All the News '~ Home of the Newl of All,the Pointes Every ThursdaV Morning * * * Call TUxedo 2~6900 C,(i~plete ..N,ews.,'Cove,rage of All the Po,intes . . . , . ---- Entered as ~ond. 'Clas. Ma'tter 5c Per Copy VOLUME 19-No. 47 at the Post Office at , Mich. . MICHIGAN, NOVEMBER.'20, 1,958 $3.50 Fer, Year 28 PAGES Fully Paid Circulation •

, , ------~-.,------:------.. ~ Helps 'Hill' Merchants laun"ch Program DEADLINES , "! '. Driver Dies Behind Will Ballot. of the , ", 'On Extending \VEEK Wheel;Car Jumps Tax "Millage As COl1lpiled by the Grosse Pointe Neu's 9 Mill Levy Which Wo~ld Expire at End of School Thursday, November 13 Curb into ""Lake Year Now Essential AN AIR FORCE KC-97 Stratotanker used to' refuel Heart Attack Fatal to-. Motorist: Wife Rescued from On-December 2 the atQmic bombers, crashed into a . Water by Four Men Who Grosse Pointe Board of housing development on the Education will hold an Georgia coast Wednesday, kill- Saw the Accident election in The Grosse ing all 11 men aboard. One civilian, was 'reported Lester Beeman; 73, of 588 Piper, Detroit, whose car Pointe School District on severely burned while work- went over the' breakwall in front of 207 Lake Shore an important school matter, ing in his garden near the road, when he suffered a heart attack on Tuesday, No- Board President Franklin scene of the crash. The four- vember 18, was pronounced dead on arrival at Bon D. Dougherty stated. The engined plane smashed into Secours HospitaL 0------~-- Board will seek a 5-year two houses, one empty and the His wife, Anna, 70, a passen- extension of its present other still under construction, ger in the car, was also taken authority to levy 9 mills for befQre it burst into flames. Trespassers to the hospital, where she was operating expenses of the '" .. . treated for shock and minor public school system. Friday, November 14 leg inj uries, and released. Pose Problem Mr. Dougherty pointed out THE CO-OWNERS and gen- When Farms police arrived that g,uthority to levy this tax eral manager of the Holt Stu. at the scene, four men, who will expire at the end of the dios, 3646 Woodward, were pulled Mrs, Beeman from the For Police current school year. These f 0 u n d guilty Thursday of car, were on the breakwall" --- nine mills, he said, cO'mprise eheating their customers. The with her. 22 Arrests Made in Week more than one third of the verdict was returLed by a Four in Res~ue As Juveniles' Invade funds pro:vided for current ex- jury of five men and seven The four who assiSted Mrs. ' 1 penses. The remainder comes woman at 5:10 p.m., six hours Beeman were Earl Allatd of Ford Owneo Estate from the Grosse Pointe Pub- and 20 minutes after they be- 26211 Bloomfield, and Frank "--- lic Schools' share of the State gan deliberations. Allard of 28210 Asmus, broth- At, Monday night's meet- authorized county taxes 'arid RecQrder's Judge Paul E. ers and bobh of Roseville; and ing of the Grosse Pointe state aid. Krause said he will pass sen. Hoov~r Murphy of 5961 Trum- City Council, it was re- Renewal, Not Boost tence December 4 o~ Mrs. bull, Detroit, and Mel Schultz vealed that a serious prob- "This proposition will not Joyce Holt, 30 dnd her sister, of 6109 Martin, Detroit. lem exists at 17620 East, increase school taxes,'. Mr. Miss Helen Stock, 37, the own- The brothers VJ1&edriving , Dougherty .said, "but will just ers, and Cymcn Rieger, 41, about 100 feet behind the Bee- Jefferson avenue, formerly renew and continue what we the manager. They face a mans, when the Beemans' car the old Fred T. Murphy have had. If the voters of maximum of five years in plUiI1!gedover the breakwall. estate. currently owned by Grosse Pointe want us to con~ prison on each of two counts. -Picture by Fred Runnells The other two men were sit- William C. Ford. tinue to have a fine public The trio were convicted of MRS.' WILLIAM F, CONNOLLY, JR. of Moran being offered each week. Coupons are given away by ti~g in their truck when t~e Police Chief Tom Tromble school system, and we.....arecon- eonspiracy to commit gross road, wife of th~ Mayor of' Grosse.'Pointe Farms, these stores from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.~. on Fridays, to tnlshap took place, almost m. . . y fident they do, 'then renewal frauds and cheats and con- front of them. All four men I submItted a report cItmg 28 draws the first ,winner \n. the :wee~dy contests bein-g, adults only. A purchase i~ not required to obtain, the of this ~ authority is abso- .piracy to obtain signatures went into the water and aided calls the police department lutely necessary. , sponsored by, the shop$;:~~h~~.ij:~~h~val-on~t;h.e .. coUpons/The are made eacn Tuesday morn- under f.alse pretenses. There lfjn~"' :' 'drawings Mrs. Beeman out of the car has received from local resi- The Board president went were a total of 65 witnesses shopping district. 'A $50' gift. certific~te, req,eemq.ble in ing at 10:30 o'clock, The first winner is Mrs. Mabel and onto the breakwall. dents since the 27th of April on to point out that the total ealled in the spectacular 13- merchandise at any of the participating stores, is Hilgendorf 'of 124 Muir road. Farms Patrolmaa John Far...... ' ' t th cOlf1t>lammgof trespassers on school tax picture had im~ month-long trial. 1'ey" first 0ifleer a e scene" - ~ proved. He ,said that the tax >lr '" '" went into the water, and tried I the property. In the past week, bills to he issued in December Saturday, November 15 Second Polio Community "Chor~s to Give GPHS Team to pull Mr. Beeman out from alone, Oitv officers have made this year would' reflect tha:i THE RUSSIAN ARMY held behind the wheel. At this time, 22 arrests; mostly juveniles, the total school levy has b-een • . convoy of three American CI- · S · Patrolman Marvin Krebs 8.J:'- for trespassing. reduced by more than 2 mills Army trucks for 8lh hours tutC erle,S'.' Christmas, Concert'YDec.' 7,; ,To'b,e Feted rived, and he went to the other M t f th . k ts h from last year's levy. This is Friday. The trucks were stoo- . , , , officer's assistance, and be- os. 0 e lIC ~ ave the result of a reduction in the tween them they carried Bee- been .1Ss~ed to Ddrol~ youths amount of taxes levied to pay ped while seeking to leave ICompleted " Bell ..'Choir to he Featured November 25 man,to shore. who Jnf1ltra~ t~t- Pomte and isolate~ Berlin on a routine , ' . hold \beer drmklllg ,bouts on off indebtedness. Where it had run to West Germany. R.ushed ~o Hospital the abandoned property. been 5.77 mills in 1957-58, the An Army spokesman said Approximately 24.414 Group o,f Six Highly, Trained" Girls Will A Iso Ann~al Football Roundup A Farms FIfe Department. . rate is now 3.76 mills on state - the Russians at a checkpoint . 5 Ik V. Accomp.any Chorus ..t Yule' Event to Be Held 8e.,ng G.lven by Dad's ambulance arrived, and took BeSIdes the gem-ral nUIsance equalized valuati~ns, a. de- outside West Berlin demanded Rece,ve a accme ... U the Beemans to Bon Secours. pro b 1e m the vandals are (Continued on Page 4) • right to inspect the truck Inoculations in Parcells School' at 3:30 i Club Tl:Aesday Night Police said that the Bee- posing for the Pointe police- eargoes, contrary to est.ab~ . -- The, Bell Choir of' the Salem Memorial Lutheran 'I m~ns weI"e traveE'llg east on man, there is ser;ous 'Concern lished procedures. ApproXlm. ately 2~,4.14 per- Chu'rch will be, the featured solo group of the sixth Plans are all set for the Lake Shore, headed for Mt. for the YQ,Uths'safety because Building Request Grosse Pointe Dads' Club Clemens, when Mr. Beeman of an open well :md elevator '" '" '" 'sons receIve d th elr, Sa lk 'Chrl',stmas' Co'nce-'- of -the GrosSe Pointe Community ~ ft th tat hi h Sunday, November 16 '1 t . th nd' 11. annual Football. Roundrup suffered the attack. The car ::na on e es e, W c con- vaCClne s 10 S In e seco Chorus to be presented on Sunday afternoon, 7. t t f "--"'1 d stitute potential danger Granted by City THE UAW OFFERED S t . h ' to be h""l'd at the 'U'I'gh wen ou 0 COllJw.v an . a - polio clinic series WhIC Th' to . 't .Y.f~------<:; - ¥ . 11rday to call off its five~day d d Md' e progr~m, OOllSlSi. School, November 25, at Jumped the curb, goi~g about The police departmentJ has The Council of the City of strike of 8,000 Chrysler Corp. en e i) n a.y evenmg, chor~ ChrIstmas selectwns be given in the auditorium of 83 fleet before plungIng over set up a barricade to the pro- Grosse Pointe met Monday office workers immediately if November 17. 1t was an- raIl;gmg fr~m.; the Bach O~a. the Parcells Junior High 6:30 p.m. the .breakwall, and 'bM> f~t perty, to halt access by auto. night with a full agenda re- remaining issues were left to nou~ced b;y Tho ~r~o, to '~he FI:ed v:.arl~g School, 'Vetnier, and Mack, at It's hard tip remember just oU,t mto the lake, to settle m mobile, and the Council voted Dr. mas sulting from the c,ancel1ation further negotiation and, if DaVIes, Pomte Health ~om- NIght Befure ChrIstmas. Wlll 3:30. what annual party tnis is but about three" feet of wa~er. to approach Mr. Ford with of the regular monthly meet- necessary, to a'rbitration. missioner.' Donald W. ,Simmons, CQIl- we can remember way back Mrs. Beeman told polIce that several suggestions as to how mg L'1October. Ohrysler turned down the The second series be'gan on Cl-~Y' 'Con~'u'ctine: (~uu1Jorof Jhe chorus, is vocal when Dan :Beck organized the when her husband syffered the to a 11e v i ate the nnhappy Following the approval af. proposal but UAW and com- Wednesday, November 5, at L.I n:usic reacher at Par~ells and first one. That was the night attack, and the car Jumped the situation. minutes from the meeting of. pa~'Y negoti'ators ~greed to Pierce JlIDior High School, ~l-.r.Ie 'Inspe. ell-on directs the. youth chOIrs a~ the, gallons of cider and boxes of curb, she tried unsuccessfully ------September 15, the council ap. continue the talks m an ef- where about 850 persons were Grosse Pomte Congregatlonal doughnuts W€!IlIt beg,ging even to pull his 'foot off Qf the accel- praised the application of foot to re.establish production given vacoine shots. This ' '. Church. Mi'lton Setzer, who is though the Y'oungsters and erator. She said the car was C4urches Plan Hilary H. Micou, Jr., building by Monday. Most of the dis- phase of the program was Geor~e Coriden, 'Fire Cam1 .oin ,the .g,taff of Wayne State their dads stuffed themselves nrareling at about 15 or 20 contractor, for development of eussions Saturday were on termed a success by Dr. missioner for the City of' Univers'ity, accompan~es the to the 'ears. miles an hQur when her hus- Joint Services a portion of the Harold R. seniority 'wd job security is- Davies, despite the fact that Grosse Poin.te, reports that a grO'up' and will ue 'assisted at It ~wasm't a big :urnout at band collapsed. Boyer property at 17500 East aues. this number is less than half Fire Prevention Program is the, organ by Ke'llneih Cook, that first party but it wa.s a She said that the day pre- J etlerson avenue. .. '" '" of those inoculated at the currently being carried on by. science teacher ,a1' Grosse huge success, ror it set the vious, ~er husband underwent The annual joint Thanks- The proposed development .Monday, November 17 school O'n Septe~l1Iber30 dur- the "City. Pointe- High Scho'ol.anc. organ- stage for future parties at' a phYSIcal c~eck up, and was giving servic;es, given by , , , 0' d d h 1"-1.b Chris-:; Ohurch and Grosse calls for subdividing a piece CHDYSLER CORP. and the ing the first clinic. Essentially a home inspec- is,t a~.Grosse Pointe Methodist whi~h the dads, got togethe'l" pro!!: unc~ m goo ea U11 y of the property fronting on ~" An th CI" H ld t' 1 't . t" f th C'hur"''L.., +0- h"'T'llo'"t,h""~--~ball team. In theur famIly doctor. Poinrt;e Memorial Church, will 'ay night reached a 0 er InlC e Ion pan, 1 conslS s 0 a orR ,",11. • •. • • I.V V'U!L ~ .1'UVU b h ld T1.- k . . Jefferson, into two gOOd-sized UAW Sund . h'" The 'Bell Olimr whleh IS those days Grosse Pointe's The car, with a badly dam- e e IJ.<:t:nSglVIng morn- eontract settlement ending a The drop in the number was Qugh' inS'pe~tlOn of t eleSI- c' ••.• ', .. d d ing at 10:30 o'CJlockat Christ lots, .one of which is to ba six-day strike which idled 61,- attributed to the Detroit clinic deI;1ce5,with suggestions iby the cc:-mposed.of.SJ.:Ch'lg~ly~railned (Continued on Page 2) age un €or carriage, was Church. • built on by the family's daugh. """'kers. Company and which was held in nearby St. fire- depa,rt, to how to. high school .gJ.rls; IS dir,ected ------hauled out of the water sev- W ter and son-in-la\'., the Victor 000 vu. """ b Mr 01 'ttT lk wh eral hours latex, and taken 00 D F _1_ F'tt tl 'on leaders sign"ed a new Ambrose School, to which improve safety, precautions. " Y s. l,:,e i'Va er, ,0 1 Wh . T. ra\lll\. I, recen y re- H. Taylors. una th C'.l- Cl e -tt- a sel.vice stati()iIl. . t' d .. t: ./' M '81 three-year contract for 8,000 many in the area went. Mr. Coi'iden ~eports that, aIso teach e~ In e '~l.. alr. Rev a I ler lXe mInus''er OJ emOlrl' Mr. Micou sought permission salaried employes at 9 p.m.. On November 6, 1,550 per- thus far,' they, have inspected Shore~ public .s~h~l~. . .' P k- Ch ------ChUlrch, will deliver the ser- from the Council to delve suf- Sunday after 35 hours of aIR sO'ns lined up at the Harper 128' homes on Lincqln road.- BesIdes pa:t1'Clpatln:g In theur ar Ing ange HUBCAPS STOLEN mon, entitled "S e e d and ficiently 'undergroun.d, in in~ most continuous barp-aining. Woods Junior High School, for There were, about _90residents own worsl:i~. s~rvlce5 ~d Mrs. L. Marie CIs.ney of 1128 Sheaves." . stalling the new utilities, so The com~,T"lY immediately their shots. This number was on that street whom they were church activItu:S, the chom P k Ii h Lakepointe, informed Park po- A coffee hour will be h~ld as to meet the Oity's require- ealled back.t"'~44,OOOh 0 u r I y just about the same as that of unable to contact; 'despite a plays for servlce~ at oth~r ar pO' CIe ave been iri- lice on Sunday, November 16,. in the Undercro~1., foLlowing ments in the eventuality of the clinic held at this school second call in all cases and, churches, at ba11queis, and re- structed hit~henfu.rche.b~tn'ew_Okr.di- workers at 19 of its 26 De- f 1 d . . '. - cf:'ntly' a featured on the l1Iancew e pro I J.;S par mg that someone had stolen tour the service, which will pro- the property becoming' avail- troit-area plants for the first on September 30. 28, re usa s, ' ue In most m..: w s ' . ' 0In the eaSlt side of Wh'tt. hubcaps from her car while it vide an opportunity for Point- able to the public, in future S1.;U Monday. Officials expect At Eastland Center on Sat- stances to' an illness in, the program of the DetrOIt Coun-" b t M k 1. ler, 'was parked in front of her ers to "jl--it with the Fitts, years. Inasmuch' as the estate lUJ." • '1 f Ch cl1 '\ Ch .lrF ,t/ 1 e ween ac avenue ~and v"",,, full production to be resumed urd,ay, November '15, d~t~rs, ~ous.ehold: Most o~ t~ese fa.ID:I- C1lhO... lur te's 10d _efsIV~ " 'Oharlevoix it was announced home during the night. who,have moved to Ann Arbor. was large enough to meet aU Tue~ay-after parts short- and nurses were kept busy hes ,promISed to c,o,:.,?perate.IP.' . t ~s"a s~, rave"~ 'as ar ,as b' Park Polioe 'Chief Arthur ------'--'- the City's zoning requirements, ages are corrected and the (Coniinued on Page 2) the future. Battle Cteek. and, Columbus, r! the Council granted the Boyer ------Ohio 'and hopes next summex ouwers. T -d - e request. ' . salaried employes ratify Sun~ tp p~ticipate in',a.natianal f~~. It was di~~losed that t~.e. 7 R C t WO. e,St en.c,es ,In ")' Also granted was a request day night's *ag~eer;tent. PoZ;ce Hold' Te'~n"age B,oys tival,of _bell choirs ,at ,:Boston. a:m. ~'O 2 ~.m.. Sunday res~rlC- by Ernest Moeller, contractor, II ' To AeCompany Chorus ~ons to par~ll:g on the west Ransacked 'By Burglars to erect a building on the rear Tuesday, November 18 _ In addi'bion to the group'so.]o s;tde of Whitber 'h~v.e been -. ",' k R bb - . end of the lot at the northeast A BARREL-CHESTED in~ Followtng Par 0 erleS performance in the concert, li~t.ed, 1Jhereb~ provIding, ad------1:er-oontinental AUas soared " . . ',' the Bell Chnir will also ac- dlitional parkmg at the curb Two instances of breaking taken from her bureau draw- corner of St. Clair at 3t PauL off 1Aonday night on a 3,100- , ------. _ c(~mpany the Com m un it y .without inJterfering, with ve~' and entering private residences er, This location is now occupied mi'le !light aimed at clearing Two Park teen-age boys ,The

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( Page Two G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E'W S Thursday. November 20, 1958 Thurs Revenge may g i ve some I ' Th~ good die young ia To Hear Talk satisfaction, 'but" try and col- e.specmlly true of good resolu .. Second Polio Clinic Series Completed 'GPHS Team'To Be Feted led on it. trons..' On Inve.sting, (Continued from Page l' I giving s~ots t.() 10,714 }h.<>cJ:'Sons,about 17,000 rece\ived shots at (Continued from Page 1) 'through voluntary' contribu-'" from 11 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Dr. Davies said, On October 4, the Center. foottball' team''t much to t ion s .from the dads. All ------Monday evening, the final write home about but the dads .dads who hav~ sons in. the George A, Nicholson, Jr., cLinic of the series' was held at were' :proud cj.f the lads w:ho high school are eligi'bie ~fo;- will d i s c u s s' "Principles of. Look JAUNTIER IN Brownell Junior High School, played so valiantly but seemed membership in the Pads~ Club Faaml'Y"Investing" at the meet- where about 1,300 were'inocu- to lose to nearly; eveTY OPp'OOl- merely by mailing a contribu- ing of the Friends of The CHET SAMPSON lated. OJ;! October 2, some ~t. Hon to Treasurer George Grosse. Pointe Library, Tues- striped 2,000 were given shots during Picture Changed Harrding' or tu.Ining it in the. day,. Nbvember 25, according invites all the clinic at this same school. In recent years, sJince head n~gtht of-the party..'. to Lee Crooks, president of Third Clinics in May coach Ed Wernet took oveT in I Other officers ()!f the club the Friends. The .meeting will shirts Dr. Davies repeated that the 1946, ihe picture has, changed are William Brown yl.ce-pTesi- take place arl; the Central Li- College Students t third and final polio shots' wiU and the Blue Dr.-vils' dads de'l1:t,an.d John HerrmaJIl, sec- ,b~, 10 Kea:-cheval, beginnmg BYHATHAWAY be administered' ne':Ct May, proud,ly at1Jell1idthe Fooit'ball retary. The boatd Of divecrors at 8 p:m. , planning visits to but, l~e .pointed out, it is not Roundup in ever increasing is inJade up O!f Dr. Ra:ymood Mr. Nicholson cun-ently is necessary for those who have numbers to sing the p.M:ise;s.of Baer, Donald Gl'fau:1,'Charles chqirman of the a d vis 0 r y had their second .shot to wait the D~vil tetam, which has be- Hanneman,' Ralph Hedkkli:nen, board of the Narl;ionail Asso- that lor-g. coone one of '"the iiQremt().stDr. Albert Law, Donald. Mi~- c.iation of Investment Clubs. He, said that the third shot EUROPE. Class A powers in the s1ate. f ler, Remingt.on 'PUrd.y, ,Sr., Dr. He is a "gratluate of the Uru- may be ' had after thre'e Tllis year, the team will be RObe;:t • SwaIlJSlOlIl, ~Ed war d versity' of 'Michigan, 'class of to drop by his office to discuss their plans. months, since it has been es- honored fo'r tying with Royal Taube, Robert W:unter and 1928 and HarVtaJrd School of' tablished that there need' not Oak for the Border CitileS JlameS' ZinlI1. BusinesS Adm in i St'r a t ion . Tours Available for As Little As $685.00 be a s'ix-month waiting period. League titLe and winning the It certainly would be nice 'where he received iris ,Masw's But, he pointed out, the' third Suburban "A" crown aJIld fur to..see Dan Beck Sitting din the. degree in 1930. His own tour, with seven weeks to be spent in Europe, shot should not be taken be- ith leaves June 27 and" includes Portugal, Spain, Italy, finiPIhing ~th in the State s~aJ~ .v: the rest of the. According to Mr. C roo k s, fore the three months have CI'ass A ratmgs. d1g~tarIes an~ we hop.e the Mr. Nicholson wilJl' d i s c us s Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, lapsed. As usual th~ pTogram will Dad S ,Club offIcers shQW they throe,' case,' _studies covering Holland, England and Del'lmark. There will be no special begin wi,th a roast beef dinner. haven ~ for,gott~ the man 'People just matrricd, people . olinic held for tho~e who wish Itineraries and Applications Available at in the oa'feteria at 6:30 p.m. who first g'OIl;this. party of-f a~cumrulllating money after. 40' to receive' their final shot after and will be folllQlW'edby a the g~ound, .even If he dird fQr retirement, and. persons the three-month wait, Dr. sports movie' p'ro,~a~ starting have elder and douf'hnuts left living orl investments aftea: ~ Chet So'mpson Travel Service. Davies said. Persons should at 7 p.rn. Between 7:30,and 9 ov€'!'. age of 65. ,.. in e broadcloth get these from the!ix family Pres~dent Milton, Zuehlke. will \ ,------Following a 'review of the fashioned' in 'Yel"- 100 Kercheval. on the Hill TUxedo 5-7510 . dottors. tical or diagonal He said there will be no preSl?€' at a shi~rt bUSl~~S Students' Gifts problems, Mr. Nicholson Mil:' m.eetrl?g aftle1' whrch At~le.rtrc discuss investmelI1.t principles mere cHnics in the Pointe English $iripe:l. Dlrector.Franj{ B~ach wrll r~- Belo Last Year 'and theiJr application, and .the / Styled in tab and ~ . "'.. ' Health District until May. , .. . . - tr?duc~ the ~o~chJings~. ~hls development of the investment The doctor said that it has ,W E n g Ii s h POitlt wrn be followed by 1"ilmhigh- --, club movement collars. 6.95 been recpmmended that aU l1ghts of the Devrls'. 1958 Students at Gross'e' Pointe . : .. !Jersons who' have had their games which wi:ll be narrated High School contributed a If tIme PCn of c h 11~ r e n, ~. complete .. ,WHALING.'S Maxcus Plant, U of Micmgan The eleventh grade homeroom, or.dmat1o~ of pe~ron funds. faculty repDeBenrtJative to the #222, was the mo.!jt generous wrt~ social secunt~ ....and the Big Ten. and\i&hn "Red" Ooch- in the school, contributing passmg on o~ secuxlrtles to the ?J/Olta weoJt, . Two Cars Tangle ran, backfield coach of the De- $40.01 to the worthy c!'luse.' next gel1'8r~on. 520 Wood'lfard 6329 W. 7 Mile troit Liong. who, also will have ------,- "The public is invited to a,t- North of City County Iidg. Near Livernois At Intersection with him some members of The .man who is afraid to tend the 'meeting. There will WOodward 2.1456 UNiversity 4-2600 the Lions .teatn. admit his mistake91 is m~king be no charge fot admission,H Cadieux and Wate'rloo was The entire affair is financed al1other. ' said Mr. Crooks. the scene of an accident on _._----~------,------'-- Saturday evening, NovembeT • • B, about 6 o'clock. City police took the ,repOO't of Euclid J. Gouin, 50, of 5157 Neff road, in Detroit. Goui'n eladmed he was driv- , ing n)r1h on Cadieux when , .r. he hit the rear of a car stopped / Long Play Records for the traffic signal at that inteT'Section. I are cordially invited to atten.d a' dramatic presentation of For The Starling Realism Of Driver of the other vehicle was Pet€rr Thurber, of 16910 Third.Dimensional Sound Village lane. He was released after questioning, but Gouin Now you can choose from more than was ticketed fo'r reckless driv- 150 new London STEREO Long Play ing and his car held until the Records-classics, light classics, op- next mOi'ning at the police eras ,popular music, background station. ' music-all in brilliant stereophonic sound. Stereo music sounds much PURSE STOLEN better on London Records because A purse. containing $60 and it is recorded so much better. Lon- personal papers was taken don captures all the sound that from her car while it' was orginates from the concert stage. parked in the Oountry, Club You hear esparation of sound-o;, of Detroit parking lot on Tues- the sweeptng blend of the entire day, November 11, according symphony orchestra-exadly as it to a complaint made to Farms was performed. Christmas m~sic, too police by Mrs. David Wormer of 80 Moran road. - on London SlJREO Play Records. (jr"~~tPointe Ne.wI I.L.A. Published Every '1u,Jrsl1ay bY Anteebo Publishers. Inc., LABORATORIES, INC. 99 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan Phone TU 2-6900 Three Trunk Lines 19755 Mack Ave. , Entered as second class matter at the post oWce, Detroit. Michigan, ~- 7375 Woodward Ave. Detroit under th~ act of March 3, 1891. Subscription Rates: $3.50 Per Year II 13725 W. McNicho~s Detroit by Mail; $4.50 outside Wayne Coun- 635 E. Maple Birmingham ty. All News and Ad.vertising Copy Must Be in The News Office by Tuesday Afternoon to Cbtain In- sertIOn...... Hi ...... • ...... IS ...... "...... subtle strilles M4 .,...... • ...... In ...... ,...... Wek, ...... the h ...... Bran, ...... fines ...... , port ...... inclu' ...... ica's ...... ecuti ...... • • and ...... See ~he majestic new 1959, Cadt1lac on,display at the Char ...... namE .... A subtle blue stripe on an olive ..,"...... herringbone ground. Black striped grey ...... DETROIT AUTO SHO'W, NOV. 22-30 ...... herringbone. Neat chalk and pin stripes ...... on blue, grey or olive. Suite of fine domestic AR~ILLERY ARMORY ...... worsteds and flal1nels, from $85...... Highlighting this year's automobile show wiJI be the majestic new conveniences-all created to make every journey an enjoyable one...... New Oxford paisley button-down Ivy ...... " .. il . Cadillac motcr car creations for 1959. And yo~ will d.iscover an impressive new measure of Fleetwood .. .. shirts, charcoal ~nd olive, $7,95...... You ~ill have every qppor~unity to inspect and appraise the craftsmanship) styling and' engineering progress-advancements in ..... dramatic new, concepts. of design and. engineering presented in the ...... New silk Repp ties, $2.50 . engine performance and efficiency • • • in riding and driving ease- .. . • latest Hcar of cars", And we feel certain you will agree that only from . that provide sense of mastery over time and distance...... will .... the gr~at traditions of Cadillac could there come a motor car so ...... DOBBS HATS ARE HERE FOR FALL We ;sincerely hope you win add this show to your calendar of ...... surpassingly fine i~ every way. , events ••• and that you will see your Cadillac dealer at an early ...... 11 You will find exquisitely crafted appointments and motoriv.g date-to drive your favorite 1959 Cadillac. .. ., .. , ...... VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC D'EALER ...... carl sterr ...... ON THE HIll ...... the men's wear shop ...... O'LEARY' CADILLACt Inc., ... .. IJ ...... 80 Kercheval Ave...... J 7153 E. Jefferson Ave •• Grosse Pointe ...... I ...... , .. .. . ------E~,,1. Window 01 E~", Cadillac iJ Sa/tit, Platt Glass ...... -. o. .. \

E n - ThursClay, November 20, '1958 , "G R 0 S'S e POI N T E, NEW S Page Three , " "'" Introducing Pointe's.Newest Teach,ers Center Offers Travel Movies Finrt Services by Valente On TUJeSday eVenO.l11:g, Novem- ber 25, BIt 8 o'clock at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial J. Leslie Berry will show some ,.e~llJling 01jewetg of the choicest piotuTes he took last year when he and Mrs. Berry made a world to,UIr. Be- Ca"..lSe he feels his best fi'lms remounJing jewel and I'epQ,ipj are those of the Orient it is on that regioo and the trou~ bled Middle East that he wiilil fine watch ani clock ,.epaip~ concetnrtI"ate in T u e s day Our finest collection of Christm~s mght's showing. Cards ever. Come in now and let POIiniers seem desrl:ined to us help you make ~ selection while assume the role of world New! Expert diamond setting done right in our store before your eyes. It's a new and appre- ~ssortments ~re complete. Choose travellers. They seem to be on trips, raturnmg :firom them, c:iated service. from our many 1958 albums or boxed - or p1a.mting them. It is this cards. re8S'On that the "Meet the Travellers" series was pro- gII1ammed InIOlI1Jthly at the Cen- ter. Pointe citizens always seem eager to get' tips from I.DAY thcir neighbors on prOop05ed VALENTE JEWELRY tJrips, compare notes on Places @ IMPRINTING they've been, or just enjoy on SERVICE the screen places th~'ve been 16601 E. Warren, at Kensington or dream of going. To prove urns poli.I1lt whi1e on their world FREEPARKING TU 1-4800 I, New tea c her s at Pierce Junior S CHI E R L 0 H , Latin; AL YNE toUlr MT. and Mm. Bel'lI'Y, in Istanbul, 1"8Jl1 illIto their "over I High School compare notes, Pictured BUTCHER, Homemaking; and' GIL- the back f'etl1Ce" neighibOlrS the I Opal LAMPS & FURNITURE ,from left to right are the six new staff BERT GRl\Y, English. Mainly these Ben Beyers who W&e also me m b e r s at Pierce this year:-. newcomers .are replacements for for- ch-c1ing the globe. i ~ "The Village's Newest Store" H~RBERT LADD, mathematics; mer teachers who transferred to the The community is cordi'ally DON RICHARDS, Industrial Arts and new Brownell Junior High School invited to see Mr. Berry's films Boy's .Wash and Wear All Nylon ..At 17144 Kercheval Ave . Publications; RICHARD FOLDEN, when it opened this fall. .J.rithout charge and heatr his -I mathematics and s c i en c e; ANNE .r inrtereSll:lLng commellltary. .... ' . Among the sites that the ANtARCtIC AII- Weather audience wiN see are the Hellbert Ladd tea c h e s Pierce with a wealth of teach- with the MHitary Police Corps. theatrical presentations of mathematics at Pierce. A ing experience. A native of He has two daughters and en- Tokyo, the shrines at Niko ]ACI(ETS native of Michigan, he was Nebraska' and a graduate of joys reading, photography, and the JidJai Metouri parade born 1n Sault Ste. Marie and Missouri Un i v e r sit y and and athletics. . received. his degree from East- Teachers College, Columbia, in Kyoto, moving south from • • • Japan. ern Michigan (;<)llege, Ypsi- she has taughJt at Bat'tle Creek Mrs. Josette Hosking (not lanti, Michigan. He also at- College and at Michigan State pictured) is a native of May- Mr. Berry will take his tended Michigan College of University, Her hobbies, close- enne, Frat1JL"eand is now teach- viewers through Hong Kong Min~ng and Technology at ly associated witJh her teaching ing French and English at and the New Territories and Houghton. His hobbie-s include assignment, Homemaking, in- Pierce. Most of her life has into the temple of Bangkok. Open Monday eVl1lnings till 8:30 • boats and boat racing. Pierce clude intterior decorating and been spent living on the west In India the film will show is Mr. Ladd's first teaching as- clothing design. Married., the side of Detroit and she is a the monkey temp.les along the a subtle signment after having served Butcher's have a son, now en- graduate of Michigan State Ganges and a multitude of in the U. S. Army for two rol!led in college". University. She has also taken fascinating sights along the years. He is unmarried. road to Agra including snake ... '" ... courses at Wayne State and at Donald Richards was born Gilbert Gray, EngHsh teach- the Sorbonne in Paris. Prior charmers and dancing bears. ((stand -0nt" In the Middle East the pic- in Port Huron and is a gradu- er, comes to Grosse Pointe experience includes three years tures will include the mosque ate of MichJigan State. Four from Royal Oak. A graduate teachirng in DeaI'lborn town- of Damascus, refugee housing Every man in business is years military service in the of Fairmont State College in ship schools. Her hobbies and in Air Force carried him over West Virginia he also attended interests include sewing, read- K~achi and the raee track a competitor. Your future and market scenes :in Bierurt. leys'sizes much of southern and. western Highland Park Junior College. ing, and skiing. , tD 12. ClIIlic. of depends a great deal on U.S.A. and to Korea. Married., Elected to Pi' Kappa Phi, a CLEAN AS A WHISRe IN MINUTES~ Ked. KaYJ. Wbite the Richards have two daugh- hmguage honorary, he was Over 5,000 Unriversu:ty of Permanent Wave 6.95 • Wash and Weor Nylon insures warmth how you stand out from ters, two and three and one also president of the Fairmont Michigan studentls purchased With Hair Cut without weight. half years of age respectively. Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, health insurance policies dWt'- Shampoo & Finger Wave--l.S0 • Windproof Nrlon Outside ••• Warm N)'IClft the crowd. Fleece Inside: While an undergraduate he educatdon honorary. His mili- ing the first year af a :new was elected to membership in LaFEMME BE'AUTY SHOP -. Rugged Double StitchIng insures long wear $7~ tary service W1aS largely spenJt program sponsored by th~ s eve r a I honorCiries: Kappa 18020 MACK TU 5-3545 and proper fit through endless washings. JIai orim .~ When you are wearing one at Heidelberg, Germany where U-M Student Government ~" Delta Pi; Phd Eta Sigma; and he was stationed for 18 months CoundL Bet Lincoln & Washington Rds. of our Hickey-Freeman Phi Kappa Phi. Hobbies are styled &cf!!,lvely for: associated closely with the suits, you look the part of 11012 KERCHEVAL water as Mr. Richuds enjoys IN THE VILLAGE' boating, fishiThg, swimming, a winner ... and that's OpeoFriclay ti1J9pm. , and water skiing. His teaclting free PurfcintJ " half the battle. assignmel'it at Pierce is indus- trial arts. . '" . RiJchard Folden is a native ~i~heyJ~retmanCLOTHES ARE of Dayt{)n, 01'io, and a gradu- EXCLUSIVE WITH US 1]1( DETROIT ate of Miami University, Ox- ford, Ohio. Prior to that he at- tended. Otterbein College and. the University of Dayton. Col- The 'fpestival of Gratitude" which is Thanksgiving was given #1 lege Honors included eledion latest ~. to Kappa Phi Kappa, educa- spiritual undergirding b1' " group 0/ people who did not, according 10 tion honorary and Phi Sigma, continental biological science honorary. material standtWds, have much /01' which to be grateful. ~~ While Pierce is his first of- The deep gratitude of the Pilgrim Fathers tlNlS for the privilege of Woodward at Grand Circus Park fidal teaching experience Mr. success Also in Chicago Folden has had considerable worshipping Almighty God" according to the dictates of thei,. own con- experience working with the YMCA program and the Boys sciences. Club of America. Active in "EBONAIRE" commmunityaffairs he reaches This is the only sure hasis for real rmd lasting gratitude, hecause our Sunday School and sings in spiritual background, if properly' nurtured, ;'S something which can nevei' the Community Chorus. Mili- tary service was accomplished he ttlken j,"om ItS, I with three, years duty in the aavanaah Coast Guard. Married, he is -Rev. Hugh C. White Higgins & Frank the father of a son and a daughter. His hobbies include gardening, bridge, woodwork s is the prestige and tennis. '" . '" Mrs. Ann Schierloh teaches Latin at Pierce, an initial ex- Men's Store perience except for a sup1ltller's assistant instructorship at Uni- versity of Michdgan. Born' in in Detroit Detroit she is a graduate of , Nazareth College, Kalamazoo, and has a graduate degree from the University of Michi- Village. Manor We keep steady company with gan. She also attended Mary- . grove for one year. Winner' of the highest quality American several scholarships while an qro~:jepointe ~ JJoliJa'j JJOU~€ Brands as well as the world's undergraduate she graduated summa cum laude and was November 27, 19S!J Service: 12:00 nooll to 7:30 p.m. finest names in luxury im. elected to Kappa Gamma Pi, a national honorary. Her inter- ports. Our custo.mer-list ests outside of teaching include includes the names of Amer- music, literature, and drawin,g. '" '" >It Roast Turkey • • • 3.50 ica's greatest statesmen., ex- Mrs. Alyne Butcher came to • ecutives, professional men ... Gravy and Cranberry Sauce and junior executives. A and with all the 'fixin's Charge Account win add your Looking for name to this "good company." Many Other Selections Also for Children good business • Turkey Dinner: Baby portion $1.50 Junior portion $2.35 this season? q

OXXFORD CLOTHES Welcome Wagon. CAMBRIDGE CLOTHES TU 2-1110 Elegance being second nature to the Continental BALINCOURT CLOTHES can help you mind, it is easy to understand the populC!rity CUSTOM SHIRTS obroad of th-is new low-line ~rown in men's hats. Serving-William burg Room 12, 2, 4, 6 I After 7 P,11l, without reservations It will be equally sought ofter here for, in the TROY.GUILD SHIRTS St, Clair Room 12:30, 2:30, 4:30 and 6:30 first come first served. DOBBS HATS capable hands of Covanagh, this style has under- gone some notable Americanizations. A norrow yAPRE' NECKWEAR Welcome band, Q superlative felt, a viril. shade of block ••• plUE the world's with small specks of burgundy that goes confi- finest luxury imports Wagon Food Shop Pies, Cakes, Rolls and Breads. Phone Ahead. dently to business, dress or ploy. We recommend Full Dinner Carry Out..:-cpen 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. it unhesitatingly to any man. $1'5 Turkeys ~oasted for your home table: Phone ahead for Wed. - and Thurs. will call. 'Ullage Harr~ySuffrin ~N DETROIT: 1440 WASHINGTON BLVD. Open Monda y Evenings ',iI 8,30 Mack & Morass - Grosse Pointe Farms TU.5.4817 685 ST, CLAIR AVE. in the Village IN BIRMINGHAM: 268 W, MAPLE Shelby & State . 'Grand River Ie Greenfield Open Friday Evenings 'til 8:30 ""' IICHAID LlHMANS TU. S.OO~4 GROSSE POINTE Maek &: Moross Open ,Thul'l., Fri., Sat., Mon. 'til 9 p.m. 0 ... HOUit PR •• "ARK':'.

