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All the News

of All the Pointes Every Thursd~y Morning rosse ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes HO,1ze of the News

VOLUME 25-NO. 13 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post OffiLl! at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, MARCH 26, 1964 $5.00 Per Year 10c Per Copy 28 Pages-Two Sections-Section I

HEADLINES I .w"".W?~.?S~~niciJ?~I.Building 'Wing Completed 01 'he I Memorial Center Holds Special WEEK Meeting to As Compiled by the I Grosse Pomts News Launc hes Annual Ban Building Thursday, March 19 ''!'.1:,:;;;:'~' .: Drl.ve for Funds Opposes Selection of Van- GE:'>J'ERALMOTORS announc- .. .>0'.. .j . derbush Farm As Loca- cd Wednesday that it will spend tion For Propo$ed 32 billion for plants and equip- Goal of Family Pa~rt-ic-i-p-a-t-io-n-C-a-m-p-a-ignR.,ma',ns Same Structure ment during the nt:xt two years, A L both world-wi~e and nationally. S ast Year; $60,000 Needed to Make The Woods council called Three new plants are included Up Operating Deficit a special meeting on Mon- in the plans, two of them to be d M h located in Michigan, A new Th~ Grosse Pointe War Memorial Center has launch- ay, arc 23, solely for :tamping plant will be built in' ed a dr~ve for. $60,000 in contributions from residents the purpose of adopting a Kalamazoo employing 3.000 and ' o.f the fIve Pomtes. The drive is the annual effort to resolution opposing any use a new upholstery trim plant em. ! fill the gap b.etween wha,t the Center takes in and the of 31.7 acres of land at Ver- f,Joying 1,000 is planned for: ------"---- -...... ,.------.. e t nier road and Morningside Tecumseh. Existing facilities .'.~ xpenses 1 mcurs carrymg out its community service drive, for other than family will be expanded at 10 N 'rO TH~ ~UNICJPA:1.' inJU;D •• O '.,,.ii' "'rJIiJii .CITY or'o.~ .. '.'. .'. .' h Detroit officials to take action '. . . '.. :PO%N'1'a W'O~J'H!J; :MrCJUOAN'. . ;~ "Almost every day of the year T e proposed site is owned on two fronts. :\ilayor Cavanagh K.6M::M:OM'J>, qUlI,~:M. AKD.r~ ... ~ .~~~~:'.;~~~;s'.JI~~;.,~ ~G~~....,.;...:.'.' .' ".~the War Memorial Center is By St Paul by Edward ann Frank Vander- recommended a $12,000 survey !~e Public Safe~y.Buj]ding addition to the Woods' ceremonies,an'~p~~"'ii~~.se"Ywiii"'b~~heid'<'f~;th~i~:~ called upon to serve the people • bush (29.53 acres); and Mr. and of traffic law and procedure in MumcIpal Hall was fmIsl~ed on Monday, March 23, and spection of the addition and the City Hall from 3 pm of the Grosse Pointe communi- Mrs. John W. Baker (2.17 the light of mounting traffic cost a total of. $339,854, mclu~ing furnishings. Part of to 5 p.m. Congressmall Harold Ryan will deliver th~ ties in a number of ways. And L3kers Top Their Class For acres), deaths and Police Commissioner the constructIOn cost wa~ fmanced by, the Federal dedl'catl'on address. The new wI'ng I'ncludes a~ll of th.-..t just once a ~Tearthe Center calls S d T' I h At a special meeting held on R G. d' 'd d 1 G - :.. upon the people to lend I't as- econ ,me n Tree Tuesday, March 17, the Board woulday Irarbe enforced10 sal spee ...aws'1 D overnmentd' ., under the Accelerated PublIc Works Act. sectl'on l'n the archl'tect's drawI'ng above, to the left (>f sistance, in the form of finan- Years; Jim Bigham of Education passed a resolu- and that policemen m:~~IIlt~v~ 5 e tc:tIon Oftthe ~.e~ e~~.w!1l1befheld on S~nday, April the columned portion built originally to house the cial aid," Big Star tion to designate a building site to take a tougher stand I ~ ~ p.m., (l w I,C 0 ICla ~ 0 surroundmg commu~ main municipal offices. Mr. S c h roe de r continued, and direct its attorneys to in- ...... I n__l._t_~Ie._s__an~d~t_h_e__p_u~blI_chave been invited. ~'"'ollowiilg the "Community support is vital to The St. Paul Lakers con- stitute legal proceedings to ob- THE HOUSE OF REPRESENT. I - ..---- ~------our m a i n t a i n i n g the full quered rival teams in the tain the land needed through ATlVES in Lansing moved that C.t C .Z W d Publi Sf. range of activities which Grosse condemnation. W"to.:k,,",m~erna'I~.~edcoamnPde~esattaiononebepneer:l y OUnCl 00 sea ety WIng C '. Pointers have come to expect at quarterfinals, semifinals and Wants Two Bearings f ~ 'Jt".~ 0. ' ongresslnen the War Memorial Center," finals to clinch their se;~onc. At the Monday night meet- cent ceiling on local income i Gets Repo t F-. h d. S t D d-. S k H Heading the drive for funds is State High School Class C ing, the Woods council favored tlnaxl'teteSesWreedlenaesseddaYm'.eaSseurneastetoCOemn.-/ IlllS Theodore H. Mecke, Jr. of 497 Prep Basketball C row n asking the Board of Education .r e ". e e Icatlon pea ere Lincoln road. Mr. Mecke, Vi~e- since 1961. All the games to hold a public hearing of its able Wayne County to adopt I On Planulllg Ceremomes for Aprl-15 N t M ..J- President-Public Relations fer were held in East Lansing, Own to air the pros and cons of county home rule and encourage I ex onuay Ford Motor Company, and a di- On Wednesday, M~cn 18, the acqUiring the proposed site, as elimination of schoel districts. ----- . rector of the War Memorial As- Lakers swept past Montrose, well as to ask the members of having no high schools. I S. Bagby and Associates Officials and Public Invited; Open House to Be Held sociation, serves as chairman of after a surprising fight, 76-60; the Board to attend a public • • • P F 3 5 F I f Missouri, Maryilnd' and the "1964 Family Participation downed stubborn Gaylord on hearing in the Woods council repares 0 0 C U m e n tram - p.m, or nspect',on 0 New N ew Y.on:I. Represent- C.amaplgIl." Friday, March 20, by e i g!t II:. chamber on Monday, April 13, GOV:~~~ M~~~~~y an- I Followi.ng Com pre- Addition and Municipal Bl.:ilding atives to Be at Fries Drive Goal Not Upped points, 59-51; and on Saturday, at which time an amendment to nounced Thursday that he will hens,ve Survey The new Public Safety Wing an additl'on to. the' Auditorium He explained that the need. March 21, steam-rollered Byron the Woods Zoning Ordinance is , for funds arises "because the rel- OeJllter. 53-39, to clincll the expected to be adopted. seek, funds to have a statewide Th t -- t naIve Woo.ds Municipal Building, 20025 Mack avenue, WI'11be t' Iy modest fees and charges crown. The amendment, which would cham of 10.halfway houses, four , e ~as , pres en an-llos- dedIcated on Sunday, April 5, .at3 p.m., with an open Congressman Thomas B. of the Center, together with The victory .against Mon~ose establish a Community Facilities of th~m m Wayne County, SIble fu~ure of qrosse Pomte house to be held immediatel after the ceremonies. Curtis, chairman of a GOP some endowment income, falls g:ve St. Paul J.ts fourth stra~t Zoning District, if adopted, ~s~ab~lsh~d ~s. :n. answe~ to are ~ll dealt WIth .~t, length The ell, on the south side of I. Panel which will visit .the short of matching the expe.idi- s~te ~nament q~arterfinal would designate certain areas in ~Ichl~an s rlsm" tide of )uve- and m much detau In a re- the city hsll, cost a total of also invited, whether they live 14th District March 30, is tures. About one-fourth of the vlctO,n'. In t~e last. :t:l:e years, I which s~hools, c~urches and mle vl~lence. He. hopes to have port which was authorized $339855 - 1 d' g 11 f . h- in the Woods, or neig'hboring to be honored with a na- 1964 budget must be met by and Its ~lst V.lctory In _3 games, commerCIal ~stablishments can three m operation by May 1 d h b t d' ' ,mc u In a urnls proceeds of this fund effort, We . Ju.n Bigham Stars be erected. and the others completed by the an as .now een acce~ e lOgS. It was completed on Mon- cities, Petersen added. tional award in Detroit, it are seeking this year the same .Jlm BIgh~ led the Lakers Once. adopted, the Board of nd of the year. One of the 10 by the,CIty of Grosse Pomte day, Ma:ch 23, we~l ahead ,of Congressman Harold Ryan was announced by David amount the families of the WIth 32 pomts, foll~e~ by Education, if and when it ac- is now functioning in Lansing CounCIl. t~e Apnl 15 deadlIne comp.e- will deliver the dedtcation ad- C. Dethmers, head of the Pointes gave so readily last "e. am mat e B~b Martw s 21 quires the site for its proposed as part of the Boys Training A comprehensive plan for !lon schedule set by t?e Hous- dress, it was disclosed. 14th District Young Repub- year." ~m~ Mon~ose s Lyle Taylor, high school edifice, must peti- SchooL In Wayne County, there the ~evelopment, redevelopmen.t ~n~ and Home A~ency In Wash. "I feel that with the comple- Hcans, who are sponsoring The Center's spending has \lho ~ot 10 In ~e last quarter, tion the Woods council for a will be two halfway houses for and Improvement of that mum- moton, D, C., WhICh,aPl?rove~ a tion of our new Public Safety th~ Congressmen's visit to been pushed upwards in the last led hIS team ~lth 19, . change in the ordinance before bo:'s and two for girls. cipality has been prepared by ~ederal gr~~t to aSSIst In buIld- building, our community has Detroit. two years by the expansion of The Lakers Jumped ilD front, it can build the school. * • • Scott Bagby an~ Associates of 109 the edIfIce. one of the most complete Mu. its physical plant and program. 6-0, be for e MoJlltrose had a . CONVICTED Jack I Grand Rapids, natIonally known D~e.to the ~f!~rts of th~ ~om- nicipal Buildings in the Middle The award is one of three William H. Fries Auditorium cnance to sink a basket, Bigham Resolutio!,- Adopted Ruby fired his attorney, l\lelvin I city planners. The 54-page reo ~UnI~leS Fac~lrtIes AdmlnIstra. West," Petersen said. "The national awards being made by opened in' 1962, has made more got 13 points and Martin nine, The resolutIOn ~dopted by Belli. and hired a new lawyer port on the extensive survey is hon 10 WashlOgt~n, a grant of building has incorporated in it, the Detroit Central Business service by the Center possible, giving the team a 24-13 advant- t~e Woods counCil Monday in his attempt to escape the now in the hands of the city $146,300 was given to the every concept of modern police- District Association, Presented but it also has added to the Cen. age in the first eight minutes. mght, reads: electric chair. He is Percy Fore- officials and the councilmen Woo~s last February, u~der the fire facilities," he boasted. in the form of a Gold Doorknob, ter's financial burdens, The undaunted Rams how- "Whereas this council has man of Houston, who has served made it clear at their meeting PublIc Works A~celeratIon Act, Facilities in the new building it is given in recognition of the The fund-raising c amp aign, ever stayed at the Laker~' heels be~n informed that the Grosse as defense lawyer in some of Monday night that every effort create.d to, ~Ilevlate unemploy. incluc.e an up-to-date photo doors Congressman Curtis has planned to hit its goal by Mem- the re,s.t of the way. St, Paul Pomte Board of Education the biggest murder trials in will be made to have every ment In cntIcal areas. crime laboratory, pistol range, opened which. have led to orial Day, is being pushed in a flil-ted with foul trouble and plans to acquire the Vander- Texas. Ruby retained, however. resident of the City fully al;- Woods Matehe1 Grant and a community room in the career advancement for women~ mailing of an explanatory bro- Coach Ed Lauer had to change bush property, at or near, the Belli's assistants. Joe Tonahill quainted with the contents. The grant was approved when basement, among other things, It will be presented at the chure to the 17,000 families in the team's tactics and pace. s?uthw~st corner of Morning- an.d Phil. Bu:1eson. ~urleso~ Mr. Bagby has stressed the Woods showed that it could he said. noon luncheon of the Economic the five Grosse Pointes. The Bigham, an All-State s tar, SIde drive and Vernier. d h 11 f 1 ot 0 Fn Buy New Fire Truck Club of Detroit, where Con- pamphlet explains the reason sank six more baskets in the "Be it resolved that this coun- sal e WI lea. m 1 n , . throughout his report that de- put up matching funds, to be '11b . 1 for the solicitation and urges second period to help offset :l cil. hereby opposes any use of day for a new tnal, the first 't th f' t ,. used for the construction of the In October, the Woods will gressman Curtis WI e a specla '. tt' th . t Spl e e lye separa e mUnICl- (Contl'oued on Page 4) guest. that each family take part. nine-point splurge by Montrose's said property other than for step m ge mg e case In 0 ~.'r . th P' t th u Public Safety Wing. f the appeals court. Pdll les m e om. e, e s c' Contracts for the addI'tl'on Congressman Curtis, of Mis- Emphasizing the bload range Dave Thiel. amily residential purposes in * • • cess of future plannmg and de. souri, will be accompanied by of the Center's services and its Martin Fouls Out conformity with the proposed CHRYSLER Corporation was velopment by each is inter.de, were let on June 26, 1963, and Speeder I~ahhed Congressman C h a r 1e s McC. need for broadly-based support, Thiel netted three baskets (Continued on Page 2) accused of trying to freeze pendent and that all should the actual construction began Mathias of Maryland and Frank the drive uses the theme, "Some- and t.h:ree foul shots in his spurt ------Chtcker Motors Corp. of Kala. wo..k together towards the same On August 1. Following Chase J. Horton of New York. The thing for everybody ... some- as St, Paul's Martin pickeu up mazoo out of the taxicab market, end of preserving the fine char- City Manager Chester Peter- panel is being held at the Fries thing from everybody." his fourth foul trying to stop Second Offense especially in New York CH:', aC'ter of the community, and of sen said that Public Safety per. Auditorium, Grosse Pointe War 150,OOa Used Center him. With a little more than in a $45 million antitrust law- increasi?g the prestige which it sonnel and all equipment from Richard T. Wallace, 28, of Memorial Center, 32 Lakeshore The value of the War Mem- five minutes gone in the second Earns 90 Davs suit. The lawsuit was filed in now enJoys as one of the coun- the old Public Safety building, 1179 Brys drive, eluded Woods road, at 8 p.m. It is open to the orial Center to the community quarter, Martin went to the .1 New York and claims dama"es , try's finest residential areas, ~O';'75 Mack, will move to the police in a speed chase at 2:42 public at no charge. is indicated by the iact that last bench and salt out the entire Johc J. Auito, Jr., 21, of 14509 of $15 million, but is asking I The r~!lort is

d "1 I).': ',I hombel'. ~'l'omention was made C Ie An rew Teetaert. tlOn ceremonies. The public is tween Cook and Norwood, but ~ I (ContlDued Page 2) I (Continued on Page 13) John GilIi~, who presf~:~ i: tg: ------I the man ignored the police car Store s (...4e.i inlY I of the other two airmen. flasher and siren, and made a"" Park court in the absence of • • ill PTA Counc:l Hears Plans left turn to west on :Norwood, Falls. Two Hurt L SR. ' I Judge C. Joseph Belanger, on a BREl'IDAN BEHAN, Ireland's II at a fast clip. ., aWreJ1Ce avage eSlgns ! c~arg~ of abetting juveniles in gifted and colorful playwright, S. Wallace, the policemen said, A M f GP C. i VIolatIng the Curfew Law. ~~~dorr~da:r ~~un~~;i~r~~u~~~! For econd Hlgh School ~i~~o~~i~;a:~, ~~~e J:c~~;~tcu~~m:rar~;~~ s~~~a ::~~~ S auager 0 lty II wiihh~ri~i~g :~~ot~I:Ove~~~r:~ hy a lifetime of prodigious I . -.------. .turn to west on Oxford, at morning when an 8'x40' portion ------violation of restriction. drinking. Behan's first book, ~t a meetmg of ,the Grosse Dr. Robert K. WhIteley, pr~si- which time he turned off the of ceiling collapsed at Fromm's Grosse Pointe City Manager that he was not leaving because Judge Gillis found Auito "The Borstal Boy," brought him Pomte P1.'A CounCIl held on dent of th~ Board of Educa1::i0n, car lights, then made a left turn Hardware, 17047 Kercheval. But Lawrence C, Savage presented of dissatisfaction with h~~ job, I guilty of both charges and to international attention in I Monday nIght, members of the answered questions On varIOUS onto Helen, manager Henry Feys, of 843 h~ resignation to the City C0':ln- or because of co~flict wi,t~ any I se!ltenced him to serve 90 days 1955. Still banned in Ireland, B~a:d of ,Educat on and the ad- aspects of the proposed buildin~ The Woods officers said that Beaconsfield avenue sustained cil on Monday. March 23, which member of the City admmlstra- in the Detroit House of Correc- it was based on the Irish Repub. mlnIstratlve ;;t~ff report~d on by members of the PTA CounCIl Wallac~ eluded them at Harper injured vertebrae and was ad- was accepted with de~p rebrret tion. He enjoyed working with! tion. Auito was given the term lican Army movement ?gainst the latest dev~lopme~ts In the as well as by guests_ and Lancaster, where they lost mitted to Bon Secours Hosp,ital. b.y the. city body. The r~signa~ a wo.nd~rful countil whose. lead-I' when it was brought out that h~ the British for a free and united efforts to acquire a slt~ for ~e Tf':'Stec Robc!1 F. Weber him. They sent out a radio Also injured in the accident. bon WIll become effective on ershlp IS excellent, he said, had been arrested by Detroit Ireland. "The Quare Fellow" propose~ second senIor ~gh mentIOned that representatives alert, and later were notified by was Morris ("Jerry") Stofflet, April 24, Savage be c am e the first I police on Thursda~.., March 19, (1956) was ::l protest against scho~l 10 the ~ro~se POInte of a!1 architectural firm that Harper Woods authorities, that of 2150 Coplin, an employee in Savage will leave his local Grosse Pointe City manager on: on a similar contributing charge capital punishment. At the PublIc Schoul DiStrict,. ,surveyed. the land had p~o- Wallace was arrested. and in charge of the Detroit Edison po~t to become city manager I)~ August 22, J:960,~fter first help- ! and warned not to repeat the premiere of his second play "The At a request of CounCil Presl- nounced It adequate and deslr- their custody, agency in Fromm's. H'I< ; if resolution designating the! ~ver, to construct a building, they gave the motorist a viola. Fromm's, which closed lit alsclose the salary of his new the city clerk, alcng with his All the children were charged ATTOR:'>J'EY'IELVlN BELLI: Vanderbush ~n~. Baker pr~p-I r!?~g~ly estimated to cost in the tion ticket for reckless driving, noon almost immediately fol- position, but did say that it managerial duties, with violation of the Curfew resigned from the American Bar I erties in tho:-VICInItyof Venner I VICInItyof $4,500,000. and released him on bond of $50, lowing the acciient, will be ren. would be substantially more Savage was selected as the Law and filed against in Juve- Association yesterday in angry road and Mornin6~ide drive as Pongrac~ added that early pending a scheduled appearance i>vated and expanded durin~ the than his pres~nt pay. first city manager because 'Jf nile Court and released to their (Contlnup.d on Page 27) Ithe site of a new high school. (Continued on Page ~) in court on April 18. next two or three weeks. He informed the City council (Continued /)n Page 2} lparents, pending a hearing date.

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Page Two GROSSE f-OINTE NEWS Thursday, March 26, 1964 Thursday, Congressmen Center Drive PT A Council School Fight OOQOOOOOQOOOOOOOOQOQQOOQOOOOOQO~

(Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) troit Wednesday. April 1, for a and a blood donor service. The plans to hold a referendum on amendment with the City of "CamjJ~s Day" that morning at Center is used by little children, this issue called for a late Sep- Grosse Pointe Woods. 'ooth Wayne University and the young people, married couples. tember or early October date. "Be it furthe!, resolved that presents University of Detroit. "parents without ,partners," and However, he'said that in view the City Administration forward of changes contemplated the The "Paul Revere" mission is by "senior citizen5." in a copy of the proposed amend. , to alert the people to what is "It is precisely because it is State. )'iimar.y Elections,' it is ment to the Zmdng Ordinance VERE C. WIRWILLE so useful to so many that we impossible' for the Board to set IInd His Trio happening in Washington un- think the whole community public hearing, which has been a date at this time. set for .April 13, 1964, to the 'or Your listening and Danting Pieasure der the Johnson Administra. should rally to the Center's sup. Dr. Whttel-ey summarized the Grosse Pointe Board of Educa. WEDS. - THURS. - FRt - SAT. tion. port," said Mr. Mecke. diSCUSSi{)n stating that the b.Y tion, along with a letter advis- Coming Apri' 15 • 1.a Sunny & Stl" Keller Congressman Curtis said that "We use no tax money to op. Board's decision to build a ing the said Board that the City "among the subjects we will erate the War Memorial Center second high school is in the of Grosse Pointe Woods i~ in Served Every discuss are foreign policy, state and we recei"e no funds from best intereSts of the boys and BRUNCH the process of amending its Sunday of the econom~', scandals in the United Foundation. The girls of the community and re- 50 Zoning Ordinance by adopting per p81'1Q1t • Childre.. 1.25 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Washington and the record and Center earns its own way to a flects long-range concern for 2 performance of President John- great degree. but contributions continuing aJligb quality educa- the enclosed amendment, that VA 2-4118 the Planning Commission of the 1530I E. Jefferson For Reservations son. must provide an appreciable tional program. W. Honor Amerlcen Express, Dln.n end C.rt. Blanche Cards ,amount o{ our budget. 'fhe In. Turning to other busin'ess on City of Grosse Pointe Woods Want People to Knew 1ternal Rev~nue Service indo the agenda, President Sherman has appr[lved said amendment "We believe," he said, "that dentally permits deductions of mentioned plans for a polio im- on January 28 to said ordinance the people of America should gifts to the Center." munization program scheduled and that a public hearing will be told of th~ true situation Other Board Members for local elementary schools on be hUd on said amendment by that faces their country-both. Working with Mr. Schroeder Sunday, April 19 and June 14. the Mayor and Council on April a~ hom~ a~d abroad. W~ cor. and Mr. Mecke on the drive He said that the Wayne County 13, 1964. dlally mVlte the p~bl1c to are: other members of the Board Medical Society has spearhead- "That the required notice of attend. any of our meetmgs and of D ire c tor s: - William M. ed the organizatioo.al phase of said heari:'1g has been given and we ~J11 be happy to. answer Adams, J. Leslie Berry, George the project to make available that any use of the property, at the questlOn~ fr~m the audience .at C. Cossaboom, Walter B. Ford oral doses of trivalent oral vac- or near, the southwest corper the concluslOli of our onef II, Mrs. William H. Fries, Mrs. cine to intex:ested residents of Morningside drive and Ver- presentation." Harley G .Higbie, Mrs. James A. ei.ght weeks apart. nier road, for other than family by STETSON Congressman Curtis is rank. Lafer, Geolrge N. Monro m, In each elementary buildIDg residential purposes is contrary ing Republican on the House T~omas L. Munson, H. Lynn the PT A presidents were asked to and prohibited by the pr~ joins the move 10 to provide 20 volunteer workers posed ordinance. This hat is ID light and S() comtorub1e it's Senate ,Ioint Economic Commit. Pierson, Mark-Stevens, Mrs. Har. tee and ~cond-ranking on the old B.. Tyree, and Mrs. Frank to work from 10 a.m. to 4:30 "Be it further resolved that like '£'e2ring no hat at all! Do anything Ways and Means Committee. W. Wylie: p.m .. on the designated dates. the Grosse Pointe Board of MID-TONES for spring with it--'1"ea$e it-fold it-you ju~t can't Representative Horton serves Gro~e Pointe War Memorial He indicated that detailed in- Education be Tequeste~ to held bn it, Yet it is dressy enough for your On the House District Commit. Cente~, now 15 y~ar~ old, began formation would be forthCQm- a public hearing on the ques- ~The luxurious new Oakleigh is for men who prefer tee and House Government Op. as. a .library association to ?lem- ing. tion of erecting a proposed a light and easy hat. Even the finish is new most dignified business occasaons. $16.95 erations Committe, and Rep. orlahze those Grosse P«;>mtf!S In other business brought be- Grosse Pointe high scbool, at fMe the assembly, Mr. Sherman ... Stetson stylists call it "Vel,:ette" ... McC. Mathias is on the Judi- who had served the nabon ~ or near, the Vanderbush prop- rich in texture as the name suggests. See the ciary and District of Columbia World War II. It evolved, 10 alerted Council members to erty, Morningside drive and a""chiU hats "e exdlls;ve witb liS Committees in the House of response. to .the ne<.~s ~f ~e events of the forthcoming state Vernier road." Oaklelgh in new Mid-tone shades ... which ifJ tin Detroit areiL Representatives c~mmumty, lDt~ an 1Osbtution PTA convention scheduled in The i'esolution was read to are lightened versions of the basic grays and • WIth a panoramIC scope of serv- Lansing on April 2()"22. the council and apprQved" for browns. A tiny golden Acorn will identify ice. PresideDit Sherman intro-. adoption by Acting City Attor- the Oakleigh to you. $13.95. DRIVER ARRESTED Its facilities are probably duced William M. Adams, As.. ney Fred Keppen, who attended Shores police arrested An. un i que among "community 5istant Secretary on the Board. the special meeting in the ab- drew Hardman" 25, of 3779 houses" in their quality and ex. of Directors of the Grosse sence of City Attorney Jules French road, Detroit, on Sun- tent. The family of Russell Pointe War Memorial Associa .. Berns. day, March 22, while he was Alger gave the community the tion, who outlined functions and large residence facing Lake st. the needs of his organization. Because of a barrage of phone Woodward at Grand Circus Park traveling on Lake Shore road, calls to the Woods Municipal and gave him a violation ticket Clair. It is on five a<'Tes at 32 The next meeting of the AIHJ i" C.hicllgo Lake Shore road in Grosse Grosse Pointe PT A Councll is Office and the Grosse Pointe for driving while under the in. News Office, received from fluence of liquor. He posted Pointe Farms. Several endow- scheduled for Monday, May 25. ments have been made and the Woods residents opposing the bond of $100. His court date proposed high school on the was set for April 22. late William H. Fries gave funds to build the auditorium-banquet Savage Vanderbush site, it was expect. hall which bears his name. There ed that the Monday night spe. are a dozen rooms for meetings, (Continued from Page 1) cial meeting would be attended lunches, classes; etc., and park- his ability, record and. educa- by a great number of citizens ing is provided on the grounds tion. He was picked from a but hardly anyone showed up ror 200 cars. large number of aplicants, and to voice an opinion. , Last. year a total of 1,529 approved for the post by the As a matter of fact, the tiny Fromm's Hardware groups used the- Genter with a City council. handful that were in attend- total' attendance of 158',037. A native of Saginaw, he came ance, failed to comment at all. to the Pointe from Cheboygan, Mich., where he was city man- DRIVER ACCUSED TO OUR ~ity Report ager from December 1957 to Kenneth B. LockhaL'dt, Jr., April 1960. Prior to that, he was 23, of 31521 St. Margaret, st. personnel director of Saginaw Clair Shores, was arrested by KERCHEVAL STORE '(Contin1,1ed from Page 1) from Decemb~r 195~ to De- Shores police on Friday, March Trends 'a'nd Targets, The Plan- cember 1~57. 20, for driving 70 miles an hour ning Program and ~arrying Out Re alw served as administra- on Lake Shore road. He was The Plan. It deals with such tive assistant to the city man- given a violation ticket for CUSTOMERS subjects as 'Relationship to ager of Saginaw from June reckless driving (drinking) and Metropolitan Problems,. Census 1950 to December 1957. Prior relea~ on $100 bond to ap- '~ Information, Development Fac- to that, he was personnel tech- pear 10 court on April 29. tors, Positive. Zoning Ordi- ~icjan .for Milwaukee, Wis. Due to unfortunate circumstances, Fromm's nances, Street :f"]jWJ, .Neighbor- He is a February 1945 grad- Twenty University of Michi- MEN'S Wi:AR, INC, hood Conservatia,n, Community uate of' Northwestern Univer- Ill" Hardware wi" be closed for about 2 to 3 weeks. gan Undergraduates have won Facilities, Businesr Develop- sity,' Evanston, Ill.; he received - ., 16930 Kercheval, at Notre Dame During this period our store will be recon- 1964-65 Woodrow Wilson Fel- ment, Financial Planning. his muster's' degree in public lowships, ilie nation's se~ond OPEN THURS. EVES. UNTIL 9 P.M. structed and enlarged with one thought in Fourteen illustrations in the administration from the Univer- greatest total of these high form of charts and tables are sity of Michigan in 1948. academic honors to be uwarded. mind: used effectively. Copies of the He is a veteran of the United survey will be made available States Navy, serving as a com- TO CIVE YOU BETTER SERVICE at the Central Library and the missioned officer aboard an City Offices in Maumee avenue, LST in the South P.:~ific dur- and a wider selection of merchandise. for study by the residents.. ing World War II. The NEWS will deal with The city manager expressed many aspects of th.e -report in his regret over leaving the City Fromm's wish to thank you for your past patron- subsequent issues. It is a far and his many friends and co- age and hope we can continue to serve you too complicated and 'comprehen- Workers. sive document to ~ttempt to His wife. Millicent, and their Thank You, better in the future, Meanwhile all charge summarize in a single story. four children will remain at accounts and regular services are available at ---~------their home, 879 Rivard, which they hope to sell, until their our nearest store ... oldest, Michael, 17, graduates from Grosse Pointe High School Grosse Pointers! 14215 E. Jefferson - VA '-1110 in June. The other children are Chris, TO OUR EDISON CUSTOMERS: Btl&1 8; Brad, 3; and Matthew, who is one month old. All merchandise that is now in the process o~ WEEJU,NS~ Savage said that he will com. mute to the Pointe on week- First Federal being repaired will be delivered directly to ends, if his new duties permit, FOR to see his family and to offer your home as soon ~s possible. whatever aSl!istance he can to MEN the City and to his successor. Kercheval Office Reaches At Monday night's meeting, the council did not disclose if a successor has been selected to replace Savage. $25~OOO.OOO Fromm's Hardware '" ./ Seventh Foreign 17037 Kercheval Ave. - Grosse Pointe 17140 Kercheval in Assets In the Village Student at GPHS

A seventh foreign exchange The ufficers and staff of First Federal Savings in Grosse Pointe sincerely student i$ now attending Grosse Pointe High School. She is appreciate your confidence in placing 25 million dollars of your savings Madeleine Koch from Stock. with us. holm, Sweden, and is living with ~he family of Cameron Brown of Bedford road. We believe this is a result of our current earnings rate--4% a year paid Cameron is spending this year and compounded quarterly~ that it is rlue to our protection for you--each in Sweden living with Made- , leine's family. account insured to $10,000 by an agency of the V. S. Government. Madeleine is a Youth for Un. derstanding exchange student, We suspect, too, that this rapid growth is a result of convenience _ the and has been in the l..'"nited States since August 12. She convenience of drive-in window service, safe deposit rentals, check cashing spent her first six months in for eus~omers, saving by mail; and for bome owners, the convenience of Reed City, Mich. our complete home mortgage loan department and service. ' The University of Michigan is one of the foremost U.S. insti- In any event, thank you. We pledge ourselves to keep on being the kind of tutions in the teaching of lithog- people you like to do business with. raphy. Grosst FIRST-'- Pojnt~ N~ws ...... " PublIshed every Thursday b;r Anteebo Publishers, IDe. ,FEDERAL 99 Kercheval Avenue Grosse Pointe 36, Michkan Phone TU 2-6900 SAVINGS. Three TroD. Linea OF-DETROIT Second Clau Poltau paid at De. trolt, Mlehl,aa. Subscrtptlon Rates $5.00 Per Ye:o.r by Mall ($11.00 0 u t sid e Wayne County) All New. and Advertising Copy MtUt Be In 'Ihe N.ws Offtce 17150 Kercheval, near St. Clair, Phone 882.7697 by Tuesday Noon to wure Inser' RICHARD BUICK, INC. • 15103 Kercheval Avenue tion. Ahadar.. an Man (Sub8Criptions, C nge of Addrflla J'Ol"mII 35'7i) to Tune in "Probe," 6:30 P.M. Sundays and "Weekend," 7:00 P.M. Tuesdays, WWJ-TV, Channel 4 99 K e r ch e val Avenue, Groa. Pointe, lWch1~an 48238. •

J •• " f' I \ v •

\ eh 26, 1964 Thursday, March 12. 1964 • GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three l!l!l!QIlQlll!OilO~ ~

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sincerely If savings year paid oiher colors available In Beach Club vou--each lent. THE BIG WINNER IN LIGHTWEIGHT FASHIONS ce - the :k cashing The light, oxford-weave Beach Club- Sportcoat is tailored with all the rich nience of refinements of the most costly iackets. The exczlusive"Contour Collar" assures a perfect fit in the neck and shoulder area. Wrinkles shake le kind of out overnight. Small wonder that boysl fashion experts soya Sampeck* Beach Club is the best buy you will ever make. Bring your youngsters in today for a try-on. Solids or bold stripes. Student Sizes 36-42 $29.95 Prep Sizes 13-20 $22.95 ..

f' Open T"ursday Evenings 'til , ~7140 KERCHEVAL, In '.e ViII.,. "Reg. T.M. Goodall Sanford Incorporated fabric Content; 75% Armtl Trhi;etate, 25%.Rayon

J.TV, Channel 4 ~SS.SS&&sS & 2 3 55&& 23223 2& 3&&2&& 23 £ 2 .ss $ .- 44-:;:',':_

Page Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS ThursdaYI March 26, 1964 -!hursday, March I SUMMER IN EUROPE 1 " A "d Ie. BLUE STAR ' James. Stoetzer. 1949 Litt1e- M IDOr CCI ents Woods Sets PublIC HearIng PRIVATE* POLICE / stone. WIllgO'to' a western Euro- R l' C" New Wing i peao cauntry to' spend the sum- eporte( In Ity 0 Z · La A d Boiling Radi Member of Detroit Board of ~~~r as the member af a family __ (Continued from Page 1) Commerce. Licensed, Bonded, '1 onlng w mc'n ment I h\lng there. TwO'minar accidents occurred _~_____ accept delivery af a $50.000 Causes eras] Insured Armed Guards for all Ie occasions. Confidential investi- I :t- is the fi~th Grasse Pointe an Maumee recently. One was The WO'O'dscauncil will hald had heard that the Board had Snarkel hydraulic aerial ladder gations. I HIgh Schaol Ju~ja~ to' be ac- March 11 wnen Laeuna Dell a public hearing on Monday, bee-n discus5ing the need for a fire truck, •.the last ward in Geraldine A. Hinman 893-5919 cepted b~:th~ MIchIgan Cauncil Brown of 956 Westchester April 13, at 7:30 p.m., an an new high schaal as far back as firefighting equipment," Peter- ,,~<,-,-~~ 115 Dale TO' a d. Kr I of Chure [les Ya~th far Under- stapped at Maumee and st. amendment to' the Zaning Ordi. three to' six manths agO'. sen said. . .,~ Tenn., suffered facial c ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::======s_t,_IO_d_in....:g:.-:..pr_a-:g_ra_m_. Clair far the stop sign, and nollnce, which if adO'pted will McLeod said that if the Board He said that an delivery, the bruises on Saturday, M, then proceeded across the canfine building of ch~hes, had discussed' the land for the Woods will have the best equip- when she last contral street, striking a car driving schools and commercial build- proposed building, "it was aped fire fighting unit af any automobile, and crashed west on Maumee. ings to' certain areal.. The well-kept secret"; It came as a cammunity af its size in the mail box in front af 8~ The ather ddvt)r was Scatt amendment will estahlish a surprise to him, be said. area Shore road. Spooner H")ggsen O'f 20690 Community Facilities Zaning City Administrator Chester Petersen disclosed that an=- Mrs. Hinman tald She Vernier circle. Bath cars were District. ' Petet"sen said that he had re- otber project, the Municipal trolman Harry HamHto towed to' a callisdon shop and Mayor Ken net h McLeod celved numerous call. fram Garage, at Marte:£' raad aoci she was driving north a Nobady ndersel s nO' ticke,ts were isst'ed. pointed out that the proposed Waods 1"e8ident8,whO'vl)iced O'p. Parkway drive, 31sa canstructed Share, when her e.tr I The other accident O'ccurred amelldn}ent has nothIng to do positian to a new sOOoolin the with Federal Aid, was ~omplet- SUddenly boiled over a WOODY PONTIAC at 11:45 a.m., March 12, when with the intention of the Grasse area. ed last September. resulting steam cIo~dE and Don't Ever Forget It. Ruth Ann Howllrd af 935 Berk- Pointe Board Education's at- The mayor $.'lid that he had The garage cast a tatal af windshield. She said 5l New 1964 Pontiac Rental Cars Offered to Our shire road, stopped at Maumee tempt to acquire a sit~ far an- received nO'calls personl\l1y, re- I $120,257, of which the gavern. contral of the vehicle Service Customers - Only $3.00 per day and Notre Dame far a stop sign other senior hdgh school, at Ver- garding the Board of 'Eduea- ment contributed $3~,520. crassed over the island l and then praceeded acrass the nier road and Marningside tion's intentians. the mail box and caml Call TW 1-1600 ': 12140 Jos. Campau at Carpenter stree-i, striking a car being drive. It is expected that the council BAND TO PLAY AT FAIR ,~ 8t(';; in the driveway ( driven by Barthalomew Sey- The praposed site is cam- chambers will be filled with Mi~higan State Universit}". '.~-, She was cut by broken • mour Jr. af 876 Edgemant park. prised O'f 31.7 acres, of which citizens at the public hearing, 150-man marchdnl band has ac- .;~:~ shield glass. ' exclusive Bath parties were issued 29.53 acres are O'wned by Ed- vaicing pros and cons on the cepted an invitation to' perform -~ There were no witn~ Country Club .'~ tickets far reckless drivbg, but ward and Frank Vanderbush, zaning amendment, al'ld an the at the New York World's Fair, " the accident and no vi , '~ Private nO' towing was necesS08ry. and 2.17 acres by Mr. and Mrs. propoeed IChool build1ni. band director Leonard Falcone ticket was issued. Mrs. f Available to People Discernment Jahn Baker. -- _ hall announced. The MSU unit was taken to' Ban SecouI ;; Two other minor accidents McLeod squ~lcbed rumors will perform May 18 at New pital by Hamiltan. occurred in the City last week. that the WO'odsintended to' op. Spanish Club Yark City during the Fair's Galfing One was at Kercheval and Uni. pose the Board of Educllttion's MichIg.an nay, Falcone said. The ...... '. Swimmins v~rsity March 16 at &;40 p.m. acquiring of the site, ar that invitation to MSU was ilsued :,"" To See Slides :: : "- T~nil Court Rachel Cowper Baumann af the amendment to the oroi- by the state committee plan. 1923 Lachmaar boulevard was ' ught t bl k tt;:::*d~~::.:,::..::...:~.:::..::~,:.. Sauna Baths driving east on Kercheval and nan~1 wu oc con- The Grosse Pointe War Me- ning Michiian Day at the Fair. LAMP - -~. !.O 0 Oldsntobile D!l.visionof General ..... ~.,~...... ::::- st.ru"....o,n V.I, i: .cilool in that mf>rial is pleased to annaunce a struck the reElr of a CRt' going area.! Motors CO"P., will sponsor the Does your range TROUBLl Elegmlt Facilities For Banquets, Receptians, Pm-ties savth an Unlvnrslty driven by , The mayar said that it is not new grO'up under Its sponsar- band's trip. Lawrenc~ R. Beausoleil of 4115 k h h ship. It is known simply as the Call PR 2-2240, or Visit nawn 'fN at t e council's reac- Spanish Olub, a group of people tell you the truth? Bring it to u Lakeland avenue. Bath Vehicles +'iO'n~ Is' to' th e news thft..." ~ the in the Grosse PoInte area inter- Beautiful [J(illcrest Country Club were able to' be driven fram the Board of EducatiO'n wiil att empt ested in practicing ~onversation WE CAN 50 Groesbeck (M-97) at Cess, Mt. Cllme"s scene, and both parties were to O'btain :me land thro4lgh con- in Spanish and enjoyIng 1nlof- • REPLACE issued tickets for reckless driv. demnatlon proce di a b e 11.8 ecause mational pragrams ahout Latin PARTS 'Ihg. the oity council will not meet America and the Spanish world. • REWIRE A second accident invalved a until April 6. It is nat known Roise or lower blcyrle being ridden by Thomaa !f tlhe matter will be discussed, The Spanish Club's next the base. Bertrand af eQ7 Washington ,he added. meeting will be held an Monday road on March 18 at 7;42 p.m. McLead hastened to paint out evening, April 6, at 8 o'clock in IF IT'S A He was riding narth on Wallh. that the proposed amendment to' the Josephine Gregary Raorn. -~-_."" , , ingtcm when a ;!8r traveUng the Zoning Ordinance was not The pragram will consist of. LAMP WE '. ' sauth on that street stopped at de9igned to thwart the Board's calar slides af Central America a new ...... ~.... • ". .\ the Cha1fante intersection and attempt to acquire land for' a presented by Eugene C. MaW. then prepared to make a left proposed new s<:-hoa1. vet, Jr. Can Fix It turn. He said that the Waads Plan- The pictures will cover two The ryrllst did nat think the nlng Commission had been countries of Central America Ollig car was goin, to' turn so he pro- working on the prO' pas e d not often visited by North an ceeded thraugh the stap siin amend''Ilent for more than a AmeTicans, namely Casta Rica Electric Silo and wall struck. He was bruised year, and in January IIp.proved and El Salvadar. The latter is YOUR r ~_ ,-~~~~~), on the leg, but nat serIously the warding af the amendment ~e riichesdt'cO'wntry in Central MO_ 30134 Maison st. injured. No violation tickets and recomended that a public me'r ca ue to' its sUgar cane Off 12 Mile Rood were i&:lued. hearing be held and the change e(:onO'my. IN SHAPE Between Harper and Jeffe adopted by the Waads council. AlsO' included in the pictures St. elai:- Shores wel~~r::sed He said that if adopted, the wi~l be slides O'f the Mayan NOWI Univer.9ity of Michigan scien- PR 6.5156 t.:y;,.~~:~.. amendment means that if the rums in the Yucatan Peninsula "" Pldr.Up & Dtll ... ry tists and engineers developed for Easter 4?" "- . south of Mereda. Theee ruins PHONE the guidance ~ystem for the Board af Ed ucat ion acqUlreS the I undoubtedly reprC'Sent the re- BOMARC anti.aircraft missile. VernJer-Mol'ningsic:le site, It wUl mains O'fthe earli 5t civlliz tl We suggest a very fine ./ r :S.OO ~----- have to seek permission from . e . a; ,~n TU. 1-9247 the city far a change in the ar~ 10 the Western HemIsphere, fur felt from the Charles / dinance before a school build- William Bundesen, vice-presd- Knox collection, with the hand detailing and custom Ladies! tng can be erected. dent af the newly formed club 7 Woods " - craftsmans'lip you associate with the finest. In black HAVE YOUR DIAMONDS He said that he did nat know will talk !Jr. Spanish abaut the walnut, ebony or silvertone. that th" Board had picked the pictures as they are being CHECKED BY AN EXPERT site for the school .'lthOUl'h he Mown. Hardware Other models 16.50 to 20.00 I remodel old jewelry Into th, - ~.______All Pointe::'S and their guests finest, latest styles. , PARKED CAR LOOTED interested in improving their :!1I42 Mack Ave. eRE'" T VALUES IN . canversatianal S p l D I 8 h are at Brya DIAMONDS, Alex C. Suczek of 960 Rivar~ cordIally invited to attend and WHALX1\fG'S PINE boulevard reporttld to City Po- j if th sh WATCHES ."d ALL lice March 13 at 9 a.m. that on I_om_' ~_wi__ . . ~ _ Er ~weatt GOLD JEWELRY Tuesday evening, March 10, be.. ----.--~,-- 520 WOODWARD 7 MILE near LIVERNOIS For 30 vears Oft the la.t II•. tween 6 and 7 p.m. he puked Se NORTH 0' C'ty.C' ,,,"ntv Bldg. Ooen ihurtdey end Frid~ Eves. his car in fratllt' of his home. Cal WO 244" UN 4-2600 Alfred E. ZI., When he returned at 7 p.m., he AND IN THE FISHER BUILDING JIWILIR & GOLDSMITH noticed that sameone had &tolen .. TR ].8440 16.U7 I, Warren TU 1-4980 the gearshift knob and the in- Fo!' Reservations :II W. oliO opprol.. f.w.lry for teriar doar knobl. They were il'llurone. purpoul. valued at $tl.OO. Marter R LlIke~hore Village Cl

