Ohio Bryology et , Identification, Species, Knowledge Newsletter of the Ohio and Association. Volume 16 No. 1. 2019. Ray Showman and Robert Klips, Editors [email protected], [email protected]

LEFT HAND CORNER and red maple. Driving there made me think COME TO THE CRUM – OR THE of the movies The Blair Witch Project, and TUCKERMAN! Groundhog Day. For miles, it was the same scene over and over again: forests and signs Each year there are two workshops in that read “Attention: Moose”. eastern North America that focus on cryptogams. These workshops are the Each workshop requires a place to stay and a Tuckerman Lichen Workshop, started in place to serve as a lab where the group 1994, and the Crum Bryology Workshop, identifies specimens. For the 16th workshop, started in 2004. These workshops most participants stayed at the Rodd accomplish three functions: 1) to collect Miramichi Hotel. The “lab” was in an cryptogams that may fill in distribution exhibition building that was part of the ranges, 2) to collect specimens from an area regional fairgrounds. The first day of the with which participants may not be familiar, workshop, participants set up their scopes, and 3) to give dedicated amateurs a chance dissecting equipment, and books. For the to work with professionals. Since I am a next four days, field collections were made bryologist, I will concentrate on the Crum in diverse habitats. For the 16th workshop, Bryology Workshop. These bryology we collected in raised bogs, exposed wet workshops have been held twice in rocks along a river, and mixed cedar and Pennsylvania, Vermont, and ; and northern hardwood forests. Collections were once each in Ohio, Maine, West Virginia, made in the morning, and the afternoon and Michigan, Kentucky, and North Carolina. evenings were spent working on collections. There have been Canadian workshops in Consistent with previous Crum Bryology Ontario, Québec, and New Brunswick. Workshops, this was our schedule: day 1, set

th up; day 2 – 4, field work and identification; In September 2019, the 16 Crum Bryology day 5, pack up and leave. A dinner with all Workshop was held in Miramichi, New the workshop participants is planned for one Brunswick, Canada. Stephen Clayden, evening. Curator Emeritus and Research Associate at the New Brunswick Museum, organized the Long hours are spent looking at specimens. workshop. From Ohio, it took three driving Participants help each other with materials. days to reach Miramichi. New Brunswick is It is not uncommon to see four or more not a heavily populated area. Instead of hovering around a microscope, trying to houses along the roads, there are many rock make a determination. I often take outcrops and forests of white pine, spruce “troublesome” Ohio specimens with me.

1 These are bryophytes that I either can’t for the state of Delaware, on November 5- identify, or am unsure of its identity. There 10. If you are interested in learning more often is laughter about our mistakes. about bryophytes, send your e-mail address to Bill at [email protected]. At least once during the workshop I take a specimen to Bill Buck, retired Senior The Tuckerman Workshop is set up with a Curator at the New York Botanical Garden. similar format as the Crum. For those I know that I will suffer humility—his interested in , e-mail James teaching technique. He looks at the Lendemer at [email protected]. specimen and says “Everyone knows what – Barbara K. Andreas this is.” I am chagrined, and he roars with laughter. He then examines the material and we work on its identity. 2019 FLENNIKEN AWARD For the third straight year the Flenniken Award goes to Tomás Curtis for an excellent paper on northeast Ohio lichens. Congratulations Tomás! A STUDY OF THE LICHENIZED, LICHENICOLOUS, AND ALLIED FUNGI OF NORTHEAST OHIO Abstract Since the late months of 2016, the author has extensively surveyed the natural areas . Row 3: Marc- 2019 Crum Workshop Participants throughout Northeast Ohio for all Frédéric Indorf, Nils Ambec, Dr. Sean Haughian, Dr. Richard Harris, Dr. Tom Phillips, Dr. Stephen lichenized, lichenicolous, and allied fungi. Clayden, Dr. Bill Buck. Row 2: Dr. David This was done in order to create the first Malloch, Chris Ward, Jerry Oemig, Jean Gagnon, comprehensive baseline list for the region. Jennifer Doubt, Dr. Nancy Slack, Dr. Barb Andreas, As a result, a total of 405 recognized species Linda Ley, David Mazerolle. Row 1: (kneeling) Dr. have been discovered, and of these, 112 are Alfredo Justo, Frances Anderson, Anne Mills, Kendra Driscoll, Amanda Bremner). being reported for the first time in Ohio.

Photo by Donald McAlpine Introduction The Crum Bryology Workshop (as well as Northeast Ohio is an example of a region the Tuckerman Lichen Workshop) is by that is both heavily impacted by invitation only. However, the only criterion development and biologically diverse necessary to be invited is that you have your (Crooks et al., 2004; Tuovinen & Hsu, own microscopes, as well as a commitment 1982). Though there has been much to learning more about bryophytes. The fragmentation of natural areas through workshop is a wonderful opportunity to urbanization and suburbanization, it still meet fellow amateur and professional holds a plethora of unique and diverse bryologists. The 2020 Workshop is planned habitats (Scheiring & Foote, 1973). This

2 diversity in habitat likely contributes to the referenced in the future by other experts and relatively large number of species that reside enthusiasts with the same mission. It is within the region. One group in particular, meant to be a continuation of “A STUDY lichens, has been largely overlooked even by OF THE MACROLICHENS OF the naturalist community and much about NORTHEAST OHIO” (Curtis, 2017) them has been hidden beneath a veil of published in the 2017 OBELISK newsletter. obscurity. Many of them, up to this point, Most of the noteworthy findings of this have been passed by unnoticed for centuries continuation are crustose lichens, and only now are beginning to be reported. lichenicolous fungi, and lichen allies which have never been thoroughly surveyed in the Nevertheless, Ohio has a relatively rich and region before. Ultimately, this information distinguished history of lichen collection could be used in legislation to protect these and documentation (Lendemer, 2017). In delicate organisms from further harm. more recent decades, most information regarding lichens in Ohio has been collected Materials and Methods and managed by Ray Showman who, For this study, Northeast Ohio has been himself, has done much work with the study defined as 13 counties clumped within the (Showman & Rudolph, 1971; Showman, Northeast portion of the State and are 1997; McClenahen et al., 2012; Showman, indicated by the map featured in Figure 1. 1972A; Showman, 1972B; Showman, 1981; These counties are Ashtabula, Columbiana, Showman, 1975). However, during this Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, time, macrolichens were the primary focus Mahoning, Medina, Portage, Stark, Summit, for these scientists as the literature for these Trumbull, and Wayne. All the counties species was much more developed (Andreas within the study area have been visited at et al., 2007). least once except for Lorain County which features very few natural areas. Some The microlichens (crustose lichens) were counties, such as Portage and Summit, have notoriously difficult and not much literature been explored extensively, and nearly every was available (Wadleigh & Blake, 1999; natural area within them has been visited. Thomson, 1984). Only in recent years have microlichens been given significant attention As a casual study, there is undoubtedly some by taxonomists, and now Ohio is ready to bias regarding area visitation. Most of the add these to its list of known biological study area is within the Glaciated Allegheny diversity. Plateau, but parts of the Lake Plain and Unglaciated Allegheny Plateau are also Since the late months of 2016, the author within the study area. It is no surprise that has been conducting numerous surveys many Appalachian species are only known throughout the region in order to document from the small portions of Unglaciated lichenized, lichenicolous, and allied fungi Allegheny Plateau in Columbiana County. and form the first comprehensive baseline This is also true for Great Lakes species list for Northeast Ohio. This work is the where they are only known from counties kind that never really ends, but here, an that border Lake Erie. attempt is made to form a list that can be

3 Figure 1. Map of Study Area Verrucaria species reported here likely represent new occurrences for North America, though not all of them matched the description of any described species.

Results of microscopic and chemical analyses were recorded on herbarium labels where appropriate. All specimens collected were deposited at the Tom S. and Miwako K. Cooperrider Herbarium (KE) at the Kent State University main campus. The specimens are in the process of being digitized and are now mostly accessible through an online database. Over 2,200 When surveying for lichens, the author specimens collected during this study within targeted high quality natural areas and Northeast Ohio have now been databased by obtained collecting permits when necessary. the author, and numerous others await The areas were then inventoried by foot. digitization. Various types of surveys were conducted including plots or meander surveys and Results including all-species inventories or merely The current number of recognized species collecting notable and/or interesting finds. found during this study is 405, including 19 Lichens were collected using various rock lichenicolous fungi (fungi which grow on chisels (1/2”-3/4”) and a 2.5 lb. lichens) and 22 allied fungi (fungi related to sledgehammer or a 2” wood chisel and lichenized counterparts). Of these, 112 have hammer depending on the substrate. never been collected in Ohio before (based Collections were then transported in on the Consortium of North American polyethylene bags and taken to a lab to be Lichen Herbaria database) and are, examined. Specimens were identified therefore, new to the state. Most of the new through studying morphological characters, species found during this study are microscopic characters (using a dissecting microlichens, although 11 macrolichens and/or compound microscope), or through were also new. All of the recognized species studying chemistry (using spot test are included in the following comprehensive reagents). list, though several apparently undescribed species found are not included here and are Nomenclature adhered primarily to under investigation. In addition, a list of Essinger’s most recently published North errors discovered by the author in the 2017 American checklist (Esslinger, 2018), article are included. though special attention has been given to genera not well understood in NA such as Verrucaria. In this case, European literature (Krzewicka, 2012 and Orange, 2013) was used to name species. Many of the

