Cuivre Bryophytes

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Cuivre Bryophytes Trip Report for: Cuivre River State Park Species Count: 335 Date: Multiple Visits Lincoln County Agency: MODNR Location: Lincoln Hills - Bryophytes Participants: Bryophytes from Natural Resource Inventory Database Bryophyte List from NRIDS and Bruce Schuette Species Name (Synonym) Common Name Family COFC COFW Acarospora unknown Identified only to Genus Acarosporaceae Lichen Acrocordia megalospora a lichen Monoblastiaceae Lichen Amandinea dakotensis a button lichen (crustose) Physiaceae Lichen Amandinea polyspora a button lichen (crustose) Physiaceae Lichen Amandinea punctata a lichen Physiaceae Lichen Amanita citrina Citron Amanita Amanitaceae Fungi Amanita fulva Tawny Gresette Amanitaceae Fungi Amanita vaginata Grisette Amanitaceae Fungi Amblystegium varium common willow moss Amblystegiaceae Moss Anisomeridium biforme a lichen Monoblastiaceae Lichen Anisomeridium polypori a crustose lichen Monoblastiaceae Lichen Anomodon attenuatus common tree apron moss Anomodontaceae Moss Anomodon minor tree apron moss Anomodontaceae Moss Anomodon rostratus velvet tree apron moss Anomodontaceae Moss Armillaria tabescens Ringless Honey Mushroom Tricholomataceae Fungi Arthonia caesia a lichen Arthoniaceae Lichen Arthonia punctiformis a lichen Arthoniaceae Lichen Arthonia rubella a lichen Arthoniaceae Lichen Arthothelium spectabile a lichen Uncertain Lichen Arthothelium taediosum a lichen Uncertain Lichen Aspicilia caesiocinerea a lichen Hymeneliaceae Lichen Aspicilia cinerea a lichen Hymeneliaceae Lichen Aspicilia contorta a lichen Hymeneliaceae Lichen Astomum muehlenbergianum mouthless pygmy moss Pottiaceae Moss Atrichum angustatum catherinea moss Polytrichaceae Moss Aulacomnium heterostichum paper lantern moss Aulacomniaceae Moss Bacidia circumspecta a lichen Bacidiaceae Lichen Bacidia diffracta a dot lichen (crustose) Bacidiaceae Lichen Bacidia granosa a lichen Bacidiaceae Lichen Barbula indica a moss Pottiaceae Moss Barbula unguiculata claw leaf moss Pottiaceae Moss Bartramia pomiformis apple moss Bartramiaceae Moss Friday, February 3, 2017 * = Introduced Page 1 of 9 Species Name (Synonym) Common Name Family COFC COFW Bisporella citrina Yellow Fairy Cups Leotiaceae Fungi Bjerkandera adusta NCN Polyporaceae Fungi Bondarzewia berkeleyi Berkeley's Polypore Bondarzewiaceae Fungi Brachythecium acuminatum a moss Brachytheciaceae Moss Brachythecium laetum common cedar moss Brachytheciaceae Moss Bryhnia graminicolor peaked cell moss Brachytheciaceae Moss Bryoandersonia illecebra spoon leaved moss Brachytheciaceae Moss Bryum dichotomum two-color thread moss Bryaceae Moss Bryum pseudotriquetrum fall clustered thread moss Bryaceae Moss Buellia spuria a lichen Physiaceae Lichen Buellia stigmaea a lichen Physiaceae Lichen Buellia stillingiana a lichen Physiaceae Lichen Calliergonella lindbergii a moss Amblystegiaceae Moss Caloplaca brunneola a lichen Teloschistaceae Lichen Caloplaca camptidia a lichen Teloschistaceae Lichen Caloplaca cerina a lichen Teloschistaceae Lichen Caloplaca chrysophthalma a lichen Teloschistaceae Lichen Caloplaca citrina a lichen Teloschistaceae Lichen Caloplaca feracissima a lichen Teloschistaceae Lichen Caloplaca flavovirescens a lichen Teloschistaceae Lichen Caloplaca holocarpa a lichen Teloschistaceae Lichen Caloplaca microphyllina a lichen Teloschistaceae Lichen Caloplaca sideritis a lichen Teloschistaceae Lichen Caloplaca subsoluta a firedot Teloschistaceae Lichen Caloplaca ulmorum a lichen Teloschistaceae Lichen Campylium chrysophyllum curved leaf moss Hypnaceae Moss Campylophyllum hispidulum a moss Hypnaceae Moss Candelaria concolor yellow candle lichen Candelariaceae Lichen Candelariella reflexa a lichen Candelariaceae Lichen Candelariella vitellina a lichen Candelariaceae Lichen Candelariella xanthostigma a lichen Candelariaceae Lichen Canoparmelia crozalsiana a lichen Parmeliaceae Lichen Cantharellus cibarius Chanterelle Cantharellaceae Fungi Cantharellus cinnabarinus Cinnabar-red Chanterelle Cantharellaceae Fungi Cantharellus lateritius Smooth Chanterelle Cantharellaceae Fungi Cantharellus minor Small Chanterelle Cantharellaceae Fungi Ceratodon purpureus purple goat-horn moss Ditrichaceae Moss Cerrena unicolor Mossy Maze Polypore Polyporaceae Fungi Chiloscyphus profundus two-toothed liverwort Lophocoleaceae Liverwort Cladina subtenuis reindeer moss lichen Cladoniaceae Lichen Friday, February 3, 2017 * = Introduced Page 2 of 9 Species Name (Synonym) Common Name Family COFC COFW Cladonia apodocarpa a lichen Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia chlorophaea a lichen Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia consista a cladonia (fruticose) Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia cristatella British soldiers lichen Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia cryptochlorophaea mealy pixie cup Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia cylindrica a lichen Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia furcata a