"Quality and Courtesy For YOU Our 'Customer"

Riverview Grosse Pointe's DODGE SALES & Dodge SERVICE DEALER stability Conveniently located at the "gateway" to the Pointes of , ' 15205 E. JEFFERSON at LAKEPOINTE Witlutanding the ravapa Gf centuries. the "silent Itntinela of the Nile" tymboUze stability. Simi- "More larly. Standard Federal' •• teady growth during '1 yura •• panning twO' world wars and two major Savings" economic depressiona, confil'Dll Ita .tability. Sinc:e for YOU 1898 Standard Federal h. paid the highest reg- 1I!ar dividend. ~onJiatent with.lafety and sound at management. Thil recO'rd, UDlUrpassed by any RIVERVIEW ether Detroit savings and loan association, is aJ1. , other reasO'n,among many, that you can look to Standard F~dtral foritability •.cRnith and safe'1 Stop in a iC ENTER for your savin8!: Federal Oft THE FREE COP DODGE at Riverview iC "Golden Bonus" 1964 Tax \ iC FREE! Means To' iC 500 KODAK CAMERAS! 4 COLOR TV SETS!-3 MINK STOLeS! TAKE aclvtJ ~ 2 EXPENSE-PAID FAMILY VACATiONS TO THE opportunit NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR! iC •• AND A NEW '64 DODGE POLARA HARDTOP future need iC Come in-Register tax cut in at Peoples Watch For Our Grand Opening Announcement ••• Soon! MAIN OFFICI may 0 (current4%rate) You GIltISWOLD AND"'''IIIt.ON ConvenIent .ranch i)fflc .. to Serv. You COMPOUNDED Certified Car Care AND PAID wilh $J••• * Enjoy the,:'Standafd Federal Geerlle Plerrot QUARTERLY For All Chrysler Corp. Products Show" Tkur.d.y. from 7:00 to 1:00 P.M. A full hour In color on WWJ.TV, Chann.l4o Detr CALL 823.1660 Safety for Savings Since 1893 1201 Gr WO 1-

Member Federa

) - .. == ... • P.P' , » b4 ~-F4-._...... -.--- ~ - ~ - .. • . ~ L •• ~ .k f?_ ...... '" • • • •

Thursday, March : Thursday, March 26, 1964 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Page Five -~--_.~------_._------~------~------Teenage '8] Boiling Radiator Need any slaves? ThE All-Pointe Hootenanny Set Farms Market Club, Grosse Pointe M, Causes Crash Church organization fOl Damaged by Fire agers, has "slaves for 51 For April 2 in Auditorium one-day-only bargain. Gerald ine A. Hinman, 48, of ------A fire broke out aJt the Farms li5 Dale r 0 a d. Knoxville. The Pointes' first communit;- formal style of guitar-accom- M Tuxis teens will do all Tenn.. suffered facial cuts and wide folk singing party will be panied song that hootenannies ark e tl 355 F1sher l' 0 a d, of work, from baby sitl bruises on Saturday, March 21. held the week after Easter at are famous for. "There's a Wednesday, March 18, and was I clea~ing basements, f( when she lost control of her the War Memorial. Local trou- wealth of talent out here," Alex reported at 12:32 p.m_ to the. n~mlnal charge of 75c ar automobile. and crashed into a badour Alex Suczek, whose per- reports, "and I'm sure that many City Police Department, who rR.are gxperience WIth the exception of ba a ting, which is 50c an hOl mail box in front of 875 Lake i formances of songs with his people in our community would responded with all apparatus. A Shore road. ; guitar have won him some fame enjoy hearing it. This talent All profits will be dom Mrs. Hinman told Shores Pa- I hereabouts, is bringing together exists in every element of our second report came in at 12:36 a fund for the purchasl trolman Harry Hamilton that a groUlJ of the best folk singing population, from students to and Grosse Pointe Farms Fire she was driving north on Lake talent in all the Pointes for an businessmen and housewives. Department sent a pumper and Shore. when her car radiator All Grosoe Pointe Hootenanny. I'm bringing together some of aerial and eight men. The fire, suddenly boiled over and the The program will be given in the most pral'ticed performers which was confined mainly to Jami'!J 0int'ng resulting steam clo~ded her the !"ries Auditorium on Thurs- to present an evening of song the real' room and offices, was windshield. She said she lost day e~lening. April 2. This date that will be enjoyable to all brougnt under control within 30 I control of the Vehicle which was chosen because it coi!'lcides listeners." minutes, but firemen continued crossed OVer the island and hit with spring vacation when man~ The program that Alex is to fight the 'olaze for three F~ the mail box and came to a 1 local ?erformers and enthusI- planning will present the best hours and 23 minutes. I stop in the driveway of 875. asts Will be home f~m ?ollege. of each performer's repertory. When tbe firemen arrived, now. awaits She was cut by broken Yo'ind-I . The hootenanny 15 bemg de- Then the audience will be in- the store was full of black You G shield glass. Signed to appeal to ~veryone..of vited to join in singing folk smoke and the back room was There were no witnesses to i every age, who enJoys the In- son&s that are familiar to all, ablaze, especially toward the the accident and no violation I -~~------(words will be printed in the ceiling. Firemen knocked out ticke~ was issued. Mrs. Hinman' Fl-re Damages program). the front windows and chopped was raken to Bon Secours Hos- "It's the traditional pattern open the garage door at the FilM an( I of a hooteilanny," says Alex. rear of the store. It was also ~i~~__b~ Ha!n_ilt~ll_ ~_. Roof of Home "Each gives his best and every- necessary to use b01t cutters to AT THE NE'W ___ one makes some contribution. I open tbe steel bar doors, as the An alert Woods public safety It's also the true tradition of store was unoccupied at the .. ,folk sing.ing. The people right time the fire was discovered. Easter F LAMP I,o.Weer, while on patrol. saw a i around home--not the profes- The Farms Market closes at : fire on the roof of a Woods 16ions - make folk m u sic noon on Wednesdays. TROUBLE :home on Wednseday, March 18, genuine." - The heat was so intense in THE ! and promptly called in an alarm. Since the Fries Auditorium the rear of the store that the Bring it to us! : Firefighters were able to put has. a limited capacity, f 0 1k I buttons on the a?ding machines i out the blaze before the damage musIc ~ans ~ho want to be sure and check machines were com- CAMER.A WE CAN I became extensive. o~ gettm~ tickets are urged to pletely melted; however, there • REPLACE , Patrolman William Duster, ~)lck ~elrs up at the Center was little or I!O heat in the CENTER PARTS ~while patroling in Oxford road, Immediately. front part of the store. Firemen • REWIRE . observed flames on the roof of I ------cut '101etJin the ceiling of the (Formerly Francois Fireplace) 17114 KERCHEVAL _ Raise or rower ; the home of the P. J. Pe~rones, Park Appoints entire building in order to allow the base. , 1640 Oxford. He radioed in the the smoke to escape and to geJt i alarm. Four Canvassers a~ the false ceiling where the IF' IT'S A : Public safety officers arrived fire seemed to be concentrated. - : with all equipment, but needed .. None of the office records in 15506 MACK AVE., at Somerset a picture 1 LAMP WE lib t l' t t t I The Park counCIl appomted the files or safe was damaged ! on y ~ oos er me 0 pu .ou four citi~ens to the Board of . . . . i the fire. Damage wag confmed C tit I The orlgm 01 tIle fIre Is un- anvassers, a a regu ar mee - d t . db' W'll' for Can Fix It : to about 12 feet of wooden. h ld M d M h 23 e ermIlle, ut owner 1 . lam : shingles. A few joists were ~; e ?n on~, .~rc, . Moir theorized that it started t seared by the heat. . e appom ees, w 0 WI serve in one of the freezer units. He If you like good food served in a relaxing atmosphere. Ollig Th(' roof was ignited by Without pay: are tv:~ each fr?m was doubtful that the blaze was . escaping sparks from the chim- ~het~WOs~:Jor polItical partIes caused by faulty wiring, since you'll love the new "HEARTHSTONE." Special emphasis on Electri{' Shop I ney. the result of burning rub. lOR e a t~' h D t' all the wiring had been checked Quality ... Courtesy and Service is your assurance of a ' bish in a basement incinerator, P epresen ltnhgtBe emdocraIC just, three weeks ago. I 30134 Maison 81. 't d' I d arty on e 0 a r ,are: h k 1 b b k I J. delightful family treat. The HEARTHSTONE offers an ideal Off 12 Mile Rood was ISCose . Michael O'Neill of 812 Bar- . T e !'ia: et pans to e ac Bet1'.'een Harper and Jefferson ------rington whose term will ex- 10 busmeScS about a week or The University of :\1ichigan pire on'December 31, 1967; and t~n days from the date. of. the rendezvous for almost every occasion. Let us serve you St. Clair Shores ,was the first U.S. university to Marie H. Murphy of 1010 Buck. fIre. On the day f?lloWIllg the lunch, dinner or a late supper. Vv'EARE OPEN SUNDAYS PR 6.5156 i offer courses in automotive en- ingham, who will serve to De. blaze, th~ front wmdows. were I gineering. in 1913. b 31 1965 already mstalled and an lnven- ----.-----~-.------..------~- cern er,. tory was begun on the foods in FOR BREAKFAST. Won't you' visit us soon? The Republican representa- the market. tiyes are: Aileen Ku.rtz of 1230 The fire was discovered by Bishop road, who WIll serve to two teenagers who ran to the i December. 31, 1967; and ~har]~s nearby Schettler Drug &tore and S.. Tompk!ns of 15985 Wmdm~ll i n for m e d pharmacist Doris '<':'~';~

P~lI:lte dnve, whose tenure wIll Klosky of the smoke pouring ••• "'0 ••, ;; ..... , expire on ~ecember 31, 1965. out of the Market. She immedi. :: :. ~ .It ~as disclosed that 10 ap- ately phoned th~ Ci.ty Fir e :'..~..:~:...i phcatIons for. the posts, seven Department...... :-:: "~ ": .::~

from RepublIcans and three '.. :: RESTAURANT i from Democrats. were re:!eived, ....:~~:~"::'~i from which the four appointees TACHOMETER STOLEN Enjoy Easter Dinner with us I were selected. Muhall Liess, 18, of 4851 '.... :~ The appointments comply Three Mile drive, Detroit, per. Serving dinner from 12 noon with the new Michigan ConsF- sonally complained to F-arms tution whIch requires that each GLAS~ Cantonese & American Foods police on Saturd.ay, March 21, municipality, reg a r die ss of that while his ~r was parked charter or ordinance stipula- in the free lot at the rear of sea for R.eservat'ons and Carry-Outs PI. 2-6662 tions. must appoint two quali- Muir road, someone broke into fied persons from each of the it and stole his tachometer, Marter Road at E. Jefferson major parties to serve on the valued at $40. The thief broke Dramatic !Ie" fire! L.ke.hore VIII.lIa Center, '12 mile south of 9 Mile Rd. local Board of Canvassers to the vent window to enter the complete fire prow: certify votes after each election. car, he said. panels in folding Ftl metal. Ornamental 1 tom draft opening~, with adjustable cI~ GIassfyre screens 31 tangular design, corl ina variety of beaut ment your decoratir The Tax Cut safety ••• protects ci nete flying sparks, k, • ~ and control fir, IS your Woods Mal] 21323 I PR 1-1300 Open Daily 9 'til Opportunity •.. catering to gourmets of all oges ------• luncheons ,to open a • Dining at the Hearthstone dinners on Sunday Is a Special steady account • Treal for All fa Enjoy after theatre at PEOPLES supper WE ARE OPEN EARLY • EVERY SUNDAY. SERVICE 'BBB .FEDERAL private dining Stop in at any Peoples FROM 9 A.M. Federal Office and get your room available FREE COpy of "The NEV\{ SAVINGS for parties 1964 Tax Law and What It or meetings Means To You." ..j------• 00 Easter SUnday Everything's carry-out rAKE 'advantage of this Helena Rubinstein's ~ service We Will Have A Personalized Fashion Stick - Cabul opportunity to save for lipstick and jipliner i o EASTER GIFT For Our Young Friends Helena Rubinstein pu future needs. Put your income tykk with new Pink c and matching P tax cut in an account pact. AU abloom wit tulips! at Peoples Federal Savings_ Fashion Stick's shape- Current Rate Compounded Qu~rterly gives a Perfect outline You may open your account a bouquet of 8 sprin Your savings are Insured up to $10~OOO ~ Pink 'JUlip Compact h by the Federal Savings and loan Insurance Gorp. ion ... the dimensiona with $1••• or more. brings your pretties focus. 8 complexion-t Detroit Detroit East Detroit Royal Oak Each 1.50 plus tax. 1201 Griswold 14129 Harper 21650 Gratiot 3100 N. Woodward (Fonnely Francois Fireplace) Notr WO l-D170 LA 7.7210 PI 2..5500 Ll9.6600 15506 N\ACK AVE.~ at Somerset Telephone VA 1-1224 Member Federa' Home Loan Bank Sys'ena. Member federal Savings and toan Insurance Corporation. .assaa szcaapsasssasssssssssas SSSS'3sssaassaassaa.& a 3 & 2 a 3 as;s a>,a, ' sw ,_1.- .- -_.---

Page Six G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E-W S Thursday, March 26, 1964 Thursday, March 2

Youngsters aren't the only Information on any of the Woods Offers Wide VarietyOf Means for Recreation people to enjoy themlJelves in Adult Education Clases Offered above classes may be obtained by calliag the Department of By Don J. Ballmann six or sixty, the City of Grosse /shoes, sailing to swimming, for the year, ac~ally, is staffed winter, either. There's a great Over 80 new classes will mark maker's Work Simplification; I indoor life planned for all. In the beginning of the Spring Community Services, TU 5-3808 DJrec~r ot Parks-Recreation Poilile Woods has more fun fer spring through winter ... there's and supervised by instructors of Knitting (Beginning, Interme- When It ~omes to recreation everyone, every season of the always something to do, some this caliber. Experience and cooperation with the Grosse term of Adult Education classes, or TU 5-0271, and interested Pointe SchOOlsystem, the recre. offered by the Department of diate, Advanced); Milinery (Be- and relaxatIon, whether you're year. From hockey to horse. place to go . . . for every (me ability pays off. Good proof is persons are advised to register ation department provides an Community Services, Gl'osse ginning and Advanced); Pattern :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::======---=------of its 19,676 residents. A fine the total of 558 residents, chil- active, attractive nightly pro. Pointe Public School System. Drafting; Sewing tery. classe~ are limited in size. Clair. gives it goo d sound proficiency in completing swim- Websters' defi~jition of recre- the new spring classes, many grounds for "fun", certainly; but ming courses last summer. ation is ". . . a refreshment of of them beginning as early as a sharp recreation program So popular is this sport, that strength and spirits after toil" March 24: makes the difference in the de- to keep tempo with the com- certainly rings a bell with the SPECIAL INTEREST • SELF 6fee of it. petitive trend of the times, a men of the city who come out IMPROVEMENT: Blue Print- Operating on this principle, regulation AAU 25-mett;r length To en masse for the weekly gym' Machine Construction~ Bridge the Woods Recreation Depart- swimming area within the huge program. After a vigorous work- (Beginning, Intermediate and ment has a dynamic program community pool is the recrea- out with a volley ball or basket. Advanced); Creative Writing; which "moves" all year, provid. tion department's latest accom. ball in th~ evening, they can Driver Training for Adults; Be- ing and maintaining the facili- plishment. Ten marked lanes, take the next day at the office ginning Investment Procedurec;; ties which make life enjoyable. extended between two concrete almost as easily as Grant took Mathematics (all levels); Mod- To see just how much fun a city starting line docks, form the Richmond . . . probably easier. ern Math (for parents of Ele- can have, come take a tour with area. Here future stars can train mentary, Jr. and Sr. High CHETSAMPSON'S me through seasons and scenes during the day and shine School Students); Photography TRAVEL SERVICE in the "Woods". eventually in the annual city Yoga Classes (35mm color elides). We'll start with summer, at recreation meet in August. 100 Kercheyal Aye. --on the Hill Start April 1 SPORTS AND EXERCISE: Lakefront Park, a 43.acre area Coveted ribbons and medals Golf (men and women); Rhyth- ...... "..;;hich is the largest of the four are awarded winners, age 8 mic Exercise (women); Family Market Ev." though you may have made your reservations ~\tl.So. city-owned parks. Here, under through 16, who are eligible Beginning Wedlnesan fun. Girls ;md boys of the 7th through 9th grades can dance, Fo, COJ play ping-pong, shoot billiards, drink coke, socialize . . . all under astute adult supervision, For CuJ Fournier's C'lstom Furniture Since 1941, the ''Woody'' Rosenthal family, of SS170 Hamp.. A complete line of fine upholstery ••. you'll find the style, color shire i!, Lif/oni., hallebo~ght six c.rs, a garage, tw~ TVsets, For Fu. and type of material perfectly suited to your needs. Vi$it our show. a refrtgerator, landscaping,and " college education-all with robm soon. the help of f(lst, low bank rate loans from Detroit Bank & Trust. Theyalsokeep their checking and savings accounts with DETROIT • Carpeting • Draperies • Tables • Lamps us-look to us fo,.-business financing Ind trust seniee-came to us for. mortg.,e loan on their new house. No wonder BANK • Open Mon., Thun. the Rosenthals, all ninB,of them, feel right at home in ou,. BTRUST and Fri. 'Til 9 p.m. TU 1-1285 16421 HARPER, Near Whittier Wa1'l'8n-6l'f1enfield Dlfi•• Wltd like tD Hwe YJJJlrfamily, too.

MEM8ERFDIC CROSSE POINTE Page Seven Thursday, March 26, GROSSE POINTE NEWS :h 26, 1964 Thursday, March 26, 1964 Teenage 'Sla, on any of the Need any slaves? The TI may bE" obtained Club, Grosse' Pointe Memo . Department of Ch urc h organization for t rvices. TV 5-3808 agers. has "slaves for sale'~ . and interested one-da?,-only bargain. lvised to register TuxlS teens will do any J< of w?rk. from baby sitting ff their choi('e as cleanmg. basements ' for lssible. sincr all n~mmal charge of 75c an hI lited in size. ~.--~--- ~lth the exception of baby tmg. whic~ is 50c an hour. • All profIts will be donatee the door open wide • • • a fund for the purchase 0 D~ , FO f ,W . Ge

FILM and 328 ~ AVE.

T~'-' Easter Fa • Bf1L.RI~GERS. THE CAMERA CENTER/ So~ething ,,', 17114 KERCHEVAL Something •• • HORMEl'S CURE 81 from apicturew for for~.. Everybody Everybody •••

IT'S YOUR CENTER GOAL GE, FLORIDA Visit It I ANGES c Use It I $60,000 '9 DGZ~ GLAS~ ECTION OF En,oy It! , sea r-,...l. Dramatic DeW h .~ ~ complete fire prof;ej t panels in folding Fr metal. Ornamental tom draft openings, k"~ with adjustable cl ~~ Glassfyre screens a tangular design, corl in a variety of beaU' ment your decorati: safety ••• protects c Date flying sparks, I JroDl, and control & Woods Mal 21323 PR 1.1300 Open Daily 9 'ti

Grosse Pointe War Memorial Center ..... , . 1964 FAMILY PARTICIPATION CAMPAIGN

Our need is $60,000. Our hope is that every A MAN WHO came only recently to Grosse Grosse Pointe family wili share in support of this insti- Poi{lte gave a most apt description of the Grosse Pointe tution which we think is without peer in function, THE CEt-lTER OFFERS YOU War Memorial Center. He called it lithe family room" .size and facilities. Last year, as usual, we met our Everything' A meeting place for any Pointe organization -, for the five Pointes. goal. This year we not only want to m~et our goal but, for Community 5arv;ce - An auditorium and banquet hall - A cancer This gathering place for the people of the Grosse more importantly, to broaden support for the Center' Helena Rubinstein's center _ Fl'ee blood in emergencies - Free loan Pointes is a focus for culture, for fun, for learning, so that virtually every family takes part. Fashion Stick - fab. C)f hospital equipment - Scouting. for relaxation. It answers the needs of all ages and The Center has something for everybody. It needs lipstick and lipliner many interests. something from everybody. Helena Rubinstein ~ " The new William Fries Auditorium has been in trk with new Pin for Cu'fu:a' Satisfaction _An art center - Concerts - Stimulating lectures c and matching _ Motion pictures - Lessons. full use for more than a year. This handsome building, YOUR PERSONAL INVITATIONS WILL ARRIVE / pact. All abloom wi with Alger House, provides uflmatched community SHORTLY. WON'T YOU SEND YOUR CHECK BY tulips! center ~acilities for the events which last year drew RETURN MAIL? Fashion ~ick's shat= For fun _ Luncheons, din!'!ers - A garden center - Hobby, special interest more than 150,000 to the Center. gives a Perfect outlil a bouquet of 8 spri groups _ Dances, partie! - Reuntons. ~ink Thlip Compact I Ion ... the dimensioI e. brings your pretti4 focus. 8 complexion , :~ Each 1.50 plus tax. OIT Gerald C. Schroeder, \r, K President '. :J Not] UST , ' , CROSSE POINTE WAR MEMORIAL CENTER, ~1 LAKE SHORE ROAD, CROSSE POINTE, MICHICAN , .

------.--.-~--.--~------~--m- E 2 7 ...... &.&•• &••• &.&•• &••• &.&.5.&.51£ 5.&.5.&SS •• 5••• &.& &.'.£I11&•• &.5.. &I11 5.5.&.& ••• &•••••• £ s.al!ll.all S£!ll~ 2 [III.sI!I!-'~,!II. 1II!..I!IPI,lll.•..,..I! 1lIl II!l S!ll. s~,II!I..IIIII!I!I, PI!!l _.~ ..lIIIi'!!!'"_--• ...,% ~-----

Thursday, March 2 Thursday, March 26, 1964 Page Eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS -~----~--~- Teenage '51l Need any slaves? The Club, Grosse Pointe ~.1e Church organization for agers. has "slaves for sa one-day-only bargain. Tuxis teens will do an, of work, from baby sittl cleaning basements, fo] nomina} charge of 76c an with the exception of bal ting, which is 50c an hou All profits will be dona a fund for the purchase

[ Fe G

FILM ane

We Cordially Invite You to Worship With Us Easter Fi At These Holy Week Services THE GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE CAMER.P March 27, Afternoon Service, I to 2 p.m. Bring Your Neighbor CENTER 17114 KERCHEVAL - THREE EASTER SERVICES Bethany . Sunrise Service at 6:30 a.m. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Services at 9:30 and I I:00 a.m. • picture 1 5901 Cadieux Road At Linville Pastor George E. Kurz will conduct the services, and deliver the Easter message. Pal:n~ for Serving Grosse Pointe and floral decorations will add their color to the joyous strains of the Easter music in making this a truly beautiful service, glorifying the victorious Redeemer. REV. KI'NNETH BRADY, PASTOR 9:30 Church School t ~\I~ 6:30 Youth Fellowships " 10:45 Worship ~\t t ~\\\r -r' ~ ~( ~ ~ ~ 7' ST. JAMES f l'. LUTHERAN CHURCH .. McMILLAN ROAD AT KERCHEVAL IN G~OSSE POINTE FARMS George E. Kun, Pastor

;f<.:~ ". ;(7;/»10 Unity of the Blessed Easter to all Grosse Pointes GLAS~ THE GROSSE POINTE Alger House - War Ml~marial 32 lakeshore SCR BAPTIST CHURCH Lesson: CROSSE POINTE METHODIST CHURCH 8 Mile at Mack, Grosse Pointe Woods liTHE SILENT Dramatic DeW In: Grosse Poinle Woods Presbylerian Church Invites you to worship with us. WORKSHOP" complete:: fire prote 2 J I Moross Road 19950 Mack Avenue at Torrey Roael panels in fo1d~ngFl 10:00 a.m. Church School Mr. John Tant 886.2363 Ornamental TU 1.2000 and TU 1.7194 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship metal. Sunday Service 9 a.m. tom draft openings THE REV. JAMES D. NlXON MAUNDY THURSDAY, March 26 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship and Radio Broadcast and 12 Neon THE REV. ALFRED T. BAMSEY Holy Communion Service, 7:45 P.M. with adjustable c~ MINISTERS Cantata by the Chancel Choir: Sunday School. 9 :00 a.m. Glassfyre screens ~ "BEHOLD YOUR KING'. EASTER SUNDAY GOOD FRIDAY, March 27 tangu1ar design, cor Annual Community Service-Woods Theatre, 1:00-2:30 P.M. Dr. A. Dale llirie, Minister in a variety of beau 7 a.m. Easter Breakfast Eastland Auditorium, 12:00-3:00 P.M. ment your decorati 8. 9:30 & II Morning Worship EASTER, March 29 Yau are in,:-'ited to attend safety ••• protects ~ Sermon: "Easter Is J,>y! Services: 8:00 A.M., 9:30 A.M. and 11 :00 A.M. this free lecture nete tlying sparks, 1 Church School for Nursery through Kindergarten Only. Andrew F. Rauth, Minister; Paul A. Winchester, Assistant Minister; ream, and mntrol1i Robert L. Lucero, Assistant Minister. "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: ITS ASSURANCE Of SECURITY IN THE WORLD TODAY;' Woods Mal by 21323 ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH MARY WILliNGTON GALE of San Francisco, California PR 1.1300 2'"':475 Sunningdale Pork r The Grosse Pointe MemLer of the Board of Lecture. Open Daily 9 'ti (Near Mack Qnd Vernier) ship of The Mother Church. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Memorial Church In Boston, Massat'husel ts. ---_._--_._-- GOOD FRIDAY Christ Church 10:30 a.m. Service for Boys and Girls. 16 Lake"hore Rd. FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1964 (Episcopal) , at 1:00 P.M. 2:00 p.m. Passion Service. GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES Children's Service 10 a.m. 1:00 to 3:00 "Seven Last Words." William H. Fries Auditorium 8:00 p.m. The Stations of the Cross. 61 GROSSE POINTE BLVD. 32 Lakeshore ltd., EASTER Grosse Pointe Farms EASTER EVEN 7 o'clock, Holy Communion. Mr. Tallman Sponsored by t:.,- ::.'"....;:..:<: The Rev•. Erville B. Maynard, Rector preaching; 8:i5, 9:30 and 11:15 Services, First Church of ChrIst, Scientist 4:00 p.m. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism. Mr. Atwood preaching. "No Dead End," Grosse Pointe Farms 5:00.6:00 p.m. and 7:00-8:00 p.m. The Church School from Crib to Prlnlary 9:31)-.11:15 Infants Room Bertram deH. Atwood, Ben Tallman All Are Welcmne Socrament of Penance. EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES: Lyman Stookey, Richard W. Mitchell ------Ministers II EASTERDAY 6:00 p.m. The Eucharist. 7: o.m., 9:00 a.m., II :00 a.m. 7 :00, 9:00 and I I: 15 a.m. Choral Eucharist and Holy Communion and Sermon Sermon. Children's Service at 4:00 p.m. J',;ursery care provIded on Good Friday during the afternoon St. fJJaui 0vangelical servIce. and on Easter Day during the two later Services. £utheran Church Chalfonte and Lothrop; Grosse Pointe HOLY THURSDAY Christ The King The 7 :45 P.M. Worship and Holy Communion GOOD FRIDAY Lutheran Church Grosse Pointe 7 :45 P.M. Worship and Holy CommLinion Vernier Rd. in the Grosse Pointe area. Choose the first com- .... ease of washability. Black,whlte. .;"'l'\~.~~ i delegates should choose their road; Roxanna Doehring, of St. " ... ~~ i convention chairman, and then Joan street: Denise Marie Dun- pany to discontinue the use 'of DOT 'sprays toxic 6.8 sizes. 7.50 , the decision is made as to whom can, of Shorecrest cirde; Albert to birds and. wildlife. 17 years experience. Fully 'shall v..isely represent all Re- Clare Fellows, of South Oxford insured", ' . publicans living in this district, road; and William Brian Ferry, at the State and r,ationa} con- Jr .. of Litilestone road. GLASSFYRE [l(i] ventions. Still others were Robert An. FREE 'ESTIMATES I "All thinking Republicans thony Font. of Torrey road; should have true full repre- Barbara Faye Fortner, of Van SCREEN sentation of their beliefs on Re. Antwerp road; Thomas Stuart publican candidates and poli- Gill, of Fleetwood road; Doug- Dramatic new Ireseteen beauty combines with cies. What is the point in hav. las John Hammel, of Hunt Club Cal Flemin 9 complete fire protection in Glassfyre. Four glass ing precinct delegates and a dis- drive; Judiih Ann H~'nna. of panel::; in folding French doors are framed in solid I trict convention, if the titular Vernier road; Thomas Verne Tree Service metal. Ornamental filigree col'lceals top and bot- i leaders in our area claim pub. Hartley, of Hollyv..'ood road; tom drait openings. 'Glassfyre is easily installed : liely already we are for one Robert Henry HattIe. of Beau- with adjustable clamps,.no drilling required. I candidate, and one only, at the fait road; Catherine Louise i national convention in July, at Hayes. of Oxford road; John Glassfyre screens are available iD standard rec- 'San Francisco? Kenneth Hoffman. of Stanhope TU 1~6951 tangular design, corner style and areh.top ••• each . "Not all the candidates for road; and Gayle Lynne Holmes, in a variety of beautiful metal :finishes to comple- i Presidential nomination on the of Lancaster road. ment your decorating plan. And Glassfyre adds ; Republican ticket ar~ of£i~i~lly More were Richard Louis safety .•. protects children •.. snug doors elimi. :~nnounc~d or known, declSlon- I Hvdc. of Ha'vthorne road; Su- '?!!:'~-'('~"":"':':~(r'."~"7' Date flying sparks, keep smoke and soot hom the IlIlflucncmg events between now s;n Diane Imhoff. of Allard "?W~i,,\,":'~<":-?"ry~.,,:;; 100m, and control fire. . and next July, and November, d' Elizabeth Louise Ingrum, ;. ~,:;~~:~.'~.' I have not yet taken place; all roa '. . candidates' stands on all events of Beaufalt rO~ld; DIane C.arol I . Larson of Putnam place' Lmda I and Issues aren't yet known' and' .' Woods Mantel & Tile Co. ~ . th"' d' Kay Licbo!d, of Beaufalt road; ye t th ere are th ulJe In IS IS, d M donald 21323 HARPER AVE. I trict who are supposed to rep' Thomas Alexan er ac , PR 1-130.) (7 Blks. N. of Vernier Rd.) I resent all Republicans here who of LochMmoor bfouwle~lal:d;Stevaed~ , .. . d Henry ay 0 1 IsDn ro , .' . Open Daily 9 'til 6, Mon. and Fri. 9 to 9 claIm we have ma e up our ' 'L H' th M Ga vah I minds!" and ynn ea er c r , ---' - -- ._.-. - -~-----,---,--~-- of North Duval road.

Still more were D 0 u g 1 a s ., Bruce McKenna. of Anita ave- , .' nue; Jeffrey Lo\,'is Mense, of Norwood drive; Mary Margaret Mickel, of Oxford road: Janice Kay Nelson, of Stanhope road; v. Douglas St. Clair Nicholl, of Woodmont road; Dawn Eliza~ beth Piper, of Stanhope road; Wendy Jean Proctor, of Aline drive: William Thomas Roberts, of Bournemouth circle; James Michael SafrAn. of Huntington road; William Stephen Schlei. cher, of Brys drive; Debra Lee Porter, of Blairmoor court; Stephen Heinrich Schneider, of Canterbury road; and Susan ....,f:...... ~.;..~ ~ Lynn Schueler. of North Ox- casting a spring-spirited glow on ford road. •• oh focus !lye sf1adows And still more were Diana Rose Sieger, of Bedford road; your parties, indoors and out • • • Kathleen Grace Stewart, ot • .harp foc'" Ii,atieks Newcastle road; Vicki Jane S"tulpin, of Hollywood road; 'n Gregory Crawford Taylor. of FLAME FLOWER ,HURRICANE LAMPS Grosse Pointe boulevard; Jeff. thll il your new gay I light, rey Hebert Taylor. of Grosse Pointe boulevard; Patricia Jean Refreshing new party idea by Mountain adventurous spring '64 Thomson, of Hollywood road; ,I James Edward Tolonen, of Rose- Greenery .. '. add shimm:Jring candlelight dale court; Susan Campbell Everything's coming upl. Turner, of Norton court; Ken~ to any gathering with these b I 0 S S 0 m neth Howard Warren, of Hill- Helena Rubinstein's new ~nk Tulip \ crest road; Jacquelyn Irene wreather plastic candleholders. White, pink Fashion Stick - fabulous slim Washburn, of Somerset road; ",,"cfne Monteil sees your face fn fuR focU6 aMi or yellow flowers and green leaves circle lipstick and lipliner in one! Daniel Day Wilk, of Torrey creates a sensational new conception of road: Kim Malette Wilson, of Helena Rubinstein puts spring in ~he Rivard boulevard; and Peter the bottoms ... clear glass chimneY5 pro~ &CIiors..,Pacesetter Colorsl Eyes recapture 1ft. ti1"Nlth new Pink Thlip Fa8hJOD Erwin Ziegenfuss. of Country' natural beauty with compelling blends of c and matching Pink Thlip Com. :,.":: Club drive. tect the smokeless, d~.ipless 6-inch green pact. All abloom with pretty, perky ',ubdued color ~nd subtle glinh ...Iip::r.galn "'. 1 tulips! ..:.:; candles. Over height, 10 12 inches. bright appeal with clear, rodiont shada. of Fashion Stick's shape.control oval tip "-';:~::;;~~~:'o~~";;;o Thul'$ and Fr. Till 9:00 P.M. luper-Lumium lipstick. Eya Shadow: Cot's Eye Gr..... gives a }Jerfect outline as it colors. In Pair complete, 5.00 a bouquet of 8 spring.kissed shades, I WE DEL~VER Tiger's Eye, Tender Blue, Platinum Sable. 2.00- Pink Thlip Compact holds Silk Fash. lipstick: Muu Muu, Ncvy Pink Day, Cool Sanda. 2.00- ion ... the dimensional make~up that I On Order of $5 or More ...... ,..".I"'.....,."_ brings your prettiest features into I focus. 8 complexion-true shades. Helena Rubinstein i ROSLYN Each 1.50 plus tax. Jacobson's . ) PharlDaey MARKET Notre DaDie Olde.. in the Woo'" Jacubs:ons, 17000 KERCHEVAL (In The Villogel 21020 MACK at Roslyn Rd. Home Decorative Store - 17141 Kercheval 2 HOIJr Free Parking With Your Purchase TU 5-2154 TU 4-9821 .

___ tr • _ trs_ tts h tr ..._...... ------_ ....- * - Thursday, March 26, 1964 _ Page Ten GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, Ma Teens, 1st and 3rd Fridays, 7~9:30p.m. Saturdays 2-3:30 p.m. (teens). . In product~ ranging from pic- \UP by an average American I I' Information r~garding regist~ation at temporary off:ce, Saturdays, 3.5 p.m. 710 Notre Dame, Monday-FrIday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at Louis Renaud, ~_;c_7_~_~a_~~_~_s_t~_f_rp_e:_:e_i~._g_ar_:_au_t~e_e~_,_in_8_:>_.ea_r_. Neighborhood Club News . Membership or 50c guest fee. Brownell Jr. High on Saturdays,. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Renaud road, arrai Saturdays,. 1.2:30 p.m., boys and girls, 4-6. Woods Judge Don f• MembershIps BADMINTON (Adults)-Brownell Jr. High.- $5 for 16 sessions. PLAYMATES _Brownell Jr. High- Wed., 7:30-10 p.m. RETARDED CHILDREN'S RECREATION PROGRAM- Jr member (under 16 yrs.) - $3 per year BALLET-Brownell Jr. High- Brownell Jr. High- Int. member (16-21 yrs.) ...__ -- 5 per year Sat., 9:30-11 a.m., advanced pupils; 11-12 noon, 2nd, Saturdays, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Adult memhers (21 and over) -_. 10 per year 3rd and 4th year pupils; 1-2 p.m., beginners. $10 for 10 session3. Myra Malsig, Instructor-$25 for 10 lessons. Mr. Don Burke in charge. BASKETBALL CLINIC & MINOR LEAGUE- 'RETIRED MEN'S CLUB-Grosse Pte. War Memorial- FISHING TACKLE Richard School Fridays, 12 noon to 5 p.m. :JlJ,IfIJ~1251/,1J1J1/,1J1J1J Thursday, 4-6 p.m., boys, ages 8.12. $5 club membership tequired . Ifs a fact' Every v(>,M moth damage to furs, woo!ens, etc. adds up to • The New Brow/ling Silaflex Fishing Rod John Bruce, instructor. SMALL SET-Grosse Pte. Congregational Church- millions! Moth damage cal:'t and won't happen .In your home If you call the Rose Man today. His Rose Home Service plan gives you a • General Fishing Taekle Tues. and Thurs., 9:15-11:15 a.m. ' Fer Call for registration, TU 5.4600. thorough professional inspectioo and continued, scheduled calls • All Popular Makes of Rods, Reels and Baits BASKETBALL LEAGUE-Brownell Jr. High- Boys and girls 3 and 4 years old. throughout the year by a trained pest control. expert. Complete year Homes Saturdays, 12:30-5 p.m., midget boys, ages 9.12. $35 for 20 sessions. 'round protection against moths, spiders, mice, roaches and other of 13333 Kercheval insect pests! Cost? Extremely reasonable! Call the Rose Man today Dis- VA '.8200 PIERCE . Marion Gulevich and Lois Richards,. teachers. tinc- Wi B. McDANIEL Go. for free estimate. Tuesday, 6-10 p.m., giant boys, 13.15. TAP DANCIr-;G- Maire School- tion BROWNELL JR. HIGH Tuesdays, 4-5 p.m., girls, ages 7-12. NO Wednesdays, 6-10 p.m., major boys, 16.19, Beginners only $5 for 16 lessons. flOSI:~ TE4-9300 F HOME SERVICE ~.~,;~s~~:.~ro:~s~ America's First Exterminating Sp.rvice Get Ready-Get Set John Bruce in charge. Jill Goodman, instructor. J. C. Goss CO BATON TWIRLING-Brownell Jr. High- TUMBLING - Brownell Jr. High- SERVING 3 GEmR Girls, 7 thru teens. Saturdays, 9-10 a.m., bovs and girls, 7-12. Saturday, 9.10 a.m., Feh. 8.April 11. $10 for 16 sessions. v & $10 for 16 lessons. Harry Warnken, instructor. GROW Marge Hudson, instructor. WEIGHT LIFTING - Brownell Jr. High- Grand BOYS' GYM-Brownell Jr. High- A WHD fREE, GREEN,GREENLAWN Tuesdays-4-5:15 p.m., boys, 7.12 years. $5 for 16 sessions. USED I ~t!}) See Our Ad an Page 12 Harry Warnken, instructor. GUARANTEED PROTECTION FENCING-Maire School- J Year Wal Tuesday. 4-5 p.m., boys, 7~12. AGAINST CRABGRAS! $5 for 10 lessons. , Dick Lappin, instructor. Wm. J. ALLEMON FIG1J~E SKAT~N?-Neighborhood. Clu~ Hockey Rink: 17" TV • GARDEN SUPPLY I Veek days. 9.30-1130 a.m., 12.30-2.30. WIDE! ! Call TU 5.4600 regarding condition of ice. 11 17727 Mack Ave. at University :FUN NIGHT-Maire School- NEW 21 TV . TU 2-8877 Fridays 7.9 p.m., boys and girls, 7-12 years. Pull your dusty suitcases out of -~~------~---~---_._-~~~---~- -~ 25c admission includes refreshments. their hiding places and get set to gol Miss Masak in charge. vie & PI GIRLS' GYM-Brownell Jr. High- Where? •• When? •• Howl Saturdays, 11-12 noon, girls, 7~12 years. LOWI~~" 25280 CratiCl $5 for 16 sessions. 'Talk to the friendly young lady at Locbmoor 8ort/wore Harry Warnken, instructor. GYMNASTICS-Brownell Jr. High +- 'i.~I>;.:.<.:.,:.. <"'."""':"= ... yout Auto Club office. She's an AAA 20119 MackAve., in the Woods TU5-0242 ~~~ Wed., 6-7:30 p.m., boys and girls, 8 through teens. O' .....~, ..... ~~ i travel counselor and an expert at $5 for 10 lessons. PRICE . I leading you to carefree. vacation Harry Warnken & Jim Dulworth, instructors. BU\\.' HOCKEY - Neighborhood Club Tennis Courts- $ 95~: i travel She can handle just about ALLI Co-spon~ored with City of Grosse Pointe. every travel detail except packing Pee Wee, ages 9-12; Bantam, ages 13 and 14. _ t{ .~ '1 your bags. Games played on Saturdays. AB£\\~ )~ ~ .....;:-::~:!...~~;:'.,.....'...... ,. Mr. John Hoag (co-ordinator). \ .} ""'~:\v':::."~,,."'... ~~ .. I JUDO -- Brownell Jr. High- ~~:.~;h

LARGE SIZE GLYNN TRA VEL : To Glynn Travel, Inc., 643 Notre Dame, Grosse Pointe 30, Michigan i \ fANCY Inc. ~: NA~E: ~: HEAD 643 Notre Dome, in The Village . : ; ADDRESS: ~ PHONE: ~ LETTUCE Just a Step from Kercheval I ~ .