4 Comprehensive List of Northeast Ohio Athallia holocarpa (Hoffm.) Arup, Frödén Lichenized, Lichenicolous, and Allied & Søchting Fungi. * denotes an “allied” , ** Athallia pyracea (Ach.) Arup, Frödén & denotes a lichenicolous fungus, NS denotes Søchting a new state record Bacidia circumspecta (Nyl. ex Vainio) Absconditella lignicola Vězda & Pišút NS Malme Acarospora americana H. Magn. NS Bacidia granosa (Tuck.) Zahlbr. Acarospora canadensis H. Magn. NS Bacidia sorediata Lendemer & R. C. Harris Acarospora fuscata (Schrader) Arnold Bacidina arnoldiana (Körber) V. Wirth & Acarospora moenium (Vainio) Räsänen NS Vězda NS Agonimia flabelliformis Halda, Czarnota & Bacidina assulata (Körber) S. Ekman NS Guzow-KremiÕska NS Bacidina brittoniana (Riddle) LaGreca & S. Agonimia gelatinosa (Ach.) Brand & Ekman NS Diederich NS Bacidina delicata (Leighton) V. Wirth & Alyxoria varia (Pers.) Ertz & Tehler Vězda NS Amandinea dakotensis (H. Magn.) P. May & Bacidina egenula (Nyl.) Vězda Sheard Bacidina inundata (Fr.) Vězda Amandinea polyspora (Willey) E. Lay & P. Biatora longispora (Degel.) Lendemer & May Printzen Amandinea punctata (Hoffm.) Coppins & Biatora pontica Printzen & Tønsberg NS Scheid. Biatora printzenii Tønsberg Anaptychia palmulata (Michaux) Vainio Bilimbia sabuletorum (Schreber) Arnold Anisomeridium biforme (Borrer) R.C. Harris Botryolepraria lesdainii (Hue) Canals, Anisomeridium carinthiacum (J. Steiner) R. Hernández-Mariné, Gómez-Bolea & C. Harris NS Llimona Anisomeridium distans (Willey) R. C. Harris Brianaria bauschiana (Körber) S. Ekman & Anisomeridium leucochlorum (Müll. Arg.) M. Svensson NS R. C. Harris Bryobilimbia ahlesii (Körber) Fryday, Anisomeridium polypori (Ellis & Everh.) M. Printzen & S. Ekman E. Barr Bryoria furcellata (Fr.) Brodo & D. Arthonia apatetica (A. Massal.) Th. Fr. NS Hawksw. Arthonia caudata Willey* NS Buellia badia (Fr.) A. Massal.** Arthonia helvola (Nyl.) Nyl. NS Buellia erubescens Arnold Arthonia lapidicola (Taylor) Branth & Caeruleum heppii (Nägeli ex Körber) K. Rostrup NS Knudsen & L. Arcadia Arthonia punctiformis Ach.* Calicium tigillare (Ach.) Pers. Arthonia quintaria Nyl.* Caloplaca ahtii Søchting NS Arthonia radiata (Pers.) Ach. Caloplaca albovariegata (B. de Lesd.) Arthonia ruana A. Massal. Wetmore NS Arthonia susa R. C. Harris & Lendemer Caloplaca atroalba (Tuck.) Zahlbr. Arthopyrenia cerasi (Schrader) A. Massal.* Caloplaca cerina (Ehrh. ex Hedwig) Th. Fr. NS Caloplaca microphyllina (Tuck.) Hasse Aspicilia laevata (Ach.) Arnold NS Caloplaca pratensis Wetmore NS

5 Caloplaca reptans Lendemer & Hodkinson chlorophaea complex NS Cladonia coniocraea (Flörke) Sprengel Caloplaca sideritis (Tuck.) Zahlbr. Cladonia conista (Nyl.) Robbins Caloplaca soralifera Vondrák & Hrouzek Cladonia cristatella Tuck. NS Cladonia cylindrica (A. Evans) A. Evans Caloplaca ulcerosa Coppins & P. James NS Cladonia fimbriata (L.) Fr. Caloplaca ulmorum (Fink) Fink Cladonia furcata (Hudson) Schrader Candelaria concolor (Dickson) Stein Cladonia incrassata Kristinsson Candelariella aurella (Hoffm.) Zahlbr. Cladonia macilenta Hoffm. var. bacillaris Candelariella efflorescens R. C. Harris & (Ach.) Schaerer W. R. Buck Cladonia macilenta var macilenta Hoffm. Candelariella lutella (Vainio) Räsänen NS Cladonia mateocyatha Robbins Candelariella vitellina (Hoffm.) Müll. Arg. Cladonia ochrochlora Flörke Candelariella xanthostigma (Ach.) Lettau Cladonia parasitica (Hoffm.) Hoffm. Canoparmelia caroliniana (Nyl.) Elix & Cladonia peziziformis (With.) J. R. Laundon Hale Cladonia piedmontensis G. Merr. Canoparmelia texana (Tuck.) Elix & Hale Cladonia pleurota (Flörke) Schaerer Catillaria nigroclavata (Nyl.) Schuler Cladonia polycarpoides Nyl. Catinaria neuschildii (Körb.) P. James NS Cladonia pyxidata (L.) Hoffm. Cetraria arenaria Kärnefelt Cladonia ramulosa (With.) J. R. Laundon Cetrelia chicitae (W. L. Culb.) W. L. Culb. Cladonia rangiferina (L.) F. H. Wigg. & C. F. Culb. Cladonia rei Schaerer Chaenotheca brunneola (Ach.) Müll. Arg. Cladonia sobolescens Nyl. ex Vainio Chaenotheca ferruginea (Turner ex Sm.) Cladonia squamosa (Scop.) Hoffm. Mig. NS Cladonia strepsilis (Ach.) Grognot Chaenotheca furfuracea (L.) Tibell Cladonia subtenuis (Abbayes) Mattick Chaenotheca xyloxena Nádv. NS Cladonia uncialis (L.) F. H. Wigg. Chaenothecopsis debilis (Turner & Borrer Cladonia verticillata (Hoffm.) Schaerer ex Sm.) Tibell* **Clypeococcum hypocenomycis D. Chaenothecopsis nana Tibell* NS Hawksw. NS Chaenothecopsis nigra Tibell* NS Coenogonium pineti (Ach.) Lücking & Chaenothecopsis perforata Rikkinen & Lumbsch Tuovila* NS Collema subflaccidum Degel. Chaenothecopsis pusilla (Ach.) A.F.W. Cornutispora pyramidalis Etayo** NS Schmidt* Crespoa crozalsiana (B. de Lesd. ex Harm.) Chaenothecopsis pusiola (Ach.) Vainio* NS Lendemer & Hodkinson Chaenothecopsis savonica (Räsänen) Cresponea chloroconia (Tuck.) Egea & Tibell* NS Torrente NS Chrismofulvea dialyta (Nyl.) Marbach NS Cryptodiscus pallidus (Pers.) Corda.* NS Chrysothrix caesia (Flotow) Ertz & Tehler Cystocoleus ebeneus (Dillwyn) Thwaites Chrysothrix xanthina (Vainio) Kalb Dermatocarpon luridum (With.) J. R. Cladonia apodocarpa Robbins Laundon Cladonia caespiticia (Pers.) Flörke

6 Dermatocarpon muhlenbergii (Ach.) Müll. Halecania pepegospora (H. Magn.) van den Arg. Boom Dibaeis baeomyces (L. f.) Rambold & Halecania rheophila R.C. Harris & Ladd Hertel ined. NS Dictyocatenulata alba Finley & E. F. Morris Herteliana schuyleriana Lendemer NS NS Hertelidea botryosa (Fr.) Kantvilas & Diploschistes muscorum (Scop.) R. Sant.** Printzen NS Diploschistes scruposus (Schreber) Norman Heterodermia albicans (Pers.) Swinscow & Distopyrenis americana Aptroo NS Krog Enchylium bachmanianum (Fink) Otálora, P. Heterodermia casarettiana (A. Massal.) M. Jørg. & Wedin Trevisan Enchylium tenax (Sw.) Gray Heterodermia obscurata (Nyl.) Trevisan Endocarpon pallidulum (Nyl.) Nyl. Heterodermia speciosa (Wulfen) Trevisan Endocarpon petrolepideum (Nyl.) Nyl. Hyperphyscia adglutinata (Flörke) H. Endococcus perpusillus Nyl.** NS Mayrhofer & Poelt Epicladonia stenospora (Harm.) D. Hyperphyscia confusa Essl., C. A. Morse & Hawksw.** NS S. Leavitt Erythricium aurantiacum (Lasch) D. Hyperphyscia syncolla (Tuck. ex Nyl.) Kalb Hawksw. & A. Henrici** NS Hypocenomyce scalaris (Ach. ex Lilj.) M. Evernia mesomorpha Nyl. Choisy Fellhanera fallax R. C. Harris & Lendemer Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. NS Hypotrachyna afrorevoluta (Krog & Fellhanera granulosa R. C. Harris & Swinscow) Krog & Swinscow NS Lendemer NS Hypotrachyna livida (Taylor) Hale Fellhanera minnisinkorum R. C. Harris & Hypotrachyna minarum (Vainio) Krog & Lendemer Swinscow Fellhanera silicis R. C. Harris & Ladd NS Hypotrachyna revoluta (Flörke) Hale NS Flavoparmelia baltimorensis (Gyelnik & Hypotrachyna showmanii Hale Fóriss) Hale Imshaugia aleurites (Ach.) S. F. Meyer Flavoparmelia caperata (L.) Hale Imshaugia placorodia (Ach.) S. F. Meyer Flavoplaca flavocitrina (Nyl.) Arup, Frödén Ionaspis alba Lutzoni & Søchting Ionaspis lacustris (With.) Lutzoni Flavopunctelia flaventior (Stirton) Hale Japewiella dollypartoniana J. L. Allen & Flavopunctelia soredica (Nyl.) Hale Lendemer Fuscidea arboricola Coppins & Tønsberg Julella fallaciosa (Arnold) R. C. Harris* NS Lecania croatica (Zahlbr.) Kotlov NS Fuscidea recensa (Stirton) Hertel, V. Wirth Lecania naegelii (Hepp) Diederich & van & Vězda den Boom Graphis scripta (L.) Ach. Lecanora appalachensis Lendemer & R. C. Gyalideopsis moodyae Lendemer & Lücking Harris NS Lecanora caesiorubella Ach. Gyalolechia flavovirescens (Wulfen) Lecanora cinereofusca H. Magn. Søchting, Frödén & Arup Lecanora hybocarpa (Tuck.) Brodo

