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The BG News February 4, 2000

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•:■:■: High 32 W()RI [) ,\[ ws 2_ Low, 27 Ol'INION 4_ CITY 5. The BG News SPORTS 6 Volume 88, Issue 19 A daily independent smdenr■ jnuss

Saturday hopeful CRAIGOIFFORD ning either way. speaks to STAFF WHITER "Knowing that your fans are out i there makes you feel great." No. 2 U. students After years of devotion to SIC said. SARAGRAZIANO SIC, two seniors from the group According to member No. I. the SIAH- WRITER will be revealing their identities group does not see themselves as during tomorrow's basketball game. just being in existence for sports but Ted Celeste, one of the Democra- Numbers one and two, which arc for all events. tic candidates lor the US Senate, vis- C3PO and Nancy Reagan, will be "We look at ourselves as raising ited the University yesterday. revealed. spirit for all campus events." No. I "Visiting universities like this Both have been with the organi- said. "We want students to be their one is a part of campaigning I enjoy zation for four years, and through- best both inside and outside the most," Celeste said. "It's a great out those years. Bowling Green has class room." process, and I'm having a ball. I not had the greatest of sports teams. Both senior members are looking really like being on campuses." However, they have been able to forward to tomorrow's revealing as Nick Froslear. member of the remain spirited and keep the fans a culmination of all that they have College Democ- spirited through done over the rats, arranged the losses. last four years. Celeste's visit to "We have six "After three and a "After three campus. wacky people in and a half half years of long, "I set it up our group that years of long, because I think we love to hang hard work and a hard work and a whole lot of it's important around with, and whole lot of fun, I Set lor students to fromrrnm that,•!••• we..... f ii i i fun. I get to let become more gain a lot of pos- to let all the people all the people involved in poli- itive energy and I've screwed I've screwed with tics," Froslear a lot of positive with know who peer pressure," know who I was." I was." No. I s.i id member No. No. 1 said. "It'll be "One of I. "People get- fun to sec the the motivating ting rowdy and SIC SIC member reactions of all slapping five the people I've factors for me to run with us pumps lied to and told is to get students us up a lot." I « as at different places, when I was File Photo The senior members of the group really doing this" back in the process." do not get down about all the losing No. 7 agreed. CAN WE SAY SPIRIT? — SIC SIC members spread spirit during the 1999 homecoming ceremo- Tom Celeste because they feel there is more "I am totally excited — can't ny at the football game. "Senatorial bopejul involved than winning and losing. wait. Everybody is finally gonna years of being silly will be gone." great deal their day," No 2 said "I think of it as support." said know that that was me." No. 2 added "I love it. I have totally enjoyed No I agreed. member No. 2. "As long as you "There will he an element Ol Both members have enjoyed I line it It's been a defining said It made students see how pol- support your players, you're win- anticipation and sadness, lour it. especially hang able to make their years of service to the group a people smile and laugh and brighten experience hen- at B( ISII" itics matters lo them and I think it made a great impact on campus." While he was on campus. Celeste visited a philosophy and a political Candidates debate students' issues CVS store moves science class. Andrew Mizsak. member of the College Democrats, acicd as a lour guide for Celeste. SARA <;RA7.IAN0 In contrast to the first two candi- McMickle said "People conic to the "I think Ted's ,i pretty down to Rotterdam thinks that the spa- SIAFE WKIIE.R dates, who emphasized their child 11 S because of poverty, oppressive ANN I MOSS earth guy." Mizsak said. "He wants Sun Warn K hoods in stable, loving families. governments, and for economic and cious pharmacy with the drive-thru to make sure the Senate helps people addition will be the new stoic's from our generation." The race for the Democratic McMickle said he is a product of a quality of life reasons 1 want an Celeste's visit gave him many nomination foi the IIS Senate is one-parent home. open, lair immigration policy, where After four months ol construc- mam feature. opportunities to talk to students heating up. with all three candidates "It doesn't matter that you come everyone who comes to the US. for tion, the building on the corner of Bui how will the store measure- about theil concerns Some of the visiting Bowling Green last night. from a broken home, what matters is the same reason would get the same Napoleon and S. Main is ready to up to others in the area ' CitJ Plan- issues discussed were education and Ted Celeste. Richard Cordray. what you do with the broken treatment, regardless of inteination- open for business The brand new no Rick Katzenbargei said that he 11 gun control. and Dr. Marvin McMicklc visited a pieces. McMickle said. al politics." building will be the new home of can't make any predictions about "My emphasis is on the future of meeting of the Wood County Demo- McMickle also believes thai it is the success of ihe StOW CVS drug store and pharmacy the slate." Celeste said "One thing cratic Comminee .ii Bowling Green important for him to remain accessi- "It doesn't matter The formei CVS is located at "Ever) business is subject to thai happens is thai ihe state subsi- High School The candidates held a ble to all of the people he rcptesenis. 1135 S Main and will be moving succeed or fail in business," dizes the education and students debate in which they articulated that you come from a including college students. He added to 722 S Main "This move will Katzenbarger said don't stay in the state We need to their policy positions. thai h.iviriL' a son who is .i college broken home, what bring the store closer to ihe down- "I ihhik that the slore will be a give incentives for siudents to stay Celeste spoke first and empha- student would help him stay in touch nice .iJdition lo the aiea." sopho- here where we need them, especial- sized the necessity of beating matters is what you with students' concerns. town businesses, in an altempt to 1 more Angela Simonlla said. "I ly m urban centers Republican incumbent Michael Cordray also said college stu- attract new customers,' said do with the broken "Students should be given an DcWine. dents would he an important part of Tammy Cook, pharmacy employ- think the drive-thru pharmacy incentive to teach, such as forgiving "In this day of progress, some- pieces." his constituency. ee. will be something new and suc- their student loans." added Celeste. body has to lix>k out for the people "Everything I've got in life came The store is moving lo a differ- cessful lor their business." Dr. Marvin McMickle "We incentivise everything else. who are left behind." Celeste s.iid from college." Cordray said "We "Since CVS is a commercial Sciuilonal llajKJtil ent building in conjunction with Compare teachers 10 professional "One way I would do this is by rais- have to work to make it more afford- renovations lo other CVS stores in chain ding store. I don't think thai athletes, and look how they're paid." ing the minimum wage in two years able and continue to build our col- Ihe Toledo area. n will be good for Ihe other small Celeste also believes Ohio needs instead of three." lege campuses " "We're kind of hidden at the businesses around it." freshman to improve their use of technology Cordray believes his family back- "The Senate's role is to keep Celeste stressed his commitment current location." said Tom ROIICI Mike said. in schools, but technology is expen- ground will provide him with the America as the land ol opportunity." to students and the importance of The old store will be officially sive and needs funding. skills he needs to lead effectively. McMicklc said. "I want to speak up accountability. dam. store manager "It's our turn closing on Saturday. Jan 29. It is "E-COmmerce is presently not "My mom and dad taught us we for improved immigration policies "If I'm elected, you can count on lor a new store.' taxed, and this is scaling traditional have a responsibility to m.ike sure and affirmative action." me to come back to the University The store will also be adding rumored that CVS will completely retailers." Celeste said. "In two or the government looks out for all of After the debate, the committee after the election," Celeste saul. some new features. leave ihe old location with nothing three years, we can start taxing e- its citizens." Cordray said. "We need voted by a large margin to endorse "Politics is a two-way process, and Not only will a large .nr.iv ol new i" Us place, according to McMickle. Me then spoke in more both sides have to be involved in it." commerce and use the proceeds to to make sure the federal government new items appear on the shelves, Katzenbarger, detail about his immigration poli- The Ohio primary election will put computers and Internet in our is involved in improving education." but a one-hour photography lab The new store will be open on cies. be held March 7 and voters must schools McMickle is the only African- will be included along with ,i .hive Sunday. Jan 30. at their regular American candidate running for the "I have a very strong commit registei 30 days in advance to be eli- Celeste was also asked his posi- Ihru pharmacy window Sunday hours ol ') a.m.-6 p.m. tion tin gun control Me supports leg- Senate in the entire United States. ment to open immigration." gible. islation that would limit handgun purchases to one per month, because he s.iid that no one would need so main guns lor a legitimate purpose. aims to assist students with professors' classes When asked whether this law would violate the Second Amend- ment right to bear arms. Celeste s.nd. "How many arms do you have Website publishes lecture notes for several U. courses lo bear all ihose with? Thai's what I want to know " JENNIFER LULEY DiTommaso said "It's continue to further it." Celeste also has comments about a hard job. but it's a lot But not everyone is STAIf WRITER the involvement of students in poli- of fun." "Some professors so thrilled about the But DiTommaso are skeptical idea of a website thai tics. r "This is every student's gift from the heav- isn't solely responsi- makes lecture notes "One of the motivating factors ens." about it because ble for the success of available online. for me to run is to get siudents back According to Campus Operations Manag- at BGSU; they think it's "Some professors in Ihe process," he said. "It's impor- er Joe DiTommaso, the website is he has also hired more are saying 'This is just tant that siudents identify how they best summed up this w.iv than 45 other students copyright an eXCUSe not lo go to offers University students, as to take and post lec- infringement on class'." Di'fommasso will be touched by the decisions well as students from across ihe country, ihe ture notes from their said. "But a lot of the opportunity to access lecture notes from their classes and market their notes. But it younger professors classes via the Internet. By simply logging versify. So far he has says right on the and grad students ON THE WEB onlo the sue. students can read Ihe notes of hired both campus website that it seem to be really open another student in their class tp supplement research coordinators to the idea." their in-elass learning. (the students who take can't be." DiTommaso So far, the idea seems to be catching on. and post the noles to Jenny Wearly stressed thai the site is "We're going nuts," DiTommaso said. the website) and mar- not imended to givc "We've doubled our size in less than four keting representatives Junior CKCfor bmlojry. psycholofrr students an excuse not months." to promote the site. (irutgcolog\' classes to attend class, but is But one of the besi parts of the website is "We're always hir- meant lo offer an jts cost. DiTommaso said ing-1 want to hire additional resource "Everything is absolutely free." he said. more," he said. "Just for students when Photo Provided Nearly 60 BOSU classes are included in go to and you can apply online." studying for a lest or just review- the available notes online. "And that's going One of DiTommaso's employees said she ing material before class. SUPPORTERS — Nathan Kelmes, Fredia Falcon to go up in ihe next few days." DiTommaso thinks versify is a great idea for students. In addition. Wearly said she and Joe DiTommaso help spread the word about said. "Basically I take notes I would normally had heard of complaints from, a website that distributes lecture Three students at the University of Michi- be taking for class and rewrite ihem and sub- some professors as well. notes. Although some professors think this site gan founded the site three years ago. DiTom- mil them to the website." said Jenny Wearly. "Some professors are .skepti- makes it easy for students to skip class, DiTom- maso said. The trio had been putting their a junior CRC for biology, psychology and cal about it because they think maso said it is meant to provide additional own lecture noles online when they decided geology classes. "It's like getting paid to h's copyright infringement on to see if they could market the idea around the study." their noles." she said. "But it resources for students. Get candid with campus Ryan Temple, a freshman marketing repre- says right on the website that it available lo students,'1 he said, adding that ■ The idea caught on and the students decid- sentative and CRC for a psychology class for can't be." BGSU is just behind Western Michigan Uni- Coach Dan Dakich as ed to seek corporate sponsors and advertisers versity, said he too supports (he idea. Despite any negative feedback versity has versity and Northern Michigan University in he answers "20 to launch their business. Three years later, "It's a great program for students." he said. received. DiTommaso said this hasn't deterred campuses across the country have begun to "We're really having a good time doing it and the site from continuing to grow. offering the most lecture notes to students. questions" in an online take pan in we hope with student cooperation we can "Our goal is to have at least 75 classes "This is just crazy how much we're grow interview @ "It is such a great company to work for," ing." DiTommaso said.

