Marine Environmental Research xxx (2012) 1e8

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Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in the Beibu Gulf, : Impacts of river discharge and aquaculture activities

Qian Zheng a,b, Ruijie Zhang a, Yinghui Wang c, Xiaohui Pan d, Jianhui Tang d, Gan Zhang a,* a State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 511 Kehua Street, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong Province, China b Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China c School of the Environment, Guangxi University, Guangxi 530004, China d Key Laboratory of Coastal Environmental Process, CAS, Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai 264003, China article info abstract

Article history: The occurrence and distribution of eleven selected antibiotics belonging to three groups were investi- Received 3 December 2011 gated in the Beibu Gulf. In addition, the potential effects of water discharged from four rivers and Received in revised form aquaculture activities were analyzed. ErythromycineH2O, sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim were the 23 March 2012 most frequently detected compounds, with mean concentrations ranging from 0.51 to 6.30 ng L 1. The Accepted 23 March 2012 concentrations of the rivers were generally higher than those of the gulf, implying that river discharge has an important effect on the Beibu Gulf. The concentrations of erythromycineH2O, sulfamethoxazole Keywords: and sulfadimidine in the vicinity of aquaculture activities were higher, suggesting that a higher intensity Chemical pollution Antibiotics of aquaculture activities could contribute to increasing levels of antibiotics in the environment. Aquaculture According to MEC (measured environmental concentration)/PNEC (predicted no-effect concentration), River discharge erythromycin, sulfamethoxazole and clarithromycin may present possible environmental risk to Pseu- Risk assessment dokirchneriella subcapitata, Synechococcus leopoliensis and P. subcapitata, respectively; therefore, atten- Coastal zone tion should be given to the long-term ecological effects caused by the continuous discharge of antibiotics Beibu Gulf in the Beibu Gulf. China Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction by humans and animals (Kummerer, 2009), they may be dissemi- nated into the environment from both human and agricultural Since the initial step in antibiotic therapy made by Paul Ehrlich sources, as excretions, flushed, out-of-date prescriptions, medical at the beginning of the 20th century, much effort has been made to waste, discharge from wastewater treatment facilities and leaks develop new antibiotic compounds to treat infectious diseases. In from septic systems and agricultural waste-storage structures addition to protecting human and animal health (Schauss et al., among others. Meanwhile other dissemination pathways occur via 2009), antibiotics are also used as growth promoters in animal- land applications of human and agricultural waste, surface runoff s(Kemper, 2008). In China, it has been estimated that the annual and unsaturated zone transport (Sarmah et al., 2006). These usage of raw antibiotic materials is about 180,000 tons (including compounds are partially removed by wastewater treatment plants health and agricultural use). This means that each person consumes (WWTPs) (Tamtam et al., 2008). If they are not eliminated during 138 g of antibiotics every year, which is ten times higher than in the purification process, they pass through the sewage system and America (Tian, 2010). may accumulate in the environment (Kummerer, 2009; McArdell With the rising usage of antibiotics, the occurrence of antibac- et al., 2003). At present, many studies on antibiotic exposure in terial agents in the environment has led to increasing concerns different environmental matrices have shown that traces of anti- about potential environmental risks and the maintenance and biotics are present in surface water, groundwater, sediment and soil spread of antibacterial resistance among microorganisms (Duong (Duong et al., 2008). Resistance appears to have emerged and et al., 2008). Although antibiotics can be extensively metabolized spread rapidly in many regions (Duong et al., 2008), especially in aquatic environments. Coinciding with rapid population growth during the 20th * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ86 20 8529 0805; fax: þ86 20 8529 0130. century, there has been a sharp increase in demand for seafood E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Zhang). products (Sapkota et al., 2008). As a result, aquaculture systems

