'■.O':- > -'VA - i r ■ [ b . :? HBi P f l s o t >’9 9 0 3

B H p i f e ^ V ■ / . y : ; dSylNoveSbe^SI^ _____ 50 ccnts riC k m N niISG ' W e a i h e r i f o r i r o B i l} i e r y ss u s p ee c ts ' r ' i - a i L i v ' MDdW-Bteery ' ■ ■ '■ f ) -■ ■* :.-jfa k '; .and Hut, threateitened employ^ with within t the realm of poss £ ^3 * .' Lawaofficers don’t issibility A ccording to.to. reports, th e m en ' IW Bni^i a' handgunin and made off with that t they're somewhat slisinlflar,” forced one empim ployee into a walk- I :W- Mafcji^of: knowv iifheist is related about $100O il in coins a nd a n undis- .SSmith said. in food coolersr andai then made the r V ’ • : - ;• 18. dosed amouioimtofcash. Two employees were inir Pi»a other open aa back-roombi safe for herT.F ihcitots T w in F aalls, i: police Sgt. Dan H I ilt, a t 1099 B lue L akes Blvd.BI N., them, McAteetee said. They then and detective Scott when v the robbers walkliked in put the second)nd em ploye in the B rM irkk Hn d iis ■'' Smith saidd theyt couldn’t specu- through ti an open back do elp lead ' Buhl% diambCT. eed m e a ss ] u r e I ■ ■ Tflt AM odrteded PPre—______. W M et3th results inI ttheft, j CoMPLrrERS W A SHINGT!GTON - President 'B ush o n M ond.>nday named close [ *p:CHNOLOG)GY tighhter rules on[ £allergy pills I friend Tom iUdgeRi( to head the new Departrheithem of Homeland. Idfatl'^ ByMatkir k im r a ■ Security, but)ut said even the ______9 I l a n ; ' >W »w»wittw biggest govcmii:mment shakeup in espite tech m o re th a n a half hi century can IN FALLS > ies diffi- m "neither predi‘edict nor prevent amp, mnova- cult to0 drawd a clear connec- M >ns abound tion bet every conceivab:vable a ttack,” wtween methamphet-’ K “We’re doinp)ing everything we annual amine9 useu and theft, come |tt I can to protectrct )mdex show. law tofiinforcemeht officials 9 I America,” I Bush said asas . “ L t: tthere’s i a preponder* he signed a o n ce of drctUQstahtial evi- bill creating>g ; ' m dence.u ■ '‘S the depart­ W hen e n officers serve ment. “In a Jtoopt In H ^ l : tbbe e annual • 8earchih warrants for meth ^ free and open ^^Invitational hos )ther drugs, it’s not society, no10 imon for them toflftd .<> , ijf the t6p.men.% coUeJlegebas- S d department of 1 td car st»reos,-viaeo.. '■>■ governmentI t ?• . ..tebellteahuinthec>e countiy. ih6wyj>ihd other ele L,< . can comrrHjie-.^e- r"'‘ • • • ' ■ PagaU. : goMs Iri' suspw li'' • . . . . , - Iy guarunieu;e ( TomRkige b o tiieslsi; said S g t B r iU 'P ^ e , 'U .— our safetycy w h o COE:o m m a n d s th e T w in , '.r'.against ruthlebless killers who ' ■r.iCQlUMCJNITYY F a lls PoPolfce D epaztm ^t’s . ' innoomt victims m ove a nd plotIt in shadows." , . narcoticsics squad. . * • TtM daig plpelirjs With that sob€wbering a.«essment . BandpII piayl Of^: Piwindng where the goods from a n E ast: RcRoom stage, Bush Burieysy 1members came frcfrom is another mat- Todayr, ; asked the Senatin ate to confirm his take uup p baton ***’• Pii*k e sa id . * nomination off RidgeRi and named % * Meth and crirfie £oraili£Uing leader. ^ t's because the simple two high-powe)wered deputies: f a c tl8I, ,x most people don’t * • Th8 road to nonnal Nu\7 Secretaryry Gordon( England * w M recordi tlthe serial numbers a n d D ru g5 Enforcement fo r th esir ir car stereos, VCRs <— ^ Administratior:ion Director Asa a n d 01other commonly Some Sc of the booty might Hutchinson. sw ipedi ilitems, he said. And malnake its way into local A large portioirtion of the depan- w ith o uIt t theI serial numbers pawlawn shops, but vigilant .. ment will takeke shapeJ M arch 1, O p i n i o n to tra ce e thec products'points sho]hop owners and local ".•.'i!lS3 w h e n th e Secret Sei Service, Don't u a m Rinh: CSeiam origin)in, ifs nearly Impossi- pawlawning regulations make , Immigration and Naturalization ) prove they were thathat tough, McAtee said. ' .Sen-ice a n d a, fewfev other agendes Daschle^ complaintt aa' t» u ta PilMsaid. Instead, la m eth users might transfer theirir temployees and conservative radio corcommenta- Methh iusers and dealers be« ablea to sell or trade the UUKCOUUb/Tta'ttaTMMtx budgets to thenc newr entity, offi- tor rings hollow, tod«> e d ito r- a re n 't apta p t to adm it to police goocoods piecemeal for m all dais said. Thele f final pieces will ial 8 ^ . th a t eyV e supported th eir ammounts o of the drug, he\ WandyWsHsMnflvtdtneii)c« tMhnlcIan 'and crims icena«n« invMtlgitor wtth tht Twin1 FFalli b e p ut in placeice Sept.\ 30, 200.^ - PagaAS I. b y I I pollot, holda • small vltltl ofo msthamphstsmlns and looiiooKa ovtr aoma drug paraphtmtmalla m o re th a n twkvo o years; after tho s t e a l i^ins^ n ■‘W/ien you see some//, rectntly Mtzsd from crimeme iM nH . attacks that proiprompted the over- b u t it 's ^ebodymth jre ’^aLVyl haul. T TT> reasonalla b le a$160-a-dayhah•abit, and p«p1« C o m i n g u c o n c iuision s i , ,, , • the prowl Please see;e H(HOMEIAND. Pago A5 Iraw , mey realty aren tu'w\ orking, for cheap Playing fbr ita t « ll I?la!SMU {f; „ it’s mthardloffiesiiess what's ^oods.** ■ U .N .lm still be in "Wh. Frontaltal cortex nspector Will c a voUeybaU sti] Sarvaa m ■ v*fitly o< Kinciona, •om the hunt for a nadonalnai title? Lmebo. Biiogon.' Stealing “PP®f‘ on weaiapons N reall the haW ^ N. - •'•o apparaniiy vV \ pan o( Iha btaln'a a re n ’t woiLi^. ______• /2 5 * ^ / ' V, "BHaaura c««lat.* The Aaaoclatedi PPn re ss______ing, it’ss n ot uncommon • I n d e x h a rd to) gguess what’s going for>r small-times dealers to I U N IT E D NAI■JATIONS - nii.-f o n," h e sa^ d . talke k e p ieces of. s tolen prop- i ? U.N. weaponsIS i in s p e c to r II.ins Ciasslltod .C&lO Moneycy ... .Bl Ifs alscIso a logical condu- ertyty in exchange for meth, ° Blix sud Mondayday he warned Ir;i<] j i les ....C5 sion to0 draw from the accoix o rd in g to tw o Twin Falls I th a t it m ust pro>provide tonvincinn Comics .... .04 Movies Hippocampus ------(^unltyA 6-7 Nationin.XM5JlO J e»pensiinUve meth habits of. menen who said they were lrMOtv«d kl i«ort-laiTn m»mofy I evidence if it mailm aintains - as it did ters from homes.of rece:scently involved in the tormaOon apaMI I last week - thatlat it has no illegal Cbnjput^rs jl4 Obttuari< KS'S: mean^-.sald Judge meue i i « n e , V ' ottontaUoa I w eapons programram s. ; Ion ...A & 9 . J o h n - V^Tarin, a a Juvenile C Ch haries Legg w as a heavy Iratji officialsils ssaid they intend C ros^nd. .C5 OpMon m Cell doaloalh \ ^ J ^ A t ^ . . C S SportstS ...D l-3 udge. .r; meth eth user for about three « to cooperatei fifully with U.N. Bt p r ic e s o f m e th years;ars. Kurt Fairchild said Cell dealeath and d am age to I inspectors who0 w will resum e work . .tioibecppe .CS: WMtheilher',...-A2 ; ‘ uthorities said. But he: usedw and sgld the drug, dopaminTilno nerve terminals on W ednesdayy alafter nearly four iiM'.Boyd . .CS/ West,.t,..,.CM the avererage going rate Both)th said tliey d e a rly recall — years, Blix toldd tl; the U.N. Security 1 ' B4 seems to be about $90 to secincin g tools, d ectro n ics an d Methamprfnp^etamlne-tnduced damape^ tot neiye terminals Council. . ■ . $140 orr sso for enough to aUI mannerm of other goods of dopamlnoiio*prodtfdng cells occurs prim.roint n> r ■ in and artaround Twta Falls, . . ChrisChi M cFerlao^, who Mark Heinz 30s anmd d making six figures throuough a the Iraqis andtid told them his a n d cor sms « reos ten d .to b e a irks u a manager in the legitimm aate b usiness w hen he first;t itried teams would exeiexercise this right, B 1 U |M |H * fa v o rite1 target, ti said Twin ' «ex-,5X-.TV and Appliance m eth. “We said we wouldwo inspect all ' F a lls .po!police Sgt. Dan lie in Twin Falls, s^d he TWIN F A L L S -W h y do it? “Juist st to get away from myselfilf and sites on an equallal basis,”I he told a . M cA tee.... - ■ .. h as s seen SI two sides of.the . What draws people to a drug that escapepe reality - be somebo(ody I newsctjnferenceace afterw ards. 1 B u t thliere»s ei na e v id e n c e “>e*isth theft equation.' tunneled into America’sl’s filthy under. wasn’t,”■t,” said K u n Fairchild, whoDstm- s Blix said hee wouldw have 100 | .. ofcrgshittdcM burglary rings K fair number ^,'disgrun- belly through.the violeilent sodety of ed usinf>ing m eth in 1980 a fte r abubusing inspectors onn thtl e g ro u n d by I or professi»ionBl "fences” to - d people come into the outlaw motorcyde gangsIgs? Why use a severalal otherc drugs. Christmas and tlrnttlu logisdcs were ^ : WarehouseB ftW d m ove stolen , ■ >re looking to replace drug that carries a stigrigma of frantic For' methm addicts, the road bacack to being rapidly strengthened.str He ; M ld^ P ik e ana m s they said w ere stolen. e poverty? n o rmlalcy a h is tortuous und slipp’pcry, also wants to openope a field office > M cA tee. ■ ■ Please P see MCTH, Page A2 “I think I got^red: withw my lif(^” , „ in th e n o r ih e;rn r n city of Mosul said C liarles Legg, w ho' wiw as in Ids mid- Please see RECOVERY, Paj’age A3 ‘V ith o u t delay.” — ------i U - )■ ' ' ■ ■ • t ■ 5 K P 1

M TtiiiWiwi.rwfclFttoC|i».ldaho TaMdqr.ltavM*«2lr2 l,2 0 0 2 TF m t m B H ' Tbday: Mostly sunny>y skies,s breezy and colder ttw than normal. Todi HI :^w»anaaciiy'i: : Highs in,tho upper 309.30:: xiay To^lghl

TM lght; MosUy cloarar and( dry. Lows in the upporpor teens.

T om onw : Brisk wind:Inds ol limos with mostly sunri'inny sKles and hiQhs in Ihe upper 30s30s. IIIIIIIIIIJ^^ Broez/ondandmoetly MocttydMranond P«rtly ctoudyVkMs.i. Sumyandcaw| ABtliiwanTMfand r f Sun JoarIB . ooid dry«xlbra*zy - ■ • b»*Ky . ^ >M |h 40 ■»»':'. • .•«po-..v ■ . 'n m rri-VManw;«a«l^: iLow 23 U onntoCo(M * 088* Va^ardi•rdvlJsar 38% WadnawM*jrB>>irla«. . 1M3AM ..taH Hi h / L o * 4 3 /a i , AW0.MMIA t o M • .OKT ’ Toi^n SSIiitSSSiv. ! suNV/! VALLEY, SURROUNDIN(IN Q w r s . »i e am iS M WalerWaariar IO DM* 044’ Tcdiy^ • .ftfclay' 'SunrlM: 7MAU -'tunw■tnmt . ’ . M r r a o t larVtarHitM* f j u r 'V. • Low0rol9'olsvalions will Do (try tor the nexta t coupte( ol Temperature tfriihlaMift'Oc<*1lo8a(iia(C.'J ' '- . b N i posalblo on i*m pe«<«Mure & Predpitaiion vaiid throogh Opm>nyea)»rd>y days butlift nmountain snow showors oro poi MOOnil '■ . M m a B Wtxtnosdj)jsday ond Thursday Doyllrrw tomiomporaturos will _" Moon Phases irlse U.V. INDEX ^ - bo brtsx* 01orxJ ovofnioril lowa will bo onset S n o w p ac k ^ • T9dtv o d i High! 20 to 95 TOntOlll'l UU«rs-4lof V___ 's. e riiiertlSneWlli O 3 G - Mooneee i;«8PU8Mk*R.« * OISE sunshine willIll eexist tor today Nov.cr Oeo.4 i [>ae.ll Oeo.1l R.Wyomln8: 9T% TtaNgtwttMlTKteirM * CTywOy y ilriB and lomofithv. but H willATill do litUo to L M tOtr. HiNwtMooB FhstOtr. Full Uoi Thii*l.y)lloe*lw'lM (r> a m protection naadad warm up lomporatufos.15. Highs will R f 9 S f ? S T ^ ^ bo slaying in tho 30s aniand ovvmlghi i ■BH I B S lows will tall Into tho uppjppor toons roworrow Today m kM and 20s. Today Tomorrow Tlwrada’ To*V H1>L8"W Today Hlgtif/Lowt33toIt0 38/ttto24 Bo m 35 23 au 3S 87 po 43 2S qT po m m : SB 431 me 47«7 ;M me xOMnto . . . 7T ae po '.78:84 .po Aeapul» ._-.;ec) 73 1 P0 00 73 ^ .aM Ur-.U JS: ry 32 23mc33 20mc332Sm( AaMcCoy 47 70 PC 36 :21 fl PMMvtfta 45 33 mc me 37 2S n Afftaia MI 52g po 84 52 PC NMM 76 NOFTTHEFERN UTAH 30 10 pe ae 17 pe 4i 1» „ po OaiWBBw ' I M 3r.m e 38»8 : 24 oie Rnactt » 80 meme eot«7 .r. - M tma .r .72i a a a ^ « i 8 2 r 'o m r / '- K39 S7 Dryondbro«r» r y Ihtough Cham# 27 13 au 27 10 pc 20 13 ^ pe a*«B 34 20 pc 43<3 ;30 au ported. ME 41 20 pe 31 16 fl Banglak biI 77 7 a u t t 3 7 8 p e Patia’ -- 8080 43 an -4 8 sn>mc ’ Wodnosdayrw wi ilhasligm Coeur d*Atonele : 33 34 m c352Sma30 2g/tts H M me o•3 :28 mo Wriffi 48 4 i;frelire 81 SS po :- a a » a .r..'4SI 23 8'aU '41.a8 au ' PM0«<.-'’.:T48.T48 .38 - m - M tSkme chanco ol HQhtIght snow lor tho 3a 0 au 40 10 tu 41 10 au 13 24 Wl Ptftaoiy 26 11 pcpc . 33 14 tu Barfel 48I 38 3 pe 48 38 (TK nedaJanaI 90 76 ah BO a M M n .tC « 7 47 12.33 no-.ifM i 47 23 au mountalru) ononThursdoyand !48 20 au so 31 au 51 34-«. au 40 22 atl : '. JuanoaMnS73I 84a 00 61. an ncM > .'-77D:8MBB:M.’8 0 ; ^ H 40 10 PC 9 » 2 0 p o 4 l 2 0 a u~ ChartMOn.WV30 31 ll 35» J23 mc SmmsxM 85 36 auau 02 99 au Cake 75i 59 5 ai/ 76 87 au SanaagD 7373 62 pe^ aa e4-.mc Friday. • 0 « c ' . 33 11 pc 3S 12 PO 34 to pe t« .ie pc. S tlo la .28 18 190no 30 -tf.ps'-. '.OWvan : ' ' j aI 8S:'au-'83 b 83-PC Oaotf ..r-/.43. 41 17 pe 30 ID po 43 17 au** r f F .j 3010 •21 me StPaii 21 9 mcmc 23 11 pc OariM ---t2! 43 4 »h 46 41 r Sydney 88 #7i .10 pc 4» 15 po- 42 21 peS OanMT V.24 7 .,p e .,316 6 ‘12 me' 98 i» au •u 37.t2au.:::;-McroNBnostOT-81-8B au -T2 88:au W A ait' JTa-i’T3--83 poi>73 '«»leu idahoPtfb 32 n PC 33 12 pe 34 13 pcgr Oaa Uene* 22 9 rrw 27!7 •15 pe 8m nage 74 50 auau 70 48 au Jafuaalam eaI 545 po ea 60 au 1bk)0 6969 54 r «3 48r^H> KMHoea.MT 3 : t IS mc 38'17 mO:37 IS pe 12 23 mc SanftanMce 68 48 atfatf 83 47.au ' JcAanMUBTB. 48 4 au .TB S3- ah v u m 8484 ; 37 po 82 43 0 Jerome t40 11 PC 43 18 pc 45 21 pc^ BA ao 45 30 fiK: 4t11 294 ITK 8e«aa - 46 36 auau 51 41 au KLfWMC*/ 70' 59 t PC 73 54 au VMraear 4646 : 36 po 52 ^ PC LMcton . ST-ta pc 40.31 pe .43 33 pe£ fMtarta ■; 32 ia pc,1717 6( mo lUaop 68 40. rneme 68 43, r • .U K k » . .-84 3B » pe SS 4 i.a h wyiM u ^2323 0 mo Malad City 37 12 pc 37 11 pc 3C 11 PC^ 17 7 pc 21!1 18 1 pc Mb*nncaon.DC 45 32 me 3D 27 mc ModcoOy 03 41 4 me 81 40 ah Ztrtti 6767 ' 41 Mt 48 3 7 ^ . M att . 33 13 pc 40 IS pe 42 t r PC~ HonoUl Z 84 as au .‘94M 87 ( au McCaa . :26 8 au 30 0 »u 33 13 PC'Z HeuBtsn 49 35 mc 46 S me fc A l tl s v i i r B f Mlaeoula. lirr •. 4 17,mc 38 18 me 3a 23 me^ Manvo* 29 20 n . ,-333 17-me1 ]QQ2SI^QEi!Sii Pocatello 36 3 16 pc 36 le PC 30 15 PC^ 71 48 .u ea8 42 4 PC . •go -10 0 10 20 30 100 fM aM .O R 62 fl 33 au 52 37 au 'SI 36 au;„ Karaaacty 38 13 ma. SS» .17 .1 pa ■ Ruped 36 3 ia pc 40 18 pc 42 21 pe UMV«oa* 60 36 IU 677 40 4 au R M w g . 28 2 ;S PC sa fiipe 33 11 pe.2 ^ (JMRd« . so 26 mo-38• 23 a pc RkWand.WA 3l28mc30 3 2Sau3S30pC 38 1BP0 3722pa3D20au2 M W la .; 37 27 n 38 2 S h & 29 14 au 28 11 pc 31 14 pe* UST? 81 67 pe 600 a as PC /T « IS au 37-22 au 30 24 pc 6.17 pe 32 24 me 3 5 S 8 mc 30 27 mc* NM(1v«a 36 29 M 3#'29 23 PC luvM y*' 2S 2 -I'W 28 ' 8 au 30 0 au„ NawOnaera 68 46 me MD 443 me VMtdRlay-aStMExtrafr ■2 o) SM ev Sun VaUey 29 2 1 a u 3 2 7 a u 3 4 11au“ Nm -IM 40 34 pc 35 2 tfWDM-Htah: 5 5 W P i^ iom: -Zal ^ OMtfvmaCly 37 ai me 38 4 vrMllMf k*y; sij.gunny.ny. pc-patiiy[ douOy. rTK^sIfy dowdy. ( MT2fT 22 4 me 25 S I 30 9 me S 20 pc tr».itiundo(»lorm«, r.h-Bliowotowoifl.f-rain. sn-»now, IMIunioa. w-wlnd OttmO* 23 M mc 30.0- 181i PC find, m-fnhilng ^ IZ SQ m H - Tod^r TomenvwOW Today TomtonwTont C h e v r o le t City HI Lo Wl H L4I WW City HI Lo W« HI11 Lot W ^ CeipMy. 9S ff7 po. 41 28 ncme Saakaioon 28 10 0 '344 88 » pe Crar«(ook 34 16 ma 40 36 pcpc Torooie 41 27 e 30i) 2 2i 8 n valid to 6 p jn . lod tAimion 26 10 pe 99 ie momo vanoouwr 80 38 au 84 3i • «oday r Katowna 43 21 pc 43 27 mmo Vletene 49 37 »u 52!” 4< £ Y~»KUy.K«i«. L m ru ea 30 18 me 3S 2l*meme Wnnlpeo 23 B mc 211 14l< me . Hleh:Q3alBrDMWvimavlllo. Taxaa '^ T W y J P o lelinle e At Blu« takeses North feRegme 23 10 c 26 12 pc Lo«r .ISatSouthluth Paaa CKy,.Wyo, r . . ' -

l ' gling lin ; into the U.S. from otlIth e r of Idaho clinic in Tv1 Tw in Falls, M 'd ^RobberyY ------_ Methr ______c oountries, u r she said. Most rececent- he hasn’t heard 1m many patients l yi, . Canada < seemed to be! thet gripe about restrictlictions on p$op- ContlniMd from A l Kimberly Road 7-Eleven■ store,s Con^fromAlAl maillain source, and busts wcvere doephedrine medi ■ITit; stisi»c*cts wcrv desdescribed as Bui) u i £ I a r 9 s t r i k e . two m men were caught on, v\ id eo he said. mad'lade in which tens of thousarands then again,- most3St s e rio u s a n d both hcinR while, hee said.s One t. I wearing ski masks in a ro>bb^, t AndMcFarlorlone said'more than f medidne ™ tablets were seizlized chronic allergy an with white nuen; clerk bniqdishing a knife ho .«ole from him f passing P‘ strict regulationsLS on said, en^wearing blat^ ski jeudoophcdrine, that souru rc e r " # ; lottg, curly Jjlack Hair.r. Both B were masks andnd wielding knives ^ticinandiiig money from the cs they are meth P»e^ • Wearing basebaU caps ^ . u s e r s , e v e n ththough the case willill probably soon dry u ips and had entered TaP a p a J o h n ’s P i z z a , q .’register. , : up. The oldest tradel e . - S H h een h asn 't been solv«)lved. Podkodkowa s a i± bandannas over theilieir farcv police pressss ret le a s e sa id . ^As of Monday, tho« had MJ "niere’s litd e orir ntn o evidencQ-.of Mc/Vieesaid. no arrests made in connetc S ! 10-pound dog,” he E Ev ven so, i t’s u n likely th a t w ... - . .. challenged h a the clerk, *^9 ow meth cooking for long, &^ organ ize d prostitutittution connected T w o r o b b e r i e s in ’iA\lwln^alls demanding n with those robberies, or a robobbcry. said “Nobody.ly-he doesn’t know slow jj. with meth, but thei g money, and then fled lid. There’s evidehtly still there’s no qites- last week also were the work of on foot earlier that day at the Banank of would have betbeen able to come said. h esfty f t j domestic black markr-tor tion people; trstrad e sex fo f it, two white men, accorcording to Then at Amcrica branch on EIevdkowa said. Falls police officer Tom Fleileming that the key actitctive ingredient in md tbe officors Cir('iilali«>?>oplifted at an alarming rat 231 Ea.ctland Drive. Ephedrine - the chemical saidi »f/ir themselves for meth.eth . j; Ui.rlcy-Ki.i.eri. Tlw Tinics-Nev,*wt(UPSfi3l-OKOli\pub- J id M ike R eed, a spokesm an f I’aiil-OaklL-v...... (i7/.^iM2 h^hed dailv ui i; Reports indicate the sus]J s p e c t Which gives mleth et] its kick - used g ‘ ^ Sam G i b ^ a nnarcotics a n dete^ Twin r.ilK ' I 132 Third .Si. W„ Twin e grocery store chain. Win( »-‘«IK. h> licc Publleaiionv Pu Inc., j suh- .immediately opened fire wiwith a - to be readily availableav in bulk offici .ul tive with the Twinin IFalls County anil (illicr arcan ...... ficials can’t say for sure tl ^idb,y.,iu.eEmc;n(.n>ri«.. Jhandgun ? ' after Fleming sposo tted f r o m ch em icalal stores : in many <00-06rg e in th e th eft o f those parti^ Sheriffs Departme:ment, said shi Pcficdii.Ml'. paid pai( al Twin Kills l.y The Ohim in and ordered him to stop,s countries, saidI DebbieD Podkowa, jjarar products1 was connectedJ i ’ also h e a rs sixnilar■tales. tall I: . Subscription rates:S T im c\-N cu\. OfOfficial cily ;iiid couniy M c. McAtee said, so Fleming, firef; d th e crim e lab coordinatorcoc for the meth,2th, but there doesn’t seem-in.fn “Pve got one gal;al V who tells mf} M.iiiiOiJchxcr): il.iiK -m.lilSutul.1. Su ncttspjpcr piif>ua(«uanl (0 S«cli.>n fC-lOH i>f baCback. Drug Enforcctienient Agency’s bean Jj she’s n ev er h ad to0 payp. for metlj; . TTlufvJay ticieby ilevifj- S any other logical explonatic J'O p c 'ru c c k IJ-*'"’ "n \\ Some cartridge casingsshad Seattle Field Divi)ivision. ■ for it. because that’s howw shest gets it.” ;; n.i.l ... . Iv ...... ny of Ihc week on which :it. M.lir Mjt'vciipllollv lllilM Iv t’.llll been recovered from th e sciscene, But as it becaicame regulated m ; ;iilit .HC .iv.iil.ihic citiK wIk' ic llhepuhlislied. [n any case, WinCo has fo but there was no word on1 Ihow the 1980s, methh cookersc began to . lowed f Times-News rcportet)rterMa7*Hrirw nol >n.iinl.iii.cil M.nl All . plea«e send chaiij!c of ved suit with other big ston ...... :.d.lrcv.„:rmV,;p.l: P.O. Bo* .WH. Twin f-all\. 3umy shots had been fired, SrSmith switch to the pps s e u d o e p h e d ri n e jj, keeping jje* the medidnes behir can bc rcached at 735-735-3238 or by il.iilv .iiiil Siiml.iv Vf'Oii |>vr i saiduiid. . JJJ. motV at mbcinz®magi: . luil) V: IXI |>cr uci'k. Siiiwl.1) found in over-thi-the-counter medi- custostomer service counters c lagicvalleifxomi’, 3prrtgM«»02 FFleming was still on paid leavelc c in e s, she said, • t’tr '‘ I'ck Oil! Ill M.iii' f.ik's:Ik's: d.Ml> u.a>cv3Il , ., . O lhier e r restricted areas and limimit- MVfonday,oi Smith said. It is sistan - A gendes andi retailersn began to jng{the tl: amount any one perso iard procedure to pull an off)fficer clamp down, PodI , ' 1 ' i m c s - NNcw.s i telephone dindirectory odkowa said. Many canib bi u y . —C o r r e c3 t T I O N - j i )ff duty for an evaluationn a; n d sto re s q u it stocking si pseu- “it‘I thiiUc th e lim its a re geneler- : C irc u la tio n (D a n ie l VValc^alock. Circulation D irector).r ) ...... E xt. 1 f•eview e v i after he is involvedJ ini a doephedrinc-bas€ased medidnes on quss enoughe r th at anybody w ithlan a A story publishiished Sundalf : Classified AdvcrtLsinK(L{(Deby Jolm-son, Manager)) ...... E . x t. 2 shJiooting. o t open shelves or lin:limiting the amount hone‘nest-to-goodness congestioion induded an incorrear e a address fc r : News (Clark Walworth,h . PM a n ag in g E d i t o r ) ...... E xt. 3 ~ — soidpercustomer,6T, d ie said. )blem can get what they neceed Frederickson’s Candyindy,'whidi is {ft Retail Advertising (Mike[ike Smit. Aclverti.sing Directcc t o r ) ...... E xt. 4 Timcs-Ncws nportcr Mark HeinzHi ' That in turn•n has created a for treatmtre en t,” h e said. -•^ 309 Second St. E. in TwinT Falk. As W eekly (Janet Goffinffin, G e n e ra l M a n a g e r ) ...... E x t. 5 ■an bc rcachcd at 735-3238ortrbyc- black market for the medicines jjj.^5rew Simmons, a nurse practicti- The Times-Newsvs regretsi thf Publi-shcr Stephen Hartgir tg c n ...... E x t.2 4 9 "nail ' ‘" ' at mhcin:(3masicvalley.a'.com. h e re o r led toI organizedoi smug- dpnern er a t th e A sthm a and A llergrgy erro r.

S K c n n w S M f P W M

g lP lt^lW ifSlillsi

SIKH) ^ Enteer N ow 1T o Win This 1997 Fordd A s p i r e At Participating MerchantsM Drawingg to be held Dec.. I14 th • 2:00 pni' Hol City{ Hall Park,, BurleyE Local ncrchants have Ihe brandnd names you wanl al ihele pricesi you can afford: aand will MuuB;/ Be Prtsent to W iil Enter Befo.^efort Dee. 13 ai 5:00 pm H j ^ H I nl.so he cl local com:jmniuniiy. while moneyy spents oul of lown is goneone forever. if' And as a thank you BAMA is givinggi away a car ihis yea/ear.

>, L et’s havee a H o m e t onvn v Christmn a s ” fDonalatedby^^wK ^^ ^ I D o n ’t't Iforget to visit SiSanta • S aturday NNi o o n -4:00* CitvtyHaii EZM onn«y A utjy^ •N»punkase Mteuary, muutb*ttb«iaf*ertoreUer., i 4. • V' .11 k I ;,'.. w-■'.I'.-

M ■dsy,iiwtira»,aooa » H n « ,T )rtiF * , Mito M ' FIdrtingbick * Varinaalsaid w M iiiiMwj treatment JtecoyeiB i y _ _ R *< Long'termmeth.u:.use causes s must Be p i n of th e pio- irrepkrable. damage-r t o higher nthorities hope to get a •peak on the meth program, wtttMatvrtMTTieTMtea- . bninfiaictifln.But.jti 1st* and'reoover- -B ?* * most other brkin-Hij[im aaacan le die syston is doing lit­ hicattbeb*^^ U e m o re than warehousing . ^nethistU ictf ^ 'r M k M i u M u are reeover- Olmeistfaekey.heaaggy_ - . addicts untimtil a e y can get out and of them «n jieOlamphatamlheBddicta. ' 'S S iteini'" A traditjonal 2&dayy -d o r a w ” L #wttofaold0om i said she has sjcen maiw (tarlWM;6t)eiMdft>r progBtffl'Uuit mightM H o ik on ■SedKto itiMce e n a other nddtcdons won't vho would n o t be oim f- xotlcs detecthre It Mven months and has been for tifeir metfa addlcrion. • KippcHied tiMt aa;tajrin d y ^ . ! S S th e 1 for about two and a hatr a meth addict, he said .F alls. County cieanw the latest data Indicat jeople dont mean to be iSberlffs Depsrtmeol a o t Gibbs said I. She was arrested and ■ M s n a take a treatm ent pro| ijbehulirestedmetnetfausersfrdm, . In 2000 with possession of so, having swift, sure I T l i a T l a i M■ I W f g I In TMn Falls arid underwent . yearormoretogetammeth addict ■naodalandecDfKmiOtniccIasMS.' fnetnln entm-p*mwilent and punishment is a | al, court-ordered Ihjatment- o u t o f d a n ^ . : “After haviiu myniykids,Iwent 'om w l,, of the equation, Gibbs from about 135 to0 2200 pounds," Shev«was also sentenced to proba- Sim ply p u t. u n til the» b n d n h a s time to h e ^ ^oirts to q said Jennifer L e wK. Iwantedto . ^nend'wa corrvnunlty service. “ ‘^ r e c c loM w^atidnSdM s b o d a b o u t CtMriMi■a U o ,4 S . Also clean for in vain, h e said. xnrering addicts agreed, •bouttMt two and a half yeerv, he-used Charles L egg k i d hieto quit cold lankful that I got caught, ch 80," Jennifer I-egg' '^uvflnilo Courtrt \!Juidge John- mrthteiI fbr about tNO years after hev- turkey, never underweraiTformal ’'•,2' Vario agreed th at. mimany A la and ^ beer•en.a loflgUmo hsevy drinker, treatm em a n d h as beenen dean for yotmg women g ett involvedis with aid he quK cold turkey end m m than two years. ■dn't been arrested, Td. meth oecauee Of issues u e s of physical never sor sousm formal tTBatmem. He fiut he said he hadJto i Isolate i n £ " C o r d ie r sa id . g ( £ ig to k e e p g o b ig u n d i appearBnce snd self:If*esteenL < leverarrensd or charged in himself to pun it off. 'This makes then»em super-per* cortnecUBcttoi with meth. “I didn't leave the houselu after ;ad or in handcuffs," ans.'Evem hin8 tfaatliat they wanted KwtWnWreMd. 39. Clean for about dork for 11 m onths. I bihadtoK ay sa id . to be-fo meir own1 imaginations.*'in three memonths. He used meth for away from anything ancnd anytaS 7 w if ■ I didn't quit, I was 31 nwrethethan 20 years as part of a that would tem pt me." ^ ' gohig to getge: arrested end up in m Casual um7 neailyUf^Ufe4ong pattern of substance Stalcup agreed tha.at a aafe. fCharles Legg said, • . - . abuse. ».H He seld he sold meth and dean, controlled envirocOTmentisa i no help for somebody F o r M m e p e o pe,casuduseof l e go^totf? lamphetamine until SNO•W TII > the peInt of‘siammlr^* or ■om meth. “■•that RES! must to recover froi about any substs>stance is possi* Mectlns. lg strikes them right Ing, the dnig. Has had numer. .because nobody hasIS th e w iii * II IfTUSHEUJ> YOU RELAX ONO SUCK I ,ble. But .with m eth, < n a a lmlimlnaJ chaijes connected power to resist those initialin oav- the brain and says, idl but implaioible,5,saidDr.Alex s wtthmeCneth. Currently on probation one, you've got to quit I ROADS w mfH OUR EARLY BIRDBl SALE! I j 9talcup, a San Franr a n d s c o - b a s e d ^ a Jerclerorne County possossion 1 -addiction spedalist w In-paticnt treatm en t piprograms- •• twholastyear chamo.Fe, Fairchild soys he has under- such as the Walker Ce:enter and ^ I - visited Falls» totc lecture on gonel^iiIfvpatlent addiction treatment ■ qie area’s meth probl Port of H ope In Twin Fal'alls —area lilOfOWunard oW em . aod to alanwmberofaU^p I good flrst step, Stalcup • ■' “You might, migh«ftf, get away ,eccveiy p said. But Kickingg ithe habit is a trial 9iy program. even better are “halfwa ,yMth just* snortingg it,”ii he Mid. K«iy c« vay” house worth enduriluring, th e e x -u s e rs said. CerCter, 42. Clean'for just programs, wdildi can kerteep recov- Fairchild i!£But that's part oftheseduc-of uixteraya year. Also said he was a Id said he siill has to ■doa" ering addicts from tempnpadon as take only orone day at a time, btit J . lifelongg substances abuser who used they move b ack into opei Occasional snonlorters .don’t mcthjor )en sodety, he is startinging to see some tanpU e for several years. He said his hesaid. -believe th e y ^ beconcoming addict- recovWl^h a s Involved In^iatlent returns, L - S t t i r e chaiAINS ed. He had high praisese for the “I can see;ee my daughter smile treotipM2 ^ , end he Is a member of Oxford House progran “ T h at’s w h at I[ tctold myself Ows^me 12«tep as am, which now. AndI shesi can d t in my lap i y O R IMPORTT C A R S 4 ^ ^ K when I thought I wi started this year in Tw'win Falls. when we’rere watching' TV togeth- was a casual FairchildIld. Also hes m«t^fel8ted I GIANT LOi3A D E R s J m ^ ^ B I meth user," FairchildO dsald. cumlraln .fia.scd in a group-homle e setting, er. Just litdetie things like tliat." el record and Is on probation Oxford House demands I Charles U u likewcewise staned toraJ.roerome County posser'Ion ds that all “I can do other things and |>!i-^..IN STQQCK snorting metn occasiasionally. But eharao. prospective residents mustm com- have fun now,”no' Cordier said. “I his use became freqtequent before plete in-patient treatmment pro- don't havele to come to in the he knew what was haphappening. grams before moving inin and will moming andnd wonder, ‘W hat did I “There’s lots ofif peoplep ou t P ???“exdtement and pleasure be kicked o ut if they relalapse'even do?’” i^,-J^^VYDU I there who like to thirJiink&yan! ^ begtagin to feel dull and mean* once. Charles andam Jennifer Legg both ; casual meth users,"'h he e so ld . “That’s a state of-the-le-art pro- d ed d ed to clidean up in-Apnl 2000. g ^NDUSTRIAt Legg said he tum 'W I P E B ' ally a critical s t ^ inn mt eth addic. mt one-dimensional, the ^ ^ B A T TTERIES;^ E I must continue using, criminal charges andd putting Charies Leggg g s o id . Hi don. them in jail won't solve t uch tiling as St^nipsasaid. 5 the meth ------“There is no sue! problem, Stalcup said, b« V v - r A I recreational meth smsmoldng," he . LoWei•term, heavy m eth u se has because it Times-News■w$ reporter Mttf^f-Nsinz H hown to also attack the does nothing to solve thee problem am be rcachcLftof at 735-3238 or said. “It rips your headcod off.” • > " " sho. of addiction. The final level iss “slamming”“: /m ^ o ttht the b rain asso d ated with maUatmhan.dm®magicvalley.com. jaeth - injecting it throughi a judgmentsnt, logic, learning'and reason, 8CiStalcup said. and Kenrenny Cordier " V ^f 8get ilit in the areas that 2 FER T1WIRE SALE* I ^yid they’d both re{reached the make huilumans human. In lay ‘sl^mmiing stage befon:or« resolving . ‘erms, hesleavy methamphetamine ;to'gei clean. use makesces you dum b,” h e said, piis/uti) 2 F Combiniline those effects w ith the Brain drain . unbearab-able cravings meth _ 2 .« * 5 5 I . addicts geiget, and the addiction is I % I __2m*66 8 .;,.What makes methtl aso insidious unlike anyny other, Stalcup said, ^900 the way it goes to) workW' on the Cordierer said his meth addic- 1 ^ _ 2 « . 7 7 = h' lirain, Stalcup said. tion kept)t pullingI him back, even < 7i I. to S«ri« tUw. I B '' By mimicidng and;d teventually after he^ gotgi in trouble with'the I replacing adrenaline,B, endorphinse law. I and other chemicalsIs (assoaated “i woulduld be out on parole, and I }with alermess or pleaseasure. meth I'd go andid start using and selling I CHAIN!IS FOR WIN'MTER I :can literally repi'ogram am the brain. a g a in .-hhe < said. “I just’didn't P i @ Era'll the smallest to the largest hesaid- m roaoatlgraders, tractors, * Eventually, the bralirain .will lose “I k ep>t t >watching pieces of my I its ability to help pebjeopie enjoy life beingg ttaken away,” Fairchild &cdiii - ' Hm bacichkhoes...large selection! m ■anything but being higtligh on m eth, said. “Myy rmarriage, my children, From.as low as $29.86. fl ho said. That’s bec.ecause the my,job. my house." ! :organ's fast-acdon andu)d pleasure I Hyoyou don’t use them... i i centers have turned offoff. So other 3 returum program available J activities that once broughtbr the I F A aO R r WAILREHOUSE BATTEIrERY SALE i ’■ Having Thanks^ksglvlng Pre-F4oli(day II BCTREME TORQUtUE Pm obobt/thee ^^ a s ^ i I 24F a 7 4 (fee ^In-lam? one you1l eve^ b u y l B •Ouduiit|.b>tteilnppto4timei P I *001112* nn mott c n & trv d a B •TopAtidtposHnillablt B S.AU E I Ilm. ^9°^' •SonI ttB titvm It tBb-nro temper- G Novembeer 16 - Novem @ t t n s I nber 27 70 monihI *Zcn! miioitanct. no add, m mon $150.00 Al^age Jackets - 2(20% off! ra *63“ 3OTOdtd parti G ifts anind Jewelry - 20%% off! gn . ____ ^ „ U z CllClaiborne - 10% oloff! 1I *Wilh exchange ^ jifis^riqN ^ * 1 2 9 ® * ’ I Swe^eaters - 30% o ffi'fi 1 ribal - 10% off! m a m New Holida;a y O utO ts - up to 4 0 % o m r a O thing is o n ;a l e ! I .11 Don't forget RaRudy's, . 31X1050R15 66piy i ’cause you'll neeieed lots. ^ ts • Slacks • Jerseysys • Coats H compare af $102“’ I Suits • Lingerie • BlBlazers S I *MotlnMihlhf dtttoont on qatnlltlstii NOW 0NLY®77y o o I

R o c k ^ § 1 43-2500 j i B H Q i S r- lOam to 6pm I LT235/85R166 10ply M E v e r y tt. BUHL QsBi I BB I4Tm5iA»«.W.^^ t » » " terim ln a tln g a t A fto rd'able a t Prices" Ha compare at $10i •I M OfxM^^^^OO-TiOO.XtTu«T.oo.».>o Furs • Jacketsl*c» • wvitw.blackrockclolhlen.c $ 7 9 0 0 g Blouses • 5 I NOW ONLY ^ ^ ARMO BOOMS-S « AEROBICS ■MASS>SAGE THERAPY* KIDS iWElGtfre* PERSONAIAL TRAINER S < Ba ______' S e H at3bla EspaPiOll l a c k / t h i e r s 5 4 l H » i | Monday thru Saturday: j> H I ^ T i R e I T h a nn k s g i v i n 918 Main Street.I oven and come helpIp US ra ise Q Q i n g D a y : “"Designs fo r the Disc' dinner for the less fortunate.fo J @ I P elltr Ihru 3X >lzi ! c ^ 3 TEAM 00 a.m. to 11:0CDO a.m. D onat* f o r y o u r charlance to win: »L I \WHmmC8vnvir/tet>oimofomiOKiocAtiow\ DS FITNESS ■ FREE W• Overnight siay andI slshow at ^ 3 Waim u p ...... 9:00 to 9:20am f Cactus Petes. • Honeymoon Suite at th1 e ^ q | B Step/Aerablcs . .9:20 .9 to 10:00am ^ Comfort Inn S S c u lp tin g ____1010:00 to 10:20am /M • Free mammogram frcfrom MVRMC. 3 g l Put the turkey in the c S Y o g a___ . . . .10,10:20 to 11:00am The entire event Is fres.18. b ut all g g l I money to buy turkey piOL«CA ;a r d io k ic k b o x in gQ* < WEIGHT M A ^ k ll^ S •W ATER A E R O B ICS* S' SPINNING J3 [ f f i l