lichen Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia grayii gray pixie cup lichen Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia macilenta var. bacillaris red point lichen Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia ochrochlora smooth-footed powderhorn (fruticose) Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia peziziformis brown cap Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia piedmontensis a lichen Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia pleurota a lichen Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia polycarpoides a lichen Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia pyxidata a fruiticose lichen Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia ramulosa a lichen Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia ravenelii a lichen Cladoniaceae Lichen Cladonia robbinsii a lichen Cladoniaceae Lichen Clauzadea metzleri a crustose lichen (crustose) Porpidiaceae Lichen Climacium americanum tree moss Climaciaceae Moss Clitocybe odora Anise-scented Clitocybe Tricholomataceae Fungi Collema coccophorum a lichen Collemataceae Lichen Collema furfuraceum a lichen Collemataceae Lichen Cololejeunea biddlecomiae a liverwort Lejeuneaceae Liverwort Coltricia cinnamomea Shiny Cinnamon Polypore Hymenochaetaceae Fungi Conocephalum salebrosum great scented liverwort Conocephalaceae Liverwort Crucibulum laeve White-egg Bird's Nest Nidulariaceae Fungi Cyathus striatus Splash Cups Nidulariaceae Fungi Dacryopinax spathularia NCN Dacrymycetaceae Fungi Daedalea quercina Thick-maze Oak Polypore Polyporaceae Fungi Dermatocarpon miniatum a lichen Verrucariaceae Lichen Dermatocarpon moulinsii a lichen Verrucariaceae Lichen Srank: S1 Grank: G? Dicranella heteromalla green hair moss Dicranaceae Moss Dicranum condensatum keeled broom moss Dicranaceae Moss Dicranum scoparium broom moss Dicranaceae Moss Didymodon tophaceus a moss Pottiaceae Moss Dimerella pineti a dimple lichen (crustose) Gyalectaceae Lichen Ditrichum pallidum yellow stalk moss Ditrichaceae Moss Endocarpon pusillum a lichen Verrucariaceae Lichen Friday, February 3, 2017 * = Introduced Page 3 of 9 Species Name (Synonym) Common Name Family COFC COFW Entodon seductrix glossy moss Entodontaceae Moss Eurhynchium hians beaked moss Brachytheciaceae Moss Eurhynchium pulchellum smooth beaked moss Brachytheciaceae Moss Exidia glandulosa NCN Tremellaceae Fungi Fissidens bushii a moss Fissidentaceae Moss Fissidens fontanus a moss Fissidentaceae Moss Fissidens minutulus a moss Fissidentaceae Moss Fissidens obtusifolius a moss Fissidentaceae Moss Fissidens osmundoides a moss Fissidentaceae Moss Fissidens taxifoliius yew leaved plume moss Fissidentaceae Moss Flammulina velutipes Velvet Foot Tricholomataceae Fungi Flavoparmelia baltimorensis Baltimore yellow rock lichen Parmeliaceae Lichen Flavoparmelia caperata yellow bark lichen Parmeliaceae Lichen Flavopunctelia soredica a lichen Parmeliaceae Lichen Frullania ericoides a liverwort Frullaniaceae Liverwort Frullania riparia a liverwort Frullaniaceae Liverwort Fuligo septica Dog Vomit Physaraceae Fungi Galiella rufa Hairy Rubber Cup Sarcosomataceae Fungi Ganoderma applanatum Artist's Conk Ganodermataceae Fungi Ganoderma lucidum Ling Chih Ganodermataceae Fungi Gloeoporus dichrous NCN Polyporaceae Fungi Graphis scripta script lichen Parmeliaceae Lichen Grimmia laevigata a moss Grimmiaceae Moss Gyalecta unknown Identified only to Genus Gyalectaceae Lichen Gymnostomum aeruginosum tufted tufa moss Pottiaceae Moss Gyromitra caroliniana Big Red Helvellaceae Fungi Haplocladium virginianum a moss Leskeaceae Moss Haplohymenium triste a moss Anomodontaceae Moss Hedwigia ciliata Hedwig's fringe leaf moss Hedwigiaceae Moss Helvella acetabulum Ribbed-stalked Cup Helvellaceae Fungi Heppia adglutinata a lichen Heppiaceae Lichen Hericium americanum NCN Hericiaceae Fungi Hericium erinaceus Bearded Tooth Hericiaceae Fungi Heterodermia granulifera a lichen Physiaceae Lichen Heterodermia speciosa a lichen Physiaceae Lichen Homomallium adnatum alar cell moss Hypnaceae Moss Humaria hemisphaerica Brown-haired White Cup Humariaceae Fungi Hygroamblystegium tenax var. tenax stringy willow moss Amblystegiaceae Moss Hyophila involuta a moss Pottiaceae Moss Hyperphyscia adglutinata a lichen Physiaceae Lichen Friday, February 3, 2017 * = Introduced Page 4 of 9 Species Name (Synonym) Common Name Family COFC COFW Hyperphyscia syncolla a lichen Physiaceae Lichen Irpex lacteus Milk-white Toothed Polypore Polyporaceae Fungi Ischnoderma resinosum Resinous Polypore Polyporaceae Fungi Julella fallaciosa a crustose lichen Thelenellaceae Lichen Lactarius piperatus Peppery Milky Russulaceae Fungi Laetiporus sulphureus NCN Polyporaceae Fungi Lecania perproxima a lichen Bacidiaceae Lichen Lecanora dispersa a lichen Lecanoraceae Lichen Lecanora hybocarpa brown disk bark lichen Lecanoraceae Lichen Lecanora muralis a lichen Lecanoraceae Lichen Lecanora saligna a lichen Lecanoraceae Lichen Lecanora strobilina powdery brown disk bark
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