PRIEST OFFERED COMMISSION AS CAPTAIN IN NATIONAL GUARD NATIONAL B O A R D HAS NOT ACTED ON Pray for the Get Your Nexf- Father Donovan Cannot Success of the DoorNeighhor K. OF C. SANITARIUM, Cathotic Press to Subscribe SAYS JOHN H. REDDIN Accept; Will be Chaplain -sS>

, V Subject for Supreme Council, FOUNDER OF CHURCH Not for Directors, TWO PRIESTS AMONG He Declares. IN EL PASO LEAVES FIRST RECRUITS IN IT HAS BEEM UP BEFORE CITY A H E R M A N Y He Suggests That a Definite K. OF C. COMPANY New Plan be Worked- YEARS OF SERVICE Out. DENVER IS F O R IN G VOL. XII. NO. 39. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1917. $2 PER YEAR. A newspaper report sent out from Father Pinto Put Up a Sur­ Washington indicating that there was Father Mannix and Saint Philo- opposition on the part of the national prising Number of mena’s Rector Show hoard of directors of the Knights of CATHOUC GIRL CHRISTENS GIANT NEW DREADNAUGHT Buildings. Patriotism. Columbus to the project recently starteil in Denver to get a tuberculosis sanitari­ um for the order, was denied yesterday FORMERLY COLORADO NAMES ARE ANNOUNCED » ■ 40 by John H. Reddin, supreme master of the Fourt Degree and a national director, ’ ’ < •‘A,; s ' ' Erected Holy Trinity Church at Men Stand Ready; Pull Quota who recently returned from the meeting Trinidad Before Going in the capital city. Is Expected Within a South. Mr. Rtsldin pointed out that, while M H a ' v li s V X ^ s Few Days. some objection to the movement has been made by directors, no action has been On April 25, Very Rev. Charles M. The Rev. M. W. Donovan, pastor of taken by tlie board. He said: Pinto, for twenty-five years superior of ''' St. Philomena’s church, Denver, a few "It is a nuitter for the supreme council s'' ' " 'S the Jesuit community in K1 Paso, was 'I 1 ■'< v' Ss V . , days ago was offered a commission as and not the Iward, and the board would relieved of the burden of an office which '' 1 captain in the Colorado National Guard decline to initiate any steps for or f ' : V / s failing strength and health made too by the adjutant general. He had gone against the proposition, and probably ''' '' ' ' I 's , heavy of late. He wont to K1 Paso when to the official to offer his services as would even deeline to make any recom­ it was a struggling border town; he a eliaplain in the war with . mendation on the subject one way or the leaves it the bustling metropolis of the The pastor is one -of the best inform ^ other. The governing body of the Knights , r Southwest. During the many' years of men in the state- on military affairs, of Columbus is the supreme council, com- his stay, he-labored unceasingly and suc­ and is acquainted with the high o ffi­ ])Osed of repre.oentatives from each state, cessfully in supplying the needs of an cers of both the National Guard and the and this question has been thoroly ever-growing Catholic population, by regular army in this section. He is threshed out there and turned down a building churches and schools. Endowed a frequent visitor at Fort Logan, U. S. number of times. What Mr. Stack’s with rare business tact, he was eminent­ A. While Father Donovan was obliged committee sliould do is to .bring the ly fitted for tliat ilork. When lie went to deeline the commission offered, since question up in some new and concrete there was one Catholic church building the cluirch does not wish her minis­ and practical form, not before the board in town, the old Holy Trinity chapel on ters actually to bear arms, he declared, o f directors, but before the supreme North Oregon street. One after another in an address before the Knights of council.” The great new American dreadnaught, daughter of the late Governor De Baca, of the New Mexico will l>e l,05d officers the churches of the Immaculate Concep­ New Mexico, launched last week in the of New Mexico. The governor died a and men. Tlic above picture shows the Coliinilni.s on Tuesday evening, that he tion, the Sacred Heart, St. Ignatius, the was willing to go right jnto the thick New York navy yard, was christened by short time ago. He had been a devout New Mexico, witli Miss De Baca in the Holy Angels, the new Holy Family, were a Catholic, Miss Margaret C. De Baca, member of the Church. The complement insert. of the fight with the men as their chap­ WAR TIME PENANCE built tliru his e.xertions. He never for­ lain. He made a stirrring appeal for got tliat a good parochial school is the Catholic enlistments, which was ably greatest help the parish church has; four seconded by the Rev. E. J. Mannix, state URGED BY PRELATE; schools wore built by him. His name will chaplain of the order. Both priests PLAN TO CHARGE GERMAN BISHOPS ASKED A L L lie ever associated with the history of handed in their names as members of the Catliolic Cliurcli in El Paso. He did the K. of C. company, which called for PEOPLE MUST PRAY his work quietly and unassumingly; few its first recruits on Tuesday evening, CATHOLICS WITH DISLOYAL M U WEST TO AID outside his community even suspected his being answered immediately by the fil­ sterling worth. That lie enjoyed the con­ ing of forty names. A few of the men fidence of the higher superiors of the Archbishop MoeUer Wants the recruited may be unable to go to the ACTS FOILED BY UNCLE SAM IN RED CROSS WORK Jesuit order, is shown by the fact that front because of physical disability, but Scourge of Punishment for many years he lield the responsible they stand ready to give their services Withheld in Conflict, office of superior of the New Mexico and as drillniastOrs after they have been Letter Sent from Denver Urges Colorado Jesuits. Bishop A. J. Schiller trained, or in doing necessary clerical teniie

Deaconesses and Abbesses Are priest, deacon, subdeaeon, acolyte, exor­ No less eminent a person than Prior to them by men whose lives are invari­ cist, lector and ostiarius (door-keeper). Not Given This McNabb recently suggested, in England, ably softer and easier than those of the The cutting of the hair (tonsure) is the that, because of the scarcity of priests majority o f their flocks, and in the re­ Expressions of Happiness by Sacrament. rite of initiation into the clerical state. caused by the warj married converts who action from this the vision of the Cath­ Users of Father Mollinger’s The priesthood, diaconate and subdiaco- had been ministers be permitted to be­ olic priesthood voluntarily renouncing f nate, in the Western Church, are con­ come Catholic priests. The Church, as that which men hold dearest on earth for (By M. J. W. Smith.) Famous Herb Tea. sidered major orders, while those below most laymen know, has the right to the sake of the Cross of Christ, appeals Non-Catholic churches, except in a few are minor. It is , now generally held allow this, altho she has- always main­ very strongly. Any exception to this, in cases, believe in the “ universal priest­ that the minor orders are not part of tained and always will hold that celibacy favor of raising married converts to the It is a pleasure to hood," and allow any unordained man the sacrament. is the ideal. It was very evident to priesthood, would inevitably weaken that read the testimony who can talk to preach the Gospel. Near­ The fact that the ministry of women thinkers that, there would be talk of appeal. Even Protestants whose tradi­ by men and women ly all have a form of ordination, but is so strictly forbidden in Holy Writ permitting married clergymen in some tional prejudice causes them to denounce restored to health very few insist on the necessity of does not seem to affect many modern parts of Europe after the war, for a celibacy as ‘hard and unnatural,’ often who express grati­ a priesthood like the Catholic Church. Protestants. The Divine Science congre- frightful toll of lives has been taken pay generous tributes to the self-denial tude for new found The New Testament, which they take as tion that meets at Clarkson and Seven­ among priests. As is wrfl known, priests and spirituality of its adherents, ad­ health and who their rule of faith, clearly sets forth that teenth, Denver, has a woman minister. of the Eastern rites are often married, mitting that their own clergy suffer praise the tea pre­ there is to be a special priesthood, and Other women also occupy Colorado pul­ taking wives before they receive major greatly in comparison. After the loss of scribed to so many that ordination gives grace. Among the pits. Mrs. Bob Fitzsimmons, wife of the orders. This is permitted by Rome. But the sacraments J believe nothing has by the late Father texts are; “Neglect not the grace that is prize-fighter, has recently blossomed out the Eastern churches agree with Rome caused Christianity to lose its grip on Molliner. in thee, which was given thee by prophe­ as an evangelist. that a celibate clergy is the ideal. For the nation so much as the cold and per­ Thiswonderful na- cy, with imposition of the hands of the Abbesses in the Catholic Church do not this, they find plenty of sanction in tra­ functory ministrations of a married cler­ ( ture discovery by a priesthood” (St. Paul, in his first letter receive holy orders, but they have an dition, while Holy Writ itself speak.s gy. When spiritual things come to be to Timothy, iv, 14); “I admonish thee exalted dignity. The office was regular­ priest who was a plainly on the subject. regarded as the means of providing for a noted physician, must necessarily have that thou stir up the grace of Qod, ly instituted "in the sixth century. An But a convert who was a former Epis­ family, a materialistic view of them is great merit judging by the general satis­ which is in thee by the imposition of abbess is the superior of a community copalian minister writes to The Liver­ perhaps inevitable; a state of affairs faction of users. It is a fam ily remedy my hands” (II Tim. i, 6). of nuns in those religious orders whose pool Catholic Times and Oipion protest­ apparently common enough among the made at home in the old fashioned way. In the Acts, we read that the prophets convents of men are governed by ab­ ing against Prior McNabb’s suggestion. Russian parish priests, tho there its bad It will give sparkle to the eye and color and doctors at Antioch prayed and im­ bots. The canon law sets down how an Sir Arthur Henry Hardlnge, who has He thinks that a married clergy, even effect on the people is counteracted very to ^he cheek. It is free from alcohol or posed hands on Barnabas and Saul, and abbess shall .be chosen. The formal rais- | been the British ambassador to Madrid tho limited, would be a detriment to the largely by the possession of valid sacra­ drugs of any kind and is beneficial for all that these in turn ordained. Also see ing of the abbess to her position is called since 1915, Is said to have been ex­ Church. His arguments are well worth ments. Should the Church ever make Luke xxii, 19; John xx, 22, 23; Acts benediction, and is performed by a bish­ the organs of the body. Send for your pelled from his post by the Spanish while. In part, he says: concessions of this kind to the married $1 package, a full 5 months treatment, vi, 6. op. This rite is generally, but not al­ government because of suspicion that : “As one who up till recent years mixed converts from the Protestant ministrj', and join the army of happy health seek­ The Council of Trent declared that “no ways, necessary; An abbess has a right almost entirely with non-Catholics, and he was fomenting revolutionary pirts I am confident tliat the convert Haity ers. A free trial sample sent on request, one ought to doubt that order is truly to the ring and staff, like abbots, and against the monarchy. who in my Anglican days was afforded would strenuously avoid their ministra­ and properly one of the seven sacraments to have the abbatial cross borne before peculiar opportunities of observing not tions. Non-convert Catholics would of Holy Cfiiurch.” her. The conferring of her dignity on only how the pastoral and spiritual work scarcely welcome them, so that their MOLLINGER MEDICINE CO. In order to receive holy orders validly, an abbess is not a sacrament. the constitution guaranteeing equal of the Protestant clergy is affected by sphere of usefulness would probably be one must be of the male sex, baptized, Nor was it a. sacrament when, in the rights and religious liberty to all, and their married status, but also how the limited.” 79 Mollinger Bldg., N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa, and must not have the intention not to ancient Church, women were made dea­ quoting words of Washington illustrative strictly celibate law of Western Catholi­ be ordained. conesses, There are a couple of places of his attitude towards the Catholics of cism influences religious Protestants gen­ A woman is not permitted to receive in the New Testament (Rom. xv, 1, and him time, Mr. Oglesby concluded by erally, I hope I may be acquitted of EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY ordination. St. Paul says: “Let women Tim. V , 9) that are supposed to refer to saying: “The truth of history over­ presumption in venturing to express my Particular Attention Given to Order Work keep silence in the churches, for it is not deaconesses. These women were ordained whelmingly refutes the imputation that views on this subject. As a result of permitted them to speak; but to be and assisted at the baptism of women, profession of the Roman Catholic faith my experience of English Protestantism M rs. K. Cullen Take Lawrence St. PHONE Car to Colfax Ato. 1462 Lipan St subject, as also the law saith. But if gave private instruction to women, vis­ is incompatible with loyalty to American —experience which could possibly only M. 7272 they would learn anything, let them ask ited them in sickness and prison, kept principles of government; and surely the have been gained from within—I say their husbands at home. For it is a order at the women’s door and in the' facts I have stated show the peculiar unhesitatingly that that law is one of shame for a woman to speak in the women’s part of the church, helped the appropriateness of the choice of the the strongest weapons in the hands of DUFFY’S church” (I Cor, xiv, 34, 35); “ Let the bride at marriages, etc. Originally, wid­ Macon Slaughters of the Confederacy for the Church of England today, and that women learn in silence, with all subjec­ ows exercised this office. Later, virgins orator of an ocasion in honor o f the any relaxation of it, tho only with re­ tion. But I suffer not a woman to teach and married women who lived in con­ memory of those sons,of the South ■who gard to convert clergy, would tend to STORAGE and m o v i n g tinence were also employed. Women nor to use authority over the man, but died for those principles in the war be­ weaken the magnetism which the Faith Warehouse, 1001 Buoo^k S t to be in silence” (I Tim. ii, 11, 12). who had been married twice were not tween the states; of every one of whom undoubtedly exercises among sincere and Certain early heretics admitted women permitted to serve. Marriage was strict­ it can be said, as truly as General Lee truth-seeking non-Catholics. Englishmen Phone Main 1340 Office. 