464 Congressional Record-Senate
464 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 23 SELECT COMMITI'EE ON SMALL BUSINESS, form the duties of the Chair during my also hold public hearings on Friday, Jan HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES .absence. uary 30, 194<3, at 10:30 a. m., on Senate Januar y 23, 1948 (cor rected from Janu ary A. H. VANDENBERG, bill 1651 , to amend the General Bridge 12, 1948) Presi dent pro tempore. Act of 1946. All interested parties will , To THE CLERK oF THE HousE: Mr. CAIN thereupon took the chair as be afforded the opportunity to be heard .. The above-ment ioned committee or sub Acting President pro tempore. concerning these bills. Witnesses are re commit tee, pursuant to section 134 (b) of THE JOURNAL quested to file with the committee writ the Legislat ive Reorga nization Act of 1946, ten statements of their proposed testi Public Law 601, Seventy-ninth Congress, ap On request of Mr. WHERRY, and by proved August 2, 1946, as amended, submits mony at least 3 days in advance of the unanimous consent, the reading of the hearings. the following report showing the name, pro Journal of the proceedings of Wednes fession, aJ1d total salary of each pe!'son em LEAVES OF ABSENCE ployed by it for the period from July 1, 1947, day, January 21, 1948, was dispensed to and including December 31, 1947, together with, and the Journal was approved. Mr. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I have with funds if authorized or appropriated to .MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT a very important meeting to attend in and expended by it: Connecticut tonight and I ask unani Messages in writing from the President mous consent to be absent from the Sen of the United States submitting nomina Total ate after 12:30 p.
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