Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-4-2000 The BG News February 4, 2000 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 4, 2000" (2000). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6600. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6600 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. WEATHER FRIDAY February 4, 2000 •:■:■: High 32 W()RI [) ,\[ ws 2_ Low, 27 Ol'INION 4_ CITY 5. The BG News SPORTS 6 www.bgnews.com Volume 88, Issue 19 A daily independent smdenr■ jnuss Saturday hopeful CRAIGOIFFORD ning either way. speaks to STAFF WHITER "Knowing that your fans are out i there makes you feel great." No. 2 U. students After years of devotion to SIC said. SARAGRAZIANO SIC, two seniors from the group According to member No. I. the SIAH- WRITER will be revealing their identities group does not see themselves as during tomorrow's basketball game. just being in existence for sports but Ted Celeste, one of the Democra- Numbers one and two, which arc for all events. tic candidates lor the US Senate, vis- C3PO and Nancy Reagan, will be "We look at ourselves as raising ited the University yesterday. revealed. spirit for all campus events." No. I "Visiting universities like this Both have been with the organi- said. "We want students to be their one is a part of campaigning I enjoy zation for four years, and through- best both inside and outside the most," Celeste said. "It's a great out those years. Bowling Green has class room." process, and I'm having a ball. I not had the greatest of sports teams. Both senior members are looking really like being on campuses." However, they have been able to forward to tomorrow's revealing as Nick Froslear. member of the remain spirited and keep the fans a culmination of all that they have College Democ- spirited through done over the rats, arranged the losses. last four years. Celeste's visit to "We have six "After three and a "After three campus. wacky people in and a half half years of long, "I set it up our group that years of long, because I think we love to hang hard work and a hard work and a whole lot of it's important around with, and whole lot of fun, I Set lor students to fromrrnm that,•!••• we..... f ii i i fun. I get to let become more gain a lot of pos- to let all the people all the people involved in poli- itive energy and I've screwed I've screwed with tics," Froslear a lot of positive with know who peer pressure," know who I was." I was." No. I s.i id member No. No. 1 said. "It'll be "One of I. "People get- fun to sec the the motivating ting rowdy and SIC SIC member reactions of all slapping five the people I've factors for me to run with us pumps lied to and told is to get students us up a lot." I « as at different places, when I was File Photo The senior members of the group really doing this" back in the process." do not get down about all the losing No. 7 agreed. CAN WE SAY SPIRIT? — SIC SIC members spread spirit during the 1999 homecoming ceremo- Tom Celeste because they feel there is more "I am totally excited — can't ny at the football game. "Senatorial bopejul involved than winning and losing. wait. Everybody is finally gonna years of being silly will be gone." great deal their day," No 2 said "I think of it as support." said know that that was me." No. 2 added "I love it. I have totally enjoyed No I agreed. member No. 2. "As long as you "There will he an element Ol Both members have enjoyed I line it It's been a defining said It made students see how pol- support your players, you're win- anticipation and sadness, lour it. especially hang able to make their years of service to the group a people smile and laugh and brighten experience hen- at B( ISII" itics matters lo them and I think it made a great impact on campus." While he was on campus. Celeste visited a philosophy and a political Candidates debate students' issues CVS store moves science class. Andrew Mizsak. member of the College Democrats, acicd as a lour guide for Celeste. SARA <;RA7.IAN0 In contrast to the first two candi- McMickle said "People conic to the "I think Ted's ,i pretty down to Rotterdam thinks that the spa- SIAFE WKIIE.R dates, who emphasized their child 11 S because of poverty, oppressive ANN I MOSS earth guy." Mizsak said. "He wants Sun Warn K hoods in stable, loving families. governments, and for economic and cious pharmacy with the drive-thru to make sure the Senate helps people addition will be the new stoic's from our generation." The race for the Democratic McMickle said he is a product of a quality of life reasons 1 want an Celeste's visit gave him many nomination foi the IIS Senate is one-parent home. open, lair immigration policy, where After four months ol construc- mam feature. opportunities to talk to students heating up. with all three candidates "It doesn't matter that you come everyone who comes to the US. for tion, the building on the corner of Bui how will the store measure- about theil concerns Some of the visiting Bowling Green last night. from a broken home, what matters is the same reason would get the same Napoleon and S. Main is ready to up to others in the area ' CitJ Plan- issues discussed were education and Ted Celeste. Richard Cordray. what you do with the broken treatment, regardless of inteination- open for business The brand new no Rick Katzenbargei said that he 11 gun control. and Dr. Marvin McMicklc visited a pieces. McMickle said. al politics." building will be the new home of can't make any predictions about "My emphasis is on the future of meeting of the Wood County Demo- McMickle also believes thai it is the success of ihe StOW CVS drug store and pharmacy the slate." Celeste said "One thing cratic Comminee .ii Bowling Green important for him to remain accessi- "It doesn't matter The formei CVS is located at "Ever) business is subject to thai happens is thai ihe state subsi- High School The candidates held a ble to all of the people he rcptesenis. 1135 S Main and will be moving succeed or fail in business," dizes the education and students debate in which they articulated that you come from a including college students. He added to 722 S Main "This move will Katzenbarger said don't stay in the state We need to their policy positions. thai h.iviriL' a son who is .i college broken home, what bring the store closer to ihe down- "I ihhik that the slore will be a give incentives for siudents to stay Celeste spoke first and empha- student would help him stay in touch nice .iJdition lo the aiea." sopho- here where we need them, especial- sized the necessity of beating matters is what you with students' concerns. town businesses, in an altempt to 1 more Angela Simonlla said. "I ly m urban centers Republican incumbent Michael Cordray also said college stu- attract new customers,' said do with the broken "Students should be given an DcWine. dents would he an important part of Tammy Cook, pharmacy employ- think th.it the drive-thru pharmacy incentive to teach, such as forgiving "In this day of progress, some- pieces." his constituency. ee. will be something new and suc- their student loans." added Celeste. body has to lix>k out for the people "Everything I've got in life came The store is moving lo a differ- cessful lor their business." Dr. Marvin McMickle "We incentivise everything else. who are left behind." Celeste s.iid from college." Cordray said "We "Since CVS is a commercial Sciuilonal llajKJtil ent building in conjunction with Compare teachers 10 professional "One way I would do this is by rais- have to work to make it more afford- renovations lo other CVS stores in chain ding store. I don't think thai athletes, and look how they're paid." ing the minimum wage in two years able and continue to build our col- Ihe Toledo area. n will be good for Ihe other small Celeste also believes Ohio needs instead of three." lege campuses " "We're kind of hidden at the businesses around it." freshman to improve their use of technology Cordray believes his family back- "The Senate's role is to keep Celeste stressed his commitment current location." said Tom ROIICI Mike l.ee said. in schools, but technology is expen- ground will provide him with the America as the land ol opportunity." to students and the importance of The old store will be officially sive and needs funding. skills he needs to lead effectively. McMicklc said. "I want to speak up accountability. dam. store manager "It's our turn closing on Saturday. Jan 29. It is "E-COmmerce is presently not "My mom and dad taught us we for improved immigration policies "If I'm elected, you can count on lor a new store.' taxed, and this is scaling traditional have a responsibility to m.ike sure and affirmative action." me to come back to the University The store will also be adding rumored that CVS will completely retailers." Celeste said.
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