7 Lecanora layana Lendemer Marchandiomyces corallinus (Roberge) Lecanora minutella Nyl. Diederich & D. Hawksw.** Lecanora nothocaesiella R. C. Harris & Melanelixia glabratula (Lamy) Sandler & Lendemer Arup NS Lecanora polytropa (Ehrh.) Rabenh. Melanelixia subaurifera (Nyl.) O. Blanco et Lecanora pulicaris (Pers.) Ach. al. Lecanora saligna (Schrader) Zahlbr. NS Menegazzia subsimilis (H. Magn.) R. Sant. Lecanora strobilina (Sprengel) Kieffer Micarea denigrata (Fr.) Hedl. NS Lecanora subimmergens Vainio Micarea melaena (Nyl.) Hedl. Lecanora subpallens Zahlbr. Micarea peliocarpa (Anzi) Coppins & R. Lecanora symmicta (Ach.) Ach. Sant. Lecanora thysanophora R. C. Harris Micarea prasina Fr. Lecidea cyrtidia Tuck. Micarea soralifera B. Guzow-Krzemińska, Lecidea erythrophaea Flörke ex Sommerf. P. Czarnota, A. Łubek & M. Kukwa NS NS Multiclavula mucida (Fr.) R. H. Petersen NS Lecidea fuscoatra (L.) Ach. NS Multiclavula vernalis (Schwein.) R. Petersen Lecidea varians Ach. NS stigmatea (Ach.) Hertel & Mycobilimbia berengeriana (A. Massal.) Leuckert Hafellner & V. Wirth NS Leimonis erratica (Körber) R. C. Harris & Mycocalicium subtile (Pers.) Szatala* Lendemer Myelochroa aurulenta (Tuck.) Elix & Hale Lepra pustulata (Brodo & W. Culb.) Myelochroa galbina (Ach.) Elix & Hale Lendemer & R. C. Harris Myelochroa metarevoluta (Asahina) Elix & Lepraria caesiella R. C. Harris Hale Lepraria cryophila Lendemer NS Myelochroa obsessa (Ach.) Elix & Hale Lepraria disjuncta Lendemer Myriolecis dispersa (Pers.) Śliwa, Zhao Xin Lepraria elobata Tønsberg NS & Lumbsch Lepraria finkii (B. de Lesd.) R. C. Harris Myriolecis hagenii (Ach.) Śliwa, Zhao Xin Lepraria harrisiana Lendemer & Lumbsch Lepraria hodkinsoniana Lendemer NS Myriolecis sambuci (Pers.) Clem. NS Lepraria neglecta (Nyl.) Erichsen Nadvornikia sorediata R. C. Harris Lepraria normandinoides Lendemer & R. C. Ochrolechia arborea (Kreyer) Almb. Harris Ovicuculispora parmeliae (Berk. & M. A. Lepraria vouauxii (Hue) R. C. Harris Curtis) Etayo** Lepraria xanthonica Lendemer NS squarrosa Hale Leprocaulon adhaerens (K. Knudsen, Elix Parmelia sulcata Taylor & Lendemer) Lendemer & Hodkinson Parmotrema austrosinense (Zahlbr.) Hale Leptogium cyanescens (Rabenh.) Körber Parmotrema gardneri (C. W. Dodge) Sérus. Lichenoconium erodens M.S. Christ. & D. Parmotrema hypotropum (Nyl.) Hale Hawksw.** NS Parmotrema margaritatum (Hue) Hale Lichenoconium pyxidatae (Oudem.) Petrak Parmotrema perforatum (Jacq.) A. Massal. & H. Sydow** NS Parmotrema perlatum (Hudson) M. Choisy Parmotrema reticulatum (Taylor) M. Choisy

8 Parmotrema subisidiosum (Müll. Arg.) Hale Placidium squamulosum (Ach.) Breuss Peltigera canina (L.) Willd. Placynthiella dasaea (Stirton) Tønsberg NS Peltigera didactyla (With.) J. R. Laundon Placynthiella icmalea (Ach.) Coppins & P. Peltigera evansiana Gyelnik James Peltigera polydactylon (Necker) Hoffm. Placynthiella oligotropha (J. R. Laundon) Peltigera praetextata (Flörke ex Sommerf.) Coppins & P. James NS Zopf Placynthium nigrum (Hudson) Gray Peltigera rufescens (Weiss) Humb. NS Platismatia tuckermanii (Oakes) W. L. Pertusaria plittiana Erichsen Culb. & C. F. Culb. Pertusaria pustulata (Ach.) Duby Polysporina simplex (Taylor) Vězda Phaeocalicium curtisii (Tuck.) Tibell* Polysporina subfuscescens (Nyl.) K. Phaeocalicium polyporaeum (Nyl.) Tibell* Knudsen & Kocourk.** NS Phaeocalicium populneum (Brond. ex Porpidia albocaerulescens (Wulfen) Hertel Duby)* A.F.W. Schmidt & Knoph Phaeophyscia adiastola (Essl.) Essl. Porpidia crustulata (Ach.) Hertel & Knoph Phaeophyscia ciliata (Hoffm.) Moberg Porpidia soredizodes (Lamy ex Nyl.) J. R. Phaeophyscia decolor (Kashiw.) Essl. Laundon NS Phaeophyscia hirsuta (Mereschk.) Essl. Porpidia subsimplex (H. Magn.) Fryday Phaeophyscia hirtella Essl. Protoblastenia rupestris (Scop.) J. Steiner Phaeophyscia insignis (Mereschk.) Moberg Protoparmelia hypotremella Herk, Spier & Phaeophyscia orbicularis (Necker) Moberg V. Wirth NS Phaeophyscia pusilloides (Zahlbr.) Essl. Protoparmeliopsis muralis (Schreber) M. Phaeophyscia rubropulchra (Degel.) Essl. Choisy NS Phaeopyxis punctum (A. Massal.) Rambold, Pseudosagedia aenea (Wallr.) Hafellner & Triebel & Coppins** NS Kalb NS Phlyctis petraea R. C. Harris, Muscavitch, Pseudosagedia cestrensis (Tuck. ex E. Ladd & Lendemer Michener) R. C. Harris Physcia adscendens (Fr.) H. Olivier Psoroglaena dictyospora (Orange) H. Physcia aipolia (Ehrh. ex Humb.) Fürnr. Harada NS Physcia americana G. Merr. Psorotichia schaereri (A. Massal.) Arnold Physcia dubia (Hoffm.) Lettau NS bolliana (Müll. Arg.) Krog Physcia millegrana Degel. Punctelia borreri (Sm.) Krog Physcia phaea (Tuck.) J. W. Thomson Punctelia caseana Lendemer & Hodkinson Physcia pumilior R. C. Harris Punctelia missouriensis G. Wilh. & Ladd Physcia stellaris (L.) Nyl. (Ach.) Krog Physcia thomsoniana Essl. Pyrenopsis phaeococca Tuck. Physciella chloantha (Ach.) Essl. Pyrenula laevigata (Pers.) Arnold Physciella melanchra (Hue) Essl. Pyrenula punctella (Nyl.) Trevisan Physconia detersa (Nyl.) Poelt Pyxine sorediata (Ach.) Mont. Physconia leucoleiptes (Tuck.) Essl. Pyxine subcinerea Stirton Piccolia nannaria (Tuck.) Lendemer & Ramalina americana Hale Beeching** NS Ramalina complanata (Sw.) Ach. Placidiopsis minor R. C. Harris** Ramalina intermedia (Delise ex Nyl.) Nyl.

9 Ramalina labiosorediata Gasparyan, Thelidium minutulum Körb. Sipman & Lücking Thelidium pyrenophorum (Ach.) Mudd Rhizocarpon reductum Th. Fr. Thelidium zwackhii (Hepp) A. Massal. NS Rhizocarpon rubescens Th. Fr. NS Thelocarpon intermediellum Nyl. NS Rinodina buckii Sheard NS Thelocarpon laureri (Flotow) Nyl. Rinodina freyi H. Magn. NS Trapelia coarctata (Turner) M. Choisy Rinodina maculans Müll. Arg. Trapelia glebulosa (Sm.) J. R. Laundon Rinodina moziana (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Trapelia placodioides Coppins & P. James Rinodina oxydata (A. Massal.) A. Massal. Trapeliopsis flexuosa (Fr.) Coppins & P. Rinodina papillata H. Magn. NS James Rinodina subminuta H. Magn. NS Trapeliopsis granulosa (Hoffm.) Lumbsch Rinodina subparieta (Nyl.) Zahlbr. NS Trapeliopsis viridescens (Schrader) Coppins Rinodina tephraspis (Tuck.) Herre & P. James Ropalospora viridis (Tønsberg) Tønsberg Tremella cladoniae Diederich & M. S. Rusavskia elegans (Link) S. Y. Kondr. & Christ.** NS Kärnefelt Trimmatothelopsis dispersa (H. Magn.) K. Sarcogyne regularis Körber Knudsen & Lendemer Sarcogyne similis H. Magn. NS Tuckermanella fendleri (Nyl.) Essl. Sarcopyrenia calcarea Lendemer & R. C. Tuckermannopsis americana (Sprengel) Harris** NS Hale Sarea difformis (Fr.) Fr.* NS Tuckermannopsis ciliaris (Ach.) Gyelnik Sarea resinae (Fr.) Kuntze* Tuckermannopsis sepincola (Ehrh.) Hale NS Scoliciosporum chlorococcum (Stenh.) Umbilicaria mammulata (Ach.) Tuck. Vězda Usnea cornuta Körber Scoliciosporum pensylvanicum R. C. Harris Usnea dasaea Stirton NS (Harris 2009) Usnea glabrata (Ach.) Vainio NS Scoliciosporum umbrinum (Ach.) Usnea hirta (L.) Weber ex F. H. Wigg. NS Scytinium dactylinum (Tuck.) Otálora, P. M. Usnea mutabilis Stirton Jørg. & Wedin Usnea pensylvanica Motyka Scytinium juniperinum (Tuck.) Otálora, P. Usnea strigosa (Ach.) M. Jørg. & Wedin Usnea subfloridana Stirton Scytinium lichenoides (L.) Otálora, P. M. Usnea subgracilis Vainio NS Jørg. & Wedin Usnocetraria oakesiana (Tuck.) M. J. Lai & Segestria lectissima Fr. C. J. Wei Sphinctrina anglica Nyl.** NS Verrucaria calkinsiana Servit Squamulea subsoluta (Nyl.) Arup, Søchting Verrucaria cernaensis Zschacke NS & Frödén Verrucaria dolosa Hepp NS Staurothele drummondii (Tuck.) Tuck. NS Verrucaria latericola Erichsen** NS Steinia geophana (Nyl.) Stein Verrucaria muralis Ach. Stenocybe pullatula (Ach.) Stein* Verrucaria myriocarpa Hepp NS Stereocaulon saxatile H. Magn. Verrucaria nigrescens Pers. Strangospora moriformis (Ach.) Stein NS Verrucaria nigrescentoidea Fink Strigula jamesii (Swinscow) R. C. Harris NS

