tf* .r « V i’^ ' ' *»*3-

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it bi^ rasi- lea suatb and A >t o{ ChiitH- ii'olo^ am . 10, 1 i Clyde. 1); 1 J Clyde tiin hurse, 5 : , 5 yenrs old*, ID-EVOTEID TO t h e ; rETTE-BESTS OE C H A T3W O R TH AETE "^rrOIlSrIT'y. !ars old; 1 1 iffiviof' milk; VOl.lJMK XXII, ('ll.\'l’S\V()li'l'll, ILLINOIS, I'm 1L\Y, DKCK.MISLK 21, Vs'i4. Ni'M BEll 10. (I, higli ciad e , Cliiiiii Tiogs, f 3W, y youpK — .John Parker, of Kemptoii, was at-I i t luit^airDYlli ^ I n ’mili'uU T 3k binder; i lending to liii-.iiiess .mil sliakiiig Ii .i i h I m I ipioii 8eedeD;.» JAS. a SMM’M |*i]UIihIk r Mtiil i rnm ictor with friends here rue^d iv evemng. | I old ground ’LAlM Ni'KII SNill H I.' ■ ,il lAliutr i eagle oIhW«\ - “ V — I'aney staliimerw choiee ))ei fume--' s r list »(l I* t H) \ H \TK> 1 square har-.r ir ptiitl m tiinnih * ti VJ: t>ihi*rv\ist oo p»*r a n d tile lin i* 't to n i-i .'.imjps at llu* l o w c 'l i -J-!■•..'.-'.M. .1 fanning-mill;. i tmnuiii. prices.- F,. .\ Hane.. I t harness; 2 AI»VKiri fSI\(J |( V'l i s EMi! hu8UH*HH noiKf.s ti*n r<*nr'^ i-cr Itric; Lc'li r \\ il-'ipii di-pai ti d the lir'l of I planter, witlh •' nitt'd lor staiiulinyr mis turm shoil* :t|>|»li<*a- timothy hay; f' tion All mlvorii.-*«-m«Mits .mh W by th e W eek lo r 1 'lei h ill i.i, K a n s a s , w h e ll' ■ ^ t ML-ii articles too d m rtions r«•^l i u*t iiil' iht tn. wni i.» V ■ i ut m i­ he e.xpeeti-i! to \ I'll i i 1 ;i t i I es ;i n il fill ini', | Term s, 12 ni oi (It'i'cii out. and t'liai ktt d tu t t>nl;im v Btioneer. J; (E C iF ra i! rile •• ale hill- prinlial at the Pl..\1N ' ■ liK.M.I.i: iilliee al e Ihi' I Iglit thing'- and | th e p n ri s iirr t/n /iiin >t !

3 showed ps t f’hai li's Ki l l in-', fiiiin near ( 'idiom , ; tful attentio'n forim i li in Ihe li\ei \ liii'iin >' lu re Wo wi.^h you all a very merry ere thanks. was e ill!ii[r on lelati\e> and friend-- in * • * M A t I N G L Y thi-- i'il> Miindav. ■f- SULLIVAN'S mas. I he olili-'l .anil mo-t ri liaLle groei-r\ n g P ow de r 'lure, a laih- nl which i' to never he nn- ind Dlolomo. ilef'i.tlil. i' o! f. .\. P .iiig'’. BUSHWAY & CO. ^ B a k iu ff — Mr <' N'l'ikler and family took P o w d e r their departiire the litter part of la-l Jlbsoiately week lor Chie.ago. wlieie they expei-t W e will make swe(‘j)ing' reduc­ P u r e to make I heir home. — Rev Fall’.er \''iliiam Mnriangli, of X' \ taitar Lil,ju^ ii'pwder tions on all (doaks now. Keilhsliurg. v.:!' a ;,rn, 'l at tin- home of Pit :pI1 ill !c:i\p‘:ii|p^ si l‘< ii'^lli — his pareni-i, .Mr and Mrs Owen Mnr l,ilh .' t Ia/it/i s f i:ir. r Ii nil r ’ l'’oOil tailgll. during the week. lit /lOt'i. EUSHWAY & CO. Henry W rede, ,Jr . is now sick Royal Baking Powder Co. with Ixplionl tever at tlie home of his uarters at lOO Wall St.. N. Y. Most Exquisit parent', lli nrv m.iki « tin- iliird in the hoi|seho!i! to he ill with I he d l'C i'e wit li — 1'. K li i i i i w i i i . wS|)(‘cial rc'duetions on all win- ill a moiiih — -Ki rrin>’, .'■aiicr Ic.iut. High Hovelties. — I>. (’ .Spieeher is |•l'eeiving new t(‘i'^oodsOf* (‘y(‘ry kind. ^ M iiy potatppp's nf Kp'i riiis gooil' every week in lil.inket' Ian roLe' — X m as eamiip's at Kp-rriiis' and everything neeiled in the li:irne" BUSHWAY & CO. — I’li'iily of liicr (ailibagf at 1' .Ip! w iii’s line (’.ill on him w hen in need of any Bought at 50 C’tMits on tlit* — K. !•' Hroun spent .SaluipLr, even- thiiig ill h i' line Dollar. i'tg anil .Siiml.iy in Pontiac — During the Week ().\en .Miirtangh 'T o he Sold at 50 Cents on — lOlp'trant lamps tor I •,>.■) at 'old to I'Eilw ird Dehm an ei'jhiy iicre Onr buyer goes east in Febrn- l?alil w ill's farm in Pella low ii'hip. 'I'he price paid the Dollar. w:i'ami the iraii'fi r was made — do to Spicclicf’s for :i fi’-t-class aj y for spring goods. That’s not i)V Ihe <' P>ank. h o r> c (“ ph. — .Mrs I!, .S .''aiiford entertained n iai- off* and stoc k must be reduced ♦ — M r .S T Wilson toipk tlic laoining unnilier of \om ig nu n at ditiiie!- Li't ^ood, Tin; Ttjilet Cat^eti, train for (iiim.iii riinrsiLiv atp l(‘ast Sb,('()() by Feb. 1. N o w Sniidav in honor of the liirthd iy .anni- — (ipiol! niol:l'-cs, :;t) cents :| sralloll irn, as we .y Jewel Cases, vi'f'.iry III Mr. 1> l o\. nio'i enjova is the time to buy. niilv, at Kei iiiis’. town. Glove Cases, l)le lime w a' 'pent h\ .-ill pre'ellt. M r s !•', (" oppL spent Ttmr'p’ v with ■ — Now i' the time to hllV di'llC'. I land kerchief Cases, ielati\('s am i fi ieiiil.. at Pi)ip‘r < il , . Kerriti' has tin- linc'l line,and neui-'l BUSHWAY CO. Tie Cases, — The finest line of camlip s, li lts a n d pattern'. ^id jii't think of it the 'H Collar tk Cuff Cases, cigars in town at Paid w in’s. reduction' he i' making on all' SENTS. dh-avel ing Cases. — The .'■t l aielit and Sloplplard 'ale on Kel l ill'’ i.' the onh place to buy dishes, Tuesday w a-' quite larccly attp'i.'^i il l.imiis .and eroi kery. Manicure Sets, — A <'.at lipplic fair will Le op. m d at 'I’lie Doolittle hiime w ill he the scene Writing Desks, Piper City 'Pii Ih <■ ‘Jip, tp> Lmt a " p ek. of .'I family g iMiering during tlie lioli ilaV' M r am! M f' I-ranl^ Doolittle and — Saul,a ('l.aiis is iM iving h i' :i|Pi)le.s, X. Card Cases, son, of .J,aek'on\il!e, and M r and Mi ' lillfs and eaiidies of Kerriiis Smoking Sets, A. Doolittle, of l)i.\un, will spend Ulirisi ig s . , — M r ( ’ llpqipe was allciidine to bus­ m as at the parental liiinii'. Allniins, iness at I lie (“p unity sea I M m ida. l.i'l. — Miss ,\ildie SehalVi'i'. nf Ae'iya, ar­ (kard Trays, Piert .Marlin went to K inlcil .■ M on­ rived at the holm- of Mr. and Mr.' A h' day, where he ('\[)eet' to take i 'I'ilion O.-^ford Bibles, \\ liter on Moml i\ for a visit with Iter t>; 4 ...... I, '...... i — W ill'll ill want of tlie /n s ' at the : • - e l I A1: 1.’ If..:., i...... ^rnni/ R^minmn cai c m i illl\ 11(11111 I M la M lA _ C/tn .'f pi II e go to jv .'V l>:ing-. . | 1 m i' .at 'taif m ^ ^ B U • ■ Tripj-'le Mirrors, — .MI'sdainc' M:i 1 1 III and M ai Lall, of j the former ' home ,at H.irriiigton. Pla({iips, Korri''l, were'hopipiiig here on Wediu'.s-j .( ,' I'l'th.r held a pnhlie’sah' Is still on, and thev* ar<“ OpFointf O fast. ■til, IlllDOiS. Finn J’erfninps, - i.f hi ' 1 armi ipg ;i nil household elleetson Bronze iStatuary, — Di'hes .and lam p' of al! i nils at 'rim rsda v, a not il R ia v T "i O'lw liiiys our All wonl Eine neat ealeinl:ir J. !•:. HHOWX ct CO. * • ** I'f ami Irish 1-riise () vei eoal s, O / U:,jr Eine ( at.'.'itn.'re or — Hello! <>rangesv Yes, those line IX V FS I'.M KX I’ FA r R rn KS, - .are 'ptendiil \ :iliies for $10 .and $12. Cheviot .Suits firaiiges only '20 (i ni' a iL 'v ,1 .) Gninn, Way. way Rown; *J5 to 55 j)t*r cent. Ics.-; than formerly. sonn* ( ’liristinas Artichxs will of this pl.-iee, Tiie'day . •r* I l)c sold to VQji chc;i|)er tlum — I' liiey glassware for Xm a' presents. fORTH. al(ji p r i i'i 's tln il w ill p h a se tin p o c k e t j (*ver h(*ard of befortf. hook, al ILildwiii ' i t m ! Glean c;irc lionnd Tiiem to st*ll Cut t In'in.'.Tiid the abovepric<*s will 130 I'Z'. / C o m o ElOW and get -.Mr. .John Dirks of (iniiaii, w:i' C R E A M (P i'icesl ^ ’ first clioice. 'haking hands with friends upon onr Variety. streets tlie lirst of the week. COM F NOW IF YOU WANT l^ERY. KER- F a u m 1>()a n s .— M oney to lo:in on BAMNG ■ .'A.. dM ERS, NO- (dtoiee iiikjtrovi'd farin' at six pf'f cent U A I U U U N s S . - (’omntereial Ifank ■' r; J. F. M i m , — Mesihimc' Krugei-, I'lnn'I and P O W B fR Seliafer, of Forrest, were making Inlli MOST PhRI-ECT MADH. | D R U G f d S T , day piirclnises here Wediiesdity A pure Grape of T.irtar Powder. Fiee Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant (TIA'rsWOUTII, ILL. A Pure Grape Cream of Ta. lar Powder. 4 0 YEARS THE STANDARD ^ , ■ ■ ■.

'ivpf'ie/or. ;-C iV- s '


The Airnoatlc. O iD B O N W. L a t i m e r , J b., of Lynn, Two YOUNG daughters of Rev. Solo- Indigestion Cured Chuffliu’orth 2Plaiudfatfr, Mass., was shot and fatally wounded mou Beckerman, of Cleveland, O., 1 te sot know where heaven m ay d o . TWO by Maud Brewer for transferring his were burned to death in their home. When parted (roiii the Kirl I love: “ I suffered with Indigestion. Pood dl»- Thare's nauKht about that a aweet to aea, affections to another woman. J o h n H u n t i n g t o n , suspected o f em ­ tressed me very much. I took Hood's 8ar- JAS. A. SMITH, P h o p h i b t o k . And the dun clouds hang low above. Presented to T w o -t h i r d s of th e business portion bezzling from the Citizens’ state bank When aha I love la far from me saparllla after meals, and before one bottl* Ooi'llsle CHATSWOimi, : ILLINOIS. o f Gallop, N. M., was burned. of Council Bluffs, la., wounded two I do not know where be., ve i m ay bo. was gone I could out heartily without dis­ M a r t i n R o i i b , of Fayette. ,Mo.. sus­ inspectors sent to e.xamine his ac­ tress. I h a v e recom­ pected of illicit relations with his counts and killed himself. To solve the myatery of life m end ed Hood’s The Majority Uri niece, was whipped and driven from In vain 1 try when ahe'a away. sapurillato many. I tiou and Atli PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. ^len thean few yoara of wrong and strife Deplores I T H E H E W S . town by white cajis. never beard of Its Seem useless: ami the flinty way It A GRAND jury indicted thirtj’-six E x - G o v . T i l l m a n waseleeted United We tread with tears and gloom Is rife. failure to cure. Re­ prom inent men of Miirrui'couni.v, Ga., States senator from South Carolina, Whtn she a away, wlial usu Is life? cently our station Compiled From Late Dispatchee. receiving 131 out of 155 votes casL for white capping. agent had the grip. W a h i u n q t o n . But when I'm with her, then I know CONGRESSIONAL. E x c h a n o e s at the leading clearing E d w i n U. C u r t i s (rep.) was elected After he was uble That heaven Is shining In her eyes; to of Illinois, cha Proce«’. died at the .Slaiuiing Rock agency in I n the senate on the 12th an unsuccessful at­ you send up your nanio? Tlio maid said a Truly, there is no humbug about Hood’s.” safely of the nc tempt to secure consideration of the bill to J o S E i ’H 'I' r f s k k y wa.s hanged ut Sand­ South Dakota He was ne.xt to Sit­ Keiitloinuu asked to seo mo, and here it is J ohn B e n n e t t , Biinmun, ind. sage of which strike out the differential duly on sugar wich, Out., for the murder of W illiam ting liidl in rank as a chief. only you!” — I’ilLsburgh Chrouiele-Telo- and a resolution for the uinendnient of the 'riiis statement is corroborated by Bigney committee, doe Lindsay cm May’ 3 last. M i s s -M a r y S t e w .u r t S h e r m .an’, th e g ra p lL rules was also defeated. A bill was introduced & Co., druggists, Bauman, lud. JKlsit of bonds J u d g e W o o d s , in Chicago, sentenced only’ tlaughter of the Ohio senator, was providing for the abblitiou of the death pen­ A Child Enjoys N. B. Bo sure to get Hood's because a lty In the arm y and navy except in case.s of Eugene V. Debs, the leader of the married in Washington to James I. of any other it Tho pleasant flavor, gentle tu-lion and sooth­ tion, but in liei murder, ruiie, desertion to the enemy in time Am erican Railw ay union strike, to si.x M a c C a llu m . ing effect of Hyrut) of Figs, when in need of of -war and aggravated mutiny Hills were L e t t l s T . I v e s , the well-known por­ a laxative, and if tho father or mother bo vides a.s follows passed granting pensions of #100 per month to m o u t h s , a n d G. VV. H o w a r d , S. K e l l i - trait painter, diec.i at his home in De­ e< stive or bilious, the most graUfying re­ Hood’sn'>Cures 1. A suarunleu Ii Mary Palmer Banks, Mrs. Katharine Todd her, L. W. Rogers. M. J. Elliott, James troit, Mich., aged ill years. sults follow its use; so that it is tho best notes. Including iln Crittenden and Maj. Gen. A. McClernand — In Hogan and William Biirn.s to three fr.iiiily remedy known and every family Hood’s Pills are purely vegetable, per­ of congress npprovi the house consideration of the urgency de­ m onths in the county jail for violating G e n . J o s i .a i i P o r t e r tiled in New should have a bottle. fectly harmless, always reliable and bcuolloiaL per centum of Hit ficiency bill wa« begun and a motion to strike an injunction. York, aged (31 years. for. out the appropriation for the collection of the D r . J o h n L o r d , historian and lec­ 2. safety fund, Income tax was defeated. T h e trial of white caps in Atlanta, turer, diet! at his home in Stamford, reaches Us niinclnii A BiLl. wa.s introduced in the senate on the Ga., developed the fact that a fai- total am outu of iiat 13th, directing the secretary of the treasury to reachiiig kn-klu.\ erganization exists C o n n. ONLY A ing refund to the Citizens' bank of Louisiana in the state. J..x.v(ES G ii.F iL L .A N , c h ie f ju sti^ -e o f RUB 3 A llrst lien opc money taken by union soldiers during the the suprema court of Minnesuta\^iueo elation Issuing the war. The bill for the establishment of a uni- TiiERi; were 349 business failures in 1809, died at S^t. Paul, aged 0535 yetiVs. TO MAKE YOU Terslty of the United Stales at Washington the United States in the seven days gU s P A l i y In case the was discussed __ In the house the urgency de­ ended on tlie 14th, against 385 the WELL AGAIN funds and tlie a ficiency, fortillcatlons and inilltary academy FOREIGN. are n ot snffioieii week previous and 339 in the corre­ OF PA M S RHEUMATIC, NEURALGIC, LUMBAQIC AND SCIATIC. appropriation bills were passed and the pen­ A n eiirthquakeke shock killed 200 per- of .such bunk, sion bill ($141,381,570) was discussed. The sponding time in 1893. ;>ns n e a r M e s s inn a , It a ly . T h e c o u r t h o u s e a t L e w i s t o n , 111., t o ­ upon all other post offleo appropriation bill (#80,442,897) was ^ WORLD’S-FAIR ★ reported. gether with judgment records extend­ T h e i s l a n d 'o ff Anbry’in, New He­ DR. KILMER’S according to tin T h e senate w as not in session on the 14th — ing back ten j'cars, was totally de­ brides, was destroyed by volcanic ac­ XIIIGIIKWT standing circul In the house the pension appropriation bill tion and all the inhabitants of a na­ stroyed by’ lire. . ’SUPERIOR NUT(7ITI0N'-THE LIFE!’ . by the treasury was passed. The evening session was devoted tive village were swept into the sea. to the consideration of private pension bilks I s a a c B r i d g e s , a lovesick youth of banks so assess) and the house adjourned over until the 17th. Terre Haute, Ind., shot Jlrs. Joseph N ewfoundland ’s ministry resigned upon tho asset Montgomery, who had interfered witli ow ing to the financial crisis. for tho amount DOMESTIC. ,'4i r J o h n T h o .m u s o n , the premier of his matcli. such bank on G e n e K e n n e d y , who is to be hang-eil Canada, died suddenly’ at Windsor •I.AMES V i v i a n , a resident o f S o u t h tiou of its circa at Jasper, Teiin., for murder, was m ar­ Forlv, I’a., fatally wounded his wife castle, England, where he liad been the committo ried in jail to Martha Taylor. and sister-in-law. M iss L. Drnilen, and sworn in as a member of the privy thus provide c o u n c il. T h e president issued an order ex then cut his own throat, dying in 8U flic lent to M . DE Vii.ERS, special envoy’ of tendinff the civil service law and rules s t a u t l y . failed banks, France, was reported to have declared to the internal revenue service. A CYCI.ONE which swept over Little amount of cir war against Madagascar. T h e National Civil Service Reform W ill's valley, near Atlanta, tia,, killed any’ bunk may i A R.AND of twenty Yaqni Indians vis­ league met in annual convention in George Stovall and a negro child and its capital slot ited the ranch of Ruiz Bbreena, near Chicago, and Carl Sehurz, the presi­ wrecked two dozen tlwcllings financial crisis dent, delivered his annual address. llermosillo, Mexico, and massacred Tf.eaflEAT KiDNEUIVERAjis banks suspendi D a n ’i e i , M . R o b e r t s o n was hanged I CM I o w a ’s supreme court decided that four cowboys. at New Bedford, Mass., for m urdering capital stock < the m ulct liquor law had not succeeded Isi..\Ni)S in the New Hebrides group his wife on Septem ber 9, 1893. Pain in the Back po rt savs- the prohibitor ' law as the general law w’ere devastated by’ a volcano, one Joints or hips, sediment in urine like brick-dust f ^ O O I > 3 J o e W h i t e , chief of the Xaveosh The tacts set f of the state. village of .seventy’-five persons being frequent calls or retention, rheumatism. Ively that if the tribe of Chippewa Indians, was fatally Has justly acquired the reputation of being M r s . I d a N e l s o n drowned her two d e s t r o y e d . force during thf shot by’ game wardens at Rice Lake, Kidney Complaint The Salvator for banks had thereto children and herself at Omaha, Neb. J a u .w insists on humbling China W is. Diabetes, dropsy, scanty or high colored urine. to the maxlinutr W . H . P r i c e , a prominent Cleveland completely before entertaining any T h e office of the Denver Tim es was I TM E 3 S ? and if the failed business man, was killed bj’ burglars proposals looking to a cessation of Prinary Troubles their maximum cii destroyed by tire, the loss being whom he discovered at work in his hostilities. Bt 1 nging sensations when voiding, distress pres- T h e - A g e d . safety funds woul 850,000. Bure in the parts, urethral Irritation, stricture. paym ent of the eii h o m e . '1'hf: damage by’ the recent earth­ An Incomparable Aliment for the R e v . R. M . D i l l o n , a Presbyterian quake to the cathedral at the City’ of Btandlng notes, at T h e Dale, one of the oldest and inos preacher of Greencastle, Ind., resigned Disordered Liver Growth and Protection of INFANTS and of over $11.(K)0.( historic vessels of the nav^q was Mexico was estimated at 8300,000. because his congregation gave a fair Bloat or dark circles under the eyes, tongue fund w ithout the ordered out of commission. T h e remains of Count Ferdinand de coated, constipation, yellowish eyeballs. -C H I L D FI E21M crisis of that 1 in an opera house. sessmeiu on the i W . M . C o n n o r , of Indianapolis, and Lesseps were interred in the Church At Dragglstsy 50 cents and $1.00 size. A superior nutritive in continued Fevers, T r e a s u r y department statistics show tional bunks. In \ \V. B. Simpson, of Holden, Mo., died of St. Pierre de Chaillot, just outside •’Invalids’ Guide to Health” free—ConsultaUon free. And a reliable remedial agent tliat England suffered heavy’ lo.sses in mittec are of the i from grief at the way ward actions of o f P a r is . D u. K i l m e r & Co.. B i n o h a m t o n . N . Y . in all gastric and enteric diseases { United Stalas trade during the last ten posed bill heconi their sons. R o b e r t I>o u i s S t e v e n s o .n , the novel­ often in instances of consultation over ■ nould 1 c issued t year.s. safe under any am H e r b e r t D o g o e t t , a prom inent law­ ist, died in Samoa, where he Itad lived The Greatest Medical Discovery patients whose digestive organs were re­ T h r e e white men were sliot and fa­ ditlons. yer of Kansas City, committed suicide for several years, aged 44 years. duced to such a low and sensitive condition tally wounded by negroes at Cabaniss, of the Age. In conclusioi by shooting himself through thelieart. that the IMPERIAL ORANUM was Ga., in a riot. LATER. The exlraordiiii D e l e g a t e s from thirty-five Indiana the only nourishment the stomach front the treasu C . v s iiiiR II e r n e r , a Polander, aged I n the United States senate oii the K E N N E D Y ’S cities assembled at Indianapolis to would tolerate when LIFE seemed slru in c d the nieti 48, pounded'his wife to death at M an­ ITlli Serfatnf Hawley’ (Conn.) intro- form an organization to develop the depending on Its retention ;— committee, while istee, Mich., and then committed sui­ duecd a hill for the reorganization and MEDICAL DISCOVERY. And as a FOOD it would be difficult to provisions of l resources of the state. c id e . N o c tiu se w a s k n o w ’ii. increase of llie army’. Petitions pray­ conceive of anything more palatable. reasoning emp'.r A S i o r x C i t y i t I’a c i f i c r a ilr o a d concur lu reportm U n i t e d S t a t e s officers arrested ing for tile pa.ssageof a land grant for­ DONALD KENNEDY, of ROXBURY, MASS., train ran through a herd of cattle near Sold b y DRUGGISTS. Shipping Depot, lor its considenitii members of a gang of counterfeiters feiture hill were ju’eseuted anil tlie Has discovered in one of our common Sioux Cit.v, la., and killed twentj'-two. JOHN CARLE & SONS. New Yor^. the righ t to oiTer s in Oklahoma and captured much spu­ Nicaragua canal bill was diseiisseil. pasture weeds a remedy that cures every deem proper, and F h a .n k R o w l e y , of \Visconsin, has rious coin. In the house the army approjiriation kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula DIRECTIOSS for twiner I he may determine. been gninted a patent upon tni e.xpress T w o Goi.D leads of fabulous richness bill, tlie bill to pr.iteet forest reserva- down to a common Pimple. T h e report o'f thi i', V. ;• L’;; .... ij u AloTfAn HnnHr^*rl CREAM BALM. — Apphi\ Mr. W a lk e r (rep- saults of train robbers. cas.’-s, and never failed except in tw o cases uasie wiiu wiiieh south west of Lillian, Col. )iassc(U 'I'he Carlisle banking bill wits up into the nostrils. After a\ voting majority -i T’h k appellate court of Illinois de­ (both thunder humor). He has now in his ^lAY-rtVER T h e loaders of a Tennessee mob rcporti’d and a hill appi’oiinatin<’ 84I),- moment draw strong breath I the measure, am cided that tiny manufaetorv that men­ possession over two hundred certificate? which lynclied si.x negroes last Au­ 000 fora statiu- of Gi-ii. Grant on tlui through the nose. r/ici the more inexpHc: aces the health of the community’ is a of its value, all within twenty miles ol Scerotary gust were acquitted of the charge by’ a Iront of the eapiiol tilongside tlie three times a day, afterl n u is a n c e . Bost III. Send postal card for book. > ■ which he had draf jury at Mein[)his. .^talne of W’itshiiiyton was introdueeil. A benefit is ahvavs experienced from th< mecforc\ tho treasury, woul T h e Metidowcraft brothers were retiring. K i d I tAT i g n e , of .S.aginaw, Mich., I n a \!o.ston tenement first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted materially for liv found guilty of btiiiking in Chi­ knocked out Andy Rowen in eighteen M iirjih v Natali V shot, his wifi* and then when the right quantity is taken. twenty years. cago and .sontonced each t o o i i e v e a r in Tho report state rounds before tlie Auditorium club of killed liimself. VV'nenthe lungs are affected it causes the penilentiarv. CATARRH the party majorltj New Orleans. It was thought Bowen shouting pains, like needles passing M i l l i e .1 UFFi.ii.'io.v (eo lo red ) d ied at ELY’S CREAM BALM extraordinary and PiiiLi^ Citow, a Kansas City bar­ through them; the same with the Liver or would die from the pounding' lie re­ the liimic uf her great-graiulion in ! Open^ and clcanaes the Na.sal raHsasea, Allays Palo majority. The bii tender, killeti his wife and then com­ Bowels. This is caused by the ducts be­ nml Inflnmniuilon, Henln the Sornw. Protects tti© c e iv e d . N e w Y o r k , a g ed 109 year.s S m o n th s | Membrane from colds. Kestoren the Ponses of Taata lu part, on one oc m itted suicide. ing stopped, and always disappears in a an«l Smell. The Halm Isqulckly absorbed and iflvea to consider or G e n e h a l rains fell throughout Ne­ and U) days. relief ntonce. /' A F r .\n k a . .M( K e a n , cashier of tlie week after taking it. Read the label. both lo Hi)' braska, the time since July 3. .Io n M a t t y ’s S o n .s , an old I’liilndel- Indian Head national bank at Nashua, If the stomach is fpul or bilious it will A partlclois applied Intoeach nostril and \« a g ree*c . llcan ineinheesvN A n d y B o w e n died from the injuries 'phia carpet and yarn e.stablislunent. able. Price TiO cents at Drtigtiinu or by roall. N. H., was missing, and was supposed cause squeamish feelings at first. KJiV liKOTllKKS. 6t) Warren Street. New York. that It is the be received in the fight with George faileil for 820.1.000. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the most elcar-hc; to be a defaulter to the amount of at of tho country tl Lavigne in New Orleans. S a .mi i:l ( . .‘'LFi.v jileaded guilty to the best you can get, and enough of it. l e a s t StlU.UUO. r . pianos. 3 nn, non . s s s , acted into a law M il s .’ S i i i v ARM a n a n d h e r robbing Uw New ^'ork Shoo and Leath­ Dose, one tablespoontul in water at bed­ T h e National CTvil .Service Reform instruments d ays precipitate a daughter, Airs. Clinton Davis, were e r h a n k o f ,8:354,000 a n d w a s r e n ia n d e il time. Sold by all Druggists. Pmrialm ihelr Sopfirlni!!/ I They that of 1893. a.s it i league in session in Chicago reelected o I’lentf! 1 hrir hiirabllllj !•% murdered near Jamestown, N. V.. by for sentenee. Martel! You ('an*! Iluf Dellerl upon the market ) Carl Sehurz as president. Thrm or Send for t'atalnsue. United States bon unknown persons tvhile Mr. Shearman ‘•.S.MiLFi” .Io r d a n , a coloreil farm­ Treated free. ®Tey ^ A FIR E at Kvergreen, Aliu, destroyed roaltlfcly CL'KID The report says was attending the funeral of his son hand, was eanghl in the act of robbing ORGANS.' CHICAGO. twelve stores, jiost ollice, hotel ami with Tcf«t«bU had with refereiic) fUnedle*. Have and daughter-in-law, who were killed a newly made grave at .Mount Hope, Al I UFN a n d B O Y 8 who nHe Tools shoald try or banking i livery stable, the loss being 8100,(100. cured many thou­ have o«ir llhiRtrnted Tool Catniogue, ily' a train. K_v., and shot dead. sand cases pro­ MLL iilCri b anks should be ^ l.ONK highwayman held u d t h e DROPSY rallied Free. H. J. STKRBr'tR. Tin Hiiren Si., Cbleafo, llU nounced hopeless. From first dose symptoms rapidly disappesi. ‘ NAMK THIS PAPgR orerj Use vrlie. tory as to nationa T h e Easterly Harvesting company J o h n and .lene Kennedy were end in ten dsysit least two-thlrds of all symptoms ire rm ^cd jon -Atage 8 miles from Fort Thomas, T., charters continue. at Minneapolis made an assignment hanged at Jiiaper. 'I'euu,, for m urder­ B o o k of tesllmonisls of miraculous cures tent p R B K . Selling our goods. Matt and secured the mail-pouch, supposed A M O N T H , Iu tho opinion ol w it h l i a b i l i t i e s o f 8339,742; c la im e t l a.s- ing.lam es Lowrie. a railway agent at .am ple. (lO e. FIKK il.AnV ro., Isw.CItjr, la. to contain a large sum. “ AMK THIS PAPBR ererr tiweTtm vrlta. of exemptions as l se ts .8385,013. .Shelhnimnd, in October, lS9:i. E d d y L f.o n k k t , of llulTalo. N. Y., every existing nat T h e house committee decided, by’ a WiLLiA.M .'sTUAU,sRAi GU. a iiialccr of to take out circul; reduced .lohiison's straightaway mile vote of 9 to 8, to favorably report Sec­ spurious eimt, ;ind two confederates bunk system if tl road bicy'cle record to 1:;5.5 and the un- taxation of nation retary Carlisle’s plan for currency’ re­ were captured by’ federal officers at paced m ile to 1:52"’*^. t5,000.(KX) annuall; 'I'if fin , O. A NEGRO who murdered a h o y n e a r fo rm . •which.there is no .A r Gardiner, .Me,, a house occupied A re Y ou F ortified? Imposed upon thei W illiam ston, S. C.. w.'is taken from the T h e ftiiiure of the Union Building atid .Savings company of Des Moines by Mrs, McReaily’ and two cliildrcu Tho report dlrcc custody of an officer and i^'iichcd by a ■When you are in. a low state of health, and on the verge of all of the witness cauglit Burlington (la ) people for was burned, all three of the inmate^ m o b . illness, there is no nourishmenl in the 'world like committee objecu about 8200,000. perisliing in tlie flames, C h i c a g o detectives worlcing in M ich­ those w ho did not, m r i osk a u g i i l r t v and George igan claimed to have nnciirtlied a M il a n d M il s . D a v i d S e o c u .m . o f A ! , D lions upon Cross e Edinboro, Pa., were beaten by masked Hufl'inan fought for jirecedence in The report contI scheme yvluyoby graves were I’obbed crossing a bridge near Hldon, la,, and ! "T h e passage ol and cofilns sold again. burglars and robbed of 810,000. Scott’s Emulsion some political e. both were fatally wounded. T h e Kcarne^’ (Neb.) nation.'il bank .lo H N IL v i .l and his wife. New York know, but we dok .lou.N C ro n in was hanged on an an closed its doors with liabilities of actors, were asphyxiated. Hall having to restore strength. Scott’s Emulsion nourishes, strength­ gravato, rather t tomiilie gallows at Hartford, Conn., ab o ut 812.5.000. turned t he gas on while he was drunk. ens, promotes the making of solid of the tliinncial si fi ■ the murder of Albert Skinner on of the United St T h e w,inter race meeting which 'J’e n men werotinjtired, several fatal­ flesh, enriches the blood and tones up ((I'lidii*)’ i>, |S93, 'I'lu' ;t])paratus worked States legal tend opened nt^iirrningham . Alii., ton days ly, by an e.xplosion of gas in the Vul­ the whole system. culation, did all sneeessfuHy. ago luis collapsed on account of a lack can mine at Newcastle, O. out all the clrci Si'AiN was notified hv Secretary of patronage. 'I’liE W oonsocket hank :it W oonsock­ For Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, bill, would only Gresham that Cuban discrimination »360,0(X).(XX) lo VO 'I' h e oflicers of various riviti com­ et, S. D., went into voluntary liquida­ Weak Lungs, Consumption, Scrofula, AnsBuda, a'^ainst American goods must be dis­ not afford any st panies formed a'combination at To­ tio n . slant drain of t continued, on pain of retaliation. Loss of Flesh, Thin Babies, Weak Children, and ledo, O., to fight the Standard Oil I n navigating the great lakes the would make still ail conditions of Wasting. t r u s t . past seasfin sixty’ sailors were lost, and F’d i i r vessels were wrecked during a more urgent, thi gale on the Pacifle coast and over fifty treasury ami the M r . a n d M r s . B a r r y , living on a thirty-eiglit vessels with an aggregate Buy only the genuine! It has our trade­ sailors were drowned. would make ojn farm near Adelia, N. J., were tarred tonnage of 15,381 tons passed out of the currency by a 'I'liF, Citizens’ stoelc bank of Slater, mark on sahnon-colorcd wrapper. and feathered bv masked men. e x is t e n c e . more kinds of moi Mo., made an assignm ent with liabili­ "Plnally. we an U n i t e d S t a t e s troops were patroll­ M r s . B e i .i .e P a r k e r , who was 0 feet TMAOK MAna. Sendfor pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion, F R E E , ties of 8500,000 and asset.s of 8350,000. safe for the hous; ing the Fort Meade military reserva­ high and weighed 455 pounds, died The failure caused the .Slater savitrgs Soott tu Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists., BO cents and Si. leglslullon pnipos tion in South Dakota to prevent fur­ suddenly of heart disease in Danville, before It that has bank also to clo^ its doors. ther depredations b j tim ber thieves. IlL than the CaCllsIe iLbe Indoffhitcly t