5~'1lIAGE' • ------~------:! •••••••••••• ~ •••••• a II ; Al


------~-'--=-_ .....:....-_~-----._---- ~. __ !._._- -~------~---_._-~~~~------~- ~~--- _ 5 3 .-....------_ .....~ ....------_..-_--... --...-~-~------

ch 26, i964 --- Thursday, March 26, 1964 GROSSE POIN.TE NEWS Page Eleven l1porary office, GUILTY AS CHARGED to ;) p.m.: at Grosse Pointe High School to Expand Parking Areas 15 p.m. Louis Renaud, 48, of 31 Saturday Marcil 21 was found Newest Customer Meets the Boss Renaud road, arraigned before guilty of being a' disorderly I The parking facilities at the V,oods Judge Don Goodrow on. person and fined $25. according to Principal Jerry J. The parking spaces should be Grosse Ppinte High School will Gerich. ready for use by next fall. l per year be ~xpanded. The area between the curb ) per year and the fence along Fisher :,oad The University of Michigan ) per year The area between the park- near the football :ield will also was the first institution of high- ing lot on Grosse Pointe bOUle-Ibe included in the new parking er learning in this country to vard and the edge of the main plans, and construction will be-I establish a professorship in ~IJOIJ building will be blacktopped, gin as soon as weather permits. transportation engineering, 1922. tc. adds up to home ,I ,\Xl CSS 1 gives you :I 1eduled calls Fer :omplele y2ar Homes es and other ~f Awnings se Man today Dls- tinc- Winter Special tion 9300 NO MONEY DOWN erminaftng ~erv,ce For FREE ESTIMATES Call LO '.0890 J. C. Goss Co. • 2941 East Jefferson SERVING J GENERATIONS OF DETROITERS •• DEPENDABLY! , Grand Opening SALE! I WE fiX

~ , Year Warranty ANY TV 1995 17" TV . • • Includes Parts and Labor -Picture by Jerry Dempnock ~I! J Year Warranty First Federal Savings of Detroit's of- how her savings will grow at First Fed- fice in Grosse Pointe reaches $25,000,000 eral's current annual rate of 4 per cent 21" TV • • • $25 JJO°, 24", 27" Extra wes out of in assets as MRS. JOHN D. GOULD of paid and com p 0 u n d e d every three ] 122 Bishop road opens her family's new months. Late last year, First Federal an- ~etset to gol vie & PHIL'S TV Bargainland savings account. Her e, HAROLD G. nounced an asset total of over half a •• HO'Wl PHELPS, First Federal vice-president billion dollars for its 19 offices in the 25280 Crati~t Ave. Ph. 776-6200 and manager of the office on Kercheval Detroit area. 'oung lady at near St. Clair, explains to Mrs. Gould :he's an AAA tn expert at 7 Cases Heard Francois Fireplace ~ee.vacation In City Court Under New Owner ~ just about A THIELE CUSTOM BUILT KITCHEN COSTS NO MORE ALLEMON'S on Warren Features of the Quaker Maid Kitchen include: Tray Storage, Range Drawer, Adjust. :ept pad.cing Seven cases wen~ heard be- Tht: ownership of Francois FLORIST and GARDEN CENTER fore Judge Malcolm Sutherland Fireplace, Mack and Somerset, able Shelves. 20 Natural Wood Finishes! The finest quality home equipr';"Ient you in City Court March 10, can buy • a Thiele custom built .kitchen is designed to yoljr needs. famou1; eating place for Grosse .,(;m ~. Aniet? Mae Gies of 5941 Neff Pointers, has changed. NEW IDEA! NEW CONVEN!ENCE! QUAKER MAID 17931 E. WARREN road, and Patricia CoIl of 4346 Nottingham, Detroit, were heard Dr. Max Gardner who oper- Multi-Storage Cabinet IF MICHIGAN in separate cases of reckless ated the Woods Kitchen, at IIVISION driving leading to an accident. Mack avenue next to the Woods With beautiful full length panel doors, unfolds at Open ALL EASTER WEEKEND! Both cases were dismissed be- Theater, is now the new owner. the touch of the hand to transform into ';pacious 'rson cause the witnesses refused to Francois Lemmer, who found- size for all your package goods. )00 sign complaints. .~ ed the famous restaurant which ~1 ...a_"_D_f_1l_a_a_a_a_n_II_._II-'._._II_,_II_ Manager Come in and see H. K. Mason of 830 St. Clair was fined $2 for improper park- was known for fine foods and Come In and See Our Display of Complet. Kitch.n. ing. especially for fine hamburgers, • Free Estimates! _ Up to 5 Years to Pay! thousands of colorful died last winter. His widow, Irene Gracey of 1338 Grayton Rita, who enjoyed equal popu- WE SPECIALIZE IN pled not guilty to a charge of larity with her husband, was failure to stop at a stop street. in Grosse Pointe last week to I ALL ~~!t~o~sOFF~m~t1~o~ODA~~~~!ION! Easter Plants, J.ust She was found guilty and the complete the transaction. Mrs~ sentence was suspended. Lenuner now operates the Fran- in_D_a_~~~_u_a_n_II_Il_a_n_a_n_a_U_a_Il_II_a_a_a_._I_1I •. _. _ Charles Johnson Jr., of 471 cois Gift Shop at GraYling, In time lor EAJ..f)TER Rivard boulevard, ,pled guilty Mich. to the charge of harboring a The first Fra.ncois restaurant Thiele (;onstruetion & Supply nuisance and was fined $10. was at Jefferson and Notting- 24135 "'-'TILE MACK-Between 9 and '0 Mil. GIVING! Margaret Julia Irwin of 904 ham. Later it lo.cated, ~ F~sher Pemberton was accused of ror:d, opposite the High , chool, reckless driving leading to an moving to Mack avenue and PR 5-2323 accident, She' pled not guilty Somerset a. decade: ago~ ., I but was found guilty of driv- ~ • TULIPS 1 ing without due care. • HYACINTHS Andrew J. Astalos Of 22021 Langs, &to Clair Shores, was • AZALEAS also accused of reckless driving RIGHTENBURG Village leading to an accident. but the • DAFFODILS case was dismissed for lack of witnesses. • ETC. Radio and Appliances Students Hear Talk on Africa 18401 E. WARREN at Canyon TU 5-0609 •.• TU 5-0069 $ 95 Seventh grade students in Larry Byrnes' geography classes Specializing in Color Television ' at Brownell Junior High School JR were visited recently by Harri- son Mujia, a graduate student I at Wayne State University. Mr. • UP , Mujia is a native of Kenya, East RCA VICTOR Exclusively Africa, and .plans to return there to work in the foreign ministry after completion of his studies here. The VaSLANDA THIS COUPON As a guest speaker, Mr. Mujia • 265 square-inch glore-proof picture DAISIES DAFFODILS proved co be an interesting ad- .. All-wood Danish Modern lowboy WORTH dition to the regular course of Reg. 89c B~nch • 24,OOO-volt (factory adjusted) chossis Reg. 79c Dozen study. He discussed African • Super-powerful "New Vista" Tuner topography, climate, and politi. • Two keyed color controls make tuning easy cal boundaries, with emphasis • Two extended-range 6"x9" Duo-Cone speakers on Kenya. • Dependable Space Age Sealed Circuitry c "Most Africans would like an c. c alignment policy 'With both the United States and Russia," he REG. $750 stated, "thus gaining benefits While they last .~.75 from both, but making no com- BUNCH . On Purcha5e of Any mitments to either." The dan. . ger, however, lies in the rela- WITH COUPON :. WITH COUPON EASTER PLANT tionship between the two do- New . . nors, for, as he quoted in Swa- The CHALFONT ~ . ~ . hili, "When two big elephants fight, it's the grass underneath • 265 square-inch glare-proof picture ad Ie that gets trampled." • All-wood Contemporary lowboy His discussion stimulated • 24,OOO-volt (foctory adjusted) 'chossis CUT FLOWER questions from the students, • Super-powerful "New Vista" Tuner ~. :ord particularly about the livelihood • Two keyec' color controls moke tuning &y and rustoms of the continent • Two extended-range 5"x7" Duo-Cone speakers and its people. Cluthing, food, • Dependable Space Age Sealed Circuitry BOUQUETS school requirements, and polyg- amy were topics raised in the classroom, thereby taking Social REG. $705 ing- Studies out of the textbook and • IRIS making it a living, breathing While they la,st subject to be analyzed by to- ; of • GLADS day's teen agers. any • ROSES • CARNATIONS CARPETS and Mums • • • large Bunch RUGS BOUND ...... t:;i":';;. • • servin, tit. GrosSI $7.95 c per .'Po;nte area for 42 y.ars yard ligan 45 I/S an ReA d.a'" an" Large New .".5.rv;ce sltop. locati" on

Carpet Selections f!'; ....:: A~ '~E. Warren Can,on •• e ~U"\tR ' If' ., A ~ only a few bundt" feet McCOY I SONS ~llfrom Gross. Po;nt •• $.. o.r ALLEMON'S on Warren ';# CARPET COMPANY ., complete s.I.ction In our fLORIST and GARDEN CENTER OPEN MON. AND FRI. ,;vildin, that cov." , . UNTIL 8:30 P.M. (J who'. elty .'ocle. 17931 E. WARREN 14301 E. WARREN VA 2-4100 Ca" Us - We Deliver - TU 4-6J20 Corner Lakewood

.... -~~- --.~ ._u ..--... __ ...- __ ..-~ _ ---~~~-~~~--~------....

ch 2b, 1964 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, M~rch 26, 1964 lporary office, . to 5 p.m.: at See Nurserym.an Michael M. Hammond William R. Kolley 5 p.m. Thieves Operate Pistons' Coach Speaker On Aircraft Carrier For Best Advice No~! Ensign in Navy On Parked Cars William R. KOlley, airman ap- per year Michael M. Hammond. sOn of At GPHS Sports Banquet prentice. USN, son of Mr. and It's that time of year again Two case~ of vandalism from per year Mrs. Margaret C. Hammond of against 81. Louis at Cuba Mrs. Joseph L. Kolley of Bea- s~ the "Ask YOUr Nurseryman a parked auto were reported to Grosse Pointer Charley Wolf, 224 Ridgemont road, was com- Arena. consfield avenue. is serving per year First" program designed to pro. City Police last week. coach of the Pistons, Detroit's you think of CARPETING, th;nk of . . . missioned an Ensign in the professional basketball team, Charley Wolf lives in Grosse aboard the anti-submarine. air- tect home owners and garden- Arthur King, of 17449 Mau. craft carrier USS Yorktown Naval Reserve February 7 on discoursed on "Sports Life" at Pointe with his wife. Lorraine. ers from cheats and frauds in mee avenue claimed March 17 presently undergoing overhaul graduation from Naval Officer the Spring Sports Banquet who is a former TV star. with Van Lokerell ~he sale of nursery stock is bE'.. that the spare tire, wheel and in the Naval Shipyard, Long Candidate School at the Naval sponsored by the Grosse "Pointe three sons, M...rtin 6. Steve 3, DETROIT'S CARPET SPECIALISTS 109 repeated by the Michigan hydraulic jack were missing Beach, Calif. Base, Newport, R.I. High Dads' Club on Tuesday and Greg 1. 15839 E. Warren at Buckingham, Open Mon., Thurs., Fri., Eves Association of Nurserymen in from his car which had been On March 10 Yorktown con. C. adds up to He received both classroom evening. March 24, at 6:30 p.m. Officers of Grosse Pointe cooperation with Attorney Gen. parKed in front of his home ducted pre1iminary sea trials A PHONE CALL TO TU '-6022 home II you and practical experience in sea- at the High School cafeteria. High Dads' Club. according to Will Bring a Carpeting Expert to Your Home. No Obligation gIves you a eral Frank Kelley and Depart. since 4 p.m. March 16. after spending time in dry dock. manship. navigation, military Dads' Club president Minard president Mumaw. are vice edulel~ calls ment of Agriculture Director In a second incident, John Sea trials for the carrier will be' courtesy. communications. gUI"',- Mumaw rep(}rted that High president Ed Bunn. secretary omplete Yf''lr George S. McIntyre. Walker of 391 Washington road held on a larger scale in April. es and other nery, combat information ceh- School coaches of varsity basket- Henry Kinzie. treasurer Frank Man today Assistant ."\ttorney General ter procedures and military said that someone entered his Banach, who is also Director of During sea triais. the ship is ball and swimming awarded let- checked to see that appropri. - Stanley Steinborn of the Con- drill. car which was unlocked and ters to winners at the evening PhySical Education and Ath- parked in front of his home ate rep~irs have been made to sumer Protection Division and affair. Intra -mural athletics letics at the High School. March 19 and took n light blue enable the ship to carry out her Alum.Comb. C. A. Boyer, chief of the Agri- He is now qualified to meet also received recognition for CluJ;) directors are Don SCREEN culture Department Plant In- not only the technical problems wool blanket, valued at $10. and volleyball and bas k e t ball Campbell, who is Assistant mission. ROUND an X.ray View Bo;<, green in When operating with the fleet, WIRE dustry Division. join wit h facing today's young naval of- prowess. Varsity Basketball Principal; Fred Critchfield; 1\" AN" ficer but the problems he will Yorktown is the hub of an anti. Sq. Ft. Price TOP color. and valued at $33.75. Per Roll ,'4. • • in urgmg home garden- . . CQach Chuck Hollosy and Re- Lane Donovan; Gerry Gerich. BD~ ers to check with their local encounter 10 leadershiP. submLl-rine "H u n t e r.K i 11e r" DOORS serve Coach John Blondin. as Principal; Fred Steiner and Dr. group composed of ~urface. sub- Alum 9r. nurserymen. Plant Industry in-I well as Bob Kinnear. Varsity Robert Swanson, Five other di- surface and air units designed Bronze 16c 95 Library Friends Swimming Coach, and Reserve rectors are new this year: War- CUSTOM MADE SCREEN ~ spectors or couJ"ty agricultural Pvt. Michael Licavoli to find and destroy enemy sub. PORCHES - STEEL, BRONZE Kaiser Shade $49 agents before they are vietimiz- • Coach John Chase were hon- ren Anderson. Dr. Robert •ALUM. Any Size, Shape or co~or marines. Extra Heavy ed. by high pressure salesmen ArtIllery Surveyor Meet April 1 ored guests. Cheerleaders and Clarke, Paul Crook, Alfred Screen 22t W. Repair Storm and Screen, Extrusion usmg fancy names for ordinary _ their sponsor, Miss Jeri Mulson, Miller and Ellsworth Reynolds. The tax on a gallon of gas- shrubs and plants and. making . .. were invited as special guests Expenses for the Spring 640 ~AST AIR TEC EAST SIDE exagerated claims f th' Pvt. MIchael J. Licavoh, son The final program of the oline, counting both state and 7 MILF. RD. • WEST SIDE TW 2-1800 Friends of th~ Library in the of honor. Sports Banquet to honor Grosse Federal levip.s. averages 10 plant mdterial or elr of Jlr. and Mrs. Peter Licavoli, In addition. a sportsman's Pointe High School athletes . 1154 Balfour road. is scheduled 1963-64 season is scheduled for cents. ti?"Of..the.hart: was given to in- and intra-mural competitors "~11 consumer complaints, in. to complete advanced training Wednesday evening, April 1, at the Central Library at 8 p.m. structors Ed Wernet, Dave La- are to be paid by donations ('~udmg verbal misrepresenta- as an artillery surveyor at tht: Duke, John Chase and Ernie from parents. Donations will be tlOns, are reviewed by the Con- Army Artillery and Missile Cen. Lawrence A. Fleischman, a man who speaks with great au- Bauer for the job they have taken at the door next Tuesday sumer Protection Division with ter, Fort Sill. Okla., April 10. been doing as Coordinators of evening. Generous gifts are ether state agencies concerned Licavoli was trained in the u:;e thority on art, win be the Wm. J. speaker of the evening. Intra-Mural Sports, needed. The roast beef dinner and appropri8aIl coach at Villa Ma- ~ is the experience of both our training at Fort Ord, Calif. design and artistic interpreta- donna College in Cincinnati. Garden Supply .Howl Robert Hudson Kanzler has agenci~s that purchasers who I He is a 1958 graduate of Sal. tion to modern Ih-ing. Before coming to Detroit last Mr. Fleischman is president June to coach the Pistons. been named chairman of the ung lady at deal WIth established local mer- pointe High School, Tucson, 1964 fund raising campaign of chants can see what they are Ariz.• and attended the Univers- of the Archives of American Charley Wolf was basketball 17727 MACK AT UNIVERSITY e's anAAA Art, president of the Arts coach of the Cincinnati Royals. the Planned Parenthood League, buying and thus are not misled ity of Arizona. Tucson.. Inc. (Wayne and Oakland Coun- by photographs or lurid verbal Commission of Detroit, amI a Charley's final game this sea- expert at ties). pictures of climbing vine peach- member of the Fine Arts Com- son was Wednesday, March 18. e. vacation Sergeant Promoted mittee for the White House. He A coffee at Grosse Pointe e5. giant climbing strawberries. War Memorial at 10:30 a.m. 1.000 roses on one bush, or Hke and Mrs. Fleischman are noted just about exagcrcrations. I Ken Sinning, son of Mr. and collectors 111so. Tuesday. March 31, will open ~ .. ~ 1 ~Irs. Georg~ Sinning, 1805 Time to Start six weeks camp'aign with an ori. :pt packing As is the pleasant custom at entation sesMon for about 120 . One ~annot expe~t. to get I Broadstone. has been promoted Friends' public meetings, an in. high. qua~lty .~toc~ at ndic~ous- from sergeant to s.taff sergeant workers. Kanzler and Planned formal reception with refresh- War on Flies ly 10<11 pnces sal1 Boyer. Pur- in the Reserve Officers' Train- Parenthood League President. c?~sers s~oUl? always pay par. ing Corps at Kemper Milita~y ~ents will be held in the main Mrs. John A. HeITmann will ad- reading room of the library tlcillar ahentlon to guarantees School. Boonville, Mo. He IS On tl~e first warm day you dress the volunteers. after Mr. Fleischman's talk. MICHIGAN and. shoul~ dem~nd a certificate squad leader in company F. may find a house fly which The loall drive is part of the of ~nspectif)n W1th t~e stock as He was promoted in an order All interested Grosse Point- spent the winter in your home. first nation wide campaign of t~elJ: (\ss~~nce fthat .It has pass- issued by )faj. B. H. Purcell. ers are cordially invited to this Use a fly swatter on that lone the 115 Planned Parenthood- e. mspe Ion or msects and Jr .• assigned to Kemper as head unusually interesting program flitter before it sets up house~ W 0 rId Population affiliates

"~ Thailand, Shahla Motazedi from Iran, Jorge Albur~uerque from ,rd Brazil. Eiji Kawamoto fro In 'tr I Turf I " Haltslma ,;j " Japan, and Rios fro m Bolivia also and talked 1. ~bMIN"''''' - D' L NIl ...... c. with Senator harles Young- L .- .... HIS • • • ! HERS •• • blood. Jr. (D.District 1) and -~Builder '," ,'~ ----.... 1he grass fef1il'rzer Senator Frank D. Beadle (R- Men's Raleigh':' Made; ladies Raleigh'~ Made ...._-,.._---- that's different g- English Bicycle II Engiish Bicycle District 34). Other students in the group ..s::;~:',]:J::!;'~;;:f::~~ Assembled & 3995 IAssembled & 3995 were James Hanna, president l;;;~~j Serviced Serviced )ji~JW~:t. of I of the GPHS Student Associa. ABLE ny tion. Susan Seder, Susan O'Con- UN.BEAT COMBINATION Now Both nell. Ann Moltzau. Clair Wil- KILL CRABGRASS IN ONE APP1ICA nON! coxson, Carol Cruikshank, Ann The Amazing Crabgrass Quick Cover for Only Noecker, Roger Frye, Dave It's TRIONIZED Prevention of HALTS S75 Hookanson, amI Jim Stoetzer. To Cive Sustained Feeding plus GRASS SEED Mrs. Arthur Watts, Mrs. D. the Full ~eeding Power !')f During Our "His & Hers" Sale! Reg. Turf Builder Hookanson, ~md Mrs. Jack Frye We Guarantee You A * Raleigh, .. Makers of the Finest English Bikes accompanied the touring stu. 9.95 . G~'eener, Thicker Lawn Large ~ Ught and Bag not included. dents. or Us. 95 : !------or Your Money Back Bag ;:~5 5 • ~an ~ I 9.95 Shacle . Before You Close en 70% OFF JO Bag Price 2.95 and 4.95 \ I FORDS SEE WM. J. Dick Wa.'ner "TOP HATTER" Dependable Bicucle Sales and Seroice Since 1925 I•••••••••• Simms-Dawson OUR NEW STOREAT 16392 Harper Ford, Inc. 'ALLEMON Garden Supply 19136 E. 10 MILE RD. at Audubon 15401 Ealt Jeffenon . East Detroit TU 1.3748 GrOile Pointe 17727 MACK at UNIVERSITY Telephone TU 2.8877 PR '-3190 VA 1-l0Ge "'airway Sbopp1DI Center Rei. TU 1-5251 ...

...... ,. • $ s •• trd« a ssssssn ss PC sr. as "77777 '$ 7 ay. March 26, 1964 Thursday, March 26, 1964 Gf,tOSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen Little League Breaks Record ONE NICHT ONLY St. Palll Lal{ers Capture MASONIC AUDITORIUM By MeI Snyder Iememh?er~ SATURDAY, April 4, 8:20 p.m. State Class C Cage Crown The Woo d s-S h 0 res Little League recorded the largest (Continued frem Page 1) got the team's only other points registration in the league's 11- VICTOR NG, thir~ c: watched as the S1. Paul senior in the period on a field goal. year history, taking place last pwnped in 32 points with his With a little more than a Wednesday at Parcells Junior BORGE deadly jump shots and accurate minute left in the game, Gay- High School. IN PERSON eren free throw shooting. lord narrowed the margin to :>ECIAL1STS 55-51, but Bigham was fouled Registration co.chairmen Don 'Comedy In Music' m Man., Thurs., Frl , Eves Gaylord stayed with St. Paul twice and pumped four straight Wood and Dan O'Brien have reo Grinnell's Downtown & until the final minute of the free throws on one-and-one sit- ported that althol\gh a large Masonic Tempi. U 1-6022 $1.80; $1.40; $3.60; $4.20; $4.10 ur Home. :'\1) Oblii:ation first half. After holding a 14-11 uations to wrap it up. staff was on hand to handle margin in the firSt quarter, In Saturday's triwnph, Big- the eager baseball players, they Gaylord loot its lead when Big- ham and Martin led the way. were literally swamped for sev. ham hit a pair of foul shots, sweeping past Byron cel1lter, at and Martin sank a jumper to Jenisoo Fieldhouse, to take the er~o~o~:s~hYrn r h veand thed BoardI f of ~IZrS:t :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::.: . put the !..akers ahead, 19-16. crown. The two combined for Gove o s a ma e pans or UNIVERSAL ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Bigham Comes Through 44 points, Martin collecting 23, a second registration to be held CITYSTUDIOS' • mE ------'j Alum.Comb. :linking 11 baskets and a free April 4 .to accommodate those, ""'tnl :::: SCREeN The Northern Michigan team throw; and Bigham making 21 '''1 GREGORY IInCK ToNY WIRE ROUND who missed regular registration ~H r.r... \JUATIS m~ trailed by one point, 24-23, but on six field goals and nine of 10 night. m :m q. Ft. Pric~ TOP Bigham again h~t for two free foul shots...... Per Roll DOORS throws and a jump shot in the The Woods.Shores Lit t 1 e ::: -. wasn't :::: l1st minute that sent the Lakers Take Early Lead um 9c ~ea:~;a~~d t~~ef~~ ~~~e iola~~ J!~ draftedl You im onze 16c $4995 to the locker room at halftime At the onset, St. Paul moved .. kidnapped :::: ,iser Shade with a 28-23 lead. -to a 7.0 lead on Martin's two i:H me into your mE Extra Heavy field goals and free throw and reen 22c It was Bigham's free throw a pair of foul shots by Bigham. g~ outfit... gg Extrusion ... Explai t . . shooting in the final quarter The Lakers maintained a com- e..::: n hat .::::... th.at kept St. Paul in front, fUl1.able edge throughout the ::: to the :::: ~~II~~ TW 2-1800 mostly b)" only four points. He half, took a 13-8 margin in the ::: :::: put in nine charity tosses in 10 second quarter and clung to a :::e.. Colonel'-- ::::. . TU 5-255(; ... . . tries and added a basket. Martin 28-25 edg.e at the intermission...... ::: .::::.. However, while dominating lUXURIOUS ..06E SfATS ...... the action, St'. Paul encountered :::.. .::: Babe Rutl-ters foul trouble, when Amez p\cked ::::.... .:~.. NOW PlAYING :::: ::: up his fourth foul with 3:45 left :::: ::: Must Register in the first half and Mike Berry Cory Grant - Audrey Hepburn ...... i!n ig was charged w~th his third with "CHARADE" :::: ::: 3:23 left. in Color ~ The final day of registration ....:::: --ANGIE DICKINSIB :::... for the Grosse Pointe Woods. Both eventually fouled out. MONDAY. TUESDAY ...... ,... The !,akers sank 12 of 28 out Matinee Only :::: I:N-.r a. ftr'IW' I...ES ~NtDiI ~ 'rN~ ::: Shores Babe Ruth League will . :::: \ ~'ILDau..... UttUURI'ut~ u.;)l& ::: court shots to Byron Center's A Walt Disney Festival of Fun to be Thursday, March 26. plus i;g -IOOrDUWl. DDSARGOO~tARR.YSDDf ~g seven of 27• :::: /lIlO Do Nominated ::: :::: COLOR llO-ST~ n for Belt Sup. ::: All boys who are permanent At the start of the third quar- liThe Horse With a •.•• BBY :IiIII'RIN I ••• :::: port ng Actor ::: •upply residents of either Grosse Pointe ter, St. Paul rolled up a 1O-point Flying Tail" :::: Adults $1 to 6 p.m. (Exe. Sun. & HOII.) ::: Woods or Shores and between bulge, 36-26, as Bigham made and Cartoons - all In Color :::: Matinees Wed., Sat., Sun. ::: the ages of 13 and 15 are urged Doors open at 1:30 - Stlrts It 2 gg NOW SHOWINC two baskets and two 'free P. M., out at 4:00-0ne show only...... m.. to join. Registration will be at ...... :RSITY throws. STARTS WEDNESDAY :::: ::; Parcells Junior High School at Byron Cente~ fans occas-ion- ::::.... :::... 7 p.m. Boys are reminded to ally booed when Bigham and liTHE CARDINAL" ::::...... :: bring their birth certificate and his brother, Bill, resorted to Open at 7 p.m...... $7.50 registration fee. stalling tactics. Feature at 8:15 only The Board of Governors has Fine Ball Control Hmmgmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmgmmmm~li been working since last fall to In demonstrating their finesse insure a successful program for in handling the ball. St. Paul 1964 and parents are urged to held Byron Center to only six have their boys join in this pro- points in the final quarter. gram. Bigham sank two fll"ee shots to open the Lakers' 6COring ac- tion and' closed the game with Fred Patee Helps a pair from the foul nne. The team took a 41-33 margin into WSU Swim Team the final period. St. Paul took its first State Fred Pattee, has h e 1p e d Title in 1961. Only two other Wayne State Univ('rsity's 1964 catholic schools have won Class swimming team set a 4-0 won~ eState Titles-St. Andrew in lost record in Pres.idents' Ath- 1951, and Orchard Lake St. 1e tic Conference competition Mary in 1933. and capture first place in the The v i c tor y gave Coach PAC championships for the Lauer's team a final record of third consecutive time. 23--2.Byron Center finisned with Pattee, who competes in the 18.5. 60 and 100 yard free style Following the presentation of events, was also a consistent the trophy, Lau&'s players car- point-getter all sea son and ried him on their shoulders to helped lead the team to a 4-6 the locker room and tossed him into the shower, trnit and alL Rle. LOVELY iADY c over-all dual meet l"ecord. 190 Bob Pins PACK OF 30'. 2 for25 The six foot, 195 pound soph~ omore graduated from Grosse Pointe High School in 1959. He C prepped under c a a c h Paul Rig. STICK 84 Wheeler and placed fifth in FRESH FISH 1.00 Shulton Deodorant fOR MEM Class "A" state competition in his senior year. SHIPPED IN DAILY His parents, Mr, and Mrs. \. " ,. Reg. FAMILY Walter Pattee, live at 1013 Ken- 830 Crest Toothpaste SIZE SSe sington in Grosse Pointe Park.. 18310 MACK at McKinley-In the Farms George E. Planck Reg. 8.0r. SIZE With Seventh Fleet 9Be Pepto Bismol 69' T Marine Private First Class Ric}1ard G, Planck, son of Mr. Pointe and Mrs. GEorge E. Planck of Rtg. 100'. 351 Neff road is participating 1.19 Carter's Pills with the Third Battalion, Third ~ ------CLIP AND SAVE fOR EVERYDAY Marine Division in a coordinated ------. 11 U.S..Nationalist Chinese amphi- : IIREAD'Y TO SERVE MEAL IDEAS! bious exercise called "Operation • R.g. MILK OF MAGNESIA ------' (Mint 01' Plain) 26.0%. Backpack" being conducted off I 190 Phillips the coast of Taiwan. By Popular Request - We Now ~ Backpack is an exercise to I • Seafood Menu' • - test the amphibious capabUities I • ALA CARTE • DINNERS Fried Soft Shell Offer CI' Varied and readiness of the forces of R.g, 50'. Crabs (in seo- 99~ the Seventh Fleet and the Na. I Alasb King Crab Baked Deviled son) !I I :.29 Bromo Quinine tionalist Chinese Navy. The ex. I

Page Fourteen G R 0 SSE PO I N TEN E WS Thursday, March 26. 1964

OrO~lt Pointe 'Newt Memorial Center Schedule What Goes On PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY malj rJewon ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, INC. at OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL MARCH 26 TO APRIL 2, 1964-0PEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M., SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 5 P.M. Your Library GROSSE POINTE FARMS 36, MICHIGAN *ALL MEMORIAL-SPONSORED ACTIVITIES OPEN S?cond Class PostagE' Paid at Detroit. Michigan By Virginia Leonard TO THE GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC. '"ft-IE ;-11tt Hospital equipment available for free loan - crutches, By Roberta FULLY PAID CIRCULATION wheel chairs, heating lamps and hospital beds. Blood Are you afraid of being reo' automation in one of its many Phone TU 2-6900 placed by a machine? Is the applications. He discusses the May the blessings of this glorious Easter day give will be loaned to Grosse Pointe residents in case of world of automation looming' influences brougnt to bear on you Faith in the goodness of life, Hope for the Member Michigan Press AssociatIon and N:.tional Editorial Association accidents or emergency-free of charge. over you. like an ugly ogre, business, office personnel, and NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE GROSSE POINTE GARDEN CENTER AND LIBRARY- threatening your job, your crea- individual workers by ~umput. future, and Charity for all mankind. It is the sin- Weekly Newspaper Representatives. Inc. Volunteer worker is on duty Friday - 2 p.m. to tivity, your very uniqueness? I ers and other data.processing cere .wish of the Kercheval On-The-Hill group that 4()4 FHth Avenue. New York 19. New York. Byrant 9.7300 (TUxedo 1-4594). exaggerate, of course, but to equipment. CHICAGO OFFICE * * * many this new" mechanized con-' For the teen.ager there is you may partake of the joys of this day, reliving 333 North Michigan Avenue Phon~ FInancial 6.2214 March 26-28: EXHIBIT OF PAINTINGS BY VIRGINIA cept of living may give a few F ran k Ross's AUTOMATION: the Easter message of eternal life. ROBERT B. EDGAR. EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER THJ.BODEAU. Please call Center before coming to uneasy twinge';; and certainly SERVANT TO MAN which is a WILLIAM ADAMO _.ADVERTISING MANAGER view exhibit-itS those rooms are sometimes used the .s.ubject o~ aut~mation is relatively simple ~ccount for • JANET MUELLER. l'.EATURE PAGE, SOCIETY for meetings. creatmg ever-mcreasmg Inter- adolescent rea de r s reviewin" If You're J :\:\1 ES J. NJA11\1. NEWS est. Perhaps you would ~ike to the history of mech~ization. '" a dashing globe trotting person or a stay at home DO;"; N A ST UTT 1\£WS * * * ~ow ~vhat sort. of materIal our In the juvenile field, let us THURSDAY, MARCH 26 ... time is of the essence. This is the season and (; LORIA WOLFCALE ADVERTISING LIbrarIes have In book form. suggest Pauline Arnold's THE 4:00 -Ballet Classes - Mary Ellen Cooper, In- .\ IAR Y LOR 1M ER. _ ADVERTISIN G * p.m. One of the most recent, time. AUTOMATIONAGE, telling how I the time to have your watch repaired by expert.s I< 12 noon -Ski-Hi Nine Day Ski Trip to Toas, New LET ERMA DO IT, by D. O. the predican:ent three boys get if they failed to make such an effort. ly true jf you own a gay tote bag with umbrella to Mexico Woodbury, which' gave the full themselves mto when they use match. Each set is either fifteen or sixteen dollars Of course the main objections to the purchase of 12 noon -Neighborhood Club-Retired. Men's Group story of automation and attempt- "Miniac," Professor Bullfinch's the Vandenburg farm in Vemier road come from those 1.00 p.m. -Unity of the Grosse Pointes-Service ed to give an understandable miniature automati~ computer. at Trail Apothecary Shop, 121 Kercheval. who own property in the immediate vicinity. This, too, 6:30 p.m. -Grosse Pointe Area "Y"-Indian Guide- explanation of it. " Here, .readers wIll also. learn is understandable. There are certaLl disadvantages in dinner and movies In the field of electronic com. somethmg about electromc cal- • living too close to a public institution, though we haven't * 8:00 p.m. -Parents Without Partners-meeting puters, our Libraries have sev. culating machines. , As Old As found anything insurmountable during the dozen years * * * eral titles of int.erest. The first, Personally, I do not worry too the sky ... or the green grass ... but as fresh and \ve have lived within a block of the High School. Organi- SATURDAY, MARCH 28 by Irving Adler is THINKING much about being eventually re- MACHINES: A 'JoA YMAN'S IN- placed by a machine; howevp.r, new as Easter, 1964 ... American-made stonewear . zations are being formed, doorbells rung and letters * 9:30 a.m. -Grosse Pointe Children's Theatre-classes, TRODUCTION TO LOG I C just to be on thp. safe side, I with the new sculptured grape pattern ivory written to consolidate the offense against the educators. Mrs. Syd Reynolds, Instructor BOODLEAN ALGEBRA AND think I'll keep a well-oiled background ... soft blue green border 10.95 The members of the Board of Education are being *11:30 a.m. -Grosse Pointe Children's Theatre-classes, COMPUTERS. Here a' former thumb ready, just in case a push- castigated and charged with overt manipulations and high. Mrs. Syd Reynolds, Instructor mathematics instruct'or at Col- button does take over my duties! fo:r a 5 piece place setting at The D:mts 98 Ker- handed action without properly informing the public. * 1:30 p.m. -Grosse Pointe Children's Theatre-classes, umbia University explains the * III • cheval. If these charges are true, we can see some excuse for Mrs. Syd Reynolds, Instructor theory of computers. During the next tW(J weeks I the maligned. As we said, practically no one wants to * 3:30 p.m. -Grosse Pointe Children's Theatre-classes, Edmund Berkeley gives us shall be vacationing in Florida, • '-iee a schooi erected on his doorstep, but schools we Mrs. Syd Reynolds, Instructor THE COM P U 'fE R REVOLU- but the Column will go on-- Early 18th Centvry TION, dating this "revolution" ably written by two different must have if we are to discharge our duty to our young. 1:00 p.m. --Grosse Pointe Community Theatre-casting delft bowls ... very rare ... extremely unusual, .. from April, 1944, when the first staff members as Guest Col. call for "Guys and Dolls"-(Auditions open Whatever site was selected by the school trustees, the calculating machine to store umnists. Upon my return, I truly antique collector's piece~ . . . at The Wm. to the public) same pandemonium would be produced. tape went into operation at Har- shall write a column on National DenIer and Co. 77 Kercheval ... Six hundred dol- Some of the letters and phone calls we hav~ received * 7:30 p.m. -Memorial Bridge-Mr. and Mrs. Andrew vard. The authc! goes on to Library Week, April 12-18, as have pictured the Vanderbush brothers, Eel and Frank, Walrond, Directors-Duplicate Bridge demonstrate the differences be- many great and exciting plans lars a pair. owners of the property under dispute, as being crushed * * * tween man and machine. are brewing in the way of cele. THE in • and desolate over the proceedings, as being forced, at SUNDAY, MARCH 29 John Pfeiffer, in THINK- bration of this Week our Spring Is A Flower an advanc:eri. age. out of their home. Other information, 9:(j0 a.m. -Unity of the Grosse Pointes-Sunday ING MACHINE, presents a dis- Grosse Pointe Library. including talks with the Vanderhushes, indil:ates this is School cussion of digital computers- Also' on April 1, at 8:30 p.m. something mad ... something gay ... like per- 9:00 a.m. -Unity of the Grosse Pointes-Services their construction and operation one of the nation's foremost au. manent potted red, pale yellow, or pink tulips ... far from the truth. No kinder, more respected gentlemen -their capacity for artificial in- thorities on art will address the than these brothers have ever been known in the Pointe 12 noon -Unity of the Grosse Pointes-Services telligence-their role in the Friends of the Grosse Pointe biting red and pink geraniums . . . white and yel. 10:30 a.m. -First Church of Christ, Scientist, Grosse community. They abhor the idea of being in the center military, pol i tic a 1, economic, Public Library. Lawrence A. low begonias . . . perky fresh daisies . . . fushias of an argument. They have been negotiating with the Pointe Farms-Service and Sunday School medical and general research Fleischman will speak on the . . • or old fashioned hanging baskets with velvet school officials for some time, and of course there is -Fries Auditorium. (Library of Alger fields.' topic: "Art is an Essential Part no intention of depriving them of their home. Under House-Infants Room) Another interesting corollary of our Lives." bows.. from 3.00, at The League Shop, 72 K~r- the proposed plan they could continue to live there and * * * to this topic is I. R. Hoos' Do stay tuned in-we have cheval. \vork a portion of their farm as long as they desire. MONDA Y, MARCH 30 AUTOMATION IN THE OFFICE. many interesting plans for the The question which makes itself heard is ... what *10:00 a.m. -Cancer Center-Information Service Cen- This is a study of the effects of future! • if the Board of Education had made known its hopes of ter, and workshop Christian Dior's acquiring the Vanderbush farm? We shudder to think 12:15 p.m. -Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe-luncheon Businessmen to Lunch new boxed lipstick and polish has three lipsticks of the pressure that would have been put on the owners and meeting At Arts Insti'tute Today Easter Date and four polishes ... all bright ... all new season by these same people who are now using sob-sister tactics * 1:00 p.m. -Memorial Bridge Club-Mrs. Andrew Wal- • • . five dollars, Trail Apothecary Shop, 121 Ker- to protect their own int(~rests. rond, Director-Duplicate Bridge 1 Another in~e series of Busi. Set Moon cheval. We respect the feelings and rights of all engaged * 1:00 p.m. -Painting Seminar - Prof. Weddige In- by structor . , nessmen's Luncheons, sponsored __ in this controversy, Valid accusations can be hurled by by t.he Founders Soci.ety, Detroit Easter is one of the 'few things both sides, and beyond the question of a doubt ev~ry * 4:00 p.m.-Ballet Classes - Mary Ellen Cooper, In- Insbtute o~ .~rts, ~111 be he!d in modern life that goes strict. last one of them, with a good many invalic.1 ones thrown structor today, begmmng WIth cocktaIls 1 by th oon Thomas R. Smothers With Seven.th Fleet in the Crystal Room at 12 o'clock y em. in. will be hurled before the fight ends. But let's keep 6:30 p.m. -District Young Republicans-dinner Thomas H. Smothers, seaman j plying fuel to ships of the Fleet 7:30 p.m. -Evening Basic Drawing and Painting Class noon. Lunch is scneduled in This is why the Easter date, the bitterness and UIiW£lrranted recrimination as far * apprentice, USN, son of Mr. and I while underway. -Steve Davis, Instructo:L (12 three-hour the Rivera Court at 12:30 which falls on the rather early removed as possibie. While giving every consideration o'clock. date of March 29 this year, can Mrs, W. C, Smothers of 1353 Crew~embei's of the Tala. or Wednesday afternoons) to those who zealously strive to preserve the sanctity of Continuing the Businessmen's occur on anyone of 35 days, Grayton road, is serving aboard vana. \~IIl have .an oppo~~unity their homes, to the municipal officials who exert their * R:OO p.m. -Grosse Pdnte Men's Chorus-rehearsal Ll,ncheons' program theme of from as early ~ the equir:t0x the £let oiler USS Tolovana to, ~ISI~ ports In Hawall, the po\ver in the interests of their citizens, and to the school 8:00 p.m. -14th District Young Republicans-meeting what to look for in a painting, to as ~ate .as Apnl. 2~, accordmg operating with the Se\ enth PhIlIpPines. and Japan during lessons for $33.00 either Monday evenings Fleet in the Far East. . the to u r 0 f d u t y with the officials who are devoting their talents and time to a Guy Palazzola, noted artist and to Umverslty of MIchIgan astron- Seventh Fleet. civic endeavor that is far too frequently thankless, it is * * * teacher at the University of orner Hazel M. Losh. Tolovana helps increase the I Tolovana normall\" operates devoutlv to be wished that the end result will be the TUESDA Y, MARCH Zl Michigan, will teH what he be- To understand this fluctuation capabilities of the Fleet by sup. lout of San Pedro, C~lif. C'ontinu"ed maintenance of the school svstem which is *10:00 a.m. -Service Guild for Children's Hospital- lieves a collector should con- one must recall that me church -----~-_.~--~_._---- nationallv hailed. and in which we all "take inordinate workshop sider in selecting good works of fathers, gathered in the Council art. of Nicaea in 325 A.D., decreed pride Ail things worth while must be paid for. Some- 10:30 a.m. -Campaign Workers for Planned Parent- hood-meeting ------that Easter was to be kept on times the payment calls far sacrifice; sometimes cash; the Sunday following the first 1:00 p.m. -Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe- Board Df Education w 0 u I d sometim~s both, All of us are involved in this. full moon that comes after the b~idge and gin rUlllmy change their minds and put that school in the Shores, right vernal equinox. I, * 3:45 p.m. -GIrl Scouts of America - Troop 1811- meeting on the corner of Jefferson and This year the vernal equinox Letters to the Editor 6:30 p.m. -KiWanis Club of Grosse Pointe - dinner Vernier. It's a much better site; came on March 20. Thus the full it really is - more room (40 moon of March 27 places Easter 1 I and meeting I 29. acres), better access, and it's Sunday on March Dear :\-lr, Edgar. of "only 14 of 1%" in the pay- ,* 7:30 p.m. -U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary-FLOTILLA right next to the Fire Dep[,rt. Just a note to commend the roll tax. I 12-12, Safe Boating and Seamanship Course Says Professor Losh. "Prob. ment. Seems made to order, ably a good reason for chaos. Gros~e Pointe Highway Dept. Th~ one-qu~rter of one per-I * 7:30 p.m. -Grosse Pointe Chess Club-competition. doesn't it? ing the full moon for reckoning Snow Clearing recently. the cent ll1crease In the tax RATE But, you see, there's this Easter was to enable pilgrims . h d thO . t I may SI!f'm like an insignificant of eventually raising the payroll To The Editor:- TED EWALD CHEVROLET worst day we ve a IS wm er., I t 200/, . problem: The Shores doesn't al- to the Holy City to have the ad- . . . Iamount. It IS not, We are deal- ax to 0, on an mcome of I see where we Woods resi- low any grade schools, any high vantage of moonlight." Jefferson at City Limits tIllS wmter. i ing with a tax increase of major I $9.000. to pay for operation of schools, any churches or any To make this understandable. : proportil)n. The 16% defers to Social Security. dents are about to get it in the In 1943, Easter came on the " neck. again, or should I say other non-desirable, non-tax-pay. latest possible date, April 25, VA 1-2000 w{' Ii\"(' on xloran Court. twO! the DOLLAR incre!\se in the There are many facets about pocketbook? I'm talking about ing institutions in their com- and it will happen again in 2038 _ homes set back from Moran. in; amoun: of tax fo reveryone who the King-Anderson Bill whieh this high school that's proposed munity. A.D. The last time Easter fell ------~ a small court. and \~hen we have! makes $100 a week or more, the proponents conventionally for construction on the old In fact, they've been able to on March 22, the very earliest snnw. we're usually forgotten. ',and for his employer. To illus. fal'l to mentl.on'. Vanderbush farm. I don't like establish a "Berlin Wall" along that it can come, was in 1818 • 0" : lrate one of its inequities, the 'I But that fil"ht. around 11 p,m. ; $5 r,oo 1 ld 1, They would have you be- the i(lea. their western boundary to keep and will not come again until I was cheered to hear the snow" b'" ~ ydeatremp oyee whou "lieve that all health needs are 2285. . e require 0 pay as Jnuc as " Selfish interest? Well. that Woods residents from gaining plough ~nterll1.g our court. The I th $52 000 t' covered, when m fact, It would school could be my new nevt- access to Jefferson through Next year Easter will be on . d' . h' II' . Ie. a year execu Ive. ) th h driver 1U suc an eXCe ent JOO. Th" t " h 'th 1'''' cover ess an one-quarter door neighbor, it's true, but their neighborhoods. It's true, April 18. I went out and asked him to' b tlSthlSno Id p onY an fmetelC (250/() of the total yearly health . ,. f 'ct "u e co mone tary a . t f With my size family I could we do have access through ('orne In lOT" co fee, He sal : I" care cos s 0 the average aged also be its best customer. We Moorland Drive, better known "Thanks. :\lissus. but if I ever These facts further reveal person. nee d our, church.es, our parks, as "Checkpoint Charlie". TheWm.R.fIamilton C'o. went indoors I'd go to sleep," that King-Ander .•on would in- 2. They fail to point out that and, pOSSibly, thIS new school Yon can't help but admire l,le'd been .up early Tues. a,m.1 crease the co~bined e~ployer- the services of your physician as well. And each of these i~ organization like that. It'll keep Sound Advice ONT IICentury of SertJ~ So I tnld hun l SO much appre- . employee Socull Secunty tax are not provided for. going to be neighbor to some. the new high school out. After By Fred Kopp, R.Ph. , ciated the good' job he had done, ; rate from the present 71;4% (on 3 Tt f'l 1 d' t th tone. . .: the fil'st $4,800 of income) to . ley al to, n lca e. a all, two members of the Board ~I\.-\L DIRECTO~ I wanted hiS name. which he I 7:3/ 01. ( th f' t $5200 f' I the wage-earner Will contnbute But as (), Woods resident I of Education (that selects the j'ft .. I I J' B ,4,(; on e Irs • 0 In- t 'd' 1 f h II f school sites) are residents of Never kill a fly with a shot- gave. me. .'e I Ieent v: 1m I',wn, I corr..e) beg"mmng .January 1'd 0 me lea care Or t e we -to- eel I've got more than my (,.P.F. HIghway Dept. "1965. This would result in a tax o. sh~re of these non-tax-paying the Shores and one of ;hese is gun, and never use dr:;gs Sincerely. paymeht totaling $403. This 4. T?ey do not tell you that neighbors. the President of the Board. The left over from a serious ill- ness for self. treatment of a Serving Elizabeth C. Bachle figure represents an increase of the~e IS ~ $20 .charge. for out- We pay for their police and Woods (largest of the Grosse, similar ailment. In the first GROSSE POINTE DETROIT • • • $55. which is 16% higher than patIent dIagnostic serVIce. fire protection, maintenance of Pointe communities) is repre-I sented by only one member. case, you'll blow your kitchen .AND SUBURBS Dear Sir: the present tax of $348. 5. And finally, they cannot access and you name it. We ceiling to smIthereens along ." Whose fault is this? It's the Recently. the Wayne County I It should be remembered that denIy that .this bill is admittedly also pay the taxes of home- with the fly. In the second fault of every Woods resident l\oleclical Soc'iety sponsored an I the pa~'roll tax referred to is on y the. fl~st ~tep toward eve?t- ow~ers who were never able to case-you get the point. You WIU.LUl R. HAMrLTO"i II DAVID M.H.um..TON who voted in this present Board ad in the Grosse Pointe News, Ithe INI':..IAI, cost, as figured by u.al soclahz~.tlOn of the entIre hUl.ld on these non-taxed prop- see, modern drugs are highly CLARENCE E. OTTER headed by the question "Can" the U.S. Department of Health, field of ~ealcal care. erbes. . 1 tw~ce as mu('h. Wilbur Cohen, elderly.. They'll use it and we'll pay bother, don't care. I care plenty, This Is the l056th of a series Dl1.13oo rhey t('I'med It phony anthme- i ASlstant Secretary to HEW, told Most SIncerely yours, to keep the snow off of it. now. I hope it isn't too late. of Editorial advertisements ap- tie". not~ng that the King-An. 'I. the Senate Finance Committee John G. Slevin, M.D. Chairman And now there's this new Sincerely, pC3ring in this paper each \\oeek. der~on BIll calls for an increase that he anticipate" the neceli6ity Public Affairs Committee ,high school. Gosh, I wish the CAL SANDBERG

.. ..