Ul*. 734.7447 ' WB HAVE IT ALU , Friday; Sam-iopm ' md*y: 10«m.3pni i

ES-RACQU^ALL- g m Pin"ER j S a n d)T e c h n OIjOGfY(

Page A-4 T u e sdiday, N ovem ber 26,6 , 2 0 0 2 ■ ' •' -T hle e iT im es-N cw si: % Wireleless accessIS frustratesi Comdex atitte n d e ^ ^ : k' r , , Despi)ite tec) TtwAMOck 1 :h woes,s,it’s >clat«lPrM« sputtered back by tbeii Bir ------1 Web connect afterer the.SQOI connec-^*'-'' browsers. tions were takeiaken wieire tmable tb . - I ,LASVE(TGAS ■ Evoyone from The problem, ccnferenbiceor^ dosountilaomeaneone dhjpp^ out.''V I Ktlcrosoftt CCorp.’s BiU Gates to nizers i say, was that oand for A bout 125,001,000 people were'.^ ‘ 1 booth pitch:chjnen are hyping the the i free vrfreless serviceI wasv for eq>ected to aatfend t^ the weekloi^,' ^' gadgi;ets gallore a t < joys of winnreless networking at greater ( than anticipated. Comd( shtw. this week’st’s Comdex trade show, “It’s an unprecedidented Organizers‘s wwere working to TTw *—oclated Pre—« ______b ut an attentempt to make tbe tech* amount t of usage,” saidd Geoff expand the netnetwoiic’s capacity, n o lo g y useiseful to conference 1 George Home, a network engineneer for though the: adadditional users' '* LAS VEGAS-Fromom tablet com- * attendees> hashi been less than per- Key3Media ] Group Inc., ththe con- slots .were takeaken as auickly a s \ ''' Muller, putcrs that were untunthinkable a er,president feet. ' ference’si ofsanizer. they were madnade available, he;,. ^ few y ears ago to a wrisnistwatch that o fS e»gw*y, g \ UC., M atiy usetsers who tried to con- l^une said organizers wanted« said. would make Dick Ttnrtracy envious, ■ detnonMatrrtei nect theirr wireless-enabledw lap- to t ensure a positive expe>erlence By eariy Nov.!ov. 19, It was easier'*'’’'! hundreds of new gadgiidgcts were on the cotioiniwnx'i V tops and I*h^dheld computers to for f users and thus limi^tcl,ted i;lie to connect, butKit surfingi was con^ display at this year'ta r’s C om dex 1167 W wireless network were number r of connections to» about, dderablyilowerwer than m th a dial-;" ", h ig h -te ^ show. with error messages 300 3 users. Anyone who triedtr to up modem. And while it mightht nut change at tlMi thc world, this cropop of silicon- ^1 0 1 9 conveiTention at I ! embedded wares coul(3tild offer ju s( th a UM i Vegai enough to jum p-startt sasales. Comttnention • As at olher recentit atrade shows, Centerer Iti'U s mobile and wireless o ffe rin g s ■ n dominated. Increasinglh^y powerful Vega..s. and less expensive chiph ips are being ‘ [ N n o Jf jammed into smallerT ddevices that Tire often feature cordlessiss coimectivi- edofge ty to other computer?ters, business networks and the Interrccmci. ... A handful of con:ompanics - ' thick face including Hewlettctt-Packard, only about Fujitsu and Acer - derdemonstrated ff rge. Prices at Comdex last week bi stam p-sized screen , a $199. th bounneed oflfflOL? < businc-w-tar- I geted Tiihlet PCs thaihat are fully I and a b attery that lasts eoi unveiled functional mobilei computers c< i • I four days before rediarga n d ‘n ew whose screens can bet>e written' on I are expected to sta rt a t Sl with a pen-like stylus.s. FPriccs start Cell phones also were1200 hand- a t $1,700. with more features on a several NEC unveiled a protoiotocype of thc styles. b twice as lightest tablet yet -- a 2.1-pound Nokia unveiled its 62(o d els a n d (950-gram) device that’.-lat’s less than ■ set, which can be used 2nor , v o ice an inch (2.5 centimettleters) thick. networks, surfs the Webitereo FM ■ The NEC Versa LilePadPad is expect- W fast as today’s top mod c d to bc available nextrtyear. y lEWOiC sports a color scrccnaid it had ^ i For hom e users, Mici>licrosoft and ^ recorder and even a stelogy that ^ ViewSonic showed a3 s(screen that • * radio. ages to be w orks like a m onitor whwhen docked - The company also sai1 M 1 that can % L a host computer for resoiesources. old-style totfotaty phone. The blast from \3650's buttons are laid oui V icw S o n ic’s A irp a n old-style ro tary phone. Jeo.Tl )an el S m a rt p „ , entends ttiere - it's got ajjutlt- I Displays sta n at S999' for a 10-mch , , from th c p ast ends th ere - I W (2S0 , handheld1 computers were unveii/cilcd with Hliataiepiinligfiiir; iijinsrollalion advanced features andan lower . i prices. il SOLUTIO] lessaging and licli conlenilenliocluiled f Dell Computer Corp.rp. jumped 1 4 into thc business withth iits Axim 1 sL SOFTW ARI ? S ! Cflllilll-20B-733-G[6230 • Prices staa fr a 5 lo m a s S39.958iii0imontii ;■ X5, which starts at SI9‘1199 a fte r a — /P ^ / • Learn Softw;ONS TO YOUIk s . af rebate and is amongg tithe least // • In d iv id u a l T t aniloiaheltiesiiillcliloilai i j i i i m p expensive to run Micilic ro s o ft’s -H elp WithI In E P R O B L E M Pocket PC operating syste/stem. • QuickBooks*tware in doys - Not Week;B______' II. Hewlett-Packard relecpleased two I T u to rin g iP aq handhelds: a S299 erentry-level I ^ ^ H | 0riMO»>r< \in\m . High S m i imtrntl ic a u i>tt mi* liM n CiUs OM MT«J wn«* irau omy«y tndI ort)f xn tMnrnd c*M moi)«n. PriMtM«uoMinlw «I m odel a n d early next year. Choose fromI uiunlimited 58K dial-up tac ce ss i or our unlimited:ed, blazing-fast DSL. W/Ve offer ‘ • lonfhsofFFree DSL gor 56K InhBmelAcce»ss! n __ I Three Mi friendly, 24/7 tech tt support and a reliable, rc 100% digital netletwork. Now that shoulclid put a BUILD THE SHELELTER! I "Boont*" is very playlayful, ^ ^ smile on your fa'face. loving, friendly and■A It Itkcs I H to be cuddled. Comele adopt; fi - ^ him and let him startart I living the good life. veill ^ c i t u . s. Free teeth whiteninging w ith I I A/fV/ T E ft N £ T a donation to thc Dulllulld thc I ■ 'i r t shelter Fund, conlacicl I D rs. rt 7 3 6 .1 9 0 0 H all St R o b erts: 733-S-■5346. *Dadic8ted T) • Fractional10S3 OS • Fnme Relay* ISDN • VirtualII IFrame Relay to ™ FAUS ANIMAL SHElELTIR Hoitlng • RrewilUl<*Sat>lliM • IntamrfWeb Dtvalopnipmant 139 6 th Avenue WesVest 7 3 6-2299 www.miRlcllnk.ccim/wtb/pclion s r $l9.>5/m thin 1163, twin r

iliS ihristleatcccoim plaints thee y i N a t i o n — Saudi are soft o n1 iterro rism 3INCT0N (AP) - cially support^ Sept. 111 terror- Ambassadoror 1 Prince Bandar bin e i e m P resid enm t B ush’s spokesm an ists. Saltan. Saudiudi offidals, stung by Saudi Arabia on Monday - W hite House spokesr!sman Ari the critlcisn:ism, said they are i 1 E < 3 ;; od partner in the war oh Fleischer refused to dis.iscuss the checking recrecords to see how payV terronnn,n,** despite accusadons merits of an FBI invesisstigation money fromm tthe princess might ?■. , that the wwife .of the Saudi U.S. into the financial doioings of have eventualimlly gone to support-, ■■..•Min - ' - '^mimcroV- For' ^ fir«- ■■ ' inocttseid from 28 in 20002( to 481 ambassadcIdor m ight have finan* Princess Haifa ol-Foisal,jI, wife of ers of the ^lept. p t 11 attacks. . ^ i; tiattinitsquutertBT oentuiy histtv in 2001 • 'a Jump of 1,60500 p e rc e n t (he .Pedarairal - Slection:. — N ^ b i brief , . had been atam ong-the I* Cotoinlaaion on Mf* ~ ; Irast'targetisd religiousisgrtmps. I . ■ * caodi^tcft Hit6 crimeitais«tin2 : r. ofDce pay ihemiielv iel ek salaries ’ ul .v6te. tfae r a im i ^ d n Peoplee wfabv are or aro ear to be ofif WASHINGTON-Prt*rogress the • that regulatdi ellelecdoti laws Middle^lie Eastern descent weree Departmenr of Veterai*3119 Affairs approved the propooposd that wfll . reporterted as victims of batee has made in slashing a1 baddogI of olli^ candidatess tto.'pay them* . crimesa mc on often last year thnnn benefit requests coi^i beI threat- “FINE ; E Y E w /EAR selves at a rate> ese training 731 North Col|»g»» RoadB • Twin Falls • 734^937 OP'PTICAL Americans who10 o th erw ise TfaeFl: FBI said ^ t incidents tu- would help them naviv ig a te th e coaldn’t afford to0 gigive up riieir getingi people,p insdtudons and1 complex disability daim:n system. BK i m —^ jobs to run for office.ce. businessgsses identified with Islam1 fm m yrfi I Thie Ameriirican |n5Tg Homela]and i_ irou'r^ertm s ? n ■ cJrtiniMdftoinAl day... C u ± o O 0 a kle offidak spok?oke on condi- lid tion of anonymity. J P i e b w ^ ! i ' M = ATruu e J fcdge, 57, is a VietVietnam hero? a fonner congressmajnan and long* ^ tilbe political allyly cof the Busir rHappy BiHAday^V: falaOy wbo n eariy 14 m onths ^ m e ri(ican IeoOspocdsuplolisrrvh spo< W\ ttw imx) Mnern promprwTWaeBociivoiraaioo vrtion iKiod on on inOoot>dowi«l«ticcl . stind the ebbs andd flowsfl in ter- infour-uajonuivico. • Roa9y icptoccmcnl lor rorism threats, everven if they’re ^ • flfldiiJ consoijcionn aiitt c ^ u lor supcit) V f d f l onginoJ Mrpmon imoffls. H peil»manco. ) woar woa ano onorgy-uving •Cno«:oo(F^nsInpow^^c(WiMorrcvuriik) st^ unsure what, if anything,a to A prCOOItitS HMCCUlCditMwitninomoMmbro. ^ ' syUcd Node Mjcwaiis . d q ab o u t th e dangers.rs. f l Bush initially opposposed creadon fl " I J5 /80R 13W W ...... S34.17 Pt85/700 R14 ...... S63.15 I of a homeland secur h curity depart- B U R P175/6I5 /8 0 R 1 3 W /W ...... S37.19 PI 75/655 R14 ...... r,.S63.79 % ; I ment. But, fadng criddsmcrit from. V r ^ r PI 85/7:5/75 R14 W /W ...... S40.83 P185/655 R14 ...... S64.93 ^ k.,.,^_J)toocrats, h e erabraciraced th e con- B | i P195/7ij/75 R14 W /W ...... S42.08 P195/70I0 R14 ...... S65.95 a ce^t in June andI u: u s e d i t a s a P205/715/75 R14 W /W ...... politicsl issue in thethi midterm ...... $43.00 P205/655 I R15 ...... S73.19 ^ e l^ o n campaign. a P205/7I5/75 R15 W /W ...... S46.50 P205/700R I 15 ...... S71.95 n fT h e continuing threatthi of ter- ^ P215/715/75 R15 W /W ...... S48.23 P225/603R I 16 ...... $02,37 n roHsm, the threat off massm murder H P225/7!i/75 R IS W /W ...... S51.25 P225/55I5R 17 ...... S94.84 ^ oiJ ou r ow n soil, w ill11 bbe m et with ^ 'P ^ 5 /7S/75.R15W/W J ...... S52.39 P215/70ID R 1 5 ...... $71.92 ■ a unified, effective/e iresponse,” Bdsh told an overflovlowing White Hduse crowd. B E S ^ He has given RidgeIge a daunting assignment to combinbine nearly I A DISCOVQraiERA/I- ^ I j k DISCOVERESERAST ^ two dozen ag en d es,,$40 $4 billion in [ j S ^ H so,0« Mile' • Advanced enf^noonr^mslf mslios n possible la A biidgets and 170,00000 employees ctm]iopcrlc(xrlorni oflor vaiuo portornuncoic#oiiowinrtaicost sl spread across a broei'oad swath of • Foi txuiioni iradcn.. «l)o(«ll0Clrv0 WOI woatMr eQuUVwC'ion-tho-ro.io-rood and otl. dnving control and ovonnm iniicaOMat B federal bureaucracyf andar well-pro- % ^ •Correuici-lomatlcdSIK) SNOa (Sound Ouattyiirtadoougnixgn o 0(ruoi tne mod •Arango ol sacs lor ino*¥) n»most ' ' tectedturf. paum I pctf scguonOu«oceloraqu>einde. V pM(Ih ^etg LJ ^ 65/75 R16 ROWL 10PR ...... S125.83 9.50 R1616.5 SPR ...... , , , .S100.50 ^ ndar the White H o u s e fo r 35/85 R16 1 0 P R ...... S105.66 31X10.55R 15 6 P R ...... y (I ...... months, sets a morere ambitiousi 9H ^ale f o. i . ’5 4 ‘ n gciil of Sept. 30, 2003003, officials ★ ★ ★ ★■ ★ ■ ★ -i- ★ ★ ■ ★ ★ ★ 1 Agendes can begin■in moving to »ekoieet ik: tUne let je 1}Uck, iHeuUic fii the new department: 90 days a fter ^H» itlet

fh e first wave of ageagendes fold- ing into the departmennent M arch 1 | M f include the Secret Ser\lervice, Coast m^ m m M M U S ti AORIRISO> N ^ GMrd, Customs5 Service, « Immigration and Natuaturalizadon TWIN ' FALLS BURLEV r a m T IIIRE & ALICINMENT CEMiNTER ^ Sqrvice, Transportatiiation Safety »• 7 P ila lln e Rd. m s Overland Avt. 206 4TH AVENUIJE WEST • TWIN« FALLSI n Administradon and th

I ...... r.AAajAw,T.ff,r:iriffiff,-i7'i‘. : ' r

9 ^ IIntefR E S T CR a t e s A . R E CUUMBIIi n g ! D o n ^r t W a i t . S e e t eal STATE Loan P This weei’.ek’s special THE R Esi PROFESSIONAL!LLS L in timene fo r the j X O D A y A Tr M a g i c jleyBank, ann d LockinIY o u r L o w R a t e . i Thanksgi)jiving Table LAROESBEiUCnONOF I Y e a r EP i x E D R a« T E - 6 i . o o a > /V . q TABLECICLOTH I 3 0 1A/. I' 'OnApprcmdCredit. Nol4o Prepayment Penalty. Rjies u 22 Reduced^ff^ 5 ^ " ' I 15 u of n / , subjea lo changc wwithout notice. ^ ij ftememberf entire‘e istock must go! ^ Se Habla Espanol01 ; Fantastic'c Prices to /7 0 ’^ - iI M A G I C VALLEY REAL. ESTATE C]:enter 4 5 0 F alls Ave., S u ite 10100 Twin Falls, ID 83301)1 Phone 202 0 8 -7 3 5 -1 6 3 3 • FAX (2 018) 8 735-1680 ij iTvOoi I \ NK Toll Free 1-877-735-163 ^ E 3 1 iB rn 633 C m B ^ O n M *ftmlMr m FDIC | « T I u M m u nTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTm / ^ ( ■■' 1 i r

' V. _C IMIJM:TY Pa^;c A -6 ______Tucjcsday, Novemberr 22 6 . 2 0 0 2 ■; - - TThe j h TimpsrNeyj

IAward-wirinning bandI plays] on B u rrley b i andtaik e s u ]P b a teo h f o rrailingg lead ie r ^ By Coreen Hart TImes-Newg cofrwp<»ponJ.n. . WlVhen they maichf ■ they win 1 BURLEY - EBurley High S c h o o l's m u sic; didirector Steve ^ Floycl su ffe re d: fnfrom back pain ^hoBiI Butey High School marching' for years, and wrwas allergic to nd won awarts at two om of four most piiin mcdicaications. By lost “ "’P'mpetltlons this fall; On Oct. 19, summer, he realizelized that he had ^jy 8 garnered first placo In Division to find help or takeike a m edical dis- Jf tho Mountain Weat Marching ability. He hass bbeen a music m petition. director for 30 yeai'ears. 23 of them loy. Utah Oct. 29, they rocetvcd at Burley. a IWfchird ptacc award, a Superior rat- “ I ilad s u rg e ryy scliL'duled s for ; for music performanco. ond Seiitember in Boise)ise," Floyd said. fe 1.75 poifits out of 1.000 from "Tliey called and1 sasaid they’d had :ond. an opening comeJ u[up in August, if I wanted it." Scho(hool .started w ith a substitutele He decided to taketak it to put an teacheher in his place while the end to thc pain. SeveralSe\ gradual- bloodd clot was dissolved, c<} smdenfs agreed•cd to come and Studenlenfs began to lake over. Above,ove, tb*Bitf)«yBobc«t' lead sessions of thetin ‘)0-niember Seniorjr (dnim m ajor T yler Atkin.s, Bendond marcbes at the issiimed the role of band hand Section lead.■aders and par- ^ ccmKMW*T/TWIW»«m ■ Kttchutchum Wafon Dayt tor. cnis also got intono the act. He director P irxterade In AiigBSt. warned them thatat heI would not . “Thaihat’s what I’m supposed to,0 When Burt«y Bobcat Ban«nd director b e able to h elp muchuch. do,” AtA tkins .said. “ B asically, bee Steve Floyd-tuffered ann I He remained bedredridden during eacher if our teacher isn’t band m emben took over'er the baton t, tlie band com pM ss^ the homecoming psparade, so the to lead the musicians. Mountain West M trcM ^ w orked w ith Floyd, Mlect* band marched pasts iteI house in a npetltton tn Pocatello le m usic for a com pyouon in s;tliile to their direct)eclor. ello, and look the^m puter-? Pocatello, but Floyd ch at 1.19. D uring th e Cas.siaSia County F air, ^ generati■ated form ations fhat Floydj ,• Wasn’t anyone’s fault, aand he was • MrtMrOtTMHOTS ,;*■ rioyd had recovercered enough to had cresreared and m ade them reaii- am azingly proud of-hisis band.1 rid e in a Rolf cartrt alongside a his ty. Undi For the next threeiC competi- good bond.' nder Atkias’ direction, the id.” a n d th en go lay in th e vs ir senior y ear a n d th/ty band. Two days later,la intense marchinling band learned haif-dme; tions, th eir scores clirnknbed up. up pioyd rfl returned to work half or 20 minutes,” he said. “ ;endon of letting th ^ pain in his legs signignaled a blood routinesies and music, and up. A phenomcnoron was hap- days on Nov.N< 12. Healing from er this a fantastically sv ; pening - a “yes, we can’ theor Mo be no good,” Floytf i clot, He spent anotlother week in ' In a way, that doubled the in spirit. th e ty pe e of < spinal fusion hc seaso n . You’re do in g soi th e hospital. coolncs!css of it,” Atkins said. “Itt Megann Nelson, 15,5, a sopho- received1 takesti at least a year, righl when the kids ci Compel 5 iTiore drum m ajor, calle ______| ! •‘W hat shockedI m e was that I ur show rather than Sieve’s lied It exhil- and it canan be painful. But for ,over. I was incredibly p - O c iia arating. fews c o r r e s p o n d ^ I had no strength, evenev ro lalk," some footbiItball gam es and th e last th e kids th at th ey k ep t it i r can be readied at 4 ^ - ' ; to a couple of flukes, they/ “We had fun toget l-loyd said. -Tve neverne been so " ether as a two competw titlbns. he was back. He said seniors were : by e-mail . .“o£ j d id n t s c o re v e ry h ig h at1 hand,” Nelson said. "W e h a d a “I wouldId bI e u p for five m inutes w eak." m otivated. van fo r 15 “It’s th e9safdmk.net ir a -0. | . consid- had no intent Iv*'. Gootllng Grange successfuT senior year b anti members, V iomething said. Wilma Gribblo, - S tork RI E P O R T -c a n ta k e ------’ proud of rim«-Afeu>: loft, and Joe Magic,Valalley Regional ------—I it Igoing.” C onenHancarong, daughter of i- To announc« • bMh DeUshmutt, MMIciIcal e ^ e ) ' De estrongly or B. Armstrong of • ’ |' right, wore hort- Send a copy of tho birth;h certificateci to; H e jmnrccnu^^iy.Nov. 18,2002. Jo se Jim m y TrevinIno, son of Melissa Maria orod recently. 1 Moilssa Morgan f jg h ter of Amy and .. F lo res a n d Jo se Wili^ilfredo Trevino of Twin1 The TImos-News Fred Locke, cen- H Daj was bom Tuesday, I: Falls, was b o m Thursirsday, Nov. 7,2002. P.O. 00x548 No' tor. was delegate B C ayden Leo P etersrson, son of A m ber Nicole• . Twin Falls, 10 83303 5 er. son of Jessica to the Idaho H and Ryan Leo Petererson of Twin Falls, was 5 Or fax to: 7345538. am Jurley, was born State Grange H b o m T uesday, Nov. i;1 2 ,2 0 0 2 . Deadlloe: noon Tuesdayly fofor Sunday's papen We Coclix Scott Jonci1C8, son of L isa D an ielle; and noon Friday for Tuesd Kaitlyn Brooke Armstrong Session. H lesdoy's paper. H , daughter of J u d y [ and Jeffrey Scott JoJones of Twin Falls, was> More Informstkm? Venice H. and Michael B. ie y b u m , was b o m M onday,>urley, ^ was born | bo m Thursday, Nov.'.14.2002. 1 Coil Melissa at 735327878 We Joey GU, son of Mai Nicole Lynn Sapien. dau^t lariecela a n d G ustavo Gill1 I------1- L James Holt, twin ' j: rwtaiouinrOCM** of Rupert, was bomI Friday,F Nov. 15,2002. )aniel Sapien of Burley, was Alvarado of Wendell,, w as b o m T hu rsd ay , lov. 19,2002 Jeremy Holl of j M adison M ay Michchaud, d au g h ter of Bucky ’ Nov. 14,2002. He;Spencer Lyndon Winder,Inesday, Nov. 20. J o a nd Jo h n Guy Midichaud of Tw in F alls, was Aspen Leann Kinctncald, daughter of nd Wayne W inder of Burl bom Friday, Nov. IS,:3.2002. G o o d i n g G C range recei Brandon and T anya Kincsncaid of Hazdton, was Wednesday, Nov. 20,2002. ;ives honors Annaliese Emily y Tverdy, daughter of; bom Friday, Nov. IS. 2002002. Monique Alsha Guzman,id da River Crystal Elaine and JaJason Timothy Tverdy of GOODING - Thtrhe Gooding exemplaiilary grange. The Idaho nd Jesse Guzman of Burlnter B uhl, w as b om Fridayay, Nov. 15,2002. Cassia Regional M edical Center Wednesday, ], Nov.'20.2002. Grange and its menlembers have State GraGrange sponsored the pro- M atthew Earl Picrcrce, son o f K elly A nn and Ighter of Roberta received several hono Lane Jay Holt and Levi Jot 3nors. gram, Eugene Martin Piererce of Buhl, was bom D alla N ayell N avarrete,:te, daughter of Odilia Cov sr of Hailey, was ' ‘ At the Goodin; ons of Cynthia and Jen ling Grange ■ Goodirding Grange Lecturer Saturday, Nov. 16,20C002. and Abel Navarrete of Ruperc, was born bon N ovem ber m eeting, ^ feybum, were bom Wedne: ?, M aster Fred W ilm a1 Gribble G received the Samuel Ryan Chris Thursday, Nov. 14,2002.2. h ido, daughcer of , b)cke Locke gave his rejNjrt as a S ta te Gr. itoensen, son of Heidi J. Grange Lecturer of the and Nathan Thon Sapphira Foltb Moy. daughterd of Patrice Susi 0 R egalado Tellez d e le g a te H) th e Idaho Id State Year awai.vard. }mas Christensen of M. and Bradley D. May o K im berly, jvas bom M y of Burley, was bom of H Nov. 15,2002. Grange Session held.‘Id in O ctober Commumunity service chairman Monday, Nov. 18,2002. Thursday, Nov. 14,2002. St.UI(e’sWoodF Blaze Dean Wintei 2. E ge, daughter of in Nampa. Locke sen’ened as chair- Joe DeLaLashmutt earned a state ;er, son of Mary Rachel Daniel Rodriguez Jr., : and Johnnie Wesley r., son of Daniel and Krii Medical Centeledge, was born m an of th e sta te lalx,ahor judicial^ certificateate of merit, and tiie deaf y W inter of Burley, was Alicia Rodriguez of Buries b o m M onday. Nov. 18, rley, w as b o m F riday, S atiRosa Quinn Closser, daught legislation and taxatii:atitin commit- awarenes>ess committee received a 18.2002. Nov. 15,2002. Aspen Morgan Ganirrett, daughter of Mary ovianPl and Robert Closserin oc f Chorissa a nd te c . a n d e le c tio n committee. c state certertificate of appreciation Jonathan Allen Windeider, son of Heather Mac Jean and David Mich±ael Garrett II of Filer, jm F riday, Nov. 1,2002. w as b om Sunday, • Outstanding speakersers at the ses- for a spec>ecial program and fintui- and Reuben Winder of Burley, was born Nov sion included Angence, son o f Betty E llen isan Pow ers a nd F ran d sco R Melissa Hardy, daughtighter of Jill and Ben Broi s of Hailey, was School for th e D eaf andan the Blind thc Gooinoding Grange heard Hase and Tony Alexexander Vic Spence of i ■ Hailey, was b o m F riday, No> H ardy of Oakley, w as borrK)m M onday, Nov. 18, borrElizabeth Jane Baledge, in Cooding; Mindy Jenkins,Jet state speeches;s byI Boy Scouts Michael Tw in Falls, was bom Tuesday,T Nov. 19,2002. 2002. ; rejxirter for the FFA risten and Michael Baledi FA and Bruce A rk o o>h sh and Scott Zarate, Connor Grant Hitt,t, son; of Lisa and Croncher, national GrangeGr e.\ec- Arkooshh spoke; about football St. Benedicts Fammlly Medical C enter Iturday, Nov. 16,2002. • rea Andrewi Hitt, was born•n 1 M o'nday. Nov. 18, P ayton M atthew Lang, son ol uiive committeemaman, Locke and Zaratrate explained the game M atyra Tae Ilutcl 2 0 0 ? . 1 of Kaly Gillette ; reported. ichinson, daughter of ' atthew Lang of Bellevue, was of soccer.'r. They both met require- Jamie and Joel Hutchirhinson of Richfield, was Landyn Osbourne McCnrty, IV son of ■en of Anchorage ; , The Gooding Grangmge received ments byby given a speech and 3V.17,2002. b o m Tue.sday, Nov. 12,12,2002. Rebecca1 and Nathaniel Jif o f Burley, er of Jerry and the Silver award foror the Honor introducii Drake Ashton Brown, soi icing a speaker for the Rigo Nicholas Alvavarado, son of Chelsea w ' as b om M onday, Nov. 18, IS bom Saturday, Grange program for being an communiclicalions merit badge. •own and Barry Machips of im Tuesday, Nov. 19,2002.

Out o fth e area . S p u d f e e dD -■ Raleigh Ben Shippen,'son of Traveli]ing grouip enter!tains farJppen and Ty B ^ Shippenniors < Ta aska and granddaughter i lanne Gillette of Paul, was b By H eather Abel :t 26,2002. SHP; /'irH Tlme»fers have reladves in past six years, playing atIt senior Twin Fnlls. MUOOMMMWIK^Wam centers, C( nursing homes,>, :retire- Members allal sing and play a Qrandma’s Qn Hope Notes entertal Jona Cramer and Ada Cartearter serve food s t the recentt JeromeJ< Senior Center ^ment homes, veteran cecenters, number of mumusical instruments, conventions,'fairs, musiciic festi- induing acouxusdc and bass gui- Potato Food. On the menunu were' baked potatoes with1 allal the trimmings thst polkas, big band, classical, vaJs, schools an d fund-raiscsers. tar, keyboard,rd, violin, accordion, ^ Down." Included chill, broccoli and cheese snd hamburger. Atw^twut 50 people showed bluegrass, spiritual, patriotic “O ur m usic is for seniorsrs,” says mandolin, stee[eel guitar, flute and orij all their perfor-'' for tho event. Director Oomlonna Uckley said she hopes to maka this an annual “(“Grandma” Anita Jacobseisen, .who ori^nal songs. d e d ic a te d to tHfe^ event for the Jerome Senloinlor Center. ccc o n d u a s th e orchestra. **We lik e to d o a l i t t l e b fiorable and digrii- A varietyy of< music is per- em eve ything.^ Jat»bsen says. The group also has ti ^ofw their “paps’, “ e? to formed, includiiding classic country, T 1 h a ir f im CD is entitled , • tains area Nnior cHizens. ) ■ 1, folk, Never Let Me Dm tic and They say all nances are dec bit of “beautiful, honor fied memory" of ,-You who died In 1997, , ,T, y p — - . ..

■■ TFIF TMtdar.MnwAirH%fOOi n > w M m TiriaT«toFsis,Msto A-7 — ;— - ' ■ -W - , . ■■ , T w in F allLS A r ea C omIMMUNITY

H 1 9nhFa] ills mein e a m 1

' i H 0 1 ^ ganizaition necogniitio n

- I Emintfrt GrandI CaptainCai Qsneral Stata . , of Idaho York RKeW t Sir K nl^t Merle " Hill and Sir KnightIght Donald Thoan, com- < m andar of th a TwirTwin Falls Commandery ; fAbOMr4iitilhoM'A(lAdam jooM pI J m pioM • t No. 1 0 , p i m n t 60 S'CnM ptpptflteon tit* eUBdrntVi^vM st tt*iM U lk ' certMcatta to Sir KnightI Harold ^ CSI .CMM (MiCMrtar;whklrwniiim»w1to' C« W luman, cantor. p . V USOACkCklMMdAdiiKFOodProcnn. 9. Btlow, Wlaamanin Is congratulated by K RIfht^ttfswofeare m ctnttrchlldMft'atowtte Lori Bantzler, axeciixecutlve director of MK«taMMtiM9Crmr

T W IN FAA IL L S - T h r e e m e n no. nc 10. H e h as o ne son r e aid d in g in ____ have b een reps. Now American Motlothers Inc. a„, a g en d es is nearin g 2,000 quiiuilt.<:. the need is for>r b batting or wool It is part of a nationwide pro- > “The need is always there;re, and blankets for liningling." ject with eac;ach state asked to ^ir different groups and indivic donate 1,0003 hblankets. /iduals , Among reccntent recipients of About hailalf thc total were are good to keep on donanating quilts were Deni;enise F oster, tvht) brought or mamade during the Oct. quilts,” Sm ith said. works with pareni■enis of foster cliil- 12 state meetjeiing in Boise, said Recently, * women att th e d re n in T w in FiiF alls, .Slu- Klves L orayne O. SnSmith, Magic VaUey Immanuel Lutheriin Churerch in each child a (juilivill when ihey un lo II district coordii•dinator. Local mem- Twin Tw Falls donated 27 qu]uiits. a foster home. . Qn Q uilts also go to bers d onatedi 775. m m any a of them full size, w h idch are the Idaho Mijjran;rani Council and S everal mor ssize. Salvation Anny. ed by Wal-Mairfan in Idaho towns, Sm Sm ith said. All have been dislisirilv Anyone iniere.s-•resied in eillicr said Joy MilleUer of McCaU, state uted. ute m aking qtiilt.sor'r tictlonaiiiiK maieri- A m erican Mothers oti president. “ “ It’s a continual in and outJt pro- :il can call Smithh at at 733-J521.

. ■RTTA1U«/n*I i I T» I prMchool cMfdnn rt c It Ctovtr Trinity Luthtran SchooKwl toutb of Flltr perfom a iMkK t durinf‘Qmdpartnt’tc Day.'— Ruppert Chjlapter 9 hosts visit^

J I R U PER T -- RupenP Chapter 39 (Mien, Allt Boise 65, who is a menem ber grand m aster off DistrictDi: 4 A.F, &• ------Order of the EEasternj Star hosted 3f of thet Board of Trustees of th e A.M. th e offidal visitisit of Worthy Gnma jrand Gra Chapter of Idaho. A special projeciiject of thu worthy Matron Maryry Stowell, Valerie Grand G escorts attending v grand m atron is5 to raise ftind.s for C hapter 76, Mc< —T h i n c[ G S T O D O McCall, accom panicd Diedra Die Ross. Ruth 3. Pocatt»elo; the Scotti.sh Rite Ri Learning i ; by Worthy Gra: md Lucille W histler, E-dal Irand Patron Arthur and ah-ho Centers of Idahoiln). The woriliy Rob Morris Chapter n , escons to Grand Conduct njluslc - ' ■ . BriBridjto lloute. 246 Falll Are.. Twin Fa 77, grand patron haslas cho.senc th e .Si. Nar'lancy Ross and Edith G ! Snake RJrer Flali B uenbopChenu- b ^ ToaddlMtaitlnc. please send a notice With: 8699. Newcomen welcotne L u k e N eonatalI Intensive In Care 7l30p4a.Tue»dM«t 123 K. St..Rupen.McnSt, I NflMOfthew; Maile Valley PlnoeUe Club • 7:307:: p.m. A SChooI ojf f instructions : was Lor^.oraine 20, escort to Gr;,ra n d sofgEnlzathinorcU): wWedneidayi . el Ditabled American V riiey also retiiiesi- ^ all i« n Inrltei caU 43&a)47 Ttat.^andindplac&oftheactMty; lu held at the afafternoon session Chai:haplain Kent Gist. Hall, H arrlun Street and Shoup A and chapterer •suppon Iheir Qance TtM im ixiTix n te r of a contact person. TTwinwi Falll. where the offitfficers exemplified The Tl worthy grapdTnatron j MaticVallnrSln(le>8qwi!lncDDneeChib. 8«)dt0: Valley v m RetliviDeat CenterrPlnothie F thciT WOrk, foUc)Uowed by a no-host worvorthy grand patfon have chchosen hooK wilh dona- 7 P-m. Tuodcyt ac the M«hocall Vera at TheTlme^NCW ' the Se community cenier ai 6S3 Ro« S: „ p of Rupert chapter'ter have donated ^ 6 4 7 or Tom at 32^6440.0. Couplei0 wel. P.O. Box 548 Twin Fall*; 7335S3I. Peggy Hess,5S, worthy matron, StarItars” as their.honor group T Plnecble club . 1 p.m. Tui g to this project, andam a comniiiiee Twinms833C ruetday. a n d Jo o M erke:key, worthy patron, yearear. They were presented wii 3303. Communiiy Cor Qub Houte. 1779 Aildito boi of contaci thei; lolocai scIhxiIs io i Or ( n to 734-6i«538. E.Ianyone invited, call Erica at 733-499t»3 presided at thehe evening session, Lighthouse Pin” 7 pjn.-ijn.Tuoodar.ai SnakaKlverEIrBk*2S07-7:ISpjn.A!ondayi Pleneer F Buttcn Chib - 6J0 pjn. lou eA Main Street in Kimberiy. AnyoLnyoneorerase at k>dte4I2Eait: u i F r i ^ Visiting wortjrthy matrons and rganizations were: Pamela Day,E Peggy Hess’ thetheme is patrio' ait200South.Call 324^)200. of oflh Ihe meoih at Klmberiy Pubik Llbnrm iy.tau I t U walcDme. call 4234338. WettEadSenJienkr Center • at 7-9 pjn. fim MaryIouat423.S52S. Mar worthy patrorons were Ann guaiuarfiian. Bethel 18 Burlrley- tism. Favors off red.re w h ite and I Cotdeo Berita^ Senior Centei»ter-& 45pjn. and third Tbeidayiday at lha eentn'In B iil fk . 7 pjn. R id g d y , Twin1 FFalls 29; and Jane Rupupert Jobs Daughters; a in 2421 Overland Avo. In Burley, Buriey Elk* L a n d blue fans w ere pre.spre.seiiied lo each a Lodie • 7 p.m. Mondayi at temco c o n d S a tw ^ in Fron room ai Hcrreit H J o o s tc n , E -dah-ho ah 77. Worthy KeitJeith Brooks, worshipful masi kfe 18 and older, csU 87S464S.. lodge, 1340 OJJe;kley Ave. In Burley. Cenier Ceni on CSI campui. call 73»447. ister, guest, r Minidoka County Senior Ceni TwinT Fall* niHe and PUtel Clubh i Patrons wereI MWalt Culbertson, Burlurley 68 A.F. & A. M., highhi Martha Kieiue n /le . .Mi-lha FHdsyi. n a lllh St. In Rupert. . ranfte . 6-9 pjn. WedAetday* at 2S3 MSit S iZ Ri“i‘ent 61; Phi*hil Durfee, Silver prie o w . eal] 436-9107. — - lD(lc< Craup - 7 pjn. on Oct. 1 ^ riest Royal Arch Mascsons Merkey. Pamelaa DayD and Uiiih . AtDcrtan Letiea Han Ifl TwtaIVtn Fallt-7:15 *nd every otb W. Twin FeETumited to i 2 t^He. mo.Tudente S ta r 83, Home., For other actirtticiltici.caI173S.9044. room at CSI Taylor buildlnit. call UebI iwttyEittst For inc SjfWay wee: noon UfMfCMl.iy • I 3^i^^at7pjn. u»tbeoix>orerageI8. CaTClS T< Twin Fall* lierpc'telocr Society r• 7 We \want larcsraew Fof Ihe Tliuisflay W£e: noc I I American L ^c w Itall In Won I p.m. Monday*. Wednexlay* Ihird Tueaday at Herrett Center, callall Nick ThcTVnes Fw Ifw TucsOa>' page;;noonfr:M> noo p,ra. Thundayi. GIO W. Main. ! Inidoka Couniy Senior Center, I*eier*oo at 733«54. E*t 2671. 3

- C o m m u J N I T Y E V EENTS ------

.^ m u n lty Ed offers rs Hianksglvln/Ing dinner (s er/;er/picnic table thfey will be?e raf- Lighthouse Prara is e B and a n d a Buchiichanan St. in Jerom e. games, movies andaiu boaril and fling off In th e spring. 'unta face' class . s e r v e d a tCommunity a Oasis ^ fireworks displaylay choreographed The Tht cost is S4 per person andai card games. I'articipicipaiits miisi he with Christmas)s :music on KEZJ 512 p iBUtn. - The Buhl Comom m unity R U PE R T - 2 p e r family. accom panied hy an adiili.a ‘ - Thanksgiving din- Qpg FM 95.7 a n d K(K ool O ld ie s 9«rB Eaucation and Recr.m. I-______’ p.m. Saturday at the Wenindell unwrapped toy v, tlft class is lim ited toa sixsi stu- winlon danimce Saturday r with proceeds to Frldciday at the DAV Hall. 4£ Jnited Methodist Church. benefit needyi cchildren of the Shoupoup Ave. in Twin Falls. E D E N - Tl The Magic Valley Magic Valley thrthrough the KMVT Arc\r ^ e Turner will provide tl tfS a a ta R ic e " w ill be hbeld£rom e l Square, and the I < pijjra ad Round Dance Niif 18 In Christmas For KiciGds Program. musicLsic. 7 * p jn . D e c 3 a t Langdon'ion's, M76 Association V luraery hosts Christmas I will hold its fifth 1. ^ For more inftiformation, call E^O O N. in Buhl. Particrtid^ts reunion dan l l ' i i ance Saturday at Whe Nighttime Sky event Sherry Wrightht at Kimberly Tp P wffi make a.antique>lo•looking -AndersonCamim p, X> % Parks Department TWIN FALLS - The 12th 1 Nurseries at 733-33-2717 or e-mail ^ u h nteal Santa. The cost iss S$7 plus The evening ng will begin with a Anninnual Christmas in the her at sherry®!r@kimberlynurs- OffSRters Family Fun Night $^5 for materials. potluck suppt iper at 7 p.m. with Ni^IlghttimB Sky festiv ities willIll be eries.com. TW:WIN FALLS - The cily c A pedicure class will1 bIm e h e ld dancing foUowi nving until 10 p ju. hddeld Friday at Kimbc!>erly Twinin 1Falls Parks and Recreatio from 7-9 p.m. Dec. 9 at: N;Nancy's All thoso wwho have danced Nurs lurseries, 2662 Addison Avc»e. E. B o y Scouts serrCrve Deparpartm ent will o ffer n rwo-weeeek Hair Adventure, 116 Broiiroadw ay w ith a n y o ff tlth e M a g ic V a lle y in1 TvTw inFalls. nily Fun Night program frorom Ave. S. in Buhl. The cost is $53 and . Square Dancece Qubs in the past A.A.frM chill and Idaho poto ta to Thanksgiving; breakfastbi Scarecrowsw s turn* th^ class is limited toI sixsi stu- are invited. c. 2-18 a t th e Boys a n d Girl dinniinner will be served from 5:35:30-7 JE R O M E - Bo;Boy Scout Troop Clublb oon F rontier Road, pilgrimsm s. The graup willw also bc kicking p.m..m. 139 will sponsor' a ip ancakc break- P a n .ifor more informationion, call off their fune 'articipants ages 5-16 wiln i l W odnesda]day in ind-raising for our The event will indude a visitv fast from 88-10:30 a.m. meetet fromi 6:45-8 p.m. Monday Ocpiie Glanderat 543-6553>53. R elay for l i f e 1 e T e ^ a t th e d ah ce fromom Santa, live Nativity seecene; Thanksgiving Day'ay at the Jerome andI Wednesdays.W Activities,wil"^5 Communijnlty. with an introdixluction to th c qool* S ^ n t e ntertalnment by TThe United Methodist1st Church, 211 S. includilude pool, air hockey, arcad'ide •., ( ■ ‘ .. . ■ '. "N'., ■ ;