, ,.. .~ •• '" -#. .' { " ," _.....,--~--,------..- ---..-'- ----..~--~-~----~--"---"------..--- ..---sq-..-----_..._---_.._----_....---_....._...._--..-.-_...... --.---~------..- ~------.-- ---~~ - - --

Page Four & R OS Sip 0 I NT! NEW S' Thursday, November 20, 1958 Thurs Hold Boys After Robberies School Ele~tion:Dec. ,2 Holiday Liquor Sales Curbed Slad The chiefs of the five Pointe Comniission has ordered the (Continued from Page 1) Entry into -the station was (Continued from Pa,ge'l) . :forms of living during the past Announc I police departments have re. suspension of a ruling prohib- made in - ed to work in' plain clothes, made by breaking the window crease of over 33% in the rate five years and school costs are ceived direc.tives from~he iting the sale ar serving of plans to b worked many hours in :follow- of a restroom at the rea.r Olf for defbt. no exception. In afldition we Michigan LiqUOT Control COom..liquor after 2 a.m., extending The total to be levied for have doubled our number of school far iIllg leads that resulted in the the building. but the thieves missojlonto ooforce the law in that time to 4 a.m. January 1, Academy. were thwarted when they alJIschool purposes this year is pupils and we have had to in- regaT<:lstc the selling .of a1co~ with a half hour additional arrest CYf the teenagers. cauld not enter the mam part Pointers 21.71 mills. Of this. 3.76 mills crease teacher salaries in line holic beverages on Chritstmas permitted for cleaTance of the In CUS~ and held toT illl- of the building bec8lUSie of a as the Co lis for' debt _~ mentioned .with competitive pu b 1ic and New Years. premises. for Infants and Children vestig'ation of breaking and double-llOCked door. albove. 'lb-e palance, 17.9'5 schools throughout the coun- for which "Pied Pipers" are des1gned for little entering are" Lynn Lleyellyn" The three offict"rs recovered malls. is used to pay current try. The law stipulates that :10 li- The rulings will be in effect left here leet. and. are. expertly fitted under the 17, of 727 Ha['cout. and a 16~ a .number Otfwatches. radios, operati'l1Jg expenses, mainten- "q"he answer therefore is censee shaLl sell at l"etail, and throughout the stare, unless roaster. Th "dirc~t1on of Mr. William McCourt. Ex. year~old, both o.! whom were jewelry. caT' accessories,.bino- no one can buy alcoholic bev- prohibited by local ordinan~s. a tribute ~ :!lusJvely at Peter Pan in Grosse Pointe ~nce, utilities, and ~imilar obvious, and w~ are sure 'the arres~ed at theIr ~>()mes. culars, guns and atheT loot, Items. ~r. Dougherty saId that people af Grosse Poin,te want erages between the hours of The Commission ruling on Sladen has enrollment I /7015 Kercheval It IS not ~wn if ~he two from the home ~ the boys, approXlmately 83 percent of us to continue providing the 9 p.m. on December 24, and 7 the New Yeaa' time extension ~H, '" beyond its boys. are Involved I'll the 98id to haVE: been taken in these. funds went to pay the kind of educatian they have ,a.m. on December 26. does not apply to dealers hold- The scho br"e~king and entering ofa gas bur.gLa,ries committed in Mt. , TUxedo 5-9236 salarIes of teachers and othelrs have authorized before." a'll New YeaJ:'s Eve, the, ing SDM and SDD licenses. , statIon at 15246 Keroheval Clemens. The total value of of the school staff. on Saturday, November 15. the loot is not yet 'known, Determined Annually Another. Pointe buxglary Of the 17.95 op-eratiooal took place at the home of mills, 9 are those to be voted Murrell Ernst, 580 Lochmoor, upon. The rest, 8:9p m.iIlls, rep- on Saturday, November 15, resents the school dlistrict's and is still being investigated share of the millage author~ mns ns}WlE HN ~v by Woods .net. Sgt. \Valter ized by the state constitution O'De'll and net. Leroy Tobilan. to be levied jointly by county and tawllSlhip governmental The house was fOound 'oom~ und.ts and by the local school KATE- GREENAWAY ~ pletely ~acked by Charles !.- districts. .The division of this . ~"ft. 0._- o()(f Kreisie 26789 Lawrence. levy. -the total of which cannot , ~ ~ Centerline, father ()If Mrs. exceed 15 mills for all units c • J ~ Ernst, who is keeping an eye linvolved, is determJined an .. 0Ill the house in the absence nually bY. the County Alloca- of his son-in-law and daughter. tion Board. The two Woods policemen Mr. Dougherty indicated said that it will noc be known that schaOl! enrollments have She's as good as gold, ON STRAIGHT?" if anythmg has been taken, approx1mately doubled withdrn until the Ernsts return from the last decade and are con- a hunting trip. In the mean- tinuing to grow. To meet that and so aJre Kate Greenaway time an investigation is under- growth, five elementary school dresses. This one. strip~d "ARE YOUR SKIS way. buildings have been. built and Henry put into operation; ,Kerby in WSU GETS GIFTS 1949, Monteith and Poupard vyith" gold thread and Tuesday, Nov. 24-8 p.m. Gifts and grants of about in 1951, Ferry in 1954, and faggoting, is belteld in gold, too. $396,300 were approved re- Bar n es in 19,56. Parcells Admi$sion-1.50 cently at the Wayne State Juni'or High School was com- pleted in 19'51; the Country Sizes 7 to 14. University Board of Gover- Day buildings were annexed nOors' October meetLng. The Miss 1". to the High School in 1953; glamour Tickets on sale at: U.S, Public Health Service, the High School Auditorium~ Mary J National Ins1;itutes CY1 Hea'lth, Gymn.asium was finished in longer-v awcwded grants totaling: $223,- 1955; und the Brownell Jumor Grosse Pointe Sport Shop Margaret Rice High School was completed 933. The' largest graJIlit was ,and put into service this fall. 20089 Mack Ave. - 76 Kercheval $112,644 to cantinue adva-n<:ed All of these, and in particu- t r a in i n g for professional lar the more than 100 per cent TU ~.9239 TU 1.7020 nurs~s under the direction of increase in .the number of peter pan Dean Kathar.itlJe Faville, of teachers required to properly I the College of Nursing. serve the enlarged student 'body, have more than doubled CHILDREN'S WEAR • • aperating coots. Only One Objective "We have only one abjective 10715 Kercheval, in the Village in our School Board and that A REPORT TO is to provide the nnest type of public education in conform- TUxedo 5~9236 DETROIT EDISON OWNERS, CUSTOMERS ance with the des-ires of the C'itizens of Grosse Pointe. "The continued prosperity of Costs have gone up in all AND THE PUBLIC our communities, our Btatt ,and our N atioi1,dependa upon productivity of all kinds result- On November 17, E)etroit Edison was host once again to its ing from the investment of IItockholders at the Annual Informational Meeting held at the money, the judicious U8e of FREE PARKING Henry and Easel Ford Auditorium in Detroit. The company's natural resou.rces and the applica.tion of the intelligence management reported to its owners what progress has been and skills of people. These WHEN YOU SHOP made, what plans it has, and how it is continuing to help every- have brought to our Nation the one in Southeastern Michigan to live better electrically. Here is greatest industrial capacity and the highest 8tandard of part of the story: living in the world. We in IN THE VILLAGE! Detroit Editon will alway, endeavor to do our part to • Hair Walker L. Cisler, P"Bident bring an even brighter future The Det.roit Edison Company to Southeastern" • Hair • Ha

Detroit Edison builds jor the julure- To meet the demands for more and more electricity, Edison is continually expanding and improving its facilities. On October 20 the third steam turbine~ generator at the River Rouge Power Plant went into operation. This Take adva new 321,500-kilowatt unit brings the capacity of EQ.ison's electrical system to nearly 3~ million kilowatts. And there is more to come. Two new 325,000-kw, turbine-generators are being added to the St, Clair Power Plant-one in 1959 and the other in 1961. Both are forward-looking projects to permit Edison to supply power in any One amount, large or small, to any of its one and a quarter million customers anywhere in its service area.

Modern living is e.lectric living-Those things which make Slenderi%i yesterday's dream home today's reality are electric. New comforts, conveniences, work savers are built right in when homes go up. For instance, the Gold Medallion homes-the ultimate in electric living- include electric space heating, the most significant adv'ance in home comfort. Every day in many new ways electricity is proving more and more versatile in the home, in agriculture, in business and industry. l~ J

Area development-Detroit Edison will continue to promote I broader recognition of our State's exceptional industrial advantage~ .. /'1! By working closely with communities in its territory and through a .. national advertising program, new industry is being attra~ted to Southeastern Mic;higan, This means new jobs and increased com- r merce of aU kinds. ATTENDANT-OPERATED -~ / MUNICIPAL PARKING LOTS IN GROSSEPOIN~ /'p Atoms jar peace-Detr~it Edison is a member of the Power . PROVIDE AMPLE PARKING WHERE YOU MAY / /. Reactor Development Company which is building the reacto~ portion beg: of the Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant. The 91-ton reactor vessel, LOCK YOUR CAR AND SHOP IN LEISURE ~ it heart of the project, was set. into place during April and assembly of related equipment is progressing as planned. Each day the target date for nuclear operation, late in' 1960, comes closer-the date when S private industry will have made another big contribution to the You may now enjoy adequate free parking to do all your froI nation's atomic leadership. .

Electric dollars work hctrd- We will continue to plan for the shopping in the. Village. No meters to worry about! future to provide even better service at the lowest possible cost. The rates for our service have not ehanged since January, 1949, except for Each of the stores listed here will validate your ticket for a specified period (up to 2 hours) of free metal melting and steam service. With continued increases in the cost parking when you make a purchase. You may increase ,your hee parking time by ~oving your ticket of equipment, supplies, and fuel, in. payrolls, and in all other expenses, there may be limitations on our ability to offset rising, costs with validated at each store where you make 0 purchase. Purchases (It four different stores could internal economies indefinitely. We Will, however, endeavor to make' entitle you to as ~ch as eight hours of free parkingl every dollar work hard for the Company's owners, cusiomers and - emploYe8. 2 Hours Free Parking at 1 Hour Free Parking at Helpful bOl HARRISON & PRINGLE AUDIO CENTER HIMELHOCH'S THE CAMERA CENTER Customer-Owners " JACOBSON'S APPAREL SHOPS HICK~Y'S Of the nearly 100,000 stockholders, 70% live in Michigan and 60% are JACOBSON'S HOME DECORATIVE SHOP OPAL LAMP & FURNITURE CO. eustomers of Edison service, Service is a big word at Edison; for in addition SILLOWAY & CO. PETER PA"I to adequate electric power, it means a 'complete electric service. Appliance . VALERIE DeGALAN s. STEIN & CO. repair, light bulb exchange, advice on industrial and commercial. lighting, a WALTON PIERCE YORK JEWELERS new fast reeovery hot w~\ter supply, tips for homemakers-these are only a few of the special. services c (~'.red to EdisQn customers, I . Half Hour Fr~e Parking at DOUBIJEDAY BOOK SHOP A . . . ~ THE DETI{OIT EDISON COMPANY Half Hour of Free Parking when you hank at THE NATIONAL BANK OF DETROIT &er~.4,JOO,000 people 1ft ,SouthfMUtern Mic1ai,an 99.1. I' .•---- , . ,.L,... ~..-.~~~ __~~ - - ...------~ - ;..__u_...... ii!I:P - ~,. . \. . " f ~ ". •


~j 958 Thursday, November 20, 1958 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five

?d Sladen Helping School in East P. M Ide h I Church CSA as it~ Vice~Mode~ the encumenical movement, Eastern and Far-Eastern areas. and there is a forthcoming lerCe 0 lUg To Prea,c Here rator, In the Nation~l, Co~n- going as preacher and lecturer He is a board member of the work "I Believe in the ed the Announcement has bee n on a four acre tract of land e 0' f PI ~ cil of Churches he IS chaIr- to nine American churches Interntianal University Foun- Church," and for his contribu- ~rohib- EVenlnb 0 man of the joint department made in Harrisburg, Pa., of in Easi Pennsboro Township. ays abroad, to many fareign uni., dation, Tokyo, and the World tion to periodicals and books ing of plans to build a new $400,000 'OfEvangelism and member 'Of versities and the 01'0 g i c a 1 Council of C~istian Education. 'Of reference. Members of the ending Plans include a full-scale ath- By Chris Ostergren, 9B sehool far the Harrisburg letic f,ield, nursery school, the general board. schools in Prague and South °As M. author, he is known community are cardially in- aary It Academy, Paint cans are ourt: and He has worked fervently in Africa~ and many Middle~ for several theological boaks, vited. , .tional kindergarten, gym n a s i u m- brushes are s P I ash j n g as Painters will recognize this auditorium, 1i bra r y, two of the as the Country Day School Pierce J u n i 0 r High School science laboratories, 13 class prepa,re5 to present the an- for whJch Frank J. Sladen, Jr. rooms, activity room, and nual Evening of Plays on Fri- left here to become Head- ,t' parking lot. day, N'Ovember 21. Aspiring master. The announcement is The Harrisbur.g Academy actors and actresses aTe busily a tribute to the success Mr. was faunded 175 years ago. learning 8'0 that they can Sladen has had in building the Imes It was among the first such "give their aU" on the big enrollment of the Academy schools and was opened before night. beyond its present capacity. the U.S. Constitution was Miss Schmidt and Mr: MaM The school will be located ratified. san, the directcxrs of the at 3% c~::nt in your a.ccount at seventh and eighth and ninth grade plays and skits, have

been working wLth the stuM deruts far :five weeks in order PEOPLES FEDERAL SAVINGS ta perfect this dramartic ef M fort. The sevesnth grade 'Offering is "Wilde-ail; WiHy Gets Brain Fever" by Anna MaJI"tens.The cha;racters are Willy played by Tim Moore, J\.~s. Wilkins play- The Grosse Pointe Memorial ed by Carol Quinn, Gladys Church will have as guest All played by Susan O'ConneJ!l, Joe p,l,ayed by Don Law, preacher on Sunday, Novem- ber 23, the Reverend Elmer Accounts. Kathie played by Cynthia George Homrighausen, D.D., Wheeler Vernon played by Dean oif Princert:an Theological Insured Bob Cl~rk, Celia played by Anne Williamson and Miss Seminary. He will address the congregation at both the 9:30 to $10~OOO. Bond pIa y e d by Joanna and the 11 o'clock services. Swartz. The prampter.,; are His sermon topic will be "The Tam Ingram and Me:J.odyBuck. Heart of Christianity." The drama se1>ectedby the Open on account at Peoples Federal Savings where every dollar of your eighth and n~nth graders is A graduate of the Princeton "Tommy in the Dacrk': by Theological S e m in a r y, Dr. savings earns the current rate of 3%. Every dollar entered before the tenth Joseph Carlton. In this play Homrighausen was the re- of the month earns from the first of the month. Get the happy feeling of cipient 'Of advanced degrees Sh!1"'isOstergtl"en portrays Mr. "money-savedll .•. savings that GROW, and are insured against loss, by BallingeT, Bill Wright poriTays from Butler University and Tommy, Kay Steigler porrtrays the University of Dubuque, The Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, up to $10,000. Mrs. Ba.I1ingeT, Kathy Maun and of two hono.rary degrees. portrayS Mary, Maureen Clif~ In 1938, after pastorates in i ton po!1"'tl'aysSally May, Mar- Illinois and Indiana, he jained cia Lindley portrays Angie the faculty of the Seminary PEOPLES FEDERAL! SAVING Petroni. Da:rlynn Russell por- where he is now Dean and trays Suzie, Dick Freimuth holds the Charles R. Erdman Phones: oMain Office WO 1- 0[.70 Bronch Ofii(8 !LA 7.7210 portrays Bert, Dave Rosen and Chair of Pastoral Theology. Ken Perry portray Mr. Go1r- In 1951-52, Dr. Homrighausen 1201 Griswold at State Harper and.Outer Drive den and Mr. Flint with' Tom served the Pre s b y t e ria n Carrter playing the Oommun- ist agent. The' p;rompters are • Pat Millis and Del Hurd. • The ski t s between acts proonise to be enteflbaining. Participating in them aJr'eDick K i r s ten, John McVickers, Rabin Mi,chae1, Bob KiTsten, 01) Li.nda Schairbe.rgeT. BarbalI'a Most beautiful change • • May we style Heels, Tom Eddy, Bonme Bol- den, Greg Tisdale, Yvonne your new Mertens, Ann Biase-Il, Dick Tipton, Bruce, Klodt, Steve COIFFV~E? V~brugge, Joan Warmbold, Caral Ketelhut, 0 Mike Costa, Sandy Klaasen. Susan Braa- One visit to ol2r modern shaw, Jane Maynan'd, Mike salon to make Prestini, Bob Wanke, Cathy most dramatic advance acquaintance with our BiTdseyef Nancy Brennan and skilled beauticians ... and Claire Berteel. we know you'll Tickets are forty oents and return again and again. th€'l'e's plenty of Doom in the The some beauty core will Pierce auditorium to hiold all be extended to YOU( little girls, too. who come. Let's make it a full house this time. at the Show! EXPERT Washing Machine • Hair Coloring • Permanents • Hair Cutting • Manicuring Smokes up House I J ~ • Hair Styling • Facials A phone caill at 9:15 last ! Wednesday evendm:g,Novem ber J Refining Skin Treatments 5, from the John MaL?elI'home- Guarantee4 Spe~ial Blend Cosmetics to stead art 867 Loraine road, in- formed the City fi.l'e depalrt- Your Individual Requirements ment that the was ruM Take advantage of our new, convenient free parking lot of smoke, seemjn.gly S'temmilI1g from the baiSement. in the rear of the salon. BOJtJhfire trucks answered • the call, located the trouble in a defective washing ma- chine. The fire tr'OOPSpulled MAIER &. WERNER the switoh-and l'€'cornmemded One of the Pointe's ,Host Beautiful Salons to the owners that they call their service man. Mr. Mazer 17"70 MAt':K 15311 E. WAR~~N is the City's Commisi'on€[' of At University Hear Beaconsfield PuMic Safety. TU 1-7297 TU 1-3190 Slenderizing and Facial Treatments Only at Mack Solon! Pavements made of good in- tentions are better than to have no good intentions at i.l.

You get the solid quality of Body by Fisher.

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biggest, most beautiful change any car ever made in a single ••••••••• :••• ".;0 ••• :: ••• ~. ' ':'" ",': •• , '.: • . " .. .- . ;" .. :':. :.;...... year-PontiClc '59. One look at this brilliant new beauty with created to exclusive Wide-Track \Vheels tells you that here, truly, is the meet your needs newest, most dramatic car of this or any other year. For Wide- Track Wheels not only give Pontiac superb roadability, they Let us fashion a truly individual make possible a new, low, crisply tailored look no other car

St. Charles kitchen for you 0 • can offer! But there's still'more that sets Pontiac for '59 apart beginning with your ideas, preference from all other cars-much, much more that will make your visit in appliances and conveniences ... at the Pontiac' exhibit the high point of the entire show, with full freedom in color choice. EXCLUSIVELY YOURS-WIDE.TRACK WHEELS Select your favorite styling as well, from Off.the-Floor. Contemporary or The wheels are moved out five inches for' the widest; POITIA(- MAKES Y-8 HISTORY! A Pontiac T~mpest 420E has set Tradi~;ona1. Discover the steadiest stance in America-bet~er cooling for engine and a NASCAR sanctioned and supervised 2,442 mile coast-to-coast brakes-lower center of gravity for better grip on the possibilities, at . , . economy mark on regular gas-only 1~ ~ per mile at an average road, safer cornering, smoother ride, easier handling. You speed of 40.2 m.p.h.! See your Pontiac: dealer for details. HEAOQUARTERS ~OR get the most beautiful roadability youtve ever known in CUSTOM K'1'CHENS .AJllerica's Number One Road Car-Pontiac for 1959!

For Complete Information and Estimates LA 7-9600 America's Number Q) Road Car! 3 Totally New Series • Catalina • Star Chief • Bonneville I------~------...... ---- DEALER NAM~, ADDRESSt And remember, your quality Pontiac dealer displays the manufacturer's suggested retail prices on every new Pontiac! Helpful book - mail coupon ./ • Please send "Plan for Kit<:hen Living." guide So colo:, conveniences and kitchen economy. fH~~WW~irtm:ma~Mt.t.j:i:@1r SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED P~NTI~C DEALER I plan to 0 build 0 remodel. (Please check one.~ ti¥~WJi.Wl'li$.D1~ Nam~ ._ Addr~_ JIM CAUSLEY PONTIAC, INC. Cily ZOne . State r= ~""-"'-1 L ~~~ _ :o~roloft.~.~:,:~ 15210 MACK AVENUE, GROSSE POINTE PARK I:M~~ A. L. Damman Co., Inc. I~o YOUR BEST IMPORT BUY o:&:~ ~ I~ Kitchens by JiClKnler ~ SOLD ONLY BY PONTIAC DEALERS ~ ~i~~ ~ ~ 9941 HAYES btw. Harpe,' and Outer Dri,vc LA 7-9600

.:J.,:.' ,'. # ".' Page Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November 20, 1958 Thurs Robert l\'Ialkin Takes Artillery Training Joseph A. Dici,cco Promoted in Germany er in Servi"e Battery in the FORT C H A F FEE, ARK. Malkin, 469 K e r byroad, 'Offer Broad Language Program (AHTNC)-Army Pvt. Robert Grosse Pointe, Mich., recently AUGSBURG, G E R MAN y 1 private first cla~;s in Germany, division's 13th Artillery. He L. Malkin, 23, son of Mrs. Lena completed eight weeks of ad- (AHTNC)-Joseph A. Dicicco where he is a member 0:': the entered the Army last January "lanced artillery training at 23 whose wife Joanne live~ 24th Infantry Division. and arrived in Europe in May. Fort Chaffee, Ark. at' 481 Bour~emouth' road, . Dicicco, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dicicco is a 1953 graduate Grosse Pointe Farms,. Mich., Angelo Dicicco, 15218 Brin- of Nativity of Our Lord High He entered the Army last receptly was promoted to gard dr., Detroit, is an armor- School in Detroit. May and completed bas i c ~~. Grosse .Pointe trRining at For t Leonard wo w',oo , Wood, Mo. NORTHLAND EASTLAND CENTER CENTER Malkin is a 1953 graduate of I Grosse Pointe High School. Refreshingly New!

Staelens Gardens Terraces Mack at University ~ Grosse Pointe's Newest and Finest Apartments • HEATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING INCLUDED. Foreign Language teachers m the Greek; ROBERT LUSZAZYNSKI, a • ALL-ELECTR!C KITCHE'N WITH DISPOSAL • Grosse Pointe Public School System teacher of French;' MRS. GERTRUDE • 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS • PLENTY OF CLOSET SPACi: • Adult Education classes are from left JAMES, Spanish instructor; and MRS. • BEACH PRIVILEGES. PRIVATE PARKING. to right:-DR. JACK MOELLER, MARY JENSEN; .instructor in Rus- FURNISHED MODEL APARTMENT OPEN "" ) teacher of German in GPHS; VASI- sian. In each instance the language is WEEKDAYS 1 P.M. to 8 P.M.-SAT. and SUN. NOON to 5 P.M. LOS ANAGNOS who is teaching being taught on a conversational basis. I Jacobsons ' For Complete Information Call • • I , '" '" '" The residents of Grosse a program of thIs nature. ~t this U:niversity after com- Pointe are doing a fine job of I "The languages being taught, mg to ~his country. HOMER WARREN & CO. promoting international un~ Home Decorative Shop Rental and Managing Agents on a conversational basis only Spamstl classes have been derstanding, if the interest 17141 Kerchev~l are German, Fr~nch, Spanish: taught for some ye,ars by Mrs. 102 Kercheval Avenue 600 Dime Building shown by children and adults Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan Detroit 26, Michigan in the study of foreign langu~ Greek and Russian" Director Gertrude James. Mrs. Ja.'TIes TU 5-9470 WO 1.0:121 Geary said. "The 'latter two .is a, graduate of Northern ages is any criteria. Not only are exceptional rare languages Stat€~ NOPIIlal Coll~ge, and the 1 are many hundreds of studen~s to be taught in an adult educa- School of ExpresslOn, Boston, pure Hnen learning a language in school, bon program. We consider our- Massachusetts, w her e she both elementary and second- selves most fortunate to have studied Latin and Dramatics. ary, bJt many grown-ups are found competent teach&s to In addition, Mrs. James did studying one as well in the handle these and the other post-graduate vrO'rk at lJy- Adult Education Classes of the for Thanksgiving, build your table setting on our languages." ce~Uls Arts, C.onservatory, in Grosse Pointe Public School System. In discussin.g his staff Mr. Chlc.ago, Illll1OlS: Through ~x. 1000/0 pure linen tablecloth/ hemstitched with metal. Geary related that Mrs. Mary tensIv,e travel In t?,e Latm. "At the present time," stated Jensen, Russian instructor, AmeJrlcan co un t r.1 e s, Mrs. ric gold thread ... white, pink, sand for your choice. Forrest Geary, Director of was. a British subject reared Jame~ makes contmued and Community Services for the in Russia, She received her pra~tlcal use of the language G. 5-piece tea set, .4Sx.4S" cloth, .4 nopki AS 4.98 public schools, "we have a hICh B.A. at Leningrad College of v-: she so very competently M wealth of offerings in foreign F .' L M J dm~ds. b. S-piece luncheon set; S2x52 cloth, .4 napkins 6.98 languages. This fall we have 01eIgn angu~ges. rs. en. "Tr to1JaU. Urn it in the sections in five languages, a sen served as mterpreter and . Ie . OOII'O' en 1 t ran s 1at 0 r in Nuereniberg, flYe foreIgn. language c as~es c. 7- oiece luncheon set, 52x7()" c~th, 6 nop.kH.s 9.98, most unusual circumstance in • Germany for the United States tota~~ 112; WIth French havmg Department of State and the 46, ..)panIsh 26, German 15, d. 9-piece dinner set, 64x86" dotnl 8 napkin~ 12.98 I U.S. Information Centers in Russian 14 and 9reek 12," Mr. U.S. Occupied Germany. Her Gea~~ stated. "'!e are v~ry eo a-piec.e place mo-t set, 4 mots, .4 napkins 3.98 THE NEW teaching background includes grattfled at the fme receptIon . . . these courses have had and classes In Adult EducatIOn m h th t .u b bl to Russia and Germany as well ope a we WI e a e as tutoring in 'Grosse Pointe. keep tJhem. amCi11gour pel'ima-

G e r man conversatlOn IS . . 1.I1!~'e~n~t~l~rllf~,e~r~Ln~g~s~.';;' being taught by Dr. Jack ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~~=;;;:~======;;;;;;~===;;;==~:;;;====;;;;;;;==:;;;~====;;;~ Moeller, who studied at Hei- delberg College; Oberlin Col- 2-HOUR FREE PARK1NG Chilled Fruit Cup with Sherbet or Chilled Fr'/it Juice lege, where he received his Celery ond Olives French Onion Soup with Croutons DRY CHARGE B.A.; and Princeton UniVeTS- Have your ticket valIdated when Choice of ity, where he received his M.A. yau make a purchase. Roast Stuffed Young Turkey He spent the year of 1951-52 Giblet Gravy Cope Cod Cranberry Savce at the University of Basel in or Switzerland and returned to Baked Sugar Cured Ham Princeton, where he received Raisin Sauce his Ph.D. Before coming to Mashed Potato or Glace Sweet Potato Grosse Pointe High School, . Ri Buttered Peas Pearl Onion) Sweet Mixed Pickles Dr. Moeller taught at Prince- Fremly Baked Rolls and Butter ton, the Peddie School and t~he gift for all good sports: Hearts of Lettuce, French Dressing .:.....forpower, price and Oberlin College. gr Choice of, Old Fashioned F.,mpkin, Mince or Apple Pie performance, you can't Vasilos Anagnos director of Jacobson's water-repellent suede with Cheese beat this new battery Sherbet Frozen Pudding Ice Cream the Socrates Greek School at be English Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce that sleeps until it's Assumption Greek Church, is jacket, completely lined and cut Teo Coff.e Orange Drink sold and saves its power the instructor in Greek. Mr. for active comfort. (ollar, cuffs Tokay Gra~el Sweet Ap:>l. Cider Mixed Nv" MinI! for you. Anagnos is a graduate of the TI 65 University of Athens, and was 8Jpporoved for teaching in this (Jnd waistband are shope-retaining '2 50 country by the Greek Arch- Sho' CHILDREN '1 diocese of North and South v"'ool blel'ld knit. chorcooll comet America. He has taught at Pec~ S..volt exchange Charlotte, Nor t h Carolina; coppertone or nOVYi sizes 38 to 46. choi K n 0 x viII e, Tennessee; and crea ASK YOUR SERVICE DEALER Roanoke, Virginia, where his 20.00 BOWARD classes were allowed credit at milk JOanfolfj the University of Virginia. .. 1.75 Mack Ave., near 8-Mile Road Robert Luszezynski, who at- TUxedo 1-4320 tended the Grenable and Paris Fruii Univetsities in Paris, France, - M A.-... KEY 0 U~ RES E'R V A T ION . S N 0_ W is the instructor for two classes Jacobson's. .' ~n French. He is, at present, . men's shop box Gradoote Ass is tan t in the :, fruit Language Department at , hav- and • iug completed his own studies COVE rich choc

.- Thar fami

fruit \ cris~ silver i. still the most gracic>"s gift ••• to p . . . for Dad or Lad 2 Ib Trio cho( EICO Hi-Fidelity Kits thre, meH a-hig _-quf;dity system at one flav( -,ow(os' rum, mint NEW! -if odds bettVty to a Not FM TUNER every dinner t-able, HFT90 mixe KIT, I cov., ~••__.•... $39,95. and a note o.f elegance inclu bert WIRED, Ie.. cover ...•••••••• ~ $65.95. to every boppy occosic)n. and Cover " $ 3.95' .~)

'ia Q revolving plated stand 6~'. high. 6.50

~ l~WAn ~ .". .,!! '.-. William lon-Type b. si4verplate sugar basket and spoon: f ... - HIGH FIDEUrt _AMPLIFIER HF12 ,.oy or blue glass Hner 5" Mot diameter. 5.98 with Prumplltler. Equali"er and Control See KIT $34.95 c. 'eight-tnch plated salad tongs. 5.50 A complete line of EICO Amplifiers and Tuner Kits, from $23.50. d.•. 1r sf1verpktle revolving suzan wifh five hors Easy and fun to build. No experience necessary. . ",

d'o~1Jvre sp:readersl five glass inserts. 25.00 e. ste,lin.g cQ.Rdle$t~cks2 7/8" high ..pair, 6.00 11201 MORANG 1 at Somerset • DR 1-3460 --]ctCobson's " . Sound Equipment Home Decorative Shop Distributors 17141 Kercheval

----..~-- ... _' ----=-• 'l...... "- -...------.,t. • - ~.." - • --\ ~--_.------.....------... p m qW .. 4 iW p .< . $ AQ ,C•.I4, (u'O¥U{d ,P ,•. 14 bU EM€&,"J.AS . I(2.,ttJP ,AS ,•. 4(M.,P.:a4,*-, •. PJPi....~. is 2 2 2 5 4 : 3 , ..4 ..H$,*.# ..p.$~a;$.p':*-•. #4_a;4 M#..JI. A .... p, aa so Up as a SUi! SSd ? •

1958 Thursday, November 20, 1958 G R 0 SSE POI N T E N:.E.W S Page Seven y in the _lery. He Movie Council What a man gets out of the Self-made men should be I The school of experience haa : January Destined for 'The Village' world depends on what he more careful in selecting the never been known to offer a ~ in May, LIONEL TRAINS Hears Bouwsma puts in. materials. correspondence course, ACCESSORIES AND PARTS graduate ord High Franklin G. Bouwsma, ex. ecutive secretary Of the De. WIDE ~ UP TO 50% OFF t r 0 i t Educational Television SELECTION ~ \\\ ON DISPLAY ~ Foundation, spoke to the regu. THE YEAR AROUND Small Deposit Will Hold lar meeting of the Grosse Pointe Motion Picture and HO TRAINS. TOYS. HOBBIES Television CouncH. Monday, ::';.; { the November 17, at the Central .... . NEW EXCLUSIVE: SILENT RUBBER TIES TO REDUCE THE NOISE IN YOUR LAYOUT Grosse Pointe Public Library. -:":~ ,,' Shirley Temple doll, As executive secretary of the Detroit Educational Tele. VAUGHAN RADIO & TRAIN SHOP . ':- 12 inches high ••• vision Foundation, Mr. Bouws- '.':. Lionel Sales and Service Station ma serves as a member of all ...... ~'.: .....:t Foundation committees re- (:>:,~::::','" .,,' ':' ':: ,,' . " ,1. ,,)', an aU-vinyl darling witb 15434 HARPER AVE. LA 7-0771 sDonsible for the operation of Near Nottingham Open Daily, 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Channel 56, the educational >:'< ",:'..+~••• , •••• ,", ~.~~;~,:: ••• /, ', .. ',:, ;'~": .~ ••-v., rooted golden wrls, dressed ',', .:.;. . ~ . ... television station, WTVS. '.~.'": ia slip, pan.ties, socks Mr. Bouwsma presented the background of the organiza. and shoes" 3.98 tion of Cha!lnel 56 to the Mo. tion Picture and Television i" wardrobe of Council, emphasizing its tre~ mendous growth since the- be...... especially ginning in October 1955. The Notice! station now programs seventy designed hours of telecasting a week, forty-five of which are local- i~X:;~.;:~lvl' ;';T;~ dresses and Strikes of 10tl.g duration are depleting live programs, making WTVS <)' "'~ ~ the largest "local" station in ensembles, the nativ1J!s stocks of silverware. How- Michigan and one of the three largest m the nation. The ' 1.50 t-o 3.00 e'l'er~we aI',;'acceptitl.g orders as usual for range of programs is all the earliest possible delivery. Also 'we pro. way from elementary, high school, and college c red it 1'ide a special gift card for dela.ved de~ courses to symphony concerts, and discussions with leading liveries. scientists, economists, etc. The Council was further in- formed by Mr. Bouwsma that every public school in the city of Detroit noyV'has a converted This 35-foot spruce, now growing 40 m.iles north Toyland-Second Floor TV set to receive the UHF of Pontiac, is destined for Christmas Street in "the station, WTVS, and that from Village". Next week it will be brought to the corner of 50,000 to 70,000 homes in the Kercheval and St. Clair and p:laced in a park-like \1 receiving area of Channel 56 atmosphere, which will be created there. Officially it yALENTE ~J EWELRY have converted TV sets. Mr. becomes The Village Christma~; Tree, when Santa ''!If) Bouwsrna gave credit to the arrives, November 28 at 3 O'clock! He will come this member organizations of the SPECIALISTS IN FINE SILVER Educational Television Foun- year in a brand new Chrysler convertible. A,ccom- I dation of the continued suc- panying him in a parade of cars will be choral groups I 16601 E. IFarren, at Kensington secc of WTVS. and city officials. City Clerk Norbert Neff will be on hand to greet him. After Santa IS seated on his throne TUxedo }.4800 Before joining the Detroit Educational Television Faun. beneath the Christmas tree and has given candy canes dation as Executive Secretary, to all the children, he will select a child to light the Mr. Bouwsma was program tree and it will remain a bright amd beautiful symbol Attention: director of television at Wayne for the yuletide season. State University. Students Hold Speech Parley ALL GOOD BOYS AN,D GIRLS 2-HOUR FREE PARKING I By Nancy Pastor, lIB fects." She said tha{t much too Have your ticket validated when G.P,H.S, Journalism Student mon-ey and stress IS being you m~ke a purchase. placed on spo'rts. Beverly. pro- "In My Opinion. ." posed ~l plan whereby students This was the topic for the wouJ:d receive diplomas in the I ..I Barder Cities League Speech specific subject they studied, Conference, held Friday, No- similaT to the system uesd in Santa's Mail Box vember 7, 1958, at Wyandotte. college.s. This would help dif- The program consisted of a :1'erenti~iltebe,tween a college double assembly, each one course and ace m mer cia I containing nine speeches on course, is at Jacobson's controversial sub j e c t s. The A subject of current inter- topics, chosen by the speakers, Ricelli candies ... final note of est wao:: chosen by Nancy Wil- ran'ged from "I Believe in .I" }O' son of Monroe. Her topic, was ~~ • "~~ Ghosts," to "Ra-ee PrejucHce." 9rac~ousnesson your , , "American Schools Are Not ~osse Pointe High School Behind Russia." Nancy pointed represenrted by 26 mem- out that Russia's educational bou1ntiful bers of the Debating Club, system manmaotures machines, J:etter:J ..A-ddre:J:JeJfo sponsored by Mrs. Geraldine but thE' United States creates Tha1nksgiving table Beliovick, and four speakers. individualists. , Joy TaylOT, from HighlJand A discussion period followed ( P.a!Tk,spoke on "LibrM'ies Are Sanfa Ctau:J WIt Be where time was provided to NOIt;Fulfilling 'I'heir Purpooe," -:0: debaie the v a r i0 U is ideas S~own here, top to bottom: / ,{ She pointed ourt that students ;:: brough1 out in the speeches. Pecan turettes . clusters of are not allowed to read or check-out certain books that ::Delivered fo fhe norfh choice roasted pecans, dipped in J are cO'.t1JSidered"adult" l,itera- creamy caramel and covered with ture. Joy 8'aio.,"We don't need milk chocolate. 'h lb. 89c I lb. the aid of censOII"Sin choosing oUr reading maiJt,e['.We should pole - and An:Jwered 1.75 be able to determine for our- .. selves what we want to read." Fruit and nut assortment ," "Discipline in schools is rap- t'J Sanfa! ••• d distinctive idly going to pot," said Gary LeBoe of Wyandotte in his box to select talk on llDiscipline In Schools." fruir pieces He said that some teachers are Do you want Santa to know exactly what you want for Christ- and choice nuts, boo lenient aud let the students mas? Write your letter to him and put it in The Santa Claus covered with off too easily. A statement that caused a lot of conltroversy Mail Box on Jacobson's second floor. A Northwest Orient Air- rich milk or dark waiS Gary's decLaration "Wom- liner will deliver your fetter right to Santa, himselfhat his Arctia chocolate. I lb. 2.00 en ileachers in high school workshop, and then bring his reply back to you. should be abolished: becal\llSe 1, Thanksgiving they can't driJscipline" A speech on "Race Preju- family assortment ~ Be sure Mom or'Dad writes your exact name and address on the ~'2:< .. dice" was given by Melvin Avallable at ~:~:::'/'" •• ~ beautful variety of ' . Moss of H~ghland Park. His back of your letter, so your answer from Santa comes directly fruit creams, chewy candies, ta,lk dealt with the conflicts to you. between the negro and white, Smith-Mallhews cnspres .•. an assortment and the present segregation F~~undry to please fhe whole family! problems. Melvin stated, "I be- 00. 2 Ibs, 2.90 lieve raci'al discrimination will' 6640 Charlevoix never be abolished." Beverly Smith, of Grosse 'WA 2..7155' Trio pack to Venetian Pointe, spoke on the topic Mon. thru Fri.-8:30 to 5:00 * * * chocolate meltaways .•. "Schools Have Glaring De~ Saturdays-8:30 to 3:00 This is Santa's "~ail plane three six-ounce boxes of , , , 1 meltaway chocolates: ! ,; : one with full-bodied coffee .~ , flavor, one with tangy , " rum, and one with refreshing .' ... ','

mint. Trio pack 2.25 .( .

Second Floor ~. Not s how n: deluxe . : ~.,', mixed nut assortment, . ..' ~ . ... ':

including almonds, fil- -:...... :~ ," ., '''~'':'.",. :';' berts, pecans, brazils ....: •• ;:\\.> "j and cashews . • . no ":,,:,,,::,..v:. : J peanuts! I lb. 1.98 ::.':' . ", v'\\" This is the giant Nort-hwest Or-ient airliner that carries your. letter from Jacobson's mail box to Santa's North Pole workshop • ., • and then returns t.he Renaissance •••. •".<.....:;..-.,h, ••••• Santa's letter direct to you. :", :...... ~;:~ as new fill coHhHes as th e e m pi red e s i9 n

In clothes ... e'xpe rtly . .. f<:lsh ioned fO'r yov by sltilfed st~sts eM Jacobson's Beavty SQlon. • ;.9 .. ..~'. '0• 0 t Youth Center - Second Floor

~., ~ -- -- ~ ~ --- - .... _ - ...~--...... - ...... ,..... -. . ". .. • ... ~ ~. ..' '" '" .J .