0141-1136/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2012.03.007

Please cite this article in press as: Zheng, Q., et al., Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in the Beibu Gulf, China: Impacts of river discharge and aquaculture activities, Marine Environmental Research (2012), doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2012.03.007 2 Q. Zheng et al. / Marine Environmental Research xxx (2012) 1e8 have undergone unprecedented growth, more so than any other dissolved in methanol and stored in a freezer. Many reports have animal food-producing sector in the world (Munoz et al., 2010). shown that ETMeH2O is the predominant form of ETM in aquatic These systems are evolving to become a significant contributor to environment (Xu et al., 2007b). meet the demands for seafood (Sapkota et al., 2008). Moreover, Methanol and acetonitrile (HPLC grade) were obtained from hygienic shortcomings in raising methods, including increased Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Formic acid was purchased from stocking densities, the crowding of farming sites in coastal CNW (Germany). Disodium edetate dihydrate (Na2EDTA) of waters, a lack of sanitary barriers and a failure to isolate aqua- analytical grade was obtained from Tianjin Chemical (Tianjin, culture base units with infected animals (Cabello, 2006; China). Ultra-pure water was prepared with a Milli-Q water puri- Reboucas et al., 2011; Taylor et al., 2011), have increased the fication system (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA). Unless otherwise possibility of rapid spreading of infection. This possibility also indicated, the chemicals used in the analysis were analytical grade results in an augmented use of prophylactic antibiotics, often or higher. with the misguided goal of compensating for these sanitary shortcomings (Cabello, 2006). Given the knowledge of resistance 2.2. Sample collection development, it is possible that similar problems may exist in connection with the use of antibiotics in aquaculture (Holmstrom A total of thirty-five seawater samples from the Beibu Gulf and et al., 2003). seventeen river water samples from four rivers were collected in The Beibu Gulf, located in the northwest of South China Sea, October, 2010 (Fig. 1). All of the seawater samples were collected on ranges from Leizhou Peninsula, Qiongzhou Strait and Hainan Island a fishing boat, and the river water samples were taken from bridges to Vietnam, and extends to the Guangxi coast in the north (Ma et al., at the centroid of the flow. All of the samples were collected 2010), covering an area of approximately 12.8 104 km2.Itis (approximately 0e50 cm below the surface) using a stainless steel a semi-closed gulf, with the widest part reaching 180 nautical miles bucket and were immediately transferred to a 5-L pre-cleaned (nm); it has an average depth of approximately 38 m and maximum amber glass bottle. The bottle was rinsed with a sample prior to depth of less than 100 m. The climate around this gulf is subtropical sampling. The samples were kept at 4 C in a cold storage room and monsoonal (Chen et al., 2009). An important geographical before further treatment and analysis in the laboratory. feature is its large number of estuaries, from which the rivers can discharge nutrients into the gulf. Abundant natural food is neces- 2.3. Sample extraction and analysis sary for fish, shrimp and shellfish growth. The Beibu Gulf has traditionally played an important role in the Antibiotics in water were concentrated through solid-phase economies of China and Vietnam, by providing a highly productive extraction (SPE) using an Oasis HLB cartridge, following the and diverse marine products resources. Marine culture has been method described by Xu et al. (2007b) (Xu et al., 2007a). In the main industry, providing sea products to the adjacent regions, summary, 1.2 L of water sample was filtered through 0.45-mm glass and highly efficient, low pollution, large-scale marine culture has fiber filters and was then acidified to pH ¼ 3.0. The HLB column was been encouraged by the government. Given that antibiotics are then rinsed with 10 mL of ultra-water (pH 3.0) and dried under widely used in not only human medicine but also in aquaculture nitrogen gas for 1 h. After drying, the cartridge was eluted with and animal husbandry, it is important to examine the current status methanol. and sources of antibiotic pollution. In addition to assessing their For the recovery experiments, 1.2 L of filtered seawater or river potential impact on the Beibu Gulf. water fortified with 100 ng of target analytes was treated using In this study, a monitoring program was conducted to determine the same procedure used for the field samples. The extracted the levels of target antibiotics and distribution characteristics in the antibiotics were analyzed using high-performance liquid Beibu Gulf and its tributary rivers; the effects of aquaculture chromatographyeelectrospray ionization tandem mass spec- activities in this area on the Beibu Gulf are discussed, and an trometry (HPLC-ESIeMS-MS) with multiple reaction monitoring environmental risk assessment of several antibiotics according to (MRM). The separation of the target compounds were performed the MEC/PNEC is performed. The main monitoring locations of the with Agilent 1200 series (Agilent, Palo Alto, USA) on an Agilent Beibu Gulf are the Maowei Sea, Qinzhou Bay, Sanniang Bay, Maoling ZorbaxXDB-C18 column (2.1 mm 50 mm, 1.8 mm) with a guard River, Qin River, Jingu River and Dafeng River. column Security GuardTMC18(4.0 mm 3.0 mm). For mass