10 Verrucaria praetermissa (Trevisan) Anzi • Leptogium austroamericanum = NS misidentification of L. cyanescens Verrucaria sublobulata Eitner ex Serv. NS • Parmotrema ultralucens = Verrucaria umbrinula Nyl. NS misidentification of P. subisidiosum Vezdaea leprosa (P. James) Vězda • Physcia caesia = misidentification of Vezdaea schuyleriana Lendemer NS P. dubia Viridothelium virens (Tuck. ex Michener) • Scytinium subtile = misidentification Lücking, M. P. Nelsen & Aptroot of S. dactylinum Willeya diffractella (Nyl.) Müll. Arg. Conclusion Xanthocarpia feracissima (H. Magn.) Through extensive inventorying of Frödén, Arup & Søchting lichenized, lichenicolous, and allied fungi in Xanthomendoza fallax (Hepp ex Arnold) NE Ohio, an entirely new level of Søchting, Kärnefelt & S. Y. Kondr. understanding of these ubiquitous organisms Xanthomendoza hasseana (Räsänen) has been achieved. A total of 112 species are Søchting, Kärnefelt & S. Y. Kondr. being reported here for the first time in Xanthomendoza ulophyllodes (Räsänen) Ohio. The study of lichens in Ohio has Søchting, Kärnefelt & S. Y. Kondr. reached a new level of depth and, perhaps, Xanthomendoza weberi (S. Y. Kondr. & could be used for conservation efforts in the Kärnefelt) L. Lindblom future. Representation of the lichens of NE Xanthoparmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.) Ohio in herbaria has also been increased Hale considerably and now is more representative Xanthoparmelia cumberlandia (Gyelnik) of the study, in a comprehensive sense, than ever before. A continuation of this study will Hale undoubtedly yield more new and interesting Xanthoparmelia plittii (Gyelnik) Hale discoveries in the future. Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr. Xylopsora friesii (Ach.) Bendiksby & Literature Cited Timdal Andreas, B.K., R.E. Showman and J.C. Lendemer (2007). The 2006 Errors in “A STUDY OF THE Combined Crum/Tuckerman MACROLICHENS OF NORTHEAST Workshop in Ohio. Evansia 24: 55- OHIO (Curtis, 2017)” 71. Crooks, K. R., Suarez, A. V., & Bolger, D. • Cladonia cryptochlorophaea, C. T. (2004). Avian assemblages along grayi, and C. chlorophaea have been a gradient of urbanization in a highly combined under the “C. chlorophaea fragmented landscape. Biological complex” since TLC has not been conservation, 115(3), 451-462. performed on any of these specimens Curtis, T. J. (2017). A Study of the collected during this study and no Macrolichens of Northeast Ohio. morphological characteristics Ohio Moss and Lichen Association, separate them. OBELISK Volume 14 No. 1. • Cladonia humilis = Esslinger, T. L. 2018. A cumulative misidentifications of C. conista checklist for the lichen-forming, lichenicolous and allied fungi of the

11 continental United States and Showman, R. E., & Rudolph, E. D. (1971). Canada, Version 23. Opuscula Water relations in living, dead, and Philolichenum 17: 6-268 cellulose models of the lichen Krzewicka, B. (2012). A revision of Umbilicaria papulosa. Bryologist, Verrucaria sl (Verrucariaceae) in 444-450. Poland. Polish Botanical Studies, Thomson, J. W. (1984). American Arctic 27(3), 143. Lichens: The Microlichens (Vol. 2). Lendemer, J. C. (2017). New and Interesting Univ of Press. Records of Lichens and Tuovinen, O. H., & Hsu, J. C. (1982). Lichenicolous fungi from Ohio. Aerobic and anaerobic OBELISK Vol. 14 No. 1 microorganisms in tubercles of the McClenahen, J. R., Showman, R. E., Hutnik, Columbus, Ohio, water distribution R. J., & Davis, D. D. (2012). system. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., Temporal changes in lichen species 44(3), 761-764. richness and elemental composition Wadleigh, M. A., & Blake, D. M. (1999). on a Pennsylvania atmospheric Tracing sources of atmospheric deposition gradient. Evansia, 29(3), sulphur using epiphytic lichens. 67-74. Environmental Pollution, 106(3), Orange, A. (2013). British and Other 265-271. Workshop in Ohio. Pyrenocarpous Lichens. National Evansia. Museum of Wales Version 2 Scheiring, J. F., & Foote, B. A. (1973). - Tomás J. Curtis, Kent State University Habitat distribution of the shore flies of northeastern Ohio (Diptera: Fissidens closteri Aust. – NEW TO OHIO Ephydridae). When bryological sleuth Rebekah Smucker Showman, R. E. (1972A). Photosynthetic shows up in Ohio, one can be sure that she response with respect to light in three will find something interesting and small. strains of lichen algae. This year, after the 2019 OMLA workshop Showman, R. E. (1972B). Residual effects to Ashtabula County, Becky stopped by of sulfur dioxide on the net Hocking County on her way home to North photosynthetic and respiratory rates Carolina. Although she had a 7-hour drive of lichen thalli and cultured lichen ahead of her, she wanted to look for a moss symbionts. Bryologist, 335-341. that she and Dr. Paul Davison (University of Showman, R. E. (1975). The foliose and North ) are researching. That moss fruticose lichen flora around the is Fissidens closteri, and to quote Becky “if Muskingum River Power , you can see , it’s not F. closteri.” The Morgan County, Ohio. are minute and stemless. The setae are Showman, R. E. (1981). Lichen 1.2 mm long, and the capsules are 0.2 – 0.3 recolonization following air quality mm long (Crum and Anderson 1982). improvement. Bryologist, 492-497. Showman, R. E. (1997). Continuing lichen After Becky described potential habitats, we recolonization in the upper Ohio began to search a few places around River Valley. Bryologist, 478-481. Hocking County. On sandstone pebbles in

12 an abandoned lane, and again on moist of the of Ohio (Snider and Andreas sandstone rocks that had flaked off a small 1996), 18 species have been added to the list temporary waterfall, Becky found it. She of Ohio mosses. OMLA thanks Becky and taught me how to look for it: hold the small Bob for their contributions. rock up to the light and look for Crum, H.A., and L.E. Anderson 1981. sporophytes. With her help, I found it and a Mosses of Eastern North America. specimen is now housed in the Kent State Vol. 2. New York: Oxford University Herbarium (Andreas and University Press. Smucker 19738 KE). Snider, J.A., and B.K. Andreas. 1996. A Catalog and Atlas of the Mosses of Ohio. Columbus, OH: Ohio Biological Survey. – Barbara K. Andreas

2019 SUMMER FORAY TO WOOD COUNTY We held our Summer Foray on June 15. It was a relatively cool, overcast day with temperature in the 60s and occasional rain showers. Like the rest of northwest Ohio, Wood County was entirely covered with ice until the glacier receded from the area about 16,000 years ago. The area was then submerged by various stages of post-glacial lakes. Remnant beach ridges from these Fissidens closteri. Photos from Internet lakes formed sandy soils in some places. There are a few scattered areas of dolostone Through conversations with Becky at the and limestone rock outcrops in the county. Ashtabula County foray, OMLA member and photographer Bob Klips became curious With mostly flat topography and rich soils about an odd little unidentified Fissidens of glacial origin, Wood County is primarily sample gathered in 2005 from a creek in agricultural: 89% of its land is classified as Hocking County, so he mailed it to her a few prime farmland, defined by the U.S. days afterwards for identification and it Department of Agriculture as “land that has indeed turned out to be F. closteri. the best combination of physical and chemical characteristics for producing food, OMLA members should search for feed, forage, fiber, and oilseed crops and is Fissidens closteri in other Ohio counties. available for these uses.” Since the publication of A Catalog and Atlas

13 We visited two very interesting sites, both Bryum lisae var. cuspidatum X part of the Wood County Park District. We are very grateful to the district for allowing Bryum pseudotriquetrum N X us to collect there. Sawyer Quarry Nature Preserve, near Perrysburg, is a 57-acre site Callicladium haldanianum X with an abandoned dry quarry and adjacent Calliergonella lindbergii X woodlands with numerous dolostone rock outcrops and loamy soil. We collected there Campylium chrysophyllum X in the morning and had lunch there. Ceratodon purpureus X In the afternoon, we went to Rudolph

Savanna, south of Bowling Green. This is an Ditrichum pusillum N X 87-acre savanna with sandy soil. Encalypta procera N X Heavier rain showers somewhat hindered our collecting efforts there. Entodon seductrix X X

During the Foray we found 42 moss species Eurhynchium hians X X with 18 new records for Wood County.