t t I’a s c A -8 Tuc Km2 jcsday, Novemt)crr 26, 2002 ■ The Times-Siews E d it o rRIAL %______•_ Partissan rhetitoric COomes fitoriibotlihsidel Politicjcal critidsj I , T A T arb ro k eo uut t last week, i ~ i |H |a - sm doesn’t \ l \ l notbetweensn the United W W States and IrIraq,but among four other coreimbatants: £ equal)1 a call to> vi()lence The New Yoric Times»and Fox ' * News Channel Presid*ident Roger ■ f r i r t M - : veeks after the infancincy. American colonjstsits Ailes; and Senate Majiijority H a c u p g : • H *eJectiction that cost tookk action< against the kingng Leader Tom Daschleseand radio BoeawAN I," ■ h im his h job as with1 tthe hot .blood of revolu-lu. talk show host Rush Llimbaugh* H S e n aate te • majority tioni ccoursing through their.jj. The Times said Aileilcs should J L leader,ler, Sen. Tom veins,.IS, due largely to the writ-it- ^ dgn because, D aschle, D-S.D.,)., iwent looking ten andai spoken words that cording to the ashington for a reason. NotJot suriJrisingly, movec'ed" them. The Civil War , he found R ush Lii ^ 8 Bob Limbaugh. was no different. x>dward, Daschle blamectied the conser- Amenericans alive tod<^ have Ies wrote V H B r ji'C vative radio hostst 1for increased witneslessed debates-far more Whitlite Houie Wm th re a ts a g a in st>C Daschle I and divisi'sive than anything lidcal advisor H n ■ s r n . his family. “WhVhat happens Limbaibaugh can invent. Political'i SrlRove, f urg- 'K when Rush Limbinbaugh attacks battle: Ithepresi- |M' les over the civil rights ai those of us in = = movement, C : SIt not lo ‘'go tt* public life is that 'ians Vietnam, abor­r.’ T > io m a s bbly” after fJ I b k people aren’t sat­™ Our view; Poiiiiciai tion and evenn ______1 (full disclo- % e: I frequent- isfied just to lis­ can't blame politicaljI * today’s environ­ len,” Daschle J: ly appear on Fox Newsvs C hann^ int commenlatorsfor mental issues allU but wolJd hold the sanimieview ifl said. “They want h av e h add didn’t). f e ^ to act becauseS ' inciting death threatsits moments ofif However, The Timeses ignored - '-jrl they get emotion­ ice 3*1^1 vio->. much doser relation^hips ally invested.” and potential violence Iwtween liberal mediaa ]people and No one can link? K'Sh fractionss the Clinton administrat■adon. hlame Daschle What do you thin [. According to the Los Al can be felt loc^al- Angeles I— ------for the frustration ^ Times’Tom Rosensdel, □n We welcome viewpoiK)intS ly as weJJ. On il, Rick left ABCto to become prudent of Gumbel during a Jan. 4,1,1995, ■ and Democrat or anxiety he Kaplan, while he was e>execudve CNN, USA'lA Today reponed that cratic operatives d u r^ ; -u.|c livestock issues, interview: “You c ^ e d GiGingrich the Clinton1 years.ye Typical w;as ^ i from our readers o n t » producer for .such ABC;C .s Ijows as Kaplan “secsees no conflict between fuels. After all, ® debate occasion­ and his ilk, your words.’trtridde- thiK of OintonIton advisor James -- i' this is the same "N i^ tlin e," “World NcNews being a frieiriend of tha President’s down terrorists who base le and Other issues. ally has over- Tonight ” and “PrimeTiTime Live," and running *thdr CarviUe.Inhis1 his book, ‘‘And the leader who hadi d ------• :------heated into fieiy ing the country’s top- agenda on division, excliulusionand HorseHeRod I advised Bill Clinton on1 Ihow to rated cableile news operation. ” ilode in On; The People anthrax mailed to words that couldI overcome reports in IM fear.’ Do you think middlellepiety. I don’t like the j looking at a more sdeatifiific,a peopleherunsxms with. I don't like j m ak in g radio ialiecurity has been emo- appearing on "60 MinuteItes." Daschle cc eftdid StaiTtellsnMs me be received a the point. Manyy Americans/ tionally ! compared limbaugh’s not condemn the “shrill rtirtietoric” large number o ly charged, but liberal • Two months later whe;len show to violeolent Middle East e r of death threats foi- are drawn into poii•olitics simply Democracrats cany just as much Clinton’s campaign was f . of newspapCT columnist JvJullanne lowing suchI remarks.ren Ife refus^ s flounder- rhetoric, whivhich led to the 9/11 Malveaux, w^io said on the l>ecause it is fodderder for come- responsilisibility for inflammato- ing in New York, aides sisiiggcsted hijaddhgs ai fie Nov. 4, topublidywhiiwhine about them, but 5 and mass American 1994j PBS program, “To theth neither tbe met dy, drama, and yeyes, action; ry rhetortoric. he appear on the Don lmnius radio deaths. HasIS Daschle1 forgotten the media nor Democratic Contrary "I hope (darei■ence politicians condnndemned diem. i That goes for par)artisans on ' In anyny case, each individual sliow. CNN producer Mailatthew target Demonocrats and the m e ^ Saal recalled in the Janu. Thomas’) wife feeds him lolotsof Taking potsh<>tsbotsatRush | both sides of thehe political is indepispendently responsible luary, made of Newewt Gingrich? . eggs and butter and he die 1993, Washington Monththly tnaga- Typical of i ies eariy, 'L im b au ^ andnd Roger] Ailes may | debate. fo r howIW he or she reacts to of the “shrill rhetoric ” like many black men do, oiofheart make liberal Dc zine tliat the interview w;was practicedby by many liberal 1 Democrats feel bet- Both liberals andnd conserva- political:al conflict. There’s a disease.... He is an absolutiutely rep- ter, but it is no substitutes for poli- ; tives have let looso clinched “when Rick Kapapian... Democrats5 wasw a comment by ISO with com- vast diflifference between a called the radio show hos rehensible person. ” y/~N. desandavisior^on. I ments that aren’jn ’t e x a c tly R o sa Pa ost to see House Minorlority Leader Richard Independent Counsel ^!tenneth/\ —^^— Parks and a Timothy if he could get the pair totogether. Gephardt, wi I warm and fuzzy.y. A n d lik e McVeigh who was reminded of it Starr was a target of “shAUijl J / /^IThomasis eh. The answer ivas yes. ” WliVhen he by the “Todaday " shoj^s Bn^t r isisacoJumnistfdrthf^ ; Daschle, some Re]liep u b lican s T he majority mj of Americans rheW ric :Oieditf^^ ” ----- have had. threat;ats lodged know thahat political criticism - i / ' I against them. even in1 thetl shrill tones of talk Hmotionally chargirged debate radio -.d - does not equate to a L e t tf i E R S - ^ has stirred this natiotion since its call'forblbloodshed. 3 of the Middk Islamic movements Idle Ages, conquering brothers t and me 5 cents forfc ihat one lives oi mnrA Constandnor is out life, I believe- j ! failed to promote pe loplein 1453 andlay- every e left leg we gave therem. And tfiere will be; dysfunction.dy w acB mg siege too \ Vienna in 1529? guess g what? There were so Regarding your Washihmgton 3. If the Qu so many \ One analogy!gy is t i ^ we a r r iv g j “ Th^ N e w s Qur’an is all about pheasants p in the country’ that af adulthood wi jTimes-P (AP) article on Page B-S i 1 with a'ioolbox, osiT StspStsption Hsrtctn...... PuUli S of peace and loilove, how are such e iblliher Friday’s edition (Nov. 15 every mile or two on the roadrc were, filled widwidi specific tools ' ' Cl;irt( Watwoith...... Mo M ona^ oditor Mike Smit .. 15): The verses as thehc following was a dead one hit by a catti 1 ...... Advertlilng director ardcle is titled, “Bush encinbraces explained? ar. Now for coping, relatelating anji succea^ j becauseb magpies are not con-a ing in life. We ai ThBmembBre of thee editorialec board and writers of editorials( are Siephen Islam as a peaceful religiigion.” ‘<0 believeiyer.s, take not Jews ti ^eacquiri^ ourset-• Bush voiced similar belie trolled, you’re lucky to see» o n e of tools fromI child^voodchj m o deled' i Hartgen. Clark Walworttforth. Sieve Crump, David Coope tiefs soon and Christiarians as friends, they pheasant p a year, let alone ] )per end Shelley Ridenour. after the horror of 9/11;; bbut, as are friends of ep u t by our parentsIts or0 caregivers. • : of each other. Those one oi on the dinner table. ThThe Whenever a tool usual, he was misinformened by of you who 'makem them his F tool was inlssing i the blindfolded advisors! Fish and Game would rathither from a parent’sIt’s 1box, the p aren t^ r j 'She has friends is oneme of them. God does spend si millions on birds of ] on his payroll. not guide am f prey coped as bestthecc^d.Theto(Jr he ' in unjust people.” (something (s you can’t eat)>and a modeled for the Write to us Of 30 wars going on asIS of Sept. “When youou meet the unbeliev- tc Aechijd, howeve^' j 11,2001,28 involved Mui totally ignore the bb-ds we’e can . was a counterfei He Times-News welccelcomos (eitcrs Der. Writersrs v who sign letters wlUi , [usiims ers, smite theheir necks, then eat. e« from fcaacfs on subji fighting either non-Muslii or addiction. As subjects of pub- false names'e s will be permanently iUmsor when you havmve mado wide The second thing that wa lie inierest. BecauseJse of space barred fram p even other Muslims (Abd3dul s!m|ghteram( vas not then had the choici^^^jectchc m publication. Letters may ., imong them, tie fast tolerated to was Russian oliveve the counterfeit, i constraints. Dicasenit limitletters !■ to be broughtt toto our Twin Falls or Burley ■ Maseeh, Pakistani writerer). thtfbonds iit, absorb ic into - 400 words. Include your s And had Bush listened trees. My grandfather tolddm i e - our system orr come.upCO with- lur signature. office: mailedlied to P.O. Box 548, Twin d to There will l3I be war in the world that th if you didn’t keep then mailing address andolephonenum- telcc Foils. ID 833(3303. Salman = Rushdie, he mighsht have as long as peo um something else."!se.Tte'fatt^ ^ leople believe in under ui control that, in time,e, they remained we we come to believe, as manyly other Muhammad,d, Ihis example and wi weret«iU m issins-'^ world leaders have, that ^ would completely take ovei’er. the genuine articirtide.'These tools*^- t “(P)ara- his teaching,g. yAnd though Bush Well, W guess what again? Jui noid Islam, which blamesssout- and some of tl ust (or lack of) haveave affected every __ I ' f the press have take ta a drive anywhere in theth relationship we 1 sider\ ‘infidels' for the illsIs of attem pted to j we have, induding : to present a sani- M Get5ttin|^in touuch MuslimJ .societies and who Magic Valley and everywhehere how we treat ourselves.our Adding lose pro- tized, anodyneyne version of Islam, you yo look, Russian olives, 7 Iposed remedy is the closifsing of they do a grea mental or physic/sical illness or reat disservice to Ri Want to make your feelingsings known to 1292 Addison, ^ o se societies to the rival Russian olives, Russian olivives. learning disabillibilities to this equ|«^ on Avo. E. ^ 'alpro- eachofus.IbrIbn al-Rawandi Instead of Magic Valley, 1 your icpfesentotlvos in• Congress?Co Twin Falls, IDD 8 3 3 0 1 jectI of modernity is prese;senUy , asserted, “Eid I tion complicatesItes things that Here's how; iither Islam is true, think th they should rename it much more. 734^780, Fax 734-3905 J-the fastest growing versioiion of in which case'se we all ought to be “A Islam in-thc world...” “Magpie Russian Olive ValiilTey." . Twelve-step3 promnms,pr sup- In Washington:on: J' Muslims, or• it is not true, in BONNIE1 SMITH Sen. Mike Crapo 520 Hart Senalm ate Officc Building In my opinion. Bush is: ddoing which caso iti port groups andnd c w n ^ o r s a r t ^ s itjs pernicious non- Bliss ] available to those In Twin Polls, call or write;’©• Washington., DC 20510 nothing " more than suckinjmg up to sense an d M'a]?'^cannot be criminal liose , | | 9 Linda Nofjis. sorilor reglonalonol director (202)224-275:752 the 'I Muslim worlcl in orderor to togaysi(il> arrived at adulthiilthood with a par* daily filled toolb< 202 Foils Ave., Suite 2 e^noil: http://c//craig.senate.gov/emall pursue P his faltering war oion ter- JOHN W LSUSH 5Support “ groups help rorism and to effect his "n discover and learleam Twin Falls, ID 83301 "regime Burley dysfunctionalve on the Communir“d ty ^ g e o f this--" InTwin Falls, call or write:;: (202) 225-5531>31 ne^was mag"pies. ask, osk “Is the tail wagging thee dogi newspaper. Reco\ 2. When is I^am going totc apol- Whenever possosjnble, they were or t icovoy is liberal^ Mike Mathews, reeiona! direNaij.is7 f l ^ PotBATn£f^arcmofiIONS. a o A n /fv H ■ ■ -ptepicfi 1 : / THscmigr^.^'Y^ , IS IS / I CP J 7 n POMS&• a e r f ' 1 1 ' I S i i ^ T c o e : : i -. I; L:

I f e r e i.W iU-tBOUiie \J /lT S2z Att Mfelliartsstviiis- Ic a li SSS MlV.' ; ‘ v;^ ;V . i l i ? ' . -'r . ; ' ' / H • vk- .( • I f ' ^ 0 ' >,Me.ilitii3 « ,a M TkaMnn,1Mi nn, Frib,IM» M QPIMON I Subscribe todayly. Call 733-0931 tor ( I 4 pSTmom nistVW®!^ l a ^ s i n i a iicksofexlPortion I .»^.pm ipcaffidgtodta^^ople^------" •WaMtetjolMafia’Ooia mpeti- • Wal-Mart’iIt’s retirement bpe- z S Csmpilgn for Jus iIYRiDENOUR " 1tive wages Btidbenefits-a-codtliett fitsalsoareououtstanding. Tak- ^.W al-M Bit-iibdoiS&d aone. Far ficaa $2 to$3 lesleosper ' .defetredannunuid pnifit-sharing R eceive lOO Copies . wRi bsttcnns msi ' " ■■■" / ■ —iy..' ;; '• jb w r as the ufdoo diu^e^ and401(k)retretirKsnent contribu- <&14dKntuivaccoi tlyasbappyas^VaUAait^ - iSanfs ] compensation compDpares ~ifcwis sre madfade with or without of The Tirrines-New s ► of war - b prepaiiDg totolayalege I friendly greeters-repeatedlygn has favorably j with unioniiedIgroceiy g emidoyeepariQTtidpation. Itqsome of tbe hugeretaetailer*s tumedtbuibumbsdowil. wwkers ^ widi the same ^n ^ o f i:*AiM finall:ally. Wal-M art posi- with a D B SIMIIIHVB at ^ 3^00 stores ftrouod tbebecounQy. < - So nowrtheuhiod-withifae i] '.■ service.'Itt■, starting rat^ ioh i^ is tioniiaredefiiifii^tdy not de^-end tSoundslike a grouppofidealisdc ol ' strongbadiaddngoftheAFL^O usiuUy i tiie same - and inisome s jobs.Saoietw(two-thirds of the firm's K sAtdemsfaulctagWal-Ml-Martfor : andapletb 5>f (cases, tiighriiy hiriier — lhailanuntoiv managementtt £associates began importing dpthes made:deindevet alUessudii±asNOW,SprBid . ]ized grocoy w m ^ in theh e iwtnte tiieif careersvas a hourly empkjyees. , ioftag iiaBon^ Or petbaibapsaband -Bnstenancm d *3ow lingfor ' . i m arket. And Wal-Martart provide training to Umdmal xi^us adMstsists coo- CtJumbine'fw V U khad Moore ~ • M we than 70 percenttofW 0 at cmstantly upgipgrade its employees’ B e u c n n ed tfae cooyiany’silow


lEACHlNQ EA!ySBlESToSW lM •EACHIMl-lM61HEMlbaY J a . ^ k ih iik Mfestl ST/J

Ra lofi/ HH^ V. j . ^ Wednesdiday, December 4 ■Hi “HEART 01OF CHRISTMA!\S” . WM p£tyment^ NNo Interest)^ Tree ^^ewing and SilSilent A uction • 7:00-10:10:00pm ^ t i l 2 0 0 3 ^ G ourmlet et Hors d’oeuvres msMmu Sponsored by CaiCactus Petes Resort Casim NoHHost ( Cocktails jIw SISS ■ Spe\pecial Appearances byby Raggedy Ann, Dorothithy & Tbto Exciting Live AtAuction 8:30 • 9:00pm • Extravagant Shovowcase Trees • Sony 36 Inch Flatlat S c ree n T.V. Includes DVDD Player Donated by MlMel Quale’s Electronics \w m l l • Leather Sofa andid Recliner Donated by AsA.sbley F urniture Homee StoreS • Giuseppe Armanini “Holy Family” Figur[urine 788/c Donated by*!^^ e Brown Magnolia • Polaris 250 Ezploio re r A T V 4 W h eeler D onated by GaGary’s Freeway R.V. & AutoAu B H J • 7 Foot Connelly BilliardB Table H|' Grey Melaminid HH Donated by RaRandy’s Jewelry (raffle) $3010 per person For additional infonnanation or tickets, call 737- B^H Proceeds benefit tbook detailing 'il.i Senate finances whenwl George Wiishington was presidentpr has buen fou n d in unI uiu n d e rg ro u n d Cnpitol storage area,;a, barely1 avoid- ing removal and destructionde: as work begins on a visitiisitors’ center. The roughly 400) pagespi provide a window on tfie Sena mate 1790 Th.fiJIUputur* of Aaron Bun It shownI M(Monday In a S«n«t0 ledger tlwlMtdate* to 1881, beginning at a time when senators were paidid SS for each otho earty 1600*. d ay th e y a tte n d e:d d ia session of dated Jan.Jar 19,1790. Richard Baker, the Senaltateli histori- Congress. In those finfirst years, sen- T he book bo also bears the signa- an who' helped verify it« authen- ators oJso receivedd a daily allot- turesof of Vice Presidents John ticity, said a t a news coironference ment of $6 for travelvel to the capi- Adams,H AaronJ Burr and Thomas displaying the volume. tal. calculated a t 303 ccccnts ix;r m ile Jeffersoson. r At the time, the vice The book was discovcivered last for a m axim um o f2JO 0 nmiles. president;nt or Senate president pro Tuesday on a shelf by3y T h a t c a m e to) :a total of (cm hadad to sign for cash the aides sorting throuj^ b asem en t S10.65S.50 for th e 20JO ssenators who Treasuryury Department sent to storage rooms under thele Capitol’s made it to Philadelplelphia for the Congress;ss to pay senators. E ast Front steps, n ear wh


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di^bralalh I nfSIDE s i i.i.;upam M ieidb; Marfiet&ummanm ary...... B2 'o n CommoditiesBS ...... B3 :iSSs. B u stn ea■Ei&DriVtrsfmaS.Hu^ l \ms733-0931,Ba,242 ! .T he Tim es-NNews t - M sday,'N ovem her 26,6 , 2 0 0 2 Scccion B iiih lc * b e ^ ilOOSCe s n e \ [ - AlSMMMrtf i«^ B wlea(ders ■ miffm SuS 1 H U H ByVlitf Buhl Cbember of CommerceC - -nosfrran Boise 1 S ate Universi^, I ■j B S S H V a mM H ta w iw its f xeplace outgoing chamber c ity and plansa n s th e c o m ^ y e a r’s board, Executive Dir*irectorRon isbrandith m an ag er and President Steve Kaatz, “ Poas announced Mood r, a n d tw o strategy a: tan an annual dinner. The Kly. vice presi(rsldent of First Federal other members whosiise te r m s <&te is tentati IHL - Btihl'a btirinets coo-0- Hayes, owner oof Hayes Savings Bar tativ d y set for JaiL 17, Bank in BuhL expired, Kenny Hulsee an announce the speak- I I ' diambe ion, has lived in.Magic chamber's members voteted in this er*sname. ■ D^anment'a emergenney medical Valley incesim 1995 and recently month’s election. Each i tfa a baOoc o f six candidatea.X team for 12 years, aa 1 m em b er ------uxordlng to bought Savav-MorDrug. business is aUotted onevo iber members chose Larry7 the chamber office, vote. Times-Newi'ews Business Editor U ie ir thithree-year terms begin The chamber recognize:zes its out- Virginia S. Hut is, Cari Kaster and Catbia Kaster. a U fdoQabo ^ resident Jan.1, Potts Hutchins can be rcachcd m s sa id going and ingnming boai>ard mem- ac ^QsSS’S iii w»w iriing to fin openings flo th^^ wiAabacfaekr?^ 733-0931.li. Ext. 1 242, or a t vir- jree in busi- Hayes,, Kaster K and Ketterllng bers, reviews the past yeaijar’s activ- giniaOmagicva.icvallcy.com. ^ B riefFLY] i n M o)NEY> ^A L L (OFIH]EWE.]f D F in•ms’ f Union-Pacificc liiites H | m holiliday dividend 15 p

ard o f direc* H ismluxed I tors in creased th e ebm]3mpany*s quar* I teriy com m on stock d i\ividend to 23 The Associated .i I cents a share, up froirom 20 cencs. ! The increased dividence n d is p ayable BOISE-Idahdaho businesses have ; J a a 2 co stockholdersrs ofc record on a mixed view:w cof the impending : D ec. 11. holiday season:o n as em ploym ent in ; “Union Papific's businessbui Is in the retail sectoictor continues lo lag > .excellent shape,” saidaid Chairman ^ ^ behind two y ^ ago. : and CEO Dick Davids.Idson. “We’ve K nH Members5 r ^ botiom , I Rick^terion^a'frefreight tiaas'. according to the at' .inistration’s portation analystt f o r U B S ' ^HH|> latest forecast,SI, a rt .IS say d iere Warburg in New Yorkn-k City, said ^ no indic20cems,to 2< • comantiums hobl)by into ac busines i the dismay of many shashareholders. | Ytw-AMOdj resumption off growthgr beginning )d ated Presa______1has grown Into one of ththe hunt- By listening • The railroad suffereded losses in ng to an elk bugle for munications mi by altering inienenslty next spring or■ sursum m er. ing Industry’s biggest anand m ost a m ate or a coyoteco; yip a t his pack an “It’s not an i • 1997 a n d 1998 d u e to serservice prob- SAMTAA FE. N2i - Ed Sdeery and pitch. in extraordinary Irespected producers ofol game mates, he exjjx p la in e d , you d o n ’t > lems connected to thee 1996ll merg- - places 0o smalls rubber device ( “A duck can only say, ‘ququack,’ leap” from the:he business view calls In che U nited Scates.s. Open a “necessarilyIly know what he’s bu I er with Southern PadfitSc. I under hisis thicki mustache, blows ( but how he says that,:, how over the past sevseveral months, he Cabelas catalog or sciican the thinking becaicause they don’c nec- int I In to i t aner o f vo calizatio n s tu r a n ta F e in 1966. p turkey decoy - his newest:prod- p just 1.5 percentent, the smallest t paigns In several Aquaua Vie test >lloplnSm papers ever completedI are tryingS tot determine whedier ; free formula,” saidd ‘Thomas settling a of disappoinnting sales nreports a delinquent credit M o nfEY e A : S o m e tintimes our money • Gillespie, president arand chief account forfo less than we owe ' ^ doesn’t need:d to w o rk fo r u s . The : executive.. might be betterbe than continually Tl>a Attoclated Press______m a r k e t's m oniciiiientum bui also T a l k Som etim es thele b e st thing w e can : Introduction of PurePUiPlay, Aqua I making lattate payments. We are expect it to pullull back, perhaps J VIe's line of children's) HydratorsH talking abo ■ B l UzPulllalam ^ sive our■ mmoney the day off. NEW ^ YORK - In anothersr dis- ahead of thee Thanksgiving T bout thousands of doi* , As you’ll prc is slated for the second1 quartergi of lars in deb probably need this play pla of its immunity to3 1bad weekend, ebt that carries high Weston m oney w ithin tl 2003. ^ incerest rt 1 the year, your pri- news, nev W all S tre e t m oved hi{ligher “The marketn hash been on a rates. We're really ______j ority should be j strapped, DM b e to k e e p it som e- Monday Moi despite the prospecect of winning streak.ak. Perhaps tlu- mostly from using crei . w hm safe andnd liquid. You w a n t dis{ lUal it cards to0 ikeep our kids m col- ypi occasion- ^raies the „a money market ralli on tbe dollar and not hun allies with the strongest gagains ally turning negai-•gaiive. Stilt, thi- ; tive and preaidtnt of MienIc ro ^ J. you dw e wilwill leave a . big-black on rt yow accounc, whichich offers slightly see: ; The shareholdgrs’ meeteetihg will 1 mark on you’OUT cre d it fo r m e n e x t credit. cn If it sounds too good een in the long-batlcrcd techt< maricet coniiniicdu e d 10 sh a k e off id to be higher returnsns than a savings sea • be webcast - liveIve at I *8ven yeai^ Although you won’t tru in e ... e a o r . bad news, thisi tir tim e from \V;iI- account. You alsalso could consider Tl I www.micron.com; to aca c c e s s i t I be dogged1 byb] cred ito rs anym ore, Q: < Pm in the m ilitary, stati The Dow Jonc.s industrtrial Mart and FedcriiK.rilled. I^isl wi-c-k. idoned short-term certifrtificates of deposit avejiverage dosed up 44.56, orir O.S th e m arkei ed};cd;cd highci in the I requires cui^ent versirsions of you also nron’cwo get much slack overseas, ov and Pm savingI imore (check www.ba bankrate.com for perc►ercent, a t 8,849.40, buildingTg on face of a drop inin housing con- ; RealPlayer or Window^wrf Media from otherr letidersli if you try to than thi 90 percent of myy pay recent races), th e audio. apply fo r cre«redit during tfaat time. (thanks (tl to no rent, utillri* last’ist’s week gain of 2.6 percerent - struction and aa profitpi warning 5 Piayer and speakers for th< ties or Ifyouplantoio accum ulate m ore its s< 9 av ailable ^ h isto ryy ofc late payments, by children). cfaJ Unfortunately, sa' cs sev en th straig h t w eekly wivrin. from H om e Depoi.>01. • A w eb cast rep lay w ill b e a^ avinM money than you^u need for a car, Tl • until Pec. 3. c o n tra st, isIs somt eth ittg th a t c a n accounts act are no place to r< The broader market also ai Wal-Mart inchedhed up 6 cents to reaUy gnj ca,, B youry Investment adv. t Micron Technology and rated. In other words, make nu a recum on my mon dvanced. The Standard•d & $53.82, recovering•ing from earlier’ nd its sub. beameliorat >ney. I alone for severasrol years, you can Pooi ; sid iaries m an u factu re a nd market youcanmafca k e u p fo r a reco rd o f have faa roughlv $15,000 that oor’s 500 index rose 2.33, or>r0.3 losses when it reiteratedrei that « I’m think about waways to put It to percercent, to 932.88, followingjlast I same-store sales - : DllAMs, very fast SRAHaMs, Flash psyinglateb:> by establishing a con- adding adi to rapidly, and wouldIdlw vrork. :s - those a t out- ; memory, TCAMs, CMOSOS image. siscent, recenxnt history of on-time advice &di about v ^ t to do wi wreek’s eel 2.3 p ercen t gain. ‘ lets open al leastist onec y e a r - for wi* It One of the bebest options would Th ; sensors, ocher semiconductuctor com- payments. forfo r th e next sbc to eig h t mom The tech-laden Nasdaq cocom- November willI riseris ai ihe low •"ti^ J be to put $3,00030 into a Rocli IRA posii • ponents and memory modti)dules, ■ Hiere'snow e a w w ay o u t o f th e eve osite index climbed 13.16,6, or end of its 2 percenicent 10 4 iH.Tcent eventually wane to b ^ a caru-^th invested in stocock mutual funds 0.9 i ___1- . ^ . hole you'veidugtoyoursdves. dl cash cat when Tm reassignele d to ,9 percent, to 1,481.90, haviiving range. The reiaileailer also said il ^ m p U w l Staff and wh*nranpons | xhebe»t;w m iped 4.1 p ercen t last w eek. ;;way to'get-ontop of G erm any, b u t would lik e to“have 1 PleasesM' :k. c a n n o t fo re casl a s t sales for MWESTOM,PagoB3 A nalysts a re unp ressed b yf tthe December. M TlM»NMfs,Tala TM«*r.NnMk«itar M, 3002 ____ 1;^_____-.t.ii M o n eyY

t m o t TgOlOft «ic g « - W C ^ _ ll.O T -JO» BiaVMAp r ji •» K«0Mp U11 l -i-la MkAl IU1.01 AMtn II1«.l0«.04 OMIM k .M v SKMoel US .02 LKVOAp t n7 .03«( R«4m Ul ~m AmCr IIl u i - a tmal mi .10 !5E?r.iJr orm -SSSJ^ .is,.,; M a S :J! SS"'^s a SB!!»ts sasrirtf^toB '^Sflfe^xS AALMuMtA; Mtron • » n t ^ o a .. TDcAp I3J0 .. LfTiM ,t1* • 00 - a iM > 12J0 *J3 WtMkn2t04 twtx -J7 EwoOI SJS -,13 ■ I: TeMBMnl022 _ SrtM . c*o< « « -M XJ*7; T«(My »I0 .10 IMiA Ml1 S S S k :* ^ ’ S c r tm J iza.jj CM. 21.12 .J0 Jtrmirwn’ 21.19-.14 FftMOl tlB -07 Jl -.12 jrW9» 9.74 _ 6«MIBl UB I- *S h tu i >di £ ,« 1031 . « 4) I 0 *.40 Om I m N ^ ^ Qavl AMis-^ ssav’a.r: . iSr'i ion lot B«**< A-01 tUCOSL U9 .Ot HMyM* ISkA^ -w BtCipSpais -iM•M d & A ^ 1314 ^14 ChCOe fttOf?;“ s r 'Ts^.s IE401 ,' _ _ fTTayn 1ti^.«01 i t s :?J « l . gg?p^i“:l^ t£!SS.’S3 - ‘ .. UgtOia 0(7 .J l mek»l ’’i 41 l l -.00 oiSwSpeW*” sS( >.» 0090 t3J* *.ir PMMMMiZI A ■ t4 t - UhOgaa a irp o i rcftSB.Ap st* . 0} | 2oW r 1000.01 t o ^ i a s 7 . ua CfluMp 4.2s .01 KTMM 10494 _ UgdOf 0J0 » a OU«r 3U3 31 *23 0»l I] 3IJ0 *J4 Mw T‘g r" S .,i sss,-.Ql B4t .- UMInn litt &0> an 243 - e<»Ap r«i ... E M P .IU 4 .M NOtjrA IOM4 . - t^idOSL U0 » a Bk KI 9 91 ^ »ja » i n 9 l F ^ ^ TkW 5 oSS ap^ ^ j S _ ^ >it9F«9; . L ; ^ 124t«i)l ML HMual S: c v _ dtfrep U 0 -a PAiiti»« ttjaa -.0-JS MgtM 1090 .Jt Kodr 31 s,"” an s:s EQircoe lois -OJ 25 * 1. : a»«C4-9J0 ~m Twmp ion2 .. UgXSL IO.ID *.01 (Mr lU II t -.n IWMMlwMAr Mdp I4J4-03 foHM SJS ... UMYAp 32» - AoKMp W■6 ' _ aaaMrtadat-. TMateBl AAWIrm nrid 4JI .. F u w 1000 -_ OXScSp 13.79 ... #»*ieA r jr7 .o .01 l4UaS<> US .J l MMOr I0 tis5 *JI*.o UttCfl I9.n *04 TMir 44 ssf J1!:S ... pamrin*: C«i««rp I3J0 1S-” a ? S :Se KYSdOp irs .01 M nM fc UaxCtfO 1090 . 09 U9Ck( • 31 ssf'ssts sysS..-.04 Omrtin Ills -J9 OMinAp 004s-“ ss>"..,'!s:i? In J ^ M 5«oc»pCOP 1S47 .04 »Ap 419 . 10 ... PWCOAMhM: E«nAp I3J0 ■wljpraMi: JCGp 4oe .10 0 u « i ^ SJ» ‘-... SendBl V l!:a Io EK 'is:.3 'ss.rr, .S S S t S .02 i TemtAd I0J9 - 0«Ap IS.I3 n il 474 20Cp 407 .00 9 _ U^0Sapl0,37 ... Cokkn 33 m Sm k M - 74 _ MFdSn aiJI •,22 Tn*9NrCn .Oil 490 .. JOY 4J1.10 s tsS 'iis:^ assfiiss.o9 .00 U^<*3 1077 .. KOnrn '04 s s : s ^WOfT.I 69B .22 } g *8 -: '3S’".’r .. » 'JSU -a l«CeO>ent04} .JB Oovl ( rt) t»a* -OJ CaCA^MHMt: u s .01 i.n . 07 LwOw 1032 _ OfWAp 1473 ► '.M lAgl 9Jt -01 tflCk* KS) Smc^p3l 00 .20 Cc*vSa tXJl! : s S i S " 5 S :: S T . ;1019 ! ... 's o ^ 1204 ... vSrTi s “ ; S K I1“T * ! ; «S a SmViMp TSO . « EufH 0iT1 1-09- 1034 -Jl k«(MdntOito.n ... OK.AC 2Z03-0I vSin 01 S S n !i!o7 I OMAtol 9J0 .01 oiorrep ii.n . S i S S ; ! s:s S ks,'" “ i*-s .0. 50*3'-04 DMFwidaA: 2 JtOr*t 900 ..10 OfeVifll I0J3!:S . !KK.";S ofKS^rSo**,. r i s s E sV iiS -S ;/iIff>*l«IO«0 Amtrte* “ Tom>ip 1OJ0 .01 OSIBI 900 iuu,jrx” “Sa JJg-rKfAp 13M.S9 0».4>M>af * , Sa^. i3 » ;:: ii Tr iSS"’- ^p ' itSX .r . MKSi"-*' ^ i; ^ ^ > -> ^ .7 3 MAp 31.23 • » NYVtnO 2090 .022 'IfltnnHaC: OrtM 19.7S . TTU 0J0 Z MSNevp 004 • I“-s isK'",'ais MP u n .09 0»MFyMtCkr: ‘ C«‘«Cp22.r3 -23 WMI 7Mi .A : | S - E - ' !S ?'’*U0O .11 19.14-0303 PWCOFuiAili kwAp 020S:3 iSiSi-” ssf 1! •-. 08 L>rfX«A 1033 ... »*K>pAp » «ra *.03 CeitwMl 17J1 «.tl kn 1; & ' .::! ;g s)B(l*p n . 12*6 MtVmC a t2 .03 = ; SS,',!S:S ■ST'r.'i a 06 M W p llJ7 ' .. 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IJJ *19 ••■' ^ni P“CS« ... • 949 ♦Jl .Jl TIVsWn ,, 172,*« «£.cp a 1331 .43 “ 0«’0e «IS I a»9 - a TMmni ... i9m .31II 523.79 324.90 Ru»9«l2000)00 404.83 .4 .4 65 *1 21 -17,12 -1222 oJ ^34 .14 ♦»* 10,953.64 7,273.40 WHiNroSOOt000 0,813.76 ♦30 *30 63 * 35 -17 69 -17.40 S*'* D«c • tSS •« ^ J i TrtZ«*» ,.. 929 -.IB ; r Drtc ao o .109 TmMt" 16 47 . 49 I §SS» ;■ IS :S !ts« “ '!£ ’!! - “S-'*' TMOt, .. 30.00 -39 «D4l»» 09 34 79 *9 IM 3 - I * Prian _ lU t.tJ* TflOi** ,.. 7,17 .19 a a04 - 04 T»<» _ 4.19 .,40 OuM USAMr ... aJ9 .04 . ^ . . . i i i i i s )♦ J4 10 - a T«1W M J4 79 .J4 _ S COV “ = 33.12.l'49 PSlid ■ 31U-3J0 orflMS S ,40 ss l i i .J?;S Sffi 1i1994 .93 T«»« 00 19 43 .30 YTO VTO CMfT cNf _ 399 .17 2 “ " ' - UTsm . 1110-141 CWU) KIOOJOOU * 2 ^ ' -_ ‘aJO.IJI TI»nno£l I9n .900 t H w ______Ptv Pfi Lxt ChQ %Cho' W0W 0I»>lv PE U9t Chg »Chg CM. ~ Pajtnu 'M 39.74 .40 UdOnh ...UI949 ..CS 19« .79 JUCO 2 49 ia6«.IJ0 •?? S S i WUi - 170 -JS orWklOOr 4991 .30 5 T ^ 1 1 AlMrtsn .76 IS 23.62> -.31 -250 W#eofp 1.80.80 il 24,18 *,t6 -40 5 ^ 794 I m ■ » « ^ • « UMOW - 244 *J0 SisssiU 'Ectin i: 27M .30 •*1 i *53 '* » » ♦•» 1 ese |2 ToucAAm .. JO .,19, ' AMvnEgy 2.00 6 16.581 *.96 -4S.4 Inerbnd ... t.66 *.11 -t09 CnaacadS2Si 3 1 _: 143 ..19 . -■■ sifSSr 13MI S UPIBOrtt -U3830 -J4 “ ss-'s KS ,is;* 1?S ‘ S TCFjflU 1374 . 400 * AltnlTt ... 22 57,70) • -1.77 *12.1 Koyeorp ' 12020 20 26.10 -.01 *72 ■ CAft*(eAi SD .. 3017 . 7* -«j Ikolofpi .. 4.04 ..J4 B ” i : i I T.tI *S Tinm .17 3* 49 . aS Am*fC9l* .., 7 13.06I -.02 -476 LeoEnl .66 .66 16 34 07 *,17 -6.3 C«o - '•i? ‘"H - >Uj 4U7j 7 amM^PX . U« '.M S ' s1? i 1903 ..933 A AonCoro .OOm 17 18.67 ’ -.25 -47.4 tongvF 03| .03| 6.10 *.43 -31.4 Ctf - , « - » PunSyB .. 14.04 -.14 « .AB *1. T.MlOn . ISI3 ..999 AreMlnSmA 1.70 17 23.29 I -.19 -11.4 MoonT 16.49 *.47 -46 8 C«l P9*C' .60 .., 26.52! *J4 -22.0 SeotlPw tJ7fnr .. 2t.90 -.56 *3.6 Ch»l8«« XS ... Sa -00 H - 2049 * 43 __ ,4_,l 123,jj VaflHgn .. 1097 .20 * ClNwgy ^ 1.60 14 32.92 ! -.12 -1.5 SoflMnl .561561 15 2451 -34 *17,6 S i *77 VartMIT - aJ2*l.7< “S' "( MMns:l! - ,I J2-. ^ 4 M90 I to *'<* r s s : ::: li!! :5 £ 2 , _ul7.n *.0t .. tO»7 *49 .49 Vtrm ... aos *.21 DKttMFl In MM -J7 J S ' m » ; ConAort .991 16 24.50 I -22 *3.1 SkyWeil .08.06 12 1514 -.26 -405 Sto - 1-" !■ ' Po»rn«i .. 26M -,n 0 I m ' u JST" ft I f S : «J Co9leo c ,., 21 31.97 ■ *.40 -28.0 To«aJS vhvTcn ,., a .41 H “ sii :S S2 0 27B3 .23 wa _ l»J« .sn7 Oukjftty 0 1J21 16 25.20I *.05 *3 6 USBanop 78 .78 13 21.65 -.15 *4.4 gru. Cm .241 40« . W - *M v»-Wto _ 140 *.i9 noYW ;; art . ij 9 ^ .. 17.19 .41 lUSO ... 990 -344 A AQ.E0**«9 .64 56 3642 ' *J3 -178 VaW 24 .24 ... 9.76 *,11 -23.1 Clrn : 12.... S = . : !S:l! VHaaaa . tJB *,41 . 479 -OO UiwnPK Kl 99.70 . 24 H HllhCP 3321 23 42.75 , *05 *18 1 W»IM9it 30 30 31 53 62 *.06 -6.5 £*? -. U.71 *71 Pre®., ... 9,97 ..12 VUrt* _ l.is *.9 SS. s f ? « ; o 'S o-ww" w0 9990« . 03 UrMrl .. 11.13 ..a u SlwJr i' ll.” .19 -... a 70 . 07 PuB,u.rt ... tJO - « .. » 9 3 -ia tX)0>nn t.n I940 .00I U Heint 1.62 15 34.06, -.42 -17.1 WsshFod ,02tnt 11 2404 -,IB .5.1 Cegneas - 2940*1.34 Okjpe ... 4407 .Jl • S . M 30 77 lip •• * MMcre JOI 4J9 -.16' uHKrteaP .32 ... 1929' *.14 .6 1 WeUifrQO 1,1212 , 16 47.11 -.39 *8.4 “ J OuMmn 41J0.I23^ 'SSSr, : j£iSU.1l Ksr ,'i «;s.:5 ^100S>U<129« 30 44 . 13 I HoowDp JOI 16 2S.4S' *J0 -sot ZlonBcp £0 UMO .79 9290 .«3 " 80 14 41 72 * 52 -20,7 ... 13*).. a OuMSn. 1307 •;U .,17 vftviiS " oil t!« SSr S”.;» SS2 C0>KW .. 2492 - 19 "iUiilpl. - - 131 *J0 Fvueo _ 1IJ9 . .J4 2 W«i.Fd ,„ 91.73 -,* ClONAM » J37 . 04 3 47« t « M ts“ ^23 I ConOian _ 940 *J7 _ - 34J9.IJ4 RM0M - UB ^ -J2 WMdnvr » 17* «J7 CUSEnj 7J 10*9 . S 9 ^ 1 . S "‘I M 64 91 .1.19 I SESQH^^HI ^CotnpuOT* _ 9-a .JO » M 3S79 nai*M _ 142 *J3 CNiKM to# 343 .09 p r tM s r 't3I i« » ‘ 37 UMMM a T*49-*ir J Com«n _ n a -.91 - - UO .J7 nw>SR - S<2 .,6* -.04 W0rta**h ... ,72 -SS CPI « 1J« ^ 0 ai9 . a Onm 1.99 »40 . ar !M ■ M M rSSfSSi3S^iibii Vi'Vtt Him VMftSI^EitfMhe* CofiaiiTen . 371 .14 HLAInc... 4414.1 a fWadRi _ J l 09 *.19 W M - UO ..Tl cvscp n M15 . M "C *'' ; » ” • « UrvMK .. 44 00 . 99 100 iwMM m on AnwlBMiStixk E ContCm . 304 . 14 •<««" 14 « 11.10 .11 RMHal _ 177 »,T7*.TT XOUA .,. 906 *,0 C^Mr**y 17 73 . 19 jir 27S "»■)?? S . *2 2 Mflitfgp (flc* ^mnMI»).Carr9tfii Comcna com ..d40 91 -34 1-T»^^ .-_ 100 *.71 H.QI.CP ,12 2174-l,nt,n Ytfeo ., 1130 -« CaMo* ?9 1J31 -11 ) 9 » I « .M 17.44 . a i .Jl Zkmacs JO 41,72 *J3 C«pM ._ 4J8 *Jt r*"*^ - Ila *J9 MN Jta U4 -JS CAnvSfl 43 MBl .21 r ?|J0 I.W Sm* _ “ U4 *JS RxnMol .., I4J2 .47 *47 ZofM* _ 9US*t« CapOn* ,t1 33.n«l.l9 g ; _ ^ *49 fWM - AJO k.lO*.10 2»a - UO *J9 C*n*»m 10 «148 -*4 '• J f ; iiH ii ? c « .« n . ■ I8M -4» ! jiS! i;s ^ss;>..:s :?s.:js | C»fW«( 4J 2937 .34 U J i Ksrss ra n ... 4AI .,30 ptmja J49i 37 'S' I w SII'b '*!! ilS I.B «fU 192 3409 . 47 Pi», 501 1919*0 .19 Voart*. 37. 1940 - 49 h tflifitfliiiiijr/.’ .V ' .’ ■■ W S S f!>>1B« PI» tj.t Cha euiotKh _- 23 »JB ISIOJlriM -. IOOO *.14>.14 naUMT 4«a 74JS * ^ I 31 t7 ..31 WM1M 1 041 34 79 - 17 B «(*Aiun40 SOgoplA 1.00 I9J0 -JD W«» 33 1*29 * 14 34a WKlCor t334 .04 M r.V. •._ AMC AUC ... 979 . a -. I.a -04 6nSC0*VJ4« 7490 *.40•40 GOgecM IJ2 »49 ^ 'u f MO I 7* 99 . 04 WiM«1 JO 9392 . 00 tt ATWCwn _ J0 *J3 J S S X ■■. 361 -09 HrpMMglJOt 11.42 ..14'. 4 g«r»frr .08a 2131 ♦* Ch»^T«.290 67.73.1 J2 «»»**’ • ? 2'« ” •« - « SSCdT :.: i .S:!l X* “ 'iSIS W»wB>aa - .» '■Si::S! SK. ,:!K S ;S I iXt : il :S «. 7.91 -09 l««A«i .19* 2U7 *J9 ae«WCP .. 13.10 -H CJ««»»S» 19 2400 . 30 |C N ^ Ano — JT -JJ iShSPW)t4te* 90I 99 .JO Kmm ... 0.99 iS *24 SPChSI jr« 1199 -.'o 09 1340 . 41 ^ ' m SS: B2SM _ j.n ki4 S S n S 45* 149.10 Nntuo ... 1.70 .JlJl 6PF«d ,43a JUS - d ClMrOi»n 4JI4 .M mmair ’i E i ” ^ :iJ )yry ’ " -is SamaOcM ... I.01 .01 iShSOTSnrj** I0999 -.19 UMhid* _ J t *J2ja sPTach -. 17,02 * e c»t>i ee 4473 .10 x>*co>P . wim. tf. W«Vr9 .34 37.90 «M 9W^1.#2. 0O.JJ -92 bbeAFE .06.11*10349 -Jl UNPeW -. 2J0 *4747 BPUt 91a 19JB *U ^ ' « U40 tw PStO*" 3,'l9 a W«l«fnlje ltJ0«IJ4 .. 39.J1 *J7 UMMi _ .19 .J■.Ol’ l ’ TaCto J t 9440 , * ? H • ” WD«i ... U04O ,12 t-OOOig r !O0 ... IlhOSM I- !1141 *J9 LJoraOlg. ... 200 TamaMft - 4t .JB g ; " “ “ i s SL : s S!!-;S SSS;'” ’iJM .14 **««»• ' » » » .47 MSO ... .a ... STMgOto ..... 19&a *09 HCEP«gl.7». 197 -J9^ -numrn _ ITS coijPM n 3104 . u '"‘MM J96* -21 0 « a ^ .. M„ ,0 -IU W«C« 04m 3JI -12 1[VyMcgn ... 143 .0* SrAIOOOV.»2* - uaug .. JO - 9 C0«nC4 i n 4#J2 .90 j«2»^ K7I .03 M 23.19 .40 .Ajue* .141 I7a -09 BhMCOaO.19.( I 09 27 Ij2 NMen r 3900 -.14 tja ,JT Wimii) 291. «J9 - a JMOMn ... 103 . 07 BMtCOOa29.* :3111 *09 NadieOTt .„ 27.90 ..27 UbiPlB ... 198 . 5 tx rn 39 21 97 - 01 «•>»*• XIWDUm1.74* 0949 . a ISM«lDaOV2W«t4«tlt9l.63 O e ^ .44. 97,40 . f11 . UmMi, - J 7 M Corner 07 I4M .19 -« W«l5" 3« J9 JmxC 20 49.19 - 07 OMQOOOatJ** 442.90 . 40 On2TKA ... X -010 IMHTr 3J0* B2J0 M CartOa 34T4 .39 1907 ..12 XcMCn^ .74ffl lIJO .20 » MU ..U > ^ 0 ^ ,. I7.a •»xe Vkagan - .19 ,'■! . Coruitti tw 24 90 .22 a&4 -.91 X*xM ... -090 .JO J l vmaaHT Jia 4OJ0 hSmOOO *° 70n9i -J4 ruTM . .. ap7 . a S SS S S I 1*4 U U In JPitooc4O-0CM39 7499 - 04 HMMM* - 1i n ^ Lmmm 37 90-1 *4 issiteli I 47J0 n>M1T; I4M 7020 «.I4.14 «Mrala**T J0 fJU-Ua ! » :: S:S Sffl.’S» I 2a73 *.43 RtMagli ... 4J0 -J0 Uff. NiwK»at,aooa 'ttamm I Outlook _ ^ . C l o s p « )5 6 FUTURESi S"Ss S ^ 5 s • ■ nSS - *ij?2 ; CodmdhmBl' the optimismism Skamser said small ■* S „ | 5 ^ . ^ .'I j - ' Kj **" r _ , p * annual iocrease in m:ore oi than a b u s in g is> expr^ex s ing. Trade sec- deca^.,A iid thia yiear1 tbe stste tor etnplojnni3rmeni is now expecteid 87LW la i^dssfc FUELS only expected a 2.44 percent to grow att nearlyne 3 percent next ' I # - ' 'E s ur^ na as :s 0 4020 *4* — b o c ^ which vrould be tfaeIt second year. i . i ’ i l S ! * ' -SS0 n n a ...19 fCWVt9(W(AP . smallest. S S S :s ii, s 9 OOO0 tJT Mapc«r*£jicN The questicMtion, Skamser said, is S ’! i € € ^ X 8tfi n £ Sijo ^ r - r - r Receipts ran aheadad of that whether growrowrth will again t>e lim- hO JtM 8 4 « 8029 MJO0 WJO ti o UOKTMCnC : . , £ k S T ! ®siS S 'ts 5?.i Jti 01J0 82.40 o mO' ' 03JS .48 1.BB0tM,-ifcl1 level this summer, butit analysts ited to urbanban Idaho, as it was in 9 >7.12 2O0a 2011 -.99 said that was only becauause of tbe thelate 1990s)90s. : e S S S S S ! Sff ss £S 2 B3J« .40 Fab 30800 irm ^ 2001 2009 -m *-Sa'OOMXaaU SK IA f f l S Dm Olje'flt.80 SI.SOss0 9t.<0 » Uar 2947 . no'lnterest finan^ogg fo^ new “A lot ofif tht: e rural areas are 21M a ta *.1313. U M m M JO ja ail cars. 10 . Eite«lMO30tFrf*lW0»t4 really scraiTaping about what s ia £s J £ 'l “ ■ » . S s E I S But the. state’s forerecast for they’re goinging to do about attract- n s ' lorti - -Tn wtv ^ ati Isi lii ' liS ti AM aooe1 : B ;;;K K E S !!S!' atM 21J0 ' 21.10 aiJB -,01I employment appears to support ing new jobs,'’b s ," he sa id . RS IS K !!!S ! £ 308S 11 2080 aoo* 2073 -.1212 l i 1130 d i l S18S S HI lls K -S fs !£ 3 £ S ' » 209B aoeo 20.40 . 2040 -,1010 Uar 82J0 03.80 8120S S3 :3 S III0 i 33ta 33M Im Dm C o tm OMOffi 'SS'SS .-,2 ■S,.SaMa 70.280 0128 8029 81209 8 3 ^ tjO Jan 31700 2170i 33 70 2170 -29 04.00 -,40 Jun 23.208 n.29I 2139 n x ..is ~ 0 m Cocoa 7 tw 33.B7 -.» Weston_ s ; s : i s ^ S S T 1 ^ «4Ma 233AIW M 380'“- ” » - I = 23.93 -.38 * ^ S mC I ^ -10080 1C7J0 *.1010 n,'*ep*nn 3.257.1914 - ...... 23.78 -J8 ContfnuwffnmBl ' B S BW ^ ^ Sn lS1004010i.«0 107.40 10070 •M 32.61 -.30 removed fromrom y our record, ' May Ceogn UAO 10000100.00 is7A> looao *.70 Z3.S3 -X . and commit to leaving init alone for Because someonesoi is obviously OM l>«caBa 7dW)rieaH0;t»4.S7el OS B3 -I U three credit bureaus. S , " s S S7O0Mta0M8M .9M s S Mja 300 * W 30^ .M 42.n■0 NVU*re.Mipaawr«iMorcC31Q17J0c«*3S0 Oc>as 87.00““I ('07 89 00.30 OAM -t:93 S om eone You can findfine b u t m ore informa- H7 242t/3M31M -41/2 DM 3U 4 NY HSBC Bar* USA 4 pin. Men:: 138310000082.80. No» OOtOI M.IO< M.S3 00*3 -1.92 unknown tt) me apparei■ently was tion about idide en tity theft by visit- a s s ; W 2 « 3 ^ a * 4 ^ .3 MltMM Dm 8000) (MOO 87.23 07J3 -l.*3 N EW V ^ (AP). FulufM ndngigonVwNYUaiQ < Jm 0099 ( trying to g et m ortgage loans,lo rve ing theFederal Trade r s s g a .00 ,s IOM 1040 V M TI^ \ MM m:m i l S tried to contact each off t:th e mort- C o m m is s ioon’s n ’ Web site, A» 1040 1040' *.0S IM M M es so -1.02 ^ ^ ' f ” 94 10 -1.72 ' gage lenders but the prorocess has www.ftcgov.>v. ’ S K S s i s t g ;j? « imW|r«o;tt*r*p*rMr«>- tirf 04J9i g94.29 93.M S3.M -1.03 been tedious. Is there2 a: b e tte r ------■ 317.00 -2.#0 FrL^epmWI :a UM ujU Im Dm SMWSIIJO 310;iH1 317.80 -100 UNUMDDOUamoufg way to handle this? Q u e stio nIS s c a n bc sent to Liz £ E S ' i l l 31040 -300 MUCOOMoanli A: Your first step shououid be to Pulliam W esto n ai ■ " '■“’ - Fab Si.70322!56 sirS )I 3IO.OO -300 Dm ^ 0 7 7 7140 71.M -a.33 C3H EESE Apr 322.00323.t0 31000 73.70 70.S0 7070 -3.47 contact the bureaus, ratiHher than asklizwcstoni.:on@/ioffHOj7.cof7i or ___ 322.40s0.10 31020' o t!* Is!oO M U7S 7 the lenders, and ask: tht e m to mailed to bcr in carc of Moneu ! : B E A ! SS :::: = 33IJ0 I3B0 Apr 7B.90' 00S “ 70 00 ” 00 s ” invesdgaie these inquiric ^ 334.00324.00 321.00 321.00 -3.fi0 Frtl opan mi I ries. M ake Talk. Businesscss ;Scction. Los Anfidcs 1.0080, nc 4»pcu^bbc^_1.im nc 322.00 -3.SO HXTUW.OAaya it clear you did noc auau th o riz e Times. 2022 tv. \ First St.. Los VaMyBam 323.30 -3.S0 TOAOOanbM.1uXIparnmbhj K ::: E = 334.10 -3.00 .Dad 4J40 4J70 4 4,170 4ifll .1 them and that you wara n t th e m ylrigc/cs. CA 90012.900 a K M a = s . ’a 33900 -3.00 Jm 4.440 4.44B 4 4 370 4 333 -43 .. M«tKak>(Mnoa>»winoeai ' P o t a t o e s a :::: ...... 3U.S0 -2.M FaO 4J30 4 mcratMyprleaWenntdlenWlen inaulO cMad OaaMn. ______Jun ...... 33000 -300 Uar 4330 4340 4 4 l” «?M 4 s a, atfe imal raM, «Mc WWio 341S0 -3M Apr 3.090 4 K) (AP) - USOA . U«(SI pottu nwliaa FOOM SS, z 34080 -2.00 Uay 3M0 3 870 3.B30 3 9M ■ S S iS riB lS S B M a* ";3aSS55K eS i SSS°»JI pow*Friday. Ru«*ia U.8..1 80 « n rm Jun 3B7S 3 CaU___ ^ UaiM NaM. U3. O m n a tt 00, ■' oux M 3.m JBOJ 3 3W0 JBSO ^ , noffiMmcUnliMao-.paiioKsf,a5ss.-s“ S Sartnan* s 70 eeurc 100 couni; Watfwim ContlnuMlfromBl LU S30; pME Ud t» : anwiTWi«Maa:Ltt(20. < OueCM NorkOMTIn 70 com me*«y 8 00; lOO couni OOO: ^ l^Mr«UoMlipa>«oyaL . OMraix en Mw. IJ. WWMn*inHinNorUUh*70Mut1moMV8.00. looooum •447.1 -70 Od 3990 3 uct, for whicl) he recc mo^B.OO-l.00-050; WMeorwM OwtanU 70 COM; 1000 Dm 4M.9 4 0 ii 44!s:8 •' !; cuived a '.ViE-.IAmfxuv is uof a ff rat elands Nonotin* 70 eeuni e.BO-7,00:100 440.1 I 7.0 Ow 4200 4.4200 Jioo 4 335 -1 p aten t a couple of weekss ago.i G r a“ i f s ______H r a SMIyOOMM. 44B.7 -03 . Jm 4.320 4. “ Y ou’d be s u rp ris e d 10 b Mag (Mon SUa AJ; IMhe EkiitiMMa1 U^ ■ Ini 4m 5 491.0 -00 PaO 4.200 4.43001-22 4.170**22 4,178 ~4*' d a t how hig /n m tin'in^'state g amtmry JO: 9-10 *> ma«K aadia mosv S.9OMh0 . JU 407.0 4S7.0 491J 4S23 -7.0 Uar _... ' many of these we sell,” K S i S 4S34 -7.0 ^ =a s 2 s i . „ . — ^ J^Wtaan**! HomaMB 0294.90; WI*eon*A' Z : 3.700 .0 said, patting a box ofif tu * d f ^ foxii'/tafsof). ■ 40i?:3 457i 4«2J -7.0 Aug these by th e sem i-truck loi oaa. te.00; con. U M (1S oaK MM us 1 Mia A 00 » *«M Wl*eenaln moM- 407J -7.0 Sw 1710 ClB •ra fiMn M |r t>y n D< S I S ” " Om ~ 471.9 -7.0 o a ... Although his companyy isi based OtherStaU'Sft:s tfiiirina«•Ma wtiaaL MOI OMvarir. S u g a r FrL-* utoa 20.391 DM _ FrL'.opanW07,«07,el1044 Jm moce than 1 percent of hhis sales stm o ti^yo'OU u 'II str I/if'siff/s. MTMnFiMwidOoodMol: Fae <000 4000 41 4.oed 40M *!o a re within the state a nd th rPrtcMquoMObyLand NCTY^ i •• NEW YORK (*P1-Handy* Kantian•n Wvar Uoiday Mar ... 'Uxuinls stryinii, 01Malne.lnT«lnFali. *4.4*9oflM.034. May ... 3003 ijl just because of its sparse ^ laOKalad ts 303 off to 0?«. tion, Sceery suspects, POCATIUO (API - kMio PumBuraauMMKwittnPun tUOAlSEioi •n Undon »4 SO « Sap 38S7 '.76 "W elcom'leHmitery." e} Yon Oran Rm M tar Monilav. IIUODfea* Nov .. . 30M .« “New Mexico is not a gi POCAmiO - il3.a3(up0):OKanwywinM( 3.6 Jwi 7.U;.m" 7M 7.57 7J7 -.00 laia My»r *4.470, uncriangadjad. Dac tioil'rsn-, 104.40((aM0y):iipatQmMnur j j 0!t0I'is iH ''H KY Uarc *tf>ar apo morOi Mondayr*4.47i,ont0.07o. Uar ...... 3W M Mesia).' SttM up 6); 14 panani tp>lr>g^4.07iup1);baiWyS.B0 4i OO _ 9.00 Apr he said. “If you^o to otherter states NEW YOBK (AP) - Spol nonfartouaa matMrr pncaa May ' ’toRTIANO - Wtm wKM) 4 42(*4);1I(.areanl«..42 May 893 Jwn during hunting'season, yoyou’ll see IM S.0M.I4 (up 310 e>; 14 parcanlMinng9.3e(uppare I); Jul 8.79.» i n SM SM -:m AWnnm ■ *3.3 (»ni* pw o . London»onU*UlEiCh. Mon. Jul ...... 37n Iii big signs, big billboardsIs .saying, l u l Od 8.74.74 8.70 - s a r 8*7 -.01 coppar • t77.0 Camoda U plala. U.3U.3.d»*linai«)n*. Aog .... - ,Scccr\; .NAMPA - WtMa wftMl e«1 9.20(i«12).tMtnal3730.20 £(LulM18« 18,917.Frl.->*al*t 10.940 C0(V*r -73.90 can* pat B. N.Y. Uan ...... 3 75^ !u ‘Welcome Hunters.’ Yoiou d o n ’t MVit203,1ie, k«)1.027 Od see that in New Mexico.” ■ £ ! a g f u ” ane • 37,735^m«1» *>.. daHvarMt " P&nTLANO. Ora. (AP) - Okkd«avidtartn«nian<6y Pol J«| 23.073.07 33.18 22.07 32.10 ..OO Odd • t3l 7.40 uoy e^.. Kandy & Harrl*iman(on»ydatf, Fae .... . cM.tnidiorMrBaparfiMhai. Apr ucts directly from his SaSanta Fe between liuntiiinting seminars nnd US I MO aMa Mtaac 4.42. rvi( Sdd*-U1700 noy 01., NY Uarc (potMt Mon Jun lu j ,rv«lr«»4JS-l43 • Uay 2232333 33.30 3322 33JS ..0? S*M> • *4.4«S Handy « Haman (only A ^ ...... business but instead shipips them meetings withith Wal-Mart execu- U9 I due Mwac 4.42..rwg»4.4M.43 rw^ Xt 23J03J0 Z3J0 22J0 22J0 ..OO SJvar. *4.471 trovoi.. N.Y. Ware apo • 8*0 a2J0 j o 23JX3 22.30 22 33 . 00 to distributors, retail chailains and tives, he'll mosnost likely be found • onSnaiy prelan; a.i I, rw<(M tl Uarcuy • *t94.00 par 78 ta iMh. N.Y.J.Y. DM nqtS.04-0.14 No* 22.002.00 33.00 33.00 22.00 Plannum - 15#0 00403 00 ln>» Oi., N.Y.N. (comractj. Jan ...... 43M Im independent i sporiingg goods on thi: water. 10 pet pro«a(n; S. 11. r«y»>ogU M 944.14 Jan 2187 Platinum *8*4 eOlrcy o<„ N.Y. Uarcrc apdt Mon. Fae .... . 11 pd.pratMn; 0.064.14^ EjLuImMS7. 74Ffl.'-.^4M " n.<}.-rwi guotwf. n a -nol avaau>l*. Mac . . stores. “Hunting is imy work. What 1 l2papreu«;S.CM.ia Fntepanimnmi12,»44,up4B ' Apr ' ...... 38M tw t to hunt do for fun is fish,” he said. g»OM,tO New YOflK (AP) - Kay Qjitancy attt.Kcnanga ralM May .... Sceery, 54, doesn’t get i JifiK Siiiffias . I combine fishing ‘ 13pcLpraM4n:S.244.23 Monday, corrpand iMth lala Fnoay MNawYont.'M1 Jun as much as he used to beeecause of “Typically. I « 14 pa. pfoMtrv S.3e.fW«lng0 08.334.37U. ______;L i v e s t o c k , ...... Im ihis busy work schedule. BuBut when trips w ith testin,sting new products," 19pctp«a«5J7<41 _ sr- " ^ .r . V3 2 bartay, ur« « m M baond araa*; 0.19-0.40 IMUocO n«p • US 2 yaiov com; &S7 t/34M 3 LIVESTOCKSCK AUCTION - LaMUon iMclock Uarkal Ol Stnirtty.lMunky md oornmtrciM ccm* 30.00-30.00; CMICAOO (AP) - Ftiiuna tw*ig dar (Mart M.00-78.00; m l*ad*r Uaara . of Trad* litot; s s j sDO; s ;iiockM naan S7.00-M.OO; IcM hoMain tam M a 0«. I*a«»»< nm* i M hM M ^ Oabv cah«« 78'o0'?08iiat« r m ! X S %74.00-77.00; b>* St. 0»43.00; hMvv laadar ■ K ““ . s r “ £ — SS372 .383.29 .0.9 h»l»l74.00-:.oo-n JO; im laadar h*4*rt 73.00-70.00; Uar m 2 9 3S4 974 ■Mn B2.0M7.0C; Mockoowt 4}»«30i1« '-Way 3M 375.1 3S7 3ST 3M *^7 eoaaaWieaNcaf»M800-74S/pr.Man*fDlg*1000> • Jul 31B S30.B 917.SH7.9 32039 *1.78 SS.OWttltw)toadar ■*(>«• 78.004t.00; COM . Sap 922.S 333 9223B2J 324.78 .1,79 |1.3nv>ar.C■r. CaMa and ya«tngi ataady. *S m a \ ^ B ..Dae 332.S 335 333.S Jki 310 320 330 320 330 * ',... CHICAaOfAf• (A^FuoirM iraOngonmaCioeaBO Frl.'iMiM 20.004 m m i i i -^cpr,w «.l« s s i “ U-r *«8. 0 » CATTU^ ■s^“^"?«7r•^5s142.0 343J9 -4.9 Dm TS.'s? 71.3 74.0s' -,.0 !43.5 344.78 -3 F*6 78.10|.10 70.48 n.87 70.40 ..19 ' uS^ w f 24B:I 21958 4 ^ 240.78 -2.78 Apr 77J0 ' Jul 2S0 2S0.7B 3474 .13 Tiiso Toiw niiS ^3^ Sap 3*6£ 340JS 344 1.40 0087 0038 0S.03 ..37 Oac 342.78 34139 341 PJI "hen ^ ^ • ^ i r en :Ua> 240.9 240 S 347J3 '•f?.47lV?!.*.toa” 2 ti.8 ” ‘” • “ ^^,7.4^upt,C« rst Choice Hospice Choice Hospice ' DM 340 240 ’i 240 '1 here's ere’s Fli.'* UM 73.SSO eoAota:oa Fii.l epan M 403.4M Jwi 03.07 ' CMTB Uar S1.MM u i l SJo «19 *ia 0 P la c e L ik e IH om e.., P la ce L ik e Ho,lome... 1 4 T M a i nCl ,Ave. E. • T w inFallslls 8 3 3 0 1 !,Sonwthlng m issing n fi7 n . 2 0 8 -7 3 33-8600 - • Pox 208-733-)3 -9 4 4 9 plgNtoourinH^ '^we'tiU)itiytolnd’udi'jt- . .-• ■ Why hoome health care-e? ': M'ra in^enstatf PleeMcMRARamoMJOnftBtTdS- r l f e s - 's sjM.ofeommodi- : 0931.Dct5l2 e 2 ,M m yow «uaM> ' y y Q y O Q Q Q Q • Skilled care in Uthe comfort of yourowo w n h o m c. «ihM m iiuu;iYEE Looking fo ra Better Jo never settleIe for less than the bestc s l, W e H a vve i the Solution for Yi 1 • Uohl IfHlustriaJ • Technical • General^lu'bor L y our hhome, our care...

