Volume 22 (2) 51 Lichen Checklist for North Carolina, USA Gary B. Perlmutter1 Abstract -- A checklist of lichens from a thorough literature review of both printed and online resources covering North Carolina, USA is presented. This list contains over 600 taxa from the state. While preparing a report for an herbaria review I had conducted for lichens of the Piedmont of North Carolina, I found it necessary to compile a checklist for the state to verify reviewed taxa as already reported or as new. The only existing checklist for North Carolina is from a website from the University of Hamburg, Germany (www.biologie.uni- hamburg.de/checklists/), which I found to be inadequate for my review. Therefore, I conducted a more thorough review of the literature, including both printed and online sources, from early papers (e.g. Oosting and Anderson 1937) to the most recent online publications (e.g. USGS 2005). The resulting checklist includes 605 lichen taxa and is the most complete listing of lichens of North Carolina to date. Acknowledgements -- I would like to thank Carol Ann McCormick of the University of North Carolina Herbarium (NCU) for providing some early printed material. I am also indebted to North Carolina Botanical Garden (NCBG) Director Peter White for suggesting I conduct a lichen inventory for the Garden, and Assistant Director Johnny Randall, whose advisorship this project is under. This report in part meets the Final Project requirement of the NCBG Native Plant Studies certificate program. 1 North Carolina Botanical Garden University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill CB 3375, Totten Centern Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3375 USA; email:
[email protected] 52 EVANSIA Lichen checklist for North Carolina from literature review.