Liverworts were sparse with only 2 species Fissidens dubius N X collected. 29 species of lichens were Fissidens taxifolius N X X recorded during the foray and of these, 8 were new county records. Funaria hygrometrica X

Species recorded for Wood County. N = new Grimmia pilifera N X county record, SQ = Sawyer Quarry and RS = Rudolph Savanna. Hymenostylium X recurvirostrum N Moss Species Name SQ RS Hypnum cupressiforme N X Amblystegium varium X X Leptobryum pyriforme N X Anomodon attenuatus X Leskea gracilescens X X Anomodon rostratus X Limprichtia cossonii N X Atrichum altecristatum X Orthotricum sordidum N X Atrichum angustatum X Orthotricum pusillum N X Barbula unguiculata X Plagiomnium cuspidatum X X Brachythecium campestre N X Plagiothecium denticulatum X Brachythecium falcatum N X X Platydictya confervoides X Brachythecium laetum X X Platygyrium repens X X Bryum algovicum N X

14 Myelochroa galbina N X Rhynchostegium serrulatum X Parmelia sulcata X Rhodobryum ontariense X Parmotrema hypotropum N X Schistidium apocarpum N X Peltigera canina X Schistidium rivulare N X Peltigera polydactylon N X Taxiphyllum deplanatum N X Phaeophyscia adiastola N X Thuidium recognitum X Phaeophyscia rubropulchra X Tortella humilis X Physcia americana X

Physcia millegrana X

Liverwort Species Name SQ RS Porpidia albocaerulescens X

Frullania eboracensis X Punctelia rudecta X

Lophocolea heterophylla X Verrucaria nigrescens X

Xanthomendoza fallax X

Lichen Species Name SQ RS Xanthomendoza ulophyllodes X

Amandinea dakotensis X Xanthomendoza weberi N X

Amandinea punctata X

Bacidia granosa X - James Toppin Bilimbia sabuletorum X A DAY TO REMEMBER Candelaria concolor X X Last summer I was visited by two OMLA student members, Tomás Curtis and Chris Candelariella aurella X Poling, for a weekend of botanizing. Any Candelariella vitellina X day in the field is better than a day at home, but sometimes everything comes together Chrysothrix caesia X and you have a day to remember. Cladonia chlorophaea N X Our first day we traveled to the Edge of Cladonia coniocraea N X Appalachia preserve system and met another OMLA member, Mark Zloba. Our goal was Cladonia pyxidata N X to find Thyrea confusa, a rare lichen with Lecanora dispersa X one old Ohio record in Ottawa County and a recent one for Adams County. Lecanora polytropa X Thyrea confusa, jelly strap lichen, is a very Lepraria sp. X small fruticose species which always grows

15 on bare limestone or dolomitic rock. It has Ozark lichen, but a new species for Ohio! tiny (~3-10 mm), black, strap-shaped and This species frequently has overlapping sometimes forked thalli. In Lichens of North lobes like D. luridum, but its thallus is America, Brodo indicates that it is widely thinner and more brittle and as the name scattered but the distribution is too poorly implies, it usually grows on dry alkaline known to map. rocks, while D. luridum prefers moist rocks. This species was found in an Adams County Next we visited Lynx Prairie and Mark cedar barren prairie by local naturalist showed us some of the prairie plants for Barbara Lund in 2002, but more recent which the area is known. After that we visited one of the sites for Phaeophyscia attempts to relocate it have failed. Mark took leana, another very rare lichen known from us to the site where it was collected earlier The Edge property (see WANTED (Alive)! and after a little searching we found the jelly PHAEOPHYSCIA LEANA by Mark Zloba. strap on two rocks! 2017 OBELISK, p. 23).

At the end of our day we were back at The Eulett Center where Tomás was looking at some of the difficult specimens in Mark’s lichen collection. Here he found another new for Ohio species, Peltigera phyllidiosa, an isidiate pelt lichen. This species is similar to P. elisabethae, and the original collection of that species may have been misidentified. This is why we should always collect voucher specimens and why another look at them is always desirable.

Thyrea confusa. Photo by Tomás Curtis

Peltigera phyllidiosa. Photo by Tomás Curtis So we relocated an extant population of a Dermatocarpon dolamiticum. Photo by Tomás rare species and found two new lichens for Curtis Ohio. Indeed, a day to remember! At the same site we also found - Ray Showman Dermatocarpon dolamiticum, a common


A forest with many lichens is a happy moss is a fibrous material placed in the forest. – James Lendemer bottom of a sluice box to retain those very fine particles of gold. MOSS MUSINGS Moss has also found its way into the English MOSS IN NAME ONLY language idiom “a rolling stone gathers no While moss has a specific botanical moss,” although this is certainly not true for definition, members of the class Musci, the our own rolling stone Barb Andreas who has word in the English language has been used gathered lots of mosses! On the other hand, to describe almost any plant with finely the term “old mossback” describes a slow divided leaves. We all know that Spanish moving person who has gathered the moss (Tillandsia usneoides) is not a moss at proverbial moss. It could be applied to this all, but an epiphytic angiosperm related to author even though I much prefer gathering pineapple. lichens! - Ray Showman

We also have moss phlox (Phlox subulata), pyxie moss (Pyxidanthera barulata), moss PLEUROZIUM SCHREBERI AND campion (Silene acaulis), mossy stonecrop NITROGEN FIXATION (Sedum acre), rock moss (Sedum pulchelium), Irish moss ( subulata), I first became acquainted with this moss moss rose (Portulaca sp.), and mossy-cup when I started to take workshops at Eagle oak (). Sea moss is Hill Institute in Maine. I would drive down actually red algae. There are even moss the long gravel drive into Eagle Hill with animals. These are tiny aquatic or marine woods on both sides. In places I would see colonial animals belonging to the small what looked like monocultures of a mat phylum Ectoprocta (or Bryozoa). Quite a list moss. On closer look all the mosses had a of mosses in name only! very apparent reddish stem. All I could think was, what is this moss? It of course was There are several lichens that in the past Pleurozium schreberi. have been commonly called mosses. We all know that reindeer moss is the lichen And indeed, it did cover large swaths around Cladonia rangiferina. But we also have Eagle Hill. It does occur in Ohio in treemoss (Pseudevernia furfuracea) and numerous counties, but in much smaller oakmoss (Evernia species), lichens that have patches than seen in Maine. In large sections been gathered in for use in the of the Boreal Forest, it can account, along perfume industry. There is also Iceland moss with another pleurocarpous moss, (Cetraria ericetorum), a lichen which was Hylocomium splendens (stair-step moss) up used in early herbalist medicine. to 95% of the ground cover. A few inanimate things also have the moss Why is this moss so common in these boreal moniker. Moss agate is a quartz mineral areas? Researchers have found that this with a dendritic pattern. Mossy Oak is a species commonly is associated with pattern of camo that is popular with hunters. cyanobacteria that assist with N fixation. And if you watch Gold Rush on the These mosses may be responsible for much Discovery Channel, you know that miners’ of the N fixation that occurs in boreal areas.

17 It was found that Pleurozium schreberi Sources: alone fixes from 1.5 to 2.0 kg N ha-1 yr-1 in Feather mosses, nitrogen fixation, and the mid- to late-successional forests of northern boreal biome. T. H. DeLuca School of the Scandinavia and Finland. These are areas Environment and Natural Resources, Bangor where otherwise there are very few other N University, Bangor, UK fixing tree or forbs. DeLuca, T. H., Zackrisson, O., Nilsson, M.- Large parts of the boreal area are dominated C. and Sellstedt, A. (2002). Quantifying by infertile acid sandy soils—spodosols. It is nitrogen-fixation in feather moss carpets of in these kind of soil areas naturally low in N boreal forests. Nature 419, 917-920. where N fixing plants thrive. They, along with possibly Hylocomium and associated Rousk K, Jones DL, Deluca TH. Moss- cyanobacteria, may possibly be the most cyanobacteria associations as biogenic broadly distributed N fixers on earth. sources of nitrogen in boreal forest ecosystems. Front. Microbiol. 2013;4:150. It is uncertain though how much N fixation Published 2013 Jun 17. occurs in the Pleurozium that we find in doi:10.3389/fmicb.2013.00150 Ohio, as fixation appears to mainly occur in low N deposition areas such as found in - Bill Schumacher boreal forest areas—very much unlike Ohio.

CLADONIA CRISPATA DISCOVERED IN OHIO Cladonia is a widespread and speciose group of lichens in the family . They can be found throughout Ohio on a variety of substrates including decaying logs, rocks, soil, and tree bases. Cladonia crispata was found by the author in September of 2017 while surveying a Pleurozium schreberi Photo from Internet property owned by Summit Metro Parks. It was growing on an ecorticate stump in a dry One question is what happens to the N in barren with scattered stands of successional these mosses and associated cyanobacteria? hardwoods. While it makes sense that N would “leak” from them, but whether this is transferred to Cladonia crispata has a broad range mostly the soil, and how much, and over how long a north of Ohio, though it does occur time period is unknown. throughout the Appalachians as well. This species is typically found on sun-exposed So the next time you see a patch of soil or bryophytes but has been recorded on Pleurozium in Ohio or elsewhere, you can a number of other substrates as well. think of the large role it plays in the boreal ecosystem and how much there still is still to Not surprisingly, the specimen found in be learned about this intriguing moss. Ohio was quite small and seemingly stunted.

18 Nevertheless, Cladonia crispata can be or flattened isidia on the lobe margins (the easily distinguished from other Cladonia fringed part of the common name), and it species by noticing a diagnostic combination usually has kidney-shaped apothecia (the of characteristics; an exposed stereome other part of the common name). The inside cups, a lack of lichenized diaspores, undersurface usually has a sparse covering inconspicuous primary squamules, and the of fine, wooly hair, but no recognizable presence of thamnolic acid (P+ orange, K+ rhizines. strong yellow).