v - page 2 The BG News Friday, February 4, 2000 WORLD The World 'Big Brother' comes to CBS following 'Real World' mania THK Assot IATCU PRESS just hang out. Associated tm mm In Brief 'This type of show appeals to a certain Press Photo NEW YORK — CBS hopes to make sense of voyeurism in all of us. like listening BIG BROTH- ■ in on a nearby conversation or walking past a \r Ford gives computers voyeurs out of TV viewers this summer with a ER —Leslie idjfr 1 "» new show in which a group of volunteers will house and glancing in the window," said Paul Moonves, . **M ^sWA^I DETROIT i AP) — For just $5 a Romer. executive producer of (he Dutch show "i live for three months in a home equipped w ith CEO of CBS month. Ford Motor Co. will offer its two dozen cameras and 59 microphones "There is something magical about being able 350.000 employees worldwide a to listen to and watch other people." television and g.^ even in the bathroom. ^■^■^■JJJJJJJJJJJBJJJJBJ home computer and Internet access. CBS will conduct a nationwide search for John de Mol, The program, which sUrtS in The network won a bidding war to adapt a Chairman of A Dutch series. "Big Brother." for American participants and put them through physical and >*^ April, is one of the largest efforts by psychological screening. Volunteers can leave ENDEMOL a company to equip its workers with television and announced Thursday it will air *--C*m the show five days a week this summer. whenever they want, but will be immediately Entertainment, M computers, and might turn up the replaced and forfeit their chance for a prize. reach an pressure on the automaker's com- The nine or 10 people living in the house The home's location has not been decided. + *l petitors to match the offer. will be whittled down, week by week, by agreement to * — ■ The network paid a reported $20 million to Ford would not estimate the cost viewers who vote on who has to leave. At the develop an . the Dutch production company Endemol for the program. Employees do not series' end, viewers decide which character American ver- Entertainment for rights to the series, outbid have to take part. they like best, and the winner gets a cash prize. sion of the TV * A\ ding Fox. ABC and the USA cable network. 1 It's something like MTV's long-running series "Big i Avalanches cover "Real World" series, only much more intense: By airing "Big Brother" so often, CBS hopes to duplicate ABC's success at adapting Brother." Anchorage Participants cannot go anywhere within the -Jt3 the British game show. "Who Wants to Be a house without being seen or heard, and will be -c7 Millionaire." ABC put "Millionaire" on over ANCHORAGE. Alaska (AP) — permitted no contact with the outside world The WOT81 avalanches to hit Alaska several nights last August and suddenly had CBS President Leslie Moonves, Romer. who admitted "Big Brother" is "a in decades have closed the only Although they will be on television con the hit of the TV season. little cruel." said participants in the Nether- stantly. they won't be allowed to watch TV. "Viewers are looking for new forms of pro- highway linking the Kenai Peninsu- Also this summer. CBS is airing a similar gramming and this is an attempt to he ahead of lands were instructed to be themselves. They When the scries is not on the air. fans will must work together to survive the experience, la with Anchorage and the rest of the reality-based show, "Survivor," in which 16 the curve in finding the next form." be able to follow the housemates any lime, day hut all know there is ultimately only one win- state, leaving thousands of residents contestants are thrown together on a deserted spokesman Chris Ender said. and travelers stranded for a fourth or night, through a Web site. island off Borneo. The winner of the ner. day. "Big Brother" was a sensation when it aired endurance test gets $1 million Fox is planning its own real-life soap opera The Netherlands Institute of Psychologists "This is the worst we've had this summer. "High School." created by a doc- in the Netherlands last fall, particularly among Both arc bold moves for CBS, which usual- called the show "irresponsible and unethi- since the '70s for sure and probably umentary filmmaker who is following a high young people. Roughly one in 15 Dutch citi- ly doesn't risk shocking an audience whose cal." before that," said Chris Kepler, a school class from suburban Chicago through- zens tuned in regularly to watch the house- average age is over 50. The summer rerun sea- Some Dutch critics just found it a little dull. maintenance chief for the stale. "We mates brush their teeth, take out the trash or son is the perfect time to be a little daring, said out the school year. have rain and snow. We have all the ingredients for perfect avalanches." Residents of the Kenai Peninsula were warned Thursday not to expect Telief anytime soon. Kepler did not know when the highway would Tale of black box should solve flight 261 mystery reopen. Tut. ASSOCIATED PRESS as it rolled, flipped and spiraled Administialion or the NTSH since don'l feel all those small correc- Rosie hosts Tony Awards nose-firal into the water, confirming 1979 tions." said Capt. Steve Roach, a LOS ANGELES — Investigators what witnesses saw. In two thirds of those cases, the NEW YORK (AP) — Rosie pilot union official who flew MD- found the second "black box" "The crew made references to O'Donnell is luck .is host of the flights reached their intended desti- 83s for three years. recorder from Alaska Airlines Flight being inverted." National Trans- Tony Awards, and Broadwa) is nation. Others made emergency If the horizontal stabilizer starts 261 on yesterday, quickly locating portation Safety Board Chairman grateful. landings, including an American moving on its own — something the devices that could tell them why James Hall said in Washington, Airlines MD-83, which returned lo The talk show host will be at the called runaway trim — pilots can f- plane flipped upside down and referring to l'e contents of the Phoenix minutes after taking off helm of theater's annual gala, to be usua.^y stop ii by pulling circuit ['lummeled into the ocean. recorder. Tuesday. broadcast June 4 on CRS from the breakers and using other controls In newly restored Radio City Music Navy crews off Southern Califor- The Navy used an underwater More than a half dozen involved nia recovered Flight 261 's cockpit robot to locate the boxes about 200 jets made by McDonnell Douglas, most cases, it will stop before reach- Hall in New York City. ing an extreme angle. The audience for the Tonys flight data recorder. It should show feet apart and roughly 040 feel which also built the MD-83 that the positions of the plane's controls In most aircraft, including the increased by more than 4 million beneath the surface of the Pacific. crashed off Southern California. people, to 12.9 million viewers, and whether a problem with the hor- The remotely operated sub- Five ol (hose cases involved planes MD-83. a jammed stabilizer can be when O'Donnell took over as hosi in izontal stabilizer was merely a mersible Scorpio I found the boxes ■ with stabilizers mounted high on the overridden by moving elevators 1997. The following year's show symptom of a larger failure that led in the debris zone, about 10 miles / tail, like the MD-83. attached to its trailing edge and con- with O'Donnell drew 11.7 million to Monday's crash and the deaths of oil the Ventura County coast within AssdclatetTPress Photo Trouble similar lo what Flight trolled by pulling forward or back- all 88 aboard. 20 hours of each other — the cock- ALASKA CRASH—Alaska 26I pilots reported never before led ward on the yoke in the cockpit. "That will tell the tale." said pit voice recorder on Wednesday Airlines President Bill Ayer lo a crash in the Uniled Stales, If it jammed at an extreme posi- William Waldock. associate director around 5 p.m. and the data recorder talks to the pressabout what according lo experts and aviation tion, the pilots must exert more pres- for the Center for Aerospace Safely around noon Thursday. the company is doing to help reports. sure on the yoke but still should be Education at Embry-Riddlc Aero- Are you an From the beginning the investi- the families of flight 261. All The stabilizer, a wing at the tail able to maintain control. nautical University. gation has focused on the horizontal end of an aircraft, is designed to "I have flown it in the simulator The MD-83 jetliner's other stabilizer because the pilots had eighty-eight people on board adjust or trim — the up-or-down "black box" was recovered Wednes- reported problems with it died. angle of an aircraft's nose. The with Ihe fully runaway trim, and day It records cockpit communica- Jammed or out-of-control hori- show jamming is rare bul has never device's movement, controlled by that's quite a handful to fly." Roach donor? tions and showed the crew had prob- zontal stabilizers have led lo at leasl driven a plane totally out of control. two motors, is restricted so that the said. "It's out of limit for Ihe autopi- lems with the horizontal stabilizer, a a half dozen emergency landings bul An Associated Press examination plane does no! react violently. lot. You're handflying it and having For a free brochure call device on the tail of the plane which never a crash of a commercial air- of aviation records found that at "It's like the small corrections to maintain a considerable amount 1-800-355-SHARE keeps the aircraft level. plane, federal records show. least 20 in-flight problems with sta- you make in the steering wheel of pressure on the controls lo keep It captured the voices of the pilots A review of problems involving bilizers were serious enough to be going down the freeway. Unless Ihe plane straight and level." trying to gain control of the jetliner ihe device over the last 20 years reported to the Federal Aviation you're really hand-fisted, people

This Saturday (Feb. 5) get yourself in a good mood, come to the men's basketball game, and watch SICSIC get bare naked (their faces, you pervert)!!

What? The unmasking of SICSIC #1 and #2 When? Sometime during the BG vs. OU Men's Basketball game on Sat., Feb. 5 beginning at Noon Who? All of BGSU (so be there!!) Why? 'Cuz you're dying to know who we are!!

Dance Marathon 2000 L6VWOO- CctYWtM' presents 445 E. Wooster St. 353-5992 OR 354-5203 5K Run ( or walk) Tobacco Pipes & Deadline has been postponed! accessories & Gift items Talloos & Piercings Register by February 16 in the Bank Vault and join the fun! (earn spirit points and get a i-shiri) Spring Break Piercing Special Get registration forms at one of the following events: Sfc Navel & Eyebrow • 50 Day Count Down only $30 February 4th inside the Education Building • Tongue• • February 10th only $40 s«tf .ST** mm m GO mi Overall in Anderson PETWEN IMA ANP 12PM • Soc Hop at Beyond 2000 Hurry over now to be Ice Cream CHECK THE WEP SITE FOR SPECIAL PEALS///// ready lor February 18th 7-11 pm rvM"p: //solarzonelol-ions. com Spring Break 2000! Return $15 check made out BGSU ALSO VISIT 3IPEACHSTREET ON THE SITE Dance Marathon to DGR (or Bursar it) FOR SWlAAWEAR ANP BEACH APPAREL

r Friday, February 4, 2000 The BG News page 3 PAGE 3'3

ACHOSS 1 1 1 u '3 1 ■ - 1 H I Monks hood 5 Pantomime '• " " n Make a deos-on *- 14 Sandwich cookie '" I 15 VaUarta - H?l Mexico : Echo ho lb Autorriobae ■■ '.. n 0 H iH 1 17 Irvmg Berlin Editor's Note: "Echo" is a piece of short fiction created specifically for printing in a weekly serial form. musical '- ■ : v 1 \1 Make an effort H ■u friends from school, random hip- after my own heart he offered me a *u Stan 8 partner iH 1*1 "Enterprise" pies, a few weirdos and a couple of Dunhill as I came outside and 1 ■ * 1 1 really cute guys. Did I say cute? I scooted over on the wicker sofa. "Everybody else was iravers 23 Attempts 4 ; ■ M u V '- '■' meant to say hot, so what if I was Inside I was like hell yeh. all I watching the 29 Valuable v-oi.n kinda sorta dating someone back at want is a piece not the whole ass! 32 Old card game iM** 1 I BG. monogamy has never been in But hey. that kind of behavior can grueling game of 33 Resolute QGARRETTES, my vocabulary anyways! wait until at least after midnight. 3/ Yawning wide m si I Tekken being played 40 Hollywood Noah BARE FEET I think Emma knew my plans So I smiled, took the cigarette ■i H 90 •>y '- immediately 'cuz she gave me that and listened to him tell me about 41 Slender cigars by Zak and Jeff." 47 Buy the farm ... H »• « R ».* (V. 1 AND AWHOLE mother look as I checked out this the school he went to for film stud- *ti Short plays using — / <* LoTrA SNOW skater/Sean Penn lookalike in the ies, his band (plays guitar, making Dtocttsrs ■ living room. "He's trouble... " she him even cuter), and why this's boyfriend was due to 51 With unrelenting ■ ■ '' said. "Sure, you don't have to party was weird to him. Apparent- show up any minute and I figured effort Ever notice that when you're it would be best to be hiding 54 50s candWale worry about me. y'know I've got ly he hadn't been back for a couple 3 7000 Trtene ModuJ SffWOM Inc drunk everything seems warm and Stevenson 2/400 that guy at school." I replied. "And behind my set to avoid getting hit All'tghU re*cvcd tingly? of years and seeing everyone was 55 Ike's lady that stopped you before?" Zak in the crossfire. This guy that she Stepping over the mountain of pretty strange... blah blah blah. I 59 Actress Ryan chimed in and I made my quick claimed to be in love with was an 60 Half of New shoes in the doorway I started the just kept smiling 'cuz it was only 6 18 Hoover Dam's retreat to the kitchen to put away asshole, plain and simple. A drug Zealand lake long, tedious battle of removing o'clock and definitely not time for CROSS, my goodies. deep conversation. That's 6 dealer, crack head and Depeche 66 Education 22 Jelsons' maid my boots. Why is it that you minded grp. Something about drinking o'clock in the morning buddy! Mode fanatic. Can we get any 24" Galahad" word always choose to wear the difficult 67 Chewed (on) 25 Adam's male makes you forget that its freezing Emma finally came outside and worse? Top that off that they live shoes when you're just gonna take together with his ex-girlfriend 68 Or a single 26 Formed a lap LOOKING FOR em off? Maybe that's why man outside. Zak had this porch littered gave me a kinda weird look but not occasion 27 Exist who's a stripper at the Crazy Horse 69 Donkey's kin ANSWERS IN ALL created loafers... ah. now I get it. with wicker furniture and under- enough for him to notice. Silent 28 Titled Bin neath about two feet of snow. Did Bob and Jay came out too, a.k.a. that he likes to visit at work. NBC 70 Lady ol Spain 29 Palm-lace By this point Emma and I were ri Mahoous THE WRONG that stop us smokers? ARE YOU Jeff and Dan, ready to create a stir. should be calling me for their next encounter halfway through the Irish Creme 30 Frat-partyattire KIDDING? Take a look around "So Clio, your table is ready, you soap opera. I'd call it "Nate and his PLACES? and getting ready to bust out the Crack Whores". DOWN 31 Horse shade campus on the coldest day, nico- gonna spin soon?" Dan asked. 1 Chanel of fash on Eggnog — Kentucky Bourbon 34 Beany and GET SOME HELP tine my friend can take out any Nate arrived in his usual splen- 2 Spoken B-mtline Eggnog, yummy.... "Yeh. I guess so. just let me fin- cold gust of air. Being drunk helps ish my cigarette." dor, reminiscent of the good ol' 3 in good health 35 Great Lake FROM THE Most of the people there I did- 4 Nabokov novel out a lot. loo. Add to that a quick- I was pretty new to DJ'ing at days of rock star theatrics. David 36 Woad and ami n't know since they were Zak's Bowie could take a cue from this 5 Imitate 38 Spaghetti or m ANSWER KEY — ening buzz from the bowl we hit that point but since my suburbanite guy 6 Magna laude 39 Artistic WfYV.biinews.cQm earlier and stupidity was creeping friends and I didn't know any 7 Oolong or "Clio, sweetie, how are you?" impressions around the corner. I think I sat out "real" DJ's my humble attempts daneelng 42 Period he whispered in my ear as he "Two girls, both there a total of 3/4 of the night. were sufficient amusement. Per- B California lort 43 Actor Canou 52 "Waiting lor Lefly 58 "fcast ot Two girls, both named Jennie. sonally I like rap which would grabbed my ass. "Just fine" as I 9 Actress Hager 44 Conducted dramatist 61 Individual named Jennie, were 10 Little lolklore hero 45 Designer Klein were dancing on the end tables make my friend Jimie from the pushed him away in disgust. 53 Kortxit and 62 Managed Emma giggled and ran to him like II Group of eight 46 Mineral spnng others 63 Only even pn-ne dancing on the end like go-go girls from a bygone Lakewood "hood" very proud 12 Arctic coal some stupid sorority girl in heat. 49 Sets sights 56 Lion's locks number era. I didn't know them, but Since he'd claim it was his doing. 13 Lovers gel 50 Tack on snow 57 Quechuan 64 "And I Love tables like go-go girls Whatever - my tables are calling Emma seemed to as she began a It was also his idea that I took up togethei 5i MacO* AFB ale ruler 65 Acliess Ljpino from a bygone era." conversation on the heel of my dj'ing since I could memorize my name. stepping out the door. every song and beat quite easily. I 10 o'clock and I'm warmed up, His name was Ryan. A smoker guess I'm just cool like that. drunk as hell, and that Ryan kid has been eyeing me all night. "I need a cigarette, looks like it's CD Ohio weather time kids!" I yelled out as I walked Friday, Feb. 4 outside with Ryan. Emma was drawing in the kitchen with the AccuWealher* forecast for daytime conditions, high/low temperatures two Jennie's. Nate had disappeared upstairs with some random girl without Em noticing. Everybody :>cd jnd often thn>»n In else was watching the grueling game of Tckken being played by ! KV . Zak and Jeff. apparatus Just looking at the screen made me sick and 1 was pretty sure that | ■ the nighl was gonna take a bad turn soon. Em couldn't go all night Pronunciation: "a • p& • "ra • t&s r ivt without figuring out what Nate was really doing when he disap- Function: noun peared. Maybe I should make some popcorn... Etymology: Latin, from apparare to prepare; from ad- & parare— 10 prepare