601 Fifteenth St to the priesthood and were scored by ly forbidden to deaconesses. Deacon­ said of Paul J. Serames, ‘He died dis­ arc surfeited with the arm-chair Christi­ Tertullian (second century). St. Epi- esses were servants of the Church, not charging the higlvest duty of a patriot.’ anity of the typical comfortable rectory; phanius shows that the Blessed Virgin ministers of the altar. In the fifth and “History shows that there are no more they have begun to realize tlie mockery would have been capable of exercising sixth centuries, the office was abolished devoted adherents, no sturdier defenders of having the Gospel of Sacrifice preached the ministry if any woman could, yet in Gaul because of abuses. In the tenth of constitutional liberty, as they have God conferred no priestly power on her. century, it had disappeared in the West. been transmitted to us thru the great Just a Reminder it is no solution of what threatens to The eight grades of order are: Bishop, It is still preserved among the Syrians. charter and the American Constitution, become a desperate condition. This is the seasonable time to have your Fortiers, than have been found in the ranks of Draperies and Rugs cleaned and dyed. Just phone and we those professing that faith—the faith of The food which appears on our tables, Stephen Laugton of Runnyiuede, and of will call and get your work and return it in a jiffy. We —let us hope— with regularity and pre­ NON-CATHOUC EX-CONFEDERATE SCORES (Tharles Carroll of Carrollton, and of know how to do this kind of work. cision, is the product of labor applied to Chief Justice Taney, and of the present land. There is no other way by which chief justice, Edward D. White; and of food can be made to appear. If you , GREYS WHO OPPOSED BISHOP KEILEY that great judge, William Gaston of know of any other way please apprise North Carolina, whose name and memory 2009-11 Tel. Champa us of the fact immediately. Wire at my are revered in that state by Protestant expense. CHAMPA ST. One excellent effect has resulted from to the intolerant demand that protested and Catholic alike. It shows that the N D f H c m o D 1374 -1378 the recent exhibition on the part of the against the invitation. !Mr. Oglesby pref­ Confederate cause, which itself was the Tell this to the average 14-year-old southern Confederates who objected to aced his address by saying, “ I am not cause of constitutional, liberty, had no schoolboy and he will say that as land ■ I ■ ■ CLEANERS G DYERS the invitation extended by the Daughters a Catholic, and, so far as I know, none more ardent sympathizers, nor more elo­ is to be had in sufficient quantity and pf the Confederacy to Bishop Kciley to of my ancestors was and none of my quent advocates than were to be found the labor to work it, there should be no be the speaker at the Confederate Me­ kindred is Catholic.” in those same ranks; and no doubt of 2 5 8 6 food problem, all you would have to do morial day celebration. It has roused bis fealty to these principles and to that jf e a lJ t R . 3 n & u / L c m o b Referring to the unfortunate incident would be to make land near the cities the angry resentment of the fairminded cause can find lodgment in the mind of at Macon the speaker said in part: “It and markets easy to get—thus encour­ and brought forth remarkable tributes of anyone who knows that true American, would be hard to find a more painfully aging labor to work upon it. appreciation of the part Catholics have astounding instance of the. effect of re­ that loyal Southerner, that golden- played in the history of our country even ligious prejudice and intolerance, and a hearted Christian gentleman — Bishop from those not of our faith. Such a reply, however, must not be ^ DEEP HOCK Benjamin Keiley.” more palpable ignorance or obliviousness, expected from adult college professors, Folowing this address the veterans’ One such tribute is that given by Mr. or ignoring of facts that should have captains of industry, merchant princes, camp unanimously adopted a set of reso­ T. K. Oglesby in an address delivered made it impossible, than is shown in this economists, politicians, newspaper edi­ before the Confererate Veterans’ asso­ protest; and no more fitting occasion lutions concurring in the invitation of WATER tors, or an even otherwise sane and intel­ Bishop Keiley and deprecating all previ­ ciation, Camp No. 736, of Savannah, in than this can be found for a statement ligent meclianic or laborer— esi>eeially if ous objections thereto. which he maintained the propriety of of some of those facts that should be he happens to own or thinks he owns a OFFICE WORKS- eaiii I C. B. of C. V. the choice of Bishop B. J. Kfeiley, by the known and remembered by every Ameri­ worthless “ little piece of land” out in can, and especially by every Confederate Daughters of the Confederacy, as orator the suburbs. 6ia on the Confererate Memorial day in veteran, and every descendant of a Con­ Macon. He warmly commended the ac­ federate.” These leaders in science and industry tion of the women who refused to j-ield After setting forth the provisions of THE SHAM-HATER and the average useful producer seem to be fearful that if we open up the (Written especially for The Register.) earth—make land easy to get, thru the process of making it unprofitable to hold When political ambition becomes em­ it, except for use— we would destroy all phatic, moral principle gets scared. love for the habits of thrift and economy to which the producing classes have so lAUNBRYC? iicb & lsoifs If none of us had any faults the long been aocustomed. With land near sham-hater would have nothing to write. cities and markets easy to get and for tho 2500-2620 CURTIS ST. use of which one man would not have to CORNER,. j^^^CLOTHES The worst fault is ignorance because ]>ay a speculative price to another, food WE USF ARTESIAN W4->’^E8^ J5™£- LARIM ERjr' it tempts others to steal what is ours. products would become so plentiful that The uneducated man makes the best vacant lot and backyard gardening would slave. soon be looked upon as a fad or costly recreation—which only the rich could For Good Work — The Regent Shoe Store, on Sixteenth Street, The most despicable creature in the afford. Colorado world is the snob, because he despises CALL UP near Welton, gives up its MEN’S department— those who are superior to himself. There is no question about an adequate and disposes of its entire stock of Men’s Foot­ supply of land, when we consider that wear, in a lump— to us— and this forms the If some people had as little money as one of the large states of the union could PHONE 741 2207 Larimer Laundry they have manners they would be too give two acres of land to every man, basis of a big sale which men should and do poor for the poorhouse. woman and child in the United States, appreciate, many buying two pair, three pair and then it would’ not all be used. “ How IT MATTERS NOT and four— because they save almost half. Worth Most men have no opinions except long, 0 Ix)rd, how long,” will the so those that arc manufactured for them called “ wise and prudent” of the earth how closely you look at our work, you'll considering in these times, when footwear i by others. remain blind to the great possibilities find it perfect. We clean your garments prices are soaring way above the ordinary of land thrown open to labor? thoroughly and do it at a price that baf­ Don’t attribute an evil motive to an- ■ (Continued on Page 4.) fles competition. It is because we use purse. Get your share, better hurry. [ other just because you wish it so. Most "the latest improved methods and are people can’t help being hypocrites who artists in oim line. W on’t'y o u let us have hypocrites to contend with, have your next order and demonstrate j ------$60 to $100 POSITION our worth ? j Patriotism does not consist in flag Miss Charlotte Parsons, a clerk, learned ; waving. Snell Shorthand in only three months and was immediately recommended to a THE GIGANTIC Nobody should wear the flag for adver­ position with District Attorney Godsman, cleaners and Tailors tising purposes. Burlington, Colo., at $15 a week. Why not you? Write for full particulars? for Quality EveiylKidy’s Doing HI There is but one country in the world 700 E. COLFAX. PHONE YORK 499 where it became necessary to forbid the CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL desecration of the flag by business men Kittredge Building. desiring to use it as an. advertisement. HTL'ini.'IJ The Civic and Commercial Association ^ 1 1 1 II lllll Get on the Bandwagon and Boost! of New York was against Washington in MARY W. MacMANUS, M. D. r ® revolutionary days but it was with Bill Women and Children Tweed when he tried to steal New York in the early ’70’s. Office Phone Champa 1357 1 0 c 1 0 c r Res. 1475 Pearl St. Phone York 6061. J Nobody should be permitted to wear FOR the miniature flag oq his coat lapel un­ 712-713 Central Saving* Bank Bldg. less he can show that some time or Office Hours—10 to 11 a. m.. 2 to 4 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR NEW N other he did something useful for his p. m. Sunday and evening by country. appointment.

No one should be permitted to display BUTTER-NUT BREAD Jk the flag unless he is reputable, decent and unwilling to swindle his neighbors. Made With Milk Amendment Wo. 1 Poor people that work are entitled to wear and display the flag without any questions being asked.

Among the many absurdities, to call them by no harsher term, for which our A LIVING WAGE present system is responsible, is the spectacle of well-meaning, profoundly TRE-O NASAL BALM serious citizens, who advocate all manner I I of schemes of bacK yard farming, vacant POSITIVELY Hay Fever and Cold-in-tie- FOR lot cultivation, etc., as a solution of the Head-^50 Cents at Leading I food problem which is becoming more CHRONIC Drug Stores—If You Cannot ' serious each dav. Obtain It of Your Druggist, POLICE A N D FIREMEN CURES CATARRH Send Direct to Us. It is true that these methods will help, in a small way, the few who are able to TRE-0 CHEMICAL CO., EMPIRE BUILDING, DENVER avail themselves of such mediums, but THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1917. DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Page Three. CATHOUC WOMEN’S LEAGUE IN PUEBLO RICH CATHOUC AND COLORADO GIRI^ BECOME SISTERS IN NOW HAS 300 LADIES ON ITS ROLLS HIS M01HER DISPLAY CEREMONY AT LOREH O MOTHERHOUSE

(By Georgia Zeiger.) Garvey. THEIR PA lR IO nSM The Sisters of Loretto’s motherhouse, non, K y.; Syria Valdez, Sister M. Evodia, Pueblo, May 2.—One of the most im­ Piano Solo— (a) Romanza and (b) Sex at Nerinx, Ky., celebrated Foundation Clover, Colo. portant social activities for a long time tette from Lucia (left hand alone). Miss ITiose making first vows: Sister Ann Day by clothing ten noblulants and pro­ 6 r ^ k t concerning the women' of the city was Marie Swartz. Frances McArdle, Omalia, Neb.; Sister the founding of a branch of the Catholic Duo for Two Pianos—Fantasie de Con fessing ten novices, including some Colo­ Eva Bowling, New Hope, Ky.; Sister M. Women’s league here last December, cert Op. 27, Miss Marie Finlan and Miss rado girls. Norine Walsh, New York; Sister Rose The meetings for organization have been Josephine Finlan. Those clothed as novices: Anastasia Amelia Boone, New Hope, Ky.; Sister held every two weeks for the past four Vocal Solo—For You, Miss Louise Stabkin, Sister M. Ambrose, Edina, Mo.; M. Parmena Young, Sunfish, K y.; Sister months at the Vail and Congress hotels. Martino. Helen Hagney, Sister Teresa Augusta, M. Silvan Hayes, Cecilia, Ky.; Sister Ann Those at the head of the work stated Piano Quartet—“ Grand Pezzo Concer St. Louis, Mo.; Elizabeth Kelly, Sister Marita Maley, Kansas City, Mo.; Sister that they wanted the work actually tato.” Piano A—Miss Helen Stowe and M. liliosa, Hannibal, Mo.; Katherine M. Lorita Fay, St. Louis, Mo.; Sister M. started before it was made public. The Miss Antoinette Schneider. Piano B Callan, Sister M. Herentia, Monett, Mo.; Alexia Reilly, Denver, Colo.; Sister M. This is the charter of the Pueblo lea^e W’as closed Miss Edna Vigil and Miss Elgia Me Mary Rourke, Sister M. Melissa, Lamar, Norbertina Glynn, St. Louis, Mo. last month with about 300 charter mem­ Dowell. Colo.; Loretto Lyons, Sister Peter Jo­ Rev. Father Marcellus McCarthy, C.P.; Sign of Good bers, and it is stated that by June the Grand Chorus for Ladies’ Voices- seph, El Paso, Tex.; Julia Linahan, Sis­ had conducted the spiritual exercises for league will number at least 1,000 women. Easter Bells—Alumnae and Pupils of the ter John Baptist, El Paso, Tex.; Marie eight days previous to the day of solemn For years Pueblo has had a number Academy. Solos, Mrs. Martin Walter, Jr, Browne, Sister M. Bartholomew, Leba­ ceremonies. of smaller Catholic women societies, but Piano Solos—(a) Prelude and (b) this big organization will in a short while Torchlight Dance, Miss Helen Stowe, Chocolates include every Catholic woman in the city, Capriccio— Piano Trio, Miss Josephine no matter of what nationality. In speak­ Langdon,)^”— Shaddy, Miss Jose SISTERS OF CHARITY LEAVE TO ATTEND The sign that spells qual­ ing on this point a very well known phine Young. ity whether you pay one active member of the league said yester­ Piano Solo—From Rhapsodic Concerto dollar or one quarter for day: ‘ No. 14, Miss Inez McCarthy, NURSES’ MEET AND TO STUDY H0SPITAI5 the package. “We are using the watchword ‘inclu­ Piano Solo— Paraphrase on Offenbach’s siveness’ instead of ‘exclusive,’ as we be­ Barcarolle from “Voyage of Love,” Miss lieve we need all to make us strong and Marie Finlan. (By Frank H. Prior.) Kate I. Ashfe of New Y'ork city re­ Good Candy worth while. We are all equal in church Vocal Solo— Soberto che Adoro, Mrs Colorado Springs, May 2.