- ., ...... ... .... •..'" -.- "f. ' . \ " All the News of All the Pointes • Every Thursday Morning • * • Call TUxedo 2.6900 rosse e Complete News Coverage of AU I the Pointes' VOLUME 19-NO. 18 Entered as Second CIao ~tter Jc Per Copy at the Post Ofiice at Detroit, Mich. 13.50 Per Yeac 24 PAGES Fully Paid Circulation " <" I'::, HEADLINES I Census Takers Set Comparisons of the I WEEK . L ' hA l Compiled by As Compiled by the T.. 0 aunc. nnua Local Board Grosse Pointe News '" Operational C 0 s t s Per Canvass onMay 12 Pupil are Lower; Student Thursday, April 24 Achievemenh Higher VIOLENT GUSTS of wind Much Valuable Information Obtained and All Residents dragged five paratt:oopers to death Wednesday :md injured Are Urged to Give Full Cooperation It costs substantiallv less -------- per pupil educate stu- 137 others. The troopers were to Expecting an increase of nearly 1,500 persons this dents in The Grosse Pointe members of the famed 101st year-to a total of more 63,000-census takers of the Public School Syg,tem than Airborne Division taking part than in a mass jump as part of Op- Grosse Pointe school district will begin their annual job in most other compara.ble eration Eagle Wing - war May 12 according to Paul E. Mawhinney, Dir€'Ctor of s y s t ems, Bert Wicking, games being conduct~d at Fort Pupil Personnel. ~ .1 President of the Board of Campbell, Ky. Mr. Mawhinney, in charge Blood Dfl-V. e Education announced to- '" • * of the project, said the census day. Friday, April 25 must be taken eaoh year dur- "In response to recent in- A 10 PERCENT pay cut for ing the last 20 days of May Be;ng He ld quiries," Mr. Wicking stated, 25 top officers of the UAW and asked all residents to give.., "we have made a new study and layoffs for 100 staff em- their fullest co-operation in Th - F id to see how the costs of educat~ ployes has been approved by order that accurate informa- 18 r ay fig pupilg in Grosse Pointe the union's international exec- tion is obtained, compared with those in other utive board. .. ,,/ . ,.'....' ~ Every home in the school areas similar to ours." Both plans were among :'+~~' :' ':: . ;~~ '>.' '... ".,:: 11"1''''1.." " . t'I' ' distrct will be visited by a Red Cross Mobile Unit "We have made such com- economies agreed to by board ::,~~::. "~>.' .:~ / ..:~:::,;< • tr:,,\, , ,,/ , ',.:,"" ' :. >~ • census enumerator, said school At Woods Presbyterian parisons from time to time '::.,:'::, , ' ";,, .... ' " .,:' ,',< ,<,~~' officials and all information over the years and have found members at a meeting this ' •. ..,' if( " 1'1'.,~:,~, Ch h 2 45 t 8 45 week at Solidarity House. Sal. '.:'.:'::,.., '. " r~~:: ,M" ~, '!~I?I.'/J' (. will naturally be kept in urc: 0: repeatedly that our costs were ary cuts will go to the six top \::}:\ ,,;"" "j>.;.: " :,~,,; ,:'.P":;1~.~::I<4~::;~r.":'::~~:::\':::::,:"i,~:'j~.i,.i.~"',',,;: I~.tfi ~~!~.':'".,,' strictest confidence. ~~~~~~tiallY lower than many officers ~f the union and the .' .~:'.. :.. .!:.:*" <I!{... ','. ..",:"""::~,:,:,::.',~: ...<•. ~.t~;~!;(ji'~''':,.,.,.:,,,:,:\/:.':.:,:' ::;,A.::'~' :. ..:,. '. .:'.. ',,:.'., "';".;.<, ,~~:\,,/t.,:. Carefully Selected A last - minute call was 19 members of the executive ;':':~ "'." ',.' '~)~;'>" • "i1:\~i:;;\~{~,<:..:;:"'\"S'<i;~ti¥{_~~~::'.:~:,:.f.,..,::...,:.:,:> :,'.