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Chemicals and standards

Target compounds were selected according to information found in the literature on their occurrence and ubiquity in aquatic environment, as well as according to their human use and consumption worldwide (Ginebreda et al., 2010). Macrolides (MLs) and Sulfonamides (SAs) constitute an important group of phar- maceuticals in today’s human and veterinary medicine practice. Therefore, the compounds selected for this study belong to three different antibacterial families (Feitosa-Felizzola and Chiron, 2009): macrolides, including clarithromycin (CTM), azithromycin (AZM), erythromycineH2O (ETMeH2O), roxithromycin (RTM) and spi- ramycin (SRM); sulfonamides consist of sulfamethoxazole (SMX), sulfadiazine (SDZ), sulfadimidine (SMZ), sulfacetamide (SAAM) and 13 sulfathiazole (STZ); and trimethoprim (TMP). C3-caffeine solution used as surrogate standard was obtained from Cambridge Isotope 1 Labs (1 mg mL in methanol, USA). All antibiotic compounds were Fig. 1. Water sampling locations from the Beibu Gulf and the four rivers.

Please cite this article in press as: Zheng, Q., et al., Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in the Beibu Gulf, China: Impacts of river discharge and aquaculture activities, Marine Environmental Research (2012), doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2012.03.007 Q. Zheng et al. / Marine Environmental Research xxx (2012) 1e8 3 spectrometric analysis, Agilent 6460triple quadrupole mass 3. Results and discussions spectrometer (Agilent, Palo Alto, USA) equipped with an electro- spray ionization source in the positive mode (ESIþ) was used to 3.1. Occurrence of the selected antibiotics in the Beibu Gulf analyze the antibiotics. The conditions for the liquid chromatog- raphy and mass spectrometry have been described in previous A total of eleven antibiotic compounds grouped into three studies (Tang, 2009; Tang et al., 2009; Zhang, 2011; Zhang et al., classes were detected in the Beibu Gulf, and the levels of all the 2012a). selected compounds were generally found to be in the ng L 1 range. Except for SAAM and SRM, all of the selected antibiotics were 2.4. Quality analysis and quality control detected in at least one sample. ETMeH2O was the predominant antibiotic and was detected with the highest frequency (100%) and Quantitative analysis of each compound was performed using at the highest concentrations (1.10e50.9 ng L 1); this is most likely HPLC-ESIeMS-MS in the MRM mode, employing two of the highest because it is the most commonly prescribed drugs for human and characteristic precursor ion/product ion transitions. Together with animal and must be widely used around the Beibu Gulf. A the retention times, the characteristic ions were used to ensure relatively high frequency (97.1%) and high concentrations (up to 13 1 correct peak assignment and peak purity. C3-caffeine was chosen 10.4 ng L ) of SMX were detected in this gulf; SMX is the most to be a surrogate standard in the antibiotics experiment in many frequently detected sulfonamide in groundwater due to the fact papers (Xu et al., 2007b; Zou et al., 2011). Therefore, we also use this that it does not degrade easily and is hydrophilic enough to move substance as the surrogate standard to all samples prior to into the aquatic environments (Kolpin et al., 2002; Tang, 2009; enrichment to avoid possible losses during the analytical proce- Tang et al., 2009; Xu et al., 2007a, 2007b). Perhaps because TMP is dure. The recovery rates of for these spiked antibiotics in seawater used as a synergist of sulfonamides, not only in combination with and river water were higher than 68% and 70%, respectively. SMX in human medicine but also with SDZ in aquaculture The limits of detection (LOD) were defined as signal-to-noise (S/ (Graslund and Bengtsson, 2001), it showed the third highest N) ratios of 3 and the limits of quantification (LOQ) were defined as detection frequency of 88.6%, with concentrations up to 3.77 ng L 1. a signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios of 10. The results indicated that the It could be seen from Table 1 that the concentrations of the above LOQs for each compound in seawater and river water were from three antibiotics are comparable to those measured in the Elbe 0.15 to 4.4 ng L 1 and from 0.18 to 5.0 ng L 1, respectively. River, Germany (Wiegel et al., 2004), Tyne River, United Kingdom Recoveries of the eleven target compounds were determined for (Roberts and Thomas, 2006) and the Delta, Vietnam seawater and river water using the standards addition method. The (Managaki et al., 2007), but are much lower than those found in the standards addition was employed to compensate for matrix effects. , South China, even in the low-water season (Xu et al., The concentrations of all target antibiotics were then determined in 2007b) and in 139 streams studied in America (Kolpin et al., 2002). the seawater and river water spiked with antibiotics as well as in The remaining six compounds were detected at levels higher the same seawater and river water without the antibiotic addition. than the LOQ in the seawater, with detection frequencies of 10%w The high recoveries ((78 6) %) of the added antibiotics suggest 50%. The low treatment effect of sulfonamides has led to a gradual that matrix effects were relatively minor. Field and procedural replacement by macrolides and other antibiotics in China over the blanks were treated as controls for possible contamination in the past 10 years, they are still used in poultry and aquaculture due to laboratory and in field sampling. Analysis of these blanks demon- their low cost (Zou et al., 2011). Owing to the aquaculture source in strated that the extraction and sampling procedures were free of this gulf, the frequencies of SMZ and SDZ were both 42.9%, with contamination. concentrations up to 3.41 ng L 1 and 3.39 ng L 1, respectively.