—Sisters Theo­ turned to her home last Monday after is the one gift that is work and, as you know, we do not know Martin Walter, Jr. dore and Mary Matilda of the Glockner a three weeks’ visit in Colorado Springs. always appreciated. the word ‘society’ in our church; our Grand Duo for Two Pianos—Phapsodie Clarence H. Mackay and his mother, left last week to attend the convention Mrs. Thomas B. Went has returned to women have learned a long time ago to No. 12, Miss Inez McCarthy and Miss Mrs. John W. Mackay, who resides In Trade a dollar for a 20-01. of American nurses in Philadelphia. A f­ her home after a two weeks’ trip in set aside certain skin-deep or surface Josephine Finlan. Paris, have made a joint gift of a package of Sextette ter the convention they will visit New California. distinctions in order to learn the deeper Piano Solos— (a) Trovatore, Concert completely equipped hospital base unM Or Tete a Tete Or Apro^ios York, whore they intend to spend some A meeting of the. St. Mary’s Improve­ and better qualities of their co-workers. Edition; (b) Rhapsodic Americane, Miss of 500 beds for service either in this time in visiting hospi­ ment society was held last Wednesdjyr You’ll find a new delight Our Catholic women, some from wealthy Josephine Finlan. country or abroad. tals and in doing post-graduate work. evening at the home of Mrs. Frank G. in every piece. homesj and others from poorer pnes, have Finale Chorus—“ Worship of God in Father Riordan, chaplain of the Glock­ Peck, 917 North Nevada avenue. organized this league to try to fulfill the His Works,” Alumnae and Pupils of the ner sanatorium, is steadily improving. Mrs, A. J. Savage, 414 East Pikes great works of spiritual and corporal academy. Piano, Miss Edna Vigil; vio T. P. Mauley of Florissant, Colo., Peak avenue, left this week for a six rhosea; Gallup 17S, Gahup 1S3 mercy. Old and young, rich and poor, lins, Miss Loretto Nogle, Miss Olivette NEW CASPER CHURCH spent a few da}'s here last week. weeks’ visit with her sister in Cincin­ intellectual and uneducated, will work Schneider, Miss Maud Smith; cello, Mr Mary Kelleher is sick at her home, nati, Ohio. in this association ‘shoulder to shoulder,’ Qiarles A. M. Bannister. J. B. Garvin & Co. 724 North Nevada avenue. Fred Stoll, 1119 Lincoln avenue, Colo­ for this is the kind of inclusiveness that The Alumnae pianists participating Bishop McGovern, o f Cheyenne, has Retreat to be Held at Glockner. rado city, is sick at St. Francis’ hospi­ we feel means enduring strength.” were: M'ss Mary Langdon, Miss Marie approved plans for a $50,000 church to The Rev. Dr. P. B. Donnelly, who re­ tal. Already there have been appointed 24 Finlan, Miss Ruth Seater, Miss Inez Mc­ DRUGGISTS be built at Casper, W yo., this summer. cently gave a sermon scries at the The usual May devotions are being committees which are doing All kinds of Carthy, Miss Josephine Langdon, Miss Cathedral, Denver, will open a retreat held during this month at the daily social and charitable work. Each com­ Marie Swartz, Miss Josephine Finlan, uoi w. raa Are. Denver. Colo. at the Glockner sanatorium next Sat­ masses of the churches here. mittee is composed of at least ten women Miss Helen Stowe, Miss Laura Sinder- 45 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS urday, May 5, for the pupil nurses of The son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I. and reports from various chairmen have man. RECEIVE HOLY COMMUNION the Glockner training school tgid the Purcell was baptized Thomas Irwin, Jr, been gratifying. The work has been Vocalists taking part: Mrs. Martin alumnae. The retreat will continue last Sunday afternoon. E. E. ROST organized along the line of social service, Walter, Jr., Mrs. Anthony P. Deus, Miss Sterling, Colo., May 2.—On Sunday, thru Sunday and Monday, May 6 and Rose Mary Fitzsimmons, 128 East employment, entertainment, education Marie Finlan, Miss Kathleen McAliney, forty-five members of Sterling council, 7. Willamette street, is improving after and promotion. Miss Josephine Finlan, Miss Marie Groceries and Provisions Knights of Columbus, received commun­ An open business meeting of the Cor­ her recent illness. A t the election held in January, the Swartz, Miss Wilhelmina Sinderman ion in a body. After mass the Ladies’ pus Christi guild was held in the churcli Mrs. M. Schmitt and son, John, of Cor. 38th Ave. and Franklin St. following well-known women were chosen Reader—Miss Ethel McCarthy. Guild served a delightful breakfast at hall Wednesday afternoon. Members Chicago, are spending a few days in the to represent the various parishes on the Directress ot the vocal department and K. o f C. hall. On account of the cold Phone Main 4276 of the guild and their friends enjoyed a city visiting friends. Mrs. Schmitt is advisory board: Mrs. Matt Jerman, Mrs. accompanist—Miss Jean B. Groff. and stormy weather, some members of pleasant afternoon. the mother of- Joseph M. Schmitt, the John Snedec, Mrs. Joseph Snedec, Mrs. Deaths. the council were unabk to attend. Tlie ladies of St. Mary’s sewing circle well-known baritone of St. Mary’s choir, M. F. Neary, Mrs. Fred W. White, Mrs. The funeral of “Grandma” Setters Arthur H. Le Blanc has resumed his J.J.HARRINGTON were delightfully entertained last Fri­ who will return with his mother to Chi­ M. J. Galligan, Mrs. Mark Rehatf, Mrs. (Mrs. Anna Setters), well known here, duties in the Mentgen Mercantile com­ day afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. cago, wliere he will make his home in HEATING AND VENTILATING Oscar Casack, Mrs. Andrew Sajbel, Mrs. who died in Walsenburg last Thursday, pany store after an absence of fo.ur M. Ilusong, 510 East Uintah street. the future. CONTRACTOR Hector Chriaglione Sr., Mrs. Florri Car- was held from the Union station Satur­ months on account of sickness. Jobbing and Repairing a Specialty. dillo, Mrs. August Alitto, Mrs. Thomas day morning. Rev. Father Murphy of A. R. Fox of Chicago is in Sterling on Kerrigan, Miss Catherine Irwin, Miss Sacred Heart church conducted the serv­ Phone Champa 2548. business. Mr. Fox is contemplating lo­ Helen Stowe, Mrs. A. J. Shane, Mrs. J. ices at tlie grave. Interment was in 826 FOURTEENTH STREET cating ir or near Sterling. W. Davis, Mrs. John Maloney, Mrs. T. G. Roselawn, in charge o f McCarthy. Tlie Ladies’ Guild will meet' next MOVE FOR C. Y. M. A. GAITS ADMITS HE’S McCarthy, Mrs. Robert L. Zeiger, Mrs. The funeral of Michael Finnegan took Hour*, l~ -lt a. m. 1—f p. ■ Thursday at the home of Mrs. C. H. James E. McDonald, Mrs. Marie Tobin, place Monday, last week, at 8:30 o’clock Murrin on Platte street. DR. J. J. MEEHAN Mrs. John Pfefferie, Miss Mary McNally from the McCarthy chapel and from Edward Farragher has returned from a TAKEN AT CHICAGO NEXT U.S. PRESIDENT and Miss Nell Gibbons. Sacred Heart church at 9 o ’clock. Rev. business and pleasure trip to Illinois and The advisory board of the league met Father Thomas J. Wolohan, assis'ted by Ohio. A classical letter w’ritten by his high Dentist Monday afternoon and prepared the busi­ Father Murphy, said mass for the dead. John Lacy of Omaha spent Sunday and The initial step towards the formation ness for the meeting of the league, which The pallbearers were Fred Huber, P. Monday in Sterling. of a great national union of all the and mighty wonderfulness, Sidney J. Catts, governor of Florida, recently elect­ SUITS 501, MACK BLK. PH. M. IM9 takes place next Monday evening at St. Prendergast, Frank Carroll, William Mrs. Alice Borchert Is visiting friends Catholic Young Men’s societies was ed on an anti-Catholic ticket, has come l«th and Califerala. Leander’s hall. Every woman in the Sheehan, C. H. Bradley and M. J. Galli and relatives in Chicago. taken, when the representatives of the Young Men’s Institute, the CJatholie to light and his exalted majesty admits city should attend this session Monday gan. Interment, Roselawn. J. J. Kinney has returned from a busi­ Young Men’s National Union, the Gon- that lie is not ashamed of it. Here it evening at St. Leander’s, as most import­ The funeral of Harry L. Green took ness and pleasure trip to Iowa and SYMPTOMS OF zaga Union of the Central Verein and is: ant talks will be given. place Saturday morning at 8:30 from Illinois. EYE TROUBLE the Young Men’s Sodalities, met at Loy­ State of Florida, Executive Office. Headache, Dlwlaeaa, Preparations will also be started at the residence of J. E. Kilfoy, 705 West Palas at Baae o l Brain this time for the lecture wTiich is being Abriendo avenue, and at 9:15 from St. ola law school, Chicago, recently. The S. J. Catts, Governor. NeoralKla, Falntinc, planned for June. Patrick’s church. Rev. Father Scliimpf, following representatives were present: Tallahassee, Feb. 25, 1917. We AbMlntelp •mazutee Onx #lannen SJ., said a requiem mass for the EARLY ATTEMPT FOR Rev. E. F. Garesche,'§.J.,'St. Louis; Rev. Atty.-Gen. of the U. S., Washington, •out rau u auBns, 8 1.M dead. The flower bearers were Joseph Maurice O’Connor, Indianapolis; Rev, D. C. William A. Murphy, Chicago; Rev. A. B. Dear Sir: You turned me down (X)LD Tlie Ladies’ Aid society to tlie Sacred Kilfoy, Leo Kilfoy and Harry Kilfoy. Schwab, Modern Opticians on my application to the President for Heart orphanage will meet this iveek The pallbearers were M. J. Kilfoy, Ixion- AN INDIAN DIOCESE Salick, Milwaukee; Michael J. Slattery, Pk. Main 517L M l Uth f i parole of Blake Campbell. W hy did you with Mrs. Nancy Martin and Mrs. James ard Kilfoy, Edward McCabe, T. C. Crock­ Philadelphia; Robert T. Burke, Louis­ ville; James H. Zipf, St. Louis, and An­ do it? Thousands of other men worse Ryan in the home of the former. ett, W. B. Connelly and T. E. Egan. thony Schwamm, . than he are out. FRED F. FISHER Mr. and Mrs. T. Raymond Young are Interment was in the family lot at Rose­ Students of American Catholic history A discussion of the aims and objects I want to tell you square from THE rejoicing over the arrival of a sou, T. lawn cemetery, in charge of the McCar­ have long ago grown familiar with the of these associations brought out the SHOULDER that you and Pres. Wilson Raymond, Jr., born at St. Mary’s hos­ thy Undertaking company. various projects which originated in Catholic Goods fact that in nearly every case the same are just like OTHER MEN to me, and pital last Tuesday. Mrs. Young was Europe shortly after the Treaty of Paris Opp. S t auiabetk’a. ideals were fostered, and consequently I demand FAIR treatment. Miss Geraldine Galligan, daughter of Mr. NEW COLLEGE AT CATHOLIC “ D ": (1783) for the purpose of controlling the Frayar Books, Rouiiea, Scapulu% I t s could be accomplished by a combination Why can’t I get Blnke Campbell’s case and Mrs. M. J. Galligan. ARCHBISHOP HARTY HONORED. rising Catholic hierarchy in the United of forces, and at the same time, with before Mr. Wilson? Tell me the reason, 1035 ELEVENTH STSEXT. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur M. Pryor an­ States. During the Revolutionary war \inited effort, would provide for our and if there is any reason why I cannot Phone Main 8264 nounce the birth of a son Saturday morn­ Archbishop Harty of Omaha has been (1775-1783) all ecclesiastical relations young men the same material advan­ I will remove it, but if you give me a ing at St. Mary’s hospital. The little elected to the board of directors of the between the 'Vicars Apostolic of the Lon­ tages as are offered by organizations out­ raw deal, I will run for Pres’t and get it, fellow will be cliristened Wilbur Myron Catholic university. The university next don district and the American Catholic side the Church to attract young men and TURN YOU OUT. Now I am GOING The Frank M. Hall Pryor, Jr. term will open Basselin college, provide.! priests and people ceased. Bishop Chal- of all faiths. TO GET THIS pardon for Mr. Campbell The members of St. Leandcr’s parish for in the will of Theodore Basselin of loner had passed away on January 10, Anotlier meeting of the executive heads and you might as well look at it from held a card party and program in the Groghan, N. Y., for training young men 1781, and his successor. Bishop Talbot, Drag Co. will be held in June, in St. Louis, to hear that angle. So write me all I must do, parish hall Wednesday evening. As usual, to be priests,,and to pay particular at­ either thru patriotism or indolence, de­ reports of the various unions on the and help me like a man to get it. Best COR. LARIMER ft 37TH STB. there was a large attendance. tention to elocution and public speaking. clined to exercise any jurisdiction over plans agreed upon at the Chicago meet­ wishes. Denver, Cole. Cards have been received announcing Separate buildings are to be put up later. the young American Church. Carroll’s ing. Yours trulv, the marriage of Miss Stella May Parks appointment a.s prefect apostolic in 1784 The name of the new union, tentative­ SIDNEY J. CATTS, Gov. of Florida. and Mr. Edward F. Allison in Evansville, Fortune Left to Charity. as preceded by two important histori­ ly agreed upon, will be the Catholic Ind., on April 17. The ceremony w'as A court in Grand Rapids, Mich., last cal events: first, the petition from the Directory of Young Men’s Association. performed by the Rev. Father Henry w'eek upheld the will of Ann McIntyre, American clergy 'to the Holy Father, FAMILY CONVERTED THRU Dugan in tlie Ascension church of that which left $.300,1)00 to St. John’s orphan Pius VI, dated November 10, 1783, in asylum, the home for the aged and the which they asked the Holy Father to MERCY SISTERS’ CHARITY Attorneys-at'Law city. The groom is the son of Mr. and WANTS GRAY NUNS PLACED OF COLORADO. Mrs. R. M. Allison, of Pueblo, and grad­ Little Sisters'of the Poor. separate them from England, but in uated from Central high school. He' is which they hinted that they were not IN CHARGE OP SANATORIUM How a conversion of a family was ob­ now connected with the Dawson shoe Late Passionist Was Traffic Cop. yet ready for a'^ishop to be placed over tained thru the charity of the sisters JAMES J. McFEELY Rev. Brother William Irwin, C.P., died them; secondly, the French project, in at Mercy hospital was told to the store in Evansville. A Denver priest interested in the new A ttorney-at-Law recently at Brighton, near Boston. Be­ hich Benjamin Franklin allowed him­ Knights of Columbus recently by the Monday morning of last week a solemn national movement of the Knights of 425 Foster Building fore becoming a Passionist, he was a self to be imprudently led, of appointing Rev. E. J, Mannix. Some time ago, he high mass was celebrated at Mount Car­ Columbus to start a tuberculosis sana­ Phone 4295 traffic policeman on Brooklyn bridge. French vicar apostolic over the Ameri­ said, a young Jew came to him. mel church when the Italian Catholic torium then turn it over to an order of can Church, who would reside in “ I had a friend,” the visitor declared, MORRISSEY, MAHONEY & SCOFIELD association of St. Joseph celebrated the sisters sends, as a communication to the Great Paper Needs Funds. and rule the clergy from afar. The Papal “ a Jew, w1io came here for tuberculosis Attorneys-at-Law feast of its patron saint with great editor of The Denver Catholic Register, Corriere d’ltalia, the leading Italian Nuncio in Paris was to act as Ordinary and found tlie institutions crowded. His 305-07 Symes Building solemnity. A t 10 o ’clock the ma^s was the following article, which appeared in Catholic paper, announces a deficit of for the American missions. Plana had funds ran out, and be wras about to give Phone Main 4310 Denver, Colo. sung by the director. Rev. P. M. this newspaper some years ago, and $40,000, due to the high cost of paper in even been drawn up to begin an Ameri­ up in desperation, wlien the Sisters of Telese, S J. The sermon was preached on marks it "Attention, Knights of Colum­ war times. can college at Bordeaux to furnish these Slerey heard about his case and took WILLIAM H. ANDREW this occasion by Rev. Father S. Person!, bus:” missions witli priests. The news of this him in. They kept him for several Attorney-at-Law SJ., of Trinidad. Right,after the mass One of the most complete and up-to- intrigue reached the priests in Maryland months, without asking a cent in return. 