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tll&AJf BOYAU W h . E o t a l -FOR. C u r e d TWO KEPORTS.,^ aLINOLS STATE KEW8. on. Food di*> ok'Hood's H&r- pro sente d to the House on the UnroM rop of Illluols. ifore one bottle The slate board of agriculture baa .y without dla« Ooi'Usle Currency Bill. f given out reports of cortexpoudents ^ ^ I have rooom- tbrouybout the slate rog-ai-liiijr the ROYAL BROS.. DIALBB Uf sd Hood’s Barw The Majority Urges Us KarJy Consitlens* corn crop of 1894. The tifrea;,;-e seeded Lis to many. I tlou Mild Adoption—Tliti Minority Deplores Haste and Wants wa.s 0,705,47.5 acres, g-reater ttian any beard of lU year since 1889, exceedin'' tlu- acreag'o It Iteterreds MILWAUKEE ) to cure. Ro- of 1893 by 300,000 acres. In tlie north­ our station ern itivision the averagre wll^ 31 bush­ Carpenters®^ Builders. Choice Liquors, had the grip, V\ A8III.VOTON, Dec. 18.—Mr. Springer, els, central division, 38 busliels, and he was able to of Illinois, chairman of tl»o banking eoiithern division, 18 bushels. The We shall be pleased to make estimetM -THE ----- bo had a dls- aner cent, upon the a pine bo.x with no cereinonie.s. He also has a nice assortment of total amount of national bank notes outstand­ -Y A A School-Teacher Cut. ing Bhop sortb of II. P. Turner’sp a in offlos, WINES, CHAMPAGNE CIDER UB 3. A hrst lien upon all the assets of the asso­ While C. C. \Vitherow, a school­ L I Q U O R S 1 ciation Issuing the same. teacher at Whitehall, was punishing a KE YOU ETC., ALW AYS ON HAND. In case tlie guarantee and safety boj another pupil, Marshall Kevis, cut WZISTES AGAIN funds and tlie as.sets of a failed bank a gash a foot long and through the ROYAL BROa lATiC.____ are not suflicient to redeem the note.s muscles in the teiiclur's back, near CIGARS, An orderly house at all times. of such bank, a pro-rata assessment the spinal eolumn, anil tiiiotlier g^ash I Give me a call. upon all other banking associations, diagonally across tlie btick Witli- BOTTXiSD GOODS, according to the iiinount of tlicir out­ I erow’s recovery was doubtful. Imme- •tc., etc., e ta H. GERBRACKT r standing circuhition, is to be made : diatelj' after the cutting Kevi^ mount- ^E life: by the treasury' department, anti tlie j ed a liorse and Hod. jg)0’*’An orderly house st all timei« banks .so assessed slitill liave a first lien REISIN6 upon tlie as.scts of eacii failed bank I Olllclal I'lgiircN. 'D E A L E R IN ----- for ttic amount properl^^ cliargeabie to I The ofHcial vote at Hie reevnt elec- sucli bank on aecount of tlie redemp­ j tion on the following c;iiulid:ites has tion of its circulation. It i.s l>elicved by been eoiiijiiled: JOHN MORAN, tlie committee that tiie fuiuls Stut c iicasiircr. Wulff (rt;p ) 1 I.s ■‘Hi); Clag- thus providetl will be amply getl (lU iii.). 151); Putorbaugh (pi . ). 111,487; liaaili.'!)) (pco). 59,71)3; .Maim (iiil.), 1,(V)U. DEALER IN ' H i Stapte and j. n ^ BUtlicient to seeiiro the notes of Shim rintcmleiiL of schools. Inglis (rvp ), 448.- failed banks. The hill limits the C07; Kaal) (dcm.), 32.S.071. Tnisli c of tlie uni­ amount of circulating notes which versity. Flower (rep. i. 4(7.841; .Sinuh (ilom.), any bunk may issue to 75 per cent, of 807 •; li). WulfTs plur alily. i:i:i,427; Inglis' plu­ P nllian Buffet Sleeping Cars rality, 133,593. its capital sloelc. During the great AND ELEGANT DAY COACHES financial crisis of istlli laS iiatioinil Hog Cholera In Aliating. BET\A/lZEPg banks suspciuled payment, liaving a I ’lie sttite live stock comnii:s:don held capital stock of S30,:i50,000. The re­ Minneapolis and St. Paul its regular meeting at tlie state house AfSJ o % port savs- in Springfield. The business transact­ ^ ^ — j ’AisriD ------J n The tacts set forth domonstrato conclus­ ed consisted entirely of prepariition of Kansas City and St. Louis itation of being ively that if the proposed bill had been In force during the crisis of 18li3. if all tho the annual reports to the governor. THE 6HORT L_l (N E TO r fo r Dr. Tnimbovver, state veterinary, re­ V / i n e s , A banks had theretofore taken out circulation MINNESOTA, MONTANA, MANITOBA, —AND------to the maximum amount allowed liy law, ported the ravages of hog cholera rap­ DAKOTAS, WYOMING, IDAHO, PEOVISIOITS. I i= » s and if the failed bunks had also taken out idly abating' and thinks the disease their maximum circuhition. tho guarantee and OREGON, WASHINGTON :ed. safety funds would have been ample tor the will not let g'o for the time being. AND N payment of the entire etroulution of tho out- XIIE NORTM W ESX B e e r I £NT for the Tojil in a Few l.lncs. Btandlng notes, and would have left a surplus A FULL LINK OF f INFANTS and of over $11.000.000 still in the safety Two great revival meetings marked CONNECTINQ AT KANSAS CITY FOR fund without the necessity, even In a great F2l e :. i s i the close of the convention of the Ep- Kansas, Colorado, Arizona, Old and crisis of that kind, of making any as­ wortli league of Rock River confer­ New Mexico and California. ntinued Fevers, sessment on the resources of tho other na­ tional banks. In view of these facts your com­ ence at Rockford. AT ST. lCUIS for Hal ag:citt mittee are of the opinion that should the pro­ • hand a choice line of i FreshGroceries ric d ise a se s; Martin W. Garrison, tin oM citizen Arkansas, Texas, Tennessee, Alabaitif, posed bill become a law the note.s which of Rusliville, dropped ilead while read­ isultation over would Ic issuoil under it would bo absolutely Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, -ANI rgans were re- safe under any and all possible business coti- ing a newspaper. He was O'.) years of Florida and the 0-I-GT--A.-K/-S. sitive condition ^ ditlons. age. SO UTH lo® SO U TH EAST. ^ANUM w a s In conclusion the coiiuniltcc say: H. ('. Uunrtright, the first republican r-CHOICE - PROYISIONS-s The extraordinary conditions which con­ ever elected to lill a county oflice in the stomach front the treasury department liuve con­ Only Une to -PEORIA- Without Changk A full line of Highest market price paid fbr ..IFB seemed strained tlie members of the majority of tho tSlielby county, was installed as Country Produce, ion coniinitlec. while not agreeing to ail the eherilY. Direct Connections with Through Trains provisions of the bill nor to. all tin; Hnrghirs were discovered in the store to Principal Cities in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, be difficult to Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and re paUtable. reasoning einiiloyed in this report, to of J. I’. Condon,,and in altempting to BOTTLED GOODS concur ill repomiig tlie me:isure to the house New York without change. arrest Hiotn SlierilY 'J'edriek shot one Shipping Depot, for its consideration, eacli reserving to himself PURCHASE TICKETS VIA My Millinery DspartmsDt N ew Y o rk4t . the right to oiler such amendments as he may of the desperadoes, probably fatally. _ always on hand. deem proper, and to vote on the bill llnully as Evidence :i.^|iiiist 500 violators of the l O V m be may delei iiiine. CENTRAL ROUTE is always full of Tasty Goods The report of the minority was presented b.v election laws in Chicago was .secured E. McNEILL, THOS. P. BARRY, at Eeasonable Prices. Mr. Walker (rep.. Mass.). It refers to tho by the Civic F^ederaliott, «a>*d warrants MANACieRg OIKN'i. baste Wltn wiiiiui tin; iiari.v uuijuiiiy — nut liiu ii>i Liiuii (iiicdb *./c oc" MARSHALLTOWN, IOWA. HAYfEVER voting majority of the coinuj^flTtJi presented eiired. An orderly house at all j . the measure, and says Ln* hasHi all .lolin .Matthews, defeated for reelcc- r the more inexplicable in vic.v of the tact tliut times. Give me a call and I , Kccrotary ('arlislo testilled that this bill, tion as ooiinty clerk at Lincoln, took THREE flREAT CmES^rtWEST which he had drafted him.self for the relief of poison. His accounts were said to bo -^CHioao: will endeavor to please you. | tho treasury, would not in any event relieve it materially for live ycurs and miglit not for 8'3,000 short. twenty years. While returning from a visit to .Scot­ Tho report slates lliat tho wliole action of land Mrs. Hannah Williams, of Chi­ i Mannf»otnr*rof the parly majority of the commtuoe was most cago. jumped into tlie Atlantic and BALM extraordinary and rflit approved liy its voting Hsaeefi, Allayg Pain was drowned. UHSiscin SorpK. Protoeis the majority. The bill was only read in committee STX01A& lliH Senses of Tasco In part, on one occasion and an opportunity The Heuver & Glidden .Shoe company .A. E . IsT El S S , absorbed and gives to consider or amend it was refused made an assignment at Itecatur to both to the democratic and roimb- Samuel S. .lack. Liabilities, §9,000; us- lostrll and le agree* c . lican inembec><'s report eontiiuies J i W . O R R > or by mall, that it is the utflmon of a number of Bcts. S'JO.OOO. itreot, Now York. the most clear-headed and eminent tlnanclcrs .Samuel .L Mitchell, a liglitning-rod n n Of these of tho country tluil If tho Carlisle bill i.s en­ man. was sentenced at Metropolis to JM ii,i.vsTRion8 acted into a law that It will within twenty I.INHED TOGETHER BY THE PAIHITEH m Instruments days precipitate a panic far more severe than eight years in the penitentiary for ir Nap^rlortty ! Tbe/ committing forgery'. Collars, Whips, Bridles, &c. ■! 1 hrlr fiiirmbllll; • that of 18f)3. a.s it would compel tlie forced sale CHICAGO & ALTON R. R. -AND- rao*i llu)i D^it^rl 8mi upon the market of nearly .|200,0JJ.000 worth of John McRoherts, a coal miner at As­ id fftr <’atalriffu«. United Stales bonds within six months. u p SUU A Jftelfton 8t» sumption, was instantly killed by a »«• CHICAGO. The report says that whatever legislation is fall of rock. He had been married had with reference to the finances of the coun­ BSTWSBK ) ST. LOUIS Jt KANSAS CITY. DECOHATOH. ho one Tools shonld try or banking in its effects ui>on national only three weck.s. Union Drjioti In EAST 8T. I.OUIH. WW, tMi Tool CotnIojfuO, LOUIS. KANSAS c i t y , and CHICAGO. Btiren St., Cbleac^* Hh banks should be permissive and not manda­ Miss Mary Miller was killed in a Mo otU«r Mob ruu* a - tory as to national banks while their pre.sent runaway at Preemption, her body be­ charters continue. PALACE DINING CARS f our goods. Mall ing dragged 5 miles. ns ro., iBwsCity. Ill the opinion of the minority, the provisions PROMPTLY EXECUTED. of exemptions as to state banks would drive AVaves made by a tug upset a skifi Paper l^apgiijg terved In any 1 every existing national bank that desires to at Cairo containing si.x men and The flneac to take out circu latin g note.s Into the state James and John Delay were drowned. PALACE RECLININGCHAIR CARS All work warraot«d to be of the vary bank system if the bill were enacted. The They lived at Holly Springs. .Miss. in the world are run In all Through TraJna. day and taxation of national banks would amount to night, without change, and FU EE OF JSXTKA fi SfECIAtTY. material or no oharga. *6, 000,000 annually under tho present bill, Arthur McDowell, aged 32 years, was CHAKGE. which, there Is no reason to believe would bo drowned by the upsetting of his buggy PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS Imposed upon them under the state system. while fording n stream near Van- the flnent, beat and safeat In ii«n anywhere. I shall use my best endeavors te c o m e a n d s e e m e a n d s a v e m o n e y . Tho report directs attention to the fact that The heat and quickest route from CH ICA G O t« j please all parties entrusting me with dalia. MEMI’HIS, ItHUlII.E, NEW OKL.E4^& go of all of the witnesses who appeared before tho S d all polnu ;8<»UT1I via HT. LO U IS. their work, and execute all contract* committee objected seriously to tho bill, and Prof. J. W. Henninger, superin- The Short Line to with neatness and dispatch. . those who did not, repudiated many of Us sec­ U'ndent of the schools of Charleston, ISisBOurl, Arkansas, Texas, Kansas, Oolo- tions upon Cross examination. PHILIP F. HUFFMAN, received his commission to be deputy rado, Ks'w Mezioo, Arizona, Nebraska, Thanking my friends for their pi\sl The report continues; patronage, by a strict attention to bu^ “The passage of the Carlisle bill may meet state superintendent of public instruc­ Oregon, Oalifomia, eto. tion iiiulcr Prof. S. M. Inglis. The. G R F .A T K X O U K 8 ION ROUTE between hess hope for a continuance of thoil some political exigency of which we do not the NORTH and HOU'TII. and to and from patronage. J. W. ORR. know, but we do know that Its passage will ag­ Mercer eotinty's new courthouse, KANSAH I, A NOS and the IIK A J .T H T o n t h a c t o r ingtb- gravate, rather than relievo, tho perplexities KKHORTK and MINING UISTRICTH of th« of the financial situation, and especially ihat erected and furnished at :i cost of Weal and Souihwcgt so lid 8 000 See that your lleketa read via “ CHICAGO dr AND BUILDER of the United Stiitps treasury. The United S , , wa.s accepted by tlie board of ALTON RAILROAD.” tF YOU HAVEAGOOO 38 u p Slates legal lender notes withdrawn from cir­ supervisors. ForYlap*. Time Tablca, and all Information, addreaa culation, did nil existing national banks take Rev. N. 1). Hillis, pastor of the JAMES CHARLTON, .Busikess': out all the circulation permitted under tho (jeneral Pa«(«oni{cr add Ticket Agent. lohitiB, bill, would only be .flM.000,000, still leaving Presbyterian chiircli of Evanston, has aiO Dearborn StB*et, C4mieT3Mam» BCrsot, Stone & Brick Work; $350,000,000 to vex the treasury. This would been cho.scn to succeed lli-v. David CHICAGO, ILL. laemia, J. C. MoMULLiN, Vice-I’reBldent. not afford any substantial relief to the con­ Swing of Hie Central cliiireli in Chi­ AIAO, H. C H A PP E L L , Ueucral Manages FZ.A.STBiZi.XZra. a, and stant drain of gold from the treasury. It cago. would make still more consplcuotis and thus more urgent, the tleinand for gold upon the The suit of Miss Edith McCord, of m Arthur, against J. Kanlfmaii for S15,- treasury and the notes Issued under the bill ALL WORK l'IRST-CLAS8 AND m trade- would make eonfusloii confounded in 000 damages for slander was com­ the currency by adding from one to forty-five promised by tho defendant paying JOB WORK IF NOT; PRICES REASQNABLB, more kinds of money to those already existing. "Finally, wo arc of tho opinion that it Is not »200. Anyone wiahing ibis kind of «n>rk 4m safe for the house to enter upon the line of A 4-fo