■ Krislalyn Shefveland does in Date: circa 1628 fact believe in monogamy and is

■ dating a skater punk named Sean. ia: a set of materials or equipment designed for a particular use; Ahh... isn't that sweet?.' Blatantly b: a group of anatomical or cytological parts functioning together, make fun, congratulate or discuss c: an instrument or appliance designed for a specific operation; cigarettes at shefkri @ bgnel. bgsu. edit 2: the functional processes by means of which a systematized activity is carried out, as: u : the machinery of government; Portsn-ou.h 34 ITS (_^ b : the organization of a political party or an underground movement. KY © 2000 AccuWeather, Inc ICK BY RICH MOYER

Sunny Pt Cloudy Cloudy Snowors Tstorms Ron Mi uma mdftm TWE DAY UC UNDERWEAR GUYS 1 © WERE DISCOVERED. 2 Partly- Partly I Mostly Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy

High: 33° High: 33° High: 38" Low: 18° Low: 15° Low: 20° C3& TV GUIDE SECTION FRIDAY FEBRUARY 4,2000 6:0(1 1 6:30 7:00 1 7:30 1 8:00 1 8:30 1 9:00 1 9:30 I 10:00 1 10:30 1 11:00 1 11:30 Want to do something memoraSfe 1 BROADCAST STATIONS Newsrr. CBS Evening Wheel of Jeopardy! rr Kids Say i he Cosby Raismg Miss USA Pageant Contestants vie foi praes and ihe true of Miss Newstt Late Show (R) for your Valentine? CD News 11 Fortune X Darndesl Paranoia" X USA 2CO0 (In Slereo Live) £ hStsrso) a NeWSll ABC World tnterta "merit Hollywood Movie: »• -fhober [1997. Comedy) Robn Williams A 20/20 Tr.eheaah and salary NawsX Nightllne £ ffi New! Tonight Tonighl Tl Squares X scatterorainnd prolessor invents a nvaculous substance X claims ol organ*; foods. X The BG Newstias the solution! News£ NBC Nightly Drew Carey (1- Fr.isier Fusl. Providence The Reunion (In Dateline A retired couple adopts Law 1 Order Special Victims News 3! Tonight Show © News if Slereo) X D. NO Hami S"--'t-c: I to abandoned children I Unit Disrobed" (In Stereo) X (In Stereo) X Show your sweetheart how much you care with a GED' Wnlma Business Hpl Newshour Wilh Jim Lehrer (I Washington Wall Street Ella Fitzgerald: Something to Live For An Four Freshmen 50 Years Fresl Current and © V R) Week Week: Large American Masters Special tin Stereo) X former members of Ws Four Fnas men reunite £ Valentine's Day Personal in the BG News Newshoui With Jim Lehrer X Editors McLaughlin Washington Wall Slreel Movie: *ee* 'fleirasl. Maine"(l999 Documeniaty) T*ie cuRurai and artistic Me ol a New England m Group Week Week: Large port city X lome Mad About Seinfeld "The friends " Woild s Wildesi Police videos Steed The Series (In Stereo) X NewsB Newsradlo Star Trek Deep Spec Nine These special Valentine's © mprovemenl You (In Slereo! Mulfm Tops" 31 Slereo) X OiliSHno)-PAI s "Sleeping" X Sons and Daughtets" X Simpson* (In Simpsons [hi Friends . 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Som Deep ill :0X Sports News Toughman .ast Word (Ri FS0 News Baltimore (R) World Champ A siideis Seam i I sliders Pi al The sliders lust jump lands mem in an ice ageil San sliders Seei The mysterious Jill: The Series "Luvlmer Sliders "Pilot' Iln Slereo) X you like SCIFI Fiancnco (In Slereo) I rnal side begins £ Crew boards a bordello satellite lome Again lome Again IS Hours "Alter Lee" (R) )angerous Pursuits (R) Hunl lor Amazing Treasures "X :urse of the Hope Diamond jsrngsrous Pursuits (R: candy! TLC R) (Pan i ol 9) R' [Pan!a .- Marks Ihe SpoT (H) n trie Heat ol Die Night "When ER Freak Show" (In Slereo) X "BA Basketball Sacamenti Kwgs al Indiana Pacers Conseco F«ldnouse (In vBA Basketball Phoenix Suns at Seattle r^ Love. TNT ie Must Slopped* (In Slereo) Slereo Lure) X SupeiSorucs KeyArena (In Stereo Live) X Baywetch Red Wind' (In JAG The King of ihe Fleas" (In rYalker, Texas Ranger 'ovie. ••• "RedSort West"(1993 Suspense) Nco»sCage. A riovte: ** "Weekendal flem*i (g Bobby BG USA Slereo) X Slereo) X Blackout' (In Slereo) X dirfter is offered a sma" fortune to kill a mans wile [in Stereo) £ »"(I993) Andrew McCarthy I Hard Hot* Live ftuajCOel .lit Besi 'cp-UpQuir Weird Al Yankovic Llvel (R) (li Ithind the Music "Weird Al lelore They tecord .1st "Best lehlnd Ihe W • S15-00 NEWS VH1 fvleredilh Brooks" (H) (In Slereo) ~>uel" (R) -i Sices' Sfceo) Yankovic IR) [In Slereo) WereSlars Breakers Cover Song' Music R page 4 The BG News Friday, February 4, 2000 OPINION mww.bgtiews.eotn/opinion Elian Gonzalez is pawn in America's game

For weeks now the Elian Gonza- have to do with us? The United Stales has enough PEOPLE lez slory has flooded the newspa- And the answer is absolutely problems then allowing this cast- to pers, magazines, and television nothing. The Elian Gonzalez case is flood the news media. What about children all around the world who on the street news. And being that I am a busy a family matter, not a political one. college student I really didn't know Actually I think it is absurd. This don't have anyone? much about the story. has turned into a worldwide, interna- Not a mother or a father. What Question: If you were a SIC SIC member, what would But with persistent coverage by about children who are constantly tional custody case. Should his your sign say? our media, finally it got my atten- father, or his relatives in Miami raise hungry and don't know where there tion. As I read and spoke to my Elian? next meal is coming from? friends and family. I understood the Now. Elian would probably have Or those children that die every- facts. a better life in the United States, but day, because Ihey don't receive suf- And once I did. in my mind I felt so would most of the world's popu- ficient health care. that Elian should go back to his lation. Or the elderly, who statistically father in Cuba. He belonged with his Are we to tell immigrants that do more shoplifting because they arc closest living relative who was his they have to float to our borders on a so poor and have to live on a fixed father. His father should be able to "But after I started tube from a sunken ship to be income? What about our poor edu- decide what he feels is best for his allowed to stay? cational system? son. thinking about it, I The United States has a history of The United Stales is one of the But after I started thinking about getting into issues that doesn't really richest countries in the world but we Adam Word it. I began to wonder why this case began to wonder why Chris Garrity concern them. still lag in education. What about Sophomore Sophomore had received so much attention? this case had teenage mothers that are destined to Every day Haitians and other One that sticks out in my mind is Criminal Education be poor and raise Iheir cnildren in immigrants try to come to our coun- received so much the Vietnam War. We got into that Justice "AlwayB play mid- poverty? try but we fight and practically hold war because we didn't want more night snow foet- attention?" All these things need to receive "Got dat'tussin." them at gunpoint to get them to go communists in the world but in fact Eric ' •fi ball- the Vietnamese people did want to the attention the Gonzalez case is back to their country. Why is this is his survival depending on it. His Fledderjakn have a communist government. And getting. If we would focus more on case any different? family isn't poor, and it isn't dire Sophomore issues at home, we would have less Without a doubt, the trauma that that he stays in the United States. as a result many young Americans Business died in a war that couldn't have been time to interfere with issues involv- Elian went through is terrible. But it Quite frankly, Elian's father "Never take>any won. ing other countries'. doesn't mean that he shouldn't be wants him home so he should return wooden nickels." returned to his father. From what I to Cuba to be with him. And a war that didn't need our interference in the first place. It Erin Bailey is a BO News colum- understand. Elian is not in any polit- This media frenzy has led me to a ical danger where it would be seems that our country refuses to nist, please contact her at erin- important to leave his country. Nor question, that is: What does this learn from past mistakes. lyn @ liRncl. bqsu. etlu Thanks for caring. This is 1 your University. Are you proud, 1'^ L.U A. Wfc'-'Al^. ^ A*-**. 3 "JB 2ti&St££mm. embarrassed, or angry, then let Gary Novotny Sara Broberg I ip ■ TP1 % ?''* ii I ill FifflfflF me hear you. Let The BG News Uv ll^l 01 •1 V IHV UUllvl Freshmen Freshmen Opinion Page hear your griev- Criminal Psychology blah. Second, Ihe issue thai we all jusl Greeks lire opinions back ances, let us hear what ails you. Justice These are of course stereotypes. stab each other in Ihe back and act "Gary Novotny is We will make sure that the cam- "Go hockey, puck so hot." Here I am. a senior. I've been Fine, if you don't want to accept like the popular group from high all the positive things we do, what is school once did. Well, fraternities pus and the person thai I ho other team." Greek for four years and I still can't wronged you hears you, it's not understand what the big problem is that you do want? and sororities consist of 20-100 that non-Greeks have with us. Do you want us to disappear? members, and as with any group of day-time talk show, but hell, it's friends conflicts can arise and small- It kind of seems like they have all Well, that's not gonna happen. a start — [email protected], er groups do form, but (his is natural these issue:, about the Greek system Too much would suffer on this sponsored by Nied 'n' Recznik in any situation. that piss them off and we don't have campus. Dance Maratnon being The difference is thai this large any problem with them. one. Do you want us to stop group pulls itself together to support Maybe we're too busy being "marching around campus and each member when all is said and AOL, Time Warner merging breeds clanger involved. cheering late at night?" Don't think that's gonna happen done. Greek organizations olfcr a Do you honestly think you would Adding more power to what factory worker makes in a month. either, cause when you're proud of support group that help members ever see an article that talked about academically as well as emotionally looks to be one of Ihe most powerful Nothing better shows the gap the negativity of being a non-Greek something, you want people to between rich and poor than lhal. know. because of the number of people and mergers ever. EMI. which is one of or why Greeks were "belter" lhan personalities that exist in each chap- Ihe big five in the music industry, Capitalism is a system which ide- everyone else etc. printed in the I think if you have a problem with Greeks, you have your right to ter. has merged wilh Time Warner. ally would allow anyone wilh Gavel? Just because a member of a This matters because Time Warn- enough skill or determination to Or even belter. The BG News? voice that opinion. But first, try real hard to understand what it is you are Greek organization may complain er is in ihe process of being make their way to some form Of You definitely would not. This is voicing. We're just a bunch of peo- about certain aspects or even people devoured by AOL. The result is one wealth, unfortunately that is no! how exactly what happens though when ple trying to do some good things does not mean that we are all these massive company w'ith more power Ihe reality of the system works. someone has a problem wilh ihe and have fun at the same time. What awful people. Everyone vents their lhan 1 can comfortably imagine. Most people in this country do n$t Greek system. is so wrong with that? frustrations, bul it is only highlight- What this merger means depends on have the means to buy a ticket on the Even (hough Laura Salasek did ed in Greeks. whose perspective is taken. elevator to the lop. It is almost say lhat she didn't "mean that the impossible to go from rags to riches Kristen Balas On the issue of community ser- For investors wilh enough money Greek system is all bad." she obvi- vice, yes. Greeks are seen mostly on no mailer how deeply our nalicjn ously has problems with it or she [email protected] in stocks to profit from this merger, campus doing philanthropic activi- it is good news. Prices for slocks in Picture a hypothetical, where one buys into the myth thai we all can- wouldn't have taken the time to I am writing in response to two ties, bul lhat is not Ihe only thing either company have gone up rapid- candidate for president did some- Yet AOL and Time Warner have write a whole article. lhal we do. ly, and pockets will bulge for a lucky thing which would benefit one of merged, ending a few thousand JOBS What is this inferiority complex items in the Feb -Vd edition of The BG News; "ihe Adventures Each member in my organization few. these mega-corporations. Thinking and making a few people even riefc- that non-Greeks seem to have? of Ted Bagel." and the article written is responsible for her own communi- for an inslanl lhal the handling of cr. I don't know any Greek person The few who will benefit from by Laura Salasek. "Students don't ty service, and there are members this candidate's air lime would be We live in a very wealthy nation, that would actually take the (ime to this merger are a minuscule fraction understand rushing, when it's all scattered in activities around the fair and objective is foolish. While where there are individuals wrjo sit around and think about all the of ihe American society. Greek." community. In fact, the Lambda there is some form of checks and have larger yearly incomes than More common are Ihe individu- things that are wrong with non- Chi Alpha chapter raises thousands balances in play by the compassion Ihird world nations. The richest It seems a week can't go by with- als who are hurt from this sort of Greeks. , of pounds of food each year for Ihe of networks, journalistic integrity people on Earlh are rich, while. out Mime form of bad press pertain- event. But now I'm wondering, is it a ing to Greeks. Unfortunately many local IIHUI pantry and yet The BG could easily become a shattered American men. good for them. jealousy thing? Are they pissed off News ignored iheir most recent food At the end of a report on Ihe of the stories are incomplete or mis- memory. This might sound unlikely. While men like Bill Gates play because we're stealing all the glory? drive. Every chapter is involved in merger, was a glimpse of the bad understood. but as power concentrates, it wilh money that Ihe rest of us reafly How come Greeks seem to be the their own way in the community, news staled .1000 people would no First. I would like to address the becomes far more dangerous cannot hope lo comprehend, there only organization that it's "okay" to though it may not be as noticeable as longer be needed and would lose common question of us buying our Of course there are people in this are children in Appalachia and the bash? our activities on campus. their jobs in this merger. friends. I know that there will nation who will be unalYccted by a inner cities who are loo poor lo hav^ What would happen if someone On the issue of hazing, our cam- always be someone saying that we Now is a time of economic pros- sudden shift in the economic shape a future. Now the rich are juggling wrote about the stereotypes or pus Greek system is known nation- buy our friends. However we are perity, bul it does not touch every of the media. They arc far too poor more of their money, and gaining downfalls of Vision? ally for not having a large problem not (he only organizations on cam- one. 3000 people over Ihe next three to ever gain or lose in the sti>ck mar- power in the process, excuse me if Latino Student Union? with hazing. Although there have pus with membership dues. Many years, a sudden need for new jobs. ket, and iheir jobs are not al risk by Ihe increase in the markets does nOt That would never happen been some isolated incidents in the sport clubs, such as rugby and crew Most should be able to find jobs, bul this merger. make me dance. because it would be not be socially have fees in Ihe form of dues. past. I. as well as many people I as these mega-mergers continue, and politically "accepted." But However, no one claims (ha( Ihey know, have not come into contact there will be less jobs available, and As wealth is consolidated in a For some of us. this consolidation of wealth poses a mild threat lo oar instead lets let someone reach way are buying Iheir friends. with a hazing situation. eventually some people are going to series of mega-mergers, there are way of life, bul Ihere is nothing we out there and find something wrong This is because people under- While hazing has been a national gel squeezed out in the frenzy of big people in this nation too poor lo go can do about it. I could never have with one of the strongest systems on stand lhal the money goes to opera- problem before, I would argue it is business. any lower. The heads of AOL and prevented these companies frofn this campus. tional costs, such as equipment. not a large problem on this campus Time Warner arc rich beyond any- Consolidation of information merging, and can only hope lhat the I'm not going to sit here and talk Well, much like these clubs. Greek or even nationally in more recent thing lhal can be comprehended by providing businesses represents power il creates over the media is about why the Greek system is so organizalions need money to oper- years. the majority of Americans. another ihreal lo our way of life not abused. great or what it is we do lhat makes ate, and dues are (he only funding While Greek life is not for every- beyond simple economic shifts. Too Poor out-number rich in this There are far too many Ameri- us appear to be "the biggest thing to thai the chapters run on. one, it is for some, and I would hope much power is being put into one set nation by far. More wealth is pulled hil campus." because if I did it This money pays for things such that people W'ho are interested would of hands here, and ii is dangerous. to the lop of our economy and those cans who are too poor to know or would be like beating a dead horse. as housing cosls. when a chapter go out and learn more about what Given lime more companies are on the bottom have less. Some of care thai there has been any sort bf change, and for them I am too busy What I would like to know, from wants lo buy something for the Greek life is really about. It is a voing to merge, creating a world them are so far down lhal il would the non-Greek community that have house and social fees, co pay for system that is not fully understood were only a few major industries be impossible for them to be any surviving myself to give much ajd right now. I wish our nation luck.. such a problem with the Greek COtn- rentals of places for social functions until you are involved and I wish control all media. Already mosi lower. While billionaires live in . munity is. what is it that you want (since we arc social fraternities and lhal people would try to understand. news services are controlled by mas- their multi-million dollar homes. from us.' sororities). rather than criticize and deepen the sive networks. I see it as unlikely others wonder if ihey will have David Slorie is a BG News You talk about how we buy our Dues also pay for the cooks thai misunderstanding of others. thai as ihe power becomes more homes tomorrow. Children starve in columnist, and can be contacted lit friends, act as a "political business." cook our food and any taxes Ihe centralized in the media lhal all the the streets of cities where the owners we're fake, we're drunks, we're organization must pay. just lo name Christine Stellar stories we hear arc going lo be of these companies drink bottles of child de [email protected] cliquey, we're snobby, blah blah a few. i stellar® objective. wine lhat cost more lhan the average