Page Eight .6 ,R0, S S,E .. p 0 I N T E, ,N E W S Thursday. November 20.' 1958 aq Richards Service To.Give Advice T4~ Give Pl~ys Wrong-Side Driver Tagged Youth Council Award Winner it i~ Brownell David H. Black -of-12-2-5 -F-is-he-r--Kercheval intersectJion. To Hold Dance -_ Hampton, was ticketed by Taker. to the 9tCl!tio~ Black E:arle Richards S€.rvice, 20397 The dramatics c:iepartment of Farms police on Thursday, was given a chance to sobeT The Youtl.h' Council O'! the Mack, was honored Tuesday, Brownell J'!.mior High School November 13, after he was ar- up, a police report disclosed, Grosse PoinJte W 8lr Memorial November 11, by Automobile will present their first Eve- rested for driving on the WTong and then issued a ticket for is lrldling a special Thanks- Club of Michigan for its serv- ninlt of Plays at Brownell No- sid~ of Fisher road. The driving undE!'!' the influence. giving dance Saturday eve- ice to Grosse Pointe-area mo- vember 21, at 8 o'clock, The charge is driving while un- ning, November 29, ~m 9' torists. Auto Club made the guelsts will be greeted by a der the influence of alcohol. Court date was scheduled untlH 12 o'clock. .As usual all award to commemorate its 10 danlce routine made up of P!atroJmen Peter LaPonsa for yesteTday, Novembe!r 19, public, priV9tbe and PMOOhial millionth emel'g.ency r 0 a d eighth grade girls: Teddy and Earl Field were cruising before Judge Gram Arm- students in grades 9 through. service caU s-ince that S'ervice Argy, Sue Bradley, Helen south on ,Fisher road, when strong. 12 are invited. It is a couples was established in 1922. Plopa, Dana Metzer, Barbara they noticed a car driving on ------oruly dance and the dress is The citaltion was presented Wengel, Sue Stenhouse, and their side of the street, after J. c. Auxili~ry Memhers casuail. STEREO High Fidelity by George E. Meas,el, mana'ger Donna Johnston. . it turned off from GI"osse W.J.B.K. disc jockey, Clark of Auto Club's Grosse Pointe . Sully E i c hen s tie n, Sybil Pointe boulevard. Attend State Meeting Reed wiIll span the latest in Thrilling, realistic' music that has depth,' diivision, to Earle Richards. Sna:r, Mike D a her, Larry The oficers pulled over to dance platters throughout the direction and dimension The station, affiliated with Crutn, S hi r ley Trentacosta, the curb and stopped, but the Five members of the Grosse evening arid liven up the par- ty AAA Slince 1946, was among Deb:ra Ferry, Jeanne Gerow, other car apPeaa"ed about to Pointe Junior Chamber of w1th his pleasant patter. 372 in Michigan receiving an . Tim Sinclair, Susan Ambach, collide "head-on" with the po- Commerce Auxiliary recently Also 00. hand will be live en- award for five or mo're years' and' Nancy 'Crutz are included lice. car, despite the fact the attended the state board meet- tertaineoc'S. service to 6,000,000 AAA mem- in 1:he cast of the seventh flasher was 00. and th~ police- ing at Battle Creek, Michigan. The dance rill officially be bers in the U.S. There are 110 . .grad:e play, "Easy As Pie" by. men were blowing their horn They were Mrs, Milt Boyd, known as the "Wishbone stations with 15 or more years' KarJln Ashland ..The story con- in warning. Mrs. Kirk Cookson, Mrs. Pat Whirl.." Judy P'Oppin is chaaT- cerns a group of teenagers Black, who was driving the man Pat Ragland servioe among 683 AAA.fran- MARTY PA VELICH, fblrmer Cusick, Mrs. Herb Henz and wiJth in chised garages in Michigan. Red Wing Hockey Star, will who enter their mother's pie wrong - side - of-the-street car, Mrs. Richard Beach. chatt'ge of making decorations. in a, baking contest under a pullEd away just as it seemed Carol KaTiJn .is lining up the In 1922, Auto Club handled be at Gray's Sport- Shop Sat- iaJsEi Dame; this results in that a collision with the police The Auxiliary Helped the door committee and Mary fewer than 1,000 road service urday Novemb~ 22, to answer J.C.'s with their annual pump- questions about amateur and hilarious consequences. J eft was inevitable, and then swung Asmus has iJnvited the chaper- calls. Most of them were for Christian, Sally Glaeaner, Lis- back to the curb, srtill on the kin sale. ones. Julie Smith is in ch&'ge flat tires. Last year, the Club profesional ice hockey. Marty beth Carson, and Cindy Mc- wrong side. Orders are still being taken of enrt:ertainrnent together with MOST VERSATILE MOTOROLA STEREO HIGH FIDELITY answered 667,000 calls, mostly was only 19 ye~ old when lie Douj~ll will serve as promp- The two officers tUX11ledfor fruit cakes being sold by Jilil Tony. The boys this time PORTABLE PHONO ••• SOUNDS FINE EVERYWHERE! for battery alnd ~gniti~ fai'l- joined the Red Wing Hockey ters . and understudies. The theilr scout car around and the Auxiliary. Cakes ordered are limiting thei't' activity to ure. Club. Makes stereo sound gooCl in every room. Detachable speaker play is under the direction of gave chase, stopping Black at now will be delivered about clean-up oodIe1- Ron Schram. Auto Club aided its 10 mil- cabInets play close together or far apart. 2O-wstt dual channel During the ten years' he Mrs. Geraldine Meyer with Fisher and Ridge, but not be- Novenl,ber 15. Cakes are $1.50 . lionth motorist Novemb€r 6 in amplifler. 4 speakers. Separate tone controls. balance control. played with the Wings they Sue BroWn serving as student .fore Black almost col1ided per. pound and come either About the only people who Detroit. Dual sapphire stylus. Luggage type carrying case. Leather-tex- won seven National Hockey assistant. ,witth an oncoming car and light or dark. Call Mrs. Reich, never fail are those who never tured covering. Model SH12. Lea g u e ChampionsMps and The eighth and ninth grades rtmning a red 1i~t 8It the TV 1-9124 to place yOur 'Order. try. KEEP AN EYE ••• foUlI' Stanley Cup Playoffs: Not Only 159.95 only was Marty a top-flight are presenting two plays un- J. M. JOhnson of 8900 E. left forward,' but he was one of der the direciion of Miss J0 J~ Detroit, told Park the best penalty k~llers in the Clarllt and Thomas Quinlan. radio and police on ".DhlWSday,November league. Come in for-. advice "Little Prison" by George Savage includes a cast of five Fis~her~s television . 6, that SJOOleooe had sbcx1Jeln hi'S from a pro:fessional regarding topcoat worn a hook, \V~1e he your ska1Jes and hockey sticks, nintll grade girls: Nancy Col- was ea1:rllng in a I1estJa~n1 art lins, Elizabeth Herndon, Penny 17047 KERCHEVAL, in the Village 15122 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe . VA. 1-8960 and for tips on hoW to play , 15412 Jefr9rson. hockey. Petelrson, Kyp Fritzel, and No- reen Theuerkorn. These wom- Remember, it's Saturdlay, en o:f distinctly different per- November 22 from 2 p.m. to 5 sonalitieshave been trapped CHRISTMAS CARDS IN BOXED ASSORTMENTS p.m .. fm- yom chance to meet in all elevator of an exclusive by famous artists and writers. • • Appliances cofer cued 10 your the former Red Wing great, New York department store. Marty P a vel i c h, an. Gray's Each character has her reason Visit us tOday •.• and choose from our complete assortment SpOrt Shop. for a. quick and safe trip, and of Christmas cards by such famous people as: . each has pride enough not to CUSTOM KITCHEN revecll that reason. Deane Mal- Law Breaker's chie, Kitty Snyder, and Wi!. liam Hope are ass,isting in the Pay in Park production. Make-up, hairstyl- ing ,and wigs will be done A oharg~ of inte,rlerring through the courtesy of Coif- with a ped~trian was dis- fures by Leon at 18318 Mack missed against Dennis R. Bren- avenue.

nan of t 1234 Audubon, when "nt~lJ by Eugene O'Neill is a the complainant refused to thrilling drama which swiftly sign a complaint before Park unfold~ its story against a sea Judge C. J'oseph Belanger on background. Captain Keeney, Wednesday, NovembeT 12. a N~~w England whaler, is dominated by an unconquer- Ruth Johanna Mathys of 333 able pride. At the end of the University .place, pled guilty two years' period, his crew to CBUSIing an accident at have signed up for, he has Mack and Cadlieux, and was only ili small part of his quota given a suspended sentence. of "He". The crew are muti- Also given a suspended sen- nous and the captain's wife is tence was ChaII'les D. LaFond distra eted from loneliness and ••••:....lli~ of 467 University place, who anxiety. Only the prospect of .,,:r~: 'io.••~.:.:t~ wa'1 accused of running into a .. _0° ... " \ If your kitch.!'\ is unbecoming to you, should be coming to us! her breakdown alters the sail •• • .t: _...~ • tree. His plea was guilty. for home; but the instant If you're planning a new kitchen. your first move is to see Wil!liam P. Drummond of WhalE!Sare sighted, he reverses our display of GE color-choice appliances around which we his d e cis ion. Mrs. Keeney 3'519 Yorkshire, Detroit, failed Your friends wilt know "you cared enough to send the very best..' will design a whole new wood or metol kitchen for you. to appear :in court on a charge breaks under the strain. The We've designed many of the finest kitchens in the Pointe 01 ignoring a stop street sign, cast includes: Neil Bauer, Ken- ... and with so little inconvenience to the housewife. and forfeited a $10 bond neth Ba,ird, Cheryl Salomon, Robert Shellig, Carl Carlson, 24-Hour Call for Estimate TU 5-3206 Dorothy B. Van Tassel of Fred Gerow, Ned BUI,l~ Paul 21745 Ulrioo, Mt. Clemens, Kluzak, .Mike Parshall, John Imprinting Service STORE HOURS: Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday till 6:00 pled guilty to speeding on Randnll, William Schaefer, and Charlevoix and paid a fine of Monday, Thursday and Friday till 9:00 Richard Thoma. The play will Christ11US Albums. with IS Complete Selection of Distinctive Greetings $10. be i 1n. t r () d u c e d by Gary To Please Every Taste and Budget Johnnie Keener of 10828 E. Grenzke. The public is cordially in- Vernor, Detroit, forfeited a Charge Accounts Invited TUxedo 2.7790 bond of $7.50, when he failed vited to attend, and tickets 'earl;s 'IllolDer t'G aippea:r fOir spee<1,ing on Ker- may be purchased at the door. cheval. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES , Catherine Mary Holland of • • 684 Baldwin, Detroit, was not ~8538 Mack at Touraine present in court kJr speeding Detroit Edison Service Agency on Jefferson and forfeited $15. Lack of a witness to an ac- cident at Kercheval and Lake- pointe, in which she was ac- cused, brought about a dismis- the sal fOorJeanette J. Hubbard of 1239 Berkshire. Lavern Smith of 1288 East- . lawn, Detro~t, did not appear The one new car that's 6 passenger size inside for ignoring a stop street at Oadieux and St. Paul, and it cost him his bond of $15. 2~feet shorter. outside ••• Frank S. LaFata of 23006 Avalon, S1. Clair Shores, for- feited $15, for failing to come to court on a SlpeediJn'gcharge. The arrest took pl~e on Jeff- T~ erson. Theodore F. Bittner of 8070 BY STUDEBAKER. Dubay, Detroit, charged with speeding on Mack avenue, lost KERCHEVAL NEAR ST. CLAIR his $15 pond .when he ddd not come to court. Herman Cooper of 5185 S. Clarendon, Detroit, fail,ed 'to HERE IN YOUR O'WN NEIGHBORHOOD come to court for running a ~g1IlIal and a repOrt of Your savings the case was sent to Lansling. We Convert Double B'reasted GROW FAST- Suits to at 3% current rate SINGLE Only Open your account now 50 18 $192500 . Done by Plainly labeled on every cer Accounts Insured to $10,000 Experienced along ~ any additions Tailors! Look for the sign :!:: Visit our• New 0: Good Savings ServIce r:' Modern. Perfectly.sized for your family needs today.5/' Parks on a pOstage .stamp, ~ Cleani~g Plant We Also Clean and Press 'turns ~on a'dime. 5/' Peak performance for miles and miles on a hatfyl of on Saturdays.' regular gas. ? Beautifully styled, richly upholstered, tastefully appointed. Better Cleaning ) for Less! KERCHEVAL Costs less to far less to ~perate. Smart .•• Sensible ••• NEAR ST. CLAIR 5/'. buy, Spirited..

Use our Drive-In Window eAFANA It's Your New'Dimension in' Motoring CLEANERS' View the New today at ••• 17235 Mack Ave. TUx~do 1-1224' MARIO'S KARL H,OST.ENMOTOR SALES Tailors - Cleuners,. . 10634 Morang , 15205 ,E. Jeffers.on, Grosse Pointe VE 9-9566

• • ...... ~ ...... he _ .. -. .. _ be ...... _ .. b ., _ Me ., ...... he be" h ...... -...... -."""----__ ...._~ __ ~.:,;;a ~~ .• __ .&_ .. he " ...... *'_._44~04••__ e'-_ ' ._,. :SS ICIIW.. 2t , '-, .. , - - .. IIIIIl _~ WII WII ~ P...... -~ ------.,..-.....------...-----.------~ ------~~-- ---...----~--.-----..-....--.-,.....------...... - .....--.------..--__ - ~ _.~ _.~ .~- - ,- ~.- ~.' ~.- -~ ,~ ~ .- ....-!";'" :g, F

1958 Thursday, November' 20, 1958 G R 0 SSE POi N T E N'E W S Page Nine --4 : cil : rl,ce I I" l o! the " 4emorial , Thanks- ay eve- m>m 9' $Ual all 1l8rOChial On Next Tuesday ~ Will be MiJ~way zn Our through. couples dress is

y, Clark ate..~ in tlout the the par- ; patter. () • live en- ~ ,rJUee, ~Qny be V'ishbone is chalir- imld in orations. up the 1 Mary chaper- 1 chaa-ge her with his time ;ivity to and on that date (Novem:ber 25) we will mark' ~ha'am.

pIe who }')never our Fiftieth Anniversary.

So today we are taking tlus occasion to express sincere appreciation and. thanks for the confidence and friendliness so many thousands of families , have shown us during this half century of service. During those years our establishment, like the community and city we serve, has grown to be among the largest and finest in the world.

.. ~:~. :'(.: " ...... -)" ," ,:, m:." GROSSE PCI~TE - DETROIT FUNERAL DIRECTORS 16300 MACK AVENUf;, AT WHITTIER (CUTER DRIVE) "::. Charles Verheyden, F oundtJf' and PresUknt

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An Establishment that Grew to Greatness on Little Extra ServicesWithout extra cost. •


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Page Ten GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November 20, 1958 • • Thurs

Grosse Pointe News COIN PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY ANTEEBO SJ PUBLISHERS. INC. ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE Grosse Memorial Center Schedule What Goes On The Det DETROIT WESTWARD. ' to the 19 OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL, Numismati GROSSE POINTE FARMS 36, MICHIGAL"'i at Exaggerafions NOVEMBER 20-NOVEMBER, 27-0PEN SUNDAY 12-5 Conven'tio Phone TU 2~b900 TV 1..7511 Your Lihrary public a c f Three Trunk Lines A. PRYOR attend. Th I *AlllCenter Sponsored Aetivities'Opento the Pub~ic Member Michigan Press AssociatlOn and National Editorial Associatili)n By Jean T aylo1' worth of r NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE: tlNevet' a tear bedims the eye NOTICE:' Please talI for lost articles at the office. at the De Weekly Newspaper Representatives, Inc. That time and patience -not dry; 404 Fifth Avenue, New York 19. New York, BRyant 9-7300 witl They will be held for 30 days. Bagley an CHICAGO OFFICE Never a lip is curved 'with pain Guest Columnist Mary Gaboda - sevea:'al generations later. 333 North Michigan Avenue, Phone FInancial 6-2214 The dla:ys of the reign of King through That can't be kissed into sm~les again." Grosse Pointe Garden Center Room and Library open The writing of children's 21, 22, 23. books by authors distinguis~ed Tiri'aIl, and the destruction of Entered as second-class matter at the post office, Detroit, (Bret Harte) for consultation and service. NIrs, Leland Gilmour Na~~ ' Michigan, under the Act of March 3, 1897. will be on duty in the Garden Center Room every iJn other fields eeyf writing or * * leammg, is no longer an un.- week cn Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from However, it Is important FULLY PAID CIRCULATION Thanksgiving common event in li,terature. that these book.; be read in 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A consultant will be on duty on AmoJ1.gsuch writeIrs we have order of publicarb1on, for the The appraach of Thanksgiving reminds us of a stary :Friday from 2 to 4 p,m. (Call TU 1~4594) . ROBERT B. EDGAR. ...EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER told by pals who once became embroiled in a turkey Lewis CarolLl, Kenneth Gra- first book THE LION, THE MATTHEW M. GOEBEL ,ADVERTISING MANAGER harne, John Tolkien, Erk WITCH AND THE WARD-. PATRICIA TALBOT FEATURE PAGE, SOCIETY incident and left without any of the gravy. Driving Hospital equipment available for free loan - crutches, LiJnkLa1ter, E. B. White and ROBE takes the reader into FRED RUNNELLS _ SPORTS EDITOR across country in late October to' visit-friends, they were wheel chairs, heat lamp and hospital beds. "Blood Oarl Sandburg. the midst of the action.. J4J\MES J. NJAIM NEWS approaching the outskirts of the city which was their available to Grosse Pointe Residents in case of acci. ALD EN G. EDGAR , ,NE WS In recent yeaTS, C. S. Lewis, C. S. L~wis possesses the ARTHUR R. BLYLER. , , ADVERTISING destination when they passed a turkey farm. The idea d,ent or emergency-free of charge." a wdter famous for his books raTe gift of making his poiruts MARY LORIMER. , ,ADVERTISING occurred to both simultaneously that it would be a nice of ethics, theology and l.iJter- clear through the proces:s of JOHN MacKENZIE " , BUSINESS gesture to give their friends the Bird as a I'£oot in the' * * * atry critism has' written his nanoorbive rather then by di~ ALBERTA WILKE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING door" gift. Thursday, November 20 "Narruia" stories in which red statement. And these FERN GREIG , , ,., "CLASSIFIED ChristiaJn philosohpy is ex- stories make it clear thart it. JOANNE EASON , ACCOUNTS Pop picked out a nice healthy specimen and had the pressed in terms of allegocy FLORA HARDING , CIRCULA TION deal cansummated befare he was infarmed that the Juniar League Glee Club - Rehearsal - 9:30 a.m. is only children who can for e:hi'Ldren. understand m05't readily the ;' turkey farmer couldn't be bothered with the butchering *American Red Cross Braille Transcription Class-Miss ; -- Seven voilumes, published in greart mysteries of sin and re- business, and that he sold live birds only. The rest was E:UaMcLennan-Instructor-;-10 to 11 a.m. the' yearrs 1950-56, constiturDe dempti'O'l1, subjects which we up to the purchaser. Welcome Wagon Club of Grosse Pointe-Luncheon- the chrond.cle of Narruia. These have regard'ed as essentially /~ban, Thanksgiving Day, 1958 With the gobbler well trussed up as to wings and 12 nan - Reservaltions Chariman, Mrs. Charles books are heroic tales, told worthy of treaJtInent in adult \ legs, our friends drave into town, made the rounds of Fisher, 206 Har.court, VA 1-9561 ' in exceHen.t Daroative Slty Ie books. and filled with memorable ...... _- The observance of Thanksgiving Day has undergone various markets haping to get someone to dispatch and Grosse Pointe Business Men's Association-Luncheon Ohildren wili read these " animal and human chaJracters dress their prisoner, but all to no avail. Time was awast- ' 1:2:30p.m. 'books, as adventure storie~ many changes since its birth in 1621 to celebrate with who are involved in the con- filied w~th magi!: and inven- ing, so they went on to their hosts' home, fairly content A.A:U.W. af Grosse Pointe-Meeting-l p.m. tinUJOuswar between Good and fervent gratitude the taking in of the first harvest by tion, with perhaps a fadnt per- in the knowledge that HE was a very competent guy *Children's Art Class-taught by Margheritta Loud- Evil. our Pilgrim fathers. As a matter of fact, according to ception thaJt theTe are certain who would handle, all the details himself. The bird was 3::45to" 5:15 p.m. The fine hand of the crnfts- various authorities there were actually three days of accepted with great appreciation. l!:Ballet Classes - Mary Ellen Cooper - Instructor - moral le~,sons to be learned man is oleaLJ:'llyevident, when from them. It witH be the rare feasting and prayer 1.nthat first abundan t fall. It was a.tairly rugged visit, with sparsely scattered , 4to 7:30 p.m. we look at the chronicles as child who will recognize the snatches at sustenance in the foad line, and by the time Grosse Pointe Chapter D.C.A.A.-Meeting--7 p.m. a whol-e, now that they have About 10 years later some of the colonies occasion- theological and ethical bases of Sunday arrived, the guests were loaking ~orward rather "'Fencing Class-Istvan Danasi-Instructar-7:30 p.m. alll been published. And we the stories. But we all know ally set aside a day for prayers and thanks, until in eagerly to sitting down to a good turkey dinner. In fact Parke Davis & Company Bridge Group - Cards - can see in what m8lSterly fash- that the best imaginative Ion the seven volumes have books for children are to be 1680 in the Massachusetts Bay Colony it became a they were drooling when the "Soup's On" call was 7:30 p.m. been welded together. The heaI.'d. Grosse Painte Business and Professional Women's Club read on two planes, and that recognized annual haliday. The governvrs of these following is a l1st of the Naria the good 'writer is able to al- colonies named the day for t h a n k s g i v i n g and the They tumbled into the dining roam and sat down --Meeting-8 p.m, stories in chronnllogicall order, low his action to grow out of before plates of miniature helpings of cold ham, a little Men's Garden Club of Grosse Pointe-Meeting-8 p.m. wirth dates of publication: Continental Congress made provision for the days of his ideas of courage, honor potato salad and same dead laoking greens. As saon as *Shakespeare's Heroines. A lecture and character read~ THE MAGICIAN'S NEPH- and loyalty as C. S. Lewis thanksgiving annually during the Revolutionary War, Pop could swallow his palate and find his voice he put by Mrs. George Nicholson, formerly of Scot- EW, 1955 - des(:ribes the does. cretan amicable *Adult Art Classes-Emil Weddige-Instructor-9:30 to THE HORSE AND HIS WAYNE REVEALS GIFTS toehrome eol mations, Thanksgiving Day was abserved in 25 states divorce and each parent married someone else eventual- 11:30 a.m.; 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.; and 3 to' 5 p.m. BOY, 1954--an episode during A total of $3,339,610 in gifts bfock-and-wf and two territories. President Lincoln designated the ly. The boy spent 6 months with Dad and his new wife *Art for Pre-Schaol Children and their Mathers-spon- the reign of High King Peter. and grants was contributed to snaps. Bu;(t. and 6 with Mom and her new husband, While he was sored jointly ,by Extension Services of the Detrait PRINCE ,CASPIAN, 1951 - Wayne State University dur~ batteries, flo: last Thursday in November for Thanksgiving, as Wash- Pan film, insl staying with the latter, his Mother "came down with a Institute of Art and the Memorial Association _ after 5Jevernl hundred years, ing the £ i sea 1 year 1957-58, ington had done, and since that time each president has Narnia has been conquered Olin Thomas, vice president choice of eol cold so new Papa had to take Junior to his first Brownie 9::30to 11:30 a.m. by the Tehnarines. WaJr of line blue, alp fcllowed the precedent by an annual proclamation, with meeting, It was a new group and no one seemed to know *BallrtDomDancing Classes-Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson- for finance, has announced. Liberation. This is the largest amount in .:1:01== the governors of each state issuing their own proclama~ anyone. '.. so the meeting got off to rather a stiff start. Instruc tors - 4:30; 5:30'";.; and 8 p.m. THE VCYAGE OF THE the University's history. Con- tions. President Franklin D. Roosevelt juggled the dates During one of the longer silences and for no reason *Memorial Bridge Club _ Duplicate Bridge - Mr. and DAWN TREADER, 1952 - tracts with departments and around a bit, but the spirit of the observance re~nains whatsoever, Junior suddenly said in a loud voice "I have Mrs. Andrew Walrond, Directors-7:30 p.m. three ye~ later. In the reign agencies of the federal govern- two Fathers," Everyone looked at him as though he had Iadom Club _ Social and cards - 8 p.m. of Caspian the Seafarer. ment accotmted for $2,071,752 L?fE. Th the same in -the hearts of those who take time to reflect said he had two heads. Father ,number two wished he THE SILVER CHAIR, 1953 of the totaL The remainder ~ on the s.olemnity of this great national holiday. were someplace else .. , but the meeting went on not- - about sevenlty years have came from industry, private * * * passed. The end of the reign ! if withstanding. foundations, other privaJte or- What blessings we have far which to' be thankful! Saturday, November 22 of Caspian. ganizations and individuals. About ten minutes later, another long pause ensued, THE LAST BATTLE, 1956 Ii! We should indeed be humble when we think back to when this time Junior rose to his feet and annQunced: *Ballet Classes - Mary Ellen Cooper - Instructor - that first Thanksgiving when this country's founders "I have two mothers too!" No doubt this kid is going to 9:~10a.m. to 3:30 p.m. -O;es~,..~ ' l71i4 were offering up their prayers of gratitude for being be President some day. A one track mind President, *Children's Theatre - Mrs. Syd Reynolds - Instructar How 10 lose in tt allowed to live through the terrible ordeals of that that is. 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to' 3 p.m. '~~ * * *Ballroam Ji)ancing Class - Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson - a lot of weight . . . Gro5se Pointe ' TU first year of their subsistence on their newly-adopted Chic Pointer Instructors - 3:30 p.m. NORTHLAND WO So6tDO ~STLANO 0Per1, Friday soil, and expressing th0ir appreciation for the crops Jean Howel-J ames E. Douglas - Wedding Reception- safely J CEN]ER C~TER which would allow them to. carry on. A friend of aurs braught some snapshots for our 8 p.m. by Fred Kopp, R.Ph. scanning pleasure, that she took of a batch of puppies Maybe you've been in our Inspired by the fortitude of these dedicated pil- belonging to her causin. We gat a great kick out of the * *. * pharmacy and noticed all We have: Shock grims, endowed with their blood the inheritors of this pictures ... especially when our eagle eye spied a Lowe- the ways there are to lose Monday, November 24 weight. Pills, tablets, cap- hardy band and those who cam~ from many lands to stoft bowl, contJaining the puppies' milk! Talk about sules-all kinds. Most are . . '. . ," "doggy"! The one small hunk af Lowestoft we own, we *Cance~rInformatian and Service Center-Service Wark designed to reduce your ap- Marsh Hay JOIn them In theIr great undertaking, have created a wrap in cotton every night and put it in the safe. 10 a,m. to 3 p.m. The volunteer workers are urgently peti~and thus, you. All nation which has come to be father and mother, brother lie lie * well and good, but if you in need of clean white material to' carryon their have a serious we!igJ1t prob- STRAW and sister to the unfortunate. the handicapped and the Television work - anyone having old sheets, tableclaths, shirts lem, there is only one sens- backward in all corners of the earth. or the like is urged to' press the material and drop ible thin1g to do. See your Well, Ja~k Narz is finally back on TV emceeing it 'by the 'Center to aid this worthy endeavor. pihysicia..ll. He wiH. prescribe Cattle A report issued in Washington Sunday by the Com- "Top Dollar" •.. since, his famed "Dotto" became de~ Rotary Club of Gr~se Pointe - Luncheon and meeting a diet, lla:Hored to your con- merce Department announced that during the fiscal dition, . with proper drugs Manure funet. Narz is goorl, but we hate to see poor Warren Hull 12:15 p.m. and nutritive supplements year ended June 30, 1958, the United States gave and pushed around the way he has been. When "Strike It *Memorial Bridge Club - Duplicate Bridge - Mrs. to make it safe and sure. loaned $4,661,000,000to other countries. This is a figure Rich" went off the air, Warren was out of a job. Then Andrew Walrand - Director - 1 p.m. We, as pharmacis"tS, dis- Wm. J. that is staggering even to mathematicians, and the pense these mo're potent they put him on "Top Dollar" while they searched *Ballet Classes - Mary Ellen Caaper - Instructor - drugs only at his direction average layman gives it no thought at all other than a~oun4 for someone else to do it. • 4 to 7:30 p.m. , -a practice which exis,ts ALLEMON as it is reflected in the personal taxes he must pay. He Another "flip" in TV is that a really fun morning *Dale Carnegie Leadership Training Class - 7 p.m. ' for one l'eaSiOn-to protect Garden Supply is completely incapable of even estimating what part show "For Love or MOl~ey"(channel 2 at 10 a,m.) has *Ballroom Dancing Class - Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson - your health. he as an individual is playing in this great role of This is the 72ath of a series 17727 Mack Ave. suddenly been canceled JUST HERE in Michigan. We . Instructars - 7:30 p.m. of Editorial advertisements ap- Deliveries TU 2-7888 fostering right and equality of opportunity and the pearing in this paper each checked with the station and found a lot of people had Recovery-. Meeting--8 p.m. week. protection of liberties in the whole wide world. telephoned to protest •.. but were informed that only II< It is the most monumental df>monstration of human letters count with ANY station. Soooooo, if you liked it * * benefaction towards the living and future generations and want it back ••• WRITE. Tuesday, November 25 the world has ever known. It might be considered a * * * *Service Guild far Children's Hospital - Service Work Now that year-round program of showing ov:,:" thanksgiving to the there)s OJ Than~ You Note 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Almighty for the many favors he.has bestowed upon us. RAMBL! We'd like to thank all the nice people who' tele- Grosse Painte Optimist Club - Dinner and meeting ~ advanced Viewed selfishly, the progress and prosperity the phoned the offi,ce to give us the name and number of a 6:1!5 p.m. economy. centuries have brought have manifest themselves in a Glazier. We now have ten phone numbers iJn our book Exchange Club ot Grasse Pointe - Dinner and meeting small car million ways. The comfort of our most modest homes , .. so if YOU get stuck for one, MadaIne . . . just let 6:30 p.m. . makes them appear as palaces when compared with the Aunty Pryor know. Kiwanis Club of Grosse Pointe, InC.-Dinner and Meet. crude cabins which those early ancestors constructed. * * * ing-6:30 p:m. o. Household duties, communications, transportation sys- *Sea Explorer Ship 69D-Meeting-7:30 p.m. tems have been so simplified and improved that the Green ...Eyed Dept. *GrOSSE!Pointe Men's Chorus - Rehearsal - 8 p.m. push of a button eliminates hours or days of tedious There is a young bride in the Pointe who owns *The OTient and Middle East. Colored films presented labor. The sciences have made necessities of former something we covet like mad and it isn't her youth or by Pointer of fnterest J. Leslie Berry. The public is luxuries, brought us longer life with myriad more her looks (although both are terrific,) The object of our invited without charge to hear Mr. Berry and view methods to enjoy the added years. affection is a 1931 Ford ... fire engine red with bright his pictures -, 8 p.m. yellow 'Yheels! It looks about the size of a large bridge Coupling talent with our abundant natural re- II< table and it RUl.\fSNOISILY, but it does run. The heater * * " sources, our way of life has a chi eve d a standard RENAULT is a hole punched in the toot board, which no dOGhthas Wednesday, November 26 undreamed of not too many years ago. With these other to be plugged up in the Summer because the heat em. .D,a.u ph,i.neti things we have been rich in leadership. Too many anates from the engine itself. Not in YEARS have we Grosse Pointe Traffic and Safety Commifjtee--Lunch~ countries have come upon hard ways and dark days seen anything we want more, but she saw it first. Youth eon and meeting - 12:30 p.m. ' because those with the power to lead have been un~ has all the luck.! ' *Senior Club - Tea and cards - 1:30 p.m. Fun to drive ••• Fun to park ••• willing to make the personal sacrifices which are so *Ballet Classes - Mary Ellen Cooper ...:..-Instructor .;.... comrn.on in this nation, or because greed and corruption 4 to 9.:30p.m. . have been allowed to seep into high offices. This has All Makes - All Kinds *Dale Carnegie Leadership Training - Drill ~ession -' Fun to ownl happened here, but not for long. Our various forms of . 7:30 p:m.' ," . government of the people, by the people and for the Clock Repairs *Memorial Bridge Club - Duplicate Bridge - Mr. and "Driving has never been so much fun, and I'm people, may work slowly at times, but the unfit are Mrs. Andrew'Walrond, Directors - 7:30 p.m. s~ving lots of money too." This is the typical com. by discovered and turned out eventually. II< ment of every own'er of a Renault. 5 (jals. of (jas , , * Many of us are inclined to complain about the +~kes them 200 miles. Oil c:han(je only 2'12 quarts. Factory.T r~ined Cra'ftsmen License costs only $4.90. complexities of present day living, but we can scarcely , Thursday, November 27 "itL view as a hardship the need to make a decision between No Job Too Big - None Too Small! Building is closed. THANKSGIVING DAY. watching a football game on TV or listening to the DAUPHINE P.O.E. Fully Equi'pped \{~~l;::~i: ONLY ••••••••. $1670 with Many ExtrGs! opera on the Hi-Fi. If there isn't a wild duck or pheasant 1...__ P_ic_k_U_p_a_n_d_,_D_e_li_v_er_y 1 in the freezer, (and thanks to sensible conservation 4 C V P.O.E. Fully Equipped . . ,\: practices there are just as many wild fowl flying today The Quilter Agency ON LY ••••• It • • • $1370 with Many Extras! f r as there were when those first settlers depended on Our 40th Year li them for food,) we can pick up a ready-cooked turkey at EDWARD CRAFT, Mgr. H.omeowners and Business Property , \ the super market. Give pause for a few moments on this day' to the Watch and Jewelry Repairs I INSU,RA-NeE RAYNAL BROS. many, many blessings which surround us. Give thank~ Retirement and Group Plans DODGE • PLYMOUTH to the Great Creator for those blessings of this day and ~---GROSSE POINTE CLOCK every day, and offer also a prayer for a real and ever- And tire Hew Renau.t lasting peace throughout His entire universe, Pray for ,Mfgr. and Repair Co. Thomas R. Quilter I ,e.L.U. . . Corner VA 57 9151 CHALMERS LA 6-1300 a peace based on His teachings, achieved through His .' 15233 Kercheval Beaconsfield 1.62 1032 Buhl Bldg. WO 2-7845 ii~~~ER iWda.nee.

ft •• _be ...... ,+m ...... -...... ,~_ ... _. ,- - ...... --.-- ""If'"'""" ...... --..--~ ...... ¥ ...... , • -~ •• - - ...... - ...... fU-A • • 47- res Qua. A _PO _ wa wua4ue... » • * w UP.. • ,_ ...... - - •• • e;aa .... - •

l)58 ~ Thursday, November 20, 1'958 Page Eleven I I COIN CONVENTION Here's how to test house the plant is dry. And keep I' More thin $11 million in re- The Detroit Coin Club , host plants to see when. they need your house plants free of in.. search projects were conduct- watering. Hit the pot with to the 1958 Michigan State sects with a handy aerosol ed by the University of Mich- your knuckles. If it makes a spray, the Antral African Vio- igan through its Engineering Numismatic Society's Annual dulll sou. n d, the plant has ~t and House Plant Insect Research Insti;tute (ERI) dur- Convention, extends to the en~ugh water. If the pot rings, J:Somb. iug the 1957-58 fiscal year.

public a cordial invitation to . attend. There will be $500,000 worth of rare coins on display at the Detroit Leland Hotel , later. Bagley and Cass, ~om Friday King through Sunday, November It's No Secret! 21. 22. 23. ~on of • Fine Carpeting ortant • Quality Installatiorls ad. in Don't Cook 11" the • Low Prices THE Your Goose ARD- • Tarms Arranged into by running out of film and flash bulbs. s the Get your Supply now -mints and be ready to ess of y di- carpeting co. these Shoot the hat it 15839 E. Warren near Buckingham TUxedo 1-6022 can Turkey' y the .d re- h wa .bally (ib~~5g~i~'~~ adult " jfun -" ~ '...... _-- --/ these LASTS ALL YEAR LONG wries • • • IN PICTURES nven- t per- ETtain • arned rare {' the The Annual Merit Certificates for the best k'ept Placque was presented by R. Daniel Lutey of Pontiac, ses of ~:no\v gardens and grounds in the business and professional president of the Grosse Pointe and Eastern Michigan ~atlye category in Grosse Pointe were awarded at a presen- Horticultural Society, which conducts these year-long 10 be ta.tion banquet last Saturday evening in which top contests. The award came just a scant two weeks that honors again went to Chas. Verheyden, Inc., funeral' ahead of the establishment's fiftieth birthday, which to al- directors, located at 16300Mack, at Whittier road, It according to Charles Verheyden, founder and presi- ut of is the fifth successive win for Verheyden's. The Merit dent, will be celebrated next Tuesday, Nov. 25. onol' \\'13 BROWNIE s..~ Publ~c School Personnel Detroit Ready For Auto Show This yea-r thiJngs look mthe!r Idazzle of the new CM'S thern- OUTFIT Contlnues to Take Honors natural in the showing of the selves. W itk Starflash Camera new motor calrS, beca'US'efor Ther'e CllI'eacres ()f ha!rd-top in your choice of colors Personnel of the Grosse placement test for students of the :flirst time in maDJYyeaTS parkin;g space available which Pointe Public School System German. He is one of two the major awto show of the is surf:lWienrtto aroommlQd'aroe fverything needed for day-and- Undited SJtaJtes w1B be held 4000 Cl:trs art; a time. ' night snapshooting. Brownie continue to achieve recogni- secondary teachers chosen to tion, the latest being an- serve with three university where aUitomobHes are made The show is under the aUfl~ Startlash Camero that tokes Ek- -right here in Detroit. pices of the Detrodrt; Auto FTS tachrome color slides as well as ' nounced by Superintendent professors from H a r v a r d, The g\r'OOIt Detroi,t ArtillelI"y D~> Assooi'8ition(D.A.D.A.) block-and-white and Kodacolor James Bushong at the Novem- Northwestern and Oberlin. Armory in WeS't 8 MiLe road The adImisslion fee is 90 cents, snaps. Built-in flasholder. Plus ber School Board meeting Mrs. Geraldine Bertovick, between Schaefe'r a'nd Green~ chilJdren. rmder 12, onJy 45 batteries, flashbulbs, Verichrome Monday, November 10. High School speech teacher, Pan Film, instructions. Camera in Mrs. Anne Loush, secretary served as program chairman field "roads, will house this cents. choice of colors: coral red, sky- to the Director of Administra- for the Michigan Speech Asso- coloosal show, with irts vast line bltJ~, alpine white, jet black. tive Services, has been elected ciation con fer e nee at St. swimmi,ng pool and other gJa- IDOI"OUS backdrops, president of the Wayne Coun- Mary's Lake on November 7 J;-~ F through two weeks- Novem- ty Association of Educational and 8, She is also vice-presi- ~~~ HERE'S CLASS WITH A CAPITAL "e"- the l~IAT Sports R()adster Convertible. Secretaries. She was elected dent of the associa,tion which ber 22-30, 'includdng ThanklS- ., giving Day. at the wl)rkshop held in con- is a, department of the Michi- ~~ 0~" Finest value in its priee elass. Swivel seats make it easy to pop in and out. ItaI• junction with the M.E.A. gan Education Association. ThUs first-run shew will oc- rF HU < cupy the entire 7-acre Annory Kenneth Clinard, science The League of Women Vot- ~.d~ Art ian-styled eustom body. Wrap around bumptrs and windshield. Luggage space arud wilrl be abourt 10 percent teacher at the High School has ers had as their guest speaker greater than l,ast year. been elected president of the at a recent meeting, Miss Leo- galore in trunk and behind front seats. Canvas hood oompletely hidden inside Detroit Biology Club for the na Weier, teacher of Social Seventeen Ameri'0an manu- SllIpplies coming year. Studies at the High SchooL facturers, 27 foreign car and ear panelling. Make a date today for a teat drive. three t rue k manufacturers set-iOOl .. OFFICE Dr. Jack Moeller, teacher of She spoke on "Foreign Policy foreign languages at the High as It Pertains to High School wi'l!l exhibit. AetuaUly this is SUPPLIES 17114 Kercheval a "show of shows" br41lging THI SPORTS ROADS!U CONVIRTIILI- Powerflll ~. O.H.V. front School, has been selected by Social Studies." in tbe Village top-level officialJS :flrom ~oti- Paints /~ engine for IPCrldlng IPOm cor perlormonee. Many acfvonced IClfety the College BoarCl section of Miss Weier took part in '8: $2619 sands Off allied industries from TU 1-4096 the Educational Testing Serv- mtures . .(o!JJP"d gear box with Roo, shift teJectoa. wor~hop in International Re- all over the warld to wirtmess WaHpaper ,~ P.O.E. Boltimore ice of Princeton, N.J., to as- Open Friday Evenings 'til 9:00 lations at Northwestern Uni- the lead-off and to inspect the sist in preparing an advanced versity this past summer. Window ------~--~------_._------motor city firSit-hand. , All1/O!IlJgthe Foreign cars Shades Ray Whyte's there axe I1lime 'W\hUchhave TU" 1-6305 Shocked at big thirst of other '5951 Get the proven economy champ never been shown in Detroit befor:e, two of which have never been shawn befo're in Wolkers Italian Motors.--- In~. Amernca. 20369 MACK. nl". Lancaster VAlley 3-1600 ...... ;~~,\~:~Rambler Miss AmerJica will1 be on 1480 I E. Jefferson, at Ashland Free Parking in rear, hand, E, m met t Kelly, the "KinJg of Clowns," top enter- { ,~\ more economical than tainment acts wilth top eIlIter- taill1.ers aTe among ,the "a<:ee5- ,aver for '591 S'OIri'es" to the show • . • the part thJai adds mUSlie and gllra- mour to somewnat match tJhe Just what is high fidelity and Thomas Heel -- for Extra Support i CORRECT SHOES Stereophonic SOlllnd?

