Be sure to PROPOSED, NEW ISSUE. especiallv since the filter tip cigarets came in. And we worth her salt would, on ,o~Q~sion, ,be, anything but 4 to 9:30 p.m., . early, becCiUS I can't believe there has been any great increase in the., smiling and, affable'. In fact" if her. number-one cook left ~Memorial Bridge Club - DupHcate 'Bridge,- Mr. and on the numb! demand for rubbing alcohol of late, unless it b~ by: ,i1;t a huff in the middle of'a~inner par~y ~ . '. it might ' Mrs. Andrew Walrond, Dir€ctors - 7:30 p.m. 3,000,000 Shares to be acccpte those who have been bruised when caught under & pile even be interesting if she said, "Daril it ALL;" But THIS . Thursday, Mav 8 (amount currently being registered) of falling stocks. . _ candidate is not supposed to stoop 'so .low! .. , .Junior League Glee Club - Trouping rehearsal - 9:30 There are those who have been scared into giving Anyway ... we are getting up a:PoI~ of our own ... *Ama'IT!' to R10da.mC' B I' T. . THE ONE WILLIAM STREET

and our letters will go out .next w, .e'ek, Th..er.'e' are no encan e ross rai Ie ranscription - class - ,,-; up smoking and many of our friends have cut dmvn ,10 am.. FUND, INC. i considerably in deference to the cancer propaganda. requirements'in OURS except that the candldates have R t A~' 'S1'" .AII' h'b' . " to have a sense of hum...or ABOVE ALL.... .,.' ~nd J'ust 0 ary n lque lOW - ex I Its for sale -. 1 p.m~' But the fact remains that the price of cigarets has gone to 10 pm' , !-~ up; the filters which formerly cost $1.50 for a box of 50, simply be:;kind to people ... AL!J thepeQPlethat is. *Ballet Cla~s~ - Mary El~en.Cooper - Instructor - 4 Capital Stock .... (par Value $1) ~: • Excepti went to $1.65 and then suddenly and quite recently, to And so .•. toolir social directory,to see who was ,to 7:30 p.m...' . . Windsc $1.90: and alcohol, which was 47 cents for years, is now left out! *Grosse Point~ Cinema. League' - movies arid meeting 59 cents for the same bottle. If someone knows where - 8 p.m. .. Offering Price $12.50 Per Share • Set fOUl we can get bargains, please wire, or call collect. M' Cl S- - h ------.,.------(in single transactions involvingless than. 2,000 shares) chairs. en s l tl!!US' '.lngsTon . .zy.t Opposes Federal Aid "for Sehools, This is crazy stuff to us who peddled lemonade on ------• Attract the sidewalk at the age of five. When the product had MThe Center's GrossePoint~, n'ominal 75-cent admission .The 14th:,<;ongressionalD~s-lincludes se.veral Detroit school '. '!he Fund will become an ope~.end investmen.t company upon become diluted with melting ice, and then warm from en'i Chorus under the di- which niomes,'are used to pur- trlct RepublIcan .Su.b-comml.t:.. teachers, emphasized' that the deI~ve::yof the lhar!, being of£ered,.emphasizing, in ita lleleetion ancestr, rectj,onof John Finch will chase';riewmus:ic. 'of .Inv~tme~ta, pOJS1ble growth of capital and alto cUrrent return the complete lack of it, we lowered our price. And when present their Annual Spring" In.additionJ:o the singing, t~e on National Affairs endors- PTA'g s,tand is a "healthy sign on capItal 1nvetted. . ' • Pair 9a' what had been a fine buy for three cents .didn't sell at Concert. at the Grosse Pointe:theevEmin:g,.s~ ...entert.ainment es the Michigan ,Congress Of' in: these ~ys of h~douts from Thele share. will be offered to the public commencing ~';"or .bout May 14, 1958, through a group of underwrit~n, headed by two, or even one, we gave it away to our special friends. War Iv.Wmoriaf,ionight~ Mayl; wi1J incibd~ ,:..twopdano solos Parents and Teac~ers'opposi-the Feder?l Government,m and Lehman Brother-. • Coach But we always went home with an empty pitcher No at 8 o'clock. '" by the 'Chofus' accompanist, tion to Federal Aid to Michi- supports the Administra~ion's I t k f B .),. 'gan schools. policy of keeping .state func- or singl, surp us s DC or us. ut, as we were saYlng, we n~ver The Chorus is made ,up of '.Miss Rosaleen Malow, Chopin's . The local committee, which tions ona state level., A retistration statement relating to these ncurities hal1 did pr-etend to be smart at busi~ess. men of nll ages and currefitly',Waltz ','Opue.64 No. 2 and _ beell filed wlrh the Securities o;ui Exchanre Commission but has not yet become effective. These securities may not be sold nor PARKINl ------numbers 30 voices. !tis/open' :Brahn.is~:Rhapsody in G Minor .. may offers be accep!ed prior to the time the Tegistration statement .n AdvertlS-';n',y' to a1l Grosse Poillte men!who.,Another:,')rlghllghtwill be NOW AP~EARING becomes effectivI. Tlil" ad~ertfsement shall not constitute an offer to Is More If enjoy group singing ... ' ... '.popU1~ '~ernie Falk in an ",tIl or the solicit~{on of an olfer ~o buy nOT shall the" be any sale To Hold Forum O 01 these securitltll in any State m which such oller ,Jolicitation ~______The public' is .invited' for., 8 ;hiiari~~p~l1tom,im~ act. or . salt! would be unlawful prior to regfstratio'; or qU4li. Hours: An exploration of "The Ad- "A Customer Asks the Ad ' At,NAVARRO . fication under the IlICuritf" Jaws of any nick Stat,. Excep vertising World; Inside and Man". AND HIS SOCIETY ORCHESTRA Outside," will be a two-Sun. On Sunday, May 11, Wal- Music Designed 'for Your listening A. ,copy 01 ~h~ Preliminary Proipectus 1 la(;e Clayton, director of pub- ond Dancing Pleasure , may be obcarnet/ from the undersigned. day featured program of the lie relations for the J. Walter Adult Discussion Group of the' Thompson advertis~ng ag~m~y : MANLEY, BENNETT & CO. MITC Grosse Pointe U nit a ria n will lead the discussion from I Our Twenty..sixth Ye~r 17425 Church, 17440 E. Jefferson. "inside" the advertising world M in a talk "Let's Take Off the M,mber: New York Stock Exchange TUxec On Sunday, May 4, Rev. Wil- Grey Flannel Suit". 1100 BuM Building WO\Xlward 5.1122 J'U15t 3 miJ Iiam Hammond will lead off The' adult forum starts at DETROIT 26, MICHIGAN former addre: the series with a discusson ~f 10 a.m. The public is invited. . . . I i I

t On, 'H", ...... 'eo. .... *' ...... itej. ....-:.--._~."-.-- .... ------• - - a au & &¥ 2 2 is

Thursday, May I, 1958 i' GROSSE POlNT'e 'NEW:S Page Thirteen - High School Mothers Plan.Annual Party Lochm()or Rehearses Minstrel Showboat For First Time Women Included in Cast of Production Slated for May 9 and 10; Buffet Supper To Follow Performance A highlight of Lochmoor Club~s entertainment pro- gram is the Minstrel Showboat, staged by its members, which is scheduled for Friday and Saturday evenings, WOMEN P'A G E 5 May 9 and 10. 1------Three years ago the Nelson, Jr., Miss Bette Wright, Showboat was presented Mrs. J. Charles Markley, Jr., for the first time as just ~. Alb~rt Bowles, Mrs. 'something different' on the RlJC~d Dlrks~! Mrs. Merk . 1 . SePIC, Mrs. Philip O'Conne}J. sO:la calendar, but It has Mrs. Jop..Il Demorest, Mrs. J. enJoyed. su~h trem~ndous Wilfred Harrison, Jack Emery, pOP1:!'lanty that agam the Chick Rutan, Walter Horn, mUSICal extravagan za is to GQrland Wooldridge, George be repeated. West, Jr., Robert Gaskill and is is However, this year's show A. D. Ruegsegger. Col- From Another Pointe Short and to has acquired. a new aspect. In Both evenings the Minstrel gin- the first two years of presen- Show is slated to begin at not the Pointe tation the cast was composed 7:30 o'clock after which a buf- but of View I of men only. Bu~, ~he women fet supper will be served fol. eriti- not content to. S:Lt Idly by for lowed by dancing in the Cali- tc. By Patricia Talbot MR. and MRS., JAMES too long a time, have con- fornia Room. An- COPE, of Sunningdale w'ive, yinced. ...~he mal~ members th~t On the list of reservations tells left Monday for a European It was l,.rmeto mclude them In are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. here It's not very smart to wear an old pair of slacks on vacation. They will tour Italy, all the fun, and allow. them Skinner, Mr, and Mrs. Harold they Sunday afternoon if it happens to be your birthday and Switzerland, and Mps. Cope's -Picture by Fred Hunnell. 1J? lend theIr ~ents In the Diegel, Mr. and Mrs. Louis De- facts native country, Scotland~ The Grosse Pointe High School PAULoS, MATlj'EWSON, prize chair- fIeld of enterta~ent. _. "Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. your husband and children have planned a surprise...... lent Mothers' 'Club will be holding its man; ,MRS. C. G. BROWNE, service For weeks a No VISItors Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert cer- That's what happened to Mrs. Joseph S. Sherer, Jr., Sunday afternoon. About 60 of her friends turned up for Here spending a few days Spring Scholarship B rid g e Tea on chairman; MRS. SHELDON DREN- sign has ~n posted on the Cunningham, Mr, and Mrs. with MR. and MRS. SIMON ballroom door where rehears- '.Dhomas Gallagher, Mr. and cocktails at her Ridge road home and she was surprised! l\1:ay 9, Among those helping prepare NAN, ticket chairman. Standing are ent D. DEN UYL, of Touraine as are in progress. Tapping Mrs. David White, Mr. and Only sad note, she had a luscious new frock in her for the eve n t which helps needy MRS, WILLIAM J. EWALD, tea old road, are their son and daugh- students continue their higher educa- sounds of dancing 1'eei; and Mrs. John Rick(:-land Mr. and be- closet for just such a party and she didn't have time to ter-inlaw, the RICHARD S. chairman; and MRS. DAN I E L R. lovely vokes singing lilting Mrs. Robert Weber who will tion, are, seated, left to right: MRS. her don it before the guests arrived. DEN UYLS, who will soon be WEBB, decorations chairman. tunes, some old and some from be tJhe guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pat- Son Stephen, at the University of Michigan, and a moving to a dew home in New current Broad~y hits, can be Bullard, who are in the cast. 'can very talented artist, did a clever cartoon of his mother, Hampshire. Moving in June to Cleve- freshmen become acquainted MISS CAROLYN ELLIOTT, heard froon behmd th e closed land, 0., 'will be MR. and with all phases of life at Trin- doors. Each and every mem- lass,- which was the decorative conversation piece. He was '" ... ill daughter of MR. and MRS. MRS.FREDERICK SCHNURR, ity. ~ , et A son, DENNIS CHRISTO- LESTER M. ELLIOTT, of ber of the cast is devoting Michael Jeffrey Huetter there for the party, as were the junior Sherers who came of Fisher road. ... PHER, was born April 16 to . . Touraine road, is a, member of hoUl's in practice to perfect in from Franklin. Another son, Sam, couldn't make it. Engaged to Tucson Girl '" ...... DR. and MRS. "LEON J. KO- the wardrobe crew of North- their respective routines with haf- He's in Florida with the Coast Guard. MR. and MRS. WILLIAM MICHAEL O'BRIEN (BAR~ MRS. E. L. WAYMAN, of SEK, of Heckendorn place, an- western University's 27th an- opening night just around the Daughter, Annie, and the twins, Myron and Lydia, From Tucson, Ariz., comes BARA TOOLIN), of Broad- Washington road, is home nounc~ 'the birth_ of their nual Waa-Mu Show. This corner uppermost in their joined with the rest to give their mother a happy day, minds. news of the engagement of stone road. from a week's vacation in New fourth child, MARY CATHER- year's original musical revue, Elizabeth Ann Delaney, daugh- A pair of aperitif tables for the gar~en, which we.re '" ...... York. INE, on April, 22. Mrs. Kosek "Sing No Evil," win be pre- The entire show h under ter of the George M. Delaneys, gaily decked for the party with balloons, were the gIft ...... i's the former, DELPHINE MA- sented for seven perform- the direction of Miss Prudence to Michael Jeffrey Huetter. of a group of close friends. ME. and MRS. JULIUS J. ' MR. and MRS. EDWARD K. KOWSKI. an c e.l May '5-10 at Cahn Buttemeld and produ.<:tion de- HUEBNER. ~vho were married HEGLIN, o,fRivard boulevard, ... . . Auditorium on the Evanston, tails in the hands of Dr. and The bride-elect attended the Magician's Party April 12 in Christ Church, returned last weekend from a University of Wisconsin, where MR. 'and MRS. HUDSON Ililnois campus. Miss Elliott is Mrs. R. Sidney Sinclair. have motored to Florida, where month in Florida. she was affiliated with Delta More parties are on the schedule with a family MEAD, of Lincoln road,. enter- president of her house stand- Some 30 club members make they are spending two weeks ... '" ... Zeta sorority. twist, and one at the Boat Club will be a mother and tained at cocktailS before the ards committee at Northwest- up the cast, many of them hus- at the Sun Castle Club in Pom~ Back in McKinley place is daughter luncheon. The date is Saturday, May 10. Williams College Club dance ern and was a delegate to band and wife teams, among Mr, Huetter, son of the Leo re- Magic is the theme of the gala with Arthur Whelp- pano...... MRS. CYRIL J. EDWARDS, Saturday night at the Little Model UN. She was graduated whom are:. Mr. and Mrs. Ru- C. Huetters, of Hawthorne rIues: ley, past president of the Detroit Society of IUagicians, MARTHA SClffiOTZBER- -'JR., who has been vi£iting in Club. The WILLIft...MLANES, from (Bosse Pointe High Pf"rt Atkin, Mr. and Mrs. Don- road, attended Marmion Mili- School in 19'55. ald C. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. tary Academy and the Univer- , Re- putting on a show. GER, daughter of the EDWIN Tulsa, Okla; ... * of Hall place, gave a dinner r, David Helm, Jr.) Mr. and Mrs. sity of Detroit. I, by For the mamas, hair stylist Leon, will, as if by G. SCHROTZBERGERS, of before the dance. .' ...... DR. and MRS. WILLIAM J. Paul Keller, JfT., Mr. ann MIs. you magic. change a model's hair style four times in as many Roslyn road, was initiated into ...... MRS. GEORGE FITZGER- The oouple will exchange ~you Alpha Delta Pi at Michigan YOTT, of Lakeshore road, ALD, gave a tea last Thursday, Melvin Huffaker, Mr. and Mrs. vows in October, minutes. have been vacationing at the MRS. DONALD R. WOOD'. April 17, in her Buckingham Willis Bullard, Mr. and Mrs. e of State University recently. RUFF, of Lewiston road, and ~ery- Sharon Kerr, daughter of Mrs. Robert M. Kerr, Jr., Town and Country Hotel, San road hetme to introduce 100 of J. Otto Ortwein and. Dr. and ...... her daughter, DONNA, have YOll can shut your eyes to lissed will be home from Hillsdale- College, to be the model. Diego, Calif. They were ,join- her friends to her future Mrs. R. Sidney Sinc1air. your faults, but the neighbors WILLIAM F. WACHTER of returned from a visti in Siesta ~e is Decorations will score the magical theme with ed by their son, BIT..L,who is daughter-in. law ELLEN ROSE Others are: ~. Dwight always refuse to co-operate. v."aS Key, Fla., with MR. alld MRS. I toys magicians' hats, scarves and decks of cards centering Loohmoor boulevard, re- stationed at the Marine Base KAPPEL. Miss Kappel' will you the luncheon tables. cently elected Junior Rushing at Camp Pendleton. FREDERICK S. FORD, of marry WILLIAM FITZGER- Chairman of his fraternity, ...... Lewiston road,who will re~ Ire IS . ALD on June 12. Mrs. Frances P. Walsh is chairman with Mrs. A. W. Delta Tau Delta, at Darth- main South a while longer. ' I and Home from their third trip . .. . Hanigan, Mrs. Charles E. Sweet. Mrs. William, H. mouth College for the coming fined, to Hawaii are MR. and MRS...... Mathews, Mrs. William Talbot, l\'Irs. Kerr-and Mrs. R. S. year. Rushing is held each fall The MISSES NANCY DRAN [ese," HARRY SHORT, of Harvard Saturday evening th~ WIL~ and- ELIZABETH RILEY are Thurman assisting. . and the rushing chainnen are DON'T' BE FOOLED BY BIG CLAIMS b. the road.. On their way home they LIAM H. DENLERS. of Clov- members' of the spring pledge rson'g Four generatiCDs will be represented in Mrs. Robert responsible for organizing the visited Disneyland and Las rushing procedure for each erly road, entertained at a sup'~ cla.o::.sin the Sigma Kappa 30- ABOUT LOW PREMIUM RATES lakes Barie's party. With her will be her mother, Mrs. Alfred Vegas. per dance the Country Club clal sorority on Campu~ at house and !landing out bids ... at f the Char~es Gray, her daughter, Mrs. Dan K. Loveland and . . in honor of MRS. .GEORGE A. Western University, Ka1ama~ to rushees. W"achter, son of CHECK THe SERVICE AND COVERAGE pces- her granddaughter, Margaret Loveland. MR. and MRS. RUSSELL W. LYON, who will sail :ror Eur~ 'zoo, where the)) are both MR. and MRS. FRANK L. RANDALL, of Lewi,ton road, lught Others planning to attend are Mrs. Robert Warm- WACHTER, is a graduate of ope thi'!l Thursday. students. Nancy is the daugh- ~igh- entertained Sunday at a buf- bold with Joan, Jean, Karen and Barbara; Mrs, William Grosse Pointe High School and ...... ter of MR. and MRS. THEO- sold fet supper to ",elcome back DORE DRAN, ()f Hawt:p.orne J. Kirby with Julie and Mary; Mrs. Lewis Leisinger is in his sophomore year at The GLENN P. GESSELLS, the WILLIAM WINTERS, of road. She is a junior student L-- with Lynne and Barbara; Mrs, Char1f"-sSweet with her Dartmouth. I of Lakeshore road, entertain- ' Farmington, who have been in elementary e d u cat ion. mother, Mrs. Frank Bomerscheim and her daughters, ...... ed Saturday for the RALPH ARTR~ J. ROHDE vacationing in Florida. The Elizabeth, a freshman stu-- .6XD OOMPAlIY Mary and Joan, and Mrs. E. R. Harrigan with Mrs. TAYLOR NORTH NEVILLE, party was also a bon voyage C. PULLIAMS, of Merriweath- son 00 MRS. J. T. COE, of dent in occupational -ther8lPY , William Cole and daughter, Karen. to MR. and MRS. EDWARD er road, who are moving in the is the daughter of MR. and l Tolc-s lane, is south of the middle of May to Morgan- H. STILWELL, of Warwick The club president's wife, Mrs. Henry G. Gildner, Rio Gi"ande this spring where MRS. JOSEPH RILEY, Buck~ ' n~SURANOB road, who will be, sailing town, N.C. The' Pulliams' home in'gham road. Both are grad- 'viII bring Connie and Gretchen, who will come home he is attending Mexico City shortly for Europe. will be occupi-ed.by the MAR- uates of Grosse Pointe High from the University of Michigan for the party. College along with about 1,000 2711 East ]effersoa, Detroit 7 Mich. LO 7-6100 TIN HAYDEN'S who will come School. other Americans...... ' here from Washington" D~C. More Mothers and Daughters ~ ... * ... JOHN W WWANS, a Trin- (Continued on Page H) Mothers and daughters will also be partying at the ity College sophomore, son of MR. and MRS. HANS DR. and MRS. DONALD WIN- re- Grosse Pointe Yacht Club on that same Saturday, but TSCHURTSCHENTHALER, of ANS, of Sunningdale drive, , be this gala will have a lollipop theme. ~ue. Penfield, N. Y., announce the was chosen a junior advisor the Red and white will be the colors of the huge striped birth of a daughter on April for the next school year, the >er- simulated lollipops, cellophane wrapped, forming the 19. Mrs. Tschurtschenthaler is Dean's office- r e c en t I y an~ Helena, " Rubinstein reveals a new ~to table decor. Fastened in wooden bases they will march the for:mer KATHLEEN FITZ~ nounced. The junior advisors ely. down red ribbon bands centered around the white tables. SIMONSt daughter of the for 1958-59 will serve in a dif- . FRANK E. FITZSIMONS', of ferent capacity than in previ. out Of course there will be red and white balloons. _ beauty treatment from the miracle of birth! ~ch Mrs. Charles W. Gauss II is party chairman and. her Harvard road. 'ous years since the incoming lect aides are Mrs. Bill O. Brink, Mrs. Hamilton Kotcher, ...... freshman class will no longer one NIrs. Richard Degener, Mrs. Calvin Gauss, Jr., and Mrs. Leaving soon to make their be housed as a unit in the two "Tree of Life" goes to source of human Ilf. ilch Paul L. Barker. home in Akron, 0., are MR. first-year dormitories. The ~rld and MRS. WILLIAM S. ZIEG- new "J.A. 's" will be placed Entertainment will be a marionette show, "The LER, JR., of Country CIUJb throughout the College dorms, I (Continued on Page 17) ao beauty can b. bo.rn again Ifor drive, with the task' of helping the n a our Mother-Daughter Banquet .Helena Rubinstein has had the \scientific Planned at Salem Church - genius to develop TJlBE 01' LIFE CREAM s of ~ar- Salem Memorial Lutheran with Placene*--the very source of hll!1£tlA Church will hold its Mother- Daughter Banquet on Friday, life itself! May 16. at 7 p.m, BEST & CO. Be sure to get your tickets TREE OF LIFE contains life-supportiug in. early, because there is a limit g'redients upon which all growth depends. on the number of reservations to be accepted, These substances act naturally 0' the t nutritive: bed of th& skin-the area that holds the key to moisture, tone, wrinkling. They work to restore natural oil and mois. The Cotton 'Knit tur~. To ~ighten slack skin. To smooth and Chemise Ore'ss illuminate the surface. • Exceptionally n ice In TREE OF LIFE Helena Rubinstein has Windsor arm chair. A nubby, washable waffle,knit achieved the astonishing secret of bio- • Set four Hepplewhite cotton chemise .... logical substances which tICtuallr help chairs. wonderfully fashionable the skin cells to lr..aintain. their youthful shape to be in from Spring • Attractive Chinese function! on through Summer. ancestral portrait. Unbutton its brass buttons, TRElt OF LIFE CREAM and FLUID EMUL- • Pair garden urns. and it becomes a smart . SION each in 7.50 and 12.50 sizes, plus tax. • Coach iights in pairs Summer coat too, that or single. packs for travel in no space at all. White, navy or blue. PARKING IN REAR Sizes 8,to' 16. 10.95 Is More Co.,venient

Hours: 9:30 to 5:30 Except Sundays THE MITCHELL'S 17425 Mack at Neff • .

, I '16926 Kercheval TUxedo 2-4724 GROSSE POfNTE-KerchewJf Ave. near Codievx • TUxedo 2-3700 Deli1.1er;es-TU '-8900 J'ust 3 minutes b'om our

former address on Fishe.r road, " .. ' ,-\., "

, ~.

--~------I~---~~-~---~------.---...... -...--..-~------,.-..'~~---~--;-.-'----,...~~-~...... _-----_.-~-~-,------~ ~- ~ - ---.