(:, .,:;\:\::,: '~i~}~~~~{~~)~:'.':(f:'~.'. .... :.~:.:~.:l,';l~~'::\l. ':¥::::;~:i~:>.':' Each census enumerat~r is issued this week for Grosse "I believe this is a high board. }'~~: ..:~';;'>~::~,',:«~~.r":::::'kw:~7,:~:,,:'. ':lli:;:~1~¥.1t!W'" ,,,:ttL,,"".' N :~;:;.,: ",Il' ..... ",' . ,.::'" :::".'l:"<''': ,... carefully selected. All WIll be Pointe area residents to tribute to the efficiency of our •W'. ..;iltJ:flFfAIj ....,....;:"~~'; '.- "ok, '~' x ,'!<'( ',!mff~~'" -;";;", , ", , .: ,,' ,.. , v, , ' ',.} ,;. " , , , f' . school system but I do not ~ 04< * .. '~~"" ,'~~;,,:i:~'::~,'.~.,':',;..•. x.~ :.:'.0;:,";'~Wi;.l:<: ; , :' ., ,;,.••. , ,~1, .•.~',..,. ,':" ":..,'/~'~~'.,:;..! ..':. '< .' .. :,' '.'. provided WIth Ident lcatlon blood in h h 't k Saturday, April 26 ;l;~t~~.;~i_(~~~:~<ii,s.wp~:r...<".::~:: ..,.,,:~~'~>i<:;;;:\;~L~~:+.. ,..~~:,i~"'~:;.~~!dJh~ri:',~~,':..;:'./'::,;.'~/..::~:,.~,:~i.:<':~;,:~,..~:,:';".:'.~/,::.::.,~..::;," . .</,;::'}',:~:" cards sign~ by Mr. Mawhin- do~ate be h ld aFS.idX-our :a~~ t~s;g;,~ tf~i lcC:~l~~ THE l\DMINISTRATION'S ,:t-:~~4~;,;~;~~d@$,,;~:~s•.., :.~1f<,::~•..•l,., .\,.1'i:::<'::1~::.~"%lj,,' . :~<~il;.~,~":3%t~~, :."""'lAl<~~',,,:.'.".:, .' ,:.W,:: , .:".:.,:,4 '~<:,~;,;;~,:,':,;,'\~,~~.''''~~':''''<:::'''''.:';''ney and WIll be shown to any.dr IV~ to e n ay cent." ,:,:,_>:'._,:lw.'ll<.".,,~:<... ,,'..•:._;:,-~ .. '" '::~""":.,:,,«~ " ... ,~ ""'~;:;:«.~">...... :',.~" ~':.'''':':.t<:;; .• ";;;;;",.':S:.'",,,W', ..... , ..»'....,'1, "': ',. <, h. , .... , ,.... • ..... ... one requesting it. Donativns may be made at widely promised fight for -Picture by Fred Runnells "The census serves many Keep Constant Vigil President Eisenhower's Penta- Grosse Pointe's F 0 u n d at ion for Exceptional Hut on the High School campus with some of the useful purposes," said Mr. the Grosse Pointe Woods Pres- "Costs of operating public gon reorganization bill turned Children has gained an enviable reputation for the volunteers who help out; left to right: MRS, MEAD Mawhinney. "Pa,rt of the byterian Church between 2:45 school systems such as ours into a quiet, well-ordered re- work it is doing to help these youngsters who need BAKER, MRS. BRUCE CAREY and MRS. JOHN money which the looal schools and 8:45 p.m. An American can generally go only one way treat Friday at the Capitol. special attention. The story below tells about it. Here RENCHARD. receive from state fund is ap- Red Cross blood unit will 001- and that is UP, but our' Board Secretary of Defense Neil H. some of the kiddies are seen at play at the Quonset 'portioned on the basis of the lect the blood 'with a doetor of Education' is dedicated to McElroy congenially offered -----.---------<:~ ----____ (~' . number of children residing in and nurses in attendance. doing everything possible to up major !><)rtionsof the legis- . 0 • h' h ' . b th Ch IF Pl d the district. Information re- Th G P 't C mmu keeping our effiCIenCIes Ig lation for rewrItmg yet S d t- t G-' H I aygroun ceived from the annual s~hOOll . e r()f;Se 0U: e 0, . - and our costs low." hostile House Armed Services orus e . OUD a Ion 0 lye ...e p. " census is also essential for the mty Blood CouncIl, at. which In a spot .check made last Co~i~~~ the President and For Concert To'"Exceptl- onal. ,Chl-Idren p' roy"ram to enfor~ment of the compulsory IHugh BurnE i~ chairman, is week, oPGeratingcpos.tsperp.pubPI.il educatIon laws. 