PRIEST OFFERED COMMISSION AS CAPTAIN IN NATIONAL GUARD NATIONAL B O A R D HAS NOT ACTED ON Pray for the Get Your Nexf- Father Donovan Cannot Success of the DoorNeighhor K. OF C. SANITARIUM, Cathotic Press to Subscribe SAYS JOHN H. REDDIN Accept; Will be Chaplain -sS> , V Subject for Supreme Council, FOUNDER OF CHURCH Not for Directors, TWO PRIESTS AMONG He Declares. IN EL PASO LEAVES FIRST RECRUITS IN IT HAS BEEM UP BEFORE CITY A H E R M A N Y He Suggests That a Definite K. OF C. COMPANY New Plan be Worked- YEARS OF SERVICE Out. DENVER IS F O R IN G VOL. XII. NO. 39. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1917. $2 PER YEAR. A newspaper report sent out from Father Pinto Put Up a Sur­ Washington indicating that there was Father Mannix and Saint Philo- opposition on the part of the national prising Number of mena’s Rector Show hoard of directors of the Knights of CATHOUC GIRL CHRISTENS GIANT NEW DREADNAUGHT Buildings. Patriotism. Columbus to the project recently starteil in Denver to get a tuberculosis sanitari­ um for the order, was denied yesterday FORMERLY COLORADO NAMES ARE ANNOUNCED » ■ 40 by John H. Reddin, supreme master of the Fourt Degree and a national director, ’ ’ < •‘A,; s ' ' Erected Holy Trinity Church at Men Stand Ready; Pull Quota who recently returned from the meeting Trinidad Before Going in the capital city. Is Expected Within a South. Mr. Rtsldin pointed out that, while M H a ' v li s V X ^ s Few Days. some objection to the movement has been made by directors, no action has been On April 25, Very Rev. Charles M. The Rev. M. W. Donovan, pastor of taken by tlie board. He said: Pinto, for twenty-five years superior of ''' St. Philomena’s church, Denver, a few "It is a nuitter for the supreme council s'' ' " 'S the Jesuit community in K1 Paso, was 'I 1 ■'< v' Ss V . , days ago was offered a commission as and not the Iward, and the board would relieved of the burden of an office which '' 1 captain in the Colorado National Guard decline to initiate any steps for or f ' : V / s failing strength and health made too by the adjutant general. He had gone against the proposition, and probably ''' '' ' ' I 's , heavy of late. He wont to K1 Paso when to the official to offer his services as would even deeline to make any recom­ it was a struggling border town; he a eliaplain in the war with Germany. mendation on the subject one way or the leaves it the bustling metropolis of the The pastor is one -of the best inform ^ other. The governing body of the Knights , r Southwest. During the many' years of men in the state- on military affairs, of Columbus is the supreme council, com- his stay, he-labored unceasingly and suc­ and is acquainted with the high o ffi­ ])Osed of repre.oentatives from each state, cessfully in supplying the needs of an cers of both the National Guard and the and this question has been thoroly ever-growing Catholic population, by regular army in this section. He is threshed out there and turned down a building churches and schools. Endowed a frequent visitor at Fort Logan, U. S. number of times. What Mr. Stack’s with rare business tact, he was eminent­ A. While Father Donovan was obliged committee sliould do is to .bring the ly fitted for tliat ilork. When lie went to deeline the commission offered, since question up in some new and concrete there was one Catholic church building the cluirch does not wish her minis­ and practical form, not before the board in town, the old Holy Trinity chapel on ters actually to bear arms, he declared, o f directors, but before the supreme North Oregon street. One after another in an address before the Knights of council.” The great new American dreadnaught, daughter of the late Governor De Baca, of the New Mexico will l>e l,05d officers the churches of the Immaculate Concep­ New Mexico, launched last week in the of New Mexico. The governor died a and men. Tlic above picture shows the Coliinilni.s on Tuesday evening, that he tion, the Sacred Heart, St. Ignatius, the was willing to go right jnto the thick New York navy yard, was christened by short time ago. He had been a devout New Mexico, witli Miss De Baca in the Holy Angels, the new Holy Family, were a Catholic, Miss Margaret C. De Baca, member of the Church. The complement insert. of the fight with the men as their chap­ WAR TIME PENANCE built tliru his e.xertions. He never for­ lain. He made a stirrring appeal for got tliat a good parochial school is the Catholic enlistments, which was ably greatest help the parish church has; four seconded by the