I _ ~~ ~_~_ _ __. .. _ __~ __~.~_~ _ ...-._e _._r cCiIIM ' ' sltll5Sr C a.a.. •••• e•• ..- ._ . ._ Thursday, March 26, 1964 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteen Society News Gathered frolll All of the Pointes Easter Produces lesson in Science Colleges Committee Sponsor Symposium Detroit Committee For Seven Eastern Women's Colleges to Benefit From April 29 Panel Di~cussion on State of The Theater -~------A symposium featuring four prominent figures from I the dramatic world in an analv.;is of "The State of the Theater" will be held in Detroit Wednesday evening, April 29, under the sponsorship of The Detroit Commit- tee for Seven Eastern Women's Colleges, and through the cooperation of Esquire Magazine, as a scholarship fund benefit. ! WOMEN'S Pointers serving on the Seve~ College I< ... Axelrod and British theater opportunity to work with a variety of children. tion in Miami Beach. Branstrom Honors students at critic Kenneth Tynan. ltfichigan Club the University of Michigan in- Arnold Gingrich, publisher * * * daughter, DANA ELIZABETH, I guest of MR. and MRS. ED- JANTZ of Allard road, reported Holding Dinner Also Enjoying The Southern Sun ... clude SANDRA L. FLEMING, af Esquire, will serve as mod. dau~hter of :wH. and MRS.JOHN March 9. Dana has one older I WARD S. MOBERLEY. recently for training at Pre- • * • Flight School at the Naval Air erator. The magazine is produc- The University of Michigan ••• is Mrs. A. F. Nerlinger, who has made her J. FLEMING, of Saddle lane; brother, RICHARD STEWART Among the 12 Western Michi. Station, Pensacola, Fla. Up.:m ing the program, the sixth it Club of Grosse PoInte will ob- headquarters in St. Peterr-burg this year instead of Palm ARTHUR G., SHERM.fu~,son of TUTTLE, age three. Mrs. Tuttle I gan University coeds recently graduation from the school he has staged in various parts of serve the birthday of the Uni- B h MR. and MRS. ARTHUR SHER- eac . MAN,of Hawthorne road; GARY is the former ELEANOR K.: initiated as members of Gamma will be commissioned Ensign in the country. versity of Michigan at its an- Prior to her departure, Mrs. Nerliuger was enter. L. ANDERSEN, son of MR. and JOHNSON, daughter of REV.j Pi chapter, Delta Zeta sorority, the Naval Reserve. It will also The Seven College Commit- nual bridge and card party, Fri- I and MRS. IRWIN C. JOHN- is MADELYN GARVEY, daugh- mark an important step in his tee, which in past years has day evening, April 3 at the lained at a luncheon at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. I~ms. HAROLD ANLERSEN, of brought to Detroit such speak~ . Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. . , Bedford road; and DONALD W. ter of MR. and MRS. C. WAR- gaining designation as a naval Hostess for the afternoon party was Mrs. ~erlmger s KOSY, son Of MR. and MRS. SON, of Moran road. Paternal IREN GARVEY, of Lakepointe aviator. ers as Richard Nixon, Edward! Tickets may be obtained by grandparents are the HUGH A. road. ot< .. .. Murrow, histot-ian Arnold "royn- \ calling co-ehairmen, M.rs. Wil- daughter, Mrs. Kenneth P. Locke, of Balfour road. WALTER KOSY, of Peachtree TUTTLES, of Devonshire road. * ... .. I CARLETON C AMP BEL L, bee and scientist Wernher Yon i Ham Krebs, TU 5-3130. or Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James N. MotschaII, of Ii:erby court, lane. Braun, is sponsoring the sym- Norman Lasca, TU 5-8286. left last week to spend Easter ia Delray Beach. oj< .... * • • Three Pointe students, KA- JR., of Muir Road, at~,mded the MR. and MRS. RA Y E. RF.N CASSENS, daughter of i 12th Annual Convention of tne posium to raise funds for De- Other board of governors mem.. Jim and Jon MotschalJ are traveling south with their MR. and MRS. ROGER troti area scholarships to Bar- bers who may be contacted for STEWART TUTTLE, of Vernier HARMS, of Ford court, with MR. and MRS. JOHN CAS_INat.io~al Scie~ce Teachers A.s- (Continued on Page 20) S':"'EVE,RAY, JR., and ANDY, I soclat1on, WhICh was held ill nard, Bryn Mawr, Mount Hol- tickets SIre: George Cherpelis, road, announce the birth of a yoke, ~adcliffe, Smith, Val;sar. Ann Rutledge, Robert Sheridan. -----~------_. - _.~------.... _------nre spending a spring vacation SENS, of Bela~ger r~ad, ROB-I Chicago. from March 20-24. Mr. with Mrs. Harms' parents, MR. ERT HUDSON, son of MR, and Campbell just returned from ~nd We.Besley, explained prO-I ¥rs. Robert Snyder, David Ten. and MRS. ELMER KUNDIN- MRS. S. LYLE HUDSON. of senior high fchool science teach- Ject chalman M..,...;;. Joseph Ross nant, Mrs. Daniel Wells. Mrs. GER, .of Miami Shores, Fla., Mt. Vernon road, and PAMELA ing in Kenya, E. Africa. of Detroit. Albert Conkey, Mrs. Ed.gar formerly of Devonshire road. JEAN LEWIS, daughter of DR. .. • .. The symposium, to be held IHahn, Frederick Hertel, William ... * • LEE A. LEWIS, of Beverly ALAN WRIGHT, so~ of MRS. in bh Ford Auditorium, will be- Hurley, Albert Klick, William J. MRS. HENRY L. PETRI, of road, are among students in. R. V. WRIGHT, of Renaud gin at 8:30 o'clock. Tickets are Adams, Carl R. Carlson, Mrs. Handy road, just returned from ducted into the societies at Ka- $2.40 each. Mail orders, accom- Frank McBride, George E. Park- Will panied by a check made out to er, II and Gerald Stoetzer. We Be Closed Page a week's skiing at Boyne Moun- lamazoo College during the win. (Continued on 18) tain and Otsego Ski Club, left ter quarter. Karen and Pamela --_. '" , Tuesday for Boston, to pick up have affiliated with the Euro- r her daughter, PAMELA, at delphian Gamma sor.:iety and ~. Good Friday Bradford Junior College. and Robert is a member of the Phi to visit with Mr. Petri's mother, Lambda society.

MRS. HENRY S. DENNISON, oj< ... • before returning to see her Pointer CANDY COLETT has from noon until three younger daughter, STEPHANIE, been named May Court Queen off on a IO-dayski trip to Taos, at Kentucky Wesleyan College, New Mexico, with the Grosse and will reign over the annual Pointe War Me m 0 ria I Ski Oak and Ivy Festival April 23 Group. to 25. A sociology major, Candy ... .. oj< has been active in the Kappa WILLIAM BRADLEY, son of Delta sorority, sendng as pledge MR. and MRS. ROYAL BRAD- president, secretary and vice LEY, of Anita avenue, is spend. president. She is a member of WOLTOn-PIERCE iug spring vacation on tour the Methodist Student Move- with the Alma College A Capel. ment and the Booster Club. KEACHEVA1. AT ST. ClA1R GROSSE POINn III Choir. The group will per- * ...... ; form in New York, Washington, PEGGY JEFFS is spending > • D.C., Virginia, Ohio and Michi. spring vacation from her Uni- versity of Michigan classes gan...... with her parents, MR. and Open Thursdays until 9:00 MYRON E. RANNEY, of MRS. T. RAYMOND JEFFS, of Other Days 9:30 to 5:30 South Renaud road, a teacr.er McKinley avenue. in the Elmira School, St. ClaIr• oj< .. ... Shores, is flying today to St. Naval Aviation Officer Candi- DRESS Petersburg, Fla., where he will date JOHN C. JANTZ, son of spend Easter vacation as the MR. and MRS. RICHARD G. with

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- _ _ .. __ ...... ** bz .. b ...... • ...... _ _ ~~ . ~ _ • '. Thursday, Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS ".' '- Thursday, March 26, 1964 ------;;. ------~--~~ Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes w

Peter Whitmans Croatian Stars Mrs. William Tilford Beanl III Local Clubs Slate Travel SOltth Appear April 1 Sandra Lee Wilson New Mrs. ,Julie Cudlip Warren, Zinka Milanov, Metrop.:>litan Ma rr.les Mr. Bea n Easter Festivities daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Mer~ I Opera prima donna, and her Vow j lin A. Cudlip, of Lakeshl)re brother, Bozidar Kunc, inter- _ _ E99 Hunts, Easter B~~~i~s-~-~~{Family Dinners Planned Iroad, and Peter Depew Whit-j nationally known Croation con- Bride Wears Whit;-P;~~ ..-d~Soie Trimmed With Alen- Mr. and Mrs. This Weekend; Most Clubs Center man, of Radnor circle, spoke temporary composer and pianist, con Lace For Rites Saturday in Covenant Hampshire Activities on Children their marriage vows Saturday will be presented in concert Baptist Church, __~~!!oit Episcop -- -~~--_.------afternoon, in Grosse Pointe with the Detroit Symph~ny .or- At a double ring-cerel~ony in the Covenant Baptist Jay Lam Easter comes early this year, but local club members I Congregational Church. I chestra at For ~ AudIto.flum Church, Detroit, Saturday afternoon, Sandra Lee Wilson North Andov and their children are prepared to meet the Easter I The Rev John William Estes I Wednesday evemng, AprIl 1., became the bride of William Tilford Bean, III. as his bride Bunny and/.o~ eat traditional ham or lamb in favorite Jr" officia~ed at the rites, read I Valter Poole will conduct. ' __ ...._. . . _ South Dartmo clubhouse dmmg rooms arou~~ t~:.._t_~~~. ~~~ I in the presence of the bride's '.,. Their appearance is under The bride is the daughter I headpieces were veils accented The bride is At the Grosse Pointe I include Danny Daniels "Pagli- and bridegroom's immediate '., ,....,. .. auspices of the Croat.ian _Board of Mr. and Mrs. W. Heart-I with appliqued green leaves, of Dr. and Hastings, of lh'. LOCh-: II' ~~~~h~~ ~~:;~edca~ne:~:~: b::~ ~~C::s~l~~yw::~~~e~O:a~:i":.::r::~:::";~r t:?:~~~~:~~.r::~~;l~~l~:~; ~It'i@ji:;:::,: ~~~i;~t:~n~;i~~~~E.:~if~e~n:lSO~isOfp;:~~Oi~~ mouth, Her hI pagne dmner, (GPYC an.: t t d d' For the ceremony, the bride dedicated to the enrichment of Mr. and' Mrs. William Til., Carol Ar.iling sweetheart roses. ents are Mr. Cl moor par yare reques e ,an I k'l't . h '" Amerl"'an culture 1 I nually closes its doors duro I • chose a cae tal SUI In a c am~ ..:. f d B II of Bretton I Lamar Newber . I guests. at $1.50 each, may ac- I pagne shade, with a silver blue ....;.;.,.. Proceeds from the event will 0: ean, • I The two-year.old flower girl, Millan road. ~ng .the mon~h of. M~rch, i company members' children. i blouse and sash of moss green be devoted to the Board's long- drive, Rosedale Park. i Nancy Wilson, dressed in pink 'sprmg cleamng hme on! . . I velvet. Her headpiece was a time program for scholarships For ber wedding, the forme!' ! organdy, followed her honor at- The former the Yacht Club peninsula),! 1he Country ~lub of D.~trOl.~: champagne bow, accented by a; . b,esto~ed on students of Croa. M' Wilson chose a gown of i tendant mother down the aisle. chose a gown 0 . d 'E E I has scheduled Easter lime, j wh!,te gardenia. tl&n lineage. .• ISS ... over tissue taff the chll ren s aster gg i ar. egg hunt and party for mem- i Martha Adam was her only at- Mme. Milanov will be remem- 'white pea!.! de SOle, lts sabrIna Jan Labji, of Los Angeles, with a scalloped Hunt, led by Mr. and Mrs. ; bers' offspring. beginning at; tendant, and Mr. Whitman, son bered for her role of Desd'emona neckline timmed with Alencon Cal., .served as best man. Usher- lined in Chantill E"ster Bunny is scheduled: 10:45 o'clock Saturday morning. : of Mrs, Oscar L. Buhr, of Lake- in "othello" which opened the lace. Accents of matching lace, ing were Robert Palmer and bouffant skirt S t d ft' 0 f ;The traditional Easter buffet! land avenue, and the late Royal 't. hit ' matching lace an a ur ay ern ont rom. is on Sunda~"s Country Club i Wh't k d G E V'l 'Me 'season ere as year. were appliqued on her control- : Donald Su~tle. a full chapel train, 1 30 t 3 30 '1 k i ' I man, as e eorge . I - A student in her native Za- led skirt, which ended in a; ,. noon wedding CE : 0: 0 C Oc • I agenda. i 1erot, Jr" to serve as his best ~reb in Croatia, of Milka Terina,. I For her daughter s wedding, A GPYC b d' 1 I man ' W' chapel tram. , M W'l h h th mong oys an glr s At the Grosse Pointe Hunt i . . one of the greatest agnenan I. rs. I son c ose a s ea . . . When they return from a wed- , Her triple tiere plannmg to search for decor- I' Club. Easter brunch Will be, d' t' t J . th singers in Metropoli-:.an history, Her shoulder length veil of ,gown of pink Chantilly lace, veil fell from an ' " mg rIlJ 0 amal(~, e new- '1 .1. db' ated eggs are Bobby Anderson, ,served from 11 until 2 0 clock, 11 ywed "II k th' h.. •.... ,.'. Mme. Ml anov was coaeue Y French illusi,ln fell from a tiara: with matching accessories. Mrs. som ~rown, and J. EN' J L ' and a Children's Egg Hunt, With I 'r ~ WI mda e elf orne In ,... : her brother from the beginning .. i cascade bouquet Immy vereH, ancy 0, OU1S,IspeCIal en t e r t a i I1 men t is' ourame roa . of her vocal training, except for of Alencon lace trimmed w1th : Bean's gown featured a Peacock tis and ivy. Billy and Julie Kahle, Stephen, I planned. The Little Club' is • ------the war years, and has appeared seed pearls. She carried acres. j blue silk bodice with a full chif- Mary Elizabeth Bobby and Jamie Calder, ar.d featuring a family, din n e l' in concert with him often. cent bouquet of white carna-! fan skirt, and matching acres- I r,11l Omegas ,;"'.:;; at thIS meetmg 1n- board for activities of the Con- An Easter Parade for young- the youngsters, and the Easter IReinhard. ot' Lexington road and Miss Mary Coyne, taught years eluded Mrs. Harold Harden, cert's Women's Committee .. ~:t sters under 12 is on the party Bunny has promised to put in Mrs, Peter Witzke of Clalrview ago, to speak informally on his who is vacationing in Florida, Subsequent weekly meet~ngs '.' agenda, and entertainment will an appearance. • court. hobby "Old English Silver and Mrs. Wallace T e m pie for both husbands and WIves ~l. -~--~-~~-~~~~~--~~-~~~-~-~-~~~-~-~--~~- Ma~;" .. 'iarep~nMd~~~kenthu~~m . spendmg a month in Arizona I and' assure sue c e s s for the ~ REPEAT Co!. Clark identified pieces with her husband. Quester Mrs. undertaking. Pointers assisting r.f HAUTe G members brought to the meet- Harry Hauschild and Mr. Haus- with concert plans include Mr. .. AND AD' ing. Mrs. M. L, Van Dagens, who c-hild leave April 1 to tour and Mrs. Merk Sepic, of Grosse leaves soon to live in New York Greece. Pointe boulevard.


~,-....('- .:/1(/""-', ~'--""" WI.':~':~ I~~~U~h;~ ." ...... ~'!:..\~ ~;~ Grosse Point I( ~~;~~~;~m:.~~~t*~~~~£:::~ THE E For TI Will

Candidates and tested Lower ar.d ~cho'arshi!=

Address: 2555 Burr T

GRANTED. Easter Dinne

I The six piece place setting in sterling, eighty five dollars. In UNLESS •• ~ ."'l' Vermeil, one hundred five dollars. Prices include federal fax. i t 6/otz' f .• 1!fa , world authority on beauty comes to J where famil , with loving I with the ac I I, HARKNESS PHAR1~fACY menu of de 20315 Mack Ave. TU 4.3100 .. '. and ...

May WE Discover for yourself Elizabeth Arden's boundless realm of beauty th.e M and enchantment now open before you as you cross our threshold. 6Jotz Skin Care Is Eeeential to properly cleanse, tone aLd nurture the ll\(in. Oeans. the .kin morning and night with Ardena Clean.ins Cream, 1.50, 2.50, 4..00, 7.00; \oDe the CHARLESW. WARREN &COMPANY 1!f(J llkin after thorough cleansing with Ardena Skin Lotion. 1.25. 1.50, 2.50, "'"00. 4.50, JEWELERS 'AND $ILVERUUTHI 7.50, 10.00; nurture the .kin overnight with the precioUl nutriments or Crmne STEUBEN GLASS Serving D, Extrordinaire,4.50, 10.00,20.00. Moisturize the akin before make.up with Mill Arden'. .Mon. 11 : amazing new beauty dimension, Velva Moi!ture Film, 5.00, 10.00, 15.00. pric:

I 1 J

_ ~ ~ ~~ _ --. ~~~ __ ~~ ~ ~ __ ,_~ .. .. p" .. c...- ~~ ~ _ ~------.. .._-- •, March 26, 1964 Thursday, March 26. 1964 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seventeen ,ntes Woman's Page • • • by, of and' for Pointe Women Fiesta Features Mrs. Charles B. Hanneman, tVilson Newberry-Hasti ngs White Elephants Miss Fischer Weds You may have heard all the ~ean VOWS Exchanged elephant jokes. but do you know which elephants make the Charles Hanneman rimmed With Alen- Mr. and Mrs. Jay L~~ma~-Ne;be;;;- III, Travel to New most money? , in Covenant The White Elephants!- espe- Hampshire After March 14 Rites in St. Peter's cially those corralled by the troit Episcopal Church, South Dartmouth,' Mass. Mothers' Club of Austin Catho. ------~--- he Covenant Baptist lie preparatory School for the Jay Lamar Newberry, III, of the Brooks School, April 18 Fiesta. , Sandra Lee Wilscn Nort.h Ax:tdover, Mass., claimed Jane Wendell Hastings Bean. III. Mrs. Carmine De Fusco has a as hIS brIde March 14, in St. Peter's Episcopal Church, room in her house marked South Dartmouth, Mass. ------.------"Elephants," where she' care, es \H:re \"('115 accented The bride i3 the daughter was s~ort. fashioned of white fully cares for the odd-lot ob. pliqued green leaves. of Dr and M N 1 embrOidered organdy over aqua j-ects. When Mrs. De Fusco . c-arried rrescent bou. . . rs. e son tafetta. She wore a wreath of brings her treasures. bright and , p1l1k earndtions and Hastmgs. of South Dart- white marguerites in her hair, shining, to the Fiesta, the ele. mouth. Her .husband's par- and carried a Colonial bouquet phallt market is sure to jump l1ling sweetl'.eart roses. ents are Mr. and Mrs. Jay of matching flowers. eight points. \-o-year-old flower .girl, Lamar Newberry, II, of Me- . It goes without saying that Millan road. Morgan K. Smith. of North ~'ilson. (Jr('sscd in pll1k elephant h,IOters work up large Andover. Mass .• was Mr. New- appetites, so Fiesta visitors will follo\\ed her honor at- The former Miss Hastings I berry's best man, and in the be happy to see Mrs. Ervin mother down the aisle. chose a gown of silk organza usher corps. headed by William Binge, Mrs. James Shields and over tissue taffeta. designed V. King, of North Andover, ,abji, of Lo<; .....ngeles. I Mrs. Vincent Vehar, prepared with a scalloped neckline out- were William W. D1mnell, III, to rustle up elephant-sized hot ..cd as best man. esher- lined in Chantilly lace and a Robeson Peters and Michael B. dogs and hamburgers . e Robert Palmer and bouffant skirt appliqued in! King. all of North Andover, For baked goods, try Mrs. SuttlE'. matching lace and ending in a and Dr. Hewes D. Agn"w, of St. F ran c e s Ryan's Something- full chapel train, for her after. Louis, Mo. From-The Oven booth, and top er da'l:;hter's weddill~. noon wedding ceremony. A t. t h N B d recep lOn ate ew e- off your meal with ice cream l1son those a sheath Her triple tiered silk illusion! ford Yacht Club in South Dart- from Mrs. Arthur Bodeau's soda pink Chantilly lac-e. veil fell from an oran~e bios.: mouth followed the single ring bar. . tehing a('cessories. :\Irs. som crown. and she carried a i ceremony. Home from the hunt without a trophy? Pick up one of Mrs. own featured a Peaeoek e. Be-an donned Hastings. another sister of the: Hampshire, the newlyweds will from Mrs. Remi Victor; for new boulevard. fishing tackle, check with Mrs.' .._ _ _ iI~en suit with a \\'hlte bride. were bridesmaid and I make their home in Andover. Arthur VanHoeck. I hat and light bluE' ac- junior bridesmaid. respectively. : ;. When she and her :\lrs. James Nicholas Noyes, of I • • If, after all is said and done, Bridge Players Bid to Classes return from a wedding ~orfolk. Va., was honorary Set DetrOit Sorosls elephants, (white or pink), are not your cup of tea - confer ngE'les and San Frands- bridesmaid. 7 Spring Bridge Classes, offered aC,knowledged beginner wit h Session For April with Mrs. Joseph Kramer. She wi]j make their home The attendants wore identi- by the Department of Com- basic terms and bidding rules. it. will sup ply shiny, beautiful cal floor length gowns of aqua The annual Ir.~eting of De- gifts for the whole family, munity Services, Grosse Pointe silk organza Over taffeta. with troit Sorosis will be held Tues- Refreshers' Bridge: Tuesday, And remember ... elephants Public School System, are bound April 14, (7:45 p.m.); Wednes- white embroidered silk 01'- day, April 7. in the Marlbo- never forget. They will look for day, April 15, (l p.m.); and gany bands defining their waist. rough road home of Mrs. Cecil to be filled to capacity. as many you at the Fiesta. Thursday, April 9, (7:45 p.m.). lines. Their headpieces were R. Cummings. Grosse Pointe ladies (and gen. This course will review all gen. DlOr bows with full pouf v.eils. Chairman of the cccasion is tlemen, too) prepare for the eral rules of bridge. and they carried cascades of. Mrs. Robert Tompert, and Mrs. Invite Children flurry of spring and summer white marguerites and ivy, Edkar Hahn will review "Cara- Players' Bridge: M 0 n day, ! bridge parties, which seem to The junior bridesmaid's gown' vans" by James Michener. To Easter Party April 13, (l p.m. and 7:45 p.m.). ~-_.- -~~- -~------I be a tradition in this area. This course, designed for the Warren's more seasoned bridge player. ~~x:=:::::",:~::'~:*~rf!*,:;l;~::,*,::~::;':::::::?::::::::~::'~::~:;:;::::w~-::;;;~:;~;;:::::m:r:::~~;::;:fi~:~.[:~;<:::~::nr~w.?<:;:~~~Ac~~:my Taught by Mrs. Carrie Kiley, ~~~:esa~sJC~;~~~: will cover the finer points of seven blidge classes will be of. Blackwood and many advanced is sponsoring an "Easter Party" NEW YORK MONTREAl fered this coming term. 'l'hey strategies. CHICAGO benefit for children n~xt Tues- are as follows: TORONTO day, Marcl1 31, from 10 to 12 Mrs. Kiley will base all 1I:M{1t/1t\10 ~ o'clock, at the Woods Theater. Beginners' Bridge: Tuesday, classes on the Goren method, and recent revisions to this, lI;~ w.-W7l\ J- The program will feature car- April 14, !'It 1 p.m. and Wed- toons, a Three Stooges film, and method will be covered. E'ilch nesday, April 15, at 7:45 p.m. rii OF GROSSE POI NTE Captain Jolly. Tickets are 60c class will include eight weeks ~::j apiece, and may be purchased This class will acquaint the of instruction as well as super. vised play, for two hours each L. Thibodeau. whose current class period. one-man show at the War Memo- For further information and rial contains portra.its of many class reservations, call the De. ~~~~~~;~~1~~~~~~;~:D~'~~~~~~~~~''~{'~~f:~i~~ii;fu;'~of the children planning to ~t. partment of C()mmunity Serv- tend the "Easter Party." ices, TU. 5-3808 or TU. 5-0271.

~ . . . our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused our ~ many friends by the recent fire } THE LIGGETT SCHOOL

Entrance Examinations For The School Year 1964-1965 Will Be Held at the School On FESTIVE Turkey or Ham Saturday, April 4th Hen turkeys tt;r roasting. Traditional hams, including Virginia boneless. Specially priced. Candidates for admission will be interv:ewed and tested for vacancies and waiting lists in the Lower and Upper Schocls. Roast of Young Larllb icholarship information is available upon inquiry. Best At Easter Something sumptuous ••• appreciated AddreS5: by gourmets.

Lamb1 69c lb. 2555 Burns Avenue, Detrcit, Mich. 48214 Mint Sauce, Ready to Serve Telephone VAlley 2-5958 39c The Largest SeLectio-n GRANTED •.. nothing is as pleasant as enjoying Easter Wines -EASTEn. Easter Dinner at home with your farnily UNL.ESS ••• it's dining at of Easter Candies Special Easter prices on Macon BASKETS 6Jotz:, Superior Estate. bottled red or fiR Y jq M v »e: • white Burgundy wine. Ln the U.S.A . iLfaUtt4nru~14nu5~ Cakes, Rolls and Breads Dyes EASTER BASKETS FROM SOe TO $29.95 where family dinners aro prepored and served New York Tea Cookies al}'ld with loving care, just ~s in your own home ... CHOCOLATE COVERED EGGS-FUDGE, COCOANUT, with the added acvantage of selecting from a 15 Varieties, $1.69 lb. Eggs VANILLA CREAM OR FRUIT A~ID NUT. 40%.--40c menu of delicious ala carfe Oi full course dinne;s ... and ... no dishes for mom to wash. Wholesome Fresh Large Size DO-IT. YOURSELF BASKETS .~(1Y we have the pleasure of sharing Bread For Coloring the happiness of Easter with you? Domestic and imported out-of-season fruit from world-wide markets 6Jotzs Another Farms Specialty - CREAM DANICA CHEESE iLfumtqnrUt lLinus~ Deliveries - TUxedo 2~5100 &COMPANY A FAMOUS NAME IN CANDY SINCE 1872 1MIT" I Serving Daily Except Children's and S Mon. 11 :30 - 9 :00 3J4 Sundays 12 ~ 7 :30 Portions Available J~. UlEVARD 17001 KERCHEVAL - GROSSE POINTE ore Hours 9:30 10 ~:OO Call 882.7400 for Reservations 9 Kercheval 3.55 FISHER ROAD NORTHLAND CENTER - SOUTHFIELD Hond. Carry-Out and Free Delivery GENERAL MOTORS BUILDING ~ DETROIT Alw~ys Av~ilable J~ ~ JinW-, }MJIl S/tDp. 820 S. WOODWARD - BIRMINGHAM

____ .7 __ n_ • n __ en • • ===c • • ftzn ••• zznnnm_"ztrnz •• zs=.=.n •• DZP ••••• Strtrbb ••• ------~--~-----~------~------..._------~

Page Eighteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 26, 1964 Thursday. Marc Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes WOI

Shoft and to _t~_ePointe BaD~J~~utl~ll.tol~rh.}\~ci~e~~~~A/ha~~ Mrs. Loyal A. Eldrige, II Church Women Barbara Bohn Bride ~- -- • • • ,~,,~~ Plan Quiet Day (Continued from Page 15) I daughter of :\IR. and :\ms, S. J \~, I I d Pointe . .-\, WALTER ,)! Chalfonte ave.' ~1R. and ~iRS. ROBERT T. B. Of L E · II road. has pledged. ~hl ~a"l1ma ,nue, are now on home lea\'e 1 PEIRCE, of LinC{)ln road. leave I Reprepentatives fro m the oya rig e Dl:'lta at Cornell l'mversl~)'. I prior to beginning a two.year: saturda~' for a two-week va~-! Grosse Pointe Memorial Church I , ••• ,assignment as Peace Corps Vol. tion in Del Ray. Fla. Therr I ,Women's Association will jour- _ Five N~ Commg from The L,f',t>lanau,''lllt""r!<, \ daughter. JA.N,rE,will come fro.m : ne~' to First Pre s b y t e ria n d (" d ~II -- C- . Iroq ois S h I GI H bo 1 h to' "'". her ts I : Church of Birmingham Wed- We ding Trip in "ana a rv ows eremony '" . u ~r oods'E • en ar .r.•• ~c 'th I ThE'\' are two of 41 Voluntl:'ers : Boston to JOln d paren 10 : nesday, April I, for a "Quiet Avenue Christ Lutheran Church and ReceptIon Mrs. Robert Snyc spen aster \'acahon In e 'who I~a\'e for PE'ru :\Jarch 30 to : the South for 10 a.vs. f"omte. are ROBERTA RODG. work on a romrJ:~~ty dE'wlop.' • • • 'Day." from 10 in the morning At Detroit Yacht Club University \ ER. senior, daughter of ~IR, ment projPc: The\" will join INGRID LAGERFELDT. the until 2:30 in the afternoon. ~ . Mrs. Johr ~nd ~RS, R, M, RODGER. of nearly 400 ~thc;-s . alread~' at daughter of ;fR. and MRS. Sponsored by the Detroit I At a. Saturday afternoon ceremony in Iroql;lOls Ave- Se Lakecrest lane: ALBERTA .T" work in Peru in education. mral i RALPH LAGERFELDT. of Al!.- : Presbyterial Society, the "Quiet I nue ChrIst Luthe~an Church, Barbara WallIS Bo~n, BAF.:RES. TV,. SOPho~ore: spe.nd. : and urban community d!'\'e!op.' dubon road. has been elected I Day" . will emphasize silence. i daughter of Mr. and Mr~. Wallacf~ Henry B~hn .of Lm- Mrs. Robert r. l:lg th(' spnng h~hda~ S \\ Ith , ment, sa\'ings and loan plannmg. to the May Court by her c1ass- both 10 Church programs and, coIn road, b~ame the brIde of LGyal Arthur c.ldndge II. term as president hIS gra~dparents. ~'!l,an~. MRS, ,and health work. Peace Corps mates at Sullins College. Bristol. i at l~ncheon: Bible study ~nd a: The Reverend Ervin H.' ---- ~------~- -~~.- American Associati LELA~D D. Bl RTO.", 0.£ officials said, V~., where she is a sophomore. .: I speCIal mUSIcal program WIll be I . _. . II. of Pemberton road. asked Gro~e Pomte boulevard; Et;. • • • , • • • " " 'included in the "Qlliet Day". Hartman. ottlcla~ed at the his br~ther Ch:ules D. Eldridge annual meeting. t;;:~E P, BI~~ER .. JR.,. son. Cy~mR£E PRA!!". d~ughter of I' JOHN E. QUINLAN. PAT- .' I observance. I ~ouble nng serVICe. Mr. L~-: III of Ann Arbor to be his best Four other offic (\;. ~lR, and :URS, E('GE~E P:. \lR. and :\ms. .mWI~ PR.~.TT. RICK D. QUIl"LAN and JAMES I .:\ ! Pointe women wishing to at-l 10Y Sarg~~t was the barI- man. Cshen~g :....ere Roger .~: elected to two yea Blct~DLEIRL'Llo;CDh~RIfGonEtLea~entoler' of ~eff road. will be touring I B, QUINLA1,. sons of Mrs, Bon. I ' ',' , : tend are asked to contact Mrs. I tone SOlOISt. Bohn, the bn?e s brother. WJ1 They are Mrs. Jolt an ~.", • . JUIH . with the Alma College Concert"., .. :,. ~' ' 'Earl H. Quick. TU 2-7307. be-I The bride chose for her wed. !iam R. Eldndge, the broth~ enberg Jr., secOl d311~hter of ~lR. and ~lRS, Band "arch 31 through April 3 :me Qumlan. of Lakepomte. ~oad, I ,' ...... ~-, fore Monday noon, March 30.' ding a gown of oyster white of ~h~ groom, Steven ,_L~\,'iS. hhta }.<".:.._~": president or prog FLOYD W, DARGEL. of Lex. J BeginJ~tng with a concert i~ Iare horn: fromhHowe ) J ~~, ',,:' ' ,', brocade banded in white satin T'nom:iS RU621~s. and ErIK Serr, 7 velopment chairm. I::gton road, I Lakeview. the group wiI! con. I Academ) f?r t e Easter ho I. : ~ . ~~~...<'': with a chapel train. A satin and :\In Bohn greeted gues".B at James P. Stuart Jr. • • • ! timlt' a circuit of sl:'\'l:'ral ~Iich. i dthays.JO~tn is ~ me.mber °dftbothk : l .":~~1':."~;Fi,wl Concert pearl pill-box held ,he:- el!>?w t~e Detroit Yacht Club rece?" Army Specialist Four ROBERT: igan cities. Others to be visited! e ':arSI y sWlIl~mmg ~n r~c . i : l,.,...... ' , length veil. She carned a whIte tlon 11 a sky blue crepe shea,h ing secretary; Mrs. J BA:;\, 24. son of :\IR. and ~lRS, : a-re Standish, Fain'iew, Hillman.! teams. Pat receIved hIS varsIty ! ",~,~,.k\ "~~\ ~ lFor PrQ Mltsica orchid with stephanotis on a with hU6~e. i>ead:eclalist in the 73d Artillery's; '.. * !re~ords .. but JIm ~ec.entl~ re- I ' " '> 't;,.~.~ . '1 he brIlha~t young mezz?- J the bride was her maid of' The mother of the onde- dent (one year onI 5:h BattalIon in Germany. i PETER KIRKE BC\tPl'S. son 'I ('el\'ed hIS fourth dlstmgUlshed , .' s?~rano, Re~ma Sarfaty. WIll J honor. H~r bridesmaids were groorr. cnose a pale 0nk Ciel a vacancy,. Specialist Ban entered the: of :\lR. and :\IRS. HERBERT honor card and was promoted! gl\ e. t~e clOSIng concert of Pro: Christine Gillespie of Cleveland. Ch.apr:1an go..m In chiffon, On .-\.rmy in :\Iay 1~~ and com.: XOBLE Bl:,)1Pl'S. of ~k.\HlIan i:o Private First Class. I , J\IUSIC<:ls current season on Sat-! 1m. Thomas Hext of Detroit. her ma:ching l}ink PUT-'€' were Mrs. Synder is a gr ;'_.eted .baSIC tramlng, at Fort: mad. was recently awarded his I • • • \ ".,.,: urday. April. 4, at. 8:30 o'clock. 1and ~1rs, Thomas Wells of Fern. pinneo1 pale gree:l orchi?-s. , • the University of Mich Knox. Ky. before arnv~ng over. : \arsity letter "A" i~ squash by I MRS. ClL>\RLES MARSTON. ...:~':'i at the DetrOit Institute of ..\rts. I dale. The maid of honor and For her wedding tn~ L"'hO the degree of Baehe1< .""~'as thE' followmg Octooer. He Amherst College, ,of Middlesex road. will hostess: i Originally scheduled March; bridesmaids were gowned alike Canaca. the ~ride WOre an ~q:la sign from the School '* tecture, She has serve i~ a 1957 graduate of Grosse Bumpus graduated in 1961' a cocktail party in her home: ; i 20. Miss Sarfaty's performance I in floor length deep rose silk ''';001 suit tri:nmed In. ma~cmn? Pointe- High ~chool and a 1960 from Grosse Pointe High School; from 5 to 7 o'clock Friday" '" i was postponed because of her' organza over taffeta with a fly- 5 a : i n. Her accesSOrIes Vi ere as chairman of public graduate of Ferris State College. : where he was a member of the i April 10. at which plans for the :- ---.,". ,,' .... ~'..... ,.' '. ~-., i great popularity with European! iog back panel. The\' carried black. temporary Literature • • • : ~ational Honor Society. home. I Democratic Women's Confer-: 'LIS BOHNY d~~Bht;;tt : audiences. which necessitated I chapel bouquetb of 'i\i;ite -:arna, "When the. youn~ ('ouple r~- Arts and Children's TI JOY CHA~DLER, junior at ~room president. student council: enee. s c h e d u led April 29, The former BrJ\RBARA WAL .' g ! the lengthening of her tour! tions and sweetheart rose buds, turn they WIll resIde ~ their During the past yea Denison l:ni\"(>rsity. Granville. 1 representative and r€'Cipient of I through May 2 in Washington.; of Mr. an~ Mrs. \\ allace Henry Bohn of Lmcoln road, Iabroad. I The bridegroom. son of :\Ir, newl) purchased home 10 De. been third vice-presic 0, has rerE'ntly been elected th£' Citizen.<.hip award, In the: D.C., will be discussed. ' was marrIed Saturday to the son of AIr. and .Mrs. Though still in her i<>arlv20's I and Mrs. Charles D. EldrIdge troit. also has been a board p:ed!Ze tramer of her chaptN of athletic realm. he earned ~'arsity : '" . '" '" Charles D. Eldridge, II, of Pemberton road. I Regina Sarfatv has a~ i~pres~' ------_ of the PT A Council anc

Kappa Alpha Th~ta national I letters in ,basketball. t~nms and! Jl'DETH G 1L:\I 0 REV A N ~ ,,' A. I sive musical' backgroulld. She' versity of Michigan sorority thNe, :\1155 Chandle:: golf. semng as C<:lptam of the I HA~iM. daughter of ~IRS. GIL- : Cancer Crusade Starts pril 1 I is a graduate scholarship stu.: Grosse Pointe. and Cll] :s the daug,1ter of :\lRS. JOlL'>; latter sport, . : ~IORE S. VAN HA:\DI, of' . __ ~ ~ __ ~_ I dent from the Julliard School, i Secret FULFILLMENT president of the Gros: L CH..\SDLER. of Trombley i At Amherst Peter .earned hIs: Bishop road. has been elected. Congressrr.an John E. Fogarty, search for the cause and cure i and first came to the attention' TV a'ld Motion Picture road. i freshman numerals 111 basket. i to membership in the honor. known on Capitol Hill as, of CrIppling and killing diseases, J of New York critics through, Adds Glamour Above the Bra for Mrs, Schonenberg h: • • • 'ball and golf: S.ophomo:e Yl:'ar 'society Pbi Kappa Phi. Judeth "Health Spokesman in the In addressing the luncheon; several outstanding perform-: the small bust or average figure. on the AAUW board, ,ROBERT ~' CO~. son. of he won varslty lette~ m bot~ I is a student in the University' House" and to health Hnd wel- i as,sembly April 1, l\u:. ~OgartY I ances in Opera Workshop pro.: 1e t t e r chairman, T ~,r, a.i1d :\lr~. Bruce \\'. Co\eJI .• squash .and golf. He ~s current of ~lirhigan's School of Archi. : fare agencies throughout Amer-, WIll stress the enormltJ of the j'ductions there. ' Committee chairman :t1 :-,.. of uetroJ! and h!s WIfe ly ~ernng as sports edItor of the I teet 'ica as "Champion of Better cancer problem in the United d t th ! ~ . man of the Recent C J U D { T H WALTER COVELL. .\mherst s t l/ den t lIewsPBPer'l ure...... * :Health for the Na+ion \. will be ' States and the stepS being taken I She. has ap~eare a e ------'. ~ , , . BerkshIre !\iuslc Genter. was gro-up.