Letters to the Editor Policy 210 West Hall Bowling Green State University Do you agree with all of this? We doubt it. Write Copyright © 2000, The BG News, Bowling Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 us and let us know where you stand. Green, Ohio. Reprinting of any material from ■ Letters to the Editor. Letters are to be less than this publication without prior permission of Phone: (419) 372-6966 500 words (less than two typed, double-spaced The BG News Is prohibited. E-mail: [email protected] pages). These are usually in response to a current Website: issue on the BGSU campus or Bowling Green area. The BG News is an independent publication ■ Guest Columns. Longer pieces (between 600-800 founded in 1920 and is published daily during words) can be submitted as Guest Columns. Guest the academic ye-r and weekly during the sum- mer semester. Brandi Barhite ieff Hindenach Amyjo L Brown columns will be subject to space limitations and Editor-in-Chief lanaging Editor Assistant Managing Editor considered based on topic relevance and quality. Opinions expressed in columns and letters to To submit a Guest Column or Letter, bring a copy the editor are not necessarily those of the stu- on a labeled disk (Microsoft Word, Mac compati- Kevin Vorhees Tony Recznik Mary Beth Wilfong dent body, faculty, University administration Layout Editor Entertainment Editor Copy Chief ble) to 210.West Hall and leave it in the Opinion or The BG News. Unsigned editorials are the . Editor's mailbox. Or, send it on e-mail to opinion of the Spring 2000 BG News staff. Dan Nied J. Michael Bestul Ben French and give It the subject, "Let- Sports Editor Page 3 Editor Photo Editor ter to the Editor". The BG News encourages Its readers to notify • the paper of any errors in stories or photo- David Tran Robert Recker Jim Baer Also, you can check out back issues of the Opinion graph descriptions. Opinion Editor City Editor Graphics Editor page on the web at Decisions made by the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board are final. Friday. February 4. 2(XX) 1 lit' IH» i>ev*s CITY \gn ■ ■ i om/city Aztec brings Mexican authenticity to BG Opponents say it's time ANNK MOSS ladas, burritos. instadas and more. The staff of the restaurant creative genius behind the design STAFF WRITER All the recipes are originals, creat- Strongly stresses that the biggest "The decor is not overly done, to review state law ed by the executive chef and part- difference between The Aztec menu but you definitely know you are in declared by Illinois Oov. George The Azicc rcslaurant brings ner in the business. Bill Earley. and their competitors' menus is that a Mexican restaurant." Murphy • multi-cultural tastes to Bowling Earley has been an executive said. TmAsaoi IATSD nun Ryan on Monday everything is fresh. Mary Anne Sharkcy. spokes- | Green. chef for about 24 years and is the Much of the food used in Chi Another excellent feature of the woman lot (io\ Bob Tan, said Ohio manager of the restaurant. He is (In'i is processed and not made Located on the corner of Woost- new restaurant is that the staff is As questions aie raised about ihc doesn't face the same situation as er and S. Main streets, the restau- responsible for creating about 95 with law foods. Also, large chain mental competency ol a second Illinois, where 13 inmates have been rant is in the prime area of down- percent of the recipes on the menu. Mexican restaurants tend to incredibly nice and cooperative. death row inmate who says he wants freed or taken off death row since town. The restaurant is the first of The Aztec has more of a microwave their food, while The Although it is not a large staff, they 10 die, the Catholic Conference of 'its kind in the area. It has been "unique" Mexican menu instead of Aztec prepares everything from are all trained thoroughly and effi- 1987. Ohio believes it is time for Ohio in Adele Shank, Scudder's court- opened and operating since the the normal Tcx-Mex style entrees Scratch and it is all fresh from the review its death penalty law. ciently. appointed lawyer, downplays simi- week before Thanksgiving. Periodically a woman from Mexico kitchen "Were real concerned about the "We arc very focused on cus- larities between her client and Berry. The owner. Carol Wesley, is comes to the restaurant and acts as Not only do they serve excellent fact that in Ohio now, it appears the from Toledo, but is familiar with a consultant on some of the recipes. lasting food, but they also have a tomer satisfaction." Stanish said. Berry "had a long history of first two cases are persons with seri- recent, court-ordered, thorough, this area and thought that it would This adds to the restaurant's aim for bar that has an extensive liquoi The prices are reasonable, the ous menial illness problems," Jim detailed evaluations of his mental do well among the citizens and stu- authentic Mexican food. selection and wide variety of beers staff is great and the food is of the Tohin. associate director of the dents here. Lisa Stanish. a waitress for The on tap and in bottles. Homemade health with multiple experts, oppor- best Mexican quality. Catholic Conference of Ohio, said tunities for hearings and cross exam- Assistant manager John Murphy Aztec, enjoys the food selection margaritas arc the specialty of the "Come in and give us a try." Thursday. said. '"We hear of people from this and has some favorites from the bar according to Murphy. inations." Shank said. "None of that Murphy said. "You will be sur- I .ist month. Kevin Scudder, 36, area traveling to other cities, such menu. The Aztec has "happy hours" has happened in this case " filed a handwritten notice in federal Scudder was diagnosed with as Findlay and Toledo, to find qual- "1 love the cheese enchiladas daily, where you can try their tequi- prised by the taste, the price and the court he is waiving his rights lor ity Mexican food." and the vegetarian moles." Stanish la samplers, margaritas or enjoy a portions." behavioral problems beginning at an appeal of his case He also wrote age 9. attempted suicide as a teen- Murphy, however, said that they said. "Everything is fresh, which beer. The Aztec is open for business Attorney General Betty Mont- are not in competition with other makes the food more appealing." The restaurant is decorated in a ager and later was diagnosed as a Monday through Wednesday 11 gomery, asking for her help in ha-. paranoid schizophrenic, according local restaurants because theirs has "Everything is made fresh, from very subtle Mexican-Southwestern a.m.-10 p.m.. Thursday through ing his death sentence carried out as a totally different menu the margaritas to (he guacamole," style. A local contractor is responsi- to reports on file with US District Saturday II a.m.-midnight and scheduled on April 25. Judge Algernon Marbley. The menu is loaded with many said Murphy. "The only thing we ble for the construction inside of Scudder was sentenced to death options for ordering tacos. enchi- don't do is grow the vegetables." the restaurant, but Wesley is the Sunday noon- 0 p.m. Scudder. jailed on assault charges for the rape and fatal slabbing of 14- JI least three times as a teen-ager. year-old Tina Baisden of Columbus was tound innocent by reason of in 1989. insanity in one of those cases, Registration deadline Mercy Hospital-Oregon Room. 2600 Si udder's ease bears some according to the reports Navarre Ave.. Oregon. Ohio. Stop resemblance to the case of Wilford Greg Meyers, chief counsel of Smoking 6-7 p.m. Weight Control 7- Lee Berry Jr.. whose mental compe- the Ohio Public Defender's death approaching quickly "8 p.m. tenc> was questioned after he asked penalty section, said most men on ional •Wednesday. Feb. 9 at Quality thai his appeals be dropped. Ohio's death row are mentally ill Monday. Feb. 7 is the voter regis- address) within the last four years Inn-Room 3. 2395 N. Scott Road. Berry, executed by lethal injec- and many have IQs low enough to tration deadline for the March 7 pri- are still registered and arc eligible to Napoleon. Ohio. Stop Smoking 6-7 tion on Pcb. 19. 1999. was the first be classified as mentally retarded. mary. Registration forms sent to a vote. Those who have a question pin Weight Control 7-8 p.m. death row inmate executed in Ohio "I'm not telling you everyone on county board of elections or (he sec- regarding the status of their registra- bundup The cost of $50 includes litera- in Mi years death row has the same track record retary of state's office must be post- tion should contact their county ture, a cassette tape for home rein- Tohin said Scudder's case raises as Kevin Scudder. that far and that forcement and a wallet card to attend marked or received in person by this hoard of elections to make sure they fundamental questions about Ohio's deep." Meyers said. "It's no doubt future sessions locally and through dale. will be able to cast a ballot on elec- system ol capital punishment safe to s.i\ most people who end up out the state of Ohio at no additional on death row have diagnosable men- U.S. citizens who are residents of tion day. Stop smoking, weight loss clin- "Did our system really work well charge for a period of one year tal defects and diseases." Ohio are qualified to register and »** ics available next week enough to take his mental illness Pre-rcgistration is strongly rec- into consideration'.' And if didn't in may do so in person by Feb. 7 at any In Bowling Green those interest- St. Charles Mercy Hospital in Seudder's execution date of April ommended. Walk-ins arc welcome, this case, arc there other cases?" he 25 was set only because of adminis- of the following locations: county ed in registering can call the Wood Oregon, Ohio, and the Quality Inn in but we reserve the right to cancel any Napoleon, Ohio, arc the Sites of the said. trativc requirements of the court. board of elections, the secretary of session with less than 15 pre-regis- Count) Board of Elections at 354- February Hypnosis Clinics being Tohin said his organization wants Meyers said lie said it is highly tered new participants. state's office, public high schools or 9120. or visit the license bureau. offered by the American Lung Asso- Ohio to consider a moratorium on unlikely it would remain as the final To register for a hypnosis pro- "vocational schools, the Bureau of 1616 E. Wooster St., or the Wood ciation of Ohio-Northwestern the one execution date. Motor Vehicles, public libraries, County Public Library, 251 N. Main gram or for information regarding Branch to help people quit smoking Other methods to quit smoking, con- county treasurers' offices and desig- St or lose weight. tact the American Lung Association nated offices that provide public On campus, students can contact The clinics will be offered: at 1419) 471-0024 or l-800-LUNG- •Monday. Feb. 7 at St Charles Find Falcon sports assistance College Democrats (Roger Ander- II3A Ohioans who have registered or son. 172-7268). or College Republi- scores e very aay cast a ballot in any Ohio election cans (Melissa Fraterrigo. 372-8227). in (and not changed their name or Ihe! BG News BGSM1NTERNET ACCESS ?5 mo 24 Hour Towing *"*-. Earn Extra Money- Transmission • Tires 'NO TIME All Mechanical Work • Bearings Work for Census 2000 • Brakes • All Farm Equip RESTRICTIONS • Diesel and Gas Motors Census 2000 is recruiting individuals to help take the Census in communities across the country. This job offers flexible hours, - Low Shop Rates - competitive pay, and work close to home If you want a second - Free Towing with Student 10 - 9 DACOR job or are retired, it's perfect! Most Census field jobs last (with qualified repair) nitern»*t strvites approximately four to six weeks. We provide training and mileage reimbursement, and we pay our Census takers and B&B Truck & Auto crew leaders weekly. We need you. so call the Local Census S19-w. w boster '3 52.3568 Office at 419-353-2735 or our toll free number. t o Emooy w AN IMPORTANT JOB— THAT PAYS The BG News VJ^M'4.

