Driver Dies Behind Will Ballot. Curb Into
All the News '~ Home of the Newl of All,the Pointes Every ThursdaV Morning * * * Call TUxedo 2~6900 C,(i~plete ..N,ews.,'Cove,rage of All the Po,intes . , . ---- Entered as ~ond. 'Clas. Ma'tter 5c Per Copy VOLUME 19-No. 47 at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN, NOVEMBER.'20, 1,958 $3.50 Fer, Year 28 PAGES Fully Paid Circulation • , , -------------------------------------~-.,-------------:-------------------------------------------.. ~ Helps 'Hill' Merchants laun"ch Program DEADLINES , "! '. Driver Dies Behind Will Ballot. of the , ", 'On Extending \VEEK Wheel;Car Jumps Tax "Millage As COl1lpiled by the Grosse Pointe Neu's 9 Mill Levy Which Wo~ld Expire at End of School Thursday, November 13 Curb into ""Lake Year Now Essential AN AIR FORCE KC-97 Stratotanker used to' refuel Heart Attack Fatal to-. Motorist: Wife Rescued from On-December 2 the atQmic bombers, crashed into a . Water by Four Men Who Grosse Pointe Board of housing development on the Education will hold an Georgia coast Wednesday, kill- Saw the Accident election in The Grosse ing all 11 men aboard. One civilian, was 'reported Lester Beeman; 73, of 588 Piper, Detroit, whose car Pointe School District on severely burned while work- went over the' breakwall in front of 207 Lake Shore an important school matter, ing in his garden near the road, when he suffered a heart attack on Tuesday, No- Board President Franklin scene of the crash. The four- vember 18, was pronounced dead on arrival at Bon D. Dougherty stated. The engined plane smashed into Secours HospitaL 0---------~-- Board will seek a 5-year two houses, one empty and the His wife, Anna, 70, a passen- extension of its present other still under construction, ger in the car, was also taken authority to levy 9 mills for befQre it burst into flames.
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