ETB 1Q20: Revenue Stagnation Persists although Composition Evolves

We believe ETB's results are negative, due to the weakness in the numbers of new businesses, specifically mobile telephony and cable, which have failed to complement the fiber optic business to offset the drop in traditional businesses (copper line). For this reason, income remained stable compared to the previous year. There was also an impairment in the EBITDA margin vs. 1Q19, standing at 31.6% (-363 bps YoY). However, the composition of income stands out, as the fiber optic businesses (31%) and the corporate B2B business line (32%) already explain most of ETB’s total revenues and exceed the share of the copper line business (31%). It is also worth noting the positive behavior of the number of fiber optic connections that reached 395,000 customers (+14.8% YoY).

Table 1 – 1Q20’s ETB Results

COPmn 1Q20 1Q19 Var% (bps) 1Q20E Var% (pps)

Revenues 355,050 353,561 0.4% 426,629 -16.8% Operating profit 7,315 (11,203) 165.3% 7,654 -4.4% EBITDA 112,269 124,623 -9.9% 129,439 -13.3% Net Income (5,843) 1,097 -632.6% 12,887 -145.3%

Operating Margin 2.1% -3.2% 523 1.8% 27 EBITDA margin 31.6% 35.2% -363 30.3% 128 Net margin -1.6% 0.3% -196 3.0% -467

Source: ETB, Grupo .

From the 1Q20 results call we’d like to highlight:

New CEO: ETB’s board of directors appointed Sergio Gonzalez as CEO. The new executive is an economist of Universidad de Los Andes, with a specialization in financial legislation from the same institution and an MBA with emphasis in corporate finance and strategic management from the Business Institute in Madrid (Spain). In his extensive experience in the telecommunications sector, it stands out that he was CEO of Asomóvil between 2014 and 2017, financial VP of Uff Movil from 2010 to 2012, he was also part of Telecom as coordinator of Strategic and Corporate Planning between 2004 and 2007 and, later in Telefónica as manager of Sinergias FijoMóvil until 2009; before his return to ETB, he was VP of New Business Development for Latin America at ZTE, a global provider of telecommunications equipment. Sergio Gonzalez returns to the company after having served as VP of Strategy and Business Development, between 2012 and 2014, where he led the fiber optic network deployment project, the launch of Digital TV and the acquisition of the 4G license for mobile services.

Strategy: in the presentation of results, the objective of the new management to create value for ETB through 4 pillars was highlighted: strengthening existing services, excellence in service, development of fiber optics, and provide services as an ally of Bogota - Smart City. In this regard, we believe that it would be worthwhile for the company to provide some guidance on revenue and EBITDA growth, to assess the effectiveness of this strategy. Revenues have been stagnant for the last 5 years at ~COP1.5 tn, mainly due to the decline of traditional businesses and a highly competitive environment. The sale of the company was also ruled out and for now a share buyback program has not been considered, despite the low price of the stock market.

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Rating System The investment recommendation on the issuers under coverage by Analysis Bancolombia is governed by the rating system presented below, subject to the following criteria:

The upside potential is the percentage difference between the target price of securities issued by a particular issuer and their market price. The target price is not a forecast of the price of a stock, but a fundamental independent valuation made by Analysis Bancolombia, which seeks to reflect the fair price the market should pay for the shares on a given date.

Based on an analysis of the relative upside potential amongst the securities of companies under coverage and the COLCAP index, the ratings of the assets are determined as follows:

Overweight: when the upside potential of a stock exceeds by 5% or more the return potential of the COLCAP index. Market Weight: when the upside potential of a stock does not differ by more than 5% from the return potential of the COLCAP index. Underweight: when the upside potential of a stock is 5% or more below the return potential of the COLCAP index. Under Review: the company’s coverage is under review and therefore there’s no rating or target price.

Additionally, at the discretion of the analyst, the speculative qualification that complements the recommendation will continue to be used, taking into account the risks seen in the performance of the asset, its future development and the volatility the movement of the stock may show.

The fundamental potential of the index is determined based on the methodology established by the BVC for the calculation of the COLCAP index, considering the target prices published by Analysis Bancolombia. This will be made with the Colcap basket on the dates of calculation May and November of every year. For the companies part of the index but not covered, the consensus of market analysts will be used.

Currently, Analysis Bancolombia has 19 companies under coverage, distributed as follows:

Overweight Market Weight Underweight Under Review Number of issuers with ratings of: 0 0 0 19 Percentage of issuers with ratings of: 0% 0% 0% 100%