Thursday, May 1, '1958 .. Page Fourteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Society News' Gathe.r.edfromAII of the Pointes Memorial Church S.hort and to the P.ointe Janet ~iock Weds Juni. '" '" '" '" '" '" MR. and MRS. ARTHUR L. (Continued from Page 13) Anthony Valentine Hon Women Holding Tea BRUCE, of ,Somerset road, MR. and MRS. THEODORE have just returned after two G. OSIUS, of Rivard boule- y.{ears Waltz Length Gown of Silk Dupioni for Hans Gehrt Mrs. Philip Gentile to Be Guest Speaker ~t Event vaa:-d,returned this past :Mop.- weeks at YeJlow Boot .Ranch, Ceremony Saturday Morning in St. Paul's on the And ~ Scheduled for Tuesday. May 13. in the Sanctuary in Scottsdale, Arizona. day from a wonderful four- week trip that included visits Lakeshore; Pair Honeymoon in Florida A Mrs. Phillip Gentile will be the guest speaker at '" . '" in Delray Beach, Montego MR. and MRS. ROBERJr B: Junior' the annual May Tea of the Women's Association of Bay, and Haiti. Janet Christine Hock, daughter of the Francis James GOTFREDSON, of Whittier Hocks, of McKinley avenue, was married Saturday in honored at Grosse Pointe Memorial Church Tuesday, May 13, at road, returned last week :fIom '" '" '" , day, April 2 1:30 p.m. in the Church Sanctuary. an extensive stay in their JAMES C. OWENS, son of St. Paul's on the lakeshore to Anthony Valentine, son Florida apartment. They were MR. and MRS.' JAMES S. of Mrs. Alphonse Valentine, of Detroit, and the late son. Mrs. Gentile, a Univer------OWENS, of McMillan road, Memorial Church choir since alJso V'8,caiioning in Jamaica. Mr. Valentme. ....'''------HID'ls Get sity of Michigan Extension \ class of 1959 and a candidate 1952. For her wedding. the in-law, and John Donovan. counselor, I for an A & S degree, was Service Lecturer, has been Tea will be served in the beautifully Pvt. G~rry L. Meeker , elected to membership in Phi bride chose a waltz length Following a recep'Cion,in an official delegate to the gymnasium following the pro- shaped tabJ Beta Ka'p~ as a result of his United States Commission gram. Chairman CYf the tea is T3kes Supply Course gown of silk dupioni fash- Revere Hall the newlyweds R Junior Hon.ors work at Oberlin modo res' of UNESCO Conferences, Mrs. Frank Wilton, assisted by ioned with a sweetheart left on a trip to Florida. CoHege, on April~ 24. For traveling the bride boys an.d gL and through a grant from Mrs. Harry Sisson and Mrs. (AHTNC) -' Pvt. Garry L. their highli the Ford Foundation did a .John DenIer. Mrs. Orison S. Meeker, son of Mrs. ':r1¥lma ----,.-- neckline accented' with wore a blue and white en- 1. Francini, 1143 Nevada, San Alencon lace and short semble with red.accessories. With Mr. special study of United Na- White, association president, Monte Carlo speakers' end tions at the University of has asked Mrs. Frank Fitt, Mrs. Jose, Calif., recently completed sleeves. A pearl and sequin The couple will live in De- the ten-w~ek supply course at Vice Commn James D. Corfield, MrS. Harry Michigan and at United Na- The Engineer School Fort Bel- Party Pla.nned tiara held her fingeliip veil troit. Robert F, V G. Hinckley, Mrs. Irving W. tions, New York. Her topic voiT, Va. of illusion. and she carried Gauss, Jr., W will be "Human Beings Be- Ketchum, Mrs. WaIter Sim- "A Night in Monie Carlo"- stephanotis centered with Dance Planned counselor ne~: ing Human". mons, Mrs. Ben W. Bey~r, Mrs. The course trained Meeker complete with souvenirs sent white carnations, Warren, and Walter R. McAdow, and Mrs. to receive, store, issue, ship, by Princess Grace of Monaco- noted WW.J Preceding Mrs. Gentile's talk Unitarians James H. Cooper to pour. 8'IlIdsahnage oonSJtruction ma- is the, theme CYf the Grosse Mrs. Gerald Heckendorn, By Flemming m2. there will be "Organ Medita- Assisting them in serving the terials and other erugineer sup~ Pointe Newcomers Club party the bride's twin sister, was talk for the k tions," by Mrs. Ben L. Tall- plies and equipment. He en~ 'The Gross~ Point~ Unitarian tea will be, Mrs. Stuart Baits, Friday night. her matron of honor and Awards WE man, and a group of songs by tered the Army in Novembel' Church will present a Derby Mrs. Robert Bennett, Mrs. the bridesmaids were Ma- Gehrke. Wiru Miss Faye Turner accompanied 1957 and received basic train- More than 100 couples, resi- day dance called by Wes and George Brooks, Mrs. Bill O. rie Pulte and Mrs. Carl rest R. Old IJ by Lawren~e LaGore. Mig,g ing at F()~t Ord, Calrif. dents who have moved to the Julie Rea, on Saturcb.y, May Brink, Mrs. Frank Cowan, Mrs. Athey, were Calvin , Turner, a soprano, has been a Pointes from out-of-state dur- 3, at 8:30 p,m. Thomas C. Fo'x, Mrs. Calvin J. The 18-year-old soldier is a ing 'the past three years, will Janet Old. It member of the Grosse Pointe 1957 graduate O'f Willow Glen They wore rainbow col- This dance will be held at ond consecuti Gaus.s, Jr., Mrs. Charles W. attend the gala event at Roma the Monteith School, Cook Gauss II, Mrs. William Goren- High School. His father, Billy ors of lace over tafleta and the trophy wh Hall, 24845 Gratiot. The hall carried carnations to com- road at Chalfonte. flo, Mrs. Edward Gregory, Mrs. R. Meeker, Lives at 1248 W;:.y- will be decorated in Monacan ries the narn€" Curries Pay Charles Markley, Jr., Mrs. W. burn, Grose.e Pointe' Park, colors, and with posters from plement their gowns. Featured during the evening girl with hiE: Hurst Montee, Mrs. George F, Mich. the famed Monte Carlo Casino. George Va1entine was his will be both old and new points for the square dances. All couples who Ir:dividual Pointe Visit Renaud, and Mrs. Charles W. A tropical atmosphere will be brother's best man and the understand the basic founda- Janet Old, as Wright, Jr. created by floral decorations For the first time in four Altar Society ushers were Frank Ferri, mentals of square dancing are girl and to e. Mrs. H. Ben Orr is in charge ~,' contributed by James the F1or. years the Gilbert S. Curries Photo by Elaine the bridegroom's brother- invited. to Peter Dod returned for a visit to their of tea arrangements. Assisting Plans Party At a Saturday morning ceremony in St. Paul's ist. former home from Rancho her will be: Mrs. LeRoy Cole- on the lakeshore, JANET CHRISTINE HOCK, daugh- The Monte Carlo trappings People from all walks of No matter how good we Santa Fe, Calif. man, Mrs. Donald Droil, Mrs. st. Ambrose AIm Society is ter of the Francis James Hocks, of McKinley avenue, were sent the Newcomers after life have luck, but some seem build our highways there will Louis Gifford, Mrs. Robert They were guests of Mrs. plJanning a noonday luncheon was married to Mr. Valentine, son of Mrs. Alphonse Mrs. Richard P - Davis, 265 to have more of the hard var- still be ,many people traveling GET Hayes, Mrs. James Purvis, Mrs. ar.d card party on Thursday, Currie's brother-in-law and Valentine, of Detroit. and the late Mr. Valentirie. Merriweather road, co-chair- iety than others. in the wrong direction. sister, the Ellis B. Merrys, of Harold Quackenbush, Mrs. Ed- May 8. . ______'______man with her husband of the MAF Lothrop road, who entertained ward Thomas, Mrs. Lance General chairman fOor the • party ,wrote the former Grace for the visitors. Skinner, Mrs. V. B. Walling, party is Mrs. Servatius Hess Kelly asking for some sugges- M~. Harry Winsi.on, and Mrs. and the donation will be $1.25. Symphony Women Elect tions. The Princess' private se- TU On April 12 the Wilfred Men's Fashions Tom ZurSchiede. day were Mesdames W. Ter- cretary replied, saying the A. Teetzels, of Sunset lane, were The Women's Association for NATiONAL SLACKS WEEK full Mrs. Ray Wertz is in charge FASHION HINT :NUl' B f" st' . ,Monacan Information Center hosts at a small cocktail party of tickets. Reservations may be the Detroit Symphol1lYOrches- ce annan, 11' • Vlce-presl- in New York, and the Casino, Phrases used fer men's apparel are rather unusual. Stroller Jewelry this year is taking RENTAL for the pair. made by calling the church an old.fashioned look. Thirty tra celebrated its thirtieth an- dent; V. Everett Kmsey, John had been asked to s~nd post- if not altogether comical and inexplicable. And I'm pre- Busin office, TU 5-3773. 'and sixty-inch ropes are back, nivers'ary and elected new of- P. Mansfied and Th~Oore O. ers, pamphlets, flags, souvenir pared to present a couple of for instances. It's an easy matter to give as are lariats. Three, five and ficers Tuesday, April 29, at 11 Yntema, vice-presidents; Leo dolls' and handkerchiefs. always You never hear the words "pant" or short'. advice-the problem is to find The more en er gy some eight.~aIld bibs in variations P. Richardson and Albert R. The roles of croupiers, hat but always "pants" or shorts," The same with "trousers." ''The Proper o'clock at the COountryClub of These are single iiems, yet they always take the plurai -.With Perso people who have faith enough people have the further they of sun-and-sea tones and citrus Zanolli recording secretary check girls and doormen will to use it. ,go in the wrong direction. colors are, also popular. Detroit. Mrs. Arvin L. Whea- , . .' be assumed for the evening by or are referred to as a "pair of trousers. '})antsor shorts.'. ton, president for the year and assIstant, J~hn S. Cole- membe~s of the committee, This pluml treatment is used possibly because these O'Brien's Large pins are feaJtured at garments have tw,o legs, It's Fun "i thQ shoulder, hip or back of mead, presided at t.he meet- man, corresponding secretary; which includes Mr. and Mrs. And now we are smack d.ab in the middle of National the collar. Earrings are mostly ing and at the lun~heon that Edward A. Baumann and E. Richard Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Slacks Week, Notice again the use of the pluraL of the button and spray tyipes, followed. Bryce Alpern, treasurer and Robert Baker, Mr. and Mrs. I believe the word "slacks" is derived from the says Margaret Werner, re- assistant. ' J'ames Ammons, Mr. and Mrs. La1Jin word "laxill," which means loose or spacious. I tailing instructor at Michigan The club was crowded to " Marvin Meads, Mr. and Mrs. capacity 'for the elaborate used to think it mt'ant the type of trousers men wore in State University. D~tors .w111 be Mes~es Wallace Clayton and Mr. and their slack time. "pearl" annivers:a:ry par t y J. Leslie. B~rry, Lloyd G. Grm- Mrs. Don Draper. Today's slacks are fashiOonedfor comfort as men find During 1957, there were which honored the associa- nell, Wmfield S. Jewell Jr., tion's 16 pa~t presidents. Mrs. more leisure time away from the business world. Whether 1,300 fewer. highway traffic Leon H. Lewis, Robert Martin, Margaret Jean Poosch they're worn when playing golf, or just. for lazing around fatalities tllan in the previol.!t' Airthur B, Tilton presented a Francis W. Smith and Miss the house or yard, men's slacks have a neat, smart look year. complete history of the organi- Isabelle H. Hoerscll. To Wed Mr. Birgbauer in addition to being comfortable. zation, tracing its activities tOo Among the founding mem- its founding date in 1928 Slacks should be worn with colorful sPOrt shirts. A correct guess may pass foc bers at the luncheon. were Mr. and Mrs. C h a it' 1e s and also teamed up with natural-shoulder, easy-on-the- wisdom - but don't • x pee t within the Detroit Federation Mesdames Philip C. Baker, Poosch, of Dearborn, announce eyes sport coats of rich-hued shetlands. saxon.ies, viyellas such luck to lw:;t forever. of Women's ClUlbs. J. A. Bresnahan, Frank W. the en gag e men t of their and other sportcoe.tings. Current accomplishments il- Coolidge, Fred ])rib, G. Leon daughter, Margaret Jean, to The new trim-line slacks of today are offered in a lustrated with colored slides Haywood. J. Dwyer Kinnucan, Ronald Conrad Birgbauer, son variety of fabrics. but those in dacron-worsted cloth are IN GROSSE POINTE taken by Mrs: Samuel M. Dean T. - O. Leonard, Frederick H. of the Gordon Birgbauers, great favorites. B('cause of the dacron content, creases were discussed by Mrs. Ster- Linscheid, Norman Lyle, An- of Sunrringdale drive. stay in, wrinkles ~:tay out, and spots sponge off, ling ~. Sanford assisted by thony Maiullo, B('ssie McMe- ti'he bride-elect attend-ed Al- Slack off, Mac, and buy a pair of slacks during MIS. V. Everett Kinsey. The chan and David B. Moreing. bion College w.here she was National Slacks "''''eek. And now it SUddenly occurs to ~~ party was 8.JT.cUlgedby a com- 01l.'lers were Mesdames Al- affiliated with AlJpha Delta. me why these various men's wear items are referred to mittee head-ed by Mrs. George bert E. O'Neal, George L. Sea- She is now studying at the ,in t.he plural: retailers are hoping customers will buy DATERS L. Cassidy, social affairs ol1.air- bold, Morris D. Silver~ A1"thur University of Michigan. them that way. the smartest man. M. Smith, Donald T. Stanton, Mr. BirgbaueT also attends Arthur B. Tilton, Jefferson B.[ the University of Michigan cocktail Elected to the board Tues- Webb and Misses Julia M. Fish where he is a member of Psi t and Margaret Mannebach. Upsilon. PA BT I ES! HOUSEHOLD HINT Othel I Also * Wedditzgs Garnish macaroni, noodle or NOW APPEARING We * Receptions spaghetti casseroles so they'll I1ETROIT: GROSSE POINTE: be attractive to serve. You 1259 WASHINGTON BLVD. 92 KERCHEVAL Teas can arrange meat like sausages * AL NAVARRO WO 2-5191 TU 2-8251 * Showers or meat balls on top or garnish AND HIS SOCIETY ORCHESTRA Buffets with chopped parsley, parsley HIDDEN VALLEY '* Music Designed for Your Listening DELRAY BEACH I" * Meetings sprigs, sliced olives, sliced AnY hard-boiled eggs, die e d or ~nd Doncing Pleasure Occasioll * Graduations AnY- * Anniversmes sliced green pepper mush. where Picnics rooms or slivered almonds. * I 20445 Mi Fancy Sandwiches / Hors D'oeuvres. Usually when a man gets Opp. into trouble he fL.'1ds that his Howard TU. 1..4959 Eves. TV 5-2441 friends are all behind him- Johnson's 20129 MACK, Gr v. Pointe with advice. ------.-,,-,------

You can

Th~ I"dispen$able SUMMER TOWN SUIT

Coolly poised for summ6r in town; ,. for your itiner~ry ot res~rt, ~ountry, travel. hoving's ~ummer suit collections,

with new mel!lsures of.el!ls, ••• with un-. fREE TRIAL I erri~g cut to retain their good lines. Phone now. C Sizes 8 10. In both ~tores. IteOrest Slenci +0 love the prh J9.96 to 125.00 chcsrming decl to 9 P. M. •• • ndet.

Shown-lightwflight . [OTHTiS LINE eotton ,with tiny INC. 'I! ••-. rosepud d.sign.; Fillre skirt suit, 397 1~ . ~k leac{ • '49.95; .lim skirt, • KDCtIEVALA~ +5.00. ~a1e eJit2M~ A, St.PaP-L ~~r .. II!"IE~ sum lASTLAHD CEHTE' 31 E. Ad~m, .•. WO ;.5126 t27 DAVID STorr WALTon-PIERCE 82 Kercheval, 6roSle Pt~•••• TU ....3880 ' U74. G"AND IUVI ... COMMUNITY GROSSE POINTE •• ~ KERCHEVAL AT ST. CLAIR ... ICHAlfII II

I '/ • , f " ,j

___ _ .. ~ __ -. .. _._ .. ex .' • H ttzr J' = m: 77. • 'mp • • me tr' •• '$ 't .="" .... i8. Thursday, May I, 1958 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W. S Page Fift~.n s Woman's Page • • • by, of, and ,for Point'e Women IDAR ChapteF Mrs. \Villiam ,Charles Parks Junior Bowlers Slates Meet

The service committee of At a family dinner at 1Jhe Honored at GPYC the Fort Pontcl1artrain Ohap- Mr. and Mrs. ter, DAR, will hold its monthly Howard Vincent West, of for bridge luncheo.n Friday at noon SalIlta Barbara drive, announc- Hans Gehrke. Jr., Presides at Party Honoring 30 Boys in the Lochmoor boulevard ed the engagement of their Bride Weal's Ballerirll!Taffeta and Chantilly Lace Gown ne And Girls for Kegling Records; Janet Old home of Mrs, AI'bert; Cooney. daughter, Mary Jo, to Edward For Saturd\~IYRites in' Chapel of First And Calvin Gauss III High Winners Mrs. Colin Bain, chairman Joseph McGough. Presbyteri~n Church of the group, will conduct a He' is the son of the J. lllles Junior bowlers of Grosse Pointe Yacht Club were short business meeting. Elec- Frank McGoughs, 00: Harvard In the Chapel of the First Presbyterian Church, Ann lY in honored ~t a dinner party given by tl\e club on 'Iburs ... tion O'f officers will be held. road. Arbor, where they were both college students, Carol , son day, Apnl 24, to celebrate the close of their league sea- Assisting as co-hostesS'es The bride-elecl was graduat- Jean Larwin and William Charles Parks exchanged late son. will be Mrs. Henry G. Mac- ed f~m the' Convent o.f the nuptial vows Saturday noon. I Cabe, Mrs. William A. Ar- Sacred Heart, Lawrence ave- Hems Gehrke, Jr., junior with.a 146 for the masculine Th~ bride, daugh~r of IW-a-yn-e-,-In-d-.,-to-be-h-e-r-o-nl-Y )Van. counselor, presided at the high average. Art Hermann Jr. baugh, Mrs. H. Sanborn Brown, nue, and Saint Mary's College, Mrs. Frank S, McKinnon, Mrs. Notre Dame, .Ind. the .R~chard W. Larwlns, of attendant. She wore shrimp beautifully",: appointed U- ~~ Marcia Fox .received in- m4n Frank D. Priegel, Mrs ..Leonard Her fiance is an alUIrilnus of WhittIer road, wore a bal~ organza with a matching head~ weds shaped table in the Com- dlVIdua:l awards m the "most L. Jensen and Mrs. Roman lerina gown of white taffeta band and carried yellow roses modores' Room where 30 improv~d" category. the University (Yf Detroit, Col- ~rida. Beck. lege of Engineering, where he and Chantilly lace made and Gerbera daisies. boys an,d girls gathered for Members of the junior bowl- :>ride Mrs. William M. Perrett was a member of Chi Sigma' with a scalloped. neckline ::-homas Boyer, of Roseville, ~ en... their highlight festivity. ers' leagu~ (the! kegle Satur- presided at a dinner meeting Phi anrl Tau Beta Pi. tri.inmed with seed pearls ~ch., was best man for the W'th MG' day mormngs) mcluded Jerry and sequins. bndegroom, son of Mr. and )ries. I r. ehrke at the Martin Jim Herrington Sheila of the chapter held last Tues- The couple will exchange day at the Women's City Club. Mrs. Ivan W. Parks, of Romeo. l De- s~eakers' end of the table were Regan,' Donna Pharis: Bruce vows in October. A ribbon band of :white Lawrence Green of Wyan- Vice Commodore and, Mrs. Brigbauer, Pet e Dodenhoff, leav~ h.eld her finger-tip ,,:eil dotte, and Dwight 'Newton, of Robert F, Weber? Cal~m. J. Cynthia Schultz, Jim West, Church Moms of .IllUSIon .and she earned Florid.c..,seated the guests. Gauss, Jr., who WIll be Juruor Sherry Mok. Bruce Pharis, Cal whIte carna~lOns and ros~~uds Following a dinner reception ted counselor next ~eason; R()~ert Gauss III, Bill Gauss, John D. To Fete Girls Jr. centered Wlth a cymbidium in Ann Arbor the newlyweds Warren, and BIll Flemmmg, Adair, Jr., Ellen West. orchid. • _ left for the Smoky Mountains. '18 noted WWJ sportscaster. Mr. • Farmer Pointers NIx. and Flemming made the principal More: C:arole .Gauss, Barbara The Women's Association of The bride's cousin, A. n n They will make their home in Mrs. George Edward Friedli, Beierlein, came from Fort Mt. Clemens. tarim talk for the keglers. Gauus, JIm. Zmn, ~ally De- Grosse Pointe M em a rial of Oradell, N. J., announce the Derby Awards were made by Mr. gener, MarCIa Fox, .BIll Wrock, Church VoJi1l give the annual engagement of their daughter, Gehrke. Winners of the For- C.arol Peez, Rosalmd Web2r, os and Mother-Daughter Dinner Fri- Joan Carol, to H?nry Louis May rest R. Old Perpetual Troohy JIm Lozelle. Janet Old, Jean day, May 9, at 6:30 p.m. Rohs, Jr., of Kalamazoo. . were Calvin J. Gauss III and German, John Regan, Sharon Mrs. Walter H. Pflaumer, Janet Old. It was Janet's sec. Barker, Art Hermann, Jr., chainnan; assisted by Mrs. Miss Friedli was graduated :!'ld at ond consecutive year to share Lenny West, Tom West, and from the Grosse Pointe High Cook George Renaud and Mrs. Rob- the trophy which annually car- Bruce Fox. ert Eckert, promises a delight- -Photo by Dey School and is now studying at ries the names of the boy and ------iul program The highlight of CAROL JEAN LARWIN, daughter of the Richard Western Michigan University, rening girl with h~ghest number of DBe to Hold the evening will be a perform- W. Larwins, of vv"'hittier road, .was married Saturday whel'e she is a member of Al- new points for the season. • ance of "Mrs. Frisby's Kids" in the Chapel. of the First Presbyterian ChUl'Ch of pha Chi Omega. swho h Individual prizes went to Bowllng Lunc by the Wayne University Pup- Ann Arbor, to Mr. Parks, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Mr, Rohs is an alumnus of 'unda- Janet Old, as highest average peteers. W. Parks, of Romeo. Western where he was a mem- Ig are This group c 0 rr.. p 0 sed of , girl and to Cal Gauss III and The Women's" Bowling ber o.f Sigma Phi Epsilon, three art teachers started do- to Peter Dodenhoff who tied League of the Detroit Boat They plan an August wedding. ing shows together when they Club will hold its annual lunch- OUR INVESTMENT d we were students at Wayne State Party Planned By Methodists eon to c1{)sethe bowling sea- People who are quick to e will University, and have worked take offense can al ways be veling son, May 8. The Woman's Socety of the the Woman's Society for the GETTING together for three and. one half GroSiSe Pointe Met hod i s t coming yea. certain of a plentiful supply. 'IN YOUR HEALTH Cocktails will be serv~ at .years. They bring spontaneity Church will hold their l,ast The hostess circle is Susan- MARRIED? 12:30 followed by lunch in the and a great deal of fresh Our prescription department represents our ballroom. Spring flowers will general meeting. of the year, a nah Wesley, with Mrs. Otis M. young enthusiasm to their May' Buffet Breakfast, on deck the tableg. work. Dickey in charge of food prep- investment in your health. May 6, at 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., aration. Mrs. Lawrence Ken- TUXEDO The Grace Wrinn Trophy . There will also be a short at the church in Moross road. nedy, Mrs. Paul Youngdahl As a member of the community health team, Also-- will be awarded to the win- film of Ludwig Bemelman's The speaker will be Mrs. and Mrs,' George Moore are re- Full Dress ning team of the year. fnmous c h a r act e r, "Made- we main~in complete stocks of pharmaceu. AuciTa E. Francis, her subject: sponsible for table decorations. lla!. Strollers-C ..taways line." Reservations may be Mrs. P. Tainsh holds the "Grandmother's SBw-npler," a Downtown ticals, antibiotics, biologicals, and special )re- RENTAL SERVICE high average championship made by calling the church of- There will be a nursery for Business Suits c'ollection of miniature lamps pre-school children, free of and Mrs. Don W. Miller high fice, TU. 5~3773. dating way back when grand- Chicago therapeutic agents. '------l~--. game championship. charge for guests. For reser- and father and grandmother lived vations call Mrs. Dickey, TU "The Proper Apparel Mrs. Roger Arbury turns her We are specialists trained to compound your -With Personalized Fitting" in the so-called "good old L-0196. Rockford, III. a1 chairmanship over to the new- Poi1J:te Colon,y " days." Mrs. Francis has been a doctor's prescriptions and are prepared to ly elected chairman, Mrs. !..ar- successful lecturer and story and ese .. DIRECT render the professional service you and your O'Brien's Tuxedo Shops ry Sweet for the 1958-59 se,l- Meets May 6 teller for a number of years Writing Group of AAUW na! It's Fun To Go Formal son. in Michigan, and her pro- FAST schedules doctor have a right to expect. The annual m e e t i 1'1 g of To Meet in Rini Home 19045 MACK AVE. grams are varied with a color- Luxurious deHavilland There axe many ways to get Grosse Pointe Colony, Nation- ful background of props, cos- multi-engined airliners. Near 7 Mile Rd. TU 4-4715 al Society of New England The Creative Writing Group even with your enemies, but tumes, etc. FOR RESERVATIONS Women, will be held Tuesday, of the AAT..JWwill gather at none of them leap upward. Also on the program will be the home of Mrs. John V. Rini, AND INFORMATION May 6, at the Women's City CALL Club, with luncheon set for the installation of officers of of 10070 Grayton road, next 12:30 o'clock. Wednesday, May 7, at 12:45 p. m. Members are to bring Trail The president, Mrs. Edward BIRTHS SET RECORD '~tWt/P4ted assignments for discussion. J. Savage, of Yorkshire road, I Live births in Michigan to- P H A R.. ..(\.'\.. A C will conduct a brief board taled a record 208,063 in 1957 "The Golde:{l Bird" will be -D~~IT CITY-AIRPORT' meeting at 12 noon, and the at the same time the state's completely rehearsed, on stage, DETROIT, MICHIGAN KerlCheval on the Hill marriage rate was declining to at the Studio Arts meeting, business session after lunch- DR 1-8080 .. eon, at which officers and the lowest level since 1938, May 7, at 820 Rivard Boule- chairmen will present annual the Michigan Department of vard. Mrs. Edward F. Suits reports. Health reported today, will greet player-members at a Mrs. Edward D. Trowbridge, Births last year exceeded the 7:30 p. m. are old record set in 1956 by about Mrs. Albert D. Conk~y will Seg of Bishop road. chaplain, will .conduct a memorial service 2,000. Ii was the 10th straight be the hostess at the May 8 Spring Dresses for the Colony's honorary par- year that Michigan births in- AAUW boar.d meeting in her ing creased over the previous year. home. 802 Pemberton road. SPRING SHOE SALE! to liamentarian, Mrs. Henry B. to at you't1e waii.ed {ol-! Joy. uy savtJ12S Hostesses for the day will be Mrs. Ralph R. Johnston, of .Rosyln road and Mrs. Edward 25% to 50% off lh to A. Davy. Others attending from this area include: Mrs. Arthur Max- Other merchandise including Cashmeres, well Parker, of Old Brook All cGlors, all leathers, all heel lane; .Mrs. Richard W. Allen, "heights. All sizes, but not every style Wool Skirts and Blouses also on sale! of Cranford lane; Mrs.' 'V,7ilfred .in every size. Sorry, n!> phone7 mail or J. Campbell and Mrs. Ralph R. Ranney, both of Fisher road; C.O.D. orders. ALL SALES FINAL. ~ and Mrs. Lloyd DeWitt Smith, Deliso Debs Alligators, of Grand Marais boulevard. were 28.95, now 19.95. Shoe Salon, third floor. Detroit, TOWN 'N' BE ON GUARD Wllen peo-ple speak to you in Northland,and ~rosse P.oint. confidence it is time to lessen 20445 MACK your own in the matter. Opp, Don't fool yourself-mOst of Howard the people who. dwell on easy ~sso BROaDWay Johnson's street' arrived there over the ALSO GROSSE POtNTE AND BIRMINGHAM erosse pointe woods~ hard work road.

You can lie madeSleDdef, low for Summer! BE THE 5115 YOU OUGHT 10 BE-See those lovely curves re.- appear-be thrillingto behold- with a "Foil in love" figure. Ha'!e the fun, wenr the clothes yolve ~woys wonted-NOW. YOU'LL LOVE t:VERYT~ING WE DO. You'll tingle and glow down to your mes as we COO)( your body into Mcious new lines, .- FO". YOlK P'O.tcmt, firnt ypu-molcl with thai you-best yet, you wit! never be '~~" .' hungry with amazing Slenderella , :";'. ~'>\,_, -it's safe, scientific, rela~ing, .:::r.:::~.." .:-: ••• '~ue Jorever ei:ook" 'w'y".,.<,e.;,.,\,. ~atisfylng-It's Ilk. a caressl ~.~ti::f.~/. • •• make it pe.rsonaU'J' ~Mother's .••

our own silk dynast.y travel robe f FREE TRIAL and figure onolysis. ••• dress length. Natural, jade green, Phone now. Or come into yovr \ , taeOrest Slenderella salon. You'" All THIS IS GUARANTEED lacquer red, pink poppy, Bangkok blue. love the privacy, the relaxing by Slenderella-International, Small, medium, large. 15.95., charming decor ••• Open 9 A. M- the world's largest slenderizing Monogram 4.00. to 9 P. II.. ••• you'lJ love being system-proven by ovor two "end ... million women. Also available in brocaded long rob. / and P. J.'s. NOW, - Monogrammed in our own work rooms. 00 PAY ON).Y $2 l'ER WEEK slenderella~ I NTE R NATIONAL

lit I(IICHEVAL AYEHut Grone Pointe 'InlII, ~1a1" ••, ,•••••••••••••TU 2.4662 76 Kercheval 283 PIERC£ STREET, Blr"';" "', Mlchi'ln Mr,-8500 TU'1.7020 (ASTLAND CENTER eOHCOURSE-EASTLAND ClHT£I. Iltbolt. Mlclllplt •••••••••• Dl1.3500 on the hill

t!7 DAYII) STOTT 8LDG.. Detroit. Michi'ln ••• # ,., •• , •••• , •••••• WO 1.1'72 1574' GRAND RIVER 'ROAD; ~rolt. Mlehlpn •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• yE 8-9110 Large selection of mid-neel shoes in an colors and letithers! ae-, COMMUNITY COHCOURSE-NORTHLAHD CEN,:,!', Detroit M!cIJ, ••••••••••••• R 6-2272 ... $CHAEfElIOAD. DllrIIofllo MIcIIipI _ lU 2.1765 .. • \ . . I ------.~-- - ...... ------

Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May ,I,' '1958 Thursda' Society News Gathered; from All of the Pointes w Marilyn Norton Papal Bles.sing Mr. and Mrs. Roland J. Ricard Co~erie Dance Sammy" Chapin Shirl Read at ,Rltes' ;~~f.~:~:i~;;@~ir.:@~::;:,:?~~j.;};:,:;;:~;:.",:' ';(:t~~:' Thzs Saturday , --'- • .'-, '~@':':'X~~"'>}.';:,~~;:::;;;;~:~::,:;i:~:1;::!;::::\ f;i/lf@-?x . • Marries Mr. Ricard Father Albevt MelVIn read a .!::~;"n;;~:,i:',:':il,?,:FT::.1 ,:i<;K The Marned Set of th~ M J. 5 t d papa~ blessing f~llowing the Y':':;"",..""",":.:,,:,:::,/::::,, 7i:~i.~~,/;',:::.":. ~ros.se .Pointe War Memo~al Couple Travel to Florida After Evening Rites Saturday arrleCJ a ur ay We nuptlal Mass which recently ~';"i,< :..;t,: ..':', .. " IS wmding up the season WIth In Grosse Pointe Congregational Church. unit2d Carmel Josepbdne Hen- \" :;:., i;":: a speci~l treat for the Wives FoiJowing And Reception at Whittier • essy and .Anthony Bersani in "':..':;;:/ on Saturday evening, May 3. Weds Charles R. Hassan of Cincinnati in' Quiet marriage at St, Paul's on the : "., It is a dinner dance beginning lakeshor At an evening ceremony Saturday in Grosse Pointe lakeshote: ' with appetiz~rs at 6:30 and a Ceremony 13t C~rist Church; Brothers. Congregational Church Marilyn Joan Norton, daughter ~he bnde, daughter Of the full course dl?-ner at 7, where Sisters Give Reception of the Lorne J. Nortons) of Rivard boulevard) was' M1chael C. Henessys, of ~l- ea~h lady w~l1 be ~r~sented At a . d t RId J R' '~ ' way, Ireland. wore whIte WIth an orchId corsage flown Only 40 guests attended the quiet ceremony Satur- on the lakE .lnarne 0 0 an '0' lcan: Chantilly lace for her wed- in :1iromHawaii. day aft~rnoon in Christ Church which' united Sara Ann Kenneth V\' ~or her weddmg the Mr. Ricard asked his brother, ding. She is a nurse at Grace Following dinner Al Ross' (Sammy) Chapin and Charles R. Hassan) of Cincinnati, to Thomas brIde chose an ankle length Donald, to be his best man. Hospital and received her orchestra will play till mid- 0,) in marriage. (~ light ivory silk bombazine They are the sons of the Her- training in London, as did two night. Included in the eve- Atlantic Ci The daughter of thE late Mr. I and red topcoat. gown trimmed with Alen- man J. Ricards, of St.' Clair of her attendants. ning's fun will be entertain- and Mrs. Roy Chapin was After the wedding trip the For' her con lace. Her juliet cap of ~h~:=~ing the guests were Rob- Lillian Q'Gonnor was maid ment by .some of ~he more g i v e n in marriage by her Hassans will divide their time bride chose lace cawzht a fing-ertip of h.onor and. the bridesmaids' extrovert, ed of Oo?ten~'s me[n- brother, R.oy Chapin, Jr., who between Cincinnati, where Mr. pointe lace L> L> ert Starnes and Lorne J. Nor- b B I (Wh t ) H dl illusion veil and she carned were ~ry. Smoti.and Yol8?da "e~s, . 11 . a,,' :a:r:, osel', with his brotheTs ann. sisters Hassan is president of Ray- ered with p 't d te h t' ton. Bersaru, SIster of the brIde'" Llconce StIck Dnscoll on Wh1 e roses an spano IS. Following a reception at the ' th I' t d t gave the reception f0110wing mond Motors Ltd.,. dealers in with a sa M John Fedorka of St Whl'ttl°er the newlyweds left groom. They WOl'eyellow and e c anne an recon eur the wedding in his home on foreign cars, and the bride's rs. " blue tarffet a J.aek (I'm not good. but I'm long sleeve;, Clair Shores, was matron of on a trip to Florida. For travel- Th b 'd gowns. k d h' cheap) Whitely Country Club lane. Fisher road home. skirt deepe h ' hOt 1 bl' th b' d °lk e rl egroom as e IS . For her wedding the bride t o; In w ~ edn~ onb~ver Hue ~ng e dr~ e ~or\~ navy SI d ,brother, Carlo Bersani, to be Reservations for din n e r thegral trai °n k chose a short blue gray bro~ if eLa, sas e h~~ ue, f er r~~tsan Jac e. WI navy a~ his best man. They are the Should be made immediately A matehi, °dwebrlwedr~s ~ 1 e carna IOns W. e1.ac~essLorkles'hThev~olluPe sons of the Fvank Bersanis, by callin.g the Center TUxedo cade gown by Hattie Carnegie. Salem Church Circles 11 l It was fashioned with a high caught her r an ue aISles. WI lVe In a es ore 1 age. of MOTanroad, Ushering were 1-7511. If y.ou oan't bring yoU[' Set Dates for Maetings illusion an

Announcing lite Opening scheduled to become a weekly 9th to 12th grades, have been will discuss Horizon Cfub and Mrs. Ethel Moore; chair- I Friday event. Members are in- invited to Eastern district's rushing, social activities, ser- man, have planned a series: Grosse Pointe l\Jichigan's Newest and Finest Convalescing FfKil~ties vited to br~ng guests every Horizon' Ciub rally at Cannon vice work, business meetings of games to be pl'ayed and j third F rid a y. S h 0 u 1d the Memorial Recreation Center, and camping. Panel repres-en- have invited the Blue Bird i weather be inclement, women May 1, at ,7:45 p.m. Th~ Horiz- tatives will be Claire Vallance group to join the Brownies i Terl'"aee Homes 16421 H, East Civic Convalesceo,t Home are invited to the -Club for on Club program is the Camp and ,Carole Doehring, from and Intermediate Scouts that' ~ Completely Modern Facilities-Authorized Underwriter luncheon and cards. Fire answer to the interests of Senior Horizon Club; Martha' day. 3J5 to 339 Rivard Blvd, Fire Protection La Froth and Nancy Sager of There will be a brief open- C~'airma~ °~f t}1e women~s teen-age girls. Personality de- 5 and 6 Bedroom Units all 'wit" 3 baths V Under 24 Hour M e d i c a I Supervision by Registered golfIng actlvlt17s IS Mrs. Cynl 'velopment, vocational oppor- Blue Horizon Club and Sue ing ceremony to greet the Blue Physicians Dyer, of McMIllan road. tunities and community service Swift and Becky Jon-es of Reg- Birds and the new Brownie Outright ownership with warranty deed and titJ. -insur- play 'an import<'lnt part in the al Horizon Club. troops and to. honor the sixth anee policy. V Congenial Private Home Atmosphere-Excellent Meals program. t Mrs Jerome Doolittle 16207 grade girls leaving for Pierce V Gracious, Dignified Surroundings-Finest of Care Knox College Alumni A panel of Horizon Club Cora~, former Eastern district next year. ~t. is hoped ~o , ">10 outdoor main+ei1ance problems. 0me Hold Dinner Meeting members from Northwest Dig. chairman, will introduce the tx:e a tradItIonal af'Dai.r,i YOut' Inspection Inz:ited trici, with Mrs. William Jung. panel will be the May Pole dance In I Priced from 20,900 io 23,900. Call or IFrite for Details . which only the sixth grade I The Knox College Club of girls will participate. The en- Low down payment with 15 year terms. 670 East Grand Blvd" Detroit. Mich. Detroit conducted its annual Calvary Church to Hold Windmill Pointe Garden tire group will conclude the election of officers at a dinner M h h lb. M 1 festivities singing "Taps." i Open daily 2 to 6 ".m, WAlnut 1-6716 meeting on Friday evening, ot er ...Daug ter Banquet C u Meeting on ay ----- I April 25. The diIuler w~s \ -- -- W~ek-ends are the most held at the University GlaD A Mother and Daughter The Windmill Point~ Garden ,dangerous time to be on U,S.' Mockoy Developmen't: Corp. in East Jefferson avenue, Banquet will be held at Cal- Club will hold i18 next meet. highways. In 1957, more th:m TU 2-4732 TU 2.5175 Edward Grenard, of Somer- vary Lutheran Church, Gates- ing at 12:30 p.m.' on Wednes- 55 percent of all fatalities oc- set road, is president of the head at Mack, on Thursday, day, May 7, at the home of.Mrs. curred on Fridays, Saturdays Or your own broker Scribner-Jean Detroit Knox Club and MTs. May 15, at 6:30"p.m, George Eversman. and Sundays. '. I Donald Simmons, of Roslyn Fred W. Ready, Jr., of the Following the lunch~on and road, is secretary. Clifford Van Detroit Edison Company, will business meeting a tllJk will be :Jtorat Co. Dyke, of B i r m i n g ham, is be the guest speaker. Mrs. given by Mrs. James Sheridan. treasurer. Rose Phillips (LA. 6-4861) and Her subject will be "Japanese Featured speaker for the Mrs.' Jean K ash a £ t a (LA. Arrangements." ~!owerj by ~reJ Jean evening was Dr. Alfred W. 6-7001) are accepting reserva- Newcombe, of the college staff. tions until Monday evening, CHARGE IT OR C.O.D, IF LISTED ...~\.~GRAP}f ~ Nothing ventured, nothing IN THE PHONE BOOK .;' ~ Dr. Newcomb~ joined the May 12: EXPERT FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS ' go <';$ Knox faculty in 1920 in the A freewill offering will be gained may be true, but at FOR PARTIES, CONVENTIONS, ETC. g ~ capacity of professor of his- taken to cover the cost of the least you can keep what you • FUNERAL DESIGNS. WEDDING FLOWERS ;;: tory, coming from the faculty banquet. have. PALM & CIBOTIUM RENTALS of the University of Chicago. -_~------:r-- Prompt Courteous Delivery Ser.v~ The year he planned to teach LO 7-4046 ice Anywhere at No Extra there has culminated iJlSitead ______Charge FLOWERS BY I into a 38-yeal: teaching ca;reer. You've Been Waiting For! I - WIRE Just Whtd If b\.!sy call 3143 E. JEFFERSON . ANYWHERE Dr. Newcoanbe has published LOrain 7-4656 articles in the "AmeriQiIl His- Why tr Half Block from Deaconess' ~Hospita' ~' toricaL Review," "Journal of . CHINESE 50 miles fro Illinois State HistoTical So- ciety Review," and "J.ournal of , Natic State ,History.:) Hand Laundry dations! In 1952 he was named the N AND DRY CLE'ANING PERMANENTS~',.. first Knox professor to receive- 't: swimming ~ the Distinguished Se.rvice Pro-. +- Tr}- our excellent service. White shirts a specialty! fessor title. Bundle service cmd Dry Clecning. No charge for Enioy the luxury of a truly Last June he received an 5 buttons ond minor mending. fine permanent in the near- honprary degree from his alma C est thing to naturally wavy mater, Bowdoin College, for L.. his outstanding contributions 154.J 0 MACK, Near Nottingham hair! to education, and the field of history. Style H aircu.tting 1.75

In Addition to doing. the Finest Cleaning, - . ' • Color Tipping (0 Most popular way to get CI home loan today • Color Tints ..;~:F~1 .we like give the Very Best Service! ,', • Silver Blonding Like millions of Americans YOll may be 1. We know more about home loans' f/)on 't 'mij~ by a no~e.• • ,e dreaming of building or buying your own becauHe we make more of them. home. If you are, 'chances are you need 2. You get friendly understanding- from Robelle' 5 Beauty Salon Choose UPPER MACK 'for delux8 two important things-first, money for a our staff which is experienced in home down payment; second, a home loan to make financing. 19027 Mack at Moross Road TU 4-1 130 ,FUR STORAGE up the difference. Our association .special- izes in helping you get both these things. 3. You repay your loan just like rent. A Open Thursday and .Friday Evening!', and c~re of all',out-of~season gorments monthly,repayment is usually set up to in- Last year, associations like ours through- clude principal, interest and property taxes. out the U. S. made one out of every three home loans -:-1,000,000 of 4. While you're saving for the them totaling more than $10 bil- down payment, your money earns lion. The Insured Savings and excellent returns, and is insured Loan way has, in, fact, become up to $10~OO by the Federal Sell Your Jewelry , America's most popular way to Savings and L<>an Insurance finance ~ new home. Here's why: Corporation, an agency of the at U. S. Government. FAIR PRICES . It's easier to get a home loan at STANDARD ! am interested in the pU'rchase of all types of I M,lIN OfFICE: jewelry containing diamonds and other precious , stones in any amounts from $500:00. All trans- GRISWOLD AND JEFFERSON " actions by appointment only and in stricfest WOodward 5-4774 , confidence. STANDARD BRANCH OFFICES:

, , PICK ,up AND DELIvERY , 17540 GRAND RIVER neor South'field t 2-8120 Ralph JJowarJ ofe!Jher ~u FEDERAL 1684 I SCHAEFER ROAD S. of McNichols 106.41 JOY ROAD '1 block l. of Meyers JEWELER SAVINGS 1653.0 EAST 'WARREN at Outer Drive 1550 Broadway Upper1ndel,Cleaners . 1 1600 KaL Y ROAD and Whittier 1406 N. WOODWARD 1 block S. 12 Mile Rd. AppraisClI Detroit WfJ 2-341 r 18500"MACK AVE., at'Cloverly Rd. ~~ '. GROSSE POINTE

,. " ..

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Thursday, May I, 1958 ~ - G R 0'$ S E ,p 0 I.N T E' NEW S Page Seventeen " . •

~ , S Woman's Page ..-,. b'y, of,. and for Pointe Women

;ii. Shirley Ann Smith Church Guild Mrs. Thomas E. Morrin Voter,s League From Another Pointe of View Plans Events To Hear Pyle (Continued from Page 13)

The W 0 men's Missionary Enchanted Birds," with a lollipop striped canopy above Guild of: First English Ev. The Honorable Howard Pyle, the small theater. Mrs. Charles L. Jacobson, the com- 1 Weds Mr. Morrin Lutheran Church, G r 0 sse Deputy Assistant to Pres ,dent modore's wife, will welcome the guests and Mrs. Pa;ul T. Pointe Woods, will, meet on Eisenhower, will be the ban- Moreland will be the toastmistress. quet speaker at the State ' Wednesday, May 7, at 1p. m. Following a Morning Ceremony at St. Paul's on the Council meeting of the League )uiet Luncheon' will be served at Family Day at GPUS lakeshore and a Reception at the . noon by the Dorcas Circle. The of Women Voters of Michig'an Grosse Pointe University School Alumni, who have Newlyweds left on ~ Florida Trip program will center' around at Hotel Hayes in' J'ackson, just organized this' year, combining the alumni of Grosse Indian Missions. Mrs. J chn Me\Y 7 and 8, a~ding to Mrs. Pointe Country Day School and Detroit University 3tur- At a morning c~remony on Saturday in St. Paul's Siefert will read rassages from Berrien C. Ketchum, president School, will hold a "Family Day" Saturday, May 10, at Ann on the lakeshore Shirley Ann Smith, daughter of the "Fatima's Pilgrimmage." Vis- o,f the Michigan League. the school on Cook road. ' nati, Kenneth W. Smiths, of McKinley avenue, was married itors are welcome to attend. Represent.atives from all the ,The traditions of both the old schools have been A'Mother-Daughter banquet the local leagues in Michigan, to Thomas E. Morrin, son of the Thomas J. Morrins. of as well as the State Board, will merged to make this possible~ the Field Day at DUS Atlantic City, N,J. • will be held in First English Fellowship Hall on Friday, 'attend the Council, where pro- and the May Day of Country Day School. p the For' her wedding t h groom's u!".cJe, was best m~n. grams for the coming year will There will be a crowning of the May Queen, a ' e The ushers were John Morrm, May 9, at 6:30 p. m. time br~de chose an Alencon r~,se the bridegroom's brother, and be determfned and necessary picnic' lunch, softball games, a vRrsity baseball contest e Mr. pomte lace gown embrOld- Thomas? Smith the bride's Medical Auxiliary business transacted. and mixed tennis matches against Maumee Valley Ray- ered with pearls, fashioned brother. ' Mrs. George J. Brown, presi- Country Day School, to name just a few of the events. !rs in with a sabrina neckline. For her daughter's wedding Obser've~ BirthClay dent, and Mrs. Leonard Slow in If it rains it will be cancelled and the school switch board ill 'ride's long sleeves and a bouffant and the reception at the Whit- W reprvesetnt the! LGeague,f?f will be manned from S until 10 that morning to give the Tht Woman's Auxilitary to Women 0 erg 0; r 0 SEe '. • skirt deepening into a ca- tier Mrs. Smith ~ore a b~ue Pointe at the. Council. deCISIon. thedral train. lace gown Dnd whIte camellIas. the Michigan Industrial Medi- I Mr. Pyle's early career was -Home for Bridal Fetes A~ mat h' g I Mrs. Morrin was in rose with cal Association celebrated its 5 c In ace c row n . k II' first birthday on Saturday, in ~he field of newspapc:r and Bride-elect Karen Sue Temple will be coming home ht h t . d '1 f pm came Jas. \VO 0 It 5 ?aug. er, tIe~e Vel For traveling to Florida the March 22. is the first of its r~dlO. In these capaCIties he from her job in Boston today to begin her pre-nuptial 9 IllUSIon apt:. she carlred a colo- b'd h d' t l'ght blue kind in the United State's. ' dId a tour of duty as war COi'- . I <::'h '11 b h b'd f R b t . I b f h' rl e c ange m 0 a I O t. th P c'f' d partIes and pans. oJ e WI ecome ten e 0 0 er ma ouqu~t 0 w Ite rose- t 'th h't cessor Mrs. John GanSC'how, presi- resp nden mea 1 IC ur-. M . G P' M . I ~Iem~ buds. cos ume WI: ~ I ~ ac. .- ing World War II and covered G. WIese" !r., on ay.24, at the rosse omte emona and ies. Thev WJI}lIve m AtlantI~ dent, and Mrs. Earl Weston, Ma.ry Jane Clark carne from City. . the Japanese surrender cere- Church, WIth a receptIOn to follow at the Loch~oor Club. ay president-elect, were instru- at Nornstown, Pa., to be the mental in organizing the Aux- monies on the U.S.S. Missouri. Her parents, the Wallace Temples, of FIsher road, bride's maid of honor. Mary FASHION HINT iliary. It is anticipated that He was o'ne of the correspon- have just returned from a six weeks' visit to Mexico :ay I, Gay Spitznas, of Erie, Pa., and dents present at the birth M and Guatemala with, we suppose, some of their usual hIS" ide' it will be accepted on a na- :ay 1, Judy MacMahon, of St. Paul, rr: year s belt~ ar.~ ,w. tional basis at the annual the l!nited. Nations in San exciting pictures. I 6, 1 Minn., were bridesmaids. and low at the hIp, .l:' rmged I.M.A. Conference to be held FranCISCO m ,1945. !;Ie w~s The parties begin on Wednesday with a luncheon sashes that you wrap around in Atlantic City this month, They wore white organdy elected Goverpor of .Anzona m and linen shower given by Mrs. John R. Pear, of Tromb~ 6, 8 your aist and loop ar.e new Two other component groups over pink taffeta and carried 'Y 8, 1 attractIons, too, accordm~, to have formed Auxiliaries-the 1950 and served untIl 1954. ley road. The next day Mrs. Merton Bell, of Bloomfield nosegays of pink sweetheart ~argaret Wern,er,. retaIlmg Central States a~1d the New Village, will have a tea. 8, 8 roses .. I ms~ruct?r at MIchIgan State Jersey AuxiliarieS. ' Parliamentary. law Club Merback Hamilton a.l'ld 1:1rs, Charles Duncan Patrick Higg~ns, the bride- At a ,morning ceremony Saturday in 81. Paul's Mrs, Umvesnty. Installation of new officers on the lakeshore, SHIRLEY ANN SMITH, daughter Elects at Final Meeting will give a luncheon and crystal shower May 10 at the for the Michigan Industrial U.S. of the Kenneth W, Smiths, of McKinley avenue, was and Mrs. Benjamin Beyer will be a trai- Association tok place at the married to Mr. Morrin, son of the Thomas J. Marrins, , The D~troit Parli,amentary hostess in her Lochmoor boulevard home on May 12 at r 25 March 28 meetiilg in Gfland CARPETING of Atlantic City, N. J. Law Club held its final and a "round the clock" shower. Rapids. Serving for tlhe pres- annual meeting on April 15 -at It will be a tea and miscellaneous shower May 17 at RE-UPHOLSTERING, AND DRAPERIES- ent term wHl be president, I the Detroit Fed era t ion Mrs. Albert M. Raisch's home on Birchcrest drive and living Room Furniture - Custom Made Mrs. Earl E. Weston, of Birm- ingham! 'president-elect, Mrs. 'll'inners Listed By Bridge Club w::n:ff~:~~~::e~lected to Mrs. F. Theodore Harrington of Birmingham, is honor- to Order In' Our O\.l!n Factory L. R. Martin, of Grosse Pointe; ing Miss Temple on May 19 with a luncheon at the DAC. serv.e next year. Among these first vice-president, Mrs. E. Grosse Pointe Me m 0 ria 1 East and West: B e u 1a h Mr. and Mrs .. John Kolb will have a dinner party INTERIOR FREE were two Grosse. Pointers, C7 DeJ ongh, of Birmingham; re., Center Bridge Club winners Cress and Jessie Cook; Glennie for the pair on May 22 at the Detroit Yacht Club and DECORATORS ESTIMATES cording secretary, Mrs. W. C, Mrs. R. E. Stephens, 829 St. Journier ha ve been announced. Baker and Flora Denis, IHazel Clair avenue, fii-st vice-presi. Mr. Wiese's parents, the senior \Vieses, of Wellesley Gibson, of Milford; corre- April- 21: North and South, Potter and Virginia Ruhl, dent; and Mrs;' William F. Hills, Mass., will give the rehearsal dinner at the Grosse CUSTOM FURNITURE CO. sponding secretary, Mrs. J. T. Jessie Cook and Peg England; Charlptte Feldman' and Earl Pishalski, 316 Ridgemont road, Pointe Yacht Club on May' 23. , Est. 1928 Noe, of Grosse II", and treas- Elsa Reddaway and Vern Ber- Gurnack Jr., tied. corresponding secretary. On the day of the wedding Mrs. Harold W. Merrill 16421 HARPER AVE. urer, Mrs. M. F. Bruton, of man. Grosse Pointe, April 25: North and South, The club, which was found. and Mrs. Raymond J. Wertz will give a luncheon for East and West: Kitty RogIer ed by Emma A. Fox, meets bi- the wedding party and the out of town guests at Mrs. and Charlotte Mesmer; Flora Mrs, Hubert Phillips and Mrs. mOilthly at the Federation Wertz' Balfour road home and, to ease the usual let- We all profit ty our own Denis and Glennie Bak~r. 'Jason Hodges; Flora Denis and Glennie Bake:r. Club House It has adjourned down the day after the wedding, Dr. and Mrs. George mistakes, but prefer to profit April 23: 'North and South, by the mistake~ of others. for the summer and will re~ Christiansen, of Vendome road, will entertain guests for MI:.and' Mrs. Raymond Baubie; East and West: Ellen Wal- r- sume 'its regular meetings on breakfast. Ethel Cardoze and Adele rond and Ivan Hina; Mr. and the 'first Wednesday in Octo- IUIDA IEYE Beatty. Mrs. Albert Bolens. \iall to Wall - Room Size - Scatter ber. Budget Plan Available O~n Mon., Thurs., Fri. till , p.m. Time to have East Side Republican I FRANK R. BROWN Women Meeting May 2 a wonderful gift for mother thot next ~ The East Side Women's Re- Fine Services by Valente TU 1-4484 CARPETS Grosse Point. ,,'" publican Club will hold its portrait made' ~'-"7 '. '- " monthly meeting on Friday, Mother's Day is 18520 MACK AVE. at Tollraine May 2, at the 14th District Re- publicans Headquarters, East rejl'Jling 0/ jewe!erlj Su~~ay, May 11th Warren at Beaconsfield. A Sandwich luncheon will be served at 12 noon, with rentounling jewel and repa;irJ Mesdames Schneider, Sappala, Grimes, Kemberling, and Gear doing the hostess honors. fine walch and clock repairJ A panal discussion "Shall We Support a State Constitu- tional Convention for Michigan New! Expert dio,mond .setting done right in our in 1959?" will be conducted store beforfi! your eyes. It's a new and appre- by three members of the ciated service. American Association of Uni- versity Worn e n, De t r 0 i t Branch. Speaking will be Mrs. W. G. Stohrer, International Relations Chairman; Mrs. Al- ~ bert Blixt,' Legislation Chair- man; and Mrs. G. Sam Zilly, Keep the recorc1complete Chairman of Study GrQup on 14,. hUIY 8ulinellman: Structure of Government, All VALENTE ~ JEWELRY interested Republican women Why travel 500 miles f~r a quiet week-end when just are cordially invited to be 16601 E. Warren, at Kensington guests at this meeting. 50 miles from your home is the ,perfect retreat? TVESDAY is TOT.r' day. No appointment needed, Members of the board of di- FREE PARKING TU. 1-4800 Nationally famous for cocktails, food and. 'accommo- rectors will hold their meeting at 11 a. m., preceding the dations! Beautiful IS-hole golf course! Heated luncheon. Iwimming pool! 'phone your reservation today 1

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"Farmer's Daughter" navy and white cotton print SWf~ suit 3 - 6x, 2.98 7 - 14, 3.98 Matching terry trim jacket, 3 - bx, 3.00;. 7 - 14, 4.00 Id Carrot beach bag, 2.00. "Gondolier" hat, 2.00 Ichols CHARLES w. & COMPANY ers 'A'A R R EN ya.... I:L."'IIE!i JEWEL~IS AND SilVERSMITHS ----~ --I...--- _ 1520 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD e Rd. 110 Kercheval TUxedo 1-7227 Detroit 26, Michl~an -T~I."hon. WO 2-5161 - Store Hours 10:00 untfI5:00


