'■.O':- > -'VA - i r ■ [ b . :? HBi P f l s o t >’9 9 0 3 B H p i f e ^ V ■ / . y : ; dSylNoveSbe^SI^ _____ 50 ccnts riC k m N niISG ' W e a i h e r i f o r i r o B i l} i e r y ss u s p ee c ts ' r ' i - a i L i v ' MDdW-Bteery ' ■ ■ '■ f ) -■ ■* :.-jfa k '; .and Hut, threateitened employ^ with withint the realm of poss £ ^3 * .' Lawaofficers don’t issibility A ccording to.to. reports, th e m en ' IW Bni^i a' handgunin and made off with thatt they're somewhat slisinlflar,” forced one empim ployee into a walk- I :W- Mafcji^of: knowv ifheisti is related about $100O il in coins a nd a n undis- .SSmith said. in food coolersr andai then made the r V ’ • : - ;• 18. dosed amouioimtofcash. Two employees were inir Pi»a other open aa back-roombi safe for herT.F ihcitots T w in F aalls, i: police Sgt. Dan HI ilt, a t 1099 B lue L akes Blvd.BI N., them, McAteetee said. They then and detective Scott whenv the robbers walkliked in put the second)nd em ploye in the B rM irkk Hn d iis ■'' Smith saidd theyt couldn’t specu- throughti an open back do<ioor late cooler, shutt theth door dnd left, IwwiffWef : I ^ M a g I c V a l-LEY i , Bgjjg tiM B g late if thei heisth was related to . Sunday,8 McAtee said. Onele of the The employeesees waited for a few other robberteries in Twin Falls 1 ^ ' . et m p lt^ e e s to ld police whwhen he minutes, thenen managed to get . * ittaiiiterpre^’Hut^ilidreiUof TWDi; K j ' A i t S - T h e y m ig h t' • V week - althcthotigh the suspects jn firstf; saw the men, he laiaughed,' the cooler doorxir-open and call for ; I nS'can'carfyinghahazardous bave.dowjneitagain. ^ each of thee threet Inddents were butb one of the men said,d, “This help, McAteee said.sa ] police say (wd men at i i ^ ^terials txB^ thrchrough Injhe!ie latest of a spate of t about U described as two white m ^ isni< 't funny, th is is real,” M cA tee f' Aoutbern Idaho eadjd isear. " ” »<<«robberieis ih Twin Pall^ pjn. Sunday walked int(Ito a Pizza -T h e d escriptions s a are certainly said.s; Pteeseseese e ROBBERY. Page A2 | '/ P ao C l l & ^ p m X h e HWl«yCity ^ , & I I B u s h s i g n s i cif^gpp^t^ad a new : H 1 ' n igg h h i t . AF . e e d l i i ^ P tH fiC l h o ml e e l a n d iV I O X E Y ; Busludnesspeo< t hl i e n j s e c urity r pie in constrvcdon,n,banldng I and pharniacy willIh h> elp lead ' Buhl% diambCT. eed m e a ss ] u r e I ■ ■ Tflt AM odrteded PPre—____________ . W M et3th results inI ttheft, j CoMPLrrERS W A SHINGT!GTON - President 'B ush o n M ond.>nday named close [ *p:CHNOLOG)GY tighhter rules on[ £allergy pills I friend Tom iUdgeRi( to head the new Departrheithem of Homeland. Idfatl'^ ByMatkir k im r a ■ Security, but)ut said even the ___________ 9 I l a n ; ' >W »w»wittw biggest govcmii:mment shakeup in espite tech m o re th a n a halfhi century can IN FALLS > ies diffi- m "neither predi‘edict nor prevent amp, mnova- cult to0 drawd a clear connec- M >ns abound tion bet every conceivab:vable a ttack,” wtween methamphet-’ K “We’re doinp)ing everything we annual amine9 useu and theft, come |tt I can to protectrct )mdex show. law tofiinforcemeht officials 9 I America,” I Bush said asas . “ L t: tthere’s i a preponder* he signed a o n ce of drctUQstahtial evi- bill creating>g ; ' m dence.u ■ '‘S the depart­ W hen e n officers serve ment. “In a Jtoopt In H ^ l : tbbe e annual • 8earchih warrants for meth ^ free and open ^^Invitational hos )ther drugs, it’s not society, no10 imon for them toflftd .<> , ijf the t6p.men.% coUeJlegebas- S d department of 1 td car st»reos,-viaeo.. '■>■ governmentI t ?• . ..tebellteahuinthec>e countiy. ih6wyj>ihd other ele<r> L,< . can comrrHjie-.^e- r"'‘ • • • ' ■ PagaU. : goMs Iri' suspw li'' • . , - Iy guarunieu;e ( TomRkige b o tiieslsi; said S g t B r iU 'P ^ e , 'U .— our safetycy w h o COE:o m m a n d s th e T w in , '.r'.against ruthlebless killers who ' ■r.iCQlUMCJNITYY F a lls PoPolfce D epaztm ^t’s . ' innoomt victims m ove a nd plotIt in shadows." , . narcoticsics squad. * • TtM daig plpelirjs With that sob€wbering a.