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GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, MARCH 26, 1964 $5.00 Per Year 10c Per Copy 28 Pages-Two Sections-Section I HEADLINES I .w"".W?~.?S~~niciJ?~I.Building 'Wing Completed 01 'he I Memorial Center Holds Special WEEK Meeting to As Compiled by the I Grosse Pomts News Launc hes Annual Ban Building Thursday, March 19 ''!'.1:,:;;;:'~' .: Drl.ve for Funds Opposes Selection of Van- GE:'>J'ERALMOTORS announc- .. .>0'.. .j . derbush Farm As Loca- cd Wednesday that it will spend tion For Propo$ed 32 billion for plants and equip- Goal of Family Pa~rt-ic-i-p-a-t-io-n-C-a-m-p-a-ignR.,ma',ns Same Structure ment during the nt:xt two years, A L both world-wi~e and nationally. S ast Year; $60,000 Needed to Make The Woods council called Three new plants are included Up Operating Deficit a special meeting on Mon- in the plans, two of them to be d M h located in Michigan, A new Th~ Grosse Pointe War Memorial Center has launch- ay, arc 23, solely for :tamping plant will be built in' ed a dr~ve for. $60,000 in contributions from residents the purpose of adopting a Kalamazoo employing 3.000 and ' o.f the fIve Pomtes. The drive is the annual effort to resolution opposing any use a new upholstery trim plant em. ! fill the gap b.etween wha,t the Center takes in and the of 31.7 acres of land at Ver- f,Joying 1,000 is planned for: ---------"---- -......,.------ .. e t nier road and Morningside Tecumseh. Existing facilities .'.~ xpenses 1 mcurs carrymg out its community service drive, for other than family will be expanded at 10 <lther program, ------------ 'd . ,'. Gerald C. Schroea'er of 50 reSI ences. :\Iichigan sites. State C th:;;e~~['~~~~~f~~Tt~~ ~~~~H'l ;£:r~~~~t:;~EFo3:!~c awge ~:~:~~jf~:ii:t:::f:~o;~~:~~ 1<,.'" "', drive in' these words:- ro'wn on pose~ second senior high school. lives of six persons prompted ?VlIL:tC IJAFB'X'Y .nX);ITX":>N 'rO TH~ ~UNICJPA:1.' inJU;D •• O '.,,.ii' "'rJIiJii .CITY or'o.~ .. '.'. .'. .' h Detroit officials to take action '. '.. :PO%N'1'a W'O~J'H!J; :MrCJUOAN'. ;~ "Almost every day of the year T e proposed site is owned on two fronts. :\ilayor Cavanagh K.6M::M:OM'J>, qUlI,~:M. AKD.r~ ... ~ .~~~~:'.;~~~;s'.JI~~;.,~ ~G~~....,.;...:.'.' .' ".~the War Memorial Center is By St Paul by Edward ann Frank Vander- recommended a $12,000 survey !~e Public Safe~y.Buj]ding addition to the Woods' ceremonies,an'~p~~"'ii~~.se"Ywiii"'b~~heid'<'f~;th~i~:~ called upon to serve the people • bush (29.53 acres); and Mr. and of traffic law and procedure in MumcIpal Hall was fmIsl~ed on Monday, March 23, and spection of the addition and the City Hall from 3 pm of the Grosse Pointe communi- Mrs. John W. Baker (2.17 the light of mounting traffic cost a total of. $339,854, mclu~ing furnishings. Part of to 5 p.m. Congressmall Harold Ryan will deliver th~ ties in a number of ways. And L3kers Top Their Class For acres), deaths and Police Commissioner the constructIOn cost wa~ fmanced by, the Federal dedl'catl'on address. The new wI'ng I'ncludes a~ll of th.-..t just once a ~Tearthe Center calls S d T' I h At a special meeting held on R G. d' 'd d 1 G - :.. upon the people to lend I't as- econ ,me n Tree Tuesday, March 17, the Board woulday Irarbe enforced10 sal spee ...aws'1 D overnmentd' ., under the Accelerated PublIc Works Act. sectl'on l'n the archl'tect's drawI'ng above, to the left (>f sistance, in the form of finan- Years; Jim Bigham of Education passed a resolu- and that policemen m:~~IIlt~v~ 5 e tc:tIon Oftthe ~.e~ e~~.w!1l1befheld on S~nday, April the columned portion built originally to house the cial aid," Big Star tion to designate a building site to take a tougher stand I ~ ~ p.m., (l w I,C 0 ICla ~ 0 surroundmg commu~ main municipal offices. Mr. S c h roe de r continued, and direct its attorneys to in- .. ....... I n__l._t_~Ie._s__an~d~t_h_e__p_u~blI_chave been invited. ~'"'ollowiilg the "Community support is vital to The St. Paul Lakers con- stitute legal proceedings to ob- THE HOUSE OF REPRESENT. I - ..