Nephroma helveticum. Photo by Richard Droker. It usually grows on mossy rocks and tree bases. There are three pre-1945 records for Cladonia crispata at Confluence Metro Ohio: Butler, Champaign and Greene Park, Summit Cty. Ohio, 9/15/17. Photo by Tomás Curtis Counties. So the next time you are botanizing in a shady place where few other lichens grow, keep an eye out for this The specimen was rediscovered and interesting species. confirmed by the author over 2 years after the initial collection when reviewing – Ray Showman specimens with uncertain determinations. 2019 FALL FORAY – Ashtabula County - Tomás J. Curtis Ohio and Crawford County Pennsylvania The OMLA Fall Foray was held at Pymatuning State Parks on both the Ohio WANTED (Alive)! and Pennsylvania sides of Pymatuning NEPHROMA HELVETICUM Reservoir, September 27-29. The weather cooperated and allowed for some collections There are a number of lichens with a few Friday afternoon near the Birches boat pre-1945 records, but no recent collections. launch area on the Ohio side of Pymatuning. One of these is Nephroma helveticum, Saturday produced some more good fringed kidney lichen. This fairly large, collections at the Padanarum boat launch foliose lichen contains a cyanobacterium as area on the Ohio side of Pymatuning. the photobiont, giving it a dark brown to gray-brown color. The lichen has squamules

19 The foray moved to the Pennsylvania side of 8 species new for Ashtabula County (based Pymatuning for Saturday afternoon and on previous collections by Tomás Curtis). Sunday. We had use of the environmental classroom at Pymatuning State Park, and Lichenized, Lichenicolous, and Allied several Pennsylvania State Parks fungi found during the 2019 OMLA Fall Environmental Educators joined us. Linda Foray in Ashtabula County, OH (N = new Armstrong, recently retired from county record) Pymatuning State Park and Emily Borcz, the new educator at the Park, helped to facilitate Amandinea polyspora the foray with suggestions for collection Anisomeridium polypori areas and help in reserving the Arthonia apatetica environmental classroom. Collections and Arthonia helvola keying of specimens continued Saturday Athallia pyracea afternoon and evening and we shared a pizza Bacidina egenula dinner in the classroom. Biatora printzenii Brianaria bauschiana For those that stayed to Sunday, we were Candelaria concolor able to investigate a new area on the Candelariella aurella Pennsylvania side with a hike on a trail Candelariella efflorescens below the dam. There were several Chrysothrix caesia interesting mosses, fungi, slime molds, and Cladonia caespiticia lichens on this short hike. Cladonia chlorophaea complex Cladonia coniocraea While we hoped for more Pennsylvania Cladonia cylindrica participation, the PA State Parks educators Cladonia fimbriata were very helpful and enthusiastic. Dr. Dave Cladonia macilenta Krayesky from Slippery Rock University Cladonia ochrochlora attended on Saturday and is interested in Cladonia peziziformis helping to organize a Pennsylvania foray in Cladonia rangiferina the spring with help from Bob Long. Thanks Cladonia rei to everyone for making the trip and for Crespoa crozalsiana coming up with a good list of species on Flavoparmelia caperata both sides of Pymatuning Reservoir. Fuscidea arboricola Hypocenomyce scalaris Lichens and related fungi species totaled 75 Hypogymnia physodes from the Pymatuning State Park in Hypotrachyna minarum Ashtabula County. Only 14 species were Hypotrachyna showmanii recorded from the park in Pennsylvania Lecanora hybocarpa (Crawford County). Of the species collected Lecanora layana in Ohio, 31 were macrolichens, with 4 new Lecanora nothocaesiella N for Ashtabula County. The remaining 43 Lecanora strobilina species were crustose and related fungi with Lecanora symmicta Lecanora thysanophora

20 Lecidea cyrtidia For Crawford County, PA lichen species Lecidea erythrophaea included the following from Pymatuning Lecidea varians State Park Leimonis erratica N Lepraria caesiella Bacidina egenula (T J Curtis, KE L3747)--N Lepraria finkii Ovicuculispora parmeliae (T J Curtis, KE Lepraria hodkinsoniana L3745)--N Lichenoconium erodens N Candelaria concolor Marchandiomyces corallinus N Flavoparmelia caperata Melanelixia subaurifera Flavopuctelia flaventior Micarea prasina Hypogymnia physodes Multiclavula mucida Melanelixia subaurifera Mycocalicium subtile N Parmelia sulcata Myelochroa aurulenta Parmotrema hypotropum Myelochroa metarevoluta N Phaeophyscia rubropulchra Myriolecis dispersa Physcia millegrana (T J Curtis, KE L3746) Parmelia sulcata Physcia stellaris Parmotrema hypotropum Punctelia caseana Parmotrema reticulatum Punctelia rudecta Phaeocalicium polyporaeum Phaeophyscia pusilloides Phaeophyscia rubropulchra The fall foray at Pymatuning State Park in Physcia adscendens Ashtabula County produced 64 mosses and Physcia millegrana 8 liverworts. Of the 64 mosses, 15 of them Physcia stellaris are new records for Ashtabula County. Physconia detersa Placynthiella icmalea Ashtabula County Bryophytes 2019 Fall Punctelia caseana Foray. N = New county record Punctelia missouriensis N Punctelia rudecta Mosses Pyxine sorediata N Abietinellal abietina--N Ropalospora viridis Amblystegium serpens Scoliciosporum chlorococcum Amblystegium varium Scoliciosporum pensylvanicum Atrichum angustatum Trapelia glebulosa N Atrichum crispulum Trapeliopsis flexuosa Atrichum tenellum--N Usnocetraria oakesiana N Aulacomnium palustre Verrucaria dolosa N Barbula unguiculata Verrucaria nigrescens N Brachythecium curtum--N Xanthocarpia feracissima Brachythecium laetum Brachythecium plumosum Brachythecium populeum--N Brachythecium rutabulum

21 Brotherella recurvans Schistidum apocarpum--N Bryhnia novae-anglie Sematophyllum adnatum--N Bryum argenteum Sphagnum capillifolium Bryum capillare--N Sphagnum fimbriatum Bryum dichotomum--N Tetraphis pellucida Bryum flaccidum--N Thuidium delicatulum Bryum pseudotriquetrum--N Ulota crispula Callicladium haldanianum Calliergonella lindbergii Liverworts Campyliadelphus chrysophyllus Chiloscyphus pallescens Ceratodon purpureus Frullania eboracensis Climacium americanum Frullania inflata Climacium kindbergii Lophocolea heterophylla Dicranella heteromalla Nowellia curvifolia Dicranum flagellare Pallavicinia lyelii Dicranum montanum Ptilidium pulcherrimum Dicranum scoparium Riccia fluitans Entodon seductrix Crawford County Pennsylvania Fissidens adianthoides Mosses Fissidens taxifolius Amblystegium serpens Hedwigia ciliata--N Dicranum montanum Homomallium adnatum Hypnum cupressiforme Hypnum imponens Plagiomnium cuspidatum Hypnum pallescens Thuidium delicatulum Leptodictyum riparium Leskea gracilescens Crawford County Pennsylvania Liverworts Leskea polycarpa Lophocolea heterophylla Leucobryum glaucum Nowellia curvifolia Orthotrichum ohioense--N Palavicinia lyellii Orthotrichum stellatum--N Philonotis marchica--N - Bob Long Plagiomnium cuspidatum Plagiothecium denticulatum HIDDEN LAKE CLADONIA COLONY Plagiothecium laetum On June 7, I joined about 20 other Platygyrium repens volunteers for a bioblitz at Hidden Lake, a Polytrichastrum ohioense 111-acre Lake Metroparks property in Leroy Polytrichastrum pallidisedum Township in northeast Ohio. While some Polytrichum commune volunteers focused on birds, mammals, plants, butterflies, dragonflies and other Ptychostomum pseudotriquetrum--N insects, I decided to search for lichens. Pylaisiadelpha tenuirostris Hidden Lake includes a 9-acre man-made Rhynchostegium serrulatum lake, constructed sometime during the Schistidium rivulare

22 period of 1950 to 2000. I hiked a trail for two years and then the field was plowed. around the lake and found several shield and Since that time, invasive species continue to other foliose lichens on the hardwoods that be controlled and the field is occasionally bordered the lake. brush-hogged, with the last time being over 5 years ago. Later that morning, I met Lake Metroparks biologist John Pogacnik and his son, Shaun, Historical aerial photos of the site show that who were also participating in the bioblitz, in 1937 and 1951 the entire area that is now at an old field that borders Kniffen Road, meadow was a farm field. In 2000 the area east of the lake. The rectangular field is was an open field. When the lake was roughly 150 yards wide (east-west) and 570 created, fill was piled on the northwest yards in length (north-south). John and corner of the lake. It is possible that some of Shaun led me to an open area in the field, the fill may have been put at the north end of near the parking lot for the lake, where they the field where the lichens are growing, due had found several species of Cladonia to the amount of shale in parts of the field. lichens during a previous visit. The attached photo shows this open area, looking south. During the two hours I spent in the field I found and photographed nine Cladonia species, most of which were growing in an open area of the field, roughly 50x50-feet in size. During another visit, John and Shaun Pogacnik found a 10th Cladonia species, C. furcata. I shared samples and photographs of the Cladonia lichens with Tomás Curtis, who compiled the following notes on the Cladonia species we found at Hidden Lake during the bioblitz.

Cladonia is a well-established and speciose genus of lichenized fungi widespread throughout North America. 175 species are known to occur within the continent (Esslinger, 2018), and of these, 38 have been documented in Ohio (Ohio Moss and Lichen Association, 2018). In general, Cladonia species seem to be more abundant in the more forested eastern half of the state. Photo by Ian Adams Below is a list, including brief descriptions, of the nine Cladonia species found during When the Lake Metroparks acquired the the Hidden Lake Bioblitz held on June 7, property in September 2006, the field where the lichens are was infested with giant reed 2019. (Phragmites australis). In 2008 and 2009, Lake Metroparks staff began to manage the field to get rid of the invasive species. Herbicide was used on the invasive plants

23 Lichen species in the genus Cladonia C. gracilis was found for the first time in the found during the Hidden Lake Bioblitz in state during this Bioblitz by Ian Adams. The Lake County, Ohio, June 7, 2019 subspecies turbinata, can be distinguished from other species that form cupped podetia Cladonia cristatella Tuck. by the corticate, esorediate podetia, In Ohio, this is among a relatively small relatively small primary squamules, and lack group of Cladonia species that produce red of substantial proliferations developing from apothecia atop podetia. C. cristatella can be the podetia. It is likely rare throughout the distinguished from other red-fruited species state and possibly restricted to northern by noting the corticate, esorediate podetia counties. which contain usnic acid in the cortex. It has been documented throughout the state but seems to be less abundant than historical collections indicate.