615 Charles Building there was solemn benediction of the Diamond Jim Buried a Catholic. date sanatoriuins in the world is to be in the spring of 1784, and great relief I want to know something about a reli- ' Tel. Main 1369 Denver, Colo. Blessed Sacrament, followed by the con­ “Diamond Jim” Brady, the unique mil­ constructed in Colorado or New Mexico was expressed when Carroll was appoint­ gion that can make, Catholic women do secration of the big sodality of St. Jo­ lionaire who became so well-known in within the next few' years by the Gray JOHN H. REDDIN, ed prefect apostolic, in June of that year. this for a penniless Jew.” seph. Matt Jerman, assisted by Mrs. theatrical and society circles and ■«'ho Nuns of Montreal. With the object in Attorney anti Cormselor at Law On November 6, 1789, the Sec of Balti­ “Today,” said Father Mannix, “the Jerman, was in charge of the music on died recently in New York, was buried view of posting themselves on the' nec- 612-614 Ernest and Cranmer Block more was erected and Carroll appointed Jew who visited me and his family are this occasion, and it was excellent. All with Catholic rites, and left $10,000 to cessary features of such an institution, Seventeenth and Curtis Streets its first bishop. His consecration fol­ fervent Catholics.” of the money collected at this mass was a New York Catholic orphanage. Mother Superior Piehq, Sister McKenna, Phone Main 557 Denver, Cola lowed on August 15, 1790. It was during forwarded to the Italian Red Cross asso­ general secretary, and Alfred St. Cjt, this period of Carroll’s prcfectship over BEATIFICATION TAKES PLACE AT ciation for the benefit of the wounded business agent of the order, arrived in Italian soldiers. Mrs. Wilson wanted to get Mrs. John­ the Church in the United States that two ROME; ANOTHER SOON. interesting attempts were made to es­ Dimver a few days ago to inspect the The members of Pueblo council, son’s cook away from her so badly that Agnes Memorial sanatorium and the tablish bishoprics which would have ap­ A gigantic crowd was present at the Knights of Columbus, are making exten­ she actually went to Mrs. Johnson’s Oakes Home. parently been independent of Baltimore solemn beatiflqation in St. Peter’s, Rome, sive preparations to attend the state The institution which the Gray Nuns house when she was away and offered — the one, the attempt to found the Sunday, of the Venerable Guiseppe Cot- convention in Colorado Springs May 8, propose to erect will be primarily for the cook more money. The next time French see of Gallipolis in April-May, tolengo, founder of the Little House of and no doubt there will be quite a num­ members of their own oraer. It will be 1790, and the other, which is described Divine Providence in Turin. The pope ber present from this city. th(^ met at a big dinner Mrs. Johnson started ,on a small scale and gradually for the first time in the April number of officiated. On May 6, the solemn beati­ It was a most select and representa­ did not notice her. will he'enlarged to admit the general the Catholic Historical Review, the at­ fication of Sister Anne of St. Bartholo­ tive audience that greeted the perform­ public. The inspecting party will go “ Mrs. Johnson, you know Mrs. Wilson, tempt to have a separate' episcopal see at mew, Discalced Carmelite nun, will take ers on the program at the Loretto acad­ from Denver to Colorado Springs thence do you not?” asked the lady who sat be­ Oneida Caslle, N. Y., for the Six Nations, place. emy alumnae concert Wednesday evening to Deniing, Silver Citv and Fort Bavard, of last week in the academy hall. The tween them. in April-August, 1790. This strange pro­ ject, as Shea says, “ is one of the most N. M. program was exceptional and every num­ “No, I believe not,” said Mrs. Johnson, The Gray Nuns are a Canadian order, ber was excellent, but perhaps the most curious episodes in our history.” The FRANK F. CRUMP, “but I understand that she calls on my object of those wlio engineered the wliich was founded over 200 years ago, unusual was played by Miss Ma3rre during tlie French regime. They have cook.” scheme was no less than the foundation Swartz, who gave with the left hand the more than 100 houses spread over the “Sextette from Lucia.” Miss Ethel Mc­ of an Indian primacy over tlie Six Na­ Florist United ,States and Canada, and their, Carthy won praise for her readings and tions of New York. The Onedia tribe Sn EAST COLUMBIA. Suffragist—What is a party without seems to have constituted itself the lirineijial work of charity is in connec­ Miss Julia Shaddy’s selection, “ Ode to tion with hospitals. Phone Main 500. Ooloradi* flariagm. Music,” was also well received. The pro­ women ? spokesman for the rest of the nations and the documents now reproduced in St. Mary’s Branch No. 298—Meets 2d gram for the evening follows: Mere Man—A stag party. Piano Duet—Introduction and Miser­ The Review show how definite the ])lan and 4th Tuesdays in Charles building. Suffragist—Precisely. And what, sir, had become before the appeal was made Sacred Heart Branch No. 316—Meets ere, Miss Helen Stowe and Miss Helen would this nation be without women but to Rome. second and fourth Wednesday evenings Deuser. in Charles building. Reading—An Ode on Music, Miss Julia stagnation.—Puck. Shaddy. FRENCH ENVOY TO UNITED STATES St. Joseph’s Branch No. 611 — Meets RABID ANTI-CATHOLIC. second and fourth Thursday evenings of 'V’oeal Solo—Tlie Shrine, Miss Sophia Garcia. each month at St. Joseph’s hall. Sixth M. Viviani, one of the envoys of the Stop at THE JOYCE HOTEL Piano Solo—Nocturn, Miss May Lang- avenue and Galapago street. Mrs. Ellen French government to the United States T. Devlin, president; Miss Mamie Clan­ don. Piano Solo—Samson et Delilah, Miss D r . W a tk in s to arrange for our participation in the ton, secretary. Laura Sinderinann. world war, is a rabid anti-Catholic. It St. Mary Magdalene Branch No. 1094— was he who boasted in the French cham­ When in Colorado Springs Meets every first and third Tuesday of Duo for Two Pianos—Spanish Carni­ DENTIST val, Miss Helen Stowe and Miss Ruth ber: “We have removed God from the each month at 8 p. m. at 221 Charles Pueblo, Colo. Phone Main 1S37 schools and we have put out the light building. Mrs. Mary S. Wirtz, presi- Seiter. I * ■Vocal Solo—Because, Miss Nettie Mc- of heaven.” •tnt} Mrs. C. M. Whitcomb, recorder. P M « f o n t . DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1017. HHOHaaaBHIi The Denver Catholic Register MERCY CAMPAIGN i s !INTERESITNG TOPICS ARE ASSIGNED FOR THE SHAM-HATER Entered as Becond-claes matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. NEAR FAILURE WfflLE NEXT MEETING NORTHERN COLO. CLERGY (Continued from Page 2) What ((owards ■we are! What others do we must do. Lackipg courage to ANOTHER SUCCEEDS Interesting topics have been assigned common opinion. The fact that the think for ourselves we arc like dumb for the next conference of the clergy people have been made aecustome

Students of the Annunciation (St. Francis de Sales’ Parish.) A "J.ive Wire” will be presented by School Are to Receive the members of St. Francis De Sales’ Communion. Dramatic club nc.xt Thursday evening; -May 10, at the hall, corner Alamisla and Every Catholic Home should have a shrine of the Blessed Virgin (Annuiiciiition Si’hool.) .South .Sherman. This is a high class As a* tribute to the ineinoi y of Mon- eomel will assist at mass and should receive the patronage of My Refcr«nc«s are More than 12.000 Satisfied Pauents composition, ivory, marble, and metal, ranging in price from amt riTrive holy Communion on next every member of the parish. The »lub Treated Thruout the State Friday morninp. The requiem mass to lias presented e.xcellcnt plays during the Glasses Fitted Stdentifically 15c up to $10.00. Our stock of religious articles and books is be eeiebrated is a gift of the jiupils of season and this one from all indications Large Stock of Artificial Eyes. tlie'seliooi. will, no doubt, e.veel former ones. It IJ54 CALIFORNIA ST. very complete, notwithstanding the difficulty of getting goods, Among tile other movements now is being directed by Air. V. Dom. Gaz- Phone Mein 5S6I prominent, a not insigniticant ])Iaee has zolo, who has won a reputation as a di­ Rooms 201>236*237 been alloted to "Calmer movement’’ in rector, and is managed by Father L. DENVER COLO. Annuneiation. Several of tin* pupils Grohman. Tin- following are those' in Oppotite the Denver Dry Gcodt Co. 7 oj^ Elevator M to 2d Floor, Upstairs have merited diplomas, and many more the east—Misses Helena O’Rourke, Alma M OFFICE HOURS; 10-12 md 2-5, u«J br Appomlmcnl W Fitzgerald, Klizabeth Hynes, Jlaric Ter- are striving for the aequisition. Conaultetion end Exemlnetion Free. har, Hortense Aloran, Fannye Frances Mildred ! Davis, a member of elass ^ ^ ^ eight, underwent an o|>eration at Saint and Airs. A'. 1). Gazzolo; Ab-ssrs. V. D. Hie Jas. Claile Chiicli (Ms H « .loseph’s hospital last Saturday for a|i- Gazza>lo, Fdwin Freeman. Will Terhar, pendicitis. She is getting along nieely, -Arthur Dignon, Hugh AleGuire. Curtain Champa 2199. and we hope to have her with us again 8:15. soon. Airs. C. F. Wibel and Airs. T. F. Alap- FAIR NETS $4,000 1645-47 California St. DENVER, COLO. May altars in all the elass rooms ner will entertain the ladies of the -Al­ evince the special devotion of flie ehil- tar society on Friday afternoon at ‘2:30 dren of Mary. We hope, however, that at the home of the latter, 1503 South Miss -Alice Quinn, who took part in this devotion will assume a nj|ore suh- Kmerson. -A large attendance is re­ the K. of C. play at the Broadway the­ stantial form daily mass ami Holy quested. The proceeds will be turned ater on Alonday evening, was voted the Communion would be a fitting eom- over to the altar fund. most popular girl at the Annunciation was enjoyed by all and after the busi­ idement of the May devotions of a true Alay devotions will be .held every church fair last week, and was given ness iiieetiftg was-over a short program client of -Marv. Wednesday and .Sunday evening at 7:30 a diamond ring as a reward. While she and dainty refreshments were served. during the month. is very comely, she took the part of a The Altar and Rosary society held a The annual Alay ' )>roeession and the hag in the performance on Alonday eve­ special meeting and plans were ^ dis­ crowning of the statue of the Blessed ning, and her make-up was so clever cussed concerning a grand social which MAY RECEPTION AT A’irgin will l>e held on Sunday after­ that her closest relatives would have is to be given for the benefit of the noon at 3 o’clock. -All who ex­ been unable to recognize her. The An­ Church. pect to take ])art are re(piested to be nunciation fair netted close to .$4,000. at the hall not later than 2:15. This was the second fair in IS months. The A'oung l-adies’ sodality will re­ The two together netted $8,000. ceive Holy Communion at the 7 o'clock (St. Kli/.abeth's Church.) 20 INITIATED BY mass on !^unday. The social meeting M’CARTHY-BOYLE WEDDING Sunday, May (1, the Aoung Ladies’ will be hehl on Alonday evening at the sodality and the Children of Mary will hall. -All the members are rcqucste