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______--"'* --"IlIl...... _ ... • crt _ a b_ de- a« •• _ • m • d _ d m_ 'c rt __ e_ • it _ • _ • srl __ .-...... ~ _ ...... ~ ...... "., ... ~ ...... _ I.__.....•• _-~. <_*. x_ .. rid Page Eighteen (; It b SSE' POI N T e NEWS, Thursday, May I, 1958 Thursd Records Top'ple,d by Devil Stars Pointe E[igh Netters Win AII-A Boat Michigan. 28th in ]Beating Monroe will honor night, May Banter. Grosse Pointe High School continued along the un. A academi( bea ten tennis trait with lopsided victories over High. land Park Wyandotte and Monroe in that order in the Every true sailing. yachts- last seven 'days. 'l"'he three wins stretched the Devils' WIn man is looking forward to the streak to 28 and made the Pointers favorites to cop their forthcoming match race be- thl'rd Border Cities League title. tween England and the United _....__------_ States for the coveted Ameri. The most important win of fRfD HUnnfllS I ca's Cup, which will be ailed the three was over Monroe, and Ron Reilor (GP) over ~ next September of! the New 6-1, who was supposed to be Fred Mileski and Art Wood- IEngland'coast.- the strongest' opponent the ford (HP) 6-0; 6-0. DeVI-}Tracksters Defeat While not much has been Devils will 'have to meet on Grosse Pointe 6 Wyandotte 1 . printed aboll.t the 12 metre their way to the championship (Home) Yach~ being constructe~ b,v this season. R O 'oJ K . k Id NO.1 Singles: on Lindau WYand tte b..Y 75 34 Score various s;vndicates here in...,the /' Coach Bud urv IOh wou t (GP) beat Larry Letwin (W) United Stat eSt to compete in have been happy 0t ave se - . Grosse Pointe's once b ea t en, trac k tearn con tinue d an ell'm].natw'n serl.es' late this " tled for a 4-3 . win1 but was 6.3;NO.26-0'- Singles: Tom Harriet l.ts bid to repeat as Bor der ClIes't. I..league campIonh' la St summer ror the rig"'tr...' to d~- jubilant w!1en hISth"p a.yers .man-gles (GP) beat Ed Grahl (W) 6-0:, d fend the Cup, the Englishmen aged to sweep e .our sm Friday, April 25, by thoroughly thumping an outclasse are getting .real excited. and two of the three doubles 6.,1. . Wyandotte squad 75-34 on fh", local track. h NO.3 Singles: John Sparks A friend of ours, Tony Muir, matc es, (GP) beat Jim Tinker (~l) Wyandotte was able to gar ~ handed us Ii copy of the air Also Conquer Parkers 6.0; 6-3. ner five first places in the nine record of 4:36.0. Howard Har- mail edition of The Daily Tele- The Devils traveled to High- No. 4 Singles: Garry Cald- track events but was shut out, rison was some distance be- graph dated April 3t which land Park on Monday, April well (W) beat Don Leeson in the four field events in hind but still took second place ca:rried a ren.n.rt of th'" launch- 21, and clipped the 'Polar which the De\'!'Is score d sl'ams easily over Wyandotte's Bl1. 1 ing of the .t''''''"Sceptre." The Bears 6-1, losmg, 1 on1YThth e (GP)No.10-6;Doubles:6-3; 6-3,John Nichol- in the'shot put, broad jump Bryan. . yacht which England hopes number two sing ,~s, tee son-Dick Granse (GP) over and high jump. Mawhinney Takes Quarter can~ ~apture the America Cup days later the Pointers en er- Bill Eiker-J ohn Betwel1 (W) Grosse Pointe's three strong Dave Mawhi!L'1ey stag.ed a -which the schooner "America" tained Wyandotte and scored 6-0; 6-0. men continued to dominate the thrilling finish in the 440 when took from Britain 107 years a 6-1 win, l~ing only the num- No. 2 Doubles: Ron Refior- shot put with Tom Andris, he came from three yards be- ago. During that time British ber four ~ingles, Jim Dyer {GP) over Phil John Derbyshire and Rolf hind at the la.st turn to edge yachtsmen have tri~d in vain Fordson is tht:' next on the Dawson-George Croll (W) 6-0; Lagerfeldt placing in that Wyandotte's Dave Thayer by to recapture the Cup. Such Devils' list and thil" match order. Record holder Andris a yard. It marked the second famous ya c h t s men as Sir will be played on the Tractors' 6-~0. 3 Doubles: Tom Finch- again crack~d his own record time in two meets that Dave Thomas Lipton and T.O.M. court today, Thursday, May I, Dave Gillis (GP) over Don with a t~ of 48 f~et four and had be a ~e n his teammate Sopwith gained undying res. after which the Pointers will Therson-Greg Mikens (W) 6-0; (me half 1m'pes WhIChbettered Bruce Boardman who had been pect of the Americans as they entertain Royal Oak to com- his best previous effort by one Ithe Devils' leading competitor tried time after time to win. plete the first round of play 6-~ Pointe 6 MODroe 1 foot. in this event for the past two Possibly this is the year Brit- on Monday, May 5. (Home) AI"A ~lam Jumps seasons. Bruce placed third. ain will be successful. At Sum mar i e s of the three '7V ';, f 11 No. 1 Singles: Ron Lindau Sophomore Ron Harper came' Wyandotte's iast first place least the Englishnlen think the matches are as G. OVlS: (GP) beat Waymen Grey (M) within a foot of the school came in the 880 run in which "Sceptre" is the yacht that can Grosse Pte. (~~~~land Park 1 6-2; 6-4, record in the broadjump with Bob Jarrell bested Paul Balan do it. No. 1 Singles: John Nicnol- NO.2 Singles: Tom Harriett CLEAN. a leap of 19 feet eleven inches. and Dennis Franck who fol. Here is. the report of the son (GP) beat Herh Hughes (GP) beat Hugh Shilliday (M) Convenier He was followed by teammates lowed in that order. launching at Sandbank, Firth (HP) 7-5: 6-0. 7-5; 6-4. Also Pkg. ec Chuck Hanneman, Jr. and Roll Summaries of Clyde wdtten by Ian Proc- No.' 2 Singles: Steve M~- NO.3 Singles: John Sparks y llS LfagtherfeldttfOrt.he se~ond slam T~ck Events tor of. the Dbail TelegratPh : REMINGTON "SKINNY'" PUR- against Pontiac. A~d:i~e R 1 Carter (HP) beat Don Leeson (G-P) beat John Leningnton d ~:;~d i1i () e mee . . "ThIS has een a grea ay B (In» 6-1; 8,,6. (M) 6-3; ~-1. .~ Ch Art Cornwall, Mike Frobotta Shot ~ut - Andrls (GP); for the little Scottish village DY, left" and TOM "STONEWALL" Taylor's shot put mark of 46 feet, ten No.3 Singles: Ron Lindau NO.4 Smgles: John Nh..hol- and Hamilton Brown had an Derbyshire (GP); Lagerfeldt1 of Sandbank. The-re could not ANDRIS 'are two Blue Devil thinclads and one half inch with a toss of 47 (GP) beat George C ion c a I son (GP) beat Gene Jackson easy time in slamming the (GP) New Record 48'. 4 /Z;' have been better conditions who, attained the rank of "Star" early feet, four and one half inch in the first (HP) 6-4; 6-0. . 1 (M~ 6-0; 6-1. . Fire high jumo event when none of Pole Vault - Harns (\.IP); for the launching of "Sceptre,U in the 1958 track sea SOD. Purdy meet of the season against Monroe No 4 Singles: Tom Harnett No, 1 Doubles. Wayne Ce~h- Com pie the Wyando~te lads could clear Tyrell (GP~; Lutz (W) 10' 6". the new 12 meter yacht which cracked Melvin Braund's 24-year-old and then broke his own standard'with (GP)' beat Al ZacaraC'kas (HP) I 1er-Don Berson (~) over DIC~ Picni the bar at five feet. All settled High Jump-Cornwall (GP); in September will try to win mile record of 4:39.0 with a blazing a toss of 48 feet, four and one half 6-0; 6-0. I Granse-Ron ReflOr (GP) 2-6, for a "three way tie for the Frabotta (GP); Brown (GP) back the Cup which the 4:36.0 in the second meet of the season inches against Wyandotte. No 1 Doubles: John Sparks' 8-10, . third and final slam of the Three-way tie 5' 0". ~chooner "Americlt" took fTom and . Peter Ness (GP) O'ler No.2 Doubles: JIm Dyer. day, Broad Jump-Harper (GP); I Britain 107 year~ ago. John Lorey and Jim Solomon, Don Leeson (GP) over R~ssel~ ChuckHarrisandBobTyrell Hanneman (GP); Lagerfeldt "Sceptre" has been built at of Shattered GPUS Bthelaatek,n(HP) 6-2: 6-2. att-Bob Burns (M) 10-8,1-6, Added 8 mc!e points t? the (GP) 19' 11" Alexander Robertson's yard on Paler Recor'ds . No.2 D0ubles: Tom Finch \9-7.. . ever increasmg tota.1 WIth a .Field Events . the s h 0 res of Holy Loch, P . B P . t By Sou e and Dave Gillis (GP) over No. 3 P?ubles: Tom Fmc.h- one-two finish. HarrIS cleai'ed 12~ HIgh Hurdles-Althou~e which during the past few As ontlac eats OlD ers __ Bob Cionca and Mike patti-l Dave GIllIS (GP) over JIm the pole vault bar at 10 feet (W); Serulla (W); DeMaru- days havfl!been chill and grey - Lack of timely hitting son (HP) 6-2; 7-5; 6-3, Marshall-Dave MacIntyre (M)

six inches and Tyrell cleared gold (GP) 16.2., and whipped by a keen easter------Grosse I NO.3 Doubles:: Dic'k Granse 6-4; 9-7. 9 feet dx inches, . ~4 Medley Relay-GROSSE ly wind. . Remington '~kinnyl) Purdy is the toast of the Blue spelled defeat for ~~...:- --- __ - __ - __ Lose Hurdles Agam POInte 2:43.6. But this morning there was Devil track fans today. Purdy became the new "mile Pointe University School's d W- Wyandotte's five first places lOG Dash-Donaldson (W); bright sunshine and little king" in Blue Devil track history when he posted a new baseball team last Wednesd.ay, F_oraker Gets Secon In, eame in the two hurdles events, Donovan (GP); Knapp (GP) wind, though enough to set the school and track. record for the distance in a dual meet April 23, when it lost to the 100 yard dash. 220 and 880. 10.5., . bunting fluttering gaily on between 1957 State champion Pontiac and Grosse Pointe Southlake 8-6. A D -I D f t M Paul Althouse and Jack Don- Mile Run - Purdy (GP), "Sceptre" and the nearby High, which the latter lost 65-44 on the local track last Southlake jwnped off to an S eVI:3 e ea onroe aldson were the only double Harrison (GP); Bryan (W) yachts dressed overall in her Tuesday, April 22. ------8-1 lead, scoring one in the winners of the meet. Althouse 4:39.7. . . honour. "Skinny's blazing 4:36 chop- which was won handily by first, two in the second, two Southpaw Al Foraker hurled his second win j~ as captured the 120 high and 180 440 - MawhInney (GP), As the new yacht rested in 1.._ Po'nt;ac. in the third and three in the d 11 d th G P t d D ld Th (W) Boa dman (GP) ped 3 and two tentu:; of a sec- v, many starts this season an pu e , e rosse om e low hurdles an ona son ayer ; r her launching cradle, poised ond off the old mark of 4:39.2 DeSpite the Devils defeat by fifth innings. k f t h he took the 100 and 220 dashes. 53.6. high above ihe big' crowd ()f bIB d' 1934 . th Blue Devils up to :he 500 mar or ne sdealson ~ e~ Mcl Terry "Steamboat" Donov~n 180 Low ~urdles-Alt~oOuse spe.ctators who had come to set y Me vin raun In . the best track. team. m .e I GPUS roared back in the beat Monroe 10-4 on the local diamon ast .on a~'. placed second toODonaldson 10 (W); DeMamgold (GP), Ce. wI'sh her ,"rell the feelintt of Purdy',s victory gained addi- State the DeVIls gamed m fifth to score four runs on A '1 28 The De~ls now own two wins as agamst as CO bo+'I1events.. . , rulla (W) 21.5. . all yachts~~n ~round her ~ust tional significance becaUSe he stature and should repeat as four hits and two walks anld m~~ly lo~ses . I 11850 P , ~ t t 2?O-Donaldson (W) Dono- beat Pontiac'~ 1957 state cham- Border Cities League cham- appeared to be back in the ba 1 . . ., .. h T' 'ans Detror Grosse omte S J.lrs VICory ... - , surely have been that here . . J pI'ons if th ... team can produc. game. But 1'''c1r of timely hit-l The Devl1s othel' VIctory three and allowed t e IO.J , in the tra"k events came in van (GP)' Knapp (GP) 22.9. 1 d'd 1 11 pIOn Larry Beumer eaSIly. ust 0:; ~ U no 1 E t D d 11 d the TroJan» the three ~uarter mile relay 880 - 'Jarrell (W); Balon was bla I, v£:~e we, ten days earlier Beumer had in the remaining meets like ting left eight men stranded came over non- ea.gm~ as e-,' three an a owe t ~ VAil Sf ~r: e A wI'th Ron Harper Hugh Delfs, (GP); Franck (GP) 2:13.3. capace °b :kmgtomgB't . me;o-I- captured the mile ruri in the they did against the Chiefs. on the bases and brought 1\ troit in the ~~ning game of final run. Tw.o errors con n- , • - G R 0 SSE ca'S up a... rl am, p. . 't t' I t h ld t M . tua' defeat the season WIth Foraker get- buted to the fmal run. Don Rust "nd Mel Vanderbrug 880 Re~ay - 'd d h . t ed d handl mVI a lona mee e a ans- One of the most outstandmg eve~ 1 • . tin the 7-1 decision. ike Carrier Stars winning e:sily. "1 f d" POINTE 1:38.2. ~~ ~i:h et~SeSS~ s~~ll as sh;' ~i.e3l7d,Ohio, with a sparkling performances seen on the Gregg Dodds was the loser, I g To Parkprs .1\1 . _ . Rem "Skinny" Purdy .oa e ------has been desl'gned and built. "%.. Grosse Pointe track in many giving up eight runs ana. nine Lose - ,ThIrd baseman MIke Carner in ""e mi.le run b~t S~~ln~on W. L At 10 o'clock Lady Gore, Prior to last Tuesday's meet years came in the shotput hits. Don Oheck was the wm- In 'between the Ea ::0-t DetrOIt• I paced the DevI'1 attac k WI'th a w a t!me of 4.39.; whIch Friars In, ose wife of Sir R'llph Gore, Com- Beumer had no peer and was event which the Blue Dev~ls n.ing p}tcher ~d al1?~ed only victroy .and the M~n~~3ed::~ and double in three was three and seven tenths D- d Telt modore of the Royal Yacht figured to be a repeat cham- slammed when Tom AndrISt SIX hits while. strl~mg out t~e DevI~s~~:~~rl-on Mon- trips to the plate. His hits seconds off his school-track In lamon - I S Squadron, who ha~ Chal- pion in the State m,eet this John Derbyshire and Rolf Lag- seven ,and walking eIght. Slon t~ H ~ 21 on the Polar drove in five of the Devi1:;' --- lenged the New York Yacht June. erleld-t all cracked the former Peter Boone was the only ~ay, /)~~ ' runs. Austin Catholic, defending Club for the Cup, stepped for- Runs Heady Race record held by Bill Taylor. It Black Knight who could find ~~~ ~ibby was be I05ing I The Pointers will t::avel to GPUS Winner champion of the Central Di. ward, spoke the time honoured Purdy, a 6 feet 5 inch sopho- was this record of 44 feet 4lh the ball with any degree of pit c her but he couldn't be DeaI'born on Thursday, May It vision for the past two years, words to wish the yacht and more, paced himself beautiful- inches that Andris cracked in regullM'ity, getting two hits in blamed for the seven errors to take on the Fordson Tr'ac. In Quintangular experienced varied fortune in her crew good fortune and ly. He let Beumer set the pace the first meet .of the season.. four trips to the plate w:hich committed by the Devils. tors and then entertain the the first two g'ames ot the 1958 named her "Sceptre." for the first three laps of the In the Pontiac meet AndIls produced two runs batted m., The Devils second loss was Royal Oak Acorns the fo11o\',,'- ... Scoring well tin the field season, As the bottle of champagne quarter mile track staying just bettered his own mark with a ------a humiliating 2..0 no _hitter ing Monday, May 5. The unu events, Grosse Pointe Univer- The Friars dropped a heart- shattered on the hull's fore- a step behind until the referee toss of 46 feet 31ft inches. His fashioned by Ron Stobak, who also a 5ity School tumbled four other breaker 4-2 t(l Notre Dame foot "Sceptre" began slowly to fired the gun for the start of teammates, Derbyshire (4.5feet GPUS, Netters walked four and struck out sewed (l opponents in a quintangular in the opening game on Tues. glide tow'lrds the water and a the last lap. At the gun Purdy 6lh inches) and Lagerfeldt (4:5 CI eight, Sophomore Mike Mac- Lamps i track meet on Friday, April day, April 22, but bounced great cheer went up from the leaped to the front.in a blazing feet 51h) both bettered the old Clip Mt. emens Donald was the starting pitch- Badminton Club into Ian '85. GPlPS scored 64 points and back with a 5-4: decision ()ver assembly. Durst of speed to take the lead mark by 14 and 13 inches re. er for the Devils and lasted t Has Celebration was followed by 1St. Paul 56; St. Joseph on FridaYt April 25. A few mom en t _s later for the first time u the pair spectively. Little Class-D-G-rosse Pointe six innings during w:1ich time FIGURIf' Lutheran East,1L 43 h; Thurston Dave DeBus"~here, 6 :foot "Sceptre's" keel touched the went into the lower turn. Sllmmari- he. allowed'two runs on t.hr.ee 12 d St Agnes -- I tl tl ...---~----- University School really step- U d t k g Regulars of the Grosse RReserves, 7 n an. 5% giant All-Arlierican bas- water, and as she g~n y nesh - ('".oach How a r d MacAdam Field Events ped out of its class when it hIts, three wa ~ anI s hrl In Pointe Badminwn Association, eserves, . ketJballer, had Notre Dame ed further into It on er figured his star.would content. out four. MacDona d s owed . GPUS was exceptionally tied in knots with his light- cradle she seemed to assume himself with a narrow lead un- Shot' -!,ut -: AndrIs (GP); tackled Class A Mount Clem- Coach Ed Wernet plenty of WhlCh meets five days a ~~ek 5trong in the field events with ning-like fast ball and sweep- an ever-greater majesty. At til he reach the home stretch. DerbyshIre, (GP); Lagerfeldt ens last TuesdaYt April 22..and promise as he had a no-hitter at the Grosse Pointe Igh ~ first ~nd third in th~ broad ing curve for the first five last she was afloat, with her But Purdy conth:lUed to pour (GP) New record 46' 3lh". (All snapped th~ Bathers' '11 game going into the fifth innng of ~:~i'S~~~e~i~hh~~h~~u~~f; Jump, fIrst and secon,d m. both innings. '.'0hen in the siX'th, bright red boot-topping just on the coal and moved to a ten three broke old school mark of winning streak with a 4-1 the seven inning contest. Again successful social evening last the pole. vault and hIgh Jump, holdI'ng a 2 to 0 lead, Dave lipoed by the water, dId . d th b ~_ 44'4" held by Bill Taylor) victory. errors s p ell e d the Devils' d th h t t '1' d yar ea gomg own e aCK P 1 V It 'H ' (GP). . Friday night. sec<>? I~ ~ s 0 pu. I developed a large and very The legs that had stabllse t t h hi h h h ld 1'1th 0 e au - arns 'The .Black Knights 'lost only downfall as the POInters com- VI'Otones m both the 880 I painful blister on the index her on her cradle were releas. s re ~ ~ ~ eciseIt un 1h e Tyrell (GP) and White (P) the number three singles mitted seven miscues afield. Mr. 'and Mrs, Ed Donovan OPEl relay and me~ley relay put finger of his pitching hand. ed and the yard launch towed last un' e yar': ' w.as ,ere: tie for second. 10' 0" match which went three sets Conquer Monroe were hosts to fellow playe.rs the Bl-ack Kmghts over the. ' her astern,. turned her and B~umer m~de hIS bId but High Jump-Cornwall (GP) before the Bathers' John Buck- In the l\t~onroe game on the for cocktails in their Lochmoor top . I Unable to put much on the took her out to her mooring faIled by lUXyards IllS. PurUS teammate~. Kellar (P); Hanneman (GP) In the other matches George scoring 10 runs. Club. Mrs. John Reindel, en- Krause (SP); Knast (LE), and another single hy Geot:ge As she lay !t the mooring, lVuted Distance. Track Events 'Haggarty downed Marty Mc- Foraker showed plenty of tertainment chairman for tht! Time 10.9. Denyer produced th.e tymg her glistening white topsides The~e was only Qlle flaw m 120 High Hurdle~. _ Sowell Daniel in a gruelling three set poise as ~e hurled over five 76-m~mber. g r 0 u p, was in 220 - Krause (SPi; Rehse runs for the Irish. Bnan Mal- in bright contrast to the dark Purdy s strategy. He ran fur- (P). Hawkins (P). DeManigold affair 4-6, 6-8, 6-4 in the num. Grosse Pomte errors and held charge of arrangements for the (LE); L in e h a n (St. A.); loy then took over for De. mountairu; beyond, and her ther than his opponent because (GP) 15.5' bel' one singles. 'the Trojans to one ~i~ and latter affair. O'Brien (Gp); Krieg (GP). Busschere and was plagued by polished aluminum .alloy mast he used the second. lane ex- 3A .Medley Relay- Grosse The number two singles was three runs before, retir.mg. at Some of the athletes seen No No Time. wildness. He walked thr~e flashing in the sunhghtt 1was elusively for the fIrst ,-three P . t (H" :Rust Delfs won easily by Bob Wood over the end of the slxth Innmg. "busting training" were Mr. 440 - Kunert (LE): Lee straight batters to force m impressed by her purposeful laps. Had he used'th~ ~irst lane Vomde b ~;~39.' , AI's control was excE'llent. He and Mrs. Harold Love, the Bud (T); Walker (GP); Evans the winning run. air." , his record could have, been a1~Oe~ru: . M . (P) Steve Levine 6.2, 6-0. walked only two and struck Stitzley's, Mr. and Mrs. Wil. PRe (SP); Davis (GP). Time 59.6.' Against St. Joe's, outfielder The reporter who wrote this faster. But you can't find fault. ~'S - annmg 2; Bruce 'Birgbauer and Peter out, eight. Ham R. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. 880 - Lauer (SP); Whiley Dick Howell took over the story must reflect how all with a record perfoI""",nanceand HIli, (P), I?onovan (GP) 10. Monroe downed Henry Parkin~ Bob Libby came on to pitch Guy Ireand, Peggy Moreland, Notie (LE); Carp.enter (GP); Cooper pitching d,uties for. the .Fri~rs English yachtsmen must fe;el Purdy l-earned a lessdn which MIle - ~urdy (GP); Beumer son and Bill.Albee 6-1, 6-4 and the seventh and was tagged for and the Becker sisters, Grae~- proposed (T); SchneIder (SP), 2:19.0. for the first time ill hIS hfe. tow:£rds i'he yacht that ,WIll he will put to g<>odadvantage (P); HarrIS'on (GP) New Rec- Dick Baron' arid Dan Book two hits, hit a batter, walked chen and Ann, H and endiI Mile - Hutton (SP); Van "Dixie came through w'th a . t' colors' .4 t d 1 ts h' h ord 4:36.0 squeezed out a three set vic------_ 90 Kerby carry theIr coun ry s I~ .I.U ure .ua mee . w IC 180 Low Hurdles _ Sowell Ryne (LE); Finks (LE); IDee fine two.hitter to give his into the latest match race for could see hIm break hIS own . D M . 'd tory over George Dubbs and Thef (T); Van Riper (SP). 5:05.6. mates their .first win .f!f the the most sought after Cup in mark. (P); Hawkms (P); e amgol Dave Sheridan 7-5, 4-6, 6-1 in ,Budget 120 High Hurdles - Parker year. All runs scored In ~he sailing toda.y. Equally' as brilliant was the (GP) 20.9 . the number two dc~bles. Accounts (SP); Schutt (LE); SChanke game w~re unearned: A~otner . . way.the.unbeaten Blue Devils, 220 Dash -. Mannl~g (P) _ When y(),U must AdministI (GP); Miller (SP); Smith change m the Austm lme-up If religion and politics are battled Pontiac right down to Donovan (GP), RatclIff (P) Police ." red Fire '....., (LE). 17.0. occu: when t~e ,~eg';llar I mixed together, religion is apt :the last three events before. 21.7 . The man who insists on - Public ~ 180 Low Hurdles - Parker leftfielder, Ray W?Jtahk dld, a to lose its identity. b ~ t th 1957 State cham- 880 - Coates (P) t Cox (P); standing up for his rights is movelna, Sewage I (SP); Miller (SP); Watts creditable jcb, behmd the plate " ?w,\ng 0 . e, Jefferson (P) 2:06.0 seldom consdierate of the Recreatio (GP); Schank~ (GP); Schutt for the full seven innings.,l PIOUns.t th 2~md h th D'l 880 Relay - Pontiac 1:35.2 rights of others. General. (LE). 22.4, Loser Roger Gramer allowed' SPORTSMEII p 0 e. ~s ~ e~l s hurry ~.~all Extraordi Pole Vault .- Smith (GP); onl :five hits and struck' , were very much In c?ntentlon Strother (GP); Peters (SP); out 12. Rifle rangel. skeet, and had an outs~iJldmg ~pset B'. 0 u r •G u •• t for a F R E E Total ..,.. Mahrle (LE); Van Ryne (LE). trap, and pistol shoot- in the making. But i~ the 220 ,Steam Cabinet MR. Wolverine! ~~ Debt Ser TRIM 9 feet. ~~~v:i~~inG~ ~~~ ~ Pontiacts frob, Manning ~nd Professional For one reason or another, ~me day you may have to i Total Ex Broad Jump-Johnson (GP); Sigurd Wendin Plays Gun shop -carrie_ ••~. Bill Ratcliff proved' ,the Point~ -, •• ;~' •. # HAND MASSAGE move in a hurry 'cross town or 'cross country. Th~n, ~ Lauer (SP); Schanke (GP); f~~P~~~iP~;th~~d erst undoing by, sandwiching ~':JJ/~ be sure to call Wolverine Moving & Storage-we have Krause (SP); Wade (T). 20 Lacrosse at Yale clothing. Telescope i:he Devils Terry ~"Steamboat" 'rR££~.,[\Ga\'. dnd the Trim Financin~ the man-power, facilities and experience to give you feet 2 inches. -- I ~~~~~~t~l~~~'B~i~ ...-:; Donovan between their one- G'\H Cen 1 , Automatic table Estimatec Shot Put - Rehse (LE);.' Sigward Wendin, Cloverly perts on hand .t all' three finish to take' .the lead tor for th~ middle top service quickly, economically. perm Krieg (GP); Krause (SP); road, is a member of the ~~': rlrte ~~'i:,th~; for the first time in the meet; ,,"\..~.. Da\'fO"\ ,.' bulge, reliev,es Surplus] I:?exter (T); Masterson (LE) varsity lacrosse team. at Yale you decide 'on your storm Threaten. '~', \"'~'" r • nervous str~1O VAney 2-4540 Tax Le~ 42' 10%". University. Lacrosse 1S one of hunting equipment. At this PQi.p.t_ominoUs bl~ck '", . 'f. and tension. Total F'ir High Jump-Johnson (GP); six~sports in which Yal~ ath- MAPLE ~l~. 'storm cloudS,' rolled in ,from Clark (GP); Lauer (SP); letes compete at an mter. GROVE 4.;::~ the west ana referee Balough Call for appointment WO~.VERINE Schutt (LE) Schanke (GP). collegiate level during the rushed the last twd"event.-in\ MOVIN~& STORAGE Copil rJ~ ' m \ of the C ' feet 2 inches. spring season. GUN SHOP order to lave the meet :trom ' t ~'IIJ,ID office ho 880 Relay-GPUS (Strother Wendin prepared for .~ale .,t an~ Shootin, Ran,. finishing in a driving rain. "AND rd_ Your agent fM' ~ I. Gillis, Watts, Johnson); St. Exetert v.'here ~e p~rtlCLpated 21-MII. Rd•• t Gratiot Consequentiy Dono'van _h. d - 11850 JULIED E. JEfFERSON ',) Paul; Lutheran East. 1:45.0. in lacrosse, iWImmmg, crew, littl-, tl'm'e to rest up 1"'orn_ the 405. 'Fi.h ... R',o.d ,Bear J:ntrance It Parkin, TUxedo 2-8440 1 GPUS (G'l t . football and track Four .MlIes North otMt. Clemens ~ .. VAN L1N£S,lnc. at 'HART h Medley Re ay- 1. ennIS, '. .' a Urou. Pointer. can take Harper 220 before running hi's 220 leg ,HOURS-5:30 t. 10:30 • Sot. , to 4 Mat. '.rsonn.1 lis, Kevs, O'Brien, Fortune); At Yale, he l~ plannmg .to Beach Hilhwa.y. to U S. 21 of the final 880 relay event Publishl!~ St. Paul; Thurston. 2:58.8. Liberal Arts maJor. I

" t (,

_ __ IIIIIIIIl _ _ _ ~ ;;.,a,, ._.. _ _.._.. ~..-i ....;, oIlIIo.j __ -..lIMIIi __ ,_ _ liIIIIoIoot'Olloll ~iIIIII __ .. I-- -e - - _ . _""'"- --.tr.. tt eo ern tbGxh_ mm._tot np' cbs tr°".'''''''b ... _.-.xtr._ •. ••••• , .• t +mb*bs!bbrb •.• b., __ h h tr ••• 72 • _ , . )