OflkwClenul'i Home Hei?alth Professioninals 7toni*wrM*«vmr First C rww .pertonnel.com Choice Hospicee I TbtaTtoi r Ave., Twin Falls. ID-733-731 147 Main Ave. EasiE •Twin Falls. ID • 8, 83301 i^rland. Burfey. 10 • 670*4O4O ^ H L J 208-733-86002i 1t1 Pller/i)verland. Boise. I P «378-8700 r 735 Ove r M fc a 3 5900 Ovi ■■ 7 ' /

M Tkw#lwn,n*F * v M .ao tt

N a t i o nvJAVORLD/

i Identity Id theft rapi p o r t s r i s e Feds:: ID the3ft ring[ set recla for 6 L:------, percent of Wenllty ttHtt)«fta raportad last year. NEW YORK (AP)?) - Federal He caUeUed the case “everyr Philip Cumminga, a help-deskt * ^ e potelotential windfall «i^a authorities broke upip what they American'an's worst finandal nighc- worker at Teledata Coi^oznmunlca* probablyfar greateri than tfae cod- ) 2001 B s a : '- i e e .iM called the blggett loidendty theft mare mulaultlplied tena of thou* dens, a Long bland sofnftwtieootD' tent of a bankba vault, and they __.^Throuoh case in U.S. tu n o ry a:■nH cnarged sands of( tii t i i ^ ’* - pany^soldanuuidttttifiiified paraoo .. didn’t eveneh ineed a getaway car< ------— Sept. HHHHHHi ^ 30 th re e m en M onday wwi ith ste aU ^ **Witha1 a few keystrokes, theaei paaswords and codesI 1for down- All they neecMeded waa a pboae and credit informationI ifrom more men esseslentialiypldcad the pock* Lftarffna y m t tTWOp fT^ jf How>w tot avoid Idwntty and crsdl [itrnwrta. a computer.er. of< so tfaax tfao u ^ ” •dltfrau d than 30,000 people,le, draining ets of tenste of .thousands off Cummin^ was alleg.ig»%pald aaidPBIAsdjAsdstant Dftector Kevk Koopi>«p sodal «*curtty PsytshaMAacredlncMy i Check your bank accounts and xitlilining credit Americanans and,'In the jwocess,, roughk $35 for each rerepor^and P.Donowt.OA. . a n d driver'sdl licenM you Van acoiccounils ' credit report U.S. Attorney Janunes Comey took theireir identities, s t^ th ^ the informadon was the In youryou possoMlon. opened Inyolyournama. often. henpaased Moretfaan;lan 1^000 credit reports sold tb e losses w ere calculatedcs so money andam swiped their securi- on to at least 2 0 otheiier people, were stolenlen from Experian,: a y far at $2.7 million butut would bal* ty ” the prosecutorpn said, who dien set out to mallake money credit historytory bureau, using pafs- loon to many more znillionsm and Authoriorities said the schemeI from the stolen infonnat SOURCE: FMoral Trad#rado ComnHt»lon AP latlon.pros- words belonglonging to Ford Motor affea consumers In eevery state. began threethi years.ago whenI ecutorsaaid. Credit Corp.,rp , nfflfHnla< «»<><. ‘ Putin re•ejects plan toI ftrim

41M reportin I - M O SC O W (A P?) ) - Russian ■ President Vladimirr PutinP vetoed m ed ia leg isla tio n1 Monday M that. would have sharply rerestricted ter- j rorism coverage, butbut lashed out at the country’s pres;ress, television and nidio for their harhanding of last W n e l m o n c h ’s h o s ta g ei ccrisis at a i d a y Moscow tlieater. The legislation, pas;passed by both houses of parliament,nt, w ould have prohibited reportss siseen as hin- Save in aill departttiments...buy f now whilile selectionI is; best dering counter-terrorrorist opera- tions and banned the broadcast ■ or publication of: rcrebel state- . ments or extremistst "proppgan-‘ cia." I’liiin ’s d e c isio n1 to t( veto the measure aliead of nextext y ear’s par- liameniar>‘ electionsIS wi as widely seen as an attempt to 1burnish his image as a defend*ider of. free speech. Critics have1 a(accused him and his governmentIt c o f cracking down on independentn t ttelevision, "No truly democracratic power can exist without putpublicity and (ipenness. which are2 providedpi by 4Pe. the mass m edia," I^itinItin said. Swivelel P I I "See Through” INE BEDROC»OM SET Pipeline bontmbing GLIDER RCLOCKER ("Bed, 5 D raw er C hest,stf DI resser & JEWELRY CEI;d a r halts shipmeients RECUNNER M irror) ARMOIRE CHIEST w/Ottoman (Gre< of Colombiaiaoil ' reen oCTaupe) Nl8titStinifAY*ir»blliable BOGOTA. Colombinbia (AP) - Th Attackers dynamitedd CColombia’s s | 4 9 larnest oil pipeline, causausing a spill $ A f and forcing the brief:f evacuatione I $1 ^ artin g a t of 280 people, officficials said 7 9 ^ M ondar. 49 99 The Central Colombian C< LLa-Z-Boy IU -Z -B oy U - 2 ; . B o y Pipeline had to be! si s h u t dow n 7Pc. LEAT IN SAFES after the attack Sunda>day near the KEWCLINERS Mi4ASSAGE town of /\guazul, 100I milesmi north- DINING LEATHEI cast of Bogota, the comjDmpany said. RECECLINERS s r It was still dosed earlyy Monday. St;>tarting at S SET RECLINEI Officiids did not sayy who might Starting at Starting atF S t a r t . , have been responsibleble. But the staStarting at Revolutionar>- ^Vrmed:d 1Forces of Colombia, or FARC,C, and the ■ National Liberationn >Army, or ~ M liLN, have frequently:ly a tta c k e d $549 ihe line. The leftist rebels areire waging a 199 ^499 ► * 5 9 ! 38-year ci\*il w ar against 9 '7i inst th e gov- 99’9^99 ernment and illegalI riright-wing m t militias. The United:d 5 S ta te s is ^ ^ A I j T S U B I ^ preparing to train ann elitee mili- h H '^M agloClM r tar>- unit to proteci thehe lineI from rebel attacks. 19 Cu. Ft. iln luilt-ln J Report: Hott plate] H >ISH- 1 FRIGERATOJr started trainnfire H (V SH ER l I W ' ith Glass I hBlMk I H - - • S h e l v e s NANCY. France (A (/ P ) - A . SLSLrrtlA»«r kitchenette hot-platee sstarted a 0■ A| l i T condition of anonymity. IfASHER & DRYER C ldebySlde^EF|lGIIGERATOR w i t h i O u r OI n n l li n e PAIRI Ice&Wftter > .* O b i t uusury a H H Dlspsfuer^ rasher * ' D r y e r S p o n ss o o r s S j R S . 3X)CBC«. . 7 ,0 0 . B u d s S B Bl l o o m s ' • 2l.eCu.Fc^ ' j M FcCi.Cjpcil). [ fcf .v ■■______FtCipaclcyf CapKlty ' [ S s j •Whh minimum purcha« of S29'$299. No iniurctt if poitJ in full by 'IJJ”lAutomjcici-, r . • • BAutomade P a r k e 'ss M .V . | | , t v ‘ • UpFrom I P t i i fc C y d o . Becnnk tb/m F u n e r a lI H o m e Ili •• •il-'JTemf. Ttfnp.Comrolt H H RECEIVE UP TOT 7 DAYS/ 6 NlIICHTS BL j ---- S«inp •Hsnimww B h Prim rose« LI a n e ** iHCEnTMtQ ■fir Floristi s t CATION*’ disncylaLAND -UDS STAY MunW f f ” Several Desi Hovo - Robe)bertson JH 3eslinatIons to Choose Fron9ml F u n o r a i ClC h a p e l H H S ^ • ANAHIlHEIM • SAN DlEa3 0 • LAS VE C R E D I T s J > n m m w • Am iANCu •’ ufcnowcsu • BtDcxtto • nooacc«COVDBNO iS-J TO ANYONE 18 YEABSS OOR OLDER S c JH a b l a • y u M i : s L , s p a O o l 7M-7A7A . 67B-1Un»3 72A^22 ■ s;«>* i _ SgperStorc n i Open ^S u n d a y s " M 4.4MI 3 M2S74 ^ : EXP/iPAEW h u v d i v - f-Z•ZiMtTompnuuicM l • aoaiiVHiM m cAiCAM.OJUC. ; . . 1. • • .. . ■: r t . 1 - , . . ■ ’ ' .1 . ' - V '--

r y '- • .•••''■■ ■' . ■'

p . , I nNSIDE; -iCbnuw aiafpfiu f f l Obituaries.e s ...... C2 Idaho/West/e s t ...... C4 ;v x ah c boon) scatla ts.' ' Moming: bre.b re a k ...... C5 'W; \ ( ; i ( ^ A L I M/ C\^ Ci^EdssonChmiBaUkr'm, \ DEYc -m.l33-0931,Ext.234 T h e T im es-N•News Tues.:sday, N ovem ber 26,! 6 . 2 0 0 2 ' ______Section C

i A r o)UND i A I T H E VAALLEY :raiiisnal. ‘T h e y will tem pest t has etigiilfed City be a welcome distractaction for chit Hall for w eeks,ks. thei Ciiy Council while they are! hJa^Sitnday. until the eleciiinciioii in Novem her

Soat license plat< Does this end en a spasm of political turmo'm oil IIOI >L-en in n i b n e y lenerafeSNRAin Hailey’s modernern liisioryV STANLEY-Idahomom otorists B efore th e■ coicouncil meel ing. buy th e sm te license; platep] featur- Lindley told The hc Ing a mountain goat agaiig ain n a back- | | m . . -4^., hadn’t decidedrd whetherw lo gii to d rop o f alpine peaks ha'have support- aM&'i court to challengenge the cmineil if ed more Improvemetnents to the it refused t«> re.seatrest him. Bui he S a w to o th N a tio n a lI Recreation R I received "huo- A rea. dreds” of e-ma:m a ils. fa.NL'N .nul Friends of the SNRAlA Avalanche HBHB m : - '. < telephone call::alls nf suppori. C e n te r received a $3,00J.000 grant- to mvauniDi/ntih iiitluilinK somene Ithai suggesu-d provide Information to th e public « ^ „ perhaps tlic Ciiv'iiy Couiicil might • Her, owner of Bud's Electric, «trlritrlnfa a line of Chrisfmbs llghta on snow a n d w eather■conditions co: in BadFiill.i Its on a tree In Twin Falls Cityty ParkI Monday. Crews put upip IIlights on most of the park's eevar* lo he recalled fromfroi office, irees. the ..Sawtooth, Whith ite C lo u d , •'«« The silver-haihaired mayor, in B oulder an d ^ o n e e r mojmountains. Pioneer Mountainn Outfitters( ------Please see HAILEY. P.igo C3 received a $7,500 granta n t to m ahu- T~_ f«cture and install ti throughout the Whiii h ^ f c S d ™ mate transisport syst<;em saves imoney |] tfountains. Burglar!*s break intoi ■'The goat license plateates cost $3S. liChmy ® and another from St.St. Louis Cassia Crimiiminal Justice Center _ The program fund is mim anaged by <ed iin duct ta|K- in places, Dexter figureded. That drug dog too00 tired too quickly Burglars 1 smashed the g Oionoprint by Twin FallsFa artist sioners toitoured the jail and heard glass a nearby Dumpstiipster. Glass frag- means the jail savedi nearly because the: d(dog would be work* do« {like Youngman Is inclmeluded in an about Jailoil program s. door of Jensen Jew elers in down-d( ments were stuckck tot( the ta]>e. $1,000. ing a longer■ titim e than if it w ere town tov Burley Saturday and n mtematlonal juried exh:xhlbition In The trstransportation program m ade O fficers als«)) found foi a ring on Taylor makes a weeklyJy mp to in ,he field.i. (Officers who are off off with d o se to 100 ring*:. the sidewalk outsiditside the store, suburban New Yorkk City< this if a person wanted for a Snowville, Utah, to “swai'ap” pris- training drug m onth. crim e mn IMini-Cassia is arrested , ug dogs are cncour- The 1 burglars used a tire iniran to This is the firstirst tim e som eone oners headed one wayy o r th e aged to come intoir the jail to train, break br< through the store’s rglass has broken into ;:“Just Do Itl” Is parpart of the “ lesota or Arizona, or any , nto the Jensen other. Dexter said, front door and Ret inside. COnce Jewelers buildiiu “SmaU W o rk i Top Prioriloiity” erfiib- of tiie othIther partidpating states, iing, Rasmusseii “We swap them right.thereat tl . Biithdayy - Dexter noted the inside, inx they smaslied t^vo dis|lisplay said . B urglars hroke hrti a window It a t T h e Stage G allery in rrson can be transported the , Flying J,” Taylor said. Mini-Cassia at no cost to M in i-C a ssiaa Criminal ( Justice cases eas and grablwd several titrays and stole fromI tht the window dis- N.Y. More than 400 co al governments, Taylor :ounties Centcr will bhi e 11 y e a rs old on of of rings, store owner Du•u an e play case al>oiii 10 >years ago, < Youngman’s work waw as o n e o f throughout the United Staita tra p o r. Dec. 1. Commis Rasmussen said. only 23 chosen from am( a the meantime, Mini- nissioners agreed the Ra; Police were notiflotified - annm d S:.?0 S Sands of slide entries £rom jail personnel transport ’ xjen maintained well “ Saiurday mom- SSS: iispem to places such as gram, | Toylor said. On th<[lie aver- and w alked thithrough a cell block longer Ion than 30 seconcnds,” ing when two won o ut th e w orld. T he .exhibit ivomen drove by. IbltindudK . MinneSSjota or Arizona, where age, * 15 su sp e a e d felons r and o dicr parts Rasmussen said. They told police Oils, watercolors, print, rw of the jail. R^ ice they saw tlie nt. mixed- they have,ire outstanding arrest war- transported * through the An alarm w ent off in the hibuild- front door of the s p e ^ prints, wall s^ptui he store was bro- p tu r e s r a d a . Cassia facility per mont:nth, a n d 7Vmcs-/tfcu«s writerjt Shari O iancy inging, but the signal never reac photograph. ached ken. Officers respesponded to the T aylorr saids the program saves th ^ at num ber rises in th e su) can be rcachcdcd at< the nctuspaper's thethe Peak Alarm Co.. Rasmusu.s.sen a-i)on and callcxl R: "The show will run d Rasmussen, n th r o u g h th e two localloi counties money. In Other joint commissioiion busi- Mini-Cossia BunxiuBu at 677-4042, saicsaid. T ed m id aas from the nl;alann By the end ofnf thet work day Sunday. ’ ness induded: th e lim month,m one person was ^ E xi. 638, or by c-mail at concompany cam e to the store bu)ut by Monday, the datnaimaged door and 'Cw^from ctaiM jiportl .jbroij^tt backbl from Reno, Nw., • D rug dog - D exter ancn d Mini- schancy&magia^icvallcif.com. Iaten repa■epaired...... iS t* : '■> ^ ■'...... r; " 'M n !' T1tM»N«w>.T»k>Fi1 n F il* .M ^ Tuaaday.NovMBbMbafM.2002

—— ^OBITUARIESe 5 -- >■:. A il^Gig.VAIJL jLEY/IpABK) For obituary ntraaim and infonnation, caB 7 3 » »m 3 1 . Ext. 2 7 8 . bttw M Q 3 PJIL KKid id B pjB . M ontey tte w g h itetu DMKllltw i« 4:3 0> p.m.p.1 for Mxt-«lay puMccUon.L llwH addraaa lor otiituaftMrtM to oMta9BHtfcvaaa)r.oocn. 0< notlcea ore a fr*ew aervtea• and can ba placed mitlantM 8 pjw . «vwy d>y.______r L _ S f •Highway Dept, for 25 yearsrs Bradshaw, of Aurora. Coloidorado. ar>d B «SEo i ______choolc ^ b a n i to his rellremoni in 198/. Tho10 Christopher Newcomb, ofol N am p a. district c o u p lele had just rocemiy moved to Idaho, sta r. Memorial conlrlbulions18 are sug- AJELLO (AP) Velcro headbands.whirhere.they of, gangs/ss/ saidoBlitclufl . f/lanlrnlred enjoyed spending tho10 n e s t e d to th e B u n k e r ClChildren’s I^teUo;la's public school (listrictt can stash parapheaernalia,” Magagna,, a 14-year-^d studtat winlorsrs in Arizona Fund at Wells Fargo Banlink. Hailoy. iraposii>sing a ban on studentsI Secondary Educationn Director at PocatellolIo 1^ S c b o o L , - vivors include his wife. Glonisis 10 83333. w e a r inlg g hats in an effort to> Kathy Collins said. **AiidV th e y of :ar; son, David * Lowry of3f Funeral se rv ic e s will b?e e al 12:30 crack dowown on gang activity, ' p u t gang n am es o n th eebills.? I • A A n c hlorage. o r. Alaska; dauotiier.r. p.m .W ednesday. Nov. 27,?7. 2 002. al T h e ban, bai which takes effect Some students called the ban InV eS B onnio(e (Keilh) Jacobs of Eagte. Id,;I,; Ihe Shoshone LDS Chapoi>ol. Friends nex t Moncjnday, h as b e e n criticizedI' • a violatton of their frcr e e d o m o f istinyoui^^ (2) sisiesiers, Oorolhy-Kruse ol Twinin m a y c a ll a t th e c h u rc h1 cone hour b y so me e highI school students,, expression. O th e rs sug{iggestion it • Falls and ani Pally Goble offlichland.3. prio r 10 th e s e rv ic e s . Folo llo w ln g a b u t admministrators ii have beenI w ill have n o e ffe c t on gs Wastiififlipglon; brother, Elmer Lowryy dinner at the Shoshoiio n e L D S unsw ayed,ed. **Hats a re n ’t g a o g - rS ^ f f i a n d future f ' of Twin'in Falls; (4) grandchildren.1. Cullural Hall, the Dedicaticllion of the “ T h ere r e are new hats with1 getting rid of hats won . Travis: Neu.N< Brian Neu, Christy Nou.J. G rave will b o a l 4 p.m . atI ItIhe Hailey ai't B« rid j:iead'lhBs'Mqiiay k pagM ifei Z a n c Lowry, Lo and (2) greai-grand-1- Cemeiery. 7710 7? E anB ffl children.cn. Arrangements aro underer the caro ______I tlnies-News n H e was wa preceded in death by a of Wood Rivor Chapoi olof H ailey. eath j brother,jr. Man/inf • Idaho. - D NOTICES - iravesido sen/ico wrili be con-I- d u c io)d d ai 2 p.m W ednesday, in P ocatello. N ov o mmber b 27. 2002, at Wendoil'li • W e n d e l l DonVrarod Keane C e m ej(ery ( e .wilh The Rev. Tomn i H A G EERMAN F - Don Fred jy oifiaating. Viewing will bee I K c a n c . 79, 7! formerly of Twin BernicaWrtt C larice Elaineina Heinrich Kom°''55-7 p.m. Tuesday atIt I F a lls aand n Pocatello, died BUHL - BcmJce Witfin, 97, ot Clarict^ Elaine0 Heinrich. I- 76, ot Domarayray's Shoshono Chapel. S a tu rd aly, y , Nov. 23, 2002, at his B uhl died M onday, Nov««. 2 5 ,2 0 0 2 , »'area • . Boise. forniGr Twmwin F a lls re sid e n i, F or Ihose ihi who desire conirlbu- daughter’sr ’s hom c in H agerm an. in BuhL nbol of sharing Z died Sunday No\Nov 24, 2002. In lions ma:nay be made lo Life'8 Doors T h e seervice n will be held at 2 Arrangements pending^ g » m b e Boise. H ospico.CO. lil ts . Orchard, Boiso. p j n on Friday, F: Nov. 29. 2002. announced by FarmerT F u n e ra l Stie w as born1 Aug Ai 22, 1926 in Idaho 83705,83: a t th e Trinity n r Episcopal Church C h a p d in Buhl. S a lin o . K a n s a s , Ihe it daughter ol Vauqtin and Ruby:y (Bales Probasco She was raisociOd in Iowa and ______S h o s h o n e . Missouri unlll [ttole lamilyI; m oved to — S ervVIC ES ------Bulil. Idaho, in 193i1936 She gradual- — ocl ffo in B u h l Hic)Hi()h School and ■ ‘M''' Anthonyny T b e near- ^ Gooding;: irinterment ac Elmwood at the United -Methodistst (^urch — or 10 her lamily. AllAfier hor children C em eteryy iin Gooding‘(Demaray in Glenns Ferry (SiS u m m e rs • '.'.crc ra is e d sUe wanf/arkcct tar me ,Tu rn . . J Funcrai Ch:^ a p c l, G ooding. Funeral Homes, McA:M u rtre y F.ill:; Siitionis for several sov yiM's She IV ^ k X ^ B A L : 1 Chapd, Mountain Home). .1 rilctnbi.T olI IheIhi Twill f all;; Isl [ 3 I Keith J. Davis Eari Clariiark of Bulil, scrvice at 11 f’r*;;.tjyieri;in C hurctjrch. and onioyod I Keith J, Davis, age 85 from ^edr sdnesday at the First Charles ‘Chuck’ Leland >37 M:Main Ave E. working with ccramicimics. BBcfeg I- V Wendell. Idaho, died at 12:« r of God C h u rd i in Buhl; V in Falls Clarice IS survivecved by 4 children ISflW M I in his home on Sunday, Noo.eSS,; A««n.blyol Jacobsen of Phoenix, Ariz.a , s e r a c i ! Miku Hoituich of>f SanS Jose. CA. MEa^Biff. I 224. 2002, lovingly surroun.j n d e d b y t will follow a t th e West a t 11 a jn . W ednesday a.t t thei LDS 733 Sloven Hemnch of Meridian.I Grog I children,c grandchildren ancnd great- ff"' netery. Buhl; viewing Churdi in Tetonia. Hi'innch nl Boisloise and Pam grandchildren. irom*l-7 ppjir. ji today a tth e F arm er VV.'iilnrucI of Milwaukaukic, O regon. 10 I He was born. Chrlsimanas Eve. Funeral ClChapel. 130 N. Ninth (jr.indchiklren 1 grcai-grandchilc). cjrt H jR H ^ December 24. 1916. al PiP re s to n . A ve., BuhLiL Gonversatidim Adds Qualityity To Lifef' ; i)rt)lli(;r. fvlatvin Probasco Pre ol Buhl, ' Idaho, a son ol Hober ancn d L aura anti 1 Siiiior. Vera:ra Joan Koiih of p g y | Davis (both are dec^seced) from J.C. IlendJidiix of Buhl, memorial IWeyer Bunlcer p Have EjtcellenIat Hearing For Thelie Holidays! Buis,; Pocaiello. Idaho - a familyily of ten service at 11 11 a.m ^-Friday a t th e l-lor hiisbiinc], Bi Bud," precodod Paul NMoyer Bunker. 40, ol bboys and three girts. HeI nmarried Fanner Fui'uneral Chapel, 130 N. iH'f i;i de.'illi on Sopl;pi 30. 1994 Shoshono,ino, Idaho, died Friday. Nov. L.Louise Ray (now deceases e d ) a n d • Puii(;r;il ;;orvicess willw b e conduct- 22. 2002.)2. al his tem porary hom o in irthey reared hor two childrenn a{ n d five i . „ oaii Lako Cily, Utah, aller a 4 oiol Iheir own: Donna Joan KM itchell. Sympathy HoiF10Htn...Io shoif Ibf jo(it« b sluml Tv.m Falls tsl Prosbi•sbyierian Church, year balla itle w ith N o n -H o d g k in s li'lives in Canada; Mauricic e R ay ■.viiM Pasior Paul RecR eeves oMiciaimg L ym phorroma cancor. Paul lofi no (c(deceased) lived in Wendell;311; Leona 'flzr lnl.>rrn.;ril will lake} ppl la c e ,'ii 10 a m s io n o unljnturned in his baillo with H Handyside (deceased). S e a iiie , ssional H earing Ai ;il S5un:;(!l un Miimonal cancor HiHe hact-5 differeril kinds of WWashingion; Leon ll^HSrTro^ Aid Services D a v is . • IE uil6lhS L Burfey, ID. f’.irk f^ n o n d s m.iy rn.i pay liK'ir chomolheiherapy, losing his hair sev- V\Washington (Leon and Leoeona are amMiiiin-i {fSSS. rospocis lodiiy Iromfror G-8 p m al eral limos,os, mulliplQ rounds of radia- lviwins); Laura Scoit, Boise,9, Id ah o ; 1 S ii 6 7 8 - 7 ^ 0 I While Moriuary "Cnapci "C by ihc hon. wene n t 10 M e x ico for h o lis tic LiLinda Harms. WendeU. Idahaho; and ■ T , P.irk ' iroaimenisnts. tried diei and nytriiional LiLavern'Davis'. Boise, Idahaho. T h e • Thi; l,|(Tiily sij(]r;osl;osls memorials lo molhods.s. asi well as had 2 dillerent D,Davis children's n a m es all slislartwilh B U \ irif Iclaiio Youth Hanca n c h ty p e ot sicstem coll transplants. Paul ththe lener 'L.' Y REAL E!EST A T E WriTH l Y O UIR I IR A I to u c h edJ manym lives during this peri- He had been hospitaii;iliz e d at win p A i I o od a n d sel an incredible example of MMagic Valley Memorial Re T ^ F/ failh a n d cperseverance Paul loved MMedical Center lor hip surgeijery after his lamilyly dearlyt a n d w as extrem ely aa h a rd fall. For m any yoarss Ih e w as devotedI 10lc h is children. H e left for seself-employed as a bfacksrf at ~ H eaven min Ihe a rm s of his be lo v ed WWendell and il is believed theh e fum es In o n d P’ete e t Cfonkhito wilh family Irom frc welding d a m a g e d his lun H e 4, and trionc3nds singing and sharing was w< an avid sportsman-huniin V f moughisw5 with him. ing, in and dutch-oven cooki In ' ' a H *^0 mlel e i his wife Porlia Renee 1979, 1£ in Elko, Nevada, he rr (Haggerty)rty) B unker in O cl. of 1988 D Dc ons M ae C laycom b Miller a rn d ai a Youngjng Adult Regional Fireside a ahome-at 1520 B East 310000 South , in W iscons>nsin a n d they w ere m arried of of Wendell. Ho is a memberer the in th e Jord;jrd an River Tem ple on fylay, Church Ct of Josus Chrisi of Lattatter-day 19, 19. Ho had throe children Saints. $£ with Porii2riia- Tess Bunker ago 10. The son/ice will b e hold at 1 D a n a Bunlu n k c r. a g e 7 a n d G a v in Fnday. Fri Nov. 29, 2002, al the' WV\ endell Bunker, agoag 3 They lived togoiher LDS LC Church wilh Bishop C lay to n in M innosojsota lor 5 years and Idaho Pope Pc olliciating. Inlermeni k b e *br 7 year;■ars, re lo c a tin g to th e S alt held he in the Wendell Cemm o te ry JH H Lake Cllylty area during ihe last 5 Viewing Vi( will b e held from 10-1 monihs lor.lor his last transplant. Frida/at Fri Iho church. Paul wvas a ‘ a loyal Iriend to many ' *1" during hisIts sc h o o l a n d y o u n g adult lany of w hich h e w a s still in B o i s e James Victorr CooperC JSllclt,A^iih at Ihe timo ol his death, i , Jjirnos Vicio' Caoi)( fi5, p a s s e d In high schiichool Paul was on the high U “ ali L. W alker away NovoinPer P3?2 3002. at Iho school swinwim team . LeahI L Walker, 81 of hom o ol Ron ,111(1 Ei.iini; Ei.i W ilcox in Paul graciraduated from Normandafe passed pa away Sunday. No' Twin Fall:;. lc);iir> C o m m u nnily it' College and studied 2002. 20 a t Lile C a re C onter of Bo Jirn pl.iyod '( ybo.ir)oarcl h e re in the A g n c u llulural r' Engineering at the Leah I was born Oct. 7. 19 valloy ifir so’vw.ii yoar'oarr, First al Ihe Universilyy ofQ Wisconsin, River Falls. Teion Te City, Idaho, lo Hyrunum Pioni,-.,r C ion, m enI S;:Sax on Sccond Paul hiked;d lor se v eral w ee k s in th e Thelma Thi Hope. She grew up In S u g a r...... ■ a n d l.i'.: .-.i Sax 'iin AvoAv( He enjoyed Grand Totretons in Septombor of Cily. Cir S h e m arried the Love of h ^ M H H i musK; S'llKiri m onI keyboard ke ai Ihe 1908 Paulaul was a vory inielligent Jo Jot h n T. W alker o n Ju n e 12.19-; Wilr.o. H,ilH'.'.>;.;n Piirli’ariies was a real man and:! ho h always worked in a S ‘ h e is survived by h er ihre Walkor. Tyson &. B£ ro d y Irioi ^i'. ftein fi Elainen c W ilcox. Brian h e h o ld included: inc a coin dealer. Chaplin; Ch and livo great-granin d c h il- & I.-,’.-I T.ikaoka. Eyiyn Ev Garcia. UPS, larmTl hand,f schcxjl bus driver, dren. dre Josh & Jordan Auslin, BnBreanna Koi ' -I Atdy WilCOxcox, Al S Tonya ok:ciriciann anda the last 7 years as a & & Emmalie Hatch, and J a c o b } ^ m Hi.r' • S :0 U Younrj.. DiDoroiiiy Green, leiephonoTO technician lor Qwesi Kennison Kei Johi i;inn Sauer.er. Samantha & ToieplioneC10 Company Ono ( ol her many friendsIs (A lta Sn.Hi,-, '.V.icox ;ind RonRoman Hofim Paul had3d many hobt3ies including Smith) Sm wrote ihispoem which1 sos> per- i ti: i:; p ro co d o d3 min do a ih by his p h o io g raphy. a p leather working, feclly fee d e sc rib e s our Mother: \vhni(.. -laiorai family■'liy .'ind by his archery, countryco western dancing Irii'ixt ^yl(rWllCO)f and music.c. HisI mother taught him to L M h r.t-;rnori;il SorviCCSe s will b e h e ld c ro c h e t 'Ound rou afghans during Ihe She S has a warrri and golden:in smile. Friday November 29. 2002, ai 11 last year ofof his life. He loved oul- I I seose It every day. a fn al lilt; P.irke'Ss K Magic Valley door aclivitivities such as shooting, She S has a soli and gentle3 voice,v H o m e 1 ’K im b o riy hunling, hikiinking. motorcycling, snow- each eac thing I hoar her say, Road r-.vin Falls. Idatioatio mobiiing, campingca and 4-wheeling. Shc £ always trios lo give a litile Croiiialion and Privarivaio Inurnmoni Paul lovedd ouro Country and the prin- more moi than she receives. .'in; o rjd .T Hi.; C),reCr e c iio n of Iho c ip ics ol Liberty. Lit Paul was a long When V someone’s happy3y s h e Park'-<, fv1a().<; V.'illoyy Funeral F Homo lime membeIber ol Ihe NRA and sup- smiles, smi whon someone's hururt s h e .Ul Kvin Fdlls. Idaho. po'led Itss e n e r g ie s to u p h o ld o u r grieves. flfie iiberiios andan( freedoms. Paul held Her i* house is bright and shishining, v-,Kir- Molcho2lozidek Prioslhcx>d in Tho S She h e c o o k s delicious m eals. S n o . S HONE o r Church oUeI Jesus Christ of Latter-day She’ll S tako the lime to sharee those■ S I Sainis andid ui s e d h is p rie s th o o d lo things thin no m atter how sh e leols. M anfred Earl LowryLi piaco blossiissings on all throo of his W V herever 1 may travel. I'll Lovove her Manfred EaH Lowiowry. age 78, children,. baplizob his daughter, 10 lotf the End. IOrit|liino SMoshoni;: resideni, re died Toss, andd 10i b le s s h is w ife a n d For Fi Ih ese things m oan a lol totc m e ? Srjlurfiay, Novomtierer 2.3.; 2 0 0 2 , in m any c lo se50 101 him in tim es o l n e e d . Leah Lea is m y Friend! Ilyl Siar. Idaho P a u l w'as a s born in Milwaukee. Manfred was bornri February F 10, Wisconsin,1, FFebruary, 28, 1962. Ho Shd S w as p re c o d o d in d e ath1 byb her • 192'!. in V^ondell. idahclaho, Iho son ol grow upip prodominanily in tiusband, husi Jo h n Thayno. in 19929 2 . her ^ Josepfi Earl and MargieMa Evans Mmnesoia] wwilh his moltier and his parenis, part two sisters and one broiroiher. . 1 l.owry lie v/as rai;raised m Iho siop-fathor2r 'Tod Nowcomb raising A g rav e sid e se n /ic e will b e hhe eld at ■i:^ WondL-il .'iroa an<) graciradualed from him. along \ g w ith his sib lin g s, on a 11:00 1l:C a.m. Tuesday, Novembeber 26. J Wi.-nOoll H ig h S c h ot)oi o l Aflor lugh small hobobby farm in Elko, 200,2002, al tho Filer Com ete^. Seren/icos ■ c ’^ sc h o o l h e fiorvod in1 irie irn U S Army MinnesotaI 3/e a /e under the direction ol Reyrjynolds ' . i durmrj WW 11 He marnlarnerl Glohis L He is sursurvived by his moiher. Funi-uneral Chapel. Twin Falls. Thele fami- I . . ■ • t : Schinidl on AurjusiSl ??i. 19-if) in Jane Bunkerker presenily of Sail Lake lyy suggestssi memorials may be3 mr a d e ^ ■ D W ondell Clly, Ulah;h; his siep-father. Ted in i. Aflor Manfred's discJischarge from Nowcomb,J, fPrior Lake, Minnesola; Memory M of Leah Walker totc th o Ilio riuliiary in 1946.6. Iho couple . his laihor DDc oug M oyer. O w ato n n a . AIzl-M zheim er’s A sso c ia tio n or th thi o St. fosKlort cn W endell for a period of Minnesota;i; anda his 6 siblings, Shari Luk.uke's Breast Cancor ConnH e r in liriio p n o f lo movincj 10 lo Buhl, where (Meyer) Kun:unz of Keichum, Idaho; Bois3olso. Conlributlons may bo3 given£ he was employedrd by Curhs Julio (NowciAicomb) Waldron of San lo0 funeralft chapel staff or maileliled to 3 n l l Chevrolei He movedd 10i< Shoshone Joso, Califclifornia. Jay Meyer-, of ReyiReynolds Funeral Chapel, P.O,0 , Box in 1902 and v/as emplcnpioyod by llie Syracuse.. U ta h . J e a n n ie (M ey e r) 114J1142, Twin Falls, Idaho B3303. Your LOOM4L link to nev’.w s, w e ath er, I______------r ------:------J 11 SD orts. cclassifieds op n d m o re!