Table 1 Global concentration comparison of eight antibiotics in surface water.

Sampling locations Concentrations (ng L 1) References

ETMeH2O RTM AZM CTM SDZ SMX SMZ TMP Beibu Gulf, China 1.10e50.9 ndae0.53 nde0.64 nde0.72 nde3.41 nde10.4 nde3.39 nde3.77 This study Bohai Bay, China nde150(30) nde630(113) nab na nde41(17) nde140(19) nde130(37) nde120(54) (Zou et al., 2011) Leizhou Bay, China 0.9e8.5 nde1.5 nde1.2 nde0.82 nde0.43 1.5e82 nde1.5 1.3e330 (Zhang et al., 2012b) Pearl River, South 13e423(63) c nde105(20) na na 3e141(46) 2e165(52) 4e179(59) na (Xu et al., 2007b) China 423e636(489)d 13e169(70) na na 135e336(218) 111e193(143) 107e323(210) na Mekong Delta, Vietnam 9e12 nd nd nd nd 20e33 <50 5e20 (Managaki Tamagawa River, Japan 21e448 <60 <500 <300 <150 4e23 nd <100 et al., 2007) Victoria Harbour, 4.7e1900(213) nde47 (19) na na na nde47.5 (13) nde8.6 2.6e216(52) (Minh et al., 2009) Hong Kong, China , China na 0.13e9.93 na na 1.4e40.6 4.9e55.2 2.1e623.3 2.2e62.4 (Jiang et al., 2011) Seine River, France na na na na na 40e140 <10,4.4% nde36(16) (Tamtam et al., 2008) Elbe River, Germany 30e40 <30e40 na <30e40 na 30e70 <30 <30e40 (Wiegel et al., 2004) 139 streams, America 1700(21.5%) e 180(4.8%) na na nd 520 (19%) 120(4.8%) 300(27.4%) (Kolpin et al., 2002) Youngsan River, 0e450(120) nd na na 10e20 0e110 10e20 10e20 (Kim and South Korea Carlson, 2007) Tyne River, 4e70 na na na na <20 na 4e19 (Roberts and United Kingdom Thomas, 2006) Five estuaries, <4 nananana <20 na <4e569 (Thomas and United Kingdom Hilton, 2004)

a Not detected(below the LOQ). b Not analyzed. c Range (mean concentration) in high-water season. d Range (mean concentration) in low-water season. e Max concentration (detection frequency).