A-? . ^ * /

d : . t Sti'awii will ha\U' an Xiiiaa tree at the Homer Dally spent Sunday with, Nor­ swojili town hall ott ('hristtnas Kve and an e.n- man and Wdliiim Watts, eastuLtowii. T h e N e r v ■ JAS. A. SMITH, F kopkiktok. terlHinnient utider the manajfemetit of Miss Dug uvuiiii n Mr-. Dr \\ In-cler, of Kansas, is spend­ III short, we hol<) tlie pro viin o '4 a m « spuper Mrs. S, IP Corncau, mnllicr of our to be to trive all of the ueu'«. amt leave idle a"a- ing a few day.s with her si.sti-r, Mrs T atp to wa(r tia toiiKue wltliiii I he narrow aoope postmaster, is visiting In r son J Pearson of Ita iimnudlate aurroiiiulina'i Ml'S (P L Corneaii is some better and Mr Sam Dowse, of El Dorado, Kan., if no backset occurs will si,on lie able to is .spending a few day.s here with friends for Infants and Children. C U l . L O M be gp Milt's Pliattimcy and relatives Mesdames Case. Movard, Howell and Mesdames Henry Weirs and K, .Mi'- “ <'ast»rta isRo wctliulapted locliiUlren tliat Ciistoria eiin-s t'olk', (’onstiivitlon, A I)f. K (' Hamilton was a ^jupst of Dr. Halstead were shopping in Chicago I l■ecom^leIlll i: r i ; --siriort.iany prg.-;eri|)lioii Sour .stoimu-li, Diarrhoja, Knietution, Ffi;d on Wedim.silay Langhliii returned home from Kankakee Monday last 'Tncsd.iy. l.uowu to I ii' " II .y .'.lu iiEii, M. !>., Kills Worms, gives sleep, and jiromotes dl- A. Haa^r and 8i(t. Hoeman attended Ill :«i. t.j .ford t : , Ilrooklyn, N Y. ge.stioii, A .A ball for the benelit of Robt. Mr. W eakly went to Kankakee last Ki'i'i-n! discc the Stoddard sale Tuesday W ithout injurious imslloatlon. denbnrg was given at t he ofiera house Monday after spending a few days with ni 1 1 hi- or-jiin-, i 'The t'ltllom Itand lieen reoijian- Wednesday evening. It was not a very t ml of ill-- III Mr Nate Wilson l lie 1) I'l- of till ized liook out for new imisir now. great tinancial success. "The use of ‘(.'astoria i i so universal and “ For several years I liave recommended i: jr.iiu,'e I lilt! ( M is Win Martin, of Kankakee, is Mrs. Blaekmore is in the eonniry this 'I'he R a m b l e r came out as adverti.scd if' merits so v. i-ll l.amva tliat it sii-rns a work your ■ ('u-storla,' and shall always continue to ii.Ti’e ll.l.Uiit-o spending a few days witli her sisier, do so as it tins invariably produced beuefleial i;ieni!)et--il tliii week alteiidiiif^ ln>r son, .John, and fatn- this week, a twelve fiage paper, (irintcd Mrs J W Castle. of su|>erero(»atioii to i-adorse it. I'ew are the <■ '.ril will i::uiM ily, who are (jnitosiek. on pink paper It made a nice apftear ntelligent families wI;o tio not kts'i) I'asUn ia r e s u lt s ." I 1 1 1 in iur.-il po .Mrs Alii-e (looilman left last Tuesday within easy reaeh. ' r.Dwix !■'. 1‘ardee, M. I>., lii'-\i-iut-il by ('hris I'nzieker is the hapiiv father of I aiice jinil was full of advertisements. P u-:t!v/.i-il pol l for Iowa, where she will spend a few Cxiiuou riiKtVN. I)., PiMli .Street and 7th .\ve.. New York City. a girl baby Mother and child are do I Faigineer Hiirtch, of the .Streator pas days with her sister. t u- iT ruii.-ni iiifr well under the skillful c.are of Dr. .sengcr train, has taken a lca\'c of ab Now York City. r itl't-1 III- ii-i'u Mrs. Martha Mute left last 'Tuesdav \ Ii I 'll I ii ■>' bU Ham ilton. sence to visit his relatives in Michigan T he Ce.vt.u It Company, 77 .Mi rray .Street, New York Citt. T vo-ihiril-i ( I During his absence Engineer Kaler will for Craiidridge, where she will attend I 'le 1 Tijii-rfe -I, Milt's amuial children’s jiicnic for the the funeral of her stsler. I :i.! i> 1 'll I)f III chiklreii was a trrand sneeess, about IdO ' ‘rtin his engiuH. i;it';i. iirimarl; heinp in attendance, and all shook hands During I he absence of Agent Stew.irl Miss .Marcia Comstock left last .Mon­ ! -If. Tlie g r with Old Santa and received candy, (Jiai'ley Twitehell ha- charge of the sta­ day for Ohio, where she will spend a ■l;f:i!iiu{ tlifbC few days with friends and relatives. oriraii i-;i(lier mits and fruit All left their orders tion, assisted Ity Mason and Myron Mill­ a."e I 111! raiisi! ( and expect Santa ('Ians ni>xt I'ne.sdav iard in day-time and Herbert Kelly and .Mrs Jerry Lyons gave a supper to a Da. l-'llANKI.I few of her friends last ’Thursday even < iali'l.lias pro Have yon seen tho'C novelties for chil- liarr^ Fraiizeii at night. O'. I-I- 2;) years, : tiren yet? Cotne in. J. L. Lomison has purchased the ing Among those pre.sent were Dr iii-i.-ovcrlt'.s ill 'Thayer itrofterty. He ex|jects toocciipy Dally and wife, .Mr. and 5|rs. F^. Carey, I heal lielng tlr .Mr. and Mrs. FJwell, Mr. and .Mrs. ! ' ili-.iieiil, !i!ii PIl'KR C ITY it in the spring. He contem idates im ­ I -.-at iu'-iit are Henry W eirs and Mr. and .Mrs Rogers i; -S', tiii:iii K 1). t'ook made a brief visit to your proving the house, making it one of the (.SFCCKSSOKS TO SEAHI.Nt; A: .MES8I.EK.1 city Wednesday. liandsom est in town. All had a nice time. ijriai.i, nieiai, “ P.XNSV ” \'itU ' (1 in -i , Rev. Kin^ returned Wednesday frotii On Sunday last, as train No. 5 on the I 1 11 li-r ho -.- e i d e a l f :r s in I'r. . 1 1 , ! . tie: a business trip to Kankakee. VN'abash wa.*; |itilling out from the dc()ot Toledn, Peorhi A: Wesfeni and Pennsy l­ f I I ti l; i I is I M essrs. McArthur and 'ratipert were a pas.senger ran out of (kirmon's restau­ vania 'Tliraiigli Line. Da. .Mll.K-i' Ii visiting frietids in lov. n Sunday. rant and atlcmpteil to get on He A through passenger line has been a i .Iriiggl.-as u missed the stej) and fell between the i:: r-e -t iiy Dll. Mr. and Mrs Haskins were tloiii}? opiuied np by the 'T., P A W. Kv. ami ! 1 , 1 , on ri-cel trading in ytmr city Wednesday. rails and platform ^le had presence of the great Pennsylvania .Short Lines with lioil ies for $5. mind enough to not attcm|)t to move un­ two throngli trains eacli way, giving LUITQBEIi e p il] ^ 60;/IL. i;--i:i;er opiate Mr and Mrs. Mark Palmer were til the train was'-slopped and, by so do passengers tlirect coiineetions via l.o F'iir .S shopping in your city Wednesday. ing, escaped vvithotil any injury. , gaiispoil to all points in Indiami, Ohio, Miss Dora Miller spent a few days Fuigine 155 on the Streator passenger Pennsylvania, the south and this week iti (lilman, the guest of train broke a v.ilvc Wednesday evening 'I’hrongh coach between Peoria ••iml ('in Prefessior frietids just sotit h of Rowe station . It was some eiiinati daily, exi'ept Sunday 'Thi’oiigli TIE HIGHEST PRICE PUG EOH GHIIH OE i l l KIHDS. Messrs Dtirhatn and Rankin, of time before any report from the conduc­ sleeping cars daily between Pcoriti and Onarga, were iti our city upon btisiness tor as to the cause of delay could begot Columbus, Ohio. C, V, [1 M onday. ten to Forrest, as he was away from a 'The train leaving (Jiatsw orth tit U-'iH WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF otlice in telegraph station, which caused a great a. m arrives tit Logansport ;it 12; 10 p. Mr. Foster Choate, of Kankakee, f't visited with his sister, .Mrs. L. D. Kitig, deal of uneasint'ss in the trainma.-ter’s m ; Indiantipolis, 3:15 p m ; Dayton, atid family over Sunday. otlice. All kinds of |)redictions were ():15 p. m.; Columbus, SdO p. m.; ;iml Pliibidelphia, 12;I7 p. m ; New York, J A Moiitelius is making extensive made, from a slip|)ing of an eccentric to "Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, 2:33 p 111. next day. Only one ch.iiige T. C. S improvements in ids east elevator, an explosion of the engine anil till killed to till eti.'lerii points. / Otlice i building ott and making a covered drive­ 'Trtiiii letiviiig (Jhatsworlli at ;i 2H j> way, etc. KEMRTON. Agricultural Implements, Etc, Cl VVm. 'Teesle is on the sick list. m. iirrives at Log.ii: sport 12:25 a. m. Mr. atid Mrs J. C. Linn were called Cincinnati, 7 30 a. m ; Dayton, 0:5(1 ;i to Petinsylvatiia Saturday by a telegram Mrs. Matt. Cook went to Chicago this m ; ('olnm bns, 7:30 a. m., and New aimotincing the serioits illtiess of Mys. week. York, 7:33 :i. ni .second morning 1)11. W . (lives speciuI ii Litin’s mother. ' Lou Htimmon went to Kankakee last 'The 'T., P. & W tind Peiinsylvtinia WE KE:EP CO.NSTAN'l'I.Y O S HAND II n 'Tuesday. Shoi't Lines are giving tlic public lirst- l-!ye.s tf'Sled M E L V J N . class time and service to .all points cast. Can he (-onsu Mr. VV'in Scott went to Ptixton hist Chiits Mr A. Bnckholz shipped a car load of Mondaj’. Call on tiny agent of the '1' , P A W. Ry i.rMiiF.H, i..vni,Lnri-;,iiA JK ,cEM E.\T, Private II cattle to Chicago Monday evening. Linden Mute was here hist 'Tnesihiy on tiiul get full ptiiTicnltirs Rev. Miller closed a series of meetings business. F] N. AityisTKoNo, C P -A. I■I..\STE1{, HTO.XE, I’.VIXTS, 01L8, ETC., at the (a)ngrcgaliontd church hist Sun­ Mi ss 'I'obenski, of Criswold, was here F .C . H day morning.. The (’uliiiidiia Desk ( alendar. hist Friday. F'or ten years the desk ealendar issued a n d EVtaiYTHlNO IN I'HE LINE OF Christmas exercises are being pre- Maggie Hennessey spent Sunday witli by the Po|)e .Mtinnfactnriiig coniptiny lots ptired in each mom of the pttblic schools N ellie (h-ircy. licld it niiiipic among Inisiness to be given Friday afternoon. Miss Alice MctTiiigan went to Cabery heljiers F^aeh liaily leaf during that BUILDING MATERIAL. Mr. A P. Could went to Chictigo Mon- last Saturday. time has till.gilt its quiet lesson of the ihiy to purchase holiday goods for value of better roads and outdoor exer O. H. Christimis, and Chtirlie Could is aiding Miss F]tla (aiok went to FNnington last Wednesday. cise, tiiid espeei.illy all beiielit.s of liicytd ] in the store. ing. 'Tile ealemiai- for 1805, wliieli is Best Teeth on Mr A Muernett was here on business IVE IIANDI.E T H E liE:ST ORADE.S OE set l-ineCi Mr J. R Fielding moved his family jtist issued, is even brighter than its iiieiit and oti to his new home at 'I’tilbot. Iiid., last last Wednesday. predecessors in appetirtiiiee, tis ('lever 'Tuesday. V\’hal is Melvin’s loss is 'TaT John Faltei- was in C abeiy last 'I'lies- artists htive addl'd dainty silhonettc and ALL H hot’s gain in getting such an esteemed dav on business. skV'Iches to the usual wise tind witty H a rd a n d Soft Coal. B o o m fi. fam ily. Miss Lucy Farley went to Kankakee ('ontribiilions li.ivc heretofore given C. C. Stiia w.v. Mrs. Scott and children, from Nebrtis- last VV’ednesd:iy. this popnltir ealendar its chiirni. It ('tin ka, tire guests of Mrs. Scott’s parents, Lila Howland is spending this week be had for live 2-cent sttimps from the WHEN IN NEED OF ANYTHING IN OUR LINE -Mr. and Mrs Mart Holmes, this week. with Rena Olson. Pope Maunfactnring comptiiiv. Htirl- GIVE US A ('ALL. Stra^w ford, ('onn , or from tiny (,'i I ST i* Vil i ii! k 11 *>( iii. Iv) v No services were held at the M, E worth last Saturday. Ounnniuf Oifii i ii w uLuiVLf church last Sunday on account of the old rootn heing usen Ity the carpenters John Parker went to Chatsworth hi,-t 'Tuesday on business. lllillBI as a store-room for lutnber and frames Holly Springs RouteCHATSW ORTH, ILL. Att for doors and windows for the new (jeorge Douse went to Cabery last church. -» 'Tuesiiay on business. OK THK AT Mr. A Ander.son went to (hillom last "IMPROVEMENT THE ORDER OE THE AOE.' Deeds, r.easi's. s n i A IP A’. Tue-aiay on businc.^F. II.LIN0IS CENTRAL R. R. oiiiee over i;ef Foster Motgan returned frotn tiie west Lila Howland went to Cabery last F' Tuesday. Saturday on,business. Charles Hill was at Forrest on busi­ Mr. West, of Cabery, was twre. on ness Monday. business last Monday. DOOL Wins on its merits. ('. A. Vonng was transacting busint'ss Mr. W. Kemp returned to his home in LEAD The f;ivorit(' everywhere, at F'orrest Sat uni ay. Kankakee last Friday. is a new, quick and direct line (clTccliv Dec. 2) from Chicago, via tsurpassos all older machines. Mrs F., M. f'urvea, of Creettwood, Mr Conrow, of Cabery, was on our Properly used, always in order. Neb., arrived Monday. streets last Wednesday. (Jntlasls all others am! retains alignment. FURNITUi I. Hccktnan. of Forrest, was calling Mr, Menke., of Chatsworth,_ was here HOLLY SPRINGS, Antomatically chMineiTwithoiil extra attachnii'nt.s. on friends here Siimlay. on business last Monday. Almost noiseless, ('orrections easj', mistakesTpruvented Hannon A- Co. shipjted a car of^Jy^ Mr Robt. Lamb, of Cullom, was here m i r m i n g H a m Used exclusive!}- by Associated Press of N('w York, to to Chicago Monday night. on business last Monday. take dispatches direct from wire. Rapidly being adopt­ ed by the government. There was a grand turkey rallle at the , Miss Rena Olson went bi (.’abeiy on A N D ATLANTA T l;^ Harmon home Monday night. business last Wednesday. to Jacksonville and all Florida Points, The Sm ith Prem ier T ypeirriter Co. written in fl fu and such principal points south as Mirm Love it Aaron are putting in a stock Mr Palmer, of Kankakee, was here on 154 Monroe. Street, Chicago, 111. of bools and shoes in their new store. ingliam, Ala.; Atlanta, Augusta, Macon ROBT. business last Wednesday. and Savannah. Ga , :ind Charleston, S The ne.w water mains were tested last Mrs. I. J. Devereaux went to Cabery (;. My it one c:in leave (Hiicago at 135 EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. week and found to bt^ all satisfactory last Saturday on business. p 111 , daily, and arrive Mirmingh.'im Teacher’s Examinations. Loi The. smiling countenance of .) Meister, Miss Della Douse, who has been very '2:50 p. m . .-Vll.iiita 8:5tl p m the next Estate of HenrlcUii Dassow, Deceased. of (diatsworth, was on our streets Tues- sick, is improving slowly. day, and at Jacksonville !):55 a. m. the takes tneiisiir. In 18D.5, exiiminations for tcticher's day second morning afti'r leaving Chictigo, W'e, the imdersigiu'd. Iiaving lii'on appointed Suits, t'l'-ans Rev R L. Figgins returned honie certificiites will be held on the third Fri­ H. F'. Jones, Pontiac's bright young from ('ullom last Saturday. !ind can make the journey for the entire executors of the estate of Hi'nrli'tta [Inssow, Trousers if de, distance in a Pullman late of Oerinanville. In tlie oounty of Livings­ day of each month and the Saturday attorney, was heie on business Tin-s- Mrs Justice Wagner returned home ton and state of Illinois. (I(‘ceased,- hereliy give always give th day notice that we-will appear hot'ore the county following except that the only examina­ from Chicago last 'Tiiesilay. SLEEI’INT. CAR court ot I.lvlngston eounty, at the court house tion in July and August will be at the Anchor struck a l.Pfoot vein of coal Mr. Morrison, of ('ornell, is spending in I'onihic. at the.lanuary term, on the first close of the annual institute. An aver­ Knight! Saturtlay at fj p. m. The town is on a a few (lays here with friends. .Monday in January next, at which lime all age standing ‘>f 80 per cent, will be le- boom. From Chicago to Jacksonville persons having claims against said ('stale an' Meets in Ca Mr. and Mrs. DeLoss Farley, of Ca- notifli-(l and reqiiesti'd to attend tor the i>ur- qnired for second grade certificates and Mrs. C. J. Rartlett.of Mansfield, came with hilt one change, and that at a sea- «V( ber.y, were here last Tuesday. pose of iMving the same adjusted. All per­ of 00 per cent, for first grade, and no up Sunday to visit her mother, who is sonahle hour on the train en route, to a sons indebted to said estate are reqnt-sti-d to grade may be less than 70 for a second ijuite ill. Messrs, (^het Elwell and Frank Mell re.serv.ition in a through .laeksonville make Inimedlate payment to the undersigned. nor less than eighty for a first grade went to Cabery hist Thursday. Dated this fifteenth day of November, A. D. 'I'hose wishing to ship live poultry fo car, which reservation can b(' made 18SM. cerlilicato. The law provides that ap­ through from starting point Ask for BE, Chicago can get coofis by calling at the Mrs Jessie Kingdon. of ('ullom, spent H kn iiy D a s s o w . '. p ,,,^8 plicants for second grade certilicati's ( HA^LBS D a s s o w , \ uu)r8. exfrress oflice last Friday with relatives here Special F lorida F'older of I ( ’ R R. is­ shall be examined in Orthography, Read­ sue; they, as w(>ll as fieki'ts and full in­ lievilo Oliver, of Chatsworth, was in Mrs Linden Mute, of (hillom , spent ing, Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, PIC Friday with Mrs. Martha Mute. formation, ean b(> obtained of your Lo­ (icography, U. S History and Physiology town Saturday consulting Ceo. W Read cal Ticket Agent, or liy addressing A. From life. on legal business and for first grades Natural Philosophy, V, Emma De.Moss spent a few days with H HAN.SON, G P. A . Chicago, 111 I’he ladies of St. Rose’.s Catholic her cousin, Mrs (31018 DeMoss. Do You want Botany and Zoology are added; it also 5x7 inches ai church will give a sup|»er here A steady paying Jot) witli proviiies that an institute fee of .^1 00 he - \ gether thegr Dr H. M. Dally and wife spent Mon­ (tolleeled from each and tlnit certilicates m as night, and the young men a tmll. day evening at Mr. W 'T. Watts. Agent wtuifed for new l>ook. largest liouae in the west. 3(1 The Wabash will sell tickets to all LIVE Spieiidnl 8(-ller. Ftnre 0|.|inr- years established. With our facilities wo can shall not bo granted to males under 18 ONL points on ita line at one and one-third Mr. Drew, of ('hicago, spent a few tiinity for any Active man or Indy $75 make a good saleaman fh two weeks from raw or females under 17 years of age. F^x- days with his cousin, Jacob Drew. fare for the round trip Dec ‘id. 25, .31 per month easily earned. .No expe­ material. N u r s e r y stixJk that is warrantisd to aminations will begin at 8:30 a. ni. and ^ for the collei and Jan. 1, good to return until Jan. Miss Angie Shanghnessy spent \Snn- rience A C ^IT T r e q II 1 r ('(I . os grow. best varieties seed potatoes in the those candidates not well known to the are sold. St 2, 181)5. da.v with lp*r folks near (Iriswold. we give I full insirnelions. A%ot-ld, eio. If you want money write stating superintendent must furnish satisfactory We pay express and allow SOidays evidence of good moral character. The 'The a. W. C Wilkinson, night o|»T>rator here Mr. and Mrs. (’has Shaub returned L. L. M A Y & CO., at the Wabash depot, has hf‘en trans­ home from Saiinemin last Monday. credit. I/Ct ns tell von nhont if. P. W." work of the otlice is such that time can- 301 NuusKRVN""- O f P n . n l M i n n . ferred to Osman as agent F. O. Tobias Mrs. Mrown is spending a few days 7i.'glrr&Co.,rtox lA# A lU T C r^ iiisTs a snosMRN. o*-- not bo spimui for private exaiuinations. Hekee hi» place here. with her daughter, Mrs J. W. (Justle. 1870, St. Louis, Mo. I 2*U (This house is responalble.) 'I’OMKAUGH, Co. S up ’t.