Are we sure what Christ looked like? Denver Preferred Parish Trading List Was He beautiful or not? These Merchants, Eager to Secnro OathoUc Trade and to Help tiie Cans* of the Catholic Press, Solicit Tonr Patronage. Trade Given to Our Advertisers Means a Better St. Augustine is authority for the fact that there is no true tradition in the Pap«r f(M: Ton. T dl Thoio Men Ton Saw Their Cards in The Register. Boost for the Catholic PressI It Is as Necessary to the Chnrch as Parish Schools. Church about the bodily appearance of Christ. Saints Chrysostom and Jerome regarded Him as the ideal of human beauty, basing this belief on this verse found in the Psalms; “Thou art beauti­ ful above the sons of men.” But other ilv Palish S t. Leo’ s and St. Elizabeth’ s St. John’s Palish St. Philomena’ s Parish St. Francis De Sales Parish writers, including Tertullian and Origen, thought Christ had assumed a form with­ Edwards-Tallant Grocery Co. W. H. Hensler John Hensler Phone York 141. THODE’S PHARMACY out bodily beauty. The foundation for Estimates cheerfully furnished Dealers in HENSLER BROS. HOFFMAN’S PHARMACY We make a Specialty of this was the prophecy of Isais: “De­ , THIRD AND DETROIT A. J. GUMLICK & CO. spised and the most abject of men, af FANCY GROCERIES We guarantee purity of drugs used and PRESCRIPTIONS man of sorrows and acquainted With in- MODERN PLUMBERS absolute accuracy In compounding phy­ MEATS sician's prescriptions or your family Phone York 6030. PLUMBING flrmi^; and His look was, -as it were, I Bemodellng and JohhlnY a -Specialty receipts at reasonable prices. We would COR. COLFAX AND ST. ^>ALTi hidden and despised; whereupon, we es­ Phone Gallup 566. 3936 W. 32(1 Ave. 1449 KASIDOSA ST. like to be your 248 South Broadway. teemed Him not.” Most Christians, how­ Denver, Colo. FAMILY DRUGGIST Free Delivery to any part of city. Phone S ou th '153. Bes. Phone, So. 1659. ever, adopt the view tliat Christ was Phone Main 8267 beautiful. It can be readily seen how F. W. FELDHAUSER THOMPSON THEATER Decorating In all its branches. Estimates cheerfully furnished, tlie texts quoted could present different CONFIDENCE COLFAX AJTD ADAMB meanings to the minds of different men. Can Beet Be Assured by Having FANCY GROCERIES AND MEATS OPEN EVERY NIGHT H. A. HOLMBBRG St. John Damascene described Christ in OUR LABEL St. Patrick’s Parish On your Prescriptions or Family Receipts. Regular Matinees Saturday and Sunday this manner: “Clirist.was of imposing Special Matinees Announced in Program WALL PAPER AND PAINT! statute, with eyebrows nearly meeting, We sell at down-town prices. A Store for Everybody Phone Gallup 473 Phone Gallup 740W beautiful eyes, crisp hair, somewhat Only High-Class Photo Plays 252 SOUTH BROADWAY Phone GaUup 297. 4170 Tennyson St. HAN EY’S PHARM ACY CAMPBELL BROS. COAL CO. stooping, in the bloom of youth, with Goods delivered free and freely. Our Theater Is well ventilated and Phone South 482. Denver. black beard and yellow complexion, like Phones Main 2352 and 2353. 1100 Santa Pe Yard 1400 W. 82nd Ave. heated with fresh air. OlBoe 1401 W. 38th Ave. His mother.” P. J. Moffat E. E. Zook De TURCK BROTHERS We are not sure that the veil of DOMENICO BROS. Hay, Grain, Coal, Coke, Wood H ot; Ghost Parish Moffat-Zook Motor Car Co. Veronica, on which Christ left his like­ and Poultry Supplies FANCY GROCERIES & MEATS ness and which is now said to be in FANCY GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS Service and Quality our Motto Storage, Repairing ' St. Peter’s, Rome, is the original. Nor Supplies and Filling Station. is there certainty about other ancient THE CHAMPA PHARMACY Phone Gallup 264 or 104. 701 South Logan St. PURE GOLD FLOUR We give all Cars our personal attention. representations. Jm . E. Thrall, Prop. J. R. JOHNSON 1818 E. Sixteenth Ave. Phone South 764, Denver, Cola Phone York 4565. Denver, Colo. Do any relics of the true cross exist? Prescriptions Carefully Filled 1000 Larimer St. Phone Champa 442. Yes; they are usually in the possession Groceries and Meats Shop Telephone Res. Telephone LUSK PHARMACY of convents and monasteries or-churches, PHONE MAIN 2426 CHARLES E. THOMAS York 1698 York 4525 but some private persons have them. The The Store That Appreciates Your Trade. Corner 20th and Champa Sts. Gravel Roofing and Cement Work, ALBERT E. PARADICE Cor. South Logan Ave. and Bayaud Bt former czar of Russia is said to have had 2505 15TH STBEET DENVEB, COLO. We give Service, Quality, Accuracy and an authentic relic of the true cross in Reinforced concrete Ash Pit S6.00, Deliv­ Plumbing and Heating ered and Set Up. Reasonable Prices airing. Usually the particle is placed WHY NOT PATRONIZE THE New and Repair Work Solicited. in a glass like a monstrance, which is 1317 Kalaraath St. Residence 276 Meade. 3325 E. Colfax Ave. closed with the papal or episcopal seal. Phono 221 South Denver, Colo. Phone Champa 64. Phone South 2594. DENVER WET WASH? Residence, 1476 Fillmore DENVER The true cross was found in 326. Heathen VERNON J. ROBINSON, ' had filled up Our Lord’s tomb with rub­ COWAN DRUG CO. PARK HILL PHARMACY ALBERT STAHL PHONE GALLUP 1234. bish, and a temple to Venus had been Colfax and Colorado Blvd. York 7596. FANCY & STAPLE GROCERIE! erected over it. Three crosses were N. A. Stelnbrunner, Prop. Groceries and Meats, Fruits and Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Corn-fed Meats found, and the true one was revealed by Vegetables. 1834-40 Central St. 23d and Dexter Sts. Phone York 4900 Free delivery in any kind of weather. WANTS YOUR BUSINESS. the sudden cure of a woman in the last H)46 W. Colfax Ave. Phone Main 6784. extremity of illness when she was Prescriptions Carefully QUEEN CITY MFG. CO. "Purity, Accuracy and Prompt­ 801 Bonth Logan Street. touched by the holy wood. So strong is All things being equal—price, quality and service—why not support the mer­ Manufacturers of Phone South 1696. the testimony irP favor of this occurrence Compounded. chant In your own parish? "GOLDEN WEST BRAND.” ness”—our three watchwords. that it would be foolish to deny it. Macaroni, Spaghetti, Vermicelli, Egg Phone York 3745. Noodles and All Sorts of Cut Paste. DOWNEY’S GARAGE Is it a mortal or venial sin to work on THE STORE THAT APPRECIATES G. Ciraco, Manager. P. V. Downey, Prop. Sunday? TOUR TRADE. 3143 to 3147 Osage Street St. Joseph’s Palish Phone Gallup 2134W. Denver, Colo. Antomobiile Storage and Bepalrs 'The third commandment forbids all PA RK HILL QasoUne and Oils. unnecessary servile work or whatever Leaders in Quality and Low Prices. Full line of Tires and Accesso'.-les. else may hinder the due observance of GROCERY AND MARKET J. H. MALONE the Lord’s day. Servile work is that 3312 East Colfax Ave.nue, at Adams St 1841 Elm St. P. W. McPlke, Prop. Phone York 3998 Denver, Colo. type which requires physical rather than THE SCHAEFER GROCERY CO. Staple and Fancy Groceries and Meats. mental labor. If the servile work is FRUITS AND VEGETABLES laborious and is done for a notable time, were received into the Church last year, Best Cornfed Meats. Day and Night Phone, YORK F’ree Delivery. Englew ood 143. a mortal sin is committed. If done only altho many dioceses are not represented Orders called for and promptly delivered SHOE REPAIRING 3263 W. 29th Ave., for a short time, a venial sin. Servile by convert statistics. 818-816 Santa Fe Drive. work on Sunday is lawful if done for At least 45,000 converts a year are Phone South 116. J. J. MACKIN First-Class Workmanship Phone Gallup 718. Denver, Colo. received. the honor of God, the good of neighbor, Orders Called for. Prompt Dellverv. Funeral Director and Embalmer S. B. DeLacy MR. J. R. COHEN or thru necessity. As said in Mark ii, 27, Following are the dioceses reporting Fish and Game in Season. Is Doing the Best “ The Sabbath was made for man, and and the number of converts received: THE A. PETERSON 3535 Sontb Broadway. 2318 East Colfax Avenue. not man for the Sabbath.” Reasonable Baltimore, 1,291; Cincinnati, 584; Du­ Englewood. CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING recreation is permissible on Sunday, if buque, 301; Milwaukee, 579; New Or­ GROCERY 00. GROCERIES, MEATS, FRUITS Satisfaction Guaranteed. it is taken with moderation and does not leans, 304; Philadelphia, 1,358; San Fran­ J. C. WILSON Ladles’ Strictly Hand-Tailored Suits to interfere with our duties to God. We cisco, 457; Alexandria, 55; Alton, 327; VEGETABLES, ETC. Order. Work called for and delivered. are not allowed to require unnecessary Altoona, 145; Baker City, 93; Belleville, Phones: South 1792-179*. DRY GOODS, SHOES, NOTIONS Phone GaUnp 2188W. 3617 W. 32d Ave. servile work of others on Sunday. 174; Bismarck, 75; Boise, 147; Brooklyn, 601-611 BAXTA VM D B IT D 1,029; Burlington, 225; Qiarleston, 49; LADIES’ FURNISHING C400D8 WALTER EAST Express 397 3222 Lowell Blvd. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS Phone GaUnp 1147. Cheyenne, 98; (Cleveland, 734; Columbus, 593; Concordia, 432; Corpus Christi, 32; Catkedral Parish Phone Englewood 243J 'Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Lowell Moving and Storage Co. CAIHOUC SPORTS Covington, 127; Crookston, 80; Dallas, 3600 Bo. Broadway Englewood, Oolo. M. Anglemyer, Prop. 315; Davenport, 127; Denver, 320; Des Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing MEATS AND GROCERIES Household Goods Moved and Stored. Moines, 161; Detroit, 1,184; Duluth, 147; Take your next prescription to Promptly Done. Fall River, 113; Fargo, 122; Fdrt Wayne, Express. General Teaming. (The Register wishes to keep track of 2300-2306 Larim er St. Telephone 1461 all Catholic amateur athletic associa­ 527; Galveston, 201; (Jrancl Rapids, 198; VAN ZANDT’S SIGMOND SOZIN Sand and Gravel. Denver, Colo. tions, and will be pleased to receive Green Bay, 302; Harrisburg, 171; Hart­ ENGLEWOOD’S REAL weekly reports from managers. In re­ CATHEDRAL PHARMACY BUNDY FOB COAL J. J. NAUGHTON porting games, please give us only a ford ,500; Helena, 195; Indianapolis, 551; TAILOR skeleton of what has happened. Articles Kearney, 122; La Crosse, 325; Lear, 163; Colfax and Logan Ladles’ and Gents’ Suits Made to Order. We Want and Will Appreciate T ou r Trade must be brief and must be received by Leavenworth, 250; Lincoln, 112; Louis­ Workmanship Guaranteed. Bandy Lamp, Centennial and Yampa PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Tuesday noon.) ville, 327; Little Rock, 134; Manchester, Phones Champa 808 and 809. Phone Englewood 77 J. Engletvood, Colo. 'Valley Bontt Oonnty Coals, Coke • ' and Wood Onz Speoialtlea 197; Los Angeles, 538; Natchez, 253; ------THE------Free Delivery. Newark, 318; Ogdensburg, 300; Okla­ The Ninth Avenue Pharmacy. Office and Yard, 2600 Blake St PRIEST TO BACK TEAM homa, 247; Omaha. 254; Peoria, 561; LITTLETON ABSTRACT CO. Ninth and Corona. Phones: Main 569 and Main 1896 W . 32d Ave. and Perry. Phone Gal. 341. Father Walsh to Form Club of Pittsburgh, 818; Richmond, 591; Roches­ ■When Transferring Property You Will ter, 390; Ilockford, 173; St. Augustine, Earnestly BoUoltB Yonr 'V’alaable Need Our Services. H. A. HAMES Cathedral School Athletes. 80; St. Cloud, 161; St. Joseph, 140; Salt COTTON PHARMACY Patronage. Prompt Delivery Bervioe. Arapahoe County Abstracts. QUALITY AND SERVICE Lake, 118; North Carolina, 74; San An­ U. S. P. O. Station 17. 107 East Main St. Littleton, Colo. C. W. Cotton, Mgr. , The Rev. Christopher V. Walsh, assis­ tonio,. 286; Savannah, 180; Scranton, Grocery and Market 302; Seattle, 305; Sioux City, 212; Sioux Baur's Ice Cream 'Whitman’s Chocolates T. E. Jenkins, Manager. tant rector of the Cathedral, will back Phones: York 361, 362 Prleea Onaranteed. Pleaae Call and a team made up of Cathedral school ath­ Falls, 207: Spokane, 140; Superior, 121; THE ENGLEWOOD GARAGE Give Da a Trial WE DELIVER FREE. letes, which is expected to make its ap­ Toledo, 348; Trenton, .326; Wheeling, THE DENVER CREAMERY CO. 8702-4 CKAMPA STREET pearance on the diamond in the near 120; Wichita, 184; Wilmington, 63; W in­ Gas, Oils, Storage and Repairing 2902 Irving S t Phone Gallup 2067. Phone Main 3281 future. Last year the Cathedral was ona, 175. Everything pertaining to the Creamery Oxy-Acetylene Welding represented in the base ball world by a It will be noticed that large dioceses, lin a BROWN & CONSTANT crack team representing the parish in such as Cliicago, St. I^ouis, New York, 3530 So. Broadway FINCH STORE general. Many of these players this year Boston, etc., furnished no statistics of 2145 COURT PLACE GROCERIES AND MEATS. are connected with the new East End converts. Phone Englewood 222. Athletic club. Tel. Main 1412. Everything in Household Goods Home Dressed Poultry a Specialty. J. T. Robertson, Manager. Sole Agent Queen Washer Phone Gallup 605. The weather man last Sunday put a INTENTION FOR MAY. G. A. ALENIUS quietus on local amateur baseball. The ENGLEWOOD-MORRISON THE PH^CK STORE 1 Yonr Store Corner W . 29th Ave. and Lake Place. most important game that had been GROCER AUTO SERVICE CO. planned was the White Cubs vs. Sacred 1725-27 E. 31at Ava ) York 3054W 2 Round Trips Dally via Loretto Heights Heart college. "Sodalities of Blessed Virgin'' Phone South 1831 B. SPEIER & CO. C l Object of League of Sacred 3494 SO. BROADWAY. in Phone Englewood 88. Englewood, Colo. a ii. Haiy’s Parish, Littletm Heart. 303 East 7th Avenue House and Sign Painters Dealers In Wall Paper, Window Glass, 'The general intention for the prayers Paints, Oils, Brushes. H. P. McARTHUR of the members of the League of the Annimeiation Parisli PHONE MAIN 1947. Sacred Heart for May, as recommended St. James Parish Aurora, CoL 2705 and 2707 Larimer St, DENVER Littleton, Colo. by our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XV, T. 0. BOWLES & CO. is “ Sodalities of the Blessed Virgin.” Dry Goods, Men’s and Ladies’ In December, 1915, our Holy Father, AURORA GARAGE A. A. GEISLER Fancy Groceries and Meats Pope Benedict, celebrated the fortieth I. W. Hunt, Prop. Pure Quality Drugs, Toilet and Rubber Furnishings and Shoes anniversary of his admission to the so­ Automobile Repairs and Supplies. Your Credit Good for Thirty Days. Eminent Writer Dead; a Convert. dality, and on that occasion delivered an Goods, Patent Medicines. I. W. Hunt. C. E. Stephenson. Sir Francis C. Burnard, famous editor address to the sodalists of Rome. He No Balances Carried. Phones Littleton 17 and 18. called, attention to the fact that there Prescriptions Correctly Compounded. « f Purith, London, and author of humor­ Phone Champa 873. 1603-7 34th Ave. ous plays, was studying for the Anglican are more than 40,000 sodalities in the FORD AGENCY 3248 Downing Ave. Phone Champa 638. LITTLETON GARAGE ministry in his youth when he was con­ world and over 7,000,000 sodalists. “ Oh,” Phone Aurora 2. Phone Main 1018. verted to Catholicity. He intended to he exclaimed, “ what a power, what an MODEL Remember the name. Center of Town. become a pri^ t, but found that he lacked anchor of salvation for tlie world would AURORA HARDWARE CO. Repair Work and Supplies. the vocation. there be, if these 7,000,000 sodalists were GROCERY & MARKET CO. Never Closed. really in practice what in theory they Dealer in General Hardware STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Convert Indian Chief Dies. profess to be!” FRESH AND SALTED MEATS C. EBB & CO. David Duckworth Ezra Allard Ma-ji-gi-jik (Rising Sun), last of the According to the rules of the head 3000 Champa Streot 810-16 Mala Bt. Phone Littleton 83 W. oircle of old-time Cippewa Indian chief­ sodality in Rome, to which other sodali­ Paints, Oils and Glass. I. Saplro, Manager. DENVER, COLO. The Five Points Fuel, Feed & Express Co. 0, P. 0. H. tains, died a few days ago at White ties of our Blessed Lady must be aggre­ AURORA, COLO. One Price Cash House Earth, Minn., in his seventieth year. gated in order to gain the rich indul­ Coal, Coke, Wood, Hay, Grain BBFABYMEHT STOKE Father Philip Gordon, the Indian priest, gences granted to the Holy See, the aim Dry Goods, Notions, Ladles’ and Men’s Poultry Supplies. Egg Producing Mash. Furnishings and Shoes. writes, in part, of him: of the sodality is threefold: personal PLUNKETT WORKING OPENLY FOR We guarantee full weight. Good, Honest Merchandise at Reasonable “Altho well instructed and for many sanctification, the help of neighbor, and IRISH INDEPENDENCE. Phone Main 5885. 