Please cite this article in press as: Zheng, Q., et al., Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in the Beibu Gulf, China: Impacts of river discharge and aquaculture activities, Marine Environmental Research (2012), doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2012.03.007 4 Q. Zheng et al. / Marine Environmental Research xxx (2012) 1e8

Table 2 Antibiotic concentrations in water samples from the Maoling, Qin, Jingu and Dafeng Rivers (ng L 1)

Sampling Location Sulfonamides Macrolides Trimethoprim

SDZ STZ SMZ SMX ETM CTM AZM RTM TMP Maoling River (n ¼ 3) Range nde0.24 nde0.22 nde0.49 nde6.83 2.59e4.28 nd nd nde0.24 0.39e0.80 Detection Rate (%) 33 33 67 67 100 ee33 100 Qin River (n ¼ 4) Range 0.65e4.80 nde0.24 0.62e6.57 2.63e15.9 7.62e47.6 0.26e0.34 0.28e0.76 0.27e0.48 2.27e3.51 Detection Rate (%) 100 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Jingu River (n ¼ 5) Range nde0.35 nde0.76 0.22e0.52 4.44e10.5 5.39e18.2 nd Nd nde0.43 0.41e4.11 Detection Rate (%) 40 40 100 100 100 ee40 100 Dafeng River (n ¼ 5) Range nde1.10 nde0.22 nde0.35 0.65e1.81 3.37e19.2 nd nde0.21 nde0.35 nde1.30 Detection Rate (%) 60 20 40 100 100 e 20 20 80 Total Detection Rate (%)(n ¼ 17) 59 35 76 94 100 24 29 47 94

Although macrolides are widely used in human drugs, the corre- samples, with concentrations ranging from 2.59 to 47.6 ng L 1. SMX sponding figures for RTM, CTM and AZM were 31.4%, 25.7% and and TMP were found at the same frequency of 94%, with concen- 25.7%, respectively, and their concentrations were all below trations up to 15.9 ng L 1 and 4.11 ng L 1, respectively. Although the 1ngL 1. It may be that these pharmaceuticals, which come from frequencies of CTM, AZM, RTM and STZ were all greater than 20%, the industrial and municipal wastewater of rivers, were degraded their concentrations were lower than 1 ng L 1, which may reflect and diluted as they travel over long distances. STZ had the minimal rather low consumption in this region. Obviously, the concentra- detection frequency, 11.4%, with concentrations lower than tions of most of the antibiotics studied are much lower than those 0.5 ng L 1, most likely because it has severe side effects and is not as found in the Haihe River and its tributaries in China (Zou et al., commonly used now. 2011), and similar to those observed in the Elbe River, Germany Regarding its spatial distribution, the Beibu Gulf can be divided (Wiegel et al., 2004) and the Tyne River, United Kingdom (Roberts into two parts: a semi-closed sea, the Maowei Sea, and open waters, and Thomas, 2006). including the Qinzhou Bay and Sanniang Bay. According to our data, The Maoling River and the Qin River are located in the Maowei the antibiotic concentrations gradually decreased from the semi- Sea estuary, as the Qin River is the longest river and flows through closed sea to the open waters; this trend is reasonable and can be highly populated areas of Qinzhou city, it is inevitable that sewage explained by three factors. First, the Qin River is the mother river of from the city would be discharged into it. Except for SAAM, SRM Qinzhou city and its wastewater is discharged into the Maowei Sea. and STZ, all of the antibiotics studied were detected in the four Second, there are two aquaculture bases in this semi-closed sea; it samples. However, likely due to its lower usage and the greater self- is known that the pollution of the Maowei Sea mainly results from purification caused by its large flow and drainage area, the the combined effects of river discharge and aquaculture activities. concentrations in the Maoling River were very low, the highest Third, there are no centralized, large-scale sources in the open bays, concentration was only 6.83 ng L 1. The Jingu River and the Dafeng and the open bays are large enough that the exchange of marine River both discharged into open bays. The Jingu River is upstream of water between the bays and the outside sea is highly efficient for the Qinzhou Bay and intermittently transports water into the bay; the dispersion of pollutants. however, the highest concentration among all of the antibiotics studied was only 18.2 ng L 1. Furthermore, the concentrations of 3.2. Occurrence of the selected antibiotics in rivers seven antibiotics were near the LOQ. Due to tidal effects, the water of the downstream estuarine area in the Dafeng River is expected to Similar to the Beibu Gulf, eleven target compounds were mix with seawater. As a consequence, the pollutants from the investigated in four rivers, the Qin River, the Maoling River, the Dafeng River should enter Sanniang Bay and affect its environ- Jingu River and the Dafeng River. Table 2 shows a summary of the mental quality. Nevertheless, except for ETMeH2O, the concentra- antibiotic concentrations in the four rivers. tions and frequencies of the compounds were very low. Of the detected antibiotics, ETMeH2O, SMX and TMP had higher In general, the dilution factors from point source discharges to detection frequencies and were the main compounds found in receiving surface waters such as rivers and streams are on the order these rivers; this finding reflects, to some extent, the importance of of tens to hundreds (Minh et al., 2009). However, the average river discharge to the Beibu Gulf. ETMeH2O was detected in all 17 concentrations of the Qin River, Jingu River and Dafeng River were