T IL L SORTS. *%• Mr. Ira P. Wetnjore, a trorominent [o, Texas, MYSTERIES! Shoes with beds ware first made in has used c CliarobeiTain’s K i i ...... Colic, Cholera Paris ill 1627. eOMMERCIAL BANK Hud Diarrhisa Rerued.v In bla fam ily for The Nervous System .the Seat Reid’s German Pills care Indigestion several years as occasion required, and -OK- of Life and Mind. Recent and constipation. always with perfect success. He says: W onderful Discoveries. Hats were first made tn England by "Itiudita perfect cure for our baby No mystery has.ov t compared with that of Flemings about 1610 when troubled with colic or dysentery CHATSWORTH. human life. Ithiiahcua the leadliii; subject In 1274 a well written Bible was sold I now feel that my out Hi is not com­ nf prufessloiiul rnnoaivli uiid study In all ages, plete without a bottle of this Reiuedv at llui aotM lihaiandiiii( this fact It ts not geuer- for 50 marks, about $170. * ‘ a lly kn o w n Imuie or on a trip away from borne. For tliut the si^ut The glove is tirst mentioned as a cum sale by 11 M Bangs, druggist / 7 I ~i ' ^ hfu Is lis-ii- mon article of in fOHJ. • » ■yv. ‘ N \ ted In Iho up­ Kussi.i hai} produced this year, ae- GeoeralBaiiliiiiEBiisinessTraDsacleil per pan .0()(),l)00 Interest "Paid on Tim e Teposits. and so s e n s i - inid for ii C'liiiiiimaii, ut about three last year. Her rve crop is 7H2,(Jllll ilOO / ■> / ll'*5 Is this cents. busliels against 752,(K)0.(M)O a year ago / \ / IS'iliunof llio Korei)Mi Drafts. Ilartl'ord Firo liisiiraiu e. .F'tiia T t ' i\y / ncr\uiis sys­ A recent Bci kshire, Pa , fum>ral was The barley yield is 17(1,000,000 and tlmt l.lle iMMiiHiuie Farm l.naiia ni’a<>liale< rpoommendtHi ilri’ii were fnninl to Iht enrnlled in the *I t T l o a t a *;;e I 1 he organs which lliev supply with triends and neigliliors He says: “I Iwuya cuiitiiiue In nerre iKialare also deranged. When I t is re- scliools of tile I'niied State.s. roduc«d Ixsueflcial iMemhei••(I that a s*sriuus Injury to the spinal Ihoiiglit sure 1 Would lose him.* I had c'.nl will ciiU'f iiaralysls nf the holy below .Some of the little hron/.e images of seen (’Imiiiliei-laiii’s ('oiigh Remedy ad­ (MTV I in ill jiiivil pill’ll, iH-cause 1 ho nerve force Is t ’hiiiese dtulies :ire snppo.sed to have an vertised ami thought 1 would try it as :e, M. I)., pi-.’M’iiicil by tlio Injury from rcii-hlnglho iniiqiiity of two thousand years before ii last Inqie ;iml am ha|)|iy to say tlmt New York Cll v. |i ifalv.'.cil pei'iiun. It will he understiHsl linw tic il r in'ctiie’il of llieiierte centers will Oiri-'t. after I Wo doses he sle|it until nioriiiiig I c iii-e I lie U’l’iiiigement ofllie \ afiims organs .Most people can not afl'ord to exjHM'i- \ 111 li III y supply willi nerve fur e. I gave it to him next day and a cure was ! L>:i5T rOR 5H1KT5. >‘e w okk C i t t . Y r vo-i!iiids of clironic di easei are due to nii’iil They want immediate relief. etVeeteil. I k e e p this reinedv' in- the . I he 1 iiperfe’t iieilon of the nerve centers at I hat's why they use One Minute Gough h(>us(‘ now uml as soon as any of my I THr prsocTEF: a. gamole co . cacTi. I'liiii^eof the hrnin, not from a derange^’ t.'iire. —11. iM B.ings. ehildren show signs of eroup I give it to I itu';i. pHiiiarily original ing In the oriran It- ! If. j’lie great mistake of pliv.slclans in The lirst .):nuii!el.has profoundly studied this subject for If You See It in tlie Sun It’s Sti. PROI’RIK'IOR O’, cr years, and has made many Iniiiortant 'I’he people of Great Britain consume We note ill the pages of I’he Chicago oiscovei’ie.s in connection with It, chief among less tobacco (ler head Ilian those of any 'J'i)n e s a singular acci’s-ion of enei'gy l liem lu’ing tlie facts contained in tlio al)ovo other civilized connirv—only twenty- 1 iie.iii’iit. and Unit the ordinary methods of ami intelligence since it pas.sed into the I ’Illmi’ll'are wrong. All headaclie, dlzzl- three oun\'es to the inhaliitant. hands of its {iresent owners Sonu'one i: ’ss, iIlUIii ’-s, conlusion, pro.-HUro, blues, All killdB of m iaia, iinoaii lioly, insanity, epilepsy, !'l. 'i’he southern corn crop will hi‘ near- has infused a new and vigorous life into \'jtn-i d iii ’i , I’ll’ , ar-.i ncrvoii.s diseases no Iv 500,000.out) hnshels. :ua:ofding to the the paper It has come by one master ri u 1 I T lio .v c’lused. Tlio wonderful succes.s of United Si.ites iigi iciiltni:il dcp.irtmeiit, Iv biiiimi to the very front rank, and I'r. .Mill-.’ Ui’storatlve Neri ino Is duo to the f I liri; it is Imsed on I he foregoing principle. :in increase of 48,000,000 bushels. there is tlmt c{nality in it tliat never FRESH & SALT I'll. .Mi i .k s ' UK.STOIIAT1VB N K itv i.v n Ifl soUl b y If yon have a cold you Tliink can’t be fails of recognition Brains .imi eh.irac- II i .li’uggi.-.ts on a iiosit ive giiurantoe, or sent Harness Store ter will not tie denied and victory is cer­ c ri’M hy Dll. Mii.Krt Medical Co., Elkliart, eured, or the ehildren h.ive croup, get ! 1.1 . on receipt, of price, ?1 per bottle, sU Reid’s Gerniiin (hmgh and Kidney cure; tain to him wlio has the [lower. — X r i r hollies for $,s. express prepaid. It cuutaina cont.iins no |)oisoii; 2-5 and .'iO cunts. York Hun, Sor. '2S has a com plete .stock of lO T ih . i: ’iUier oplate.s nor dairgeroos drugs. E A T S ' ^ Foreign papers say Prof. Ley­ Tlie P«e(. For Sale by All Drugc.sts. den, the famous Germ in pliysieian who was called to attend the (lying Hm|)cror 'Fhe jioct sat dreaming over his work constant 1y on hand. HARN1:SS, SADDLE.S, of Russia, received S.'iO.OOO lor his fee. “ aia; you doing'i" ask(‘d his Professional and Business Cards. wife, sh.trplv. . COLl.ARS, WHIPS, The. elmreh at 'I’appan, N Y . where 1 KINDS. "Bnilding castles in Sp iin, iiiy love,” BRIDLES, COMBS, the nnfoi tiMiate Maj. Ainlre was tried, he replied with [leiisive soltness C, V, ELLINGWOOO, Mi D, convicted .and senteneed, recently '*b- Her eves Hashed BRUSHES, BEANKE'l’S se.rvcd its two huiulredth anniversary. Ollicein the New Sniitli Tiiiililing, “ Well,” sliH said, ‘‘you’d better he FUESH PISH Yon niak<( no mistake when yon take hiiilding a cottage somewliere out in the ('HATSWORTn. lldi. De Witt’s Little Early Risers for bilious suburbs.”—A//-oif F r e e P r e s s and ICVFRAS OF ALE KINDS, also a ness, dysjiepsia or lieailache, hecaiise O N F R I D A Y . these little pills cure them.— H. M. 'I’lie Discovery Saved Ills I.ife. stock of C arriage S u p p lies. T. C. SERIGHT, M. 1). Raiigs Mr G (’.lillouette, Bi’aversville, III , / Ollice ill West W’alter Block, Misse.s Jill Ison .and Lanison, of wt;althy says: '' Fo Dr King's New Discovery I n t s , E t c . Cleveland, (O.) families, tlie former the owe my life. Wastaktui with La(irippe Highest cash prices paid CIIAT.SWORTH, II.I.. daughter of a judge, have joined the and tried all the {illysiei.ins ior miles | Salvtition Army, ami are living in tlie about, hut of mi avail ami was given j for P’at Cattle, Shee[), Hogs, HEPAIHIITG army barracks in that city. lip ami told I eonld not live. H:iving Hides and Tallow. DR. W.W.SALISBURY Dr King s New Discovery in my store I (lives special aticntien to all Kye. Har. Clironic It cures |)iles, it enres olislinate sores, done with disjiateh. and Surgieiil Diseases. chapped hands, wounds. It doi‘s this sent for ;t bottle and liegan its use and Kyc.s testi’d iind glasses aciniralcl.v lilted. (piickly. Is there tiny good reason why from the dose beg:in to get better, Can lie consiilteil at tlie ('l■(lllg(■ House, in and lifter n-’ing three bottles up and G. F. EDDY, Chatsworth. ever.v Tuesday. you should imt use De Witt’s Witch Httzcl Salve*' —11 M Bangs about again It is worth its weight in Private Ilo.spital, STRAW'N, II.L. gold. W’e won't keep store or house Mrs Humphry Ward is sail) tn he. All Work GaaranteelPricessLowest •ILS, E T (’., wilhoiil it” (iet :i free trial bottle at the best ptiid novelist now living Out J. F. Sullivan’s drug store. F.C. HAMILTON, M.D. of her three hooks that have been pnh- (.'all :ind see, in New S]iieeher Block O llii’i' a t lished in the last six .\)'ars slie re­ Cure fur lieailache. IIVIIXLT’S A alized no less tinin two liuudred thou­ As a remedy for all forms of He:id- sand dolhtrs. CUEEOM, ILL. aohe PHeetrie Bitters lm.s (iroved to be G O F O T H E Five {lints of {leaiiuts were eaten >'y the very best. It elVeels a {lermaiieut Nellie Farrell, of Brookivn, N. Y ill cure and tlie most dreaded Imbitual sick O . H . BKKUIAM, three days. i’ht'y caused .i fatal at lie:idaelies yield to its intliienee. We DENTIST. t.-ick of {leritoiiilis. An tintofisy re- urge ;ill who .iie alllicted to proenre Ih’Sl Ti’Oth on lliiest Kiililicr I'larennly ?10 per vctiled in iier stomach a qiniiT of uiuli a liottle, amt give tliis remedy :i trial set I’ine (ielil I’illings Iroiii #1 .'id up ('»•■ Tonsorial Parlor gested {icaiiuts. In cases of Imbilnal eonslipation PHeeti'ie iiii’iit and otlier I’lastic Killings Irom fide up OF ALL WORK WARHAXTMD. A single ranch in W yoiiiing is .six Bitters cures by giving the needed lone times as big tis Rhode Ishiml. Its ili- to Hie b o w e l s , anil few cases long resist ! o a l . Ro o m tl. I’l.AiSDKti.Kit r.fii.rnNn. nieiisions tire 7-5 by 100 miles, and it is the use of this medicine. 'Fry it once. D . J. SULLIVAN C. C. Stiia W.N. A . C. N o i i t o n . stocked wilh2,00() horses, l.'i.OOO cuttle Large liotlles only fifty cents at J P. and 180,000 sheep. The owner is ex- Sullivan’.s drug store. ‘ wlieu you de.rus ’iiiii -ill .Skill Ph iioiioiis. “imi V LMMU M W w — ^ u LU i % )L | e.'lgo. (.^ueell ’♦ ll'ioi l.l iiiiiKAi pir, l.s substantially a western instilntiou. {lositivcly cures Piles, or no )i:iy re­ quired. It i.-- gimimiiteed to give, {lerfeet CHICAGO. Sluimpooing, Coloring HERBERT POWELL, In the shop of a St. Petersburg wateh- sati.sfaetion. oi' money refunded. Price A THIRD OF A CENTURY OF EXPERI­ maker a hiimtm faced clock is on view— PHc., done in the maiiuer. A ttorney at r ‘25 cents per l»ox. For sale hy .J. P. ENCE AND CONTINUED PROGRESSIVE the only one <>f its kind The hands are Sullivan, the druggist. NOTAin PULL I a. {/ivoleii on its nose, and any message IMPROVEMENT IS REPRESENTED IN 'Fhird door east of new Df'i’ils, r.easea, SVills. ,Vc . careliilly draw n am) .Spicchcr brick block. E AGE. • that mav he spoken into its ettrs tire re- 011 collections iiuide Never Draws llie Capital. thb“ leader LINE”of Ollice over ijeach & iiomiiiy's Hank. {leated liy :t iihonograpli through its Fwo eommereial travelers were once EAIRIUJRY, lEE. m outh. deseriliing the clmraeter of a third STOVES A .2 X U RANGES. rhatf>Tmpho4 We might tell you mon* about One ()ne detended him and the otlier disimr from IJfe. REVIVO Minute Conglt (’lire, hnl yon (irohahly aged his lioiiesty iwriter know (hat it enres a eoitgh. Every one LEADER RANGES RESTORES VITALITY. D O O Eim E BROS., •■Well.” s:iid ihe lirst, ‘‘you ad­ LEADERS IN AI.L KINDS does who 1ms used it. It is ti {lerfeet mit he h IS .1 lot of moi :il prinei{)le. ” F o i l W o o d a n d f o p . C o a l OK femedy for coughs, colds, hoitrseness. “ He o i t e r tmve, ' retorte’d Ihe second, LEADER COOKING STOVES f C It is an (!S|)eeial favorite for ehiUlren,he “ f o r he never uses n n y . " — A m it s iu ij M a d e a F o i l W o o d a .v d f o r C o a l ing pleasant to take ami quick in curing J o u r n a l ____ n r ^ m i ~ . E- It. FURNITURE & UNUERTAKIN6. — H M. Bangs. isC i>»y. W e i! M a n miMits. Wonilerfiil IViformaiiee. LEADER HEATING STOVES Little ( ’ooii, an inte,lU-‘c.tiuil_.cnlQred F o a ALL USES, FOR W o o d AMD f o r C o a t 151h D a y. ak»^«/‘pr«v(!nte(l hardware merchtinl in New, Tin; f.vKTfOri.AKS. o f M e . f New York, to htis made .ipplie.ition to have his name A striking perforiuanee is always an ALL MODERN AND IN GREAT VARIETY. THE GREAT .aoth liny. idly being adopt- LiiMoiDi. Life. Tornato & Accideit legally eminged He is six feet high, atlr.ietion, :ind no more striking {ler If yowl ilealei dues not liandic tbege Stoves X X T S T J A. T S r C E weigh.s‘J'Jll ponnils, and stiys that his fornmnees a re oflered than those ot Dr. ivi'ite to 118 for pi’iees. p ro liu’.'s I Ik * abovo r('«iilt8 in 30 days. It arts Bvriter Co. Miles’ New Heart Cure 'Flionsands of now* m iily aud iiiiirkly Curufi all others fail. w ritten in (i lull line of old. ri’liahlecom paiiicf name makes peo|)le hingh the moment Collins Sc .Burgie Co.. AotiHg willregrtm their lost manhood, nod old eet, Chicago, 111. b y they .see him. tesiimoiiiiils can be shown {iroving the ’viH rtM'over tlicir yonthfBil vieor by using 2'2.'> W. l'2 lh 8 t , Uhicago. RO BT. RTTM B O IiP . Agt. 'I’he state gas inspector of Indiana in woiiilerlnl enres it Ims [lerformed in ? i r V 'V O . It duiukiy and surely restoroB Nervous- (very part of the eoiinlry in restoring Vitality. Iinvofi iicy. Nightly EmiKsions, hi.s annual rejjort to the legislature ^o.,t JV)xvT‘r. Failing M- niory. \Va.stiug Diseases, and LOUIS S O U (i, savs that the natural gas siq>ply is like­ to he:il!li defective hearts, and giving HI » fh ciH of Ft Ii .ibiL'f or cxui^-sand indist^retiOQ, ninations. ly to be entirely exhausted in »iess than hack to life those who st;ired death in •v:\ii h nnJits on*'lor m'y. bn.'-iness or uiarriage. It the face. Heart disease avm|)touis fre- ;:ot' rilv ru n s hv ■ at. the soal of disease, but TAILOR, fonryears He estiumtes I hat since the sagivaf nrrv#» Ionic aTid blond huildcr. bring- takes iiii’iisnrc’B and orders lor Tailor-mnile ({iieiitlv ai e,: ‘ Shortness of hrerith, {lain REID'S nsf nark ih - p-iik fglo'v to pulo rhet'ks and re* IS for teacher’s lifrt gas well sunk $'J5,0()0,000 worth Puits. rli’ans and Dri’sses Clothi’S. .Makes of gas has been wasted. in side or arm, smothering spells, to-ing t!»'* firo of yonih. If wards off /usanity on the third PYi- Troiisi’is if desireil. and IS aide and willing to iistlinmtie hre;itliing. weak and hiingry ind Insist on having R K ^ IVO k BO id the Saturday A lady in .Sontli Kensinglon has found fh r. H ran carried in vest pocket. By mail. ,4 always give the best salisfae.tion siiells, lliittering of heart, G e r m a n 7 KOO 'per packaar, or six lor ?t5.O0, w ith a po«l le only exaniina- a new use for dogs. One muddy day pulse. Book free at dri.ggists, or Dr 4 lati'ly she was seen in tlie street willi ji ive wHifen to cure or refund : will be at the «\ Miles Medical (’o.. Elktmrt. Iiid. h o m oney. Circular free. Address itute. An aver- 1 Knights of Pythias Lodge |) ireel in one hand, an uml>re!la in the SO’/AL M E D IC IN E CO.. 63 River St.. CHICAGO, ILL. ent. will he re- other, iiiid an Irish terrier holding the Gouil Aritlinietic. IT COUGH certilicates and Meets ill Castle Hull each W'tnliiesdaj trail of her dress in hi.s teeth He ne.ver CROUP* For Sale at (’hatfjwortli. III., hy John '•veiling :tl H o'clock. .Johnny Green, at school, was asked F. Sullivan, grade, and no lets the dress loneii the grmiiide hy his te.ielier: 70 for a second For rhenniatism I have found nothing “ if I g.’tve you tliree cakes, find your k i d n e y g URE. ______t )f a first grade equal to Cliambei laiii’s Pain Balm. It mother g:ive you four, and your aunt irovides that ap- 'BEAUTIFUL relieves the (lain is soon its apnlied —J. gave you live, how many cakes would PROF. KIEL, rade certiticates W. Young, West Liberty. W. Va 'Fhe yon linveY” dontsiins no Poison goYemment chemist, •writes; I havO oare* hography, Kead- prompt relief it afTords is :iloue worth “Unh!” .said Johnny. “I guess I fully analyzed your “•Royal Ruby Pioria. Hundreds of coses have been cnFed by nish satisfactory it after all other treatment bad failed $1 per quart bottles, pintatlOels. T h e A-meric'an E nukavinc Co ., Dr. Price’s Cream Diaking Powder character. The J. F. SDLtlVAN.^i/ffj. h that time can- 300 Dearborn St., Chie.agn, 111. World’s Fair Highest Award. i t is put up in 25 and 60 cent bo:ies. e examinations. IGH, Co. Sup’t. X-; ■ " “I t ‘ :v'\ .•i. -18.., I ’ -•

...^v THE CURRI and discouraged expression of his coun­ iplns, but it, hasn't much show to buck The young man seemed to be gratified SIX MONTHS FOH DEhS. tenance it was evident that trade was up against a Christmas turkey. Now, by these remarks, and did not conceal Oarllsle Outlini not very lively. ITie train boy in this I’ll tell you what's the matter with the self-conscious expression of his face the Houi case, as in most cases, was a man in yon. You don’t know how to sell as he took the volume aud turned ovei The A. R. U. Leader •Reoei’v ee a years, but still short enough in stature goods. In the first place your goods the leaves. Jail Sentence. to lie called a boy without absurdity; are no good anyway, and in the sec­ “What does it cost?” he inquired. Editor White AUc one of those unhealthy and weak-look- ond place you meander through the “Well,’the price marked on it is fifty Hr. Ferris’ Idi ing mortals who arc uninteresting to train with that flunked-out expression cents, but you know it’s the last in the Judge Wood* Decides Him UuHty of Con­ H as a P tempt of Court—His Seven Cuui- lot and getting mighty rare. But I’ll I j anyone except their own near kin. on your face as though you really paiiluiis Receive Terms of The train boy seated hijnself in an un­ didn’t expect to make a sale anyway. let you have it for seventy-five cents, Three Mouths Uavb. occupied corner next to the group of That’s no way to drum up a customer.’’ seeing to-morrow is Christmas.” W a s h i n g t o n , drummers, and taking from his pocket “Oh, yes, it’s easy enough kidden Weli. the young man bought the before the hou a meager liaiidful of small coins began me, but nobody could sell nothin’ on book and probably had his mone3’’s C h ic a g o , Dec. 16 .—Judge Woods Fri­ rency conimitte to count them over. He seemed to de­ this train,” says the train boy. worth, as he seemed deeply interested day sentenced Lugene V. Debs, the reortranization rive little comfort from this occupa­ “Couldn’t, eh? Well, I’m betting in its contents from that time forward. leader of the American Railway union was resumed in tion, for he .soon replaced the m oney In they could if they only knew how to The volunteer next attacked me, and strike, to six months in the county and means coi his pocket with an audible sigh. work it. Now, if I was in your place had no serious difliculty of swindling jail, as a punishment for violat­ move off very p ing the injunction issued by 1 began to feel a languid compassion for about fifteen minutes I’d show you me out of twenty-five cents on a flve- It was expect r o m our home of himself aud Judge Grossoiip J 11I3' F for the fellow—not, 1 confess, the sort how to sell goods. By George! I’ve an cent package of cough-drops, which he lisle would prei peace aud 2 last To the rest of the iiiea witli gladncas to do me any eredft—for my pity was ideal Listen, boys, what’s the matter declared would cure any disorder of and continue h the exception of MeVean lie gave tlirce Comes this not entirely free from a feeling of con­ witli me trying it on? What d’ye say to the human S3'stem in a miraculously da 3’, bu^ as tlie happy, ) i ng - tempt, a spurious pity, barren of any my taking this here stock and working short time. mouths, in the ease of MeVean his arriving’, Mr. liiiK rhyme, result; a sort of speculative pity, lead­ the train for all it’s worth?” The seat in front of mine was occu­ sentence is suspended. Sentence ic not Ne%v York Eve W ith our hearts that know uo sadness cumulative, coveriug the cases of At this blessed Christmas time, ing me out into meditations on the “Go ahead. Rube, and try it,” cries pied by a typical priest. Now, I never hearinfc. Mr. the government aud the Santa I'e rail­ As we hear the dear old story diversities and proportionate responsi­ one of the group. saw but two types of traveling priests W hite 8 opinio road ug'ainst tlie men. Tlie same sen­ In the pealing of the bells. bilities of humanity. The wretched “Yes, let’s have some fun,” says an- —one the German and tlie other Irish. lisle’s currency To the giver comes the blessing: tence is imposed lu each ease, but both fellow made me feel uncomfortable. other. This one was unmistakably Irish— Bwered that he Tis the thoughtful act that tells." sentences begin December 24. Tlie de­ What riglit had the authorities to toh- “You haven’t the sand to try,” rc- quite willing and read3' for a tourna­ retary’s plan v fendants are: E. 'V. Debs, president; G. The mistletoe of bygone days ment the traveling public by introduc­ marks a skeptic. ment of wit—and a mutch for the irre­ currency it sou W. Howard, vice president; Sylvester Hangs aloft within our hull. ing such a factor into their service? A "Trj’ it. Rube, and give the boj’ a pressible drummer. His sharp thrusts polled banks t And the bright, red-berried holly Kelliher, secretary; L. W. Rogers. M. train boy is alwa 3’s a nuisance at his lift.” puts in the third. at the salesman were applauded by the every time tb« Drupes the pictures on the wall. J. Elliott, James Hogan, William And the nir of sweet contentment best, with his impudent and constant “Ik'. e goes, then,” says the redoubta­ little coterie of friends across the aisle. cents. Burns, J. D. ^MeVean, Leroy M. Cood- Which In our household dwells annoyance, his utter lack of delicacy, ble Rube. “Here, Jimmie, hand me It seemed to me that the cunning Rube At the close win. The sentence is generall3’ con­ liear.s out the cherished saying: his on time and patience, your basket, and give me your cap.” was purposel3' laying himself open to ment he submit 'Tis the thoughtful act that tells.' sidered a liglit one. The case will bo his presumption and intrusion on our With this he snatches the official cap give pointers to the priest. However of the Baltim appealed. Let the miser hoard his money— privacj’. And by what law of equity from the small head of the news vender that may be, he managed to leave his stated th a t the What pleasure doth he llnd? reverence poorer by a silver dollar, All of the defendants were in court bankers had u- For when the day of reckoning comes with the exception of Leroy M. Good­ but in an excellent humor with himself bill. It must all bo left behind. win, whose wliereirbouts are not and all the world. T he f o l l o w in Aijd he laughs to scorn the message known, and who could not there­ Of the bells, melodious bells, The industrious salesman had b3' th is bill presented t fore be notified. The contempt As they bring to him the message: time proceeded beyond the range of rency c o m m it t e ■■ 'Tis the thoughtful act that tells." for which the defendants 'were hearing, but was ste:idil3' gaining in The first sectic arraigned was a violation of Let them ring and ring It louder. popularity, and as he progressed shouts Ing association Let it sound through every clime, of mirth greeted liim. Almost every an iiijiiiiclioii issued July '2 by posit United Stati Uow our God will love the giver I one entered into the spirit of the enter­ Judg'es ^Voods and Gro.sseup, whicii nary to the comn At the merry Christmas time. forbade all men to interfere with ness or for the sec n prise, and Ills stock was eonsider!ibl3’ be hereafter issuei Let them ring and ring forever. trains in any manner whatsoever. It Until every bosom swells 1^ dim inished before he had jiii-ssed out to Sectio n 2 providi W ith the love of helping others: enter the next car, for it was the was claimed by the United States dis­ its of bond.s each " ’Tis the thoughtful act that tells." snioker_ and if had successful!V I trict attoriie 3' that Debs and the oth­ shall be entitled t —C. H. Capern. in Chicago Herald. er officers and directors of the from the comptrol broken .he ice in our car he was just per cent, of Its the man to reap a liarvest amongst tli*- American Railwa 3' union repeat­ Ital, upon payini democratic and anarchistic smoker.s. edly viohated this order of tlie court ful money to A POINTER FOR SANTA CLAUS. by issuing directions to their lieuten­ cent, of such cir The original and only train bo3’ \vo.s ants all over the country to call out after a lax at t A little lady, quaint and small— an interesting sight. His tlespondenc3 ' per cent, per unnu (She's five years old and growing tall) — had evaporated. He no longer put me the men.aud advising the crippling of of Its clrculullon 1 About these short December days, the complete railroad S3'stein of the guarantee fund foi in mind of a sick chicken tm a rain 3' tVhcn each shop window is ablazo Insolvent national day, unable to find eomfortaVile shel­ United States if possible. W ith gorgeous toys and colored lights. made was that Debs and his assistants collected until Ih In d u lg e s in strange fancy Hight.s. ter; his despondenc3’ liad taken wings. th an 5 i>er cent, of had a right to order strikes and to con­ T h is fund Is also t She saiil to me the other day: He no longer drooped, but sat erect in tinue to conduct their side of the light cent, redemption f ‘ When .Santa Chius comc.s out our way his seat. Ilis dough-coloi-ed face took Section 3 provi Ilow do you think he'll get his pack against the railroads. Judges Woods '!l on a mahogany tint. The dull e 3'e.s amount of the cii Down thro' onr narrow chimney staclif and Grosscup were both on the bencli. were sparkling with a new light. Hope each association I'll write to him the day before The judge .skipped the prellmluary dlscu.ssion celve from the c To come right in at our front door. had given him buck his manhood and of the evidence und proceeded to go at once to courage. He could appear before his the heart of the matter. The question of . to the amount You sec, he never could bring down 'shether or not the court had jurisdicllou paid-up, unlmpal humble family in the character of a to the treasurer S That lovely doll in silken gown protector and provider. He could re- vus first discussed, and this question, We saw at SmiCU's—and then her bed after citing numerou.s authorities, the judge al circulation, a And furniture upholstered red. .spond to the Welcome home as every decided In the afllrinatlve. Then the diller- half of 1 per cent W hy— he would have an awful time true man loves to respond with some ence between a nuisance and a perpostuer. amount of the sail Attempting on our roof tocHmbI new comfort for those he loves. He vrhlch latter is a particular form of public nui­ tlonal tux at the i sance, was taken up. Ho defended the issuance upon the amount " And. then, just think of all those toysl would come home with good tidings for of the Injunction on the ground that eminent tlon outstanding I'm sure they'd make an awful noise Christmas; for the joll3' Samaritan had authorities had decided that the courts had a sum s are to be a p As he dropped down, and that would wake sold enough in our car to insure his right to intervene wrhere Irrcparablo damage Section 6 Is de *U.s up. while to his heels he'd take— 0 might result before the tardiness of the law national bankin, For, don't you know he is so shy hopes. could remedy matters. .Uidgc Woods refused provided that w He will not come where folks may spy? But here comes Rube, returning from to decide whether ho had jurisdiction under t'no be ascertained i his labors with an empty basket and interstate commerce act, and took up the .Sher­ ticular assoclatli ' I’ll just address a letter now but two volumes of tlie disreputable man anti trust law, under which the action luting notes sb To tell him what to bring, and how, against Debs was chiefly based. One of ilie tre asu re r of th< And. then, for fear the past might miss. literature which forms tlie bulk of aup- sections of this law makes it an to re­ guaranty fund if If you're down town please tell them this: pl3’ for the trainbo 3’—“The Mistakes of strain commerce in any way. The judge de­ sufficient out of When .Santa gets to our house that After the loss on .Moses,” and “Nance.” There is a smile cided that United States courts hud lull 1 He’ll tind the key beneath the im u!" / / lurking beneath his mustache—I can jurisdiction under this act to punish all such failure has been — George U. Bowen, in Inter Occam offenders us the directors of the American fund the United S THE YOUNG MAN BOUGHT THE BOOK. detect it by the dimples in each cheek all advances mad< Railway union, making a new precedent. —and there is sunsliine in his e 3''es. there ML Sec. 7, Assoclat Six feet of 3'ou, Rube, and every inch •Wmt the conduct of these men was, is the after the first p should I h a v e 10 3 ^ sensibilities pained in and places it on his own large cranium. fund shall have b' of 3'ou a man! I would like to shake question to be decided here,” said t'ue court. a fretful S3’inpnthy for a supposititious Nothing could be more comical than latlng notes from hands with you, old fellow, for there is •'Did they cliangw their conduct after receiving Eloquent misery? I couldn’t help it. What could the effect of the tm in boy’s cap perclied this injunctloB, or did they coniimie to carry Into the fund a su a big heart thumping under 3mur vest; culallon applied I pos.sihl3’- do for the fellow even on tlie zenith altitude of the prema- oil the strikoy I think there is no doubt a heart in proportion to 3VVvol1 Kr» tKo #lntv lit,-. F v;o £)1o be ci iXTCtii i'll<£3 they opposed such acts as sloiipiiig U1 > tv that or tlie lugubrious e.xprcssion oh Rube stood up full 3’ six feet in his and treasury not iDjiMlil' dejilorc 3mur lack of dignlt 3’ and the trains, throwing switches or inliinidat- ills face; for the traveler immediatel3’ shoes, and I should judge would turn cent, of the bunk cvnical raa3^ sa 3’ 3uni have aoade an ass ing workmen. These meu knew- ihat acco.sted him in a way peculiar to tlie scale considerabl3’^ bc3 'ond two hun­ common laborers W-ould do these tli!i:gs. Section 10 provi of 3'our.self; but that will not trouble knights of the read in addressing an dred pounds. All of which added to 1 am unable to believe they were so retire its clrcula 3’oii, old fello'w. Your fao» is aglow as not to know acts 0/ violence and inloi-inp- time upon depos em plo 3’e, with whom all drummers and the al)surdit3' of the situation, and witli a brightness brought from iieav- tion of tralllc would ensue from their direc- am Sunl.cq ual to railway men assume a familiar ac­ without more ado, beaming with jollit 3' tlo u s." drawn. enl3’ place.s, that ridiculoiiacap on \’our quaintance. and good nature, off he started tm his oThc opinion wont on to say that the right to Section 12 rejxi: head is a crown of glory to X’on. linlie. 12, I8S2. !int1 also I tS t'h i.sL- “ IIe3', Jimmie! brace uj^! What's the expedition of charit3'. bli ike poacoalily wa.s not que.slior.cti. b'ui You have preached for me an eloquent If an agreement was entered Into to do a thing 20, 1374, w hich p m a s eve, a matter with 3'ou? You look like 3'ou'd The w ear 3' and homesick travelers in sermon, a lesson of uses. You have which could not but result in wrong and Ille­ bonds on deposit tiiriR fratiglit liad an invitation to yniir own funer­ onr immediate vicinity at first stared, reduced below shown me that sentimental emotion is gal acts the agreemout was conspiracy and all witli so many a l.” then smiled, tlien seemed to awake those puny to the original agroomeiit were association here of no value or account. Benevolent withdraw Its clrc i pleasant rec­ His name might or might not have from their melancholy reveries to an responsible for the results. wishes are moral vaporiiigs unless they The American Railway union. It was stated, part may do so o i l e e lions to been Jimmie; if it was it ivas 0 1 1 I3’ a co­ interest in something that bid fair to find their ultimate in doings. The gifts entered Into ,u conspiracy on June 23 when U • act of Juno 2U. J those who have enjoyed the blessed ex- incidence, for the drummer probabl3' relieve the monoton 3’ of the tiresome agreed to .boyeoU the Pullman curs. Uotli ctttcd. 3’OU possess you have cheerfully laid on |x*rienee o f a home and the associations had no more idea than I liad by what hours of travel. olllcers and men vefe from that date responsi­ € the altar of charity, all unconscious of ble for all acts \yhich wore committed o f a united fam ily circle; n, .setison name the train bo3' ivas christened. Seated behind me wftt; a 3'oung man, At the concl having done an 3’tiiing for 3’our own Dobs’ ullentnces not to commit violence 'when memory opens her portfolio and However, it served the and th6 arra3'cd in a brand new read 3'-made mark.s Secreta glor 3’, delighting, only in tlie joy 3’ou were doubted by the court. He did not boljeve points out to us tiic pictures of the long remark ^’as an.swcred b3’ a sickly effort suit of clothes of rather loud pattwn, they were sineero. “With all that has been preseuleil a di have bestowed upon 3’our neighbor—a ago from which time hits taken all dis­ of a smilv- all the creases of which were pain­ said about the American Railway union A synOpsi.s is 1 Mcit3’ Christmas, Rube, anfi a Happy' cordant colors and mellowed them into “Business slow?” continued the in­ fully conspicuous; a young man evi- keeping guard over property and being In the first sect New Year!—Frank Beard, in Ram’s the Hrst to a arrest offenders. not posit of United .S beautiful harmonies; an hour when terrogator. dentl3' from tlie rural districts, but he men's hearts are more tender and sym­ Horn. one has been arrested.” continued luting notes of n: “That's what it is,” was the despond­ seemed to be on his guard and wore the court. The court then reviewed the mass' The second sec pathetic and more easily prompted by ent answer. an expression of dignity and gravit3' Cheerful Holidays. of telegrams In w-hlch Debs ordered men out. of circulating not and deqjarod these were utterly at variance benevr lenee. “Well, cheer up, Jimmie. We all which he probabl3' deemed in harmony o 75 per cent, of Tlie holidays to many are oftpn tlie with the statement made In Dobs' answ-er The travel was comparatively light strike hard lines some time or other, with his apparel. A faint, indulgent capital, upon de saddest of the 3 ear; the abs*Dl seem to that he took no part in continuing the strike. with the United on the through express, for most of the and to-morrow’s Christmas, anywa 3% smile appeared upon his face when be so much more absent then. Jt is After thus concluding that there was no doubt per cent, of the < comniereial “runners" had managed to and don’t you forget it.” Rube—I call him Rube because that not ea."^ sometimes to feel jo3'ful; tha that the men os Individuals were guilty. Judge These circulutlni finish up their work and were already “That’s what makes things worse,” was the name liis friends gave him— sigh seems so much more ready than W o o d s ^ Id : tlons of $10 and 1 "Hut the point under the Sherman law Is uniform In deslgi re':)lcing in the comforts of home. Of sa3’ 8 the train boy, evidently glad to presented himself and stock in trade. the smile. Adversity seems so cruel, whether these men were In conspiracy. If course there are others than drummers relieve his feelings by confiding in the Section 8 levies “Apples, oranges, peanuts, bananas, affliction so keen, ingratitude sc they were. I believe there Is no way by which half year upon tl who travel, but the drummer is the somewhat rough but not unwelcome specially selected and shipped from brutal. But still we owe it as a duty they con escape the moral and legal notes In clrculat responsibility for ^ their acts.” He then staff of life to the pas.senger service sym path 3' extended. “Ye see, there's Florida for this identical train? Buy to ourselves and to others to be joyful Section 4 prov gave it os hl^ opinion that they tlon and retlrem' and hotel enterprise, so I mention him the old woman and free kids waitin’ some fruits of the tropics, sir?” even amid sorrow or hardship.s. The wore and that therefore all the men first. There were but four commercial fer me at liome, and they’s all a lookin’ Section 5 crea “Not to-day, thanks.” future that lies before us v.epends allied with them were also guilty. The prompt redemp men that I recognized as such on this fer something. Besides, I expect “Of course not; I knew you wouldn’t lAuch upon what wo make of the evidence loft no feature of the case In doubt failed national b: special train, and as usual they were mother to our house to spend Christ­ fool away money on this stuff. I was present. A heart is made far stronger Then he said: "The court therefore Ilnds the the United Stal defendants guilty of the offenses as charged In of January and making the best of live occasion with mas, and I tole Jennie—my wife—I’d just ti;3'lng to be funny, 3’ou know. by tlie look of encouragement, the the Indictments In both cases, and will llx lha story and joke and merry conversation. have a turkey sure; and you see, no )4 per cent, for Men of the world like you and I must stimulant of a liopeful love, than by punishment the same In both cases, but will erngo amount of •Having reversed one of the seats with­ biz, no turkey. So I was thinking relax a little now and then; no, any other medium. A bright home is not make it cumulative.” ing until said fui out permission or aid of the conductor, about this and them three little stock­ I liope. I Itnow you society men arc a greater ,stimulant than aught else. All of the defendants present then the total amount a button hoolc saving all such cere­ ings hanging up on the mantel shelf, apt to be a little stiff with strangers. To look hopefully into a new year stood up, .so the court could .see them. standing, and thi A bank retiring mony, four of them sat facing each and felt kinder blue when I see I’d T hc 3r did not appear to bo ajfitated, But most of you fashionable fellows has often inspired success. Where shall be entitled other, forming a jovial group—more have to fill the stockings wid bananas are good-hearted, after all. Afid to- even spiritual consolation has been and several smiled from time to time. fund. The mode noticeable, perhaps, on account of the out of my stock, and got along with morrow'.s Christmas, you know.” ‘T think I will suspend ony sentence with bank’s failure is known to fail, the bright face, the regard to Mr. MeVean. I am of the opin­ \m U >if-x' Ifloom which seemed to envelop the pork and beans fer Christmas dinner. ” “Oh, I understand; th a t’s all rig h t,” Section fl allow hopeful love and the cheerful word of ion that Mr. Elliott wns actively engaged ury to Invest mi other passengers. “ How much did you take In to-day?” replied the flattered 3’outh. a good woman have redeemed many a in this strike. Punishment .‘■hould not be fund In United S 'There were about t?^(enty-five pil- inquires the C. T. “It’s a pretty gay sort of a life 3’ou man from utter hopelessness.—Ladies’ vindictive; neither should It bo trivial. The Sectio n 7 provi ffrims occuiiying the car, comprising the “T’ree dollars and fifteen cents, and fellows lead, I reckon. I never was in object of punishment for contempt of court is tlonal banks nov Home Journal. to prevent future contempt. My conclusion Is usual varieties of chai’acter to be found I git twenty per cent, out of it.” society myself, but I’ve read about it withdraw them ( thot the Injunction was right. Mr. Debs Is guarantee fund: imder the circumstances. The train “That leaves you about sixty cents considerable in Ward McAllister’s new W hat He’d Have to Du. more responsible, than anybody else. He l.s Se ctio n 8 ropi / it>oy had passed and repaesed through profit, eh?” book, ‘Society as I Have Found It.’ Johnnie—I say. Sharpie, what would a man of marked ability and of strong with this measui "the train all the aftemooD, laden either “Jest about.” duck, McAllister; ’spose you you do for a Christmas present If oharacter and the loader of these Section 9 provi men. U ' was In his power by -with his burden of ■well-worn paper- “And you want a turkey dinner and know him personally. His book is all Christmas were left out of the year? treasury may, 1 merely lifting his voice to stop all this disturb­ retire United Sb -J^lqgrcred novels, or his basket of a little present) for Jennie and mother, the rage with the Four Hundred, and Sharpie—VJfell, I suppose if I couldn’t ance. I shall therefore discriminate between no United Statci pposthumous ripened fm iti hnt h is stock and plnndeir'to^tiw_Jki<^, and you’ve sbmethiBg ytm'd appreciate. I’ve“gxjt get a Christmas prerm t, I’d hove to con­ him and the rest of the defenaaais. I will glve bv the act of Jiil h a A not appeared to diminish any in got sixty o^M onnanw for it." eh?"—Harper’s Y oa’ig People. •fleet ten days from now."