8700 Welton Prices. Littleton, Colo. years a staunch member of the Episco­ the defense of the Church. Count Plunkett, who was recently palian church, this shrewd and observant Thruout the devotion to the Blessed elected to the British parliament despite THE BARNUM PHARMACY Phone Littleton 69. The Rudolph Bros. Mercantile Co. Your Patronage Solicited. Indian, feeling something lacking, be­ Virgin, “and with the protection of so the government’s displeasure, refuses Gex Lillard, Prop. staple and Fancy Groceries. came a convert and was received into the good a Motlier, it seeks to make the to sit in London and is now openly Corn Fed Meats. THE LITTLETON MEAT CO. (Sitholic Church by Father Aloysius, the faithful gathered together under her proclaiming in Erin that he will work Phone Sonth 3556 Bakery Specialties for Receptions and local missionary, some nineteen years name go(xl Catholics, sincerely bent on for the recognition of Ireland at the Successors to Kauer & Co. ago. From the date of his entry into Parties Baked in Our Own Bakery. sanctifying themselves, each in his state peace conference following the world Cor. W. 7th and Knox Court Ratcliff & Bailey, Props. the Church, the chief became a model of life, and zealous, as far as their con­ war. f 320. Catholic, ^ber and industrious, he lived dition in life permits, to save and sanc­ Denver, Colo. Phones York: I ( 8489. 28th & Downing Sts. LITTLETON. COLORADO a life that belied the popular ideas of tify tlieir neighbor and to defend the To Centralize Catholic Charities. the Indian as inherently lazy, thriftless Church of Jesus Christ against the at­ The Catholic charities of Chicago are C. M . MASSEY H. Grossman, Pres. F. L. Grossman, Secy. SAAR BROTHERS and without solidity of charncter. The tacks of the wicked.” to be centralized. All funds will be col­ The Five Points Hardware Co. chief managed his own farm while he Of late there lias been a great awak­ lected and distributed thru a central Groceries, Meats and Hardware Cash Grocery took a leading part in the public affairs ening among sodalists in the United organization, wliieh will aid every au­ (Incorporated) staple and Fancy Groceries of the reservation. He visited Washing­ States and abroad to their duties. In thorized enterprise. Satisfaction Guaranteed Tin, Sheet Iron and Furnace Work. ton on several occasions and was known schools, colleges and parishes they are Fresh Roasted Coffee as a very conservative Indian. The chief taking up tlie spifiitual and corporal PHONE SOUTH 299 2643 Welton Street Archbishop Won’t Have to Beg. 750 ICnox Court lived four miles from the mission but works of mercy, and organizing activities When Chicago recently stopped giving Phone Champa 2078. Denver, Colo. Phone Littleton 35. was never kiiown to miss mass on Sun­ for personal holiness and the help ol the municipal aid to his orphanages. Arch­ H.C. SMITH day. He frequented the sacraments with neighbor and the Church. bishop Mundelein declared that he would E. H. BLANCHAJID & CO. Noyes Does Not Make Much method and regularity, and in his last All the associates of the Aposl;leship not close the institutions but would keep Noise, hut He Does Sell days grew stronger in his faith.” of Prayer will, we are sure, pra.f ear­ them up if he had to beg from door to GROCERIES AND MEATS RETAIL PROVISIONERS nestly during this month for an intrease door himself. But he won’t have to beg. Prompt Delivery and Try our Telephone Service. Hardware. Convert’s Statistics. in the number of sodalities and ol so­ All the 2,500 children have been “adopt­ Courteous Treatment Kenedy’s Official Catholic Directory dalists and for the success of tlveir ed” by parishes, which have pledged 2959 Franklin Street, Denver. S. A. NOYES HARDWARE CO for 1917 shows that over 25,000 converts works. PHONE SOUTH 955 themselves to support certain numbers. Corner W. 1st Ave. and Meade Phones York 268-269-2705. UTTLETON, COLO. THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1917. DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER

hoi's from'" Below his vlsorless cap a As he approached the weather-beaten tlon D e Spain' Rrafd through ffie Bnlf- nue. Rev. D. O’Dwyer, pastor. Sunday questioning Scotch eye, “I like to keep pile it looked no more Inviting in sun­ open window at the end of the bai masses at 6:30, 7:30, 9 and high mass at shine than it had looked in shadow; the sound of hoofs. Hoping againsl 10:30. Evening services at 7:30. Week on good terms with that Morgan gang. day mass at 7:30. Some of them can be very ugly. That and, true to its traditions, not a living hope for Lefever, the Interruption ,St. Francis de Sales’, South Sherman little pony is Nan Morgan's.” being was anywhere to be seen. The cheered him. It certainly did not seem and Alameda. Rev. J. J. Donnelly, pas­ NAN o f ^ “What’s her horse doing here?” door of the olflee stood ajar. De Spain, that his situation could be made worse. tor. Sunday masses at 7, 8, 9:15 and asked-De Spain: pushlpg it all the way open, walked in. “ ^ e llt” answered Logan, talkln,« 10:30 a. m. McAlpin made even the most incon­ No one greeted him as he crossed the again to his gallery of cronies; “we’vt St. Elizabeth’s (German), Curtis and sequential approaches to a statement threshold, and the unsightly room was got two or three friends that want tc Eleventh streets. Rev. Father Manz, with a keen and questioning glance. still bare of furnishings except for the see you. They’re waiting outside to O.F.M., pastor. Sunday masses at 6 , 7, bar, with its two broken mirrors. 8 , 9 and. high mass at 10:30. Evening “The girl went up to the Cat on the see what you’ll look like In about five services at 7:30. Week-day masses at De Spain pounded on the bar. His minutes—ain’t they. Gale?” early stage, sir. She’s coming back 6 , 7 and 8 . Friday evenings. Stations of this afternoon.” effort to attract attention met with no Someone was moving within the reel the Cross and benediction at 7:45. response. He walked to the left end room. De Spain felt hope in every 1 "What is she riding away over here St. Joseph’s, Galapago and West Sixth By T ran k t . Spearm aiv- to Calabasas for to take the stage, in­ of the bar, lifted the handrail that footfall he heard, and the mention ol avenue. Rev. Thomas J. Condon, C.SSJI., A u t h o r o f yMsjpervxg S m it h , stead of riding straight into Sleepy inclosed the space behind it, and Morgan’s name cleared his plan ol pastor. Sunday masses at 6, 7:30, 0 and, cOPiTuaMT O' oMBies satoixars JOMS Cat?” battle. Before Gale, with an oath, high mass at 10:30. Evening services at Once more McAlpin eyed him care­ could blurt out his answer, De Spain 7:30. Week-day masses at 6 , 7 and 8 . SYNOPSIS. was arranged,' and when" tBe~rallroad St. Dominic’s, Grove street and West fully. “The girl’s been sick.” had resolved to fight where he stood, 25th avenue. Rev. P. B. Doyle, OJ*., pas­ men reached the street rain had ceased “ Sick?” taking Logan first and Morgan as he falling. tor. Sunday masses at 6 , 7:30, 9 and CHAPTER I—On A'ontler day at Sleepy “She ain’t really fit to ride a step," should jump in between the two. II Cat. Henry de Spain, gunman and train­ Scott warped De Spain to keep with­ high mass at 10:30. Evening services at master at Medicine Bend, is beaten at confided the Scotch boss with growing was at the best a hopeless venture 7:30. Week-day mass at 8 . target shooting by Nan Morgan of Music in doors, and De Spain promised to do Mountain. Jeffries, division superinten­ confidence “But she’s been going up against Sandusky’s first shot, which Holy Ghost, Curtis, near 20th. Rev. dent, asks De Spain to take charge of the so. But when they left him he start­ two or three times now to get some De Spain knew was almost sure tc Garret J. Burke, pastor. Sunday masses Thief River stage line, but he refuses. ed out at once to see whether he could medicine from Doc Torpy—that’s the reach a vital spot. But desperate men at 7:15 and 9:30. Evening services at CHAPTER n —De Spain sees Nan danc­ not, by some happy chance, encounter way of it. There’s a nice girl, sir— cannot be choosers. 7:30. Week-day mass at 8 . Services in ing with Gale Morgan, is later derisively Nan. honor of St. Rita every Tuesday evening pointed out to Nan on the street by Gale, in a bunch o ’ ruffians, I know'— though “There’s no time for seeing me like at 7:45. and is moved to change his mind and ac­ old Duke, she lives with, he ain’t a the present,” declared De Spain, ignor­ cept the stage line Job.. CHAPTER VIII. St. John’s, Fifth and Josephine streets. half-bad man except for too many ing Morgan and addressing his wordf Rev. Charles J. Carr, pastor. Sunday CH APTER III—T5e Spain an^ TieTever Cards. I used to work for him—but to Logan. “Bring your friends In, masses at 8 and 10. Week-day mass at ride to Calabasas inn ' and there meet A Cup of Coffee. Gale Morgan with Deaf Sandusky and I call her a nice girl. Do you happen What are you complaining about, Mor- 8. Sunday evening services at 7:30 Sassoon, gunmen and retainers of the H e was willing, after a long and to know her?” gon?” he asked, resenting the stream o’clock. Morgan clan. Morgan demands the dis­ St. James’, Thirteenth and Newport charge of a stage driver and De Spain re­ bootless search, to confess to himself De Spain had long been on guard. of abuse that Gale hurled at him when­ fuses. De Spain meets Nan but falls to that he would rather see Nan Morgan “I’ve spoken with her in a business ever he could get a word in. “I had streets, Montclair. Rev. James M. overcome her aversion to him. Walsh, pastor. Sunday mass at 9. Ben­ for one minute than all -women else in way once or twice. I can’t really say my turn at you with a rifle the othei ediction at 7:45 p. m. Communion mass CHAPTER IV—Sassoon knifes Elpapo, the world for a lifetime. The other I know her. Anything sick, Jim?” day. You’ve got your turn now. And the stage driver, and escapes to Morgan’s first and third Sundays at 7:30. Week­ gap, the stronghold of the Morgans. De incidents of the evening would have asked De Spain, w'alking on down the I call it a pretty soft one, too—aon’l day mass (at convent) at 6:30. Spain. Lefever and Scott go in after him, given any ordinary man enough food barn and looking at the horses. It w’as you, Sandusky?” he demanded sud- Holy Family, Utica and West 44th and De Spain brings out Sasson alone. for reflection—indeed they did force only the second time since he had denly of the big fellow. avenue. Rev. L. Fede, SJ., pastor. Sun­ CHAPTER V-H e meets Nan, who de­ De Spain to realize that his life would given him the job that De Spain had To be continued. day masses at 8 and 10:30. Benediction lays him until nearly overtaken by the after late mass. Week-day masses at 7 Morgans, but lands his captive in Jail. hang by a .slender thread while he called the barn boss “Jim,” and Mc­ remained'at Sleepy Cat and continued Alpin answered with the rising assur­ and 7:30. CHAPTER VI—Sassoon breaks Jail. De to brave the rulers of the sinks. ance of one who realizes he Is “in” Mt. Carmel (Italian), Navajo and W . Spain beards the Morgans in a saloon Denver Church Directory. 36th avenue. Rev. J. Piccoli, O.S.M., pas­ and is shot at through the window. He But this danger, which after all was right. “Not so much as a sore hoof in meets Nan again. tor. Sunday masses at 7, 9 and 10:3(1. a portion of his responsibility in free­ either alley, Mr. De Spain. I try to Cathedral of the Immaculate Concep­ Benediction after the lass mass and on (Continued from last week.) ing his stages from the depredations take care of them, sir.” tion, Colfax arid Logan. Rt. Rev. N. C. third Sunday procession in honor of Our of the Calabasas gang, failed to make “What are w'e paying you, Jim?” Matz, bishop of'Denver. Mgr. P. A. Phil­ Lady of Sorrows, and benediction at 3 Lefever took a position at one end on him the moving impression of one “Twenty-seven a week, sir; pretty lips, chancellor, residence 1536 Logan. p. m. Week-day masses at 7, 7:30 and 8 . of the table, where he faced Sandusky, moment of Nan Morgan’s eyes. There heavy work at that.” He Called Out— There Was No Re­ R->v. Hugh L. McMenamin, rector, resi­ St. Mary Magdalene, West 26th and and De Spain, just behind his shoul­ was in the whole world nothing he “IVe’ll try to make it thirty-two after sponse. dence 1854 Grant. Sunday masses at 6 , Depew, Edgewater. Rev. J. M. De Saul- der, had a chance to look the two wanted to do so much as in some way this week.” 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 and high mass at 11. niers, pastor. Sunday masses at 7:30 men closely over. Sandusky pushed open the door between the mir­ Week-day masses at 6:30 and 8 . Holy and 9:30. Week-day mass at 7:30. to please her—yet it seemed his ill McAlpin touched his cap. “Thank rors leading to the back room. This, Hour Friday at 7:30 p. m. Vespers Sun­ St. Philomena’s, corner 14th apd De­ again impressed him as a powerful luck to get continually deeper into you kindly, sir, I’m sure. It comes man, who, beyond an ample stomach, too, was empty. He called out—there day at 7:30 p. m. troit. Rev. M. W . Donovan, pastor. Sun­ her bad graces. Everj’ day that he rod& high to live out here, Mr. de Spain.” was no response. Mrs. McAlpin had Annunciation, 36th and Humboldt. day masses at 6, 8 and 10. Week-day carried his weight without .showing it. across the open country, his eyes “What did you say,” asked De Spain Rev. M. F. Callanan, P.R., pastor. Sun­ masses at 7:30 and 8 . De Spain credited readily the ex­ apparently gone home foV a while. turned to the far range and to Music indifferently, “had been the matter with Irritated at the desertion of the day masses at 5:30, 7:15, 8:30, 9r30 and St. Louis’, South Sherman and Floyd, traordinary stories he haa heard of high mass at 10:30. Evening services at Englewood. Rev. Louis F. Hagus, pastor, mountain. Tlie rounded, distant, im­ Nan Morgan?” Her name seemed a place, due, he afterward learned, to Sandusky’s dexterity with a revolver 7:30. Week-day masses at 6 and 8 . residence 1959 Washington street, Den­ mutable peak— majestic as the sun, whole mouthful to speak, so fearful the heat of the afternoon, and disap­ or a rifle. That he should So lately cold as the stars, shrouding in its un­ was he of betraying interest. St. Leo’s, Tenth and Colfax. Rev. Wil­ ver. Sunday masses at 8 and 10. First have missed a shot at so close range pointed at the frustration of his pur­ liam O’Ryan, pastor. Simday masses at Friday mass at 7:30. known fastnesses the mysteries of the “Why, I really didn’t say, sir. And was partly explained now that De pose, he walked back to the office. As 6 , 7, 9 and high mass at 10:30. Week­ St. Joseph’s (Polish), Pennsylvania and ages and the secrets of time—meant I don’t know^ But from What she.says, he lifted the handrail and, passing day mass at 8 a. m. First Fridays, 46th avenue. Rev. Theodore Jarzynski, Spain perceived Sandusky’s small, to him now this mountain girl whom and the way she coughs. I’m thinking hard, brown eyes were somewhat un­ through, lowered it behind him, he masses at 6:30 and 8 . Watch hour and pastor. Sunday masses at 8 and 10. its solitude sheltered and to whom his it was a touch of this p-new-monia Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Benediction at 3 p. m. Week-day mass naturally bright, and that his brows took out his watch to see how soon the thoughts continually came back. that’s going around so much lately, every Friday at 7:30 p. m. Vespers Sun­ at 8 . knit every little while in his effort to stage was due. IVhile he held the time­ 'Within two weeks he became des­ sir.” day at 7:30 p. m. St. Catherine’s, Harkness Heights, W . collect him.self. Sandusky’s brown shirt piece in his hand he heard a rapid & cred Heart, 2760 Larimer street. 