15 24 SMX RTM SMZ 20 AZM 12 TMP CTM STZ ETM SDZ 16 9 12 6 Con.(ng/L) Con.(ng/L) 8

3 4

0 0 Qin River Qin River Jingu RiverJingu Jingu RiverJingu Maowei Sea Maowei Maowei Sea Maowei Qinzhou Bay Qinzhou Qinzhou Bay Qinzhou Dafeng River Dafeng River Maoling River Maoling Maoling River Maoling Sanniang Bay Sanniang Bay

Fig. 2. Antibiotic concentration (mean) profiles for the Beibu Gulf and the four rivers.

Please cite this article in press as: Zheng, Q., et al., Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in the Beibu Gulf, China: Impacts of river discharge and aquaculture activities, Marine Environmental Research (2012), doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2012.03.007 Q. Zheng et al. / Marine Environmental Research xxx (2012) 1e8 5

Fig. 3. Antibiotic concentrations in the aquaculture bases. only twice those in the gulf; even the concentration in the Maoling not high and were much lower than those observed in other aquatic River was lower than that of the Maowei Sea (Fig. 2), which indi- environments, the kinds of antibiotics mainly used in aquaculture cates that except sewage, wastewater, there are other pollution could be determined according to concentration changes in the sources in the Beibu Gulf, such as, aquaculture. Based on the sampling sites. There are several potential reasons why antibiotic average concentrations, the evidence here shows that the four concentrations are low. Firstly, the purification of the Beibu Gulf rivers all contribute to the antibiotic content of the gulf and that the promotes the diffusion of antibiotics; secondly, the consumption of Qin River has the greatest influence on the gulf compared to the antibiotics is most likely very low and is effectively controlled by other three rivers, which emphasizes the effects of human activities the government. on antibiotic exposure in the environment. However, on the whole, ETMeH2O, SMX and SDZ were the predominant compounds the impacts are not significant. around the oyster bases. Although ETM and SMX are usually used in human medicines, their use as veterinary drugs introduces 3.3. Impacts of aquaculture activities

The Beibu Gulf is famous for its many kinds of fish, shrimp and shellfish, especially in the Maowei Sea. The gulf has the largest natural oyster seedling bases in China with an annual production reaching one billion ton. The seedlings not only use in this locality, but also support Guangdong, Fujian, Hainan and other provinces. It is known that antibiotics are widely used in human and veterinary drugs for preventing or treating infections, as well as for promoting growth (Holmstrom et al., 2003; Smith et al., 2002). However, aquatic products can easily become infected due to large stocking densities; to avoid disease and reduce losses, antibiotic over-use frequently occurs in artificial breeding. The concentrations of eleven antibiotics were analyzed in the vicinity of oyster bases and shrimp farms in the Beibu Gulf. Fig. 3 exhibits antibiotic concentration profiles for the oyster bases and shrimp farms. In general, three compounds, SMX, SDZ and ETMeH2O were found in the water samples, with concentrations 1 ranging from 2.3 to 19.2 ng L . Although the concentrations were Fig. 4. Principal components analysis for the Maowei Sea.

