1 The Standard of the World West of the Lake Region Cadillac & LaSalle Club November 2020 A HAUNTINGLY GOOD TIME AT CHICAGO’S FAMOUS CEMETERIES WEST OF THE LAKE REGION MEMBERS SPENT HALLOWEEN TRICK OR TREATING WITH CHICAGO’S MOST FAMOUS GHOSTS SEE PAGE 5 (IF THE SPIRIT MOVES YOU) What’s Inside: Stay connected: Director’s Message 2 Restoration Journ ey Pt. 1 13 ON THE WEB: Calendar of Events 3 Board of Directors Election 14 www.westofthelakeclc.com Announcements 4 Meeting Minutes 15 Cemetery Driving Tour 5-9 Classifieds 16-26 E-MAIL: October Meeting/In Memoriam 10 A Word From Our Sponsors 17
[email protected] Cadillac News From GM 11 2021 Election Ballot 28 2022 Grand National Update 12 2 DDiir reeccttoorr’’ss MMeessssaaggee Believe it or not, we are fast approaching the end of 2020. For some, it’s been a horrible year. For many, it’s been a year to forget. For me personally, I’ve enjoyed being able to spend more time at home. Whatever your situation, I’m sure it will be a year you will remember. Regardless, we are blessed we are not surrounded by record fires such as California or Washington, nor do we have to deal with a record, repetitive hurricane season as Louisiana has seen. No matter what your situation is in life, we can either look at the glass as half empty or half full. I try to follow the latter. For us as a club, we have had a very limited season. For a car club such as ours, not having car shows is like an ice cream stand not selling ice cream.