All the News '~ Home of the Newl of All,the Pointes Every ThursdaV Morning * * * Call TUxedo 2~6900 C,(i~plete ..N,ews.,'Cove,rage of All the Po,intes . , . ---- Entered as ~ond. 'Clas. Ma'tter 5c Per Copy VOLUME 19-No. 47 at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN, NOVEMBER.'20, 1,958 $3.50 Fer, Year 28 PAGES Fully Paid Circulation • , , -------------------------------------~-.,-------------:-------------------------------------------.. ~ Helps 'Hill' Merchants laun"ch Program DEADLINES , "! '. Driver Dies Behind Will Ballot. of the , ", 'On Extending \VEEK Wheel;Car Jumps Tax "Millage As COl1lpiled by the Grosse Pointe Neu's 9 Mill Levy Which Wo~ld Expire at End of School Thursday, November 13 Curb into ""Lake Year Now Essential AN AIR FORCE KC-97 Stratotanker used to' refuel Heart Attack Fatal to-. Motorist: Wife Rescued from On-December 2 the atQmic bombers, crashed into a . Water by Four Men Who Grosse Pointe Board of housing development on the Education will hold an Georgia coast Wednesday, kill- Saw the Accident election in The Grosse ing all 11 men aboard. One civilian, was 'reported Lester Beeman; 73, of 588 Piper, Detroit, whose car Pointe School District on severely burned while work- went over the' breakwall in front of 207 Lake Shore an important school matter, ing in his garden near the road, when he suffered a heart attack on Tuesday, No- Board President Franklin scene of the crash. The four- vember 18, was pronounced dead on arrival at Bon D. Dougherty stated. The engined plane smashed into Secours HospitaL 0---------~-- Board will seek a 5-year two houses, one empty and the His wife, Anna, 70, a passen- extension of its present other still under construction, ger in the car, was also taken authority to levy 9 mills for befQre it burst into flames. Trespassers to the hospital, where she was operating expenses of the '" .. treated for shock and minor public school system. Friday, November 14 leg inj uries, and released. Pose Problem Mr. Dougherty pointed out THE CO-OWNERS and gen- When Farms police arrived that g,uthority to levy this tax eral manager of the Holt Stu. at the scene, four men, who will expire at the end of the dios, 3646 Woodward, were pulled Mrs, Beeman from the For Police current school year. These f 0 u n d guilty Thursday of car, were on the breakwall" --- nine mills, he said, cO'mprise eheating their customers. The with her. 22 Arrests Made in Week more than one third of the verdict was returLed by a Four in Res~ue As Juveniles' Invade funds pro:vided for current ex- jury of five men and seven The four who assiSted Mrs. ' 1 penses. The remainder comes woman at 5:10 p.m., six hours Beeman were Earl Allatd of Ford Owneo Estate from the Grosse Pointe Pub- and 20 minutes after they be- 26211 Bloomfield, and Frank "--- lic Schools' share of the State gan deliberations. Allard of 28210 Asmus, broth- At, Monday night's meet- authorized county taxes 'arid RecQrder's Judge Paul E. ers and bobh of Roseville; and ing of the Grosse Pointe state aid. Krause said he will pass sen. Hoov~r Murphy of 5961 Trum- City Council, it was re- Renewal, Not Boost tence December 4 o~ Mrs. bull, Detroit, and Mel Schultz vealed that a serious prob- "This proposition will not Joyce Holt, 30 dnd her sister, of 6109 Martin, Detroit. lem exists at 17620 East, increase school taxes,'. Mr. Miss Helen Stock, 37, the own- The brothers VJ1&edriving , Dougherty .said, "but will just ers, and Cymcn Rieger, 41, about 100 feet behind the Bee- Jefferson avenue, formerly renew and continue what we the manager. They face a mans, when the Beemans' car the old Fred T. Murphy have had. If the voters of maximum of five years in plUiI1!gedover the breakwall. estate. currently owned by Grosse Pointe want us to con~ prison on each of two counts. -Picture by Fred Runnells The other two men were sit- William C. Ford. tinue to have a fine public The trio were convicted of MRS.' WILLIAM F, CONNOLLY, JR. of Moran being offered each week. Coupons are given away by ti~g in their truck when t~e Police Chief Tom Tromble school system, and we.....arecon- eonspiracy to commit gross road, wife of th~ Mayor of' Grosse.'Pointe Farms, these stores from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.