42d avenue and Boulevard F. Rev. W il­ perate. He rode the gap trail from His listener had already made all clatter of hoofs approaching the place. sprawled open at the collar, and De Sleepy Cat again and again for miles arrangements to meet the occasion now Rev. William Lonergan, S.J., pastor; liam W. Ryan, pastor. Sunday masses Spain remembered again the flashy Thinking it might be Scott and Lefe­ Revs. A. P. Brucker, S.J., F. X. Gubitosi, at 8 and 10. 'Week-day mass at 8 . and miles in the effort to encounter presenting Itself. Circumstances waistcoat, fastened at the last button­ ver arriving from the south an hour S.J., Chas. McDonnell, S.J., and Edward Parochial residence, 4230 Federal boule­ her. He came to know every ridge seemed at last to favor him, and he ahead of time, he started toward the Barry, S.J. Sunday masses at 6 , 7, 8:30 vard. hole by a cut-glass button. and hollow on it, every patch and looked at his watch. The down stage At Sandusky's side sat his crony in front door—which was still open—to and high mass at 10:30. Week-day Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Park stone between the lava beds and the bringing Nan back would be due in greet them. Outside, hurried footsteps masses at 6, 7 and 8 . Hill, Montview boulevard and Elm. Rev. all important undertakings—a much Rat river. And in spite of the coun­ less than an hour. Loyola Chapel, 2550 Ogden. Sunday J. Fred McDonough, pastor. Sunday smaller, sparer man, with aggre.sslve reached the door just ahead of him sels of his associates, who warned him “Jim,” he said thoughtfully, “you masses at 6 , 7 :30, 8:30 and 9:45. Week­ masses at 8 and 10. Week-day mass at 8 . shoulders and restless eyes. Logan and a large man, stepping quicKiy into to beware of traps, he spent, under are doing the right thing in showing day masses at 6:15 and 8 . Services at Church of the Presentation, Barnum, was the lookout of the pair, and his the room, confronted De Spain. One one pretext or another, much of the some good-will toward the Morgans.” both churches on Sundays and Fridays West Seventh avenue and Julian street. roving glance lighted on De Spain be­ of the man’s hands rested lightly on at 7:30 p. m. Rev. J. J. Gibbons, pastor. Sunday time either on the stages to and from “Now, I’m glad you think that, sir,” his right side.. De Spain recognized St. Patrick’s, Pecos and West 33d ave­ masses at; 8 and 10. fore the latter had inspected him Calabasas or in the saddle toward Mor­ “You know I unintentionally rubbed more than a moment. He lost no time him Instantly; the small, drooping gan's gap, looking for Nan. their backs the wrong way in dragging head, carried well forward, the keen in beginning on De Spain with an in­ Killing time in this way, after a Sassoon out.” solent question aS to what he' was eyes, the loud-patterned, shabby waist­ fruitless ride, his persistence was one .“They’re jealous of their power, I Wholesale and Betail. Fresh and Cured Eastern Corn-Fed looking at. De Spain, his eye bent coat proclaimed beyond doubt—Deaf day most unexpectedly rewarded. He know—very jealous.” Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Poultry and Gam^. sfeadily on him, answered with a tone Sandusky, had ridden through a hot sun from “This seems the chance to. show that neither of apology nor pronounced of­ Sleepy Cat to Calabasas, where he had I have no real animosity myself toward fense : “I am looking at you.” CHAPTER IX. an appointment to meet Scott and Le­ the outfit.” • The Market Company Lefever hitched at his trousers cheer­ Since De Spain was not looking at a ■. amlth, ISgr. fever at five o’clock. When De Spain The Glass Button. ily and, stepping away from De Spain, reached the Calabasas barn, McAlpin, him, McAlpin cocked two keen and took a position just behind the dealer. staple and Fancy Groceries, Fisii and Oysters the barn boss, was standing in the curious eyes on the sphinxlike birth­ Even as the big fellow stepped light­ “lYhat are you looking at me for?” doorway. “You’a never be cornin’ mark of the very amiable speaker’s ly just Inside and to the left—as De 15th and California, Denver, Colo. demanded Logan Insolently. from Sleepy Cat in the saddle!” ex­ face. However, the astute boss, if he Spain stood—of the door and faced Plionaai BateU, Main Tons Kothur'a ItoM. De Spain raised his voice to match- 4309, 4803, 4804, 4805 • W h j TonnT claimed McAlpin incredulously. De wondered, made no comment. “When him, the encounter seemed to De Spain exactly the tone of the inquiry. “So the stage comes in,” continued De accidental. But before he could speak, I’ll know you next time.” Spain quietly, “have the two grays— a second man appeared in the door­ Logan pushed back his chair. As he Lady and Ben—hitched to my own way, and this man appeared to be jok­ THE W. H. STEWART AGENCY CO. turned his legs from under the table light wagon. I’ll drive her over to the ing with a third, behind him. As the to rise, a hand rested on his shoulder. gap myself.” second mdn crossed the threshold, De He looked up and savv the brown “The very thing,” exclaimed McAl­ Spain saw Sandusky’s high-voiced GENERAL INSURANCE face and feeble smile of Scott. Logan pin. staring and struggling with his little fighting crony, Logan, u’ho now Phone M ain 670 EaUbUahed 187C with his nearest foot kicked Sandusky. breath. made way, as he stepped within to the The big fellow looked up and around. “In some way I’ve happened, both right of the open door, for the swing­ 728 Gas & Electric Bulldlne Either by chance or in following the times I talked with her, to get in ing shoulders and rolling stride of sound of the last voice, his glance fell wrong— understand?” Mc.Alpln, with Gale Morgan. PHONE MAIN 7377 HENRY WARNECKE, Prop. on De Spain. He scrutinized for a clearing wits, nodded more than once. Slorgan, eying De Spain with inso­ suspicious instant the burning eyes and “No fault of mine; it just happened lence, as was his wont, closed the door the red mark low on the cheek. While so. And she may not at first take behind him with a bang. Then he THE CAPITAL CITY SHOE MFG. CO. he did so— comprehension da\yning on kindly to the idea of going with me.” backed his powerful frame significant­ Repair Work Our Specialty, While You Wait. him—his enormous hands, forsaking “ I see.” ly against it. the pile of chips with which both had “But she ought to do it. She will A blind man could have seen the 1511 CHAMPA ST. DENVER, COLO. been for a moment busy, flattened out, be tired—It’s a long, dusty ride for a completeness of the snare. An unpleas­ palms down, on the faro table. Logan well woman/ let' alone one that has ant feeling flashed across De Spain’s tried to rise. Scott’s hand rested heav­ been ill.” perception. It was only for the im­ ily on him. “ What*s the row ?” -de­ “ So it is, so it is !” measurable part of a second—while The Miles & Drybr Printing Co. manded Sandusky in the queer tone De Spain looked now shamelessly at uncertainty was resolving itself into a of d deaf man. Logan pointed at De his ready-witted aid. “See that her rapid certainty. When Gale Morgan 1732-34 LAW RENCE ST. • Spain. “That Medicine Bend duck pony is lame when she gets here— stepped into the room on tlie heels wants a fight.” can’t be ridden. But you’ll take good of his two Calabasas friends, De Spain Catholic Work a Specialty. Estimates Given on Work “With a man, Logan; not with a care bf him and send him home in would have sold for less than a cup from out of the City. Telephone 2851. cub,” retorted De Spain, matching in­ a few days—get it?” of coffee all his chances for life. Nev­ sult with insult. McAlpin half closed his eyes. “He’ll ertheless, before Morgan had set his “Maybe I can do something for you,” be so lame It would stagger a cowboy back fairly against the door and the interrupted Sandusky. His eyes ran to back him ten feet—and never be trap was sprung, De Spain had THE DE SELLEM FUEL & FEED COMPANY like a flash around the table. He saw hurt a mite, neither. Trust me!” mapped his fight. how Lefever had pre-empted the best “If she insists on riding something, He did not retreat from where he OHAS. A. SeSEZiXinM place in the room. He looked up and "Hot Day, Sir; Hot Ride." or even walking home,” continued De halted at the instant Sandusky entered. FIRST CLASS FUEL AND FEED back at the man standing now at his His one slender chance was to hug to Spain dubiously, for he felt instinc­ Office Telephone Ohampa 936 Thirty-fifth and Walnut Bto. shoulder, and almost between Logan Spain nodded affirmatively as he dis­ tively that he should have the task of the men that meant to kill him. Mor­ Beaidenoe Phone Main 4366 Denver, Colorado and himself. It was the Indian, Scott, mounted. “Hot ride, sir; a hot day,” his life to Induce Nan to accept any gan, the nearest, he esteemed the least Sandusky felt, as his faculties cleared commented McAlpin as he called a kind of a peace-oiferiug, “I’ll ride or dangerous of the three; but to think and arranged themselves every in man to take the horse, unstrapped De to escape both Sandusky and Logan walk with her anyway. Can you sleep Phoneat Vain 5186-6187 slant, that there was no hurry whaL Spain’s coat from the saddle, and fol­ me here tonight, on the hay?” at close quarters was, he knew, more ever about lifting,his hand; but he lowed the manager into the office. "Sleep you on a hair mattress, sir. than ought to be hoped for. could not be faced down without a The heat was oppressive, and De You’ve got a room right here upstairs; While Morgan was closing the door, The Windsor Farm Dairy show of resistance, and he concluded Spain unbuckled his cartridge belt, didn’t you know that?” De Spain smiled at his visitors: “That 1855 Blake Street that for this occasion his tongue was slipped his revolver from the holster, With arrangements so begun, De isn’t necessary, Jlorgan—I’m not ready the best weapon. “If I can,” he added mechanically stuck it inside his trou­ Spain walked out of doors and looked to run.” Morgan only continued to IT’S FIRST stiffly, “I'm at your service.” xm HTonxo PBEOAvnoira — k i o b - oziAB8 S B B f i o a — axan- sers waistband, hung the heavy belt reflectively up the Sleepy Cat I’oad. stare at him. “I need hardly ask.” XMKOT o r BQVXPKEVT—OVALITY OP PBODVOTS. De Spain made no answer beyond up under his coat, and, sitting down, One further refinement in his appeal added De Spain, “whether you fellows We Invite the patrona«;e of particular peoble. who dealre a high elaaa keeping his eyes on Sandusky’s e.ves, called for the stage report and asked for Nan’s favor suggested Itself. She have business with me?” article at a moderate price. We extend thia offer to reado-s of The Register. Simply phone Main Tenison, overhearing the last words, whether the new blacksmith had so­ would be hungry, possibly faint in the He looked to Sandusky for a reply; S136 or drop us a card, and a bottle of this exquisite mUk wlU be left awoke to the situation and rose from bered up. When McAlpin had given heat and dust, when she arrived. He it was Logan who answered in shrill at your door, free of cost, and without any obligation wbataoever. his case. He made his way through him all minor information called for, returned to McAlpin: “Where can 1 falsetto: “No. We don’t happen to THE WINDSOR FARM DAIRY COMPANY the crowd around the disputants and De Spain walked with him out into the get a good cup of coffee when the have business that I know of. A PBOPLB ARH BATING OUR BUTTERMILK XS AWTUL GOOD brusquely directed the dealer to close barn to Inspect the horses. Passing stage comes in?” friend of ours may have a little, may­ the game. While Sandusky was cash­ the very last of the box-stalls, the “Go right down to the inn, sir. It’s be!” Logan, lifting his shoulders with ing in, Tenison took Logan aside. W’hat manager saw in it a pony. He stopped. a new chap running it—a half-witted his laugh, looked toward his compan­ Tenison said was not audible, but it This W’lry, sleek-Iooking roan, con­ man from Texas. My wife is cooking ions for an answer to his joke. sufficed to quiet the little fellow. The tentedly munching at the moment some there off and on. She’ll fix you up a De Spain’s smile appeared unruffied; Lavin Bros.’ Furniture Co. only ftUng further to be settled was as company hay, was Nan Morgan’s. sandwich and a cup of good coffee.” “You’ll help him transact it, I sup­ The Place of Bargains. to whff should leave the room last, “AVhat’s that horse doing here?” de­ It was four o’clock, and the sun beat pose?” You lose if you do not inspect our stock first. since neither party was willing to go manded De Spain coldly. fiercely on the desert. De Spain walked Logan, looking again toward San­ first. Tenison, after a formal con­ Before answering, the barn boss down to the inn unmindful of the heat. dusky, grinned: “ He won’t need any Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Rugs,Carpets,Trunks ference with Lefever and Logan, of­ eyed De Spain very carefully to see In summer rig, with his soft-shirt col­ help.” NEW AND SECONDHAND fered to take Sandusky and Logan by how the wind was setting, for the lar turned under, his forearms bare, “Who Is your friend?” demanded De a private stairway to the billiard room, pony’s presence confessed an infrac­ and his thoughts engaged, he made his Spain good-naturedly. Logan’s glance Phone Champa 3674. 1439 Larimer Street while Lefever took De Spain and Scott tion of a very particular rule. “You way rapidly on, looking neither to the misled him; it did not refer to San- Highest prices paid for used furniture. out by way of the rp^n entrance. ...This see,” he becan. cocking at his strict right nor the left. dusky.. And even ns be asked the ques- f v n E l » * t 018MV1SB OATHOLxU KEOlSTfilv THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1917.

