STATISTICS BOTSWANA TOURISM STATISTICS ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Copyrights © Statistics Botswana 2016 Statistics Botswana. Private Bag 0024 Botswana Tel: (267) 367 1300. Fax: (267) 395 2201.Email:
[email protected] Website: TOURISM STATISTICS ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Published by Statistics Botswana, Private Bag 0024, Gaborone Tel: (267) 3931300 Fax: (267) 3952201/3935628 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: COPYRIGHT RESERVED Extracts may be published if source is duly acknowledged. ISBN: 978-99968-464-4-1 PREFACE The Tourism Statistics Annual report is one of Statistics Botswana’s annual publications. The purpose of this report is to provide up to date statistics to policy makers and all other stakeholders in the development and management of the Tourism Sector in Botswana. The information contained in this publication is compiled from completed immigration arrival/departure forms. Travelers entering and leaving the country are required to complete arrival/departure forms at all gazetted points of entry/departure. This covers all land borders as well as airports. The report gives arrivals and departures statistics during 2014 and follows the 2013 report released in June 2015. Due to technical challenges, the 2011 report will never be released and the series of Tourism Statistics Annual Reports as a result has no data for that year. Users who require more information can contact the Directorate of Stakeholder Relations at 3671300. All Statistics Botswana outputs/publications are available on the website at and at the Statistics Botswana Library (Head-Office, Gaborone). We sincerely thank all stakeholders involved in the formulation of this report, particularly the Department of Immigration and Citizenship for their continued support and feedback, as we strive to better serve Batswana and all other important users of our services.