104 S. Main 353-0988 Check us out at: [Get ready tor a melow evening of great music! Now you can access every Delta 88 BG News issue you missed A great acoustic three piece with from the comfort of your incredible orginal songs. Happy Hour 4-7pm • 4-9pm Drink Specials home. Visit BG News $2 All-U-Can-Eat Munchie Buffet On-line for: {21 and over) Archives of Local movie Won Vhe ^ . The band's ororvm . every issue listings & reviews since Spring '98 Classifieds Crosswords "Ask Alice" & Gullivers Traveling Solutions other advice columns Medicine Show BG Rental Guide Horoscopes Opened for the |erry Garcia Band, Ekoostik Hookah, and The Mullins Band. 19 and over page 6 The BG News Friday, February 4, 2000 SPORTS WWIO ugtt€ws.corn/sports Falcons face next important test with Mavericks DAN NIED the fans really get into it and the important series of the year. son's scries without offensive cata- Hve out of ihcir last seven, including first 19 games he had only four SPORTS EDITOR team feeds from the emotion of the But there is a bright side to this lyst Ryan Murphy, who was playing lasi weekend's split with no. 8 goals. crowd. It is tough to get in there and weekend for the Falcons that may in (lie world junior championships. Northern Michigan. Nebraska's goallending has been The Omaha Civic Auditorium get points and they have proven that play into their advantage. They've But Murphy doesn't see that as a Greg Day has started clicking a little bit suspect. Regular Kendall may noi be ihe mosl friendly place all year long." been there before. problem. with lincmaies Austin de Luis and Sidoruk has a 3.53 goals against for an opposing learn. But if the Bowling Green hockey Last season. Bowling Green vis- "I don't know much about this CCHA rookie of the week Ryan average in 19 games this season. Sellout crowds every night and team plans to salvage their season, ited the Omaha Civic Auditorium team, not having played them last Full/. Day has three goals and eight Rodney Mcl.eod is slightly better an upstart Nebraska-Omaha hockey they can't afford a road loss to the where they split a two game series year." Murphy said. "But we've points in his last four games. ai 2 91 in nine games. team who is making waves in just Mavericks in their two game series with the Mavericks. practiced on the things thai they do Full/, has a four game .scoring The Mavericks are lead by for- their first season in the CCHA com- this weekend. "I think that the fact that we went and we know how to counteract Streak going. He has eight points in ward Allen Carr who has 10 goals bine to create an environment more Unfortunately, the Mavericks there last year is going to help out," them, so we know enough about his last seven games. and 24 points on the season. hostile than gang warfare have notched seven of their nine Powers said. "We know what we are them to gel two wins." Adam Bdinger's suck has Nebraska-Omaha's claim to fame "Their home ice is a huge advan- wins at home. in for and we know what it will be Since Christmas the Falcons have become hot lately too. After scoring this year was an overtime win tage." Falcon coach Buddy Powers No intimidation, no fear, just two like The goal of our guys will be to been getting the kind of offensive BG's second goal Saturday against against powerhouse Michigan Slate, said. "It is tough travel getting out games of hockey that will serve, at quiet the crowd down." production they expected from Ihe Northern Michigan, he has four a team Ihe Falcons were swept by there, ihey get a packed house and least until next weekend, as the most The Falcons had to play last sea- Mart of the season. They have won goals in four games. In the season's I See HOCKEY, page 8. Hockey Travel is tough for hockey DEREK McCORD Freshman goaltender Tyler Mas- SPORTS WRITER ters said that he does not really mind the travel because it was not as gru- The Bowling Green Falcons eling as his time playing junior hockey team will be heading west to hockey. Nebraska. Omaha this weekend to "Back in juniors, it was like eight face Central Collegiate Hockey or nine days on the bus, so you could Association newcomer the Nebras- play seven game in nine nights. It is ka-Omaha Mavericks. kind of nice being gone for four days The Falcons left Bowling Green and we arc not on the bus any of the Wednesday on a bus on a course to time, so it's not too bad," Masters Detroit. The team spent the night in said. "I am kind of used to it. I a hotel and at 8 am Thursday, guess." boarded a plane that would fly to The team practiced on Thursday Chicago for a layover before finally landing in Omaha. i See TRAVEL, page 8,

Bowling Greent, 10-14-01 vs.Nebraska-Omaha (9-12-5)

9.-06 Friday and Saturday Omaha Civic Arena Key Stat. The Falcons are 5-3 in their lastU. i _ games and stand only five points behind Nebraska-Omaha in the CCHA standings SUCKERPUNCH— BG forward Curtis Valentine narrowly escapes a low blow at the hands of Northern Michigan's Bryan Phillips during last weekends series against the Wildcats. Valentine and the Falcons will continue to try to avoid any low blows this week- end when they travel to Nebraska-Omaha for a two game set. Bowling Green is walking a tight rope in the CCHA, occupying the 10th and final playoff spot. A sweep over the Mavericks could lift them to seventh in the conference. Football Redd looks for Football signs solid recruiting vindication in BG class for 2000, lose 2 to Big 10 DAN NIED Redd called The News in PETE STELLA in position to transfer mid-year. response to an article printed in The ASSISTANT SPORTS EIHTOR DiBacco netted over 4,000 rushing yards in his SPORTS EDITOR career ,il Mon.ica High School in Monaea. Penn- News Jan. 25. which detailed Redd's The Howling Green football team's 17 mem- s> K.inia. and was the conference and area player multiple suspensions from the BG Robert Redd is not a criminal. ber recruiting class for 2000 fills all the major of the year. Lasl season, he gained 1.600 yards on football team and his two years of That's the message the sopho- voids, the ground with 20 touchdowns and became the frustration with Blackney. career rushing leader for his High School. more receiver wants to send to the In fact, encouraging news comes in the form Bowling Green community aftei Redd was suspended for the final ol the players the Falcons didn't gel. "We losi .11 least two kids, one to Indiana and Wide Receivers leaving Ihe football team to transfer two games of last season for repeat- one to Michigan State right at the end that had Kevin I'oindexler. out of Ursuline High School to the University of Louisville. edly being late or skipping practice committed to us." Blackney said. "We might be in Youngstown. was the only receiver the Falcons Redd fell Ihal the media made Redd said he had a plausible in Ihe process of losing a kid to Nebraska righl nabbed. Poindexter was slowed by injuries his him into some kind of felon when he excuse. now so again what that says to me is that we are scnioi year, however he earned all-league and all- IVU suspended for missing practice after the right prospects." dislnct pick as a junior. at the end of last year. "I missed practice because my "Overall. 1 am really pleased with the class." With the departure of Robert Redd to mother was in an auto accident and BG coach Ckiry Blackney said "I think acro-s Louisville, Blackney said that he would have "Everyone made it look like I she was in the hospital." Redd said the board, we were able to till |iisl about every liked to get another receiver for depth. need on our team with at least i quality football over the phone from Louisville. "It Offensive Line wasn't anything serious, but it was a player or two. We have had a good recruiting - progression over Ihe lasl two or ihrec years." The depletion of the strong Falcon offensive cause for concern" The Falcons mainly expressed a need lor line from last season has resulted in three sign- Redd said that he missed other depth at place kicker and fullback for the ings; Nate Reeves. Scott Mruczkowski and practices because he had trouble upcoming season Shaun Suisham. an Onlario Andrew Hart, to help fill the gaps. Reeves was the with the brakes on his car. He said native, is already attending BG alter being rated lop lineman in Virginia at Fort Union Military that the suspension handed down as the top place-kicker in Canada He hit all 23 Academy while Hart earned all-district honors at point-after attempts in the 1999 season and con- was unfair since he notified Black- Mentor High School. Mruczkowski earned three nected on all 14 of his held goal attempts, letters in both football and track at Benedictine ney of the circumstances ahead of including a 58-yarder. time. High School. Special Teams Redd pointed to a similar suspen- Quarterbacks sion his freshman year where he "We were concerned aboul replacing Jason Siiisscr with Shaun Suisham." Blackney said. After playing flip flop with quarterbacks notified an assistant coach that he "We think he's got outstanding potential and the Ricky Schnieder and Andy Sahm last season, the would miss practice. benefit right now as far as I am concerned, since Falcons signed two quarterbacks to the 2000 "That one was totally my fault." Shaun is enrolled in school, lie is in our winter team. Josh Harris, from Westerville North High Redd said. I should have gone to program and will go through spring ball. He will School, was selected as the conference Player of Coach Blackney that time. That sus- have a great opportunity to work on his mechan- the Year and to the all-district team. He netted ics and work under some pressure so he doesn't over 800 rushing yards and over 500 passing FILE PHOTO pension was deserved. But at the end have to come in August and establish himself as yards in 1999 and accounted for 19 touchdowns, NO MORE — Robert Redd of last season. I didn't deserve that a kicker heading inlo Michigan." goes over a Miami player for because I went to Blackney." both rushing and passing. "I think Josh Harris was a steal for us." Black- a touchdown. Redd trans- Running Backs Redd said he was upset with the ney said "He is an exceptional athlete, very smart ferred to Louisville last At fullback. BG signed Doug Kingsbury and way the media portrayed his absence and 1 can see him coming in and having an semester. Todd DiBacco. Kingsbury. from Comstock from practice, comparing it to cover- Park. Michigan, was a second-icam all-confer- impact, maybe not as the number one quarter- committed a crime," he said. "When age of a criminal. ence pick last season .it Grand Rapids Commu- back, but I can see him putting some pressure on my mother was in the hospital. I Despite the situation between nity College. Despite being injured, he rushed some people. I think he is that good. Once he looked like a criminal." Blackney and Redd, the receiver for 290 yards and caught 12 passes determines whether he wants to continue at the "Fullback was the other position that was a a The bottom line is that Redd left maintains that he has no problem quarterback position or not. he'd make an excel- concern because ol Eric Clark's health and the lent wide receiver. He's a kick returner and a punt Bowling Green for Louisville with Blackney and that he thought departure of Brent Martin." Blackney said "The returner, he's a gem I think." because of a strained relationship Blackney had no problem with him only junior college player we took was Doug BG also signed another of Canada's top play- with head coach Gary Blackney. Kingsbury." "I have no ill will toward Coach ers. David Azzi from Ottawa. Ontario. Azzi threw Nobody disputes that. Blackney." Redd said. "We just had Like Suisham. Kingsbury is also enrolled in school anil is taking part in Ihe winter program. But the terms of their disagree- our differences. I valued my time at Blackney said he probably wouldn't have taken ments have caused a bit of debate Bowling Green and all the people I a junior college player if he wouldn't have been i See RECRUITS, page 7. from the two parties met."

♦ \ Friday, February 4, 2(KH) The BG News Page 7 SPORTS umnabgneivs i om/sports Men's, women's tennis compete against IUPI, Butler, ISU at home DOROTHY VVRONA Because Butler is a sluing indoor However, the team is in good physi- io start the match " SPORTS WKIII H team. Hams is expecting a harder cal shape and Harris hopes the play- Dean hopes that the Falcons will match lhan the one in the I.ill How ers «ili rake advantage ol il Star) off the match with a strong dou- The men's tennis team hopes to ever, he feels that playing at home "At this point, I don't think it's bles performance She feels that last rebound from last week's loss with will give the Falcons an advantage going to be so much about physical weekend's victories were partly two home matches against Butler "I think it's going to help us that fatigue as it is about menial fatigue," because ol ihe success in Ihe dou- and Indiana University Purdue Uni- it's here at out place." Ilairrs said II.mis said "It's a good lest lor bles flights versity Indianapolis on Saturday. "Because n's tough to play at Butler these guys 10 force themselves i<> Ihe Falcons will face another The Falcons will start the day in the Bubble." work through the menial fatigue challenging match Ihis weekend. against Butler, which is ranked six- That afternoon, the Falcons will It'll really help us through the year il ISU boasts a strong roster with an teenth in the region. The two teams host Division I newcomer IUPUI. we're able to play thai long." excellent number one player and have played before, with Butler win- IUPI II is in its second Division I BGSU will start the day al Tble power all ihe way down the line. ning 6-1 last season and the Falcons season, and is currently building its do's Central Tennis Club at 9 a in At 1 he Sycamores' return five players winning 5-2 in 1998. team to compcle al ihis level. One .1 p.m. and they will play IUPUI al from last season In the fall tournament at Butler. senior, four juniors and three fresh- Laurel I Ml in Toledo. I he falcons won last year's BGSU look five of the eight singles men make up their rosier. Women match 'i I However, il was a lot matches and two of the three dou- BGSU faced IUPUI al Butler's The undefeated women's tennis , losei lhan the score indicates, with bles matches fall tournament, winning bun don team will play host to Indiana State the fourth flight match between Butler's roster is composed of six hies and nine singles matches. this Saturday. BGSI "s Devon Bissinger and ISU's sophomores and three freshmen "It'll be a test of endurance." Altei beating Michigan State and Judy l.iwanpo going into second and Illinois Chicago last weekend, head third set tiebreakers. MIKE LEHMKUHI.E/ The BG News Despite this youth, head coach Jay Harris said "We'll have to be ready Harris is not expecting an eas) to heal those guys I'm sure they'll coach Penny Dean expects tnomen Despite the falcons' early season match. come in hungry lo heat a good solid turn from those victories to carry success. Dean stresses the need to FOREHAND — Falcon tennis player Tracy Howitt strokes a fore- "It's going to be a bailie.'' Harris team " ovei io Saturday's match si,i\ tocuscd. hand volley in a recent match. Howitt will lead the Falcons into said "They took it to us last yen. v> Because this is the second match We're all ver) evened about the The falcons will take the court at combat this weekend against Indiana State. we're going to have to be ready to of the day tor the l-aleons. fatigue doubles," Dean said. "We're sweep 2 p in Saturday at Laurel Hill Ten- go." will be a concern lor ihe Falcons ing Ihe doubles, and it's a good was nis Club in Toledo RECRUITS Anderson Arena will roar Saturday Continued from page I. Jovon Burkes. Rick Mauei and BOSI STOUTS INFORM tin over 2.100 yards and 23 Marlon Anderson signed with the touchdowns last season Falcons as linebackers. Burkes was Andcison Arena, known throughout the Bowling Green community as "The House That Roars." has truly come alive in the 1999-2000 season. Two out "Originally, wc had planned on a two lime all-slate selection and ot tin- last three games have been sell-outs, with the Miami game missing taking one quarterback but when we was credited With 175 tackles last sell OIII status by approximately 200 tickets sold, and the Men's Basketball had an opportunity to take him season with Detroit Central High NAME- JoshLesure team has won twelve straight games in ihe noi-so opponent-friendly" con- (A//11 we had to do it." Blackney lines ol Anderson. A packed house is not something that BO basketball has School, lie netted 515 tackles lor his experienced regularly in the past tew years, and its not only something that said He is ihe number one quartet - YEAR- Junior Careei and 45 sacks earning a spot the players are gelling used lo. but also something lhal fans are adjusting lo. back rated in Canada I le is a big kid on ihe Detroit News Dream learn as well Several falcon fans, in tact, weie not happy when they were turned and brings a lot of mobility to Ihe l awa) at the door on Saturday for the game against Akron. position." following the l )°9 season MAJOR* Corporate Finance Anderson was selected first team Defensive Backs all-stale last season and second team FAVORITE BG SPORT-Hockey Justin Jackson and Jason Morion as a junior lie was credited with S5 tackles and 480 for his careei ■ have commuted lo BO as running IF I WAS COACH ""I'd make every night ten eent clot; night backs but could eventually make the Maucr. who will sit out this year Men's Basketball because of transferring from Air , change lo defensive back. Jackson. I WEAR THIS TO GAMES" »<-i Hockey hooded svvcalshirl who was rated as one ol the lop Force, was an all-district selection al Bowling Green (15-5) vs. Ohio (13-9) seniors in Michigan al Henry Ford Si Edwards High School in 1998. High School, rushed for almost Noon @ Anderson Arena l.(XX) yards last season and gained Defensive Line Ron Blue and Andy Ciruhb round over .1.000 yards in his career. Radio: 88.1 WBGU Monon had 1,400 yards rushing OUI the 2000 recruits for BO. Blue and 14 touchdowns al Independence and Ciruhb have signed on as defen- High School and was also an all- sive lineman Blue was named as .1 league and an all-district selection as first-team all-conference selection FAN OF THE WEEK Key stat: The Falcons have won nine of Receives BGSU T-shirt from... a senior despite injury and Grubb was a tust their last 12 games. They team Division VI all-state pick. He Janssen Pallon has signed on as a Largest selection of BGSU sportswear. have won 12 in a row al netted 111 tackles. 22 for a loss, definite defensive hack and has an Visit our display at all home basketball games. Anderson Arena while helping Pandora Gilhoa to the impressive resume, which includes V_ 102 tackles and live interceptions as conference title and a state playoff a senioi in Stone Mountain, Georgia. birth. He netted 277 tackles and 17 picks "Hopefully, expect for Kingsbury and Suisham and potentially a cou for his careei Browns not troubled by Warrick's past pic ol defensive backs, we will be "We signed potentially three kids THEASSO IATED PKISS incident probably cost him the Heis (lor defensive backs)," Blackney able lo redshirt everyone else," man Trophy. BEREA. Ohio — Peter Warrick said Morton and Patton are both Blackney said. "I think the more you However, the Browns, who own shouldn't worry. The Cleveland Ihe lop pick for ihe second straight definitely defensive hacks They can get away from playing true Browns Mill think he's a good year, were impressed by Warrick's could play running back but that is freshman players, the more solid enough player — and person — to humility in admitting his mistakes. . your program is." not where the) re gonna Stan. Jack- be worth) of being the No. I overall "I don't think we would sin awa) pick in the NFL draft. son may start at running back and Despite assistant coaches Tim from him because ol a misstep dur- While ihe Browns are concerned Walton and Bob l.igashesk) 's depar- ing his college years." Browns prcs wind up in Ihe defensive backfield aboul the league's image following idem Carmen Policy said Thursday but he knows thai. So potentially, we ture for other universities. Blackney recent problems with violence off- "A misstep, that I might add. a lot ol does not feel the losses hurl recruit the-field involving players, ihey recruited three defensive backs. young people could conceivably aren't going lo hold Warrick's past three corner type players." ing and he also feels they are gelling become involved in. against him. alter the right recruits. Warrick. Rorida Slate's speedy "Peter Warrick needs to be Dan Sied contributed to this All-American wide receiver, was judged nioreso In how he handled ihe situation once it became app.n Linebackers report arrested last year for paying !>21.40 for $412.38 worth of clothing at a ent he did something wrong as department store in Florida. He was opposed to that particular form ol suspended for two games and the wrongdoing "