---- ~------- - our m a i n t a i n i n g the full quered rival teams in the tain the land needed through ATlVES in Lansing moved that C.t C .Z W d Publi Sf. range of activities which Grosse condemnation. W"to.:k,,",m~erna'I~.~edcoamnPde~esattaiononebepneer:l y OUnCl 00 sea ety WIng C '. Pointers have come to expect at quarterfinals, semifinals and Wants Two Bearings f ~ 'Jt".~ 0. ' ongresslnen the War Memorial Center," finals to clinch their se;~onc. At the Monday night meet- cent ceiling on local income i Gets Repo t F-. h d. S t D d-. S k H Heading the drive for funds is State High School Class C ing, the Woods council favored tlnaxl'teteSesWreedlenaesseddaYm'.eaSseurneastetoCOemn.-/ IlllS Theodore H. Mecke, Jr. of 497 Prep Basketball C row n asking the Board of Education .r e ". e e Icatlon pea ere Lincoln road. Mr. Mecke, Vi~e- since 1961. All the games to hold a public hearing of its able Wayne County to adopt I On Planulllg Ceremomes for Aprl-15 N t M ..J- President-Public Relations fer were held in East Lansing, Own to air the pros and cons of county home rule and encourage I ex onuay Ford Motor Company, and a di- On Wednesday, M~cn 18, the acqUiring the proposed site, as elimination of schoel districts. ----- . rector of the War Memorial As- Lakers swept past Montrose, well as to ask the members of having no high schools. I S. Bagby and Associates Officials and Public Invited; Open House to Be Held sociation, serves as chairman of after a surprising fight, 76-60; the Board to attend a public • • • P F 3 5 F I f Missouri, Maryilnd' and the "1964 Family Participation downed stubborn Gaylord on hearing in the Woods council repares 0 0 C U m e n tram - p.m, or nspect',on 0 New N ew Y.on:I. Represent- C.amaplgIl." Friday, March 20, by e i g!t II:. chamber on Monday, April 13, GOV:~~~ M~~~~~y an- I Followi.ng Com pre- Addition and Municipal Bl.:ilding atives to Be at Fries Drive Goal Not Upped points, 59-51; and on Saturday, at which time an amendment to nounced Thursday that he will hens,ve Survey The new Public Safety Wing an additl'on to. the' Auditorium He explained that the need. March 21, steam-rollered Byron the Woods Zoning Ordinance is , for funds arises "because the rel- OeJllter. 53-39, to clincll the expected to be adopted. seek, funds to have a statewide Th t -- t naIve Woo.ds Municipal Building, 20025 Mack avenue, WI'11be t' Iy modest fees and charges crown. The amendment, which would cham of 10.halfway houses, four , e ~as , pres en an-llos- dedIcated on Sunday, April 5, .at3 p.m., with an open Congressman Thomas B. of the Center, together with The victory .against Mon~ose establish a Community Facilities of th~m m Wayne County, SIble fu~ure of qrosse Pomte house to be held immediatel after the ceremonies. Curtis, chairman of a GOP some endowment income, falls g:ve St. Paul J.ts fourth stra~t Zoning District, if adopted, ~s~ab~lsh~d ~s. :n. answe~ to are ~ll dealt WIth .~t, length The ell, on the south side of I. Panel which will visit .the short of matching the expe.idi- s~te ~nament q~arterfinal would designate certain areas in ~Ichl~an s rlsm" tide of )uve- and m much detau In a re- the city hsll, cost a total of also invited, whether they live 14th District March 30, is tures. About one-fourth of the vlctO,n'. In t~e last. :t:l:e years, I which s~hools, c~urches and mle vl~lence. He. hopes to have port which was authorized $339855 - 1 d' g 11 f . h- in the Woods, or neig'hboring to be honored with a na- 1964 budget must be met by and Its ~lst V.lctory In _3 games, commerCIal ~stablishments can three m operation by May 1 d h b t d' ' ,mc u In a urnls proceeds of this fund effort, We . Ju.n Bigham Stars be erected. and the others completed by the an as .now een acce~ e lOgS. It was completed on Mon- cities, Petersen added. tional award in Detroit, it are seeking this year the same .Jlm BIgh~ led the Lakers Once. adopted, the Board of nd of the year.
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