.'V. -1--. I - , -t , , V . e 3^‘r/ryi.

■ rv

S^tlon 10 Btatec that banks duly organised **Now, Jobnnr,** siiUI- tho wlthmotlo teach­ THE CURRENCY QUESTION under the laws of any state which transact no er, “oapposa that one man were to put a F o i l d i <:b s . other than a hanking business shall be ex* atone two feel ttiiok on top of another like empt from taxation under the laws of the atone, and the next day another on top of . Oarllele Outlines His Vieivs Before United States under certain oondltlons regu- that, and keep on tbua for aeventy years, le r •R eooivd H a the House Oommittee. lattng state banks. * whatat would...... be tlie reeultl**...... “. Idunno," * re­ Section 11 provides that state banks shall plied the student, “ but 1 gueas he’d have a b e n c e . not Issue nocki similar in design to United pretty ffood atardor a new post office.’* £dltor W hlt« Also Formul«tes a M e a s u r e - States notes or certlhoatea or national bank ’’Body Bested, Mlad at Base.** I N all receipts for cooking Mr* Ferris* Ideas—llanker Cornwell notes. >llm Uuitty of Con* That U what it la when traveling on the Has a Flan—Dodsworth Thursday’s Session. lis Mevei) Cuui* fast trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee & Is H e a r d . I) T o ru m o f Wabhinoton, Dec. 15.—There wna B t Paul Railway; beaidea there ia no chance requiring a leavening agent till t:aub. a(fain a larife attendance at the meet­ to “kiok,” for the aooommodationa arenp to ing' of the house com m ittee on bank­ date, the trains keep moving right along WA8IIINOTON, Deo. 14.—The hearing and M t tliere on tfnva. These llnea thor­ t h e ROYAL BAKING before the house bunking and cur­ ing and currency Thursday morning. oughly cover the territory between Chicago, Judge Woixls Fri* rency committe on the question of a A number of euatern bankers and L a Crosse, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Aberdeen, sne V. Debs, tl»e financiers were present and presented Mitohell, Hioux Falls, Bioux City. Y ankton. POWDER, because It is an in Uiiil\va<’ union reorganization of the currency laws Counoil Bluffs, Omaha and Northern Mich- was resumed in the room of the ways their views on the Carlisle and Haiti- A il tho priimipal cities and towns in Jib in the county more plana at territory are reached by the “ Bt. Paul" nent for violnt- and means committee, but did not absolutely pure cream of tartar move off very promptly. Mr. Ferris’ Ideas. lines, connecting at Bt. Paul, Council BlulTs on issued by and 6 maha with all lines for points in the far It was expected that Secretary Car­ A letter was read from R. B. Ferris, w est Write to George H. Hcafford, General I Urosscup July vice president of the Bank of New of the men witli lisle would present his currency bill Passenger and Tloket Agent Ohic^o, 111., powder and of 3 3 p e r c e n t and continue his statement of Mon­ York. It said: for one of their new map Ume tables imd a :an lie gave tlireo brochqye ^ving a description of the Com­ day, bu^ as the secretary was late in "There seems to be no good reason why ex­ j of Mo Venn ills isting national banks who have United States partment Bleeping Cars. Tickets fumislied greater leavening strength than 1. Sentence ir; not arriving, Mr. White, editor of the bonds on deposit with the comptroller should oy any ooupon ticket agent in the United New York Evening Post, opened tlte not be allowed to continue as they are until States and Canada. The finest dining cars g the cases of In tho world are pm ou the solid vesBouled. the Santa Fc rail- hearing. Mr. Johnson asked Mr'. their charters expire or the deposited bonds electrlo-llghted amd steam-hcatod trains of other powders, will give the W hite 8 opinion on Secretary Car­ are paid off. Section 7 of Mr. Carlisle's bill The same sen- seems like forcing the banks to do what they the Chicago, Milwaukee & Bt. Paul Rail­ ich case, but both lisle’s currency plan. Mr. White an­ have not been consulted about. way. swered that he did not think the sec­ best results. It will m ake the mber 24. Tlie de- Mr. Ferris advocated the establish- S k r o b a n x — “Meier, just Imagine yourself ebs, president; G. retary’s plan wotild give the elastic lisiiment of central redemption agen­ to be standing sentry at tho outposts one sident; Sylvester currency it sought to secure. It com­ cies, which would, he thought, en­ evening. Suddenly a figure approaches you pelled banks to put up thirty cents from behind, and yyou fee:eel ■ yourself clasped food lighter, sweeter, of finer i. \V. Rogers, M. hance the elasticity of circulation by a pair of powerful arms. What call mil Hogan, William every time they Issued seventy-five ba.sed on a deposit of bomls. Refer­ you ^vel” Soldier—“Come, Marie, let me cents. Leroy M. Gooil- ring to section 1 0 of the Carlisle bill, loose."— Meggondorfers Blatter. flavor and more wholesome. At the close of Mr. White’s state­ 8 generally' con- providing for the issue of note.s by How’s Thlst ment he submitted his bill on the lines The case will bo state banks without the provision of a We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for of the Raltimore plan. Mr. Homer sitkiting fund, Mr. Ferris said: any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by stated that the committee of national Hall’s Catarrh Care. ts were in court "It makes the bill simply an inflation meas­ ROYAL BAKING POW DER CO., 106 W ALL 6T., NEW -YORK. f Leroy M. Good- bankers had not yet formulated their ure modified by the deposit ot 30 per cent. In iibouts are not bill. legal tender notes and the provision to cancel Cheney The following is a sj'nopisis of the United States notes to the extent of 70 per ,‘oulil not there- cent, of now circulation issued when the treas­ him perfectly honorable in all business bill presented to the banking and cur­ transactions and financially able to carry o u rten ay Mis* The contempt ury has the means to do IL " Bhb—“Were yoi^ ever at the top of the C —“When you proposed to rency committee by Horace White. out any obligation made by their firm. Washington monument?" He—“Ah, Dexter did you got down on your kneesF* efendants were Banker Cornwell’s View*. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To- yes. The first section provlde.s that no bank­ once; a dweadful exixjwlence. I ha00,000,000, French, Welsh, Norwegian, Swedish, Hol­ Vicker’s three weeks longer. It will be the trikes ami tocon- th an 5 i>er cent, of the entire circulation issued. BLOOD POISON. This fund Is also to ho in addition to the 5 per payable on demand and In gold. They have land, Bohemian and Spanish, and obtain­ holiday attraction. Becure seats by mail. ' side of the light cent, redemption fund now provided by law. caused trouble enough already. They are a able free of all druggists and country deal­ Judges Woods Section 3 provides that In addition to the constant menace to the gold reserve. They ers. Besides the matter descriptive of the “I AM summoned to another climb,” said should be paid-up. Bitters, it will contain accurate calendar •th on the bench, amount of the circulating notes provided for the bellboy as the Indicator announced a each association shall bo entitled to re­ 2. The vacancy should be filled with bank and astronomical calculations, Illustrations, call from the'top floor.-Philadelphia Rec­ ■ellmluary illsru.s.siou notes. The best currency of tho best nations okes, verses, statistics and other Interest- ord. iiXeil to Ko at otioc to ceive from the comptrofler circulating notes ag matter. to tho amount of 25 per cent, of Its to-day Is mainly bank notes, which are a i The (juestioii of C u b e your cough with Hale’s Honey of paid-up, unimpaired capital upon paying first Hen upon the assets of the bank. irt had jurisdicllou “T h e people In the next flat are great Horehound and Tar. to the treasurer 2 per cent, of such addition­ Tlieso assets are commercial possessions, and this question, representing the product of the brain and music lovers.’’ “How do you know? They Pike’s Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. Jthoritlcs, the jiulKO al circulation, and that the tax of one- never sing or play.’’ “No, but they’ve com­ CURES CANCER, half of 1 per cent per annum upon tho average muscle of millions of people They are the le. Then the dlller- wealth of the nation. Wnat better basis for plained to tho landlord about the people in T h e y A r e T hat W a t .—Kitty—“ Oh, M r. o and a perpt^stuor. amount of the same outstanding and an addi­ the bouse who do."—Chicago Inter Ocean. ECZEMA, TETTER. tional tax at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum circulation can there be than this—the actual Flirtly is so tender, isn’t he?” Judith—“Yes ir form of public nui- wealth of the nation? —preteudor.’’—Detroit Free Press. efended the Issu uice upon tho amount of such additional circula­ M r . G rk a th ea d . tho landlord, says he tion outstun«ng for the year, all of which 8. To perfect the system further and make {fround that eminent prefers as tenants experienced chess play­ A paper sums are to be a part of the guaranty fund. out the complicated and delicate problems at­ that is always full of good points lal the eourt.s had a ers, because ills so seldom they move.— -a paper of needles. irreparable damage Section 6 Is devoted to the Insolvency of tending this an impartial expert commission Boston Transcript. national banking associations, and it is should be apiKilnted. BLOOD of the law Hall’s Catarrh Cnro Editor Dodsworth Talks. •0.00 to Californls udge Woods refused provided that when such insolvency shall Is a Constitutional Cure. Price 75c. urisdietlon under I'ao be ascertained In the case of any par­ T he n ext speak^.r w as Mr. W. Dods Is price of double berth In Tourist Bleeping ind took up the Shor- ticular association Its outstanding circu­ worth, of New Y’ork, editor of the Car from Chicago on the famous “Phillips- r which the action lating notes shall be redeemed by the Journal of Commerce. He said that Rock Island Tourist Excursions." Through based. One of the treasurer of the United States out of the cars on fast trains leave Chicago Tuesdays ; It an oflousc lo re- guaranty fund If that be sufficient, and if not it will be manifest!^ desirable to via Ft. Worth and’El Paso, ana Thursdays •ay. The judgo ile- sufficient out of any fund in tho treasury. adopt a course least calculated via Scenic Route. Write for particulars to JS courts hail lull After the loss on the account of any particular to disturb existing banking arrange­ P. P h i l l i p s & Co., 104 Clark St^ Chicago. Be on Guard :t to iiunish all such failure has been made good to the guaranty ments that need no change, but that J o h n S e b a s t i a n , Q. P. A-, Chicago. s of the American fund the United States Is first to he paid for against imitations of Pearliner,. a new precedent all advances made. the power of issuing notes should T h e r e are a good many people who are Sec. 7, Associations applying for circulation be conceded to the banks operating well enough in their weigh, but the coal When they are not dangerous, bese aien was, is too after the first payments Into the vuariraty under state laws, conditioned upon m an Is not am ong them. re." said the court, fund shall have been made may receive circu­ the terms that they shall conform to Double tho Qaantity, Same Price. nduot after receiving lating notes from the comptroller upon paying they are worthless. They ey continue lo carry Into the fund a sum hearing a ratio to-the cir­ the terms of issue imposed upon the Such is the lilghly important change made there is no doubt culation applied for and allowed which the national banks, thereby securing from by tho^ro|)rietors of tlftit standard remedyj are usually both. P e arlin e rer to make the men guaranty fund bears lo the total circulation Perry Davis’ l*nin-Kil!cr, for internal and all banks a uniform circulation. He external use. Tliis will bo very acceptable do as they iiloased outstanding continued: does what nothing I) violate tliis injiino- .Section 9 provides that whenever hanlt notes to tho public, and will doubtless result in a lants deprecated any are Issued to any association under this act it “Any course short of this would be not on_ly largely increased demand for this justly /liifv nf tho «pf»r#‘ffirv nf fhA trPfis- a political Injustice but an unwarrantable dls- popular preparation. else can. It saves acts as slopping Ul> tv A v»_*.: ./*rtmini»rtr>n •iirtiifis.i ariiiH.sui i iiiik.i lu cvoi.v | h e a v e n anu eurtll uguu m Vaiu ugaiusu a lies or intimidat- and treasury notes to the amount of 80 per way deserving the privilege and upon whose inen knew that cent, of the bank notes so Issued. operations tho business Interests of the dunce.—Schiller. do llif.-c tldi’.gs. Section 10 provlde.s that any association may country are largely dependent. The state insures safety to tvhat banks of the country have a total cap­ I CAN recommend Pise’s Cure for Con­ ?y were .so Ignor.uit retire its elreulation or any part of It at any sumption to sufTerci's from Asthma.—E. D. fence and ialernip- time uiKin depositing with the treasurer an ital of about $275.000 000 and are the cus­ T ow nsend, Ft. Howard, Wis., May 4, '94. is washed. It is cheapo e from their diree- aniSunt.equal to the sum desired to be with­ todians of $750,000,000 of the people's deposits. drawn. ' * Their capital bears a ratio of 38 per cent, to say that the right to Section 12 reiwals .section 9 of the act of July their loans, while in the case of the national DO YOU EXPECT orough and reliable. No­ 12, 18S2. and also the portion of the act of June banks the proportion Is only 33 per cent., and questioned, hut tli.a To Become a Mother? ed Into to do a thing 20, 1874. which provides that the amount of their ratio of capital to deposits Is 37 per cent., thing else will “ do as wellit is t In wrong and llle- bonds on deposit for circulation shall not be which is identical with that of the, national in­ If so, then permit us to stitutions.” say that Dr. Pierce’s .s conspiracy and all reduced below *50. )IH) and provides that any Favorite Prescrip­ just as well to have nothing else. oal agreement were association heretofore organized desiring lo Kcgardlng the jirop'jsal of liecretary Car­ tion is indeed, !. withdraw its circulating note.s in whole or in lisle that banks be required to keep a re­ a true f ______Peddlers and some unset upulousgrocers will union. It was .stated, part may do so under tho provisions of the serve on account of deposits, he said that \ A / J i r f ^ tell you “ this is as good as” or "the on .lime 23 when It -act of Juno 20, 1874, modilied as above indi­ when banks are pressed by emergencies they have more respect for their interests than to ’uUmau curs. Uoth cated. never peddled, and if your grocer sends yovf something in place of Pearling that date rosponsi- hcstltpte to disregard the statute, which 1 C a r l i s l e ’* I t l l l . Childbirth Easy d o the honest thing— sen d it back. 2M ( JAMES PYLE, 'Vofk. 1 committed meant that in practice tho reserve law falls At the conclusion of Mr. White’.s re­ of its purposes. Some panics might have been by preparing the to commit vlbienco system for parturi­ ;. He did not believe marks Secretary Carlisle appeared and wholly avoided had banks been free to use their money resources according to their dis­ tion, thus assi.stinij: Nature and shortening .h all that has been presenleil a draft of his profiosed bilL “ Labor.” The painful ordeal of childbirth an Hallway union A synopsis is as follows; cretion. So that tho result designed lo pro­ iroperty and being tect bank depositors really imperiled them. la robbed of its terrors, and the dangers THE TUB THAT 5TANDS In the first section all acts regulating the de­ st offenders, not thereof greatly lessened, to both mother and posit of United .States bonds to secure circu­ ested." continued child. The period of confinement is also lating notes of national banks are repealed. CANADA’S PREMIER DEAD. I reviewed the muss' greatly shortened, the mother strengthened Tho second section provides for the issuing 3bs ordered men out. and built up, and an abundant secretion of of circulating notes to a national bank equal Sir John Thompson Suddenly Called at 3 utterly at varluuoe nonrishnient for the child promoted. o 75 per cent, of the jiaid-up and unimpaired Windsor, Bnelnnd. le In Dobs' answer Send lo cents for a large Book (i68 pages), capital, upon depositing legal tender notes W in d s o r , England, Dec. 13. — Sir giving all particulars. Address, W o r l d ’s ON ITS OWN BOTTOM ontinuing the strike, with the United States treasurer equal to 30 D i s p e n s a r y M e d i c a l A s s o c i a t i o n , 6 6 3 t there was no doubt John Thompson, the Canadian prime per cent, of the circulating notes applied for. Is were guilty, Judge minister, expired at Windsor, Wednes­ Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. These circulating notes shall be In donoinlna- llo n s of $10 and m ultip les of ten and shall bo day, after the meeting of the privy PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH. the Sherman law Is uniform In design. council at whicli he was sworn in as a Mrs. F r e d H u n t , of Glenvilte, N. K, ) In conspiracy. If Section 8 levies a duty of H per cent, for each says- “ I read about Dr. Pierce’s Fa­ Is no way by which member. half year upon the average amount of a bank's vorite Prescription being so good for a wo­ moral and legal Sir John Thompson’s death occurred notes In circulation. man with child, so I r acts.” Ho then Section 4 provlde.s foi; the mode of redem p­ at 1:45 p. m. 11 i.s attack lasted fifteen got two bottles last inion that they tion and retirement of a bank's circulation. September, and De­ •oforo a ll the m en Section 5 creates tho safety fund for the cember 1 3 th I had a also guilty. T he prompt redemption of circulating notes of twelve pound baby If the case In d o u b t failed national bank.s. Kacli bank sh a ll pay to girl. When I was t therefore llnds the the United States treasurer In the months confined / wax wo/ ffonscs as ebargod In V of January and July In each year a tux of in a n y w a y . I ises. and will Ux the per cent, for each half-year upon the av­ did not suffer any both cases, but will erage amount of It.s circulating notes outstand­ pain, and when the ing until said fund amounts to 6 per cent...of child was born I walk­ nts present tlieii the total amount of national bank notes out­ ed into another room t could see them, and went to bed. I standing, and thereafter said lax .shall cease keep your Extract of r to be agitated, A bhnk retiring or reducing Its circulation Smart-Weed on hand oni time tti time. shall be entitled to withdraw any part of this fund. The mode of procedure Ih case /of a all the time. It was I any sentence with bank's failure Is outlined ve^ cold weather I am of the optn- Mas. H u n t . Section fl allows the secretary of the treas­ an onr room was as actively engaged ury to Invest money belonging to tho safety very cold but I did not take any cold, and lent should not be fund In United States bonds. never had any after-pain or anwother pain. d It bo trivial. The Section 7 provides that on July I. 1895, na­ It was all due to God and Dr.^ierce’s Fa­ contempt of court Is tional banks now having bonds on deposit may vorite Prescription and Compound Extract pt. My conolusiou Is withdraw them and substitute the 30 percent, of Smart-Weed. This is the eighth living right. Mr. Debs Is SIR JOHN THOSIl’SON. guarantee fund. child and the largest of them all. I suG inybody else. He Is Seetion 8 repeals previous acts conflicting fejed everything that flesh could suffer with llty and of strong minutes, he having been stricken at the other babies. I always had d doctor with this measure. 1:80. After attending the privy coun­ loader of these Section 0 provides that tho secretary of the and then he could not help me very much, his jxiwer by treasury may. In bU discretion, redeem and cil meeting Sir John adjourned r.ith but this time my mother and my husband stop all this dlsturb- retire United States legal tender notes; that the ministers and others to luncheon. were alone with me. M y b^by was oniy llscrlminate between seven days old when I got up and dressea ■ no United States or treasury notes authorized Shortly after this 'he became sudden­ 5fenaanis. I win give bv the act of July 1, ISW, of a denominatlQa df~' and left m|: room, and eriiye4ujp elLda|^w le co unty jail and the ly ill and expired Immediatelj. * leas tban 110 shall t>« Issued Is sentenoe to take ^ ■ - T ‘ .... ^