Now that you've seen the '59 cars, you know New 100.lnch wheelbase RAMBLER AMERICAN there's only one buy in the low~price field- STATION WAGON Fn~TED BY EXPERTS RAMBLER. You save when you buy. And new America's low8Sl.prlcl~ stallon advanced carburetion gives you even greater gas wagon, $500 less than other lead- ing low'prlcld wagons, full family economy. Get the best of both: big car room, room, Top gasoline economy. The Chestel.~s car thal"s hlra by popular demand. small car economy. Go Rambler '59. BOOT SHOP Children's Shoe Specialists GROSSEPOINTE RAMBLER, 15011 Kercheval Ave. 15911 E, Wa'rren at Buckingham TUxedo 5.0863

For happy gifting next Christmas start a Christ~as CI.....b account now at City Bank It's easy - just decide the amount you'll need - then save it in 2S installments - one every two weeks, Your Christmas Club cash will be available early next Pictured above is one of our Electro~Voice Loud Speaker Demonstra- November ... You'll be able to shop leisurely for gifts, tion Rooms. It's part of our facilities for showin,9 you what HI. get better selection and save, too, by taking advantage FIDELITY is all about! Special' demonstrations are conducted at of pre-Christmas sale prices. 7:30 and 8:30 P.M,. every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Bring your family and friends for an interesting and informativEl &venin9_

Where you get your Christmas Ciub cash early next November ... mak~s your Complete gouna Syste1n$ Christmas gifting more pleasureful! Custom Installation

MAIN OFFICE - Serving Grosse Pointe MACK at CADIEUX Drive-In B~nking - Free Porking 1120 I Morang, at Somerset Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporat~on Hours: Daily 9:00 to 9:00 DR 1.3460

..... __ .-, .... _ ~ .. ... '_ _ _ Crt zim+ ..., ..- .- - -- - .. ------...--- ~ ------• c ... :ma ... 'm ~ Q so - coq .. .4' aq aq _ - SQ ... q. 4 u a a•• a 4 a z. s. • 4 Q aa I ".. _*.~ ... -r.' ',. . ...,~l .- ... OI,. iJ.- ,~, ., .... - ',-- p'., ~., ~.,. .. ".: -" '-, .r -.-,"'.....', ~. 'If ... " •• --''II .... _. ,. " ...... ,- .. ',,- , •. ~ .. "4o .. " _;j -' ., r

Page Twelve GRO'SSE POINTE NEWS Thdrsday, November 20, 1958 e Thursday old. There she amused herself by childiI'€n spellbound as she cut ~ tries to capture thp feel- ed in man~ states and abroad. I Miss .Slo~ was one ~f Cl-tildrenHear Russian Artist As a child, Miss Slobodkina drawing, cutting and pasting. oUit.dolls and pasted different ing of the states and cities she In fact, she began her ad. the wnters Vlsltmg the ChI1- explained, she lived in s!nall Miss Slobodkina said that outfits made of small scraps of a lessons while she was living dren's Book Fair at the Detroit By Joyce Andrews from a group of youthful Russiar., town in the Ural she began illustrating chil- pape!r on 1:Jhem. illustrates. G.P.H.S. Journalism Student school children recently at the Mountains. Beca',lse she was dren's books f'O'r Margaret Miss Slobodkina also does Miss Sl'Obodkina has travel- in Manchuria. Historical Museum .. "If you take a girl's head Children's Book Fair, sickly and d€licate, she spent Wise Brown,. wrirte!r, Mter the oil paintings and collages in, ..,. _ away, all she is is a dress." Miss Slobodkina d€'ll1on- much of her childhood in bed. death S€VeTal years ago of. modE~rn style, She has had With this comment Miss strated her illustrating tech- Mrs. Brown, she began writ- five one-man shows in', New Esphyr Slobodkina, Russian- niques befvre more than 100 ing and illusll7ratinlg her own York. Two move are now in Enter into His gates, with Thanksgiving. born illustrator, drew a laugh children from 5 to 10 :'tears GROSSE POINTE books. progress. METHODIST CHURCH trhese books include "Cans Mi:ss SlJobodkina also teach- Psahn 100:4 211 Moross Road fior Sale," "Little D(}gLo~;j;, es art in her studio in Rhode ·Spec • Little Dog Found," and her IS'land. REV, HUGH C. WHITE, Pastot I ate s t book, "The Little Miss Slohodkina studied at Special Service HELEN D. THOMAS, D.C.E. Dinghy." the National Academy of De- 9:30 a.m. Morning .Vorship; Miss Slohodkina shO'wed the sign in the United States for Church School for Nursery thru children hlOw make doilies, five years. 9th grade; Adult Bible Class. to THANKSGIVING DAY 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship: pa(pelrdolls, and O'ther cut-outs. Ilnher books, she explained, Church School for Nursery thru Her magnetic personality and --'------9th grade: Senior High Dept. softly .RCcented vOQceheld the 1IIIfIIfIIlIlIlIfIIlIlIUIllIllIlllUllll/lllllmmlll~llllllll1llllllllllllU~ November 27, 1958 6:00 and 7:30 p.m. Evening OJ Youth Fellowships. I ----- ~ LAKESIDE I At 9 :30 A. M. Only ,. Meats' TUxedo '1-7888 = = I IUNITY CENTER ; Visitors Welcome Prom] E = a modern gas water heater supplies 21001 Moross Rd. at Harper The Chancel Choirs will assist in be~utifying the ~=:=== 20760 Mack Ave. ~===:= First English = Near 8 Mile. G. P. Woods _ Pastor E, Arthur McAsh Thanksgiving Day Service. Plan now to ~ttend. hot water faster-and at savings Ev. Lutheran Nursery conduded for small children. 10,00 a.m. MornIng WOrship I_1=_ S~e;::;~n~ll~~~i::.i==~ Sunday School 9:30 ~ 11:20 a.m. Sunday School ~ Two Services Every Sund~y at 9:30 and II :00 a.m. Church ~ Weekly Instruction Classe. ~ Sunday School at 9:30 a.rn. It"s a dog's life if you have to wait for the water 7:30 p.m. Evening Service ~ Vernier Road at Wedgewoo4 I Tuesday 7:30 P.M. I to heat whenever you have a little chore to do. Drive, Grolse Pointe Woods All Welcome ~ g Instruction Classes ~ But there's no drudging along on lukewarm water • 9:30 a.m. Sunday School ~~ IThur~:L-A~~~~:pm. I once you own a modern gas water heater. It St. James Lutheran Church = TU 4-0412 = responds so fast it provides you with a continuous 11 a.m. Church Worship ~ lRev. Eve Edee~, Minister ~ McMilfan' Road at Kercheval in Gf-osse Pointe Farms supply of hot water automatically. Set the tem- TUxedo 4-5862 FIRST CHURCH OF I TUxedo 4-5230 George E. Kul'%,Pastor perature you like once, then forget it. CHRIST, SCI ENTIST, ! ~lIlf1lf1l11nIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIIllIflUlllUllllllfIlIlIlllfIllllfI"III1"II~ A gas water heater is a real economy, too, operating GROSSE POINTE ..... at big savings. So why not replace your old water Jefferson Avenue FARMS - heater with a new gas model from those displayed Sunda:9' Services 10:30 a.m. Baptist Church Sunday School--lnf~u' at Gas Company offices and dealer showrooms? Room ~ 10:30 a.m. 13337 I. JeHenoll ot Lakeview Wednesday Testimony Meeting , ' _. 8:00 p.m. '.. MICHIGAN CONSOLIDATED GAS COMPANY Ho.... ' J. Ar ...strong, Minim, KERBY SCHOOL David W. Bllhop, Minister 285 Kerby Road. at Beaupre Notice of Special Election ALL ARE WELCOME MOBNING WOKSIIIP 11Ulda7. 8:00 uad 11:00 .... CIlUBCB SCHOOL

Sunday. 1:t.5 • .!II. TO BE HELD IN The Grosse Pointe NOW Memori~' THE G,ROSSE POINTE PU,BLIC S'CHOOL SYSTEM~ OHRISTIAN Ghurch (Presbyterian) WA YNECOU,NTY~ MI'CHIGAN SOIENCE WE DELIV HEALS WXYZ CKLW TUESDAY, Sunday on Sunday 9:30 A.M. I 9:45 A.M. ---- You are cordially invited to attend • . • DECEMBER2, 1958 Sixth Church of Christ" 0: Scientist, Detroit So much more for so much less- 147iO Kercheval. bet. Manistique ~nd Ashland TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID. rear lot line of the west side of Kensington Road to .Jefferson Avenue and the real' lot line of the west side of Lake Court Sunday Services - 10:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m, S'CHOOL DISTRICT: south of Jefferson Avenue. Infant'. Room Open for 10:30 Service. Pl:..EASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Education has called PRECINCT NO. 4--Voting place at the PERE GABRIEL RICHARD GAS naturally READING ROOM - 16348EAST WAHREN a special election in said School District t() be held on Tuesday, SCHOOL, 176 McKinley, Grosse Pointe FaI'II18,Michigan, Precinct Wednesday Evening Test1monial Meeting-8:00 p.m. D.~cember 2. 1958, at which election the following proposition W rear lot line of the south HI side of Roslyn Road. thence easterly to the middle of Marter amending the Property Tax Lim1tation Act Road; thence southerly to the rear lot line south side of Vernier 14316 WAYNE COUNTY •. MICHIGAN r, Harold E. Stoll. County Treasurer of Wayne County. Michigan. Road, thence easterl:t' to rear lot line west side of Fairway Phoftlt'll do hereby certify that. as of November 7, 1958, the total voted Lane. thence southerly to the rear lot line of the south side of inc,reases in excess of the Constitutional fifteen mill tax rate Lochmoor Boulevard; South, rear lot line of the south side of STORE He limitation and the years such increase!! are effective :are as Lochmoor Boulevard; West, Grosse Pointe Woods-Harper Woods follows affecting the taxable. property of Local UnU: line. Convel'l THE GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM, PRECINCT NO.8-Voting place at the JOHN MONTEITH WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN SCHOOL, 1275 Cook Road, Grosse Pointe Woods. Michigan. Pre- TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID SCHOOL cinct to include: North, rear lot line of the south side of Loch- 1. Residents of the City of Grosse Poinrte Ba1:"kshall Grosse Pointe Township. Cities vf Grosse Pointe, Grosse register at the offic~ of the Clerk of th€ City of moor Boulevard; East, middle of Mack Avenue southerly to rear DISTRICT: Poitne Farms, Grosse Pointe Park, Part of Grosse Pointe lot line south side of Oxford. Drive, thence easterly to middle G~sse PoinJte Park, 15115 East Jefferson Avenue, Woods and of Harper Woods, Wayne County, Michigan. of Milk River, thence southerly to Cook Road, thence continuing CIty of GrOSS€Pointe Park, Michi'gan. Local Unit Date of Voted Years Increase southerly along rear lot line of the east side of Chalfcnte to Election Incrase Effective middle of Morass Road: South, middle of Moross Road extend- PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Special Election in , 2. Residents of the C~ty of Grosse Pointe shall register ing westerly from east side of Chalfonte 1x> middle of Mack Ave- nue; West, boundary between Grosse Pointe and Harper Woods said School District will be held on Tuesday, December at the office of the Clerk of the City of Grosse County of Wayne Apr. 4, 1955 .75 mill 1955tol969 indusive No. 2 School District from the Detroit City limits to the rear lot 2, 1953 Pointe, 17150 Maumee, City of Gfloss'e PoiJnrte, Townshi,p of line of the south side of Kenmore Drive, thence easterly t.o the Michigan. Grosse Pointe NONE NONE NONE c middle of Helen Avenue, thence northerly to the rear lot line of Section 532 of Act 269, Public Acts of Michigan, Th e Grosse Feb. 24, 1950 2.75 mills 1958to 1969inclusive the south side of Loclunoor Boulevard. 3. Residents of the City of Grosse Pointe Farms shaH Pointe Public ) Apr. 21, 1953 1.75mills 1958to 1972inclusive 1955, provides as follows: School Sys- ) , June 14, 1954 (5.8 mills 1958 PRECINCT NO. 9--Voting place at the CHARLES A. POUPARD 898 Sf register at the office of the Clerk of the City of tem, Wayne ) ( .8 mill 1959to 1978inclusive SCHOOL. ~55 Lennon, City of Harper W<><>ds,Michigan. Pre- County, ) Mar. I, 1957 4 mills 1958 "The Inspectors of Election at any annual or special Grosse PoinJte Farms, SO Kerby ROOd,City M Grosse Miehigan ) cinct to include; North, Wayne County-Macomb County lin~; SPECi election shall not receive the vote of any person Pointe Farms, Michigan. East, Harper Woods-Grosse Pointe Woods line from County line TOTAL INCREASES IN EnECT to the south side of Lochmoor Boulevard. thence south along residing in a registration School District whose the. middle of Helen Avenue to rear lot line of Kenmore Drive; 4. ~idents of the City of Grosse FoiJnte Woods shaH Yealr(s): 1958 1959to 1969ina. 1970to 1972inc. 1973 name is not registered as an elector in the city or MiH(s): 15.05 6.05 each year 2.55 E,achyear .8 South, the rear lot line of the south side of Kenmore Drive; re'gister at the office of th€ Clerk of the City of West, the middle of Beaconsfield Drive to the middle of Vernier Date: November 7, 1958 township in which he resides , . ." Grosse Pointe Woods, 20775 Mack Avenue, City ,of Signed Road. thence WE:'Ste~lyto the County line. Grosse Pointe Woods~ Michigan HAROLD E. STOLL Wayr"e County Treasurer PRECINCT NO, lQ--Voting place at the JOHN R. BARNES THE LAST DAY on which persons may register SCHOOL, 20090 Morningside Drive, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michi- with the Clerk of the City or Township in which they 5. Residents of the City of Harpe:r Woods shall register The polls of election will be open from 7:00 o'clock a.m., to 8:00 gan. Precinct to include: North, a line extending from the rear reside, in order to be eligible to vote at said Special at the office of t~e Clerk of the City of Harper o'clock p.m., on said December 2, 1958. lot line of Fairway Lane along the line extending along the rear Election to be held on Tuesday, December 2, 1958, is Woods, 19617 Harper Ave., City of Ha,rp€T Woods, , lot line of the area included in the Vernier Circle and Maple The! place of election in each precinct will be as follows: Friday, November 21, 1958. Persons registering after Michigan. . Lane subdivisions from Fairway Lane to the Lake Shore; East. Lake St. Clair; South, by the line which separates Grosse. Pointe PRl~CINCT NO. I-Voting place at ROBERT TROMBLY SCHOOL, 5:00 o'clock P.M. Eastern Standard Time. on said Fri- Farms from Grosse Pointe Woods and Grosse Pomte Shores from 820 Beaconsfield, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan. Precinct to in- day, November 21, 1958, will not be eligible to vote at 6. Residents of the Township of Grosse Pointe shall Chalionte to the Lake Shore; West. east side of ChalfontE: from clude: North, middle of Jefferson Avenue; East, rear lot line of l'egi~ter at the office of the Clerk of 'the Township the line which separates Grosse Pointe Farms from Grosse Pointe said Special ElectiO'n. the west side of Lake Court; South, Lake st. Clair; West, Detroit Woods, extending northerly to Cook Road. thence to the middle of Grosse Pointe, 795 Lake Shore Drive, Village of City Limits. Under the provis~ons of Act 269, Public Acts of Grosse Pointe Shores, Michigan. . of Milk River, continuing northerly to the l>"Outherlyrear lot line PRECINCT NO.2-Voting place at GEORGE DEFER SCHOOL. of Oxford Drive, thence west along the rear lot line of Oxford Michigan, 1955, registrations "vill not be taken by school ~rive to Mack Avenue, thence l"'!>rth to the northerly rear lot officials, and only persons whO' have registered as This notice is given by ord.€r of the Board of Edu- 15425Kercheval Avenue, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan. Precinct to include: North, middle of Mack Avenue; East, rear lot line lm~ of North Renaud Road, thence easterly t.o the middle of FaIrway Drive back to the point of beginning. general electors with the appropriate City or TO'wn- cation of the Grosse Po~te Public School System, of the east side of Whittier Avenue; South, middle of Jefferson Wayne County, Michigan. ship Clerk of the City or TO'wnship in which they re- Avenue; West, Detroit City Limits. (Includes both sides of This notice is given by order of the Board of Education of The Wayburn Avenue.) side are registered school electors. Dated: October 13, 1958. Grosse Pointe Public School System, Wayne County. Michigan , . Dated: October 13, 1958. • PRE:CINCTNO. 3--Voting place at the LEWIS E. MAIRE SCHOOL, Registration O'f unregistered qualified electors 01. RUTH H. GOEBEL 740 CadieuX Road, City of Grosse Pointe, Michigan. Precinct to said School District will be received at the following include: North, middle of Mack Avenue; East, rear lot line of RUTH H. GOEBEL places: Secretary, Board of Education the east side of University Place; South, Lake St. Clair; West. Se~retary. Board of Education' fREI DELIVERl


. *1 ****#**$ *~mt*-* t $-j nn. tn.' S2. Db •• b' ••• *Os ... _ .. ' _ ...... 2 . , - .-~ .... ~~_. .,. .... - . '1

Thursday, November 20, 1958 GROSSE POINTE NEWS ,Page Thirteen , me of Selden S., and three children, I Cultivation of gOOd habits Many a man' condemns him- . Chil- Dr. Selden Jerome Dickinson, School System helps to weed out the bad self by revealing the f&u1ts of lctroit Obituaries of New York City; Mrs., Wil- OIbes. ot~s. liam P. Herbert, of Grosse Honored Again I I'Pointe; and Mrs. Robert Hench- YORKSHIRE ERN~ST ARTT I dent of sales of Chrysler 'Of ley, Jr., of New c,anaap.,Conn. Additional recognition. hBS - Mr. Artt, of 685 Fisher'road, Canada. Funer:al services were held been, paid the Grosse Pointe suffered a heart attack at his A native of Milwaukee, Mr. in Christ Chlirch on Monday, Public School System. It has Live and Cooked FOOD MARKET office Monday, November 17, Shaw joined the company in with burial following in Wood.: recently been asked to be one pO:4 and died at the age of 67., A 1926. He began his ,career in lawn Cemetery. I of five Michigan systems (the local building con t r act 0 r, the automotive business with ' II< ...... others being Ann Arbor, Jack- .Specially Des.gnated Liquor Dealer I whose business was, at 8815 the Dort Motor Car Co. in 'MRS. THEODORE BLAY son, Lansing and Pontiac) to Mack avenue, he had lived in Grand Rapids, and the Flint Mrs. Theodore (Elizabeth) work together for the trial and LOBSTERS Liquor and Fruit Baskets Grosse Pointe for 30 years. Motor ,Car Co. He became di- Blay of 447 Neff road passed revision of special junior high Surviving are his wife, Rose, visional sales manager of the away on Monday, October 20. school mathematics un it S, Also for MADE TO ORDER and daughters, Rosemary, E}- Dodge-DeSoto d i vis ion and She is survived by her hus- which have been I written by a len, and Virginia. He also subsequently was made vice band, Theodore; one daughter, special national committee. Your Holiday Fresh Killed Turkeys leaves 11 grandchildren. ,., 'president and director. Mrs. Russe; Zimmerman of The- headquarters of the Requirements Funeral services win be held , Sur v i v i n g are his wife,., Grosse Pointe; two sons, Har- program, known as School ORDER NOW FOR THANKSGIVING this morning, Thursday, with Helen, and children, Mrs. Wil- old of Detroit and Norman of Mathematics Study, is in: N~w l\'Ieats • Beer • Wine • Chanlpagne burial f.ollow'ing in Mt. Olivet Ham McIntyre, Mrs. Harry FloriJda; also two grandchil- Haven, Conn. at Yale Univer- Oysters , Cemetery. R e e d - L e w i 5, Mrs. Vincent dren, H.arold Roger Blay of sity. Its operation is being ~i- Prompt Dl'llvery Service. Hours 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ... '", • Price, and John William. Fu.,:' Detroit and :Rosalie Zimmer- nanced by the National Sci- , Standards I HARRINGTON E .WALKER neral services were held Mon- man of Grosse .Pointe. ence Foundatipn. e Mr. Walker, a form€[" presi- day, with burial in ¥t. O~ivet Funer;al: services were held A special conference of the Selects' denlt of the Hi\l'lSUTl WaJ.kell' Cemetery. '" * * on Friday, October 24, at the Grosse Pointe personnel in- Extra Selects GompanlY, died MiOnday, Nov- MAR.IAN D, DICKIN, SON First En;glish Lutheran Church volved. , as well as those of the ; ember 17, in his home art; 153 in Vernier road. Burial was at other cooperating schools, is Touraine road, at the age of Mrs. Dickinson,' 65, who Forest Lawn cemetery. hei~arranged in Ann Arbor. e LIVE TURKEYS 74. A nartJive olf WalkeTViHe, liyed at 165 Cloverl~ r~~d, Mrs. Blay had been a res i- . Next week, November 21 Ont., he was a granasOiIl of the. ~Ied Th~sday, N?vember .J.3, dent at the' Neff road address and 22, Messrs. Robert Lang for original HLram Walker, foun::' ~n Jenn:ng~ HospItal, f~llow- for the past nine years, I and Humphrey Jackson, ma- der olf the famed dJi:sti1il.ery. mg a brlef'lllness. A natIve of-. ~ thematics teachers at Brownell pystersin the Shell He had lived in the Detroit Owosso, she came to Detrqit - and P a rc e 11 s Junior High area for 40 years. after her graduation from the LAJtiCENY REPORTED Schools, respectively, will at- e Mr. Walkbr was g1I1aduated University of Michigan. She MClJetaNeian of 2202 Ridge- tend a special national meet- from St. Paul's School and was a social worker with the mont, te~ld Woods pollce that ing in Washington, D.C. to Yale Unrrversitty. His bus-iness Home Service Section of the the four hubcaps stolen from represent' Gro~e Pointe in - or dressed while you wait. affiliCiltiiQII1sincluded the presi- American Red Cross during her car on Friday, November this important study. MICHIGAN FOOD SALES.-; dency of the Walkerville Land World War I, and was later 14, are valued at a total of eorry and Building CoO.,the Walker- associated with the Children's. $62:60. 'rhe vehicLe was in 16635 Harper TU 2.7779 Out Ducks, Geese, ville and Detroit Fer~ Co., Aid Society. front 011 her house at the time The fellow with money to Between Yorkshire and Kensington Service the Walker Twist Drill Co., Survivin,g are. her husband, olf the theft, slhe said. burn seldom Slits by the fiIre. Capons HirCilm Walkecr Chemical Co., Roasting Chickens the Walkerville OonsJtJruction Co., and the GalI'den Courl Frying Chickens Realty Co., in Detroit. He was Strictly Fresh Eggs vi ce-pres,i dent of W a I k e r GET YOUR Sons, Ltd, , and Me1te'!Products Strictly Fresh Fish Co. , I At the time of his dea1:h his club memberships were lds,ted THANKSGIVING!, . , FIXINS ~s the Unaversiiy Club, the Grosse Pointe Park Conntry Club of Dertr:drit, Cilnd the Yaile Club of New YOTk. He was an active golfell", hum- LIVE POULIRY eri and bo,aitman. . AT KROGER Surviving aTe htis secood wife, Mail"ie PeLtier Reynolds MARKEl Walketr; two daughters,. Mrs. 15017 E. Jefferson Hale V. Sattley and Mrs. between Maryland and Wayburn Frank M. MiteheH; a som, \ Franklin M .Walker; a srister, WE DEliVER Valley 2-3993 Mrs. Sidney R Small; eight grand:chi1ld:ren, and t h r e e g:reaJt gtrandchd.ldren. '1 Funeral serviceswili be held toaay, ThJu:1'Sday, ilQ. Grosse PoinJte Me m 0 if i a I Church at 11 a.m., wiifJh burial foIlow1ng in Woodl-a,wn ceme- tery...... '" WILLIAM A. STUART Mr. Stuart passed away 00 c Sunday; November 9, art; the One Trial Will Convince YOU! age of 57 when he suffered a 25 OFF L.~BEL fatal heart attack in his home, 546 Hidden lane. He was in the drug st'ore business in Grosse KROGER Order Your AR~;fOUR STAR- n Order Holiday Poultry NOW! Pointe for eleven years, hav- ing been mana,ger of the I Turkeys Exclusive at Krogers Now! We carry Grosse Poinrte Drugs and, the ALL-PURPOSE last 10 years, associated with Harkness Pharmacy. ENRICHED Strictly Surviving are his wife, Kathryn, and two daughters, Fresh Mrs. Bruce H. Mas)n (Joan); and Mrs. Wayne Thompson " .. TURKEYS (Kathy). He also l-eaves five FLOUR grandsons, Jolhn and Jeffrey Mason, and Bill, Gary, and r Mark Thompson. Lb. e From young porkers - Rib End Fun0ral services were held Bag c e 25 last Wednesday, November 12, 20 TO t at St. Michael's Episcopal k . . ~ 24 LB., Church. 49 SIZE ALFRED SHAW Choice Center Cut J. '\ Mr. Shaw, 68, of 794 Trom .. $1 I bley road, died Thursday, No- Pork Chops • • • • • 69~ vember 13, in Grace Hospital • TURKEYS -16 TO 19-LB.SIZE FAt«:Y TOM Lb. after a long iUness. He was a retired director and vice-presi- lb. ~ • TURKEYS - 10 TO IS-LB. SIZE YOUNG FANCY Strictly Fresh 3 5 C DEER You Roasti1n,g Chickens . Ib • TURKEYS - 4 TO 8-LB. SIZE TENOR B£LTSVtLLE HUNTERS Shoot PLUS • FREE We TOP VALUE Skin FULL SHANK' HALF HYGRADE GIFT HERSHEY'S • , .Cut Up STAMPS 14316 E. Jeffe rson Be~~~e~;a1~:~Od • Phone VA 1-4377-Your orde~ will be waiting! Wrap SMOKED C STORE HOURS: Daily 8:30 to 6:00, Fridays till 8:00 p'm. Saturdays to 7:00 p.m. George Van III Conven~ilnt Parking for 100 cars ClcrOSS the street TU 5-1565 PR 7~7715 - ..., HAM . KROGER I HYGRADE I ,BUTT END HAMS,. • • • • HYGRADE 12-16 Lb. Average Lb. I WHOLE ,HAMS .. • • 57' · " c. Verbrugge Markel The PointtJ's Oldest Market ' ALLVEGET ABLE INDIAN TRAtl FRESH 898 St. Clair Ave. ne~r Mack TU 5..15'65 TU 5...1566 SPECIALS! Thursday, Friday, Saturday,:"" Nov. 20-21-22 CRANBERRIES KRGGG ... c 2 0 Fresh ,Dresse,dTurkeys Lb.15 • KROGER SWEET POTATOES 4 :;:;.$1° ij Specially raised for C. Verbrugge's Market • ,KROGER INSTAN"r MILK .. 2 :k:~:29<: ORDER NiOWI GARDEN FRESH Boneless Rolled - Milk Fed BROCCOLI • bCEA~~ SP,RAY ~ c ' 2 BURches Leg O'Veal . . • • 49 Cranberry Sauce Frozen - Indian Trail , Birds Eye Premium Flavor' CRANBERRY BRUSSELS c ORANGE RELISH SPROUTS 10-0z. Pkg. lO-Oz.... Pkg. 2J2;s39 ROBIN HOOD Eat Away - Blue Label KROGER CANNED FLOUR. 5 LIS. DOG FOOD We will redeem your 3 l-Ib. cans 25c ....,r~ newspaper COUpOIUl. We .,eset'fle the right 10 EVAPORATED MILK , '.,. , J limit f/UMlJilies. p.,;ces tmd You can always b~ sure ofQVALITY FOODS at Verbrugge's items ~ effecrifJ. tMOMgh Sill., NtW. 22, 1958, III T~II o0 ~ Cans S1 FREE /Ill K.,oger stores HI DetrOit FREE DELIVERY ... &s18N Mkbig-. 8 DELIVERY

I l

t . ,. ~,~'" '. - ~- ,. • • I. •• , • ",J.' • • mm c ern - .... '4_ .. ,'/.-, ".".

" Page Fourteen G R 0 SSE POI N TEN " .E'W S "hursd~'i. NQv.mb,er' 70,.'1'5', , •. t •

•. ~ j REPORTS CHANGER THEFT Police Accuse Drunk Driver and directed the production. SOnia. Henderson. u MaIja. Charles Haner of 664 Mel. Po,iTJ.teTheater Tells Cast Cast in prindp1l1 roles were reta,' and Allen -}faYeJ.~M •• APTITUDE TESTS drum, Detroit, a DSR bus f. -J ""- John Henderson as Faust, p,histopheles. driver, complained to Park Park police charged Hermap 10226 Balfour,. Detroit, com~ Enable you to leam the kind of plained of neck injuries, but work ill which you can best suc- polke on Monday, November J. Brown, 50, of 21624 Lake- For Play Set ,for Dec ..5, 6 ceed or the: studies best for you refused medical, attention at 17, that someone, possibly a view, .Detroit, with violating to For men, women. boys, and girls the time. 15-year-old boy seen near the State Drunk Motor Law . " . The Gr.osse Po.inJte COmmu- At its regular monthly CLIF'=ORD MILLER Vocational Counseling Institute Haner's bus, stole. a money Brown was taken to the' po... nity Theater has announced DANiEL L. BECK, DIRECTOR on" 'Thursd!lY, No'vember 13, meetip.g last week, the GPCT 958'Maccabees' Building changer containing about $14 lice station where, he was the cast .:for '''Th~'' Happy membership vieWed; a work- foHo~ing. an acc,ident in whit;:h Woodward near Warren in change, that was hanging given a. ticket charging him Time", a thre.p~aetcomedy by shop presentatimi '{yf ~scenes from the fare box. Haner, said two persons received minor with driving while under the Sa1l1uel Taylor; which will be 12~ Years Serving Detroit , I frvm Fausr by von Goethe~ TEmple 1-1551 he was absent from his bus for injuries. . influence of alcohol and caus- the .GPCT's' second. presenta- David Warthen wrotf:e the :spe~. only a few minutes. ing an accident ... ti(mof the; 1958~59 season, to C[al ada~tatio~ and P~cx:Iuced '- ., Y.'-'-.-' A police report revealed that be presented Friday .'and Sat- I , The c.ase is scheduled, to be , 5737 Som~rtet VEnic:e '."20 Brown struck a car driven by heard before Park Judge C. urday, December '5'.'arld, 6, at Mrs. Dorothy E. Hebert, 37, of 8:30' p.m. Joseph Belanger on Decem- • Picture W,inoows • .ShQW.r Doors, etc. 10302 Bdtain, Detroit" who ber10. ' , Set in the 1920;8 in 'Frencll- Fireplace Special!' was stopped behind that of Canada, amid the' warmth ot. .• Thermopona, Twindowpone • Gloss, Tops Dennis Riemer, 17, of 709 Hid- the closely~knit B!>Ilnard fam- • Mirrors, Montel, etc. • BcsementSash den lane, who in turn was Trombly PT A . ily; ,"The Happy 'time"" is the 7 Piece stopped, facing east, waiting story of the .comihg' of., man- • Glozing and Breakage • Gloss Blocks for traffic to clear to make a .Meets Nov. 24 ' hood toB~bi, son • MILLER'S SLIDING GtiASS.~lS" .. ,.- left turn onto Buckingham. of Papa and' Maman, Bonnard. The impact slammed Mrs. , • The ~a:st includes seven, Grosse The ';rrombly P.T.A.meets Pointe, reSlidents.' : " . ~~:: Ensembles Hebert's car into that of Rie- in the school auditorium, at .. Cast 'in the: leading role of .~.-- ~.. , mer, causing con sid era b 1e , ,~ damage to all three cars. 8:15 p.m. on Monday Novem~ Maman isJan G. Mullen;' 2'1200 ber 24. Program. .chairr:nan, W~dgewopd drive, .aneweome'r Riemer suffered lacerations farly Amrritau ~rving Jorgenson has arrang- 'hI;) 'Grosse Pointe; Although on the forehead and was taken ed a two, part. program. of she'had . had previouS expevi- to Bon Secours Hospital by po •. local signi:ic~nce and interest: en'Ce. pro d u c i ng, 'directing, 34~ lice for treatment and then re- Bert Wlckmg, t.rea~urer'?t writing and, actiIlig.iJ;}.'plays in 'Q.tqarm leased. .;: I the Board of EducatIOn; WiU Connecticut. Mrs.' McMullen and up A passe~ger in Mrs; Hebert~s speak briefly about the need: went t'O th'e .GPCT's'. tryouts delightfully interpreted car, Mrs. Margaret Barile, 49;. and imPl.>rtance ~fextendi~g, for "The, Happy ,Tim.e'~;.,hoping Andirons, Tools, Screens, Wood Holders, for " another penod of fIVe "to usher or handle,'pTops,l' but ••• ,by Shaw TIRE, WHEEL MISSING yea~s, the ~oard's authority to was pleaS'anrtly surprised>1jo be Gas and Electric Logs and other Accessories Henry J. Smith of 1924 Rl-: levy a tax of nine mills for chosen. by Director Phyl1~ Lard; told Woods police that a the operational expense'~f the Reeve for the principal'part. Appreciated primarily for tastefut, tire and wheEH were stolen • Waul schools. Jean F. Meeritz, '222 LOthrop casual.. gra'ce of' de.sign ~ .. with from the' trunk .of his car on Oharles Helin, a member of road, has been cast as Grand- all-her C Smith.MDtthews Foundry (". Sunday, November 16. He staid the Trombly P.T.A. and a man .pere and George V. Wilson, built-in luxurious comfort and what'S- the theft tqok .place either. at wrapped? 6640 Charlevoix . WAlnut 2-7155 of many parts, will show his 21137 Lancaster, has the role quality construction throughout. Hours: 8:30-5:00 Daily-9::J0 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturdays a. Mack avenue food market color fUm ."Brussels World of Papa. Both 'appeared in the Slie='v parking lot or while ~e car Fa1r." With 0 u t s tan din g GPCT's 1958 seaS'Clll1~opening One of the E~rly Ameri- and,Mr;~ ------~-~.- was in the driveway of his "shots" and vivid word pic- production of "Caine Mutiny home. can styles .shown at the Deliv~r.y, tures, Mr. Helin takes his Court Martial" last month- home.-wht I WHEN YOU SEETHIS SIGN AT viewers to this 1958 Wonder Mesritz as a psychiatrist and "Old House." y of the World. . Wilson as a ship-handlling ex. 11Jan44Ig.~i factory Parents are cordially invited pert. .., The I YOUR NEIGHBORS to visit in the classrooms to Richard B'auhcJ: 744 Rivard, giving fea & store see the work of the children and Sandra Marx, 954 Lake- With a wide selection of daughter. aljd to talk with the teachers poiPlte, tlave been cast in. the Salem interesiing f III b r i c s to Also goin; -plumbing prjor to the general meeting. romantic roles ofUnele Des- Mr. Petzo & heatihg Rocke-r meet your individual re- 'Refreshments will be served monde and Mignonette. Bau- In Be in the gymnasium following hof was last seen asthe defense 31.50 . quirements, the general meeting. attorney in "Caine Mutiny" Ruth and This informal social hour is ant! Miss Marx handled the Visit Our IIRocker Room" Convent, • under the direction of Mrs. lights for that production. (On Our Second Floor) ville, and Henry Domzalski and Mrs. Three Grosse Poiute tJeen- day in NE Richard Royer social chair. agers have roles in "The Order Your Christmas Rocker NOW! Ball, ahil men, together ~ith Mrs. An- Happy Time",' Bob Hunter, 88 A sm':h,. , .. ' Would you like a whiLe Miss Groehn attends The~ - A NEW ROOM ••• A NEW HOME Skilled Workmanship • . ,<,: collar made from D. Byron, your old fox? Pierce Junior High School. All • • Flying Collar three yoUiths have had extens- "lp Junior Le Either fI Hi ..FI Cabinet. Bookshelves MINK SPECIALISTS ive experience with the Grosse "will be h4 or Generel Remodelin, ofa c.iofy COMPLE'l.'E FUR SERVICE Pointe Children's Theatre. The I C. GOUNARIS Two St. Clair Shores area that in h4 CLEANI:RS & 'fAILORS residents and two east Detroit- EXCLUSIVE FURRIER ers have featured comedy hyMrs. " 904 Chalmers VJ... 1-4063 904 Chal",ers VA 1-4063 big chore NEXT TO HEALY'S ' NEXT TO HEALY'S EST. 1915 roles in "The Hat>-pyTime". Richard B. Watson, 21443 Cobal!esj; ------Willow Wisp, who drew laugh-. Byrdh'vi~ TAX ter and applause in. his brief More appearance as an en1isted man transfer .p, " ••• We Need 'em'. Fast!" in "Cadne Mutiny", has th~ 'rhat's thE FREE tippler's role of Uncle Louis, 4% recently r while Eileen McCabe, 28727 THE SCENE 1,5 the traffic deportment of any of the League to If your income is over $12,000per year you should hundreds of monuf~cturing planfs in Michigan. The time Hollywood, acclaimed last is 4:00 P.M. on any day of the week. The traffic manager JUl1Jefor her part as the wise. investigate Tax Exempt Bonds as a source of. cracking photographer in "The is talking long distanc~ to a supplier in Mother state Philadelphia Sto.ry", plays the Sweet"Si~ increased income for YOti. about some,'parts needed for production. shrewish wife, Al.ILI:1:tFelice, in SixteE "Send 'em by truck," he saYSqas he prepares to hang "The Happy Time". We will be glad to call on you at your home or up, "we need 'em fast!" . Charl-es CarsO'l1, 550 Park- eel~1?ratin office and explain the m-any advantages of this view, Detroit, who produced ner. this'S He knows from exeperience that motor. transport is the and,; form of investment. ~'Caine Mutiny" and played -daner fastest link between shipping and receiving. He knows he the bride.'s brother in "Phila- The d con depend on it. in fact, he ond thousands of his fellow delphia' Story", is Dr. Gagnon, be honore Please call or write for our free booklet' "An traffic managers have been the m~n most responsible for . and Lawrence B. 'Frazee, 741 Ridge:roa~ Introduction to Tax-Exempt Bonds." the rapid growth of motor transport. Once they experi- Seward, Detroit; making his ing ,Ui .th- enced the efficiency and speed of trucks, there was no GPCT debut, fills the role of a school principal. Pattie's IT satisfying them with anything less ~ and today their com- .',But.: b Call or write to: pc!lnies could not operate successfully without truck trans- Mrs. Reeve, 23238 Doremus, port! St. Clair Shores, who ,WOIn an Ermnett. ~ award for her acting last year, whom the fiRST OFMICHIGAN CORPORATION That.'s something for every wage earner In Michigan is directing. "'The tirls.:week to think about. Time". Pa,t Potthoff is producer 2450 Buhl Bldg. .. Detroif 2f!~ Mich. and Mrs. Mesritz ~ stage man- ager. Hunt,Ch WOodward 2-2055,... Evenings: VErmont 7..8905 Michigan Tracking Associatio. Michigan's Largest Municipal Bond Dealers • Det%olt A Biu Shakesp~arian where a r being.:g,t1 Program ,Listed .broileif"'UI ', ...... -, I The EIDgliSlh Speakilnig Union '-., :. .l)f Detroit atfid the Grosse Pointe War Memocial Associ- a: t i0.n are oo-sn.Oll'lS<)rin,g a: ,Sha:kespearieaiIl'pr og r & m t() wh(ich. t!he publJiJc is oord!i.aHy invited without,

cilJaJrge follows. C .' MIDs~ George Niohlolson, for" , mocly of Scot1amd alnd Cape t T()WlIl will lec:1!Wre on and give . ~ 00 charnc1Jelr~dilngs olf,"Shake- FREEl S50 FREEl Si~are's HerOiJnes'\ Mrs. Ni'Ch- o1slcID, a gaoa<:1lua!be of. 'George Wtaltson's Laclie.s College in Gift Merchqndise Certific'ate EdinhUJrg.h deserted 1Jhe Britt. ish stage to marry and go with . The .foresight you show now will-pay off ,. her hushand, a:minri.ster of the handsomely nextChristmas ..It.meansD1orei ':. " " Nothing to buy to participate in We,ekly Gift Certific~tes OoolI'ch . of. Sc<.rtlaalid, to Cape . ~. Town. fun for you, more fun for'e~eryone! Open , In South M-ioa Mu. Nicl1ol- your Christmas .Savings Club account .at Tickets availabie to adults only, Frid~ys 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 .p.m. at any s

a church on Long \Island and " Denier & Co. Punch & ,Judy Toyland Yvonne Beauty Salo,n ,-.. '-,. 'c-:.- ._\ since then Mrs., Ni'Clholson' has ...... - .. " A ,Gray's Sport. Sho'p Rice, Margaret Punch & Judy The~fer been l'€Cturmg and giving, her . .' ~,,...s Hornung, ~Iy~e E., Ine. . Sign of the Mermaid Furs by' Robert ohaI'lacter readilIl'gJS thtougnout '.A,:~TK. -,the aM '.~~'-~:.NATI 01"TAL,..... Undted states Caruada, ~'- . ... Irving Sterr", Carl Martha Lawrence '. .~,'. '. ,O'F DE TR.O IT., Kilgore & Hurd Top 0' the Hill. Hawth'crne :Ho~se REPORTS BEERTBEFT . . - Mrs. Henry Klein .;>f265 .' League Shop Trail's Pharmacy;li Slenderella 'rouraine, .diSclosed the' theft Wood, Maurice ext four cases from her :: •• -J'-,' •• garage on Frid~y~NQvember .' 14, by four tee~ers in 'alight Knche1JIIZMl-lhe-Hill-Pt!hH ROd6 If) H"ll Place! , green Buick.Fainls police' re: " . I oord~d the oOOnip1amt. . _.&. .. '. , . •