'cooperating. Chairman of the in The rosse omte U le McElroy said the wording School System were compared might be chapged, but the By receiving confidential in- spring drive i& Mrs, Carl As- with public schools in the fol- aims would be the !;ame and 0n M ay 11 T0 L h DfIVe- Ffl-day Cost $15,000 formation from parents re- mus. T . there would be no compromise' ' aunc ' .. garding handicapped ohildre~ ' . lowing. plac~: tkaNewm'rl.e: . -_.....:....;.....--- --_. the sch"""ls a,re also in a po- Twelve churches, too Amen- Township, 'Ymne , mOIS, on their intentions. -- M" P of C ""s t Acqua" t R "dents PI' f d .t' ' .vtv if' f' 1 Le' T bosn' Farms Shaker HeIghts, Cleveland, * * • M the ' Day P 0 to am urpose ampalgn lOin eSI anhng 0 18 trees an Sl Ion 0 0 er pro eSSlona can glOP..,.,aco 8~ Obi . G t N 1.- N Y k" S nd A'l "7 0 rs r gram W'th F 'IOt. A "I bl t H d' d ; hI!.. • h d I council relative to special edu- Police, the War Memorlal, ,Ma- ' 0, r~ ec...., ew or ~ THE ~A ~Y'S~~D notice Be Given in Parcell; I aCI lies val a e 0 an Icappe ~ rues In the, RIC ar p ay- cational' services which may tine League and the Grosse NewtonVIlle, Mas sac husettst Saturday that it will lift th,e Juriior High School Youngsters in Pointe Area ;ground starts off pro.ect be 'needed. Pointe Branch Post Office are S~arsdale, New York; Bro,:x- l news blackout on negotiations . at 3:30 A campaign to 'ac-q-u-a-i-n-t-G-r-o-s-s-e-Pointearea-residents The ini~'al work in the "Must Check Records supporting the drive. ~~~ ~~;';Y~~~:~e~~l:~~ Monday by making public con- -- with the servic~s offered by the Foundation .for Excep- One of the chief difficulties The Jun~or Re~ Cross of chusetts; Ardmore, Pennsyl- tract proposals at the Big Music lovers will hav~ an tional Children, Inc., will be launched this Friday.' . beautification and improve- met by'census takers is obtain- G:-DSSe Pomte Hl.g~ School vania, and Walnut Hills, C.in- Three automobile companies. opportunity to hear one of Every home will receive a~--~--------- ment of the Gabriel Richard ing the corred birthdates for will supply baby slttmg serv- cinnati, Ohio. The operatmg The ann~uncement complied the finest programs of chor- pamphlet explain~g the work I aI, state or local government. Playground, was s tar t e d each child in the family. ice at the church. Transporta- costs per pupil were for the with an agreement between 1 '... th h' t f of the FoundatIon, a non- yesterq.ay, April 30, with. tion may be arranged by call- year 1956-57. the companl'es and the union a mUSIC In e IS ory 0 E "led (Contmued on Page Z) h TV 1 7194 th.at 24 hours- notice would be the Grosse P ointe Cornmun,. -prl)fi~ organization devoted to 15 Now nr(). the planting of 18 trees and ing dthe churcf th d' at - , The average operating cost . Ch th ' the social, .recreational and About 15 children are now bushes. The entire ect the 'ay 0_ e nve. per pupil in all of the 'schools gl'ven by either party wishing Ity orus, on M0 er s '.
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