Thursday, May I, 1958 58 G R 0 S SeE, POI N TEN EW S Page Nineteen

• 'R'l G i P" · ing through the section of the In AII-A Students To Be Honored Shores Loses ,Young Cyclist Prepflre .',Pla ns urg ar lVen rzson Term draperies that did not quite F" DC' ,come together, the policemen Michigan State University~""'------~--_--,-_ Lieut. Gabriel Runs into \Car or ay amp. Earl J. Christense-n-,-26-,-of--C-h-rl-.s-te-nsen..was surprised in' s~w <;hrister1Sen busy .piling e will honor 194 students to-' . , --' --, 1~417 Moen art, Detroit,' was the act of robbing the lounge .clgarets .and other loot mto a nl'ght May 1 f h" 11 1958 wmter term, recently , •. it wil be "Anchors Aweigh" 'large suItcase e !:tn- , .' or ac levmg a - completed. . Shores Police Lt. Elmer G. A 10-ye,ar~ul~Detr.'o,'l,:~.::.':.~'J~,W1'th all hands on dec.k when sentenced to from four to fiveat2'a.m. on the February date, '_'__ ' • _ A acadermc averages for the In Iud d' th 1.54 Gabriel 55 of 14'37 B d' ... \' to'. 11. years in Jackson ~is(Jln on b'y..::,:'.'Fa-r,M"'P ..,at'ro1me.n Otto ______. c e m e group are " rys rIVe suffered minor head",a,n..d./..':le.g': the Neigh!borho,od Club Sum- ...... , ffigh- w:P retl'r'" from the f t ' Thutsday, April,.24, 'by Wayne Gla.nert an...d..Do.,..:.-..,d }'l'lon, who students from the state of .l" '" orce 0- injuries OIl Tuesday, April 22; mer Day 'Camp. gets under' t.uu IN n the day May 1 after 33 years of County .Circ,uit, Judge 'C'-ank yv:..'~.r.~..ma'kl'nff...a.....•.~.OU4;nr> ch"'''.k Michigan and 40 out of state. , ). when he ran his bic'Uc,.le~into way starting June 23 and end. £.J.~ ... . q L...... ""- :' WIn service. oJ ~ Fitzgera:1d, who found Chris- ()f"doors. of business places on THE Their names will be placed on their H '11 b . the side ()f a car at Audubon ing July 25. tense.n guilty or! breaking ;;'.n..d 'Ii.....~ck.>The"'..bur'g'lar was spo+' an honor'roll, offering "recog- e WI e carried on the and Vernor.. Two hundred sailors Dnd c: ,LVl.'G> v- POMPEIAN Pavroll untl'} Jul 1 . h th .....~ entering in the night time.. ted when.' t'he' offic'ers were' nition of the highest attain- w' y ,wen e Park police issued .the boy; sailorettes will be sailing the ROOM ment in scholarship." retirement becomes Official, James Thomas of 4262Ken~ 'Seven Seas 'on their :four The man was convicted of 'making th.eirsecond round. because of accumulated leave burgla;rizing Ernie''S Lounge, Glan~J;t'and Pilon became over Local scholars to be recog- t" sington, a juvenil,e ticket :for ships, the Scarlet Shark, the 18744 Mack avenue; on Feb- suspiciouS when they noticed Wood- nized are, Marvel J. Allard, lLllle. failing to stop for a red light. Golden Gull, the Sapphite . 10 mother's daughter of Mr. and M~s. A; C. Lt. Gahriel is a native of He was taken, to Bon Secours Nautilus; and,the Emer:ald;~a ruary . the window d rap e s were Detroit and a graduate of East- hospital for, tI, 'ea'tment of.' a Turtle.' .,_ drawn) whereas, on the first )tte 1 Alla.rd, of 1833 Hawthorne day ern High School.' round, they were open. Peer- road, a senior -majoring in . He started with the Shores bruised head and~eg~ . With the. help or Navy Per- ESQUI R E dinner •.• inclau social science; Sue Himmels- P l' D Police said that the driver sonnel Mary' Vanden' Heuvel No Kindling Ne~ded with o Ice epartment as a motor- of the car, ,MarY A. McCor- y- lIc and 'Chief WarNmt Ot- Enjoy the Whittier's 1 (W) baugh, daughter of the Glenn traditional Mot her's cycle officer, at the age of 23, mick. 26, of 9141 Bed.ford/was ficer Peter Ligeski and Chief THEATRE Day Dinner with your Himmelsbaugh'S, of 1796 Brys on April 1, 1925, and served ' family in the chann- ~arriet FIRE drive, a sophomore and con- in that capacity for 12 years, driving south on.Atidubon, a:ndKathryn McBride. frointhe ' 15311 E. J.fferson Ing Pompeian Roo m . . • delicious appetiz~ ') 6-0; centrating on a business educa- after which the cycles were had the green light in her Uifited States Navy Recruiting .t Be.consfield t'rs. wonderful entrees, I tempting desserts . • ' tion; Sara Novakf daughter of abolished and scout cars in- favor at-the intersection. St~tion, Detroit, 'the progvam VALLEY 2-2870 KIN'DLER troduced.The boy ~Isri~nge~t (>n will be built around a nautic:al eight course din n e r ;parks for Mr. and Mrs. Lewis' Novak, complete with shrimp (W) Sr., of 370 McKinley avenue, the sidewalk on Audubon, and theme. cocktail, 3.50 , • . Fireplace - Grill He was made a sergeant on rode over the C1.1r'J;» without. ' . . .,...; Thurs" Fri.,' Sat. ' served 12:00 noon to a senior majoring in education; January 15 1944. and on De- ' t' d ll'd' d' 'th the ActIVItIes wil In. elude hand- 8:30 ... children's Campfire - Stove May I * 2- 3 Cald- Irene Schiele, the daughter of cember 1,' was' elevated to s op})mg, an co 1 e . WI craft, sottball,hardJb.alI,' and Now Showing portions served. ,Reser- ..eeson Furnace - Stoker . ~ations suggested. the Ludwig Schieles, of 45 lieutenant and assistant fire. cRyr. '. Th : '11 ha to Newcomb Leagues, tennis in-. liThe' Lady Takes Marlon Brand" LIGHT FIRE KINDLER . ' oung omas WI v.e t" t' baIlr oom ' d Weddings, b rea k- Roslyn road, in her final year c~lef (the. Shores ~a.!l a com- appear in Juvenile Court with ~!~c. 10n't k ~ squ~el lichol- then APO FUEL ltt JameIC A. Mtc!lener'. f a s t s. receptions and a home economics major; bmed polIce and fIre depart- h' t UlcUlcmg, vaceveut.s, ~la a Flyer'" ..• all traditional- over and Richard Zuehlke, the son ment) IsThparens. . t h Id events and a special +.;rip.' Lana Turner - Jeff Chandler II ly perfect at the . e woman was no e . ,., (Cinemascope - Color) :'SA YONARA Whittier, l (W) oJ'RI of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Zuehl- Thirty years ago he'married .' The Day Camp runs for flVe Red Buttons ke, of 1835I Hunt Club drive, the former Constance Mont- weeks on Monday, Wednes- "Darby's Rangers" tefior- klNDLER Miyoshl Umekl a freshman in pre - dental gomery of Yprkshire, England. p. u'blz.c." SC' ',ho'ol d'ay aJ:!.dFtI'iday from 9:30-3:30 James (Maverick) Garner. Phil school. They have t.wo daughters, Mrs. for boys and girls ages 6-11. Winner of 4 Aca.demy Awa.rds T)6-0; , (in CineW2:;cope ~ntl Color) Ralph Miles (Nancy J'ane) , 27, A t' D. I d Registration Day is set for of Harper Woods; and Cynthia,.r. . Tuesday, May 13, at 8 p.m. Saturday Matinee [.'inch. CARRY OUT SERVICE tsp. aye . Don .. 14, a ninth grade student at Campers will be registered on Door. Open 1:45 Burns Dr. at the River Parcells Junior School; Itis well w-'o-rt-h-a'trip to the a "first come-first served .." ( T) 6-0; Hi:gh CHINESE and a grandaughter,.,Ciirrie, 1. Center's .second floor exhibi- . VA 2-9000 Sun" Mon., Tues. The Gabriel,s have'been resi- tion roomtll between now and . FREE PARKING LOT [)el May 4 - 5 - 6 FOODS dents of thE: Pointe for, more May 12 to view the delightful I inclau Good Food-Good Reputation than 30 years. and original representative art "best mU 51-C "rhree Coins in y (M) Lt. Gabriel.expressed regret work of public csbJoolstudents HONG KONG in leaving the department which is on display. It is wise - II the Fountain" t Dorothy McGuire .. arriett CLEAN. SAFE. SURE CHOP SUEY where he had many pleasant though, to l>hone ahead to be In 0Wn ' y (M) Convenient Packages of .. associations and made many sure" the rooms are free of "Trapeze" Also Pkg. Cases of 8, 16 or 32 16719 Mack TU 2-0102 friends. meetings.. Kohler-Williams' Burt Lancaster ;parks Between Yorkshire and Bishop Chief Fred Duemling said Imagination has been direct- The Bright and Sharp Duo Gina Lollabrigida 19nton Monday thru Friday the lieutenant will be missed ed into a wide field of art New Dancing Rhythm. Charcoal 12:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sun.. Noon to 9 p.m. and lauded his subordinate's forms to bring about this' good food On. We ..k Starting with Sat. 12:30 to 11 p.m. _many years of services to the varied and co~orful exhibit. richol- , Wednesday, May 7 wkson Shores. He called Lt. Gabriel Beginning with. finger paint- good fan Kindler a fine officer and praised his ings, ,one progressed to base IISayona rail VILLAGE OF abilities in the handling of de- relief murals done with yarn Special Attention to Cesh- . with Marlon :Brando r Dick GROSSE POINTE SHORES partment personnel and in tak- and. fabric. There is a stun" Bowling Parties ') 2-6; ELECTION NO'EICE ing over command when em- ning paper .mosaic, sculpture, Eddy Sh~ph.rd's "Spoiler. of ergencies arose. . 'a truly frightening ebony head To the Qualified Dyer- Lt. Gabriel, So licensed elec- and a delightfully humorous 7909 E, Jeff.non at Va .. Dyke the Forest" Electors of the Village of {ussel1 trian, will still be employed by mask. Ceramics and jewelry VA. 3-1155 Grosse Pointe Shores: ~; 1-6; the Shores as electrical inspec- all have their place. There are, ...... Notice is hereby given tor, a post he has filled for complete stage sets in mIDia.. that the regular annual Vil- Finch- some time when not on duty ture and papier mache an1- Bu.ines. Men'. r Jim lage Election will be held on with the police and fire de- mals lmk behind the doors .I~LAN GAL:E e (M) Tuesday, May 20, 1958 for partment. or bask on the window sills. Lunch.on. the purpose of electing a FRAN WARREN President, three Trustees, Evening Dinners TIm LLS ARNOLD and a Clerk for regular two Wedding DUNHI DOV.R • year terms. In Notice is, also given that Lavigne. Auto Sales I Breakfasts 1 B_1JY_._Y_O_:ml_Tl_CKETS N_O_W_.__ I the polling place for the said IN OUR 26TH YEAR A Family Banquets election will be at the Ver- ~e nier School, 36 Vernier Hudson • Rambler • Metropolitan Distributed by RESTAURANT OpM Sundays in as Road, Grosse Pointe Shores, Sales Gnd Service 'ointe MiChigan. The polls for the '"Home of Famous Banana Cream Pi. said election will be open Mcintosh We 'Also Service Nash Car Your Hosts: PETER and DAN MASOURAS "A firosse Pointe Tradition" ~n he from 8 o'clock A.M. until 8 Serving All of Gross. Pointe [lday, COAL CO. o'clock P.M. Eastern Stand- Our New Phone Numbey.-VA. 3-2022 tst as YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR 11850 Kercheval ard Time, We Specialize In No connection with any other Cuplci'. Re.taurant rojans Detroit 14. Mich. Clifford B, Loranger, jar-so VAlley 2-8500 Vil!age Clerk. Hudson & Nash Used Cars ]2230 E. Warren Ave., at Corner / ontri- 14201 E. Warren, at Newport VAlley 2.3459 Appearing' Sunday! 'TO 11 P.M. arrier Combines Fine Food with F;ne Entertainment ith a Bess Bonnier All Slar three featurin.g ~ t~Ow APPEARING hits Jazl Quintette vils' JOHN DeVITA, Trumpet BOB HAND, Druma RED RAY, Alto Sax' ..' NICK FIORE, Bus ,AL NAVARRO AJpJ.-/~ . ~ES6 BONNIER.,Plaao r~) , Shoes AND HtS SOCIETY ORCHESTRA Little Wally's Musi« Designed for Yo~ for Infants and Children CUSTOM MADE SHADES M'ack at Maryland. 2 Block. I. of Alter , Listening ~nd Dt!n

seen Notice of Public Hearing Mr. ON Watches - Diamonds e Bud Wil- PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 1958.1959 VA 2-8509 Mrs. 14933 KERCHEVAL elan~ Notice is hereby given that, a pUbfic .hearing on the Near Alter raet- proposed budget for the fiscal year begmmng July 1, 1958 and ending June 30 1959 will be held in the CIty Hall, 90 Kerby Road on Monday, May 12, 1958 at 8:00 p.m. . The following is a summary of the proposed budget. Proposed ~udget ts Expense Appropriation ELITE BEAUTY SALON CITY OF A~cistra tive ,.., $ 1~5d1~~~~ P~l1ce , , , 129 916.57 lolher's Day Personalized Hair ~~li~'. ViC;;k~"::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 274:i5~. 70 Special Sewage Pumping , ,...... 39, 4 .0: Cubin« 7 Lanolin Permanent Wave Recreation-Pier Park .., ,...... 60,58.7 by General , ,.... 170,697.44 . ONLY Extraordinary , '.." ,...... i75,800.00 Mr. Rudolph . Our Reg. '10 $15.00 Mr. Cartier Total : ; :., ,$1,1 Price ~~'r~~'i~ O,Pen Thur. & Frio Evr., Debt SerVIce , 0 , •• , :..... " Council Meeting' Postponed to Total Expense , , : ',.., $1,207,4&3.55 1013 Aller Rd. at E. Jeff. VA2.7441 ~n, ve The Grosse Pointe. Farms Council Financing . ou Estimated Revenues-state shared, :fmes, Complete FUR permits, licenses, iees, etc , $ 234,500.00 meeting of May 5, 1958, is postponed to Surplus reappropriated , . 91,170.05 . ." STORAGE 881,793.50 Alterations Tax Le\(Y , , ' , ' , .. May 12, 1958, on accounl.of'Mayors Ex- Cleaning. glazinlf ., .. ;.... Ladiel' • Men'. and .insurance, Total Financing $1,207,463.55 We convert double-breasted '8.00 rVal. $100). , ,change Day., I ui t lto lingle-breasted No charge ft?r rips. models. <', •.. ~ Restyling any type fur. Copies of the proposed ~ud:get an; filed i~ the officp. of the City Clerk tor publIc inspectlon durmg regular MINK IPECIALISTI office hours. DAWSO.N F. NACY .J:aCrijt'J COMPLETE FUR SERVlC,J: DAWSON F. NACY , CITYCLERK C. GOUNARIS CI'IT CLERK . . CL!~NERS • TAlLO'S EXCLUIIVE FURRIER CITY OF GROSSE POINTE FARMS 904 Ch.II.... n VA 1-'-06J ,oat Ch.lm.n . VA 1..~063 Publillhed 1ft tJrone Pointe. News' -.1:.-B8 NEXT TO HEALY'S Published in G.P. News-5-1-58. *-. ~. .. -s: .. ". , ~. . ..- NEXT TO HEALY'S EST.I'iS

., " " \ -,

, I _ • Ed _.r .« ,..cd « se 'g S' tt '. « rr.ew s • err. em 2 r •• '. sOnr rra ••• e rrm __ r __ •• d r s rrim ,;,S' e .rr. Cr. ce .' ••. - ., • -. w, - , .. "-1 ~.- .... - _. ')0 '.'

Page Twenty GROSSE POINTE, NEWS Thursday I May I.' 1958 ' Thursd

Pvt. David Urban attended Wayne State Univ-, - Richard.P.T.A.Meels ~ay 6 Cubs to Stage IPark' toPlanl To 'ShO\l7 Movies ersity. He is, a member of Tau Ends Basic'Training. Kappa. Epsilon and Delta The Richard School Parent Itractively and informatively Pinewood Derby. 40 New Trees Of.Chjna, Ja,pan Sigma Psi fraternities. SPECIAL., Teacher Associatian will hald prepared by te!achers and chil- FOR T LEONARD WOOD, dren Pocket knives, files and ' The Park will replace' 40 Dr. E..S. Smyd 'f'hose movies its final meeting of the 1957~ . 11 t t't; I Mo. (AHTNC)-Pvt. David, E. 3 Doys Only-Thurs., Fri" Ir Sot. An exce en' oppor 001 Y IS sandpaper, se<:rets, and old~ trees destroyed. by disease', or have:been much' enjoyed' on Urban, son of Mr. and Mrs. 58 school year on Tupsday eve- l being presented for parents fashioned e1bow grease will the elements, at a cost 'of I; television will show his pic~ Edward C. J. Urban, 241. Hi1l~ . ning, May 6, at 8 o'clock. and teachers to discuss briefly m€et the test when Cub Scout $3,200. \ . i tures of Hong Kong, Kow looti crest, 'Grosse Pointe, Mich., OU5.1 After a brief business meet- the wark of the child!en. The Pack 86 send their racers The Park council on Mon- and Japan at the Grosse Pointe recently completed basic com~ ing in the auditorium the occasion oo'~es durl~g. t~e s~ooting down the ramp to day, April 28, approved ex- War Memorial :firee of charge, bat training. at Fort Leonard YOUR AD parents will adjourn to the commemoratIon of MIChl~a? VIctory or defeat. penditure of the sum when it on Monday evening, May 12, at Wood, Mo. several classrooms for an open week and many orf the actIv~-'1 The first Grosse Pointe awarded the cont,ract for the 8, o'CIQf:k.' , . ' ".' Urban is a 1955 graduate of CLASSI. house. Bulletin boards and dis- ties are ariented toward thIS Pinewood Derby will be hel~ project to the lowest bidder. Dr. Smydpoints out that Grosse Pointe High School and play cases have been at- \ theme. on Saturday, May 3, at 10 a.m. Only three firms submitted this "showing wIll be much Charge Ads. I at Trombly School. A ramp bids foOrthe work. more' effective than on tele- will be erected on the play- . All the replacements are of Cash Ads- vision becat1sethe color will ground' where .tJhe Cubs will the hard maple species and be seen and with. no time limit, .Jefferson Avenul 5c each'CI race the wooden seven-inch measure from three and a half the pietur~s may ,~e s'hoWn in model racers that they have to four inches in diameter and Notice of Auction Sale their entirety. B,aplist Church made. will cost $80 each. Same of the TUXEC This has been the April. I trees will be planted in front Dr, Smyd's movies will show 13331 E. J.Henon at Lakeview Conducted by project created by the boys of new homes where there the colorful teeming life af 3 TI' Hong Kong and Kowloon Hom., J. A.rmstrong, Minister with the help of their fathers are no trees. . LINER The Department of Public Safety and the Den pal'ents. The win- Twen!y-two trees WI~ be overcrowded with 2,500,00() David W. Bishop, Minis •• r refugees from Red China. You ner in each of the nine Dens located ill spots throughout the MORNING WORSHIP CUNNINGHAJ will receive a silver cup. city to' replace that number will rickshaw through the ---- BEEF RAVIOLI 16941 Kercbfl of the . . lost last year. . marts of ihis remaining busiest SUl1.day. 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. !W1II1II""""1II1l111J1II1II1I"1II1111111J1J1II1I1I1II1II11II1I1I1J1II1II"1I1~ or TU 5-9698 At the Pack. meetmg on The money for the project outpost of the British Empire CHURCH SCHOOL HARKNESS P W.ednes~ay, AprIl 30, t.he cars will be expended from the City of Grosse Pointe Woods and you will be taken to the ,SUnday, 9:t5 s.m.. i LAKESIDE I 20313 Mack WIll b€ Jud~ed ~or stylmg and Capita.l Improvement Fund. ' extremely informal baseball Cheese Ravioli 'ru 4-3100 workmanshIp WIth awards for 15V2 Oz. Cons atmosphere of a Chinese Opera IUNITY CENTER I KINSELS RE: UNCLAIMED, LOST AND FOUND, AND each Den winner. Some men stand by their where people gossip away 17051 Kerch Bill Court, Jim Kurtz and convictions ...-and are, dead set happily while ,the performance ; 20760 Mack Ave. I 00 TO 15-4827 CONFISCATED ARTICLES Willard Solenberger will judge on their c'.>nc1usions. for is in progress' and vendors ~ Near 8 Mile - G. p. \1,'00&1 ~ 3 $1 OF PERSONAL PROPERTY the event. ------..,.--.-- hawk their wares up and lA-PERSO dawn the, ai~Jes in' competition ~ Devotioncrt Servlcua ~ at Jefferson Av-.!nue Sunday • 11 :00 a.m. NEED a bat A Pubiic Auction will be held on Saturday, May 3, 1958, First English Presbyterian to the singers. nursemaid; at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoan. Eastern Standard Time, 'In Japan the Smyd's film Midweek Serviceu Church Wednesday - 8 p.m. hour, day at the Department of Public Safety. 20763 Mack Avenue, will show what a high living ity help a- Ev. Lutheran 867.5E. Jefferson at Burn!! Grasse Pointe Woads. Michigan, in accofg.ance with the Across from Whittlel Hotel standard has been achieved \ Instruction Clanes 11JJ-IIIt6 ten Club, Pravisions of Ordinance No. 159 of the City af Grosse 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. since the' destructiOn wraught Thursday - 11 a.m., 1 p.m. Church " , Pointe Woods, for the disposition of the followinp; un~ Guest Preacher in World War II. Especially EXPERT S, Vernier Road at Wedgowood Dr. Robert D. Swanson interesting will be. a'. visit to OIAL-A-PRA YER massage. claimed lost and faund. and/or confiscated artic1€s af "Bewar,e of Barga1ns" personal property in the hands of the Department of Drive, Grosse Pointe Woods the Mikimoto Pearl industries , TU 4~0412 ment. Lad' 9:30, ll:00-Church School where thf?Ywere the guests of pointment. .Public Safety of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods, toO-wit: Good Rea.ding' E Rev. Eve Edeen, Minister ~ 11t1l,ltet Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Ministers: the 'Vice~President Yokohama. Allan A. Zaun TUxedo 4-5230 355 Fisher Rd. TU 2.5100 HOW T( 2 -7:10xI5 tubel~ tires and wheels Church Worship 11 a.m. Arnold G. Fredricltsen for the I I Little white liesbften leave CONVALE 3 - 6.70x15 tubeless tires and wheels Clinton W. Lowrie ~1I,"lIl11l1lJ1lifillllllJlllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfi TUxedo 4-5862 Organist: Robert Hawksley black and blue marks on repu- Whole Family I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;';';;;"------' If you have t 22 - Boy's bicycles tations. ,1ecting a sui< 6 - Girl's bicycles CITY OF home far fE 2 - Child's Junior 3~wheel~d b~cycles You are cordially invited to attend ... Time is money-so if you send for ire< 2 - Vacuum cleaners (upright) kill time, it and the money are • News • Facts obligation. T 1- Vacuum cleaner (tank type) I gone forever. to' the East ( 105- Vacuum deaner belts (Hoover) Sixth Church of Christ, Grosse Pointe Park which is ope; Pointer at 1- Vacuum cleaner fan blade (Hoover) GROSSE POINTE 31- Vacuum cleaner bags (Hoover) • Family Features Boulevard. T Scientist, Detroit METHODIST CHURCH Jefferson A'\ 37- Vacuum cleaner brush fillers (Hoover) ------...... ------.... DepartmelJl1t of Supply Th. !".hrlltlon Sclence,Monitor . Water 211 Moross Road way betwee. 1- Automotive visor valet 14710 Kercheval, bet, Manistique and Ashland On. Norway St'l Boston 15, Mass. 9:30 a.m. - Morning Worsh1p, and dawntow :hm:ch School for Nursery, Tiny s.nd your newspoper for the time All items shall be sold to' the highest bidder f'Or cash Sunday Services - 10:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. thewclock nv Infaut.s Room Open for 10 :30 Service. Tots, Kindergarten. Primary and checked. Enclosed find mv check or maintained \ payment. Junior Depts. money order. I 't'ear' $I 8 0 Schedule of Rates 10:30 a.m. - Adult Bible. CI..s•• q,tet1ncsday Evening 'l'est1moniaJMeet1ng-8:oo p.rn.. 6 months $9 0 3 months $"1.50 0 nurse in cha 11:15 a.m. _. Morning Worship, of the boo}.; Dated: April 17. H}58. READING ROOM - 16348 EAST WARREN Church School for Nursery. Tiny Wednesday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday 2 to 4:30 P.lL Tots, Kindergarten. Pr1mary, In- I. Rates for Wa'.er S~rvic. and Sewage Disposal 8~0436 or Vi Grosse Pointe Woods, Man .. Tues .. Thurs .. FrL and Sgt. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. termediate and Senior Depts. Nome First 100,000 cubic feet per quarter Michigan. REV. HUGH C. WHITE, Pastot SWEDISH n Addre .... .$1.95 per 1,000 cubic feet. your hom( HELEN D. THOMAS CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS Director of Christian Education Excess over 100,000 cubic feet per quarter Beauty Sf: THE GROSSE POINTE BAPTIST CHURCH City Zone State .1 W. H. LANGE, TUxedo 1-1888 $1.80 per 1,000 cubic feet. me,nt. TUx1 Baseline at Mack, Grosse Pointe Woods PB.16.A City Administrator. The above includes a water storage charge of 25c 1_ENTER1' Heartil'y i1tvites )'0/1. to attend Sunday Services per 1.000 cubic feet af water consumed and & AARO:-, OLDEST IN WOODS sewage disposal charge at the rate of 3Se per 1,000 cubic feet of water consumed. The above ATTRI CITY OF I0:00 A.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL Music does not include a separate additional demand A-l Orches1 II :00 A.M.-MORNING WORSHIP 21001 Moros5 Rd. at Harper ' charge for non-oonservjng type, ¥,rater cooled, air B 6:00 P.M.-EVENING WORSHIP Pastor I. Arthur McAsh ~ conditioning equipment. Call us now , ~ WE and summer (tjrO!lSt 1l'ointtfallnS . 10:00 a.m. Mornmg Worship I II. Meter Services: TO 5-2990 Dr. Dale Ibrie, Minister I11:20 a.m. Sund~y School ~

. $1.00,per quarter 7 :30 p.m. Even1ng Service ~ %" Meter ORCHESTRA DELIVER 3/4" Meter $1.00 per quarter wedding re, ~ SUMMARY OF MINUTES All Welcome . ~ ON FAMILY ORDERS I" M€ter $1.00 per quarter :;atile, prof~ 1]i~" Meter $2.50 p€r quarter Carlos Ri', APRIL 21, 1958 OF $5.00 OR OVER 2" Meter $2.50 'per quarter VA 2-9226. ~~ 3" Meter Meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. $2.50 per quarter 2A-MUSIC 4" Meter $2.50 per quarter Present on roll call: Mayor Williiam F. Connolly, Jr., . Open T hurs, and Fri~ INSTR' Cauncilmen Henry E, B'Oeve~ages ~y BirdsEye ,INear ST. CLAIR MEN-FO! mmors, and an ordman<:e reguliCltmg smoking In publIc 6-0:1, Jar 1.09. places where smoking would be hazardous. l\.lseOur Drive-In Window S men to tr: PREMIUM FL~'..VOR positions in 1 The City Manager was instruded to ascertain' if a Hillis Jar national l lubrication pit could be installed in the Mechanic's Shap Green Peas . . . • . 3 for 49c $500 to $1200 at the Public Works ~arage, and if he found that the 10-Oz, Pkgs. Coffee installation would be feasible. to prcceed with the work. your nstruc' Brocolli Spears . • .. 2 for 49c l~Lb. Can, took for the Sign Earn while The proposed 1958-59 budget was submitted to the 10-Oz. Pkgs. SSe of Good Saving, Servlee into lifetime mem bel'S of the Council for consideration. incom€ and ( The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. B. VOl You can always be sure of QUALITY ,FOODS "' Vtrbrugge's TUXE WILLIAM f. CONNOLLY, JR. iiAWSON F. NACY Mayor City Clerk YOUNG MAJ FREE FREI 2 days a Published in Grosse Pointe News May 1, 1958 DELIVERY DELIVERY hour. Box New ..


hM--- ...... __ a.. Ch. n .2 emn be he Thursday, May I, 1958 Twenty-one - L 11: Sat.