MR. and MRS. LESTER F. I guest speaker at the Michigan'?y the Gt>vernment toward flOd- II' the winner of the 1957 Walter: Mrs, Stuart has bee ' · . I RUWE, of Tour~ine road . .are' Cancer Foul1dati.?n's ann u a l' mg an a~weI". ,. !\L Nat1mburg Tow n Hall: time member of the I expected back In the Pomte Cancer Crusade KIck-off Lunch-, A speClal feature 10 thiS: A.ward has toured with the' .? Writing group and pn Y4ancy S Hatr Fash LOns i early next month. Thf! Ruwes : eon Wednesday. April 1. year's Crusade will be the. s~ow-l NBC Opera Company and ap-, serving as chairman. : ha\'e wintered in Palm B~ach. I Tt", luncheon, to be held iI} ing of "~ime Out for Livmg.", peared with the Santa Fe Opera, Mrs. Sandell was 'rene Halt, prop...... the Ballroom of the Park Shel- a ,ne~\' film produced b~' ~e the ~ew York City Opera Com- , Book Sale chairman. ] Advanced Hair Sly:mj: and P~rmanent Waving key has been Members] V1rilnl" Farrell .-\~ademy-Qualifi ..d Imtructor J A~ET KA YE SCHMALTZ. ton Hotel in Detroit. \\-;11 be at- ' 101lchlg~n Cancer ,Foundat~on l pany and the Washin!~on. D.C., ! daughter of DR. and MRS, , tended by more than 100 lead-, prirnaril~ f~r the informatIOn I Opera Society. . j Nc A~~OI"tme'"'l! ~eceSS:lr; JOH~ D. SCH:\IALTZ. of Ken. ing figures from chic. social.! and moUvatH~n of mer,t ~oward! _. _ \\ ()Pen 8 00 !0 5 00 ,/.,I0n. l~ru Sot, singlVn road. and A:\iY JA~-. fraternal labor. industrial and! better proteetlon of therr nealth. ! ", E....en'''cs Cy f.ppC'lntmenIS ,\ 'ETTE GOULD. daughter of religious' men's organizations' It will b~ offe~ed ~o all men's I }' Easter BUJ ~lR. and MRS. R ALP H G .. from the four-county area of; orgaruzatlOns m Wayne, Oak- '"{, St-:l"'OOO ond Set ... 1.75 Heir Cutting ,.l.SU i ROBISO~. of Stanton lane. ha\'e 'Southeastern Michigan. : land .. MaC{)mb and Monroe I In facie I' 146~ 7 f:. Jeffenon Phone VAlley 2-4414 i been n a m e d to the Dean's. Cungressman Fog a t~...... as I countIes.. _ : '~~:. P.ar~ 012 Cbureh Lot in Rear \'Honor Roll at Stephens College, 'first elected to the U.S. House' R,epr~en~ti~es of these, o~-: l~3 __ ,Columbia, Mo. of Representatives from his na- gamzatlOns mvlt.ed to the Kick-l (~ ~-~'ilI1!-':-".-k.--,-~--~---l~-MS:-~--~,-~;;>l~...-~=-,-£,:;-~-,,-,~----~-~-m!-li1-~--~-&m--F-:~"-'-~.'r:-:II • • • ti\'e state of Rhode Islanc:l in OfdfLuncheon \\h'i!-lbe entcourtha~-l "\\ { ~ DR. and ~RS. MICHAEL J. 1940. Assigned to the Appropri- e to. presen~ t 15 film 0 eII j ;~~ ""$0\" " . • Reverse Painting Nl '';~.'' '\ I I In .~lk by m B R E N NAN, of Three Mile ations Committee in January. constItuents a I:-eon- ..." .... ~ \' l Glass of Daniel Webster m I drive. h~sted a tea for their 1947. he has sen'e(j ever since: am Woodcock. '\ ~ce Presld.ent, ~~ ::.TWO. DAY \', t ~~:daughter. :rHERES~. and 50 oi on the subcommittee providing. o! the Inte~atlOnal Umon. i b,y W. M. Prior, { @! her Dommfcen HIgh School funds for the Departments o~ I UA~ and ueneral C:~de I 1806 to 1873 " ~r ~j classmates. last Sunday. March, Labor and Health. Education i Charrman for .the ~chigan : ~{ r: ~i 2Z. Pouring at the afternoon i and Welfare. As Chairman of I Cancer Fo~daUon. this year. II • Self-portrait Charles ~\ I fete were the Misses JEAN Ithe subcommittee for the past! Others ,ta~g Part m th.e pro- I \\ }' SEBVI(; E ~ Waltensperger \\ t" ~ I CORNELL, CLAUDIA CHAP- 14 years. Mr. Fogarty ha~ gain-! gram \\ill m<:lude Te~ Lindsay, ; tY Lilyette $6.95 \' oot ~ i LOW. JUDITH BUYDENS and ed an international reputation: form: De~lt ~e~ play~ \' 1 ~m: i v \\ j:~ 0 • Indian territorial map, t: I DIANNE DeCONNICK. I for his continuing efforts in! nam to e a ame m I \\ ~~< ~ I * * * medical research. : 1~6~ and presently a Cru~d,e! sizeable REMOVABLE FOAM RUBBEP PUSH-liP D.-"D$ ~"e V~ 0 )) \) Our Bunn~ holds 0 cora ~~::~ ON MOST ~ I PAMELA SMITH, daughter During his tenure 6f service; C aIrman for the Foundt!:uon s , pro\locative fulf,lled bcS-.""\rrJ. fe' r-e ""':-~r o::.,~ oe,.-::-lie'o~. ~) $20.00 ,~: ~{ of the BRENT SMITHS, of Mt. on the Committee. appropria-. South Oakland County UOl.t and ! • Indian painting by Gcss.omer I,g~t ....I~ .... Ice cff-~e-s.~:._!~e- .:=~ 50:€ ~~::;)S <.( f.,.~,,::1,'::-; Vernon road, has been elected tions for the National In.stitutes i Dr. Oscar D: Stry~er, PreSident. 1 ~i and 0 bock that plunges lower then e"-er, ~::'c'e ~lth ~)\\ - M p.orrespon:ling secretary of the of Health have tripled from an I~ atten~mg will be Foundi.. Medina 10\ling core cf Bon.lor' lece c!"'d LYC ~ $por'\C-exelcstic:. \ Genuine Stone F; • Eng rav., ng ~ Zeta Chapter of Delta Gamma original 31,.2 million dollars in! tIOn executives. members of the • Small ship pail"!ting r.{ Ii sorority at Albion College for 1946 to approximately $9.68 mil-j BOcu:d of TrusteP.s and C~de White or Block, A or 8 cups, 32 ...36. ~~ " ~ the school year 1964-65. Pamela, lion for 19.64. This increase in I Cha.l1'1l1.en from other UQlt or- >~ \\ Easter Egg Cha ~:: ~ in her junior year at Albion, is available funds has permitted i ganlZations throughout the four- l j ti • Watch Repo.1r.1ng * majoring in elementary aduca- the, Institutes t? ta~e great Icounty ~ . The N ~~ tion. I stndes fOI'\\lard In a constant I ---- Parliamentary law Club 11 [: ml--~------~-: MITCHELL'S « \\ ~:~• Charm Bracelet Soldering *i ITo Meet Next Wednesday; \\ by The Detrnit ParlIamentary: ~;;[ I FlJBS ALTERATIONS I 17331 MACK ~~ bet. Neff a"d St. Clair r.:,:.:.t:,,:,',:-:, ~ ~~c~~~~~~~~RS Me~'~~P~~~",. Ii ;:a~io;IU~f Willw:::~.:t ~~b:e~fl,i 371 Fisher Road, Grc~.e Pointe 30 , ~ We Convert doubl •• b... .lIlteti :\letr0politan Detroit in Second TU 2-4724 TU 5-9456 H Open Monday FREE PARKING ~ suits to single-bre~lted avenue, from 10 o'clock to 12 {i thru Thursday, ~~I R'::'~k.t~;~::r . ' . Skilled Workman.hip • • • Inoon, next W.ec1nesday, April 1.. I ''::; 9 AM 6 PM Available next • d J I< t L C' ty ,. N BPI ;::: ..•.. . ~ ncom~~e~eI. a '15 i .urs. o.rns " a mer, regIS' :< Friday and Sat. to Valente ?'d I I'ur Service. CLEANERS 6' TAILORS ! tered parl.amentanan a!ld memo t 9 AM.~8 P.M. Budding 14440 f. Jefferlon 821-4063 14440 E. JeHeTVJn 821-4063 Ii ~~l~ of the ~at~onal ~lsociatio~ I y ~I.I ar jj amen anans. WI presen t @. a lesson on "Toe A.B.(' Drills." Entr'ance Examinations for m VALENTE EWElILY II -----.. .~---._~-_._._. in 14 Karat Goh Exquisitehankut Easter 8 choice "f. richly-colorel r./"'f~, Grosse Pointe University School prec:ous stones--Amethy~ ~ 'p.. Ii E 1\ S T E R F LOW E R S or Inca-RoS& Banded an trimmed in 14 K gold. A ~ Ii for the school year 1964-65 make Easter unforgettable ~, 16601 E. WARREN TU 1-4801 ~ actual size. ,,/.w..@";.t;lJ%f.'.@.<%w.:0«;~W.~~#,.$;o/g~@I(~~~f%#X~$$f~ CI\mll Including Fed. Tax i''':h,'~/~ _____ -...... -- • ~ .J-- ~~ • will be held at the school on The bE!stand newest 14K pld bractklwltliOt \ cllarm. varieties availabfe. SATURDAY, APRIL 11th BERKSIIIIIE jf\ choice assortment Valen1 oir plants at the acme Admission with Scholarship JEWELRY of perfection . . . fresh 16601 E. Warren TU Outstanding boys and girls wh,:! would not be able to ~ttend from our greenhouses ~RIi~~ without financi,;ll assistance are invited to enter the scholarship at prices which challenge competition which is open to students who will enter the Seventh. comparison. HOSIERY Eic;hth, Ninth, TenH, or Eleventh Grades September. 1964. TUxedo 5-4900 SALEI -Regular Admlission- March 19 thru March 28 Candidates for regular admission will be considered for entrance • • ULTRASON .•• the nylons fashior.ed with sound to the Seventh. Eighth. Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Grades in the beautiful waves. Regulerly $1.b5 on 5ale upper school. In the lower school boys and girl~ will be considered $1.29 for entrance to Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, First, Third, 3 plira $3.19 fourth (girls only). and Fifth (boys only). Save 1.16 230 GROSSE' POINTE BLVD. Inquiries should be addressed to the school promptly. at the foot of Lothrop Rd. :lop 0' :lite fiill Address: J 045 Cook Road, .Grosse Pointe, Michigan 48236 18590 Telephone TUxedo ... 4444 . Mack Ave. 104 Kercheval TU 2-8826 NATIONALLY KNOWN FOR 'FINE FLOWERS AND PLANTS Grosse Pointe Farms

t l..... • = ca=====n • sn o no 1arch 26, 1964 Thursday, March 26, 1964 ntes GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nineteen Woman's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women Bride Pointe AAUW Elects Betrothed J uly Bri~de Betrothal Told! Fall Bride Social Security.Greatly Changed 1 Will R:>gers once said, "My creased social security's pro- ge, II .'.'. I biggest problem as I grow olde~ tection of the worker and his Five New Officers .'.. '... : is not finding out how little I family. Now, disabled workers, emony in Iroquois ':."[ know. My problem is that I regardless of age, are covered; and Reception , know so much that ain't so."! the workers' families are pro. Ib Mrs. Robert Snyder to Head Local Association Of I The accelerated developments 1tected in case of death: no mar. University Women For Next Two Years: of th~ twentieth century lead II ter how young the workers y in Iroquois A ve- Mrs. John Schonenberg. Jr .• Named us to feel quite the same way are; and both men and women ara \V allis Bohn, Second Vice President as Will Rogers. C hang e -Imay retire and draw social ~nrv Bohn of Lin- rapid change-is the order of security benefits as early as ~rtliur Eldridge II. Mrs. Ho~ert H. Snyde~~-was- ~e-TeeteQ to a two year the day, in almost every area age 62. term as preSident of the Grosse Pointe branch of the of life. Prom the day a young work- nberton road, asked A . '\ Ask someone what s 0 cia 1 er has had at least a year and rnencan , ssociation of University Women at the March security me::.ns to him and you a half in covered work, he be- . Charles D. Eldridge annual meeting. ~~------, , " ,- - ,<',".. may get an answer like this: gins to have social security pro- Arbor to be his best

FOtUdr tother officers were' man. Study Group chairm an, ..A••X... "Social security i~ ":?at y~lU tecti°ln. b h ~ring were Roger C. 1 h .;.(,;t' I bride's brother. Wil. e ec e 0 two year terms.: recording secretary and c air- ,." get when you ri'>ach 65. WhI e, To earn more a out t at pro- :ldridge. the brother Thev are Mrs. John Schon- i man_ of Fellowships and Status this idea is not entirely wrong, gram and the protection it 'oom. Steven Levit., er.berg Jr., second vice-I of W?men. , ". it is far from being the whole provides, write to your social I;:.::ie,;. and Erik Serr. President or p og a d - I ThiS year s Nommatmg Com. story. Many changes have been security district office for nn greeted guestI'; at , .I' r me; mlttee was beaded by Mrs. made in the social security law Booklet No. 35, "Your Social velopment cnalrman; Mrs.; Edgar A Hahn and included over the years, making it a S€'curity." It's free. t Yacht Club recep- ,ky blue crepe sheaEl ~ames P. Stuart Jr., record-: Mrs. Richard Heglin, Mrs. Wi!- program of lifetime protection, The Detroit.East social secur- e - headed ovcrblous~ mg secretary; Mrs. Edward' liam T. Krebs, Mrs. Wallace I Photo by Eddie McGrath Jr. Photo by Gene Butler rather than merely a retirement lity office is located at 17731 Sandell, corresponding sec-: T£'mple. and Mrs. Frank W' At a recent cock~ail party, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. : Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. The engagement of ALICE insurance plan. E. Warren, Detroit, Michigan ling accessories_ She i retary; and Mrs. Albert i Thompson. .and Mrs. Russell Zlmmelman, of Howe, Sr., of South Renaud Galarowicz of South Renaud MARIE ROWE, daughter' of Congressional action has in- 48224. cymbidium orrhids. I )~her of the bride. Cunkey t h i r d vice-presi- i ------Neff road, annou~ced the en. road, have announced the en- road announce the engagement Mrs. Elsie V. Rowe, of Lancas- 1------_ ' . :B. h T lk gagement nf theIr daughter, of their daughter, .JOANNE ------~se a pale pink Ciel dent (one year only to fIll: lS Op to a ROSALIE, t""c Louis H. Jacobs, gagement of their daughter, ANTONIETTE, to Ronald Ver- ter road, and Paul W. Rowe, of 1 .. -. gown in eniffon. On a vacancy). IA S' C'l son of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell HARRIET ANNE, to Carl E. non Saiter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hampton road, to Paul Freder- FOR BOY.s 7 _17 in.~ pink pur,;e were Is" :\lrs. Synder is a graJuate of ; t t. .are .Jacobs, of Livonia. McGeath, Jr., son of Mr. and Carroll D. SaitoI' of San. ick Jalon, son of Dr. and Mrs. ,.1... 1. e green orchids. 1JA... the University of Michigan with: . Both the bride.e:ect and .he.r Mrs. Carl E. McGeath, Sr., of ,dusky, O. Joseph J. Jablonski, of York- I . ATLANTA, MICHIGAN - wedding trip into I f.~ £' brid£' wore an aqua the degree of Bachelor of De- i The wittv and ever popular fIance ~tten~ed Ea~tern. MIChi-' Petoskey, Mich. Both are graduates of the shire road, Detroit, has been an- i ~' ..7... :.:.<'~.":.•'. f.~.'.'/$t ~...\ <,.• C~~~I~~I~~rr:~e~e~~o~lo sign from the School ot Archi- :Bisho Charles N ll' of gan UniverSIty. MISS. Zmuner- . .' 'University of Detroit. They are "~ r.~~2ku'" ('amp-owned acres in the tall trImmed in matching tecture. She has served AAUW' ,. P . . e. Igan man is currently teachmg in S~. MISS Howe IS curren~ly. en-I planning their wedding for nounced. ~~ ~ pines on a large private lakhone 11. (Chaplains' Corps). i North Oxford road. n enJoya e evenmg WIt a . . .

Committee ehairman ~d chair- Hostesses for the occasion will: Bobby, christened in St. dual purpose is planned by the II AprIl .8, at 12 o'clock noon, m MISS Edna Hack as gene:all Traditio.nal 8-Course m

14K p1d llraet1et .R1Iout C1IIrm. $16.50 luncheon.card party. "SpringiWayne University for scholar. ,i: FOR SCHEDULED INSURANCE i,ll Bpauty." in the Crystal Rail, i ships. I:: ' j I Ie It ~~ S t : room of the Whittier Hotel' A limited number of reserva. .Ii ESTATES ~ SALES 1, I : Tuesday, April 7. at 12:30: tions are still available. The !, . I ;.',,1 OC e e a on o'clock. : tickets are $1.25. If interested, ~ 1 Admis.,ion donation is $3.50. please contact Mrs. Alexander ~l • i JEWELRY and reservations may be ob. Wescott, the president of the ~ tained by contacting Mrs. An. organization, at TU 5.9274 or 1 I E. Warren TU 1-4800 thony Pa'pa. LA 6.2147. or Mrs. Mrs. Edward Szymanski, at LA,~ 424 Book Bldg., Detrol.t 26, Ml.chigan 'I is pleased to present Robert Rheaume. LA 7.0697. 7-2708. i~ I e +0 ottend ~------~- ~ WOodward 1-9085 . i ~ scholarship MR. DENNIS LUPO _____ ~~__=_~_.. ~ .li I the Seventh, I 1964. ~ i to Grosse Pointe - , i oster direct from the for entrance • • • vibrantly fresh, fra.grant and Cotffure Americana I I rades in thQ beautiful . . . to express your Easter joy • • • i. ~considered Salon of CORSAGES - CENTERPIECES I I First, Third, PLANTS AND PLANTERS New York City FRESH FLORAL ARKANGEMENTS mptly. 18590 48236 TU Mack Ave. 1-7800 Grosse Pointe ORIVJ:-IN PARKING Farms FLORIST Est. 1893

- .~ s' .- s- __ citre .~ •. _ ~ ...... ". ,.. . '...... _ ~ .. r...... __...... -. .--...... _.-.....I.-..-=....:. i & i i & .. tr zi • tr • eM" t b b ...... • ' ..' ..:. M e' be bs be bs .. ei. » M'. &tteitM • "; ._hi tre • .ecttrbCmbsbbbrttb ...ejp,"bF"_"'~ ...... -.__ _ _ ,.e. • w.s a • • • as $ , a $

Thursday. March 26, 1964 Thursday. Ma Page Twenty GROSSE POINTE NEWS OR Woman's Page by, of and for Pointe Women JAMES MILTON • • • Dr. James Milto 16904 St. Paul, died Legion Ladies Harper Hospital at Bridge Club 79. Engaged From Another Pointe of ViE~wD~vid .G. Gore Holding Sale Dr. Robb was St. Lucy's Sodality ,Weds zn East chief of staff at Ha (Continued from Page 15) __ Lists Winners and a resident of The American Legion Auxil- area for 50 years. B The chapel of the Church of . ., parents, and the famlly will visit Mrs. MotschaIl's paren~s, iary, Grosse Pointe Unit 303 is Sound, Ontario, Dr. Sees Azure Spring Mr. and Mrs. George "ireis, who reside permanently In Mediator, Allentown, Pa., was I Grosse .POInte MemorIal BrIdge having- a rummage sale A!,ril graduate of the Det Delray Beach. the setting last Saturday, :March I Club wmners have been an. 3rd starting at 9 a,lll. at 20916 of Medicine, now " Lavender Butterflies to Provide Decorative Accents * * * 21, for the wedding of Jonny. nounced. Mack avenue. University and the At Luncheon-Fashion Show a'~ Hillcrest Among The Returnees ~ • • lee Rodgers to David Gregory i March 16:~North and ~outh, of Edinburgh, Scotla To Hold Fashion Party a Fellow 01 the Ro: .... is Mrs. Longyear Palmer, back in her Washing- Go;:~. j Albert Boelens and RIchard At Gowanie Golf Club of Surgeons, past p Country Club Next Wednesday ton road home after a trip to Philadelphia and New York The bride is the daughter of i ~ewkirk; Mary Hentgen and the Michigan Stat An azure spring is in store for members of St. Lucy's for flower show judging. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rodg.j Niobe Gates. The social committee of Gow. Society, member of Christian Mothers SOdality, who will gather at Hillcrest 'While in Manhattan, Mrs. Palmer attended the an- ers, Jr., of Allentown. Her hus- I East and West:-Mary Wood anie Golf Club, headed by Mrs. can Medical Associ 1. band's parents are Mr. and Mrs. and Isabel Hollinger; Pat Ed. president of the Wa: ',Country Club next Wednesd~y, Al'ril nual meeting of the Judging Committee of the Garden Gerald Grow and hei' assistant, Mrs. C h a r 1e s R. Van ------.-- Club of America. Edgar Gore, of McKinley ave- munds and Helen Schwartz. Medical Society, a Mrs. Dave Harrison have planned :Assche, of South D u val will present fashion~ and hair R . ld F G- h nue. March 18:-North and South, the Detroit Academ 'road, c()..chairman with Mrs. Home from Florida is Mrs. egma . liven, w 0 Mr~. Robert E. Strach, of.we~t Emma Harvey and Elsie Navy; the annual Spring Fashion and cine, past preside] Tho mas Fresard, of St. styles. I vacationed in Fort Lauderdale, and plans to entertain Readmg, Pa., was her SIster S Daniel Huff and Robert Rubl. Card Party to be held no Thurs- American Academy I mology and Otolan Sodality women, including i hel' sister, Mrs. George Taylor, of Toronto, in the Pointe only attendant, and Albert G~re, East and West:-Leo Lesinski day, April 16. Clair Shores, has planned Mrs. Fred Van Assche. of Moor. this Easter. of Grosse lIe, served as Mr. d H ->'k C . Mr and Fellow of the Amen, a delightful afternoon. Gore's best man. an en(!l'1 ~amer, . Mrs. Maria Dinan, and the of Surgeons, a merr Following luncheon at 12:30 land drive, and Mrs. D. J. Hall- Mrs. George R. Clark is ensconced in her TrQmbley After a wedding trip to Flori. Mrs. Kenneth Kunmell. club pro, Jack Clark, will pre. American Laryngol( o'clock, Leon of Grosse Pointe mann, of Robert John r:oad, will road home after a month's Palm Beach vacation, and the da, the couple will YIlake their March 21:-North and ~outh, sent "Fashions for Travel and nological and Otolol ------serve as I}1odels and hostesses. f R. home in Princeton, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hollinger; I Kenneth Cunninghams have returned to Berkshire Sport," with :Miss Rosie O'Grady ty, a member of th. Decora t.Ions. are. pIannr .~..l mi. road, full of marvelous reports on the Robert Beverly ------1.:\1argaret Morang and Betty Laryn'gologieal Asso( of radio station WBRB com. H h B k misty shades blue, accented Mr. and Mrs. MIchael R. Tan. Eighty-three members of The :\1ueller. a m e m er of ayos • ec of I Evanses' La Coquille Club. mentating. b the: I'd d * University of Michigan Medical East and We~t:-Jalr.es {{as. B l' 0 n e h o-E60phag< Betroth£ll Told by lavender butterflies. Mrs. ghe, , of Ho 1 ay roa , ~nnounce '" * School's class of 1964 will take tenberg and RIchard Brewer; Luncheon will be served at 12 , the er{gagement of theIr daugh. noon with cards following the ciety. Charles Rasmus, of South Rose. ter, KARE~ MARIE, to Bruce From Farther Afield • internship training in Michigan George Valenta and John Beau- Dr. Robb also was I show. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. dale court, heads the decorat. \Alan Baron, son of Mr. and Mrs. '. . • come the Joel Bremers, of Shelden road, and hospitals. dry. of the Detroit Ath ,Beck, of Camden avenue, De- ing committee. !Alex Baron, of East Grand the Howard Girardin'S, of Fisher road, who are regaling the Grosse Pointe trait. have announced the engag. Tickets for "Spring Azure" IRa~~\~J~~lect attended West- friends with, tales of their fabulous trip through Spain ment of their daughter, Barbara are $2.75. Mrs. Norman Reeber. Iern Michigan University, and her and Africa. They visited England, too, befnre jetting NOTICE OF A~ 'Joan, to James Michael Hayosh, PR 1.1278, is in charge of ticket fiance WJlS graduated from West- home from Paris, (/)D., 1pJ1L JJJanL 10., IJJl1L 1pJllJL MEETING OF El son of Mr. and Mr9. Joseph S. sales. er~ M;chiga~ yniversity. A Jamaica was the "let's get away from it all" choice dlDJnJL 'Hayosh, of Shoreham road. P f -S-t-I--A-C-'- f Th JUlY 18 weddmg IS planned. of Mr. and Mrs. Ravmond C. Leonatd and their daughter, Grosse Pc ~r. ~ayosh is attending the Uni~~r~itya::feK1ichig';'~a~ bee~ ' Mrs. Thomas L. On, J1'., a Connecticut exurbanite since Utuversll;Y of Detroit School of appointed to a three-man com. Nancy L. Brown her marriage, . THEN LIST IT EXCLUSIVELY WITH Towns~ Dentistry, and is affiliated with Imitte~ to advise the National' R The Leonards, refreshed and relaxed by theIr Wayne County, Psi Omega fraternity. A May 16 Park Service on its natural his. Honored By DA. season.in-the-sun, have retur:ned to Merriweather road, wedding is planned. I tory study programs. and are preparing for a Pomte Easter. JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE To the Electors of Grosse Point,! Towns Announcem~nt of an Honor- Back fronl Mexico are the Richard K. Degeners, of Wayne County, able :Mendon Award to Nancy Lochmoor boulevard. Mrs. D., who tans to a beautiful 10 reasons why JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE has grown to be Michigan. KNACK STABLES, INC. Louise Brown, Grosse Pointe golden brown at the drop of a (sun) hat, is sure to be one You are hereb} High School senior, in the Good of the most glowing ladies in the Pointe's Easter Parade. 38275 Ryan Road Citizen Contest sponsored by the one of the largest and most suceessful home seUing organizations that the Annuol Iv Bet. 16 and 17 Mil. Rd. the Electors of Gro~ Daughters of ~he American Rev- '" * lit in the Detroit metropolitan area. Township will be olution was made by Mrs. Wil. Adieu And Auf Wiedersehen ••• Saturday, April 4, • RIDINC liam W. Innes, of Kenwood 795 Lake Shore Ra< INSTRUCTIONS court, on her return from the ... to the Norman Denckers and M. and Mme. Alain 1. We deal only in residential properties. Pointe Shores, Mic DAR state conference in Grand Chaillous, who leave the Pointe this spring. 1:00 O'Clock P.M • HORSES RENTED Rapids. 2. 6 Offices and 82 full time sales people. Standard Time. , Nancy was one of eight girls Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dewey Marcks will honor the AND BOARDED honored bv Elizabeth Cass Chap. departing German and French consuls and their ladies 3. 45 Years of continuous service. All matters require' Phone 264-5640 at a dinner party next Tuesday, with Rito von Lieb- to be acted upon by ter. Grosse Pointe Farms, as a 4. We have the "Know How" to estimate within narrow limits ship Electors at sai Over JOO Acres For Riding GOOGCitizen, and com pet e d straum, the Markses' fabulous and friend~y German Meeting will be con against 443 senior girls from the sales price we feel can be obtained. shepherd, ioinin~ the receiving line in his master and Doted: Morch 17, 1 Michigan. mistress' Three Mile drive home. S. 20,000 pieces of Direct Mail are broadcast monthly to Thomas K. JeffE Guests have promised to be as gay as possible, even prospects, industrial concerns, owners, renters, young mar- Gro!se Pointe To though the party is a "farewell" for four of the pleasant- Indian Guides rieds, upgraded executives and others. est people ever to grace Detroit's consular corps. Having Banque't Among those who will gather to bid the couples 6. Our Trade-In Plan enables us TO either buy, or guarantee good-bye are General and Mrs. Lester S. Bork, the' H. a sale of, the home the prospect must sell before he can The annual 'Y' Indian Guide Glenn Bixbys, Chuck Bachrachs, James Merriman Bar- buy another. banquet, this Friday evening, nesses, William A. Bosticks, Frank W. Donovans, Henry March 27, at the Grosse Pointe deS. Lauves and William A. Mayberrys. 7. Nation-'Wide Referral Services-Membership in the Inter- Fries Auditorium, will feature City Real Estate Referral Service gives us first hand infor- Lloyd Morgan, a versatile per- Others are Mr. and Mrs. George E. Parker, Jr., Mr. former billed as "The One Man and Mrs. Tbomas F. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- mation on families being transferred to tnis area. Gra Circus." Millan, Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Stalker, Ruth Stevens and Guests of Grosse Pointe In- Ferdinand Cinelli, an "Easter bachelor"-Mrs. C. is 8. We finance--As correspondents fOr the Penn Mutual Life dian Guides are welcome to at- vacationing with the children in the southwest. Insurance Company, we have unlimited funds available for O~ tend the 6:30 c~icken dinner ...... '" mortgages. for fathers and sons. General AN ORDIN chairman, Bill Bokram, TU An American Cood-Bv . . . 9. Our Insurance Department acts as agent for 10 of the 4-7569, is handling all arrange- largest Insurance Companies in America. ADOPTING ments. . . . to Mrs. Kenneth M, McColl, recently returned from California, where sh~ spent several months visiting 10. We ha.idle the entire transaction from beginning to end. OF THE Cl JOEL E. GROSHKO, seaman her son, Malcolm, and his family, in Pasadena. Mrs. We furnish the prospect, arrange for financing, place insur- AND SET1 apprentice, USN, SOD, of MR. McColl leaves next month to make her home permanent- ly in La Jolla. ance, prepare all necessary papers and close the transaction. , THE COMI and MRS. EDWIN E. GROSH- ~ j;i}i KO of Morass road, participated This past weekend, Malcolm, just awarded his PhD. ! PLOYEES ~ degree in Physics from Caltech, stopped off in the Pointe I in an exercise called "Opera. l /t~~;1~:tion Springboard" while serving to visit friends and help his mo~her pack for "the bie- • CITY OF G ,,\,\ Complete Mortgage Service /', aboard the destroyer USS De. move" before !!.oin~on to deliver a paper in Philadelphia, catur in the Caribbean. The at a meetin,l! of the American Physical Society. THE CITY 0 , :" To The Homeowne~ /~lj,,';'::/:','",,~ opera~:on, conducted annually ~ 4f' .".~ Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Joy, Jr., will be movin~ by units of the Atlantic Fleet, into Mrs. McColl's fonner home in Grosse Pointe boule- Section 1 takes advantage' of tl1e favor- vard. The G. Mennen Williamses, have bought the Joy year beginning able Caribbean weather to con- S" '.... >""'~",~7'~.,':,;,/ .,'~: duct sea assault and flight train- home in Tonnancour place. 1965 as approv1 -~:.DETROITMOBTGAGE'.&,:,::JlBALT~::CQ.., : ing operations. Decatur visited * * ... which has bee' : l:,,:~;3)3 WEST fOR~ SIRE~T;OEI'Rorr.,?~~;~j~:trjGAN.:WOO~~~::~~osOO<:~j Montego Bay, Jamaica during a Grosse Pointe Park Grosse Pointe Farms Grosse Pointe Woods placed. on file Wi:-;,.; "' ,_. /, ...••.,: :;...::: ,;.,.,; ...... ••.• .0...... '"...... :s8' Southern Sunshine And Lazy Livinc • 16610Mack Ave. 82 Kercheval Ave. 19790 Mack Ave. break in her operational sched- TU. 1-4200 TU.4,()600 follows: O/fi,cell UJ Birmingham, E:J8t Lansing, Flint on4 Grand Rapid. ule. . .. continue to lure Pointers to Florida, where palm TU. 1~300 St. Claire Shores Detroit Farmington 1964-19 trees and rolling surf make a mockery of Michigan's 26801 Harper Ave. 11500 Morang Ave. 24040 Orchid Lake Road PRo 1-2300 March snow flurries. VE.9-4700 474.2177 Estimated Tot(J Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark, of Greenfield, Mass., Estimated EXPl former Grosse Pointers, are in Key West, visiting the I Administrati Police John Cornishes, of Stephens road, and the R. William Grosse Pointe Fire .Mittes, of Kercheval avenue, who are wintering there. Public Work Headed even farther into the country of eternal Signal and P ~ummer lc; Mrs. Ray E. Danaher, of Lakeshore road Park and Re , cruising the Caribbean for 13 days aboard the Sant~ General Pub Paula. Ports of call on Mrs. Danaher's itinerary include Debt Semel Curacao, La Guaira, Caruba, Kingston, Port-au-Prince Requireml and Port Everglades. Public Impr Contingency :J~epointe I 1964-1965 Louvre a.nd Door Shop D! Estimated Re, Featuring "!:lxciting, decorative fabric. Estimated Ex} frames ... can be personalized with your choice of fabric, metal mesh, fretwork Net Oper: or plastic. Also: System RequiJ Equipmel 000 rs-Shutters-Grilles $36,000 15123 Mack 885-4876 Nr. the lake on one of the finest streets south of Jefferson 1964-1965 this house offers a lot of accommodations at a very fair price. ' Included are a sun room, modern kitchen with paneled break- Estimated Re' DETROIT'S NEWEST fast nook, lavatory, master bedroom with dressing room and bath; Estimated Ex] OPEL KADETT DEALER 3 additional bedrooms and 2 baths, plus 2 bedrooms and bath on the 3rd floor. In the basement is a games room with bar. Net Opel it's now Qn display at ... This is an ideal home for a large family. Owner transferred. System Requi Tom Taylor Buick May we show it to you? Other 01 SHOP THE SUPER-MARKET WAY. STOP IN AND SEE OUR PHOTOGRAPHIC • The Opel Kadett 2-Door Sedar'l DISPLAY OF HOUSES FOR SALE OR PHONE FOR LIST" NO OBLIGATION. Se<'tion~ ONLY OF COURSE. employees an $1655 as set forth i Including heater, defroster, seat belu' 46 h.p. 81 four cylinder eng1nl!1 4 forward speed stick shift. proved for Chassis doesn't reqUIre lubrication. G.M. 2 YRS. compensatioll OR 24,000 MILE WARRANTY. ' Section i ~~c. :::x=i~nmn:~:::EE~~:c::r:::5iiii:-'" and resolutio Tom Taylor Buick extent that a , 13055 Gratiot - 4 Blocks Below 6 Mile Rd. .11 * " L TOil • appealed. LA 6-3000 82 Kerc:heval-"On the Hill" ADOPTED ~ 10 Minutes From Any of the Pointes TU 4-0600


\ " March 26, 1964 Thursday, March 26, 1964 GROSSE Po.lNTE NEWS Page Twenty-one March 20, from the Veyheyden Romney appointed him to the Funeral Home with burial in Huron Clinton Authority. Must Pay SS On Mrs. Dietrich to Entertain AAUW Cr~ative Writers I OBITUARIES I White Chapel Cemetery. Mr. Cudlip was a director of Domestics Mrs. Clayton Dietrich will Those aMending are asked to .. .. . the Acoustics Manufacturing Francis L. Pendergast, man- 'ments. In these cases, many of open her Kensington road home bring \01' send, if they cannot JAl\lES MILTO~ ROBS, M.D. I Country Club of Detroit, the HAROLD SLAIGHT Corp., the Michigan State Cham- ager of the Detroit-East Social the employees had told the em- next Wednesday, April 1, at attend the session), a choice of Dr. James Milton Robb, of Detroit Board of C ELLINGTON ber of '::ommerce, and the _Security Office, stated that ployer they didn't want to pay 12:45 o'clock, for ::. meeting of 16904 St. Pau!, died March 23 in I and the Detroit Muse~~~~ Mr. Ellington, 78, a former Greater Detroit Safety CouQli1; social security. When the em. the Creative Writing Group of manuscripts and verse So that ion Ladies ~arp~r HOSPItal at the age of Founders Society. many employers of the domestic member of the Grosse Pointe a member of the Greater LIe. ployment ended they quickily the American Association of the group can draft plans for a . Dr. Robb was the husband of troit Area HQspital Council, the help are confused about their applied for retirement pay- Un i v e r s ~t y Women, Grosse Contemporary Literature pro- dine: Sale Park P I ann i n g Commission responsibility concerning the \. ~r. Robb was the fonner Virginia; the father of Mrs Economic Club, the Industrial ments. This resulted in payment Pointe Branch. gram in May. ('hlef of staff at Harper Hospital William E Baub' II M' V.' from 1948 to 1961, died March payment of social security taxes. d .d . 1, ISS 11'- Development Ccmmi~tees 0 f of the taxes plus penalties and 14 in Henry Ford Hospital. The foUowing are some of the American Legion Auxil. a~ ; r~~ ent of the. Detroit ginia Robb, James M. Jr .• and While he was on the Planning Gibraltar and Riverview, the interest by the former employ- .------~------... at ea or y~ars. BO'rn In Owen David; the brother of Miss most frequently asked qup.stions r03se Pointe Unit 303 is Commission he was instrumen. Detroit Athletic Club, and, the ers who had not made reports a rummage sale April Sound, OntarIO. Dr. Robb was a Maude Robb and Alexander D Country Club of Detroit. in this area: at the proper time. ~raduat? .of the Detroit College Robb. . tal in civic center planning, rting at 9 a.m. at 20916 waterfront park development Mr. Cudlip is survived by his Q. The postman brought me a NOTICE TO ELECTORS venue. of .:vIed~c:ne, now Wayne State, Three grandchildren also sur- wife, Gay: his parents, Mr. and Q. I'm confused aboUt making and the development of the letter about making social se- reports on the wages I pay my UntVe.rslty and the University i vive. Services were Wednesday Mrs. M. A. Cudlip; and two of the City of Three Mile Park. curity reports for my maid. She maid. She only works one day of Edmburgh, Scotland. He was I March 25 in Christ EPiscopai sons, Christopher and Samuel. old Fashion Party A r-'lltive of Chicago, Mr. El- tells me sh", doesn't want to a week, and I thought gucial a Felbw of the Royal Collegp. Church ~ith burial in Wo~d- lington came to Detroit in 1912. A brother and sister also sur- be under social security. Is it owanie Golf Club of Sur~eo?s, past president of lawn Cemetery. vive. Services were Thu:rsday, se~urity was'due just on "regu- He later became a founder and all right for me not to report lar" workers. the MIchigan State Medical .. .. • March 26 from the Grosse since she doesn't want to take the Electors of To the Electors of The City Clerk's office will be open on Sa";1Jl-day,April 4, Grosse Pointe Township lake Township The first meeting in April of the City 1964 between the hours of 8:00 AM. and 2:00 P.M. Eastern Wayne County, Macomb County, Council of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods IS grown to be Michigan. Michigan. CITY OF Standard Time for receiving applications for Absent Voters You are here!:'Y notified that has been adjourned to Tuesday, April 7, Ballots (no application for Absent Voters Ballots may be ~ organizations You are hereby notified that the Annual Meeting of the Annual Meeting of the received AFTER 2:00 P.M. o'clock on saturday, April 4, Electors of lake Township 1964 at 7:30 P.M. o'Clock, in the Council- the Electors of Grosse Pointe 1964). Township will be held on will be held on Saturday, April Court Room of the Municipal Building in- Saturday, April 4, 1964 at 4, 1964 at 1100 lake Shore 795 lake Shore Rood, Grosse Road (Gate House) Grosse asmuch as April 6, 1964 is the date of the LEONA D. LIDDLE Pointe Shores, Michigan ot Pointe Shores, Michigan ot 1:00 O'Clock P.M. Eastern 1:00 O'Clock ?M. Eastern Regular City Election .. City Clerk Stancford Time. Standard Time. GROSSE POINTE WOODS, MICHIGAN All matters required by low All matters required by law BIDS INVITE'D to be acted upon by the Town- to be acted upon by the LEONA D. LIDDLE row limits ship Electors ot said Annual Township Electors ot said An- ONE NEW 1964 SEDAN Meeting will be considered. nual Meeting will be con- City Cierk sidered. Doted: Morch 17, 1964. Sealed bids are being invited for furnishing the City of 10nthly to Doted: March 17, 1964. Grosse Pointe Farms with one 2.door Sedan. GROSSE POINTE WOODS, MICHIGAN oung mar- Thomas K. Jefferis, Clerk, THOMAS E. lOUGHLIN, A copy of these specifications may be obtained at the office NOTiCE OF Grosse Pointe Township Clerk; Lake Township of the City Manager, 90 Kerby Road, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan. • guarantee Bids must be filed with the City Clerk on or before 11:00 ...._---_.._'-.-_------' REGULAR CITY ELECTION A.M., Thursday, April 2, 196~, at which time they will be )re he can publicly opened by the Bid Opening Committee.