... * ■ • ..J'- V •• . .v r ■ ; : .

TF •Nm s, TWtoF*, Mito C4

M a g i c V a l.l e y AV e s t ______L- Cas$ssiaiiEd is b o i jpplicaitions ■■ . RI o c k l e s s o n^ ______- __ M eMurray un told tbe commission-1* Other commission)n business' Commlssltisioners agreed to limit ^TOnNwwwrttw • - ers-Dal3ale Pierce had resignedd in d u d e d : theam ountimt of information indud- fro m the'boa^th Commissioners-s • B lack P ise M ineJ -> M n id o k a e d In th ele iminutes published In f^fTBumxY-SevCTven podtioos'on reappopointed Pierce last yearr District Forest Rahihger Scott the legalll isection of the Sout/t |; Taiioua CsaiiaC ounilumy boards wiU whenI hish term otplred. Claynee Nannenga told commislissioners the Idaho PreSineu. Idaho law requires }i be opm at tfie' did^ 'o f the year. Zollia^Qger*8 te rm also ex p ires inn filtration system att the Black the commamission to publish a •i a n d th e c o u n ty coicotnmissioners Decemban>er. Zollingw h as b een on° Pine Mine, in southeileast Cassia record of)f iall its acts and state- |; m looking fo r appUiipllcants. th e . . boardbi three ' months, County, was not workiking proper- ments, McMcMurray said. Other, <: Three positionsI arean open on tfae Commimiisioners ' appointed“ ly. R e c e n t tests show hhigh nitrate .informatiotion, such as the list of I planning and sonlnjling board, two Z^ingnger when David Gerratt< levels in the watersr that has people whet'ho attejid meetings and I Gto the fair board,rd, one on the resigneclediiiAugust passed through thihe filters. the corres;espondence received by county roads boardard and one on Cassiijsia County Administrator Officials plan to sprciread water commlssiorioners, could be exdud* iitfus snowmobile coocommittee. The Hurst said he was sorry to° over 30 acres of publiclcland while edtocutcocosts, he said, lerce leave the board. raunty commissiononers are most engineers look at the filters.fil ■ • Geotl B was th e one w ho could g et othermal request - I p n c e m e d w ith flUlfilling the pod- ™ i, • PubUc hearing prprocedure - Commissioidoner Paul Christensen j ^ i s on tlie plaiuiiiuning a n d zoning nvvay withvn asking any question,” t said. Pierce asked ques-^ Commissioners read a resolution suggestedd ccommissioners write a iPQard because twovo •of the board H u«'» J to create an ofHdal prorocedure for, letter to> CCongress, suggesting (members have anninnounced thev other board members might a id to a s k . public hearings. The: iresolution laVnaakerssrs give tax credits for !|e^ step dowL Thelie commission. , would bring commissiisioners Into geothermamal power producers, ilers wm accept lettextters from plan- rce dedded to step down jse be said he had spentt compliance witl:th the Other renenewable power produc- ^pins and.zoningg nd Z o n in g “ f f l e! terms , , of fair board mem- county boards to Robebert’s Rules ofMalta. eacher Marilyn Ostertiout hadid thoth Items on display JCommission Chaiim171^ Jai Hill be„ Jack j Funk' and Jefff of Order. The policy:y requires as part of the itudents’ geoeology lab In sc ien c e class. - :^nnounced last weele e k h e W ill n ot C h a tbburn u are ending. TomI boards to keep a reconjrding of all Times-NeuVcus writer Nate Johnson :seek a second terma w hen his term O t t l ^>'s s termi on th e county roadss public hearings. Comnnmissioners can bc readachcd at the newspaper's ;ends D ec 31. On MondayM< mom- board willw expire. Ron Morris’s5 will consider the resolution r< Mmi-Casjiasia Bureau at 677-4042, {ug Deputy CassBssia County term anon the snowmobile commit- M onday. Ext. 637,, 01or by c-maU at njohn- ♦jProsecuting Attortorn^y Kerry tee is alsoending.als< . * Publishing mln in u te s - sonrganizers Hansen saidlid. “ It’s a b o u t th e spir- , the proposed remodelirlin g p ro- sent a seivicc O' H a n s en s aid th e m oney is d ire a - w a n t to ra ise 5 ^ ,0 0 0 . it of the sea cc aword to retiring season, one of joy and ject. , Hospital board mtn e m b e rs board membcf E JM lours are 5 unt:mtil 10 p.m. ed fromom th^ foundation to -Along with the tree:e s o ffe re d peacc a h d gi 3Cf ElVera Richan. I giving.” ,need the county’s endoriarsem ent I------to receive community develop-di . Juvenilee probationpi report - [UTED BELLS___ 1 ment block grants for ■I'l!tl P™- C h ie f p ro b)ation a li officer Lisa ___■■■■ Mu ____ Man waits on jject. . , . Kamaclii reptieported a prohiein Commissioners said with comnuinitinication ahoiii jiivc- Bushh to get would support of the proj( , nile.s betwcvrevn Minidoka and The remodeling will mcnake the Cassia countyly authoriiies.ai facility s a fe r an d ad d pi SalvstJonAnnybfn privacy. Two ji.veniletliles were spotted by IHanson said. The tentativ^ve start ^ probation officeroffii in Burley last rlng*rJ*nnifwIf ■ hislaand back c date for the work is OiOctober weekend, Kama;imaciii said. At least [ McOtfviebrtflMt- IDAHOI FALLS F (AP) - Gene 2004. ^ one was wantiinted in Minidoka »d In a window asI W illiam s Is waiting for o presi- Some remodeling plan:ms were County. Cassia;sia County officials made in 1997, but thing; @>lwA«>Tliunil|tlMaormalvo(ania a c re s Ianand located within a p -ate for There isn’tt a a shared system patients, and employeeses favor between the twotwc counties, to prior protMti iss study area. ^ creating a straight line ofof vision • Sheriffs officeoff remodeling - •XjabouthowkKidtli* P re s id e n t; BBush is expected to between i, the nurse static sign the bill)ill in th e n ex t tw o or g ion and Minidoka Counounty Planning and $ 2 btniswbmKli ER doors to monitor ped(destnan Zoning Adminisiinistrator Paul Aston three weeks.ks. traffic. t, nngotitsldttlM. said the projecticct was nearly com- “ T h is : on 0 example' of gov- The old plans carried a 3>ub)lebufidlnc.TM e r n m e n t wiworking the way it „ plete. willi a fewfe\ details remain- mated price tag of 51.2 n^million, ing for sheriffsffs office personnel :«3clapp*rlnttMb«a said Rep. Michael Hanson pj said. Officials now)w think ,0 finish. Simpson, R , R-Idaho. Williams it jt might be closer to 51.55 millionr Sheriff’s off to him in an effort to o: office emi)loyees or $2 million. Hospital per“rsonnel might finish iter ^ by I metaf pipar straig h ten ouo ut th e issue. ^ ilems such as paint- w ant to ra ise betw een 58i>800,000 ing ceiling liles irBnptotMlpAntha W illiamsIS purchased] a small g: iles and refinishing and 51 million throughh b lo ck r^vo doors, Astorston s;iid. T he mate- aoond. lamand next to the sand g grants or the Muiurdock rials for thoseose projects have d u n e s tside St. Anthony in p Foundation, which recentl:tiy gave already beenI purchased.pui 1971. He tunumed it into the Sand m oney to th e W ilson T heatater. • Juvenile ju Hills Resort:irt: a bar, restaurant, J justice security - Hanson told commissisioners Don Gamer, din d an ce hall anand sw im m ing pool. g director at the Mini- ElVera Richan is resigningng from Cassia Juveni-enile Detention I'. In , the tl U.S. Bureau of the tl Hospital Board effe fective Center, saidI fourfoi new security Land Manaelagement decidcd to today. tc cam cras haveI beenbe installed. The co n d u ct 0 wilderness w study in e s The Hospital Board norom inat- facility now has ha.s eight cameras. the area. Inh :1995, a review con- ing in commitiec-gavc the cocommis- More coverage^e wasv added in the duded thatIt 0.19S3 survey was sioners si a list of names to fill a kitchen and halhlallway. in error andid :10.23 acres of what vacant v: position earlier in Ju ly ; ------Williams tho:hought was his land commissioners c( agreedd th e y Timcs-Nctcs: wwn riiiT Shuri Cluincv i------______, was part ofif t th e S and M ountain would wi consider names fronom that cun Ik rcachcdxl at the W ildernessss Study Area. The list li« to replace Richan. Mini-Cassiu BunJureau a t f)77-IO-l2, property lineIne cut right through Other commission busu s in e s s E.xt. 63H, or or by e-niail tii |i lYiiccalVMountain 1 Project wworkers si>3 V W illiam s’ honlome. induded: in . .vhuncu^maKicvc■icvallcy.ajm. Isite prol»blems ha^ive been kt[ept quiet HaUee y ^ ------Continued fromm C( l AttorneyAt Ned Williamsonn care- ing signingH authority to I LAS VEGAS (AP)iP) - Some U.S. LLabor Department M attim oc, 52, said h e wwas fired office for onlDnly 10 m o n th s a fte r fully fu led the council thrirough McBryant. Lim..in d le y a ls o tolvho had neverer been sive. deidealing with Lindley, but recom-re gle call from anyanyone interested ^oved aside so lingerijering prob- waste coul )uld arrive as early as interviev«d ii about concen:ms over Claiming. hihe had acted emo- mended mc only one: to den>ny the in serving as< aa 5450-a-month pems vtrould not be spodJodighted. . 2010.' - thti e p ro ject. tionally withohout thinking when ex-moyor’s ex- request to withihdraw councilman or asas i m ayor, resigning, Lin-indley then wrote o his his resignation. Davis, Keirnrn and Council- letter 10 day;ays later seeking to Williamson\ pointed outIt that woman Marthala 1 Burke said too flVaiiis _ ------w ith d ra w thhe e resignation and since sin Nov. 8, Lindley/ had many critical ississues facing the re tu m to h iss$l,660a-month $; job. deaned de out his desk and tutumed city needed attenitention, and delay- jconttndtaa'ci quakes axere induded in the new hazardous ht m aterials di: lisaster • During ope:pening moments of in in City( Hall keys and a cityy e inadvisavisable. •Calkins said a large mamajority of . While nobody m Bright hos ing in on several other prorojects, , khat traffic is trucks. **Ih'Ihe road is talked to0 (can remember the such su as a g ra n t to g e t a genaierato r ^ d w ith trucks,” h e said.saii earthquakece in Shoshone in 190S, on a trailer. The generatoror could I But if a train vs.'car;ar acddent . there is oheneon record with about ' b be e u sed to su p p ly po w err ito th e Ibccurs in Lincoln CoCounty, it a5or6magnitude. ^ school sc in case It is needed e d , h e ^vould most likely happeppen a t th e " It doesn*!sn’t look Uke too many said. sa Sell y o u r trelasures a In Th•le Times-Neve w s pietricfaoossing. buildingsJ vwere damaged,” he J “There are 210 carsirs per day said. Rail So Street in Shoshone did Times-News correspotlo ndenr Mark!ketplace clasissified adve^ r t i s i n g . 733-3-0931 ^ a t cross at Dietrichch with no have quiteite a few buildings Lorraine Lo Cavener can bc reacached at ^ t e s , ” B right said. already in IS1905, he added. . 436-I3S143 or lcavencr(S(Scabte { Other disasters such■h asc wth- In addldo;d o n -to com pleti|ig. t h q ^ one.net oni .' ...... - ...... ;______t

. 1. •-.o ___ ^ _ e4 mw*m,TWeF TM«mr.Na«Mtertar2a,2002

I d a h o M^ E S T MagilJstrate uurges drrug coil]irt invesstment J 1 PO C A T E L L O (AP) - teens andar thdr families to stay inJl million. Helping pai•arents and oJdfonner*er drug user said. She and ' Testimonials continitinue to pile up the pro{rogram for one jgiar, gettinglg would-be parents thriirough drug her husban>and had their baby less for Idaho’s fledglin;lwg drug court treatmeinencand other help, court hel[is avoid thoseecosts,advo-' i than twoo monthsi ago, several O v e; r r 4 0 P : program, even os: it relies on spe- In exchangecxc for successful com-}- cates say. w e e k s blefore e f sbe finished h er, dal grants to lessen;en the strain on pletioi,n , prosecutors a nd thc judgie•p Relying heavily onI volunteers, \ drug counin partidpadoQ earlier N a t i V i^ t ) ^ l e t s : the stale’s strugglinging budget. can rededuce a felony charge to a Idaho’s program hasBS diverted this month,il. Investing in thee programp saves misdemtaneanor aiid a misdemeatuirir drug-offending juveni)tiiles from a **It deflnFinitely works,” Brower D i d pp l li a y e d taxpayers money in the long run to nothiiiiing. T h o u ^ the court clear*r* corrections system thaitat costs tax- said. “MostDst kl(U » in widi nega- by avoiding the futurIture costs of car- ly targ(rgets drug users, it has a payers dbout $70,0(X)) a t year per tive attitude thtnlrtng, *TM« «tw ^ ing for children exptdeposed to drugs longer-tcr-term objertive: keeping thee juvenile, Murray sdd. I don’t warna n t to b e here.* B ut t h ^ and alcohol said BarB^ock County off^eriers from passing their prob-V . Kelsy Brower, oneof ol Murray's figure it outw t" Magistrate Biyan MilM iim y. lem onnto t( thdr children, reccnt commitments toodrugantrt, ( Murrayf saidsi Brower Is the first The court is operperating with' a Murrarray dted a national study y says the court is theonly oi reason randuate ofof hia drug court to sive »isioK jt- I $498^ federal ^grant, ViWch.will that fouiDund th e lifetim e cost of car* '0 iw a. child ij :* she has her baby today,f- uirth to a drug-freedn child, keep the court goihgling f<»' the next ing forr aa d iild exposed to drugs orr . “W ithout drxig c o ut, rt,: I probably A second,nd, a l&year-old partid* three years. The progirogram requires alcohol:1 beforeI birth could hit $1.44 would be in prison,” theth 19-year-’ pan t, is exprogram to D espite ththi e present lack of job« Jeri Kilburg enrolrolled at the '/ d o n '( x a w it to le a v e encourage high school ststudents to in northernm Idaho, Powers said Boys amId G irls C lu b - CSI ! : University of Idahoho to pursue a ,. consider teaching as a cajairecr. about 80 perTercent of students who Twir i n Falls, Idaho teaching degree, she was told a anvi. It's loo n'lre o f a G ro w in g I d a h o ’s> Future have complepleted the university’s leaching shortage wasvas ahead. Teachers, or GIFT, coi p b c e t o b e . ' louldhave internship programpr , which is in its Novenimber 29 • 6-9 pmm That shortage hasIS notn occurred. chiipters in Idaho’s higligli schools th ird y e a r,', have h found teaching a t least not in northenlem Idaho. by fall 2003. The earliestsst the pro- jobs, Novembeper 30 • 10 am - 9 I p m ; Ready to grajraduate in gram would have an efieffect is in If gradualjates were willing to Oecenm ber 1 • 12-6 pmm December. KilburgB is faced with -Jcri Kilburg, 2007. work outsidfide of the Panhandle, an uncertain job mar■narket. It m ay j,,punjuing a teaching; “I believe GIFT will comec at a Powers estiirtimated the placement Pulibllc Is Invited not improve for ancanother three « time the need becommes most rate would be*be 100 percent, years or longer. d c ^ r■ccacthc c t University , apparent,” Larsen said. “ I d o n ’tt want V to leave this SlSponsored by: “It’s a little dishcshcariening," Powers said it also is; iiimportant area," Kilburn i^ ^ d . “It’s too nice ______D r. KeCent Pocock, D.D.S. Kilhurg said, "butJt I ’ll h a n g in ■ ofldalio to retain teachers. Nearlirly half of of a p lace to b ’ . .. .r there.” the nation’s educators w leave Kilburg already isis oion the Coeur Nearlyrly one-third of Idaho’s th e profession w ithin thele five d’Alene School Distrisirici’s substi- teachcrsrs arei nearing retirement years. tute rolls in case a job k not wait- and, asa a result, r tlie State Board of Powers said the reastisonS vary ing for her after gradu:iduation. > Educationion is forecasting a severe from lack of support from)m parents , University educatioJtion professor teacher■ shonage. sh to conditions of schoolsIs and'low Frank Powers supervijrvises student Nancyy Larsen L w ants Idaho to be pay. teachers like Kilburgrg He expects ready vhenwhi the shortage finally “They can use their ta le n ts the glut of teachers.s tcto change in strikes, other places and makik e m o re the next three to fivee yiyears. Id a hu’s o ’s 200(} T e a c h e r o f th e money," he said. Authoritieies probe whhether plane! was1 from B(

SAN FRANCISC.<;f f eeoelonai youil need. Treat your b>oei^dy and soothe your sou50ul With the ' ha Spa S y s te3 rr m . >89®i' 1 ThediExlin. n - Fri. Sam - lOpm pr • Sat. Baiii - 8pipm • Sun. 10am - 66| p m . 678.J S -S S 3 4 436-(5-0221 WAI%LK-INB. W BLPOlJMEI .Mon. • .Sai. 8«m-7|n-7pm; Sun. 10am>4ptn M on. • Sat. Sud*?m*7pm: Sun. Clowd : » » » * ^ ^ ^ ^ I I » ^ Ji L J L J I 'J. '-'fr-' \ ■■

______^ aqr.NMMNf 31,2003 >NMii,TWIiMs,MilW C « ' M o r nING i> BREAK'- r . ' .1" ' V nedssaBSBsaBBBBi^Bsai

*cll0w ' r: i i l A l i k i iter’s dot]ible life $secret i | - I I i "1 ' DEAR ABBVi I amd'a I 37-year- •' f ~y'' ourhome? in g ” all com:ome to mind. Your - Prtmp V.--/ « b id tin g le m o m o f onuldn*t hold iny breath if' They think we should bbem anled ou. He appears to like UfA w im .'T m niiyii-i i p p i '. because wie make suchba“perfe« 1 tWnpjusta xastfaeyare. Q "' AIRAICTm couple.” They do not I QBIBY married rve kept this « ABBY: My husband of thenl an these years. MaIom went to i, “George,” is a terrific sgivingM her grave not knowing;Mikeha,e & SSTt’SShave a teenage daughter, . wife. a om a previous relation- e t m t / m ; I slwuld menticm that lives with us, and theyVe A v» m is 18 years my sehior4,WW h m ltn et About tten tw along b^utifully. 2 | A m E -DDUTCH APPU - ■OYSmiERnSR Y ^ I. -■'•id him. his marriage wasas “on th e falling-outtwo v years ago I had a E SENBERRY CRUNCH > P U C H 4 BoytJme klElTprl rocks.” MDce was up-fironont with me didn^speakt with my sister and we ' Wi. B 5 Reeonj holder? A4Qf-jfc.i about how he would n ^ iak more than 10 words ' WA| P C A C H dlUNCH U • STRAWIERRY RHUIAIIIARB M OMakMhiftbed „ n w Avorra until last wc 7 VMi»ebb Gershwin Q. Wes there such a tithing a s o The* Rusi boM tgt 2 „Trade and floww 56 Flatfoot - s to ^ eicdiange in Shakekespeare’s Pavlov, theusslan fe psychologist Shovfc)Bmtlch ^ J fellow who made dogs’ I Tak*bMt( . IT day? mouths wate A. Not In England,, tanyhow. and slept atner e on cue. always ate J WfeaMI^^ o m k J S irL iw ■ First red stock exchangege was set of day. CompiIt exacdy the same time j Unnon>»Y«to :I Practical1 matters ' up in Holland in 1602 aI fewfi years It may notnpulsive 1 fellow. m MMtfofrock. . . . ? before he died or mine, butot do much for your ego 5 L etter;'S to San1ita... J Should the presldenm t of th e - record thatut tJsdentific proof is on s r n „ , ^ i Strnd in your ItUlUljT to Sunta und w»- wi S j j j j , United States wear a uuniform? called the tchi tiie little biting beast I ite; don’t b chigger would like the I be scared When that query was ixit . ptih liH h it <»n Dtri ilt to a siz- taste of us bei ►•rrrmluT 21" in lh«* T im i dMuftoanc* able sampling of universirsity schoi- ens. Chiggersbetter if wc were chick- J # 26TH IS I ------jrs love chicken. L I N«wh s|H?riul Yu:’tilelid*' Gn'«?tinf;s srcticnt i o n . W r Qhortly. V ... you a re • ars, a surprising num ber:■r said yes, conunent o r o s c o p e • iiiii.st rrc-f‘iv«? yoiD iir I«'tl«T hy I)«*c«Miil)fr HomeorbM responsibibty 4 I FI it would add authority. BtBut no his- . (oOowar ral 5 I execudve. Sydney S] Omarr torian in the group thougjght much ’ l’l»*ii«r k rf j) yoiiiiir I«*UiTs III 2.') wor-(Is «m *_:«•■ ' ssionate ei and , |______of the notion. ™inpaft»..r o 7not1 abide Tfnn* Phoiogrspho^ 0 ' A (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): ' D e a r S a n t a : ___ Bfsdy ' 9 1 It on humor, versatHi^ Beauty 10 ( tmatmont? « tistic talent. You win Strstchablo 11 ! ; your influence is awe- R e v isfSITED R(Haxotf«al0 1 2 1letters in t the track: Choose num- Pondl nu 1 3 1 n position in third race. LM.B Losdot's . r SCORPJ:PI0 (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): P^uoo 21 1 Mv Gtrxtk Wn. i Bivoiiw 22^ where you want to go }HS!mXHK)7:30.aAS h Concept Idren, 2 4 1 o lS Sli""*ne step at a time. Refuse Bla 1131 7:40. D:50 ^ Mountain rtdge 25endeavors. f ijoled into making snap _are much HioRintKI13I 7:15-0:30 L Qevatof man o26 ^ £ v m h th,u_ e . decision,1. Shrewd appraisal of i late, b u t Swtwt HomoUOflltS) At 7:00 . 0:20 ■ From : ______SL Louis . 26 f es is necessary. Taurus, :erta in ly LAtabaaUll3|7:lS.0:30 fl f l i e r s 30 F re prominently. “Umvanted children” ai riattin g (OI 7:40 - 0:H> B Conaumef 2 31 0 .iMf .y 2 0 ): rrARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. in■ the TV news of la LZjC) 7:00-7:304:204:45 9 I protection minate: . h sepa- Town: ______advocate . asy. 32 C Remain IT desire to create and unwonted children ce « Infieider Rose n your own style is high- aren’t new. Numerous 1 exert inHu. r parents regarded the col( % Otheiwlse f.Y 33 H oucouU [Creativity and sex a p p ^ I servants. 'pMda',. i ' 3Sh phenom- --fMtured.T<.Tonight you leam where ' ’America as a sort of refom OOWN 37 0 d them. Friday nftw>10111)7:20.0:55 • | | l d and what to do about it. to which they could sendrorneH t ’s flMUgiSClIS2a IAI 7:30 - 0:40 f l Wldoopen 3 8 0 118(11)7:00.0:30 ^ Actress Sophia o : figures prominently. . ficult youngsters as bondsM e d id n e SfeOLSW ICORN (Dec 22-Jan. 19): To say it plainly, they sold: SblB (Rl 7:30 • 0:40 f l Mail to: Thehe ‘Times- ^ :• Buckets 42 T SI o u se p e ts ^ agthgfJtodii S Id be invdved in dispute A rep o rt out o f Coughts m a ! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■7j0^|40^05^^^^ ■ ^ S jjE j^ News, Insideiide Sales “ ing inheritance. Money College of Veterinary Member. A P.O. Boxo x 5I 4 8 lg to partner or m ate is soys nearly half the hoi sters con- rf]firf,fT ffra ^ g ^ j - Twin Falls,.ID ID 83301 J m I : . “L h o t n S I. Answers lo problems nadonwide spend their nigvc would Sitntn Omw Taurus: und in occult literature. bed with some family mer flUSfi.2(Cl7:l^!l^^| H cat than HanvFw RIUS J a n . 20-Feb. 18): related finding by pollstt Pin AnothnrPotter I 2 iw.i 7in I |H ship that was broken can dudes one woman in fiveI lak e in aominat ded tonight, if you so rather sleep with her a HHPlIP 'ercdve people as they with whomever. More IF NOVEMBERivement. U t “T i:d i selfKieception. Focus j Q. What’s the longest : YOUR BIRTHDAYin. .. Romantic on legal affaffairs, public relations the worid? capable of handling res ia g e .P is ^ involved. r* A. Africa’s Tanganyika and ccHild be a natural 3 (Feb. IWWar. 20): You than ^ 400 miles long.. n d u s m a ll In love, you are pasdi mportant task. You beat ' iy ^ m s possessive. You do r s and beat the gamel being “second dioice." organization, recognition ipower and influence ies. Relationship is seri- D aces determined. CapricoriimE appear S S=H0US,lSgr0Winving intense. n TCKTIUniS nativiss play major roli •Sept. 22): ■KTTTTTT lifei coiUd have thesewill recdve U u L u i U t -USEtlOILFlREP- Fuma names: H,Q,Z. FOR tt Nmacnw MwtwL O M in a n !it Focus on I40A»toSOO,OOOBTU ARIES (Msr. 21-Apr.adva efforts int^gm t concessionscolorful Leo Fanis will be on childrou' off yoiir' tojpursue creative ec I g W ^ 4 : 33^!ooSlS^j^ a i i B Mosic is involved alonj soud of your own voice Fa URUS {Apr. 20- Prtoical matters domir rate fact from fantasy b«|und scenes, and ex p Q j g e r o in sybde m anner.' behr witness to “psydiic C o n j ou've found today' enh.” No need to be frigi ngratulations! You y's M illionaire Ml o o n e y ! 5 GEM INI (M ay 21>Ji m / m a o ntiy i ju s t stA Cli his ad and save it to bid onin great prizes like a car, bo;b o a t, ; Bijsiness arrangemei Clip only the bill from this involve trips, visits an restaurant and.groce^ani certificates, anm d much m ore! reladves. Exerdse lei it be known you af< he lobbym s t^ . Reladonship getsV n r h e l n ^ ^ ^ to cool down! then her shoppingn g ac T b e CANCER (June 21-. a n d g e t h e r h e a r t I Lc^k b ^ n d the imme( ^ mtJI can pre’. For Million.iir romotlon ends Nov. 30,2002, No pi •lire money, send h.indwrillen SASEASE 10 i BhrtL^tLakeatytJbit a h 8 4 1 0 3 ■ i* 8 o o - 6 9 { ^ 5 3 co m IVi, ro Box 548. TWin Falls. ID 83303TOwilhin^^ijjorgublic^^ onalre Auction3, The Timcs-NCTVi, I ± s ______I ^ . • \'' • wwwtwplfekrest.cc

^ /

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m O f * S3 2 0 f o r a o r S a tu n

B l

\ ^______i7 3 N.E,Capi»lBI ' {

'v c e Tlm«>4lewt, TwinIN F

.FARM PROFESSIONAL . . r Yaar round farm hand. mSUHBSPUIS I 733-0931 Naada to know how to run •nM^.bi«pan8h» I l a t S M l o s S rMumM.aM4S7r I ft^aSanlar'^nd^ RCSTAURANf i w h r s O f auma with rafaranc* to H i Vlfaai C o m i Twin Falls ' 5 3 5 S B B B Box P77B4; c/o.ThaTkn« Hol«iaaccaplingappU< Nawa Box 646. Ttflh- c a tia n i fo rih a <*acior of ' - im iw .n a g ln a n 6 7 7 - W 2 Fano, ID 83303* . catarlnofaalaa iwalllen: M s y Expaflanca ta o M d . M al m NOEXPERtENCe raouma lo: Waat Ceaat tc c e s s A R Y . Twin Falla. 1367 Blua • DlfWctCai* Lakaa Blvd. N.. Twin CtmREMT --^o $7 ( 0 abut FalK.ID63301.* MOTOR nourea' PAIOTRAIMNQ ------TT**^.. AVAOJWIE I l S B B a B B I FlaxMeWiBta OittaMa aalaa rap. Col- HI Graat banam*' lactlon aganey kxUngfoK BEU£VU& HAILEY. HH aia PMMWhrM aaa conviM JHI W H H JI *1 >n tta DoMtAoMKiiM AnJotpMonawttt . ■■■■" TwawM aiai4 010 FttMOOdM ao* C a n v n tM a profaaalonal aaiaa rap; KETCHUM d«vok>pmantal dlaabttiaa Highly mothralad, proven EBoth Caniar a SutatHuloa 301 • SI7 Conaon««m SIS li U M H om tftn Oil FumknCiyE9*nn Action Emptoyar. A drug, 1201 Falla Ava. E. S ta 24* ' P o l i c i e s AlafririjfrKiiung h uibjMt lo th« MOO ** S«MX Cvaoory SOI HomV.* sor OAMtHtMfteK* t u A»Mrar OM TBBi« 1007 THAI mnfOftn' m screen is required prkx lo jSALES ^ Uondadi of KCiflontt. UhhtTlnw Tir H nnrtuotithiil^ totdt. ^ QUMXtOM oas C*T(*igE9gE9«mr> HOS TutPrtlAcoMM omptoymonr INow hiring salt moUvated JmIon o> pfoptrFy doMifjfFy anyon od. iMiipl ol (opy irio f*moli tes«H * a3ai.'sss:r: s s r r r s OuUngU«MM BtT CUagoSAiS*( fflttMe CUHBENT f m e c h a n k : anargaiic workera w/ I enlty (Iw. • moil, «tc.) 6 n ai4 ExTKiymert WwiM Sti OUOSUitM Smtm 000m Ctmmttl OM IJbckaiatna>«OM 1014 10m m ' WAUONO B oureii OMm not (oniitiiti liruf Eoivmvt n o FlwMld—iM IBMiVMIxSM Tmck/Mtaor/Sproador great aomlng potential. o(i*pio«i by ihh nnnpc^. I »1S nMmPmpMon i l t r«imn SIS fciMOMMIiMla. Antf „E ropolr, Qonoml krxMlodgo, 732-5265 Cf2t2-031S* iKe nmpopef, etu m t fir»ve»t^ryfo.A. j rn ^ s i a m mB l i S l Health buum nco. liulhlul (onteflt of ihtir otfrtrlihrortim mnugg. Oil F«m.Fa(Wl mm CanrrvnMcn tOI aO O D IN Q CWerMiaw IIS CctrTOBUlPnMlProperry il2 P*ta«M Fo Rtnl RT, 500 to i OK>CH» ttiiaoD w m i Pay DOE. C an 334.7372* ltsst»ts$t$$$$« ^ I NEED MONEY? 1 0 0 « )0 1 4 th Ave.W ADMINISTRATIVE CUSTOMER SERVWE DRIVERS Milk haulora8 MEDICAL------^------I WE NEED YOUI h1300-2200 CalHomia m k Satolhto ollico in Twin Fellslls Port tim o C usiom or S a r-r- -naodod, 401k. insuranco, Busy Physical D o p t la I • Cuatom or sorvico ”R ' r.6 0 2 PUBLIC NOTICE needs an onorgotic solfilf v ic o R o p . M uai b o »88 Cafatorta 125 Plon. k>oktno for a fuO time I - S a t up ond display 700-600 Califonila i Tho Joini Commission PO Bok 54a ___ staner. proporty manage­a- w/valid drtvers licanaa-Aa Apply at Rich Thompaonn Phyaleal Ttiaraplat, 600400 Nevada << I Tiwln Foils. ID 833KM)5. I • M anager Tralnooa * AccrocJilalion ol HoQ!lhc< a ment background a plus.s, ablo to work wookonds.s. Trucking 23 W 100 S. m ust ba Ocensod. JEROUE Doadlino lor logal ads: I Coll Monday or Tuesday Ji Organizations will condi Must bo bondablo andid Apply at Budget Ront - Jerom o, E,0,E.* RT. 824 Inw ^ (Joys prior to publicolio I for an Intervlow Rl an unannounced survey have good solosmanshipIp A Car. Twin Falta Airport* - For moro info call Shirloy I 733-6350.* 20200-400 lo t Avo.W Illh A noon on Wodnosdoy I skills. Fox resum e lo _ DRIVERS [daho Homo Hoalih ® DAIRY a t 934-4433 0x1.136* 300-400 3rd Avo, W 1 r,n-o Sunday, noon on Thursd. 208-342-7325* School bua drlvora^or • Hospico orgonlzollor y o u r _ Exp. feoder/dalry person in \ MEDICAL RT.626 homo health program,^ J for Monday, noon on F n Jorom o School District for ' 100-400 7lh Avo. E ' AGRJCULTURE Joromo, Must havo dairyy •02-03 school yoar. CDL Now hiring Aaslstod CMA u'Js’” ” ” *’” *' S ovaiuaio irio orgnmzniioiinJv day for Tuesday ar Our BuainaM Is Growingl to100-700 8th Ave. E • ■ r.n-.^iu Wod appreciated. We ofter 90 sion si.mdnrds Thosun/i oad^ TIMES-NEWS The Timos-Nows. PO Box B ridgavlaw E atataa 900-1200 8 Davis nrt In Saturday. Holidoy doai port limo and vacotlon.; aWo to obtain OOT medl- training, support, benents r t fosulis wilt bo used 548. Tv/in Falls. ID 83303* , 1828 Brktgavlew Blvd. N, RT.6S3 >• have CLASSIFIED Noods lo bo floxiblo. smallli cal cord. This position Is andadrancornontStarta 10( dotormmo wnoihor. andnnlu moitino queations call Ruby , . TF 73^933* 100400 7th Ava. W conditions undor which a by at DEPARTMENT ~ASKiNQ QUESTIONS nico 9fflca. 536-5441* part timo. Apply at: naw career or conilnuo 200-500 20( 6th Avo. W Conduct pu&llc opinion 47 8 . 100W , Jerom a, your coroer in profession- e i creditalion shouldfS^b‘^0 t DRIVER , I m e d ic a l I SHOSHONE — 208-734-5538 polls ovor the tolophono, or call 324-4428 between awarded tho organijatton [; rr»n^xwt«{/or> NUratog LPN/RN al salos. W hon othore ore RT.416o t MD fr^ p m . Mon.-Fri.* laying off, wo ore hiring, Joint Commission stan-sta ABSOLUTELYNO Serv/cM , Gooding. kJoho. oponinga. FT/PT 100-500 N. Apple d o 'd s doat with orgamz. 208-677-4543 SALESI Strictly rosoomih. T hero'a a raaaon. ;• Full and port-limo work (DRIVERS I ovoning and night 500-700 W. 7th tional quality ol caro issu<— 1 J MIiifH____ ( B u r t e y ) * S7.00 lo S9.00 per hour. shlfta. W e olfer groat Call today 733-0683* ^ __ Casual work onvironmoni; avalloblo for CDL/A •TEA M Sa WENDELL and tho salely olI th o ‘ drivom. Now poy packago inconllvoa and an environment in which cai I Flexible ovos. dayo. & » Aro you tlrod of sitting RT.611 core ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓71 REMEMBER ^ on 11/01/02. Eom up to a t a dock, orihrowing opportunity to work wtth 100-600 E Avo. C ts provided. Anyon Thai birthday ad you placos wknd. hours. 15-30 brs. clessKIed ^ . por wook, Groal port-limo freight? No more. now, poaJIfve, supportiva 100400 E Avo. 0 believing lt^al ho or shoohas hc In our effort to^ som e time ogo in Tho ’ exporfonco. Como by staff or>d m a n a^ m o n t. Department r t . pcnment and valid informj job or socond job, Closo Thit I tlt R T .817 V srma- make our Timos-Nows? Now Is tho * 1735 S. Main SI. 48 states, tomiinal to Contact Glonda Brown vWill d o s e at 3:00 pm 100-5003rdAve.W10c tion about such mattot Q P limo to como pick up your to CSI cam pus. For moro! Gooding ID. D.O.N. or may tequost a public Xinlo ’ classified seciion “I info. Coll73d-2853tttllMI* tormlnol oporatton, Wednesday, ' 100-500 sth Avo, W pictures. Slop by Iho Clas- . or coll 634-4451 ext. 422* drop & hook. Our Paul Crook. Administrator If you llvo na ar ono o f . matron interview wilhfl Iho ih free of any errors,■S' sifiod Dept, todoyl • AUTOMOTIVE Burloy C are Contor Nov. 2 7 . " Jo in t C om m ission’s liel , DRIVERS drtvora aro averaging Ihoso aro a a and woukl iieid please check your = Full-timo position opon for 20K miles o mo. 1729 Minor Avo. end will be closed representatives at Iho tim Rotbods. w/O loost 1 yr. lika to bo a caniar ^ 107 I RV/marlno mechanic, Diroct dop. & modical 676-9474* Thanksgiving Day Pieaaa P c o n ta c t th a ~ ot the survey. Inlormatio,S ad tor any 9 Must havo your own sot: OTR oxp, noodod, Opor- bonoflta avoll. .36c <■ D iatnct M anager ; • Dreset'tod at tho mtorvioirvlow m i s t a k e s t h e firs t ■ of hand tools and oxp in' olo In 11 Wosiom atatea. MEDICAL will be c.iretully evaluate ! Exc. bonolits bonuses, . bonuses yrs, OTR, 733-0831, exL 348*. rated day that it runs. IS the mointonanco flold, RV Dbis,, & Hoz roQulred CNAa or NAa noodod. tor relevance to tho accrec 3- PREGNANCY CRISIS CEMTEfl Thon home ovory 6-10 • All shifts. 5 FREE TESTS. Always and morlno troining avall- days. Averaoo pay la Lrflmafl.i-aa^65-5iK.-| itation process RequestJosts Afterthat time , obio for mo right indivMuoi. Coil 212-0115 or* ■ or a public inlormatio Conlidontial. 734-7472 $40,000 f.800-453-222r j mon The Times-News Apply with rosumo: EOUCATK>N MEDICAL ii interview m ust bo modo i ■ at Burt H arbaugh Motors Taking aDpllcatlons for ii writing nnd should bo ser I DRIVERS I Liconaod Social worker. 3 450 N, Idaho St pon-timo Tltla I AMa and Full timo, fo run Day treat- r ■ d to tho Joint Commissionsion responsible forr Idaho Milk Transport, Quest (subatltue tooch- , Cloaslflod lino ods lo run I Wondoll. ID 83355* Inc. has oponinga for ment conter, must be ablo The request must alsoalsi any mistakes. ora.) Haoannan , on Thursdoy, Nov. 28 . indicate Iho nature ol thi - BOOKKEEPER c iass A COL drfvors to run groupa, positive N eed to bo placod by BANKRUPTCY E lem entary School, poraonallty , a must, call inlormation lo be providoi Port timo, Compuior wiOi tankof ondoraomenis 324 North 2nd. Avo. | 11:00 am W ednesday AHordobto & lost. Accidonts. to run 11 wosiom or BUI o r Pam at 676-3913* at the interview. Sud ✓ ► v v v v v v w ■ tltoralo. S ond rosum o to H agorman 837-47T7* _ divorco & criminal matlors. 4a alotoa ond Canada, roquosis Should3 bb' o ■■ - Brad Rico at 734-3367*r S&G Produce, Attn: 2 yrs, oxporionco roq, ELECTRICIAN E ! ClaaaHiad line ada to nm f l addrossed lo: FOUND Border Collie malo Donna, 108 Locust St. S.^ on FrMoy, Nov. 29 V DIvlolon of AccredfUsllorillon y o u n g , lo u n d a t S ."I?; o: BANKRUPTCY TwinFalls. ID 83301* WANTED journoyman physlcldn's offlco.' Compotitivo rates on Neod 10 bo placed by ^ Oporatlons Hanson. Calt 423“»e62* Sa?oty ond fuol oloctrlcianli Compotitivo 734-6633•) or420-888r Chapter 7 bankruptcies. CASHIER bonuses. Health Ins. ond pay, can start ASAP. _ 2:00 pm Wodneadoy CURRENT Accrodltsllon Service Evos, & wookonds, SpeclollBt FOUND Border Collie' X.X, JoHStokor 01 734-8452* 401kavallablo. Needs to work fast and MISCELLANEOUS Ml WAWAUONO ROUTES black & brown, calico, Mua) bo 17 yrs. or oldor. PT. washing trucka ovos. Joint CommlasloR on DRIVEWAY REPAIR Oroat homo timo. efficlontly, Eloctricol ox- PI Your friends at AVAILABLE . ^ 11/9/02. call to identify Apply In porson oflor Spm Call 1-800-0e7>2911 Must havo drtvera liconso Accrodltallon of ^ I havo a Kubota tractor & portonco in dairy Instaila- ^ The Tlmes-News & 9 Beana ft Burrito Mon, thm Fri,. tion and aen/feo^rofonod & * bo18 plus. 731-0304 Hoallhcoro OrgsnlzalloniIon. ______tra ito r, a 4 y a rd d u m pP 799 Chonoy Or. Suite 3 wish you a ' TWINFALLS Ono Ronolatance FOUND Silver ring with ini-ini­ truck, roady lo work lor 8 om to S pm, MOT* but not roquirod. 736^6100 7 avenfnga* ir Twin Falls* Happy Thanksgiving r t .: B oulevard tial on I6lh & Overland.»id. y o u . N o o d o r a v o l/d lrt ■ J CCalt OeannQatS36-641l* OFFICEq J IIANAQER " RT.716 Oakbrook Terraco, IL Coll 878.7568* __ leveling? Call 324-5315* • 'CLERICAL 'ORIVERS 7FARM Seeking & an Oftkio m anag­ 500 bik, Buto Dr. 60181 Full lime, Jorom o roal *Coma join our taam. Enioy qGohring Ag of American e o r for progrosalvo roal es­ 206-733-0931 ext. 2 500-500-700 bik. Rimviow Or. FOUND Tabby Dlack/grayfoy DUMP TRUCK a bonolits auch os: homo The Joint Commission5'on cai groon oyos. whlio ostoto ollico. Muat bo Folia Is seoking and axpo- tate company. MUST bo 132 3rd St. W est, TF RT,7RT.71B will acknowiodjjo such ‘■0 BACKHOE SERVICES computor lltoroto. Sond limo, good poy, vacation - fax 208-734-5538 l1100-1200 i d 11th Ave. e .' uch paws, no collar. Foundind Grovol & dirt for solo rloncod, mollvalod Indl- computor c Utorato w/axpa- . 'o q u o s ts in writing or by rooumo to P.O Box 174. pay, hoalth Insuninca and viduol for yoor round form fienca n In Microsoft Otfteo. twlnadOmagk:valloy.oom 300-300-1400 Poplar ' Sunday in tho Sparks/k s/ 2e0-3828* multipio saloty bonusoa. tolophono and wilt inform RiOgowoy noighbortiood. Twin Falls, ID 83303* work. Knowladgo of larm Knowledge* of real ostato RT.7RT.736 4 Team, Solo or Relief. 206-677-4042 1300 Iho organization ol IhOIho Call 732-S993-* ° EMPLOYMENT* 5CLERICAL oqulpmont operatlona. induatry if a bonus! Looking , 1300-1400 Elmwood ^ foquost lor an interview. Now oqulp. 868-606-5785 \ 1263 Overtand, Burloy 13001300-1400 ^ — PAYROLL SERVICES Part limo. AR. data ontry boalc mechanical lunc- for a competent, friendly ' Tho Joint Commission will LOST Black Lab. SE. 0*ol PERSONNEL PLUS between 8om-5pm* Hons i ond willing to toko individual ‘r with o willing- fax 206-677-4543 Hoybum Ave.E Munaugh, Missing smco lolephonos, S7/hr. Fox mcdoMOmaotovtfoy-eom* RT.7 notily the mtoiviowoo ol tho 'CO 733-7300 Twin Falls DRIVERS n. ’ i *32»-525a-Uave Msq»« Must havo rollabio RMfora, Wostom States. \ teMUSHWYOS* theso a re as end woukl who sook furihor inlorma-10- R o w a rd . P l o a s o c o ll Canoda. $500 aign on , . J735 Overtand 078-4040 47&-767-3000* . ” tion to exercise thoir right vohiclo, Appllcationa Iiko to bo a canJer— ]ht 734-2930 or 30B-48Q4- bonua. Fuol & sofoty . tl dassifiod o(tveniiing Heop I S ! h njixj w U i ISTo y9U tno oportlnb >od? PlaPlaaaa c o n ta c t th a to access putjiic rocords avoilablo ot: LOST small block dog, V, Tha Timaa-Nowa bonua possiblo. Homo • oxJtt, * somoone %youktlnvoni youm wont to exchw)g« FirRnd tho o<)ulpmonl you DDlotrtot Manager and public meetings IfCall 733-0031. uftuood Uf Homo lof n«i Dachschund andChihua* 132 3r I S t W aat fraquanlly. 888-885-7600* ^ n—d'lo 736-3346.* IMPORTANT huo X. last soon ti/22 in Twin Falls, ID. B3301 oiDRIVERS ■ Please addross all logalial tho viciniiy ol Torroco OrV IB YRS. Exp. stay at homo Attn; Dan Walock* I advertisino to: 1 Mom. 2 oponinga roason- Long haul tmck drtvora ■ (behind McDonalds). wantod. Pay scale OOE, ■ LEGAL ADVERTISING> Ploaso return ASAP ao oblo rates, 733-^060* Tho Tim es News Raofer, vans, walking H ho nood modication. CollIII CHILD CARE 24 hours. %S«e da*tili«uair>OM ond floors. Also looking for ■ ”1 734-9565. * wookonds ovoll. Mools & MrvtM Olredory for the help rollof drtvora. LOST Thursdoy.1 lomalo— snacks includod. All ogosl you. neod » got your homo Call 734-OOB2 ______Rottwoilor, 1 molo Choc­® Call 324-S784.* _ »hip»hapo. olate Lab. Lost in E 23rd BU Y IT! Avo aroa. Call 678-1549 ROUmSAVAJLABtiE or 677-4218-______I Needd extra coshl P v TiIn tfw Buriey ama S E L L ITI I PUBLIC SERVICE - ttw holidays? - R L 400 I MESSAQE 11 st, w -sth St.W I l5on't poy to find work bo- by not get a >rertand • Poike Avo. — fore you gol Iho Job, For Alientloh Verizon cus- rt-ttn ie |ob? . T H E lom ers: II you'vo hod dls- froo Information about R L 402 putog w/your bill w/no sat*. avoiding omploymont sor- T o a c a n Wvork l In a relaxed “ W 21at.-W 16lh islaction wo'd Iiko to horog Vico sc am s, wrilo lo Iho % Burtoiurton Ave.-Parko Ave.' TIMES-NEWS Irotn you Indogo40ao(.cofn. Fodoral Trado Commis­ enTinnnieiit sion. W ashington. D.C,. W e o f f e n ' R L 490 CLASSIFIEDS Want lo m«*l single 20580. or coll tho Notion­ ✓ m e TRAim NG Sth5tfiStW s -t1thSt.fi , mom. Financially so­ al Fraud Inlormotlon Con­ Overtj>vertand - HUand A v ^ W ILL FILL curo ranchor. business­ tor, 1-800-876-7060-* s / RELAXED WOKK ENWWKONMENT man, wants to moot BXCEUEm ADVMCEMMENTOPmRTUNtTIES WoarecunonttyW< slondor, lady. 22 lo 40 ACCOUNTTN^^^^^ acca EV ER Y yrs. Possibly looking lor E vsne Grain, Fo*d w>d l / m e U M N C E AFTER ONLYC 30 o m s The Times-N( forlnc S M d C o .. Rupen. ID, views a pannor in lilo. Somo- is accepting appUcatIoItions for Walking Routes i NEED ono to onjoy tho holi­ id looking lo fill on sinTWinFalls. ^ days with. Lovos Christ­ accounting position,. b ‘7.00/hr. to start These positions arc 7-d7-day, early-irioming deliviveiy positions mas. kids. dogs, hora- Accounirng Skill, (min. hrs. req.) anij can be a sourcee Oc f additional income w 1263 O vaitantf Ava.' logistka. Intomol while you get os, tho ouldoors. 4- p aid for y o u r m orninging walk. Old R opar B uilding^ whooling, Corvottos. Jol conirols, computor Stop by or call today forr aan Interview to d ^ . skiing, hot lubblng. II . skills and crodit you lovo to bo pam­ oxporlnoco helpful. Sol- 7 3 2 -S Stop by The Times-NewJews a t 1323rd St. West in[t 'TWin Falls or S E L L ITI pered. and know how aiy basod on oxportonco lo pampor your man, ond education. Employ­ caU 7 3 3 ^ 3 1 , ext 302. sond photo and corro- oo bonolits availoble. BU Y IT! sp o n d o n c o lo: Merry Sond resum os lo: I ChrlstmM. 213 E 460 P.O. Box a In Burley, go to The Tirrrim es-N ews office a t 1263J Overland,C or Burley, ID 6331B ACKOSS FROM THI NfW S . Jerom *. ID 8333B i w m T o m a A T caU,677-4042. I AttniMlka* ^ 1399 nitm of Suits> 502I Twrfn falll VandVan FR O ! IN F O '? CallIINowt0»4S»<074* No 7} m _ ■. ; ; « fj-'r