Did it ever occur to you ~ ^KATHLEEN MAUVORNEEN' AS PRESENTED FORMER SlUDENTS OF ST. LEO’S SCHOOL that your headache was caused by eyestrain? One eye naay be doing more work than the other. This should be equalized, and the strain removed. This BY K. OF C. COMPANY MAKES DECIDED HIT UNITE; JOHN MEYERS NAMED PRESIDENT can be accomplished with proper glasses. If your eyes are not giving the satisfaction they should, or you have headaches, let us examine your eyes. Our sclentiflc examination will remove all dou b t “ Kathleen Mauvorneen,” as presented charming appearance and well sustained (St. Leo’s Parish.) Mary Carson, Agnes McGinn, iliuirine under the auspices of the Knights of the fine reputation she had established At a meeting of former pupils of St. Wernert, May Knight, Helen Bianco, Columbus in the Broadway theater last for acting ability in the past. John T. Leo’s school last week there was organ­ Marie Black, I.x)uise Bonnell, Agnes Dro- Monday evening, was one of the most -4kolt, as Captain Clearfield, did not ized an alumni and alumnae association, Iian, Marguerite Hurley, Agnes King, The Swigert Bros. Optical Co delightful treats ever given to the Den­ have a heavy part, but he made it seem with the object of mutual help to each Mary Haley, Grace Moran, Mildred Witte, W 1«M Sapstotion auid BtliilpiiMnt (Ht « ver Catholic public. No amateur drama big by his clever way of handling it. other and to the school. Mr. John Mey­ Sophie Archambault, Alma Arfchambanlt, ever presented here was better. lt*was Thomas Whelan, as Billy Button Cap, ers was elected president; Miss Alma Ixniise Doyle, Mary McClintock, Angeline T o n t k » Xick«rt SnUI* of Mrrlo*. SoTotod Bzoltutvoly to the first time in many years that Den­ brought many layighs. His performance Archambault, vice president; Miss Mary Carey, Cecelia Wittehauer, Catliryn Cum­ tho nttliif u d VMinfM- ver had seen the famous Irish play. tarlBC o f aiMMMO. shows up as particularly creditable Carson, treasurer and Mr. Carl Murphy, mings, Thelma Bellard, Sabina McDoii- 1550 California St. Denver Joseph Newman, the director, had im­ when one learns that he had never been secretary. Preliminary arrangements oiigh, Agnes McMeneray, Kathryn Sulli­ proved it not a little by the addition behind the scenes of a theater before were made for annual Communion on van, Carrie Pullen, Alibie Carson, Cleo of several humorous hits. The play it­ Monday night. Frank M. Newman, as Children’s First Communion day and for Linville,^ Elizabeth Hart; Messrs. Albert self is highly melodramatic. Critics do Black Body, had no superior in the cast. a daj’ ’s outing early in summer to be Erye, Bernard Cronin, Edward Mahon, not say many nice things about melo­ His performance was wonderful. The participated in by all former pupils, John Knockenhauer, John Meyers, Ed­ drama, but modern plays that live long, part could be made morbid, but he made namely: Misses Myrtle Chase, Georgiana ward Laliey, Joe O’Hara, John Carson, like "The Old Homestead” and "Uncle it screamingly funny, without detract­ Hassing, Agnes Morley, Mary Sullivan, .John Thomas, Alfred Taylpr, Joe Glen- Tom’s Cabin,” use plenty of it. The ing in the least from its dramatic val- Viva (jostello, Mary Cavanaugh, Louise nen, C’harles O’Donnell, ' Harry Marrs, tenseness of the situations undoubtedly lainy. His brogue was perfect. For Boldt, Marguerite King, Rose Monahan, Carl Murphy, 'fhomas JIcMenemy, John To the Men and Women of has much to do with the continued lik­ the benefit of the many who have been Mary Murphy, Agnes Moran, Therese ilcGovern, O’Neil Best,'Fred Bcthagc, ing the public shows for “ Kathleen Worried why his brother, Joseph New­ O’Hagan, Rebecca Pullen, Frances Cronin, John Meseh, Karl Knockenhauer, Corne­ Mauvorneen.” man, hit him such an awful whack over lius Morley, Henry Mainer, Ed O’Hara, Denver who have enlisted • Miss -^lice Doyle played the part of the head with a shovel in the third aqt, Leo Morley, Dan Beck, .John Haragan, Kathleen, and did it splendidly. She an explanation is due. There was a pa- thony’s hospital yesterday with the Rt. Emmett Taylor, Daniel O'Hagan, Arthur was .particularly good in the prison piermache shovel on the stage for this Rev. Nicholas C. Matz; D.D., bishop of Herndon, Joe Hoheiiberger, John Burn.s, in the Army, Navy or Amer­ scene, showing emotional ability not of­ deed, but, by mistake, one of the actors Denver. When he was a boy. Bishop Joe Connolly, Edwin Mace. ten foimd in amateurs. Joseph New­ got a first-class iron affair and handed Schuler used to serve mass for Bishop A meeting will be held in the church man himself took the role of Terence, it to Joseph Newman. For art’s sake, Matz. hall on Sunday morning, May 0, to make fillling it with delicious humor and add­ the brother hit a brother a tremendous Harry P. Hynds, manager of the final arrangements. The president re­ ican Red Cross for service ing greatly to it with Irish songs. Dr. crack over the head with the real thing, Plains hotel, Cheyenne, one of the best quests each member to be present. Martin D. Currigan played the part ol but Frank Newman afterwards admit­ known hotel men of the West, under­ Father O’Rj'an left for Durango on Bernard Kavanaugh, and excelled both ted, to a Register representative, that went an operation for appendicitis at Friday to give a week’s mission. Frs. to defend tMs country: as a polished gentleman and a villain­ he would have been willing to have St. Joseph’s, hospital, Denver, last Sat­ Conroy, C.M., and Kearney, C.JL, are ous conspirator. The role could not been killed— for art’s sake. urday. m s' condition is now reported celebrating the Sunday masses and The Hibernia Bank and Trust Company will store have been better acted. M. C. Har­ The other characters in the play took as being satisfactory. preaching. Fr. McCabe will say the week rington, as Father O’Cassiday, was one their parts .extremely well. The com­ The Rev. Tlionias H. Malone will morning masses. the valuable papers and legal documents, pre­ of the big hits of the cast. He made pany was finely balanced. William C. speak at the 11 o ’clock mass in the During the month of May the Rosary a splendid appearance and carried him­ Ryan, Frank Jlorris, Joseph J. Walsh, Catliedral next Sunday. It will be will be recited during mass, followed by serve the will, and act as executor and trustee self with a dignity that brought out­ Michael J. MeEnery and William P. Do­ Motliers’ Day, and he will talk of this. benediction. bursts of appreciation from the audi­ lan all appeared to advantage. Mrs. The Rev. T. J. Wolohan, pastor of The First Communion classes during for estates of enlisted persons who may die be­ ence. “ Kathleen Mauvorneen” presents Cal Cheairs, as Dorothy Kavanaugh, did the Sacred Heart ehiireh, Pueblo, was a Father O’Ryan’s absence will be kept at the character of a priest in a life-like not have a particularly heavy role, but Denver visitor this week. St. Leo’s school daily at 3:45 by the sis­ fore peace is declared without any charge for way, as Catholics really know their she made a distinct hit. Her represen­ Father Gallagbor, pastor at Salida, ters. / clergy. Jlr. Harrington brought out ev­ tation of a society leader could not have has been a Denver visitor this week and The Tabernacle society met on Satur­ lias been a guest of tlie Rev. M. W. Don­ fees to the heirs of the decedent’s estate. erything there is in the role. been excelled. The audience was large, day last in the church hall with Sister Miss Alice Quinn, as Meg Marslogh, the music was good, and the scenery ovan, of St. Philomena’s chureli. Berenice. They are doing finely for be­ The aniuial May Communion of tlie The Hibernian Bank and Trust Company will showed splendid actinjj ability. Few was excellent. ginners. are able to imitate a beldam’s voice, but Many distinguished persons were in Junior Tabeniaele society will be held The boys’ choir, assisted by some of she did it to perfection. Miss Maizie the audience, including Bishop A. J. at the cathedral next Sunday morning the young ladies of the parish, is making also look after the real estate investments, with­ Donnegan, as Kitty O’Laverty, made a Schuler, S. J., D.U., of El Paso. at the 8:30 mass. The society will meet progress. Mr. Jack Whyte, the director with Miss Jfadelyn Hardy, 2345 Elm, of the choir, will sing during the offer-. out charge, during the continuance of the war, Monday, May 7. tory at the 9 o’clock mass next Sunday. The cathedral high school will hold of any such person who is called into the service its eoinmeiieement on June 10. The FATHER CARRIGAN IS DENVER NEWS BRIEFS morality iilay "Everywomaii,” for whicli WM. E. RUSSELL, rehearsals have started, will be ]iresent- 9«al«r 1b For the benefit of Craig colony, Miss ed in Commencement Week. Miss Mary RED CROSS WORKER Alice Forsyth and Chauneey Parsons Hayden will take the title role. C oke, W ood The Hibernia Bank Glenwood Springs, May 2.—The spirit will give a concert at the Central Pres­ C. S. Gasper of 947 Aeonia left last of doing things, which has ever been byterian church on Friday evening, May Week for Detroit, wliere he will remain & C harcoal present in this community, was again 4. They will be assisted by excellent at least several months. OfflM, 1623 V«ltOB M. & Trust Company clearly demonstrated this week when a talent. The Rev. E. J. Mannix last Monday FhonM KbIb 688, 586, 687 half hundred of the men and women of About twenty friends of Mr. and Mrs. Tard Vo. 1, Larlmor and 4th gave his lecture oi( the Passion Play of Y ard Vo. 8, aUplB and 39th the city gathered at the rest room and 0. L. Pettipier surprised them at their Oberatnmerguu at the State Agricul­ formed a local chapter of the American home. 1800 South Sherman street, on tural college in Fort Colliii.s. On Sun­ Red Cross. This meeting, which is due Saturday evening. Well filled baskets day evening, lie eomlucted tlie holy hour to the untiring efforts of Mrs. H. W. and a viotrola were brought along by services at Fort Collins for Father ]>a- REGISTER WANT ADS Smith, was one of the most enthusias­ the party, ami after the frolicsome re­ Jeunesse. tic ever held here and brought forth past, the guests and hosts enjoyed danc­ Loretto Heights academy will be the FOR RENT—Apartments equipped for predictions that this city will have one ing until a late hour. ARTISTIC scene of a great patriotic encanipment housekeeping; $2.50 to $8 weekly; 1358 of the largest chapters in the state. George Mangini, of tlie Sacred Heart of women, starting early in July. The Emerson, Capitol Hill; plain, tidy, home­ Hartford-McConaty Father J. P. Carrigan, as temporary parish, one of the publishers of The Lib­ ladies are to be instructed in nursing like; general parlor, piano, porches, laun­ MEMORIALS chairman, addressed those present and erty Press, will move into his new bun­ work, etc. Tents will be erected on the dry, steam lieated in winter; conveniently ex])lained some o f the workings of the galow at 2115 East 24tli today. academy grounds, and the women will near stores, school, Cathedral, churchc.s, Undertaking Co. society and of the duties of the mem­ The Jfisses Campbell, who appeareMt Talm far Yout Hoaar. ment under direction of W. P. Horan. mass was held at 8:30 and second mass the Colorado clergy. j Feed Co. SULLIVAN—April 30, 1017, Patrick at 10:30. Father Ryan’s sermon was The (iood Shepherd Aid association will i i . C. STORTE, .1. Sullivan of 3302 Federal boidevard much enjoyed by the large crowd that hold its regular meeting at the home of COAL, WOOD, HAT AND GRAIN gathered to hear him. HELEN WALSH Miwi He was the beloved brotlier orf Mrs. M. C. Harrington, 924 East 17th Jlelia E. Sullivan and father of John avenue, next Thursday, May 8. All the Phona Main 2483 4201 Josaphina si Optometrist and Optician -and Mary Sullivan. The funeral was Wedding at Montrose. inembiTs are earnestly reqirested to at­ All work receives my personal held Wednesday morning at 8:30 from Slontrose, Slay 2.— Father C. F. O’Far­ tend. W.B. We have attention. the residence with re