Please cite this article in press as: Zheng, Q., et al., Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in the Beibu Gulf, China: Impacts of river discharge and aquaculture activities, Marine Environmental Research (2012), doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2012.03.007 6 Q. Zheng et al. / Marine Environmental Research xxx (2012) 1e8

Table 3 Aquatic toxicity data of twelve antibiotics to the most sensitive aquatic species.

Compound Non-target organism Toxicity data (mg L 1) Toxicity AFa PNECb (ng L 1) Reference c TMP R. salina EC50 16 Acute 1000 16,000 (Lutzhoft et al., 1999) SMX S. leopoliensis EC50 ¼ 0.027 Acute 1000 27 (Ferrari et al., 2004) SMZ S. vacuolatus EC50 ¼ 19.52 Chronic 1000 19,520 (Bialk-Bielinska et al., 2011) SDZ S. capricornutum EC50 ¼ 2.2 Acute 1000 2200 (Eguchi et al., 2004) ETM P. subcapitata EC50 ¼ 0.02 Chronic 1000 20 (Isidori et al., 2005) RTM P. subcapitata NOECd ¼ 0.01 Chronic 100 100 (Yang et al., 2008)

CTM P. subcapitata EC50 ¼ 0.002 Chronic 1000 2 (Isidori et al., 2005) AZM Daphnia sp. EC50 > 120 Acute 1000 >120,000 (FDA-CDER, 1996) a AF: Assessment factor. b PNEC: Predicted no-effect concentration. c EC50: half maximal effective concentration. d NOEC: no observable effect concentration. another pathway for these compounds to enter into the environ- they present to the environment cannot be ignored (Fent et al., ment; for example, SMX is used in veterinary medicine in France 2006). (Tamtam et al., 2008), and ETM is used in shrimp hatcheries in A risk quotient (RQ) is usually calculated from a predicted or southeast Asia (Gesamp, 1997). Using principal component anal- measured environmental concentration (PEC or MEC, respectively) ysis (PCA) (Fig. 4), SMX and SDZ were grouped together indicating and a predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC). According to the that these two antibiotics may have similar sources and environ- TGD, when only short-term/acute toxicity data EC50/LC50 are mental occurrence rates, while SDZ is well known to be widely available, the calculation of PNEC is obtained from EC50/LC50 used in veterinary medicine, so SMX and SDZ had the same divided by an assessment factor of 1000. Once long-term/chronic application, and were mainly applied to the oyster bases. Also no observed effect concentration (NOEC) values for one, two or based on PCA, ETMeH2O is classified with CTM, AZM and RTM three trophic levels are available, an assessment factor of 100, 50 or which are pharmaceuticals; hence, it can be deduced that, in spite 10 is used (EC, 2003). While in some studies, an assessment factor of being widely used as veterinary and human medicine, of 1000 was used long-term/chronic EC50/LC50 values, although the the source of ETMeH2O is dominated by human drugs in the assessment factor reduces the degree of uncertainty in the Maowei Sea. extrapolation from the test data on a limited number of species Near the shrimp farms, only ETMeH2O was detected, with the compared to the real environment (Isidori et al., 2005). In this highest concentrations in the wastewater samples; the other study, many acute or chronic toxicity data of the selected antibiotics compounds were not found in any of the samples collected from on non-target organisms were collected from literatures, PNEC the shrimp farms. This result reveals that ETM is probably the main values were calculated based on the toxicity data and shown in the antibiotic used in the shrimp farms. Table 3. And the RQ values of the target antibiotics calculated The wastewater from these bases or farms will eventually according to the relational expression are listed in Table 4. The discharge into rivers or the Beibu Gulf directly via sewage runoff ratios found here were classified into three risk levels: low (values lines. Therefore, aquaculture activities contribute to the presence of between 0.01 and 0.1), medium (values between 0.1 and 1) and antibiotics in the Beibu Gulf; although due to limitations of high (values above 1)(de Souza et al., 2009). analytical techniques, we did not know the exactly data of Although the selected antibiotics in the Beibu Gulf and the four bioavailability of antibiotics in the oyster and shrimp, the low levels rivers studied were detected at low concentrations, the calculation of antibiotics near the aquaculture bases reveal that the antibiotic results show that ETM might present a significant chronic envi- residues caused by aquaculture activities are not significant, ronmental risk to the Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata; SMX and CTM therefore, we can infer the aquatic products are not seriously have acute effects to Synechococcus leopoliensis and Chronic effects contaminated with antibiotics. to P. subcapitata, respectively, and the RQs of TMP, SDZ, RTM and AZM are all below 0.01. In the Maoling River, Jingu River and Dafeng 3.4. Environmental risk assessment and significance of results River, the RQ values of ETM and SMX are almost greater than 0.1, corresponding to moderate effects, while the other compounds Due to the large amounts of these compounds released into the have low environmental risks to the species. The results for the Qin environment and their potential to exert biological effects, the risk River are similar to those of the Beibu Gulf. ETM, SMX, and CTM