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"Thu~sda'Y, Novemb'er 20, 1958 "51 • 'G-,R'O'S~S'E POI NT E ',N,,-E~WS -- Page 'Fifteerr . I I HalianOriginals Arrive ,Surprise Pa~ty , , 'Great Success Earls to Be Honored

Amazing thing about An-' thony R. Motscha:ll's. surprise Before. Florida Move birthday party for' Mrs. Mot- , a, schall November'12 was that, The Harold R. Boyers, the C. Hascall Blisses ,and the in aU his long planning and with so many in on the secret, Thomas Morrisons to Fete Couple Who Will Be no word was ever dropped to Leaving Next Month to Live in Palm Beach give the show away. He'd casually suggested a The Harley J. Earls, who have been living at the dinner threesome at Grosse Country Club' this fall before they move permanently Pointe Yacht Club with their to their new home in Palm Beach, Fla., will be honored brother-in-law, Ralph Lesher, at a farewall party December 18. .WOMEN to follow the birthday lunch- Hosts at the dinner dance ------PAGES eon Mrs. David Thomas was at the Grosse Pointe Club Thanksgiving time. Dr~ and giving in -her Hawthorne road be the Harold Mrs. Mornison will at the home. will R. stay With a January South Amer- Boyers, the C. Has c a 11 Colony as will Mrs. Boyer ican cruise filling her blind B lis s e s and the Thomas while her husband is shoot- anyway, Mrs. Mot s c h a 11 Morrisons. ing in Louisiana with David thought the idea of a quiet One of the, reasons delaying, Wallace, of ~Wis:ton .road. little dunner wonderfJ,ll. their departure JS the benefit Mrs, Wallace WIll entertain the The threesome was unflur- fashion show November 28 at Patrick Adamsons, of Tou- ried as they left the MotschaHs' the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club raine road, in her.nearby Del- Lake Shore road home. Bomb- for the Starr Commonwealth ray home and the whole group shell came when -the unsus- !)f Boys. This i", Mrs. Earl's will be together for the holi- short and to pecting honoree was led into f,avorite charity and she is day. From Another Pointe the club's Lake Shore Room again cha, of the benefit. The Bli}ses spend much ot the Pointe where 50,guests were, waiting. The Boyers aald the Morri- the winter in Palm Beach on of'View Gay birthday greetings and the sons will be in Palm Beach at" trheir yacht, the "Maid Marion." MARY BRATTON, daugh- Art Quatro combo -music re- By Patricia Talbot . ter of DR. ,and MRS. A. C. vealed .the surprise party- BRATTON, of Kensington. "and I was in a simple little road, is the only woman in the black wool dress!" the honor _ Would you beli~ve it, Mrs. Thomas Petzold has done cast of "Mister Roberts,'" the guest said. (Her husband's gift corsage of green orchids gave For Christmas -her Christmas shopping for out of town friends and, Michigan State Un i v e r sit y all it the party note, however.) what's- ,more effic.~~n} has the gifts all handso~ely Play'ers prod uction which' Julie's Inc. in the ,. is proudly wrapped?' J opened a four -night run on the announcing the arrival of 40 original models, just in Mr. Motschall had planned East Lansing c~mpu.s Wednes- decorations around their up- She'wIllstack the car with Yule presents when she by plane from Rome. They 'will be available for day, November 19. immediate sale on Nd'trember 25 and 26 on the second' coming South American cruise and Mr:; Petzold leave' this week-end for the East. -they'll leave from New York • • •I floor, from 11 a.m. to 4 'p.m, both days. The designers Deliv~ry will take place in the Petzolds' Rye, N. H. MR. and MRS. JAMES P. January 14 on the brand~new home -where there be a Thanksgiving reunion. No are Eleanor Garnett, Gregoriana, Fontana, Emilio cruise ship, "Argentina", for will WILLIAMS, of Qary lane, an- Itanding -in post office lines for Mrs. P. Lucini and Sarli. 38 days of ocean travel and nounce the l;>irth of., a son, sightseeing at port~ of can. Petzolds -take with them for the Thanks- The will JAMES ~ARK, JR., on Friday, The club's Venetian Room, giving feast Janie Ecclestone, a student at Liggett, and November 14. The mother, who Ce,nter to Stage College Reunion the dinner locale, was trans- daughter of the E. Llwyd Ecclestones: of Lincoln road. is the former ANN CAND- formed with - huge panels of The G r 0 sse PoiI1Jte. War I Sume 1,500 ~nvitation.s 'have Also going will be Mrs. Bernard Clark, of Moross road, LER, is the daughter of the . I South. American scenes, and. Mr. Petzold's sister. RUSSEL G. CANDLERS, of Memorial Cen1:Jea:'is plimning a been mailed to Collegians by bird of paradise -blooms. Con- In Boston the Petzolds will meet with daughters Rivard boulevard. DR. and College Reunion fc>r all Uni- a hard w 0 r kin g committee versation piece was a replica ve.rsity students who are in the Ruth and Pattie Petzold, who are pupils at Sacred Heart MRS. C. J. WILtIAMS, of model of the "Argentina" cen- ~rea or' are returnfng home headed by Sherry Sinclair and tering the U-table, in an ar- Convent, Noroton, Conn. Daughter Ann, at Manhattan- Grayton road,' are the baby's paternal grandparents.' ' from d i s tan t campuses for including Marilyn Ph:CltT'I,Littp- rangement of pin e a p pIe s, ville, and son, Bill, at Georgetown, will spend the holi- Thanksgiving weekend, The da CaJreY, Den-IllisMcGuire and tropical ferns and bird of para- ., . ' .. '" '" day New York where they will attend the Gotham .. in party will take place Friday Tom Dansbury. Decorations dise flowers. Another model DR. and MRS. ELWOOD A. Ball, a highlight of the New York season. , evening: Nevembe[' 28, the day carrying out the r e U n ion ship with lighted portholes SHARP, 'of Neff road, 'have after Thanksgiving, from 9 un- theme are being planned by de~ked the f.ireplace mantel. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Harrington will drive to l'~turned home after two weeks til 12-o'clock. Marilyn Pharr and in case At dinner's end, a huge tiered Rye from their home in Portsmouth, N. H., to join his in the South where the Doctor The ever popular Earle Pe!I"- anyone fails to receive an inr cake w:;s wheeled in on a brother-in-law and sister around the Thanksgiving was, attending medical conven- kins .and his orchestra will -vitation Lirnda Carey is making fancy cart. table, and inc~dental1y pi~k up their Christmas. gifts. tions.' ...... play throughout the evening. and distributing ann 0 u n c e- Among the guests were the This is the third holiday reunion in Rye for the Petzolds. '" Refreshments wilJlbe SeTved at ment pos1Jelrs. - Motschall sons, Francis, and PAMELA MACPHERSON, * * * in t i mat e candlelit tab 1e s At intermissiO'il time s re- the twins, Tony and Bill daughterttof the JAMES G. around the recfeetory table in union King and Queen will be Sot. (daughter Cissie is at Immacu. Junio~ -League Follies MACPHERSONS, of Wood- the main dindng room. seleoted and recei~ prizes., lata Junior College in Wash- land place, has been elected ington, D. C.); the David a junior class representative The word is ,out: vivacious, red haired Mrs. William Thomas~s, Albert Camerons, ,. on the social activities com~ D. Byron, Jr" 'has been named general chairman of the -AAUW Holding Bridge Party James Hallys, Denis J. Brac- ""- mittee of the Mary A. Burn. Junior League Follies, that popular variety show which kens, Mrs. Mary Lou Mossner, ham S c h 0 0 I, Northampton, /will be held again this spring, "Fun for Building Fund" is ning's program will comprise Dr. Frederick Wirth, the Jo- Mass. the t~eme for the dessert- The Byrons returned from ~ trip East and learned III • • a discussion of contemporary seph Feists, V. R. Donnellys, bridge party being planned by Italian and French literature. and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond that in her absence the Junior League board, headed AUDREY VOLIS, of Fon- members of,the AAUW, Grosse Mrs. Phillip Gillis will dis- Valassis. by Mrs. 'Villiam C. Loud, Jr., had chosen her for the tana lane, played the cello in Pointe branch. The gala will cuss Moravia's "Two Women" More: the Raymond Littleys, big chore. W'hile they were away they saw the Joe the Wednesday_evening cop.- be held in_ the home of Mrs. and other writings by Silone Hamilton K 0 t c her s, George Cobanes i_nNew York for a night on the town and Mrs. cert of the U n i v e r 5 it y of Ivan Kirlin, 26 Renaud road, and GuareschL Mrs. Vincent Horsfl,ll1s, Robert Wetzels, Mr. Byrcm visited .h~r father in Philadelphia. Michigan Symphony Orches- next Saturday, November 22, Leonard will review the works and Mrs. Fred B. Herz, Dr. and More news about the Junior League concerns the tra in Hill Auditorium. at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Albert D. of Frenchman Albert Camus, Mrs. Alex J. Szmigiel, the 'transfer party coming up December 5 at the Hunt Club...... Conkey and Mrs. M. L. Van among, which will be "The Charles Novetzkes, Mr. and That's the annual gala for all the members who hsve Members of the Gamma Dagens will assist as co- Fall" and '"Exile and the ,King_ Mrs. Robert B. Squires, and recently moved from another city and another Junior Omicron Chapter of Kappa hostesses. , dom." from Birmingham, the Ken- Delta at Wayne State Univer. ,Mrs. _Edgar Hahn will be neth Dickinsons and Jerrold A, See this lovely dinnerware in League to Detroit. sity recently initiated include hostess' at the next meeting of AUXILIARY HOLDING FAIR Frosts. * * MRS. LYLE E. EISERMAN, of the Contemporary L1terature The Auxiliary to St. Joseph' Warren's new and beautiful Sweet Sixteen S h 0 r e c res t circle; MRS. E. group, which will gath~r Tues- Mercy Hospital will give a: 'Dhe memories that S~ to. DAWSON FISHER, of Beau~ day,' November 25, at 1221 Ohdstmas ~air November 20 last the IOIllgestwith a certain Sixteen-year-old Patricia Anne Kennedy will be fait road; MRS. GERALD Three Mile drive. Meeting :firom 9 unibil 8 'o'c1ock at the type of people Ql['ethe shoa.-t- CHINA and GLASS ROOM time is 7:45'p.m. and the eve~ hospiial. e:elebrating that important birthday in the grand man- ~ TO E T Z E R, of Littlestone comings of their acquaintances. road, and MRS. GF'()RGE IN-' second floor ner this Saturday night at a very fancy' buffet supper GRAM, of Pemberton road, an and dancing party. honorary initiate. Boy. and Girls: The daughter of television star, Bill Kennedy, will '" '" '" be honored by Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Buhl in their home in MR. and MRS. WILLIAM B. Beginning Saturday, November 29, Ridge road. A three piece orchestra will play for danc- CUDLIP, of Lakeshore rOCJ,d, Santo Claus will be in 'the ing .m the games room after supper for about 30 of will be hosts ~t a cocktail St. Clair Room every doy, Pattie's friends from Grosse Pointe High School. party, this Thursday evening. from 3 to 5 p.m. , But' biggest treat of all is the expected visit of '" '" . Emmett Kelly, the greatest circus c1o~ of them all, Home from two weeks in whom the Buhls expect to have as their house guest New York where she also spent a we~kend at West point "his week-end. with her son, CAPT. THOMAS * * B. TYREE, is MRS. HAROLD Hunt Club Has Big Plans B. TYREE of Provencal road. , . .'... A Harvest Party is brewing out at the Hunt Club JUDY RANKIN, daughter of where a record crop of corn shucks and pumpkins are the B. COURTNEY RANKINS, being gathered in to set the decorative theme. Charcoal of Ridge road, will celebrate her.ninth birthday this Thurs- /' hroiled"lteak will be the chief attraction on the menu, day with' a family I! (Continued on Page 16) '(Continued on Page 16) "


Cnoni( .. new COUp. shape bone china Lavish Iy Pretty 'Gift •••

The Lace by 'RoHal I>oulton w. are pleocecf to introoooe a new tradi~ ill Tri'mm,ed Slip an unusual qecorative treatment on tM e:xQitiDg new e9upe shape, Royal Doulton, thOle fine There'! not a woman Engli.h craftsmen, have created gleaming eyes-on Blinkies •.•• , .,.00 know who couldn't an plathmm .•. graceful French scrolls in shades of charcoal guy •.. lustrous .white bone o\Una ,w;e more slips in her . our ch'.4dr~n's merry Christmas Advermed in' to make this a perfect -pattern with any decor. collection • . . who' slippers with grown-up fC:lshionappeal. leadin.g I . , .' .. • S PIECE PLACE SETTING $17.95 wouldn't want slips . t magazines left: girls' fur-trimmed leath'er moccasin; as feminine as these! / pi~k or .blu~. center: black or red iewel-ed Left; Nylon tricot. with embroidered' lace bodice. velvet ballet slipper. r:ifght: brown. and tan ~. . White only~siZe3 32 to 38. , ,

Short ~r.d average length. 5.95 I &eotber. ~ boys. each style, sizes 9 to 3.3.98 , . Right Nylon tricot slip with. lined, lace-lavished . bodice.. .White i')nly, me. 32 io 38. 3.95 '------J;W -.I'''''' ...... CHARLES w. 'WARREN & COMPANY - JeWELERS AMD SILVEItSMITMS GROSSE POINTE-Kercheval Ave, near Cadieox • TUxedo 2-3700 152-0 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD , J Detroit 26, Michigan -Telephone, WO 2-51~1 -Stoc. No.a1OcOO-.diI5:00

.\ J '

.. c m ,

.," Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November 20, 1958 Thurse

Society News, 'Ga,tbe'red, All of the Pointes . Nichols-McEach in From Another Pointe of View tI a to thePo,i Mo n,d " Short nte (Continued from Pap 15) '" '" '" • '" .. , Vows Exchanged '(Continued from Page 15) I MR. and, ..MRS. FnAl~K M. And on Tha nksgiving Day there will be turkey, supper. On Saturday she will HYDON, O'fLincoln rood; have served family style, for those members who want all To returnro .from a tout ot EUIf- Bride Wears Appliqued Nylon Net for Ceremony en t e r t a i n classmates from the trimmings and don't want the cGOking chores. Kerby School for luncheon and ope. They v~s'.ited En-gland, Former Recently in St. Paul's on the Lakeshore; Following Holland, Denmark, France, The big evening on the club calendar is December 6 the movies. Decerr An Evening Reception Pair Left for Chicago Germany) and Italy. when popular club president, Alfred R. Glancy, Jr., and '" '" '" '" '" .. The musical strains of the Mrs. Glancy will be honored at the \'resident's Ball. At a recent morning nuptial mass In S1. Paul's on The KARL G. BEHRS, Of Buddy Morrow orchestva will Beacon hill, gave the first in The Glancy~ have recently returned from New York Mrs. the lakeshore Susan Helen McEachin, daughter of the fill ,the Marygrove College where they watched daughter, Krys ride in the Madison a series of buffer!; dinners last founder Neil S. McEachins, of Hillcrest road, was married to campus Friday evening (Nov. .Sunday Square Garden Show . Gerald F. Nichols. ,- 21) as the senior Class sponsors ...... be honor MRS. LENORE SQUIRE, of This year's ball will be a black tie affair with For her rites the bride Delta Kappa Gammas The Tower Dance, first formal On tha affair of the year. Assisting Ga'l'1llel, Calif., is here visit- encouragement given to all the members so entitled to gan, famE chose a nylon net gown, To Have Anniversary ing, her son-in-:law and daugh- with the' arrangements are wear their hunting pinks. (8 car let jacket, white tone, wil appliqued with lace, fash- SUE HALLIDAY, daughter of ter, the REUBEN M. WATER- breeches, black hoots and derby, m itself creating an cert at tt ioned with long sleeves aJ)d The Alpha Mu Chapter of MR. and ,MRS. STU ART I MANS, of McKinley place, unusually festive scene.) a bouffant skirt. A crown l)elta Kappa Gamma gath- HALLIDAY, of Buckingham Also here 'from Carmel i.<; Mrs. Goll of rhinestones and pearls ered in the Pickwick Room road; and BARBARA LEM- MRS. HE'RBERT COFFMAN, Most ol the ooard of 'directors will be on hand to from her held her appliqued lace veil of Hotel on Wed- HAGEN, daughter of MR. and who is the gue9'1 of her daugh- be hosts with their wives, including the David Maren- for the o( ter, MRS. ROBERT JESSUP, and she carried mums cen- nesday evening, NovembeT 19 MRS. JAMES V. LEMHAGEN, tettes, the Donald A. Martins, the Fredrick W. Parkers, As Alma at 6:30 o'clock for its annivers- of North Oxford road. of Lake);>dinte avenue. tered with a white orchid. '" .. .. .Jr., the Walter Cavanaughs, Dr. and Mrs. Milton Rueger, long caree ary dinner. This celebrarted many year In full skirted kelly green '" '" '" The Western 'College alum- the Thomas Monows, the ~rank Forsters, the Navarre the founding of the Grosc:;e MR. and MRS. LOVELL R. music 'cirel irridescent taffeta. were the Pointe chapter of this organ- KRAUS, of Berkshire road, nae meeting was held at the G. ~ennetts, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Dodenhoff, the Frank maid of honor, Mary Ellen home of MRS. ROGER WAL- Donovans and Thomas Sheahan. Mrs. Fred ization. will leave the end of this helped fo Jarrett, and the bridesmaids, month for a trip to the West KER, JR., of Harvard road, on Marilyn McEachin, Gail Mc- Miss Marge Harger is cur- November 17. MRS. WIL- * * * Mus~cales rently the president of the Coast. They expect to return II and bef Eachin, Nancy Cook, Marcia home in time to spend the FRED R. LAURIE reviewed Party,Tempo Quickens Cook and Kay Carpenter. local chapter and, Miss Vir- the book, "Doctor Zhiva,go" by similar m ginia Johnston IS program Chris.tmas holidays' wi~h their Pointe. They carried yellow mums son-in-law and daug'hter, the Boris Pasternak. Even if you haven't started Christmas shopping, chairman. The guest speaker . .. .. She will with green streamers. LEWIS H. BROWNS, of Loth~ you know the holidays aFe in the offing just by the at the dinner gathering was MR. and MRS. WILLIAM H. corned at tr Flower girl Debby Ann Mc- rop road. Mrs. .Kraus will party invitations which are now crowding the mails. Kat her i n e C ham berlain. DENISON of Maison road, and cert and Eachin, the bride's niece, car- She chose the subject "Edu- leave the Pointe af.ter the hol~ MR. 'and MRS. CURTIS V. ried a basket of mums, This week-end will be a busy one. The James which will cation's Dilemma Today" for idays. to spend the winter at MOWER, of Roosevelt road here she wi their residence in Ft. Lauder~ Phelps have bid guests to their Elm court home for a Mr. N i c h 0 1s asked his her talk. have been vacationing in Al- tkr. She dale. cocktail and buffet supper on Friday and the Leander brother. Wayne, to be best capulco, Mexico, by Mrs. V. The first delta Kappa Gam-' .. .. McCormick-Goodharts ha V'e done the same for Saturday man, They are the sons of '" '" '" . Three Mile Mr. and Mrs. F I' e del' i c k ma activity this fall was an AVERY KIMERL Y, daugh- The LYLE A. DEVLINS, in their Tonnancour place home. Mrs. EVE Nichols, of Maryland avenue. informal bruncheon at the ter of MRS. H. L. KIMERLY, JR., of Valencia, Pa., .and On Sunday :l\1r. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Buell, Jr., introduce ~ U she r i n g were Ronald of Renaud road, was recently WIILIAM. B. DEVLIN enter- Audubon road home of Mrs. will be hosts at a cocktail party in their Vendome road Morning :rv. DeBol, C h a 1'1e s Schrobeck, seen in the production of tained wiJth a surprise cocktail M. M. Shaeffer, hono,ral'Y home. Will i a m Bommarito, David Christopher Fry's play, "A party- aJt the Country Club member. Mrs. Virginia Mer- Phoenix Too Frequent" at Sunday honoring the senior Holihan and Fred McFadden. rill Smith, a recent bride, was Coming up on Thanksgiving week-end is a cocktail Hood Colle-ge" Frederick, Md. DEVLINS, of Notre Dame Following a breakfast and presented with a gift. gala at the John S. Goodmans in St. Clail;: avenue and '" '", avenue. evening reception the newly- '" the first Sunday in December the George Frischkorns On Saturday, October 18, JOE ASKREN, son of the • • weds left for Chicago. The On the deb '"ate s qua d at Misses Kay Sheedy, Laura JOSEPH ASKRENS, o;f Devon- will be hosts at a similar party in their Lakeshore road bride was wearing a royal Mackeben. Ottilia Schubert, shire road, has pledged Sigma ,Alma' College is ROBERT home. blue sheath. Eleanor Carmody and Vir- Alpha Epsilon at the Univers- BELTZ, son of MR. and MRS. CHARLES R. BELTZ, of I.ake- The Sigurd VIen dins will be entertaining but far ginia Johnston attended a ity of Miami, Coral Gables, away from home. They will be taking turkey In New OAR Chapter to Mark Southeaste!l'n Michigan Reg- Fla. land avenue... .. '" • York and that week-end will be hosts at cocktails m Holiday This Thursday ional ~o~erenee at Port Hur- . . Church G'tilds Plan Meetiltgs MR. and MRS. ALLEN W. the big city. lon, Michigan. MR.' and MRS. HENRY E. MERRELL of Vendome road The news IS out, the Yale Dance have been Thanksgiving will set the This committee b r 0 ugh t BODMAN II, of McMillan The Woman's Auxiliary of .Lake Shore Rd. co.hl)stess Mrs. are home after spending SIX bids theme for this Thursday's many ideas to incorpOlrate in road, announce the birth of St. Michael's Episcopal Church Frederick Button; St. Cather- weeks in Europe. .heir trip sent, and the big ball IS set for December 20 at the meeting of th~ Louisa St. Clair the planning :for the year's their second child, MARIE- on Sunningdale announces ine's Guild at the home of took them to practically every Country Club. The Grunyons will sing. Chapter, Daughters of the activities which were acoom- LOUISE, on November 14. The that the eight Guilds into Mrs. Herbert Shanks, 900 Cook country outside the Iron Cur- American Revolution, at 10:30 plished at a luncheon meeting mothe:i is the former DOR- which it i~ divided will hold road, co-hostesses are Mrs. tain. Mr. Merrell, assistant to Enrollment Increases Legion Auxiliaries o'clock in Newberry House. held at the Hawthorne House OTHY PETZHOLD, of Cincln- their November meetings as John Bakke and Mrs." Harold HenTy Ford, II, visited the In atti. Paternal grandparents follows: Kolbe. St. Mary's Guild will Henry D. 'BroVM1,director of on Saturday, October 25. many Ford plants on the Con- Large advance enrollment of quarters in Indianapolis, Ind. are MR. and MRS. HENRY T. The Evening Guilds meet- convene at the home of Mrs. tinent and in England. . American Legion Auxiliary Reenrollment of present the Detroit Historical Museum, Mrs. Virginia Merrill Smith BODMAN, of Vendome road. ing on November 2~ include Richard Weber, 988 La k e '" .. .. members for 1959 has been re- members and enrollment of will speak on "Early Thanks- and Miss Warrena Rhodes will St. Elizabeth's at the home of Shore road, co-hostess, Mrs. J A NET T E FITZSIMONS, giving in Detroit." Luncheon entertain the Delta Kappas at . '" '" ported to Mrs, Will~rd Kling- new members are running MISS l\NNE ELLISON, Mrs. Edward Winslow, 1822 Donald Nigro. daughter of MR. and MRS, er, membership chairman of ahead of last year's figures will be served under the a tea early in December to daughter of MR. and MRS. Severn, co-hostess, Mrs. Edi- At the October Auxiliary. FRANK F. FITZSIMONS, of Grosse Point.e Unit No. 303 chairmanship of Mrs. Harold terminate the 1958 calendar J AMES ELLISON, had one of son Robbins; S1. Hilda's at the meeting held at St. Michael's Harvard road, and her friend and a 1959 membership Auxiliary Unit, from the or- I. Tanner. of events. the principal roles in the Alma home of Mrs, Darrell Statzer, Church the members heard an JOAN ALTENBERGER, from strength of nearly one million ganization's national head- College production of "Plain 1495 Fairholme, co - hostess, interesting talk given by Mr. Dearborn, have recently ar- is indicated, the report said, The surest way to destroy Some orators don't seem to and Fancy." The musical come- Mrs. Harry Findlay; St. Agnes Robert Grindley of the Indus- rived home from three months' people's confidence in yourself understand that theife is no dy was presented November Guil dmembers will convene trial Mission. travels on the Continent. Their is to always question closely I connection at all between elc~ 15 and 16. Miss Ellison is a at the home of Mrs. M. B. On December 2 plans have grand tour included a visit the motives of others. quence and endurance. freshman at Alma. Dillon, 11008 Worden, co- been made for a Quiet Day at wi th.. J a net t e 's sister and hostess, Mrs. William C. Hahn. the Church to be conducted by brother-in-law, in Klagenfurt, St. Martha's Guild will meet Reverend Henri S tin e s of Austria, and a trip to the lo- WHEN DID YOU HAVE YOUR at Mrs. Thomas Driscoll's on Grace Church to begin at 10 cation of "Ben Hur" in Rome -3446 Chatsworth, co-hostess, o'eJock and end at 2:30. where they met the star, Mrs. Marvin Price. Charleton Heston, and cast of LAST INSURANCE "CHECKUP"? The Day Guilds holding The women cxf Bethany the film extravanagza. luncheon meetings at 12:30 on Christian Ohwrdh., Cad i e u x ...... now November 25 include St. Mar- road at LirwilJle) will have CADET HENRY L. KOLL, garet's at the home of Mrs. their cmntUJaJ. 1Jw:'"key dinner son of MR. and MRS. HENRY Robert Jones, 14 Willison Rd., next ThUJrSday, November 20. F. KOLL, Colonial road, has co-hostess Mrs. John Cushran; Instead of a b~aalf they will been cited by Col. C. L. Per- • Chridlmaj, St. Cecelia's at the home of hold a gift 00l'lIteting he'r WelI'e: Mrs. A. R. ning of November-' 17, at the R1chaa:ds, Jr., and Mrs. W, L. home of Mrs. John Danta, St. Heibert. C!ai'1' Shores. Memb~rs enjoyed shO'PW'~g The' Christmas dinner dance for Chnstmas toys presen~,ed will be held at The Beach~ Deliverie by Polly l:"'arty. Proceeds 0:1' combers, preceded by a cock- the sa,}.eWIll ~e used h! the tail party, wLth Mrs. Vermon club . for. VCl'rl'OUS cnantable Beitel as hostess. Re~rvatio!lS ccmtrlbubc~ns. . , .. are be1ng taken by Spec.ial No bj'smesrk se~- Mrs. John Danta WIll open ..,. SlOn revealed fIve members In . . .." l" . : . attendance. The i r volunteer her home far the ne~t bUS1- time was spent cutt~n.g a!nd l1JeSS m€'et~ng, scheduJed for

.~.. stap1iltligartkles to be used by, Janua,TY 12.

< .

., .

.:';:';' ., .'...... -~ .. .. .' . "::' 1, ~ ,', .::,' ..>:::' : . :,'J:>:: ... ' ... "'....• ::'i::.:\

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Gold and sapphire pin Note~ $306 To Gentlemen Shoppers! Matching earrings Open by special appoint. $209 ment during evening hours. Call TU 4-1330 Including Federal Tax Il>: "



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958 Thursday, November 20, 1958 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seventeen s Woman's Page • • • by, of, and for ~ointe Women w Bell Ringers to Appear with Chorus Altar Soc,iety Morning Musicale To Hold Bazaar To Stage Preview U'key, A Christmas Bazaar, spon- nt aU To Fete Mrs. Goldie sored by the ladies of the Altar Society of St. Philomena Of Italian Couture Church, wiII be held in the ber 6 Former Grosse Pointer Coming from New York for Pall"ish Hall located ~t Mar- Showing of Fashions with Champagne Reception at ., and December 4 Concert at the Country'Club Which seilles and Mack avenues on Art Institute. Headed by Mrs. Frank B. Ware. Friday' aDd Saturday, Novem- Ball. Will Feature Baritone. Mac Morgan Mrs. J. Crawford Frost: Mrs. Edward Wishropp York ber 28 and 29. Refreshments will be served borbhdJays in dison Mrs. Frank W. Goldie, former Pointer and co- The ladies in the audience will be as elegant as founder of the Grosse Pointe Morning Musj~ales, will 'addition to Friday dinner be- grinning at 5 p.m. the models in Monday evening's showing of Italian be honored by that group on December 4. Grande Couture at the Art Institute by Julie, Inc. with The bazaar, entitled "Christ- On that date Mac Mor-'~}------l The fa s h ion show and 0>---'------led to mas Around the Wocld" , will gan, famed American bari- Invited to attend the con<:ert have as its d~corative theme champagne reception will titles the. holder to ti~k~ts to white tone, will sing at the con- are Dr. and Mrs. Earl V. g an , various nationality bc>oths and be sponsored by the Detroit the sho~mg and permIssIon to cert at the Country Club. ~oore, .of Ann Arbor. Lo~g will :De'ature foods, gifts and Museum of Arts Founders rent plcture~ and sculpture Mrs Goldie '11 hme frlend of Mrs. GoldIe, decorations relative to differ- 't th . f from the Institute on a month- . Wl come on Dr. Moore is with the U:hive!'~ S OCle y on e occaSIOn 0 ly basis ent parts o;f the glQlb-~. nd to from her Ne~ York home sity of Michigan's School of the exhibition of "Decora- M . p . '" ill b t areD- for the occaSIon. Music. A wonderful array of hand- . A ,any om~ers w e a- rkers, made Christmas gifts, toys, bve . rts ~f t~e Itahan tending the gala mght. Mr. As Alma P~terson she had a Mrs. Ferdinand Ginellils in dolls and conversation pieces RenaIssance whIch opened and Mrs. Lester Ruwe will en- eger, long career In opera and for Tuesday evening. tertain at dinner at the Detroit varre many y~ars was prominent in charge of .hostes~es fo~ the will also be included. Games, music 'circles in Detroit. With concert whIch WIll begm at movies and gifts scaled 1Jo the Mrs. J, Crawford Frost Jr., Club before the show. The rank Mrs. Edward WishroPP' a..'1d Wares wHl be dining with the Mrs. Frederick S. Ford she 11 o'clock. Mr. Morgan, the wee pocketbook will be sure to appeal" to the very small fry. Mrs. Frank B. Ware are chair- Charles Fishers III and the helped found the Morning featured artist has made a men of the showing and re~ Richard Gushees. Musicales during World War nation-wide reputation for his A' free press in a free world ception In the Great Hall. Others with tickets include l~ ~nd before there was any interpretations of G e r man is a 'beacon light fOT freedom. SImIlar music group in the Lieder Fren<:h and Italian art Founders membership en-l (Continued on Page 20) Pointe. songs ~nd con tern p 0 r a I' y She will be warmly wel- music. He will be accompanied comed at the December 4 con- by Edward Stahl at the piano. cert and at the luncheon -Picture by Fred Runnells The highly-skilled Bell Ringers from left to right: PAULA THOMAS, ames which will follow. While she is Three University of Michi- Choir will be f eat u red when the DIANNE DIEBALL, POLLY WALK- ~or a here she will stay at the WhIt- gan students in the School of Grosse Pointe Community Chorus It's smart to nder tier. She will be entertained Natural Resources were ER, MRS. OLIVE WALKER, director; pre s e n ~ s its Christmas concert in SHARON LENZ, CAROLYN DIE- rday by Mrs. Ward Detwiler, of among 1,080 who received de- Three Mile drive. grees at the end of the 1958 Parcells S'chool on Sunday afternoon, BALL and CHARLOTTE ENZMAN. face it . . . this Fall! Mrs. Everett Kinsey, will Summer ~ion, the Office December 7. The choir is composed of, . Jr., introduce Mrs. Goldie at the of RegistraiJion and Records Morning Musi<:ale luncheon. announced. Here, versatile hair stylists bring YOU road Defer Mothers Medical Auxiliary Plans Methodist Sale Meeting on Belle Isle out ... lovely ... with a most natural ktail Meeting Today Th,is Saturday and The regular monrtthly meet- permanent, hair styling and hair color- orns A meeting of the PTA Defer ing of the Woman's Auxiliary The Woman's Society of the ing. It's Fall! road School mothers will be held to the Michigan Industrial G r 0 sse Poi n t e Methodist Medical Association will be Open Thursday Thursday, November 20, from Church will hold its annual and Friday Evenings t far 1:30-3 p.m. in the school's held Friday at th~ Detroit bake sale on Saturday, No- New lunchroom. Yacht Club with Mrs. Earl E. TU 2-4246 'ls in Wes,ton, president, presiding. vember 22 at Jacobson's in Miss Jean Taylor, Children's Those attenrlJing from the "The Village" from 11 a.m. to Librarian at the Central Li- Pointe will be Mrs, L. R. Mar- 3 p.m. Mrs. Robert Nelsen is been brary, will speak on "Books, tini :Mrs. M. F. Bruton, Mrs. chairman of the event. \:?fashion door the Children, and You." Miss Tay- W. W. Hassi.;, Mrs. E. A. Ir- i' 'of .///? ::~:~ lor will discuss works for .1.-; , . ," )r/--r ~;';:.: vin and Mrs. A. J. Vorwald. ALWAYS FORWARD chi 1d r en from kindergarten [),ect1A.t "J aiO""1V, .~~. .'.: ~:,;, ,.:, ~: :~.'.' t; ~ .,' : ' <. ... It's odd, but true, that every through sixth grade levels. FREE ELECTION '!;>:~:~.,-:::'"'::.;/::~ '....::.,,:.;.~:....:," -.-..:;.-~:.{..-;:..._.....;;'-:.--.'.:.' 1'- '.'. :.-: ...'-..;: : •• ,.; •• ";-. -. ,'.'.' ;: .••••••• -.: •. : .. ~ ... It's a proven fact that only time you break a record you 18546 MACK AVENUE Grosse Pointe Farms l~/..;-..~,,:.f~:::~~"":..:.,:.:...".,..::.:\:, .._~:".:;::/:...;J: :-.v,';.:.:f;''';-:~:'. an unbossed voteJr can be an are in reality making a new * , Ind. esent Yule Decorating unbiased voter. one. t of nning Lecture Theme gures --- I ship The G I' 0 sse Pointe War illion Memorial Association in co- -d. operation with the G r 0 sse Poil1Jte Garden Centell' is pre- imported senting Mrs. L. R. Montgom- ery in a Christmas greens lecture-demonstration in the Center's libralI'Y Wednesday alpine ski afternoon, De<:ember 3, at 2 o'clock. The public is cordial- ly invited without chaI'lge. Mrs. Meridi!th Randall, presi- dent of the Garden Center, ma grlffe-"my ~lg,nalure"- andYOUTS!' will introduce Mrs. Montgom- Perfume, 4.00 to 37.50; ery, whose ideas in greens ar- •.. our ski collection is ready. Here are ski cologne, 5.00 to 15,00. rangements and Gh r is t mas accents for the house have at- 'robe d-un soir-"gown of one evening .....; clothes with an eye to fashion' .. , imported tracted much attention. nnparaUeled! Perfume, 5.00 to 50.00; Just in time for the holiday for you from far-away places ., . Germany. c<>logne. 6,00 to 17.50.AII ,,~ Cn. season, Mrs. Montgomery will show and explain to her aud- Switzerland, Austria, Denmatk. and Sweden. carven p~fums ience a wide variety of novel effects which can be achieved Outdoor Sport Shop, 2nd floor. inexpensively for the front door, the entrance hall, the mantelpie<:e; the buffet, the •.. charming and gay eJfter ski clothes are chandelier and the occasional featured, too. table. Many of the items can Trail Pharmacy also be used as Christmas gifts. 121 KERCHEVAL-ON THE HILL EVERYTHING TO GAIN S i1e n c e has never been Delivmes- TV 1-;688 known to make a blunder, and Grosse Pointe sometimes it makes a decided r------. i hit. - OUPj -Alone! I Picard of Sun Valley I t I I • • • for a limited time only w,e are taking orders on our , Picard of Sun Vallej! collection, It is a gloriously complete .1 grotl.p of ski fashions!


entrance •.•

76 Kercheval ... o~, the hill • )j • simply superb . • . our TU 1-7020 slim column of black crepe ..•

dramatized by gold pouf sleeves.