and U much improved by the operation persons oonsidored selSsh and wholly fteintUafn. which be underwent. thbushtloHS of their riefghbors. We should think with the poet:-^ FilD A y, DECEMBER 2 1 , 1894. — The seotion bosses of the Illinois “Eiiob ailver hair, each wrinkle there Central made a tour of inspection of the UeounlH funne Koud deed done, | — Kerrins’, Jupau tett. Some bright tluwer oast along the way. road on W'ednesday. The trip was Home apark from love’s bright auD.'^ SANTA CLATJS — Kerriiib’. orHuberries. 'P: made this time with much better acconi- DIED. — T rj Blakely’s fresh oysters. moilatious thiiu wiiea the lueu went Miss Jessie Wutsoii Passes Away at 11 :S0 I S H E E / S , — Corn 10 cents a can ui Kcrrins’. over the road before. This Muriiiiig. —The holiday trade has been most — Mr. Geo. J. Walter macie a bu.->iiifS8 At the home of Mr and Mrs. Joseph trip to Fairbnry Monday. excellent with lliose merchants who had W atsoii, at 11:30 this m orning, their and has made his headquarters at —Oranges 20 cents a dozett at Bald desirable goods and let people know third daughter, .Jessie, p.assed away after many months of sull'ering. She had, win’s. what they had to ofter. The weather seems hnrilly suitable for the boliday since the lirst of May, initllgil with that —Kev Father Berry, of Piper City, never conquered disease, consumption, season, but during the past week it has ktie spent Wednesday witli Rev (.^ninn. which cau.sed her death 8he was one H. M. BANGS' DRUG STORE. been delightful of the brightest young Indies this village — For pure ciiron, rai.-ins ami eur has proiluecil, and beloved by all who — B}’ Saturday evening M. Reising rants go to Kerrill.■^’ knew her best She leaves a wide circle npri I llff |T, will have shipped abniit t.wo tons of of sorrowing friends. Mrs dtio. L. I'urpitt left for a visit dressed poultry this week, Kaeh year Jessie Watson wns born in ('liafs- ..if! I ery where with Piper City friends Wediiesd.-iy his husiiiess in this line is increasing, wortli Se|)tember 15, 1873, being at the Within our h time of ^ler death twenty-one years, — Mrs. Hradli'V and little child, of ■uid it is a well-known fact among A nd slied tl three monih.i anil six days ii(il She had II 'T ls alw ays si, are guests at tlie \ I’ool tu>me, housewives that his store is the place to been a puoil of tlie public seliools, pass­ In m em ory today. get the tinest poultry. ing from the lowest grade through all The race of n the dep.iilmenis of the in.stitution and —\ ' l.\17 crayon ,tnd frame for oidy —Frank Ferri;is who, while in the em- To see Ihat grailiiatcil with honors, being sidiitatori- -^arx/ To hear tlie j: r)0— Hall’s Studio ( ploy of the wAbash was badly injured an in the class of 1890. Since leaving I "Of peace t — Mr. (irant Roheials and two child­ So m e tiipe ago, has made a satisfactory school .she had for several lerms taught Oppreastve n in ilistricis south of town. Till with ll ren took the morning train today for settlement with the company. He re­ From cliiliihooil she had not enjoyed In hope unit < The youruii Sheklon. ceives $800 in cash and is to he given fu­ good health, never having had the — A fresli lot of cr.anherrics to go at 10 ture i*m|)lbyment in the company’s ser­ strength anil vigor of body which come 'Twas like th from a robust eonstitution. Her mental ’ Awaklns ni cent.s a quart at Baldwin’s. vice. —Forrest Itumbler. foi’ces were developed to a liigh degree ’Twas like ih — Friemis from Sjtrmgfield will he en­ — Part of tlie pipe for the extension to anil she possessed those unrestraiiiable Of lovely K| ^ the watei’ mains arrived tlie first of the ■ Twas like tli tertained at the Bennnm home during persevering characteristics, the power.s 'Tsi; c • .riV Kefreshitif? of whieb were best known to thUse with the holitlays. week over tlie Illinois C’eritral road and So beautiful j whom she liad associated most. In her In Its creal I has been put along the streets where e i —Close cash l)nyers of groceries will I .school life she was ambitions, briglit and j the pifie line will be. Tli*; work of dig The Heaven i consult their interests by callii:g at K. A, I sneeessfnl, being always one of the best Ood cares f ging till! ditches and laying the pipe will in lier classes. She had the qn ililica- Bangs’. W herever str be commenced the lirst of next week. tiDiis which would iti life have m.ule her There shim —Miss Taylor, of Piper C’ity, was the a leader. She bore her long snli’erings Hut nearer tc —During the past week a large numb­ guest of Miss Bertini Lawless Tuesday with the greatest patience, but always A longing f er of marriage licenses have been issued entertaining the hope of recovery and a And so there and Wednesday. And In the by the county clerk, which, of course, useful life. She leaves her parents, four sisters, two brothers, many former — Monritzen & Heald’s new market is means a large number of holiday wed S S 2C our stock before buying elsewhere. What tender open ami ready to furnish choice nietits schoolmates and pupils, and a large Wc speak I dings. Among those issued license we circle of loving friends to mourn her In happiness at all times. note Frank Elbert, Charlotte, ami Mary early death. To tell His Good wHl am —Secure tickets for the elocutionary Elbert, Sauiiem iii. Mr. Elbert has ni!Ui3' The time for holding the funeral has Naught see entertainment at Presbyterian church to­ friends in this vicinity who wish him not been set. , Ueiause it is And ail the morrow evening. every connubial blessing. Tlie Bids Not Satisfactory. BOOKS of all kinds. — Miss Lizzie Bigham, of Chicago, is —Oflleers from Pi|ier City arrested a The village board of trustees met on Our children ALBUM S— Photo, and Autograph. Surprises s at the home of her parents, Mr. and man here Thursday evening who had Thursday afternoon to pass upon the Like ships nc iiids for doing the ditching for Mrs. J R. Bigham. been working in a blacksmith shop there Good gifts the water mains. The bids being nn T O Y S of all description— Iron,W ood, Tin. Tlie liolly gli —Kerrins’ is the place to buy wasliing and suddenly decamped, leaving a board salisf.-ictory to the board, the work was The inistlet bill unpaid and packing some of his not let, all bids being rejected The DO LLS.— Don’t fail to see them, as we It Is glad-liei machines, wringers and all kinds of Tho merrie landlord’s clothes with bis own. Otlicer digging will be liegun next Monday s an elocutionary eiitertaiiiment at tlie cellent coiici'i’t which is being at K A. Bangs’ than can be gotten else­ Piesliyterian church on tomorrow (Sat prepared will constitute ti pleasant en PAUL DAIBER, tertainment where for a like sum. unlay) evening. Mr H-miill is tlie 'I'lie Gernum Ev:tngelieal church of —Mr. Frank Lambonrne, of Wenonii, autlior of “New Science of Elocution,” Germ.inville will, on Christmas Eve. ob a tour tlu’ouf Practical Watcliaker M Jeweler. Clatsiorlli, IlliDOis. gon e to pic has been visiting during the week at the and is a well known reciter and Shake- serve, the holiday with :i tree and appro- s|)careau imiicrson.itor. His ilaugiitcr is {iriate exerci“e.s. fled, and M Wm, Gardner .mil I). B. PutVer homes. The mcmliers of the Evangelical DEALER IN ■woman, kite ;i talented young lady, ami the enter- —L. C Spiecher has received a large church of Charlotte will have a liee, Etta Baker,’’ lainuient promi.scs to he extraonliiiary. with the usual aecompaniments, on lr>f rif wliins from the S:mfovd W’liin Po W i n nr nt i t nt iDg camp h of M.-issachusetls. Call jiml see. “—A large amount ot gfaiii has Ticcn The German Lutheran ehnrch will be tfacted. Her marketed here during the week. On the scene of a repetition of the same —Rev Father Quinn, of SS Peter and held in the .s Thursday, at Searing. Smith iVr bloke’s joyous time spent there for many a Paul’s chnreh of this city, ojjcned the the compaii3' elevator, one hundred and eighty loads Christmas On (’liristmas night a free, mission aj Forrest last Snmiay evening. i o purse was en were received, ami duiing tlie week with the usual decorations and holiday -J. H. Linn, of Kankakee, was visit program, will be enjoyed by the meiiil) every apprc; they have averaged over one hundred might be tlu ing his sons .-iml many friends and at ers of fhe'elinreh and’Sjibbath school. CLOCKS liKiiis per day. No town in tliis part of 'I’he Healev chnreh will conform to landlord, co tending to hu-itie-is here during tlie the state has lietter shipping facilities the custom of having a tree and literary that she mns week. tlian Chatswortli, as all of the liot imir- program, ami the people of that vicinity Mrs. Mavt — Keep this ill your mind, by buying will spend a very ple.-isant evening if one child, a .• kets of the country are easily aeoessible. tliev attend. 'I'lie evening of the twenty JEWELRY. cbernb who lamps, dishes anil groceries of T. E liftli has heiiii chosen for the exercises. — .\!r. Thomas Feeney and si-'tcr, p la 3'. Her 1 Baldwin you save 10 to ‘20 pei- cent. 'I'lie cantata which is to he given by from near Melvin, and tln-ir sister, Mrs. parently wel till! young people of the Baptist elinrch — Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koi^itz and Ryan, and children, from Nehr:iska, on Eve is receiving much Silverw are, Spectaeles home in an e child, of Straw'll, were gm-sf.s at the were in this city this morning. Atter c.-trefnl prep:iration and will, undontif peace and itl home of Mr. ami Mrs John Meister on doing some trading they slartcil to ilrive edly, be one of the most enjoyalile ETC., ETC. stro 3’er, pnet events of the holiday season. 'I'lie can­ at tlie age < VVedue.sday. tfs M elvin, but-HR Uwey drovAi uvai- the tata fsThtitled “Santa Clans and His funeral of in — When you gd your sale hills priiiteil stone crossing on Fifth street, at the F.-miily,” and that pojmlar gentleman Repairing of Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewel­ lier constern gel them at the Plaindealek olliee and Cottage corner, the hack seat will appear, laden with gifts, witli liis ly outwciglu get your sale notes at the same time. gave away, precipitating till! two ladies wife and family, sleigh, etc. A full ry, etc., a Specialty. first groat g and two of the children into tlie street orctiesfra will be injittendanee to fnr been blunted — Mi’s. P. .McManus, of Kem|)ton, was nish miisrc foi- fbe entertainment, wiiich All e.scaped serious injury except Mrs found hersel a guest :it the home of her parents, Mr. will he a (ileasing feature. In the ila vs i Ryaii, who was carried into the hotel 'I'lie Pie.sbyterian clim cli will prnlni- and Mrs J. F Hopperl, anil family dur­ married life bly liave a tree, witli ci.stomary decora­ ing the week. imeonscious, having fallen on the hack T H E FAIR S T O R E . iiont part, in of her head. Her injuries iirovcd to be tions and eiitcrtainnient, on Cliristmas — Misses Mary Rogers and Anna Eve. the talent sli slight, but tlie escipe is eountiii as a had excited Throne went to Chat.sworth on Moiul.iy. fortunate one. N iitlce.' JUST RLCLIVLI) had gaHicd We think they visited Hall’s studio.— Notice is lierehy given tliaton Monday tion in tlie ci • —(Jiristmas is near, and who T O - D A Y ------Farrest limnhler. morning, Dec 21, at seven o’clock sharp, HOLIDAY GOODS. When left al. liavf! not already seleeteil them are look­ till- village, will com nienee digging the —(Charles Bayston has purchased the pel led to Ia1)( ing for suitable presetits for their rela trenches for tlie water mains extension. 'I'liese goods having arrived a little late, to sell them I wilDifTer them to buy eighty-aere farm a mile and a half south er.i .It a GREAT DISCOUNT. Come in iind see the LOW PRICES I am makiiij; Bel f and I itti tives or friends. Every parent will glad­ Parties desiring work will he on liand naturally tin of here, formerly owned hy H. W. and promptly at seven o’clock with all ne­ in the line of den till! hearts of the children on Christ­ soon fomid h A. F. Osborn. 'I’lie transfer was made cessary tools for a sncces.sfni ila3’s work. mas morning Friemis at a distanee 'rill! village will pay in pro))ortion to IDOZ-tHtS. her of a coi by J. E. Brown i\i Co. continent on will receive pretty and useful reinem the iinionnt of work done. Men wlio Many of them left on hand, .’uid they must be sold, from .5 cent.s up. —The T., P. & W. will sell excursion brauces from home or old school friends, do a good days work will be paid fifteen jficnvcr slie v tickets on Hccouiit of Chiistnias and which will bring back the pictures of thi cents an lionr, and Hie wagiis will be 'vany was oh Ff!?r past mote vividly than any incident regulated iiceoriling to the amount of TOVS Oir AZ.1. KZXTDS. anil wtien, t N ew Year holidays Dec. 22, 2U, ‘24, 25 since last (21irisimas 'I’ho rich will work done. All time lost will be ili! m ountain fi iind. 31, 1894, and Jan. 1, 189r>; limit for make elaborate gifts, the poor cheaper 1 have:! nice tine of READING BOOKS; HANDKERCHIEFS; POCKE'P- ilnced BOOKS; S'PA'nONERY; SCHOOL SUPPLIES. ,«nch as'rabicts, fancy and |il;iin strength, he ones, but bota will he given in (he same 'Pile vvork will begin on the line run­ returning Jan, 2, 1895.—L, E. W augh, Writing Paiier, Envelopes, Lead pencils, etc ; NO'l'IONS and NOVEL'PIE.S of all atid she w< spirit of love and kindness. Not duty, ning north friim Mr. 'I’hos Kerrins’ ^ e u t . kinds; PIPES; SMOKING 'FOBACCO; CANDIES, BROOMS; BRUSHES; BUGGY T hen it wa but love, prompts the heart to make residence manager sec “iOwIng to the death of Miss Jessie presents At this time of the year tlie WHIPS;'PINWARK; WOODENWARE—most anything you can think of. k Men of the village will be given jiref- the result ab WtUson this morning .the exercises in very atmosphere wo lireathe seems to ercnce over non residents, and men 'I’he wcuthi vtirioas departments of the schools contain something which works upon liavbig families to support, preference Any purchaser of .50 cents’ worth of goods or over is entitled to a nice Calen­ tlie hearts of the rough and ungiiltnred, over single men 'Phis is only in case «h© small sbi been postponed, the little sisters of dar (reallyi worth 25 cents) as a present. Ask for one. All Imyers will receive a occupied by and the grasping and miserly, causing that tlie village cannot keep employed hue Picture Card. 'riiese cards represent diirerent subjects, sncli as .Statue of the decettsed having active parts on the them to remember an aged parent or all will) apply for work. Jupiter, Olympus, Niagara Falls, Rock of Ages, etc. Will wait on yon at any dangliter sei unfortunate relative or neighbor and By order of the board. time, as I have extra help. 'tie with the Mattingly speht the past open their hearts and coffer». Many is J as a . S mith, President. penetrated tl Attest: J o h n 'rAOORRT. Clwk. fctructnro di THE! STOEE. '■'I’lie Cosmo aod the------givur knowing------of- tlfe ^ Oi*. Vrtu*w^CnMm, Bitdiqr?owder 'tition walls WorfaTsFalrHIgbMtlMMmdDIploiiia. , £a8t'£nd, Chatswortli, 111. , C. H. HORDE, Prop. which arc often |>erforaied by jfereDt hpar ,1 . : 'N'T - f - '.f-i -H- ■y'A- (m -