YOUR AD CAN IE CHARGED ~e - Thre. Trunk Li!'les to Serve You quickly CALL TUxedo 2.-6,900 Thr•• Tr... k Lines +0 Serve !ou 9uickly !)EADLINE 4 P.M. TUESDAY 4-HELP WANTED CLASSI FIED RATES 5-sITUATION WANTED 6-FOR RENT- 61-Rooms For Rent . 7-WANTED TO. RENT 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES fOR SALI MALE and FEMALE ( UnfurnishecU BUSINESS ,or professional ------_.. Charge Ads-IS words for $1.00 LANDSCAPING, grass cutting EXECUTIVE and wife want DOG KENNEL shirpping crate, FIVE PIECE silver tea set, man i1i restricted neighJbor- Cosh Ads-I S words for 90c A SMART \A/OMAN and yard maintenance. RAy- APARTMENT on Cadieux b\- good unfurnished two or 32" long, 20" wide, 24" high. $35, TUxedo 4-4230. mond 5.0456. tween Harper and Morang. hood. Semi- private bath. three bedroom duplex or TU 1-5221. 5c each ('Idditional word 25 to 50, interested in ohang': Living room, bedroom, bath, Private home. Some privi- lhous.e in Grosse Pointe area. NINE PIECE mahogany dining EXPERIENCED gardener and ing profession or earning for and kitchen alcove. Stove, leges. VAlley 3.2018. References furnished. TR FORMAL antique sofa, mi.rror room sui t e. 7 foot over. Call first time. Sales manage-. "around the house" worker. refrigerator, heat, hot water 5-9500, ext. 325, beginning stuffed daven.port. TUxedG ATTRACTIV'ELY furnished ta:ble, chair, trunk, bric-a- ment opportunity with com- TUxedo 5-6369. and pa~king furnished. $85 May 5, 5~1513. TUXEDO 2-6900 room with private. bath for brac, China, books, Mason pany dealing in services. per. mon th, no lease. TU jars, VA 1~9843. 3 Trunk Lines SA-SITUATIONS WANTED 5-6523. single . person in Farm~' MOTHER and w~ll behaved 'EXCEPTIONAL VALUE Flexible hours. Use of car DOMESTIC helpful. Social background home. Close to park and bus children 16, 14 and 9 need MAN'S summer suit, tall, like Complete room of children's LINER STATIONS NEFF LANE, 2 bedr~m ter- [Lines.Some household privi- as important as business ex- NEAT, . experienced colored 3 bedroom flat with stove new. ot1).er clothes. TU map 1e furniture, including race; completely carpeted, l~ges. Optional baby sitting' and refrigerator. Convenient 5-0833. twin beds, night table, dresser (UNNINGHAM DRUGS perience. Call girl desires work. Excellent ILl 16941 Kercheval at Notre Dame 25 feet of closets. Air-condi-' in return for rent. TU 5-4284. to Grosse Pointe schools and bl Iwith mirror, desk-chest, chair TU 5-9698 TUxedo 2-1916, 9 to 5, worker and ironer - not tioned, private basement, transportation. By July 1st.' 3 WIDDICOMB end tal ~, and ecstumer. Dr ape r i e s, afraid or! work. WA 5.8861. garage. Adults only, $150. 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT HARKNESS PHARMACY VAlley 4-8409, evenings. l~)Ve seat, .excellent con~- spreads and lamps included, 4 A-HELP WANTED- TUxedo .4-3207. bon. TUxedo 1-2738. oli 20313 Mack Ave. at LochmoO'~ COLORED lady wishes day Sa~e on office rent and travel. FAMILY of four would like 3 'rUxedo 4-2342. 'I'U 4-3100 DOMESTIC work Tues., Fri., Sat. Also, Move your. desk or room WHITE woman, experienced, GROSSE POINTE GARDENS bedroom house in Grosse COMPLETE 1baIby equipment. FULL SIZE CELLO in good KINSELS walls washed by room. WA space to Grosse Pointe. to assist with gener-~l house- Nr. Hudson's Eastland, ,Pointe school district. Two Draperies, monk's cloth and condition. Reasonable. Call 17051 Kercheval at S1. Cla11' 3-4795. I pairker, tuxedo 5-0448. TU 5-4827 work and children. Stay full Kin g s v i 11e, 2.,14 0 1 - children, llh and 5, well be- fortisan Ironing board, dress- weekdays between 9 and 3, Extremely attractive large haved. Best .of references. ing table, double mahogany TUxedo 1-1031. or part time. 'l"uxedo 2-5694. IRONING neatly done in my GROSSE POINTE 1 and 2 hedroom apts~ with bed, card table, eiderdown 1A-PERSONALS home; experienced, reason- 18136 MAJCKAVE, full size din. rm. and sep. Call CApitol 3-5100, Ext. quilt, step-stool, to a s t e r, LARGE ANTIQUE CHEST o.! EXPERIENCED white woman a.ble. White. TU 2-1Q36. Air conditioned offices for NEED a baby sitter? Reliable ,kitchen; Ige.. closets, cross 2113, Mr. Brehm. miscellaneous linens. TUx- dralWers partly ready to re. from Grosse Pointe area rent. New building, telephone EXPERIENCED LADY.'wishes. ventilation, free parking, edo 5-8978. finish, $40, TUxedo 4-4982. nursemaids a v ail a b 1e by .with Grosse Pointe refer- and answering service avail- work by day or wee;k, clean- new decorations, adults. 7A-ROOM AND BOARD hour, day or week. Matern- ences for 4 days cleaning able. Call Mon. through Fri. ing . or baby sitting,., .TY 'Mgr. TIT. 4-1641, 1 blk; E. of SAND as it comes from dunes HOT POINT electric stove. ity help available. The Sit- wee k 1y. 9:30-3:30, $28.00, TU 2-2593. FOSTER HOMES needed for of Lake Michigan for chil- 7-8812. 7 Mi. Rd. (Morass) 3 blks. Used about two years, $60.00. ters Club, PRescott 7-0377. TUxedo 5-4355. . pre-teen and te.en-age chil- dren's sand boxes, 50 lbs. S. of HaI'per: TUxedo 5-0346. EXPERIENCED ..lady wishes DOCTOR'S SUITE in new air- dren. Grosse Pointe - st. $1,25 delivered. TOwnsend EXPERT Swedish corrective HOUSEKEEPER. Must be ex- conditioned building. Cen- day work. Grosse Pointe PHILIP, near Jefferson. Cheer- Clair Shores area preferred. 8-1641. FLOWERED DRAPERIES,. 6 massage. One hour treat- perienced and like children. tra! Grosse 'Pointe location. references. WA 5-8460. :ul upper; den, sunroom, 2 TUxedo 5-2656, Mrs. Stew- pair, lined; excellent condi- ment. Ladies only. By ap- New modern home complete (TU 2-2593 Monday through bedrooms, gas heat, fire- art. ¥social worker. , 'I1RUNK, full siZe, haniging and tion, TUxedo 4-6194. t pointment. VA 2-7475. with eve r y convenience. Friday) drawers. Excellent for col- Your own 2 room apartment GIRL wishes 2 days. Refer- place, gar'age. EDgewater ences. Call evenings, after lege and travel, $20. Oil WHITE sewing machine, $li )100 plus bath with view of lake. 1-2101. MACCABEES Building, mod- _ARTICLES FOR SALE HOW TO SELECT A 7 p.m. 'rR 2-6691. burner, gun type, Sun Ray. Mantle Clock $6., Tier Top Recent local rderences re- ern furnished 3 room office. CONVALESCENT HOME - - BEACONSFIELD, bet wee n CHINA capinet and buffet, 12 m<>nths use. All new con- Table $8., Coffee Table $10., - quired. TUxedo 1-0999. Reasonable. TEmple 3-0307, If you have the problem of se- RIDFINED colored lady wishes J'efferson and St. Paul. 5 walnut, priced reasonable. trols. Up to 180,000 BTU's. Dressing Table &: Stool $12., 3 days. WiH prepare eve- days, LOraine 8-1218, eve- Mah. Desk $30., Ladies Desk lecting a suitable convalescent BABY SITTER wanted. Ma- room lower flat or upper PRescott 8-9099. Like new, $25. TUxedo ning meals or keep ohildren nings. $16. End Step Table $5. Nee- home for relative or friends, ture, experienced, references. with carpeting, gas he at. 5-5250. 3 nights. 'References. TE . dIe Point Wall Hanging $35.• send for free booklet without Days and nights. Prefer own Excellent condition, adults. 6D-RESORT PROPERTY AUTO DRIVERS-Only $9.16 obligation. Telephone or write 3-6566. TUxedo.5-7740, evenings. q,u art e r 1y buys $10,000- COATS, dresses, ;;;i z 9 36-42; Mexican Throw Rug $10., transportation. E a s t side. Hats, fur scarf, like new. Oil Painting $10., Relax-O- to the East Grand Rest Home VAlley 1-8499. $20,000 BOdily Injury 'and RELIABLE colored woman LAKEWOOD, 4193, Executive COTTAGE for rent. Very pri- Also furniture and rugs. Nerve Couch $65., Baby Bug- which is operated by a Grosse wishes 3 or 4 days. Refer- vate, over 200 feet sandy $5,000 Property Damage Li- Pointer at 130 East Grand WANTED -Woman for gener- 'couple, upper 6 rooms, auto- ability. TU 1-2376. LOrain 8-2974. gy ,$8., Underwood Type- ences. WA 3-7305. lakefront. 3 bedrooms, na- writer $14. Wales Adding Boulevard. This is located near al housework and laundry matic gas heat, side drive, garage, adults. tural fireplace. 15 miles past HAND MACHER suits, size 11. Machine $24" Cement Mixer Jefferson Avenue about half one day a week. East side. C LEA N I N G WOlman, also Port Huron. June, July Aug- TRADE-IN sofas and chairs. Yellow shortie coat, excel- VAlley 1-8499. washing and ironing; Mon- with %-H.P. Motor, $48. 274 way between Grosse Pointe HARCOURT. Lower flat, 2 ust, $600. TUxedo 1-8904. All in nice condition. Rea- lent for this. season. Hemp McKinley, TU 2-5922. day, Tuesday and Friday. and downtown Detroit. Round- EXPERIENCED German or bedrooms, French doors to sonably priced. Van Uphol- rug for terrace. TUxedo the-clock nursing service is TR 5-6389. CAPE COD. Monument Beach. Belgian woman, la~mdry and screened terrace, Ilh baths. stering Co., 13230 Harper. 1-7628. D~C;AN PHYFE mahogany maintained with a registered ,. ---- You must see it. VA 8-0223. Water-front beautifully fur- Open 9 'til 9. dmmg room table, pads 6 cleaning, 2 days a week. CATHOLIC high whool girl nished 5 bedroom home with VOSE grand piano. Good con- nurse in charge. For a copy TUxedo 4-0227. Call after 3. chairs, b u f f e t. TUx~do of the book, phone LOrain desires s'ummer work as boat and private beach. Su- dition, $250. TUxedo 2-4236. 2-5970. • mother's helper. at your cot- VACUUM BARGAINS :11 8-0436 or VAlley 1-1704. perb sailing and fishing, HOUSEKEEPER, white, for tage or home. TU 4-5424. Reb~ilts 1 year guarantee ANTIQUE Spanish table, 3 ft. young man and 3 year old GROSSE POINTE WOODS dock facilities close by. FORMAL, size 7, worn once Hoovel' w/beatera $16.95-$49.95 long. Wire flower stand. Oc- SWEDIS.H massage given in daughter. Live in. Village. VERNIER ROAD 2052 Season or month. TU 1-7318. cost $45 sell for $15. TUxedo I GERMAN woman wants d'9-Y Rebuilt Eurekas $19.95-$34.95 casional chair, tennis rackE!'t, 4-5741- your home. Call Medley's E x c e 11 e n t references re- work, laundry or cleaning. Deluxe duplex, tiled basement, Rebuilt G.E.'s $19.95-$24.95 Beauty Shop for appcint- llh garage. f.mmediate posses- SUMl\IIER' HOME, Can a d a, Rebuilt Royals $21.95 Tuxoo0-38, Man's summer quired. Reoply to Box H-200, Oall. after 5 p.m. LA 1-4245. Lake Erie. 30 minutes from Late Models, assort. makes $14.95 CONTEMPORARY sofa. love ment. TUxedo 4-2140.. sion, $135. Beach and park formal 38, glider, tv.rJ.n iron Grosse Pointe News. seat, wing chair, desk: mir- LADY WILL SET with chil.; privileges. tunnel. 4 bedrooms. Level HARPER VACUUM bed. TUxedo 2-0081. 1B-ENTERTAINMENT sandy beach safe for chil- Authorized Eureka, Hoover Dealer ror and r~king chair, all S-SITUATION WANTED dren or shut-in. Days, eve- SCHNEIDER SALES and SERVICE ANTIQUE Ivory twin bed, nings. Reference. TUxedo 5- TUxedo 4-0442 dren. Completely furnished. French Provincial. TUxedo Boat, motor, $22,000. TO NEW - REBUILTS - PARTS complete dresser, night 4-3652. AARONSON ACE BOOKKEEPING and typing 7938, TUxedo 5-7855. 17176 E. WARREN. at CADIEUX ATTRACTIONS service done effici~ntly. 714 NEFF .road. Upper 5 room 4-1800 evenings. TU 1-1122 OPEN 10 TO 7 stand, $3C; Hudson vacuum Your office or mine. Call RELIABLE, middle-aged white flat, including heat, TUxedo, cleaner. $5; pale blue chaise REFRIGERATOR, Kelvinator, ~v1usicUnlimited FOR RENT by the season, May excellent mechanical condi. A-I Orchestras-Combos- TU 1-9551. woman wants w{>rk by day .5-5007, or TUxedo 5-1411. CHINA, furniture, rugs, an- lounge, light wood French or week. Home nIghts. TUx- 15 to Sept. 15. Sand Point tiques, m.i5(.'el1aneous,bought frame, $15; French Provin- tion, $40. TUxedo 2-4432. Bands EXPERT BOA T refinisher between Oaseville and Bay Call us now for your spring edo 2-0181- and sold. Majestic Furniture, cial lounge chair, $15. All in wishes weekend work. VAl- JEFFERSON & CADIEUX Port. 2:Jhhr. drive from De- OIL FIRED water h eat e r; and summer musical affairs, 10227 Woodward, TOwnsenp. excellent condition. 32 Har- small w.a 1nut Victorian ley 4-8538. GIRL WISHES 3 days or troit. 4.bedroorp. conrtempo- 6-2500. bor Hill. TO 5-2990 TO 9-2517 week's work cleaning, iron- Beautiful location, .~ bedroom rary, 3 years old, beautiful chairs, need repair; 12" tele- HOMES trimmed and painted. terrace unit. Av.arl.lablearound beaoh and surroundings. All ANTIQUE 3f4 bed and vanity vision; high ehair. TUxedo ORCHESTRAS for d a n c e s, ing. $6.50 and car fare. WA DRAPERIES, made tQ order • Window glazing. and caulk- JtU1~ 1. Gara:ge, refrigerator, utili-ties except electric. call 4-1639. wedding receptions, etc. Ver- 3-7353. by a professional. Guaran- living room chair with down ing. VAlley 1-4127. stove, $175. WOodward 1~3570, TU 5-7900. satile, professionaL $78 up. teed. TUxedo 1-5210. cushions, ice skates and CHINESE RUG, 9x12, dark EXPERIENCED German wo. or TUxedo 2-4485. other miscelkneous Items Carlos Rivera Orchestras, STORMS removed, windows man wishes housework or FOR SALE: Algonquin Lake, blue background. Excellent Can be seen Friday or Satur- VA 2-9226. "/ashed, s ere e n ~ put up, cleaning, DRexel 1-9110. LAMPS, Shades, Chandeliers, oondition. KEnwood 2-2285. MOROSs ROAD, 20640-20642. near Hastings, M i chi g an, day, May 2 and 3, between awnings hung, eavestrough lakefront 4 apartment build- Fixtures .. Lamp parts, custom 2A-MUSICAL cleaned, wall washing and 14-YEAR-OLD girl would like Newly decorated 5 room 1 shades, lamp mounting; re- 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., at 1083 4 SEATED wooden sWing, on lower and 4 roOm upper. ing, furnished. Ex c e 1 e nt rollers. 216 Lakeland. INSTRUCTION painting. VAlley 1-4127. baby sitting weekends. VA rental, also ideal as hunting pairing. Best selection of lamps , Bedford, Grosse P~inte Park . 4-8486. S~parate gas furnaces. Call lodge; landscaped, boa t s, and shades in town. VICTOR,IAN fiddlebaC'k chair , SAVAG~ 18') reel type mower, VIOLIN INSTRUCTIONS by a HANDY MAN around house; evenings. TUxedo 5-701? good fishing and swimming. Lamps by Martin new tIres, runs good, $25. symphonic violinist 25 years odd jobs, general h 0 use EXPERIENCED colored girl leather top cocktail table , BEACONSFIELD, upper flat, Situated in the. heart of the 14637- 41 . Kercheval, corner Argus 35 mm. camera with teaching experience, TUxe- cleaning, yards, basements; wishes week work or days. mahogany bed, minor, por- north of Mack. 6 bright largest southern r£~ and Manistique, VAlley 2-815l. case, $17.50. 887' Lincoln do 2-2341. painting. References. TYler With ref ere nee s; home table washing machine, elec- 8-6818. nights,. WO 4-0012. rooms, 3 bedrooms. Auto- hunting area. EM 3-5632.. tric roaster, portable gas ' road, TUxedo 5-0470. matic heat. and hot water. PIANOS - ORGANS. New and e 2B-TUTORING plate. Miscellaneous bric-a- FATHER & SON, yard work; GIRL .Wants days, ironing Garage. $90. For refined FURNISHED. Pointe Aux Bar- & CRIB, large size, Kroll, birch: use d. Thiry Jewelry brac. TUxedo 4-7032, after and painting, window clean- cleanIng. $?50, ~ a r far e , adult family. No pets. Avail- .ques, Michigan. 7 bedroom, complete, $12. TUxedo 1. COMMUNITY Piano Company,' 20756 Mack. 5 p.rn. ing, odd jobs. Call after 5. G~osse POI:llte references. ahle May 15. TUxedo 5-3595. 3 bathroom cottage. I Com- Op'en FrIday until 9. 6573. TUTORING SERVICE , I • pletely furnished. Includes PR 6-7928. T ..ler 8-0674. ROTARY lawn mower, 18' 1 PAIR mahogany inlaid wood MRS. LOUIS MARICK, DIRECTOR HARCOURT near Jefferson. 2 linens .. From J'une 15 to DO IT YOURSELF Reo, excellent condition JOB WANTED as an experi- EXPERIENCED lady wishes bedrpom, 1:Jh bath, gas heat, August 1st. Mrs. Chas. Ten- . curio cabinets at $160 each. Tutoring by degree teachers avail. • CABINETS Reasonable. 405 Roland Ct. enced butler or chauffeur. .baby sittint or light house- adults, 2 car garage. VAlley ney, 60 Farmington Ave., Will sell separately. Call able in all subjects for grades high -work day\s. White, refer- • FORMICA TUxedo 4-4826. With references. 2674 F.ast ,1.,.6624. Longmeadow 6, Massachus- WINE - COLORED chair and school, college and adult educa- ences. Have own transporta- • PLYWOOD Vernor, LO 7-0046. etts, Or C. W. Toles, 44 Ker- davenport, $35; dark wood 17 LADY'S lovely mouton coat, tion. tion. WAlnut 3-7658. 5 ROOM lower flat, Grosse cheval, TUxedo 5-4100. • PANELING OPENINGS FOR TEACHERS RETIRED MAN-Oud, jobs, Pointe. AvaiJ.able May 15th. • DOORS inch TV, with base) $50; mis - excellent designer suits, sizes 14-18. Girl's size 2 snow 339 Merriweather, Grs. Pte. Forms lands~aping, painting. Re- COLORED w 0 man wishes .sleeping" porch. . Excellent WALLOON LAKE sum mer • DRAWERS cellaneous household items , suit, winter coat and leg- liable. PR 8-2244. work, laundry' or cleaning. 10 cat i on. $17,5. TUxedO cottage P~toskey. All con- 22500 MACK best offer. 11744 Duchess , TUxedo 4-2820 gings, miscellaneous. Child's Experienced, Grosse Pointe 5-9292.veniences. Everything furn- PR 5-0470 LAkeview 1-431L PRACTICAL NURSE, with re.terences. WOo d war d .~ ished. Four people only. One matching blond maple chif- PRIVATE TUTORING ferobe and toy chest; com- IN permit, Grosse Pointe refer- 4-9194. 7()4 NEFF ROAD, ,Cape Cod, 3 month or 2 weeks, July or FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT - DO IT YOURSELF ences, desires 3 to 11 shift. bedrooms,. $200 per month, ,August. TUxedo 2-1862, Sat- Screens, all types, grates, binatioll buggy and stroller. YOUR OWN HOME WHITE woman, exp,erienced, J 1 t UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY P R 8-6613. une s. "Urday or Sunday. andirons, tools. See display 14 inch G.E. TV; daveno; All subjects; all grades. Adults I with references, wishes day ANN BEDFORD GOODMAN Foam rubber, plastic leathers . miscellaneoUIS. All very rea- and children. Certified teach- at SMITH • MATTHEWS, close-out fab:rics, 9& yard and LAWN WORK and small re- I work, child care. Capable TU 5~6(j63 . L07-4706ALL NEW cottage on beautiful 6640 Charlevoix Ave. WA sonable. TUxedo 4-1351. ers, up. 'IIools and expert advice pairs. No lawn too large or driver. EDgewater 1-7438. JOHN S, GOODMAN .Lake CharleV1Oix.Sleeps six. 2-7155. Call: too smalL TUxedo 4-5193. :. $85 per week in June,$95 Open fram 9 to 7 8A-DFFICE EQUIPMENT . EXPERIENCED middle - aged ' l' h f 11'8 . k d' Tul d FOR SALf. DETROIT AND SUBURBAN D E P E N D A.B LE, kind lady NEFF. De Ig t u y spaCIOUS per wee. urmg, y an TUBE TESTER, check writer, Lawrence Upholstering TUTORING SERVICE white woman desires house- bedroom upper. 2 baths, iJ:l~. August. Phone Bo.yne City, outdoor clock timers, 16" wishes position as companion ork by day, cleaning. WAl-' . . h 1 'JUnctio'n .2-6.828"'''"wrl't""_A. 14331 KerchevBI TYPEWRITERS and adding. WO 3-8315 KE 7-4653 cinerator, 2 pore es, new y V'.L ,:: .Philco TV, new picture. tube, or will cz. . ' 8UREAU prints, hand e t c h e d and sheet metal brake, $.50; cut- WANTED $500 to $1200 per month. Start MAN WISHES gar den i n g LAKEPOINTE, 965; room,' ga- 7-WANTED TO RENT your nstruetions part time.' work, general maintenance. COUP L.E S, . cooks, maids, painted, very unusual. TUx- ter, $35; gas statiOn flood OLD CLOTHING Earn while you learn. Leads VAlley 1-4171. chauffetlrs, caretakers, j~ni- rage,. ,gentleman, Board op~ LADY ex,ecutive desires 4 or edo 2-0618.' light, $10; 24" fan, $25. VAl- into lifetime career with high ,. tors and port~rs.' Day' .or tional. VA 2-7152. 5 u'nturnlS."h ed rooms, ~l,. at , or ley 2-7101. BEST PRICES PAID income and complete security. DENTAL Hygemst, 4 y.ear U. GOOD BUYS IN USED week. Field's Fmployment. PLEASAN.rf large room. Busi- apartment near transporta- MOWER., Reo 21" D r~1u x e. FOR MEN'S SUITS Call: of M. graduate, experIenced, TR 3-7770. ness man or woman. Kitchen tion. WOod;yard 2-4344. CLOTHING Used one year. TUx-ed.o 5 TOPCOATS AND SHOES B Von Albrecht available 1 or 2 days a we~k. privileges. Near Charlevoix ST. ,MICHAEL'S -3022 after 2. TUxedo 2-6167 TUxedo 5-9037. 6-FOR RENT (Unfurnished bus, VAlley 4-2570. FAMILY with 4 children TUlsa 3-1872 , desire. furnished flat, apart- NEW THRIFT SHOP DEL U X E Admiral electric YOUNG Y.LAN for cutting grass GERMAN gardener wan t s 4837 CADIEUX. 2 bed ro'om GROSSE POINTE room with A telephone ca.ll will bring U& ment ''orhome.Fatner re~ l' A n g e, 40", $125, Mall's 2 days week. $1.50 per maintenance work on lawns, apartment. All e 1e c t r i c 2047,5 Sunningdale, to you immediately a home privileges for ..young centlyt ran sf err e d from" spring coat, $10, TU:A:E'do,$10, hour. Box J-25, Grosse Pte. flower beds and shrubbery. kitchen, gas radiant heat. man. Call 'ifter ~, VAlley' Grosse Pointe Woods. Florida. Immed!iate occu- size 36-38. Formals, ~;5each, New.. VEnice 9-5450, Adults. TU, 6-2689. 4~5B7.7. WANTED: 2 drawer steel fil- pancy d~sired, VAlley 2-4882.. Hourst Friday, J 0-4 p.m. Size 9-10. TUxedo 4-3045. ing cabinQt, TUxedo 4.2205.


• 7 fa r sr. • 2 r • ... 4 4 'WSW 0" .....-...... -- ~4\,9 ec; c..• ", 291 4. ,."t .•• ,&.AS.~. l' _.n.4 .iJ -,.f. .. ,":~ ... .t,. I z...7 is. ..., L SA)., ..1. J , ,i, k .. J ; J.4 )1; , 4 ? . i 4. • a ( os a eo a . • 4 • .. Page Twenty-two GR 0 SSE PO I NT ENE W 5 Thursday, May "'.1958 - Thursda