TuMday.Novwnbar:v 2 0 0 i TImaieWv*,: IVvliTmin FaUt, tdaho CT

'TW M ^M jjPorW M ' I r W 'T TW N WOB------1 TTWIN W FALLS o lf lc * a HOR)B8 E 6 .yr o ld T a W afc- C ------^ lar.. .■ ;r* n ttS » 1 'F illm o M 6 U 3 1 ahopa / warehouse. 3 er,r. gelding. 16>1 h a n d s ^ 7 1 4 Ilal < ba n k 's 6tV ia.''i0O O a^ft I SPARKUNQ CLEAN Jphaaa. H CaH734>794«.* higiIgh. axo. huntlnp/irail m i j Studto a 1 bedreom ^ ood dlspoaltion. K2300/ — r 4 Kar. 5 4 3 ^ 1 0 after 3:30* WTTTf rr fS'w .aiT-eiw ai?; : *386afldup flifEITPATnTEB hora* levaral Pfopana . 9Bf5 ^ wanteiantedfor2gek»ngs. Ull f< iwmuA**ngs ' d8pL;N*w4b3^2balh ‘iSSSiSSn* ■ tutch«r*d and cleaned. gO»7l)6-7ea-1176.* .flfiyaaHooaaoiitSbam.'^ ^ . ;; a^ae*raiv*0a*4«)oad 8 33S hoahonaN . ' I S : CaB 733-5539* L '" caii2oe-eT8rSsroi 3?«5Sp?3iH5aoK yard taOOf dap 7364H42* 73942478 7S4-4339 • , 20e-431^)33ir-.V.'.-:- • Spodaf R ates S’XIO' ib&Ld'Sliry Cook 16* ^801 i__ ' «lngl« wid*. 2 M rm ., 2 TwsifraTSTBarEt • SSO .Ploasocall . W WaiWtWAiHWT " n isSSsH?: - dapoM.'AlkiarJm. { ••S30F»rUonth»» ' b lo c k * from T F .H loh T9W BimU.i4»J875r ! llR « « e n « apace now for 55-4250 ot 420.9777’ " ^ 5 b u tin e a t.io r ■■!«.' S tartii;: a& gigaag > narlraf 64»43yi School ( *750 months „ — = ^M |||||B B 16 ANtloUdANI b^AlERd < y ^ t ? 0.0 0 0 p e T y tm mo New 2 bdnn. Range, •Chrtstmas* lUlng a t tho Indoor Filor JOKWi&Sbdmi, iMbath oooom o.1 .bdmt. 1 bam, < rafrig. microwave, dish- IDoooretton Storago - ' ^ 7 ( I , 1 S325«pt.&t376for Tl a ea MarkoL Nov. 30 and on.I.iora. 12S0 tq. tt.l waener. W/D, Qaa fire- Packing Pa Boxos Avallabla °S3'CaSl!?‘ ■: hous*.Ca»S39-0e06.‘ - f )c. 1. ol TF County Fair I J4a^B0or«».74grs r funur*mod«ledinl«1dr. home, close to piplace, AC. Watententtation gnet:(aB>i^FALL6i650andup cSContact Roland Poloraon et. f SOkw. runa groat t m . ch U : ° ^ s s s r EaatgatoDr.eaOCIndy. Z Is Fndoy - 5 PM- 9 PM jgR ofir 2 bdmt 1 bam, J with discount. Last m onin 734734-1906 or 306-3860,’ Jjl®1500/offer ! 308-4653’ J™ **;" Ir TatoCyyrtj^ Juo* or Kent 0 7 3 3 - 5 ^ . free. fn 3 bdrm, 2 balh. ga------ffS ff I Saturday 11AM -5 PM tFILER a great View. i 14 acra!? - 1 car garage. 65 oUer. « .NTED cattle working jhisSuf1 Sundoy I t AM - 5 PM VUtmi^ALLS Large 2 bdrni rage, ro open model 376 k befor* y o u te *69^500^^^ Inlor- J 324-3733 or 731-3733-*ft " >ute in good condilion, £4'A Admissionac Rotum I haad Lonoro. Call Chuck 733- ^ 6 2 bath. yard. o>nigo. ap- L< e a se call 934-5897' PrivilOQOS . AB«WconfldjnMll| JEROME 3 bdrni. 1 bath „ 6207 or Tonni 734-4012.’ J pis. W/b ho^up^650 B2 iNTED Dump trucks 455 DoalorsD( • 8 Slatos J i>2^!nue»*jrt.2 eomoutUe. 32^160* ¥w ■ or our Burfey ome* mg.amaB(townpayn>^ N«-lSdSSSffl^ N s tw iN FA LLS------~ ARM GROUND Mini-. lor usod elngio axle. 1 Sponsored Spoi by the m ^■209^Uoa poasftleiradee 737-6169* AppOancas> incL $60Vmo! ^ W iN P a L ls small 2 bdrm. * | ior 2 ton dump trucks. BoiseIse BenchE Lions Club wwfty«vr£Ampco.coni 1 •FALLS APTS.* ,CoCassia. Twin Falls or ,riAN6aw.hofckeHegK •CaH324-6963* home, |? quiet neighbor­ a n d Ph e a san t View Jorome Cali 678-3302or Inor probloms ok. . PfomoiodP by ~ tHMKmaoFBUtiomGr hood. no pota. $400/mo. an to d oldor hydraulic 4appy Hapc 4 Olio Olson CANVON52acroa. Jl Townhomes. / /206206-676-7734.’ W "" ■ CaaTbeRasmtss*t)T*m JEROME 3 bdnn., 2 balh C r *a 733-6090* imp b e d s to lit 1 ion or 1-206-344.9931 t -2 ? zoned recreathxi/ rsskle- mobile home. No pets. « 1.2.3 Bdrms. $34^495 ■ aroem State Realty. We 2 1lon 0 trucka. Nood g o l d ; ■ are the excluslv* repre- ntlaL $60.000.423-44f(* $500 Long term lease. ^TWIN FALLS Urgentll 9 Som ^ e DW 4 W/D h o o k u p L giB .^nitniiwinifliJ irar LDA-S ANTIQUES bdrm. 7 balh. acreage. onsmisslon PTO. Laroerge Inventory Sale! — sentathrea of TKO Homos.a. 2 aero lots. 324-6903 or 643-8342 J Spadous and doan. hydndraullc pump units, and 42a ort r^B iJdteiV kife 'T?>* Alfordabla BuUders*.i‘. tnd. wair, saptks & power, j i $1300 o r soil. 733-1369 flo pots, 734-6600’ B Orchard Dr.. Goodmg I IIESSAOf JEROME 306 4th Ave. 3. c n lall or largo hydraulic in 934-4588 934 loavo msg.' Complste homa and lotot $25,000 each or 2 acre bdrm. ! 1 bath, l car- *PWENDELL Shon lom i nloo P“ iUr I ^ Y Spoco In nico hoist1st w/rims to lit d u m p _ tig profits uaualfy niean*'> package slartlng atIt loitsw/]ustpower$12.000. , hom e 3bdrm . 2 b a lh . Jn TWIN FALLS i mobile home pork. Coll Irucjcks. Wontod oldor INTgRfERNATIONAL iron carpon, foncad yard. " 1 a 2bdrm Apartments • »big rl#k. 0afor« you aodo 484,000.0.11 Lynnn Owner llnanc* with 10% s country, rm r town. $600 ' * 678-4652 or 878-3583 1 }ror 2 ton du m p tru c k a whoolool m 1 anuro sproador. . bus!n«saviWiaeotnp*ny. $ 5 U -f dep. No smoking. ° • Vory Qulot Irving ''y* R a sm u sse n , President,ll, dow n. Larger loU avail. no, pets. CaD 324-3427* _ •►dep. 734-1485* lor dololls ’ wllhgravalbeds ill QOOOX) shapo. moko otfor. ' chock it out with ttw Bet­ Tha R asm ussen Team at Pleas* can 731-0103.* - Appliancos, A/C,W/D tabled trucka ok. Call 324-2669324-; or 539-5570.’ tor Business Bureau. For-or 737-3900 or cell phone JEROME #125. $775 mo. t hookups, oxtra slorago. JEERO R i M E (5) s p a c c s for -i',?*,! froe Information about '« T W lN F A lU ------■'! garagos.or carports. rontrent. Majoslic Meadows. ^1 324-5656 404-9371.* fTwW TT IN G M A C H I N E . 'Ut 410-2607. 3 bdrni, 2 balh, oppls. 2 m Sinnor avoiding Invsstm ant S20,00a BuQding kXs wtth car", ganga. 2 acres with ■ • No smoking/pets' VonVoroofco 644-1187- ^ ' igor Troadio, I92t- scam s, writa to tho Fodor­ city son^lces available, hofsabam.t ^ M 75-S 5M + dop rns ' 92323 Sonal S G9351461 . 6860 sq.ft Mfg. hom o on e rWIN FALLS Room f^ EROME FREE Mobllo ^70£ 300/oflor, Toy Form al Trade Commission. nomo spaco wllh wator/ . ^ B n i i m l i E i Z H SIOOO/ permanent foundation EtWC^^JWANS rent $350 ell utlttles *— 1 (Gaidon Mark Cus- WasNnoton.O.C., 20560. ^ = = = ^ ^ = 5 = ! sowor indudod. For socu- or cM the National FraudI GEM okay. For more details _ Call 732-0714’ TwiIWIN FALLS 1 bdrm. otf ^Ri(^HTd-SHARES lo^^)n| *851 • Modol754 rity 4 light malniononco «> STATE REALTY. INC. v l s t t ^ e H o ts Team.oom JEROME JE 3 bdrni. g u . ga- TW siroot parking near Iryfarm -com m arciai. StOO.)0. Call C 543-6891* Information Coniar. 734-0400 WffTFAnTSSTdw »' duties. Can732-6123* 5“',^ , t-8Q(W7^7060.* or call Walt Hess 737- rage, r nica. well insulated, .quiet qi apta. No amoking. ™HarrolonaCSiW/IJhook- y o r Soil. 431-5617* S L E;iGH IG l Horso drawn 3930 or Tami Qoodfng • ■ 4004 E.FSI. 324-2634’ 8wjome^W MSjW j^^e^ ups. no pats, utWos paikf, KIMEIM BERLY Sm glo Wldo SJUFf:EL LINES (3) Wodo. onclosoilosod. buill in 1936. 737-3940. MtS#101682 jj 5400*$4000op. ind and now doubio spocos miiwtwheels, extra 5*. Mom- rosioroclorod t995. Ha:; coat JEROME 3bdmi. 2 bath. Call 734-4758 539-2769- a v a fenced yard, greai loca- wall. Friendly Village I, aluminum., 50(I*10‘. burningnmg slovo. soiits G. Mobile E states. Ask tlon.5l9E.10lh;$650 B wTNFALLi 1-2 bdrm.. Wol 4 6* oii In good cond. oxcollonollont condition, make 731^6326* ’ bath duplox. looso 4 rofs. Ibout 1 month ront FREEI r ;i]II655-4246' f> Olfor,r, Cair206-312-411S.-Ca rSrWe BUY t^ANS »» Can ■ Csll 423-5253.’ ^ Receiving paym ents onIlH E il GEM i lUHL 2 bdrm. 1 bath. ^$425+deposit 324-4332- _____ THOM/)MAS KINCADE KIMBERLY axo. nelghtw- STATE REALTY. INC. KU stove, rofrig. *326/mo.-t- TWIIWIN F A U S 1/2 off l^lrsl TiVlN W if F A L L S .S in g lo & L ,/ui t real estate a d d ? We pay 734-0400 hhood 3 bdrm/sunroom. !, no Plaios.OS. KHomoiown Bndgo. Uf TWINFAUS $150dop.CaB326-4797.’ MoMonth. Only $525 -i- dep, doutlouble spocos Voll. Froo Stlilwaicwaier Bndjjo. Brook- i; more for all types of loans,?■ *3bdnns.&2.Sbaths m bath. garags.posturv. Irom Perfect to defaufted. N o a m o k ln g . SBOO/mq CAiTT f L E F O h b 1 a n d 2 wllh S''" lease. Cloan 2 bdrm. no. mo. ront. C am eo Mobile sido1 HidoHid away. $75 Caa “ • • Custom tUe«. hardwood 2 balh. all oppls. + W/D.------Eeta•e tate s Call 734 6064’ A iJXALFA i Hay 85 lon 1st callcali 733-2953' floors Call 423-6T34* bdbdrni. apta. avallaWo now. ^ b (BOO) 901-0301 or.vlsll Rent basod on Incomo. No smoking or pois. r ------nd cutting. 2 string, no c ~ ...... •Approx. 1933 sq.fL OAKLEY E Ix im . 2 b>U,. :oll734-6678or420W8.’ ^ 1 $80. cail 736-8362,* _ • Q as fireplace w/custom 4000 eq. ft. $550/mo. p_„ Call 643-e633. DRACO mantle $350 deposit. References ^^ H o u s i n g Opportunity.* TWIIWIN FALLS 2 bdrm api„ ^ A ^gLFA. 1st. 2nd, & 3rd no pots, all ulililios paid. cuilln.ling. 80-100 pound 2 NVESTMEMTCORP.3, • CandierMge neighbor- 731-60Mor7ai-06Sr -required. « Caa 436-0156’ E&iDEN 1 bodroom. ! 5°. > hood. Quiet Cut-d»-Sac - You pay powor. S400 mo. * $200 deposit. JEROROME S h a ro S b d m i. 2 siringig balos. oppro* 140 DRYERER RCA oloctnc. •CASH for poods Of Tmst, TW IN T aL L A ^firm d o f SHOSHONE 8H 2 bdrm. mo- Call 734-3303.’ boll-lOth. Privale bdrm. 4 tonstc1 tolal. 208-886-2913 ' h o atvy v y duly. 6 cycio . Itertgagos and Real Estatoia • Sawtooth School 220$200 dep. No pota. *(oelra7‘’ Check retum bile bl home, large stiop. i oth. South counlrysldo hay ic 'oflor. Call B78-5727' fccintracts. Can today for.a. meonalderlmdeor Kathy * 1 6 ^ ^ 4 2 * TWIIWIN PALLS 2 bdrm. ZV, ^ 2 ^ 100 lon balos Isi, 2nd ^^S/ofloi , ha9«^urch»$o. onnew4plex. $ $1 50Q f^.orsofl. 733-1359 bath, loncod yrd, garago. 300 1/2 mils 320-1981* y ,foodor, 3rd 200 ion R EFRJQRtQERATOR Kon- - Cali Chuck 73 3 -6 2 0 r §H D^N (2) 2 bdrms. i300 ^ ’• S17Z900.7»«2ar SHOSHONE 4 m llss N. mo. $200 dop. No pels. S600 ♦ $500, 539-0805.* R O>OM ^ M ATE 3 b d rm . 2 losiodod 194 RFV. dolivory moro0 sidoSic by Sido, ico & TW N FALLS nower ni 3 bdrm. 2 bsth. y.You pay p cw o r. w e poy TWtrWIN FALLS 2 bodroom, both,alh, pasturo avail. 5150 ovail.II. 1CaH 423-6836- water)r in door, ico maker. $196,000. Excolloni cash gsrage. 0< 5 acres, 5750 -► tho rest. C all Kathy a t 1 baih.ba Stovo. rofrig. DW 4 mo10 -i+ $100 dop Upowor. h a y "tsi l£ cutting whooi do- J6monih5pni(3S1t(X) deposit. Call 666-9074,• flow. Mobile hom e park. 625~(242‘ W/[W/D. No pois. 732-0B95,* Nlo o asmoking, 324-5479- yor hay,ht 2nd cuttino clo- . ,. ;oti .. lor $800 037-G023- Pkiase call Kami S. today SHOSHONE g if Smsll 1 t>ed- ^ *♦★★**★**•***** TWIN^IN FALLS Room m ato hay. All 2 siring smoll WASHERiE R Whirlpool to leam about the income rr ILER Largo 1 bdrm. in 4- - ro o m * 3 6 0 . 1 st. lo s t, pie WIN FALLS AVAIL NOW want.'anted, $250 month, ulii- bolos.IS. $75/ton. 934-0973.' S150 this great buslnoss can ^ plox $ 365. Includos wo- TW^ depoert.Call 768-1231.’ {or Socuro 2 bdrm. 1 bath, iilosilos paid- C a ll733-0973. HAY li Call 324-285B- _ TWIN F A ^ provide. MLS# 103082 = lor, gojbaM , lawn caro & Soc carport. Exiro nico with $415410 por mo.-»S200 dop. t w/IN in "FALLS To S hare Sm. bibalos^onVwodoliv- DASHER/1ER/DRYEH SSO En Motivated Solierl. ITw Tlmei-Naws SJ Somo utils. Ind, No pots, c Stove S-10. ali work 3 bdnn. IM bath, 2SOOt now paint & corpot. No Sor bdrm .,3 balh. pots ok. orwithIth orolriovor. Approx. ( ') Stov ClaMlfled Mis.pel itrfs., coll 326-5887* Loc.ocoiod noar downtown. ^/nI/D. g aro g o , $325. Ail 4.5 ton toi por load. Prompt 0^°^'-1. CallC'’ 934-5611 • sq. ft., ranch styte home :rodit chock roqulrod. on 1 acra. Shod, dbg Department. oo o oi o r i j a L o » Incom o S.™ Ills. Incl. 731-6771.* son/lc(Ico. Cat! 886-7570.* W A SHHER/DRYER EI sol GEM :oll208-733-22ie. — noro oxc. cono.s250 konnel. fenced yanj, STATE REALTY. INC. Will Wl c l o s e a t-3 :0 0 p m jubsldlzod. aut 1 bdrm. opts. " HAVTl2 Slr;no dairy hay. 40 konmoro ************** ^ g l e d r y e r S > 0 0 . In our effort to great neighborhood. 734-040Q Wednesday. It“* Wosl sido Court. For I I I ton, 22226 RFV ond 150 ton ^ ' n g 10 O ^ e r will holp wtm j lonior &/or disablod. tv/i 180*» FRFV. 352-4374.' Warronty■only. Coll 7aC-4B05‘ m ake our Nov. 27 5f. ONFALLS classlfled section dosing costs. I ^loon nico nelghbomood, SARATOGA 20 tons. 2 stnng small t j S169.900 733-0507. I and will be closed vroiwalking distanco to Ffldloy APARTMENTS -^HAY^r s 4 ISI culting. ^ 8 0 3 y i free of any errors, 3 6 tS Mount Olympus’ I Thanksgiving Day &I Kings.i* 3 apts. available. 30 ion- 733-0360- l, please check b U h L 1960 14x66 Van :all Shirloy 934-4986 Luxury 1,2 4 3 bdrm C O N N E C T I '’“ m o veokdays boforo noon. 2002 premium horso TWIN FALLS Beautifu * Dyke, 2 bdrm, appis. cov- Aportmonts 0 i W IT H H A Ylo.straw, oai 4 gross STMAS COUNTRY >yourad the flrst 3m. pole end smoking w q ‘ IGranoD.tl/29.Bam- hom e In terrific neighbor­ ord porch, shed. In trailer iWashor/Dtyor Indudod. CUSTOMERS hay.slNo rain. Can dolivor. day It runs. After hood. 4.288 sq. ft., 7 park. Call 6 4 3 ^ 3 * JK.EqualHousing swimming a* pool, fitnoss ; t 1/30 9am-5pm. that time The b d m .. 4 bath w/ovorsized - contor.cor buatnoss contor. W H O N I . T 5■ e :13600 N Twin falls. 2 car garage. Formal Dv- *DEfTRlCH CUio but Qood- Iroe vidoo library, N E E D 2 nd c u ltin g . sm a ll (3 mi.I. S SCurry Crossing. IDDDINO Now laklngl , Times-News will Ing room, dining room, le. '69 Mariotte. single onclosod ganigos. YOUR .. no rain, seo a lon. s m i.■ W)W)i orcall 326-3313- I not be responsible kitchen, pantry, oatlng wido with tipout, 12x60, appiicaiions for 1 & 2 Calln o r Visit todayl 420-0030.-______■ ' moots ail Hud spocs, Classified lino ads to run mbdrm family opts. Basod . SERVICE Sis aroa In kitchon. lamily on Thureday. Nov. 28 o i 651 Saratoga Dr. A ( 3 cuttings, good qual- ^ M for any mistakes. $4000/offer. 544-2810.* on Incomo. Cloan h a v 3 c room w/gas fireplace. _ Nood to be placed by co 735-1600’ Advertise in loso lo Twin- Soil any |»vvvw vivvvt/ laundry, powdor room, t comfortablo. closo lo L _ KIMBERLY '85 Fiootwood 11:00 i am Wodnosdsy gti the unt. Call 733-2520- and don/bdrm. All on 14x66ft. 2 bdrm. G as. shopping. Includos _ , amoun ' COcommunity laundry. ^ 3 2 0 lg- b a io s. ISI. b u il dliNGS in g : ------main floor w/hardwood Furnishings. Assumable Service 3rd. & 4tn crop qual- Why supplupport tho termite flooral 6 bdmis. w/largo $12,000/o«or. 260-3636.* Classiliod lino ads lo run CCall Tuos.-Frl. 1-4 pm. on Frtday. Nov. 29 C w iara A pts. Directory ly.3r 1/4 miJo Irom ireo- populotl.uintion with 0 wood mastsr&2bath8upstalr3. e 'andscalo.C all Ir.imodbu’d building when you Basom ont w/lamily room ^RUPERT Fiootwood '84 Nood N lo bo placed by <2150 Moin St. _ 33-0931 ext. 2 S'""', 14x66, 3 bdrm. 2 both. 2 ■ROME Monday Motol = ~ — 2015- can C.-1 gol an ‘ T > u b iJ c SEH W ce 2 bdrm, 1 bath, largo 2:00 pm W ednesday {934-8141 TDD lS> '’fJJInder now monogomoni. Cail431-4113‘ l-K ' ■ - ■ ------' 678-203rd culling, 1 ron ALLSTESTEEL BUILDING . MESSAGE craft/sowing room, & slor- - -BOO-377-3S29EHO- 'Jlco, doon. comfortablo ioinrra proporty? Don't poy IS a v a ila b lo . C a ll a iacomcompotltivo i nnco"’ f ago room. Hugo dock and TWINF^ALLS2bdmi. T mo- Your friends at ~fn( rooms. 401 W. Mam. Roady to bulchor. HAY 3r j.nr.icies. shops, any foos until It’s bo«. For ROME NEWI 3 bdrm. 9857'______Gor.ti r largo backyard. Brick & bllo 14x50II.Casn only' t '324-2361’ CALF'loose call 3QS-512B- linyciinopiL'G, froe Information aboutI vinyl siding. Contrai voc- ptoaso412,900.420-1186' The ' Times-News ihihbothapaitmonl9.H20 _____ 3rd. bright groon. /IN FALLS HBO. 236LF C Raising supplies. y huo-r.uiii Unrns, avoiding timeshore andI cum & trash compactor, f wish you a sq.q. tt.. noar high school. TWIN .b a n isio ro d . 135 lb. TWIN FALLS M ust B * ^ //D hook-ups. no pois/ mircnIrcrowovo 4 rolngorator Yarna6 CAT skid loodor. 96 stor;i^o coi»i[)luiL-f.. ] roai ostato scams, wrllo'> Current appralaal d( MovedI 78 68ft. singlo H Ha a p p y T h an k s g iv in g im aha 4-whook)r. 3 lon '°°7-®ing bolos, S9/balo. ntrniino'liino hiinti.its, I'vi'il I to tho Fodorol Trado mokino.$695+S650dop. l Doraonpon $120 wookly grain I «218,000aaking wido, 2 bdnn.. 1 ^ -b ath . ain tank, otoom ctoan- t PICK up. 32-i-7i46.- iio”ii's' Commission, Wostiing- «»H87-2927/794-3673’ Cap;■sprtMotel. 733-6452* $196, 000. Rooltors 733-2651 or 736-e362- 2208-733-0931 C*t. 2 . c o u p o n s . s t r a w . P'^aiaiia3.000 i t . baios Zodiac Co 1 ton. D.C., 20580. c C ontractors. Inc. wolcomo. Call 734^523 = 132 3rd St. Wosl. TF ROME 2 bodrooms 1 \i TWINflN FALLS S105/wcok ^q^^konorotor,! 543-6495 ask HAY Allond, 3rd, S 4th cul- Slovo0 i:(208i300»:( 0l>0:’ I or call tho National Froud Of 420-6604* TWlN^ALLS.Tolally T ’ Qlh. All appis. $460. Call S375r?5 mo. Outef. mkriowovo, — rofurtjishod, 14x70 ovory- „ . fax 20&-734-5538. Kovin- ts t. 2nfl.. oxc. quQlily. 208- or (20B|532-!t55[20( . Information Contor. = twInodOmagtevaBoy.com _ 24.2744or420-1011. rofiigifiiQ. & utils- ind.73S->gga '** TWINFALLS Ihing now. Must soo to >131.208.645-2839.' ^ T F F i^IT Ppo f 'STS lii'li‘iv..i 1-800-676-7060.* } R O M E 2 bdrm, TWINflN FALLS Fomlly hos ------S ? i , ! . THERE’S STILL TIME appreciate. $16,900 Nico Rog. Jorsoy, Jorsoy X tllalfa. Iirsi crop. 205 slOCl 4 inchme pof.t '3!t ! itmC------J$177,900. Tho buikJorsaVs Financing . ovailoblo. 208-677-4042 ' towriwnhouso. all opplo. No roorr►om lor rom for collogo illk cows, 3 holsiolns, HAY Alli:ivo Food Vaiuo. S9S oach._Ca]i Can 8^-l7_U'v j C0UffTRY2.S ACRES you can stiii pick out your 734-4101 afarSp.m.» 1263 Ovortond. Burtoy smoDoklng/pots. $495. Coll sludiudont $200. 733-9660* g] low coll hoifors. Roialiv(in In slock. Locaiod t — j I Gracious 3 bdm i. 2 batti own interior colors ond f fax 208-677-4543 208-38-324-3213oxt..106* "rwifWIN FALLS MOTEL 3 mcda»*Om«gtovBll«y,eom’ -jjjjjg Call 644-9427.’ por inon hour southwest ol ^ . . .1 ^ wAvomi g as firoplaco on floor covorings. Don't ■ MBERLY Lorgo 2 bdrm. Undoidor now managomant c a t t ;foot.CallCB0-5500.' 1.5 ocros of pasturo and miss oul on ihis brand ■ opai Nice Clean ro^ms TTLE POSlUfO lod saitmonl. Call 423-4377 Ni ■soy stoors lor solo, ^ Poodor _ and some shady orchard. Onty now homo with four bdrms | rWlN FALLS 3 bdmi, 302 afler 7pm* Cable C TV wftlBO Sl $149,900. Call Judy. Call 436-0692.* HAY Fo, 1 lon balos only. No I and2.5batha.2,162sq.fl. s Jockson St. $5G0*dop. Nlghtl'2hlly, daliyAvookly raios CATTL II iols. Minimum 1 ^HECK ” =1 THE I I of quolily living spoco. Fi .Ne Hu HST aARDEN at ^ STOP LOOKlNQt 248 2n 733-9658 or 731-2345- 8 12nd Avo W. 733-5630’ S9 milTLE- Hod onoogh ol lood.Call43l-3429- SERVICE SE BARKER TTiroo cor garago and all epocos.] $600 ooch. 734- TWif'WJN FALLS v i!If Y ou W ere H ere t u mfIN n FALLS Rooms. «>"S-milk. 65 young dolry ,omllot ,, R ta tto n tho omonitios. Call Kon or ! rou W ould Be H om a ^san/’ (VS. milking now. Noor 10 ram. Sm. am ounis DIRE)IRECTORV 3166 Qftor6pm.*______LOCATIONI . .• «••••■«•■ 30/wook. f microwovo. ‘ CallS49-4971l OonJthy 734-0400. MLS# ’ frig. Ulililios pd. Coblo ^24-ho Fails. HAY NOVill I dolivcr lor oxtra. DAILY D ton, Call 326-4518- ,ind lnuilUI thor.o H who C.cn 104500 e LOCATIONI FA\AWNBROOK APTS. /. no^ pots,120t Kimbor- COLTS24-1229or681-5097- ,9[<’Wll ^52o^fflQ |yS^^| LOCATION! Ccnonvonlontfylocalodin Rd. or call 735-0232* s tu•TS d , 1 Mini Wock/whiio 'rim o ail.nia. 300T iioipyo the conlor of ALLI you ii'i; to l)n;.v Ovor>ver I500sqfi.8pack>us nr s lutd, d c I mini Palomino :nd. 4 3rd. 2 slnng vc FAX 3 bdrm .2 bath. 2 car ga- 'CALL FOH THIS Id coll, S750/offor. . baios. somo grass to UO ’o yOUIDOII WEEK’S SPECtALII ^606 GroQl 1 OR GEM !MINl-CASStA/i^ • ragand 3 bodroomsl ^O R ■ • • • • • • • ■ TWIN^______I GOATS WfPS 14'x48 Hoavy tho C price, any condltkxi. malm al w indow e. fireploco, * * VTS 3 young fat billy ^ .v T A h e S e rv ic e Tneon$TT35STO5TC« IN FALLS Look-Cloan goals, $90. 366-7406 or Call 436-0735 or covcovered pallo, foncod 734-1600 spac US. $40 oach.______^ d4MHM !• tht way II worts lacious 2 bdrm. $395 Ptoas. 484 or 599-3131- UinD irectory 312h4335* yanyard. RV parking. Must W'347 Fawnbrook Avo. m ost ■...C ll055^i;3.- _____ 5Si»84| tervou.Ca733.QC3l, _ o st uliiltlOB, no p o ts. u T o m I lalry, feeder. 4 o a ts 7 3 3 - 0 9 I EMAIL ! We'll buy or loose your soo, won't laat tong, $850. ^andlca^accosslbio, < m eSSES for Orall__ H .y dnii 0931 ext. 2* Crodit chock a rof. Coil Largo bates. Your Ad To houso. No rfak to you, Con S'® SOS, 2 comploto sois______11 731-3471. days, ^ 20e^.9222.* 2^208-404-6904 or vviihouHout collars. Old: lor______p n . 1-600-231-4305.* ^ nHear i th e quietl gnr JK TQ Q IQ H rolurbijrblshing or repairs._____* * ?734.35a9ovos.*- a ^BOq A ?WE ■nWESfEWS . j i i a w i M t l a ^ l i l l ^ 550»por po sol. 829-5897- ______HayiT Retrieving WIN FALLS Lovoly . . ------T.S.C. Ha I bdrm. 2 balh, ranch l-Bureirel Parte Apartments Conat420-0l33 ■ ''CLASSIFIED 170 Msuflco Siroot ompi.>OME M oooin ollico. " S u sm . or280-0839- AMD MI Gi Gh7, CD-Ournor. homo. M aster bed Aboth. ' ^ sinngn-hofoughbrod QVO. DDR 250 MG mom- DEPARTMENT Oak kitchen, fireplace. TVvin Fails mi.,nployoo re or.invontory v Slud colt, vory good p a = 40GB)GB HD, LAN, MK HEYBURN Fleotwood ^dW. cam go. $900 + dop. _____ 734-41 BS* boy.S.. rostroom, gas. 1 iruck king, lovos poopio. t j y.S225mo. 324-2634’ n _ S 4 ^ 42^92-11 • -95. 14x66. 2 bdrm., 1 9172174 HIllcresL 1or 2 yoar TwIfTn f a L U ------ndorlui disposition, ^L711^ TwinFalls bath.$13.500.Sotup& ukwso m only. 734-6577* . 21401^ E llza b ath 2 bodroom SHOLYNWOOD vory/ athoHic,otl coming 2 yr 1o m n ^ n m i T T1 ready to movo In al th a — — . rANK250 gal. milk, 208-734-^3536 AllMtMtMKhKWinh WIN FALLS #129. $450 )oth. $500 * deposit. HOPPING i CENTER oW $500-$50 Coll 644-1588 W aysldo P ark. 324 S TWIN Offico 4 Rotail Or 41 O' )ss pipo. compros- T». 2 bdmi.appls, garago. d)l chock & ioaso roq. Hsmrr >10-7338* a^alnlM' K s r a s s J S S s Hwy 24 #61. Receive 1 , »no. 5-8503 o r 280-2752 ' 734-- )lc. Call 829-5785' month (roo space rent ELVILWOOOa EVANS SE 1 yoor old goldmg j-q^s olc S to k er'a ’ L'ufnp ‘ Burley IN F A L L S 2 b d rm 1 TwirTFS S or nl, woll broko groot ANKS(2)S2500. COAL Stol Homo1 can be moved Drod or You'Haui ______^bSK ih. duplox. $450 -f $350 SpacloiNFALLS------hSrao.so. S1200/ollor. (20) m pum p. $500, Call Dolivorod 208-677-4543 for addltkxtal c o s t Coll ro inlo. 543-5524* Mooro's3'slnc Ir 423-5S33 ■ ffiaSSS'l Idaho I Moblla Home iVfN FALLS 1 bdrm. unit. dop.D. no pets. 525 Shoup Avo.Clous olllcos on Fails 16fi. ;. pipanels. 1 yoar old Jtil. induded. $310fdep. Aves W.V 736-0929* F =0. Call 735-1463.* $35 ooooch- Coll 208-326- ; nETRIEVER NH FIREWOC^OOD Cut spill Salae67e-5555or431- . 3 3 3 7 . od. S90 a oick-iiD ILER 2 tidrm. townhouso i 4219or678-4219* | 1344lhAve.W.7364>322’ ^ 7,* STACK 1052. F OXC. cond.. hrowood. : I ln,Senlor.ComploJi, AC, ] D56 or 948-2056.' load. S12CS120 a cord You WIN FALLS 1 b d rm .. r* ^ „ A p » , . |i|lalac..J^chan^p^ls., |ss;sar-"fr.si ^ :SE14yr.oldgroy 2^ ° 2o l P- S140/por cord •ta iu t ineiudM etilMrsn 104(1040 2 n d Ave. W, $350/ No Ilng. Good kid's horso - . ird Call 324-7697.' no.-fdep. Please cell affor 500, Ploaso cnil TRACTOf , (^ U •37-e337.* ■ ; $ i 5 o t 733^'s s -e e s e or 734-3110’ w/manywt amenliles. spacoILEY Excelleni offico 736-88<•8860or731-4450’ 2** ilnod. 8 spd, diosol FIR E W'OOD O O dry, cut & EHOilE ■ • \ malnlalni3. B u rlo y T ra c lo r split. Hardiard & soli mixod. VIN F/ILLS 2 bdrm. W/D .^9*1l^all today 736-7105. ViowKICO avallabe al Porko 68.000. 3 bdrm. 1 bath sissrssT « *"^ -^ n □ t-Ois Sl. Twin Falls* forw dO] Medtoal PI020. idool SE 16 hand APHA $760010. Call 438-5420 S115/cordlord U-naiit orS130 )00k-up. no peU, deposit. ' separata great room ^ flekl,day 0 care, any modkal Ilng, Slortod. English Salvooo. od. 829-1039- W/0. mfcfowave. caipori! «6HN.Om$450Anonlh. R 5Sj ipool. C I I 438.5522- :D ongino for 460 ^ oc-alocagt. Chain link ' and moral No pats, fw o 696 FBer Ave E. $47Sflno. I TINFALLS I l ExceltJ, or sen/too oporalion, P^«P<»= national, gos or M Jaoce In front. Cament ! •••••••••«•• merna ^ p ; i i j♦ dep. tala. 73&-7S13* Can 420-01as.- cellont tease ogree- HORSESE 4 year oid sorrol iniorna654-2627'______^ b11 mvawtiy; Nice starter i yupeJ/mmacu/afe Contsnl available. geldingiing. boon ropod olf diosol. 6! M m a. Cali Juanita || WIN FALLS 3 bdrm, 2 1 1& 2 bedroom, intact g Shauna Kraus* o l. jrandson g ro of Smori 2pir*073l-3625. \ >ath. garage. W/D hook- U u ot 677-3073’ UtlloI Leno,Lei $3200. Please |L J BEDROOMOM SE T VIciorl- wponvnlTr ■ ip. atova. DW. $900* "osisss;.* G ^ ^ NALLS W arehouse B23-1700.- 623 Id 0£ook. sloigh bod. «00 dap. 7334960’ 357'Biua^aaBlvd,N. B SSlBSSaSSffiffi: n«n mrrbann‘.,iuiii.»n. ^ ce spaco: Need pro- h Or siE e Sweet,{ pretty, reg. ■0"mlles norlhwesl drossor,r, tui lull longlh mirror M f - t m . Tlw TWI-fTi« pi hllNHLLIJbdrm.l 16-9898 7 3 4 -4 M 9 * ^ :lion. wsrehouse, of- Chestnstnut thoroughbred PAUL 10) ground lor rent. $950. Coli::oll352-i129- pasturaa, $376 >dap. 4 T w i n 12mo.lj*^Flr»t2 Gp/I I bdrm., iti balh. Hard bathath. All appis. Inol. space In a Ma»73V>9»30* 2 2 0 - - I _«$660»dap. Caa 628-6)^ Ca»; I've got them. Call banocloar. $760. Cail havenevstn 8 0 0 -1 6 8 r PieasoB calcall 352-1129- t-9919.*______644-156 1566 or 410-7336’ Can } ll' I j ;