'M. s/.’f -e., . a r f-U. .Ai. ru . (

* stretched on infrequent joists, and der of assistance and a oonfession that During the early hours of the night wide with wonder when she found th a t reaching' but little higfher than the he had been eavesdropping might of­ men moved softly about the hotel of* Midget’s words were true. liead of a person standiiiff erect. fend her, BO he bluntly answered; flee whispering mysteriously, or sat “Ilera are your stockings, mamma, “Midget,” as the wee mite of a “Yes ma’am, the big store right where iiea^ the stove disenssing some matter and they are so heavy I can hardly I P ^ p I S T K A i dauffhter was called, sat near tlie stove you see that awuiu’ packs all sick in low tones. The landlord’s wife had carry them. I just bOlieve I did see with a shawl thrown about her delicate truck.” gone to the lady’s room, ostensibly Santa Claus, and wasn’t dreaming at shotilders to’ protect them from the She thanked him and walked hnr- for a womanly chat, but really ou u aH.” cold. Lookluff up into her mother’s Tiedly aWuy, and the miner entered tire mis.siou at .lohn’s request, and when, The mother reached for the stock­ tearful eyes, she said; paw nshop. an hour later, she silently glided iuto ings, and when she felt the weight “Mamma, please don’t cry so much, “What ilid that woman put up here, the ofiico a score of rough miners sur­ and it flashed across her mind that for it makes me feel awful 1 ad to see Sol?” he asked. rounded her. they were freighted witli money, she your tears. I am sure God will not “A ring, Shon. A heavy gold ring, “She is just going to bed,” tlie wom­ lield herbreatii in astonishment. She u a r t e r s a t forpfet us, for I prayetl every time 1 wortli not less than twenty dollars. an said. “The poor creature is tired poured the treasure out on the bed. woke last night for Him to la k e care That woman vas a lady, Shon, and I and all worn out, and 1 induced her to Gold, silver and greenbacks, wealth of US, and after I prayed 1 always felt vas sorroy now 1 took de pledge from take a small dose of lamlanuiii. She she bad never dreamed slie would pos­ MERKY ChrUt- so g^ood and happy, just as if I had her. She kis.seil it before she handed will sleep like a top. The little girl is sess, and in the sliiuiug lieap lay her imis to you all!’* lieard Him wliisper to rne tliat He it to me, and 1 baed you a hundreil tiol- sleeping soundly, and I a.ssisled the wedding-ring, with a note attached. Kesoumls like m u­ lieartl my pruj'ers and wpiiKl answer lar it vus her marriage ring and she mother to place the few cheap pies- O pening the paper, .she “cad: sic oil the air; don’t got no husbaiul some more.” ent.s she hail purchased in tlie little “.Madam. When you Think sandy Silent the snows them .” of winter fall. “Bless your trusting little heart, “How much did you let her have on stockings hanging on the back of a Claws forgits peepel thats in trouble. Yet fadeless you are a preat comfort to me, Midget,” it ? ” chair near the bed. The woman took You ar off yure base, fur Ho nose his flowers are ev­ tho mother replied. “But for your “Two dollar. I tokl her she could hers oil just before 1 came away, and biz, and so dufi B ig Jolin, even if he erywhere: sweet, cheering words I would give up have five, but she didn’t wouhl lake it. they are lying on her shoes near the doant want y 0 » to no He done This, Within our hearts they blossom gay. She said she miglit not he able to raise foot of tile bed.” And shed their fragrance free and far; all hope and pray God to take us both and i rite it au Slip it in uuhenona to 'Tls always so on t’hri.straas day. home to your angel papa. We have so nuich to redeem it.” Along after midnight, had not .Mrs. Him, for lie Herd you and yure babby In memory of Ills golden star! only God to look to in our troubles, “ Now look here, .Sol, you know me, Maynard been securely locked in the talk an node your trubble, an tlie boys an’ \’ou know 1 wouldn’t do anything The race of man had walled long daughter, and we must not lose our anu.s of oiiiate-iiuluced sleep, some n^ide Tharo biz, too. Big John is the To see that lily In the sky— faith in the dear Saviour who^e birth tliat's crooked," Jolin said. “ 1 11 give very inyslerious transacLiou.s would oanly sandy Claws in thi.s Here camp. To hear the perfect angel-song. will ho celebrated all over the world you ten dollars for the ring, and I’ll have m et her eyes. ,Slie wouhl have yure.s. The proprieter. ” “ Of peace to earth and praise on high.” to-morrow.” promise joii that the woman will wear ) seen hortest okl John's hewliislcered Scarcely knowing wlietlicr she was Oppressive night of Egypt lay, it in its old place on lier finger to-mor­ face at the opening thus made, his waking or drc:iming, the womau has- Till with its glow love's star arose; “O, mamma, is to-morrow Chris—” In hope and cheer of Christmas day, The little one had looked uj) with a row. ” head cautiously enter, and his keen lil 3’ arose and dressed herself, and The yoaruiiig centuries found repose! quick, hopeful glauee, then us she “Oh, iny cracioiis, .Slion, I couldn’t eyes peer around in tlie tlim light taking the little girl by the hand went do dat. De ring is a pledge uiitl I vas which came through the window from to the hotel office. Tlie momenj; they 'Twas like the change tho morning brings. checked the speech upon her lips a * Awaking men to duty bright: shade of pain swept over her face and responsible for it, iiiul I tlon't vould the winter moon. Tlien slie would entered Midget cried out: ’Twas like tho song tho bluebird sings— licr eyes drooped. 'J'lie inotlier caught dare gif it to anyhiKly but de owner. have .seen his burly form come noise­ “Oh, mamma, there’s tlie Santa Claus Of lovely spring and her delight; tlie changing expression on the little Do you know tlie lady, Slion?” lessly’ through the opening, move cau­ I saw in m3 ’ dream! That large gentle­ ’Twas like the coming of the May, The miner reflected for a moment, tiously to a chair and remove tlicre’- man with the whisker.s. Wasn’t it Refreshing- age, rejoicing youth — one’s features, and her heart swelled So beautiful was Christmas day almost to bursting, as tlie tears came and then in liis old Vihfnt way told the from the tiny, present-laden stockings, you, sir?’' In Its creative hope and truth! anew into her swollen eyes. man what he had heard through the jshe would have seen the great form Tlie big fellow attempted to run canvas partition. His strong voice stoop and would have heard the into the street, but the landlord The Heaven and earth we know arc one; “O, mamma, don’t—please don’t,” Clod cares foi- earth as worlds above; Midget pleaded. “I don’t care about grew soft and mellow as lie repeated searching fingers moving over the caught him and pulled him back. He W herever stars In [leace look on. Santa Clans and won’t hang up a the little one’s word.s, and a tear stole floor, and tlien have seen the miner blushed like a schoolgirl as lie faced There shineth His abiding love; single stocking, for 1 Know ho would the wondering woman, and blurtei But nearer to our hearts there lay out: A longing for the Man Divine. never come to hunt me in tliis far­ And so there came the Christmas day, away place. He will look for me back ‘•Ma'am, don’t mention it, if you And in the east His star did shine! at home, and, when he finds I am please. Me an’ the bo3’sfouud out 3’ou was in trouble, an’ we just got together What tender tones of kindness sweet. gone, will give my presents to some We speak because of His new birth; little poor girl.” an’ pulled 3’ou out as Christians had In happiness the virtues meet — “Yes, you do care. Midget, darling, ought to do.” To tell His story to the earth; but in your bravo little soul 3mu try to “It’s jest like this, ma’am,” the land­ Good will and peace have ample play, lord said. “John, ’yar, is a big, bash­ Naught seems our paradise to mar. hide y o u r disappointment that it may Because it Is the Christmas day. not grieve mamma. No, darling, I ful feller when thar’s a woman in And all the world beholds His star! fear good Santa Claus will not find sight, an’ lie made us all swar we wouldn’t never let you knowwhar’ the Our children shout and dance in glee: you this time, as he has done every p h . Surprises sweet await this morn; other Christmas since your birth, and lift came from. It’s all right, ma’am, Like ships across the summer sea, it breaks my heart to think you must and 3’OU kin pack up an’ go to yer Good gifts to them and us arc borne; friends jest as soon as you want to, an’ V o o d , T i n . be sc, n eg lected .” Tho holly glistens with its spray. in a year 3’ou’ll forgit you ever had a The mistletoe makes mirth and cheer— “l>.m’t you mind it a Vnt, mamma, bit o’ trouble in 3’eu life. We’re all im , a s w e It is glad-hearted Christinas day, for I just ain't going to cai i . If you Tho merriest day of all the year! will only smile and look happy like only too happ 3’ to m ake 3-011 a merry t o w n . —-William Brunton, In Good Housekeeping. you used to, it will please me more Christmas, ma’am, and we all hope than anything good old Santa could you may have many more of 'em.” bring me in his great pack.” “O, sir. how can I ever thr.iik 3’ou The mother drew the little one to her for this,” she said, addressing John. hoscin and kissed her fondly, and she “I was indeed in great trouble, SENTS. started wlien a deep sigh,\vhic h Midget and—” tried in vain torepress.escapedfromthe But lie bad escaped from tlie door baby’s breast. Her face wore a look and ran blushing down the street. of desperate resolution as she released Later in the day he met Mrs. Ma3’nard her loved one and said: and conf|uered his modest3’ enough to “Midget, darling, you will liang up hold fjuite a long conversation with your little stockings to-iiig!it, as you her. It was observed, too, that he as- sisteil her on the stage when slie smil­ liavo alway.s done, and good Santa ingly bade adieu to tho camp, and waved ^ S . Clans may come here when he visits the few cliildren in this dreary town. his hat enthusiasticall3’ as tlio ilriver’s wliip cracked aud the vehicle bowled I somehow feel that he will do so, and away. when you go to bed to-night you must A few moil tbs later at their ohl horaa HE jioor woman ask God in your prayers to tell the in tlie cast, Midget saiil to a little was in despair. good children's friend wliere you are. plnv fellow: The theatrical assume a half stooping uHitude, and He may liiul you, darling, but if he “I'm going to have a new papa pret­ move away grasping the baity stock­ * f company with does not you must not grieve too ty .soon.’’ ings in one hand and a pair of niiicli a whicli site had greatly over it. Mamma isgoingout “Who?” her companion asked. \l\\ lb' f| P ipft Denver for larger dimensions in the other. Hut for a little while, and you must stay “Big .lolin Santa Claus. I don’t B tour through the mining towns had close to tlie stove and try to keep stu: sweetly slept on, iinconscions tliat know his other name 3’e t .” rft, IlllDois. gone to pieces. The manager had warm until she gets back. I will go her room had been invaded Itya warin- C-vi’T. J a c k C u a w f o k u . fled, and Mrs. iMaynard, his leading to the post oftice, and I maj^ hear from hearted representative of Santa t'lau.s. woman, known on the bills as “Miss the Denver manager to whom I wrote Toin'« View of J1 ‘PUT SANTA (T Al'S’ NAME O N T IIE “O, mamma, inamma, wakif up, 1 Etta Baker,” sat in tlie cliecrless iniii- for an engagement. Goiwi-iiy, baby, Now, what tio you guess? But you could not TICKET.” Ibg camp hotel, her eyes red with and t r y to think that Santa ( laus may want to tell you sometiiing.” g u a ss V V, LA k LI Dikia l:. iLK^xri. tfacted. Her trunks, witli otliers, were If tile tliin muslin wall which sep­ down liis bronzed ciieck as he told of “I had such a funny dream, inamma,” Ho tilled our stocUinys up to the brira,-' the mother's grief and of her resolu­ I'iieUiiiF them hard and light; held in the stage otlicefor tlie fares of arated her room from tlie adjoining tholitUQbno said. “( dreamed Santa ..\nd tho dear old fellow—would you believe?— the company- from tiie last stand, her one liad vanished Mrs. Maynarcl would tion that lier baby slioiild not be de­ Ulaus was in here, but he didn't look a Ho iilanted a ('hrih,tma.s tree purse was empty, and she trembled at have seen sitting near it a great big, prived of lier Christmas pleasures. bit like our old Santa. He was a great And hung it ihiek with beautiful things every apprtaching step, fearing it roiigli iiiitier, witli tears sparkling like Then lie detailed liis plans, and con­ big man with long black whiskers, and For Toimiiy and itutU and me. CKS might be tliat of the rough-.speakiug diamonds in his honest eyes. She did cluded by saying: he came to the bed and lookeil at you, Tops and trumpets and drum and sled, landlord, coming to give her notice not know that, us she left her room, “Sandy Claws Is on tliat little ’un’s so pitiful. I could see him in tlie Marbles ami bat and ball, that she must vacate the room. “Big John” Rogers, as he was known, trail, Sol, an’ he's a goin’ to run onto moonlight tliat came through the win­ A shining loehet aud iilelurc books, Aud a eurly-haired, brown-eyed doll; Mrs. Maynanl was a widow with quietly arose and followed her from lier camp in great sliapo, an’ to-mor­ dow, and it dliln’t .seem like I was Oceans of nuts aud eaiulies—OU: one child, a sweet little fia.ven-haired the liousc and waded after her through row mornin’ wlien she w.alies up that asleep at all. He looked at you a lit­ If you had beeti there to .see cherub who liiid a cliild's part in the the deep snow in the street. ring ought to be amgng tlic stuff she tle while and then at me, and 1 All the treasures that Christmas brought For 'loinIlly and liiilh aud me. play. Her late husband was an ap­ He saw her en ter the post oiTice, and finds in her stockin’s.” dreamed I shut m3’ 0 3 'e.s real quick, to parently well-to-do man. and at their a few minutes later come forth again “ Holy -Moses. Slion, dat vas a gray make believe I was as’-eep. He leaned Tommy gazed, with a sr.ber faco, c l e s home in an eastern city they lived in with a look of distress and disappoint­ horse iiiit some more color.s. Dat vas away' over 3’ou and hissed me just as Then lifted his liead to say: different-, und you baed your lifetime easy as could be, ar-il wliispered ‘God ‘ There's plenty of boys and girls, I know. peace and plenty until thc^-drcg.d de­ ment on her face. She raised her ej’es Who liiiven't a gift to-day. b less 3’ou, dear,’ am'., then when I stroyer, pneumonia, left her a widov^,!^ look about her, and he noticed tliat dat ring vill lie itere, uml you ilond pay Why did he bring so much to iis'.' at the ag^e of twenty-one. After the tliXy were full of tears, but, when just me von cent. too. Tliat two dollar opened luy e ves aga‘. n he was gone. There's more than enougii lor three; funeral of lier liusband site leanred; to aCTOS^i-x tiie tjlVeet, they encountered vill be my eliip in mit llie pnys. Und AA’a sn ’t it;i funii3’ dream ?” It isn't fair that so imieh should bo For I’olly and Ruth aud mo. J ewel- her consternation, tliut his debts large- thrc« gildTid^haHs^-hev fQced'rightened sec liere, .Slion, dere’s a le.elle beauti­ Tlie mother smiled at th(> queer re- ly ou tw eighed his property’, and ere the and she seemed about tc> .start toward ful ladies’ gold watch tliat I hroughfe .cU^I, little dreami 10 tliat what -Alid- “ ‘Tls easy guessing. -I’he dear old snlal first groat grief over his deatli had tliein. 'rheii a cloud of pain swept here from Denver mit my first stock of bidicved to be a vidon of the niglit Has jiiled up his treasures here been blunted by tlie hand of time, she goods und it's so slimall dal nobody had been a reality. To give us three 11 gloriotis chance over her features and she .*.tOod with To shar3- ing of the day. and dare to think o l continent on a California tour. At conver.satioii which he liad heard be­ houses of the camp. Quietly lie told your hmiianit3' as something so sub- 3ents lip. the happiness wliien clung to her dar­ Jicnvcr slie was taken ill and the com- tween tlie moUier and daughter, and I he story to tho listening groups. “A ling's tone.s. lim el3’ precious that it is worthy’ o| !>any was obliged to leave her there, he crossed over to tender his assist­ ivomaii ill distress?” Tliat was “O, mammal.” being made an (vfferingto God. Couni and when, after a long battle with ance, wlien tlie shoj) door opened and enougli for tlie generous warm-lieart- “Well, wliat dill von get, iialiy?” it a privilege to make that offering as mountain fever, she regained her ed miners congregated in tlie various S; POUKKT- the woman came fortli. .Addressing “A watfli, a real gold watcli, a little complete ,as possible, keeping nothing ley and plain strength, her inopey was c.xlinusted him, slie said; places, and the canva.s bag -dxihn car­ teenie watcli, and it's running.” back, and then go out to the pleasures lyi'lKS of all BTid she was without employment. “Can you tell me, sir, if there is a ried grew more amt more corpulent in “A wliat. Midget? Why, child, is and duties of your life, having been iE S ; BUGGY Then it wa.s that an irresponsible shoj) or store in the town tvhere toys proportions as he went his Pounds. your brain turned? Sauta Claus never truly born anew into His Divinity, oa Gold, silver and greenh.acks came into ik of. manager secured her services, with and candies are kept? Such things brings gohl watclies t.i poor cliildren.” Ho was born into onr liumanity oa the result above stated. as children like for Christmas, you the fund from willing hands, and when “Oil, he tlid, mainmfl, ho diil, he did. Christmas tlay.—Phillips Zb’ooks. The weather was bitterly cold, and know ?” at nine tliat niglit the tour was com­ and tlicre’s something in 3’our •stock­ i nice Ciilen- The great-hearted miner was about pleted, tho bag seemed almost burst­ A I’oflRiblo Explanation. «be small slieet-iroii stove in the room ings, too.” ‘.vill receive a occupied by-Mrs. Maynard and her to tell her that lie liad overheard her ing with its load of treasure. Return­ Dimples (examining her new Christ­ “In my’ stoclfiiigs? Why, my darling, as .Staliie of 9 daugliter seemed incompetent to bat- couversiitioh with lier little girl, and ing to the hotel with a few conipaii- mas doll)—Budd3’, how do you s’posa you at any are you craz3’?” y 'tle with the keen temperature wliicli that slie must go right hack to the ions the miner had a consultation with Santa Claus got pieces just lik« penetrated the thin walls of tlie rougli liouse out of the cold and liave no fear tho landlord, which concluded with tho “No, mamniu, it’s a real watch, aud mamma's wrapper to make dollie’a structure dignified with the name, that Santa Clans didn’t know his busi­ latter saying, bluntly: it is ticjring. Just look.” dress? Slie ran to tho bed witli the treasure Buddy—I don't know ’less mayba X_.------“The Cosmopolitan Hotel.” The par­ ness, but her pretty, intelligent face, “Yes, take a knife an’ slit the or­ tition walls which separated tho dif­ musical voice and air of quiet refine­ nery thing. I kiu have a piece sewed in her hand. Tlio mother took the Mrs. Santa Claua buys remnauUk*-' DE, Prop, ferent hpartiaeata were of oanvu ment awed him, and he feared a ten­ over the hole.** tiny time-piece, and her eyes opened Barpar’s Young Pooplut

> ' Here the sullen moan of the wind, the kissing her. "VVe’Te had t* boat out 1' KATE < thunder of the sea, the patter of the as ugly weather aa this before, an’ you may be sure I won’t stop away fro’ you rain, were forgotten in a flow of bois­ Mid'^ginto] terous humor more appropriate to the a minute more’n I can help. I’ll just JAS. A. SMITH, Pbopui*TOB. occasion. Geniality and high spirits step across home an’ doff these fine But blotted them from the memory as ef­ clothes; I must uot spoil them.” CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS. fectually as if they were non-existenL Meanwhile, the whole population of w is e Wom< The season was to be a sea.son of joy, the village had gathered on the shore. T a ilin g and Cl WHEN I SHALL MEET MY YOUTH. despite all drawbacks, and right Overhead, the murky clouds sped rap­ jovially was it inaugurated. Mine idly by, so low that they appeared to on Sometim e—I know not how nor when— host had catered to taste. touch the rugged headlands to north This weary road I journey on Will lead thro' lands that I hav* known, There were speeches, of course— and south of the little bay. The air [Sr And 1 shall meet my youth attain— speeches a little disjointed, {lerhaps, was ilarkeneil, us it were dusk. Vast W inter d Thro' some old woodmv childhood knew but full of pleasant banter, and of that mountains of water curled and broke ■nd the goy The road, at leriKth will brlna to view species of wit denominated broad. over the beach with tbunder-like peals, m idw inter A cottaKO in a lowly Kleii. hissing and spuming up to the very -A Where I shall meet my youth again. The homely sentiments were received at the large with vast applause, anil the lively sal­ feet of the watchers. The chill, cut­ some and cl Where I shall greet beside the gata lies evoked grins uiul laughter, tiiut ting rain beat in their faces so fierce­ ail, so vuri A boy whose uiiforgolten face 4 A Will glad me with It. ti iider graoa showed a ihonnigk appreciation of ly’ that they could scarcely discern the that all mu Of artless life and love olal<; — their point. quivering ship that was beating out ■ On some I My soul will s;>arkle In tils gaze her heart upon the rocks. Heavy sous It r Dick rose to reply. On entering the XV. styles The while his sunburnt hand 1 raise inn he had been in sore perplexity a.s swept her ilecks, on whicli the stump the long tig Against iny lips in silence then, When 1 shall meet niy youth again. to whether he should remove his of the mizzen was the only spar left coat. Thes gloves or not, his Itnowledge of the standing; fore andmiuinstiiy had both are made And yet the lad of whom 1 dream usages of societi' not extending to gone by’ the board. She was fast up­ May know mo not. for 1 >h.ill be stuffs, such To him a deep'nlng iny.-tery certainty' on the matter. In fear lest on the Forks, every succeeding wave satin or riel Of things that are and things that sccia; he should violate some unknown canon just lifting her clear toda.sli her ilouii I am sorr From these old sears of lime and toil of etiquette, and probably remember­ again upon the jagged mass. fashions tl Ills heart, albeit, may recoil. ing the trouble he had in getting tliem A man had been liispatchcd on en in g the As children’s often do from men. When I shall meet my youth again. on, he finally' decided to retain the horseback to ajr(>riso the Morpcrlaud The .sleevci laveiuler-colorcd “hand-shoes” as long lifeboat crow of tlie disaster; but it the re vers 1 Uut he shall know me. at the last. a.s he coulil endure the infliction. was plain that before aid could arrive And creep Into my arms, and weep. longer and As I shall lull his lids to sleep When he now stood up he twitched from that quarter the vessel would be to m ention With Stories of the ch in/es past: nervously at tliem, thereby unwitting­ a total wreck. She could not hold to­ in some eas And ore the morning breaks upon ly drawing attention to the rents be­ gether much longer; the admiiaiitino but alwny.s ■ Cs twain, our souls shall be us one. tween the fingers. “Friends all,” he battering-ram of the Forks was fast, And lime shall breathe a soft ' ameu,” the svearer. When I shall meet my youth again. began. “For Esther an’ myseii 1 thank splintering her timbers to matchwood. It is evidi -James N. Matthews, in Indianapolis Journal 3'ou every’■ one for what you've saiil The bark herself was doomed. No trim m ing i about wisliin’ us both good fortun’. rocket could reach her; the sole lioiic L i t t i .k M a i 'p e —M a m m a ,d o you Santa Claus will co m e this Christmas? im portant We mean to pull together all through lay' in the possibility of a boat ap­ M a .m.\i a —Certainly' he will. tum es, and ON HER WEDDING DAY. life, as t’ parson said, ‘till death do us proaching near enough to throw a L i t t i .e M a u p k —U'ill yon see him before he comes? dainty lace M a m m a (cautiously) —I’erhups. part’—an’ I hope that’ll be a goodish life-line aboard. The possibility! We gant in the while yet. As for them other things had all but said the impossibility'. Yet L i t t l e M a l d k —W ell, if you do, please tell him not to bring us anything use­ It was a quiet wedding'—no sliow, ful.—GoldenDay’s. Coats and 3’ou’ve a’most all spoken aboot well, the attem pt w as about to be rnailc. no fuss, no flurry, but just unostenta­ fashionable w ell. 3’ou've had a goat me to-iiay’, an’ Already' the fishermen had run tious and decorous, as best beseems Reason Enough. of the Persi welcome; an’ I hope I shall have a Grieme’s pilot gig down to the water’s The M odern Fo)dlii(C Hed* the ceremony. No carriage even. in length 1 chance one o’ these days o’ having a edge, and alreaily one luckless essay' Mr.s. de Flat—Have you any thing new “ You don't mean to say' that you ob­ Only a step separated Ben: Varley’s four inches go at some o’ you.” had been made to launch her. An in­ in folding beds? ject to Herbert’s play’iiig poker oc­ cottage from the church, and old Ben, hoyvever, tl “Hear, hear!” broke in Simeon How- coming wave had filled her and tossed D ealer — Only' this, madam, and it casionally',” she said in an aggrieved with his daughter, the bride, and her of the wavy ker. her back mockingly upon the shingle, really is quite a success. On rising in tone. cousin, Kate Fletcher, had walked the ly curled si A loud burst of merriment greeted lier crew scrambling to land a.s best the morning you touch a spring and i1 “I do, assuredly," replied her father. distance. Dick Ford and his “best sought afte tlie interruption. Simeon’s exclama­ they' might, Tom Cruft willi his arm turns into a wash stand and bathtub. “I don't see why.'’ man,” Rueben Graune, in likewise The best tion had been .simply thrown in to fill broken. After y'onr bath' y’ou toueli another “Because he plays better than I do.” reached the ancicul, lichened edifice. in the bac up the hiatus caused by' Dick's mo­ Dick arrived just as the catastrophe spring and it becomes a —Washington litar. The little building was well-nigh full witli sleeve mentary hesitation. A vile misconstruc­ occurred; he was now dressed in oil­ with a French-plate mirror. If you of interested fisherfolk, a state of re­ A Alystery iCxplHiued. bishop varii tion had been put upon his sympathet­ skins. Esther followed him, a cloak breakfast in your room a slight pressure pletion which the rector’s most Col Yergor—Why is it that the ladies w rist whei ic encouragement, and it only needed thrown over lier wedding dress, and a will transform it into an extension learned sermons failed to bring about of a congregation always jircseut the ishes it, .a 1 his wife’s angry glance to drive away' heavy shawl supplanting bridal veil . table. A fter breakfast y'on press tliese on Sundays. Various ejaculations pastor with embroidered slippers and collar yvhic for that day all poor Simeon’s enthusi­ and orange blossoms. Dick mechanic­ three butGins at once and y'ou have an uttered in would-be undertones— suspenders? will and si asm and appetite. ally' stepped forward and took Tom’s upright piano. That is all tlmt it will “Doesn’ her luik bonnie?” “She’s Mrs. Y ergcr—The suspenders are to either circi “Well,” continued iJlck, as soon as place in the boat. do, except that when you die it can be paler nor 1 like to see.” “Gray suits keep up Ills trousers so that the em­ satin linihg the mirth had subsided. “I trust The second attem pt was more suc­ changed into a rosewood coffin.—Spare her^ it do”—from the wom en, w ith broidered slippers can be seen.—Alex not sound 1 y’ou’ll all luik back o’ this day wl’ as cessful, for, although some water was Moments. sundry sniggerings and rib-diggings .Sweet, in Texas Siftings. selection, b mich pleasure as I allays shall—an’ I shij^ed, the gig safely' topped the ad- on thetin part of tlie men, marked the AT TIIK COl’XTY F.AIR. upon this p: can’t wish you better nor that. Let van^ig wave and rode in deep water. Onration of Life. passage Of the “happj’ pair” as, leav­ mo thank you again, for Esther an’ Now came the struggle—the unequal Young Dr. Freslily—Did y’ou know^ ing the church, they trod the leaf- # inysel’. An’ now you muu a’ ba’e a bit combat 'oetween man’s puny strength, Miss de Muir, that the duration of % strewn path of the church^'ard. o’ bride cake.” backed by courage and determination, nerve's life is only si.xty day’s? “Eh, but he's fort’nit’ to get sicb a The sugared pyramid in the center -V- Miss de Muir—Not yours, doctor, I w insom e young w om an ,” said .Miss and the convulsive power of the sea's 4 of tlie table liad been specially'ordered onslaught. Anxious'e.ves, half blinded am sure.—Detroit Free Press. Mitchell, an elderly spinster. and baked at .lennings’, of Morjier- by the driving scud and salt spray’, fol­ “She noan knows what she’s ventur­ ■1 I P * K The Royal Wardrobe. ,land. zYdmiring ey’cs inilde it their lowed the frail craft as her oars in’ on,” replied Mrs. Hogan, whose Returned Mis.sionary—The cannibal ey’iiosure; It was unanimously' voted a plunged deeply below the swirling husband was reckoned the most Iten- queen wAis clothed in a little brief real c/iff-d'auvre of the confectioner's surge, rose and dropped again. Now pecked man in I’ort St. Bede. “Tlie authority, and— art. Hardly lind Kate taken up the she was seen on tlie crests of the bil­ p r w troubles, the worrits o’ men folk’s Mrs rnderdun (eagerly')—How was knife wherewith to cut the cake, when lows, which brolte around her in clouds enow to drive a bodj"^ crazy. Oil, I it trimmed'.*—Puck. the landlord of the Trawlers’ inn of foam, and anon she disappeared know it. Miss Mitchell, nobod 3' b etter,” hastily entered the room. His usually’’ shaking her head dolefully’. wliolly in their hollows. Could AtTord It, placid visage was pale with agitation; “Guid luck go wi’ ye, Mrs. Ford,” Not yet, however, had|She felt the First Physician—Is this a case that he plied his short legs rapidly as he full brunt of the seas. Open as the chorused the women, and “Maj' y e demands a consultation? hurried across the floor to utter a few iver be blithe, Dick,” shouted the men. bay was, the protection it afforded Second Pliy.sician—I think it is. The words into tlie ear.S of Dick smiled and raised his hat awk- wa.'J appreciable, so much so, that no patient is extremely rich. — N. Y. Ralph Thwaites, the smack owner. wardl}'—it being the first time he liad sooner had the gig got clear of its Farmer Pumper (in the milk busi­ World. “I hopesyou‘11 all excuse me,” Ralph ever donned a silk hat, he did not feel shelter than the change became ter­ ness)—What kind o f an animal is that? If said, rising quicldy to his feet. “I’m W liat’B In a Name? at home in it —while Esther clung more ribly apparent. She no longer me' the —.St. Louis Republic. called away' sudden. Theer’s a ship oncoming waves head on, but broad­ Some men cnlled • lay <]uite seldom smile. tightly’ to his arm as the good wishes Some Singers cannot speak; on the Forks!” Plenty of Connmny. thronged in on ever^’ side. Bride and side; slie pitched and staggered, llio Some Wallicrs wofi i walk half a mile. Instantly’ the smack owner’s excite- bridegroom came first, of course; oars rising and falling spasmodically Dingo—Now' th a t y’ou are living in Some men called Strong are weak! menV-was communicated to the rest of like the ten tacles o f som e flounderiuL'' the country. I should think voit would —N. Y. Sun. Rube tlrteme linked next with Kate: .....* riT-.-ziz.-,.i .r:___i kui. eouiyztm V. aiic. .iiies 'count iiaVC s e a II1U11SLI.T. ;im It xuuc^iuiuc i./cac.iv al/a tii tnen loiiowed, m straggling order. Old ANOTHER CENTRE VICTIM. been suinnioned for one purpose only. Ben and Dick’s fatlier—his mother, “She'll ne'er mak’ tlie wreck.” ex­ on the trkin. like Estlicr’s, liad long been at rest be- An effort was about to be made to save claimed Ben Variey', fearfully’. “Ne’er Witherby—Not at all, old man. I jieatli the shade of the churcli tower— the crew of the ill-fated vessel. i’ this world can she do’L Sure as I’m II vay's have a servant girl w ith me.— Bob Yardes, Ralpli'I’liwaites, witli Mrs. There was no lifeboat at Fort St. livin’ they’ll be swamped if they go ] fe. Bede, Llie nearest station being Morper- Thwaites, .Simon Hawker and wife, forrarder. ” nrowlng Worse. laiul, ten miles distant. Unfortunately and other friends who had been in­ He had but spoken the words when .Tndge—How old are you, miss? the absence of the means of lielp does S vited to celebrate Hie event. Anti so a huge sea striick her. It Inirlorl bor dot imply absence of its need, for in iiiderly Female—I am—I am—I am— ' the little train wended down to the back into the trough, the waters break­ Judge—Better hurry up; every mo­ blustering weather the services of a Trawlers’ inn, in the big upstairs room ing high overhead and pouring into ment makes it lyorse.—.FHeg.e.nde. Hlat- lifeboat were only toi'i frequeiitly i-e* of whicli the wedding breakfast was "her. For some sficonds she was in­ tor. fui^ coat, an spread. quired at Port St. Bed®. T he fisher­ visible. At length she rose, heavy while it is Tlie weather since early morn had men. however, liad organized a volun­ and inert. Slie was floating keel up­ A IS’eces.slty. than the de been none the best; a tempest hovered teer crew, captained by 'Bhwaites, and ward. Higbee—Ministers always have a brocades of in the air. Tlie elms in the eluirch- many lives had Gmome’s pilot gig ven­ “My God!” old Ben cried hoarsely, great many' children. has the add yartl^ creaked and bent their tops, al­ turously' snatched from the sea’s maw. “she’s over—she’s capsized.” Robbins—Well, they' have G> provide The pret though no wind was astir; the hush Dick was only one of a dozen—to Esther, standing near, heard the some w’ay to use the slippers they re­ Eton coats i that presaged the coming storm .was their eternal honor be it said—who dire cxclamatiou; but it was nut-neoea- ceive for Cliri-stiiias.—-Brooklyn Life. troduced a painful in its brooding stillness. Tlie often pitted their livo.s against wind say to hear—she had seen. Yet no cry w inter proi ••t long-drawn roar of the ocean smote and wave to succor tlieir tempest- escaped her lips. She simply stood W anted to Stay So. “W hat is it, Lizzie, a boy’ or a girl?” pointed revi ' -4 the ears of the w edding part^' as the^^ smitten fellows. there, as before, pale with a death-like She—If you are a professional wom­ “ A gal!” w hich are left the church; from the liill the •’”‘Theer's a ship on the Forks!" said pallor, mute and motionless. She was an liater, what are you going to marry “Dear, dear me! there's some one curve and o waves could be seen breaking far out T hw aites. still staring, with stony gaze, in the for? else who's got to worry about gittin’ a com ing frar to sea, overleaping and licking the The words were scarcely out of his direction of the overturned boat, when He—Sp th a t I can liv'e up to my pro­ husband!”—Life. Fur garm mouth before Rube also rose. “I mun her father touched her gently on the fession.—Brooklyn Life Fork rocks like angr^- tongues of flame The Quick and the Dead. _ but they mi go, too,” he said, quietly'. shoulder. WlLLli: PRAYS A MEAN TRICK. around a martyr at the stake. The Bob’s Widow—Do you dare to sit ity and well “An’ I,” cried Boh Yardes, making •’('orne, my’ lass,” he said, in hushed wind too, had come, at first in short, thei'e and tell me you consider yourself pare vvith tl for the doorway. tones. “Thee'd be best at home. Come.” fitful gusts, gradually prolongetl. until, a better man than p.ior, dear Bob? sealskin, no before the inn was reached, the full Straightway the whole assembly fol­ Esther put her hand to lier throat; a is almost be lowed suit. There was a stampede for Her Brother—Of course I do, for he’s force of its strength was put forth. muffled sob struggled for utterance, .tlead.—.Tudge. Somethin! Heavy drops of rain fell sjiattering on the door—the women impelled thereto but no tears came. Silently she took unique is ar the uneven cobbles of the street and by mingled dread and curiosity; the her father’s arm and hastened away. A Rovely Disposition. The skirt is on the gray shales of the roofs. men, by a laudable desire to help, Hers was of the grief that is too deep- ^ Mr. Mildeyes (seeking a reconcilia­ at the botto “We shall ha’e it noo,” muttered should their help unfortunately be re­ lying for outcry—a sorrow that gnaws tion) You re prettier now, Emma, hips. The s Reuben to Kate. glancing with quired. Dick seemed to hesitate a the lieartstrings. than you u.sed to be. opens over i puckered brow to seaward. “There’ll moment before he also rose to liis feet Two hours later, the cart on which Mrs. Mildeyes (still angry)—That’s an inner ves bo no boats ventur' out to-neet, I’m and sidled from the table. tlie Morperland lifeboat had been right—tell me to my face that I used is tlia acme th in k in ’.” “You need not go to-