21K-WIND WINDO'v WALL OUS"'IE~.S - Service on S YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED Three Trunk Lines to Serve You quickly Thr.. Trunk, Lines to Serve You 9uickly !)E'ADLINE 4 P.M. TUESDAY Brick Washi CALL TUxedo 2.-6900 Basem~ 9-ARTICLES WANTED 12A-BOATS & MOTORS 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE ' 21A~GENERAL SERVICES 21H-RUG CLEANING 21I-PAINTING AND H. E. G FOR SALE FelR SALt! '~OR SALE DECORATING TU 4-0136 BOOKS bought in any quan- 17 FOOT LONE STAR. Built WINDOW SHADES RADKE CARPET CLEANERS for the Gulf of Mexico. 33 Rugs, carpets, and furniture 21 M-Sew tity. Entire libraries, book- GROSSE POINTE CITY GROSSE PTE.,. Lincoln road. PORCH SHADES Painting and DecorC!!ting cases, art objects. Mrs. B. C. H.P. Scott-Atwater. FulJy Choice 2 year old center hall Semi-ranch, 3 brm., face brk., cleaned beautifully. Oriental equipped inc1ucting trailer NEW HOMES ALUMINUM STORM 23 HOUR Claes, 1670 Leverette. WO Colonial with all deluxe fea- rec. room with bar and :tire- rugs, 'Wilton, wool, rayon, ny~ Best of Grosse Pointe Reference. WINDOWS AND DOORS cleaning. 3-4267. an.d water skis. Will accept tures including electric kitchen 1on, tacked down or loose~ • Interior • Exterior place, tile kitch., bath and ALUMINUM AND FIBER Grosse Po: late model car or best offer. . FOR SALE and air-conditioning. 3 large washrrn. Birch tJrim, screen- c 1e a n e d. in your home and Free Estimates GLASS AWNINGS VAlley 1-9 MARKED Wedgwood, Jasper Call TUxedo 5-8560. bedroom, 2% baths, first floor ed porch~ exceL price. mothproofed, the modern way. GROSSE POINTE SHORES GLASS BATH-TUB JOHN R, FORTIER basaltes for resale. Describe, activities room. ST. CLAIR SHORES, 22123 Free estimates. 21N-Furnc 15 FT. LYMAN outboard with 26 Colonial. Unique Williams- ENCLOSURES PR 7-3551 quote, I, Gurman, 21615 LEON P. SANKAR California, open daily. 1-,5, DR 1-3133 25 H.P. electric Evinrude burg 8-room tri -level near Complete Repair Service , Wendell, Mt. Clemens. TUxedo 4-3078 TUxedo 1-9581 bet. 8 and 9 Mile, near Mack. mot 0 r. Hydralic steering. l,ake, $61,000 Cleaning, Repairing EXPERT painting, paper hang. SMOKE? - New 3 bedrm. or. 2 bedrm. 21I-PAINTING AND WANTED Used upright piano Complete cushions, 2 tanks, Reconditioning ing by mechanics, free esti- Chimneys and paneled d.en., F's.ce brk. DECORATING ,in good condition. TUxedo windshield, lights. Ready for GROSSE POINTE FARMS AT ALGONAC. MICH. ESQUIRE SHADE CO. mates. Van Assche, TUxedo E 5.6743. the water. $950 cash, TUx- 168 Hillcrest. 7. room Colonial, Vanity, disposal, built-in 4-1187, VA 4-1492. 15133 Gratiot , COMPLETE decorating ser- edo 4-2562. $42,500 chiila. .F.I. alum. windows, Furnac WANTED: Used chest of draw- Open Friday Until 9 P.M. vict? Licensed, insured, win- 184 Hillcrest. 4 bedrooms, 2 Magnificent storm's, screens. Low price. COMPLETE decoratIng ser- ers for use in basement stor- EXPERT SMALL BOAT re- LA 1-1515 .LA 1-1516 ter p r ice s. Van Houzen All mok baths, activities room, $45,000. R. Haskin~ TIT 5-0470. vice. Interior and exterior age, VAlley 3-169l. pairing and ref i n ish in g. Brothers. PRescott 5-4875, ABCO 133 Hillcrest. 6 room Colonial, painting. Paper removing S h aft s straightened. Com- Brick 13A-LOTS FOR SALI: FIREPLACE e,quipment, brass LAkeview 6-3727.' WILL BUY old fur coat, mink $41,500 and paper hanging. Wall FURN plee machine shop, boat f'UP- 96 ft. Ranch Home, 3 bedrms., , .... and irons, tools repolished or Persian lamb. SLocum 7- SPECIALIZING in ranch-type washing. W 0 r k m Ct n s hip VAil, plies, boat I u m b e r of all GROSSE POINTE PARK 2 baths, All rooms spacious, GROSSE POINTE FARMS and lacquered, screens re- 8528, Whitcomb Drive off Lake~ p air e d. Smith - Matthews, and Ilh story building; in- guaranteed to be the best. kinds cut to size and shape. 1002 Harvard. 4 bedrooms, 2 Siparkling and col-orful, Carpet- tericl" and exterior. Also For estimates, Free est. Lakeland Boats, 11471 Ker- ed 15x24 Liv, rm. Flrepl. Dil'\:: shore. 100 ft. Owner. TUxedo 6640 Charlevoix, WA 2-7155. WANTED: Dinette table. small, bath,. library, $45,000, . wall washing. Elmer T. La- CALL WM. FORSYTHE cheval near St. Jean, VAl- mg rro. 1% acres artistically 2-4760, WO l-4~41. 210-Watn round ar drop leaf, maple or 1003 Cadieux. 'i room Colonial, badie, TUxedo 2-2064. VAlley 2-9108 ley 2-5593. 1andscaped. A luxurious home CARPET LAYING pine, TUxedo 5-7011 eve- $35,000. GROSSE PrE. FARMS, ready NEW AND OLD nings. f or the discriminating, $37,000. FOR THE FINEST general Basemen CHRIS-CRAFT 14' outboard fOr spring building., Tour- Stair Carpet Shifted PAINTING and decorating. Call for appointment or see painting and decorating at Cracked wa! boat, 62" beam, tailored ALGONAC ON RIVER aine Rd., between Kerche- Repairs df .All Types Plaster repairs, paper hang- lOA-Motorcycles For Sale your brokgr, reasonable cost see Charles forced. All b.. canvas cover, oars, anchor, DELUXE 4 bedroom home, val and Ridge, 110 ~t. front LEO TRUDEL ing ,wall washing, carpet A. Schrader VAlley 4-0388. anteed, insw' ALLSTATE Motorbike, i'ine life preservers. Bargain. 887 spadous carpeted Liv. and din~ x 140 ft. Landscaped, sprink- TU 5-0703 cleaning . WAlnut 1-0122, condition. Extras. 274 Hill- Lincoln Road, TUxedo 5- 1ng rms. Firep!. Gas Heat, ling system. Make offer. TUxedo 2-6521. Manu(~ crest. TUxedo 1-2534. 0470. RICHARD M. SAiFE, SANDY Ocean-like Write Box T-llO, Grosse Fte. DRYERS VENTED, $15.00. 3- LAke', Beaoh. BoatweH, Executive News. in. standard installation. Call Hughes Brothers l1-AUTOS FOR SALE 16 FOOT SHOOTING STAR LA 7-0533. TU 1-4162. Kllv\BROUGH transfeITed. $29,000, terms. NEWBERRY near Lakeshore, Painting and Decorating LEAKY b~ ( Sweitzer-Craft), steering, up- Also BEAUTIFUL ST. CLAIR 1955 PLYMOUTH STATION holstered, windshield, 30 h.p. 100x155'. Well shaded. Near Interior-Exterior proofed. B RIVER FRONT lots, New sea~ porches. G WAGON 2-tone, all power electric Evinrude and trailer. schools. $18,800. 0 w n e r. PRACTICAL BUILDERS Wall Washing wall, city water, gas. Good Garages, frame and brick. ed, insure equipment, V-8. Beautiful. LIncoln 2-1838. CO" TUxedo 1-5864. Free Estimates Private party. Call PRes- 17850 MAUMEE restrictions. $150 per ft. Roofing and siding, kitchens Expert Paper Hanging City wide CHOICE canal lots $75 a ft. cott 1-0964. 12D-HUNTING AND TUxedo 2-2593 2 LOTS in Me~ropolitan Beach remodeled, cement drives and TV 5-1165 TU 1~7687 FISHING Monday through Friday VERA FULLER. REALTOR area. 100-275 each. Owner porches. Licensed and regis- 5293 Yorkshire 21P-FURti '58 CHEVROLETS, converti- 3221 M-29, Algonac leaving city. Will sacrifice. tered. Free estimates. bles, hardtops, 4 doors, 2 CUSTOM FOR SALE: 40 acres and 80 SWift 4-3921 $2,300 each cash or will sell PAINTING doors and wagons. Best deal 560 COOK ROAD. Just com- on terms. PRescott 1-2171 R. P. SPURGEON splendid s acres near Hastings, Mich. PRESCOTT 5-4311 in town. Mr. Vollmer, VA Good farm land, lh woods. pleting 4 br., 3:t;2 bath, Ph before 5, PRescott 5-1402 rative fab! 1-2000. HILLCREST Situated in the heart of the story Early American home Very good Colonial, 3 bed- after 6. LUGGAGE, trunks, zippers, leIY.>intme in Deeplands Subdivision. cheerfully PONTIAC 1952. Low mileage , largest southern resort and rooms, one bath with first floor SUNNINGDALE DRIVE, 100 x s2mple cases repaired. Gold Cherry paneled den, 2-car 13929 Kerr excellent condition, reason- hunting area. 40 acres ad- 1ava1x>ry, breakfast nook, car- 170. Must sell, make offer, stamping, custom buiIt lug- joining very large conser- attached garage, 15x30 rec- able. WAlnut 3-3723. peting, recreation room, ter~ TUxedo 5-8386. gage. Travelers Trunk Co., VENICE 9-2220 vation, 80 acres near same. reation ro?m. Terrace porch , race, 50x150 lot, 2 car attached 10323 Mack. VAlley 2-6734. 21Q-PLAS '56 FORD STATION WAGON Excelent hunting; pheasant, fireplace in living room and garage, $23,800. KENSINGTON ROAD EVERYONE TRUSTS Country Sedan 4 door; pow rabbit and large fat deer recreat~on room, p"rtitioned 21B-WATCH REPAIRING PYRAMID , A BRAND NAME - JOHN B. DOYLE Near Kercheval, in c 1u din g er brakes, power' steering , plentiful. EMpire 3-563~: basement. Disposal, dish- PAINTING COMPANY You can trust us too, to satisfy PLA~ 128 KERCHEVAL TU 2-6262 andscaping and large trees. Fordomatic, V~8 T-Bird en- - washer, built-in oven and 1 EXPERT WATCH and clock RESIDENTIAL your painting and decorating Additions, b 60x163. Close to schools, shop- gine, crash padding; like 13-R~AL ESTATE range, many other fine fea- anne parker offerS in grosse repairing, Prompt service. COMMERCIAL needs. Inside or outside. We ceilings, gen, ping and' St. Clnd, HARPER VACUUM Served Grosse Pointe homes for S & B BUILDING 515 MIDDLESE}( 10 years. Mich. Phone RA 7-6445 0r FRENCH POODLES, A.K.C. Authorized Eureka, Hoover Dealer Wall & Window Washing. Ex- RAMBLER 1955 Custom 4-door A splendid location near lak e RA 7-5975. GROSSE POINTE WOODS registered, reasonable. 7 SALES and SERVICE 20685 \Voodmont TU 1-6905 NEW - REBUILTS - PARTS terior painting. Cement work, station wagon in beautiful front park, 5 bedrooms, library , Wedgwood, 20661 (formerlyW weeks ,nld. TU 2-6909. . 17176 E. WARliEN, at CADIEUX A-I PAINTING, wall washing . chimney and porch repair. condition. Averages 22 M.P activities room, modern kit - SEVEN ROOM colonial, Fair - Street), reasonable price. Semi- TU 1-1122 OPEN 10 TO 7 GERMAN shofltlhaired pointer; Free estimates. Trombley Free estimate. Re.Ro~ G, Price, $975. Original own chen, large wooded loOt. 1m- holme road, 3 bedrooms, 1% ranch, 1 bedroom, full bath - 21E-CUSTOM CORSETS Service, PRescott 3-0163. PR 6-5270 VA 4-3957 er, LOrain 7-5500 0r PRes - mediate occupancy. Mr. Bor - baths, large den, dishwasher , and library down; 3 bedrooms , excellent hunter .. Age, 3 disposal, incinerator, alum years. TRinity 5-7065, or Repa cott 6-1G32after 6. land. - full bath' up. Terrace,. patio , SPENCER CORSETS EXTERIOR - INTERIOR WALL WASHING, window inum storms and screens. N0 charming kitchen, loads of TUxedo 5-2165, Individually designed, light~ cleaning, tile floors cleaned y agents, TUxedo 2-7581. Grosse Pointe references. t 2-AUTOS WTD. TO BU C. W. TOLES storage space, recreation, in- weight foundations and sur- and waxed. Experienced. In- -- BRITI'ANY Spaniels-7 weeks Fine Paper Hanging TUxed-o 5-4100 74 Kercheva ~ cinera.tor, gas heat, ~rbage gical g Cl r men t s, over 26 sured. Free estimates. J. Hal. LO WE NEED WASHINGTON. Near Kerche - Hunting, shoW, pets. AKC . val. Very attractive interior disposal, garage. 20805 Yale, St. Clair Shores years experience. M a u d e Work myself, insured •. lam. LAkeview 6-3372, VEn- A Coli Wil 1953 and 1954 Models • F~r Yo 3 bedrooms 1 bath and lav NOW REALISTICALLY after 3:30 weekdays. Ban n e r t, 368 McKinley, Winter prices now. ice 9-7281. Any Make or Body Style PRICED Grosse Pointe, TU 5-4027 or Written guarantee. Est. 1923 Have Customers Waiting 500 BALLANTYNE on second floor. Also firs t 21K-WINDOW WASHING floor lav. Library. Gas heat SIAMESE, 4 pedigreed Seal TOwnsend 9-3317.' Terms if desired. For 32 Years We Have Been . Broadstone, 1894. Center 0011 TU 2-6000. Point kittens. CaU after 7. LEON STRIEGEL Paying Up to $100 More 4 BEDROOMS' Colonial; 1st floor den or bed .,. LEE'S IVIAXONBROTHERS INC. TUxedo 2-9844. 21G-.ROOF SERVICE room, lav. with stall shower , VAlley 1-7275 WINDOW CLEANING E. H. COOK Most attractive new custom I. GUTTERS cleaned, repaired , 3 bedrooms plus dressing room , POODLES, standard, black 3 "THING of Beauty - Joy For~ 15701 HARPER home. Built on 138 ft. front- 1198 ANITA and painted. Conductors un~ on 2nd. Spacious kitchen with m<>nths. A K C. Puttencove ever." Painting, paper hang- Storms and screens serviced. Berkshire ..Balfour age. Huge step down living Owner leavin.g city. ~ room bay. Screened porch. Needs Championship s t r a i n.TU plugged. Any kind of roof Covered by insurance. TUxedo 4-0933 room and dining room, and brick bungalow with un ing, plastering,. wall wash- - redeco'rating, s 0 m e repairs . 5~2424. repair, creosoted or recOv- ing, etc. TUxedo 2-2041. TWinbrook 1-0670 Open Till 9:00 powder room. Deluxe kitchen finished attic. Carpeting, til e $26,500, firm price~ cash or ered. TUxedq 1-5110. REGISTERED" AKC Weimara iWILL CALL at your home t 0 with built-in refrigerator, dou- basement, completely land - terms. Open daily and Sunday - sca.ped. ner puppies for sale, TUxedo buy any model used car, an y ble oven, dishwasher, break- until s'old. . . ROOF REPAIRING age, for cash and pay yo fast bar' and many e~tras. TUXEDO 4-0167 1-4896., RE~RC u NOTTINGHAM, 843 Expert on leaky roofs; caulk- more money. Tom Rone Beautiful large redwood ,den, FREE to. home, pretty TIN OR CC y, with beamed ceiling, fireplace All brick 5 and 5. Gas heat , good ing and gutters nnplugged , 5. GROSSE POINTE well trained, lci.tten. TUxedo hung-up, paiI}t.ed inside ~d Roney Motors, LA 6,.6611-1 an d bill'It'-In H'1-F'1 cab'InetS. priced right. SHORES- 5-3483. ' out. GROSSE POINTE 12A-BOATS & MOTORS Speakers ,throughout. Master VEnice 9-2220'. WAlnut --1bedroom and unusual bath, Hawthorne Road MARTHA BACHERS COCKER, fe~~ Nack and TU 1.9813 1957 17 FT. ELGIN, V.I.P. in- with private enclosed patio on Attractive 7 room Colonial, 3 .yAlley 1~?710 tan, 10 months, A.K.C. regis - GUTTERS cleaned, repaired Shoe Repclir board, run-~bout.. AU ac-I first floor. ~ bedrooms, 1% baths, year - teredo Wonderful with chi! or replaced, metal deck , 379 Fisher Rd., Opp. High :4-Br. a Dz.y ceSSOrlE'S, Includmg boat I' Three large bedrooms'and two around pOTch, finished base dien; must sell. PRescott 1- roofs r e p air e d, flat or well. TUxedo 4-6681, during baths on second floor with ex- - ment, ample closet and stor - BEDFORD LANE 0333. shingled, private party. Free Earle Richards ' Seniel day. ceptionally large closets. Full age gpace, carpets and drape 20397 Mack Ave., III the Woods A. H - FIRST OFF~RING 20-'-IANO SERVICE estimates. Ask for Nelson. I FO'R SALE 26 C t P' t basement has fireplace and eries. Near schools and church - PR 6-7159. , . :..r- .LOO nva eer lEt' . f~' t fl Transfer of owner out of city 81 oP E 11 t con d't"lOn av. n Ire rear 0 nrs ' oor es, in a friendly, family neigh - C 0~p LET E piano service . °d . ,xce en th 1t all Thermoparie; with sliding makes available this fine horn e ,..------,---I an reany f or e wa er. 1 d F . borhood. Excellent beach .fa- Timing, repairing, refinish - 21H-RUG CLEANING B t. b h d . . t g ass oors. or appomtment, cilities. By. appointment. with a view of the lake~' Per - ingand moth proofing~ Plae e For 9uiek es to e a In eqUlpmen all feet location and arrangements TV & Radio Service for both cruising and racing. c ,TUxedo 1-8243 your order early. R. Zech , for couple or small family. BESTCARPET CLEANERS Guaranteed Repair Work Will consider trade for pow- TUxedo 5-6914 RE 9~3232. • Television • Radio. er boat. Can be seen at Bay- CLEf,NING DYING view Yacht Club at the foot TERRACE HOMES FOR SALE T: RAYMOND JEFFS 2JA-GENERAL "SERVICES REPAIRING • Sound Eq~ipmellt GARY LANE. 3 bedroom brick 81 Kercheval TU 1-1100 of Clairpoint, Detroit. Call ranch by owner: 2 baths in 319-339 Rivard. 5 and 6 bed - PROMPT HOME SERVICE 11R:,@:: TU 4-1504 for appoit!lment. colored tile, fireplace, builf~ room units, all with 3 bath s, BffiMINGHAM . FREE ESTIMATES' EAST END in Hi-Fi, stove and air-con- Live in leisure. No mainten - Foxcroft Sub. Executive home Subu'rban Maintenance INSURED 14-FOOT WOLVERINE; like ditioner, large family room, ance problem. $20,900 to $23,- 'li.ri-Ievel with basement, 4 Associates TU 2-6556 RADIO AND Irv • nev' condition. 10 h.p. Mer- 900. Low down payments. 15 ~. car pete d .and draperies bedrooms,' 3 baths, famil y "No Job is too Small" cury, trailer. 866 Lakeshore Sales & Service Park Cab Co. through out. Brick garage. year terms on .balance. No. 323 r One p h 0 n e call for all CARPETS, rugs, furniture ex~ drive. room, one year old. Owne 13940 Kercheval near l£astlaWf wm sacrifice and give im- open daily, 2-6 p.m. leaving city. $49,700. Shown home maintenance. pro'Q- pertly cleaned in your home; prompt, courteous service. VA. '4~9823 VA 2-2411 OLDTOWN Lap Strake, 131h mediate possession. PRescott MAC KAY DEVELOPMENT by owner by appointmEmt.: lems. - it. sloop. Marconi rig., extra 1-2171 before 5, PRescott CORP. Evenings, MAyfair 6-5752 PR 6-3038, '!'U 1-4571 Free estimates: Kief Carpet jib, $300, TUxedo 2-5970, 5-1402 after 6. WO 1-1396 TU 2-4732 Days,BRoadway 3~9550 Cleaners, TUxedo 1-0369, POlliE. CUSTOM' TAILORS Don't throw stones ot Men'. and Ladies' Suits Tailore.d to Order. Alter- . your neighbor if your SAVE AT COLONIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS, ations, relining. Double breasted IU1tarestyled VA 2.3040 12057 GRATle to single breasted. own windows are ~Iass. DETROIT t. Where Your Donars Earn More tAKEVIW1 ~ 20247 .Mack at Hunt Club. Gro ... Point. Woods ~4931 EAST JEFFERSON, at Oily Limits CURRENT RATE ON SAVINGS , TU. 4-5200 OPIN MON.~.TItuas. 9:30.4:30 • fltlDAY ':30 ~1:00 3% , Fred M. Schuman Established 1925 Open Eves till 6:30


...... ~ - -. -- ~.. ------~ - .8 Thursday I May I, 1958 GROSS! POINT! N E'W5 -- Page Twenty-thre. 21S-C~R~ENTER WORK ,21Z--~ANDSCAPING 21Z-LANDSCAP!NG CIQssified Continued GRIFFORnB TR,EE SERVICE. • ..CUSTOM PHILIP TROMBLEY LANDSCAPING, clean eaves- Trees topped, trimmed and and SON - troughs, garages; basements, • 21K-WINDOW WASHING MODERNIZ.ATION ; removed.' ','Re8s"tlable.TUx .. odd jobs. Need work. Experi- 21I-CEMENT WORK 21S-Carpenter Work edo'1-5110.. '. Landscaping and enced. Call B~ TUxedo ,\ \ WINDOW CLEANING ALL TYPES of cement work~ CARPENTER ~finisher. Builds Florida Rooms with Wood Lawn Cutting 2-9284, • WALL WASHING p a in tin g and carpentry. porches, roo m 5, garages. Wiiidows. TREE TRIMMING, Early spring rates. Call after Does all type of commission Jalousie or Aluminum ~EMbvAL, SPRA)."ING, ,, DRexel 1-0515 Service on Screens and Storms Dutch E1m..disese spraying, RAY'S LAWNCARE Brick Washing Expertly Done 5. A. A, Younga, 'VEnice 9- work, Fixtures, flooring, as~ Aiwning Type. spring clea.."1- up, fertilizing, ~DAY 0152. cablin,g. phalt tiling. Paneling and ! Sliding Gl.ass DOO'.l"6. Basement Painting Free estimates. seeding, summer maintenance. recreation rooms. Estimates 4xtra. Bedrooms K & S PRescot 5-7486 H. E. GAGE & SON ALL BRICK"WORK free. TUxedo 5-5892. . TU 1-6950 TU 4-0136 TU 2-7413 Finest. Workmanship CAL FLEMING TREE NEW.AND REPAIRS LANDSCAPE FERTILIZING and !tOLLING PORCHES. STEPS, ETC. Complete Building Servi~e SERVICE 21 M-Sewer Cleaninq HOME REMODELING SERVICE CO~ lawns; peat moss and top r, ting Leaky Basements Repaired SPECIALISTS 25 Years Bui9.ding. Expert Lawn soil. By month or season. MERION. blue grass nursery 23 HOUR ELECTRIC sewer LICENSED AND INSURED Birch kitchen cabinets, bath Licensed Contractor Cutting and Garden TUxedo 1-2278, or Howard. renee' MANUAL MARCHES!!.: sod. Landscape designing and or cleaning. Free est i mat e . fixtures, formic a vanitory, at- Service Through~out 8-3919. References planting. Patios and natural . Grosse Pointe Plumbing Co., LA 6-9300 tics, porches. Summer How TO PROfiT VAlley 1-9218. No money clown. easy terms stone walls. Free estimates. STANLEY PRINCE" TU 1.6950 '_ EDgewater 1-3287 EXPERT brick repairs my HERMAN BROTHERS .THRuUGH 21N--Furnace VV~rk specialty. Cracked lea k y 1876 BROADSTONE CAL FLEMING GENERAL VA. 2-8333 VA. 2-0304 Grosse Point.",! WoodS LANDSCAPE SERVICE TREES'TAKEN DOWN by ex. basements waterproofed, re- , , perts. Can after 7 p.m. WAI- TAX EXEMPTION hang- SMOKE? - NO HEAT? paired. Guaranteed, licensed, TUxedo <-()262 KITCHEN CABINETS LANDSCAPING, S ,0 d din g,.' nut 2-5259. esti- Chimneys Cleaned Top to I in~ured. Work. myself. City With tOOl&y'. high tax levels. in. Jxedo WIde. UN 3-949l. & FORMICA TOPS lawn cutting and ~ainte- KRANTZ' BROTHERS, COlll- Yeaton in medium and high tax Bottom Custom Made Furniture , . . Kitch- 21T-DRESSMAKING .....nanc~, tree. work, soils and plete landscaping. Reason- brackets are luming to tax.free Furnac.es d. $6.50: ALL BRICK WORK, base- en Cabinets . . Formica Tops, Bars supphes. WAlnut 5-9323. able and dependable. Free Municipal Bonda for- ulcome that . . . Recreation Rooms . . . Floor DESIGNING fashlonable'suits, ser- All m~kes repaired. ments and porches, built and and Ceiling Tile . . . Guaranteed estimates, VAlley 2-42~6. • they can /c.e~p. terior repaired. VAlley 1-0860. Work. coats and dresses,' alterations SPRING 'clean up; seeding, If you have a taxable income oving ABCO CHIMNEY & FREE ESTIMATES and hats; restylin'g, rea- fertilizing, rolling, weed and of '10,000 or more, you may be AMERICAN CABINET & sonable. VA 2-3610. crab grass spraying, prun- well repaid by investigating the Wall FURNACE SERVo PRescott 1-5057 / Juniors to Stage Show WOOD PRODUCTS ning, spraying, ..m 0ln t h I y advantag~ of tax-exempt State Ship VAlley 3-1 I 13 best. EASTERN MASON 16750 E. lJ Mile Road SEWING alterations, adults mainrtenance. 12 yprs ex:: At Neig~orhood Club and Municipal Bonds. For in. and ohildren; hems, zippers, I 1.. CIhMIc DletI '" ••• Free est. A.M.-P.M. CONTRACTORS East Detroit perience; Free estimates. stance. if you file a single return plain d:.:apes~ aprons and . 111. 1-69EO 1 A+-t C.L .... on a taxable income of $14,000, IE Commercial & Residential PR 1-5Zb9 pi!lows .•TU 1-7455. CAL FLEMING GENERAL The junior clubs and classes you would have to receive a divi. 210--Waterproofing of the Neighborhood. ClUlb,are 'Buildin.g Tuck Pointing - Ma- LANDSCAPE SERVICE . 3. a..dr""""" dend return of 7.45% on a taxa- MODERNIZATION: Kitchens, DRESSMAKING and re-de- in the midst of preparations sonry Repairs-Caulking-Build- .. a..c6: $pM ...... ble security in order to equal the ating. Basements Made Dry . attics, rec. rooms, porches; signing: suits, d l' e sse I, for their big Spring Finale ing Renovators - Basem~nts LAWN yield from a 3.5Oro tAx.free Bond. bang- Cracked walls repaired, re-in- rough and finish work. Guar- briaals and materni>ty, Rea- which will be held Friday s. 0Mdt ~ ..... U) Waterproofed - Gutters - Gut- [($ $Omethin.g think about! arpet forced. All brick repairs. Guar- sonable. TU 4-"4705. night May 9 at 7:30 o'clock. • anteed. TUxedo 5-0143. CUTTING 6. a..dt ... Our New Booklet. "How T. 0122. anteed, insured. ters Plastic Coated - Roof GENE'S LANDSCAPE Profit Through Tu-kemldao.19 Leaks Repaired. Ii,E P A I R SCREENS, fences, SEWING instructiol1s, pattern A Gypsy theme will provide Manuel Marchese SERVICE. .... nplains in plain langu,age yoar porches, 'steps, doors, win- adjustments' and 'fittings. color and action for an eve- LAkeview 6-9300 EDWARJD M. COOK ning promising good entertain- need fM tax exemption, tells ho" dows, t: a bin e t s, boo k- Call evenings and ThUrsday. FREE ESTIMATES AU1lfORIZED . 16484 E. 10 Mile ment, The Dramatics Class much these high-grade investmentl cases, good work, prompt .Mrs. Zahm, VAlley 3-969:6, PR 9-2729 t mg LEAKY basements w ate r- will provide the cast and the can be 'Worth to you. There , no PRescott 1-5057 service. S. E. Barber, 20380 I~ I I;IIT~_ proofed. Brick repairs, steps, Girls' Gym Class and Girls' obligation. Send for copy todaYt Hollywood, TU 4-0051. 21U-PLUMBING or' phooe porches. Guaranteed, licens- SAM VAGNETTIE BEATTY LANDSCAPING Tap Class will do gay gypsy SERVICE J ~~H~~V REPAIRS and improvements. PLUMBING, h~at1ilg and gas & dances. . 1IMV'<:t ~AnS tlRST OF MU:;HIGAN ed, insured. Work myself. CEMENT WORK LAWN CUTTING COMPANY g City wide. UN 3-9491. Sidewalks, Driveways, Garage All types of carpenter work., conversion, electric sewer The Boys' Gym Class will AUTO CLINIC (;0 RPORATIOlC -7687 Also aluminum combination - cleaning, aut 0 mat i c gas Graduates of M.S.U. School Buhl Bldg. Detroit 26 floors, steps and porches. perfonn in rooster fights while TUNE-UP SPECIALISTS 21P-FURNITURE REPAIR . dors, windows and awnings. water heater installed as of La~dscaping the Playmates will be little WO 2-2055 22130 GRATIC'r Basement, Rat Walls J. Barker, VAlley 1-8146. low as $100, Licensed plumb- Spring clean-up. G8ll'dening chickens and mbbits. Grand Rapids, Flint, Bay City C U S TOM upholstering. A er. J. M. Kushner, '1'U 5-2959, Evergreens Trimmed between 8 and 9 Mile, Detroit Battle Creek splendid selection of deco- MODERNIZING' TU 5.7132. A special feature of the pro- Call PR 6-7700 Lansing, Port Huron 3908 Cadieux TU 5-0785 jobs; rative fabrics. Expert need- PR 7-1093 PR 8-4334 gram will be the presentation lepoint mounting. Estimates REMODELING of awards to the outstanding l;lulk- RAT PROOFING Kitchens, Family Rooms, FREE -estimates; repairs, reo:. cheerfully g i v e n. Ewald, Cement work, garages raised, modeling, .gas heat, sewer members in the juniO'r activi- Attics, Rec. Rooms LAWN SPRINKLER REPAIR 13929 Kercheval. VA 2-8993. leveled, straightened, porches, cleaningt f I 0 0 d controls. ties. Everyone is cordially in- Licensed Builder Experienced with plastic, cop- vited to attend. cement steps. Bonded. FHA Plans Furnished, Working master plumber. 21Q-PLASTERING terms. VAlley 1-9218. per and' galvanized automatic Grosse Pointe References systems - both manually and FENCES SPRIK 21V-SILVER PLATING .automatically operated.' 48 Dominican High Mothers hour specialized' guaranteed tisfy PLASTERING 1367 LAKEWOOD c. B. HELMER SILVER & GOLD PLATING service, Call Mr. French, at ating Additions, basements, arches, To Hold Election M~y 7 Jftercury Fence Co. VA 2-2706 BILDOR Oxidizing and Repairing EDgewater 1-2498 before 8:00 ' We ceilings, general repairs. Rea- TUXEDO 4-0522 Brass Polishing & Lacquering a.m, or after 6:30 p.m. ~lean sonable charges. PAUL'S GONSTR. CO. The Dominican High Moth- City VVide and All Suburbs PRESCOTT 3-2968 Jewelry Repairing, Engraving you All kinds of Cement Work H, F, JENZEN BUILDING LAWN FERTILIZING ers Club will hold the final work Garages - Driveways , LEEBERT WEED KILLING meeting of the year on 'Wed- • RESIDENTIAL ving Porches - Steps - Repairs Hom(> and Industrial Repair's. SILVERSMITHS INSECT CONTROL nesday, May 7, at 5 p.m. in the side. REMODELING arches, coves, Additions, attics completed, s c h 0 0 1 cafeteria with Mrs .. • COMMERCIAL FREE ESTIMATES 14508 CHARLEVOIX TREE ROOT FEEDING matti all kinds of plastering. Work Porch enclosures, recreation AGI-SPRA YER SYSTEM Joseph J. Churches, president, guaranteed. Free estimates. TUxedo 2-8750 rooms, gar, age s repaired NR. CHALMERS presiding. • INDUSTRIAL IAIley t VA 2-7318 We speciali2Je ,In developing VAlley 2-0021. TU 1-9744 TU 1-9611 beautiful pest-free lawns, with IASKET WEAVE CEMENT and Brick Contrac- All members are urged to ~ the most modern materials and • PLAYGROUNDS tor. R e p air S, reasonable ~ PLASTER-CONTRACTOR; re- KITCHEN l4emodeling and de- 21Z-LANDSCAPING equipment known. attend, as election of officers rates, free estimates. l',~ani- SATISF,lCTION GUARANTEED bratt. pair work, ,R e a son a b 1e. singing and all built-in ap- COMPLETE lands<:aping !erv- Let us tMnSform your lawn for the 1958-59 season wil~ take ad, TUxedo 1-7179 or DR- Nearly a Quarter of a century of erecting fences of all types. !rices. Maniaci, 'I1Jxedo 1-7179, or pliances; Queen's Kitchens, ice, lawn cutting, cultivation into emerald green beauty as place. Refreshments will be exel 1-8293. • ~uar- DRexel 1-8293. 16117 Mack. TU 5-6238. and fertilization, edging and nature intended. youtll be served following the business with meeting, with Mrs. Leo J. TWinbrook 3'!16060 KITCHEN Formica counter clean-up work. Julius La- amazed. art the low cost and nates. 21R-CEMENT WORK Murphy, sophomore vice-pres- WE DO tops; cabinets remodeled; Quiere. PRo 8-2709. Free gratifying. results. Call us :for OFFICE & YARD or 18569 CONANT 3361. ident, as hostess, assisted by A-I CHIMNEY, broken steps, new sinks installed. Old or estimates. $2.00 an hour. FREE estimates. 3 Blocks South of 7 Mil. Road brick work, waterproofing OUR OWN WORK FERTILEZE - BLOOMFIELD sophomore mothers. new wprk. PRe!.>cott 5-8710. Detroit 34, Mich. • walls. All work guaranteed, Brick, block and cement work EASTLAND LAWN CULTURE Mrs. Ralph McLeod, junior ... free estimates. Call 'anytime . LIncoln 8-0171 vice-president, will honO'r the :7 LAWN CUTTING CO. LO 7-3230. - PR 8-4184 LA 1-2275 PORCH ENCLOSURES or senior girls and their mothers Florida roo m s. Quality POWER ROLLING GARDENING! v,d.th a tea on Sunday, May 25, bR A-I CEMENT and brick work 21S-CARPENTER WORK materials and workman- Tandem Rollers from 2 to 4 p.m. Mrs. McLeod of all kinds. Chimney re- PRESCOTT 7-5296 Horry Smith ~le. ship. 7' wide double seal ~ GENE'S LANDSCAPE will be assisted by the junior pairs. All estimates free. ee JIM SUTTON jalousie windows, awning SERVICE mothers. VA 2-4618. 1677 BRYS Or casement win d 0 w s. Tibbies' Tree Service (onstruction (0. LICENSED Carpenter Work, Repairing & Kool-Shade ! ere e n i n g TREE REMOVAL FREE'ESTIMATES f----- Remodeling, Attics, Porches, available on any job. For PRUNING - .I.'OPPING Baptist Women to Hold [..ICENSED BUILDER !veara CEMENT CONTRACTOR PR 9-2729. Garages. estimates phone TWin~" LANDSCAPING Annual Meeting May 8 La- WALKS, DRIVES, FLOORS, TU 4-2942 brook 2-8033. FULLY INSURED Residential and Commercial Building PATIOS, BRICK & BLOCK FREE ESTIMATES ~ Superior Sash ~nd WORK, PORCHES, ADDI- CARPENTER, repairs, dGors, PRescott 5-2328 HERBOLD The Woments Council of the Additiions and Alterations ~LL TIONS.REASONABLE RATES locks, sash cords, cabinet Screen Co. IF NO ANSWER CALL LANDSCAPING Jefferson Baptist Church will Modernizatiolll - Repair - Maintenance PR 8-6448 work. EDgewater 1-4576. 20460 John R. PH. 5-8659 hold their annual meeting on Merion blue sod, laid or de- Thursday, May 8 at 7:30 o'clock Designing and Planning at tha church.. SPRING SPECIAL livered. Spring clean-up. Top - Office: TV 5-3900 128 Kercheval The speaker will be Cengis 7871 Repairs and additions of all soH. PRescott 6-5852. Phone Res. TV 5-7013 '-- Hall's Orol, ot Istanbul; a senior at Grosse Pointe Farms ., kinds ()f homes and cement , calls 7 a,m, to 2 p.m. Evening the Grosse Pointe High School , work. Complete home build- callJ. ing. Have lots. and an exchange student of the Nursery. American Field Service. Ex- C.A. PATTERSON !Torle. 9ERVICS - TUxedo 2-3252, TUxedo 1-6674 24300 HARPER WHEN YOU SEETHIS SIGN AT pair. . RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL btw. 9 and 10 Mil.' Rd•• Re.R00fIng EAVES.TROUGI:tS Greenlawn Mower Sharpening 'Shop AuthorIzed Dealer I WE REPAIR PRescott 5-3455 YOUR. NEIGHBORS 3957 • • Celotex - Barrett - Repalrs • Bird Co. _ U.S. Gypsum I WE PICK liP AND DELIVER dow " • Flinkote _ John-Manville ~ned ROOFING AND Sharpening • Overhaul • Repair ------~S- . In- LAMPS Hand and ,Power l~wn Mowers-Garden Tools Hal- SIDING CO . Rose Trees LOCKHART Any GllISs Dt' .China Knivec - Scissors - Saw Filing • TE!:- A Call Will Bring SamPlesLA 12558 • For Your Selection _ Drilled 1 7- 7200 FILBERT 95 22437 EAST NINE MILE RD. Phone PRo 6-7752 ...,- - Est. 1923 (Licensed) Nights, TU 1-1259 ING CUSTOM LAMPS 5 - huilt from. your Dogwood ALL MAKES STORM SASH G A. G. MARX (;0. SCREENS .. DOORS .. : American Holly Open Tues., Fri. !J p.m. r-ed. ALUMINUM S1lD 12 to 4 p.m. ASPHALT SLATE TILE Japanese Red Maple f' 18232 MACK GROSSE POINTE 36 AI R-TEC ••• TW 2-7800 LJ Rhododendrons REPAIRING ~40 E. ,7 MUe-l Blk. \VI! of Oakland - ROOF REPAIRS ~ Azaleas YO)U KNOW RE-ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK Special Bases Upright Yews up to 5 'ft. SOMETHING NICE IS BEING DONE TIN OR COPPER SKYLIGHTS GUTTER ,CONDUCTORS ...... ;. for Years Made , Good Fences -49 - A NEW ROOM ••• A NEW HOME 8106 Mack Avenue Our 21sf Year I Come In and ...1-"••H'~ .;;.., WAlnut 1~4330 Estab. 1914 of Gro;.ving Everystyl. of Fen~e Either a H;.Fi Cabinet, Bookshelves talk over your . ~ rJi). . ~. or G'eneral Remodeling lamp proble ..... erected for you Edwin S~ Pratt & Assoc. f Industrial Consultants WA. 1-6281 CB IDClucUnc ~~ A. H. PETERS FUN ERA L HOME OLLIG Industrial Studies Methods T.mprovement Chain Link All-Steel and ELEOTRIC SHOP Drafting Plant Layout Rustic Styles Delsign Industrial Art., .~ . Estdblished 1917 17222 E. ,VVARRENAVE.- Dies. Jigs and Fixtures . • Jpp. i. Warren Bowling Alleys TUxedo 2-6077 MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO~ TU 1-1977 P.O. Box 3712, Detroit 15 10403 H4RPER RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL

':, .,',', .

Com~ in and s~ our Ou'r Service Is FREE } ..' CAFE 'DOORS" We will gladly help you plan ~ny projeCt - PORCH _ Paneling DI~playCenter RECREATION ROOM - DEN - ATTIC - or that extra - LOUVRE DOORS roolll. You can do ,the 'work yourlelfor we will do it for BERMUDA .BLINDS "'. " Finest Selection of ," ,',., you. Our information is at your service. ", SOLID' ,HARDW.OODS DUTCH BOY PAINT ...... (,:_ ... -.,., .. (~ ...... -.~~la Walnut - Cherry ~ Oak ' ROLLOUT SHELVES .'. --- Willow - Maple - Ash PEG LEGS - Black, Brass • 'Additif1ln. • Enlargements LAZY SUSANS Porch I nclosur.. • Porch•• V Grooved Plywood o FILON Plastic: Sheets. and "'PfI'i/' to '110m•• I" tit• .Po'"f .. - Paneling FORMICA 12057 GRATIOT AVL 20705 MACK AVI. at VlRNI!I ID. Cherry - Oak - Walnut F!lfmerly Pow.rs Lumber Co. VARI-KROM SPRAY DETROIT ~ MICH. GROSSE fOlNTI WOODS 36, MICH. Mahogany - Blonde Cativo '" H. S. SIIANNON, Contractor - lAKEVIM 6-7700 TUXEDO 4-5500 LUMBER & MLDGS. Birch - Ash 19650 HARPER TUxedo 2..4800 TU. ""159 1953 Hunt Club Is O,polite Harper Woods City Hall ACCORDIAN DOORS, Grosse Point. Woods -:30 ,~'

-- ... 'fI'.-. I" •• - ~,'" - /'1" _ •• ., ~, •• _. ~ ... " •• ,. ~ "f'" ~'r, . ~_"'".....T". *-..,..".t4'.-,..,...~, •• i' ,,.."""'••"."...Il' ...... ~ "'-. liJ'""'''. ~ .. -l'.~".,¥. '0' - . ., 'f •..... , • ''''(7'''''- .' ...... 1 ".~_. ' ...' ','-. "'..T~' -'. __I ..... 'Ill' ,,' r '~t t.""" ...... f .~Ir 'j.", f ~.. , ••

Page Twenty-four , G 'R 0 S S! POI N T E 'N E'W S Thursday, May I, 1958

F e" a'tu " . r e, * * * * * *" * * ....:.;.~ Pointer o,f Interest fI Good, Taste when -the POINTE Favorite Reeipes • of 'UJas 9rolUln9 up + • + People in The Know flJ$tnte HOT WEATHER RAMEKINS Counter Points ~y Mrs. Otto W. Ponrrace By Pat Rousseau (This recipte comes from Picturesquely patterned ... flocked flowers in love- By Pat Talbot " the Lig.gett School Cookbook, ,, published in 1950 by the ly profusion on pure, silk at D. J. Healy, Your choice Sealed in a copper box auring the height of the Alumnae of the School which of full blown red roses . . . blue buds . • • cornflower is marking its Founders Day depression is a short story of Grosse Pointe Park writ .. colorings or black and white daisies in spirited array. ten bv the late Fintan L. Henk, for posterity, in case the this ,Friday.) The mood is dressy •.. the necklines, scooped ... the November 1931. crisis should put an end to the growth • • • skirts .•• either sheath or a graceful fall of unpressed of that village's prosperity. We don't know what has 2 medium cucumberR happened to the box but we have seen a copy of the 1% cups well seasoned pleats over, tulle. • from fifty to seventy dollars. histonr. white sauce * Grosse Pointe Park was the earliest Pointe to be- % cup crushed potato * * come a village. before 1907 being part of the old village chips , ~tLike Mother • . • Like Daughter" in matching of Fairview which then extended from Bewick avenue 1 can (6~ oz.) crabmeat dresses for the family tiiltype! Tots, toddlers, girls and to Cadieux road. In 1907 that part of the territory from Pare cucumbers. Dice. SIm.. mothers sizes,-priced from six to eleven dollars at Jacobson's Bewick to Alter was taken into the city of Detroit leav- mer 'in Salted water until te~- Youth ,Center. ' .• sec'ond floor. Drip dr), cottpn •• , white ing the re!lit an "orphan" community which finally be- der (about 15 minutes). Drain ('ame incorporated as the Park. For awhile it was known well. Add to white sauce with 'with it ~vy blue sailor bow at the neck ••• a happy look as Cottam1 until 10 o'clock. Pro- Pharmacy. Jeffel'son between Beaconsfield and Nottingham, When A rabbit ear chair that cost 50c at 'a country farm ceeds from the shaw (last An "8mm. Members' Nightt) ... _ elections were not in progress this housed all the £1quip- auction and a china breakfront whi.ch survived the year $4,000) help maintain the will be held by' the Grosse * * 'f ment of the fire department which then consisted of a Johnstown flood are just two of the rare finds which Rotarians' many community Pointe Cinema League at the "A home of gentle charm" ... is sure to have a few hose reel mounted on two large wheels and equipped encouraged Russell 1;'. Livermore to take antique col- services. War Memorial Center ~n May old cherished pieces! Either the large or small antique with a shaft. On election days the fire equipment was lecting seriously. " , Mr. Livermore finds hi$ en- 8 at 8 o'clock. , chest at The League Shop would fulfill its promise of moved outside and the election, officers took 9ver the The Livermores' spic and table is a paJnted coff~egrind- grossing hOob-byrelaxing and Featured will be two films mellow' grace. , . because each is endowed with a soft _premises. span colonial in McKinley er wired as a lamp. informative. He has learned ,a made by Floyd and Dorothy glowing veneer ... a white marble top •.. two draws ] The council meetings were held in a school class- avenue is crammed with There is a wash stand, cop- lot about people' as well, as Dargel oIl their six w~ks' with significant brass' keyholes and an antique key that room with the officers seated in the front and the specta- charming furniture and bric per samovar, a comb box, two ,a lot 'about furniture and al- trip to the West last rummer. locks modern possessions neatly away. _ tors seated in the pupils' chairs. By 1910 the population a brae which he has been re- rocking chairs, a handleless though his hQbby is demand- Short subjects by Clarence A. finishing and refurbishing for Adams cup and saucer, a hat ing, it is a real joy to return Davis and M. DimitrieviChwill * , of Grosse Pointe Park was 290: Twenty years late~, 11,174 the past 18 years. All of the rack and numerous captains' these derelicts from genera- complete the program. '" '" resided in the Park. Edmund C. Vernier, Daniel Allor, furniture is the type you feel chairs and old glass. tions of living to beauty and "A Child's-Eye View of All weather wondet .... the West Wind Jaeket ... made James Rasmussen and Victor DeBaeke were some of right at home with; none of Country Auction Fa~ usefulness. He is surrounded California" is the title of the of SuPima cotton , .• woven to b.reathe ..• natura1l1' water the officials at the time this exerpt from the time cap- those uncomfortable horse hair by his handiwork, glowingand first film to be shown by Mr. repellent and completely washable. Scores on the golf courst1 sule was written. sofas or fragile chairs for the For years the Livermores polished, and months of l!llbor, and Mrs. Dargel. Their travel- ••• fimt /01' sailjng Qf an)' active sport. Available in blue1 At the end of the account which was seaied into the Livermores. have been spending their and searchin,g,disappointments ing in this state was concen- , B""ganWl.thGI.ft week-ends attending country and rewards make him feel trated mainly upon places dear natural tmd white • • . thirteen ninety-five at Kilgore and ~opper box was this paragraph: ~ auctions here and in Ohio (the it's been worthwhile, a part to the hearts of children. Hurd. "The entire United States together with practically This fascinating and de- best antique hunting country The romantic excitement .of ...... mandmg. hobb'y began \,VI'th a as it was settled years before of our living past. the old ghost tOwn of Calico . all of the world is, at the present time. passing through "House Bea.utiful ... is your house! Newly decorated by an economic depression which is widespread .•. values cake stand, the gift of a friend. Michigan). Mr, Livermore was ------opens the film, followed by a Wanamaker's Studio. Mack A.venue.A staff of skilled decor- in real esaate have taken a severe drop ~nd all Cf)m- This is a ran~ piece of paneled never adverse to knocking on Donald E. Sanford tour through the colorful fan- :,1"modities may be purchased at much lower prices than thistle glass, and the Liver- some farmhouse door and de- tasy of Disneyland. The nostal- ators will help y(m clat.ify your lofti~t dreams of home .•. at mores have colleoted q~ite a manding a' front porch rocker Ends Basic Training gia of the Old West is found was possible several years ago. There are millions of few pieces to accompany the in a bad state of disrepair. -- in the reconstructions at down to earth costs. unemploved persons in the United States at this time, cake stand. The glass collec- most old woods refinsh nice- (AHTNC) ,- Arm y Pvt. Knotts Berry Farms, while the and the!"; have been many bank failures." Dated Grosse tion is in a chestnut triangu- ly, only hard 'woods like oak Donald E. Sanford, 19, son of majestic trees and sparkling • * * * Pointe Park, Mich., November 18, 1931. lar oreakfront, which descend- and ash need any filler. Many. Mrs. Leatha Mertens, 122Muir 'waterfalls of Yosemite Na- "Green rustlings ... drift coaly" ... the poet Hart ed from the Johnstown Flood farm pieces are made of vari- road, recently completed eight tiona! Park bring the! family Crane expressed the delight of fresh growing things. in 1889, and is their prize ous typ~s of wood which need weeks of basic. combat train- close to the beauties of na- piece. The glass, which dates careful handling. ing with the 2nd Armored Di- ture. The lavish Philodendron plants at' Charvat the Florist, ,,,ho~where and"w.katnoi from 1860, includes a honey Right now in the Livermores' vision at Fort Hood; Tex. He A repeat showing, by re- bring this outdoor verdance dramatically into your by whoozit dish (to house the complete attic an old schoolmaster's is a graduate of Grosse Pointe quest, of "Driving 8500 Mile'S home. They are not only highly decorative, but very comb), a banana dish, eight desk is awaiting paint remov- High School. with Children Can Be Fun" good values as welL Cut or spade l~af types are ~vail-

tumblers and various plates er, sand paper and shellac. In the film whioh won the Dar- able 0 • • exceptionally fine plants . . . about fifteen Spring has divers effects on our local1ads and lasses. and odd pieces. Their Royal the basement are some tar- TIRE-.-W-H-E-E-L-ST-OLENgels the 8mm Cinema.League dollars. The Charles B. Johnsons, were so elated by the opening Dalton thistle patterned china 'nished old apple butter buck- Trophy for 1957,will conclude ... day ball O'ame at Briggs Stadium last week they went complements the glass. ets which will gleam as waste Jack Lawson of 1314Jh the evening's program. * * back to the University Club for dinner and dancing. Mr. Livermore admdt~ t~at ba.~ets when they are. ma- MarYland, reported in person Anyone interested in motion Rekindle your gourmet spark ... with elegant Georges What happened? They won first prize in the Charleston it's. a lot of work ::LefiIl?-s~mgehme, buffed. ~ the Llver- to the' Park police that some- picture photography is cordial- Briard Porcelainite enamel. Takes to the buffet, porch 01' antIques and takes unllmlted mores recreatIon room ~re time during the night. some- ly invited to attend this meet- patio • , • alight with warm.ing candles. Double 01' triplt1 contest, * * * ,patience. In the hOling room two brass gas lamps whIch one brolte into his garage and ing. For ,further information, casseroles, coffee pots atul all manner of cookwear. See ho",!, is a cradle renovated to serve Mr. Livermore saw on an old stole the spare tire and wheel please call the Grosse Pointe wood and copper combine i'1 numy Rubel pieces for open atr And the weather has its influence on men's fashions, as a cocktail tahle. The Liver- car roa;-ing down a country from his car. War Memorial Center. too. Makes usually cautious males try something aif- mores found it in a Lapeer road. He followed it and ------~------1)1' indoor entertaining • . • d,'amatic and practical • . • from Jacobson's Home Decorative Shop. ferent. Da'vid Gamble was a pace setter in the lobby farmhouse, painted a b~rn red. bo~ght the lamps from the Smart Interl' ors of the Players recently in his black and red brocaded It took months of sanding and drIver. Need Not evening jacket~ shellacking to bring out its Bargains Rare Today * * * original :finegrain.. Nowadays, antiques are so Be Expensive • • Festival Held By Girl Scou,ts More style note' Mrs John Hughes is the type In Old Cowboy Films pop~lar, that .the 50-cent No on. can b. ~i'1 Uptrt Of' H Four Girl Scout Troops and Numbers on the program authority in mort than on. or tw. for the chemise and" ~~a~s a ~ery fetching gray' tweedy An old dry sitnk makehs.h8 ChhaarIdrStoandfindbaBI"guatU;v;~b~e:a~ye six Brownie Troops of Richard were the Flag Ceremony, fitlds of tndtnor. Thltt'J why YOIl School held a Mexican Festi- Mexican Hat Dance, Mexican , . .. h ~ l' d' th .t 1 l<>vely corner a ble w lC ,... mu.t rely "pon r•• ponsibllZ .uthor. nu.mber, touched Wlt l1~ ~te ~gen an WI 1 a t dg~ I holds an old fashioned student the Livermores have plcked iti •• for .dvice. You CAN 7.ly val on April 22, 3:0 to 4:30,at Songs by Brownies, La Bomba d up bnmmed hat covere WIt ca a~e !oses ... pos e lamp w'th a blush pink satin some treasures. They have on W,namaker. Our i"t,rio,. ar. the Richard School gym. Mrs. dance, Mexican games by Jinx McLucas shopping on the J1ill wore a saddl~ brown glass s;ade, These lamps are a mirror whicI: they fo~d . designed to fit YOUT ho",. ."0 P. L. TeWa1tand Mrs.J. Oyaas Brownies, Mexican songs, La '~ leather coat cut like a chesterflled and collared In dark often the type thrown in at ..a Grosse Pomte MemorIal 1 YOllr pur.t. i were program chairman of the Razpa dance, and Mexican brown velvet, very fetching with her blond beauty ... brawls m.' the old cowboy Church Rummage Sale and a • U...... teri.. • e.rlliu. I event. Pina.tos. The girls wore dif- o WeNp.,... .. SII, en .... Mrs. J. Bell Moran looks over the groceries.in a navy I movies. Every time one crash- copI;>erscoop from a Rotary • A...... • CCII'petfR9 In preparation for'the event, ferent colored sashes signlfy- and white checked sheath collared in linen and a short es over the head of the villain Ant~queShow at the War Me- • ~.. • "Ill...... Mrs. Norbert Cortinos, who in~ the~r troops, and bright bright red coat. the Livermores shudder, know- morlaL, . • • I1ON WAN PUIHI1Ulr teaches Mexican dancing at prmt skirts. Ow Trwllttl "it~i.,.D.cOIa'ora * * * ing what a difficult time they Mr. LIvermore IS~ amateur Arw 14"1""', ,. HHfI Y•• Holy Trinity, Casa Maria, and I ------had tracking down their prize. but he has ~e great~st respect ,the Neighborhood House Set- It's better to second the mo- The Bill Wilsons, who teach ballroom dancing at the The table holds some gaily for profeSSIOnal~tique deal- tlem~nt, taught the troops four tion in the journey through War Memorial, came up with a novel idea for their colored glass bartber bottles ers. He never mlSses a show Mexican dances, with the aid life than to be 'a chronic ob- spring ball last week. Each boy an-d gh~l was given a some brass camly SCOOp8 and' and will certa.inly be on hand "W CREATORS OF DISTINCTIVE INTERIORS • studios of her daughter. jector. card and asked to match up with their opposite for a a walnut knife and fork box for the upcommg Rotary Show Furniture and Carp!lt Cleaning on Location or In our Plant dance ... bread met butter, forks uartnered knives and used by our grandmothers. at the C-anter. 19853 Mack Avenue. Grosse Pointe TU 1..2100 so it went, very gay for the sub sub' deb set. NDvelitem in the Livermore Rotary Show '~ollection is an Ohio dough The GroSse Pointe Rotary Se,e Gray ••• aDd Play! * * * tray, in which the farmer's Cluibis sponsoring this Third . . ' Mrs. Robert Rigger, Robert lVlackay, to her readers, wife used 'to knead dough for Annual Antique ,Show May.6, looked very fetching when she accepted her Page One -Golf Mitts two dozen l<>a:ve.s.Toppin,gthis 7, 8, 9 at the War Memonal Sa,dd'ie.I :,Hor,ses for Hire. award for the best feature writing of 1957 at the news- Clark colorful contour-designed paper ball Saturday night. Her bouffant gown of white HED-MITS can't foil off aed- was appliqued with small green leaves and accented by HAYRIDES ~; ,,~. de~tQlly, even during practice matching green slippers. l ' sWings. Horses Bought and Solei * * * ot,t~itfeGpple,. t ,,':"Sets of J . • • from 2.50 Michigan State home economics major Irene Schiele .:; / ., 'Sets of 4 ••• from 3.95 ."" f' won the coveted Borden award at the university last .'Longhorn Rlln,II ";';' ,d Individual Leather Mitts week. It is given each year to the home ec student with 'LECIROL Y51S 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 1.50 ea. the highest scholastic rating. 'ermanent Removal of S,uperflucus Hair Phone STilwell 1-4101 * * * . ily New Short Wave Method VAN DYKE AT 25 MILl RD., WASHINGTON, MICH. PILFERINGS ,. ,... , '.... , . No Obligation for Consu,ltation /!Ob, leaf, that yesterday was green But now is blushing rosy red, 15315 E. Jefferson, Grosse P"int. Park VA 2-47~4 Esquire Theater Building What happened to you overnight.';) The W by not to me, instead?" Doris Black * * * Jimmy Fidler's description of Hollywood's evening CARPET II ,-,B.4 RANCH, for, BOYS, gown: "Low and behold." FURNITURE * * * PRIDE CLEANERS COOK CITY, MONTANA Ideas are funny little things. They won't wOl'kun- Northeost Gate of Ye"ow~tone less you do, Cash & C,arry , A mind like a flash of lightning, quick but crooked 20eyo Off .. • • G. K. Chesterton, 14th Year-Age 7-17-Tuition $425.00 "", \\5 // '

* * * w It's just as i"mportant to marry the right life as the Six Weeks-June 30 Aug. 9th c,oop ~. ~...... 3.98

right person 0 •• Jan Struther. Pack Trips, Canoe :J'rips; Scenic Trips, Rodeo Riding; "Scoop" gives you Q new world of fun. The ingenious - ,- * * * way to master the new variations of LaCrosse, Hand Being an old maid is like death by dro;wning-a All Athletics, University of Michigan Coaches I, B~", Volley Ball, Tennis, Cricket, Badminton,. ete. really delightful sensation after one ceases struggling and Athlete, .... Edna Ferber. * * * Ranch Instructors A Brit~sh fledging reporter had been reprimanded for his overlong account and told to be brief. His next For information and s~owing of movies by appointment Racquet and story was turned in as follows: ~Ieaned Qnd Mothproofed in Your Home Write Sport Shop 'A shocking incident occured last night .Sir Reggy Rugs Picked up end Guaranteed 'and VIe HEYLIGER, Blank, a guest at Lady Briny's ball, complained of feel- - Delivered Insured former Michigan Hociey COMh ing ill, took his hat, his coat, his departure, no notice .of his friends, a taxi, a pistol from his pocket, and finally, 'r •• Estimat. , 10615 Cadi.ux 1019 Berkshire Street, Ann Arbor, Mich'. . TU 1-5262 TUxedo 5-:5700 , ' 106 KERCHEV Al TU 1-2262 hla life_ Nice chap'. Regrets, and all that."


triz • • ,;, j .- intt. bn .. 4 .'