CSTIm— •. Twin Falls. Icteho TuMda)tey.NoVMfUMr26.2002

M ondind ay , N ov. 25.2002 FREE BOnPER COLULU E r — :----- fenuJe, approM. 2 ^ ot ^ M tAfllS^SS lndjr400T , spayed, all shots, vei 0«ntle. CaB 734-SSOe.' 1 R e a d T h e Si »• Fsn'RitTM xrrraB FHE ACES 0I> B obby WoUr ^ R E E lo a ela c ie d iiom< a ta r ■ >N BRIDGE* St. Barnard/M aatitr i croaa. 3» yr. old spaye t>aoa. 5 apd «>A>all,driva Classifieds female. Inside dog, naad biadi.$aooo.e34«7se.*28.*' I "Thegegods delight in an odd NORTItT H foncwt yard. Best a a onl numbenber.’’ 4>AK petPlea»acaJ324-«g74^ HONOA *«2 Xf^eOOR. nmt Every bay!; ^ i ■ oomin^ctf^'^^iaos chain, tiro A aprockau.^ 5 or 838-1W * - P l i n y the ElderEl V 6 55 4 4 FREE to spacial homa aoSjpffB asras! ru n a o m a t$ 1600to(far bua, 40* puahar, runa ____ , ♦ A QQ 7 2 Chaaapaaka 3 yr. oli c M 3 a M « a - neui«redm ale. NoTi ALUMOMU BOAT U ', 15 r-. .0 0 0 0 . *00 POLARIS 44( ' ♦ 7 55 4 S •SEftTSSM .Si?'-- humor. Hooaadog, foncailead HONDA *00 XR80, axo. h p a n g in a , front troNlno I n ^ 8 K8 1 3 3 . 8 1 0 0 0 Wl^hen ht you are decldl - Cafl^r31<9i7.* T Idipg WEST EAEAST yard required. Lovaivas condiiion, $l260/orfar.fa,' motor, run* and look*l» C H 1N K U A 8T E R 79I0W , w b ethther ( to finesse or to ployay for .♦ 9 8 6 4 ♦ 4» Q 5 hum an ationtion. Beatto ai s 423-S445 or 423-4568*P .0raat$t2OO,'308-0867.* m M a, ganaralor. tT S M . 1 th e ddrop n Of a queen, the rule only dog. CaB 324-4274* uie is ¥ J 10 9 82 V 7 3 [11. HONDA'01 4M EX Sport^ Uastarcnft Waiii ‘B2Beumlar27-daan«l*tM S3000/offe?g6od 0^ “ E igght h t ever, nine never." H hnEE vory Idondty, malo Is 824.900 n o w t1 9 .M 8 . 733-8805 or6S8-126S* 1 How ♦ J 10 5 ♦ 1 9 6 ttio. 2 WO 4 whealar. Bank Onhr«x7ReuE«xtf ra? ■ a b o uJt t withV a seven-card fit? WWeU. 10 A . h a m p ate r vrtth cage, boll Repo. Taking bide. ? p&UrI^ ^ 660 AAQ98632 jy 0!th6482S^e79’ co nsidi>ider this deal. Your biddi a n d feod. CttU 7 3 » o eZ7* 2 r Contact Justin 738.7300.': a n o ^ u ff aka*, tow mOa* TH QERMAN SHEPHERC ii: anilqua, need restored,i. DtnCHUAN'M.MuatSaO-;»• w/traller. 13400. Call m o y’ hove h« been aggressive, I " i? HONDA *02 XR 4 0 0 only 1 0 3 2 pupa 1 fem ale btock/tan, wly CollJ3rlnfo.720^W80* d u a 10 haatthi 28 ft. *0;• * 280-3074 br 423-6330*. E a s t’s:’s pI re -e m p t m a d e th in g s di nddon 4 times, Uke naw, 1 fem ale Uver, AKC roo.. WOOD DRIFT Beat. Iat[t m otorhom a. 480 d Fordcl 1M I A M ^ M boo— cult. ArAnyway, you should focus l^Q $150. Con 733-6283.* - vory nice biko. $4,200 . f n 6 4 3 W; oomalalaaivt.Reeiorad.I, fuel m i a ^ . SSK mlias.-I.- 83 mllaa, 83500 m a k in j ___ ’01 Honda 90 4 wtwaler ' 1 *at w ood o a n . tilt blr,r, reef air, raa r q u a an bod. :ing your contract, not *KJJ IGUANA, with 49*K 31-X24*24- $f.500. 280-2231 ms(>.* >. Ca>630^}809*. th in kking in about whether you 1: glaas & wood cage on lOhp angina, extra paintIt O nan 4 000 g an aralo r. ] u b id M Incld. graat for flshlno &1 Tow b a r lota of extras,• iK - ilb'06> Pomiui«.4 th e h an Knolly plno stand, allI?. POLARt8-82250$1068. ;• axaallant condltloni la n d w e ll io 'grKodUksstes. duck hunting. 1st S8505 dean •28,600/offer. trick Vulnerable: Neithercr accossorlos. $350. East a s t wins the club ace at tri 539-9537 bofore flkp.m.’ '02TraxtarXLwaa$70e8 tako»aa. 736-0623* 73»0^or420~4S30.* , o n e annd n t switche.s lo a heart, jgav.lef Dealer East ^ nowS8488w/3yr. MINIATURE PINSCHERS H U anC A N S *00 O a * a A '> X. *5500. Can 43t04^ in g yourau needing four tricks ea R S . warranty. 0 paym ent/ 2eft.eKtrt.VtOFbfd.Hy- AKCroolsterDd-TallMtots<*» 0 interesi for 1 yr. oac. - d ^ 4 3 6 -5 7 2 4 aveftlnga.1 in s p a i T h e bidding: [>ades nnd diam onds to | ddno. roody by Christmas.«s. '9rATK350dlrtbOiawas • BSrW TOW SSSmj $35©. Call 655-4163* L ^ m w ith three th in hearts and onete in South West Nor'^orth East $3599 now 82988. iQ 'o v e r- Hlphmarlc X, under 80g SHBimN t SS."S»S:oK JS;: * clubs.;. T h e re is little choice in howhe PARROT BluoCrown Only CXTREye exit 18262 shot camper $200/6ff*r. mllM; t yr. waranty. t s £ - 73fr8829msg.* to p layay diamonds, but the choiiloice 3 N T P a ss 6N1(N T All pass Cooure, 5 yoars old, grootM t oni-34.e25-9e7S' Can 423-5203.* cond.l titanium clulOil tolkor, needs TLO. ' 86900. Can 7388 1 7 7 .^ In spadiades is to run the jock or to POLARIS'Oaspoftnwnin ^ R T H E R M ^ J T E '02 9fL ’ UINI WINNIE *82, AC ' Plooso coll 736-1084* awning, generator, dtavy c a sh thithe ace-king tb try to drop•op a O p e n in g le a d : C lu b 10 _ _ 4 0 0 .4»4. EBS. 250 mis.a. Ust S21,800 nmv, only y A ffA H A ^a^ 3 4 0 . g o o d POMERANIANS AKC w/cover& aocesaortaa.I. 81B.M8 f702. 3B0, exc. cond, $8500. 9condition, good chlkfa doubIet(leton queen. pups. Mint Schnauzor,ir , $54 00/offor. 886-2338*I- (2)SunLtta *03 Bfl. 53®-*354 or 643^1.* ■ sted, , <400. &KM763.* J Ifyoyou are going to run tit h e LEA D W ITH TOIT O E ACES AKC pup; $300. — self-contained, list FACE ARROW '88 33 ft, Y J a m a h a 'sr^oijniiS ROKON '0 0 Trailblozar 2x2 $10,100 only 88.688. s p a d e jack,jl you neod to keepp £a n II u 11 433-2966 or 431-1609 44K. w/naw Urea a bailor. 7Max 700, 760 mUas,1B _ factory cond.. $3695.5 . SunU lB *(» F O 0 4 P tvas new. 84300/offer. P lea ss e n try' bjback to hond for the 13113th SAMOYEO rogisiored & 420-1183or324-7401* lea excallant cond. I $8,260 now «6&8.: <16,500. Can 829-5016* - caH788-5462* 1 . sp ad e.). EB e s t is to s ta r t by cashirhing South holds; Wolt/Malamuto Sarnoyod = S u n U ta *09 wa* $7,055 th e toop p diam onds (unblocklnd n g * K 7 6 mlxod pn)plea. 212-7175.* ■ now 88.988 1854. TIOGA *84, Ford, 27 ft, ‘J SHIH-TZU Darling. Ready I 182 38K, exc. cond. Clasa C ^w'covor, Y 14?’*tnu!k,*1t42 du m mny’s y ’; seven under your kinging). ¥ 6 5 4 Only O X m a H E exit mlfes, high perfonna^til closo to Christmas. 4 boys ■ off 1-84 825-0676' $eooo.aa»6oi6* » On th e tthird round, E^st discarcQrds * Q l' 22 1 girt. Call 536-2783* plpes.wlndshelld bs{^& a clu bb. . NI ow , c a s h th e s p a d e ace ac A J 100 4 - SCHWINN *82 Black WINNEBAOO *00 Brava saddle [ bags. S4500/onr. fit a ^ size truck*. Huoa 26 ft., generator, new i a n d thhe e top hearts, discoverin ■ Phantom, rosto^ad, ^ i w a c a ^ ^ M ^ "je South We?t Non[orth E a s t ■ baaulllul, not a roproduc-g. lumaoe. recent rebuilt, < th a t E a s :a s t s ta rte d w ith a doubieto ♦ J NT D lion. 51950. (9) BieyeJeI, {2oa)87»ona* - good condition, $4000. » kL h e a rt. FiFinally, cash the club kin-9pm.* Buying now mtn. Don, bear, I* *® W hen d e c la re r b ids> on e no -tru m p ’ § ■ ! c w t e , rod lox, olc. raw 2-2-2-7. aso running the spade jac by side, muru choke, 3 h . over yoyr partner'sr’s m in o r - s u it. A r c t i c CAT *97 580 skbia. o Can 208-532-48be c a n n oit t wv o rk . T h e f in e s s e m igh $550. 12flauoe, pump Powder Spacial. $2500 lor sl prtdng infonnation.*- opening, it i s frequentently the cose Shotgun 24* $150. soil or l succeedMl. , b ul W est’s fo u rth spndi I /b«or32e^10,306-8610* Ic lhat leading that suilsuit will be to trade. Can 731-0191.* ' oSeseDEcoTs-----^ will b eat’a t y o u rs, so you m u s t pla; Plambeu eupor mag. ,full )iay declarer’s advantage,ge, not yours, IDAHO APPLE GIFT ALL BOATS and motors I ! ARCTW CAT *98 Thunder- 5 2 for thea (](jueen to drop doubletoti W anted, 20 or body, 2 dozon, gro,al ‘P”- Particularly sinceic e d u m m y PACKS ot draslically roducod . 28oau9a.sklebysido.'or cal 1000, excaDenl cor>d. P C ash ththe e ace and king, dropping Ordor onlio U PS shipping 1500 miles, *4000/offor, shape, b $350. por dozon showed no interestst ini a major yovorund*r.Undor$1600. 7 or$650 for2dor re a so n a b le shot. I boots, now and usod. I MiSCELLANEOUS------hand. cal. 2800 miles, $3500 ~Wlnaton Flyrod 9 ftra call 324-4162* I DowntovmWend^ | woighl, w/Oivls Botlorg^ I 536-6323* I POLARIS '90 (2) Indy 500 reel w< & lino. Silver rtol If>i« Iikr III ru«C»rt IMii* W. ftOT TUB in d a n c e 6 per- Classics, 1 Yamaha soat, re vory nlco $300. lill|. U>o50 Caileer«.coS ^w/ $60 oa. boiled- 423-4S32*^ Kentat404-e371.‘ w/oxlros $300. campor Poui Nutting 733-1691* Gonorot drywoll ropoirs C om m srdal, resJdentlsl, iioulhwooiorn slylo cush­ sholl (now). Ills small PU. r and loxturlng. cleaning sorvico and Qonorol home'repairs. F 731-6655 ions, sofa SG50. chair/ott- MATADOR 17- butfors. w/> $450 call 829-50I6* 'WANTED living scriptures 13 yoors of oxportonco. much moro. Horo to inlotlor/extortor, 737-0000 3 Oman S200 32‘S.2722.‘ bonnot corpot cloaning £ onimotod Blory sol. Froo osllmatos m ako your day oaslor. plumbing, palming, Ma t t r e s s & t>o* sonngs attochmonl. $1000, I Call734-1979-* Call732-0136. and drywall, ------_ 732-5407 or 734-947Q- I Lanco LeBaron 16 yoors carpentry oxp, SHARPENING Qjoon size, Sealy. $275. ' k^’y iid iii VWANTED Old 0aa pumpa 732-5904 or 308-1699 . CiiH 67B-3324-______EXCERISE BIKE SchwinnB Froo estimatos ®r SERVICE or eas station Itema. — — Rocumbranco, 2 mo ortj. fa. I M I S C E L L A N E O U S I ? Top monoy paid. CLEANING I U J o h n 735-6179 hf) S350 Coll 677-1122 nor>o Dining room set.I ^G u i t a r Atvoroz 6 string J o h n 's S h a rp en in g ' pillow top w/sptil box. s sliil ’l" answer call 677-1J31* acoustic, autographed by _ Tony 206-866-0274.* A I R d u c t ” ' I SERVICE in plastic S295. Ploaso American Drew *Ca*l Service 5: dence- sertes, Washed I Collin Raye, $500 lirm WWANTED to buy 0 CLEANING HANDYMAN I Complolo sharponlng, call 420-I890* WANTED Soars Troad- 1 Coll 732-8479* Coleman Scanoo White Glove — mill.&DPwoighi,, Ash, Dining rooml _ SERVICE Cofbido cor & Slool saws.. MATTRESS Ouoon double Coll 539-9528* Cleaning 1 ° ® mochine. call 837-64Q2* table. $4000. Crystatl PPIANO Rtch mohogany _ Air Quality Cor141 Bracken SL S. pillow top w/box still in - Chandelier $500. Wel1 Samlckbo by grond WANTED W to Buy.------Spoclallzlngln 1 734-4060 S erv ices iBosidootal. Constnxaton, Plumbing, olectrtcol. 1^ plastic, now St 95 oro 'dofonriQlizlng* o u rl' w/fronch logsl GorgoousI U sw l G uns. drywall. painting, olc, ____ Call 420-lfl90* Air Oucts Fum ocos o r Rool Estato lorrrusl dining room a n d l GREAT CHRISTMAS Coll C 536-2679 loavo msfl.* Dryor Vonis Chimneys 25 yrs. qxp. TREE ■ — SERV Icl MISCELLANEOUSj-g thia just liko now.I QIFTI ' Original $12,000. u WANTED usod aulO ctavo Insulotion Romovof 737-9407 I—^ UeMn-WhMla fm Broyhill pino TV am oire, g_ boaulifui sot neods ol Modicol bill, will soli for , 735-1721 or 308-1683 ' contocl at 733-3368 days 732-8788 I— AIR'c OMPRESSOR \* Jlm sTrM ServIcQ ' 2 » n d t a b l e s fi s o f a now homo. D lgilall $7.000/ollor. Coti 678- or , ovos. 543-2766 msg,* 1-600-827-91B1 = tablo S400/all. 733-1G84*4 . Uprighl6 hp. 2 2 0 voli5. t70 0672 or G77-5030.* 55 ----- Aropping, + J ahoplng, rq ’ ’0 photos avoilable. Alon I < WANTED viniogo Borbio F= moval,shrubs & stumpsi I — psi, hko now $350/besi PIANO Yamoho lull-sizo , CONSTRUCTION I SOFA w/ovor«lzed match- I or Vicklo 01 work! p dolls and ckithlng, 1959 • TOME REPAIRS Spraying fortlllzor, lawrf. I coll 308-4653- eloclric, with stand, por­ AUTO PARTS I I Ing chair £ ottoman oak (208)587-8464 work.I , 1979. Intoroslod in os- aorotlng & thatching^ trim $600. Good cond.a. CLEANING Supphos buck-— (208)590-0105 coll I (loci condition. $200. Coll . C la ss A Spn lotos ond coUocttons, Call TONY'S HOME aor<878-3476 or 431-32531 Call 733-5272‘ ois w/ringors. d>y & wot txaskotOmirxJipnngcom ’ I oHa Dl 350 __ K lORSEARENAl t , w stum p romovol h . ' 1563 Flllmoro MOVING SALEI Sony 38* w/linlshor. y stapler. Ihroo WANTED- 'Hosolon* 1974 B U S I N E S S i MlMask) Vallay Dealgn « ‘ andflrowood. 9 S30. Microwavo SIS. belt bucklo, hovo yoors _Pl0aS0M ll 30^.5311.- Call 733-7722 .* TV w/swivel b a se. $475. hok) h punch, stand w/prtnt- b O an. C ontractora Dressage . Lessm 404-8367-^1379 H Solid oak ontartalnment er 0 conlrollor. Usod only 75.81,84.88,89,90 ' 10 soil. S E R V I C E ,New - RemodoUng - ' OrMng Lessons 404 ” DOG run 6x14 w/roof■j cenier. $85. Compuior six s m os.. w as $8000 witl 208-720-4936 2 (Hailey)* Commercial - Hobby Wadding Carrtago 1^' -REE— SERVICE ^ g 12 St75. (2)Crlba SSOoa. desk $75, Stereo systom soilq lor $6300. 423-4396 p TWIN FALLS ' Shops Party Faculty Childrens Skis w/Salom- w/Boso spookors. $75. or731-7246.* 0 k PLAN ROOM 734-18317: or 404-8628 u p t o 200 on tjindings Agos 6-12i Pool quo-stlck. 20 oz., ^ Jo b s to bid for oil = = Tuls Friesian Sreen Magic Inc. $50 B oota $20 733-5272*• $60. Full/queon head- ^ conotructton. C l Tlllle 734-8768 G r e °e0^000”B”tJ!^3 y r^^d . board, $35, Nlritefldod4 m Bluepnni copios, EMPLOYMENT ^ Pruning ft romovol. S400. 734.1465* 40ib PLUS GARAGE SALES , w/S gom os. $125. H Jndor one roof a l Tho In- 734-PLAN‘ (7626) SERVICES P rnjb pruning 8 shapln{ OIL FURNACE — FAX Plooso call 734-3286.* r e S o L E S AKC. 1st shots; door di Filer Floa Market, *— PAINTING & I ohm?• fnjll tree pruning Complolo. physical, wormod, dew Nov. N 30 a n d Doc, 1 al TF p- = T»T(m»o«iy-Pefmanonl * C all 423-683S.' NORDIC TRACK Acbelv- pl U M dng lor employMS DRYWALL •r. Vintogo Schwinn bike, clowod, cl $300. (2) Cock»- County C Fair Grounds, Ad- (CARPENTRY 'i 834-6747 Wood Cook stove_ YOUR Uels w/cago. accossorle*. m Barbio pink w/banono Ui mission $.50. Soo Santo “ ' “ o a l " " ”* P, Monarch Malloablo, old soot. $75/00. Mink wrap. $ $ I 25.Ploaso coll Sal. S. otliOO pm.* Repair ond Instoll; o e LUPHER REE SERVICE stovo ir) good sh ape, all 436-9339or670-I116‘ Kq PERSONNEL PLUS P«* 3 AD $40. Good condition. 4: )ONT MI88 Tho Indoor Docks, fences, windows, PAINTINQ, INC. p i ^ parts are Ihoro. tst SSOO Plooso call 736-0008* BLACk gc LAB X Cross pup- R doors. Interior painting. . ~mnKfj^ncmaanoixm tako9.CoM S36-5936-* ^ TIMES-NEWS Filor Floa Markei, lost ono 733-7800 or a7g.M40 ay's Tres Service pios. 7 vrfts, old. Free to a before b« Christmas. Nov. small remodels. CLASSIFIED 'POOL TABLE Brunswick P< RR . y emoval. . Trimming. 7 Wx3 W ploying surface. goodhomo.212-J711* 0< 30 3C and Doc, 1 aiTFC oun- DEPARTMENT Call C h u ^ Rogers Call Bill O RomTopping, Shrubs, slalo. oil access . S 55 5 x E R R B 5 5 0 r ? fB 5 P T ,'y,ly Fair Grounds, Admit- ' FARMING S Stumpe 320e'734'S538 $900/offor call 034-6O32‘ 0 0Boxer. Southern Idaho Ston $,50. 532-4439* 326-8271 or 731-1391. SMALL ^ Cali738-5S71 Boxer Rescue. 423-5788 TTi ******* POOL TABLE ConnoMoy ^ Te l p k e e p o O r i = = ACREAGE RA LOOK IN THE 208-677-4543 ^ wwy.welcofno.uyslbr.com* ^ CARPENTRY I Billiards toblo. 8 x 4 'probe. JH: COMMUNnYNEAT ^ CIAINGUTTERSIm ^ se r v ic e J MAGIC VALLEY SECTIONI (BURLEY)' $3500/offor. 734.1970.* 2 5 Vaase ramova all ga- . Disking, RototltUng. OF THF TIMES-NEWS - p le a. 1 m alo, 2 fom*aio, Mnlng&Swvlce TRH FIREPLACE SOI complolo, $350 oach. Call 934-4971 rage aaie elgna-after MAOICTOUCH * J >v»7 Now is tho lemale 1. 3 monlhs old. to fo keep the coijimu- 79738-7404 e r 280-1681 . 824-7240 F M-781Bor430-077» ON SUNDAYS, rramc, poid S62S soil for limo to com o ptek up your Aau K O M o o c a f l^ w e e o * n/i A ^ for Lou I ^ Dan McCreeiy ■ '« MONDAYS. . $450, W/D sot. pakJ $525 pictures. Stop by The mm mty dean, let's work \___ Free eatknateslll W-7I WEDNESDAYS & soil for S400. Both itoma 4 _ Ctossifled Dopt. todayl * I h lher and ehow p = FURNACE \ = 73S4870 ____ D| FRIDAYS AND IN THE mo. old. Other mfae. 8 HEATING RE WEDDING SADDLE Dakota brand I I X In our town. 1C L E A N I N G I AG-WEEKLY ON fum . for sale. 732-B479* T h a n k y o u for yo.ur EMOOEUNQ .WEaRIDESMMO^ SATURDAYS, g ploBsuro or barrel radng ! ■ Auction Advertlalng nover uaed, beautiful !■ cooperation Cleaning H ands SAWTOOTH 1 F 6500 wotf. 11 hp. $500/offof,539.71^ceH)‘ |peNaLISHBULLDOal „ JER Professional. 5 star 9 rEODINQSHoS I JitJ Holton nowsn00.$550/offor ~ SHEET MCTAL Refnodsllng VVEOlOdlng Dr»*aas; 2 - 3 8 AKCAK registered puR jIee.l Tmru«sday26th,8amlo? resklentlalcleanlno.ref. ^ I Heat 208-735-3222 Particle P Board tholvea, A<■SSXfiTA pan HIRE* faaOng/ACRalrtgeration 0. w>*t*Vlo s ^ Rant or Buylj] Available D ays & Evonlngtl 122 m r o le s , S lom alos.l Evorythlng G oes _guaranteed. Frae Comnterdaland ( 22 8p«ol«Jlst IhoionOimgicvaltoyxoni (145) 4-x6*x2*xy' $100/ OeelgnandBulW Orasaai sdeusOfllenel.ooni $^3«27V raaldantial. ‘ F offor. Coll 30S-4eS3‘ < 2oe-3ao-i3>8CEU I 22yi«.axpafienc* Invttatkx^nrtlv«r*ary InvMaaTg »326-g2S»L—ve Meg** | U Q 80tW.Ave.F.* * ___ y»»8W» [ 78« » S 8 3 » 2 fO 8. Main fl k'i m ■ T a a r : , • ■*. ( 1 ■ . : ■ .

•> '>'r .,■ ■ .^Tu—diy,Wowmb8rIT ^ 2002, TbnM-Mwt, TWITwin Fall*, Idaho C9

m - ’O T

m L TABL8.3/4* t«. TRAVEL TRAILERS TRAILER 7X18 fL. tooftcx IC T=ORD'92 F150 4x4, short TOYrOYOTA *88 155K miles. CHEVEVY -92 Lumina. 4 dr.. MITSUESUBISHl '93 Eciipso 4>8. ■cwMOrtw jndudxlM ’0319'w/twp-ctrtsnew •nd 13* aldee. ramp. '■ bed. 4 spd.. 6 cyl.. 102K. groat condilion. $15(1500/ollor. Hyundai '66 runsIS groot, o $2500/ollor. tf a a o . cgB T ^ i s a i . *, t1 S ,9 9 0 n o w iia 3 S a <1400. Cafl 732-0488* | $4500, 76a-25M dir $4S4000/offor. Ploaso call Exc(4x4,newti«W ^ n I sSSAN s a *89 M axima j - ^ ^ - S S S X , towwttMted.$500. i 5 ^ . . oxc. cond,. a steal T5?fO yoTA 'B9 6 ood kjoklng n classicisoic car. looks, runs ■ St7i990newt10.9S9 bodlee,$«00ap)eoe<700 motor. r & wheels. $2500/ at Con 544-7681.* Iru ' 324-2669 or 539-5570.* bothCafl731.8286* | t Iruck. runs grool. Has new ■ groot,lal, 8$2000. 733-B366.* ■ Syr.waro^. ^Sloffer. Call 768-7460* - n trany. nice sioroo sysiem. ■ w ====|=== JSl FORD '94 F-150 0x1. cab. *?' _ -ge Taho* Sth 2 4 'Mui new (SW ; *te Jimmy 4 x4 Imeri- aSHEW 'UM . 400. tnms ^4x4. 95K ml. oxc. con- ^Comos with sholl & oxira jij PONTI;■ay of 3 | 679-0403or677-5010* nrool. $4600/ oHor ovo- oxc. cond. coi 4dr. low milos. W w nlno. Mr/«qu«llzlnfl tlmM,/nual M f.Sf4.500. WARNING I XIigs. Call 678-9297- Call1 543-4663-54: gbt$e000.^6474» • ^ bayhanoeralSuMaiipon ■ & ^ S 5 5 9 S ^ F=ORD '94 FISO. extended Cali evening* 735-0925S S 10.000. Can S 43408r 4x4. 4,3 litor V6. t o a ^ ' cab,4x4. goodcond, '^1Whon purchasing a vohi- CONNECT Irlr, low pkg. good Iires. c? d o . moko suro iliai tno •VY -98 Corvotlo silvor PONTIAITIAC '00 nrebird f f RUNNER ’93 23 tt. or Day 4204562.* $7800, Call 532-4157* f,',* ). (ipproximaiely mk _ ULTRA UQHT MW TTA&E WITH clean, i' $3500. Cell 539- ~ tlllo is in Iho namo of m aiching loothoi. in- Top, nc ■wntng. AC. qumh. p«r>ir- | - — BO hm.. 5 yra. old. «iway» CUSTOMERS -Jg 2 3 w 32^2533 eves.* ^Oi= ORD -96 F250 Powoc thetho sollor. Undor Idaho idible cond., has il all. milos.)S. BankB Ropo. Tokintj .f*Ct,$So00.324-S329* 22K. chromo whoois, b ids. s . ConlaclJustin C In hani^r. 40 HP. rotex. W H O S : Siroko. 5 Spd. exi. cob. molor me vohiclo codo. a ^ , CMEVY‘94SttverB dol60a AC.ac le S K m ls , $ 7 ,0 0 0 , vel J tops, novor fOCOd or 0736-736-7300.* HPAORUHNER'75 17'7* S48S0 CaD 678-8235’ exL cab. 4x4< 99K mllos. 43 vohiclo cannot bo sold ^ ‘ N EED • 431-6298 or 438-2070* un ocked. tho ono you s u b a r u ' MIf contained, landsm.n. very cloan Interior & exto- — unless Iho liiio is tn iho ARU '93 Loyalo I YOUR ^ nomo ol Iho sollor (ox- nl. S33.995/ol(or. 733- -**!•, near now Urea, con­ rIor. trim package. AC, FOF= ^ 0 -97 F-150 Lonai. su- "0 5 spd., runs good. r>- NEWHAULMARK8 S ER V IC E p coption; Idaho Iiconsod 24 or 280-3711 Ray.' now)w tiros.in OS IS. S0OO verted propene tanke, , w/3 yr. warranty. PW . PL, mnning boords & porcab. P<» long bod.w/RhIno ^<>1 ' Wew countertop alnke. ' F A X I low package, $9950. Ouofd„44K 0^ mis., loaded, «JGE‘88600SESodan. Coll Ca 532-4717- •• . 7x14 w sa 6 (8 9 9 now Advertise In « provide Iho now pur- AT.'. I FWO. llll, 4-door, IV.900. Cetl84»B762.» $38«8.«838. 7 3 ^ 9 8 or 731-8438* 5.4L 5.. . AT. crulso. AC. Pf< looihor. PS(40/80). low ch;chasor a signod bill ol ovorl-)fhautod. S2000/ol(or. ROCKWOOO '93 30 It.. 5x«wasS2449noW' Y O U R SHEW '07 oxl-c.b, Lii S salo show ing Iho lol- Coll11673-6224- 6 THE!HE TIMES NEWS t15aa.«0605. Service 4 pkg,. skkJ plaios, koyloss. poi • Top 4 x 4 , HO HI. c a m p o r ^ lowing: Full doscnption n n n r : ••Ifled Department IBce new. d the Sr», BrlOwaaS2tS9now ha«J to n n e au . sioroo w/6 'O" »GE '86 Dynasty, ono ' Claeelfl ' nvnyextme. 825>6069* AD Directory CT ^sheH. caiper kti. AT. PW. CD. c c $16.000, 733-3579' ?Jof Ihe vohiclo. vohiclo ° “ o o pen* a t 8:00 am »14fl«, *777. PB, tow pkg., Silverado. —- nor. low miloago, good ®P^' TIMES CLASSIPtBO. Idenilflcalions numbor, Id, $3000.733-4410- “o o"** n d a y th ru Friday &ALEU 19 n, MH con- 0x10 w«e 32989. now 733-0931 e x t 2 ^casMtle/CD. 454 vortex, fOf^'OHO -97 F150. 4x4. AT. _ amount® pokj and nom- • ,h <2388, <723 ' OBPARTMENT * new water pump, new dis- PW. PV PL. AC. 67K milos, DGE -93 Coll Vista siODlnl fttlned, good condltloh :h e v y '4 8 crow cab i ton . 0(8) and addross ol tho 0 ° ° C > ln to * « e u * or call '!^^.Caa644-l432* (2)8x12 waa $4290 now Irlbulor. lune up. oil oxconeni o’" cond. S14.500. now purchaser, Tho bill " ^D groai Shapo. la y a n d we will help <2888. eilB , 1174. Cfidually 263 C.U., 4 speed. change, .1 serviced irons, 737-0653 ^3, or 306-2106* cellont commutor. von 208>734*B838 PTO*ieO(Voffof735l033* di „ of salo must bo signod. ® ^ce you wllh all your TSRRy‘94 25.5 c Sthh 8x28 w ai S7200 now oxcolleni condition, cnri daiod ond sbow actual SJ20(>00 Call 720-4296.- . i v , , ■ OR • ^ 'o rd *99 Expodliion, V-B dal dvertlting need*. wheeler, mint, never>r . <8188«663VnoM. CHEVY -49 Steol body tta - $12,500/offM. $1 53©-2429* tow tov p k g ,. o x tra c lo a n , milmiloago at Iho limo ol OODQ)GE '00 Noon, good ipulled, loaded, $7600.). Only « xm eU E »jdl 162 30B*«77-^B4a ■ ^tion wagon, ell wood Inte- j^H£vV e i ‘97 Suburban. 40K. 401 $10,900. 726-3203* solsolo, II you havo any cond,id, low mllos, socunty. Twinwin Fall* Office or Mark 82&4676.’' ^r. lOn.btado. ^ I3K milos, hunlor groon, 3W pockogo, TV/VCn. 44K „ •te d p r i c e ilTc5 yd. dump, runo woll. CHIH^VV 'ta^i-rA vaioncno. looc . milos. Bank Ropo oadod. 5750 bokiw Bluo r n;D, ' $17,000. Coll 670- T nkin • 3 line minimuilum - Private Party rat ^ 5 0 0 . Coll 726-3203* 8,1B,1 motor, ioadod, loathor boc3ook. 525,900, Ploaso ^03 :ing bids. Contact 403 or 677-5010- jus„n iiliod lino a d s lo run ■ates I2 11K milos. Prtood 10 son! Mil call 200-727-6707,* in «736-7300.- Classilmc (HO '95 Windstor, rood- Thursday, Nov. 28 L5>17.5.25 $200 529,800, Can 734-0791* H u t por 901. MC-BBExtCab. 350. d, , grool cond^S3700; ,7^ > ‘“ • » ' E ” - " N°o"oa"lo)d to bo pincod by CoU 726-3203* o SODQE l 'B7 Rotdor, oxcol- WT. ^47 5 Spd. Loadod. olio milos, good condition n)0 nnam W odnosday loni condltkjn, robulH mo- $60 flor.Plym outh '93 ^7 ,nr00. Call 733-0864- ' ■ uu j . aSB E SE E SQ blL L ^ i^T backhoe t>ir, '«" teOOO/ollor 543-2279- • voyooyooor manual, S800. ■ w/hydraullc lilt, pinllo tor. now tiros. $3000. Coll ; nMC i F 7 9 shonbod 350 735-735-7452 or 731-7457* nONOP3A -00 Accord LX. S CMf.Siliod 986-7570.* . V,J jliod lino nds 10 run M w b # r o t P"ilue.S12.000/ollor, ^TrpMC '79 pickup, now $350<3500/olfor. 733-4779.- HOND/DA -90 Proludo SI. 2 00pn0 pm W ednesday ...... S 1 6 - 9 5 051wAvlng. dump. & cumml- '®*oadod. 736-1051 or noior & ironomlsslon, 6* q ^ q • 1 cond, noods pmnt & 4-7 d a y s ...... 135-770-9205,* UJf’' ic-M sol.n E.ionooa, X STOP 280-2102- Y ...... $ 24.35 nga, $8500.726-3203* Ift. 35* Ilros. sprayod-in marood linor. now painl. misc. p wW, , |PL. towing packogo, "ON DDA P -91 Proludo SI, t u oB Times-News T i 6x6.10Tcrane,25.0001b •jxb. 13K miles, w/exlras, chr.:hromo accosoorlos. ts3K , cond. runs groot, ...... $41-50 TO 53K mllos. $1900. wish you n 15-21 d a y s ...... winch, 003 Cummins. ^.000/olfor. 731-3635' S60eAnlmar.$8500/offor. 55E3DQE '01 Rom 2500 OMCMC '83 Jimmy runs groat. Q mIC c *93'i Solan- Extondod, M ONO.OA -97 CHv 4x4. Happy! 22-30 days i ...... Call 308-4653* 6 sispd.'50K .S W B . aholl. now nov corpoi. S2200/otr 308-0269 daya* g jjg - )A"m Accord EX 4dr '3 2' 33rd rd S l Wof.1, TF MMIyandO^^ ^ riC '89 b T V8. longbod. Way'ay tbolow book ot $3650. HONDA ompor choll, AC, AT. 732-5^2-5283 OVOS-/IY, msg,- 38K. fio>iow liros, oxc cond. X 20B-734-553H 900. Can 731-0217 - twlnadttnJ«rm,igicvalloycom ruiso. 83K, 733-6008- RONCINDA'01 Odyssoy. ^Prinl A d OC opy In Sjpaci 5fffiW ^9Hion, noedea F A X \M40 '92 4x4. MiT. short Naviovigalion system , LINCOL3LN '97 Conlincntal 200-677.4042 206- CU Balew cuelilllo work, call for moro ed. auiomolic. porfocl, DVD/VD/TV 21K. oxcolloni loadodkJ with loaiMor. sun- ,2 6 3 Ovi ” (Allow 1 space for codiiich le tte r, p u n c tu n d o n m arkfl 1 Informalkw. 934-9585* ) Ovoilnnd. Builey ScB and blank spaccs.) Inlc 8,950. Coll 788-2568 dir' cond,md, $23,000. 734-3330 roof. 6 disc CD changor, K20B677-4543 20i :h ev y '82 ehort bod. b o 0 u I if u I C n r mcelastcrjtCm,i(|irv,iiloy com' c m ■ O R M4C '9 4 S ub u rb a n SLE MAZOJZDA -M mln.,m ^ ■ 6 cyl,.fonderskkis. Culo, kg, Exc. c o n d . $ 8 9 0 0 robultibum molor. noodo oomo DOO. Call 352-1935 ------32000, 6 ( Call 788-2568 d ir m» 26-B610or 308-6610 * work,:rk, $1500. 733-9660,- MEHCl,.3URY -95 Tracer.. JOYOTA 'I S2( rA '86 Toicol, lOOK jh e V y 'Be H i. 350, AY, ► NTIAC -01 Montona Af"/FrFmcassoito.AC. ^,,05., runs,un qroal S700 ------CHEgood cond,, 31500/otfor *E M A IL MIC '96 Suburbon 4W0. PONTi 3 ______500 SLE. soats 9. from aools(Ols 8 , CO. roor AC & atandatJard. vory good cond. :all 3P4-94.15- -1 ------■ ■■ a COII324-5613420-7602* Your N Ad To 1 roar™ air. grill Quord, tow- hoat,lal, towI milos, oxc. cond. 0 J & out. S2200^o(lor. :HEVY'88ehorlbod. 32230M3I 9293- TOYOTAiT A ''9 1 CoT^iiT;.; 4- A ddiddlHonal lines extra charge Ingig Ip k h ,. olloy w h o o is. Callm 677-2561-6 J . 4 d» , 1 1 4 .0 0 0 g « + sV-64spoed.$2000. j n ood Ilros. oxc. cond. foYoi JBISHI'97 0iamani6 mjns^sia Plooso call 788.2568 dir* fOTA 91 P,0..0 von SIOOO 737-4G5.1 ' THHETWESf'EWS 13000, Coll 673-5525* gxcoll;collont c ond, I ownor, Odan. lo.idod, hghl - ^ - ______iHEVY Plo. *90 6 1 5 6 0 , V-6 . C AT, loailiur. CD. sun TO Y OTA T A '-96 Avalon SE' CLASSIFIED GMC«C '9 6 2 7 1 e x t c e b , londottdod, oxtros $5700/otlof ”bra, 70K, .mmacu. 'ully loado)adod, loQlhoi. pow S he 4 spood, $2600. r,. ros.rim s. sholl. lols ol 734-4!4-4769 or 420-5109- Ploaso can 788-2568 dir* ^DEPARTMENT. i SlO,995'orior 733. or wmdov,idows. soats, lock:; xlras.677-4647 or t oot. CD playoi. ^ PlooiNfeW '92 3^4 T. ext. cab, or20O-371l Roy- r.unrooj 312- ______L io m 0. Toxas car-oxc ______ZffEcamper shell, AT. AC. JBISHI 00 G.il.™ i s u121 a '94 Troopor. loadod, J ion. Ploaso coniaci PW. PL. S4600.536-6532* Twin Falls 4dr. sodiin Dovor Miko at 73 Run my ad in classassification PW Ited windows, boouliful Jt 73C-7643 - >6DQ^ >15 H ion. >hoil a2 0 8 - ^ 5 5 3 8 UV, $5095. 734-1485* P T T white pipoon. loadod, l o a m . ______!____ unrool, spoitof. TOYOTA•A '98'{ Avnlon XL& i t ______f o r _____ 5bed. 5 5 6 cylinder <1000, ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ° _____ days. becPloaso call 788-2568* iP ^ ? » C J 5 . oxc. cona : . . o ro milum li whoois, ncw oxc cond.. con. now tiros, Ploi /now soft top. $4000 Inn ourC effort to liros. It's tf swoot! 514.000/ lonllioror Call( 436.C334 ^Amount Enclosed!J d $ ______ttD SEToTton. 68.500 9t )6-30a-1445.(Cell)* Coll 324-646G- lonvo moRsaoo' mor. 5mllos. 5 5 oxc. oond,. S2050. ^ m ak e o u r oiior, c je S Or char^ my ad1 tcto: ------mUfl733-6817 or 731-4457* _ EP *76 W ogoneer. 401 ^ lalassified c section . 733 3.$1050.Call734.6097/ ORD '86 Ronger. needs P3ffliftb“ ‘69 ^ “4"><4,“ h I ^ lys or 734-700VOVOO* "■00 0 0 of any om jrs, t;hL-vioici> lc t ^□Visa QMastercarliard □ American E)q)ie F5B1eomo minor work, rune ride •re ss □ D is c o v e r eorrgood. $850.733-0355* or rt IP TT Cherokee p l eaa a s se ch e ck your SCre^t Canl Numbnber ______QOQ 360 V-8 . $1200 ad : for any / .1 SRffW iSSTOTSR F5R, K b ‘» i P25d.4x4, (Call679-4331* ------PSRlmllee.. red, 2 WO, S spd. reo«iceni engino end front iBab- ilstaKes the first J J^iratipn^pate ■ . . . mileAC, CD, AB8 . drivers air, end, iP *9B Wrangler gxc. vJ. rough body, $1000. >nd. Low miles. Lois ol Jay that It njns. wo10 have addod ------:------: AC, mne & k)oka grekt. Plea 788-2568 dir- '-Nanie - ■- _ njM$6000/otfer.C ell ll $7300, Call 731-3583- AfterAfl th at tim e Forosi51 W ard to our ______$ 6 hO’84 Bronco 4x4 .cep•P • -97 Grond Chorokeo T he . 978-2757 evening** ™ he Times-News lenm' Forosif lias boon ' Address _ 878- run* good $1400 nHod. V-6. leather, surv . 6ftbdleaelduell/lT, call?11734-4101 aflorSpm * J l? , will not b e s tw nlig q Ihu Magic Vakiy ------F5?SiI dr., lots new, oxc. eend. p r a p of. $12,500, Coll 736- ' ftft ‘84 Brooco 11, new 4W06Bor212-4560* reS| lorm or jOty/State/Zip _ 4J56-4250or420-977r dr, esponslble for lOrc tfvin 12 y o m ------:------656- ulch, new windshield. i ]|^oneI'Jumber__ fs e ^ LW6 . 2WC). MT. Runjns well. $1200/olfer. IP -99 Cnorokoo Sport 3any errors. .m dink pndo HI Hstetv SBC'ebuin 454. lew pko. good CallIII 837-6324* Utillivlilly. 4.0L. 33K m llos. t / a'✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ / i -,ngtov^) wtmi hir> ciislomofB " rebu 0.250, Coll 736-6571.* I Jre*. $2300 5 4 3 - 6 5 8 5 ^ mRt) t '^9 150 oxiendod ' ;p Anny 4 cylinder (lot B U iC k' Forcr.l ploasod AtbA ‘9^&^22bQ.^epd, Mblb. 351 AT, AC. 120K, 5"k''BB>ark Avonuo, ^ sixaihell, looke and runa buckicket s » a u . shelWlnor. ad, 33'ilros & whoois. rod,, 4 dr.,c cloon. oxcolloni lo bo panpJ our R,mdy H en§oo^^^^| ahejreet. 120K miles. $1600. d aiya734.2522 v 0lll. • \s greei, $2995/oftor cond.Id. only 132K milos. m^mnrand soivir>q ■ Call 732-0466* ^ enings 734-2229.* _____ callE 308-4653* $2,250250/ollor. 034-9562- ;u s '01 U 470 toadod. CADILLilLLAC -91 Dovillo, 4 hiipfiy li> Ik i> 1 \ b '9 0 P isb exi. cab, '< 460.O.AT,PW.PL,TW.tow «*C’.c, cond, $48,500 door,ir. oxc.c cond.. looihor group In SUaho. I want ,, m n s great, $ 4 9 5 0 . ____ ‘ 208-734-7366,* tnlorkirrkir. $4795. 326-4768- und old.d. r» aiine In a n d ^ ^ ^ t x a i f i 436-9377* SiFraul^UBI3til '89Monioro. CToTClIILLAC -93 Seville. Well soiT) for a ride In M &tM Aiapd,, 4cyC HD'fil Manger 4x4 AT.e«. extremely good cond. exc,. cocondilion. Must soo. PSfiO ransmlssion. Pressure c^.,tended. 5 speed. AC. dng $ 3 ^ . will fUiance $6400/iOO/oftor. 326-5058-* tramIlate, olutoh. $300 jlse.S tilt wheel, new $2000 down 735-8588* cT?EWV y '70 Irnpala Cus- ■■■■■■■■I plai Can. IS. toolbox, excellent TOYCT’OTATaiincTCniWor; lom.I. 2c2dr. ntods restora- F f |llieT1in»Ni!i i!i!.rifSo,.,.o oin Endition, s under 50.000 shon>n ■convoRlblo, dfllach- H onSli$1500/Offd>.212-542g' rfiMl. nto ■pprox. W>.'S7 orlglIginal miles. $6,100/ ablee h hard lop. 6 cylinder. C H EW W 'ag'C?^ a . runs 1 ^ ; ' . y frwwmagicvalleyi'coni v y • er. Call 734-2366 or 4 epcipd. Nice. $6500, good,)d, $650. C ^l 324- J Cheiara^g "”°°- M 2 8 4 ,* ,______P leatt^ « ^ n j ^ S 6 6 d ir 48199or4iy23yl.- ot CaBI „ . . ■■ , '•. ' ^ .V ) '

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H H I V . In s i d e 9 tw t w e e*n f i Locslsial sports...... 02 Jefome andndSj^pK ^ijy r n s Comicslies...... 04 ^ ihc TimesTNirNcws . f T i i eesday, . November 26,2( 2002 ♦ Scction D ^ m 6 r n inNGLINE< ^ M mi i r ^ iv e ss