Cladonia gracilis subsp. turbinata. Photo by Ian Adams

Cladonia ochrochlora Flörke C. ochrochlora is a common and widespread species in Ohio occurring on various substrates but seems to have been under- reported for centuries. This is likely due to past misidentifications where specimens were labeled as similar species (in particular, C. coniocraea). However, C. ochrochlora can be readily distinguished from other species with pointed podetia and similar chemistry by noting an extended and often patchy corticate region developing above the base of the podetia. Cladonia cristatela. Photo by Ian Adams

Cladonia gracilis subsp. turbinata (Ach.) Ahti


Cladonia peziziformis. Photo by Ian Adams

Cladonia peziziformis (With.) J. R. Laundon This species is common in Ohio on exposed soil (more rarely on bark or wood) and seems to be indicative of early succession of recently disturbed habitat. It is diagnostic from other species with brown apothecia and esorediate podetia by the massive apothecia that over double the width of the podetia they rest upon. It also forms colonies of small, scale like squamules that almost resemble a crust-forming species. Cladonia polycarpoides. Photo by Ian Adams Cladonia pyxidata (L.) Hoffm. Cladonia polycarpoides Nyl. C. pyxidata is a stereotypical pixie cup This species is among a complex that lichen and is relatively common throughout contains various chemotypes that are often eastern Ohio. It differs from other species lumped into a single species. C. with stout, cup-forming podetia by the polycarpoides differs from other production of many small, corticate species/chemotypes known from Ohio by squamules that are plastered to the inside of the production of norstictic acid (reacting the cups, and often to the outside. K+ yellow to red) (Showman and Flenniken, 2004). It is common throughout the state on Cladonia rangiferina (L.) F. H. Wigg. exposed soil, often in barrens. This species is a member of a conspicuous group of branched Cladonia species allocated to the subsection Cladinae that generally lack primary squamules. It is diagnostic from other species from Ohio within this subsection by the production of atranorin and lack of usnic acid (which gives the thallus a grayish color) (Lendemer et al., 2013). This species is common in southeast

25 Ohio, but relatively uncommon elsewhere Canada, Version 22. North Dakota within the state. State University. Lendemer, James C., Harris, Richard C., and Cladonia rei Schaerer Tripp, Erin A. (2013). The Lichens This species is relatively common and Allied Fungi of the Great Smoky throughout Ohio on decaying wood. It is Mountains National Park. Bronx, diagnostic from other sorediate species with NY: The New York Botanical brown apothecia and that produce Garden Press. fumarprotocetraric acid by the formation of Ohio Moss and Lichen Association. 2018. A tall podetia with a star-shaped and often List of the Lichens of THE GREAT semi-cup-forming flare at the tip. STATE OF OHIO Showman, Ray E. and Flenniken, Don G. Cladonia verticillata (Hoffm.) Schaerer 2004. The Macrolichens of Ohio. C. verticillata is an uncommon species Columbus, OH: Ohio Biological occurring throughout Ohio, though historical Survey. collections indicate it was once more abundant. This species can be readily Notes on the Photographs: distinguished in the field as it is the only species of Cladonia in Ohio to produce The lichen close-up photos accompanying proliferations centrally on the podetia which this article were all taken with a Nikon are often > 4-tiered. D7200 camera and a Sigma 150mm APO Macro lens, mounted on a Gitzo tripod used at ground level. Stacked focusing – 6 to10

exposures for each subject – was used, and the separate exposures were merged using Helicon Focus and fine-tuned for tonality and color using Adobe Lightroom Classic CC and Adobe Photoshop CC. I used my body to shade the lichens because the bright sunlight was very contrasty and would have produced blocked shadows and overexposed highlights. I used a calibrated gray card to take reference photos to produce accurate color in the photographs. Cladonia verticillata. Photo by Ian Adams - Ian Adams, Tomás Curtis, & John Pogacnik Literature Cited FLAT, FANTASTIC AND FUN: Esslinger, T. L. 2018. A Cumulative FISSIDENS! Checklist for the Lichen-forming, Fissidens is flat. Very flat. Nearly all mosses Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi of have their leaves spirally arranged around the Continental United States and the stems and branches. While some of them

26 may have a superficially flattened aspect The sexuality of F. taxifolius is autoecious, termed “complanate,” looking as though i.e., monoecious with archegonia and they were pressed by a miniature iron or antheridia in separate inflorescences on the trampled by microscopic hikers, only a few same plant. Like many other co-sexual mosses are truly two-dimensional, with mosses it frequently produces sporophytes. leaves running in paired straight strictly They arise from the base of the gametophyte opposite rows. stem, i.e. are “lateral,” and this position is a useful characteristic to note because some Fissidens is fairly well represented in Ohio, other Fissidens species produce their with 14 species recorded. The one most sporophytes terminally. The seta is about 1 frequently encountered, known from 70 of cm tall, topped by slightly inclined cylindric our 88 counties, is Fissidens taxifolius, capsules overtopped by a cucullate (hooded) which will serve as an introduction to the calyptra (cap) initially covering a genus. (Note: distribution data presented prominently beaked operculum (lid). The here are from the draft records currently in peristome teeth (not shown) are each split spreadsheet form compiled by OMLA into two branches, the basis for the genus members Barb Andreas and Diane Lucas, name from the Latin fissus, cleft, and dens, that will soon be used to update the moss tooth. Accordingly, one common name is atlas on our website.) This is a mid-sized “fork moss.” species, 4-8 mm high, with leaves 1.5-2.2 mm long. Occurring on damp shaded soil and rock, often in calcareous places, you are likely to see it on the margins of woodland trails. The photo below was taken in a woodlot on the OSU campus in Columbus. (Note: most descriptive and ecological information presented here is from Crum and Andersons’s 1981 manual Mosses of Eastern North America published by Columbia University Press.)

Sporophytes of Fissidens taxifolius. Fissidens, our only commonly enountered F. taxifolius is frequent on bare soil along truly flat genus, and has another peculiarity woodland paths. as well, not seen in any others. Each is

27 split at the base, forming a neat little pocket often draws on microscopic leaf traits, into which is fitted the base of the next leaf particularly cell size and shape, presence or up (hence the other common name “pocket absence of a pale margin, leaf-tip serration, moss”). Suggestive of how an equestrian’s and whether the leaf is extended past the legs clasp a horse, this is called an costa (mid-nerve) into a claw-like tip. Here I “equitant” arrangement. Iris leaves are describe Ohio’s species, in order from similarly arranged. smallest to largest based on the maximum leaf lengths cited in Crum and Anderson. Fissidens elegans (F. ravenelii of older works, including Crum and Anderson) is a southern species that just barely makes its way up to Ohio. (Beware that if, like me, you’ve started using Bruce Allen’s Mosses of Maine as your principal reference work for local material, this is one of the few Ohio mosses not covered therein.) You’ll find it most often on damp bare sandstone cliffs Fissidens taxifolius through the microscope. (where it might be mistaken for F. bryoides or F. minutulus), although it may also occur on the ground (where confusion with F. bushii is possible). Its outstanding trait is a microscopic one—the leaf cells are strongly pluripapillose. Also, the leaves are bordered by linear cells along the vaginant laminae (the clasping portion of the leaf). Fissidens elegans is known from 10 Ohio counties, all within the Allegheny Plateau.

Fissidens taxifolius in the field. Our species range in size from the insanely tiny Fissidens closteri (featured elsewhere in this issue) just a few millimeters long found on wet rocks in or near streams, to densely tufted plants of F. adianthoides, up to 2 centimeters tall, found on the ground in alkaline prairie-like glades and the even longer strands of the aquatic F. fontanus F. elegans on sandstone at Deep Woods, a attached to rocks in flowing streams. private nature preserve in Hocking County. While some pocket mosses can be field- Fissidens bushii, inasmuch as it grows on recognized with some certainty based on the ground in somewhat disturbed size and substrate, definitive identification calcareous woodlands, is a bit of a fooler


since that is the usual haunt of the much more common F. taxifolius. Look for leaves with a small apiculus (not the claw-like tip of taxifolius), and cells of the vaginant laminae that are are pluripapillose, albeit indistinctly so (in contrast to unipapillose in taxifolius). Fissidens bushii is known from 11 of our counties, primarily in the south- central portion of the state.

F. obtusifolius on limestone at Greenville Falls State Scenic River, Miami County. Fissidens hyalinus is a great rarity both in Ohio and across its limited eastern North American and eastern Asian ranges (sorry, no photo), with Ohio specimen records only from the two neighboring south-central counties of Hocking and Vinton, northeast Ohio’s Lake County, and the extreme F. bushii at the edge of a wooded bluff at southwestern Hamilton County where, Mt. Gilead State Park in Morrow County. incidentally, the species was first discovered by T.G. Lea in 1839. It’s a minute aquatic If by now you’re getting a little discouraged, with ecostate leaves and especially large thinking that a compound microscope is cells. necessary to identify every Fissidens, you’re going to like the aptly named Fissidens Fissidens exilis —not only rare (13 Ohio obtusifolius. It’s a small plant with broad county records), it’s easy to miss! A tiny rounded leaf tips, making it absolutely ephemeral growing as scattered but often distinctive (though Crum and Anderson say abundant plants from a persistent it looks like a small leafy liverwort). An protonema, it was first reported in North eastern North American endemic, look for America by William Steere in a 1950 article F. obtusifolius on wet limestone (sometimes in The Bryologist from collections made a sandstone) and thin soil in limestone areas. few years previously by Maurice Walters It often grows on rocks in streams. We have (described by Steere as a “well known records from 18 widely scattered counties. amateur collector”) on bare clay soil near the mouth of a ravine at the North Chagrin Reservation of the Cleveland Metropolitan Park System. Steere closes his article with a suggestion, saying “The reexamination of herbarium material under various names, especially F. minutulus, F. viridulus, and F. bryoides, may result in the discovery of further specimens of F. exilis.” (Note: F.

29 viridulus and F. bryoides are now regarded Fissidens bryoides and F. minutulus are two as being conspecific.) That being said, a of our more common pocket mosses, perusal of records on the Consortium of recorded from 47 and 19 counties North American Bryophytes portal failed to respectively). They are very similar species find any likely instances of earlier (F. minutulus has been considered a variety specimens found pursuant to Steere’s of a more broadly circumscribed F. suggestion. A key character differentiating bryoides) that occur, often rather this moss from the various lookalikes lies in abundantly, on wet rocks in or alongside two aspects of the vaginant laminae: their woodland streams. upper edges are free (not fused), so they loosely surround the leaf above instead of clasping it tightly; and they are bordered by one or more rows of cells that are merely irregularly elongate, as opposed to being long and narrow as in, say, Fissidens bryoides. Pointing out that the species is now known from over a dozen eastern states, Bruce Allen (in Mosses of Maine) posits that it probably represents an inadvertent Boulder in stream at Slate Run Metro Park, introduction from Europe! Pickaway County, covered with Fissidens minutulus. Because they’re tiny, they’re easily missed, appearing as an indistinct green coating until a close view reveals their distinctive featherlike form. While the small size is generally a reliable way to differentiate these mosses from our other pocket mosses, the definitive trait is a microscopic one, wherein all or some of each leaf margin is bordered by clear linear cells.