endlessly flattering . . . chosen

from our couturier collection. 185.00

TU 1-7020 7b Kerchevol ... on the hill


« _ < __ -e _ d_,.. ... _ e c_~ '. .... r'd .. Ed • • _~ « de « .. ------.- • ~ ------. ~---""IIIIII...... __ .... __ ..... =_ «_ d rt ---- ...... - ,.,. -....------I' - - - -, * -, .:1I , i I ~ I ! Page Eighteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November 20, 1958 Thurs( I I I I I I Society News Gathered' ~rom All of the Pointes i w , I I I Jinx McLucas Tells Garden Clubs Hold Exhibit at Warren's Bridaf Party Named Mis Her Wedding plans By Joan Robinson Op Pointe C Will Marry Gregory Baldwin, of Ulupalakua Ranch, .: ~: ,: Will Marry Louis Fisher, Jr., Son of the Louis Alfred Frorr Maui, Hawaii, on December 6 in Christ Church "\ Fishers, of Lakeshore Road on November 29 In With Reception To Follow at Littie Club ,,' " ,;: ',;.', ':,' ~",~. ';',' St. Paul's on the Lakeshore ;;.: ; "'- '.~ ~.... '.': All t ~ Virginia Claire (Jinx) McLucas, dallghter of the .':':,~..':", .. :.' '" '/', ,~ A reception at the Little Club will. follow the N~- glamorou John Nichols McLucases, of Vendome road, has chosen ~m~m ':1':,':: :,~ ,::,~& '~:'::;:f.:::,:,:,~',':'f} " , ., , , vember 29 wedding of Joan Mather RobInson and Loms Grosse P her bridal attendants for her wedding December 6 'in '~' . ,~:::i;:L;)t:/\,: ; ,,:,>': "," Alfred Fisher, Jr., in St. Paul's on the lakeshore. Mart" rig Christ Church to Gregory Baldwin. What's ( Her bridegroom, who I ,"~r:r ..•~, ":::"'::'.. Le~~ ~p~~r~~~:i~~~:~~Mrs. Robert P, Scherer, of you have will arrive here on De- ton, 0., and Leslie Wheeler, <. ::/-/::' ,,'~:: ~; ,,'.:, ': Dyar lane, has asked V~r- Lakeshore road, at a kitchen are three . :~ .' cember 1, is the son of Mrs. of San Francisco: " ::;:,S, "'" ';,,'''j :,'.';' " ginia Evans to be her maid shower and luncheon. Edward H. K. Baldwin, of Mrs. A. J. FIs~er, Jr.,.?f nook and :';':;A':;:::;:. >0< of honor. Bridesmaids will On Saturday evening the UI lakua Ranch Maui Lakeshore. road, wIll ~ntertaln ',:+ "'t< {:~, .. ~,., covered v upa.. " for the brIde-elect thIS Thurs- ,.' "~~'.1f1i(,',,:.:;",.,,",,:;',,:".'-1: be her sister, Evelyn R?b- bridal couple were honored by winsome Hawal~, and the late Mr. day with a kitchen shower. On ~,':t ::', " , .<. .;,. ,. ' " ',' inson, Mrs. Peter R. Fmk th W'll'am Fl'shers II with and attrae Baldwm. Friday November 28 Mrs. ,<>';, ,>,(:,~,~::"•....J~0 ' 'U.. '\>i!~r.~"~. ,t." 'lit and the bridegroom-elect's a ecoc~t~il party a~d ~adget one lucky His sister, Mrs. Ralph T. Frederick Ollison, Jr., and her " ':".' ,', ",: .,~;;::. . s i s t e r s, Claire and Ann shower in their Fairford road King, will come from Cleve- daughter Judy, will give a your Chri .:.:. ' . ::' " Y.""~' f: Fisher. land, 0., to be matron of honor cocktail party and Mrs. E. ;,:,f,f'N ;'/,,~:,: ' William Fisher II win be and the other honor attendant Llwyd Ecclestone has asked to .:.'~:~:: ::(....." ~ ; . ~~ ~ Jr., were hosts at brunch In has been di best moan for hIS brother. They will be J~dy Ol~ison. . give a supper party for the :- ';-'"~ -[- ~. " t::;~ eral divisio The bl'ldesmalds wlll be bride-to-be. :~. :: w, ,"', ';~;~W;m.!AM{,*;:::\j:it",':":'" " Z;.'" '~ ,:t, <" ',:' _,,".".~~~;}>',are the sons of the Louis Al- their Provencal road home. Bazaar," gi Virginia Ba.ckus, o! Santa Mrs. Baldwin will give the ~~iti~~.g', ,':,,'..:'.., ,.. ," ;,:' :: ': .:~':;;~S ,," »> ~~/:~;':':\;~~~. ~~ll ~:~:~~~: Ev~~s t~e ~;~~~~~~ ily, gifts ~~~~f~g ~ir~~:~ Christmas, Barbara, CalIf.; Harnett Met- rehearsal dinner at the Little ,;':':", ".' '" , ,.:', dinner in her parents' Old. calf, of Honolulu; Lynn Carter Club which will also be the things to ea '" brook lane horn,;;.Mr. and Mrs. of Newton Square, Pa; Leelee scen~ of the reception. The small cl'QUer, of Villanova, Pa.; On the day of the wedding so-small) ,. Fifi. Ault, of New Yor'k, and Mrs. James B. Webber, J'r ... and their own LollIe Ecclestone. Mr. and Mrs. Miles M. O'Brien V. ~~ ...L..,.. 14:",,;\\;:::::,::,',;::':,: ~"~;'~tj~~ from 3:30 Mr. King will be best man will g.ive a luncheon for the '::;";'14." ".. :'f:::::;::i,::!~~;:;:;::::I::.'/:;i'::::::i:il.;;~;;~i¥~'~~~,.. ",.~. ',~ ~~~~~:il~;~:~~:'~;f?~ featuring fu ~'~'<:W:'?"."""'"'' ::;::::::::::'", '''::::~''''::::;::<:'':'''''''''''''('' : ' ~":;};:::; ,,:,' ";, ,}, :.,' •. , ,%";~,:""/.,~",,,,, ", ; ,." ',., "» ,,"'.. ' ,,'" ,I" ~;J~~1 ~Xlit'j!'lf!':';:~); ,.,"/.<,.~.;Wx,~*;"Z' i":\i:';,i::::il\i\I\:,\'~~~~:..\,, :J:':::n;:;!"::;)\,::t ,:,:", . entertained with her mother, ~E;~fff~~f;:~fers on the eve of the wedding. ~"::-~~~~'.R~:t::;::':~':;~:~::~$:~~::::;:~::::;:);;;::::::f.:" ~.. :,~:',:::f.?.~;.;..'" . ":''':~:::.: ;;;:;', " ::: :-::..:, ;..~ :':n' :.... .:.; • ";" .., ',' .:- .-:'>;.;<,; :•.~ I'I i ." .:.:.>:-;.'... , ..-: yu i..;.:':'..,:... 1".,. '." for his brother-in-law and the wedding party and out of town a "coketail" Visitors by thousands flocked to the exhibition of usher ?st. not completed yet, guests. cards to bu~ includes George S. Mott III, table settings and flower arrangements staged by the allowance-tj Village GaJ.den . ~ of Greenwich, Conn.; Horace INDIFF}~RENCE Federated Garden Clubs of lviichigan, District One, ..:.. Surprise F. Henriques, Jr, of Green- , H seems odd thiCiltpeople will Club to Meet and sponsored by the Charles W. Warren and Com- • • "pick-apock wich, Conn.; James H. Fuller- shed their blood for the right pany's downtown store, 1520 Washington boulevard. 25 cents, a ton In, of Mineapolis, Minn.; to govern themselves, but receive a r. The Village Garden Club of Many enthusiasts from the Grosse Pointe area partici- Daniel Mahoney. Jr., of Day- won't even take time to vote. gift - strai, Detro,it will mee.t this Friday pated. Each of the trio in the above picture is presi- at 11 o'clock at the Whittier dent of a Grosse Pointe Garden Club. They are admir- I I stables at tl .... with Mrs. A. W. Sempliner as ing the sterling service at the Awards Table, gifts The endl ::: . II I women of t hostess. from the Charles W. Warren Company. Reading from I played in gi Assisting her will be Mrs. .the left, they are: MRS. RAYMOND J. DUFFY, JR., ily, includir. I H. Murray Northrup, Mrs. Suburbia Garden Club; MRS. PIERRE V. HEFTLER, aprons, gar smart He~man D. Scarney and Mrs. Grosse Pointe Park Garden Club; and MRS. FERDIN- Knit-Wit Co Abram Vander Zee. AND F. STETEKLUH, of The Pointe Garden Club that" - (any women wear The program following the luncheon wiH feature a quiz and chairman of hostesses for the exhibition. and now for the first time ... seem to fit on horticultural subjects. Mrs. category fin fa."Cinating arpeggio Arn,old Barrett IS chairman. Paul Gach~'Natural dolls, jewelr ,~ Tipton Soloist With Symphony Lounge. WATCHES What be1 Italian Couture Albert Tipton, flutist, will torium. Paul Paray will con- Merry Chri be soloist with the Detroit duct. homestead as beautiful ~' (Continued from Page 17) I Symphony Orchestra Thurs- Tipton will play Ibert's "Living Color" from the f the E. Llwyd &-clestones, the day at 8:30 p.m. in Ford Audi- Concerto for Flute on a pro- ready to accessories James Whitcomb;, the William gram which includes Beetho- touch to th A'-' Days, the William Cudlips, the ven's Overture to "The Crea. Spread a Henri deSegur Lamr~s, the English 'Union tures of Prometheus" and PORTRAITS tnas tree s !f1 William Austins the William Symphony NO.2 in D major, : >' (...\.":.~' DenIers' and the Alfred R. Meets Tonight and Respighi's Symphonic By Direct Color Process "e'"~ Glancys, Jr. Poem ,"The Pines of Rome." The Victor Kenyons, Dr. and This will be Tipton's first The English. S pea kin g In pricesr Discriminating 'Ii.:. Mrs. Everett Kinsey, Dr. and Shot our own studios a+ blaCK and white Union IS holding its monthly appearance as soloist with the Mrs. John ChurchiLl, and the meeting at the Grosse Pointe orchestra on the Thursday shoppers know the Herman Wecklers are others War Memorial this evening. evening series since he be- This is absolutely the Newest of New with tickets for the "Sense of came first flutist in 1956. He things! It is ~ mighty step forward volue in double duty Splendor" fashion exhibit. Mrs. Pat Nicholson, Scottish was the first flutist of the St- ~~~~~~~~~, " ". Sittings for as tittle as ~ born and educated and trained Louis Symphony and a con- There's loveliness you've never before i " /.~ HUMAN NATURE in the dassical tradition, will ,ductor of varied experience seen . i $17.50. Add i tional ~ • • • a guaranteed watch speak on "Shakespeare's Wo- All the world's a stage, and before coming to Detroit. He i prints as low as $1.50 ~ irt's surprising how man y men," with a description of lives in Roosevelt place. SpeCial Christmas Package people think they are entitled the characters and read~ngs Tipton studied conducting in i each. ~ from the plays. to free passes. Pierre Monteux's master class One 5 x 7" portrait plus 50 Christmas l~~~~~~~~~ Mrs. Nicholson is the wife at Hancock, Me., conducted I Good characte[' is still the of the Rev. George Nicho~son the Festival Orchestra at As- cards-~II in color, only . • • $42.50 We'll counsel you on color of best collateral for a loan. who had a pastorate in Cape- pen, Colo., and conducted his .~ clothes when making town, South Africa, where she own sinfonietta on tour. He Prints can be had In SIZes up to ~1 X' 14" -r Shop did repertory theater work. studied at Curtis Institute of appointment. .4 Doll Repa. Gradually she turned to lec- Music and has played flute , . Phone for Appointment - TlJ 1.0500

> ture work and has spoken fre- with the StokowskJ Youth 01'- ~., £4 Same Family chestra and the Philadelphia - Repairing.. ',: quently at the National Head- ~~~ Dolls Since 1895 :fu quarters of the English Speak- Orchestra. Complete with ..:", ", ing Union. On Sunday, Nov. 23, at 3:30 ~ . ~~~..;s :-- p.m., the orchestra will pre- ~;-~. :""'"",, WIGS, SHOES, Mrs. Herbert B. Trix, of v STOCKINGS AND East Jefferson avenue, will sent its first Family Concert r [2/1 ~ DRESSES : give S\ cocktail party honoring of thle season, Valter Poole \ _ conducting. The program will ~ feature the Lutnia Singing So- 'pali Cae1 ciety celebrating its 50th an- niversary and conducted by PHOTOGRAPHY ~:1rs;~~*'ltlr.~~~ft~1?~:::~:~~:::Kazimjerz Obecny. rlQges ""'~Mti@J:~@~Y:\:;h:: dinner and the -lecture. WA. 1-2710 ~:rA, ;;;';'~';"fi1 . The 'chorus will be heard ,~.. ~~ in Obecny's "Two Nocturnes," -- Melcer's "Pani Twardowska" 345 Fisher Road Kammerer' DeFour Honored and excerpts from Moniusko's 91 Kercheval - on the Hill DOLL REPAIR SHOP "Crimean Sonnets." The or- ..~ Grosse Pointe 8705 G_ratiot. at Filher MorriJs R. De-Four, of Grosse chestrll will play Rozycki's brings I Pointe Woods, has been elect- "Anniversary Polonaise," Nos- •••a f: .. ed treasurer of the Michigan kowski's "Step," Moniusko's Association of Mutual insur- Mazur from "The Haunted ance Agents dUlring the 12th Castle," and Chopin's "Polon- I Hereisa annual convention in Grand aise Militaire." Rapjd5, Mich. incredibl acomple The association voted to sponsor a joint campaign in I'esults al cooperation with Michigan Firms al State Police aJIldlocal authori- _. are melt ties to draft new t'l"affic laws skin" is "in keeping with modem cars. highways and modes of Brings ~ travel." ,dates fa it's new . . . Present traffic regulatiollls blood stf "are still governed by the Inventory Clearan~e complexl and different backward thinkmg pattern set 6Dery skin in the drays of the two-wheel Protect: brak€s and the :Model T," ac- cording to the resoluti'On, and remarka "not realiisrtic in many Fabulous Decorator Fabrics heads aJ areas." clean un for Slip Covers and Upholstery Grey wool 11 Skiltie," with red Gives ( improve plaid tarpoon attached All Seconds - Priced from cosmetic jar Ionge shorts. Sizes 7 to 14. ~~ 50 5)_95 Takes I 6.95 9~ yd~ '1 yd. yd. minute! seconds. (If Firsts-$5.95 yd. and up) your po preface Lilly HelenCd stretch leot~rds. woman Special Group Prints an d Ofl plain colors. rime Red, black and blue, (If firsts, new"Q Dress (;ottons 1.95 and 3.95 meticsc 3.95 15.00*. Cdllco Corners 1933 S. Telegraph, Bloomfield Hills FE 2-9163 Open: 9:30-5:30-Mon. and Fri. Nites 'til 9-Closed Sunday

lac. . I 10 Kercheval TU 1.7227 21435 M~c.k Ave.

f \ 1 ) , 1958 Thursday, November 20. "958 . GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nin'eteen

s Woman's Page • • • by, of, and for Pointe Women Mistletoe Mart Betrothal Told Fords, Hudsons IBridle-Elect - Pointers Pour ed Opens Doors Today ~fbfr;r!£~;~;<+",i)i?'jTo Give' Party At Dee Party GPHS Mothers Club The Emoll'Y M. Fo['ds, of Grosse Pointers active in the Wood,Jiand pla,ce, and Dr. and annual autumn tea" honoring Plans Holiday Tea Mrs. J. Stewa~ Hudson, of students of the Detroit Com- Pointe Congregational Church Holds Christmas Fair !11~"!1',,; .li Lothrop road, will ma.a:-ktheir mercial Colleg'e and their Alfred l."' ..",': .';',, " ..,'., , '.' \ 25th wedding 8lnndvers.aTies ,mothers, on Thursday, Novem- Annual rarty to Be Held December 2 in the Gyma .. From to 9 This Thursday; Bring Your Gift r':.:-lt ,,/"",..::::v:..,":':j:::,:~:," :8:,:~::.:,'1 9 In ? with a joiIlJt party. ber 7, at the Women's City LIst to Bazaar and Stay for Dinner h::,:: ::;:i:::,::.' .'::,:{t~\::~:'::::::::C'<::,:! For five yealI's the couples Club of Detroit, inciud~d Mrs. torium Will Have Swedish Theme; Choir Groups have eeHebrart:ed the occas!i.on W. Thorn Conner, of R~vard All that glitters may not be gold, but it's pretty ~,:' :~1;t"'::.,.. ,...'~;;I::;:" ...;' ~ Under Direction o'f John Finch'to Entertain he No- together. This year's event boulevard, and Mrs. Thomas J. glamorous, .and it's on sale today, November 20, at ~::..:,::::.::::,'".:,,':.:.:::'.'\':,'.; will be a dinner dance at the Murphy, of Buckingham road, One of the most anticipated events of the holiday Louis Grosse POI n t e Congregation&l Church's "Mistletoe \::::::"::::;::,:,",.~.,.:"',', ,i 0111 M t" . h ....,",.., . Li,ttle Club December 3. who presided at the tea table season is the annual Christmas program and tea given Am 0 n g the out-of-town ar rIg t up until 9:00 tonight! "::):'::':i;~:' decorated with fall flowers by the Hig--h School Mothers' Club and scheduled this What's on sale? What did .'------gueSlts who wiJl come for the and bronze appointments. rer, of party are MTI:. Ford's siste[', Mrs. Conner and Mrs. Mur- year for TUP.'sday, December 2, at 3 o'clock in the gyma- you have in mind? There) around your tree; swing a kiss- Eve'lyn Evams otf PittsibU['gh, idtchen phy were accompanied to the torium. (!? are three floors, and everv ing ring from the doorway, or am the Lee Bradleys, Jr., of nook and cranny of them is add a sparkl~ artificial tree tea by their daughters, Susan This year the invitations, served from tables decorated BiT'lllfingham, Ala., who will be and Kathleen, who are in their to be sent out by Mrs. with Swedish apple trees tcIP4 ng the covered with a wide and and a fart Chn~tmas c:ndle. to viJsiting the Hudso[1s. ~econd year of business train- Gordon Long and her com- perl with wheat and orna- ored by winsome ar a f 1 your mantel. It s easy ~obrmg . r y. 0 unusua the Christmas look home when mg at the college. mittee will rea d "Glad mented by wooden figures and 1. with and attractIve gIfts for any- you shop at the Mistletoe Marrt Italian Lawyers' Wives Nancy Davis, of Washing .. I Jul." pro n 0 u n c in g the Christmas cooki~; vendors in gadget one lucky enough to be on I today. ton road, and Susan Kross, of S d' . of authentic costume wiil present Organi~e Auxiliary Moran road, members of th-e we .Ish thenle whIch .:he each guest with a corsage d road your Christmas list! ,The talented cooks of Grosse Mr. and Mrs. Hans Walgen.- social affairs committee were c h aIr ma n, IV[rs. Russell made by a group of mothers Smiths, Generally spedking, the Mart Pointe Congregational Church Mr. and Mrs. Niorman G. bach, of Ba'rrJnglton rood, an- Miller, of Hollywood road, an- Mrs. Sam, Prete, president in charge of arrangeme~ts for Haglund and her commit- new to the high school unde~ nch in has been divided into four gen- have set up a bake sihop, candy of the newly organized Auxili- IlJounoee the e'l1lgag'emeIllt of eral divisions: the "Children's store, delicatessen, pickle de- nounce the enga.~ent of thet1r daughter, RENA DEL- the tea. tee members have selected. the chairmanship of Mrs. Don- me. their daughter, JUPITH ANN, ary of the Italian-American The lobby will become the ald Neill, Bazaar." gifts for all the fam- partment, and a Christmas Lawyers Club, stated that the PHIN:~, to Cha:rles Escortrt; irginia bo Elton Edward Kruge!I', son The best alibi in the world is background for a facsimile of Mrs. Joseph Kinnear will be ily, gifts that say, "Merry cookie center to tempt all com- functions of the Auxiliary are Hainc.(»ck, Jr., wn of Mrs. oinster of the Elton Krug-ers, of Bal- one you never have to make. a Swedish shop; tea will be I (Continued on Page 20) Christmas, House!", and good ers. The heavenly fmgrances two-fold. First-to assist the ChaI"l

Here is a totally new concept in facial cosmetics- Lilly Dacht's incredible «Quick Change." This one liquid-cream gives you a complete 5-point facial in 60 seconds flat-and the beautiful ~esults are apparent hour after hour, Firms and lifts facial contoUr5- Wrinkles and fatigue linea are melted away, puffy areas are gone, dried-out "summer skinu is moist and fresh again! art Brings a healthy look to your skin- "9-uick Change" stim- ulates facial circulatioA-allows your skm to take from the blood stream the specific nutrients and vitamins your individual complexion needs. This means "Quick Cha!1gc" is right for IDtry skin type-oily, normal or dry. Protects complexion against external blemishes-The remarkable purifying action guards against pimples, black- aWrtnct heads and enlarged pores • • • leaves your skin completely clean without being dry. Gives complexion a lasting glow - Your skin actually improves the more you use "Quick Change." Your regular cosmetics, cleansers and creams all work Jar better-results last Jar longtr-when you've starud with "Quick Change"! Takes only one minute to use - One minute means one LET YOUR GHRISTMAS minute! For best results, tissue off "Quick Change" after 60 BE A HOLIDAY Of JOY. seconds. Keep it in your desk at the office, or carry a tube in your pocketbook, Use i~ to begin a beautiful day and as a preface to a perfect evening! LET US HELP YOU SELECT AND Liliy Dache's "Quick Change" is for you-and for every WRAP YOUR GIIFTS. woman who wants to look fresh and young and glowing-any time of the day or night. Got a minute? Get a beauty lift-get BEAUTIFUL THINGS FROM TH.E FINEST new "Quick Change" today! It's available now at our cos.. SHOPS IN THE WORLD. metics counter. Trial size, Y2 oz., $1.50*. Regular size, Zy,. oz.) $5.00* •• Plus tax. GIFTS THAT WILL BE A COMPLIMENT TO YOUR OWN GOOD TASTE

TV 5-1693 93 Kercheval Ave.

-on the hill (Above Bonk) 16926 Kercheval Ave. GROSSE POINTE FAIR.MS Deliveries-TV 5-9800 • 3

« ...... ,., _ .. ",. sf' ...... , ~ ...... _ --a _ ~ .. ----"" __ .- ~ .-. __ d d_';"rdrl < C ., d.znf~zdrl_ d d dr •• d. d.-,,. mtecfrnd f . Page Twenty G R 0 SSE, POI Nt TeN E.W 5 Thursday, November 20,' 1958 , Thursd Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes should have a chapter exclu- .Sztnday Concert By Sy,nphony ~1others CIll,b sively, When Mrs. Benson Ford Coo,ki,es For Children (Continued from Page 19) Federated Ga~d,en Clubs' , selected ,her niche she named it "The Balloon Man." He The D e t l' 0 i t Symphony "German" Requiem. The solo- G. "in charg.e of. the conceSSion) Draws Big Crowds Orchestra, Valter Poole con- ists will b eLisa Della Casa, room WhIChwIll be WE'llstock- Exhelbl.t rode round and round in the f miniature model of a Detroit~ ducting, will present its first soprano, and Donald Gramm, An inter iE's by the members of Mrs. reported /, A. D. Peirce's and Mrs. Thorn. In spite of an almost inees- ivy in a silver bo"l were made motor ~ar never once Family Concert of the season The 300-voice Rackham 8ym- flanked by' a pair o{ candela- bumping into her pretty ar~ , Sunday at 3:30 in Ford Audi- phony Choir trained by May- item in th as Groehn's committees. sant downpour. last Saturday's week from attendance at the "Quest for bra with brown ta~~rs. rangement of shaggy orange torium. nard Klein will make its first Mrs. Karl Schaltenbrand will Beauty" exhibition served to and yellow 'mums. . . . Mr::;. The program will feature appearance of the season. verSity Sc Appropriately pI a.c e d in describ ed with sandwiches and cook- top the records of this annual John F. Hering's "Men of De- 'William R. Hamilton II chose the Lutnia Singing Society Miss Della Casa, one of the head the pouring committee four-day evel\t. Designed as a a niche to carry out a Design drive that troit" perman.ent gallery. at celebrating its 50th annivers- MetropoLitan Opera's m 0 s t put the and Mrs. Ralph Morrison will public service by District 1 of Warren's was an arrangement for Beauty, using a jewelry ary and conducted by Kazi- valued stars,- will also sing provide the tea services for the Federated Garden Clubs motif. drive over of orangey-brown 'mums and mierz Obecny. Mozart's "Dove Sono" from by pointin the tablesetting arranged by of Michigan, the theme chosen brown eucalyptus I e a v e s, Mrs. Robert A. Vander Pyl, The chorus wHl be heard in "The Marriage of Figaro." The Mrs. C. K. Bowles. for the 1958 exhibition of tions were viewed through a 12-inch ster~ of Suburbia ,Garden Club de~ ! Obecny's "N 0 C t urn e for' orchestra will also play Bach's the classes aT- Suite in D. Hi Y and Y Teen students table settings and flower ling silver frame. Designed by picted "Something old and Autumn," Me 1c (~r 's "Pam free of ho will assist with the service rangements' proved a happy Mrs. WatsGn Beach of Ken- something new"---:;j,nattractive Twarciowska" and excerpts Valter Poole will discuss the the class t under Mrs. Byron Schram. one indeed-judging from the wood road, a lettered caption combination of fresh and dried Moniusko's "Crirnean Son- mighty Brahms work for the the most to Chairman of the decorating artistry tha,t resulted. bore the quotation "No beauty flowers in an antique vase. nets." The orchestra will play Friday matinee audience at ation." committee. Mrs. Kenneth Ki~- As in previous years, the like the countenance of a The remainder of that old say- Rozycki's "Anniversary)1:15 p.m. This wee mel, will provide the accessor- pro j e c t was sponsored by friend." ing - "Something borrowed Polonaise," N o's k 0 w ski's ------ment to be ies which will carry the Swe- Charles W. Warren Clnd Com- Mrs. Bert C. Wicking's de- and something blue'';--was a "Step" the Mazur from Moniu-I rooms Hea dish theme throughout the a1'- pany at their store, 1520 sign, "Meditation," was among clever piece by Mrs. Vincent sko's' "Haunted Castle" and Pointers To Be Heard

Estate of Our Christmas Store Hours I are our regular store hours. ~onclay through Saturday Dr. Willar.d D. Mayer 9:30 a.m, to 5:30 p.m. 51 W. Boston Blvd. Property for sale or lease ADDITIONS Sunday, Nov. 23, from 10 a~m.

Sale Conducted by Ltrxrte H. O. McNeirney & David D. Siaiker I'Oves' Appraisers 424 Book Building wonc:Je.rion WOodward 1-9085 . ...the JloeW a cenz w-h ite nylon {Qrmu tissue h'ko-t Loveli~ f-hot' s coo~r now Q Ofld mo-re the smart new.... as a ( unequale healing ~ beautifyi mink propertiE s41p w~th fl()'ra~- j e-mbroidered ft>ef O'verioy aeket Roonce and bodi~ tn.m; 3'2 ico 4'0, short afld regu Lor. 6. 9-5 Fore In Natural Emba mrt ond velous prl its soften Autumn Haze Mink, ~ reg~'or s-Izes s,m,.J. 4.95 recently. as sketched .. Tritle La $1595 smooth. J plus tax ~ .. apply. BE into the one from a collec- powder b , Jacobsons I I tion of Mink I I ~ Jackets1 in all the I I wanted shades. I I; . J ~ ~I ROLLINS ~I lllMGJi$o .. ,Allcrr,,,.n,,roil ~ nl c==tw,U L......


;' . ii' ttr. s e "_om- ---- ,•. os. -_ •••••• - > •• > •••••••••• _ ••••• $. aaaaaasaassaassaasas sass a a5S5S_S&&&&& 2 as ass asses ss&.a&ss£_

~58 Thursday, November 20, 1958 G R 0 SSE' P'O IN T E , NEW S Page Twenty-on. Woman's Page • • • by, of, and for Pointe Women

Representatives of the De- Two Mazer Birthdays' . troit Field Hockey. Association Tea Tini,e's Tim,e I Fromm-Foote Thistle Club ~ solo- G.P.I}.S ..NeftTsNotes pick the All-Stars.' They, in Cake Celebrated on Sunday Casa, turn, will play the D.F.H.A. Betrothal Told Holding Sale ramm, An interesting sequel can be MiS's Margaret Harvey and team next Sunday on the Mr. and Mrs. John. Mazer, S:vm- reported to what was the final her PERi CON staff were busy Kingswood grounds at 2:30 Mr. and Mrs. WaIter P. N. of Loraine aveLue, marked High school age youths will N!ay- item in the "News Notes" last last week scheduling and com- p.m. The latter team. is made Foote of Neff road announce the dual birthdays of their have a busy day at the Grosse .s first week from Grosse Pointe Uni- pleting the actual taking,of the up of teachers and college the engagement of the i r children Sunday with a party. Pointe 'Woods Presbyterian' versity School. The paragraph small group pictures that a're girls, who have made field daughter, Margaret to Eric L. Juliet was five years old and Church this Saturday. des c rib e d the school-wide hockey a long-time hobby. of the to appear in next spring's Fromm son of Mr. and Mrs. her brother, Billy, observed Members of uhe Thistle Club drive that was b€ing made to Chosen as All-Stalrs from mos t school year boo k. Clubs, Axel FrDmm of Greenlawn I his first birthday on the same will bake and sell cakes, pies, put the United Foundation G.P.U.S. were Gay Racon, ) sing teams, and councils, as well as avenue. date. cookies and candy for their drive over the top. It ended '60 and Anne Wood, '62. Picked the teachers in the various Miss Foote was gr~ua~ed Assisting at the party was I annual' bake sale, to be held from by pointing out that comneti- )." The academic deparrtments, weTe for the 2nd All-Star team were from Wayne State UIlilversIty older brother, John Mazer, Jr. in the church dtining room be- tions were proceeding a~ong Cwolyn Jacobson, '59, 'and Bach's photographed. The job was a which. her fiiance is currently A~ong the guest? were Mark tween 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock. the classes "with one night twin sisters, Gladys and Mar- fairly precise one, with ten- attendmg. Wledelman, ?avId Harrison, A snack bar will also re open free of homework promised to tha M,?nge, '60. ChQ~enfor the minute "s hot s" going on The couple wiN be married Law:ence SmIth, Lee~nne and in conjunction with the sale. -<55 the the class that wins by giving th~ough much of the day, but Reserve team was Marana 'or the the most to the United Found- Tost, .'61. December 27 in Grosse Pointe Stev~e Allen, BarbIe 'lYler, Carolyn Ny man Grosse it was finished smoothly. Memorial Church SteVIe Sachs, Jan, Tom and p 't U. 't I' lce at ation." '" >It ... Sch ... . . ~ . Bill Bailey and Karen Kay . OlI~ e rn~e~ Yth bak'OoJun - This week in an announce- Grosse Poi n t e University Atkinson. . lor, ISorganlZmg e e sa le. Chapel services of last weel~ School g,tudepts played a lead- Northeastern Women's The Grosse Pointe Woods ment to be read in all home- were student - directed. One rooms Headmaster John Chan- ing role in the 10th Annual Club Plans Breakfast O~hers ~ere R€..~e Mackey, Presbyterian Ohurch ic; located ... was given by John Webster, Institute for Democratic Liv- Kevm SullIvan, MIchael Kel- 0 M kAt T dler. Jr., congratulated the '59. The other was given by a ly, J ani e Livingston, Jan R~ad. ac venue a orrey ing, sponsDred by the Junior Nc~fueastern Women's club whole school family for its group of 7th grade gir1s: Mar- Marshall, Kathy and Ricky achievement in more than Round Table of Metropolitan wil:l have its annual Thanks- cia Whitney, Quinton Hallett, Deh'oit. This group is the Krerner, Kit and Peter Koste, doubling its contributions to Quick-quick! Peop,le coming for te!a ... make a pretty cake giving breakfusit on November Notre Karen Van Riper, Cecily Smith high SchDol-age aiffiliate of Claudie Vermette and Mar- Metropolitan Artists Vlarion the U.F., but he went on to say and Anne Leach. in "j1g time". A cake mix is the fastest way we know to get 24 at 12 n.oon, in the parlors guerite and Frances Murphy. the following: the DetroiJt Conference of ~d. are ... * • that done ... then beat up this fabulous frosting and decorate o:f Sit. PhiUp aa1Jd St. Stephens Coming Here in Spring Christians and Jews. generously with snowy coconut f1e.kE~s.It's best to store com- Ohurch, 14225 Frnmkfort at : Choir HAt the Student Council In covering the study unit Attending from G.P.U.S. pleted cake uncoViered at room temp(!rature or in refrigerator. Eastlawn. The Metropolitan Opera As- rerian meeting y~sterday it was re- devoted to Howard Pyle's we?e Glynn Cooley, secretary After cutting. press waxed paper ag~uinstcut sides to prevent Annunciation Society ReservartionlS can re made sociation will pay its first visit [h will parted that the majority of nov~l, "Men of Iron," Mrs. of the city-wide young peo- drying. Variation: sufbstitute, a teaspoon dissolved instant Plans Turkey Luncheon :lfvest by calling Mrs. R. A. Cannell, to Detroit next spring, thanks students had expressed dis- Welcenbach, who teaches 7th ple's 0 l' g ani z a tion; Darcy coffee for vanilla. LA 1-4873 or Mrs. H. J. West- approval of the idea of hav- grade English, was able to put Chandler, Jeanne Worley and to a combined group of local I~mber Coconut Marshma1lo!)", Frosting faH, LA 1-8748. The business The AnunciJation Altar So- ing a competition and a prize her summer of travel in Great Irving Smolker. Glynn was ciety is sponsoring a turkey sponsors who are making nec- meeti: ~ will be held at 1:30. essary arrangements. in connection with the Torch Britian to good use. Since the discussion leader ()f one of the 10 marshmallows 1/4 teaspoon 0l'Ie~1l of tartar luncheon in thl2 Parish Hall, choir, Mrs. Dwight Struthers will ordon Drive. It was noted that the book has as its background morning sessions. His group Agnes at McClellan avenues at Mrs. Henry Ford II will be 2 teaspOO'Ilswater 1 te!aspoon vanilla then present a history of the general chairman. Smith, Junior girls had declined to she found it very appropriate dilSCussedth'e t.opic "How Can noon on Thursday, November wives of the preside nits of the e Isle take advantage of a day free the 15th century and castles, Teen-Agers Initi'Me and/or 1 eIg,gwhiite, unbeaten % cup boildng water 20. The Detroit Grand Opera United States. Th,is is a con- illips, from homework, even though to show the slides she had Sup p 0 r t Activities Which Association, The Detroit In- 3J4 cup sugar 1 can Angel Flake Coconut tinua1lion or[ a previous talk. Cardis will foHow the lunch- Young their per capita record entitl- taken of a number of 15th Create' Good Will and Hax- stitute of Arts Founders So- eon and. the chairmen are Mrs. recitlQl ed them to it. castles, among them Kenil- mony?" lI4elt marshmallows with water over .hot ~a1Jer. Combine egg ciety and city government of- DOUSE CAR FIRE Thomas Brian..and Mrs, Victor "The Council voted approv- worth, Sterling, Edinburgh, Dal1'CYChandler was on the whIte, sugar, cream of tartar, and va.l1lLla111 small deep bowl; ficials will sponsor the three- al of a recommendation that Corle, and Carlisle. general hospitality committee, mix well. Add boiling waJte!I'and beat with sturdy egg beater :Farms firemen put out a McAndrew, For reservations day festival May 21-23, this device not be repeated Jeanne WorIey had the inter- (or at hiJghspeed of electric beate!I') until mixture will stand in moOO:rfire in the car of John Call VA 2-7379, or VA 1-2183. Mayor Louis C. Miriani is '" * '" J. MUT])hy of 379 Hillcrest, on anothe.r year. This I feel is On Saturday, November 1, esting distinction of being one stiff peaks-:...... about4 minutes. Add melted marshmallows, and 'to be honorary chairman. a wise decision, and I hearti. of the students whose remarks, beat about 1 m['l1utelonger to blend. Makes a!bout 4 cups frost- Tuesday, November 4. The SAME PATTERN was "Play Day," as they call ing, or enough to cover tops and sides of two 8-inch layers, blaze originated when th~ car ly approve of your reaction it, for six girls' field ho~key being overheard by a Detroit Some men turn over a new Men who live on prorruises generously. Sprinkle top and sades of (~akewith flaked coconut. battery eJq)loded, drenching leaf and it looks just the same and the Cotu'1cil's recommend- teams. Host school was Grosse News repo,rter, were deemed have a slim chance of being the engine. on the other side. ation. We certainly should be Pointe University School, the worthy ()f iJnc1us,ion in his successful. able to give as generously place the playing fields in rather lengthy account of the without any artificial incen- Cook road, Participating, be- day-long sessions at the Rack- tive. It will be interesting to sides G.P.U.S., were the Grosse ham Building. in Detroit, see if we can." Pointe Convent of the Sacred which were attended by pub- BARNES SCHOOL these :families to Grosse Pointe lic, private, an.d parochial '" ...... Heart, L i g get t, Kingswood, We are. off to another fine generally, and to Bar n e s Youth Center The Monday evening par- Bloomfield Hills High School, school g,tudenrts of high school year at Barnes School. Regis- School specifically. ent-t e a c her meetings which and the Bloomiielci Hills Con- age from all over the metro- tration is presently 493 as To some veteran readers Second Floor began early in October have vent. The day is one on whkh poHtan area. com par e d with 466 when this may seem like a rather now been completed. Each all-star selections are made by Irving SmokIer was a host school closed last June. Those seasonal statement, but hon- s€lssion included two grades, judging the individual play in his discussion group. The figures do not tell the real estly, it's not-the boys' Safe- principal speaker at . the such as 7-8, then 9-10, and so of the various competitors, story, however. ty P CI. tr 0 1 Squad, and the on. Parents had a chan~e to who, on this occasion do not Iuncheon session was Dr. Rob- We have 110 children ir~ Girrls' Service Squad again talk i n form a 11y \vith the playas a team. That is, the ert Syme, R8Jbbi, Temple kindergarten this falI-a sharp have excellent leadership. Mr. t€'achers as well as to hear a forward line of Liggett may Israel, Detroit. OtlheTSamong ir~rease over last year, Kin- Bassett has Bruce .link as preteen prettiness_ the adult "resource people" general discussion (from the find iiself playing with a de- dergarten excepted, our new Captain, and Howard Jacob- our brocade fa-ille headmaster or one of the prin- fensive line from G.P.U.S. were Alfred A. May, Detroit registrations are mostly from sen and Rickey White as lieu- attorney and the vice-presi- cipals) of topic and difficul- against some of its own play- other schools in Grosse Pointe; tenants. on the former group. dress, s~ci<:ttly loved ties that particularly confront ers and girl;; from still other dent of the Detroit Round Detroit, St. Clair Shores, Har- Mrs. Goulding has, Robyn Table; Dr. Mel Ravitz, Detroit the grades irlvolved. schools. per Woods and Dearborn. We Ranney as Cap t a i n ()f the for those gay holiday City Plan Commission; Father have two out-of-state families, Servic,e Squad. Karen Thoma Edward Lovely, S.J., Univers- however, to whom we would and Marty Brown are her two ity of Detroit; Mrs. Sara Col- like to grant special recogni- lieutenants. The school also parties. fuH-s ki rted,' vin and Mrs. Gladys Canty, tion. The Tantlingers--Lrrom welcomes four n{'w, but ex- fitted ~'mberbond, both of the Detroit Round Mobile, Alabama, have Susan perienced, full-time teachers Our Table staff; Ben Nathanson,' in one of our Third Grades, in adclition to having the pop- separate jo

, , . gay and festive as the

;eason itself. flowers, flower

For over a hundred years women have known of the mar. trimmed satins, beaded trims, operties of Glycerine and Rosewater. unmatched for veIous Pr h k' U '1 velvets, white and pa'stel felts 'tg ft . g soothing and healing effects on t e s lO. ntl 1 so emn • . 'd N 'h h 't was available only as a hqUl ow.• roug recen tl y. 1 " . 'f ••• all in the most fashionable T 'tle Laboratories' exclUSIve process. you may enJoy} as a rl th pure white cream. delicately fragrant and e~sy to silhouhes. come early for the gift of a lifetime •••YRI-TAPER luggagei the smooth~ ::;:y. Because it contains no oils, it can be absorbed dIrectly into the skin. providing an excellent completely greaseless the best seleetions~ sleek design by American Tourister is a treasure for the powder base. .'~~perienced traveler, ideal for the graduate ... one -piece JAR ••• $1.25 HANDY TUBE••• 75c (PLUS TAX) fibreglass construction is lightweight, holds more ... silver o TRfTLE L.. eOR"TOR'C. dusk and ton for men. silver dusk, American blue, golden white for women. 18.95 to 49.95, plus federal tax.