City of DAWSON F. NACY ,. the Inter- to b. held Oft ~J "land infor- CITY CLERK a. " Grosse~Pointe Published in Grosse Poin,te News issue of Marct 26, 1964. Monday, April 6, 1964 '~utual life ORDINANCE No. 26 vailable for ORDINANCE #116 Adopted by the City Council CITY OF on March 23, 1964 .... AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND CITY ()II 10 of the AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 28 ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET TITLE VlrOF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF OF THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE (jfO~St1I'oinitf~ CROSSE POINTE PARK. ng to end. THE CITY OF CROSSE POINTE PARK )Iace insur- AND SETTING AND APPROViNG SUMMARY OF MINUTES Wayne County,. MIchigan ransaction. ORDAINS: THE COMPENSATION OF ALL EM- MARCH 16, 1964 Section 1. Chapter 28, Title VII of the Grosse PLOYEES AND OFFICIALS OF THE Pointe Park City Code is amended to read in its TO THE QUALIFIED ELBC'l'OBS The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. entirety as follows: I CITY OF GROSSE POINTE. Present on roll call: Mayor William F. Connoly, Jr., CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS, MIOHIGAN Councilmen William G. Butler, William G. Kirby, Ledyard CHAPTER 28, PEDDLERS AND SERVICE VENDORS Mitchell, Jr. and Benjamin S. Warren, Jr. '.51. Peddler Defined. The word "peddler" as used in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Regular City Election THE CITY OF CROSSE POINTE ORDAINS: Absent: Councilmen Henry E. Bodman, II and Thomas this Chapter shall include any person traveling by foot, will be held in the City Qf Grosse Pointe Woods, Wayne K. Fisher. wagon, automotive vehicle or other conveyance, from place Section 1. That the Annual Budget fer the to place, from house to house, or from street to street, Mayor William F. Connolly, Jr., presided. carrying, conveying or transporting goods, wares, mer- County, Michig9Jl on Monday, April 8. 1964. The polls for year beginning April 1, 1964 and ending March 31, Councilmen Bodman and Fisher were excused from chandise, meats, fish, vegetables, fru~ts, garden truck, farm said Election. shall be open from ':00 A.M. o.c1ock to 8:00 1965 as approve'.! by the Council, a detailed copy of attending the meeting. products or provisions, offering and exposing the same for which has been identified by the City Clerk and The minutes of the regular meeting of March 2, 1964, sale or making sales and delivering articles to purchasers, P.M. o'clock Eastern Standard Time. placed on file in his office, is hereby adopted as were approved as submitted. or who, without traveling from place to place, shall sell or 'sse Pointe Woods offer the same for sale from a wagon, automotive vehicle, 9790 Mack Ave. follows: A complaint relative to the nuisance emanating from 'l:he following officers will be elected at said Election: TU. 1-6300 a business being conducted at 233 Moross Road was dis- or other vehicle or conveyance. Any person who solicits orders and as a separate transaction makes deliveries to Farmington 196441965 GENERAL FUND BUDGET missed with the undet;'standing that the part~' operating the purchasers as part of a scheme or design to evade the Orchid Lake itoad business would garage only a pickup truck on the premises CITY OFFICERS 474-2177 provisions of this Chapter, shall be deemed a peddler. The Estimated Total Revenues: $791,575.00 and that the two other trucks owned by him would be word "peddler" shall include the words, "hawker" and Estimated Expenditures: parked on business property located on Mack Avenue. "huckster." One (1) M'aYf>r Administration $ 70,525.00 Mr. William Bellows of 44 McKinley Place was granted 7.52. Service Vendor and Service Defined. The phrase Police 132,005.00 permission to divide his property into two parcels, one "service vendor" as used in this Chapter shall include any Three (3) Councilmen having 90' of frontage on McKinley Place, the other ha~ng person selling or offering to sell or soliciting offers to buy Fire 111,890.00 a servicf! by personal appearance at any buildings, resi- , 104,390.00 100' of frontage with the understanding that the garage Public Works presently located on Lot 12, wili be removed. dential or otherwise. Thf! word "service" as used in this The following Proposition &hall be submitted: Signal and Pumping 20,750.00 The reports of the Police, Fire and Building Depart- Chapter shall include all manner of services such as, but Park and Recreation 42,570.00 not limited to, cleaning, repair, maintenance, or installation ~ROPOSITION ments for the month of February, 1964 and the report of of any portion of a building (residential or otherwise), or General Public Expense 125,45fi 00 the Controller of Receipts and Disbursmen.ts for the month any personal property therein or thereabout, lawn, yard or Debt Service of February, 1964, were received and ordered filed. garden work, and snow or ice removal; a person shall be That Chapter 3, Sections 3.4 and 3.5 of the 46,790.00 A communication from the Public Employees Council deemed to be selling a service even though a produet or Requirements Oharter of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods be Public Improvement 132,200.00' #77 of the AFL.CIO making certain requests to be included other mater!al is also sold or used in connection with the Contingency 5,000.00 in the 1964-65 Budget was received and representatives service. amended so as to provide for the holding of of the Public Works Department were invited to attend 7.53. License Required. No person shall engage in the the Council meeting of April 6, 1964, to discuss the request. business of peddler or service vendor without first obtain- Biennial Regular City Elections in each even $791,575.00 ing a license therefor. No such license shall be granted The bid of Shaw Electric Company in the amount of except upon certification of the Chief of Police. Such cer- numbered year instead of holding such elec- $12,000.00, being the low bid for the I'eplacement of the tification may be withheld for any reasonable cause includ- tions annually as now provided, and to provide 1964.1965 WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE existing transformer banks at the Water Filtration Plant ing, but not limited to, a record of unresolved complaints was accepted. against such person's prior business activities filed with that the Mayor be elected for a term of two DISPOSAL FONb BUDGET Payment of the following bills was approved: the Chief of Police, the Better Business Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission, or other similar agencies. years and the City Councilmen be elected for $ 91,370.00 A. Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc., $1,354.23 for e:ngineer- Estimated Revenue: ing services rendered in connection with the alterations 7.54. Fixed Stands Prohibited. No licensee shall stop four year terms. Estimated Expenditures: 82,625.00 to the Water Filtration Plant. or remain in anyone place upon any street, alley or public B. Maryland Electric Company, $2,109.00 as partial place, longer than necessary to make a sale to a customer wishing to buy. Any such licensee using a vehicle, when Net Operating INcome: . $ 8,745.00 payment for electrical work completed on the Municipal stopped, shall place his vehicle parallel to and within YOU ARE :;'URTHER NOTIFIED that the following will Building. twelve (12) inches of the curb and shall depart from such be the polling places for said Election: System Requirement for Debt, Capital C. Alban G. Brinkman, $6,694.00 as partial payment place as soon as he has completed sales with customers Equipment, etc.: $ 32,000.00 for mechanical work completed on the Municipal Building. actually present. $36,000 D. Wm. T. Krieghoff Company, $20,862.72 as partial 7.55. Practices Prohibited. No peddler or service ven- Precinct No. 1 Parcells School 20600 :;Lack Avenue payment for architectural work completed on the Municipal dor shall shout or cry out his goods or merchandise or Precinct No. 2 Barnes School 20090 Morningside Dr. rh of Jefferson, 1964-1965 AUTOMOBILE PARKING SYSTEM Building. services, nor blow any horns, ring any b1711or use any other FOND IiObGEt E. Brencal Contractors, Inc., $17,466.75, as partial similar device to attract the attention of the public. Precinct No. 3 Mason School 1840 Vernier Rood fair price. 7.56. Residential Calls Witbout Invitation. No peddler, $ 73,275.00 payment fQr wO':k completed on the Water Filtration Precinct No. 4 Mason School 1840 Vernier Road I paneled break- Estimated Revenue: Plant. solicitor, itinerant merchant or' transient vendor of mer- Estimated Expenditures: 34,785.00 F. Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc., $349.33, as partial pay- chandise or service vendor shall go into or upon any private Precinct No. 5 Municipal Building 20025 Mack Avenue room and bath; residential property in the City for the purpose of soliciting ment for engineering services rendered in connection with ms and bath on 3-3,490.00 orders for the sale of goods, wares, and merchandise and/or Precinct No. 6 Municipal Building 20(j25 Mack Avenue Net Operating INcome: $ the additions to ihe Water Filtration Plant. disposing of and/or peddling the same, or the sale of a Ith bar. The City Manager was author-ied to prepare specifica. service, unless he shall first have been requested or in- Pn!cinct No. 7 Ferry School 748 Roslyn Road • tions and to take bids for furnishing the City with a new vited so to do by the owner or owners, occupant ,or occu- ner transferred. System Requirements for Debt and Precinct No. S Barnes School 20090 Morningside Dr. Other Obligation $ 38,490.00 car. pants of said private residences. Mr. Murray M. Smith, the City Engineer, was granted 7.57. C.~rtain Persons Excepted. (a) Nothing in this Precinct No. 9 Department of a 4 weeks leave of absence without pay. from March 18, Chapter shall be applicable to any person under e~ghteen Public Safety 20775 Mack Avenue PH070GRAPH!C (18) years of age, when engaged in peddling or soliciting Section 2. That the rate of comp-ensation o~ all 1904 to April 16, 1964. 1275 Cook Road NO OBLIGATION. Acting on the request of a number of residents of the on 10M in the neighborhood of his residence under the Precinct No. 10 Monteith School employees and offi<:ialsof the City of Grosse Pomte direct supervision of any school or recognized charitable or as set forth in said budget are her~by set and ap. City, a resolution was adopted whereby the Board of Re- religious organization. . Precind No~11 Pal'cells School 20600 Mack Avenue vie\J will meet on March 24, 19e4, between the hours proved for such period as the estaDl1sh~d.rate of (b) Nothing in this Chapter shall be applic8.ble to any Precinct No. 12 Ferry School 748 Roslyn Road compensation of such employees and offICIals. of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. and between the hours of person under eighteen (IS) yearl: of age who is offering his 7:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. services in the neighborhood of his residence for lawn. LEONA D. LIDDLE, Section 3. That any and all fonner 9rdinances On proper motion made, supported and carried, the yard or garden work or snow or ice removal. and resolutions of the City of Grosse Pomte, to the meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. This ordinance thall take effect April 15, 1964. City Cle"'", extent that any are in conflict herewith, are hereby WM. F. CONNOLLY', JR. DAWSON F. ~ACY CHARLES HEISE, CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS appealed. MAYOR CITY CLERK City Clerk Published in the Grosse Pointe News, Published in the GPN 3/26/84 Dated March 25, 1964 ADOPTED MARCH 23,1964. issue of March 26, 1964. - Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich. •

e t • db - tt ...... tnt trms • • P •• a • 7' 7 I t $ 1mt t $ t $1t 7 $ t r t ! '$ t * )t 2 t.7 •• 7 2 • j t t t j t j t i *t & *&; te. t p' "td s i • tr. 61 .. • -

. Thursday, M Page Twenty~two GP.OSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 26. 1964 City. Of ~tOS9t oinft mOtr~s z~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the prOVISionsof Act No 207 of the Public Acts of the State of Michigan. fo,r the Year of 1921, as amended, that a Public Hearing shall be held at the Municipal Building, 20025 Mack Avenue, in the City of Grosse Pointe Woods, Wayne County, Michigan on the 13th day of April, 1964, at 7:30 P.M. o'ciock Eastern 3tandard Time, upon the following Proposed Amendment to Ordinance No, 88. the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods, as amended, adopted November 3. 1952: ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 44.2.1 OF ARTICLE 44.2, AND SECTION 44.4,1 OF ARTICLE 44.4 AND TO, AOD A NEW ARTICLE TO BEKNOWN AS ARTICLE 44.6 (A) TO ORDINANCE NO, 88. THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS, ADOPTED ON NOVEMBER 3, 1952, ALSO KNOWN AS CHAPTER 44 OF THE "CODE OF THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE 'k: WOODS OF 1953:' .f .::

THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS ORDAINS: by this Ordinance and in accordance with the metes and N. 64' 02' 30" W. along the N'ly. line of Cook Road, 840.2-7 ft. part of P.Co's 156-183 and 577 front and rear concessions lyinc Section 1. That Section 44.2.1 of Article 44.2 and Section bounds descriptions on file in the office of the Division to the point of beginning. 14.37 acres. East of center of Mack Ave. 44,4.1 of Article 44.4 BE AMENDED, and a new article to be of Building Inspection, and upon compliance with the pro- known as Article 44.6 (A) BE ADDED to Ordinancc No. 88, the visions of the Zoning Ordinance as amended by this Or- (Grosse Pointe University School) That part of Private ITEM la-ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Zoning Ordinance of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods, adopted dinance. Claim 620 described as beginning at a point on the N'ly. line That part of Private Claim 183 described as beginning at on November 3, 1952, also known as Chapter 44 of the "CODE of Cook Road distant S 64° 02' 30" E. 2385.27 ft. and N. 25° The Plot Plan indicating the location of the proposed build- the intersection of the E'ly line of Mack Ave. 150 ft. wide with OF THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS OF ,1953" as 57' 30" E. 30 ft. from the intersection of the S'ly. line of P.C. the N. line of P.C. 183 and proceeding thence. S 75° 03' 33" E follows: ing structure or structures upon the building site in ref- erence to front, rear and side property lines as designated 620 and the center line of Mack Ave. and proceeding thence along said N. line, 691.99 ft. to the W'ly line of Sunningdale N 25° 57' 30" W. 745.0 ft.; Thence N. 64° 02' 30" W. along (el) That Section 44.2.1 of Article 44.2 BE AMENDED so on such plot /plan and with reference to other existing Drive; ~ence S 14° 48' 02" W along said W'ly line, 322.60 ft.; the N'ly line of P.C. 620, 651.72 ft.: Thence S. 15° 45' 30" as to read as follow": buildings on the building site, means of ingress and egress, Thence N 75° 04' 03" W, 420.93 ft.: Thence N 2° 23' 17" E. 300.56 together with a written statement as to the intended use, W. along the center line of Black Marsh Ditch. 756.96 ft.: ft.; Thence N 75° 03' 33" W. 200.0 ft. to the E'ly line of Mack Section 44.2.1 DISTRICTS. For the purpose (If this Ordin- shall be presented to the Planning Commission for its con- Thence S 64° ,02' 30" E. along the N'ly line of Cook Road, Ave.: Thence .. 2° 23' 17" E along said E'ly line, 30.0 ft. to the ance. of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods is hereby divided sideration. 517.68 ft. to the point of beginning. 10.0 acres. point of beginning. 3.54 Acres into the following Districts: In giving such. approval, the Planning Commission may ITEM: 3-PROTESTANT CHILDREN'S' HOME R.1 (A through E) ITEM ll-STEPHENS T. MASON SCHOOL impose any reasonable restr.ictions or requirements so as One Family Residential Dlstricts That part of Private Claim 620 described as b~ginning at (Rural Agriculturai School Dist. NO.1) That part of Pri- to insure that the contiguous residential areas will be a point on the N'ly. line of Cook Road distant S 64° 02' 30" vate Claim 249 described as beginning at the inters~tion of the R.2 Two Family Residential Districts adequately protected, and also may requirE the dedication E. 3225.54 ft. and N 25° 57' 30" E. 30 ft. from the intersec- S'ly line of P.C. 249 with the line between the front and rear C Commercial Business Districts of lands for streets and .:l1ey purposes which, in their tion of the S'ly. line of P.C. 620 and the center line of Mack concessions and proceeding thence N 17 ° 58' 50" E along said C.F. Community Facilities Districts opinion, is necessary to provide adequately for vehicular Ave. and proceeding thence N 25' 57' 30" E 745.0 ft.: Thence cCJ'cession line, 312.70 ft.; thence S 'i2° 06' 34" E, 1015.39 ft.; traffic movement and off street parking: C.M. Commercial Business and Multiple Dwelling Districts S 64° 02' 30" E. along the N'ly. line of P.e. 620, 877.04 ft.: Thence S 18° 07' W, 314.25 ft. to the S'ly line of P.C. 249: (h) That Section 44.4.1 of Article 44.4 BE AMENDED' so (1) (:llUrches and parish Homes Thence S 25' 57' 30" W 745.0 ft.: Then('p. N. 64' 02' 30" W Thence N 72° 01' 20" W along said S'ly line, 1014.65 ft. to the as to read as follows: . along the N'ly. line of Cook Road, 877.04 ft. to the point of be- point of beginning. 7.30 acres. (2) Public, Parochial and other private elementary inter- gining. 15.00 acres. SectiOn 44.4.1. PRIKCIPAL USES PERMITTED. In all R-1 mediate and/or high schools offering courses in general ITEM 12-FIRST ENGLISH EVANGELICAL LUTHEP.AN (A through E) Districts, :10 building or land, except as other. education, not operated for profit. ITEM 4-0UR LADY OF THE SEA CHURCH wise provided in this Ordinance shall be erected or used except (3) Non-profit religious, educational, private, fraternal, (Archdiocese of Detroit) That part of Private Claim 621 de- W'ly ~ of Lot 13; also lot 14; also lot 15 except the W'ly for one or more of the following specified uses: or philantropic institutions. scribed as beginning at the S.W. corner of Clairview NO.2, as 60 ft. thereof. Assessor's Gro~se oPinte Woods Plat NO.1, part (a) One family detached dwellings recorded in Libe'f 75 of Plats, Page 44, Wayne County Records, of P.C. 249, Grosse Pointe Twp., as recorded in L.67, P.4 of (4) Private non-commercial recreational areas; institutional and proceeding thence N 12° 07' 26" E' along the W'ly line of plats, Wayne Co, Records. (b) Municipally owned and ope."ated libraries, parks, park or community recreation centers. said Subdivision, 514.34 ft.; Thence N 64° 03' 40" W. 5.9t'.; way" and recreational facilities Thence along the S'ly line of Fairford R.oad, N 77° 52' 34" W. ITEM I3-MARTER ROAD PUMPING STATION Section 44.6 (A) 2 SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS LIMIT- (c) The following uses may be permitted upon approval of the 41.87 ft. and o.n b tangent cmve to the Right. Radius 691.35 ft. (City of Grosse Pointe Woods) That part of Private Claim ING HEIGHT AND BULK OF BUILDINGS, AND LAND USE Planning Commission after a Public Hearing thereon, Notice a distance of 166.70 ft. and tangent to said curve, N 64° 03' 40" 223 described as beginning at a point on the center line of AND AREA FOR BUILDING STRUCTURE PERMITTED of the time and place of which shall be given not less than W. 414.60 ft.; thence along the E'ly lme of Morningside Drive. Marter Road distant S i 7° 53' 20" W, 143.94 ft. from the inter- UNDER THIS ARTICLE. fifteen (] 5) days prior to the date of Hearing by one (1) S. 2° 01' 12" W. 380.14 ft. and o.n a tangent curve to the right. "ection Of said ~nter line with the N'ly line of P.C. 223 and publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the Radius 863.92 ft. A distance of 129.60 ft.; thence S 64° 03' 40" E. proceeding thnillce S 17° 53' 2()" W along said center line, 143.95 (a) HEIGHT OF BUILDING No such building hereafter ft.; thence S 72° 01' 40" E, 179.0 ft. to the center of Milk River' City and upon a determination that such use is nel"essary erected or altered shan exceed thirty-five feet (35') in 551.52 ft. to the point of beginning. 6.39 acres for the public convenJ('nce. safety and/or public welfare thence N 28- 43' E along the center of said river, 197.96 ft.; , height, except a8 provided for in Article 44.8 of Ordinance ITEM 5-BARNES SCHOOL and in accord with the spirit and purpose of this Ordinance. No. 88, as amended. thence N 72° 02' 40" W, 315.0 ft. to the point of beginning. 0.82 (Grosse Podnte Public School System) That part of Private acre The Plot Plan indicating the location of the proposed build. (b) FRONT YARD A minimum front yard of seventy-five Claims 393 and FF described as beginning at th,.:"N.W, corner of ITEM 14-FERRY SCHOOL ir.g st~ ucture or structures upon the building site in ref- feet (75') shall be provided between the front property Olaireview, as reeorded in Liber 75 of PIa,ts, page 30, Wayne erence to front, rear and side property lines as designated line and the furthermost front part of the building or any County Records, and proceeding thence S 12° 07' 26" W. along (Rural Agricultural SChool District No.1) Lots 223 to 234 on such Plot Plan and with reference to other existing projection the W'ly line of sadd Subdivision, 577.26 ft.; thence along the me!. Grosse Pointe Shores Realty Co. Sub'n of part of P.C. 576 buildings on the building site, means of ingress and egress, N'ly line of Fa'1rford Road, N 77° 52' 34" W., 47.65 ft. and on a and part of P .C. 223. together with a WrItten statement as to the intended use, (c) SIDE YARD A minimum side yard shall be provided. tangent curve the Right. Radius 631.35 ft. a distance of 152.23 to (Grosse Pointe Public School System) That part of Private shall be presented to the Planning Commission for its In all cases of buildings erected for the purpose of public ft. and tangent to said curVE' N 64° 03' 40" W. 345 ft. and N 4;.1° consideration. assembly (Churches; public, parochial or other private Claim 184 described as beginning at a point distant N 18° 08' E. 50' 16" W. 122.56 ft.; thence along the E'ly line of Morningside 125.0 ft. along the E'ly line of "W" Street and S 71 ° 52' E. 100.0 elementary, inter.mediate or high schools; community rec- Drive, N 2° 01' 12" E. 539.74 ft. and on a tangent curve to the ft. from the intersection of sdd E'ly line with the S'ly line of In giving such approval. the Planning Commission may reation centers, municipal buildings; and other similar or Right. Radius 251.90 ft. a distance of 57.20 ft. and tangent to P.C. 184 and proceedir:;J thence S 71 ° 52' E. 730 ft.; Thence N impose any responsible restrictions or requirements so as to like structures where numerous persons assemble and said curve, N. 15° 01' 50" E 65.18 ft.; thence S. 74' 55' 56" E, insure that the contiguous residential areas wiII be ade- meet), including those located upon corner lots or parcels 18° 08' E. 169.90 ft.; 'Dhence N 71° 52' w. 730 a.; Thence S 180 730.97 £t.; 'llhence along the E'ly line of Grosse Pointe Woods, 08' W, 169.90 ft. to the point of beginning. 2.85 acres. quately protected, and also may require the dedication of of property adjacent to two or more streets, there shall S 12" 08' 16" W 180.69 ft. and S 12' 07' 26" W. 27.17 ft to the lands for street., and alley purposes which, ir. their opinion be on each side of every building site a side yard, the point of beginning. 11.73 Acres

../ # : "., ~ .. 7 7 FE 7 7 55 r S is 7 7 • - Thursday, March 26, J 964 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty.three y. March 26, 1964 . I }. Grosse Pointe Woods ZONING DISTRICT MAP


d rear concessions lyin,

L CHlJ"RCH 'scribed as beginning at k Ave. 150 ft. wide with thence. S 75. O~' 33" E 1'1y line of Sunn:ngdale tit aid \'v"ly line. 322.60 ft.; ell Ice ~ 2° 23' Ii"' E. 300.56 to the E'ly line of Mack o E'ly line, 30.0 ft. to the o

IDOL • ). 1) That .,3rt of Pn- t the intersection of the ,'cen the fropt and rear tit 7° 58' 50" E along said III 06' 34" E, 1015.39 ft.; , S'ly line of P.C. 249: •o { line, 1014.65 ft, to the • ,1CAL LUTHERA..~ •

I lot 15 except the W'ly Wood~ Plat Xo 1. part ecorded in L.67, P,4 of ..,;.... •": ~ ••• " •• ',c, • ,(::

STATION It }Jart of Private Claim on the center line of 43,94 ft. from the inter- .. 'ly line of P.C. 223 and ~ said center line, 143.95 • the center of :\1ilk River; • I said river, 197.96 ft.; o point of beginning. 0.82 •

No, 1) Lots 223 to 234 ub'n of part of P.C. 576 n) That part of Private lint distant N 18' 08' E.

t and S 71 0 52' E 100.0 1e with the S'ly hne of ,2' E. no ft,; Thence N or. 730 ft.; Thence S 18. Ig, 2.85 acres.

1) That part of P~'ivate ,oint on thl:' S'ly lIne of from the intersedion of r Road and proceeding 830J, ft., Thence N 17. 830.0 ft.; Thence S 17. ning. 2.38 acres

657 described as begin. 57 distant N ":2° 04' 01"' )8 ft. from the intersec- . of the City of Grosse 120 OS' 09" W along said , W along the N. lint: oi , 04' 59" W. 298.61 It.; lence N 17' 52' 27" E, acres

)lSTRICT ~ribed as beginning at a .. along the N'!y line of ~8 ft. from the intersec- line of .Marter Road, 66 , 40" E, 403.0 ft.; thence P T E•. a tangent t"urve to the 22 It.; Thence S 34° 12' , 16.89 ft.: Ttence S 47' 5" W. 313.81 ft.; Thence 3' 24' 15" E. 194,63 It.; ce N 70' 12' 04" E, 47.n ['hence N 18' 06' 20" E, ~cn~s CJ R-IA ONE - FAMILY RESIDENTIAL WORKS GAHAGE t part of Private Cl~im CZZJ...... R-IB ONE -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL >ection of the N'ly line lartee Road, 66 ft. wide ~ R-IC ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL along said county line. R-ID ONE -FAMILY 8 ft.; Thence S 18' 06' ---"--- ~ RESIDENTIAL W. 385.35 ft.; thence S R-IE ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL :5" W, 119.95 it.; thence .~"lto ~ :0 00' 05" E. 323.22 ft.; ,, '. to •• R-2 TWO-FAMILY S 72< 00' 05" E. 133.96 ~ RESIDENTIAL "ly IInc of Ri\'('r Hoad. C COMMERCIAL BUSINESS .2 ft.: thence along the ::., Ii' ~. 313.53 ft. and :-..;22 t .. C.F. COMMUNITY FACILITIES nning. 8.27 acres ~:?$'?5g CHURCH II1II C.M.' COMMERCIAL BUSINESS a MULTIPLE DWELLING crilJed as beginning at ethe Ave. with the S'ly NOTE: SEE CITY 8ASE MAP 8 RELATED PLAT SHl;:ETS "ly along sa1d S'ly line, FOR DETAILED DISTRICT DIMENSIONS, ~ve.: thence !\'ly along o the ~ _ line of Wayne APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION //2,8/09 295.82 ft. to the center ADOPTED BY .ITY ~OUNCIL d center line 506.44 ft, ':'ly 30 ft. thereof and ~X('ept the W'l)' 60 (1.

of. Ordinances incon- o 1200 lIOOpt :e are hereby expressly i

effe{1 20 days from the

~\"ls('d zoning mi:lp are ZONING DISTRICT MAP vilican . leman a assoc. inc. examination. planning consultants DLE, City Clerk, GROSSE POINTE WOODS MICHIGAN ['E WOODS, MICH,

-.-~.-~------~ - - - I March 26, 1964 .utes Nilson ~ean

'rimmed With Alen4 f in Covenant ~troit he Covenant Baptist . Sandra Lee 'Vilson Bean, III.

'es were \'ells accented )pliqued green leaves. I' earned ('r('scent bou- NEW ROLE-Actor George Murphy flles for the U. S. Senate f plllk carnations and on the Republican ticket with Registrar of Voters Ben S. mllng ~\\eetheart roses. Bite ill Loa Angeles. Behind fa Murrhy's son Dennis, 26. The entrance Is a bydraulicaDy-operated Vapt. David Cowan, Rochester, !Web.•watcll. CAMBODIAN GRATITUL'.;-Thls Is what is left of the U. S. lnfonnation ServIce library ill door, guarded by Airman 2/0 "''rank Law- es entrance via television. TV also 8C&I!a ll'O-year-old flower girl. Pnom Penh, capital of Cambodia, following anti.Alner1can demonstrations. The OBmboo- bead 01 Jackaonville, Fla.. plWIItelevision. control panel8 and potential danger point .. ,\"1150n. dressed in pink d1ans previously renounced U.S. aid, '30 m1lllOD • year of it. followed her honor at- mother do~',.n the aisle. ~abJi. of Los Angeles. \'er:l as best man, esher~ 'e Robert Palmer and Suttle er daughter's wedding. 'Jl"on those a sheath f pink Chantilly lace, tehing <:eces"ories. :\Irs. o\\'n featured a Pea('ock • bodice with a full chif- t. and matching a('ccs~ ~oth mothers wore Catt- hids, nn!! thr reremf'ny ;lOd n in :\'au's Sno-White int 1I1 Grand Hln'[' ave- new .\lrs. Bean donned !in!'n suit w:th a whIte I hat ane! llgnt bluf' ac- -. W!1f'n she and her return from a weddinLr ngeles and San Francis- will make their home ,it. Tb.ls underground corridor. leads from the Looking up a Titan 1 missile. Concrete doan ABDICATION - Word from Luxembourg baa it that control center to mJssUe sUo. up there weigh 116 roDS each. Grand Duchess Charlotte will DOWN UNDER COLORADO, you're looking mside a T1~an 1 missile base capable of sen

SOLOING THE WOR~[)--Mr8. Jerrie Mock, 38. waves goodby III Columbus, 0.. before winging eastward on a solo flight around the world. The day before her takeoff. Mrs. Joan Merriam Smith took oft in Oakland, CaU!., flying ()asi;wal'd OIl a Iili.e 8010. following Amelia Earhart'. tragic 1937 route.

REBUKESBELLI Walter Eo Craig, president of the Am- erican Bar Association, tell8 reporters 1D San Francisco that the statements of Mel- v1n Belli In Dallas, Tex., after the Jack Ruby con'Victioa were "intemperate and abu. 8ive" and "that he should so LYNDA 2G-Lynda Bird Jolin. flagrantly disregard the code 80r. blows out candles on her of professional ethics and his birthday cake in Washing. oath ... Is a discredit to him ton. President Johnson's eld- aDd biB professlon." NEW LBJ PRESS SECRETARy-New White HOUSli press secr" eat daughter Ia 2<1. tary 1<5 George E. Reedy (left), longtime associate of Pres.. IN THE SPRING a young man's fancy turns to thoughts ()( I This is a tender moment between l,OOO-pounders Farou.k and dent Johnson. Reedy, 46, BUcceed8 Pierre Salinger (right), love, a:Dd ~ ii:a tbat Wi&!" with walrUs ealves, too. ft'iseiDa, at MaziDeiand of the pacwc III Palos YenieI!l, ~ who also served 1D the post under the late President Ken- pdy. Sallnger, sa, will try for the U.S. Senate in California.

"AUiOMATION" DEAD Dr. Norbert Wiener, 69, Imown SWITCHEROO? - R 1chard as the "Father of Automa- "MOST WANTED" - Quay NiXon. ShOWIl in his New tion" by virtue of his pioneer Cleon Kilburn (above), armed York office, said "1 would work in cybernetic£! the"feed. &COMPAN"f robbery specialist, Is the undertake any assignment I back control theory which 18 NAZI WANTED - Gerhard newest to be added to the am asked to take" when the key to computer technol- Bohne. 58, accused in West Mil"' FBI's "Ten Most Wante13" asked if he would be Willing ogy, died In Stockholm, "STRAW VOn"-Harold E. Stassen, Barry Goldwater. Mar-- Germany of complicity 1D tugitiVe8 list. Kilburn. 40. Is to reverse. the 1960 nandi- Sweden, wh1.e OD a lecture garet Chaae Smith and Nelson Rockefeller are the sure Adolf HiCer'. murder pro- wanted Ul Salt Lake City, daeles and run for vice preSi- tour, He h.ad retired in 1960 ULEVARD names for the Republican "straw vote" preSidential primary gram, is shown after his ar. Utah, OD robbery and ernbez- dent with Henry Cabot Lodge as a Massachusetts Institute in T~a8 May 2. Four others might also be on the baU~t- fest in Buenos A1fel. Bona • Hour. 9.30 to 5,00 JIlement charges. He 18 60- heading the ti.cket. He said of Technology mathematics GOLDWATERGLiTTER--GoJdwat~ gupporters whoop up a l>lg Richard Nixon, George Romney, W1I.I1&m.Soranton aDd a aIJIdDg extradition. head of steam u the senator and wife Peggy acla1owled&'. ridJ f.~t-8,weigh!' 170.190. again he Is not a candidate professor after 42 years there. Henry Ca,bot Lodge. tor any office. eheera 1D Loa ADge1ea.

.. - .. ~ ,. ------~ ... - -~ ------~~- - -"",:,:, '---.. -.....'--_-.': .... ------..... --~ -...... ,-...._--~-~ --'-'.. Thursday, March 2~, 1964 G R 0 SSE POI NT E N E'W S PIg8 Twenty.five I I ::u

YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly CALL TUxedo 2-6900 Three Trunk Lines To Serve You 9uic:kl}' DEADLINE 12 NOON, TUESDAY

t:h~rge Ads-12 words for $1.00 28-TUTORING 5-SITUATION WANTED !6-For Rent-Unfurnished 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8B-ANTIQUES 12-AUTOS WANTED Cosh Ads-/2 words for 90c CAREER DIRECTIONS WARREN Baby Sitting Agency, TROMBLEY. Fine upper. three WANTED TWO SMALL Decorator Model ANTIQUE hand carved l;lack Professional Services in also have domestic, convales- bedrooms. 2 baths. $220 mo. Console Pianos-One Early walnut p'arlot' s~t. orignal con- Womens' and Childrens' Spring C~II • Career Counselling cent, catering for all occa- MAXON BROTHERS TU'2 ..6000 dition. 8 pieces. LAkeview 1 clot~ing and accessories. Also Anlerican. one French Pro- ~. TUXEDO 2-6900 • Career Programming sions. 754.6339. 6-5155. CASH household items ,on consign- vincial. Save. Smiley Bros" • Position Search 4 BEDROOM terarce. 2lh baths, MI 7-1177. ment. Quick turnover. Will pick IOc eoch odditionol word We ir-.1te your personal inquiry. COUPL]!;. I R ISH. Houseman, double garage. Excellent loca- 9-ARTICLES WANTED for 3 Trunk lines DALE MADDEN, in association assist with yard work, gar. tion. TUxedo 5-4234. up, SPRING coat. size 12, pre-teen. with certified consulting psy- dener. Wife, refined. excel- $8; also dresses, like neW. WE BUY old gold. 3ewelry and GROSSE POINTE WOODS, 3 THE BARGAIN BOX LINER STATIONS chologists, 3170 Penobscot Bldg .• lent cook. fine baker. laun- 25819 Harper TUxedo 2-4054. silver. Vogue Jeweler:>. 22377 FOREIGN bedroom home. 11/2 baths. gas Ilestm', M.Icb.. watch- De~oit 26. WOodward 5-7296. dress, Have good habits; $200 4 blks north of Ten ¥ile Rd. Moross Road. Ion. TV also Beans CJNNINGHAM DRUGS month. Live in anywhere. heat. garage. $135. VAlley 16941 Kercheval at Notre Dame 771-2650 AMAZING - Save $100! Bring DtiaJ danger polDt .. TV 5-9698 PRIVAT.t; TUT()RING References. Write. wire or if 4-7822 hp.tween 5-7 p.m. this ad-we have one regular I PAY CASH ROADSTERS IN you wish, call to the house WE BUY-SELL--TRADE $495 new piano. full 88 keys. HARKNESS PHARMACY TROMBLEY ROAD FOR YOUR OLD SUITS TRs, MGs, FIATS, 20313 Mack Ave. at Lochrnoor YOUR OWN HOME to see us. David Crotty, 148 GUNS 10 year guarantee. $100 off. TV 4-3100 TOPCOATS and SHOES Cherry St.. ~E, Grand Rapids, Excellent second floor apart- Reloading equipment and com- THE MUSIC CENTER A telephone call will bring us to MERCEDES, SPRITES, NEWS SALES STATIONS All subjects; all grades. Adults I Mich. ment with 2 bedrooms. Florida ponents. Scope and Sight In- 22933 Grauot near Nine Mile you immediately. DOWNTOWN AREA and children. Certified teach. room, modern kitchen. Condi- stallations. Sto~k fitting and AUSTI N HEAL YS, ETC. Grand Circus Park News Stand ers. YOUNG LADY with child wishes tion like new. Adults. Hours: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. OPEN SUNDAY Majestic Bldg. News Stand complete gunsmithing. Call: baby sitting. ED 1-3276. T. RAYMOND JEFFS DIamond 2-3717 E. JEFFERSON TO CITY LIMITS TU 1-1100 Res, TU 2-0176 BROWNING & WINCHESTER KIRBY vacuum. new. used once. HANEY BROS. Alde~ Park Manor, E. Jefferson SALES & SERVICE and VanDyke DETUOIT AKD SUBURBAN MAN WA..'nS work-Handyman, including all attachment~, rug BOO K S, Bookcases. Bric-a- 14770 GRATIOT Camerons GUt Shop. Wayburn TUTORING SERVICE porter, janitor work. Experienc- GUN AND TACKLE SHOP shampooer and waxer. 293- & Jeft. 6B-ROOMS FOR RENT brae. Paintings. Bought. sold DR 1-7888 Park Drugs, CltyUmlts KENWOOD 7--4653 ed; excellent references. Rich. B. McDANIEL CO. 1655. and Appraisea. Immediate ard Watson. LO 8.3586. GROSS~ POINTE near 7 and GROSSE POINTE PARK cash. J3.r ()w s e r s Invited Mack. Pleasant room for gen- 15102 KERCHEVAL COLONIAL RESALE SHOP MUler Pharmacy. Wayburn and COMMUNITY NURSE - Licensed. practical. Hours: 12 to 10 p.m. Open Kercheval tleman. TUxedo 4-5569. Cor. Maryland VA 1-8200 Where smart people bring and Sunday Closed Monday. 12A-BOATS and MOTORS Sullvan Pharmacy. Beaconafled Grosse Pointe resident, for and Kercheveal TUTORING SERVICE buy their clothes. It is well B. C. CLAES BOOK SHOP Louis Party Store on CharlevoIx MRS. LOUIS MARICK DIREC- private duty or doctor's office. 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT ESTATES bought and sold. known that our shop is the 26-FT. CHRIS CRAFT twin 95 TUxedo 4-3180. 1670 Leverette. Detroit 16 h.p" flying bridge cruiser. GROSSE POINTE CITY TOR Tutoring by degree teach .. Complete or odd pieces. An- "most" in consignment selling. WO 3-4267 Kopp's Pharmacy. Cadieux and ers available in all subjects for AIR CONDITIONED offices, tiques, silver, china furni- Men's. w 0 men' s. children's Good condition. Best offer Kercheval NURSES' aide, good references. over $2.900. 791-0078. eve- grades high school, college and secretarial and answering ture. Oriental rugs. Hugh C. spring clothing now on sale. BOOKS PURCHASED for cash. Cunningham's Drugs, Notre Dame full and part time. PR 2-5337. nings. and Kercheval adult education. service available, $45 and Bolan. 10233 Woodward. TO 25613 JEFFERSON Entire libraries or fine single Notre Dame Pharmacy. Notre $"10. TUxedo 5-2864. 6-2500. PHONE 772.0430 Dame and Kercheval 339 Merriweather SA-SITUATIONS items. Midwest Book Service. 14' WOLVERINE. cedar strip Grosse Pointe Farms WANTED (D~mestic:) 4301 Kensington. TV 5-2450. boat. Windshield. steering GROSSE POINTE FARMS AIR. CONDITIONED 0 f f ice HEYWOOD.WAKEFIELD dining SIM:tdONS studio couch, single, Trail Pharmacy. KercheVal on wheel and Gale controls. the Hill TUxedo 4-2820 LADY Wants washing and iron- suite or rooms. Second floor. table, four chairs. TU 4.5778 3 cushions. Slip cover like WANTED. old Shirley Temple Farms Drugs. Fisher Rd. and ing at home. 4352 Maryland. 20229 Mack. TUxedo 1-6200. after 6 p.m. new. Excellent condition. $30. $150. 775-5208. Kercheval OPENINGS FOR TEACHERS doll. SL 8-4052 after 6 p.m. TUxedo 5~5226: or best offer. TUxedo 2.2299. SCA~~~Drugs. Fisher Rd. and 2E~NURSERY SCHOOLS 6D--RESORT PROPERTY GOLF CLUBS complete set of WANTED. Exercycle. motor 12F-RESORT PROPERTY Kinsel Drugs. Mack and 7-Mlle EXPERIENCED woman wishes Wilson Top Notch golf clubs. 3 driven, Reasonable. TUxedo FOR SALE Road CHRIS'!" CHURCH Co-operative Wood's Drug Center. Mack and Tuesday ironing. References. SUMMER HOME-4'O miles, % woods, 10 irons. another bag. TU FRAMES and ART OBJECTS 871-8549. hour from Detroit on Anchor 4-0565. Bournemouth (7 MUe Rd.) Nursery School is now accepting 1-7158. Repllired and Finished. COTTAGE. furnished, modem applications for 3 year old girls Bay Drive. Sandy lakefront and GROSSE POINTE WOODS l1-AUTOS FOR SALE conveniences. 35 miles from De- Grosse PoInte Pharmacy, Mack for the fall session. 1964. For LADY WANTS T h u r s day, canal. Living and enclosed porch, WOMAN'S dresses, skirts, size GILDING troit. Swim, boat. fish. $7,500. nlsslle. Concrete door' and Huntington cleaning. Grosse Pointe ref. electric kitchen, 3 piece bath, 2 information, call Mrs. Black, TV 12-14. Boys clothing. 1 year to 3. 5304 Neff TU 5-1975 DODGE. 1959 4.door hardtop. TU 1.1277. 116 tons eB('b. Harkness Pharmacy. Mack and erence. 567-0969. bedrooms sleeps 8. $100 per Lochmoor 5-0748. Man's suit, size 36. 896 Rivard Original owner. Fully equip- Howard Jobnsons. Mack and 8- EX PER I E N C E D h 0 use. week. 886-1135. Blvd. ped. Low mileage. In excel. 100 FT. ON LAKE. near Port lse capable ot sending Mile 4-HELP WANTED BREAKFRONT SECRETARY- Huron - Beautiful five bed- Goronflo. Mack and Anita M E worker wants steady work, COTTAGE for rent. A beautiful lent condition. Must sell. TU st of Denver. part of a Arnold's Drug, Mack and Haw- AL and FEMALE OLD ELM SHOP has mQved ... Genuine Honduras mahog~ ro")m. large screened porch, days or weekly. Also catering. 2...bedroom log cab,:n on smail 1-6220. iUnd lair of the 451st thorne New Name-New Location any. convex glass, leather excellent beach. W. Bruce Bob's Drugs. Mack and Roslyn )l1AN with some garden experi. Vlnewood 3-1787. spring-fed inland lake. 40 loped out a great t.ig WITS END writing bed. TUxedo 5-8989. Keys. 1113 :M: i1ita r y, Port ~plant has four 1.000. ence to work 3 days, weekly. 10 miles from Detroit, 150' front- 1960 CORVETTE, fine condi- EXPERIENCED woman wishes 17570 Chester, corner Hereford, tion. low mileage. 25 Vernier, Huron. YU 5.9685, Evenings, :ew numbers 70, with l-PUBLIC NOTIC~s la.II' ..3:30 p.m. TU 2-2658. age, good fishing. doek, row between Moross and Cadieux. BOY'S BIKE-Raleigh Racer, EV 5-4133. days. Excellent r~ferences. boat, p,icnic tables available. TUxedo 4-3521. CANADIAN Fly-in f ish i n g. EXPERIENCEI:' I a u n d res s , WAlnut 2-8810. Consignments, low fee. 26". TUxedo 5-1246. Dan Goodnow, TUxedo 2-2586. LAKE FRONT cottage. full base- Plane. meals. boats. motors, washing. ironing, pressing, 884.0918 1962 COMET, immaculate, 4- DINING TABLE, walnut French EXPERIENCED woman wishes door. all vinyl interior, padded ment, 2 bedrooms. swirnmlilK gasoline. excellent fishing. 3 men;/..., ',\ "J READINGS SALES MAN DEPENDABLE, experienced wo- TOURAINE. Charming English. .,) desires to rent or sub-lease fur- 20112" uARP,ER r ad i o. $1,995. Private. By MRS. GRAY man desires S days 'cleaning. nished apartment or home. 965- STROMBERG~CARLSON ra- Four bedrooms three and Cc>mpetition with salesmen in 1a1lndry. Grosse Pointe refel'- HARPER WOODS dio-stero combination. $350. 886-0931. one-half baths. Paneled Tec. >~ F'IRST TIME IN DETROIT 1;:;64. Call between 9-4 or after your own office is your biggest renecs. 925-2562. VAlley 2-7125. reation room. Breakfast room. Famous Reader and AdvisQl'- 6 PArkway 1-4032. KNITTERS - Assemble. block. AUSTIN HEALY IOO-A. Four problem today. Nice walled garden. $47.500. Direct from India. If you are LADY. age 30. wants Friday finish sweaters. S h 0 r ten LARGE. walnut color FornUca speed transmission. overdrive. RETIRED MAN wants small wire wheels. radio. TUxedo n Worried. Troubled, or in Doubt knitted dresses. Reasonable. kitchen table 6' long. Up to Small. highly reputable Grosse cleaning. Grosse Pointe Woods apartment or rooms. Grosse SHOREHAM. SpacIous and .. . . . Do Not Fail To See This quick. TUxed~ 4-4677. 10 kitchen 'Chairs available. 5-1246. Pointe firm affords a fine op- references. WA 5-S753. Pointe City. TUxedo 2-1791. well-arranged ranch. Three GIFTED LADY! Whatever your 3 months old. TUxedo 6-0513. CONVERTIBLE - Ford 1961 portunity to eliminate this in~ WOMAN wants general house- SEASONED hardwood, $14 cord, bedrooms two baths. Break- problems are. she can and will Sunliner. Private. TUxedo ter-officc competiton! work, days. Grosse Pointe CORPORATION Exe cu ti v e delivered and pIa ce d. JIM 3 WROUGHT iron bar stools, fast room. Family room. Also help solve them. ~he speaks needs tempo: 'ary furnished ren- 2-1182. bedroom a.nd sitting room in 7 different languages. Located ref~rences. TO 5-8446. Spens, New Baltimore, RA, blonde maple compact €,xten- tal for 3 to months beginning basement with lavatory. Wide on the Ground Floor at 143 East Member. Grosse Pointe Brokers 5.0056. sion table, console type, sea,ts 1960 FIAT sunroof. new tires, GIRL wishes days. ironing. light April 1st. 4 bedrooms, 21'2 lot in the Shores. $49,500. Grand Blvd.. blxk from Association. 12. Twin bed complete. Bam- approximately 50 miles per lh housework, waitress. dish- baths. $250-$350 per month. Jefferson. Also Card Reading. boo lamp. 12 bass accordion. gallon. $300. TUxedo 4-9437. One good. hard-'Wol'king sales- washer. etc. References. VAl- II Call Purdy & Edgar, TU 4-2228 BROWSE Brindisi, e x cell e n t tone. WESTCHESTER. On 80' lot Call 567.4364. Open 9 a.m. to ley 2~9~97. Mr. Borland 9 p.m. daily-all day Sunday. man needed. HELEN'S ANTIQUES 755-5208, 1959 RENAULT DAUPHINE. near lake. New Farm Col. ..~ Reply Box V-73 4 door, good condition, best onial, Five bedrooms two and ~o appointment necessary . COLORED girl for general RESPONSIBLE Grosse Pointe 11-6 Daily Grosse Pointe News SALE. Household furniture. offer. PRescot 2-3315. one-half baths. Utillty room. housework by the week or couple desire 2-bedrooon home 14633 East Jefferson equipment and miscellaneous SWEDISH ma.c:sage, masseuse. Replies held in strictest con- $48,90C. part time. City reference. TY- or apartment in Grosse Pointe 821-4424 pieces, Low prices. TUxedo VOL VO P-1800 Sports car. fidence. Will call at your home. Call ler 7-4674. area, June 1 to September, 1962. Blaupunkt radio. $1800. 4-9942. S. RENAUD. Convenient loca- TUxedo 4-3016. No pets. TUxedo 5-3135. TUxedo 4-6836, TUxedo This lid is known within WOMAN wishes weekly or day FOR THE FINEST IN RESALE tion near but not too close C02 PI:::iTOL. TUxedo 1-0628 5-4447. MASSAGES given in your home. our office. work. Home nights. Refer- 3-ROOM apartment or upper in- CLOTHING FOR THE to Mack. Attractive ranch. Grosse Pointe reference. PRo ence. WA 5-7593. come, unfurnished, Grosse FAMILY House Cleaning Time I FALCON Futura, 1961, 2.-door. Three bedrooms one and one- 5.5034. 4A-HELP WANTED Pointe area. by April 1. TUx- Many originals. Large selection All old used practice organs excellent condition, r a d i 0, half baths. Paneled library. WOMAN wishes day work. gen- ( Domestic:) edo 4~4665. of children's wear. Magnus chord "...".""." ..".. $ 65 bucket seats. 19,000 miles. $32.500. RIDE to downtown wanted from eral cleaning and ironing. 822- 8 Mile - Harper, 8:30 to 5. Items taken on consignment. Silvertone chord .""" ..,,,.,,.$ 35 $1.095. TUxedo 1-2428. WANTED for placement: ];x. 5231. 3 OR 4~BEDROOM house with BERKSHIRE. South of Jeffer- 884-9598. LEE'S FASHION MART Coestler 4 octave .__ " $ 45 perieced coo k s, waitresses fenced yard. May 1, will lease. PONTIAC ~onnevme, 1960, ex- son. Custom English. Four BABY or invalid sit. hourly. 20339 Mack TU 1.8082 Audion 4 octave "..$ 65 and couples. TUxedl) 5.4576. 886-0419. ceptionally dean, full power bedrooms two and one-balf 2A-MUSICAL weekly. weekends. 20 years' 10 to 5 Daily - Fri. 'm 9 Silvertone console chord $195 including 6-w.:;.y seat. new baths plus two rooms and INSTRUCTION nursing experience. VAlley Silvertone Spinet chord ." $275 RELIABLE w hit e lady. day. RETIRED couple desire 2-bed~ DINING room set, rare antique. tires, original owner. $1,495. bath over attached garage. work. Thursday or Friday. 4-0022. Electro voice comb. ", .."..".$265 room lower by July or August. Call after 6 p.m .•TUxedo 2-9984. 821-7400. Paneled library. Recreation -~.'_':" ...~ PIANO, organ. v 0 1c e. theory. small home. one adult. Ref- Hammond chord walnut ....$495 '- preferably on Harcourt or Trom------room with bar. Family room. Pre-school through university erences. $8, carfare. TUxedo GERMAN lady wishes day work Thomas comb. phone ..".",$495 CORY AIR. 1961 Monza, 4-speed. OOO-pounders FarOUk and bly. Contact Mr. Edgar of LESLIE SPEAKERE: to fit any Fine condition. $53,500. . ill Palos ~, caMr.. level. Walter Mueller, 482 5-3125. or laundry. LAkeview 6-6585. Purdy & EdgEll', TUxedo 4-2?28. organ. Smiley Bros.. TR Foot pump cottage organ $ 25 perfect condition. 23 miles Colonial Ct. N., TU 6-1090. Conn Minuet...... $795 per gallon. Reasonable. TUx- HOUSEKEEPER for retired HIGH SCHOOL graduate wants 3-6800 or MI 7-11'17. COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE in OUT OF TOWN family desire edo 2-4372 after 6 p.m. widower in Grosse Pointe baby sitting. References. 872- 3 bedroom home in Grosse STUDIO-Used Baldwin organ. SMILEY BROS. the Farms. Luxurious ranch THE 5510 Woodward TR 3-6800 Farrr:.s. Live in. References. 6379. Pointe. April 0 c cup a n c y. Walnut. Smiley Bros., TR TRIUMPH. 1962, TR~3. excel- in choice location. Three bed. 115 S. Woodward MI 7.1177 rOOms two and one-half baths. DUNNING COURSE 885-1231. ,E X PER I E N C E D colored JEfferson 9.3000, extension 3-6800. Open evenings Mon- lent condition. Will consider day through Thursday, Sun- Detroit Open Sun. 1-5 trade. $1.550. TUxedo 2-'7035. Very special family room with PIANO and THEORY MOTHER'S helper, live in 5 W~man wan~ Thursday and 7722. day 1-5. Eyes Mon. through Thurs. bar. $59.500. BRIGGS MUSIC STUDIO days. weekly. own ronm. bath. Fnday, clc~mng or laundry. 8-ARTICII.ES FOR SALE CHEVROLET. 1962 Convertible. 15 Kercheval-Punch and Judy TV. References :1' e qui red. Grosse. POl n t e rp.ferencE:". LOVELY C'HERRY dining room 23-INCH Mahogany Console - V-8, iull power, 19.000 miles. WINDMILL POINTE DRIVE. Building. TUxedo 1-4957. TYler 6-3673. set. bedroom. bookshelves. Hudson TV, cabinet like new, (me owne~. $1.950. 1228 Har- INTERIOR DECORATING, first Outstar.ding Southern Col. Clo~hing, miscellaneous. TUx- picture tube recently install- vard. Grosse Pointe DAY S. references, Tuesday, class {'.ustom nlade draperies. onial with many luxurious S-SITUATION WANTED edo 5-4234. ed. Priced for quick disposal. appointments Four large bed- Teacher: MILDRED BRIGGS Friday. Call Friday. Depend. beds.,reads. dust ruffle;;, val- 1962 PONTIAC. Convertible. $40. VA 3-0565. rooms three baths plus two TUxedo 2-5680 COLLEGE student. 18. wishes able, neat. VA 1-5985. ances. samples. repairs. Free CONN MINUET organ. walnut. clean. power windows. brakes. rooms and bath over attached .. ;< part time work after 3 p.m. estimates. HOward 3-6153. LIGHT aqua nylon living room steering. radio. heater. white looks like new. $895. Smiley garage. Paneled library. Up- PUNCH AND JUDY TUxedo 1-0936. 6-FOR RENT carpe-t. 12'x24', $75. Beige walls. $1.850. Private. TUxedo Bros .• Birmingham. MI 7-1177. stairs study. Fine recreation MUSIC STUDIOS (Unfurnished) WE FIX ANY TV wool stair and hallway carpet. 5-7635. evenings. EXPERIENCED gardener. small room. A very special house. Piano, guitar, banjo, accordio!1. AMAZING! $50. Both good condition. estates, hourly. day or season. HAVERHILL, 3921. 3.b-.:droom $19.95 1961 VALIANT. V-200, 2"door $79.500. Guitar Rentals and Sales. TUxedo 1-6913. Ed Suter. room 33. VAlley income. New I y decorated. Includes all parts and labor. What style are you looking for? hardtop. automatic. w hit e 15 Kercheval 1-7345. Modern. $125. TUxedo 1-932~, ONE YEAR GUARANTEE All styles and finishes on dis- 7~MAN raft. motor mount. 2- walls. radio, heater. PRescott STONEHURST near Lady Star Grosse Pointe Farms 110°, 24". 27". slightly extra. play. We have an excellent selec- h.p. motor. $140; Lionel trains. 8-~965 between 6-8 p.m. of the Sea. Fine ranch on HOME NURSING or child care, NEFF - Attractively decorated TU ~4440 Res.37~-8994 tion of LOWREY AND CONN 5 engines. 3 pair automatic 120' lot. Three bedrooms two day or nighL,Best references. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, garages, Vie & Phil':> TV organs froOl .$495. switches. 275-watt transfonn- 1960 RAMBLER wagon, automa- and on.:-half baths. Activities LOrain 8.0986. porche!;. Adults, 885~2209. 25280 GRATIOT PIANO-Popular. classical. Com. KIMBALL, STORY AND CLARK er. numerou,,> cars and tracks. tic, power brakes, back-up room. $54,500. petent, professional musician. 776-6200 pianos. Many used organs and lights. padded dash. radio. NEED B baby sitter? The Sitters UNI<'URNISHED upper duplex, $140; slightly used camping Beginners welcome. large six rooms, gas heat. Som. pianos from $195. and fishing equipment. tents, heater. Only 27,000 miles. Club. PRescott 7-0377. Li- VIRGINIA'S Piano Rental Pl::..n for Children THOROUGH COVERAGE ON TU 4-4440 Res. 372-8994 erset. Grosse Poi n t e Park. cots. reels, poles, boat seat. sharp. no rust. 884-9571. censed and bondai. $2 weekly. OTHER GROSSE POINTE Adults 0 n I y. $125. VAlley A TIle TREASURES tackle box. ice chest, etc. VAl- CADILLAC. '58 Coupe. 45,000 HOUSES PIANO Instruction by trained. Your Girl Frid~y 4-0174, TUxedo 1.5605. 10:30.5 Daily THE MUSIC CENTER ley 2-7753. after 7 p.m. or all miles. beautiful. $1,195. 354 experienced ter-cher. Special Secretarial Service We buy and sell day weekends. 807 HARCOURT-Upper flat. 2 22933 Gratiot near 9 Mile Rivard Blvd. 882-0930. Stop in for a time saving list attention for beginners. Rea. M.imeographing 17904 Mack 884-6313 Hours 10 to 9 daily. tailored to your requirements bedrooms. Ilh baths, den. COMPLETE maternity ward- 1958 CHEVROLET. white. 4- sonable. Joan Dyson Cooper, from our comprehensive Grosse Mrs. Coleman TU 4-6442 carpeting. stuve and refriger- robe, fulllengtb Persian lamb door. power steering, automa- TUxedo 2-1523. FOR THE BEST Pointe catalog of photographs ator. Adults. 885.1914. G.E. 40 in. range. 2 complete coat with mink collar. dresses, tic transmission. radio, heat. NURSING companion for con- Variety and Values and small floor plans. PIANO IN~TRUCTION by Mrs. ovens. window. like' new. winter, summer. all size 5-8. er. one owner. good condition. valescent. Grosse Pte. refer-- PLEASANT upper corner flat. 6 Samuel W. Leto. Beginners in Costs $278. Moving will sell High chair. training chair. toy . 413 Manor. TUxedo 2-4'176. ences. Rp.liable, trustworthy. rooms. gas heat. s tor m 5, and advanced students. 821- ANTIQUES - CLOTHING for $165. Cal~ 881-4362. box. child's rocker, miseella- Townsend 7-7124. adults. VAlley 2-0812. . neous. 885-4560. 1959 T-BIRD Coupe. '!>iack, first 1372. and TEACHER'S SPECIAL - Bald- $1,050 takes it. LA 6-1596. MAXON IF YOU'LL NAME the job you NEFF (Kercheval>. Extremely HOUSEllOLD ITEMS win built Hamilton piano. PROM dress. size 9-10. $10. ORGAN LESSONS. Enroll noW. want done I'll do it! VA pleasant, large upper unit' w'~h Light oak. recent trade-in. TUxedo 4-2372. CHEVROLET. '61 station wagon BROTHERS, INC. Beginner organ classes. $7.50 Visit 4.9172. I paneled library. 3 bright bed- Parkwood. economy 6. auto- New guarantee. Smiley Bros .• 83 Kercheval TU 2.6000 per month, includes music. rooms, 2 baths. Carpeting. THE GRIST MILL TRinity 3-6800. Open Sun- BEAUTIFUL sable dyed mink matic, 26,000 miles, excellent Only non-organ owners. Prac- Adults only. No pets. $275 RESALE SHOPPE day. 1-5. Evenings Monday stole 16~18, like new. TUxedo condition. Evenings. TUxedo PERSONALIZED SERVICE tice time at studio free or you I month. 21151 Mack, Grosse Pte. Wds. through Thursday. 5-7610. 4-3334. lilay rent Lowrey or CCJI.nor- • Leters • Resumes INDIAN VILLAGE (Iroquois 886.1640 Classified Deadline gan. Call Mrs. Roche, Music, • Mimeographing near St. Paul Ave.). Larger home ILA WSON sofa. $25; 1.000-gallon SA-OFFICE EQUIPMENT H!62 IMP ALA. convertible, 327 Is Tuesday noon. 12 p.m .. .. Center. PRescott 5-8000. 1 • Telephone Answering with 4 family bedrooms, 3 baths. AUTHENTIC I-inch weathered Dough Boy pool. $1(); 60" Pro- FOR SALE engine, many extras. clean. for all new copy, changes of library, screened porch. gas barn siding. Hand hewn. nat. vineial fireplace mantel. $20; TUxedo 4~1486 after 5 p.m. TYPEWRITERS anO add i n ~ copy and cancellations. It 1. 2_TUTORING Hester Wright Batchelor heat. 100' lot. Expensive and ural timbers. TR 2-3880. 6-year crib. complete. $20; machines. new. rebuilt. Rea- 1963 OLDSMOBILE. F-85, 4- suggested that all real estate 882-6034 extensive redecorating just com- Cosco stro-ller. $8; buggy. $5; ALL ELEMENTARY g r a des umbrella table. $2; large win- sonable prices. National Of. door deluxe, excellent condi- COpybe submitted to our of- pleted. $250 month. PIANO. Webber. medium grand. tion. Make offer. TUxedo and remedial readinr Detroit HAJ,"'IDYMhNfor general main. sol i d mahogany. beautiful dow fan, $20; draperies and fice Equipment. 16833 Harper fice by Monday 5 p.m. ,Board of Education list. TU tenance. office cleanipg. Ref. HUGH CHALMERS 4.5593. tone. TUxedo 4-6373. spreads. $5. 352 Belanger. at Bishop. TUxedo 1-"fl30. ,.4-4323 after 4 p.m. (lfCnces. PR 2-9037 TU 4-4040 Eves. 4-2557 ..