~. on Fridays, to tnlshap took place, almost m. y fident they do, 'then renewal frauds and cheats and con- front of them. All four men I submItted a report cItmg 28 draws the first ,winner \n. the :wee~dy contests bein-g, adults only. A purchase i~ not required to obtain, the of this ~ authority is abso- .piracy to obtain signatures went into the water and aided calls the police department lutely necessary. , sponsored by, the shop$;:~~h~~.ij:~~h~val-on~t;h.e .. coUpons/The are made eacn Tuesday morn- under f.alse pretenses. There lfjn~"' :' 'drawings Mrs. Beeman out of the car has received from local resi- The Board president went were a total of 65 witnesses shopping district. 'A $50' gift. certific~te, req,eemq.ble in ing at 10:30 o'clock, The first winner is Mrs. Mabel and onto the breakwall. dents since the 27th of April on to point out that the total ealled in the spectacular 13- merchandise at any of the participating stores, is Hilgendorf 'of 124 Muir road. Farms Patrolmaa John Far..... ' ' t th cOlf1t>lammgof trespassers on school tax picture had im~ month-long trial. 1'ey" first 0ifleer a e scene" - ~ proved. He ,said that the tax >lr '" '" went into the water, and tried I the property. In the past week, bills to he issued in December Saturday, November 15 Second Polio Community "Chor~s to Give GPHS Team to pull Mr. Beeman out from alone, Oitv officers have made this year would' reflect tha:i THE RUSSIAN ARMY held behind the wheel. At this time, 22 arrests; mostly juveniles, the total school levy has b-een • . convoy of three American CI- · S · Patrolman Marvin Krebs 8.J:'- for trespassing. reduced by more than 2 mills Army trucks for 8lh hours tutC erle,S'.' Christmas, Concert'YDec.' 7,; ,To'b,e Feted rived, and he went to the other M t f th . k ts h from last year's levy. This is Friday. The trucks were stoo- . , , , officer's assistance, and be- os. 0 e lIC ~ ave the result of a reduction in the tween them they carried Bee- been .1Ss~ed to Ddrol~ youths amount of taxes levied to pay ped while seeking to leave ICompleted " Bell ..'Choir to he Featured November 25 man,to shore. who Jnf1ltra~ t~t- Pomte and isolate~ Berlin on a routine , ' . hold \beer drmklllg ,bouts on off indebtedness. Where it had run to West Germany. R.ushed ~o Hospital the abandoned property. been 5.77 mills in 1957-58, the An Army spokesman said Approximately 24.414 Group o,f Six Highly, Trained" Girls Will A Iso Ann~al Football Roundup A Farms FIfe Department. rate is now 3.76 mills on state - the Russians at a checkpoint . 5 Ik V. Accomp.any Chorus ..t Yule' Event to Be Held 8e.,ng G.lven by Dad's ambulance arrived, and took BeSIdes the gem-ral nUIsance equalized valuati~ns, a. de- outside West Berlin demanded Rece,ve a accme ... U the Beemans to Bon Secours. pro b 1e m the vandals are (Continued on Page 4) • right to inspect the truck Inoculations in Parcells School' at 3:30 i Club Tl:Aesday Night Police said that the Bee- posing for the Pointe police- eargoes, contrary to est.ab~ . -- The, Bell Choir of' the Salem Memorial Lutheran 'I m~ns weI"e traveE'llg east on man, there is ser;ous 'Concern lished procedures. ApproXlm. ately 2~,4.14 per- Chu'rch will be, the featured solo group of the sixth Plans are all set for the Lake Shore, headed for Mt. for the YQ,Uths'safety because Building Request Grosse Pointe Dads' Club Clemens, when Mr. Beeman of an open well :md elevator '" '" '" 'sons receIve d th elr, Sa lk 'Chrl',stmas' Co'nce-'- of -the GrosSe Pointe Community ~ ft th tat hi h Sunday, November 16 '1 t . th nd' 11. annual Football. Roundrup suffered the attack. The car ::na on e es e, W c con- vaCClne s 10 S In e seco Chorus to be presented on Sunday afternoon, D.ec. 7. t t f "--"'1 d stitute potential danger Granted by City THE UAW OFFERED S t . h ' to be h""l'd at the 'U'I'gh wen ou 0 COllJw.v an . a - polio clinic series WhIC Th' to . 't .Y.f~----------- <:; - ¥ . 11rday to call off its five~day d d Md' e progr~m, OOllSlSi. School, November 25, at Jumped the curb, goi~g about The police departmentJ has The Council of the City of strike of 8,000 Chrysler Corp. en e i) n a.y evenmg, chor~ ChrIstmas selectwns be given in the auditorium of 83 fleet before plungIng over set up a barricade to the pro- Grosse Pointe met Monday office workers immediately if November 17. 1t was an- raIl;gmg fr~m.; the Bach O~a. the Parcells Junior High 6:30 p.m. the .breakwall, and 'bM> f~t perty, to halt access by auto. night with a full agenda re- remaining issues were left to nou~ced b;y Tho ~r~o, to '~he FI:ed v:.arl~g School, 'Vetnier, and Mack, at It's hard tip remember just oU,t mto the lake, to settle m mobile, and the Council voted Dr.
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