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Page Twenty-two G R.0 SSE PO' N TEN E W S Thursday, November~20, 1958 Thur y-

B Society News Gathered from All of th.~~Pointes G.P.B. In ob giving Friday Book Review Winners Listed Mrs. Carr to Open Home Teens 8J Nursery School GPUS Operetta Suburbia Club Friday Meets November 21 I B B.d CI b Party Chicken T,etra,zzini Parents Gather _. Y Tl ge u. For Auxiliary'~ Drive Keeping Busy at Gross Tae Friday Book Review O'f _ Set. for Friday Althou The Wamen's Auxiliary of ious ser Parents of pupils enrolled Grosse Pointe M e m 0' I' i a I Grosse PO'inte M e m a I' i a I Church will meet fur "I'ea Fri- Bridge Club results have been The s'eventh and e i g h t h the Detroit Memoria[ Hospi~al, Suburbia Garden Club be- nO'minati .~ the Christ Church Cc-cp- ga-ades of Grosse PoinJte Uni- day, NO'vember 21 alt 1 p.m. anaunced. 1420 St. Antoine street, ex~ gan its November activities Dr. Ja erative Nursery School met versitySchool are eagerly ~ the Women's League O'f the November 10: Norih and tends. invitation to all wo- with the moIllthly meeting in erinten Wednesday evening at the awaiting the opening C1f theill" an guest sp ~hurch. South Jackie WiJcox and a'lm'Uial operetta an Friday, men of the Greater Detroit the Audubon road home of Nursecry School O'f Grasse FolIO' win g the tea, Mrs. Jean ' Franklin' Ethei Calf- Liz Le Ncvembe-r 21 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Bruce Grubbs. Craig Keith will give Devo- daze and Lou POTter. area w attend a Membership call to Pointe University School. Th.i5 yeall"'s operetta, entitl-. tiO'n.s. Dr. Alice Crathe:n, East and. West: V i v i a n Tea an Thursday, November FO'ur members of the club, I1B, th~ DirectO'r Jane BacO'n talked eel WIlle Singing Freshman," ASSIstant P~essor of. Engl.lsh Champion and Be,tJty Tuer 20 from 2 to 4 o'clock at the Mrs. John Galvin, Mrs. VictO'r 12B, th to' the group abcut science and stars WendeLl Goddard as the hame of Mrs. Franklin D. COOper, at. WaY"f}e State Unavers'l~y, tied with Emma HaTvey and singin.g freshman and Marg- Briederuback, Mrs. Robert Van- hcw it relates to' the small Wl.l1 revI~;V the ~obel "Pnze Edna Bruce. Carr,

1958 Thursday, November 20, 1958 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twe'nty-three Y.Teens Clubs Plan Assembly Local Educat,ors Take Part Academy Playhouse Coming to Pointe By Beverly Bay directiQn of Mr. John Finch. Neighborhood Club News The Academy Playhouse has Academy Playhoryuse, a seiIf- s G.P.H,S. Journalism Student Mr. Finch will also lead the In Cooperative Conference gone 'into final rehearsals for suppodilnlg orgaIllizati is tan t in embers You can be sure 1JhaJf: the t tificate from the Freedom Boys 13 and 14 years old from Grosse Charge of Instructional Mate- d Mrs. Foundation. man who.tries to convince you ted th& Pointe Park and City. rials Center. Miss Alexander thsat success is a matter of luck The leather - bound scroll Pointe Fanns and Woods. gave a demonstration in' a is

RUTH ROMAN The basic reason a person contributes ,usClibledisca,rds' to JEFFREY LYNN Goodwill Industries is to' give handicapped perso'ns an op- portunity for jobS and physical t!'aining and rehabilitation. There is a s~...ondary pur- pose. It is to offer high quality clothIng and other' merchan- London East /!A New' Play by WILLIAM alBSON dise to low inoome famiLies . 123 Kerchevar Grosse Pointe Farms at minimum cost. Directed by ARTHUR PENN Reservations TU 4.5015 ..,. OR ORDER I! MAIL, PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED Families whose children YOVtt nCKITS NOW IOX-offICI OptM ',IG.' P.M. wouid otherwise be wit9.out Serving adequate clothin.g or whose OPENING NIGHT NOV. 17 UNDER homes would atherwise be. AUSPICES JR. WOMAN'S SYMPHONY ASS1N. sparsely furnished are able to FOIl nCICITS, (ALL MRS. WILLIAM RESTRICIC-MI 4-3043 have these necessities without Wonderful Food asking fc>rcharity. WilE. OIOElt.' BY MAIL: stllt •• at. "Ite and ftlllkr !If "ebh. 'ake DII.ek ... At no time of the year is it ilion., erW JI)'aIII. t. SHUBERT THE4TEII. Ene/Of' "'f.addreutd .nnlllPt fll' SlIf~ Wines and Liquors ,.tlr. ff tlek.h. Stat, 1 alt.mat. d.I•. more important for Goodwill PIlltES: Soli. tlln TilIn.4.40, 3.15. ,.~. 2.7S; f,1. II' Sat. It 1:30. S.~ 4.40. stores to. have an adequate • •• AT MODERATE PRICES 3.20, 2.15. Mati... 10\'. 19. ~ 19. lit 2 11.11.'.85. '.30, 2.75. 2.20, Brunch sUIPply of children's and teen- •••••• & • • & • ~ Personally supervised and managed by I age clothing in its stores than and Transportation i BEG. DEC. 1 during the first weeks af AI Woolf of London Chop House 2 WHKS ONLY school. Assisted by Bob Heitzmann to and from Stadium An unusual rUsh this 'year on the eight Goodwill stores LUNCHEON DINNER has left the store racks de- I (Pork your cor af the Roosterta111 pleted.' ThiiS is due in a large measure to economic condi- tions. Contributions Me down, "A Grosse Pointe Tradition" Only 3.00 and because of high unemploy- ment, the demand for Good- BRUNCH from II:00 to 12:30 will clothing is great. In an appeal to. those who have fOor those' who don't Lave, Harald Reservations please - VA 3.2000 H. McKinnon, executive secre- tary of Detroit, said: "Help." Combines Fine Food With Fir_e Entertainment I ~------.-----_=_------4 Now- Playing - Last 4 Days "best steaks FEATUR~INIG HENNY YOUNGMAN Coming'Nov. 24th-GRETCHEN WYLER. in ,town" Harry Tqylor St.,r of Perry Como's Summer Replaoemeflt Show .. " DANCING Coming .5oon-Jo1'nn Miller; vocalist; Ford and Reynolds, comedy team ~IGHTLY Direct from the Gavalier Beach Hotel, Kohlef' ..Wiliiams Mighty Mites of Music Virginia Beach, Virginia {i~ * Dining ~nd Dancing NightlY, Including Sunday good fun Lunchton 11 a.m.-3 p.m. * Cocktails and Hors D'Oeuvres, 4 to " p.m. * Complete Luncheons tICKETS NOW ON SALI, lOX OfPlCl OPIM ,.10 '10 t P.M. Dinner f)tarting at 5 p.m. Ask about our Detroit Lions MAIL ORDERS ACCIPJlD ~If S~.ecjal Attention to 1ft oM .'IIW If tI.k. M..1lttIt If< Banquets and Parties Home Games Brunch 100 Marquette Drive ••. en the Waterfront .HEI OIIDEIlle .Y .ASIHLU:.'[tahRT:::;'y':'. h.l•• If-aMntIili ...,...,. tar .., .. 110m or'. J&)'a." t• . Mer. tf tlckeu. state 1 lItor .. t... t.. . Frt. aM W. It 8~. 5.40. 4.• ) Eddy Shepherd's 15301 E. JeHerson, at Beaconsfield PlICES: h •. tn T111f1.4.40. 3,85. '{O. 2.20; ~ 3-30 2.75. 2.20. ~j~~~~~~jNo Cover • No Minimum • Attendant Parking • Open 7 Days ". Week HM 3.1S. 2.75. Milt'...... 19, 22 D It ...... , Tlltittt &.114 s.ItNf"''' .... 1909 E: JeffetliQn at Von Dyke Member of Diners' Club VAlley 2..4118¥iItmmrUtml@#jjjillBl$n1t~\tlH¥M@l~tlMMMkWMili@¥lMl1m~~~~i!~

'. t • , ~ ,. .:.. ' , t ~ • r' ' ". ' '.. • r • ~ , ~. " ~ ~ ~'. J

t, r

Page Twenty-Four 'GR'OSSE'POINTE NEWS Thursday, Nove~ber 20, 1958 'Boat Cruising D Skippers Get Awards. at Dinner St. Paul Lakers Get Ready For Another Court Season Banter Coach EddiE' Lauer and his St. Paul athletes made like quick change artists when they switched from the Something new hdt the local gridiron to the hardwood court in a matter of days after yachting picture last SpIl'ing- the final football game. it WQS the new Cruisdng D Hardly taking time to re- Jam.. 23 St. Anthony Home YOUR A class. At the time, some laugh- call the Lakers' outstanding Jan. 27 St. Stanislaus Away ingly called it the cla5iS orf success on the gridiron, Coach Jan. 29 Servite Home by fRED RUnnElLS "have nois" and predicted it. Lauer had his cage team ha:,,'d Feb. 6 St. Ladislaus Home CLA~ l would skyrocket briefly and at work preparing for ilts first Feb. 8-10 Open for possible ------then d1sappealI'. Bu,t th.i!s was season in the Catholic League tie playoff. Charge A( not the case. It was the hig- East Side First Division which Feb. 15 First round City Cosh Ad~ ges,t class to sail in .1ocaJ De- will open December 4 against Playoffs. U of D. 5c eac, Blue Devil Baskethallers troit. River Yachting Associa- St. Stanlislaus. Feb.-8 Semifinals City Play- tion reg'attas aJl1.d waiSthe rea- The Lakers first taste of I offs. U. of D. Stal~tPI.actice Sessions' son every regatta thds past Class A competition was a Feb. 22 Finals City Playoff~ summer, set a new el1lt!ryrec- generous bite alIld a tasty one U. ()f D. TUX The Grosse Pointe Blue Devil basketball team ord. too. The St. Paul team chalk- Feb. 27 Parochial-Public 3 swung into practice in preparation for defense of its Sure, the yachts were of P.d up a third place finish with SchOOl City Cha,mpion- UN various shapes and sizes, but a 4-2-1 record. One of the ship, U. of D. CUNNINGf- Border Cities League championship which it shares with they aM fit lint<> the same f'ai1;- losses was a one point deficit Mar. 3 District Tournament 16941 Highland Park. ,------ing categolI'Yand the 22 skip- to St. Ambrose, 13-12, who Mar. 10 State Regionals. TU 5-9696 Leading the lively practice sitting on the sideline with a HARKNESS pers who made up the class tackled U of D in the s.emi- Mar. 10 State Tournament, 20313 Ma'. sessions are returning Ietter- broken wrist as a tenth grad- had a "ball" sailing under the final Ca:tho}ticLea g u e City East Lansing. . 'I'D 4-310 men Rem Purdy, Lars Ander- er, played ba~etball all sum- Performance Handicap system. Football Playoffs. An home games to be played KINSElS son, Larry Bruzzese and Bob mEr long and has convinced This system pr'oduced nine The other, came EiaTlyin the at Grosse Pointe High. 17051 Kel Hunt. Coach MacAdam he needs him different winners in 10 T'e- camp'aign before the Lakers Reserve games start aJt 6:45 TU 5-482/ Seeking the fifth starter, on the 1958-59Devil squad. gattas and it wasn't uool the gOottheir feet on the ground. p.m. Varsity games at 8:15 Coach Howard MacAdam is Meet Pontiac Dec. 9 last race thart the seaSion Following those first two los- p.m. NEWS taking a close look at Jerry After tackling Dearborn in champion could be n.amed, it ses and a tie the Lakers swept DOWt-:TO'v\ Gerich, a transfer student, Ron the opener, the Pointers will was thai olose. -Picture by Fred Runnells through the balance of t.lh.e Grand Cin Majestic EI Schram of last year's reserve tackle another non-1eague op- AalTon Evans' Oxford 400 The happy winners of the newly to right: BOB DODD, BYC, second; oampaign unbeaten and cli- Little Football E. JEFFERS< team and Ted Stanley. who is ponent when they entertain sloop "A1ad'yV" Wa'S decleared formed Cruising D class pose with FRANK TAYLOR, CSYC, fourth; maxed the season with a re- the tallest player at six feet the new Pontiac Northern their trophies which they receivw at sounding non-league victory Alden Pari the winl11er which gave the AA R ON E V AN S, GPYC, Season Banquet Planned Camerons four inches, school on December 9, Grosse PoiI1ltJeYaoht Club a the first annual Class "D" Winners Champion; H A R 0 L D DUSHANE, oVer second place St. Cath- & Jeff. These three boys will hold Only two league games will season champion fur the first dinner held at Bayview Yacht Club, erine. Park Drug: DBC, third and PAUL GOETCHEUS, Coach Is SiIent PlayeTS frIOm the teams in the key to the Devils' starting be played. before the Christ- time in nlO'T'e years thBin we Saturday, November 15. Shown left CSYC, fifth. GROSSE PO,; lineup and if anyone of the mas holidays. Fordson will en- care to remember. Bob Dodd's Coach Lauer was non-com- the Grosse Poin!te LitHe Foot ... Miller Ph: miJtal as to the Lakers' cihances ball, In.c" wiJ1l receive theilr Kerchev, trio shows he can handle the tertain the Devils on Decem- "WinJassie" of Bayvi>ew Y.acht Sullivan FI center p G sit ion then Rem bel' 12 and non-Leag:le Mount Club was seCOl1!d;Ha'Vold Du- GPUS Knights in the 1958-59 baskmball race, awards at the annual Awards and Ker(~ Purdy will be moved to for- Clei.!ens will play host to the shane's "Belilatrix" of the De- GPHS Winter Sp10rtsSchedules but was quick to point out that Banquet to be held at the As- Wesson Dr'. ward, which will give the Devils on December 16 before troit Boat Club was third; Win Final Tilt he has veterans Dave Ayrault, sumption Commt.Urity Center GROSSE POI Poi n tel'S add e d scoring the Pointers entertain the Frank Taylor's "Mitzi" and Joe Lauer and Tommy Kolo- on Th~ay, November 20 aft Knopp's P: strength and height under the Monroe Trojans on Decem- BASKETBALL jeski returning from last 6:30 p.m. and Kerr- Paul Goecheus' "Gracie" was CunninghaJ boards .. Of those seven boys bel' 19. :r~urlJh aJl1.d fifth, respeCltively, The Grosse Po,inte Univer- Dearborn Home D~embei' 5 year's team which captured Each boy who pllayed on one and Kerc, aU are seniors except Schram How the rest of the league f'DlI'Crescernrt:SaH Yacht Club. sity School Knights closed out ~ontiac Northern Home December 9 the East Side Second Division of the various teamS win re- Notre Dar: title, lost to Au s tin in the ceive his letter for achieve- and Kere who is a junior. stacks up at this time is a big These skippers were hOl1JOl'edtheir se2son lBiSt Friday by Kinsel Dru: Fordson Away December 12 Catholic League City finaJs mem amd a squad picture as Meet Dearborn First question mark. Highland Park at the D Class winners din.- running over the H a r per cheval Mt. Clemens Away December 16 and dropped a cl~.,e decision a memento of the successful Although Coach MacAdam is sure to once again be strong nelf lJast Sa,tUlfdpy, November Woods Pioneers, 41-13. GROSSE POI Monroe Home December 19 to Richmond in the .3€1111i-nnals1958 season. feels this group will get the and F?rdson should be a dark 15, art;Bayview al11dbeautiful For b a ve Templeton, 11he Trail Phar VVyandotte Alway January 9 of the Regional townament to J'Ohn.Nagely, president, will the Hill call in the opening non-league horse m the race. keeper trophies woce carTied Knfight.s' senior left halfback, post a creditable 17-2 record. preside amd direct the awards Farms Drt game against Dearborn on Fri- Coach MacAdam had hoped off by the winners. Evans the game was not only his Ferndale .Home January 13 Kercheva. Baclting up his program.. O~her office:rs. of day, December 5, at Grosse to. have a Juni?r Varsity team captured the Cruising D sea- Last for G.P.U.S. but also his Highland Park Home ,Schettlers I lettermen are Tim Hutton, Jon the organizaltlOll1are:-Wllham Maumee Pointe's beautiful gymnasium, thIS year. ThIS team would 'son championshdp perpetual best. Going into the Harper Royal Oak Away January 23 Kinsel Dru JaTIltz, Bob Big h a In, Miles L, Brown, vice prresident; he still is looking for strength have been made up of eleven~h trophy which was artfully de- Woods game, Templeton had Port Huron Away January 27 I Rd, Dean and Ray Martin. All are James Marquardt, secretary; Woods Dru for his bench crew which will grade reserve players who dId signed and constrtwted by Bob scored three touchdowns in the Fordson Home January 30 seniors except Big ham and ArthtiJr P. Bartholomew, trea~ Bournemc be made UT) of Tom Andris, not make the varsity grade Dodd. first six games of the season. 1VIonroe Away February 6 Jim Howaid, Al Lang, Bill this s~ason but wh?,. with ~ore Martin who are juniors. urer; Dr. E. Bert McCaUu~ GROSSE POI The oth€lf Cruising elas6es He got three more Friday Wya..'1dotte Home February 13 Ayrault and J are lialtelf with the final season Pingel threw his see 0 n d Fordson Away January 30 sitiorlls on last year's Catho- Wlth lads from other suburb- Bob Hunt may be a doubtful ava.Ilable and all that IS need- SJtianddngs. touchdown pass to fullback Monroe Home February 6 lie AU City team. an areas. lA-PERSl starter in the first four games ed IS a coach, for the JV te~m So, here's hats off to a Glynn .Conl1ey.Conley ~aught Wyandotte Away February 13 Opponents Are Mystery ------as he fractured his wrist and then why can t the Blue DeVIls NEED a ba bunch of guys who sall the the safety valv~ p~s In the Birmingham Away Being new in the East Side February 17 nursemaic currently is wearing a cast have a JV team THIS YEAR. "Have Nois" and have proved left flat and ?arried lt 32 yards Highland Park FilTstDivision this year Coach Hugh Wichert during practice. But despite It would be better to have too Home February 20 hour. day that sa,ili~ .can be fun as well ;to the goal line. Royal Oak Away February 27 Lauer is handicapp€'d by not this handicap Bob has been much talent to draw from next as CQllllpeiitlve. Halfback John Webster, an-. St t M t knowing what the other teams Talks to Rotarv ity help, East Lansing March 13-14 .,; showing up well and if a suit- year rather than be forced. to '" • • other senior, had just about a e ee in the league have returning. tel'S Club. able replacement cannot be struggle through a. sea:5~>nw~th Bayview Yacht Club will! given UJP hope of scoring a TD ----_.~------However, he does know that At its regular M on day found by the time of the sea. the best of a poSSIble mfenor hold its annual Winners' Din- far G.P.U.S. During his ca- IS THERE St. Florian, last year's champ- luncheon meeting recently son opener he will play. crop of r.eserves. . ner at the club, SatulI'day, ree[' with the Knights, Web- Big Goodfe~lows Game Nov. 21 who wou ion, has its entire team return- Grosse Pointe Rotary Club had big !:?roth Tom Andris will be playing N:ow IS. th~ bme .to act. November 29. At that time ster had carried the bail over ing and should be j)e-gged as varsity for the first time this ~ros~e Pomte s athletIc p.res- "BIG" iJs the .WOIXi that de- I of 1JhisBIG game alIld the BIG as guest speaker, Hugh Wich- fine 12-y~ the membeTs1h:ip wi!H honor' many yard lines, but the goal the preseason f a v 0 r it e. St. ert, who chose as his subject edo 1-33U year. In previous years Tom tIge IS too ~e~t to let..a lIttle those sk1ppers who brought liIne just didn't hc;,ppen to be SC'l'ilbesthe 1958 Old' Newsboys caUJSlewhose goal is "No Kid- Stanislaus and St. Ladislaus was forced to the sidelines due matter of fll;dmg. a J V ~.oa~h die Without A Chiristmas," aU "Rotary Influential and Its honor to the club through one of them. He gQt his score GoodfelWows Charnpi '0 Th S' hip are figured to be the strongest DRIVING I to broken bones, He first came for THIS YEAR JeopardIze It. llli:dia in Greater Detroit, iIn- Effects on Shaping Ca're€TSfor s a i Ii n g championships won Friday w hen he c r a c ked FoortOO1lGame to be pJ.ayed challengers. Men," Driving S into prominence last spr:ng ~f it is red tape that is dGny- cloud.i.'IlJg ruewspapers, r a d i 0, during th~ 1958 season. through the Harpel!' Woods The Lakers wi! determine lice instn when he set the Grosse Point.e mg the eleventh grade players art B!riJg.g's S1Jadium Friday, tclevi'8'~OOl, bill b '0 a r d s and Mr. Wichert is a nationallv Highlighting the event will line for' four yards al11dhis their chances early when they up. LAke' school record in tht shot put from having a JV team-then November 21, alt 8 p.m. buses are again geriwom;:ly known management, sales and be the Preview shoW'ing of loog-awaiied six points. tackle St. Stanislaus in the exoecutive counsel with Gen- event as a member of the cut it and let's. get on with the The BIG game ma.tcnes the corutr~butiJngspace and time to TYPING a the 19-58 Bayview-Mackinac Pingel added five poinlts by first game of the season on eral Mot 0 r s, He was the Devil track team. job at hand,...... a~dthat is to f~lm am presented by the race kiclcirngfive of s.ix conversions. wiumers of the City's Mebro- its promotion. December 4 w hi c h will be work don This fall Tom was outstand- keep Grosse Pomte teams on youngest international presi- II commrittee. The I fi'lm was The follow i n g seniors Dhrualh &hore agaU,iIl con- played at Grosse Pointe High promptly politaJn League wirtJh t'he win- dent in the 30-year history of \ ing as a fullback on the Devils' the winning side of the ledger. under the direction of NolI'IT1anplayed their last game for where all Laker home games TUxedo 4 ners of the Parochial League wiJbutJesto the support of thri.s the National Office Manage- football team in early games Werthmann and takes the G. P. U. S.: Gordon O'Brien, will be played this year. BIG glame with her special ment Ass'n, at the time of his NURSE W: but suffered a head injury m WSU ENROLLMENT viewer from eaflly spring (end); Billy Walker, (tackle); fur the BIG Ci:ty title. Coach Lauer. will get his recordlliI1!g of tJhe Good!fellows eLection to that office in 1949. lady plea the Royal Oak game and was EI1JTollmentat Wayne State when the winter covers are Paul Sparre, Andy Court, "'I'he Goodtiello~ Game has fiD..streal look at his team in F>ootbaH Song written amd He was subsequently given care. No out of action until the final Univer&ity totaled 20,430 this being removed from the ya<:hts Pet e Kross, Bob Dumke, competition w hen it meets, i,narease

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958 Thursday, November 20, 1958 G R 0 S S'E POll N TEN E W S Page Twenty~fiv. Iv eI 11 made m the after

Home YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED Three Trunk' Lines To'Serve You Quickly Three Trunk Lines To Serve You 9Uickly Away CALL TUxede....2~6900 DEADLINE 4 P.M. TUESDAY Home 3-LOST AND FOUND Home SA-SITUATIONS WANTED 6-FOR RENT- 6-FOR REttIT- 7~WANTED TO RENT ~ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED RATES . DOMESTIC 'ssible LOST: Girl's pink wallet, e Unfurnished) (Unfurnished) Charge Ads-IS words tor $1.00 GENTDEMAN desires room in 'T'WO-PIECE living room set, BLONDE dining room furni- Punch and Judy thecl,ter. Re- WOMAN (white) wishes WILLIAM:5BURG apartments, 22154 MOROSS - Duplex. At- pleasant, quiet home, prefer- French, maroon velvet, $85. ture; table, 6 chairs, buffet. .y Cosh Ads-IS words for 90c ward. TUxedo 5-0597; washing .and ironing to do 2 bedroom, all modern con- 1n'1active,5 rooms and bath, aMy Grosse Pointe Farms. PRescott 1-758~'. service table. TUxedo 4-0301. Sc each additional word in own home. Will pick up veniences, gas radiant heat. WOodward 2~4255, ext. 11, FOUND: Silver coin bracelet, (~l'Peting, disposal, gas heat, Play- and deliver. LAkeview. 1- 4837 Cadieux. TUxedo 5-2689 ~rOodlocaltilQn.Excellent cOn- until 5 p.m. LIONEL TRAIN set and board. 2x4's, 1x4's, 1x12's. Like new, left by "trick 0iI' treat" Call 2754. dition. DRexel, 1-4224., ' Girl's 26-inch hike; both like half price. Laundry tub, $5. layoff, TUXEDO 2-6900 youngster. TUxedo 1-5878. 5 ROOM duplex. New jalouise B--ARTICLES FOR SALE new. TUxedo 5-7967. VAlley 2-4626. EXPERIENCED 'colored girl porch; Fireplace. 882 Neff, 3':BEDROOM dup]iex, Alter 3 Trunk Lines 4-HELP WANTED AUTO DRIVER8-0nly $9.16 c desires days, general clean- Grosse Pointe City. TUxedo . Hoad, '$115.00. TTT2.0028.. MET AM 0 R A countryside. G. E. MAN has a one-year-old q u. art e r 1y buys $10,000- mpion- LINER STATIONS MALE and FEMALE illg and laundry. Grosse 5-7429. Modern farm home for small $579 ,refrigerator and $429 GROSSE POINTE PARK, 934- $20,000 BOdily Injuty and family. AutomaJti'C heat. $65 CUNNINGHAM DRUGS Poin te refelrences. Lorain 30" deluxe range in soft yel- ament 16941 Kercheval at Notre Dame 956 TROMBLEY-3. bedroom 936 Nottingham --- Close .to $5,000 Property Damage li- monthly. Baxn if desired. low. lAke new, both for $500. TU 5-9698 5 MEN to train for key 7-4878. ~. lower flat, 2 full baths, schools and transportation. ability. ;TV 1-2376, Owner, LIncoln 1-5060. PRescott 8-0854. positions in m\.llti-million dol- screened porch, 2 car garage. eni, HARKN~S PHARMACY BABY SITTING:, home nurs- Newly decorated, ,$85 and 20313 Mack Ave at Lochmoo. lar national concern. Earnings VAlley 4-8529. APARTMENT size gas stove, CANADIAN wild mink stroll- 4x6' DRAWING BOARD 'ad.. '11) 4-3100 ing by reliable middle-aged $:75.VAlley 1-1260. $500 to $1,200 per month. Earn $35. Apartment sdze electric er, size 16. Price jus tab Ie stand. Di~tz~n, !:>layed KINSELS white lady. References. VA while you Ieran. Leads to life GROSSE POINTE, 416 Ca- GROSSE POINTE WOODS- refri'gerartor, $75. Tuxedo $1,000. Excellent condition. straight edge, $25. TUxedo 17051 KercheVal at St Clair 2-1946. TU S-4827 time career with high income ,dieux, 3 bedroom lower, gas, . ]'ive-room upper, jalousie 2-7127. TUxedo 4.5798. CaH Satur- 4-6435. fIt 6:43 and complete security. disposal, $175, carpeted; $150 porch, gas, garage, adults, days and Sundays. L 8:lS LADY WANTS Vv'"ashingand 2. GARAGE Tilt-A-Doors, $25. BOY'S FINE quality winter NEWS SALES STATIONS B. Von Albrecht without. Inquire 414 Ca- $100. TUxedo 4-1986, ironing at home. 4352 Mary., Good oondition. Tu. 2-4805. TELEVISION, carpet sweeper, coat set, size 7. New oost, DOW~TOWN AREA TUxedo 2-6167 dieux. la'nd. TUxedo 5-5226. G :R A Y TON, 1 4 3 5-Grosse 2 l'amps, :nove, 2 kitchen $35, sell $15. TUxedo 4-4655. Grand Circus Park news Stand TERRACE, Rivard and Mau- Majestic Bld~, Npws Stand Pointe home, 6 r,ooms, stove, MEN'S dlress clothes, spats, chairs. Good. WAlnut 4- EXPERIENCED GeTman mid- mee. 7 rooms, 2 baths, ga- T1efrigerator, gas, redecorat- . like new. Sofa, china, glass, 4842. 70,YA~DS green twist caI1>et- I E. JEFFERSON TO CITY LIMITS MAKE MONEY AT HOME dle-aged lady wants 3 d.ays rage, newly decorated. No ed, garage, $165. TU. 4-5127. bric-a-brac, upholstery and mg In good condition, $60. Alden Park Manor housekeepin.g job. ,Prescott pets. Call Monday through --'------.---- silk pieces. Valley 1-9843. BEA UTIFUL original oil TUxedo 5-8270. ned Camerons Gift Shop. Wayburn Work full time or part GROSSE POINTE, 2032 Ver- _. & Jeff. time supervising boy sales. 8-7965. Friday, 9 to 5 p.m. LA. paintings by Gates. Special Park Drugs. City Limits 6-2390. At other times, PRo nier-Nearly new two-bed- TROPICAL FISH equipment, 3 pr1ces. WAlnut 4-5478. FIREPLACE WOOD. Choice men In your nei'ghbor- ms in EXPERIENCED white woman 1-4144. ' room. Gas AC heat, base- tanks and various acces- har.dwoods, $17.50 per cord, GROSSE POINTE PARK hood. No selling or tele- Foot- Miller Pharmacy. Wayburn and wants Mon.. Tue., Wed., ment lav., garage, near sories. TUxedo 5-5140, eve- ONE CARAT perfect blue- delIvered. LAkeview 7-3419. their Kercheval phon~ canvasing. Ear n PHILIP neal Jefferson. Cheer- white, emerald cut diamond, Thurs. and. Sat., day work. sehools and shopping. Call nings or Sunday a..'*'ternoon. CLOTHING, misses' sizes 12-. warM Sullivan Pharmacy. Beaconsfield $50 to $100 per week. VA 4-1957, ful upper; fireplace, gas TUxedo 5-8560 for appoint- platinum mounting, 2 ba- and Kercheval Phone for interview. LEAVING STATE. 'Everything 14. New gray. coat, size 14. he As- Wesson Drugs. on Charlevoix Av, heatl den, sunroom, 2 bed- ment. queJttes. Value $1,100; sell for roo m s , $90. EDgewater goes., China, sliverware, lin- All in excellent condition Center GROSSE POINTE CITY NEAT experienced c 0 10 I' e d $700. May be appratised. 20 at TUXEDO 5-6560 lady desires day work. Mon.. 1-2101. ens, curtains, rugs, 1almps, and reasonable, TUxedo 4- Knopp's Pharmacy. Notre DaJTIe 710 ALTER RD. 720 TUxedo 5-6488. 2357. and Kercheval day, Tuesday and Friday, furniture including contour GROSSE POINTE PARK - South of E. Jefferson on one Cunninghams Drugs. Notre Dame BEAUTY COUNSELORS Grosse Poi n t e reference. chak, manltel clock. Comer, BOY'S camel hair e<>aJt, size and Kercheval Somerset near Oharlevoix. Modern to the minute. New HONEY -COLORED 3,4 leI'...gth re- Offers repeatin,; income EDgewater 1-1905. cocktail and coffee tables. 14.-16, like new. VAlley 2- n Notre Dame Pharmacy. Notre Attl'lactive upper duplex, 3 brick 5 rm. each. VA 2-6611. muskrat coat, size 12. Very hieve- and Kercheval for women over 20. Flex- Chest, Norge gas S!bove, 3795. Kinsel Drugs. St. Clair and Ker- bedrooms, newly decorated, good condition, $75. TUxedo ure as cheval ible hours, no canvassings .. GERMAN woman would like C~ley Sh~lvador automatic THIRTY DOLLAR hot rod 4-6784. ceGsful Opportunity ~or advance- I ig h t housework and/or natul'lal fireplace, gas heat, NEFF ROAD-'l'wo bedroom GROSSE POINTE FARMS garage, privartJe basement, reirigerator, davenport bed, h f $10 TU .~.:J,~ ment. Call for appoint- baby sitting. PRescott 5- upper. Screened porch, fire- H S ll'+~ pUSI car or . x~ BELL & HOWELL 500 watt Trail Pharmac)'. Kercheval on with lavatory. Adults. VA .oover ~um. . ma 1l.~m~, 4-5605' t. win ment, 9-11 a.m., or after 6 6613. place, newly de cor ate d. gIfts. MIrrors, Cory electrIC . the Hill 4-0174. 35mm. projector with single wards Farms Drugs. Fisher Rd. and p.m. Adults. TUxedo 1-9412. knife sharpener, Toostmas- NEW navy cashmerr-e overcoat, slide editor. TUxedo 5-2772. Kercheval EXPERIENCED llady desires rs of ter, clock radios, electric $50 Car coat; suits, $5. 36;.38, Sehettlers Drugs, Fisher Rd. and TUXEDO 2-7942 day work or steady work. GROSSE POINTE GARDENS GROSSE POINTE and vicini- illiam :"'Iaumee Nr, Hudson's E as t I and, blankets, cooking utensils in- Shoes 8%B. Boy's leailher OLD MAHOGANY spinet desk Kinsel Drugs. Mack and 7-Mlle VA. 2-7152. ty, 2 and 3-bedroom uppers original finish. Twin metal 'dent; Rd 4A-HE!.P WANTED Kingsville, 21401-Extreme- eluding pressure cooker. jackets, clothing, 6-12. Mou- and lowers, $85 to $200 per beds. Antique wailnut rocker. etary; Woods Drugs Center, Mack and EXPERIENCED woman for ly attractive la.rge 1 and 2 921 NottiIllgham, ED 1-0466 ton coat, 12. Baby buggy, Bournemouth (7 Mile Rd.) DOMESTIC month. Call treas- bec1room apts. with full size small crib, miscellaneous Mahogany desk chair. Wom- day work; will stay some CHAMPION, TUxedo 4-5700 TRAIN set, American Flyer all:un~ GROSSE POrNTE WOODS RELIABLE Housekeeper and din. rm. and sep. kitchen; i-rems. TUxedo 4-2852. an's size 8 figure skates. nights. Grosse Pointe refer- freight, smoke puffing en- Wanted: Anrtique pistol. TU Auch, Grosse Pointe Pharmacy. Mack cook. Two adults. S t i:l Y ences. VA. 1-2506. 1ge. closets, cross venti1ati9n, GROSSE POI N T E FARMS, ay and Huntington gin~. gar graves wack, aill TURN that Christmas Wain in- 1-5605. F. Harkness Pharmac)'. Mack and nights parrt-time. ExcelleD" free parking, new decora- 159 Muir Road-Small du- tors is accessories. In perrect c<>n- to a hobby by having it Lochmoor references. Reply to Box T25 RELIABLE woman wishes day tions, ad u 1t s. Mgr., :M::r. plex, 1 bedroom, suitable for HALICRAFTER S20R receivetl" Auch. Howard Johnsons. Mack and 8- clition. PR 1-0333. mounted on a table. All Mile GroS.\>ePte. News, work cleaning anti ironing, Koles, TUxedo 4-1641. 1 blk. couple. No children. TEmple and "Q'" multiplier, $50. 15 'chard References. TYler 4-5579. makes of trains repaired, in Goronflo. Mack and Anita E. of 7 Mi. Rd. (Moross) 3 2-6447. ANTIQUES, French tables, meter aerilal, $10. EX1bra Arnolds Drug. Mack anti Haw- BABY SITTER, experienced your home Or at shop. Free ow~ blks. S. of Ha~r. chairs, commodes, curio cab- thorne Own transportation. For oc COLORED LADY exoerienced BEACONSFIELD - UPPeT 4 pick-up and delivery. large roll to!) desk, $15. Metal Cxeir- Bob's Drugs. Mack anti Roslyn inet. Chinese teakwoods, typewriter table, $2. TUx- Jame~ casional days and evenings in cooking, servin-g, clean- AL TER and East Jefferson. rooms and bath, 1 bedroom THE TRAIN MAN DETROIT AREA what-nots, lamps, vases, fig- edo 4-4Q69. allum, Vicinity Ferry school. TUx ing. Lakeshore references. Spacious 5 room aparr'tment, .heated. TUxedo 2-773l. TUxedo 5-4753 Briggs Drug Store, Mack and TUlsa 3-1659. urines, cut glass, haald-lpaintt- ldani, edo 1-6804. 2 bed 1" 0 0 m S, decorated, Touraine ed china, Dresden, Limoges, 2 TRAINS - 1 Lionel Santa JUNIOR sized mahogany Dun- cseph Rands Medical Service Pharmacy, GROSSE POINTE Pa'rk - 2 WANTED - White lady to A-I LAUNDRESS, specialty adults. VA 2-6611- crystal, silver. Many others. can Phyfe dining room table, son Mack and Moran bedroom lower L'1me,gas Fe .deisel, 1 Lionel Lines, 2 Blue Cross Drugs, Ma~k and Neff dean house 3 hours daily, 4 shirts. Days-6 hours, $6.50. TUxedo 5-9316, 7763 Mack transformers, s~ritch engine, china cabinet and four chaars. Blue Eill Pharmacy. Mack and GROSSE PTE. PARK-Pleas- heat, $75. Wanted: baby days a week Tuxedo 2-0263 Prefer Grosse Pointe. Excel- aJt Seyburn. 4 operating pi~, 4 operat- Excellent buy, $35. TUxedo Blue Hill ant 6-room upper, Clean, buggy. TUxedo 5-0970. 1-0722. Devonshire Drugs, hi:ack and lent references. Call Edna, cozy and convenient. BaT- ing switches, 100 pieces of Devonshire GENERAL housewock, PMt ED. 1~9530. BEACONSFIELD (neaJr'Jefff'!r- HUDSON spinet pilano, four L & L Pharmacy. Mack and Bea- gain. VA. 2-1756. son) - Upper 5 rooms and yeatrs old, very good oondi- curved and straight track, GARDEN TOOLS, some fur- consfield time or full. Live-in. TUxedo other acoessori~;, $150 com- bath. Gas heat, separate n!i:ture. Odds and ends. Mov- Colony Sweet Shop, 15791 Mack 1-6763'. EXPERIENCED colored girl ton. TU 1-2223. plete. All inexce1lent condi- wishes day work. Grosse HARCOURT, 744. Fine 2 bed- basements. Adults only, no ing. TUxedo 5-3800. ST, CLAIR SHORES room upper. Gas heat, sum- tion. TUxedn 1-5868. WANTED-A responsible, ex- Pointe references. TO 5-9639. pets. $75 month, plus utili- SUNSTRAND gun-type oil Arnold Drugs. "",rarter Rd. and mer porch, garage. TUxedo burner,' with controls. TUx- Jefferson perienced woman who is an ties. Call Cha-lmers, TU FIREPLACE WOOD for sale, NURSE, fully qualified, excel- 4-0960, TUxedo 2-4044. edo efficient house cleaner and 4-4040, 5-8057. any size, any amOlli'1t. Rea- DOLL CLOTHES lent references. Any case or 1A-PERSONALS who likes children. Must be sonable. TUxedo 1-5110. " will baby sit. Very reason- BOULEV ARD-East Grand. At- FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT - Washa:ble; Revlon, Temple and able to prepare simple meals tractive. deluxe, 2 room 6A-FOR RENT~URNISHED NRED a baby sitter? Reliable able. Call A.M. if possible. Screens, all types, grates, other popum dolls UJp to 12 on occasion, wash and iron, apartment with stove, re- OVER THE RIVER TUxedo 5-7011. FLAT for rent, furnished or andirons, tools. See display in. M. Hargis, TU 4-7594. nursemaids a v ail a b 1e by speak English. Days, but may frigerator, carpeted halls, AND BY THE WOODS- hour, day or week. Matern- unfurnished, or sell furni- at SMITH - MATTHEWS, consider live-in (room with WHITE WOffi..til1desires clean- elevator, gas an~ heat, all If you W!alrut to eat a fine 00U!Il- ity help available. The Sit- ture. Tuxedo 2-3112. 6640 Charlevoix Ave. WA private bath) for person ing job Monday, Tuesday or induded. Excellent trans- try style Tnanksgiving clmner TURKEYS ters Club, PRescott 7-0377. 2-7155. with exceptional qualifica- Thursqay. TUxedo 5-0031. portation. Convenient to St. GROSSE POINTE FARMS. at Gr.aru:1lmo1JhotI"S house, call Finest availiable. Fresh-dressed tions. Physician's fa mil y, Holiday Ranch, one mile west direct from farm. Earl Karr IS THERE a man or couple Anthony's. Your inspection Living rOOm, bath, and bed- TRADE-IN sofas and chairs. Grosse Pointe. State age, WOULD like to help you do invited. $60. WAlnut 1-1862, room apartment furnished. All in nice condition. Re~- of Mt. CLemens, for .reserva- Saline Valley Farms, Saline.- who would like to take a background, work experi- your holiday cleaning Ex- or WAlnut 1-4311. KiJ«:hen privileges if desired. sonably priced. Van Uphol- tions, HOwaJrd 8-5674. All you Michigan. Phor>ieHAzel 9-9273. big brother interest in my en~e for past five years, ref- can eart:, famiJy style, $2.50 per perienced woman. Please call Beach. TUxedo 4-3522. stering Co., 13230 Harper. fine son? TUx- erences, and salary expected UPPER 6 room flat, Grosse chaiJr, childTen $1. LADY'S b row n gabardine after 9 p,m. and after 10 a.m. Open 9 'til 9. edo 1-3319, after 6. Write to Box V-6, Grosse Mrs. Helen Ward, WOod- Poir.te vicinity, 3428 Haver- GARAGE apartment. Jefferson coat, zip-lined. Green, gray hill. Adults only. Gas heat. 5 MAHOGANY ladder back suits. Dresses, size 14. Ex- DRIVING LESSONS. Mitchell Pointe News. war a 5-5483. avenue, near the lake. 3 bed- $80 per month. TUxedo DO .IT YOURSELF dining room chairs. Excel- cellent condition. TUxedo 5- Driving School. Former po- rooms, $175. COOKING and general house- EXPERIENCED lady wishes 2-3165. • CABINETS lent condition, $60. TUxedo 2272, . lice instructor. Home pick- ANN BEDFORD GOODMAN 1-0801. work; live in; private room general cleaning or ironing. NEFF ROAD - Roomy upper • FORMICA up. LAkeview 6-6960. TU 5-6063 LO 7-4706 GRINNELL cornet, good con- and bath; three adults, two $8 and carfare. LO 7-6645. duplex in excellent condition • PLYWOOD children; $50 per week. TU JOHN S. GOODMAN ditino, $60.00. Call after 3:30 TYPING and other clerical and almost new wall-to-wall • PANELING 2-2797. WOMAN des,ires baby sitting THREE ROOM upper income, • DOORS GOLF EQU!PMENT p.m, TUxedo 2-4056. work done from my home, by day; also light housework. caTpeting throughout. 3 twin- including utilities; new 1y promptly and efficiently. size bedrooms, 2 baths. Li- • DRAWERS New and used ORIENTAL rugs in various. 5-SITUATION WANTED Reli'8lble and dependable. decorated. 9312 Hayes. TUx- TUxedo 4-7443. CLEARANCE References, PR 8-8427. brary,' breaktalSlt room, gas edo 1-3669. 22500. MACK sizes. Lamps, 4 ladder back SECRETARIAL SERVICE PR 5-0470 all new 1958 Pro chairs, 4 chrome bar stools. NURSE WILL give elderly heat, aluminum s10rms and Models-Hagen, TU 5-4415. lady pleasant home, good also EXPERIENCED woman wants screens. Adults 0I1Jy, no pets 6B-ROOMS FOR RENT 8 hours Tuesday and Thurs- $275 month, unfurnished CHINA, furniture, rugs, an- Wilson, Spalding, MacGregor care. No bed patient. Call SLEEPING ROOM and kitch- Addressing and Mailing day cleaning, ironing or Call Hugh ChallmeI"s,TUxedo tiques, miscellaneous, bought CADDY CARTS AND BAGS SECOND-HAND ski clothing between 2-4 p.m., or 7-8 p.m. en in a private home-. Newly Service COOKing;2 half days, 2 p.m,- 4-4040. and sold. Majestic Furniture, Use Xmas layaway. and equipment. Head skis, TUxedo 2-9422. decornted, good transpor1Ja- 10227 Woodward, TOwnsend also Bogners. TUxedo 1-3222, ROSEMARY GJ'_NT TU 2-2867 6:30 p.m. Monday and Wed~ tinn, garage. BedfOird and EDGAR "BUTCH" BRANDAU neSl8y evendngs, References. WAYBURN - Upper 5 rooms , 6-2500. 2A-MUSICAL . COUPLE desire work together gal$ heat, good, transporta- Mack. TUxedo 2-5439. 1325 Cadillac Blvd. BLACK DIAMOND mink coat, TR 5-0667. LAMPS, Shades, Chandeliers, full length, sacrifice $2,000. INSTRUCTION or single. VA 3-0908. tion, park privileges. Adults ANTIQUE sofas and beds, GROSSE POINTE Woods on Fixtures. Lamp parts, custom UN 1-3532. EXPERIENCED housekeeper VAlley 4-7016. drop leaf table, chairs, oil PRIVATE piano lessons given TYPING done from my home. bus line. Lovely living room shades, lamp mounting, re- wi1:Jh references (GeTman) paintings, Indian rugs, mis- in your home to beginners Form letters, c'8iTds, enve 346 MORAN-White brick col- bedroom for employed 2 CUSTOM made matching, wishes position in family of pairing. Rest selection of lamps cellaneous. Also girl's clothes and advanced s t u den t s. lopes, etc. VEnice 9-2247 onial, 3 bedrooms, carpeil;ing, woman. Kitchen and laun- and shades in town. fireside chairs. Lounge chair adults. Reply Box W-50, dry privileges. Call Sunday. -coats, sweaters, skirts, 12- and ottoman. All excellent TUxedo 5-6215. 10817 Nottingham. recreation room, stove and Lamps by Martin Grosse Poinrte News. TUxedo 4-1617. 14, 1270 N. Oxford (rear). condition. Evenings ..TUxedo refrlgerato'l'. WH 5-1459. 14637- 41 Kercheval, ,corner NO MAT'I'ER how large or 4-1092. DEPENDABLE day workelI', Manistique, VAlley 2-8151. 2 LADY'S suits, man's suit _' _ PIANO small your clerical needs may GRAYTON-'WARREN. Newly ROOM with,. private bath, . 'Phursday, Friday, SatUTday , large closet space for lady. girl's knitted suit. boy's ski 21" MAGNA VOX in perfect be, can me for the most References. VAlley 2-8162. decorated 4 rooms, tile bath, FULL DRESS Suit, size 40-42, AND garage, $90 heated, couple Kitchen privileges if desired sweater and sportcoat. Elec- condition. TUxedo 1-1785. rea son a b I e and efficient tailored by DiGeorge. Also 4- tric iron, Hoover cleaner, VOICE EXPERIENCED lady TUxedo 2-1044. VAlley 4-8529. service in bookkeeping, tax wishes piece combination di.rectJor's ice skates. Call TUxedo 2- WOMAN'S DRESSES size 12; day. . partime, or weeks INSTRUCTION service, typing, billing, etc. - WILL SHARE lovely bunga ... and business suit wit h 1294,' Ann Fogarty geranium jer- work, References. VAlley ST. CLAIR PariSlh-3 bedroom TUxedo 1-9551. u.pper, freshly refinished low with lady, retired or striped trouse-n:;. 819 Park sey cocktail dress. Peek & Eddy Legralve, graduate. 2-3723. con val e s c en t welcome Latne. ¥alley 3-1233. FOUR ladder-back chairs, $2 FALL CLEANUP! Lea v e s throughout. TUxedo 4-0655. . Peck's navy and turquois~ Grosse PoinlJe Woods. TUx- each. Green stair carpet and European conservatory. raked, yards cleaned up. Put MOTHERS - Need a marture silk print. Worn once, Jay WINDMILL POINTE MANOR, edo 4,-2179. NEW 15x10'8 rug, rubber pad . runner, $15. TUxedo 2-2239, VAlley 4-0035 up storm win dows, take baby-sitter fur afternoons? , Thorpe's silk tweed day spacious 3-room apa'T.1ment, . StudJ.o couch, breakfast set evenings. dress. Medium weight navy down s c I' e ens, windOWS Have own transportation . PLEASANT room for business television stand, dr~peries , Call TUxedo 5-7648. decorated, adults, $115.00. coat, size 14. Woman's hats . PIANO LESSONS, c1ass:ic~1or washed. Clean gutters, $8, VA 2-6611. girl, kitchen pdvileges. Near weddlilIlg dress. TU. 1-9981. AMERICAN FLYER train, lay- popular, chord system. Chil- strainers included. C I e a n - out, complete. TUxedo 5-4819 Like new-Sak's navy fleec& WASHli'rG and i:r~oning, will all Grosse Pointe bus-es. Bea- dren, adults, begi'nm.ers, ad- basements, garages, attics, $5 YARDBIRD TRAIN. 6 - volit soat and leggings, size 4-5. pick up and deliver. PRes~ MARYLAND, 1046, half block consfield at St. Paul. EDge- vanced. Experienced teach- . Painting, chimneys pointed, battery opernted. 50' track , H-O TR:AIN set with steam Beige silk organdy party cott 5-5541. off Jeffers