«essment . BandpII piayl Of^: Piwindng where the goods from a n E ast: RcRoom stage, Bush Burieysy 1members came frcfrom is another mat- Todayr, ; asked the Senatin ate to confirm his take uup p baton ***’• Pii*k e sa id . * nomination off RiRidge and named % * Meth and crirfie £oraili£Uing leader. ^ t's because the simple two high-powe)wered deputies: f a c tl8I, ,x most people don’t * • Th8 road to nonnal Nu\7 Secretaryry (Gordon England * w M recordi thetl serial numbers a n d D ru g5 Enforcement fo r th esir ir car stereos, VCRs <— ^ Administratior:ion Director Asa a n d 01other commonly SomeSc of the booty might Hutchinson. sw ipedi items,il he said. And malnake its way into local A large portioirtion of the depan- w ith o uIt t Ithe serial numbers pawlawn shops, but vigilant .. ment will takeke Jshape M arch 1, O p i n i o n to tra ce e cthe products'points sho]hop owners and local ".•.'i!lS3 w h e n th e SecretSei Service, Don't u a m Rinh: CSeiam origin)in, ifs nearly Impossi- pawlawning regulations make , Immigration and Naturalization ) prove they were thathat tough, McAtee said. ' .Sen-ice a n d a, fevfew other agendes Daschle^ complaintt aa' t» u ta PilMsaid. Instead,la m eth users might transfer theirir temployees and conservative radio corcommenta- Methh iusers and dealers be« ablea to sell or trade the UUKCOUUb/Tta'ttaTMMtx budgets to thenc rnew entity, offi- tor rings hollow, tod«> e d ito r- a re n 't apta p t to adm it to police goocoods piecemeal for m all dais said. Thele ffinal pieces will ial 8 ^ . th a t eyV e supported th eir ammounts o of the drug, he\ WandyWsHsMnflvtdtneii)c« tMhnlcIan 'and crims icena«n« invMtlgitor wtth tht Twin1 FFalli b e p ut in placeice Sept.\ 30, 200.^ - PagaAS I. b y I I pollot, holda • small vltltl ofo msthamphstsmlns and looiiooKa ovtr aoma drug paraphtmtmalla m o re th a n twkvo o ;years after tho s t e a l i^ins^ n ■‘W/ien you see some//, rectntly Mtzsd from crimeme iM nH . attacks that proiprompted the over- b u t it 's ^ebodymth jre ’^aLVyl haul. T TT> reasonalla b le a$160-a-dayhah•abit, and p«p1« C o m i n g u c o n c iuision s i , ,, , • the prowl Please see;e H(HOMEIAND. Pago A5 Iraw , mey realty aren tu'w\ orking, for cheap Playing fbr ita t « ll I?la!SMU {f; „ it’s mthardloffiesiiess what's ^oods.** ■ U .N .lm still be in "Wh. Frontaltal cortex nspector Will c a voUeybaU sti] Sarvaa m ■ v*fitly o< Kinciona, •om the hunt for a nadonalnai title? Lmebo. Biiogon.' Stealing <M wtMcfi Mclucl* goah««tiing. JuSgm*™ V idM ganaranon, tnoovailoi^ Striatum warns1 IIraq Wednesdayrln In $160. -S g tB riaIrian Pike, *0 and ainoikxi ooriraxiird. / Sarvaaaaa Unh a-day h o t \ Th« Tlm«»Naw" ■ * a n d ’“h“^th Twin Falhalls Policc >“PP®f‘ on weaiapons N reall the haW ^ N. - •'•o apparaniiy vV \ pan o( Iha btaln'a a re n ’t woiLi^. __________________ • /2 5 * ^ / ' V, "BHaaura c««lat.* The Aaaoclatedi PnP re ss___________ ing, it’ss n ot uncommon • I n d e x h a rd to) gguess what’s going for>r small-times dealers to I U N IT E D NAI■JATIONS - nii.-f o n," h e sa^ d . talke k e p ieces of. s tolen prop- i ? U.N. weaponsIS iin s p e c to r II.ins Ciasslltod .C&lO Moneycy ... .Bl Ifs alscIso a logical condu- ertyty in exchange for meth, ° Blix sud Mondayday he warned Ir;i<] j i les ....C5 sion to0 draw from the accoix o rd in g to tw o Twin Falls I th a t it m ust pro>provide tonvincinn Comics .... .04 Movies Hippocampus ---------- (^unltyA 6-7 Nationin.XM5JlO J e»pensiinUve meth habits of. menen who said they were lrMOtv«d kl i«ort-laiTn m»mofy I evidence if it mailm aintains - as it did ters from homes.of rece:scently involved in the tormaOon apaMI I last week - thatlat it has no illegal Cbnjput^rs jl4 Obttuari< KS'S: mean^-.sald Judge meue i i « n e , V ' ottontaUoa I w eapons programram s. ; Ion ...A & 9 . J o h n - V^Tarin, a a Juvenile CCh haries Legg w as a heavy Iratji officialsils ssaid they intend C ros^nd.
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