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*££$& -* *L - f«-o«> t*s£ UcV* Nllional llockrs I ..it11" HJNI.IIII.III SHMHMIH IhurMlsiv's SportN I 1MW UOM Al A GUnct M \ I.I in.. B> Ihr A-s-ii i.ilid Pr.-s WWF to start pro football league EASTERN ('(INFERENCE EASTERN CONRMNCI BA8BBALL NEW YORK — It will be real. And it will be real Atlantic Division Atlantic Di.tsio. H I. Pel GB American I fun. w L T RT Pis Ma« '-« K' 636 ANAMMM ANtil-US—Promoted Kevin I Mich .■ president oi inlet, It's football as envisioned by World Wrestling Fed- New Jersey i: 15 5 4 73 New York 26 17 605 I 1/2 rnarttetiiif ami operation! eration mastermind Vincc McMahtin, who took time Philadelphia -^ 20 556 I 1/3 PtlilixJelphu 26 15 I 62 mil from peddling the endless line of WWF merchan- Orlando 21 26 447 8 1/2 KANSAS CITY ROYAI S SlanndimPFajVinHnrtadoioamii eafi NY K ,:,.-■-.i 21 J 54 Boston 20 25 444 8 1/2 contrnd dise Thursday to unveil his latest creation: the XFL. a new pro football league sel to open in February 2001. Pittsburgh 25 5 53 New Jersey 17 28 .378 tl 1/2 SI A ,OKK > WKI IS— Agreed to lemis with SS Derek Jcicr NY Winders J2 31 Washington 15 31 126 14 No scripts. No sideshows. Just football. Central Division year coniiait Northeast Division No. really. Indiana 29 IS 659 OAKLAND ATHLE IK'S— Agreed lo trim* wild I Mil I* DuBone, LHP L RT Pis "Why football?" asked McMahon. echoing a ques- Charlotte 24 19 558 Leo Vasooei, RHP Kevin Gregg, RHP Bow I uton, HIM- lusnn Miller. Rill Toronto 17 3 69 Toronto 24 19 558 4 i/: tion no doubl pondered from coast to coast. "Sonie Lull Vizcaino. INI loaeOftu.OFBoPorierandOf lerrencc Lonionone-yent Ottawa II 61 Milwaukee 25 21 .543 have Suggested the NFL is the 'No Fun League.' The contrnrti Boston 52 Detroit 22 ?t 489 7 1/2 XFL will be the extremely fun league. This will bo a Cleveland 19 26 422 I t-at-ur Buffalo blast" 25 48 Atlanta 17 26 395 II 1/2 HOI'S TON ASTROS -Agreed to K-IUIS wiih KIIIM hns lloll on a one-year It's a new world for McMahon. the "sports enter- Montreal 26 43 Clucigo9 M 209 19 1/2 Southeast Division WESTERN CONFERENCE cownci tainment" impresario who converted professional W RT Pis Midwest Division si LOUIS CARDINALS Agreed to lermt with INI I H Shawon Don* wrestling from a lowbrow, oft-mocked pursuit into,a W L Pel GB lowbrow, oft-mocked multimillion dollar business... Florida 30 3 67 ston. OF Brian McRne, in Eduardo Feral indC Rick Wllkins on mmor-irague San Antonio 29 16 d44 But that was done with writers creating wild sce- Washington 14 57 luh 27 16 628 cnntracis. narios, and bigger-than-life characters such as Hulk Carolina 21 50 Minnesota 18 581 SAN DIEGO PADRES—Agreed to tcrrm wlih JB I d Sprague on a minor 7 llogan and Mankind, and phony feuds and hoa.ii- Tampa Bay i: 34 Denver 21 488 i own i 400 II friendships. .,, Atlanta il 32 BASKETBALL Dallj, 17 27 386 II 1/2 The football league. McMahon promised a crowd- WESTERN CONFERENCE Vjnvoi,icr 32 273 Vitiitii.ii Baski-lhall Associiilion ed news conference, will be real. '., Central Division Pacific IHvbion NBA—Nant«d Roi> Levtne lewoi vice president, new league development, Portland.4 .773 No. really. ,; v\ L effective March I LA. Liken 14 II 756 "The WWF" is 100 percent entertainment." McMa- St. Louis 32 14 DALLAS MAVI RICKS- Signed I Dennis Rodman Sacramento 2« 16 636 hon said. "Bill the XFL is 100 percent sports." Detroit 11 IS 69 Seattle :*> IS 617 6 1/2 LOS ANGI LI s ( I il'l'i RS—Fired ( Ford, coa ed u .u So the outcomes will not he scripted.' rt, Nashville 20 27 SO Phoeni * 2b 18 591 B interim conch. "Nooo." said McMahon. his eyes rolling skyward Chicago 18 28 Golden Slate II 32 256 22 1/2 ■in.HI I.A Clipper! II 34 244 2. 1/2 Nl WYORK KNICKS—Nanvd Frank I aytknbnskei in the WWF's midlown Manhattan restaurant. "Noora"." Northwest Divisioni Friday's GMBH FOOTBALL You want reality? McMahon said the startup conls W L RT Pis 7 New Jersey •>! Bonon, p m S.lilOTI.ll I I Mil lull I - .JMI. lor the eight-team league will run him "somewhere Colorado 26 20 1 60 Wj.hmi-ltiii .it Miami, ' w p m \Kl/oN v < MtDINAI S—Signed OL Ethan Brook lie year ton- south of $100 million." There are already teams'in Edmonton IH 13 7 56 Portlaml at Atlanta. 7 30 pm. Sacramento at Indiana. 8 p m tract New York. Miami. Orlando. Washinglon. I.os Angelas Calgary 5 2 53 Cleveland al IJcirotl. 8 p in \n \MM \i < ONS Agreed to terms wiih 11 Brian Sanloo and San Francisco, with two more teams to ibe Vancouver 10 (i 46 HoiiMon at Minnesota, 8 p.m tun \(,

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ll Friday, February 4, 2000 The BG News page 9 Inside: Mysteries of Inside: Last week's Inside: D' Angelo , salami taco revealed and Anthrax concert reviewed. Shilby Lynne. Koufax and The Outlaw Bible of Amer- Chris Moutas are all ican Poetry is reviewed reviewed.