5|$, (V fen&&pp)isa Eajigles drop gaiime, move on1 to face B art([ton County ^^:^ythathail a s a v a y , > j m• M i * y • ■ and No.. 9 Lake Land College, a p rn im m U m ______^.yet^feheh e a t t b e a t five-gamese thriUer, went b e ^ d . threegaatanes. /IN PALLS r Cooference~ Toumanwiit diitingfixfootball ^ • T he winrin sends CSI Into th e sec­ iphkiv don't lie down and diei> Notabook-02 t o o d roun< ond against No. 4 seed f e gam es,andid i f y D u ’i B Barton Got e fifth-seeded CoUege of ::ounty, 30-16,30-18,3023 >f k S c o r e « - 0 2 , winners ov bem Idaho volleybaU team over N a 13 Wallace State g o i n g t o^ ^ p l r o a c h (Ala.), a t i : e d tb a t lesson a n a found o ut 1 11 Bjn. MST in d ie W est ” — ------— Plains Qviiivic Center. ?iS-.him aftErag3S a m e a n d Im portant In to u fty ia 'a t tfaele r*"I ini>^ v f r* ^ B o iy m ad etD e O n tiie u pionship level,'w beo a a out- e w p e r h alf of tbe bnudc- t- - No. 12 Flainswoouin thetli only low et, defendoding champion Miami- ij;;'; quesriondich e e t h i c s tied and. less talented ' Con«(*ofSouth«m Idaho’s>’sMln

PkOadalfMpiOa't H seassons Dmrfdm ie all-tis•time leading The AM oclatodltadPTCM______lege baskiisketbaD? ^ laanTM S n Faneftco m j H SALT LAKEKE CITY - Utah fired —Mttswerbaow. 9U rtaf tM bM A ^ football coachach Ron McBride on M onday, two di ------~a JcffOanlaralaki 0 days after the Utes DEDULE th#tMfdi finished withil theirtl second losing rccord in threeree seasons.< U fM o•nday n d in ^ iJH “I think that[hat as we looked at I^O D A Y ’S schee Sm rmtdn d s o o .. our programn o\over the last three I Toutnameot, years that wq^I fo lia g e volleyball vQ^have nol reached the goals thatla t t5*M CA A National3unty, T< 11 a jn ., w e’v e n e e d e d : ^ ! e s t Plains, Mo. to,” said athlct-let- " f l PS feC S I vs. Barton Coun5 p jn . o r j*ijuaiteffinal Chris Hill, who vs. TBA, 3 or I5 basketiMp ill told McBride ’JH S ,S p jn . of his decision ^ g h school giris 7bi 5 0 pjn . during a meet- C at O’Learytian Jl- , 7 30 pjn . ing Monday. S irT F C A at Sho-Ban,imas 7d Cotmty, M c B r i d e > :;-3U ss at MV. Chrisdai coached Utah S * is tl e f o r d a t Cameland, 730 pjn. for 13 seasonsn s — :------,i^ ? ; 3 0 pjn. me, 730 pjn. and took thehe Ron McBride CS^«'Roft River at Rocldany, 730 pjn. Utes to six ofo f ^;r.G ooding at Shoshone,w , 730 pjn. th eir nine bowl3wl appearances. H e ^ 'R ic h f ie ld at Oakley,ll, 7 30 pjn . 88 gam es,IS, s: gam e los- Bishop Kelly at Jer ing streak thisis st season that ended _ _ _ their bowl hopes.pes. : ~ D e ttm ] er excelsIs, b u t leav ______/ e s g a m e w \ ith disloc)cated elbo_j Even th o u ^;h didie Utes won their final three gaigames, including eiatedPww______, ^ , Saturday’s 13.6 v BRIEF Inviteto !!5*^ receivers in coach Andydy Reid's Feeley, thehe third-stringer who Ci S victory over state Candlestick Point and the Eagles’Ei rival Brigham Vo unpredictable gamee plan, hadn’t dvowi•wn a pass all season, de 1 Young after which Bowl SANFRiTIANCISCO - When the I desperate quarterback situi^Qon, the players lifte Detmer carved up the 49<9ers’ con- h it C h ad Levi«wis for a 1-yard TD th ifted McBride onto p isu accepts br g a m e oif f Koy Detmer’s life f the 49ers (7-4) were terribJble on their shoulders, tl fused secondary and sta]:aked the moments latelter - and the Eagles bo rs, they finished 5-C. ;nth*ranked abruptlyy ended< with a scary I b oth sides of the ball w hile2losing I Hill said h. E agles (8-3) to a big leadI iiin ? • ^ were allaU but -assured of a at he approached ^imanttarianBip ted an invi- elbow injurjury, A .J. F eeley capably o a t hom e for just th e third umetii in McBride about a one-sided meeting of didivi- conferen■ence victory. tw al a month ago and S:?^OISE - Nineteentlthis year’s backed ipup die backup - and the s , again last w eek sion leaders. m doctors popped rek about resigninn :^.4359ise State has accepte, . Philadelphjphia Eagles rolled on to Detmer, a career backi The Niners (7-4) still leo(l a d ^ e as coach a n d taking ta). a different jjtition to play in lethi s third tn p an im pressissivewin. v I i S t S i D e tm eer’s r’ elbow back into NFC NI West by two games,JS, but job in the athlei who had dirown just 17 pa P J o c e ,aand n h e w ore a grin on thi hletic department, 7|^;Sliinanitarian BowL BowI,' ^ c h F im n gi ini tremendously for e th e y ’ve lo st c o n secu tiv e g gi am es b ut M cBride refu< es since 1999 completedd 18 t t l l JPJ his unslishaven face while foi efused. will be Boise State’s31 in Boise Donovann McNabb; Detmer o for the first time since mitud w ay M cB ride d id n of his 26 throws - until1 he1 watchingIng from the sideline thr id not im m ediately the Humanitarian determinedBo' passed forfor 227 yards and two landed I< heavily on- his le ihrough th e 2000 season. re m m a call seekiPeking commeni. left as Feeleiley finished off the The ' Niners wore throwl be played Dec. n 31 Athletic touchdowiwns and rushed for ^ a as CWke Okeafor ki w back H e was 8 8 ^3 at Ulah, w ith a 3-.^ j^ a in s t a yet-to-be deton Broncos another sea knocked rout. It wasn’tn’t immediately dear uniforms un from.the early 1‘ core before leaving with him h to the ground after complet-a when Detmer 1980s, record in bowlvl gamg es a fte r last ij^^am. Tbe Western , ' a dislocated ter might be able to when wh they won the first of :ed le ft elbow la te in th e ing it a 24-yard pass tas Bowl, ) l l s j FVandsooi) on [ M ond^ night, Detmer flailed his legs i didn’t fix their offensive■ pPfob- T he U tes finishedhed ihe 2001 season s m pan 76 yards for: a'touchdown, a while lems, ler however: San Franc lb is e x p e c te d co m iss on oi the ground as team d ncisco 84 after going 4-7 the year Ixjfore. t o d a y doctors Todd Finksn:ston and Antonio managed ma just two first down ^A A hoops polii of the regular season rushed rt to him. When h 'Vns on A possible succsucce.ssor could be he was Freeman caug]ught TD passes from its its first four possessions ^GS,CoIa- with a bro>roken ankle, but in loaded lo onto a cart with tearstt in Detmer. IS and defensive cooroordinaior Kyle ^ i l l be released onto National Detmer's & nnev ever found a groove. fiist start since 1999, be h hi is eyes, th e Eagles* e n d re roster Terrell Owej . Wittingham, anan i!assistant under A th le tic w as o u tstan wens had 13 catches Je J ff G ard a was 29K3f-51 for ?®COLORADO SPRING5 anding for neariy tluM and ai the.Niners’ defense! \w ish ed for 166 yard s a or 284 McBride for ninenim seasons. But [ m en’s an d q u a r te r s , 5 a nd tw o TDs, but in yar^ yar as the Niners played f IC^^e first regular season Using all of bis M hith w ell a t m id field spite of a ' i from there will be othother candidates, Senior College •oils i vrill b e I warm night on behind bch all night. Hill said. * § to o d a tio n Division Z m ^^iQSiae&’s basketball poU ro m o v eu p Indiiiana trouncicesUM aa» to quiet edJ* J u d g i n g b y t h e leneral manager in the J F lo rid a financier fii John r ^ l k d for Oee. 13 aha U fit aajor leagues. , m iS ^ e . Timis are M pan.:« .W . utih 37-2081?**, way the Wth* nry bought the is o p e n to totfUmoatT^ ranked Hoosiers The Red Sox made 8® team inn spspring training S S Q ^ ll ajn. to 1 pjn .D ec 3 ipstein the youngest GM 1 ^ & b e basketball d u b esis -1-.■»■. erdale ’ ■. scored 20 points and Kyi* Homsby, Bosoy wonder a promodon ■ and hass heenhe iiiviicjl to C^(;$50 per child. Club nd hoping he can lead H SHI^ceive liftsketball funda: ich a d d e d c areer h ighs of lid , Md rem ain as 'vice i'ioNi..leiii id 16 rebounds to lead tbe 0 » I J . LMCh, f ciie ” team to its first 1TheoEpateln o f b a sejball b a l operations iS^^Suning during the clinics.ffldalT- S jfe,'??. i^orld S eries title since * ^ ia general admission tii •OX vrho w ere playing fo r lllltt. trap Nev b u t h aIS s notI decided e since dutloaa in Adanta. 918. w h eth er to accept,pt. home games, an offi M tMachuMtts' thre“We’re going to becomt baskedxiQ, poster an a m b h a d 17 p otets a n d 12 n e n E p stein , who was wa: raised near ailab le a t r M assachusetts (0-1). Qabrial Lm as thlampionship e: organization,”,” he Fenway Park: iiin suburban 732€496. "oouadsfori lid at a news conference Applications are avaiU b* shoots In th« Sen< ;e at Brookline, becamiame director of first half Inth* snway Park, about a mile fnfrom baseball operadonsons for San D iego * - - ^ rrtti^ee or by calling 732 N o .4 A l a b^a80,M a i 1SU«S here he was raised. “Wo''o’re in 2000, when Red.ed Sox; president dfianitiffndMn TUSCALOi.OOSA. Ale. - Erwin opaning round e psi)ing to win a W orld Series.” 1 17 points 10 rebounds, ofth* Maul in b Larry Lucchino was running the I I t’s now 84 seaso n s sin ce! tht e P a d re s. E p ste in1 also al: spent two H .h3,6S7 a s:-!.?blocked , shots aa Nb. 4 . Invitational In Mon ed Sox last won it all, a f a at rnot years each in SunIII Ui.yoVL m edia f l iso n s a t Ptewe see KOOn,-Page B2 Uhalnl, Hawaii boyst on Epstein. He moved-to) tthe relations departmi'tment and as a fl »). : _ PI ea at the age of 4.5 in 197i*78 - baseball op^dons i W or 1918 “V chan a n sw er : s a id Uravich, with Fenv P n. three seaso w hei State (1967-70). goinf I t’s R e d i lo s tc a re a I ..M nnWww. J m m■V,NMMtarM»20ai ,

S p o r[T t S ~

u n k , H t Stru ubsmithhliftSUibshones to win1 r— Sp"o r i | 3 S bBRIEF—] I] TTw Tlm>»ltow» 1Minafei0adkIbpart'of ." "^.’"'.'•Mtinianitana Q uarterba^Jbhn ______Val/alley61,nier60 . of bounds at tbee buzzer. Alida Glemum s F e rry w ith 16 po in is ani Je«er had 10 poirlints and Megan Jamie lUUnaUoralcii■aiMiMOf— E d w a rdds s ifharad qonfereactf ( SH O SH O NNE E - Katie Strunk FILER - M indy M a k n e acoc ie Hurst and Jessica S ^on .offensivtf’Ivtf player of the y eag scored 19 pointlints an d grab b ed 13 18 , points to lead three VaU^alley VaDe* Sarah1 Jackson. added had l:12 each to push Glenn:nns KENOSHA. WWise. - Chad honors eight apiece forth* » with Ea«tert-j rebounds andId :Sarah Hubunith P“ilavers : in doubl&figum as t he Pirates. Ferryr^^ast Gooding 55-41 onoi WoiliiLalSSemraduate o f .Twin W o h i u t o f S „ W en d ell (2-3) plays p at Wood Monda igton quarterback-Joth'; a d d ed 10 pointaints a nd 11 rebounds -ady V ikings dow ned h o st Fi] Falls High Scho1-50 in gills b ask etb all in FilFiler River on Tuesday.T. Italy 10 lead Shoslwrhone over Klmberiy Jy Jo Eames led all scM«nrers JuitioraeMinocStQItate U oivei^,‘. Mnn^iinnana safety Trey Young \ S142 on Monda:iday, ^ «i Monday., w ith ly17 points for Gooding (04)M), . u a member of tfathe2002N j^ wBsselecte uiiT”a which t acted e s tfae leag u ed topH Strunk and Jessica Ritchie added 14 poii a s - “ “ I s h trailed 26-10 at halfSne.!. national ehiimppanicked rSTrSti'SJ?; ball welrtrell a n d was a g g r ^ v e . ” 24 points over9r ruanepup ni0l0au,v4II coadh Gregory . six o f th e k 17? ssteals t in a decisive iier coach Kim Remus Good•oding travels to Shoshone)ne E astern O r ^ o h on Samrday in CEpAR'KR CITY, Utah h t. second quarterier for 10 points to Filer ' sophomore Jeonit K enosha, Wise. WiiVallln finished . S o u th ernm IUtah fired football techam scored a gam e-hi^ 4 IWin Falls Christr t l a n 4 4 , tak e a 25-20 leadMd at the break 69thin26m^utes,3,S6secoods.' coach C. Ray Gregory on oints, which included four “Wc extendedled our zone a little ur3- Hansen JV 21 , ■ “ "'"Tsn.". . Gooding^Chrisis P attern , a Monday afteral-lOasason.afte ointers. Filer was hit wiih 2 junior at Lewis-l bit and we! ci o n tr o lle d th e *24 HANSEN - Jenn s-Clark State *^ehavelave d e d d e d d ia t it is in « Is to oniy eig h t fo r Valley. Bi nna Fenderson ouMimn « College, placed l?i boards,- Shosh3sh o n e c o a c h T im • scored M points, eijeight com ing in l?Oth in 28:12. the best imiin terest of o u r foodnllO le Vikings missed 16 fre ir, Tho LCSC women Chapman said.L free a decisive third: cq u a r t e r , a n d ' S a ^ T m ^ iftu !*“ ^ I '• en finished in program totto move in a new direct f* n in th place w ith se S h o s h o n e outrebounded Jamie Wilson addeiled nine points rcwKi^an senior Lauren tion of leadeadership at the head Kimberly 42 V all^ hosts Shoshone Dec. < W right o f W endell 42-29. Meghan ^ to lead Twin Fallills Christian 11 taking 104th coacbposidosid ^ j’Jahletic direaor l e / (2-2) visits Buhl on D e c S. in 20:13. Sorensen finis!lished with seven Academ y over th eI tHansen junior /»«,*..• > Tomltouple steals. varsity 44-21 in giriris basketball Careyy40,WoodRhrerJV17 i Gregory7 acoadied die Division Shoshone fin finished with 17 , . “"iSlS... on Monday. CAREREY - Laren Peterson net- FsM igsrieoanlsisflrst-ever i-aa schoolool for sU seasons and steals led by M. ieaten at liome ; 1 Hilt witnessed th e shoe. h ad d !14 points and 12 rebound: PH ILAiDELPHIA D E - Alleilj: i w ent 6-for-6 a t th e ft«e-thn>wrm u Ob— h S ToM» KA QwmwoallW jvlT Iverson hadid29pointfronll-of-20 2 •OMKai>->< >^OoM.TrUI|aKMl.M»JV Ttu IWFMrAV I»i4.ir ’I CMMHt Wn>i4.»UMftnG0M-Knt«V?l<»uwrn.S 1 M onday. ans w ith a 108-87 victo^ rn.»o«mS.Fo>McU' boU M BUHL -B rad Cros fagetm an h a d a final shot, but GtemwFwrySS.GGooding 41 S S S osslaodmadc lythatesoend its home recttrf" * U s second career holtolc in one o u to 8-0. inbounds pass was batted out COODING - Kenztiiie King led ssw & sffl'sra.'- che 120-yard 15th atIt Gear Lake The Hornijrnets won a 99*98 Country Club. Witnimesses were buner beateiacer in New Orleans R cn Brown, D ennis FFranson and Nov. 19, ththe e only lost for the*- Roger Franson. Both of 76ersintheirleir last eight games. , TwinI SO] Crossland’s aces hav Falls ave been on Todd Mac »phomorees focus con task aat hand lacCulloch had IS \ the same hole. points, Keicleith Van Horn and WEST PLAIN‘[NS. Mo. - CSI A aro n McKi< ■“ championships. the .natioitional volleyball tourna- :Kie 14 apiece, and •sophomores Shawlawna Lancaster i Idaho state fields ^ n c Snow had Tournament m ent, onn 1Thanksgiving Day. IS seven had 12 points and 10. and Keri 0>ats knowknt this is their ' assists for Pi last week of playi ^ Bringing the noisee F o r thhe e volleyball tournamentt to All-Big Sky teai r PhiladelpJiia. TheX laying volleyball Notebook j r 76ers last won dght straight lORether. 9 ' Ail 540 students fro)rom Fairvlew !*“he college has c ^ e d upon! OGDEN, U tah - IdIdaho S tate home in 2000. But the Twin FallsFal H igh School ^ ------— Elementary School ari unteers, each working 25 ire attending J™ > had a school-record‘ & play- Jamal Mash[ashbum, who had a ' g ra d u a te s a r c not noi letting that “I w: ,y^ Southwest Missouri i ver three days. An addi- want our hometown to say, i State-WesT e rs n a m e d to chc A]All-Big Sky seasonWgh1 37 points in the last knowledge incerferfere with the ‘yay.w, w e won,’” Coats added. Plains matches onn T u e s d a y . n o n d 300 dc ty and coim ty employ- first ceam Monday,, \which was game against i task at hand - winr uding policc, are working ISC che 76ers, scored in n in g a nadonal Coach Trish K night haladhersorfs led by defending Divivision I-AA 18 Monday’ night,nij buc only two championship. T h e sslipper ! didn’t fit kindergarten classIS o n h a n d le span as well to make national championn M ontana in the second 1 ‘‘W e w a n t to wi Mondlay. sure th e! e\ev en t goes o ff w itliout a nd half. Baron Davis " Win r e a l b a d ,” n „ ,u with eight playeris.s. M o n ta n a a d d e d 17 points poii and Jamaal- Lancaster said. “W■W=Te .0 I th first-time tournamentn t -• hitch. State also had sevenn nam ed to M agloire 11U ffor the Hornets, accomplish whatlal we can do mts - Lake Land College of taru Tournailament director Sunie • th e team. oon, ni., and P itt Com m unity No rest for the w a who had a thithree-game losing, together." Pace saidd findingt available volun- In all, 22 Bengals m-c Jge of Winteiville. N.C., lostaV The W est Plains a v i ^■ere named streak snapped,ped. It m akes for a swiswre.ermemory vicCenteris teers onl'nly gets tough when all-conference. First-te e first round. They met latern- hosting the 2Uaer Clas teamers for of their time togethether. The nght, assic, a high SWMS-WPVP is playing, ISU indude Eddie Joh e consoladon round, school basketball toi life lo n g frie n d s! w a n t to co m e „ lournament .And yes,es, th e 100 v olunteers are was a first-team pick ’fla c S r W'6»‘lerAu9Austin pleads no . y-ou recall, a Cinderella CSI31 featuring teams from aas far away working th back to Twin FaUs.Us m n n e rs a n d „ J the high school toumey Center Corey. Brownvn was the ■ d ran th e table in 1993, start-X. as New York City, statarting only as welL Wntest tO) spousalSf assault" make their hometowtown proud. ^ only first-team er onm offense, SAN ANT) 1 streak of seven straight 13 hours after the con3ndusion of -Joe Paisley NTONIO - Pro” while five defensivere players, wrestling scarscar “ S to n e Cold*!:^ Jared Allen (sccondJ :straight), Steve Austinn onor Monday plead-'” CSI_ Mark Weivoda, Bartrt Brooks, ed no contestst toto a misdemeanor Josh. W hitworth, anind Ernie assault charge Continued from D l rge for hitting his- James, goc the nod. wife last summeim er. ■" Land. I players- theth Eagles can go to. On thc secbnd teseam were The tcmss of of th e plea agree-, ' 2002 NJCAA Divisionn I Volleyball Toum an If CSI wins, it’ll1 facefa the victor lfD6nt Paiva, Magagill, the Santos sisters , offensive linemen Stcteve Burch ment indudele aa year of ^ b a - ' o f M ia m i-D a d e ai of Oakley and Roben F o lck i, tion, a $1,000 fu and Arizona First round U*fL Smith def. Pasco-Hom r,n Jacksoison all can finish while sn 0 fine, dom estic vio--' Western in the sen ^ndo.30- Coats andd Ireserve Rosie Lewis q u a rte rb a c k D oug BaiJaughman, lence counselingiing and 80 hours of ■ semifinals at 6 csittofM. Northustem Junto CoU»., 2 0 .3 0 -2 2 .3 0 -2 2 . P-H ellmln p.m. MST. ^ capable>le of big gam es. M ix in and running back Isaac1C Mitchell, community seivlervice. Tuesday’s match , 3(V32, 30-13, 30-12 ’ Frank Phillips def. Tyler, 30-2>28. 26-30, loypu along with recdver Sale ch with Barton 34-32.26-30,15-9, Tyler elli yes and a big block and lie’ Key. The convictioiction will be strick- cenainly be a step u| cbraska up in competi- Ji 'S - Lake Land def,. Pitt 30-1 6 ,3 lUgh team. idle Attar en from hisis record i if the^ tion. through you co 30-23. 30-26 ,30.13.30. But only il made it for secoi couldn’t tell it swwsu y 16. Pitt eliminated y if th e E agles play with ond-team wrestler, whoselose given name is- from G am e 2 of Monc ISU-West Plains deJ. Tyler JC. 30- defense. Eight Bengalials earned Steve Williams onday’s match. ,4 32*52-30.3022 Northeastern def. Wallace St. void another o ud n g like ims, satisfactorily'- TJie lapse cam e aftia fter CSI (3 M ) honorable mentionn honors completes probai ird County Oef. Ark. Fort Smith, 3 0 2 1 , 30-16, Wallace St. cll obadon. ,; ran roughshod ove>ver the 44-14 S , ' “ ™ '“ “^ a f s w l induding receivers BretBtt Fowler Williams, 38, t. 3. 3 a i7 , 30-18 Today's schedul what I’m counting on,” ‘ 18, had been sched- ■ Plainsw om en in Gamiam e 1,30-9. Lee def. 'Uie Stroud said.d. and Eugene Mirador,•.fullback I uled for trialn neat e « w e e k . Northeastern cai lef. Pasco-Hcmando, 30-20. 30- A nnm M M S T Mike Jones, tackle Jan c a m e o u t fo r jg 30.-10-25 imar Ikpi, Williams waswas charged with-,- G am e 2 re a d y to fi; W. Nebraska vs. SWMSU, 93 a.m.a Timcs-Nci defensive end Mike Roser P iel m ade 11 di| I hit the ball well.” “Those are the two you 1 A m anda h a v e to In contrast to Nort Ida Santos led the team contain.” 1 ortheastern. 4vith 12 killskiJ and 12 total blocks, C S I’s p a s s in g coiconsistency Magill ad One .advantage CSI manay h a v e M a l l ■ J added 12 spikes while over ( the Cougars is the varariety of Hoops______Conmgratulations! Yoibu've found todayy's Millionaire Mo: Continued from Dl loney! , _ Hobbs, now GGl liponly the bill from Ihis Alabama beat Middle 1 low in his second year at his ad and save it to bid on)n great prizes like a car, bocboat, : le^ennessce George Wa!Vashington. ^ Slate 8(W5 M onday nigh Virginia 86, ChamlnadiIde 72 ------_____ restaurant an d grocery c ^ f ic a te s , arand m u ^ more! The Crimson Tide (3 N o - l S K e LAHAINA. Hawaii - P e te 22 points with 4:20 le Kentucky 82, rGillen wasn’t taking any cl em ptying th e bench. chances Arizona St.S\ 65 of history repeating itseself tw o WIM rteTbiiesjNCTw l a h a iINA, n Hawaii - Keith decades later. No. 6 Duke 95, DavhnrldSOnSO B o g an s scored s o 20 points and The Virginia coach sent: hish best DURHAM. N.C. - ChrChris Duhon Kentucky’ 0|opened its 100th season player P; back into the game e matched his career higlligh with 20 of basketbaball with a victory over “the sccond half .with fourir fouls, 4X1^1 points and added 100 assistsa as Arizona Staiitate in the first rm ind o f and “ it turned out to be thee-differ- - ’W n D uke (2-0) needed a strcstrong finish Maui InvInvitational «'ence between a scare andai an ’l^ ’l to beat Davidson for3r thei 16th The WildeIdcats (1-0) opened a 20- “upset. 5 straight dme. point leadI in th e first and shot r « 51 percentt forft the game. S wMm SUN VAUEY SMER’S SPEr a s n No. 1 2 ConnecticutJt I87 Jamal HilllULhad 26 points to lead ^ g g ' Arizona Statita te (M ). LiFreOFaNovnBsi26 George Washington! ^ W p j I • I > a HARTFORD, Conn.in. - Tony No. 23 Mlf ^lubslppl state 7 5 p e r n i g h m m Robenson scored 21 po center Emeka Okafor leete State 65 , ■ Eleoant, fully equippod ttiitudlos IB I I Sponsored by: rebounds and eight blblocks as STARKVIVILLE,MiM.-Timmy j Connecticut held offff George Bowers scocored 19 points and ■ ,Walt to Wann S^ngs lift WashingtOTL W in so m e FFrazier had 14 as "■ Outdoor hot tub The game pitted Jimn Calhoun,C Mississippi)i iState bounced back ■ "J Ijfabyavallabteforpaftiei » • * ■ ■ ■ \ U C o n n ’s w in n in g e sst t c o a c h , from a seasorsonopening loss to b eat EAGLE CREST INf*IL N - I Prom■omoUon md# Nov. 30,2001 No pu: against his former assistaistant, Karl McNeeseStaiItate. I purchase nccmaiy. For Millionfllnlire money, send handwriiten SASESEB tc . I J (206) 726-4778I______Miiltonai>njire Auctlona. The Tlm(»Ncwt.^ P F O Box 548. TWin Falb. ID 83303 ^wiAbi3dajsofgubjo^of^ I >■ i,^J!l W .IIP ;r-.- ■'

- : r IM»m.rnm^n,ion mm ; .v ^ ^., y"--; . ' r ■•'■^"^^:M5^’ v S p o r t s I Avsb]latikBklackhawlrks; oaejrsedge5 Wings H D E m ^ (AP) - Dan Hinote gamesI vrwith a ZQ victory Monday scored with 8:37 res ay Linden became Va emaining. and night overo\ the Toronto Maplele leading career goal so R a n g ors r a :3, Hurricanes 1 ■ David AeUacfaer hadad26savesas Leafs.. AMike Fisher and Peter H • ^ ^ Colon er C anucis beat Minneso YORK - Eric Lindros and >rado won at Sc*»«^rrfer scored die goals. sevendi straight victor rS ^Petrovicky ° scored rare ■ h o m eB for1 only the }lay goals, leading New n . 'secon< Henrik Sedin also0 scored for nd time this Sharksc s 4 ,B lu e sl the Canucks. victory. K l ' season. D ale PPurinton u r added his sec- ■ I . Coloi LOUIS - Evgeni Nabokov tfg 4 , O T seal[ of 1th e season. ^ 9 . on hoilome Ice, Is 32 saves. leading badly out- oilers 5, Red win0 m Jose over S t Louis. DETROIT - Jason S Blackburn stopped 30 ■ unbeai his ninth straight start n past four games (2 -0-2 Blues outshot the Sharksa Manny Legace 1 2 8 intineooverome f„, g, ■ It was Aeblscher's the tiiird period and 33-21;X to win for Edmonton. Rangers in place of H shutout game. Brendan Shanaharan tied the ^ i^ ‘^^goaljoalie M ike R ichter. -Vincer:ent Damphousse, Bradd game for Detroit widi1 6< 2 8 left in ^ ^ I Senators 2, MapletleLeafeO stuart.MMarco Sturm and Patrick1( -’ the third period, bearating Jussi Siars 5,, CoyotesC 1 M arkkanen high oh’ ■■ OTTAWA - PatriirickLalim e IU scored for San Jose. I’the glove DALLAS4S -• Scott Young scored made 22 saves as t side. twice, andrid 1Mike Modano had a oitM n'tNtetetM 1 the Ottawa kMtor. i f 0 ^ b eonrpW iiM>tfb)rtMMMt*R«M(B«okoo t B Senators extended Iheirtf season- Canuclu:k s2 ,W IId l Steve Staios, Anso»on Carter, goal andd ana assist as Dallas , I Ryan Smyth and Janne 0MlapiMtTo««DtPrtttwCor^ Cm ^ In Ottawa Hondar.IT, high unbeaten streaeak to seven ST. P>tPAUL, Minn. - Trevor tie Niinimaa remainedd unbeatenui at home in r had the other Edmontoiam goals. reguladon.n. I ■■ '■ . ■I ------S c o r e s JANDSW: rs_____ . M i a m i1 s t r e n g^ i h e n s I ' . B a s k e t b a l WHH A T ^ S ON T.V. 7 jlliBBK & finii -X ’*'* 1 1225^v22^widt0*9a« isketlMlI ^S o c c e r SiKiSlS® **** h o l d 0 1• n B C S INo.1 ■ L i ^ - = ■ . < • “ “ Ctafl.knvH»r » •C degi!. Maul nvflaitionaJ.Inm teams • UEFAChemplorOtons,ACMilanvs. c M x a ^ w u i The Associated Praaa ______the Fiesta BowlBp\ on Jan. 3. g J ■ ra».ESfN,5pjnpjn. ReaTM«W.£ttESFTC, 12:30 pjn. g- I •SS - # ■ If the Hurriurri canes win tiicir final ■g -!J : •CoHtje, Maul toll!TvltaUonal. teams Ohio State may be lu 5^ ‘« *W Fwr^BttSTfWit® headed for games againsainst Syracuse (4*7) on » ■« ^ TB*,Esm . ;3 a 0 i p | m ^ I ^ CCoif o ihe BCS n ad o n al d tle gai;ame in the Saturday andand Virginia Te<± (8-3) SKr»'K5S3i5KS Fiesta Bowl, but Miami tti3 n i Slill sits on D ec. 7. 7. they t will play the atop the Bowl Champ is - ii sS 1 ^■ 3 • PGA. Grand Sai npionship Buckeyes forfor th i e n adonal champi- Sam of Goff, first S S f i ■SkMVroeNSIS^ Seri« standing onship. £ S ■ round, INT,’.6 6 1p.m. .U n ii The defending nationaJUll champi- A lo« by M ■•______u /» ..i. ^ Miami, and Oklahoma i I i f f i s s s i r on Hurricant's increaseise d th e ir ( 10-1) siandsJ.S the tl best d ia n c e of the “ ’ sssiu::,,, ^ »la« » I lead over the Buckeycies to 1.32 one-loss team -f» r .CRnWM.v>mMr I d . Wrao.li -■ams to move into the points Monday from thee ;slimmest tide game. TheH k Sooners, who beat U L s s i t»triniiM>. CbMi UMoa »c»n IMU margin of 0.01 points la : ^ T 5 £ s a a ^ - „ last week Texas Tech1 60-15,6C benefited most I when they moved aheadid of Ohio by Washingtorgton State’s 29-26 triple h ^ , S iT i^ 1 !5?_ ' S S k -" ■ S tate for ihe first time. overtime loss>ss toi W ashington. The “ : • UMll.CMO M iam i, ranked No. 1 in I* • S i ^ SHARWfBLWl in the AP Cougars tumbunbled to ei(^th from 4 - : SSSSS!, media and coaches' polls, m m M ir s, lias 2.89 tiiird in thelatest latt BCS .standings, S .i i-»Ra.« “ points, 0.80 points b e tterthan r t last Ohio Stateate dropped farther •w ■ * £ £ week’s tolal. Ohio State 1 CB u "i82l2£!T*?wtl" , S ' S ^ " Srp:^“sK i& ^ B has 4J21 behind Miamiami primarily ixjcause — ------— I s a points, w ith Oklahom a mc Ql 114 M ; !?g°T noving up of Washingtoigton Siate’.s loss. The i i r ! i ■mlnv 114 eit 3 to thjrd with 9.09 points. 1 ^ \ k £S ^ bi»»tir.TM£SS&g . . s I ma i ’o. i S s Buckeyes oonl n ly re c e iv e d a 0..^ “ » Ilfl “ J i £?S sCi?(5u«STS' T he Buckeyes (13-0) coi»mpleted bonus-point: deductionde< for an earli- • LA.iMrnui.»mSmm a r s r ’ their regular season witlith a 14-9 er win overir thei Cougars. Lasi :sssrffi£P ^ victory over Michigig a n on week, the dedueduction was 0.8. sts^ ; S S Lf i i i ^ Saturday. As one of onlyor two Miami, aflerfie r a 28-21 win over = 2 S:.-S2^ ' ^ ± iil s ;; »“M -i. a IM tMnir S unbeaten teams remaiaining- Pittsburgh onJn ThursdayT nigiit, was “ S s S i r . Miami (10-0) is the othere r - Ohio fir.st in five ofof thell -seven com puter a y s a s a p ' . bST« cS 3 ’i"£? J-’d " “ I '■ Slate assured itself of at leasl a polls and itsIS coc m p u ter av erag e • iMiaiACtmttM* I " i B fI K S I! ss; second-place fini.sh whenI ithe final dropped to' 1J71J from 1.33. The m "* ItTMAWIta ^ s s s M BCS i standings are released . NBABoxm utmn itat3Ma.M«S r* K S 5 InnSKoiftn. iu i.CMvS1im > ed Dec. 8. H urricanes al.soal.ar«aiaTM« ■ M ^ *5 MkQk I MEMSMCui/i n«nAXinci»aiS9i Thi Wbmw ’iA P ^ arn%.oho K i »'■«a ^ a >an Sk APTop2S Krj..cwfatt^° V»#. ilttt Riywucft y imiiwrc*! Monday's Pwtt■artUSiRantty H F0M».teJwM4-)i aiiuii«i>a ?£25S!£.22rS?i* ^ c M u mM.4WS1T .4 -----n-T TH ^ o c k e y s s f f i 2002-03 colleg! g e bQwl s c h e d uule k aBMwM IjS S S tS S S m t tl u >« naoonaiS(fccl»ri«e, “ g; The second-ranked Ohio i i H s — » T « W7 I*rteil«r Ml lo S tate B uckeyes (13-0, 8-0 Big Ten) are on ; M^UMLnraMM^!^ - ,5 'r ^ • iDim(Mniaiiixa “«TBWCQmoa *'1 their way to the Fiesta BoBowl to play for a nationalI titlititle on Jan, 3. ‘5^’ JK? 1** ” (SS^ninMuC . A glan ce a t th e lineup froiom New Orleans to Tempe.3B. M n Sf'0m3(wl0n(te^impvtfilttLtll MkHtM ! ‘ STARS 5. COYOTES r ' n n s l l (All Timos MST) liaaaaaaaai I 0 I 0-1 Seattle BowlI f^ ir™ H i “ W-1. Unra t Oi0>. Mrm S a ^ Tubs,,.Dec. 17 J - - ' ” S s ■ ACC No. 5 or• 6 Vvs. MWC No. 4: ifl S 1 ^ssTiis^^^■WlMnkuzo teii J, s 5 5 KK N ow O rle a n s Bow l ^ i 5 s ^ il MKMittniOl ^ « 3 p.m. (ESPN)i) M*>iM« xiltrnm M S S “i ? S 2 onPioiiii'KUQ.nas *North T exas (7*5) vs. CUS 1 I S S ' f f i SNiW-}.[kkt.Q>«ntS12LCe>.Uxni i I Tubs , Dec. 311 H s ii • li S 5 ^ f JOStwiR No. 4 o r 5; 5 p.m . (ESPN 2 H u m an itarian1 B(Bowl ( i l S r „ t!n « ! . ThsAPTo»Top25 S ' J5 J ? 5 Ji d PwS^ussiSsiSirauLi. Wed.. , Dec. 18 Al B oise. Idaho10 : « m ' s s e . K r r - r : . : ^ GMAC B ow l ’S S iS s'S “"S^«MMMI MSgBOte 14 s i S S s ^ ' iss- " At large vs. WAC;'A C: 10 a.m, (ESPN) .”“'• sasP^ s I i 3 1 f ! i aiisfersssaw* 2 ; 'Mobile. Ala. n 1 1 ■>«iaii»WPN3i>9-«arQiitja!MM*«'U74l&TlM a s s ' " " ;s *5 * Hi ft. 2 ^ ?I ]■ S I ? S § Egss Marshall (8-2) vs. Confererence f^2 ) Al El P aso , Texasx a s i!ii!»A ??£Sr:A !at. Itfl IS i nam ^USA No. 2 :6 p.m. (ESPNJ fl ii s i5? l a i s Pac-10 No. 3 vs,t/s. 1Big Ten No. 5; ^ S S i s - Ii jj I J (| n a « sSKSw Mon.. Dec. 23 Ii! IS ! oiw II sass^^t^<..,w r t' Noon (CBS) ier... ;s!as s s SS k SSS5?IS^ i£Sc-- 'iii i ^1“ '» Tangerine Bowl At O rlando, Fla. Liberty Bowl fe's.tas-A■ II,I. iSlSS" lo ^ .P W ^ < . tMMipsia s » iS i S ■i,'?,i^j, ! ” » “ cStrssTi fi At M emphis. Tenne n n . M Im li ACC No. 4 vs. Big 12; Women's S i ^ 7 , ^ *V*UAUNCHELeUCKHAWKSO 33:30 p.m . (ESPN ) Colorado State3(10-2) (li v s. C U S A S s i! ij cham pion: 1:30 p. s r i s I ... O O M V Op.m, (ESPN) ! 1! S i i ^ ^ »*tir»f<-Hii lUf CaihMn; t)to ,Wed.. Dec. 25 s S . IMW.! ^ ; Laa Vegas Bowl S ilico n Valloy Cl£C la ssic ij.gjivi ». i i i J ” “ “ At S an Jo se , Calil:alil, CirttaaW Bad^^ KHIlVll^axMQ J* I T a fk OF 0* rvlMSSSMM0a.Otrr>c>(t7ini iC» AAt L as V egas ;< •MocWkn KUTH .iiDnxa 1^ tes' N u u Tiwy-u PPac*lO No. 5 vs. MWC NoJo 2- Fresno Slaie (7-5)7-5) vs. At-large; AWeWMKC^*,**' tIKCSw IKw g “ Ssr 'i W L IM m I I 19 : s o n *n>oL««.sMiinbi|aiyrell32iro.Cd 2:30 p.m. (ESPN) 1:30p,m, (FOXSNny OiMnMS M otor C ity B ow l Big East No. 4 or e>*rM»6.50U»SliU«FH'Ttt> Bic M Ija 9! F c x d t b a lX l _____ s s r * “ ’H'H s s '7.7.}0m»nMMj Da«nal>«>rM''naCioMn.Cl'aiHxNv./tPAix .,Big / 12 vs. CU SA No. 3: Gator Bowl Mal; ^ u ^ w m ag il. ^S«BnCUMr>wan)CFOra .1111 a.m . (ESPN ) ~ K B 5 B f i a i r ai^apio ^ itvJSTPrt . M Al Jacksonville. FlaF la. IM S 'f Uw-BvWipSfS^S?S55fif' BJfSStKi^ g S n ^ wlv-'—tti Inc }£^'" is IS i M m n S S H S ^ Independence Bowl Big E ast No. 2 o r NcNotre Dame vs. ME n ll IUM&ISa,Hl,HUmCANOl n n w S imiPwrSSrtjiOAwiiSTOi At S hreveport. La. ff-m auiy M « t 0-1 U«> « R o s e Bow l s ™ ! 5moe-iSSScwJSIS—rt s ; ®Sp,m. P (eSPN) a » L T M fP Al P a sa d e n a , Calil.3lil. —MW,...... SatSat.. Dec. 28 B C S Big Ten cham p rjisgais®-. «wwm»nafrNK)-w^QO«n>rJnt iMamo Bowl jmpion vs. BCS P ac-1 0 cham pion; 3 ? a i i ii lis iS5-”i 1! AM tjSan Antonio n; 3 p.m. (ABC) ■ y 4. Sugar Bowl “. — ' ? “ a . 555 im t t!i lJ l ^ « « u « » 5»oSS»SS'lflBSl*i«»oiirM«l S 3 ig l2 N o . 4 v3 . Big Ten No. At N ew O rieans s i ^S IIS j .-7,Nr.w,„, SSSi»YP««»OtB«yiWBarMJ[>M.Bi ®P-3 p.m . (ESPN ) B C S vs. BCS; 6:3030 fp .m . (A B C ) ' «'££?»(■ M t ’“ T coit CorContinental Tire Bowl ^ i ^ i ^ ^ a j ; ^ WmJSS!li!Si^>an At\t CCharlotte. N.C. Thursday. Jan, 2 ?vS2? ' ^ « >* S s H Z I K I J « in DWW8S4.0T loaa ®‘9Jig E ast selection No. 4 or 5 Orange Bowl > m w b m m m i l l - 'S. ACC selection No. 4 or 5:5; At Miami 5T*" } s; '»*5 »S5S£?^ “ ? ! • Ii OWUSTIMSani‘ miB* 9 ® ' I i s JS MIon., or Dec. 30 Fri . Ja n . 3 ^ aajtsS«2!'OM«fa>«9«»«MirrAHA !sasr5„ s s ; . APCAOMitanBP Noolloon (ESPN) (title game); 6 p.m, (/(ABC) >.h«- ’?r 4 0 J» Bt» " « s ■ • ^ Z S I B * a . . i.OiM«»ra.Hdi(fQ*.»«ia « > S & ,MlCmUCw.ia. ^ 5filSS»tal*0. ^ 3URCE:Asaodalo<) Prou » . I . t . , ■ ■ •> l' ■ J ^ -"t : M nimHmn,U M r ac, 2092

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Dllbert ______^ ^K S cott Adam s i B to n! lt • ' ______• - , _ ------^ m • ayOM'OMnVourntSlmDalM. ■ " P OOPS,, I1 D I D I f* U^ IT H HEADPHONES ^ j I'D SLAP HIK liTf 1 SOUND EXACTLY f I ^ I DONT UJAN1> JT T O XT AG/© A IN . I > ,LIKE BMTNEY y 1 - * \ j c —-TOUCH:h h i m . I SPEARS. ,) ^ V -‘i £ S » ■o o H o m

! t e : ' I J g I ''iif ;,|4 . 1 B.C. ByJy Johnny Hart ' PWOm By Brian Crana j w&.L,(pwecvtfJr

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{ f "3 K J T 'B^/ / \ ffl 'k -■®vl u a j . 2> I HI and Lols 3il By Chanciice Browne I W MAAM...IVMVMAT-S t h a t \ ? rp ’^ " JT^A ■ Aui-0Pilhi<55 5Cfif^>t>0'Re S 1 j f o ^ e 0 Lehic^£ W eABlM <2y c ? e A R ? y ■ -FLORAL 000001 fc#/ 0 A 0 V V * FResH t>Aihtrfr /cxff_ . Wa a S H -roiLeT€cRO0‘.J 9 5 ■ w = ^ I K i -ii------^“ ^ I t » i i i » T«a3»<— T hey're gonna recoc:oqnizeyour I nandwriting" ■ . H - o - W 'W h y w oDU1.UNY u , VOU UKE TO BE? irIN M S sw e s, LL m J t> ^ P « T M'HEV'KE E OUST LIKE )«/;5S.s s . " mThe W lurd of Id mate By Brant Parker & Johi)hnny Hart Ro m U Rom 'mt By Pat Bracty I 1 / l * e - e ^ ( p U W P L ^ ^ ______c e a m i iv ) I . ^ I K A ( n ^ K A T V P n t o SlIPWB. ) > :JP B ' 11 T im c M r o v I t) SV^lH 11 1 t H F ® I

Hagar thoHorriWa iJ^SBy Chriss BrowneI ZKi By Jim Borgm£ F w / y rgman and Jerry Scott H P^^^MAY&5 lUSY w u ^ i e ^ i n ^ irZHEAfleAtfKS Y ^ I ■ . R WANXec^TO, ■ ~ 1 FgWERTlCaW TV . y HAVBKSN THCCVri^WKITH IWOA ■ <^UTa B i& . ( BINPINS 29H C U / X . lm *w ? b l u a , [pyvem^fTK^ T ? I m -< C0mffqp5 > Bootle Balloy ______By MorttlJ WalkerV u L u m NEEPSOME )/ YE By Greg Evans ' V ES,I'M TRV1N6 JO MANIPIIPULATE 11 ( ~ f 3I THOU6MT HE WAS WO» H E L P ? A CATESOKY THAT INCLL:LUDes j V OKKIH& I n«s.HOQN( ~Tne 06A 1U 5 SAID; 'THe L 0)V«YOUTAne « III/' HAS ^ s,.,A CR055W0RP PUZZS L E OOOMfli- 15 e o u /u . TO TM£ LOVe VOUJ AM)Ce.-. YOU J ANYTHINGs \ ( ^ m x ^ . SPIN T R 0N IC 5 QUANT, ------TIFFANY r c s . LOGIC S A T E 5 FO&V£R*J \ S ^ ' y I*MUST STOP CUrrCHlMG AT HAHAPPINESS M ) I I'VE SAID0 \[ BCAfUS ■ « N « HAPPINESS TO O TH «S;. . !STOP BCINS I MADE AN4 \i^/csr J ■ ______Twe cewTEB OF Twe uNive COWASglOMAXe.-Be mash^

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