of tha spime age as Mrs. Dumon; ana PERSONAL AND LitERARV. KATE GARDNER’S CHAT. a yery daidc shade of green oat in -a godets and edged with a band of dark NINE AGED PENSIONERS. her husband was al&o a very ‘ old man brown fur. Another very striking when she married him. —Gilbert Pond, of Milford,Mass., oan Mld^rlnter Styles Are Oharmin®, gown liad a block velvet skirt and They All Ai'o Wido'WB of Revolu­ Rebecca Mayo, of Newbern, Va., is of of the oldest musicans in the country, But a Trifle Expensive. black satin bodice laid in folds across tionary Soldiers. the same age as Mrs. Clovd and she has just celebrated his ei|^tleth bi4th* the bust and showing a front of soft surely never suffered aUy of the priva­ day anniversary. He played with the old lace of tlie Mechlin variety, and tions ol the war which ended before Milford brass band at the dedication Wlae Women, However, Can Adapt Pr«- tatereitlne Extracts from the Record* of of the Bunker’HlIl monument. ▼aillna Fanclea to Their Turaea, the black chiffon sleeves which were of the Penalon Oflloe—Story of the her mother was born. Her husband and Cat Quite a Swell Even groat size were trimmed witt^ broad Virgin Widow of a G rateful was piast 70 when she married him. —Miss L. Hamilton, the woman phy> on a Elmited Income. bands of the same lace. Hero of the Revolation. Patty Richardson, of East Bethel, sician, now in attendance on the Ameer It is a little early yet to speak with Vt., w as born 2 1 years after Yorktown of Afghanistan, is of Ayreshire (Scot* any degree of certainty of evening and [Special Wasbingtoa Letter.) was surrendered by Cornwallis, aud land) family, w’as trained as a nnrse at [Special Chicago I.ettor.l Liverpiool, afterward took her medical Winter days bring winter fashions, ball dresses; for the American ladies, 'i’he soldiers of the war of the revolu­ lier husband was nearing his CiOth year when she married him. lie was then degree at Brussel, and then became a and the gowns and outer garments for closely following the example set them tion have long since departed this life, on the piension roll. piracticing pihysiclah at Calcutta. midwinter wear which are on display by their sisters across the water, do and not one of them remains on the -A Mary Snead, of Parksley, Va., was at the large importing liouses are hand­ not begin their social season until after pension roll. The war for the inde­ —Miss Mary' Patterson, the first ne­ born 35 years after the war was closed some and chic to a degree, and, best of the Christmas holidays are well over; pendence of the colonies from (treat gro w’omau in the United States to and her husband was appiroaching liis take the degree of M., has just died, 4> all, so varied in design and material but the glimpse I have had of several Britain, and for the establishment of A. 4 70th year when she married him. tliut all may be suited. gowns that are destined to do duty at the United States, was closed one hun­ after a service of twenty’-five years as Asenath Turner, of Mancliester, N. Y., a teacher. She grailuated from Ober- . On some of these garments the Louis small dinner and dancing parties leads dred and thirteen years ago. The men was born 25 years after pieaee was de­ liu college in 18(j'i, and was among the XV. styles are revived, as is shown in mo to think the winter season will pro­ who camped with Washington at Val­ clared, and her first husband was well first women in the country’ to study. the long tight-Qtting bascpie and duce several sensations. Most of these ley Forge, who fought with Dates at along in years when she married liiui, Greek and the liiglier muthematios coat. waistcoats, by the way, are of the airy order, although Saratoga, who engaged in the combat a t She married a second time. college. are made of the very handsomest some are of silk and others of satin. at the Cowpeiis, who mingled their Nancy Weatherman, of Lineback, stuffs, sucli as silk damask, brocaded A white satin gown I saw was made blood with the waters of Brandywine, —Tw’ 6 adventurous aeronauts, ^I. Tenn., was burn 29 y’ears after tlie close satin or richly-embossed cloth. with a perfectly plain skirt and had who compelled tlie surrender of Lord Mallet and ile Fonvielle, have un­ of that war, and herliusband was near­ I am sorry to note that in all the late three separate waists. One was of Cornwallis, have all passed over the dertaken to make a sky trip around ly' 70 years old when she married him. fa.shions the teiidoncj’ toward broad- pale pink chiffon with large pointed dark river and entered that bivouac of France, keeping their balloon as near All of these revolutionary widows ening tlie llguro is very pronounced. collar and edged with fur, one of honor and fame which only the angels the earth as possible, so as to be able mlroir velvet of palest torquoise blue, have seen and known. were compiaratively.y’oiing when they ' to descend w’itli ease occasionally. The sleeves grow larger and larger, married these aged and aging veterans. the revers broader, tlie shoulder seams while tlie third was entirel5'^ of white But, , although the veterans of the They want to prove that agreeable and A woman who was born twenty' years ' longer and the collars more tlaring, not chiffou cut low in the neck witli three- revolutionary war have gone to the economical journeys can be made by quarter sleeves finished with frills of Land o’ the Leal, there is still a pen­ after the revolutionary’ war could not balloons as w’ell as by rail or W’ater. to mention the vnary—The cannibal and a wliite silk dress witli one sleeve at East Bethel, Vt.; pcn.sioned for tlie is an honorable roll nevertheless. resenting himself and the persons ;ul- h1 in a little brief of pink and the other of pale blue, soft­ services of Godfrey’ Richardson in the One of the widow’s, w’liose name is no dressed, the other n portrait of bis ly shaded by fqlds of creamy lace, N ew York troopis; pension com menced longer oil the^ist, for she has died, in wife, done by himself. Ceagerlj^)—llo w w as uiiglit make a really handsome cosr April 21, 18.54; amount, 812 per month. her declaration papers stated tliat she tume. And the longer 1 dwelled on Mary Snead, aged 78, residing in was 18 y’ears of age. The date of her HUMOROUS. this iinagiiiarj' combination the more Parksley', Va.; pensioned for the serv­ husband's death w’as one day after her /VfTord It. satisfied I becarne. ices of Bowdoiii Snead in the Virginia marriage to him. An agent of the —Force of Habit—Judge (to owiu-r Is this a case that Ill the matter t>f trimming, every­ troops; pension^ commenced February' piension office who visited the town and of dog wlio is to be fined for not having ation? thing goes. .Sable and ermine are es- 3, 1853; aiimHnt, .$30 per month. investigated the case, developed a muzzled him)—“Has the dog been :i—I think it is. The pcciallj' popular for fur trimming, but AjjoaartliT'uruer, aged 89, residing in pretty romance. He found that the punished before?”—Fliegende Blatter. nelj' rich. — N. Y. chinchilla and marten are not far'be­ Manchester, N. Y.; pensioned for the veteran had died at the ag« of about —Weeks—“Well, liow are things over hind. Pas.sementeries of all kinds are services of Samuel Dunham in the Con­ 80. Before he died he w’as a long time in Boston. Have they named any new necticut troops; pension commenced II a N a m e ? used, from tlie narrow silken gimp to a sufferer from infirmities that cop- pie ‘Aristotle’ y’et?” Wentinaii—“No-o. !;iy jrrM ti'od ^NTI.E VICTIM. peciallj' effective when placed over April 1 2 , 18.59; amount, $ 1 2 per month. a y'onng girl w’ho had known the old riette—“True; but he has uo money. silk or velvet of a contrasting color. It will be observed that .seven of man from her baby hood, and had been You need not fear to lose'me. Harry." Ribbon, as a trimming, lias lost none of these widows receive $13 each per one of his piets, w’ho sat on his knee —Boston Transcript. month, while the other two receive $30 its favor, and often three or fopr and listened to his stories of the w’ar. —Conductor—"Madam, how old is each pier month. This makes a total of shades, sliarply contrasting or softly When he became infirm slie used to that boy?’. Elderly’ Matron (with freez­ 81 ,728 pier annum. It is a very sm all blending, are used on one frock, ^hia visit him every day and talk to him, and ing dignity)—“This young lady, sir, sum, and yet, although it is an honor­ com bination, which ffives a rich fcolor som etim es bring flowers to piit. beside lias no wish to ride free. Here is her able pension roll, made honorable by effect, makes an exceedingly tasteful his bed and nice things for him to eat. ticket. Her bicycle is in the baggage- the work Rud suffering and hardships _ MIUWI.NTEIl PARTY. GOtyjt. ____ and pretty.trimpaipg when applied by She was as a daughter to him. car. —Chicago’^b im e.'' an artistic hand, but unless one is ab­ endured by those pioneers of piatriot- The old man w’anted to do something —“So,” said Mr. Donegan, “they’ve fuy coat, aud it is an ideal combination solutely' sure of th^TEKTilt-it'is b est to Ism, it is not entirely’ a worthy' pension to show’ his appreciation of her kind­ been printing the funeral notices av a wliile it is scarcely more extravagant confine one's efforiK to a single color. list. The history of each case is on file ness, and offered to make over to her man that wasn’t dead yit. It’s a nice than the delicate pink and light blue I miglit add that ribbon is’not used on in the pietision office, and it shows that his pow’er of attorney' that she might fix he’d be in if he had been wan of brocades of last season. And then it the skirt at all, but is-vemiiloyed sim­ Bome of the widows married old sol­ draw his piension, which w’as all he had. people th a t believes iv ery th in g has the added charm of novelty. ply as a bodice decoranon. I think diers on the brink of the grave. For­ This could not legally be done. .So he in the newspapers.”—Tit-Bits. Tbe pretty little double-breasted some of the prettiest of these decora­ tunately', however, the list is better and proposed that she should marry’ him Eton coats of fur, which last >gaspn in­ tions aresh(uvn-in the illustration, and more worthy to^lay than it was a few and that w’ould entitle her to draw’ his —A little girl in th e sirluirbs -was troduced and on which the coming are so simple that anyone with the years ago. .Several revolutionary sol­ pension after he was dead .so long as overheard talking to her doll the othci winter promises to fftnile, iiave sharp least ingenuity might copy them. diers’ widows who were mai-ried to dy­ .she rem ained a widow. The young evening. “You nauglity child,” she ie, a bo3' or a girl?” pointed revers and high rolling collars, Dame Fashion still smiles on the ing veterans when they were but little lady' objected very strongly. B ut the said, in a tone of grave reproof, “you’ve which are a work of art in graceful chiffon cravat and for once she is utili­ past girlhood, have died and left on veteran, confined to his bed and know­ been saying ‘darn.’ When you go to 1 there's some one curve and outline and make a most be­ tarian as well as charming, for these the roll more'aged relicts of the revo­ ing that he could never leave it, was a Heaven, dolly’, y’ou’ll go to the other orry about gittin’ a coming frame for the face. little lace affairs are quite a protection lutionary’ veterans. firm and persistent suitor, and at the place!” Fur garments are usually becoming, to the throat and at the same time Mary Brown, of Knoxville, Tenn., is solicitation of her friends, and to please —A little girl was overheard talking ind the Dead. but thej’ must be of the verj' best qual­ present a very dressy front when the 69 years of age- She was married many the old man, the y'oung lady’ at last con­ to her doll, whose arm had come off, >o you dare to sit ity and well made. Nothing can com­ coat is worn open. sented. One day a minister was sent exposing the sawdust stuffing. “You ou consider yourself pare with the rich velvety softness of In midwinter millinery there is noth­ for and with the necessary witnesses dear, good, obedient dolly, I knew I p.oor. dear Bob? sealskin, not even the rare .sable which ing new or very striking. Approxi­ she joined hands w’ith the gray old vet­ h ad told you to chew your food fine,, course I do, for he’s is almost beyond price. mately’ speaking, everything is broad eran and was made his wife. That but I didn’t think you would chew it Something quite novel and very and rather low with the trimming most­ night the old man died. The girl of as fine as that.”—Pilot. ' _ unique is an entire costume of carcule. ly on either side or in the back. Small eighteen was the widow of a revolu­ —Master—-“Pat, I have a suspicion- l>lnposltlon. The skirt is the new .shape, very wide bonnets and large hats are equally tionary soldier, and her name was that either you or I was drunk last leking a reconcilia- at the bottom and snug fitting at the popular for evening wear. Some the­ placed on the pension rolls. Though a night.” Pat—“Oi’ve a suspicion av ttier now, Emma, hips. The small Eton jacket of carcule ater bonnets are composed of lace mere child she had certainly’ earned the that kind, mcself. sir.” Master— e. opens over a vest of sealskin showing rosettes held in place by a narrow sil­ honorable widow’hood and the honora­ “Well, Pat, you rascal, which one was still angry)—T h a t’s an inner vest of cliiffon. Such a gown ver band or cord. ble piension, and she received it as long it?” P a t—“ Well, sor, Oi’ll not ’ be i.v fiice th a t I used is the acme of elegance, hut so costly The only trimming admissible on as .she lived; for, until her death, she re­ castin’ any reflections, b u t Oi do be. cago Record. that it is quite beyond the reach of the such a bonnet is an aigrette ^n the mained w ith great personal pride and sayin’ that Oi iiivied ye.”—Riehirrud. front and a small bunch of Jacque­ r Dtseage. m ultitude. local honor the virgin widow’ of a rev­ Despatch. Velvet, gowns and velvet waists will minot shaded ostrich tips in the back, olutionary hero. S.’tfiTH D. P ry. ome sort of a slow —She—“Ilai-ry, they teH me sucK be much in evidence the coming sea­ falling well over the hair. anj- idea where ho Did Not Hare To. awful things! They say yon have lo s t son. A French modiste i.s showing An ideal evening hat has a crown of Maud—It is no use my trying to in­ lots of money gambling.” He—“Non- handsome black velvet gowns bordered black velvet and a brim of pink rosea •V fever, is it? Yis— sensql I never gambled in my life. at the foot band"Of'^rmine, an over Venetian lace and trimmed with a duce Ned to give up smoking. The in’ in Philadelphia ONE OF ihore I jiester.him the more he smokes. I’ve dropped & few thousand on At^i'ng^ wide bretellos of the fur adorn the round panache of black ostrich feathers held Puck. Marie—Why don’t you do as I did and a few more on Readison, but that bodice which is given a touch of color in place by a huge jet buckle and a years ago; but she was born ears with my darling? I never asked him w as bona-fide investment. I tia utr HurBlar. by a belt and collar of rose pink satin. cluster of deep crimson roses. after the close of the struggle for T&dq- to give it up, but encouraged him to touch any stock which is a t I might remark in passing tliat itseems The hat in the picture is a round pendence, and when her husband war^ ^ell. are yer ready smoke more and insisted on buying tain.”—Boston Transcj to be a fea^re of all the French walking hat in a shape that is vastly past his OOth year. 3 cigars for him. —A young dresses, no matter liow dark in hue, becoming to*lhe average woman. Ita Nancy Cloud, of Chum, Vu., was I I’ve'got Maud—You must bo insane. the piano yes oven when of somber black, to bo trimming consists of loops of ribbon born 32 years after the war closed, loroform and jemmy band not te rw ! invariably relievetl by a dash of color and two wings set carelessly on either and when her husband was nearing his Marie—Not at all. He has not smoked iff.s! I come pretty lor six weeks.—»-Brooklyn Life. w rote'tb bullet-proof coat.— at neck and waist. side. ______Katb (GiARDNER. 70th year. Esther S. Damon, of Plymouth Got thp Idea. .‘7. g e t I h ear^ Sottsa F riday and 'w aa ' This same modiste also show^ a most Well Alonr. * flne. I vflsh I oould play . Wash* S^Iiort. efleetive gown in two shades of green “She is a girl of seventeen summers." Vrtion, Vt-..- was born 33 years after-the ■ViMtor^Have yon «n 3r new stniHai relvetb T he palest Kile green is used revolutionury war and whedHter hna* tills term? j i TnitM PoeVand -HigliS^^Cadetn^ feel called upon— - “Indeed! IIow old was she when she aa they did, bat then« lantAOiabnid^ for the bodice, with l^e fur ud.- '&egan to have summers?’’—^Detroit bund hud passed his 70th ye*fr. .j» Boy—Yeslia;- I’m tn stodvin’ d y ln ’ valloan* I twelve midnight)-* spangles for trimming, 4nd the sk irts *Kancy Jones, of Jonestoro, '!^nii.y k[ io.—h*. World. tion.—Good K«wHi


t'F. r# ’-5.” - ‘‘ Vi,.' SUL ■ . drawing room with all a lover’s tm- "Baby,” she said, and "pitty, pltty," came easier, and as her pitiful suffer­ PERSONAL a n d IMPERSONAL. ii?.' patieuce. as the soft coal flame flarea bright. ing ceased she had fallen into a quiet, I —Adolph Sutro, mayor-elect of Sao m . Harold Whitney had been as Mrs. Then Mrs. Catherwood, with gentle refreshing sleep. - , Catherwood's shadow for many unaccustomed hands, gave her a warm ’lAll dadger Is over now,” the doctor Francisco, who gained fame and wealth months, and his attention had pleased ‘refreshing bath ‘before the fire, and said, and "Thank God!” Mrs. Cather­ by the Comstock tunnel that beat's hia and flattered her until she found that had just sung her to pleep and laid her wood murmured from her heart. Dame, is the owner of one-tonth of the ■ she could no longer keep him at arms* In her own soft bed, when word was "You don’t know how I feel.” she entire area of San Francisco county. length. brought that some one was waiting be­ went on, brokenly. "She only came He is a native of Rhenish Prussia, and The decisive question had been upon low to see her. to me last night, but it seems as if she is sixty-three years old. her lips the night before, when the en­ Descending with-a hew and almost had been seut—a Christmas gift—to be — With the possible exception of trance of another visitor had given nervous dread, Mra Catherwood found my very own.” Thomas Edison, John Ericson, who her this short and welcome respite. an officer with a woman who had come Dr. Harmon took Mrs. Catherwood’s conceived the Monitor, was the most Hut as he tenderly pressed her hand for the missing child. Not one of her hand in both his own and seemed to prolitiA inventor of the century. His VOLU at parting, he had murmured: "To­ own, the woman explained, but the forget to let it go. ideas sufficed to build up many lurga morrow at dusk I will come for my an­ child of a young couple—strangers in “Let me thank you for the confi­ fortunes. He was the originator of swer, for my priceless Christmas gift.” the town, who had lived in the house dence that you have shown in me to­ nearly one thousand devices. But was he the man to help her up­ with her, and had died within a few night,” he said. "I misunderstood —Chesholm Robertson, one of the idiilKbt Is ward to the broader, nobler life for days of oue another the month before. you once, and you have judged mo foremost leaders of the great JA8. A. SMITH passed, She had taken the child herself then, -i-- he Chrlsl- which she yearned, and which she even more harshly than I judged you; coal-miners’strike, speaks French with C L A H E N C E H found so hard to reach? Alas, she because, poor little soul! there had an unimpeachable accent, is ueipiaint- but you are a noble woman. It is 8U: U solemn knew too well that all her higher as­ been no one else to care for her. ed to some extent with German, wi ite.s Christmas morning now,” ho went on. If p aid in 3 m ring pirations would soon wither in his ‘‘Let me keep her,” said Mrs. Cather- “and with tliat large charity you have two s^’.steins of shorthand, and reads aiinilin. Through the night hushed and clear; keeping; and yet—it was so sweet to wooil, "and I will bring her up as if Carl^'le and Schopenliauer. He wears AD As shown towards this little child, will angelic hosts brought the tidings of old. be loved, and she was so alone! she were ray own.” a velvet jacket cut a la Whistler, af­ 1/Ocal buein'S l< t now the glad news by thy deep tongues be you not give me the privilege of learn­ rates for stani told. A wilder gust of wind came rushing So it was settled. And then, with a ing to know you better, and of over­ fects a stove-pipe hat of the pattern ttoii. All adve O joy to the world, down upon her, and almost took her new .sweet feeling of tenderness in her coming your dislike to me—if I can?” worn ton j’ears ago, and is profuse in dircotiona reati til ordered out, Forget sorrow and (ear: off her feet. She caught a low-hang­ heart, Mrs. Catherwood le ft th e sleep ­ And Mrs. Catherwood answered- his display of jewelry. The luidnight Is passed. And the Christmas Is here. ing branch to steady herself, and at ing little one in her companion’s care, "Yes.”—Judith Spencer, in N. Y. Ob; —There is in New York city a po­ that moment shcTsaw a tiny barehead­ and went out, accompanied by her server. liceman who has managed on pay nev­ The morning has dawneil. ed child, hurrying, stumbling, actually maid, to buy some little necessary gar­ er exceeding twelve hundred dollars a And the Christinas is here; THE TRAVELING STOCKING. Hand clasiis brother hand. blowing toward her, a helpless thing ments and toys for her Christmas 3’eur, and without opportunity for iin-'' Heart to heart draws more near. in the power of the boisterous blast; treasure. lluw Oue Uoy Keooived Ills Share at lawful gain.s, to put one son throngli a. T h e Incense of pines tills the homes of the Mrs. Catherwood put out her arms, She saw no familiar faces among the Christmas Goodies. famous college and to griuhiate him in land. as, frightened and exhausted, the little throng that crowded the stores that I n God's house behold now a worshiping "Say, mister, Santa Claus doesn't medicine; to get another a eoininission one dropped at her very feet. In an in­ night. But dainty Mrs. Catherwood band travel on this train?” in the navy, and to send two daugliters stant .Mrs. Catherwood was kneeling found actual pleasure in mingling for Hecause long ago “Oh! I really don’t k n ow ,” was the to one of the best women's eollege.s. The dear Christ-child was born. over her. Unfastening her costly furs, once with this good-natured strug­ reply. "Well, I suppose not.” Meanwhile the father has gone on do­ The sunrise to-day she wrapped them around the little gling mass of unknown Christinas Brings the world Christmas morn. “That’s what matniua said sh* ing his modest duty and asking aid of shivering form, and tied a handker­ shoppers. s’posed,” witli a little sigh. "But no man. The evening shades gather. chief over the wind-tossed curls. It was late before she reached her course he couldn’t,” with a half laugh —One warm-hearted man in New Still Christmas is here; That the child had strayed away and home, and she was hastily opening her Draw closer the curtains “Santa Cluus has too much to dc York city gives his cast-off garmeiits was lost was as evident as that she various packages, and beginning to lil’ While lires burn clear. Christmas eve to be takin’ trips.” to the Salvation army, with the belief ^ b s o l a t e l was perishing with cold, and witliout the little stocking—the first child’s The joy of bestowing transllgures each face. "And he doesn’t travel by rail,’’ that the clothes will finally be be­ The heart is an altar, a thrice holy place. an instant’s hesitation, Mrs. Cather­ stocking she had ever filled—when her some one suggested. stowed where they will do the most ■ P u r e O joy to the world. wood lifted her up and hastened upon companion summoned her in alarm. The Heaven's raptures appear! good. His wife, seeing his satisfaction A cream her waj'. child had been croupy all the evening, “Course he doesn’t!” with enthn The midnight draws on. siasm. "He goes kitin’ long with hi». with this form of charity, annoiiiiees Highest of s And the Christmas is here. This piercing cold which her warm she said, and w as now rapidly grow­ her intention of doing the like with tier reindeer, scootin’ over the roofs and Latest Unite —

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