STUFF STUFF SOUNDS ►> page 10 + 11 * 11 Something's Rotten on VH-1 This may be scary lo some, but Johnny Rotten is making more and more sense every single time I see Record stores offer variety him on TV. For those of you who do not know who this man is let me bring you up to speed. Johnny Rot- MIKtTUTTLE speakers. For first lime visitors ten was the lead singer for the ENTF.RTAINMFNT WRITER familiar with corporate big-boys like British punk group The Sex Pistols. Media Play and Best Buy. Madhatter Now Rotten can be seen on his own may be less than impressive. A 10- show. Rotten Television on VHI. minute browse through the stores' The first episode of Rotten Tele- Trying lo find that old Sly & The extensive used vinyl and imported vision recently aired and Johnny Family Stone record you once saw concert CD collections, however, made a very strong point. In the in your parents' attic? Or what about can uncover some hidden treasures. middle of a field he took one of learning how to play guitar like Ste- With many used CD and cassette those inflatable dolls and dressed it vie Ray Vaughn from sheet music? bins, as well as previously viewed in some priceless rock memorabilia. Chances are good that one of Bowl- VHS tapes and new vinyl LPs. Mad- Included were some boots worn by ing Green's music stores can help hatter offers items not found on Motley Crue, an autographed Sex many record store shelves. A large Pistols T-shirt, and a suicide note music, tattoo and skateboard maga- from Rotten's former bandmate Sid zine rack provides greal reading Vicious. The show's website material for many burnt-out college ( even stales that students. these are the genuine articles. After Rotten shoves the note in the doll's New releases and upcoming local mouth he proceeds to a waiting lank, concerts are posted on the store's and blows all of the priceless mem- outside window. If you need extra orabilia to bits. cash or want to exchange those use- After viewers recover from the less CDs or cassettes you got back in shock Johnny then makes his point. high school, they will also buy or What seis Finders apart, though, To paraphrase, il is not what an artist trade. Although the store doesn't have regular sales, owner Billy Han is the vastness of their CD library. leaves behind that is important. It's Any recording from most national- the music that really matters This way said his store is special because ly-known artists is housed here. has to be one of the most intelligent of what it sells. "Our motto is 'Your music library,*" things I have heard in months. And it "We are a high-powered indie said President Greg llalamay. is the truth. store that's sel on promoting local "Through the evolution of our store Look at is this way. what is more and indcpendcnl music, with an we've catered lo all music prefer- »"" ! important to you? Is it the song that emphasis on substance, not style.'' ■ ences " someone ha. written that has HflnWAV snirl touched your hiirt. or the paper it In the rare chance that Madhatter A walk around the block to Find- or Finders doesn't have what you're was written on'.' If you do own ers Records & Tapes, located at 128 something like Elvis' clothing what looking for, check out On-('ue al the N. Main St., offers a completely dif- Woodland Mall good is it going to do? You won't ferent musical experience. With wear it. you probably won't let any- three large rooms filled with CDs On-Cuc offers a little piece of one touch it. The merchandise and TONY RECZNIK/The BG News and cassettes from every genre of everything related to popular cul- memorabilia market has overtaken MUSIC— Finders patron, Ann music. Finders is Bowling Greens ture. You mighl walk in hoping to the actual music itself. Utrecht samples some sounds largest music store. find the latest release from Marilyn For those of you who think that Manson. If you bring your little sis the show is nothing more than John- from a listening center. Listening stations provide you ter along, you mighl walk oul with TONY RECZNIK/The BG Newt ny's opinion, check the website. It with a chance to hear a new release the latesi Pokemon video game. MUSIC STORES— Finders (above) and Madhatter are two of the you with any and all of your music- says right there that everything is before you buy it. A huge wall of local music stores in town. Both stores offer a wide variety of related needs. used CDs give most broke students a On-Cuc sells new CDs and cas- researched and that the show docs settes from most genres ol music. music to choose from. Madhatter Music Company, better chance to purchase their not have any biased opinion. And it along with some used CDs. maga- located at 143 E. Woostcr St.. spe- favorite albums. Anything related to lion is limited. Nevertheless, you'll stores offei different selections for you want to see Johnny "Cleanse the zines, books, compute! software, cializes in local and independent music can be ftiund here: box sets, he able lo find most big label albums the main diverse musical tastes. If Century" as he called his demoli- movies. DVDs, greeling cards, toys music Poslers and T-shirts line the blank CDs and cassettes, audio here you can't find what you need in tion, you can check it out there. and more. The slore sells a loi of Sadly there is no airdale for episode walls of the small record shop. Local accessories. VHS music videos. All ihree Bowling Green music town, each store also offers special two of Rotten Television, but I am radio blares from the old. dusty posters and much more. stuff. The problem it that ever) sec order sen ices waiting. Another thing that Johnny Rotten can do is make the Grammy Awards Campus comedy show thrives on Tom Foolery' remotely tolerable to watch. Last year VHI came up with the idea that he host the channel's pre-show cov- in western New York. They pitched erage. He held nothing back. He JF.FFMCGINNIS ihe idea of the program to BG 24. even took jabs at the stars in their ENTERTAINMENT WRITER own presence. The best was when They happened to be looking for a student-made television show." Celine Dion came to talk to Johnny If you happen lo see a group of (That was a sight in itself.) and said said Heim. "Our idea was to do people on campus running around sketch comedy geared toward a col- that she was thinking about taking a with a camera, filming some rather lege audience." break. Johnny's remark? "Well, at odd situations, don't be concerned. The cast, six men and six women, least something good has come out It's just a little tomfoolery. of this evening." If VHI is smart was selected from two nights of they will do it again this year Or, rather, 'The Tom Foolery open auditions held last fall. Both One criticism about music is Show." creators cannot say enough about that after a while artists will "sell- The program is a new student- the quality of their cast. out". We have seen the Rolling made sketch comedy show, being "We have so many great actors, Stones go from rocking rebels to broadcast on channel 6. BG 24. It n's hard to gel them all in as much as commercial cash cows. While I still airs every Wednesday night at 8 and we'd like to.1' Heim said respect the Stones, it seems like they every Monday night at II. Both creators also have per- have pulled away from what they "Tom Foolery" is the brainchild formed themselves on show on once stood for. of University students Nick Heim occasion, but LaPointe said that the Another problem is that we have and Rob LaPointe. lifelong friends cast's "talent is so good, we aren't a hundreds of rebels but do we have who write and direct each episode necessary part of the equation." ' any idea about what they are themselves. After Ihe cast was chosen, film- rebelling against? As Johnny him- "We've been working on video- self even said of Courtney Love ing began last semester, both in BG taped things for many, many years." "What are you rebelling against?" 24's studio and on location al vari- said Heim. a senior, said. "And we You can't just be angry at the world ous places across BG. The process Photo Provided and have no reason to back it up. love doing sketch comedy bits." was made difficult by the fact thai TOM— Officer Jenkins(Julio Alberto Sepulveda), Santa's stunt double (J. Michael Bestul) and Offi- In an industry where commer- "It's really nice to work in this LaPointe was not yet attending cer Fred (Jon Serve), take their show outside. format." added LaPoinle. a junior. BOSU. •ciahsm rules and almost everyone The first episode was finished like ihe next episode even bel- doing il lor the fun. really. We're "With all the different skits, it's real- sounds the same and speaks the "I was at Iihica College in New ter, but the first one was very funny happy lo be doing il for what il is." ly like working on a bunch of little filming in December and dcbuled on same language, it is great to see a York." LaPointe said. "I was looking BG 24 this pasl Wednesday. Il will as well," Heim said. "It's a lot funnier than half the projects rather than one big one." for another college to transfer to, be shown on the Station all this While the two directors hope stuff on TV today," Heim said. • See ROTTEN, page 10. The two collaborated to create then this show came up." LaPoinle monlh. The second episode, which "Tom Foolery" is a first step toward Ihe idea for the show, an offshoot of also attended a community college Any i ommetltl for the creators of will debut after spring break, is cur- a larger career in the entertainment during Ihe fall before enrolling al llr, Tom Fooler/ Show"? Send the creative work they have done rently filming industry, LaPointe said "we're since their days growing up together BG. them to: Indie film fest fun for flick fanatics my opinion of them limited my changed. Chuck's has not This sim- Mary Harron's most recent work ("I bm that our hero was more interest his journey, including Samanlha selections. ple contradiction forces both charac- Shot Andy Warhol" was her previ- ed m checking himself out than in Maihis. Jar'ed Leto. Willem Dafoe, "Deep Inside Clint Star." a ters to come lo terms with iheir ous one) were in very high demand his partners, that warranted Ihe rat- Reese Witherspoon. Gwen Turner Native American feature by Canadi- bonds. After the film. I had the plea- and 1 was fortunate enough lo land ing 11) Patrick Batcman (Christian (she played ihe bus clerk in an Clint Alberta was my first movie. Balei is living the high life of the "Dogma") and Chloe Sevigny. Lions The film was styled much in the decadent 80s lie is at once both Gate has bought Ihe distribution same way the transition shots of the highU stressed and rights for an undisclosed amount now-defunct television show "Kids empty, sexist In future years I hope to return to in ihe Hall" were (grainy, black and and more Sundance Film Festivals. If Last Sunday, the 10th and final bril- you like film and have the lime to day of Robert Redford's showcase white images of Canada). This movie was an excellent look into the liant volunteer the 9-10 days of the festi- of independent films and shorts mythical character of Clint Star, an Some val, you may apply at Sundance's occurred. On Saturday the awards k. of his website, www.sundance.oig. If you were handed out. "Girlfight." the attractive boy with no second finger on his right hand who interviews his apply early (four months in story of a female boxer, took home friends and family about very real, advance) you can be put up for free best drama, while "Long Night's very important issues. IIUA B ai a local Park City residency. Journey into Day." chronicling sure of a 0 & A session (along w iih an extra ticket. "American Psycho" include lecturing us on radio-friend- South Africa's post-Apartheid strug- "Chuck & Buck" was my second selection. Bought by Artisan for $1 everyone else in the theater) with played in two theaters simultaneous- ly 80s music, denying his bisexuali gles, won best documentary. Geoff Walbroeltl is a grad student million, this tale by the direcioi of Chris Weitz (Chuck). Miguel Artela. ly, and both were filled to capacity. i> and serial killing The film trace) There were many other wonder- m the University and remembers "Star Maps" (Miguel Arteta) tells and some of the other cast members. The original version was rated NC- his horrible activities to Iheir fren- ful films and shorts present, some of when we duln t have an Olscamp or the story of two adolescent friends "American Psycho" was the 17 for a listless three way between zied pitch, all the while asking the which I had the pleasure of viewing. third and final film I had an opportu- our anti-hero and two women. It question How much can he gel Bast hall. He can be reached at With over 100 different films avail- whose relationship is going through some alterations Buck's life has nity to see. Advanced screenings of was not thai the three were together. aw ,i\ with? An all-star cut heads up geoff® bgnet. bgsu. edu. able, limited seating, scheduling and page 10 The BG News i:riday, February 4, 2000 ENTERTAINMENT> Anthrax still killing on stage after all these years Stuff a salami taco DUSTIN WHITE what my purpose was for having the ronment. BRIAN HORN "1 am the Law" and "Caught in a shell h seemed pretty obvious in The salami taco was a worth- Mosh". which really got the mosh EMT-RTAINMhYT WRm.R ENTKRTAINMKNT WRITER me thai one would eat a taco shell. while lunch change I would highly pit going, as well as 90's tunes When hearing the word- salami Mayhe 11 is just mv.. hut what else recommend you spice up your meal "Inside Out." "Fueled." "Only" and would I do with it.' laminate it and try it. Certain things confuse me in life. and taco used together, an unpleas- the best opener for a concert I've and hoist it to my dorm room The actual recipe, submit One of Ihose things is why bands ever been to "Crush." ant picture entered my brain. Thoughts of disgust filled me with ceiling'' Pos- ted by Drew Gibson, is as like Kotn, Limp Bizkit and Metalli- The band didn't stop moving on sibly ca are selling oul shows and their the thought of eating salami on a follows: the stage all night. Hyperactive bass they records are going platinum, bul taco shell. Surprisingly, though, 2-3 left over player Frank Bcllo roamed the stage Anthrax is playing clubs, and selling salami and tacos turned out to be a taco shells like a madman and is a true show- good mix. I enjoyed the eating 2-3 slices of salami minimal albums. A question. I guess, man. Bush was in constant motion per shell thai will never be answered. experience overall, bul I would rec- all evening and even went as far as ommend a little bit of mustard to a healthy handful of Yet, Anthrax proved once again to jump on top of the speakers. liven the taste up a bit. cheddar cheese why they should be headlining are- , in my mind is the rea- The preparation of the taco itself topped off with nas it they rolled into the Cleveland proved to be more of a challenge hredded lettuce Odeon in support of their Attack of son this band is still going, stayed mainly on his side of the stage as he than I expected. I asked a If you are feeling saucy, the Killer A"s greatest hits package. add some oiegano played solid rhythm guitar all night. Photo Provided worker in the SunDial The idea of this tour was to split The same can be said for lead gui- Pond Court for a taco thought I If you have any other recipes that the set between former lead singer, IAN— Scott Ian of Anthrax was Irslinp it for would he t'ood for Dorm Dinners. tarist Paul Crook, who isn't an offi- rocking out, like Anthrax shell, on a non-taco day. , and current front- cial member of the band, bul consis- mind you. They questioned me on poison, which may not be a far dwhiteQ man . Those plans fell tently shows why Anthrax hired him always does. stretch in the college cafeteria envi- closed the show with "Bring the through but Belladonna wasn"t as a tour guitarist. Crook nailed all Noise" another rap/metal song thai missed. On with the show. the solos note for note. came out before that sound got big. Chances are there is probably A definite highlight of every thus showing they were true pio- five people reading this newspaper Anthrax show is the drumming of neers for a lot of the bands around who know who Anthrax are, let . Benante is one of today. alone listen to them. That's a shame. Outlaw poetry no jewel the best drummers around and he Time in and time out the boys put on On a personal note, this writer KKVINAKH Wiih poem titles like "Let Go and sex. but I would prefer it to the deserves a paragraph all to himself. has seen both Pantera and Melallica, a great show and send the audience I.MlklMVMI M Umil k Feel Your Nakedness" and "'flic F.\- Super Bowl He is one of a few drummers that two commercially successful heavy home happy. This performance was have a distinctive sound and his Nun and the Gay Poet." this is not no different. metal acts, and they can't hold a youi parent's poetry anthology. playing always keeps the mosh pit candle to an Anthrax show. We may all be familiar with the A good mix of 80's Anthrax tunes moving. Any aspiring drummers out poetry of Jewel, bul are you aware One of my favorite poem titles and 90's Anthrax songs filled the set there should give him a listen. For those of you who listen to of other unlikely poets who don't included in the book is S. A. Grif- list, as the band tore through their 75 metal and want to see a good, ener- necessarily write about growing up fin's "I Ate Fig New-tons Until I The band also did an old school getic live show, check out Anthrax minute set. medley that featured the rap/metal in Alaska 01 not having straight Puked " next time they come 10 your town. 1 Highlights included 80's classics original "I'm the Man." They teeth The Outlaw Bible of American Tupac Shakur and James Dean PocliN also includes selections from ROTTEN- are among the poets featured in the some pretty famous writers. Poetry new book. The Outlaw Bible of by Bob Dylan. Jack Kcrouac. Tom fgfo Out Into $,(,// Continued from page 9. American Poetry. Waits and Woody Guthrie are all true original like Johnny Rotten still Pupae's featured poem 1. called contained in the book. Bee informed... The book's editor. Alan Kauf- around. True he may piss you off. "In the Event of My Demise." and is american poetry an eerie display of foreshadowing man, said it best when he writes in but we need people to press our but- his own death. the introduction that the book con- tons every now and then. This is not Read the BG NEWS The poem by James Dean ma) tains poets who aren't taught in just making people mad for no rea- not have a deep sounding title. '()dc American Poetry 101, yet hold the son. Johnny is trying to make you to a Tijuana Toilet", but it's a heav) literary future in their tattooed think We need someone to shake poem nonetheless. Dean wrote the hands things up and keep us on our toes. poem while filming "Rebel Without I he) want their poetry (0 inspire a Cause." It deals with the anger he the kind of fever normally reserved Lisa Bellinger Is still psychoiical- Baft'odil Dav.s felt toward his lather at the lime, for the Super Bowl and hot sex." ly infatuated with Robbie Williams, for the . * AMERICAN Not all the poems featured in the Kaufman writes. and can be reached al American Cancer Society book are very serious, though. I wouldn't say The Outlaw Bible [email protected]. teas? Mtreh 20 of American Poetry is better than hot

THIS YEAR A LOT OF COLLEGE FALL 2000Leasing Accidental Death SENIORS WILL BE GRADUATING UNITS GOING FAST! of an Anarchist INTO DEBT. —MERCER MANOR APARTMENTS— BY DARIO FO 323 and 331 Mercer Road (limit 5 people) Under the Army's ADAPTED BY RICHARD NELSON Loan Repayment 3 bedroom, furnished. Units have fireplaces, A/C, proj/ram. you could get dishwashers, microwaves, and garbage disposals. out from under with a Feb 9-12 @ 8:00 PM three-year enlistment. $100.00 Feb 13 @ 2:00 PM Each year you serve with coupon First Month's on active duty reduces Apartments Total Rent Joe E. Brown Theatre, your indebtedness by one- Rented "Limited Time 1st Floor of University Hall third or SI,500, which- 2/1-2/18 HURRY... ever amount is greater, Expiers up to a $65,000 limit. 2/18/00 The offer applies to Perkins I.oans, Stafford Loans, GREENBRIAR, INC. and certain other federally insured loans, which are not Tickets: $4 in default. Hours: 224 E. WOOSTER And debt relief is just one of the many benefits Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm Bowling Green. To Reserve you'll earn from the Army. Ask your Army Recruiter. Saturday 9am-1pm OH 43402 Seats, Call

352-7541 Come in today before 372-2719 , ^HPP ARMY. BE ALL YOU CAN BE. it is TOO LATE! m VILLAGE GREEN NEWLOVE ■ NEWLOVE ■ NEWLOVE" NEWLOVE APARTMENTS ^r 1 27 N. Main B.G. * 3b3-IJbl^^| I NEWI9VE I c Rentals magnolia 332 S. MAIN 354-5620 843 SIXTH STREET torn cruse & Li*J #2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 1 0 williani li.niaey 2 Bedroom Unfurnished Apartments 2 Full Baths Nighty 8:00 Dishwashers Sat Sun Mat. 1:00 4:30 Private Parking Qfow Leasing Friday Fright Night Utility Rooms 1 or 2 bedroom furnished and unfurnished Friday Midnight... All seats $3 ffZ&T May and August 2000 $455.00 PerlrtontMfc HALLOWEEN H20 e e Plus Utilities _save ticket Stub tor $1 off RHPS For AK Mofth *- | 1 or 2 bedroom summer only |«2&4 $555.00 Per Month For A 9 Month Lease Plus Utilities limited available R be Plus Utilities I- 2 Blocks from Campus 480 Lehman 354-3533 For A 9 Month Lease Plus Utilities Even' Saturday 12 ■ www. newlovereally. com 3A01M3M B3A01M3N ■ 3A01M3N ■ 3AOT«13fJ fiday, February 4, 2000 The BG News page 11 ENTERTAINMENT