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Page Twenty-six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, November 20,' 1958 lhursd4 "Cia r , I r 21K-WIN i' r RfU CLEj WINDO , .r • 'J '..11 • ~ • 11 ': ~. II •• -.... • "!!II[ BU~'."E~~ :- ~ ... • ::tI' r-'YA .. I.... .,. • r LlI WALL Service on ~ Brick Wash YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED Three Trunk Lines to Serve You quickly Three Trunk Lines to Serve You 9ui~kly DEADLINE 4 P.M. TUESDAY " CALL TUxedo 2-6900 Basem 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 9-ARTICLES WANTED 12A-BOATS & MOTORS 13-REAL ESTATE , 13-REAL ESTATE 21A-GENERAL SERVICES 21H-RUG CLEANING 21'-PAINTING AND H. E. G I TU 4-0136 FOR SALE DECORATING LADY'S brown Mouton lamb WANTED: Large doll carriage 12~FOOT C h r i s~cr aft Kit; FOR SALE DRYERS VENTED, $15.00. 3- RADKE CARPET CLEANERS ~:4coat, size 16. Man's TUx- WINDOWS and highchair in good con- needs. less work than new GROSSE' POINTE WOODS. MORAN, 4 bedroom contem- FOR THE FINEST general edo and white dinner jacket, in. standard jnstallation. Call Carpets, rugs~ furniture, beau- Cleaned. dition for daughter's Christ- one. Make offer. 72 South Center hall authenic eol- porary, Cox & Baker built. painting and decorating at SIze 44. Man's gray wool LA 7-0533, TU 1-4162. tifully cleaned, moth proofed. Estimates mas. PRescott 1-3607. Duval. onial 3 bedrooms, bath up. Large roo m s attractively reasonable cost see Charles gabardine suit, size 44. TUx- Tacked down or 10 0 :;e. All 7835./ Firs,t flo.or lavatory and maintained, carpeting, gas CARPET LAYING edo 5~6586. BOOKS purchased for cash. makes. In your home. Reason- A. Schrader VAlley 4-0388. Entire libraries or fine single 13-REAL ESTATE heJ.ted den. Kitchen dish- heat, r e c rea t ion room. NEW AND OLD able prices. Free estimates. washer and disposal. Carpet- WINDO'v BEAUTIFUL, finest quality, items. Midwest Book Serv- FOR SALE Kerby, Brownell, St. Paul Stair Carpet Shifted COMPLETE decorating serv- ing and draperies. R~crea- DRexel 1-3133 ice. Intefi.or and exterior Persian lamb coat, medium ice, 4301 Kensington, TU distrtict; $17,000 mortgage; Repairs of All Types NEW, PRe size, excellent condition, at CADIEUX tion I"oom with bar. G,:lS $31,500. TUxedo 5-9965. painting. Paper removing 5-2450. LEO TRUDEL BETTER fraction of original cost to Almos,t llleW' semi -ra,ncl1 on heat, 2 oar garage. Im- IO-DAY SPECIAL and paper hanging. Wall WASHINGTON - 4 Bedrooms dose estate. TO 6-2777. -P05ITIVEL Y 18Jrgecorner lot. Has bedroom mediate possession, under TU 5-0703 RUG CLEANING'. washing. Wo rkmans hi p VEni and lav. on 1st f1r. and 2 bed- $30,000. By owner. TUxedo of which two are on first guaranteed to be the best. HIGHEST PRICES-PAID for floor; one bath down. Lav. VAilE REFRIGERATOR, good con- rooms and ootm. 00 S'eC'OlIld. 1~4522. WINDOW SHADES 9x 12 Cleaned ... $8.95 For estimates, Furniture ~nd Appli~nces up. Deep lot. $23,000. TU. 'dition, $40. G.E. sunlamp, Breezeway ~nd 2-caIr FREE with This Order CALL WM. FORSYTHE $10. TUxedo 2-1909. "I Piece or a Houseful." 2-6000. ' PORCH, SHADES G. LEON P. SANKAR TU 4-3078 KARL DAVIES One Throw Rug up to 4x6 VAlley 2-9108 PRescott 5-5733 MAXON BROTHERS ALUMINUM STORM Picked Up and Delivered W VACUUM BARGAINS REALTOR 645 HOLLYWOOD . WINDOWS AND DOORS Tacked Down Carpet and CLEANI Closing out 1958 vacuums PAINTING, papering, paper BEDROOM and dining room 3 bedroom ranch, screeneQ. TU 5-3220 Furniture Cleaned in Your Let us do Hoover uprights $54.95-$69.95 . ALUMINUM AND FIBER removed. Wall washing . suite. Rug, refrigerator, gas terrace, patio, barbecue, car- 81 Kercheval Ave. BLOOMFIELD HILLS 'Home from screens Ew'eka Tanks ...... $29.95-$34.88 GLASS AWNINGS Neat, reliable. Work guaran- stove. VAlley 1-1793. peting, natural fireplace, at- Forest Lake estate, re- winter. Rebuilts 1 year guarantee. Member G.P. Broker's Assn. GLASS BATH-TUB CASH & CARRY ... 200;0 teed. Mertens, 122 Muir, TU stricted. Two level' lake- VAll Hoover w/beaters $16.95-$44.95 BOY'S BIKE, 20~in. Schwinn. tached 2-car garage, land- 2-0083. front home, 4 bec1rooms, 2 ENCLOSURES OFF Rebuilt Eurekas $19.95-$34.95 TUxedo 2-3472. scaped, near school. Open WALL WAS Saturday and Sunday. GROSSE POINTE WOODS tiled baths, caxpeting, 2 Complete Repair Service Rebuilt GE's " $19.95 Free Estimates ing done. 1390 Ar..ita fireplaces, finished recre- Cleaning, Repairing Painting and Decorating Rebuilt Royals $21.95 ll-AUTOS FOR SALE efficient. " TUXEDO 1-2209 Owner transferred; 0 f f e l' S ati

-! OIITIE CUSTOM TAILORS ~<,.:V-",~ L P Time enough ~- , ~ POOR RICHARD SAYS always provel Men's and Ladles' SUits TaUored to Order. Alter- SAVE AT COLONIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS~E . .; a.tlons, relining. Doubl~ breasted IUits restyled 12057 GIU Ji!tle enough. to sing-Ie breasted. VA 2-3040 ~ ~'7 (JA . ; DETROlT ~~ #!.. Where Your Dollars Earn More -.- LAKEVIE' CURRENT RATE ON SAVINGS 20247 Mack at Hunt Club. G,'ou. Point. Woo." . :'.L: 14931 EAST JEFFERSON, at Oity Limits 3~ TU 4-5200 OPEN MON.-THURS.9:30 - 4:00 • FRI. ':30-8:00 .....~.. . ~ Fred M. Schuman Established 1925 Open Eves till 6:30

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1958 Thursday I No~ember 20, 1958 G R 0 SSE 1t P q r N T E NEWS Page. Twenty-seven

App~xim,aJtely .$385,000 will List Aval.Zable. : ••• _~ : giving Day S&ViC{~in Sanctu- - be avaIlable thIS year fo('(' . Classified Continued ary. Fires Damages grants to University ol Michi- .L .b F.Z ! '...... ,-,',...'. -I . gan Gradua,te School faculity J, rary l ms Park Building. 21K-WINDOW members. ...' ,_"__ 219-PLASTERING STC:at~~teE:~dL~::~o~AN CLEANING The following 16 mmsound :• Church New.s. 'I. Flames were shooting out ot PL.ASTERING 21S-CARPENTER WORK films will be .avaHable frOm:~ ••••••••• ,.~ ~.; •••••••••••• : W~~.~~~Y1m~°2'hU~~,gex~~ the windows of the Shock WINDO'W CLEANING the Grosse Pointe Library un- Broth~rs Landscaping Build- Additions: basements, ar~he8, CARPENTER would' like to WALL WASHING til January 9, 1959. Patrons FIRST. ~NGLISH .EV. LUTH. mernbers nave invited ev~ry- tive ~ard~ ~, Elizab~th Circ~; ing, . 15120 Charlevoix, on help solve your moderniza~ are "invited reserve tru~ Rev. Paul F.Keppler, Pastor' o~ to arotend. ~oster s. 4.1~, Juruor, chOIr. Service on Screens and Storms ceilings, general repairs .. Rea- to Tuesday, November 11, when tion problems. Kitchen rec- films fline, guidance, and UTh-' mg. , healings and other blessingS. VAlley 1-3107 Monday, Nov. 24: 10, Pack 'he. were removed. Sidewalks, D:dveways, Garag~ THE BARLEC CO. derstanding that confront most Tuesday, NOlV.25:- N00 n. paren,ts are obsened through Naomi Cirde meeting. c~hing for LUJtheran World ; FIre ChIef George deCaus. floots, steps and porches. VALLEY 1.8146 POINTE MEMORIAL G.OLMIN the Jones family and erntpiha- T h u r s day, Nov. 27: -10 16 Lake Shore Road " Relief. sin said it took 45 minutes be- WINDOW size conflicting behavIor as a a.m., Thanksgiving Da'Y Serv- Rev. Paul F.Ketchum . '" . fore his men.'put out the fire Basement, Rat Walls COMPLETE carpentry. ser- Tuesday, Nov. 25: 10, used and returned to the station paper CLEANING SERVICE normal part of their growth ice. Rev. Ben. L. Tallman, Let us do your change-over vice. Modernization, addi- and development clothing delivered to box car. house. There was extensive ashing. A8s0ciate Ministers from screens to storms for the 3908 Cadieux TU 5.0785 tions, repairs. Licensed, rea- 8, Lydia Circle, Osborn's. damage to_ the landscaping "The Holy' Land" (11 min., WOODS PRESBYTERIAN ; Thursday, November 20:- , • IF ... uaran- . / building and its contents. winter. sonable, dependable. .Free colOO').Presents scenes Oofthe 19950 Mack Ave. at Torrey Rd. 4:15 p.m., Junnor Chair l"e- uir, TU ALL BRICK WORK, base- i The chief .said that he be- VAlley 1-9321 estimates. TUxedo 4-539'7. typical geo~aphic features of Andrew F. Rauth, Minister h~wsa.l-Meni's LoUnge. " Wec:mesday, Nov. 26:, W. of ments and porches, built and lieved the fire was caused by the Holy Land, historic ruins, C. B.. Ke.nnedy, Ass't., Min. 7. p.m., Cub Pack 9'B-Gym- V. visit C i vie Convalescent WALL WASHING and paintt- repaired. VAlley 1-0860. CARPENTER repairs and odd a carelessly tossed. cigaret religi'Ous buildings of the V. G, Novander Jr., Ass't. Min. nasium. Home. 4, Executive. ;Board, ing done. Very reasohable' jobs .. Call Bill, VAlley' 1- that landed in a waste paper rating three hisroric reIigons, and Frid a y, November 21:-8 • • Lutih& League. 8, r.rhainksgiv_ efficient. TUxedo 1-5306. ' A-l CEMENT and brick work 7375. ' • basket, although this is not ferences present-day peoples engaged p.m., Galileans (MaT'!"ied Cou- ..Friday, November 21:-1 ing worship. 9, Senior choir . of all kinds. Chimney re- certain. An investigation is rior FOR FINE carpentry, modem- in activities of these scenes pIes Club.) , p.m., Friday Book Review of pairs. ,All estimates free. being conducted to determine DELA WINDO'W iZJation; .1'eOreaJ1lion rooms, to evenJ1;sin reiigioushistory. SatturdaJy, November 22:-10' the Women's .A.ssociaJti.on: Tea; POINTE METHODIST VA 2-4618. the cause. CLEANING CO. alltics, porohes, kitchie1IlSI'e- "Hunte:rs of the North Pole" a.m.-2 p.m., Bake SaJe SipOn- Women's Parlor. Devotions, 211 Moross Road R The building and its con- COMPLETE EXPERT brick repairs my m-odeLed, FOO'mioa, Wi!- (10 min.), How Eskimos live oored by the Thistle Club. Devoiions, Mrs. CN,ig Keith; Hugh C. White, Pastor etc. tents are insured. The. insur" STORM & SCREEN SERVICE specialty. Cracked 1e a k y Book RevieW by Dr. Mice Helen D. Thomas, ltiam Brockel, LA 1-6409. - and their great depende:nce on Sunday, November 23:- ance agency lauded -the fire GUTTERS CLEANED basements waterproofed, re_ Cm1Jh.'&n'01'l. the new Nobel Dir, of Christian Ed. ------the seal and the dog for sur- 9:30 a.m., FiTst Worship Serv- department personnel for their y For- paired. Guaranteed, licensed, CARPENTER, a1.1leratiJonsand vival are the topics covered. ice; 9:30 a.m., Church .School- Prize winner, "Dr. Zhivago" Sun day, November 23:- hang- DREXEL 1- 198/ insured. Work myself.' City repairs O!f all lcinds. Qua1i.ty by this film. It is an illustra- NUII'SeI'Ythrough Senior' High. by Boris Pa&ternak-Men's speed in answering the al:arm a.m., Worship" and sermon; and' the manner in which the wash- wide. UN 3-9491. workmall1ship. TUx e d 0 2- ilion of man's complete de- 11 am., Second Worship Lounge. 21-M-GAS HEAT Church School fCYr NUJrSery fire was put out. The damage 41. 2084. pendeIllCe on nature and-his Service. . 6:30 p.m., Couples Club Pot- thiru Junrl.or High. ALL CEMENT work; side could have been much worse, adaptation to has environment. 11 a.m., C h u r c h SchiOOl- luck sUIPper and 'program- 9:30 am., Aduli Bible class. GAS & OIL HEATING drives, sidewalks, garage 21T-DRESSMAKING otherwise, the agency said. s "J'ava: Tropical Mountain Nuxsery through JUI.lli.l()rBagh. Gymnasium. A special feature 11 a.m., Worship and ser- ,; ..\S CONVEl~SIONS y _1_l_C'o_r_s_._V_A_I_le_ _2_-4_6_1_8__. -S-E-W-I-N-G--a-l-te-r-a-tl-'o-n-s,--a-dul-ts Island" (20 min.). To know ,Sermon theme BIt bOth Serv- of the program will be the mon; Church &hool for Nurs- ating FURNACES dlers through grade nine, dUl"oa and children; hems, zippers, the nAnhole of Jaw ts to know ices. - Conrffirrniation class. lawn HOT WATER BOILERS Rev. Ervillc B. Maynard, service. S. E. Barber, 20380 and repairing furs. Quick mediate concern. Two fanners Grosse Pointe Conigrega~onal Gymnasium.. Sund,a y: -10 -11 :30 a.m., Rector CLEANED AND REPAIRED . A-I Hollywood, TU 4-0051. service on hems. TUxedo in a counrtJry store argue the Church, 240 Chalfol1llie. • • • Church School for Beginners Sun and 11 a,ro., HOME REMODELING vited to join a ,group studying, ST. JAMES LUTHERAN p.m., Boy SooUJt Troop 96-- room. Family worship and Sunday rd ments. All makes. SPECIALISTS 21U-PLUMBING interna;tional politics. The in- McMillan at Kercheval Gymnasium.. 10.1i a.m., Mornnng Wor. School, coffee hour following 7:30 p.m., Bowliing for men. Birch kitchen cabinets, bath PLUGGED sewers cleaned. vi1Jation is rejected on the Rev. George E. Kurz ship. Ingathering for the the 11 o'clock service. 7 p.m. , 9 years in Grosse Pointe grounds th(lJt a has Rhoda Gilmer, Deaconess Whittier Recreation, .8777 EaSlt fixtures, formica vanitoT"J, at- City wide, 24 hoUr service. Evangelical Home for Chil- to 9 p.m., Canterbury Club JefferSon. tics, porches. Sinks, drains. Guaa:-anteed. enough to. do wirth his own Thuxsd'ay: Chancel choir, dren and Aged on West Outer worship and study. I Tuesday, November 25:-10 21N-~."RTAGE No money down. easy terms Free estimates: Ben, Webster problems, and that the run- lk15 p.m. Driv~ 11 - 11 :30, Discussion • * • am. - 3:00 p.m., Women's As- HERMAN BROTHERS 4-2685. Ding Oofthe world can best be • • • Period for AdUllis, Senior Monday: 8:45 a.m., Holy MOVING-Quick service and left the experts. Friday: Adult class, 8 p.m. sociati:o'I1. Sewing and Knitting High, Jumor High. 2 p.m., VA. 2-8333 VA. 2-0304 to Communion. recession rates. Lockridge PLUMBING gas heamll1ig,elec- "Man and H:s Culture" (17 • • IF -Women's PaTIO'!'. Friendl}. CiJrcle at Mrs. Fran- l • • • and Son, WA 3-1029. CARPENTER, repairs, doors, tric sewer. cleaJDlill1g. Auto- min.). This film explains, 'Sawroay: Children's con- 10:a.m., Service Guild-As- ces Leegst!ra's, 4567 Lodewyck Tuesday: 10 a.m., Holy Com- locks, sash cords, cabinet matic water heartJelI'S m- :firom the unique viewpoint of firmation das,geS, 9:30 a.m. sembly Room. Ave.; 7 - 9:30 p.m., Youth Fel- munion and prayers for the 21 O-WATERPROOFING 12:30 p.m., Luncheo~ym- all; work. EDgewater 1-'4576, stJalL1ed, $90. Lioe:nsed CO.Yl- a visitor to earth, how cul- Ohapel choir, 10 o'clock. Cher- lowship Grace. sick, followed by a work nasium. , . Tuesday: 8 p.m., Deborah LEAKY basements w ate r- tra.oto:r. J. M. Kushner, TUx- tures are studIied, their simil81r- ub choir, 11:15 a.m. period and luncheon. 1:15 p,m., IF 8 p.m., Evening Group of the C1rcle, a:t Mrs. Ruth Martin's, proofed. Brick repairs, steps, edo 5-2959. ~ti'esand differences, how they '" • Study Group on th~ Old Testi- -MODERNIZING . Women's Asoocia1lion: Devo- 20618 Chatlondrive, St. Clair porches. Guaranteed, licens- are handed down, and how SU11IdJay:Sunday school, 9:30 ment. 7 p.m., Rector's night, tions, ~. Elwood I Stiegler; Shores. ed, insured. ,Work myself. REMODELING 21V-SILVER PLATING they are changed. a.m.. Youth Bible class, 10 beginning with dinner in the "Wh,at Is Modern. Art?" (21 Ch _l.. ' 9 0 Program: Mrs. A. B. Hillegas City wide. UN 3-9491. ADDITIONS - PORCHES a.m. 'urUll servIces, :3 Undercroft. 8 p.m., Festival SILVER & GOLD PLATING min .. color). PictUlI'eSa young a.m. and 11 a.m. NU1"Sery for will speak. on the PUiI'dueCon- ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL Choir rehearsal. ATTIC ROOMS - GARAGES Oxidizing and Repairing woman who is confused by sm:aU children at both. fenm.C'e.-Womenr's ParlOor. 20475 Sunningdale Park Basements Made Dry • • • EARL DECK Brass Poli~hing & Lacquering some of, the paiI1ltings she is • • '" Wedln~, November 2-6:- (Near Mack and Vernier) Wednesday: 7 a.m., Holy Cracked walls repaired, re-in- Jewelry Repairing, Engraving photogl"aphing in New York's T h u r s day: 'Dhanksgiving 9-MiOOight-Tuxis Club An- The Rev. Edgar H. Yeoman Licensed Communion. 6 p.m., Holy COom- satisfy forced. All brick repairs. Guar- L~BERT Museum of Modern Art. A Day service, 9:30 a.m. Nursery nuaJ Thanksgiving Eve Dance. The Rev. George H. Hann munion followed by dinner rating anteed, insured. TU 4-2542 JR'1-1195 modern painter answexs her for small childTen. All high school young people Sunday, Novem})e[- 23: 8 and study on "Christianty and e. We Manuel Marchese SILVERSMITHS questions 'and poinlts out some in the community in gradeS a.m.. Holy Eu~harist. 9:30 a.m. Daily Life." clean LAkeview 6-'9300 DOING all types of carpenter 14508 CHARLEVOIX examples: Presentts th.ework POINTE UNITARIAN ten through twelve are intVited MoOIrIling'Prayer and Sermon. • • • t you work, remodeling ':1 t tic 1 Blk. east of Chalmers of such artists as Picasso, Mi:ro, to attend-Gynmasiu.-n. 11 a.m. MO'rmng Prayer and Thur,sday: 10 Klee, Chagaill, Blume, and Dali. The Rev. W. D, Hammond, a.m., Holy work 21P-FURNITURE' REPAIR rooms, porches. Sman or big VA 2-7318 Sermon., tod- Communion. jobs. Estimates free. TUxedo Po:_.4~ oUl~t"he fact that the Minister rving .jJlJl~ 110 M H I L' 0 POINTE CONGREGATIONAL side. UPHOLSTERING done in your 5-5892. 21Z-LANDSCAPfNG_ design of furniture and ~m_' rs. e en euzmger, rgan ~.t" Sunday' 10 am Adult For 240 Cha,lfonte. at J..othrop 'mate home by exp~rts. VA 4-4626.1------• _ pliances has been imluenced ., .. . - Ministers ' Alley by the mod"""'" ~...+ movement. urn. Dr. E d war d H e ti be!, C U ST 0 M upholstering. A Additions - Alterations LANDSCAPING, sod -d in g, .....u CUI. WaynJe StaJte Univ~ De- Marcus William Johnson Greenlawn lower Sharpening Shop splendid selection of deco- Kitchen Modernization lawn cutting and mainte- Ernphasi:les that the one l:mrtmentof Political Science, Arnold Dahlquist Johnson nance, tree work, soils and enemy of ari is itgnorance. will discuss: "Trends in Latin Sunday, Novem~ 23: 9:30 WE PICK UP AND DELIVER rative fabrics. Expert need- or Minor Repair' 1 lepoint mounting. Estimates Free Estimates supplies. WAlnut 5-9323. "YOSEMITE ' (18 min" color) America." Dr. Huebel receiVed a.m. Worship service. Church Sharpening • Overhaul • Repair cheerfully g iv e n, . Ewald, Licensed Contractor Portrays much of the splendor his Ph.D. from the U. OofMin- oohool for crib room thlru.6th Hand and Power LClWI1 Mower.i-Garden Tools 13929 Kerchev~l. VA 2-8993. of giganrtic valleys and cliffs, nesota, taught at the Untiver- grade, 11 a.m. Wonship service. Knives - S~issori - Saw Filing FRANK J. ST. AMOUR BEATTY LANDSCAPING & shining waterfalls,' and the, B Admission of new members. art; LAWN CUTTING COMPANY ..:I'arkforests l'n .YosemJite Na- Sl:ty of uenos Aires, and has 22437 EAST NINE MILE RD. Phone PRo 6-7752 0 CHAIRS RECANED. WA 1- TU 2-8324 TU 5-5791 UJ headed a special traimng pro- this service. Church, school for Between Mack IUld Eas~ Jefferson 2710. Graduates of M.S.U. Sch()()l tiona1 Paxk. Rev~ews' g.eologic gram set up by the U.S. gov- crib room thlrough Senior high. of Landscaping history in showing the s1x=psernmenrt to train a grouP of 7 p.m. Congo club meeting in CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING H. F. JENZEN BUILDING of its development. Features Brazilian officials in Public Youth room. 7 p.m. Senioc Hi. Spring clean-up. Gall"d~ning views of scenic attractions, Administration. Pilgrim Fellowsbipin Lounge; Ch{)ice decorative f-a b r i c s. Home and Industrial Repairs, Additions, attics completed) Evergreens Trimmed such as the Mea:-cedRiver, El • '!' '" Workmanship guaranteed. Capitan, and Half-Dome. 11 a.m. M 0 r ~ in g s&V1i~. Monday, November 24: 6:30 Free estimates in your home. Porch enclosures, recreation rooms, gar age s repaired, PR 7-1093 . PR 8-4334, The Grosse Pointe Library Revea.-end e,Ha m m 0 n d will p.m. Men's clwb dinner honor- FACTORY FABRICATED KAPAGIAN UPHOLSTERING and the Friends of the Grosse speak on Our Debt to Ply- 4fg Boy Scout Troop 703 and 10508 Charlevoix TU 1-9744 TU 1-9611 Pointe Library announce the -mouth Plantatilon!' The origi- Explorer Scout Post 703, in So- HABITANT, CEDAR FENCE VA 2-0844 VA 4-4626 TREE TRIMMING, third in the new ser~es. of ~ :outt ~:o:ny chhUiI'Chhcial Hall NO.1. 7,. GiJrIl JIM SUTTON REMOVAL, SPRAYING, Friends' Film Forums . fOlr .. s a Ill: nan c urc Scout MJariners in youth room. for lasting beauty r protection and privacy 21Q-PLASTERING 1677 BRYS Dutch Elm disease .spraying,' Friday night, NovembE;[' 21. f?T manlY ~ars! so ~ .p~- '" '" • cabling. "Red Badge o.f Courage" is ticu1alrly ~Jol7e I'D: reco~g Tuesday, November 25: 6:45 "B~t-looking home in the neighborhood" - that's what they'll say PLASTERING; specializing in Carpenter Wcrk, Repairing & Free .estimates. based on Stepfru:~n's th~ .contributIon Of. the, Pil- p.m. Men's Club' Bow n g Remodeling, Attics, Porches, n w{1enthey see beautiful Habitant natural ,wood fence around your repairs, new ceilings, attics. TU 1 6950 powerful novel ,of the War ~~ f~thers to the ideas. and League, 14529 Kercheval, PU- Garages. house and grounds. Habitant Fence protects your lawn and garden Prompt and c 1e a n, Jim CAL FLEMING TREE between the ..SbaItes arnd the ~stlt~tlOnsWthatofm~~e up the lall" Recreation. 7 p.m. Boy from dogs, thoughtless children and trespassers, keeps your own Blackwell, TUxedo 2-2041. TU 4-2942 SERVICE young man who loses, then re- mencan ay ife. Scouts in Social Haill No. 1. children and pets safe at home. Styles l'aOge from high, tight woven SPECIALIZTI'iG in repairs. KITCHEN Formica counter ------. gains his 'courage in the heat • • '" screen fences that afford maximum privacy to low spaced lattice and "-. tops; cabinets remodeled; MERION blue grass hursety of battle. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. ThUlI'Sday, November' 27: New ceilings, arChes. Satis- sod. Landscape designing and The Friends' .Film Forum' Spoilitaneous expressrons of 10:30 a.m. Community Thank&- picket designs .•. f!\ctory fabricated to fit your, exact ground' plan. new sinks installed. Old or faction guaranteed. PRescott planting: P~tios and natural will be held in the' main read- girarbitude fur God\s good:h.ess Come in and see us today, we will be glad to plan your outdoor new work. PRescott 5-8710. 9-15'58. stone walls, Free estimates. ing room of the Central J;..i- willI be f eat u red at the livi~g area and install H~bitant Fence to your exact ground plan. TU 1-6950 brary a1:Kercheval and Fishetr, ThankSgti.V'ing.s e Ir vice an- t 9 15 N art;, notmC€d, by FIrst Church Off E. W. JONES CAL FLEMING GENERAL a : a. m.. 0 .I'!ese:v. lO~ 0"''''';''.4- ScientiSt.,.::285/ Ker""'p • Building , LANDSCAPE SERVICE are necessary, no adnusslOn IS ...... ,."; ,_ "'J charged; and 00 tickets '"are road" ,fori 10:30 a.m. on . • A1terations . A. H. PETERS FUNERAL HOME COMPLETE iand~caping serv- required. Thanksgiving Day. . • Additions ice, lawn cutting, cultivation The special service is open 913 Lincoln TU, 2.3211 . ~and, fertilizing, edging and' AlthOugh Governor Br-ad- to the public' md local church Established 1917 clean-up work. Top" dressing fOrd set aSiide ooly one ,day, " .J and sesding. Julius LaQuiere, December 13, 1621, as ThaDks- c • ALL MAKES STORM'SASH / PR 8-2709. Free estimates. giving Day, three dayS were S'CREENS - DOORS . " $1.85 per hour. spent in feasting \and, prayer. Open Tues., Fri. , p.Dl. 'ALU,MINUM ., I I SOD 12 to " p.m. AIR-TEe' ••• ,TW 2-7800 Good Fences for, 49 Years ,'REPAIRING 640 E. '7 Mn~l Bl1£. W. of Oakland Iv,,, style 01.Fence

I ANNOUNCING~ -, OUR- NEW,.LGOATION. elected .Io,;.you . , . Wol'ver.ine idlalilan' I WA. '.;~1;'6181 \ lIlc1ulUDl , 'Typewriler Service Company I Chain Link ..AII.Steel Glid FOUNTAINE FENCE CO. Rustic Styles. now located at .- Fencing Materials or Erection 12057 GRATIOT AVE. 20~05 MACK A':'E. at VERNIER RD. 1,3131.E. JeHerson Ave. DETROIT 5. MICH. GROSSE POINTE WOOD~ 36, Mitt.;. LAKEVIEW 6-7700 TUXEDO 4-5500 'MEHLENBACHER," FENCE. ,CO'. Pilon. VAlley 2-3560' • Detroit 15, Mich. 20760 Ha.rper, 'at 8 Mile 10403 HARPER R~Slr:1!NTIAa.;'INDUSTRIJCL.. (Next to the 'Savarine Hotel) . Free I:stimates, TU 1-8'63

.' ~ .. , - - ~- -~ --~------"'._.I"Il__2Q""",c"'4 a e ~;Illd= a QIIId=~.z a.. _ a as~".a..s..e.. a s.Q.. a..a.. £11I,11I'''.''.11I011III,a_a.allla.. 4'I.zIll4 a.,IQQ~,I•• .aIll, "A"Q a~.•a~.CQllSIIIZIiI,II!I_ aC!IIiliIqIIQ",IQ.~,•.,.ZIlll.!II ,.GI'lII!l!,,"' SI!l 4Q111£.a alll&allallll& 2I1a.s.s 2••• il.III IIII ••• III.I,',,~(~.I_~'",Ill,". , t . . .•',~ ; ,"'~t.....: "" "

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Page Twenty':-eignt . 'S R O','S'S"E' 'p 0 r~'T'E.. N~t:W' S 'TKu'rsday,', N'o_~.r,'20f: - (, ! • J f.,;1"~.J ~ , I "..;"':,'. .._.',. .-._.-..-..,._..-. :',...~*~

,e A, FJea tn re ,Pag 1'-" .' . , * * * * * . '* *' , ',. / ' \ ,

-Pointer of Interest ," ~ ., • i " ,

, Fav.orlte. Recipes. .' of .~eop.le,in The Know f/J,(Jtnte :,LEG OF 'LAM~ N. ]l- .Contl'ibuted by Counter Points Mrs. Charles S: Davis,' Jr. • By PAT TALBOT From th'e' Liggett Alumnae By Pat Ro~au . Cookbook Until G. Merman Williams came along there wasn't "Santa C]aus is co:nhig' to' town": .' : : He~is ,arriVing a DenlOcrat in Michigan political life to wield such In- 1 5-8 lb. leg of lamb on the corner of St. Clair and K-ercheval • • . which .of- fluence, since the ,days (over 100 years ago) of Lewis Onions' ficially. becomes Christmas S~reet tJuit day.~Three P.M. Cass, governor of Michigan and United States Arribassa- clove of garlic is the time. He'll greet the childrel},. pJ:~id~ ~:v~rIa tr~ dor to France. salt and pepper lighting cerernony and th~J;ewill-~.'c~dy,,~()r all. The Cass name penetrated to the Pointe, too, for his 2 Tb, vinegar What a C' :.; •• • rose beds of AI Long. This freak of nature is a rosebud broad, but aU'hh,tor:r and Ht- :huddled in the back of the PamOm. Ef'lglisb.E~()1J()11Iy",_".tJu..u'y'.!-c_,.:: . ' growing with a rosebud, and at this time of year, 100. erature,' (even' 'the Tsarist truck for a long,' tortuous ,ride The St. Clare YouTI.g Adult authors), was slanted. ..,: c?ver the lake, with the. ice DeCarlo Mr. Rovinski was so startled he plucked the bud and Club (Jolis C 0 e u:r s) haS , '. " , . . . crackiiIlg beneath the wheels Foreign Cars-AllocjlltS,: ~arries it around in his pocket to show t~ scoffers . . FGr~I'gnerSW'er~held m spe-, as they rOde. .. planned another of its ' MUSIC, STUDIO , mCOlU'OllATD ' .' ' : . '. . I • * • ctal ...respect ,tmtIl 'the great. ' Once beyond the. Germ,an hol!iday , dances' roo:. Friday, NOV'ember 21. This :t!ime the 16090 I. WarrlJn. at J)."••,hlr..-~~T._~~JiOo". The, Thrift Shop Toy Drive, which will be going on par~ pur~es ,'of the early lines they boarded a train. for / Now ~t them:e will be thalt ..of 'Harvest Autiloriz ... '.D... .,.. .'. until Thanksgiving, is in desperate need of dolls. All 19S0 s. Mrs. Jensen t:eme~beTs the Caucasus. Theirs was the ti~. , sorts of games have been collected b;tt chairman Mrs. how shocked..her: mother .~as last train to leave Stalingrad I 5 KercheV81 by t't\~ assassmatI?l1 of,,Kifov, before it fell. A tdp that ndw The .ChUrch AUd:i:ron~ ':at Richard P. Joy III says that dolls tlus season are at a I .' •• Mack and Whittier :wil!lbe.set Piano Organ '-' ''\''. ' minimum. If you have any discoyered in pre-holiday and tn~ s~ddeD,dls~ppearance would take a few days took a . :.. .. of theIr lIberal frI~~dsl O~e month and more terroi' CliWait- in i scene pimilar'to that of Accordion Guitar cleaning drop th~m off at the Neighborhood Club or a day, a man would Just dis- ed the refugees at'the end of th-e'oorn ':ffi.~l'ds'arid!theJ;:'e'll,be call to TU 5-0773will send a toy driv~ committee worker a~pear, ?ot return from work. the line. 'l'hey had barely ar- lots of fun.. for all. : .Popular - ClassicM scuttling over to pick up the doll. Toys will go on sale Hl~ fanuly ne.ver knew~whe~h..; rived at the Caucasus Moun- . The Teu Tones. :will '~gin Adults '- Childre1l the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. er It was banIshment. or death.' ' playd:ng"tllt 9, and. of OOlll'Se Soon Mrs. Jensen's family was, there'1Il be re~hmeI1lts: .All Lessons in your home avoided by a~l tpeir :fo~er single young aduMs betwee~ if desired. on the bay • • • one block to the beach fri~nd.s., To spe,ak to them, 18 ami,30 are"urged to aJt1:end , , might mean .trouble. . The dOOaJtI.l(}nis $1.00. . " . TU 4.4440 . I : : . Debt 10 Her !,

• , • ~,. • ,. ,~ .. ~ ... .,.. '.,. .. f'~' .. , t ," r ~ ,' ...~.... ~.... • ~ _ r. yo. • , •• '. I ,., •