Table 4 MECs and PNECs for 8 kinds of antibiotics.

Compounds PNECa Maximum MECb (ng L 1)RQc (Maximum MEC/PNEC) (ng L 1) Beibu Gulf Maoling River Qin River Jingu River Dafeng River Beibu Gulf Maoling River Qin River Jingu River Dafeng River TMP 16,000 3.77 0.80 3.51 4.11 1.30 0.00024 0.00005 0.00022 0.00026 0.000081 SMX 27 10.4 6.83 15.9 10.5 1.81 0.38 0.25 0.59 0.39 0.067 SMZ 19,520 3.39 0.49 6.57 0.52 0.34 1.7 10 4 2.5 10 5 3.4 10 4 2.7 10 5 1.7 10 5 SDZ 2200 3.41 0.24 4.80 0.35 1.10 0.0016 1.1 10 4 0.0022 1.6 10 4 0.0005 ETM 20 50.9 4.28 47.6 18.2 19.2 2.545 0.214 2.38 0.91 0.96 RTM 100 0.53 0.24 0.48 0.43 0.35 0.0053 0.0024 0.0048 0.00426 0.0035 CTM 2 0.72 ndd 0.34 nd 0.21 0.36 e 0.17 e 0.10 AZM >120,000 0.64 nd 0.76 nd nd e

a PNEC: Predicted no-effect concentration. b MEC: Measured environmental concentration. c RQ: Risk quotient. d nd: not detected(below the LOQ).

Please cite this article in press as: Zheng, Q., et al., Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in the Beibu Gulf, China: Impacts of river discharge and aquaculture activities, Marine Environmental Research (2012), doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2012.03.007 Q. Zheng et al. / Marine Environmental Research xxx (2012) 1e8 7 have been found to be some of the most harmful compounds for fluoroquinolone antibacterials in hospital wastewaters in Hanoi, Vietnam. e aquatic environment with regard to environmental risk (Isidori Chemosphere 72, 968 973. EC, 2003. European Commission Technical Guidance Document in Support of et al., 2005). For example, in Italy, ETM in aquatic environments Commission Directive 93//67/EEC on Risk Assessment for New Notified has been selected as one of a restricted group of priority pollutants Substances and Commission Regulation(EC) No 1488/94 on Risk Assessment for e identified by three conserved standards, thus, it is worthwhile to Existing Substance, Part II. 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Please cite this article in press as: Zheng, Q., et al., Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in the Beibu Gulf, China: Impacts of river discharge and aquaculture activities, Marine Environmental Research (2012), doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2012.03.007 8 Q. Zheng et al. / Marine Environmental Research xxx (2012) 1e8

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Please cite this article in press as: Zheng, Q., et al., Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in the Beibu Gulf, China: Impacts of river discharge and aquaculture activities, Marine Environmental Research (2012), doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2012.03.007