Another facet thai makes Lynne- so interesting is all ol Ihe events in her I if o thai have made her who she is. Along with being a surviven of the Nashville machine. Lynne has also suffered a tragedy. Back in 1986 her lather killer her mother, then turned ihe gun on himself Lynne and her sister were witnesses important as his music. Sandy Koufax was a pitcher for to the whole event. From "Spanish Joint." "All you the Los Angeles Dodgers and a good Bottrell said in Spin magazine do is complain about your pain/and one at that. Koufax is a hand on lhal he tried to gel Lynne to write songs lhal reflected on her past the cloud that follows you won't Doghouse Records and a good one "Life is Bad" seems to he borderline cease to rain/don't look back handle at that. that make into a good thing." autobiographical. Even if it is not. it The new 4 song EP from Koufax is a vei> \i\id pieee ol songwriting. Chris Moutas: From "The Root." "Like the rain rings with overtones of cmo-pop This may be labeled as a country to the dirt/from the vine to the wine/ icons like The Promise Ring or The album, hut ils reach is beyond thai from the alpha of creation/to the end With emotional lyrics and a down to Here I Am of all time." Get Up Kids, but with a synthesizer twist that puts them more in the earth voice. Lynne has made a great 2000-ICU Entertainment I'll admit that D'Angelo sounds turn around since her leen phenome- high when he is singing, but it is realm of The Rentals. The non days Lynne is far more real Chris Moutas is a Manna be diva almost like the album's name. It's Dismemberment Plan or Burning than some ol her fellow female who must have used her looks to gel like voodoo, and there is a compul- Airlines. Like Burning Airlines, country performers. You won'! hear a record deal. sion to want to know what he is which was formed from the ashes of her singing about feeling like a Her album. Hire I Am illustrates D'Angelo: singing about. In the new era of indie-legends Jawbox. Koufax picks Shelby Lynne: woman or about any kiss. II she how poor lyrics (by Moutas) and Backstreet Boys. Britney Spears and up the pieces of Toledo band The does, it will be from the heart poor music should not be mixed. other pop gods, it's nice to see some- Leftovers. Frontman Rob Suchan Perhaps Lynnc's grandmother Honestly, her voice sounds like a I Am Shelby said II best in a recent Rolling Stone bad Mariah Carey impression Voodoo thing new come out. D'Angelo is a and bassist Andrew Cameron make 2000-Virgin Records breath of fresh air who doesn't sound article, "She's strong and yet. well, Most of the II son-s on her CD the transition to Koufax after a year I feel like sometimes she could jusi like every other artist, and he repre- Lynne sound the same and have the same He's been out of Ihe game for off. melt You can hear lhal coming about five years, some said that it's sents the times. He and his music are bjsie theme: "1 lost my man. I wish Rounding out the hand arc drum- 2000-lsland/Del Jam through in her music I think she just he was here, and I leel like crap been too long since Brown Sugar to changing, but they understand where smgs net heart mer Dave Shettlcr of Empire Slate Shelby Lynne has come a long bce.iuse of it." give a rat's ass about him. but ask they both came from. He takes the who else could say il belter than him if he cares. He's the man that Games and keyboardist Scan Gro- way. Back in the '80s Lynne was "No Mote Pain and Lies" (featur- past, molds it and shapes it into his your grandmother? ing SoOp) is the first single released. gives soul hip-hop its balance image. He is playing music the way gan. iccnrdingaduct with country legend GRADE: iw between lirykah Baduand Lauryn George Jones and sharing the stage and one ol the best songs on the CD. God molded clay. If you appreciate The record is a mixture of space- ■Lisa Bettinget Hill. He's D'Angelo and his new with Willie Nelson Lynne was a Moutas expresses her feelings to her .in and this is what this album is-get age synthesizers and heartteit ex boyfriend b\ singing. "It's over I album Vodoo is just that: a spell. teenage sensation. However, alter \\ IK.I 88.1 KM TOP5 it. If you want smooth music so you rock. The first track. "A Soundwave guess, find someone new baby cause Again, this isn't for everyone. It recording three Hops in Nashville. FOR WEEK ENDING JAN. 28, I'm your past." ain't for those Garth Brooks and your lady can make love to. get Sound." Starts'off with a cold, Lynne had enough and she left the 2IKMI I also liked "U Can't Keep Up groupies. It ain't for Jimmy Buffet it. If you don't appreciate the artistic precise drum machine track, quickly scene I. Modest Mouse/Building With Me (featuring JUBEITAi drunks either. It ain't for those that hip-hop. jazz, soul and R&B. then taken over by thick, lush guitars Now older and much wiser. Nothing "HI of Something (Up dig Korn and Limp Bizkit. N'sync stay the fu»k away from this album. in the vein of late Twin-Tone era because n was upbeat and had some Lynne has returned with the appro- funky electronic voices in the back and Backstreet Boys, back the fu«k GRADE: A Records i Replacements. Suchan's lyrics priately titled. / mn Shelby Lynne ground The only problem with n is up. It's for those that remember the -David Trail _ Jesus I i/.ird / Bang (Touch flip-flop between self-referential This time she has teamed up with lhat il sounds like a song that junior smooth melodic beats of Marvin and Go) ("There hasn't heen much progress producer Bill Bottrell. Bottiell is high kids would roller skate to Oaye: because these songs arc so previously known for his work with 3 \nd You Will Know Us By SOZEY, a rap artist featured in hot, it "ill make a cooler sweat. But in anything but a fear of what sound Sheryl ("row You can hear traces of Ihe Trail (X Ihe Dead/Madonna "You Got Ii."' said "once you get a D'Angelo isn't just a Marvin Gaye will come out nexl/l doubt I'll ever ("row's sound throughout this CD. taste of diva on your tongue, you wanna be. you can hear his influ- come close to putting out a record." Merge) Lynne is pushing the country will be sprung." ences on the album. This is sweet 4. Pans. lexas/5o, Ytm Think in "A Soundwave Sound") and high- envelope. Along with a Crow-like I did get some diva in my ear. and lounge jazz that hits you like a drug. lt\ Hot Here? (Polyvinyl) ly emotive ("'I doubt you'll ever call, sound, Lynne also dabbles in R&B. it was so awful thai il made me shed with a modern twist. You can hear a and I doubt you'll ever car/So long The opening song "Your Lies'" has 5. Will Oldham lOde Music .i le.ii Prince, or the Artist formerly known to you and I" in So Long To You hints of old-fashioned country Her (Drag Cit) I GRADE: D as Prince, influence. Not only that, sound may have elements of pop. but there is Jimi Hendnx influence - and I"). This EPdoes sound a lot - Todd Nilex like The Promise Ring, but not quite but Lynne is far more gritty, down to not Jimi's electrying guitar, hut Ins earth and honest than some of her .is uhiny. wailing voice. D'Angelo is trying to peers. This is a welcome relief from make the old new. but unlike most I really enjoyed this EP a lot. and the slickly produced pop/country irtisis out there, he doesn't sound there are rumors of a Koufax that is saturating the market. LOCATION, PRICE and like everyone else. full-length coming out on Heroes & "Lookin' Up" seems to stick to a This album is a reflective piece Villians Records (The Get Up Kids' more traditional style of country. with titles like "Playa. Playa." "Dreamsome" is full of R&B and SELECTION "Chicken Greasc'and "Africa." But label) Until then. I guess I'll |ust have to settle for this. Soul rhythms. "Where I'm From" is You Will Find The Best Housing With Us! did I mention lyrics? Koufax: sit simple and its sound is stripped to Lyrics, lyrics, lyrics. GRADE: A- 521 E. MERRY -Two Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Furnished. 2000-Doghouse Records the core. All we have is Lynn, a gui- The lyrics - because they are us ■Justin Hemminger tar, and some strings. School Year- Two Person Rate- $635.00 One Year- Two Person Rate- $530.00 805 THVRSTIN -Two Bedrooms. 1 Bath, Furnished. si»'8"tnnnr«-ytf»ti ffmnm a ainnrr School Year- Two Person Raie- $590.00 AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ One Year- Two Person Rate- $510.00 No Union? ^ 517 E. REED -AT Thurstin One Bedroom, I Bath, Furnished or Unfurnished. School Year- Two Person Rate- $475,00 Check Out BGSU's One Year- Two Person Rate- $405.00 4S1 THVRSTIN -Across from Offenhauer. Cosmos, Furnished Efficiencies with Full Bath. Is The Answer! School Year- One Perdson Rate- $350.00 Open New Sorority One Year- One Person Rate- $320.00 Till GQ5_SE£QNJl -One Bedroom. Unfurnished. School Year- One Person Rate- $375.00 ...For Studying Midnight ...Being with Friends One rear- One Person Rate- $330.00 ...Healthy Food 0 SECOND -One Bedroom, Furnished. ...Hot SoupA Drinks School Year- One Person Rate- $405.00 »isu. Satan. Sndwirluu. anil Rauam DELTA One Year- One Person Rate- $350.00 354-JAVA 707. 711. 715. 719. 723. 727 THIRD ■ J26E.Wooster One Bedroom Unfurnished and Furnished. School Year- Furnished- One Person- $370.00 One Year- Furnished- One Person- $335.00 402 HIGH -Two Bedroom, 1 Bath, Furnished/Unfurnished. ZETA School Year- Furnished- Two Person- $545.00 One Year- Furnished- Tv.o Person- $455.00 Management Inc. SARSIXIIt -Two Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Vanity in Hall, KALI. OPENINGS Furnished- School Year- Two Person Rate- $535.00 /vlEfcCA Furnished- One Year- Two Person Rate- $440,00 Management Inc. Recruitment 11 ill-dale \pis. l082Fairview. Call JOHN NEWLOVE 1-2 bedroom. 9 1/2- 12 mo. Leases. Start at S380. Call 353-5800 Dates: REAL ESTATE /CflfcCA Rental Office 354-2260 Management Inc. For Your Convenience We Are Located At Evergreen Apts. 215 £. Poe. Studios 1 bdrm. laundry on site. Sunday, February 6:106 319 E. WoOSter Street, across from Taco Bell Starts at S250 505 CLOVCH -Two Bedroom, Furnished. 1 Bath Plus Vanity. School Call 353-5800 Year- Two Person Rate- $610.00 BA Building, 9.00-10:OOpm One Year- Two Person Rate- $540.00 /ftJEfcCA J SECOND -Two Bedroom, Furnished, 1 Bath. Management Inc. White Castle (> I ON. Man. St. I School Year- Two Person Rate- $586.00 - - bdnn. Close to downtown One Year- Two Person Rate- $490.00 starling at $305 825 THIRD -One Bedroom, Furnished, 1 Bath. Call 353 5800 School Year- One Person Rate- $425.00 One Year- One Person Rate- $375.00 -«.: /CfBgCA Wednesday, February 9:128 701 FOURTH -Two Bedroom. Furnished, 1 Bath plus Vanity in BR. Management Inc. School Year- Two Person Rate- $560.00 Heinz Site 726 N Enterprise One Year- Two Person Rate- $490.00 I bdrm BRAND NEW 640 EIGHTH - Ivvo Bedroom. Unfurnished, 1 Bath. Starts at $400 Anderson Hall, 7:00 - 9:00pm School Year- Two Person Rate- $535.00 Call 353-580(j_ One Year-$465.00 S41 EIGHTH -Two Bedroom, Furnished, 2 Baths AlEfcCA One School Year- Four Person Rate- $495.00 Management Inc. One Year- Four Person Rate- $425.00 Willow House 830 Fourth St.. I bdrm. Remodeled. For more information contact Gretchen or Starts at $400 Call R.E. MANAGEMENT " AflfcCA Jessica at 372-8083 or DZ2002® Rental Office 352-9302 Management Inc. SIIJO hv out office *1 IW* V Mam St For Your Convenience We Are Located At l!;1,mnrctcl.Mmt[l..t'.tl35J-5HOO. »*«.*eiwl.orfc'~m«ci AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ 325 E. WoOSter Street, across from Taco Bell

» page 12 The BG News Friday, February 4, 2000 Want to do something memorable for uour Valentine? The BG News has the solution! Show your sweetheart how much you care with a Valentine's Day Personal in the BG News! ^GSA&Bia

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South time hours, around your college and per- www NEWS REMINDER * REMINDER Beach $159! Cocoa Beach $179! When our eyes met I knew you were spe- sonal schedule. Work a minimum ol 15 springbreaktravel com 1-800-678-6386. cial. I yearn lor your touch. I look lor you hours per week or 40 hours plus over- Macintosh Perlorma 6400 computer. everywhere. Desperately seeking you at time. Many college students work here. $450 obo. Includes monitor, keyboard, Classified MYRTLE BEACH. SC Founders breakfast, lunch & dinner. Starting pay is $5.30 per hour with an au- printer available lor extra. Call 372-2862 SPRING BREAK- $75 4 UP tomatic $.25 per hour increase to $5.55 Snowboard, Vision board. Liquid Brand Worried about pregnancy?? after 100 hours ol service with the compa- 2 p.m. binding w/hardware, Liquid brand boots, Ads 1-800-645-3618 EtfiQ Pregnancy Tests. Confidential and ny. These are unskilled jobs involving as- the day Caring. 354-4673 BG Pregnancy Center. step-in type. $100, neg Call 868-3430. Roundtnp to Florida, Buy one ticket, sembling and packaging ol small parts. 372-6977 before you Friend rides free Greyhound 352-2329. Apply in person between the hours ol wont the ad to pun. 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Monday-Friday) at SPRING BREAK 2000 ADVANCED SPECIALTY PRODUCTS, The BG News will rw* knowingly accept PANAMA CITY BEACH FLORIDA FROM .id\crti\enient<. Ihjl diwriminjie. or encour- INC , 428 Clough Street. Bowling Green, For Rent $149 PER PERSON SANDPIPER age diwnmirution Iguiul IR) individual or Ohio, only 2 blocks Irom campus near $1 pep line. BEACON BEACH RESORT, THE "FUN group on the Iuns nt rate. sex. color, creed, Kinko's and Dairy Oueen next to the rail- $3.00 minimum charge. PLACE"! HOME OF THE WORLDS religion, national origin, sexual orientation. Wanted road tracks. "Houses, Apts . Rooms 00-01 S.Y." disability, HUBS as a veteran, or on the tuut LARGEST KEG PARTY. DRINK DRAFT Houses; 916 3rd St., 6 bed-new carpet of anv ottier lecalK nrokvletl OH $.75 extpa, daily fop bold BEER ALL WEEK LONG. TIKI BEACH First Union Sflcuritiea 307 1/2 E. Reed-3BR, washer/dryer The BG News reserves the nght to decline, BAR ENTERTAINMENT BY BOOGIE 1 sublease' needed May to August. Now Hiring 211 E Reed, Up or Down-New Carpet discontinue or revise any advertiiemeni such INCORPORATED. BIKINI CONTESTS. $207/month t gas and electric. 2 BR. 1 Stockbroker Assistant 326 Leroy Up or Down as (hose found to he defanutory. lacking in Place your ad €> MALE HARD BODY CONTESTS, 3 1/2 bath, spacious. 372-3575 Racheal. Applicant should be interested in 321 E. Merry iD-New Flooring factual bans, misleading or (alve in nature POOLS. LAZY RIVER RIDE. WATER becoming a stockbroker. Apartments; 311-316 E. 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