t _ • _ tr _ • bE ._ ... _ S .etssb t t R en= • _ft t'. h h •• 2 Z t tr tn •• z •••• R •••• S 2 •• a17 • tn SR. t • 2 ca tr tat a e b t M. t e be. Page Twenty-six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday,. March 26, 1964

13-REAt. ESTATE Ill-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE \ ll-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13A-LOTS FOR SALE 21 H-RUG ,:LEANING 211-PAINTING AND FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE DECORATING HAVE YOU DREAMED OF CARPET and furniture cleaning A:l INTERIOR and exterior anne parker, tu 5.1445, offers by GROSSE POINTE, 1362 Somer. LIVING NEAR THE LAKE? and dyeing. On location. 778- appointment: Anita, 1651. 1686. painting, wall washing. and GROSSE POINTE set-6/6, 2 gas furnaces, na- FIRST OPENING Now available - Beautiful lot paper hanging. Have insur- deceivingly accommodating, Happy Easter tural fireplaces, lower carpeted. on Warner Road cul-de.sac WALKING DISTANCE to public Attra~tive Dutch Colonial. CARPET cleaning. 25 year ex- ance. Kenneth Pygott, SLo- 3 bedrooms on 80'. $750 in the heart of the Farms, down. or parochial high schools. Living room with firuplace, perience. Call for free ~sti- cum 8-1780, after 5:30 p.m. Solid 4 BEDROOM COLO. Greetings WOUL:!:> you like more than dining room, kitchen, sun- close view of the water. mate. Famot:.s Window Clean- N!AL, library, covered porch, 6% interest on your money. room, lavatory; 3 bedrooms, ers. 5600 Gateshead Ave. DONALD BUSS If so, then invest Sl,OOO or GEORGE PALMS Rlty. GROSSE PTE, CITY many fruit trees about to From bath up. Gas steam heat. TUxedo 4-4300. Decorator Appt. Only burst in bloom on large lot. more with us in a nice 20 55' lot. Under $20.000. CALL 886-4444 MARV. BOUTIN Rlty, fa mil y apartment building Exterior Interior JEFFERSON (near Stratford)- GEORGE PALMS Rlty. Free Estimates GLITTERING Lake St. Clair at near Grosse Pointe that pays TACKED DOWN CARPETS This older home on approxi- and Sales Staff New Phone Number- 35 Years in G.P. your door, GEORGIAN CO- a dividend of 10% or more. 13C-LAND CONTRACTS AND FURNITURE mately 1h acre lot has great This year it will pay 12%. CALL 886-4444 utility for the larger family LONIAL with 6 bedrooms. We get positive results. TU 1-7050 List your home with an ac- For more information tele- HA VE BUYER for well located and much built-in charm. 5 Gracious 1st floor including tive realtor organization. phone Mr. Hannon, VAlley land contracts. Also mortg- bedrooms, 4 baths on 2nd plus finely detailed living room, CLEANED on GEORGE: S. DALLY dining room, paneled library 1-8985 or write for a picture ages arranged. finished 3rd floor. Surprising- 20943 Mack Ave. 884.7733 DEEPLANDS PAINTING, D:F.CORA1'lNG all with fireplaces. of this building. 936 Beacons- M. JAMES WALKER ly low taxes for "near-the- Member E.D.R.A. Multi-List field, Grosse Pointe 30. Delightful Colonial in a se- LOCATIOf'~ Paper hanging and wall wash- lake" location. Please call for cluded location ne8.r'the Lake. 19718 MACK mg. Serving this commuuity for 1ST OFFERING - Convenience details and appointment to in- Large family room, 5 bed- 881-7575 882-6781 RUGS PICKED UP over 25 years. at its best, 4 bedroom Ranch. spect. rooms, 3~ baths, excellent AND DELIVERED TV 1-7480 Owner pride shines inside and SUNNINGDALE DR. kitchen with all built-ins. HAPPY Exceptionally attractive cen- 14-REAL ESTATE HUGH CHALMERS out, garden snows real imagi- Unusually good lot. LEO P. KISTN~R nation. . Completely finished ter hall COLONIAL on 100x WANTED TU 4-4040 Eves. TU 4.4507 Interior pii~nters, exterior. basement bar plus hob b y EASTER 166 ft. site. 4 family bed- T. RAYMOND JEFFS 200/0 .cbester, MIch ••watctl- Free estimates, w;:;ry guar- room. rooms, 2V2 baths, paneled li- TU 1-1100 Res. TU 2-0176 HAVE GROSSE POINTE' cus- Islon. TV also eeans I anteed. Rates reasonable. To You brary, enclosed terrace, games tomers for 5 bedroom, 3 bath OFF CASH and CARRY tential aanger point.. room with fireplace. Built Custom work: and color. BARRINGTON 905. 1st Offer- CHARMING EARLY AMERI- AL TER Road, 524. Modern brick and 4 bedroom, 2 bath homes 1953. Priced to sell. Owner PRescott 7-5876. PRescott ing - Ranch home built CAN, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 1 From All of Us At 5-3, 2 bedrooms down, 1 up, If considering selling, call us transferred. TU-6300. 7-5853, 1952. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. bedroom down, Library plus good sized rooms, gas heat, 2- today. No obligation. PRIDE den, jalousie terrace. fin- garden room opening onto car garage, excellent rental M. JAMES WALKER, Rltr. P A I NT lNG, colors matchet!, Johnstone & Johnstone CARPET AND FURNITURE ished basement. attached ga- beautiful terrace. House over- MANOR area. VAlley 3-0501. 882.6781 papering, pap e r removed, l'age. looks landscaped park. wall washing, work gua'~an- GROSSE PTE. FARMS, 169 teed. Mertens, 122 Muir, TU REALTY A NEW OFFERING Muir Road. Distinctive 2-bed- 15-BUSI NESS 2-0083. LOTHROP 274 - Appearances SWEENEY & MOORE CLEANERS ALLEN V. DODD LAKEPOINTE nr. LAKE room cottage, gas steam heat. OPPORTUNITIES I . are deceiving! This ran~h- TV 1-68OC $12,900. Open Sundays. TU _ FREE ESTIMATES PAINTING, exterior and In- type home contains 6 bed. Cute as a Button, Charming 1-6794, after 5 p.m. HARPER WOODS 10615 CADIUX terior. Wall washing. Grosse rooms, 31h baths, large pan- Office Closed Farm Colonial, Roomy 3 GROSSE POINTE AREA Pointe references. Mr. Page, eled family room, an f'xcep- Easter Sunday Bedroom 1112 Bath. 2 Car WE ARE in a transition pe- TUXEDO 5-5700 822.7348. tionally well finished base- Garuge attached by Enclosed riod. What is more logical FOODS and ------~- I .------ment. Convenient to St. Pllul. FIRST OFFERING Breezeway. than to list your house with HOMEMADE I INTERIOR and exterior paint- Kerby and Brownell. a Detroit broker? Detroit BEST CARPET CLEANERS ing, general repairs, free esti. SPACIOUS center entrance col. FOR THE FAMILY WHO CAN PRESTWICK, 1976 is where your buyers are CANDIES CARRY-OUT CLEANING, DYEING mates, reasonable. DIamond PEMBERTON 801 - Very well onial. Custom buUt. Paneled AF ....ORD EVERYTHING! Only 10 yrs. old, 3 Bedrooms. coming from and we have Modern equipment, carpeted , REPAIRING __1-2_9_10_. _ library, three twin size bed. more buyers than homes. lovely interior. MU6t be seen planned Colonial. Lots of Elegant 4 bedroom, 3 bath 1~ Bath Cclonial with PROMPT HOME SERVICE COMPLETE decorating. Paper- rooms, 21h baths. $37,900.00. CALL Sell all, or lease part, or ex . eharm and room. 3 bedrooms, plus maid's and bath. Marble kitchen eating space, Newish FREE ESTIMATES hanging, insured, guaranteed. KIN-KAY REALTY change, or partner. Will sell 2 baths; open hearth fire- foyer. 35' family room has carpets and drapes at a right INSURED I AI Schneider. TUxedo 1-0565. DR 1-7222 fixtures. 886-2435, after 3 p.m place in kitchen. Den. 80' lot. BY APPOINTMENT its own kitchen, equipped. price. EXPERT painting, paper hang- bar, raised hearth, plus games TU 2-6556 I 16-PETS FOR SALE ing. Free estimates. Van As- NEWCASTLE 1819. 1st Offer- HARV ARD, 1047 - Cape Cod room. Unbelievably b~autiful TAPPAN DON'T MOVE TO 1'HE ing - Exceptionally nic!;! 1:12 that has everything. Three sche. TUxedo 4-1187, VA GE kitchen. Luxury and per- ~UBURBS BEFORE YOU PRECIOUS TINY white to Y ~tory. Large livingroom and bedrooms, two baths, center OUR PHOTO FILES SAVE RADKE CARPET CLEANERS 4-1492. fection well worth seeing. YOU MILES SEE THIS! poodle puppies. Sassafra s kitchen. 2 bedrooms, expan- hall for good traffic pattern, $79,800. Carpets, rugs, ta::ked down or PAINTING 25 years experi- 90 KERCHEVAL 884-6200 Champion strain. 6 genera - sion attic with heat ducts in, plus cozy den and large McKINNEY, 11251-Exception. l tion pedigree. Beautiful tiny oose and upholstered furni~ure i encl'. Cail for free estimate. gas heat, 2 cal garage. Walk kitchen. Two blocks to shop- ally attractive 3 bedroom, 1:Jh . c WOULD YOU LIKE black toys, excellent pedi leaned and moth proofed, in Famous Window Cleaners. to Lady Queen of Peace. ping and school. bath Cape Cod, 1 year old. - a 4 bedroom, 2~ bath, 10 FIRST OFFERING gree. Chihuahua puppies al - your home the modern way 5600 Gateshead Ave. TUxedo with the latest Rug Deteger, 4-4300. year old Colonial on 90xl00 ST. CLAIR SHORES ways. Stud service. TEmpI e KERCHEVAL 282 - Corner of MUCH EXTRA VALUE! Sel. dries overnight. mlssUe. ConC'.rete doors CONSULT OUR OFFICE ft. lot? Do you have $8,000 so COLONY, 22535 - 3 bedroom 1-5489. Kerby. Excellent semi-ranch. dom does the opportunity Repairing. serge binding, throw b 116 tons each. FOR MANY MORE down? Want carpeting, dish- hrick bungalow, natural fire. Three bedrMms, 3 baths. fam- arise when a house is of- rugs and runners, picked up Painting and Decorating washer, disposal, paneled place, dining room. A real COCKER Spaniel, 1 vear old , oase capable of sending PLUS HOMES. ily kitchen, attached 2 car family room and gar;lge? fered with so many fea- and delivered, Best of Grosse Pointe value; $13.900, $400 down. female. A.K.C. $25. TUxed 0 garage. tures in this price range. A Free est t mat e, reasonable References ast of Denver. part of a Priced in the middle 30's. 5-5710. 'ound lair of the 451st four bedroom, two bat h prices. DR \-3133. • Interior • Exterior DOVER REAL ESTATE I. BRYS DR .. 2105-An excellent home with a beautiful, cooped out a great big Silloway & CO. DO YOU HAVE $500 DOWN? 16840 Kercheval TV 4-3730 COCKER PUPS, A.K.C. Cham - er plant has four l,OOl'. buy at $12,500. Two bedrooms beamed ceiling library. The 211-PAINTING AND JOHN R. FORTI ER with expansion attic, gas Cute as an Easter Egg, freshly pion sired. Buff and white. 342 - I:rew numbers 70, with ru 4-7000 painted thoroughout. New kitchen has b~n revamped 8444 or LIberty 9-5366. DECORATING PR 7-3551 hpat. terrace, garage. Can be and has eating space. In SUNNINGDALE purchased with $400 down. St. Ambrose school will open next term. $10,500. the City and withID walking Large ranch opposite Lochmoor COLORED professional decora. 21 WALL ASHING o down to GI. 20-PIANO SERVICE J distance to both public and Golf Club. Gas heat, a.ttached tor. Residential, commercial. I . - W par 0 chi ell scnools. At garage, 100' lot. Owner mov- Cottages anywhere in Michi- W,\LL WASHING. wall panel- MT. VERNON, 265 - Compare PARDON OUR MUDDY YARD! PIANO TUNING and servicin g, $25,500 this 'won't last long. ing. gall. Neat workmamhip. ing installed. Also odd jobs. Even mud -cannot spoil the guaranteed Walter Muelle r, this 3-bedroom. n~ bath Col- RENAUD RD. 591-First block TRinity 1-7318. Call Don Starnes, PRescott onial to any in the area and off Lakeshore. Four bed- charm of this new 3 bedroom, TUxedo 6-1090. I AND BY HURT REALTY 7-3452. you should be pleased. Excel. rooms, 31J2 baths, family 2 bath Kimbrough. COMPLETE decorating ser- APPOINTMENT TU 2-4661 lent buy for best schools, room, paneled den, as well P.S. We will get permit COMPLETE pisno service. Tun - vice. Interior and ex~p.rior WALL WASHING, no streak- extra 1st floor room, excel- as a large living room and from Mother Nature BEEN FOOLED on April First. in'g, rebuilding, refinish in g. painting. Pap e r removing ing, drop clothes. Reasonable. lent floor plan for this size dining room. All of this i~ for grass and' ~rive- 1>efore? Let us trick you de-mothin2. Member Pian 0 and paper h a n gin g. Wall 881.5306, call after 5::~0 p.m. , home. Will consider renting. a ten year old home makes wa~', into seeing the inside of LISTINGS WANT'ED Technicians Guild. R. Zech washing. Workmanship gua,r- for a most attractive proper- this well-maintained, older 731-7707 ante€'d to be the best. For WALL WASHING, 25 years ex- WESTCHESTER, 703 - Gra- ty. Walking distance to SIGN UP TODAY FOR home on Rivard. The entire We speCialize in Grosse Pointe estimate, call perience. Call for free est!- cious new Colonial near Lady Star of the Sea and LIFELONG DIVIDEND house was painted within Woods properties. 90% of the 21A-GENERAL SERVICE S WILLIAM FORSYTHE mate. Famous Window Clean- school. Large :family room Barnes schools. CHECKS the year and many I)f the ers. 4600 Gateshead Ave. homes listed with us are sold VAlley 2-9108 TUxedo 4-4300. with fireplace and pegged This investment property for rooms have recently been HANDY MAN SERVICE .";)" :./~ and at top dollar. Call us for an - "'C.' flooring, 5 bedrooms. Util- WASHINGTON, 600 - Good $32,500 shows over $6,000 a redone. C h arm radiates Chhnney, porch re"lair an d appraisal based on experience 21K-WINDOW WASHING ity room. SO-ft. lot, latest in three bedroom ranch. Large year net profit. from everywhere as you'll at no cost or obligation. Mem- odd jobs. PRescott 7-3452. POINTE PAINTERS .. ~ airy rooms, recreation room, ,. kitchen equipment. walk through each of the bers, Detroit Real Estate Board Very Reasonable garage, gas heat. G.OLMIN del i g h rt full y-derorated and East Side Brokers Associa- CARPET LAYING Custom Work ELLA RUTH NEW AND OLD S. RENAUD, 726-An unusual- rooms. Four bedrooms if tion. Wall Washing Exterior Painting WINDOW CLEANING DREAMY three bedroom ranch. and associates ~~~;;~j'd. " . ly spacious llh story Colo- you require them, other- Stair Carpet Shifted Call Bcb between 6 P.l\I. & SERViCE Recreation room in basement, wise how about an upstairs Repairs of All Types WALL WASHING .'>:~~<~/,~~'.J nial. Panel lirary, family of grosse pointe 8 P.M. VAlley 1-9712. :~f' two car garage. Perfect con- room, 4 bedrooms, 2 h baths, New offices at 81 Kercheval sitting room? Cigaret Burns Re-Woven FREE ESTIMATES dition. Under $20,000. St. ROWE & CO LEO TRUDEL an abundan,:e of closets.' Ex- on the Hill. WE ARE INSURED Joan of Arc Parish. WHY LOOK hither and thither BOB TRUDEL PAINTING, expert workman- cellent condition. TU 6-4060 TU 6-2050 for that ideal ranch home 20908 Mack TU 4-1000 TU 5-0703 771-08 65 ship guaranteed. 5 rooms, one VALLEY 1-9321 KENMORE. 21240, Cor. Helen with 2% baths, three bed- coat, $75; 2 coats, $140. Refer- :\IIDDLESEX. 733 - Charming rooms, dining room, {and a ences. 895-8698. t1-0K Window Cleaners. Serv- - L 0 vel y three - bedroom VACANT FLOOR WAXING, 25 years e x- Colonial with 3 large bed- family room? We'll even ice on storms and screens. ranch. Re(~reation room, new 1214 BUCKINGHAM perience. Call for free est i- rooms. powder room. Exqui- throw in a two-car attached PAINTING and decorating. Ex- Free estimates. 521-2459. carpeting, drapes, central air Grosse Pointe $29,900 mate. Famous Window Clea n- site decor. New carpeting, at. garage and a full basement perienced. Reasonable rat e s. conditioning, 2 - C!ir garage. White brick colonial, four bed- ers. 5600 Gateshead. TUxed o i tached garage. Sensibly priced SHOWN BY complete with playroom. 881.5306, call after 5:30 p.m. 21 L-TILE WORK i Perfect <:ondition. G r 0 sse rooms, 2 baths up, bath and den 4-4300. All this for under forty in the mid 30's. Pointe school district. APPOINTMENT down, new gas steam heat, un. HUGHES BROTHERS, painting CERAMIC TILE. Patchin6', re- ~ thousan.d. finished attic would accommo- 21 B-STORMS & SCREENS and decorating, wall washing, pairs. 884-1933. LAKELAND. 44& - A location TWO STORY 1 IMPOS~IBLE to reproduce at date several additional bed- expert paper hanging, free unsurpassed in the Pointe. 316 Touraine 59,000 STORMS removed, scree ns OUR SALESPEOPLE WILL twice t1le offering price. A rooms if desired. -estimates. 5293 Ycrkshire, '1 P-FURNITURE REPAIR !l Large spacious rooms with 520 Sunningdale 53,800 OWNER 881-6220 hung, windows washed. Gua r- 'j BE HAPPY TO GIVE larger home on Westches- TUxedo 2-9750 or 821-9643. CUSTOM uphulstering. A splen. ~ high ceilings, including li- PERSONAL ATTENTION TO 828 Grand Marais 53,000 anteed satisfaction. Free es ti- "{l ter Road, which has all the did selection of decorative '; brary, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, YOUR HOUSING NEEDS 1262 Berkshire 49,500 NEAR THE "VILLAGE" mates. DRexel 1-2952 or '~ 497 Rivard 47,900 bedrooms and bathrooms Excellent 3 bedroom English VAlley 1-5425. ERNEST A. BOCK fabrics. Expert needlepoint ":~~ 3 fireplaces. Reduced price. required by a family with mounting. Estimates cheer- , STOP IN OR CALL 717 Middlesex 45,000 COLONiAL with 4th bed- Painter and decorator; quality Immediate occupancy. fully given. Ewald, 13929 Ker- 818 Whittier 43.500 children. Red e cor ate d room and' bath on ::it'd floor. i 21 D-ELECTRICAL L. and color matching, the :finest. ::::Sy*': ~_~ ."Q1 throughout and features a cheval. VA 2-8993. 740 Grant! Marais 42,500 Has den. paneled games ro~m. APPLIANCES Served Grosse Pointe homes for 1,OOO-p.'inspection, a three. GRAY BRICK colonial. Grosse ALL MAKES 1455 Bishop 29,900 bedroom horn e in the Pointe Woods. 3 bedrooms, H:z ~ 332 Moran 28,800 Farms, which is just three tiled baihs. Large living and East. Side Vacuum 17176 E. Warren TU 1-11 22 986 Westchester 25,900 minutes walk to Richard dining rooms, recently decorat- Formerly Harper VaCUUIn Bruce N. Tappan 834 Lakepointe 23,900 School and Hill ShOpping. pd. Redwood paneled den. Sun- Electrical Repairs 1004 Lincoln 19,950 $21,500 is the am~zingly ny kitchen. Car pet i n g and Realtor low tag on this rare offer- drapes. Owner. TUxedo 4-64!H. IJ-ROSSE POINTE'S ONLY Appliance Circuits ONE STORY ing, on a street where most PROMPT SERVICE 543 Hidden Ln. $49,000 of the homes sell for thou. GROSSE POINTE T & 35 Shorecrest Cr. 48.500 sands more. HOOVER 65 Willison 46,000 HARCOURT - 6-6 brick flat. FACTOR\, AUTHORIZED Krausmann Electric Co. 1300 N. Renaud 45.900 ON BEAUTIFUL tree lined' Ox. Each has 3 spacious bedrooms. SERViCE Serving the Gr0S8~ Pointe L'e& TU 2 5900 ,Associates fOr ove. 36 years - 90 N. Edgewood Dr. 44,000 ford Road, and just a snow- Large living room, dining ~~ 493 Shdbourne 42,550 ball's throw to the lake. room, 2 baL'ls, fireplace, cedar POINTE VACUUM 801 S. Renaud 42,000 What a perfect setting for closets, separate gas furnaces, \' 75 Crestwood Dr. 39,950 this farm colonial, which 3 car garage. This flat must FREE FICKUP & DELIVER EXTEND TO ALL OUR CLIENTS 408 Lexington 39,900 has recently been added to be seen to be appreciated. NEW - REBl'ILT . PARTS Serving the Pointe Area our listings of quality 433 Lexington 37,500 ~~~~ c~~~me. For appoint. TU 1_I0 14 TU 1-064 7 AND FRIENDS A 862 Anita 34,000 homes. Built by the owner, A 1973 E. Kings Ct. 32,500 who made certain that only LOU IS J. ANGELO 21002 MACK the best went into the con- 19701 Blossom Lane 31,500 1 06 1012 N. Brys Dr. 31,500 struction of this family 823- 1 ELgin 6-8422 21E-CUSTOM CORSETS home. F 0 u rim men s e 19981 W. Doyle Ct. 31,500 3-BEDROOM ranch home, 11h bedrooms, and then elabor. 935 S. Brys Dr. 26,900 baths, family kitchen; panel- INDIVIDUALLY des i g n e d MOST HAPPY EASTER SUNDAY 995 Anita 26.800 ate maids quarters stretch ed family room, carpeting. Spencer girdles and surgic al p 2018 Stanhope 23,800 over the three car garage. and 2-car attached' garage.' supports. Over 30 years ex- Grosse Pointe Gab Call for a long list of extras. 2065 ROslyn 6,900 PR 8-2092. J per i e n c e. Maude Ranne rt. LAKE ST. CLAIR is the back- TUxedo 5-4027 or TOwnse nd 13131 llh STORY drop from' almost every 9-3317. TU 2.5300 1426 Lochmoor $62,500 II you are HOME MINDED this SPRING room in this gracious home 1050 N. Renaud $38,500 Happy our more than 30C PICTURE BOOK LIST- right on the water. Not at 21G-ROOF. SERViCE 19745 Blossom Lane 36.500 INGS can be the answer in helping you find all overwhelming in size, p 1133 Roslyn 31,000 Easter ROOF AND GUTTER work - THE PERFECT HOME but just ri~ht for the aver- Decks repaired, replaced. 25 ROAD SERVICE 469 Bournemouth 29,900 age family. Room for stay- 472 Colonial Ct. 25.900 CLOSED SUNDAY years experience, referenc es in help if required. You on request. Don Seeger, T U 22R7 Stanhope 21,5!'lO will be surpri~ed at the low Ann Bedford Goodman TU 1.9813 1218 Roslyn 21,300 TU 5-6063 LO 7-4706 5-7460. TU 4..3988 ~,,-'£ftJ~ offering price. 20,500 To use these books call at our -office at 1553 Roslyn John S. CALL from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. (or Browf;e through our gutter work and roof repal rs. Earl Richards Service Typewriter Service A 20397 Mack Aye•• in die Woods STUDIO OF HOMES Purdy GOODMAN 30 years' experience. Fu ll~' Our New Location at 82 Kercheval, "on th. hill." insured. Low priced. Next to the Sovorlne Hotel ~ wpporten whoop up a olg & md wife Peggy acknowled&e 13A-LOTS FOR SALE RICHARD WILLERTZ TU 1-6300 T'L 4-0600 GROSSE POINTE VA 2-3560 " Angela 90 KERCHEVAL ON THE HILL TP 1-8170 or TU 4-2545 CARMEL LANE PHON E 884-6200 TUl-4200 JOHNSTONE &; Edgar Choice "Farms" locfltion. Just SPRING SPECIAL - Gutte rs Shoe Repair N off Lakeshore Road near Cres- cleaned, $7.50. ROOfing-gut-1 ters, caulking - chimney re- 379 Fisher Rd., Opp. High Dependable ServIces 100 KERCHEVAL TU 4-2228 cent Sail Club. JOHNSTONE KARL DAVIES TU 5-3220 pair. TU 2-5539.