The leaves of Fissidens bryoides and F. F. exilis, hydrated 15-year old herbarium minutulus (the latter pictured here) have a specimen collected from bare soil alongside border of long narrow cells, varying in an outhouse in rural Hocking County. extent from the complete margin, to merely along a portion of a vaginant lamina.


Fissidens bryoides is most often found on acid rocks (granite or sandstone), whereas F. minutulus has more of an affinity for limestone. Physical differences between the two are microscopic and subtle, with F. bryoides having slightly larger cells and a less prominent leaf border. The sexuality of the plants varies but includes forms with both male and female gametangia in the same clusters, so sporophytes are commonly observed, arising from between the uppermost leaves of the wee little plants.

F. subbasilaris is “tree pocket moss,” here seen on an oak tree at Clear Creek metro Park in Hocking County. F. bryoides on a wet rock in a stream in Hocking County. If you explore iNaturalist or NatureServe Explorer—two excellent online repositories of natural history occurrence data and associated information that helpfully include common names for organisms that traditionally haven’t had very good ones— they return the spot-on name “tree pocket moss” for Fissidens subbasilaris. Indeed, a Fissidens growing abundantly on bark is F. subbasilaris at Glen Helen Nature likely to be this species (but don’t get Preserve in Greene County. skunked by Anomodon minor, another high- Tree pocket moss is small but not tiny, dark- bark moss having a flattened appearance, green, with obtuse leaves that have a even though it is not truly 2-ranked, just singular distinctive trait: the costa (mid- complanate). It’s known from 11 counties nerve) is covered by short green cells. widely spread throughout the state. Although perceptible even with a mere hand lens, it’s most obvious under the scope.


features that pertain to sporophytes are often annoying owing to the absence of sporophytes on the specimen at hand. When working with this moss though, look carefully even at seemingly sterile specimens, as they could at least have archegonia (female gametangia from which sporophytes might eventually arise) located in a telling position.

The costa of F. subbasilaris is covered by short green cells, rendering it opaque. Fissidens osmundioides is a medium-sized moss found in wet shady places, especially sandstone recesses. Most of the 16 Ohio county records are from the Allegheny Plateau.

Terminal, not lateral, archegonia (circled) of Fissidens osmundiodes. Fissidens dubius (F. cristatus in older manuals, including Crum and Anderson) and F. adianthoides are both coarsely serrate- leaved pocket mosses with lateral sporophytes and a border of pale cells.

Fraternizing flat friends pose for a picture on In Fissidens dubius the border is very a shaded sandstone cliff in Hocking County. distinct, even discernable in the field under These are Fissidens osmundiodes and the close examination, whereas in F. globally rare “sword moss,” Bryoxiphium adianthoides it’s barely noticeable. (There norvegicum (along with a photobombing are also cell size differences, with those of stem of Atrichum angustatum). F. adianthoides being about half again as large as those of F. dubius, a size difference Compared with two coarsely serrate paralleled by the plants themselves as F. lookalikes—Fissidens dubius and F. adianthoides is our largest terrestrial pocket adianthoides)—the leaves of F. moss. osmundioides are relatively smooth- margined. Another trait that differentiates this species from those two plus F. taxifolius is that the sporophytes, instead of arising from the bases of the stems, are attached terminally. Keys that rely on diagnostic


F. dubius leaves have a distinct pale border. Fissidens dubius, known from 38 Ohio F. adianthoides at Possum Creek Metro counties, has a wide ecological amplitude Park (juniper branch added for scale). substrate-wise, occurring on cliffs, boulders, During a recent bio-blitz at Delaware tree bases, rotten wood and soil. County Preservation Parks Deer Haven Park, sharp-eyed OMLA member Megan Osika spotted “water pocket moss,” Fissidens fontanus, on some rocks in the stream there. Soon afterwards I posted the record along with this picture on iNaturalist, to which a member of the community disagreed, adding this comment: “this is defiantely fontialis. no where near fissidens.. this moss doesnt even have the vaginate laminal that fissidens has.” Fissidens dubius during a midsummer drought in a raised portion of a calcareous prairie at Possum Creek Metro Park in Montgomery County. Crum and Anderson report for Fissidens adianthoides a similar substrate affinity as F. dubius, but seemingly with a greater fidelity towards the wetter end of the spectrum. At Possum Creek Metro Park, where both species occur, F. adianthoides is clearly restricted to the lower, more perennially damp portions of the site. We have 31 county records for this big beautiful F. fontanus on a rock in a Delaware County moss. stream. It’s known from 17 more counties. Then came the following tactful intervention by another community member: “Details on aquatic Fissidens are difficult to see in situ because of the soil and algae that

33 accumulates on them. Vaginate lamellae are Except for North American birds and North not obvious on this specimen, yes but are American fishes, whose names are officially suggested in the leaves on the left. Leaves specified by organizations with authority are also clearly costate to the apex.” While over the nomenclature of those groups (the resisting the temptation to say, “Hold my American Ornithological Union and the beer!” I then added this photo of a stem American Fisheries Society, respectively), section taken through the microscope. the common names of organisms are not capitalized. The only exception is when

names have proper nouns in them, in which case the proper noun alone is capitalized. Hence, one might report having seen common haircap moss and Ohio haircap moss, but not Common Haircap Moss and Ohio Haircap Moss. A related difficulty involves the construction of plurals of genera. A genus name is a F. fontanus, microscope view. taxonomic entity distinguished in writing by the use of italics, because it is a foreign Soon thereafter our initially skeptical (Latin) word. There is a temptation, when commenter merrily exclaimed “Oh wow. speaking of more than one species of a Thank you for that. I can see it now. It is genus, to add an “s” to the genus name, but very cool. See you can study species for 25 to keep it in italics, like so: “There were years and you still learn stuff” several Usneas collected during the foray.” Amen to that! Since the only taxonomically recognized genus name is “Usnea” it’s incorrect to use - Bob Klips (photos by the author) the artificially pluralized construction as if “Usneas” were a taxonomic name. One WRITING COMMON NAMES alternative is to use different phrasing such During nearly a decade acting as the second as “species of Usnea” or “Usnea species.” and final editor of OBELISK, i.e., That can be awkward, so to keep the proofreading the assembled manuscript originally desired syntax, simply use the before it gets posted online, I’ve noticed a genus as a common name, uncapitalized and suite of common misunderstandings about in regular font. “There were so many usneas how to properly write common names. that we went crazy identifying them all!” Several changes were made to articles in the There’s no ambiguity and it’s not really current issue, so in the hope that it will be of extraordinary to employ a genus name in interest both to those particular authors as this manner; you can go to the zoo and see a well as the rest of us who write about gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) drinking sassafras mosses and lichens, here’s a rundown of the (Sassafras albidum) tea! firmly accepted universal convention for -Bob Klips writing common names. In a word: uncapitalized.

34 NEWS & NOTES Jun 7 – 13 Mosses in the Field: A New Approach to Identification (Jerry Jenkins Thank you to all who contributed articles for and Susan Williams) this issue! Jun 21 – 27 Independent Lichen Studies: The 2020 Winter Meeting will be at Dawes Interesting and Challenging Crustose Arboretum on Saturday, February 15. We Lichens (Alan Fryday) have the same room as last year. The room is available from 9 to 3. Bring a sack lunch. Jun 28 - Jul 4 Liverworts and Liverwort We are not planning a program this year. Ecology (Blanka Aguero) Please be thinking of where we might have Aug 23 – 29 Diversity and Evolution in the our Summer and Fall Forays. Moss Order Funariales (Bernard Goffinet MOSS COURSE OFFERED AT THE and William Buck) EDGE OF APPALACHIA HELP WANTED ON THE WEB SITE Drs. Karl McKnight and Joe Rohrer will teach a course on how to identify mosses The OMLA web site ohiomosslichen.org using a hand lens at the Edge of Appalachia hasn’t gotten any new content in a while. Preserve. The foundation for the course is Let’s keep it current! I’ve got a few ideas Common Mosses of the Northeast and and am eager for suggestions to keep it Appalachians, by McKnight, Rohrer, interesting. Contributors can add content McKnight Ward, and Perdrizet (Princeton themselves as the site has a very user- University Press, 2013). The book includes friendly interface, or they can send material photos, and illustrations of common mosses. to me to post. Possible projects include: It also includes keys that have been tested by students, and work! The course is offered Adding links to material elsewhere on the from June 12 – 14, 2020. For more web to the “Links and Fun Stuff” page. information, contact Chris Bedel at Indexing recent OBELISK issues and [email protected], or call 937-544- converting material there into web pages. 2880, ext. 11. Making a set of liverwort pages like our EAGLE HILL INSTITUTE MOSS AND “Common Mosses of Ohio – Photos and LICHEN SEMINARS Descriptions.” Ditto, for crustose lichens. Eagle Hill Institute in Steuben, Maine has Compiling a recommended list of field posted their 2020 week-long seminars guides and technical manuals for newcomers including the following of possible interest to bryo/lichenology. to OMLA members: Blogging about your bryo/lichenological May 24 - 30 Lichens and Lichen Ecology explorations and interests. There could be (Troy McMullin) separate members pages for this. May 31 - Jun 6 The Lichen Genus Lepraria - Bob Klips, webmaster (James Lendemer) May 31 - Jun 6 Introduction to Bryophytes and Lichens (Fred Olday)


2019 Summer Foray. Left to right: Dean Porter, Barb Andreas, Ian Adams, Brandon Ashcraft, Janet Traub, Bob Long, Ruth Hart, Julia Wiesenberg, Jim Toppin, Diane Lucas, David Wiesenberg, Bill Schumacher, Bob Klips

2019 Fall Foray. Front row left to right: Bill Schumacher, Carole Schumacher, Kathy Long, Becky Smucker, Megan Osika, Barb Andreas, Janet Traub, Diane Lucas, Bonney Harnish, Bob Klips. Back row left to right: Tomás Curtis, Ian Adams, Ray Showman, Chris Poling, Bob Long, John Pogacnik, Ed Fuchs, Dave Krayesky, Barbara Buser, Jim Toppin, Linda Armstrong, and Dean Porter