Rev. E. J. Mannix, state URGED BY PRELATE; schools wore built by him. His name will chaplain of the order. Both priests PLAN TO CHARGE GERMAN BISHOPS ASKED A L L lie ever associated with the history of handed in their names as members of the Catliolic Cliurcli in El Paso. He did the K. of C. company, which called for PEOPLE MUST PRAY his work quietly and unassumingly; few its first recruits on Tuesday evening, CATHOLICS WITH DISLOYAL M U WEST TO AID outside his community even suspected his being answered immediately by the fil­ sterling worth. That lie enjoyed the con­ ing of forty names. A few of the men fidence of the higher superiors of the Archbishop MoeUer Wants the recruited may be unable to go to the ACTS FOILED BY UNCLE SAM IN RED CROSS WORK Jesuit order, is shown by the fact that front because of physical disability, but Scourge of Punishment for many years he lield the responsible they stand ready to give their services Withheld in Conflict, office of superior of the New Mexico and as drillniastOrs after they have been Letter Sent from Denver Urges Colorado Jesuits. Bishop A. J. Schiller trained, or in doing necessary clerical teniie<l him the real founder of the El Widespread Auxiliary work. The officers of the company were HE URGES TO PATRIOTISM Pa.so ehurcli. delighted with the first response to arms. Churches Examined for Arms as Offset to Like Local One. Father Pinto has been vicar general The men who enlisted are: Oapt. W. H. Other Catholic National News of the El Paso diocese. He has gone to .-Xndrew, 1441 Penn.; John P. Douds, 19'28 Bearing on Struggle Latest A. P. A. Knavery COLORADO IS ORGANIZING AIhuqiierqiie, N. M. Before going to Emerson; Homer Frederic, 1278 Penn; J. D. Devine, Aurora; Henry P. LeClair, With Germany. El Pa.so, ho was pastor of Holy Trinity Kncoiiraged by the success that has. parish, Trinidad, Colo., and built the 1222 East Sixth; Richard F. Ryan, 106 greeted tlie Catholic Women’s auxiliary eliiireh there. His sueees.sor as .lesiiit West Ellsworth; William Phoenix, 1723 Archbishop Moeller, in a pastoral letter, By MAXIMILIAN. Folloyving is a letter sent to the Rev. to the Red CYoss society in Denver, the superior in EP Paso is the Rev. Modes- Vine; William Richard Keefe, 1331 Lo­ sets forth the duty CatWics have of Persons who are ready' to take advan­ George Meyer, pastor of the Holy Angels’ Red Cross officers this week made an tus Izaguirre, .‘'.,1., rector of the Sacred gan; Clias. J. Dunn, Jr., 1827 Grant; obeying the civil authorities and upholds tage of every possible opportnnit.v to parish, Milwaukee, by William S. Fitch, appeal to the Catholic authorities in Heart eliureh there. He was minister at Joe Pughs. 1123 South York; E. the government in its declaration of war. arouse religious antipatliy, have been special agent of the bureau of investi­ the entire mountain country of the the Sacred Heart college, Denver, l»e- Bourke, 2130 Court place; Thos. L. He shows, however, that the confiict may busy, of late, spreading the rumor that gation, office of the division superin­ West to organize this work among their fore Bishop Seliulor, of El Paso, then be the means of punishing America for O’Neill, Auditorium hotel; Daniel J. R y­ German Catholic churches were storing tendent at Chicago of the United States I>eople. The bishops of twelve to four­ Fatlier Schuler, took this position. some of its sins, and calls attention to an, •2524 Champa; J. F. Ward, 4160 Fen­ up arms in America. The United States department of justice, under date of teen mountain states were .simt letters Father Moilestiis went from the college the fact that the people of Xinive avoid­ government officially took cognizance of »4pril 24; by' W. G. Kvans, a higli official of tlie to Del Norte, then to Mexico, then to ton street'; John J. Meany, 1821 Penn; ed punishment by doing penance. He the affair and, not with the belief that 'T am pleased to state that this office society, with headquarters in Denver. El Paso. (Continued on Page 4, Ckilumn 6.) urges his people to prayer, setting aside anything would be found but with the has searched diligently' for a supply of The Catholic church in the Denver dio­ the first Sunday in May for special serv­ determination of upsetting every oppor­ arms and ammunition rumored to be hid­ cese this week took steps to eo-operate ices, when the guidance of God will be tunity the matter gave for arousing anti- den in a German Catholic church in Mil­ even further in tlie Re<l Cross work.
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