...... -..-...... - ~..-_.~_.~ _ ~ _ .-.. __ ~--.....-._-.._"'"--_....-_-.. .- _ lI.-__ -.._ _ lay, March 26, 1964 ,~, Thursday, March 26, 1964 -PAINTING AND GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page T~enty-seven DECORATING 21p_-. FURNITURE REPAIR 121S-CARP~NTER WORK ------~--- ' - ---~------I l••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Safety Package Gas Customers ' INTERIOR and exterior l"PHOLSTERING at its best for CARPENTER-Repairs, doors. Headlines of the Week . inting. wall wa~hing. and h.'s~. Call anytime. M. Clifford. locks, window cords, cabinet per hanging. Have insur. VAlley 4-4626. repairs. ED 1-4576. Lauded hy Ford Due for Break (Continut.:d from Page 1) than to get him involved in run. ceo Kenneth Pygott. SLo. 219-'--Fi.-A-S-T'~ER-I-N-G--- r- .__ m 8-1780, after 5:30 p.m. response to ABA's president, ning for the vice presidency Benson Ford, vice president Michigan Consolidated Gas iChurch News Walter Craig who criticized under these conditions," Reuther i Additions - Alterations of Ford Motor Compny and Company announced today that : Plast~r colHractor, repair work. Belli's statements after the Jack said. "Sometimes your best •••••••••• e•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . DONALD BLISS chairman of the Board of Di. due to the unusually warm So Job too small. Free esti. Ruby trial as ~'a discredit to him friends are your worst enemies," Decorator Kitchen MOdernization rectors of the Traffic Safety winter, it will begin reviewing POINTE CONGREGATIONAL 9;30 a.m.-Prayer groups in mates. J . .Maniaci. and his profession." Belli re- he added, pointing out that this or Minor Repair Association, said that (i()ver- and adjusting gas bills for its 240 ChaJfonte at Lothrop lounge. rior Interior DRexel 1-8293 after 5 p.m. torted: "I can't belong to the decision belonged properly to nor Romney's "comprehensive "budget plan" customers March Minister ...... Free Estimates Free ~stimbtE!S American Bar Association. Let the Democratic Party Conven. traffic safety package submit- 6, instead of June 1. John William Estes, Jr. 35 Years in G.P. 21R--CEMENT WORK Licensed Contractor them investigate some of these tion. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, ted to the Legislature will go Sunday, March 29: 7 a.m. ------cases (in Dallas) where they Some 133,000 customers of SCIENTIST TU 1-7050 FRANK J. ST. AMOUR * '" '" a long way toward solving the the utility budget their heating Easter breakfast. 8:15, 9:30 and CE:\IE~T WORK-Any size job. get 25 cQnvictions out of 25 HALTING the Senate's civil- Fries Auditorium i'U 2.8324 TU 5-5791 problem of the delinquent bills in equal monthly pay- 11 a.m.-Easter worship serv- Reasonable, reliable, refer- cases and no automatic appeaL" rights debate, which is already 'Ihe effect of the resurrection ;EORGE S. DALLY driver if favorably acted upon." ments from September through ices. Church school for children ences. Call now for free esti. Belli's action followed on the displaying filibuster symptoms, on Jesus' disciples will be one dNTING, DJ:CORA1'lNG mate. Joe CasCione, DRexel DOING all types of carpenter heels of his dismissal as counsel Speaking at the annual meet- May. The payments are based up to 5 years of age. of the themes at Christian Sci- may depend on 18 uncommitted ing of the Traffic Safety As- or hanging and wllll wash- 1-1256, or VEnice 9-0365. work, remOdeling attic rooms, by Jack Ruby and his family. on an estimate of their gas • * • ence church services this Sun- senators-10 Republicans and 8 sociation, Ford added that it Sen'ing this ~ommuuity for porches. Small or big jobs. usage during a normal winter Monday, March 30: 12:45 p.m. day. • • • Democrats-according to a sur- was "reassuring to know that t5 years. BRICK work. ~roken steps, Estimates free. TUxedo 5-5892 Sunday, March 22 and any difference between es- -Women's Bowling League, Both Matthew's and John's vey prepared by the non-partisan the major provisions in Gover- chi m n e y s. waterproofing I SECRETARY OF STATE Dean timated and actual usage is ad. 20422 Mack. 7 p.m.-Girl Scout account of the resurrection will TV 1-7480 National Committee for an Ef- nor Romney's program have walls. tuck pointing, all other CUSTOM MODERNIZATION Rusk said today that the Soviet justed on the June gas bill. mariners in social hall. fective Congress. According to also been advocated by Secre- be read as :part of the Bible LeO P. KISTN~R repairs. Call anytime, VAlley I Additions, alterations, recrea- Lnion will release the other two their tabulations, 59 senators are Hugh C. Daly, executive vice- • • • Lesson on "Reality." Also in. 2-6648. tion rooms and kitchens. Free crewmen of the jet reconnis- tary of State Jim Hare, who president, said that as a result Tuesday, March .31: 6:45 p.m. .erior painters. exteT ior. now disposed to vote for cloture, heads the safety commission cluded will be this passage from sance bomber shot down March of the warm weather, most of -Men's bowling league, 14529 ee estimates. wor!' guar- 'I estimates. or ending debate. That means and long has been a leader in the Christian Science textbook: 10 in East Germany. No condi- the customers will have paid Kercheval avenue. teed. HiltCS H!dsonable. the additional 8 votes needed the field of traffic safety." "Through all the disciples ex, stom wor:" amI (:010:-. J. W. KLEINER THE BARLEC CO. tions have been attached to the for cloture must come frl)m these sufficient money prior to June • * ... periences, they became more He asserted that Detroit's Wednesday, April 1: 9:30 a.m. :escott 7-5876. PRescot: CE~IENT CONTRACTOR I TUXEDO 2-2322 freeing of the two Air Force 18 uncommitted senators. The to cover their entire heating spiritual and understood better traffic safety program suffered -Bitle study class in lounge. ,853 officers. Although details of survey further suggests the 10 bill. what the Master had taught. His ..\11 types of cement and brick -- a jolt last year, but he added 7:30 p.m.--Christian edueation when and where this relea~e will uncommitted Republicans and "Where bud get paymel1ts resurrection was also their res- ~ T l:-.i G. co~ors matched, work; drives, porches. walks, t.hat through the years "this board meeting. 7:30 p.m.-Mis- take place were not disclosed Senate Republican Leader Ever. scheduled for March. April and urrection. It helped them to pering, pap e r removed, pa tios. ;;arage raising. INTERNATIONAL city, despite monumental dif- sionary board meeting. Rusk indicated that they would ett M. Dirksen, Ill.) will largely May appear to be larger than raise themselves and others II washing, work gua ~an. XO JOB TOO SMALL ficulties, has made remark- CONSTRUCTION CO. be freed in "the ver.I nearest determine the content of the necessary, the customer will be * * • from spiritual dullness and 'd. :\Iertens. 122 Muir, TU able progr~ss in reducing death Thursday, April 2: 1 p.rn.- LICENSED and BONDED SPECIALISTS IN future." Lt. Harold Welch, the bill.' Uncurtailed debate could billed only for actual gas usage, blind belief in God into the 083. TU 2.0717 and suffering on our streets and Parent::;' E.ducational Associa- HO~E lMPROVEMENTS injured third crewman, was safe- mean defeat, or serious weaken- less any credits he may still perception of infinite possibili- ly delivered by the Russians Sat- highways." There are three tion in lounge. 6:30 p.m.-Youth JTING, exterlo:- and in- Additions - Porches ing of the bill's provisions. have coming to him from pre. ties". (Science and Health with urday. President Johnson has t.imes as many cars in the De- choir; 8 p.m.-ehancel choir. ior. Wall washing. Grosse ~---- Driveways - Basements • • • vious budget payments," Daly Key to the Scriptures by Mary L\TILLA & BAITAGLIA Attic Rooms - Baths taken steps to avoid future such troit area today as there were said. 8 p.m.-Board of Trustees meet. inte references. Mr. Page. THE WORLD BOXING AS. in the 19205 but there are 40 Baker Eddy. p. 34). Cement Drives - Patios - Etc. Aluminum Awnings, Siding incidents caused by navigational About 15,000 customer, whose ing in lounge. ... ~-7348. SOCIATION executive committee per cent fewer traffic deaths ... . . Gara:Jes Raised Storms and Screens errors. accounts are presently in line . . is being polled on a motion to today than there were then, he WOODS PRESBYTERIAN :RIOR :md exterior paint- I' '" '" FOOT ENGLISH EV. LUTH. Licensed - Insured ALL WORK G-JARANTEED . remove the world heavyweight said. with their gas usage, will not . general repairs- free esti. L\keview 1.3710 PR 5-2492 No Money Down, 5 Years to Pay POPE PAUL VI opened the title from Cassius Clay, and be adjusted until June, Daly 806 Vernier Road 19950 Mack Av. at Torrey Road Michigan and the country as tes, reasonabl~. DIamond --~------869-4470 !'olemnities of Holy Week as suspend him indefinitely, WBA said. TUxedo 4.1147 Andrew F. Rauth, Minister no. he blessed palms before Palm president Ed Lassman said he a whole also suffered setbaeks Rev. Paul F. Keppler, Pastor Paul A. Winchester, Assistant Sunday mass in St. Paul's Basili- in 1963, he said. Michigan's L. VERBEKE ----- had received hundreds of letters ThUI'1Sda~t,March 26: Maundy Minister PLETE decorating. Paper- GE:"iER.<\L CEME:'-lT CONT. ca, Vatican City. The Pope program has some obvious weak- asking why the group had not Thursday Communion Service at Robert L. Lucero, Assistant 19ing. insured. guaranteed. nesses, such as inadequate Pointe Photographers . Additicns & Alterations later told the crowd assembled taken this action. Lassman 8 p.m. Minister Schneider. TUxedo 1-0565. Dnveways, sidewalks: brick or in St. Peter's Square that "We driver licensing, no compulsory cited two reasons for removal of Win Eight Awards • * • GOOD FRIDAY, March 27: biock porches bUIlt or reo S. I' t mllst recognize Christ" as the vehicle inspection, an unwork- Clay's title: "First, for signing Friday, March 27 Children's 12 to 3 p.m., Eastland Center ERT paInting, paper h:lng- paired. All types o! patios, I pecla 15 5 true Lord, and urged that able drunk driving law that is the contract, with Intercontinen- The tVJenty-thii:d annual con- S('-t'Vice - 10 a.m. Afteinoon Services; 1 to 2:30 p.m., Woods :. Free estimates. Van As- ba6ement waterproofmg. tuck- Christians should "'mainly in- "considered an unfunny joke Theatre Services. tal Promotions, Inc. before his vention of the Professional Pho~ Service - 1-~:30 p.m. Evening IC, TUxedo 4-1187, VA pointing. garag~s raised and I Consult us about your prohlem. I yoke Him for the peace of which by police authorities through- fight with Sonny Liston. He tographers of Michigan was Service with Holy Communion • • • 492. ('~tenderl. No Job too small. ,No obligation. Free estimates. we have so much need." out the state," and a lack of agreed to fight for Liston even held at the Statler Hilton ~t 8 p.m. - EASTER SUNDA Y, March LIcensed and bonded. ! • '" '" manpower and equipment in rTI~G. 25 Yl'ars experi- before he fought him. Secondly, Hotel, March 7-10. 29: 6 a.m .• Youth Sunrise Serv- police agencies in the Detroit '" II< * 'C. Call for free estimate. Tl"xedo 2.6586 LA 1-4693 P. B. BUILDING CO. TWO MEN D.IED of apparent because Clays' conduct has been One of the features of the Saturday, March 28: Jr. Choir ice; 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m., Three heart attacks Saturday night area and throughout the state. nous Window Cleaners. unbecoming a champion and he convention is the Print Compe- -11 a.m. Ch2pel Choir-lO a.m. Identical Worship Services. Ser- 10 Gateshead Ave. TUxedo LICENSED BU ILDERS while watching a $1 million is setting a very poor example "It is a highly diliturbing tition in which the photogra~ • mon theme: "The Christian's 21S-CARPENTER WORK hlaze that swept a Dearborn • • 300. for American youth." Should fact," he said, that one can phers submit examples of their Sunday, March 29: Sunrise Immortality"; 4 p.m., Infant Baptism. TU 4-1933 Eves TV 2.5834 lumber yard and destroyed or Clay's title be taken away by the travel all day on Michgian free- work for judging by a panel of Service-7 a.m. Easter Break- damaged five other adjacent ways and highways without ob- expert judges. This year there fast-8 a.m. Sunday C h u r c h • • JIM SUTTON -----~------buildings. The first started in a WBA, he would be the first lting and Decorating heavyweight champion to lose serving a single police officer. were over 400 prints submit- School-9:30 a.m. Festival Serv- Tuesday, March 31: 7 p.m., 1677 BRYS shed of the yard operated by the 3est of Grosse Pointe 21T-DRESSMAKING his title by withdrawal of recog. "Admittedly, some units of ted, and about one-half of them ice-ll a.m. Girl Scout Troop 377 meeting; Carpenter Work, RepaIring &, ------~ ~--~-- __ INoye Lumber Comp!lny and the References government are confronted with Were judged to be of a quality 7:30 p.m., Drama Class. nition, and the first fightE"r to , '" '" '" nt('fior • Exterior Remodeling, Attics, Porches, I' CL'STOM made millinery;' sew- Creith and Woodroth Lumber be deposed on charges of this serious financial problems but to be accepted for exhibition. Tuesday, March 31: Men's • • • Garages. ing alterations of all kinds. Company at 12722 Michigan. nature. Previous title.withdraw- it occurs to me that activities From these prints the winners Bowling League at Harbor Wednesday, April 1: 10 a.m,- )HN R. FORTI ER TU 4-2942 20918 Van Antwerp, Harper Fire Chief Swanger said that als occurring in other divisions designed to protect the lives were picked, and awards given Lanes-7 p.m. 2:30 p.m., Detroit Presbyterial ------I W0vds, TUxedo 4-0843. though he believed the blaze was Society will meet at First Pres- were mainly for failure to de. of our citizens are entitled to on a point system. . "'...... PR7-3551 . ------under control by 11 p.m., it still the first ciain, on the tax dol. byterian Church, Birmingham; ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS fend within the maximum six Ralph H. Bransby of the Wednesday, April 1: Altar MORAl';G near Harper. Profes~ blazed Sunday, and will probab. lar. It is simply a question Bransby Studio, 20083 Mack 7:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 546 Family rooms, porch enclosures, month interval between title Guild-ll' a.m. Mission Study -W.~LL WASHING sional seamstress; alterations, ly smolder for several more of emphasis," he said. avenue, and his associate pho- meets. modern kitchens, attics co~vert- fights. Leaders-ll a.rn.. Women of hemming, will re-line coats. days. Paul Jones, editor-consultant tographer. Mr. Edward McHen~ • • • L W:\SHING, wall panel- ed. The Church Luncheon - 12. Work guaranteed. TUxedo ... " '" of Newspaper Enterprise As- ry had a total of 11 prints Meeting at 1 p.m. Thursday, April 2: 10 a.m., installed. Also odd jobs. '" " '" Tuesday, March 24 COMPLETE MODERNIZING 5-7138. Monday, March 23 sociation who also spoke, urged whiCh were accepted for ex- • 01< ... Prayer Group meets; 8 p.m., II Don Starnes, PRescott U. S. AMBASSADOR Edwin LICENSED & INSURED UAW PRESIDENT W a It e r driver training for everyone hibition. Of these, they were POINTE MEMORIAL Chancel Choir rehearsal. 452. CUSTOM SEWING, alterations. Reuther declined a proposal O. Reischauer was stabbed in . . ... the ri~ht thigh by a 19-year-old before obtaining a first l;r.ense, awal'ded eight Ribbon Awards; United Presbyterian Church HELMER Jeanne, TUxedo 1-2965. Sunday that sought Wen. L WASHI;'o;G, no streak- VA much stiffer driver license three Blue Ribbon of Excel- In The U.S.A. CHRIST EPISCOPAL Tvxedo 4-0522 dorsement of Attorney General Japanese youth as he was leav- drop clothes. Reasonable. exams and suspension and rev- lence, two Red Ribbons of Merit Ministers: The Reverend Ber- Rev. Erville B. Maynard, n.D. ALTERATIONS and sewing. Robert F. Kennedy for the Dem. ing the Tokyo embassy for lunch 306. call after 5:30 p.m. yesterday. Though the 53-year- ocatIOn of licenses when drivers and three Yellow Ribbons of tram deHeus Atwood, the Rev- Maundy ThurSday, March 26: CA RFENTER - All types re- Will pick up and deliver. ocratic vice presidential nomina. Honor. ------~--~ -~ ---- prove they are unfit, periodic erend Ben L. Tallman; the Rev- -Holy Communion 8 a.m., 10 pair and remodeling. Carl TUxedo 1-3669. tion. The move, was made by a old ambassador lost consider- .L WASHING. 25 years ex- vehicle inspection, and firm, , During the extent of the con- erend Lyman B. Stooky, the a.m., 8 p.m. Watson. LA 6-5501. delegate to the UAW National able blood, embassy officials say rience. Call for free esti- EXCL USIVE ALTERATIONS impartial traffic law enforce- vention the photographs '.'Jere Reveren'd Richnd Mitchell. Convention in Atlantic City after his life is not in danger. The W. * * * te. Famous Window Clean- by Marie Stephens. Quick ment both by, police and courts. cn public display in the main Good Friday, March 27:--Chil. Kennedy appeared to accept the youth, who was taken into cus.- Sunday, March 29: Easter 4600 Gateshead Ave. service on hems. (Furs). TU Mr. Ford reelected chair- lobby of the hotel, where the Sunday Services. 7 a.m.-Holy dren's Service, 10 a.m. H. F. JENZEN BUILDING UAW Social Justice Award on tody by the Japanese police. de- was xedo 4-4300. 5-7610. man of the Association's Board pub-lie could have a chance to Communion; 8:15, 9:30 and Three Hour Service 12-3 p.m. Horr.e and inriU!ltrlal repairs behalf of his late brother, Presi- clared his attack had no politic- of Directors. John D. Leary, see Professional Photography at 11:15 a.m.-Morning Worship- ... * • Additions, attics completed dent John F. Kennedy. al motivation. -WINDOW WASHING SEWING alterations, adults and vice president of 'Chrysler Cor- its best. Ml" Atwood preaching on "No Easter Even, March 28:-Holy Porch enclosures, recreation children; hems, zippers, plain "We could do nothing more poration, was elected chairman Baptism, 4 p.m. MICHIGAN'S'" *E CON'" 0 !\'IIC Dead End"; 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. G.OLMIN rooms, garages r(>Dalred. drapes. Blankets bound. TU damaging to Bobby Kennedy of the Board of Trustees. T...... UPSWING higher tax collec~ Kiwanis Club Pays -Church School - Crib Room TU 1-9744 1U 4-3011 1-7455. R. Miller, Jr., vice president of through Adult Class. Easter Day ,March 29:-Holy HNDOW CLEANING 21T-DRESSMAKING lions occasioned a proposal by National Bank of Detroit, was Harry Lyle Hon~r • • • Communion, 7 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 SERVIC~ 1. Governor Romney Monday nI~ht ALTERATIONS professionally elected treasurer. and Donald WAI ..L WASHING REWEAVING-Clothing, moth for a modest tax-eut, an in- Monday, March 30: 7:15 p.m. a.m...... * done. Dresses, coats, suits and Slutz, managing director of the The Grosse Pointe Kiwanis holes, burns, tears. 11 years' creased \)oos1ruction program, -Boy Scouts; 8:15 p.rn..-Men's To FRI!~E ESTIMATES Customcratt skirts. 1114 Beaconsfield. Association, was reelected sec- Club presented a "Recognition Bowling. . esday, March 31: - Holy experience. 22549 Raven. PR ~~nd an increase in State serv~ WE ARE INSURED VAlley 2.9743. retary. Plaque" to Harry Lyle for his * • • Communion, 10 a.m. 7-4381. ices. Foreseeing a $61.2 million CONSTRUCTION outstanding work in the sale of VALLEY 1-9321 surplus in the general fund, for E. A. Schirmer,. senior viee Tuesday, Marc'h 31: 8:30 p.m. DRESSMAKING-General sew- peanuts on National Kids Day. COMPANY the current fiscal year, Rom- president of Campbell-Ewald -A.A. ~ Window Cleaners. Serv- ing, alterations. Quality work. 21 U-PLUMBING Mr. Lyle, as chairman of the Southeastern High's I. ne\": recommended a $4.lj mil. Company, was newly elected to ... '" . on storms and screens. Additions and Remodeling of For appoir.t:uent, VA 1-4549. Kids Day Peanut Sale was in- LICENSED mas t e r plumber. lion cut in State sales and busi- the ll-man Board of Directors. Wednesday, April 1: 10 a.m.- Classes Plan Reunion ~e estimates. 521-2459. ail tyes expertly done. strumental in raising approxi- EXPERT alterations done in R e p air s, remodeling, etc. ness activities taxes, a $5.2- Roy Abernethy, president of 2:30 p.m.--Presbyterial. • Family Rooms • Kitchens mately two thousand dollars for your home by the day. Grosse Guaranteed electric sewer million boost in State services, American Motors Corp.; M. A. • * • Southeastern H i g h School's -TILE WORK • Remodeled • Recreation under-privileged children. Pointe references. V A 11 e y cleaning. Cal Roemer, TU. and a $10 million increase in Cudlip, president of McLouth Thursday, April 2: 6:30 p.m.- classes of 1933.34-35 will cele. Rooms • Porches • Attics The plaque was preilented to i\MIC TILE. Patching, re- 2-0416. 2-3150. Steel Co., and Ralph E. Moul- Church School staff dinner. brate the 30th anniversary of Conve'I'ted • Dormers • Ga- capital outlay. ... Irs. 884-1933. ton, president of Auto-Owners Mr. Lyle by Richard H. Beach, . . the host class of 1934 at 8 re- president of the club. rages Rem(ldeled. I TOWN 'N' COUNTRY UNITED '"AUTO'" '" WORKERS Insurance Company. Friday, April 3: 9 a.m.-A.A. union Saturday. May 2, 8 p.rn. -FURNITURE REPAIR Free Estimates and Planning KNIT SHOP SPRENKLE union members will be asked • II< ... in Roma Hall, East Detroit. Service. FHA Financing. I 20784 MACK this week to approve new bar- Saturday. April 4: 11 a.m.- rOM upholstering. A spien. • PLUMBING Plans for th~ evening include DEAL DIRECT WITH Expert. a,lterati?ns on all types gaining demands for early re- Senior High Confirmation Cl8ss . entertainment. dancing, refresh- selection of decorative • HEATING Business Notes • • II< BUILDER of ladles wearmg appa~el. Cus- tirement, improved working ments and a buffet dinner. Music rics. Expert needlepoint • SEWER CLEANING unting. Estimates cheer- tom made gowns, SUlts and conditions, and salaries for auto E. B. (Joe) Knauss of 527 Uni. Richard Theodore Heglin, 1316 POINTE METHODIST of the "30's" will be featured by iy given. Ewald, 13929 Ker- TU 1-1024 coats. Monogramming. VA 2-1282 vroduction employes now on an versity place, has been appoint- Somerset and Robert E. Thibo- 211 Moross Road Art Quntro and his orchestra. ~val. VA 2-8993. 884-7988 SE~CE 1916 hourly wage. The proposdls ed national business manage~ deau, of 1729 Broadstone. The Reverenu James D. Nix. Members of the faculty of which fill 31 pages also outline on, the Reverend Alfred T. Southeastern who were active 1 ment manager for the Dodge All the candidates ""ere re- Bamsey, ministers. IRS RECANED. dolla ~ the creation of new job oppor- during these years will be pres. 21V-SILVER PLATING Car and Truck Division of quired to have a minimum of Sunday, March 29: 7 a.m.- Ired. WA 1-2710. WINTER PRICES tunities for younger workers, ent as honored guests. Chrysler. He has been with eight years of qualifying ex- Easter Breakfast; 8 a.m.-Wor. '" SlLVEi~ &. r.OLV PLATiNG improvement of job security. I Dodge since 1947 when he be- perience and college creuits in ship Service; 9:30 a.m.-Wor- A committee of Southeastsm 1 On All Aluminum Products OXldl7.lOg and Repairing new S'teps toward the guaran- ~ came a distrbt manager in Min- their .respective f~eld in order ship Service; Church School for graduates 6f these years baa ) SERVICE ; DOOR CANOPIES, $16.95 Brass PohshlOg & Lacquermg teed annual wage. and longer neapolis. He held posts in Chi- J • to wnte the examIDatIons. Nursery and Kindergarten' 11 beer, planning details of the PORCH ENCLOSURES • AWNING WINDOWS .Jp.welry Reoalrlng. Engrllvinp. paid vacations. If approved by cago and St. Louis . '" ... , ~. • . reunion, and is now contacting i JALO:JSIES • SCREEN PORCHES • STORM WINDOWS the membership. these pro- Abu sin e s s administration a.m.-Worship Service; Church • • STORM DOORS LEEBERT JOHN M. CLASON of Loch- 'School for Nursery aud Kinder- all alumni whose addresses are ~ posals will be taken to the bar- graduate of the University of Screen Repairs in Winter Saves Time moor bou~evard h.as been ap- garten. known. Repairs .~ SILVERSMITHS gaining table in August when Minnesota. he served with the pointed Vice preSIdent-person- in Spring! 1450H CHARLEVOiX the new auto contract is negoti- '" ... * Graduates are asked to con. ~ Air Force during World War II. nel and training of Campbell- tact Mrs. Clinton Amluxen (June Blk. ea~t 01 Chalmers ated. • II< • Tuesday, March 31: 10:30 •; Ewald Company. Mr. Clason has Circuits We Repair • a.m.-Commission on Worship . Kavanagh), 1060 Wnittier or ~ FREe VA 2-7318 A new name. has been an- been with Campbell-Ewald 12 ... Mrs. Waiter Bryant (V~ Lou VICE Storm Sash- ESTIMATES nounced for one of the oldest . '" years, durhg which time he I Wednesday, April 1: 8 p.m.- Brown), 3610 Buckingham. 1 Screens 2~Z-LANDSCAPING and best known real estate firms has been account supervisor on i 15 Confirmed Commission on Education. Other members of the commit. ectric Co. • on the East side. The firm name the Firestone Tire and Rubber tee are: David S. Barker, 215 TRIMMING, removal, spraying. will now be Weber-Schweitzer Company account and more re- '" ... * At St. }UlneS Thursday, April 2: 7 p.m.- Chalmers; Harold Head, 5990 TU 2-5900 ;. Complete tree service. Co. in place of Seldon-Weber cently on the Marathon Oil 'W-U"-'t....-~ Wesley Choir; 8 p.m.-Chancel Canyon; Mrs. Adam Kraus i Cal Fleming ....'ree Service Co., known for 49 years as H. M. Company account. (Marion Dort, ) 5929 ILrvard; ~ Fifteen young people w?re Choir; 9 p.m.-Bowling League. TU 1-6950 confirmed at S1. James Lu- Seldon Co...... '" .. Mrs. Wesley Zimmer (Winifred theran Church on Palm Sunday, John P. Weber has been with A Grosse Pointe Farms resi- Hunt), 3651 Buckingham and COMPLETE landscaping serv- Saturday, April 4: 11 a.m.- 1 celT"e March 22. the firm the past 20 years, serv- dent will be honored in a spe- Confirmation class. Mrs. Earl Zuehlke (Margaret ice. lawn cutting, cultivation ing as a vice-president and stock- cial ceremony January 20 for Stenton), 528 ~fidden lane. antt fertilizing, edging and They are: Nancy Asmus, • • • I Margaret Beck, Christine Ben- holder, as supervisor of all resi- completing 30 years of. service ST. JAMES LUTHERAN Profits will be turned over J clean-up work. Julius La- " nett. James Couser, Milana dential sales and offices of H. M. with the Chevrolet engineering to the Scholarship Fun d of j , JU"'PO~ Quiere, PRescott 8-2709. Free McMillan at Kercheval Dufresne, Adrienne Fernholz, Seldon Co. Mr. Weber is a mem- department. He is Reinhold Southeastern High School. FOR THE , estimates. $2 per hour. Rev. George E. Kul'Z, Pastor; I ber of the Detroit Real Estate M£ AND OFFICE Robert G i I s tor f, Elizabeth Thomas, 411 Madison, general Mr. Richard Gerken, Vicar. COMPLETE lawn and garden Knaggs, Helen Kulaja, Anna Board and a member and fonner supervisor in the engineering Maundy Thursday, March 26: Michigan Leads New Portable maintenance. Contracted or Neidow, Nicholas Popovich. vice.president of the Grosse center's laboratory. The award 1 p.m.-Georgian Court Service TYPEWRITERS with a~~~WINGER" hourly. LAkeview 1-6896, Lawrence S c h mid t, Kurt Pointe Brokers Association. will be made by Chevrolet and Visitation; 8 p.m.-Worship Freeway Parade !. Schmitt. Michael Vitale and ~'s, Violet Schweitzer has Chief Engineer E. J. Premo at service with Holy Communion; $39.50 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Joni Welch. been with the finn for 11 years a dinner in the Executive Inn, * * * 31 E. JEFFERSON AVE. -One who cares for those Sponsors for the confirma- and is a member and secretary- Warren, Mich. Good Friday: 1 p.m. - Wor- Michigan leads the nation in who care. Call Tom Lubinski tion class are Mr. and Mrs. treasurer of the Detroit Real >I< ... II< ship service with nursery. the percentage of its lnter::i;ate ADDING at VEnice 9.7914. Arthur Neidow. Estate Board-Brokers Division, William G. Meier has been . ... '" Highway Syst~m built to full member of Women's Council De- elected vice president produc- Saturday, 9 -a.m.-Junior con- standards and open to traffic. MACHINES troit Chapter, National Associa- tion and engineering for Pilrke, firmati6n' class; 9:4fi 8.m.- The latest U.S. Department ~ ' YPEWRITERS SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES tion of Real Estate Boards. Mrs . Davis & Company. Chapel choir; 10:45 a.m.-Ju'n- of Commerce report on the sta- Schweitzer also won the top tus of the Interstate Highway ~ and Meier has been director. of ior choir; 11 a.m. - Youth ~OR OVER ~ CENTURY membership award, Eastern Di- System shows that Michigan ~) Sales production and engineering for groups prepare for Sunrise • had 70 percent of its Interstate and vision of Detroit Real Estate Parke - Davis sin c e October, Service. Every style of Fence Board in 1962. Service 1962. • ... * highways open to traffic on ~i~ TRIUMPH SPITFIRE! erected for you II< • * Eilster Sunday: 6:30 a.m.- Decemb& 31. The average for WOLVERINE The New Sports Car Sensation!!-4-Speed Gearbox .The Michigan State Board He joined Parke-Davis in Sunrise Service. with Holy all states is 27 percent. 1952 as superintendent of en- -Disc: BrakeSo-RolI~upWindows-Bucket Seats-Turns of Registration for Architects, Communion; 7:30 to g:30 a.m.- In terms of miles, the report Typewriter Service WA.1.6281 gineering and a year later was Our New Location on a Dime-Dual Garbs-Goes Over 90 MPH. Professional Engineers, and Pancake breakfast; 9:30 a.m.- show Michigan had 750 miles lneludhlll promoted to assistant director Land Surveyors announced. it Sunday School; 9:30 and 11 a.m. completed to full standards out Jext to the Savon .... Hotel of engineering with responsi~ PRE-SEASON PRICES STILL IN EFFECT!! Chain Link Ail-Steel and has granted registration to 61 -Easter Servic:es. of its l,Oao-mile Interstate Sys- VA 2-3560 Architects, 342 Professional En- bility for construction and ORDER NOW FOR SPRING DELIVERY & SAVE! Rustic Styles • • * tern. gineers, and 37 Land Surveyors. maintenance of Parke-Davis fa- ~onday: 1 p.m. - Women's I Michigan had an additional ; Among them, were three cilities throughout the world, Guild Groups meet.. six miles Qf Interstate highway LANGS AUTO SALES from G r 0 sse Pointe. John The new Parke - Davin vice • • '" that was adequate for present lependab'e Services TRIUMPH SA1ES-PARTS-SERVICE MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. Robert PoHtzer, is an architect president resides with his wife Tuesday: 8 p.m. - Elizabeth traffic and five miles - TIle 12301 Morang (near Kelly) DR 1-0600 10403 HAlPER RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL residing at 1137 Nottingham. and three children at 1005 and Lydia groups meet. Mackinac Brldge--that was list- The other two are ~ngtneers, Bishop Road. Tuesday and Wednesday: ed ttnder toll facilities. a ,

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Page Twenty-eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 26. 1964 * * * * -Feature Page * * * * who!, where and whatnot Pointer of Interest I Good Taste by whoozit Favorite Recipes .. II ..... :.. :...,:; oj It's spring~ Students wriggle restlessly at their desks, People in The Kno'flJ flJ~nte staid and practical businessmen suddellly decide to take the afternoon off. housewives desert supermarkets for a drive up the lake. All across America, people feel KAEJERE Counter Points restless, excited . . , and in the Pointe, spring's tradi- Contributed h¥ tional symptoms have begun to manifest themselves .•. Mrs. Bruce Tappan By PAT ROUSSEAU. . * * * (From "Deliciously Yours," Pick A Spring Bouquet . . . in. The. LmgerIe Depa:t- The poets arc writing again. Carolyn Hubbard (Mrs. compiled by the Junior Group ment of Walton-Pierce. Mrs. LOUIse RIce s~owed us tne Russdl H.) Lucas, of East Jefferson avenue, inspired by of Goodwill Industries) new gowns, robes and slips ... scattered WIth flo~al e.m. the "Easter Bonnet," has penned these charming, lilting 1 cup hot drained wild rice broidery or imprinted with colorful blossoms. It s nIce ....erses- to know that everything in this department ~a~ be c,:!s- 2 cans tuna (7 oz.), flaked When crocuses come peeping through t':nnized and Mrs. Rice reminded us that balthmg SUIts Like babies playing peek-a-boo 1 cup sauteed sliced mush- are also fitted for perfection pool-side! A lid skies are rain washed-freshly blue rooms * * * Then spring is on its way. 2 Tbsp. minced green pep- Easter Fancies ... abound at The Top Dra.wer, 17007 But when bedecked with bows and roses pers Kercheval in the ViEage (one flight up). ~1~usu.al hand Her Easter bonnet Phyllis poses 2 Tbsp. pimiento painted buckets and new tote bags for knzttz.ng a!e t'}Do Above her perkiest of noses- 2 hard cooked egg whites, items that will catch your eye. your zmagznatzon Then spring has come to s~ay. diced .. too! * * • 2 cups curry sauce (white * * * Eleanor W. (Mrs. Ralph A.) Mayer, of HarcoUI:.t Toad, Wanderlust ••• got you this S('ason? Wen travel over to Les s a u c e with 1 Tbsp. is the author of a small book of French poems, "Cela ne Galleries de Renee, 14944 East Jefferson. A painting by Joseph curry) Rime a Rien." (rough translation: Neither Rhy.ne Nor Franz will take you on a nostal~ic journey by train. It's called Reason), a series of light verses touching on subjects Lightly toss above ingredients Waterford Station ••• so ask to see it. that appeal partICularly to women. Priced at $1, the book together with fork. Gently blend * * * Photo by Eddie McGrath, Jr. in: April Showers . . . bring out the best in the rain- is ~vailable at The Book Shelf on the Hill. with proceeds DR. HUGH COMPTON RIDDLEBERGER, from its sale earmarked for Children's Hospital. There Pour into buttered 12" by 7" wear at E. J. Hickey in the Village. They ha,:e a good GROSSE POINTE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL HEADMASTER shallow dish. Sprinkle with selection of Macintosh or London Fog coats rIght now. are sections on travel, the arts, and sundry other sub- By Janet Mueller ~>------jects . . , including one delightful quatrain with a hard boiled egg yolks. Bake for For the convenience of busy Grosse Pointers . . . they "I've loved these first six months," Dr. Hugh Comp- 0 uniquely Grosse Pointe "twist"- feels that one of the independ. 30 minutes at 350 • Just before are open on Thursday nights. ton Riddleberger, who began his tenure as Grosse Pointe ent school's biggest assets is serving, dribble melted butter * * * DR. HEUREUX (DENTISTE) University School Headmaster last September. says with- "the complete right and free- over top and sprinkle with split Status Symbols .. sometimes are 1,ery practical. Ta~e Un dentiste qui s'appele "Heureux" out reservations. He thinks of GPUS as a "crackerjack dom to involve our children in salted almonds. Serves 6. a Mutschler Kitchen for eXCl'r"!.ple. Although found 1.n a religious experience." Habite a Grosse Pointe, rue Cadieux institution," describes the faculty as "not only capable, the finest homes and recognized as the ultimate in de- J e me demande si ses patients but eagerly and aggressively engaged in keeping itself Perhaps Dr. Riddleberger's EXTRACURRICULAR sign .. it really 'is an excellent inve.stment for any home ACTIVITIES Partagent avec lui cette sensation! up to date," and terms the children "as always, a de- most dr.amatic innovation at owner ... particularly when the lovely lady of the house light to be with." 0-----~------GPUS is his "open office"-a An average college student '" * * modern, comfortable room off is also the executive chef. Spring is the season for romance. From the Hawaiian Parents? Dr. Riddleberger good and sound reasons for in the U.S. will spend 2,000 *- feels Pointe parents. sincerely sending a child to boarding the well-traveled passageway * * Islands came news of the engagement of Susan Alice hours in classes, seminars and Light . • • a Lorelei Candle. It is so interesting to watch the want what GPUS can offer-a school-but that there ought to between upper and lower :\IcKee, daughter of the Miles F. M~Kees, of Pemberton laboratories during his four patterns form as the wlor comes thru the white porous exterior. good' education-and have been BE positive reasons for sending schools. In effect, Dr. Riddle- years of campus and '7,000 hours The candle is packaged with a colorful bow to identify it. White road, to I..t. Spencer Eugene Lerch, of Lockport, N.Y., very cooperative. a boy or girl away, that chil- berger has set himself up in announced in last week's NEWS. Unique feature of this the middle of the hall; his doors in extracU'lTicular activity of with pink, greE'n, blue, orange, lavender or yellow. Find them at Appointed to the headmaster- dren ought not. to be sent off one sort or another. "love story" is the fact that Susan and her V.S. Navy ship a year ago, (he succeeded merely as a matter of course. are always open, he is com- The Village Wine Shop, 15228 East Jefferson. Jieutenant are both graduates of Northwestern Univer- John Chandler, Jr., who left the His own son, Hugh, 16, is at pletely available to students, * * * sity, but never met on the Evanston campus ••• it was school last June to become Choate. and he can "hear sounds, see IIThe One And Only . . . beauty salon to carry Princess not until SHE traveled to Honolulu to teach at the president of the National Asso- Dr. Riddleberger sent his son sights-these tell me more about Marcella Borghese cosmetics is Edward Nepi "Parruc- dation of "Independent Schools), to boarding scho''l1 because he the children than any number chiere" 19463 Mack Avenue. The talented Mr. Edward Kamehameha Schools, (whiCh, incidentally, are the of second-hand reports." responsibility of former Pointe Public School Superin. Dr, Riddleberger, with his wife felt the boy had been in his has Mr~ Tom and Mr. Charles on his staff .. a call to tendent. Dr. James W. Bushong), and HE was stationed and three children, arrived in father's shado..v too long, be. Since coming to the Pointe, I TUxedo 4-8858 will assure you of an appointment with ~.t Pearl Harbor. that THEY became acquainted. Mr. and thp Pointe August 1. cause "Riddle" found it difficult Dr. Riddleberger has been hair fashion. He came directly from Trin- to adjust to school life as the )Irs. McKee recently had the excitement of meeting their named to the Boards of the * * * ity School, New York City, headmaster'& son. If the junior Boys Republic and St. Peter's 2J Spring .. full of sweet days and roses! We don't want son-in-law.to.be in Honolulu, first stop on their 'round where he had served as head'. Hugh's personality had been di!- Home, and has been welcomed e the world tour. master since 1955. Ris associa- ferent, or even, his father feels, into the Grosse Pointe Rotary you to miss any of the enchantmpnt ... so keep on a taking Notre-Vites or start toki.ng them, os the case may • • • tion with Trinity, an Episcopal if the boy had been the son of Club. Tn spring, mothers are faced with the necessity of day school for boys founded in a teacher instead of tl:e head- u be. They are a well balancl?d formu.la of vitamins and outfitting their offspring for the Easter Parade. With 1709,was more th an th ree dec- master, it would have been pos- Love Sports, Gardening :f; ,minerals compounded for The Notre Dame Pharmacy ades old; Dr. Riddleberger is a sible to keep him at home. He and his wife, the former in the Village. one or two children to scrub up and deck out, this is Trinity graduate, Class of 1934, ,Tane Joscelyn, and their two a minor chore; with 10, it becomes a major production- and dur.ing his student years At the end of the Eighth ci'aughters, Patricia, 13, and * * * Commentary ••. by Mr. Sid Erwin of Fashion Two Twenty for but not beyond the capabilities of Mrs. James L. Petz, there served a" presid'ent of the Grade at Grosse Pointe Uni- ElizatJeth, 2112, live in the Uni- !I "The Fair Lady Afternoon" at 81. Michael Episcopal Church is of West Ballantyne court, recently selected Mrs. Grosse student council and captain of versity School, approximately versity School's Headmaster's PointE" by the Homemaking Council of Mrs. America, three major teams. He received one-fourth of the school's male home in Chalfonte Avenue. Dr. The obvious incompatibilty sure to delight all the fair ladies. We'll bet they come away with a few new beauty ideas! Inc. Mrs. Petz, sponsored locally by the Foundation for the Holden Cup, awarrled t.:l the students leave for boarding and Mrs. Riddleberger love to that has existed between Exceptional Children, was among semi.finalists in the school's outstanding athlete. school. About one-fourth of the garden; they both enjoy sports millinery designers and hair * * * girls go, too . . . but not until of all kinds, especially tennis The Easter Bunny ... is just a hop away, .. so call Mrs. Michigan Contest, losing the title to Mrs. Duane Captain of TennIs the end of the Ninth Grade. stylists is never more appar- Egeland, of Livonia-who happens to have a Grosse From Tr'inity, Dr. Riddleber- and golf, and like a good game Thi~ 'n That for Pets, TUxedo 1-9007 and have them reo If Pointe connection herself; she is the daughter of Mr. ger went to Hamilton College, "We don't replace these losses of bridge. ent than at this time of the serve an Easter Det for you. you like you can bring the and Mrs. Albert Bolden, of South Edgewood drive. where he was a Dean's List completely," Dr. Riddleberger Last October, Dr. Riddleber- year. children by to see the adorable rabbit~, chicks a~d duc~. * * * student, played varsity football, admits. "It is difficult to find ger embarked On a new project: lings at 19433 Mack Avenue ... and let them pIck theIr basketball and tennis, (in his youngsters who can slide i~ learning to play thE' piano, His The "hat-less look" has it's Seven-year.old Norman Whaler, of Muir road, has pet themselves. ~eniol' year, he served as cap- easily academically or socially.' only previous experience at 'the rightful place in the fashion received a black-bordered card of acknowled~ement tain of the Hamilton tennis By "socially," the headmaster keyboard was two months' abor- picture - and f r ()m my from :llrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, thanking him for his team 1, was elected ill each of is quick to add, he does not tive instruction at the age of Club Day Calnp ~VOlV Enrolling expression of sympathy on the death of her husband. the four class honor societies, mean conformance to a snob- 10; these early lessons ended biased point of view a ra- Young Norman, shepherded by his proud and purposeful and affiliated v~ith C~lt Psi fra. bish social "type" but the uni- v.lhen baseball season began~ diantly feminine coiffure is a The Neighborhood Club Sum- i call Miss Masak, camp director, ternity. versal problem of the ad'oles- and' the young Hugh Riddleber- mer Day Camp will open again TV 5.4600. older sister, came to the NEWS offices last week to [.how round - the - clock beautifier us the card-the envelope to which, by the way, bears J\y...arded his B.A. degree in cent's adjustment to a new en- ger deserted scales for batting this year, with sessions sched. Previously. it had been an- 1~3~, Dr. Riddleberger rf'turned vironment. The idea that the practice. .•. but there are occasions the handwritten signature, "Jacqut>line Kennedy," in t,l Trinity to teach mathematics. independer-t school is some sort uled at Pierce Junior High nounced that the Day Camp place of a stamp. Others who have seen Norman's mes- that call for a hat--eostumes would meet at Brownell Junior The Second World War of country club/reformatory for Now, although he says he has School, 15430 Kercheval ave. High School and use its swim- sage from the late President's wife include his class. caused a four~year interruption children of the "privileged" n;) talent, l'e finds piano "the that seem incomplete with- nue. ming pool. Certain regulations mates in the second grade at Richard School. in his career; from 1941 to 1945. clas!>es is false and, Dr. Riddle- most relaxing thing that's ever out one-but there are few Lt. Riddleberger, USN, served berger notes gratefully, fast happened to me-for the half- Section I will meet Mondays, of the Board of Education make PILFERINGS women that want to sacrifice Ah. how wonderful is the advent of the spring- a:;: gunnery officer aboard a de.. disappearing. hour a day I squeeze in, I for- Wednesdays and Fridays, from this arrangement impossible, so 9:30 to 3:30 o'clock June 29 the Camp will eonvelle at Pierce. the great annual miracle of the blos!ooming of A.aron's stroyer. He returl'!ed to Trinity Education Comes First get everything. • even my their hairdo for the sake of rod, .repeated on myriads and myriads of branches! again, this time as assistant "Ninety percent of the peo- own name!" this fashion detail. through July 31. Parents wishing to enroll -Longfellow headmaster. In 1947. he ac~ pIe senrling their children here Hugh Compton Riddleberger Section II is planned for their children are advised to '" cepted an Clppointment as assist- have one primary goal: they enjoys all faceu, of his life as Wouldn't it be a good idea Tuesdays and Thursdays, also register early to avoid any dis. . '" ant headmaster at the Pawling want the best education pos- headmaster of Grosse Pointe for both factions to put their from 9:30 to 3:30 o'clock, June appointment. The sminq's alread1J at the gate Sl'hool, an affiliated boarding sible for their child, and feel University SchOOl-except exile head~ together and promote 30 through July 30. With looks my co"'e bequiling: ..Thool n: Pawling, N.Y., and re- that this can be better accom. from the classroom. ThiS' is the Boys and girls ages six Sunglasses will provide reo The country round appeareth straight mamed there until &ppointed plished at a relatively small, In- first year since he began his coiffures with greater stabil- through 11 years may enroll. A lief from the sun's glare, but A flower-garden smiling. headmaster of Trinity, dependent school." career that he has done nO ity and hats that would en- $3 junior membership is reo will not protect against harmful In his "spare time," Dr. Rid- Year.s and years ago, GPUS teaching, and he misses it "des- -Heine hance a woman's g;:)od looks quired, and the cost will be $20 infra.red rays that can damage III • '" dIe berger has done graduate headmaster observes, the inde- perately," thinks it is wrong without disturbing her coif- for Section I, $14 for Section II. the retina of the eye. Never For. lo! The winter is past, the rain is over and work at the University of Cali- pendent school did exist largely for an independent school ad- iook directly at the sun when gon<,; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the fornia an:1' Columbia Un~...ersity. for those who wanted a kindlier, ministrator to isolate himself fure? Checks may be m'lde out to wearing sunglasses. singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle Trinit." College. Hartford, Conn., friendlier, smaller, somewhat from the c;assroom, will not let Neighborhood Club and should is heard in our land. awarded him ..h..'l ;1'>norary d{'- exclusive environment for their anoth.er year go by without tae- A custom permanent and a be enclosed with a Day Camp gree of D(lctor ,.,f HU(l'1ane Let. children .. , "But if this is still kling some personal class work. -Song of Solomon well shaped hair cut is the application and mailed to 710 ters in 1959, and his profes- a reason today, this headmaster He is a determined man: de- first step in the right direc- Notre Dame, J}rosse Pointe. G I J Electric Go. '" '" '" "h!:.,\l <.':~ociations include me:n- is not aware of it!" states Dr termined to involve himself, in M;,ch. 48230. What delights us in the spring is more a sensation bership in the Country Day Riddleberger firmly. eve.;y way with his school, and tion - for spring '64 more Jim Krausmann, Owner Current members of the than aT' appearance. more a hope than any visible realitv. School Headma5terl.' Association Last year, GPUS students re- to involve his school with the curl-more color! Neighborhood Club will have Electrical Wiring There is something in the softness of "the air in the Of the Untted State~:. ceived over $30,000 in 'finan- Pointe, making sure that GPUS Ifirst priority through April 1. and Repairing lengthening of the days ... that caresses us and consoles Lived in Rye, N.Y. cial assistance gr.ants, awarded con';inues to offer the best in us after the rigorous weeks of winter. In the New York area. (the solely on the basis of need. educational opportunities for I After this date, all registrations TU 4-2138 Jerry's Bargain Basement received will be accepted until I' --Hamerton Rirldleberger family made their The purpose of the i!1depend- the age groups and the com- Kodak Rewinds for 8 or 16mm home in Rye, N.Y., before mov- ent school, Dr. Riddleberger be- munity it serves. maximum enrollment is reach. lrrosse Pointe &- East Side film, also for recording 39c led. For further information,' ~ ._._~~._._._._.._._._._.,_ inE to the Pointe), Dr. Riddle. lieves, is to provide the best in tape. While they last! herger served as rhairman of education of the total child. The Canteen Conversation the Division of Board;r>g and' independent school, freed of • STUDIO CAMERA SHOP Day Schools .(}f the Episcopal taxpayer's pressure, can inno- 20229 Mack TU 1-6200 See Gray and Piay By Rick Mills their parents dictate and are Diocese of New York, and a vate, try out programs and pro- E'veryone has problems. Every I not given enough freedom to do trustee of the Lenox School, cedures at will, feed the out- SPRING age ,group ca~ cite many. exam.' what they want. Aside from this Trin~ty - Pawling School and comes .of its experiments to the I I It is AGAIN a great pIes of what IS wrong WIth the fart, being a teen is great!" HamIlton College. Public Sch{)o! Sy~tems. ._- -- - - world. Small children have to I Rob Most: "The teen's big- An Easterner by bilth, (Wood- Currently, GPUS is experi- ~------Clean Up --B~I~s- . -- go to bed when they are told. : gest problem is the attitudes stock, Va.; his father, a lawyer, menting with ungraded reading -- -- pleasure to Adults must be re"ponsible for they have of other people. I do ...:as a former U.S. DistrIct At- classes in the fourth through Don't Throw If Away themselves and to their fami- not like the social cliques that torney in Virginia, and his I?a- sixth grades. Dr, Riddleberger .~:G8r--lte~ I;t,~. Teenagers have their own exi~t at schod One social group ternal grandfather, H. H. Rld- neither wants nor intends to CONGRATULATE list of worrips. What are some seelns to snub anyone who is dIe berger, a. United States Sen- turn out 13-year-old high school --.- of .their problems? not in its clique. There should ator from Virginia), and by tra- graduates-but he would like to REPAIR Barb DeLand: "The constant I be an overall feeling of friend- dition (the, family n,oved north, se'! the learning process indi- -St. Paul High School pressures of ~rades, and college lliness at school, but unfortun. to New Jersey, but kept hug- viduaIized, tailored to the nEeds State Champion are a problem to teens. Teen.' ately, this feeling does not al. ging the Eastern seaboard), of every child, made a personal agers also have a terrific I')rob. ways exist. This is dill' to the Hugh Riddleberger has hart no experience, beginning in the IT! Be sure to record Basketball Team lem forced upon' them. Their I selfish attitude of some stu- problems "adju&ting" to the lowest grades. • Garden T,ols elders read about a minority dents. If this situation doesn't midwest. Public May Be Confused your Easter -Mr. Edward Lauer who arl~ wild and reck!(>ss; thus improve, the future of our na- "One always misses one's He thinks the public, in gen- they fall into the bad habit of tion is at ~take. People must friends," he admits, but the ex- eral. has a "confused" feeling • Household Appliances On His 25th Anniversar~r looking on all ((-ens as juvenile start judging others by what citement and challenge of tak- about the role of the independ- finery on delinquents. They seem to think the~ .really a~ and ~ot by their ing on a new jOh, plus a pro- ent school, objects violently to 4) Lamps • Toys • Bikes -Our Own Jim 8igham, I fusion of new friends, leave him those who term the independ'- teens are guilty until proven pOSitIOn on the SOCIal scale! If -almost anything color film All State Cuard innocent. We must constantly this is accomplished, the teen- no time for and no inclination ent school "un-democratic," toward transition tensions. ("What could be more demo- far'e these ideas and prove that age and adult world will be check with us from- they are false." much better off." Experienced in both boarding cratic than parents CHOOSING Roland Gray's Racquet and Sport Shop and day schools, Dr. Riddleber- to pay to send their children to Bring Them Inl I Diane Hassig': "Y!osi adults do These are but a f(;N of the ger arrived' at GPUS firmly schools they prefer?"), predicts not take t('en~ seriously. When I problems that face today's prejudiced in favor of day an increase in faculty "obser- we become tpens we start to I teens. Many deeply rooted ques- schools for teenage boys and vation" visits between public Jae" 01 all thil'!k as adults but our parents tions such as vocation, philoso- girls. and independent schools. I TU 1-5262 still seem to treat us as kids. I phy, and religious beliefs are "Basically, I think most of He believes in a sharp sep- TU 1-2262 What we think about a subject beginning to take shape in their oul' ills today stem from a COD. aration of church-affiliated Trade.~ doesn't re

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